Fall 2013 Newsletter - Student, Family and Community Support


Fall 2013 Newsletter - Student, Family and Community Support
Fall 2013 Newsletter
Inside this issue:
Mentoring is a structured,
consistent and purposeful
relationship between a
young person and a caring
adult who provides
acceptance, support,
encouragement, guidance
and concrete assistance to
promote healthy child/
youth development and
student success.
Match Spotlight
Mission Promise Neighborhoods
School Spotlight: Malcolm X
Scholarship Opportunities
Log Reminder
Mentoring & The Family Relationship
Activity Ideas
Mentor Training Calendar
Aida and Mary at Fairmount
Mentor Thanks!
Match Spotlight: Aida & Mary
Mary Devereaux is a former SFUSD elementary school teacher who currently mentors Aida Hernandez, a
4th grader at Fairmount Elementary school. Mary speaks Spanish fluently and also taught Spanish literacy
for many years at City College. Mary and Aida have enjoyed being each others mentor/mentee since the
beginning of Aida’s 3rd grade year.
Just for fun, what is your favorite animal and why?
AH: Ooh – puppies! I used to have some puppy pet stuffed animals that I loved when I was little. I think
Mary’s is a bird!
MD: Hmm…yes, I do like birds a lot, don’t I?
Did you have a mentor as a youngster?
MD: I didn’t have an official mentor, but I did have a neighbor that I guess you could say mentored me.
She was very crafty and I loved arts and crafts. She was also a lot of fun and less strict than my parents.
What led you to join the mentoring program?
MD: Vida Sanford, one of the staff with Mentoring For Success, is a family friend and she introduced me
to the idea of becoming a mentor.
AH: Ms. Kristin asked me at the beginning of last year if I wanted to do it and I was excited and I met
(continued on p. 3)
Mission Promise Neighborhoods
Earlier this year the Department of Education
granted the Mission Economic Development
Agency (MEDA), the Mission Promise
Neighborhood (MPN) Grant. MPN is a city-wide
community partnership that was created to
support kids and families living, working and
attending schools in the Mission District. It
brings together schools, colleges, community
organizations and community leaders to help
“The best part was being
able to get to know the
students and help me understand who my students
really are”
kids graduate and families achieve financial
Project Arrive Group
Mentor, Mission High
School “Spotlight”: Malcolm X
This month, we went to Malcolm X Academy to find
out about the amazing work they’re doing. We met
with the Tzu Chi Foundation, an active community
based partner that has been working with Malcolm X
Academy since 2009, with Matt Higgins, the School
Social Worker; his 5th grade mentee, Josh Simon and
Josh’s grandmother, Ms. Dorothy Simpson. They
gave us a snapshot of their long-term mentor/
mentee relationship and discussed the positive
influence Josh is receiving as a result of being
awarded our martial arts mentoring scholarship, one
of many
scholarships that
we will be offering
throughout the
Going the
On Saturday, September 7th, at John O’Connell
High School, Mentoring for Success attended
the MPN launch party where we organized
interactive team building games to represent
MFS as a collaborating partner in MPN’s vision.
We LOVED watching the kids teaching the fire
fighters to jump rope and challenge them to a
fierce game of four square!
Over the next several years Mentoring For
Success will partner with MPN to build lasting
mentoring relationships to youth who attend
the MPN schools, Bryant Elementary, Cesar
Chavez Elementary, Everett Middle, and John
O’Connell High School.
Miss Dorothy has
committed a great
deal of time to
supporting the
school through
volunteerism –
she’s volunteered weekly at the school’s food pantry
for eleven (!) years, since her granddaughter started
at the school. When asked about the mentoring
program and her grandson’s participation she said
she thinks it’s a great program, and that she trusts
Matt, so she was comfortable with the mentorship.
“Everybody needs someone….. Josh loves Matt, and
since Josh has been mentored he doesn’t act up as
much.” Matt was helping Josh out in the classroom
when he was in kindergarten and officially started
mentoring him in first grade. Now Josh is in fifth
grade so they’ve spent a lot of time together. Josh
says “every year we do something more fun.”
