2013 COVENANT Conference October 31 - November 2 covenetpres.org Fourth Presbyterian Church Chicago, Illinois Follow the conference on Twitter @CovNetPres #covnet2013 Welcome to the 2013 Covenant Network Conference Conference Schedule 3 Keynote Speakers 4 Workshops5-7 Conference Worship 8 Reformation Day Party / Marriage Resources 9 Covenant Network Information 10 Notes 11 Map of Fourth Presbyterian Church 12 CovNet Online Our Websiteswww.covnetpres.org www.aseasonofwelcome.org Like us on Facebookwww.facebook.com/CovNetPres Follow us on Twitter@CovNetPres Conference hashtag: #covnet2013 2 The Schedule Thursday, October 31 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Workshop: Marriage Liturgies Borwell Dining Room Noon – 8:00 p.m. Registration / Fellowship Gignilliat Commons Noon Bookstore open (throughout conference) Morse CLL Lounge 2:00 p.m. Conference Orientation (for first-time participants)Randolph 2:00 p.m. Tours of Fourth Presbyterian Church Commons Meet at north end of Gignilliat 3:00 p.m. Opening Plenary Session Keynote: Macky Alston Buchanan Chapel 5:00 p.m. Social Hour Loggia 6:00 p.m. Dinner Anderson Hall & Borwell Dining Room 7:30 p.m. Opening Service of Worship Preacher: Frank Yamada Sanctuary 9:00 p.m. Reformation Day Party Costumes welcome but not required! Westin Hotel, Chicago Ballroom Friday, November 1 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Coffee available, Registration open Gignilliat Commons 8:30 a.m. Service of Morning Prayers Buchanan Chapel 9:00 a.m. Plenary Session Keynote: Amy Plantinga Pauw Buchanan Chapel 10:30 a.m. Break - Coffee Gignilliat Commons 11:00 a.m. Workshops (See pages 5-6) 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lunch on Your Own 2:00 p.m. Plenary Session Keynote: William Stacy Johnson Buchanan Chapel 3:30 p.m. Break - Coffee Anderson Hall 4:00 p.m. Workshops (See pages 6-7) 6:00 p.m. Dinner Anderson Hall & Borwell Dining Room 7:30 p.m. Service of Worship Preacher: Sharon Youngs Sanctuary 9:00 p.m. - ??? To be announced Young Adult Gathering Saturday, November 2 8:00 a.m. Coffee available Gignilliat Commons 8:30 a.m. Plenary Session Panel discussion, General Assembly preview Sanctuary 10:30 a.m. Closing Service of Worship Preacher: Brian Ellison Sanctuary 3 Keynote Speakers Pre-Conference Workshop Leader Kimberly Bracken Long is Associate Professor of Worship at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. She is the author of The Worshiping Body: The Art of Leading Worship (Westminster/John Knox Press, 2009), and The Eucharistic Theology of the American Holy Fairs (Westminster/John Knox Press, 2011), as well as numerous articles and sermons. She serves as editor and writer for the Feasting on the Word Worship Companion, a six-volume compilation of lectionary-based liturgical resources, and is writing a practical theology of marriage. Thursday Afternoon Keynote Address Macky Alston is Director of Auburn Media, a division of the Center for Multifaith Education at Auburn Theological Seminary, training and equipping religious leaders in effective communication through media. An award-winning documentary filmmaker, his work includes Love Free or Die, the movie about openly gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, and the Covenant Network’s own video Turning Points: Stories of Life and Change in the Church. He is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary and serves on the board of the Hartley Film Foundation, a public charity that supports documentaries on world religions, spirituality, ethics and well-being. Friday Morning Keynote Address Amy Plantinga Pauw is Henry P. Mobley Jr. Professor of Doctrinal Theology at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. The focus of her teaching includes Christology, ecclesiology, feminist and womanist ethics, and the theologies of Jonathan Edwards, Karl Barth, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. She has a growing interest in theologies of the global south and in the theological interpretation of Scripture. She is general editor for Westminster John Knox Press’ theological commentary series, Belief, and serves on the board of the Louisville Institute. She previously offered a keynote address at the 2005 Covenant Conference in Memphis. Friday Afternoon Keynote Address William Stacy Johnson is the author of A Time to Embrace: Same-Gender Relationships in Religion, Law and Politics, and Princeton Theological Seminary’s Arthur M. Adams Professor of Systematic Theology. An ordained Presbyterian minister and a lawyer, Johnson’s work has focused on the future of Christian churches, and especially the theological, ethical, and spiritual challenges they face. He was a keynote speaker at the 2008 Covenant Conference in Minneapolis. 