Local 7: Tile, Marble, and Terrazzo


Local 7: Tile, Marble, and Terrazzo
September 2007
Issue 2 Vol. Two
In a record turnout, the members of Local 7 chose a new direction for the local.
In a convincing show of support, a new President, Secretary Treasurer and Vice
Chairman of Marble were elected.
Table of
A New Direction ....................1
State of the Union ..................2
Thomas Lane with 63% of the vote defeated interim President James Bartalone.
Bartalone assumed the role of President when Charles Hill retired. He held the office
for the 4 months prior to the election.
Secretary-Treasurer Report ...2
From the Editor’s Desk .........3
BAC Leadership Conference....3
Dates to Remember ...............3
Chris Guy in a three way race with Joe Adriano and James Skellenger garnered
over 48% of the votes virtually doubling that of his opponents.
Atlantic City News ................4
The Brooklyn Beat..................4
Garden State Review .............4
Metro Report...........................4
Ron Nicastri secured the position of Vice Chairman of Marble by a 2-1 margin.
The new officers are confident their good working relationship will enable Local 7 to
improve upon existing conditions and forge a strong productive future.
Long Island Sounds...............4
JATC Apprentice Competition..5
JATC Report............................5
In Memoriam ..........................6
The large turnout was attributed to the members concern that the former direction Local 7 was not the one that most benefited the majority of the members. The
members voted, and their concern was registered.
Retirement Club .....................6
Retiree Spotlight.....................6
Welcome New Field Reps.....7
Service Awards .......................7
The Total Votes registered were:
The newly elected, took office officially
July 1, 2007.
Special Thanks........................7
Pictured from left to right: Ron Nicastri, Tom Lane and Chris Guy
State of the Union
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
hope that everybody enjoyed their summer. The work status for Local 7 has been
extremely busy in all of the regions that
we cover. The employment outlook over the
next several years continues to project an
increase in workload for the Local 7 memThomas Lane
bership. Projects such as Harrah’s and
Bogotá Casinos are in the early stages. The
work at Xanadu and Jersey City will eventually explode. Shea,
Yankee and the Nets Stadium will begin late in 2007. Battery
Park, Goldman Sachs, the Trade Center and several projects
downtown are still a year away from starting. The expansion of
the 7 train and the Javitts Center next year is expected to revitalize the interest in expanding the west side of Manhattan into a
mini city. White Plains, New Rochelle and Monticello are all
expected to continue to prosper over the next several years. This
is the bright side of our future.
The following is a report on the improvements that have
occurred over the summer.
• The local has developed a web site that all members
will have access to. You can access it at Local 7TMT
• The initial plans have been approved to create a
scholarship fund for Local 7 member’s children for
college or a trade school. You will be kept informed
on when this will start.
• Starting in October the Local will asses’ and collect
interest for delinquent benefit payments via a Trade
Board or Federal Court.
• The Tile Associated employers and the union will
work together to fully implement the voucher system over the next several months.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Ernesto
Jimenez and Adolfo DiCosmo to the staff of Local 7. I have no
doubt that with your support these agents will be an asset to the
The dark side of our future is that the amount of workers
entering the non-union sector continues to increase at a greater
rate than the newly organized union worker. If we examine the
numbers we can see that in 1973 the non-union construction
sector had 2.5 million workers and the union sector had 1.8 million workers. In 2003 the union sector maintained its 1.7 million
workers, while the non-union sector expanded to 5.5 million
workers. We are continuing to maintain our membership and
even increase our reported hours, but we have continued to
lose our percentage of market share. This is evident on the non
union jobsites in the outer boroughs of Manhattan, Long Island,
upstate and portions of New Jersey. In order to change these
trends Local 7 will have to develop strategies to upgrade the
training of the current membership, such as steward training,
foreman training, and blue print reading. We must also organize new qualified members and develop new qualified contractors to take the work back from the non union sector. For those
members who have been in the union for several years you
know that with every boom in the construction industry there
is eventually a recession. This means that we need the total participation of the membership at picket lines, rallies and demonstrations in order to preserve our future. It is your job. Maintain
it and preserve it.