(continued on page 3)
(continued from page 2) School Spotlight
Match Spotlight (continued from page 1)
How did you feel before the mentoring started?
AH: I was nervous and a little bit scared because I didn’t
know what to expect.
“If I was having a problem in class, my mentor
and me would go talk
and then I’d would go
back to class ready to
be good.”
Josh, 5th grade mentee,
Malcolm X Academy
MD: I was excited as well as nervous. I knew I wanted to
work with a girl and I’ve lived in Guatemala before so I
was glad that Aida, who’s family is from Guatemala, is
my mentee! I wasn’t sure if Aida liked me at first
because she was so quiet and very slow to warm up to
me. Do you remember, Aida, what your first question
was to me? “How old are you?!” (They both laugh)
AH: I forgot that part!
What activities have the two of you done
Matt helps him if he’s having a hard time. “If I
was having a problem in class, we’d go talk
and then I’d go back to class ready to be
good.” Josh’s advice for new mentees is to
reach out to your mentor when you need
help, give them “high fives” when you see
them and have fun playing activities to help
“keep it going strong.”
Josh has started to talk to Matt about where
he’ll go to middle school next year. One thing
we know for sure is that “I’d like to keep in
touch with Matt after I leave
Malcolm X—he says he’ll come to
my house and visit my school when
I’m in sixth grade!”
AH: Mary and I met last year when I was
in 3rd grade. I really liked that this summer
we went to the library every week and
spent time studying and reading. Mary
also had me get exercise by running or
doing different things while we were
walking to the library.
MD: We also learned to do some typing
while at the library and I always bring
lunch for us when we meet at school.
After we eat, we’ll play with some of the puppets in here
at school or play cards.
AH: If you remember the cards!
What do you look forward to doing together this year?
AH: I really liked the arts and crafts stuff we did around
Christmas time. I also want to go to the library again with
MD: I enjoy our lunches together and just spending time
each week with each other.
Any advice you would like to give to mentors or
mentees who have just joined the program?
AH: It can be scary at first and you may feel nervous, but
it’s fun and Mary has helped me a lot in school.
During Spring 2013, Matt and Josh
decided to apply for a martial arts
scholarship through MFS. They
researched neighborhood martial
arts studios and then chose two to
visit. Master Lockett from the
Bayview YMCA invited them to
come watch a class in session and
they enrolled in the program for the
Matt and Ms. Dorothy agreed that Master
Lockett is a great teacher, as well as one of his
assistants, Don – both teachers live in the
community too.
Ms. Dorothy walks with Josh over the
Hunter’s Point hill twice a week to take Josh
to karate class at the YMCA. She says she
loves watching Josh do karate, and loves
watching karate so she doesn’t mind the
steep walk to the class.
(continued on page 5)
MD: It’s been very rewarding and I have learned a lot as
well from Aida and this experience!
Scholarship Opportunities!
Students matched with an adult through Mentoring
For Success are eligible to apply for scholarships.
Mentees are encouraged to support the students
with classes and accompany them if possible. Sorry
Mentors, class participation is for students only!
“Having a mentor
means that I have
someone I can talk to
about stuff and someone that will be there
for me.”
Elementary School
Any dancers out there? The Mission Dance Theatre
will be offering a scholarship for a committed
student who is interested in participating in a weekly
dance class. Class options include weekly lessons in
Hip-Hop, Ballet, Jazz or Creative Movement. The
Mission Dance Theatre is located on 3316 24th Street
(corner of Mission St.) in San Francisco. Check out
the Mission Dance Theatre at
Have you ever wanted to join the circus?
AcroSports will be offering a scholarship for their
AcroLabs Circus Arts Class. This class will contain
elements of tumbling, gymnastics, break dancing
and circus performance. This class will take place on
Wednesday afternoons at 639 Frederick Street in
San Francisco. Check out the AcroSports website at
Do you want to focus your body and mind?