4 11:00 a.m. Workshops Conversation with the Keynoter: Amy Plantinga Pauw Room 4D Here’s a chance to continue the conversation with Amy Plantinga Pauw after her keynote address. Questions and conversation will be welcome as the group reflects on the speaker’s plenary address. The Reformation Project: Changing Minds in Conservative Churches Room 5D In this workshop, Matthew Vines will share his journey growing up in an evangelical PC(USA) church and his efforts to open up the dialogue about LGBT issues in conservative communities. He will focus on the unique dynamics of discussing the Bible and homosexuality with evangelicals, and he will detail the creation of The Reformation Project, which held its first leadership training conference for pro-LGBT Christians in conservative churches earlier this fall. (This workshop is also offered at 4:00 p.m.) Matthew Vines is the president of The Reformation Project and the author of the forthcoming book God and the Gay Christian: What the Bible Says—and Doesn’t Say—About Homosexuality, which will be published by Random House in March 2014. In early 2012, Matthew posted an hour-long video online of a speech he gave at a Kansas church about the Bible and homosexuality, making the case for the acceptance of same-sex relationships in the church. Since then, Matthew has been working to open the dialogue on LGBT issues in evangelical communities. Civil Marriage and Religious Marriage: How Some Churches Are Handling the Distinction Room 4G We will be exploring the relationship between civil marriage and Christian marriage. As we navigate the patchwork nature of marriage equality from state to state, we’ll talk about why some people think civil and religious marriage should stay yoked and about how some churches and pastors have decided to separate the two. Marci Auld Glass is the pastor of Southminster Presbyterian Church and lives with her husband and sons in Boise, Idaho. She is a graduate of Trinity University and Columbia Theological Seminary. She is honored to be a member of the board of the Covenant Network. When she’s not working for Jesus or driving soccer carpools, Marci plays the cello, rides her bike, takes belly dance classes, and tries to leave room in her life for grace to break through. She blogs at www.marciglass.com. Building an Inclusive Church: A Toolkit to Guide Your Process Room 4E Are you passionate about creating welcoming congregations for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people? Come learn about a helpful toolkit to facilitate a welcoming process that builds relationships and strengthens churches working towards welcome and beyond. Alex Patchin McNeill is the new executive director at More Light Presbyterians. He is the first openly transgender person to head a mainline Protestant organization. He is a life-long Presbyterian, and a nationally known educator and advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Christians. Alex holds his Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He currently lives in Maryland just outside of Washington, DC with his wife and three dogs. 5 Not Just a Sack of Problems: Ministering to GLBTQ Youth Room 5G Café Pride is a safe, social space for GLBTQ youth and their allies age 16-24 open every Friday night from 8 p.m. — midnight at Lake View Presbyterian Church. Our youth are largely street-based and it is easy to fall into the trap of merely seeing them as just a sack of problems to solve. Hungry? Here’s a hot dog. Cold? Here’s an old coat. But these are children of God, whole human beings with loves and desires, faiths and theologies. So what matters most? Meeting their very real physical needs for shelter, food, or employment? Or letting ourselves be changed by their stories and carving out a place for them in our faith communities when they are ready? Alex Wirth is associate pastor for social justice, building maintenance, and a bunch of other stuff at Lake View Presbyterian Church and a graduate of McCormick Theological Seminary. Alex buys vinyl albums more than mp3s, tries to ride his bike more than drive a car, make/bake things more than buy them, and generally stick to a punk rock, do-it-yourself mindset like Jesus did. Strategy and Organizing for the 2014 General Assembly Room 4H What is the Covenant Network planning at the General Assembly this summer? How can you get involved, now and in Detroit? Tricia Dykers Koenig has been the national organizer for the Covenant Network for 13 years. She is a member of the Presbytery of the Western Reserve. The Mission and Work of the Covenant Network Today Room 4F Since its founding in 1997, the Covenant Network has had a twin focus: inclusion of LGBTQ people in the life and leadership of the PCUSA, and the unity of the church. That mission persists even after the passage of new ordination standards in 2011, but with new opportunities and focus. This workshop will explore the new mission statement and “Call to Covenant Community” of the Covenant Network and invite conversation about the future of the organization. Brian Ellison is executive director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. 