I would like to sadly acknowledge the passing of Field Rep
Ron Ade. Ron was an asset to the local and will be hard pressed
to replace. His work ethic, dedication to the local and his men,
and loyalty was unparalleled. His contribution as Field Rep,
Vice Chairman, and Trustee was always welcome. My condolences to his wife , Chris, his daughters, Jennifer and Lauren,
and all his friends and co-workers. His presence will be sorely
In conclusion, I would like to thank all the members who
supported me in the recent elections. Your show of confidence
encourages me to continue on a new positive direction for our
union and you its members.
Tom Lane
to work, I need the help and cooperation of all Local 7 members.
With the work outlook for the next several years being
extremely optimistic, Local 7 should be in a position to start several programs that will positively affect all members. I believe the
creation of a scholarship fund will be a wonderful asset to offer our
members and their families. Another topic for consideration is the
formation of a Retiree Club that will allow old friends to keep in
Recently, Local 7 lost a very valuable asset, Ron Ade. Ron
was a tireless Field Rep and Trustee serving Local 7’s members.
He will be greatly missed. Personally, I have lost a good friend
and co-worker. I extend my deepest sympathies to Ron’s wife,
Chris and his two daughters, Jennifer and Lauren.
Secretary Treasurer Report
By Christopoher Guy
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
s I begin my tenure as your Secretary
Treasurer, I would like to thank all those
who supported my candidacy, and to
everyone that came out to vote. I am truly honChris Guy
ored to be able to serve you in this capacity,
which has such an impact on you and your families. This responsibility that you have entrusted to me will have my utmost attention, so that we can all receive what we are entitled to.
As your Secretary Treasurer, I assure you every effort will be
made to improve the collection system, (your benefits) not only
with the contractors but also with the fund office. I plan to further
enforce the receipt program. But, in order for the receipt system
Chris Guy
am happy to report the newsletter
has been given a “green light” for
further production by the new leadership of Local 7. I thank them for their
I would like to congratulate the new
President, Thomas Lane as well as the
by Ron Nicastri new Secretary Treasurer, Chris Guy for
their victory in the June elections. I am
confident Local 7 is “NOW in the best hands it could be in.”
With this leadership Local 7 will be moving into the technological and computer society in earnest.
I would also like to welcome newly appointed field
reps, Ernesto Jimenez and Adolfo DiCosmo . I am convinced each will contribute to making Local 7 more member
friendly than ever before. Jimenez brings bi-lingual talents
to a craft that has nearly 70% Hispanic members, several of
which have questions that previously went unanswered
due to the language barrier. DiCosmo brings a familiarity
of both northern and southern New Jersey and the respect
and confidence of the present New Jersey field reps. I am
confident the members of Local 7 will show these new representatives the same courtesy and respect afforded the
other field reps.
Personally I would like to thank those members who
supported me in my campaign for Vice-Chairman of
Marble. I thank you for the congratulatory messages and
commit myself to informing ALL Marble crafts of upcoming
information they should all be aware of.
Once again I remind the members that they have an
open forum to ask their questions, voice their approval or
disapproval or simply share with the membership something they feel is important by writing to “Letters to the
Editor”. All letters should be addressed to:
Letters to the Editor
c/o News @ Seven
45-34 Court Square
Long Island City, NY
Remember, all letters must be signed but will be published
anonymously if requested.
From the
ocal 7 participated in the recent Leadership
Conference at Notre Dame University August 4-8.
This year it was attended by President Lane, Secretary
Treasurer Guy, Vice-Chairman Nicastri, and Field Rep Gahn.
Subjects covered this session were: Use of the Dodge
Reports, Computer Training in Word, Excel, & PowerPoint,
Recent Jurisdictional Decisions and their impact on unions,
Methods of Organizing, Classification of Workers, Hiring
Practices, Steward Training, Drugs & Alcohol in the Work
Place, Bargaining Conflicts and Resolutions, New Products
and A discussion on right to work states with emphasis on the
recent New Hampshire Case.