The Okinawan Karate Club is looking to provide two
scholarships for Karate classes. These scholarships
are reserved for students ages 14 and up. Students
will be required to attend classes at least one day a
week for the scholarship to be renewed each month.
The Okinawan Karate Club is located at 2095
Harrison Street (cross street is 17th) in San Francisco.
Check out the Okinawan Karate Club website at
Who wants to get in the best shape of their life?
Legendary Muy Thai Kickboxing & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Trainer Kru Sam is interesting in teaching five
committed students who are willing to attend
classes at the famous World Team USA Gym.
Interested students should be between the ages of
13-17 and be available to attend at least two classes
per week.
(continued on page 7)
A Reminder to All Mentors:
Please complete your web-based mentor log on a
weekly basis!
This simple tool demonstrates the fantastic work
you do with your student.
Log on to the Online Activity Log at
If you are having problems logging on or using the
log, please contact Erin Farrell at 242-2615 or
Raffle Winners for “Most Up-to-Date Logs” in
September are….
Mary Devereaux—Fairmount Elementary
Patrick De O’Campo—Vis Valley Middle School
Danae Carvacho—John O’Connell High School
Your cooperation in making this happen is
greatly appreciated!
Contact Us
Questions? Feedback about Mentoring For Success?
We love hearing from you!
To get in touch call Erin or Laurie regarding the 1:1
program, or Vida regarding the group program at
Erin Farrell: FarrellE@sfusd.edu
Laurie Vargas: VargasL2@sfusd.edu
Vida Sanford: SanfordV@sfusd.edu
Mentoring & The Family Relationship
While a mentor can make a big difference, parents
and family caregivers are the most influential
adults in a child's life. A best practice in mentoring
is to engage parents and caregivers with the
recognition that their involvement is one of the
most important contributors to the child’s success
in school. When families are involved, students
are more likely to:
earn high grade-point averages and scores on
standardized tests or rating scales
pass more classes and earn more credits
attend school regularly
display positive attitudes about school
have higher graduation rates
refrain from destructive activities such as
alcohol and drug use and violence
“Going to my mentoring
group was the funnest
part of my week, every
Project Arrive Group
Mentee, Mission High
Here are some important Do’s and Don’ts to help
Mentors build a relationship with their Mentee’s
DO remember that your job is to be a friend to the
mentee, not her parents, siblings, or other family
(continued from page 3) School Spotlight
“In the future I’d like to go to karate with Matt so
he’ll be in class too.” Matt laughs and says maybe if
the Master lets him.
Nurturing Community
Tzu Chi Foundation is an active community based
partner that has been working with Malcolm X
Academy since 2009. The Foundation brings volunteers into the school to build the school’s capacity.
They started small by offering math tutoring for a
couple of students and a Friday lunch for the staff,
but since that first year the program has grown exponentially.
DO share positive achievements of your mentee
with parents.
DO keep the caregiver informed about upcoming
activities, special meetings, and schedule changes.
DO support the parent by following their stated
rules and being respectful of their opinions and
DO let your mentee know that you will keep
information she shares with you in confidence
unless it affects her health or welfare.
DON’T get overly involved with the mentee’s
family. Your primary relationship is with the
DON’T try to become the family social worker,
babysitter, counselor, or savior. If the family is
struggling, notify your program staff and ask them
to arrange for assistance.
DON’T talk with the parent about problems or
concerns while the child is present. Try to set up
boundaries with the parent so that these
conversations can occur in private.
Adapted from: Making the Grade: A Guide to
Incorporating Academic Achievement Into
Mentoring Programs and Relationships 2005
Authors: Cannata, Garringer,MacRae,Wakeland
While Tzu Chi continues providing math tutoring
and Friday lunch to staff, they now have volunteers
from the Peninsula and University of San Francisco
to offer support through their “Happy Campus”
program. One of the many important components
to this program is that the foundation recruits volunteers to mentor students and then Matt trains
and supports them in their mentorship.