4:00 p.m. Workshops Conversation with the Keynoter: Stacy Johnson Room 4D Here’s a chance to continue the conversation with William Stacy Johnson. Questions and conversation will be welcome as the group reflects on the speaker’s plenary address. Same-Gender Marriages—Stories from the Church Room 4F In this period of continued “study” of same-sex marriages, for many couples, congregations and pastors, it is not a merely theoretical issue. In this workshop, we’ll hear from a panel of individuals and couples in the PCUSA who have been married—with varying degrees of involvement and support from their Presbyterian churches. We’ll examine the impact of the current legal/polity situation by telling the stories of those most personally affected, and explore why “marriage matters”—in the context of the faith community—for them. David Colby, panel moderator, is the pastor of Central Presbyterian Church in St. Paul and serves as a member of the Covenant Network board of directors. He is currently the moderator of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area. This September, Dave and his wife Laura celebrated their tenth anniversary. The Reformation Project: Changing Minds in Conservative Churches This workshop also offered at 11:00 a.m. See description, page 5. 6 Room 5D What Does the Bible Say About Marriage? Room 4G The Bible has a lot to say about marriage, much of it surprising. Marriage sits at the intersection of many human concerns: religious, political, economic, legal, familial. As these concerns shift across the breadth of the biblical witness, so do views about marriage. In this workshop, participants will examine a range of biblical texts, and discuss their implications for the movement towards marriage equality. Amy Plantinga Pauw (see bio, page 4) Connecting the Dots: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Room 4E Ever felt tongue-tied in discussing the nuances of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender identities? Wish there was a better way to talk about gender identity and sexual orientation that doesn’t segment people into categories but unites us all in a journey of discovery and expression? We promise this workshop will inspire new ways of thinking and teaching others about gender and sexuality that you won’t want to miss. Alex Patchin McNeill (see bio, page 5) Same-Sex Marriage in the PCUSA: A Polity History Room 4H According to decisions of the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission, a teaching elder can be legally married to a same-gender spouse, but that marriage service should not be conducted by another Presbyterian. How did we get into this situation, and how can it be fixed? Tricia Dykers Koenig (see bio, page 5) Marriage Matters: But So Does How We Welcome Single, Divorced, and Widowed People Room 5G Does the church “family camp” include me? Will there be childcare at those 7:00 p.m. Session meetings? Where’s my Sunday School class since I’m not a “young parent”? No, I don’t want to meet your nephew. As we seek to welcome all the diversity of families found in our churches, how does our programming, implicit and explicit language, and church structure welcome or exclude those for whom “singleness matters”? Libby Shannon serves as Associate Director of the Center for Spiritual Life and Associate Chaplain at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, where she also teaches Women and Gender Studies. Libby is entering her fourth year as a member of the National Committee of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and second year as Co-Moderator. When not seeking ways to be a professional activist she spends as much time as possible with her favorite “B” words—bicycles, the Atlanta Braves, and books. “Living Beyond Betrayal”: A Workshop on The Self-Shaming God Who Reconciles, A Pastoral Response to Abandonment within the Christian Canon Room 4J Trust is central to healthy relationships. When trust is betrayed, a crisis erupts that damages individuals and communities. If God is experienced as the betrayer of trust, the integrity of God is put at risk. The Bible calls this experience of betrayal of trust “to be put to shame.” This workshop introduces biblical texts in the Psalms which describe being put to shame and its attendant theological crisis. Particular attention will be paid to how God resolves this theological crisis by identifying the shamed one and with the betrayer. Finally, we will reflect on how the biblical witness can shape pastoral healing with those who are abandoned and with their perpetrators. Warner Bailey serves as Director of Presbyterian Studies at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, and Theologian in Residence at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church (Fort Worth). Honorably retired in 2004, he completed 34 years of pastoral leadership. He was Moderator of Bills and Overtures Committee for the 2001 General Assembly. His book, The Self-Shaming God Who Reconciles, was published by Pickwick Publications this year. 7 Covenant Conference Worship Worship at the 2013 Covenant Conference will explore the theme of marriage in sermon, sacrament and song. Our opening worship on Thursday evening reflects on the story of Creation from Genesis 