Pictured from left to right: Ron Nicastri; Tom Lane;
IU President, John Flynn; IU Secretary Treasurer, James Boland;
Chris Guy; and James Gahn
ber 3
Labor D
Union H ay
Long Isla eeting
ber 12
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Elizabeth eeting
ber 13
, NJ
ber 21-2
, NJ
Washing Competitio
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ton, DC
Long Isla eeting
nd City, N
Union H Day
Elizabethr Meeting
, NJ
ssboro, N
er 12
nion Holi
er 17
lizabeth TING
er 22-23
, NJ
Union H iving Recess
ber 5
On a Somber Note
Shortly after most of this newsletter was completed, Local 7
suffered the loss of Field Rep, Ron Ade, who succumbed to a heart
attack while on vacation with his family. Though I had never
worked with Ron in the field with my tools, I forged an affinity
with him from the day he started. He will always be New Jersey
Ron to my New York Ron. I was fortunate to spend quality time
with him on several occasions as participants in educational conferences for the trustees of Local 7. There I began to appreciate
his wry sense of humor that always brought a smile to your face.
My wife and I became close to Ron, his wife Chris, and his daughters, Jennifer and Lauren. I wish I had longer to cultivate that relationship.
Knowing my love of blueberries and living in the “Blueberry
Capital of the World” I received from him a case every year. I will
not be able to look at a blueberry in the future without thinking of
Ron. I will miss him, as will all of Local 7.
Atlantic City is
booming once
again with current work at the
work on Harrah’s to begin in the early fall.
Work has also begun on the newest casino, The Revel, situated next to the
Showboat. There is other considerable
work outside the Atlantic City limits. The
future looks bright!
The recent election of Tom Lane as
President, Chris Guy as Secretary
Treasurer and the other vice chairmen
ensure a new and better direction for
Local 7.
I would like to congratulate Dave
Oliveri, John Williams, and Brian
Gussford for being returned as Chapter
Officers for the Atlantic City Chapter
Meetings. I would also like to congratulate the new field rep appointees, Ernesto
Jimenez in Manhattan and Adolfo
DiCosmo in Northern New Jersey.
Finally, special thanks go out to
Apprentice Instructor, Ken Cheli and the
apprentices he teaches for their work on
the Urban Promise House Project for
Extreme Makeover.
-F. Williams
Garden State
I would like to say welcome to the newest members of the Local 7 staff,
Ernesto Jimenez and Adolfo DiCosmo. I am certain they will work
with the other field reps and do a great job. Work continues to look
good. Work continues to proceed at the Freehold Raceway Mall. In
addition there are upcoming renovations at the Livingston and
Rockaway Malls. There will be school work in Elizabeth and at
Princeton University.
Please remember that this is an important election year. We have the opportunity to
change the political face of this nation to a pro-union atmosphere it has not seen in the past
8 years. Do not forget to exercise your right to vote in November.
I would like to extend my congratulations to Tom Lane, Chris Guy, and Ron Nicastri
on their recent election. The future of Local 7 is in good hands.
-R. Ade
Ron Ade passed away suddenly, shortly after submitting this article.
See Page 6
Metro Report
First, I would like to extend my congratulations to newly elected
President, Tom Lane; Secretary Treasurer, Chris Guy and Vice
Chairman, Ron Nicastri. I firmly believe that the union is in the best hands it could be in.
I would also like to welcome aboard the newest Field Reps., Ernesto Jimenez and Adolfo
Metro New York is experiencing a period of growth not seen in many years.
Unfortunately, the non-union sector is as busy as we are. We must never give up our vigilance in dealing with these non-union entities. Members should attend rallies, demonstrations and picket lines whenever possible.
I have found a trend emerging where members seem to take Mondays and Fridays off.
This does not help them, the contractor or the industry. We must protect our work because
non-union workers NEVER miss a day.
I personally enjoyed the opportunity to advance my labor education at the recent
Leadership Conference given at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana and the
George Meany National Labor College in Maryland.
The Brooklyn
Since the last newsletter
there have been many
positive developments
in Brooklyn.
biggest development
has been the Hilton
Hotel on Duffield Street. This project was
built non-union by John Lam for Flintlock
Developers. This was the job targeted by
the Brooklyn Board of Business Agents
with rallies, demonstrations and hand
billings. Through their efforts and those
of local politicians the contractor was
fined for numerous violations. Since a
major rally on Friday June 8th, John Lam
has met with the Building Trades of NY
and is currently taking bids from union
contractors for the remaining work.
Though this is a tremendous victory
for the union trades that have participated in targeting this project from the
beginning, we need to build on this effort
and not forget the hard work that
brought success.