This partnership between Mentoring For Success
and Tzu Chi has helps the Malcolm X community
build strong relationships with children and their
families. According to Roxanne Buchwitz of Tzu Chi
(pictured with Matt Higgins above), the familiarity
developed through the mentorship builds trust that
extends to the whole family, enabling Tzu Chi to
extend additional assistance when the need
Activity Ideas
Training Calendar
Sailing with America True
Mentor 101
Tuesday November 7, 2013, 8:30-4
1515 Quintara St.
India Basin Shoreline Park, SF
Saturday, October 19th 12:00-4:00pm
“I get balance and happiness
out of mentoring.”
Mike, Bessie Carmichael
Middle School Mentor
Join us for a picnic by the bay. Not just any
old picnic. America True will take us
kayaking too! They promote and introduce
young people to the joys and inherent life
lessons of being on the water—“If you can
dream it, you can do it!” Warm clothes will
be necessary, and bring an extra set—
preferably wool, or some other water
resistant material. Families please join us!
Thanks to our supporters!
Rainbow Grocery Cooperative
Safeway Foundation
Mission Promise Neighborhoods
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
In Kind Donors
America’s Cup
American Grilled Cheese Kitchen
Bay City Bike Rentals and Tours
Community Access Ticket Service
Easy Breezy
LeGarza Basketball Camp
Mission Dance Theatre
Oakland Athletics
Okinawan Karate Club
Presidio Bowling
Shaping SF
Sweet Constructions Cookies
Yoga Tree San Francisco
World Team USA Gym
This training gives comprehensive skills to mentors.
We cover all the policies and systems that support
the mentor pair. Mentors are trained on setting
boundaries, communication and factors young
people need to thrive.
Registration Link:
Recruit Friends & Colleagues as Mentors!
Throughout the fall
Is there someone in your community who you think
would make a GREAT mentor? Aimed at community
members, this training orients you to how
mentoring works, and what responsibilities and
commitments it entails. Volunteers meet with our
staff to discuss their interests and skills in order to
find a placement that best fits them.
Kick off a new year of Mentoring!
Throughout the fall
Ready for a new year of mentoring with your
student? Find out from your Mentor Program Site
Coordinator when it’s happening at your school!
Mentoring For Success will be coming throughout
the Fall for brown bag lunches where we’ll offer
match support, discuss effective mentoring
practices, get your feedback on past popular
activities and new suggestions, and hear from your
school’s fellow mentors about specific challenges
and successful mentor: mentee experiences! To
register contact your school’s Mentor Program Site
Understanding Children Placed in
Out of Home Care
TBD in November 4-6:30 pm
Removing children from their homes, for better or
worse, can cause yet another set of traumas for the
youth. Pamela Parkinson, PhD shares how to use a
strength-based perspective to understand the
mental health issues that our kids experience as a
result of their past histories can help cement
the mentoring relationship.
(continued from page 4)
Welcome Team AmeriCorps 2013-14!
Scholarship Opportunities
This year, Mentoring For Success is fortunate to have
two new AmeriCorps members, Juliet Evans and
Brendan Walsh.
Juliet, a native San Franciscan, joined AmeriCorps
because she wanted to give back to her community
while gaining valuable experience working with SFUSD.
“As an AmeriCorps Member I'll be assisting schools in
carrying out the mentoring program. I also plan to focus
on incorporating team building exercises. I'm excited to
“I get to be the other
half of a positive
be working with Mentoring For Success this year!”
Thurgood Marshall
High School Mentor
World Team USA Gym is located at 2575
Ocean Avenue in San Francisco. Check out
the World Team USA website at
Are you a basketball player in need of
something to do during Winter Break?
Legarza Basketball Camp of San Francisco
will be offering a scholarship for a youth to
attend their Winter Session Basketball
Camp. This is a great opportunity to stay
busy during the upcoming Winter Break, and
work on your skills! Exact dates and location
to come soon.
Any interested Mentee can apply by writing
an essay with their Mentor explaining why
they are interested in participating in the
activity, and why they would be a good
choice for the scholarship. Mentors are
asked to include their input as to why their
Mentee is a good candidate.