2, remembering that God made each of us in God’s own image. Friday evening worship, based on Ruth 1, will remind us of the various ways we live together in Covenant, and will also include the Fourth Presbyterian Church Choir and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. We’ll close our conference on Saturday morning with some reflection on our marriage liturgy, an affirmation of Community, and a fresh look at 1 Corinthians 7. Friday, the day begins with a service of morning prayers, which will be a brief, informal gathering focused on our Calling. The service will be contemplative in style, and an uplifting way to begin a full day of conference events. Each service of worship is open to the public. All are welcome to join in celebrating our Creation, Covenant, Community and Calling – all parts of why Marriage Matters. Conference Preachers Thursday Evening Frank Yamada is the President of McCormick Theological Seminary. A Presbyterian minister and a member of the McCormick faculty since 2008, his doctoral studies included Hebrew Bible with an emphasis in hermeneutics, feminist theory, and culturally-contextual biblical interpretation. He preaches and teaches frequently in Chicago and around the country. Friday Evening Sharon Youngs has been the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Oak Ridge, TN, since October 2012. She came to Oak Ridge from Louisville, where she had served the PC(USA) as Assistant Stated Clerk of the General Assembly and Communications Coordinator. She previously was a pastor in West Virginia, holds a degree in social work, and has a pilot’s license. Saturday Morning Brian Ellison has been Executive Director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians since 2012. For 13 years, he was pastor of Parkville (Mo.) Presbyterian Church. He has led various boards and committees of the General Assembly and Heartland Presbytery, including service as its stated clerk. He also is a writer, an adjunct instructor in homiletics, and a host/contributor at NPR affiliate KCUR-FM. 8 Reformation Day Party Join us for snacks, drinks and a good time across the street at the Westin immediately following worship. Our party will include plenty of time for connecting with old and new friends, Chicagostyle musical entertainment featuring the blues of the Matthew Skollar Band, and a prize for the most creative costumes! 9:00 to 10:30 p.m., Thursday Westin Hotel, Chicago Ballroom Matthew Skollar is one of Chicago’s most respected harp blowers and blues bandleaders. For the past 20 years he has played in all of Chicago’s heaviest showcase venues and toured much of the world with his super tight ensembles. Deeply rooted in the tradition of the Chicago blues elders with whom he worked and studied, Skoller has developed a unique style that conjures the past while being firmly planted in the present. His blues wardrobe clothes a range of original songs whose subject matter comments on many of the issues and realities of life during this age of technology, information and upheaval. Skoller, known for his fiery and engaging performances, combines passionate harp playing and singing with original song writing and prodigious production skills. The Matthew Skollar Band is sponsored, in part, by the Blues Vespers program of Immanuel Presbyterian Church, in Tacoma, Washington, with thanks to Pastor Dave Brown. Marriage Resources The Covenant Network has many resources available for individuals and congregations looking for more information on the theology, history and polity of marriage. This is just a sampling. For more, visit our website, http://covnetpres. org/marriage-resources/ or contact Tricia Dykers Koenig at triciadk@covnetpres.org. Select Marriage Resources Final Report of the Special Committee to Study Issues of Civil Union and Christian Marriage – a special committee mandated by the 218th General Assembly (2008) and reporting to the 219th General Assembly (2010): http://www.presbyterianmission. org/media/uploads/theologyandworship/pdfs/ civilunionchristianmarriagereport.pdf Christian Marriage in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – a study mandated by the 220th General Assembly (2012) and prepared by the Office of Theology and Worship: http://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/ theologyandworship/marriage/ Supplemental Resources for the study Christian Marriage in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – prepared by the Covenant Network: http://covnetpres.org/2013/05/supplementalresources-for-the-marriage-study/ Blessing Same-Gender Relationships: Advice from the Covenant Network of Presbyterians – thoughts for those who are concerned with providing pastoral care that is consistent with the GAPJC’s authoritative interpretation of the PCUSA Constitution: http://covnetpres.org/2013/02/thoughts-onofficiating-at-same-gender-blessing-services/ A Pastoral Emergency: The Polity Crisis Around Same-Gender Marriage – the history leading to the current polity: http://covnetpres.org/2013/02/a-pastoral-emergency/ 9 Mission Statement