-Blaise Toneatto
- James Gahn
Long Island Sounds
Work in Nassau and Suffolk has not been as busy as the other
boros, but there is potential in upcoming projects such as the
Barnes and Noble Bookstore, a 2 Story project in Lake Grove, a
2 billion dollar project in Hempstead, along with the billion dollar project including the
Nassau Coliseum renovation.
Queen County is much busier. Queens West, Shea Stadium and many school projects
ensure much needed work in this area now and in the future.
I would like to applaud the newly elected officers, Tom Lane, Chris Guy and Ron
Nicastri for a great campaign. I also congratulate Ernesto Jimenez and Adolfo DiCosmo,
the new Field Reps for Manhattan and Northern New Jersey. The Union is again, on the
right track.
I have found many members working the weekends and then taking off on Mondays.
This does not accomplish anything. You must make the effort to show up every day, on
time and ready to work. It is the only way we can protect our industry.
-William Hill
Local 7 would like to extend its congratulations to Thomas Lane for completing his studies in Labor Studies and graduating with a Masters of Arts
in Labor and Policy Studies. His effort to improve on his labor education,
his willingness to share his knowledge with his staff, serves Local 7 members, its contractors and industry in general with an unparallel enthusiasm.
JATC Apprentice Competition Semi-Finals
Center Photo
(kneeling l. to r.) Chris Schramm, Ray
Gudehus. (standing 1. to r.) Sec’y.Treas. Chris Guy, Chris Pronewski,
John Cosentini (JATC Coordinator),
Kevon Maynard, Adam Higgins, Pres.
Tom Lane, Shaun Bowman, Tom Ugenti
JATC Report
On behalf of Ken Cheli, Apprentice instructor at the IMI Facility in Bordentown, NJ, and myself, I would like to congratulate our new President, Tom Lane, Secretary Treasurer, Chris Guy, and Vice-Chairman, Ron Nicastri on their success in the
recent elections. We are looking forward to working with them and advancing the apprentice program to new heights.
The apprentice program for related training and upgrading will resume in September after the summer break.
The BAC International Union is sponsoring an apprentice contest for tile, marble, and terrazzo apprentices. This year competing in the semi-finals in Philadelphia are:
Shaun Bowman
Adam Higgins
Kevon Maynard
Raymond Gudehus
Chris Schramm
Chris Pronewski
Thomas Ugenti
Benjamin Panato
Raymond Gudehus and Chris Schramm placed first and second respectively in the marble division and Kevon Maynard
placed second in the Tile Division. The finals will be held in September at the new National Training Center in Bowie,
Maryland. Ken Cheli and myself congratulate the winners and wish them success in the finals.
Remember, the apprentices are our future and we need to assure they get placed in a good working environment where they
can learn their craft from their Journeymen brothers. If any member is working on a public project job where there are four or
more teams or a private job with 3 or more teams, please contact me at 718-706-7229. Thank you for your help and concern.
John Cosentini, JATC Coordinator.
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
On August 12, 2007 Local 7 lost one of its own
when Ron Ade passed away suddenly while on
vacation on a cruise with his family.
Ron started his career with Local 77 on July 7,
1977 recently celebrating 30 years as a member.
He worked in the field in southern New Jersey
working on many of the major casino projects. In
Ron L. Ade
2001 he became a field representative for Local 7, a
mega local that combined the crafts of Tile,
Marble, & Terrazzo. While serving Local 7 in that
capacity, Ron served as Chapter Chairman of southern New Jersey
and as an OSHA instructor conducting many classes for his members.
He was elected to the office of Tile Vice Chairman and also served as
a trustee on the Tile funds.
He is survived by his wife, Christine, daughter Jennifer and her
husband Jeremy Chin, and daughter, Lauren and her husband Daniel
Kreifus. Our hearts and condolences go out to his family.
Ron will be sorely missed by the staff of Local 7 who were often
guided by his input and contributions as well as his ability to use that
“dry sense of humor” he had to solicit a well timed laugh.
Ron Ade
Thomas Bennet
Todd Maloney
Vincent Marzocca
Louis O’Conner
Peter Remia
Dominick Rito
Retiree Spotlight
Retirement Club
For some time now members have approached me regarding
establishing a Retiree Club. For a number of years the marble industry has had a low scale version wherein they would meet once or
twice a year over breakfast to reminisce catch-up on each other’s lives
or simply to shoot the breeze.