Brendan, also a native San Franciscan, previously
Students (and their families) applying must
understand that the classes require
commitment and dedication and the
recipient of the scholarship is expected to
attend classes regularly. Written consent
from the Mentee’s Parent/Gaurdian will also
be required.
worked at several SFUSD schools as a Coach, P.E.
Teacher and in After-school Programs, Brendan felt this
opportunity would be a great way to continue serving
San Francisco's youth in a new capacity and explore the
Essays can be e-mailed to
farrelle@sfusd.edu or sent through inter
district mail to Erin Farrell, School Health
Programs Office, 1515 Quintara St.
inner workings of the school district. “I'm hoping to
bring my helping hands, a passion for food and my
knack for networking with the community to Mentoring
For Success this year. In my spare time I like to DJ, talk
about sports and watch older HBO dramas over and
over again”
Thanks for mentoring!!!
Amy Casteneda
Lay Lay Eung
Gina Ferrante
Jason Hannon
Yi-Kuan Lee
Karla Lopez
Dianne Parry
Benjamin Rombro
Erika Rubinstein
Chris Scerri
Amy Tam
Michelle Wong
Dave Binkowski
Erik Brown
Monica Cope
Raul Cuiriz
Megan Devine
Jesus Gonzales
Julia Greig
Safiya Martinez
Daniel McKenna
Karen Veinbergs
Jae Maldonado
Priscilla Owren
Hazel Rose
Dinorah Salazar
Maria Turner-Lloveras
Stacy Afflick
Mathew Fitzsimons
Natasha Flint Moore
Maria Formico
Alex Hansen
Allison Harman
Michelle Henry-Ellis
Jason Hill
Debra Johnson
Virgil Lockett
Elizabeth MacNab
Anthony Muhammad
Tracy Nick
Marilyn Ong
Brittany Philpart
Tamara Reed
Barklish Robinson
Donna Smith
Marcia Sohn
Emmanuel Stewart
Cynthia Taylor
Lashawnda Thomas
Emily WadeThompson
Kimm Waller-Ware
Crystal White
Danielle Winford
Son-Hui Wong
Loretta Wright
Asija Wuorenmaa
Amy Youngs
Donic Ahmed
Scott Brown
Silvia Cordero
Lisa Cowles
Jaqueline Delgado
Monique Garrett
Lindsay Hatfield
Chris Helm
Markesiha Kaai
Naticia Massod-Smith
Anita Parameswaran
Dominique Tucker
Emi Vega
Cynthia Cen
Marcie Dobbs
Tanya Freund
Jamila Hubbard
Marlyne Lui
Amy O'Brien
Gabriel Peixoto
Ashley Saks
Wilson Skinner
Kelly Taggart
Jora Washington
Meredith Wheeler
Markell Wilson
Amanda Barnett
Susan Bohegian
Tara Castro
Rymo Cortado
Ben Ellsworth
Keira Hamilton
Christian Johnsen
Adam Johnson
Ember Labrador-Junio
Terry Lai
Kingston Louie
Donna Ng
John Papagni
Robert Rope
Cory Snow
Janet Eberhardt
Laticia Erving
Deborah Estell
Mildred Hale
Jo Mestelle
Laurie Murdock
Sara O'Rourke
Missy Read
Pilar Romero
Chris Rosenberg
Justin Stoddard
Cindy Aguilar
Chloe Badger-Harp
Edward Burns
Arika Castenada
Helena Corda
Gladys Dalmau
Emily Diab
Carol Guardado
Chris Loughran
Lorena Lupercio
Harini Madhavan
Antonio Mankini
Angelina Molina
Phillip Ona
Cedric Tatum
Maritza Trejo
Devi Zinzuvadia
Leyla Markx
Summer Miranda
Christopher Moore
Roosevelt Pie
Brenda Racklin
Kharey Riley
Elena Rosen
Amber Sinclair
April Smith-Harrison
Kevin Wilson
Xiaochen Xu
Ella Mei Chan
Susanne Crane
Emily Peek
Lydia Velasco-Mayock
Anthony Williams
Joe Bender
Katherine Ambrose
Rebecca Fulop
Harini Aravamudhan
Stefan Goldstone
Anna Arevalo
Jake Reid
Jan Bautista
Chandra Sivakumaran
Tracy Brown
Hayley Craig
Crystal De La Roca
Roji Behr
Holly Delaney
Ashley Brown
Ariana Diaz
Erin Deis
Cesar Flores
Carley Amigone
Bridget Early
Griffin Gorsky
Ramon Brown
Martha Estrella
Andrew Heumann
Alison Bunker
FigueroaRobin Corpus
“My life changed because I was new to this school and I
Amber Goldman
didn’t have a lot of friends, so I used to eat lunch with my
Teresa Hu
Neha Jain
mentor. At first I was very nervous, [but then] I was very
Aaron Krivitzky
comfortable sharing everything with her. It really changed
Jeffrey Kruskall
Aurora Masum-Javed
me because she started introducing me to other students
Max Gardner
Adele Medel
and I started making friends.”