Board of Directors With the help of God’s grace, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians is called to strengthen the Church of Jesus Christ Mary Lynn Tobin, Co-Moderator, Davis, CA David Van Dyke, Co-Moderator House of Hope Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, MN Deborah A. Block, Secretary Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Milwaukee, WI Randy Bush East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA Timothy Cahn Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church, San Francisco David Colby, Strategy and Organizing Chair Central Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, MN Brian Ellison, ex officio Covenant Network of Presbyterians, Kansas City, MO Marci Auld Glass Southminster Presbyterian Church, Boise, ID Timothy D. Hart-Andersen Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, MN Christopher A. Henry Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Kenneth E. Kovacs, Communications and Education Chair Catonsville Presbyterian Church, Catonsville, MD Calum MacLeod Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, IL Jay McKell Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, KS Meg Peery McLaughlin, Treasurer Burke Presbyterian Church, Burke, VA Douglas Nave Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York Deana Reed Covenant Presbyterian Church, Napa, CA Laird Stuart, Finance and Funds Development Chair Saugatuck, MI Susan Thornton St. Mark Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, CA Daniel Vigilante Grace Trinity Community Church, Minneapolis, MN Jon Walton, Board Development and Governance Chair First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York, NY Barbara Wheeler New York, NY John Wilkinson Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY • by furthering the inclusion of persons identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) that was signaled by the adoption of G-2.0104b by supporting sessions and presbyteries as they apply these ordination standards • and by working for the unity of the church, engaging in conversations with those with whom we disagree, seeking understanding and reconciliation. In this crucial time in church and culture, the Covenant Network remains committed to serving the church, believing that Jesus Christ has already made us one and that we are better equipped to carry out our larger ministry and witness when we are together. The Call to Covenant Community As individuals and congregations committed to the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, we are called to: • Serve the PC(USA), supporting its mission, honoring its historic understanding that “God alone is Lord of the conscience,” and by God’s grace, working for the unity of the church. • Bear witness to Christ’s love with kindness and compassion in the midst of conflict as we seek to live together with differences in perspectives, beliefs, and practices. • Welcome in the name of Christ all whom God calls into community and leadership in God’s church, including LGBTQ persons. • Ensure that sessions and presbyteries are able to ordain those called and gifted by God. • Provide support for LGBTQ members and friends, and comfort those wounded by former church policies and practices. • Commit financial resources to this ministry generously and regularly. Adopted September 2012 10 With Gratitude… The 2013 Covenant Conference would not have been possible without the generous gifts of time and financial support of hundreds of Covenant Network supporters. Thank you! Special thanks to: Fourth Presbyterian Church for hosting us with generosity and grace The Rev. Calum MacLeod, Interim Head of Staff Kathy Kidder, Larry Nicholson, Roger Wilson and the team of local volunteers and staff Kim Krueger for designing the “Marriage Matters” logo and conference publicity, branding, program Mark Ball and John Sherer for invaluable contributions to worship and music planning Pam Byers and Lou East for their wisdom, experience and assistance And all members of the Board of Directors particularly Susan Thornton, conference coordinator To join the Covenant Network, obtain more information, or to make a donation, contact us: Covenant Network of Presbyterians www.covnetpres.org 3210 Michigan Ave., Suite 300 Kansas City, MO 64109 (816) 605-1031 brian@covnetpres.org Notes: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 11 FLOOR FLOOR 2 3 ive trat inis m d A s mpu e B u Room v e t S vit y Acti ng Dini m o Ro hen Kitc 2 1 2 4B • Floors 4 and 5 are essentially identical 5B C 4 ay d Sun o o l Sch k-In c e Ch 2 1 rs Stai rs Stai lit y pita H o s uite S Mus ic 4K el hap an C h a n ir Lo f t c u B Cho an han Buc pel Cha N 5A 4A • 5C 1 rs Stai 1 from rlo (ove mons Com low) be rs Stai on Allis Hall a n d ar y Libr o k s Floor 1 map on reverse h ical han Mec om on R o nd 5 4a ng Dini m o Ro en h Kitc 4 5 (4) Loft The anical (5) Mec Map FLOOR 4J 4H • r ove ace p e l a n sp O p e nan Ch ha Buc Fourth Presbyterian Church 126 E. 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