Paula GinsMelinda Simpson
Vanessa Todd
-5th Grade Elementary School Mentee
Matthew Bello
Stephanie Williams
Nicole Darcy
Joanna Hefty
Sasha Ivanovic
Hope AlgarinEmily Leicham
Audra Hollingsworth Molly Stuart
Kimberly Kasner
John Zwolinski
Brenda Ramos
Zachary Bonheim
Gaines Perla
Erin Bolick
Natalia Richards
Alexander Bozzo
Michael Pollard
Kanisha Burdeen
Abram Sharsyea
Chris Miranda
Morgan Casey
Okorie Clark
Tony Caceres
Emily Davis
Julius Shipman
Alejandro Davila Sainz Tina Said
Jake Harris
Hanna Doerr
Qina Tan
Benjamin Hartard
Andrea Haun
Elaine Ellis
Hu Tina
Melissa Higgins
Roberto Hernandez
Meagan Mullen
Shakiara Ward
David Jacobson
Katie Boswick
Patrick Huett
Margarita Spataro
Keagan Wethington
Christina Perry
Meghan Lee
Candice Chinn
Mario Juarez
Darin Little
Meredith Denton
Stephanie Konstan
Lorena Soto
Angie Schwartz
Colleen Farmer
Emily Law
Elizabeth Abrahams
Danae Carvacho
Michelle Finnerty
Eddie Powers
Beverly Choice
Matt Swaim
Nancy Flores
Yohanna Roldan
Curtis Chan
Pat Gamino
Amber Cooper
Julia Garson
Gerraldine Darlington Viridiana Sanchez
Veronica Lightfoot
Carlo Delgado
Sarah Kotleba
Robert Sautter
Amy Gilliam
Jeanne Dowd
Gina Martinez
Cathy Sherman
Michael Gomez
Alexandra Galvan
Denise Olivera
Tyler Woods
Petey Barma
Jeanine Kennard
Chester Saing
Mihyun Joo
Sara Bennett
Julie McElhatton
Tara Sessa
Amy McGeever
Jill Bond
Josephine WashingRahima Abdel-Hamid Omar Campos
Jeffery McMahan
Anthony Arinwine
Cecillia Nastor
David Canales
Lisabeth CastroDennis Wingfield
Jennifer Cleary
Rita Barton
Nick Przybyla
Maria Clarke
Brigitte Knight
Keith Smith
Blair Czarecki
Alison Cerrudo
Paloma Lopez
Ben Bell
Serena Turner
Rafael Directo
Eduardo Cuervo
Nancy Lucero
Gina Bissell
Paul Vignaux
Martha Drinkwater
Brooke Arroyo
Julio Moreno
Karla Broady
Theda Wong
Jill Bond
Samuel Bass
Dayan Romero
Theresa Bryant
Orlando Escobar
Evelyn Hernandez
Judy Thompson
Matt Buchwitz
Dana Altshuler
Kathleen Ferdon
Jeremy Hilinski
Jessica Ekstrom
Elmaneca Cabrera
Mariana Ferrono
Natalie Gomez
Francesca Cosentino
Ora Green
Sarah Jones
Melissa Chilton
Stephanie EauClaire
Gabe Haas
Kristin Nelson
Rogelio Alvarado
Ofelia Ley-Molina
Monica Magtoto
Jessica Huang
Katy Newman
Laura Burciaga
Lauren Rounkle
Melissa Durst
Devon Rath
Eleni Kalligeros
Bloom Nicky
Hannah Caminos
Nancy Schmidt
Matthew Higgins
Jason Silver
Karla Leon Guerrero
Gail Eigl
Shaheena Shiekh
Damanique Ia
Kim Walker
Alison Leshefsky
Gabriella Fazio
Rocio Soto De Mobley
Suzy Kaloustian
Thomas Lindsey
Silvana Pazmino
Marilyn Garcia
Camille Steneck
Tiana Kaulave
Rose Lockwood
Winnie Porter
Christiana Hart
Joseph Tokes
Celyn Laurenzi
Lisa Alley
Olson Martinez
Elena Saxton
Chavetta Jeanna
Mitzy Valdes
Gary Legaspi
Alison Angell
Martin McKenzie
David Johnson
Rebecca Welch
James Mabrie
Lenin Castro
Cecilia Mena
Wendy Michelson
Sara Mireles
Meredith Norris
Edgar Pimentel
Adam Ramirez
Anne Roberts
David Russitano
Sheila Sammon
Carolyn Samoa
Molly Servatius
Jasmine Trejo
Sharice Washington
Megan Williams
Judith Young
Emma Dunbar
Joan Martin
Elizabeth Okazaki
Navin Wong
Rittinell Banks
Vanessa Contreras
Tara Hayes
Jennifer Kennedy
Katie McDougall
Corrina McGraw
Sue Mocklin
Tiffany Obayashi
Cyndy Sugawara
Judy Toupin
Kristen Vernace
Aaron Weis
Andi Wong
Shenny Diaz
Eric Elliott
Davis Sagiao
Maureen Santori
Sam Sowl
Kristin Tatum
Cassandra Terry
Khaykin Alla
Jessica Black
Carol Fields
Esther Honda
Cecily Ina
Paul Jacobsen
Kristina Jefferson
Andrew Kelder
Arunan KonoSoosaipillai
Jamie Kronenberger
Yukari Noguchi
Elizabeth Traver
Lisa Tsukamoto
Kim Williams
Fowzigiah Abdolcader
Melissa Bautista
Heather Burns
Alvin Dizon
Brenda Dupre
Dina Edwards
Casallas Edwin
Saeeda Hafiz
Barbra Headman
Gabrielle Milleza
Maria Lourdes Nocedal
Marseille Pope
David Scott
April Atencio
Channyn House
Julie Norris-Salaam
Tanya Sanchez-Manu
Rachana Sidhu
Veronica Ahumada
Jose Ascencio
Cassandra Curiel
Patrick DeO'Campo
Eric Harper
Erica Hernandez
Gilbert Jue
Patrick Lealaimatafao
Rose Ludwig
Antoinette Marracq
Marina Morrissey
Christopher Newton
Marcus Roberts
Lauren Schwartz
Elizabeth Taggert
Bo Thompson
Michael Whooley
Corrine Wong
Emily Atkinson
Cheryl Foster
Galina Melamed
Myra Quadros
Alicia Rozum
Katherine Soldato
Charles Waters
Steve Gomes
Katrina Southard
Tai Tokeshi
Guillermo Vasquez
Brian Fox
Eric Guthertz
Linda Jordan
Lisa Jovick
Laura Parker
Cat Ramirez
David Shepard
Amia Soto-Carrion
Ray Sotto
Daniel Tostado
Dawn Woehl
Kitta MacMorris
Vida Sanford