I would like to take this a
step forward and include all
Local 7 retired craftsman.
Having a more solid base
would open the door to,
retiree trips, sporting events,
picnics, as well as breakfasts
and luncheons.
I ask all retired members
of Local 7 in all Tile, Marble
& Terrazzo Crafts interested
The most recent Retiree Breakfast.
in participating in this
endeavor to please contact me, Ron Nicastri, at the union hall by
phone (718-786-7648) or mail (45-34 Court Square, Long Island City,
NY 11101) Attention: Ron Nicastri on Envelope.
If interest in this Retiree Club grows, as I expect it will, I anticipate
a Retiree Column in the upcoming Newsletters.
Rocco Stagnitta
Rocco Stagnitta was born on July
31, 1909 in Manhattan. He enjoyed a
heritage of Stone Masons that dated
back to his relatives in Italy. He
joined the Marble Carvers, Cutters,
& Setters Union Local 4, in October
1925. In the capacity of a foreman,
he worked on projects such as the
World Trade Center, Museum of Art,
St. Patrick’s Cathedral and at
Lincoln Center carved the letters
into Avery Fischer Hall. In 1957 He
became president of Local 4 and in
1965 He became Business Manager
where he served until 1976 when he
retired. In October 2000 he received
a plaque from Local 7 acknowledging 75 years as a union member. On
July 31, 2007 he celebrated his 98th
birthday and 82 years a member of
the union.
Welcome to the New Field Representatives
Adolfo DiCosmo
Local 7 would like to take this opportunity
to welcome its newest field representatives.
Adolfo Joined Local 77 in 1987
working for several companies in
New York and New Jersey. In 1996
he became a tile mechanic. He has
acted as shop steward and
Foreman on several of the Atlantic
City projects especially Tropicana
and Resorts. He is married with 5 children. He has
expressed an excitement in working ion conjunction
with the other members of Local 7’s staff. His territory will be the northern section of New Jersey where he
anticipates a close relationship with the members in his
Ernesto Jimenez
Ernesto comes to us from the
Marble Polisher’s craft. He entered
the union in 1996 as a maintenance
man for Port Morris. In 2000 he
became a Marble Polisher and has
since worked for MBSC as a lead
man and shop steward.
He is bi-lingual and speaks Spanish fluently, a useful
tool in today’s market where over 70% of marble
restoration workers are Hispanic. He has completed 2
years of studies at Queens College and is married with
3 children. He will be an asset to the Local in bringing
those members unaware of union activities, functions,
meeting, rallies and demonstrations due to a language
barrier back into the union family.
To my Hispanic Brothers,
Local 7 wishes to Congratulate
these members for achieving
the respective Milestones
of Service.
While I worked with my tools in the field in the
Marble Polisher’s craft, I was often approached by my
Spanish speaking brothers to explain to them local
union issues. I tried to assist them as much as possible.
Now in my new position of field rep I intend to
take this assistance a step further. It has come to my
attention that many questions as to information
regarding the wages, fringe benefits, and the conditions of the current collective bargaining agreements
has not been adequately explained to many of the
If any of my Spanish speaking brothers have any
questions regarding any aspect of our industry I urge
them to contact me at the union hall 718-786-7648.
I further suggest that all members attend the union
meetings where their questions can be heard and
answered by the entire Local 7 staff. A listing of the
time and sites of all chapter meetings is on the back of
the newsletter.
Service Awards
Members with 50 years of Service
Frank Bilello
Anthony Dinapoli Sr.
Vincent Ferrantelli
Phillip Fornabaio
Albert Indri
Ronald Orosz
Anthony Sciarrino
Member with 40 years of Service
Daniel Corazza
Ernesto Jimenez
Attention Local 7 Members
Local 7 is in the process of completing its web page. Over
the months it will be improved, refined, and added to. When it
is completed it will afford members information they have never
had access to before, including: A copy of the latest newsletter, a
calendar of important upcoming dates, ability to download
forms necessary in processing fund matters, and the ability to
link to the offices of DH Cook, so that each member can track his
or her benefits paid by the contractors.
Special Thanks
I would like to extend a special thanks to Patty Pavlak
for all her support and help over the past years. Through
her work at the Indiana Processing Unit, she has supplied
quick and accurate information whenever asked, aiding
Local 7 in administering the needs of our men.
The web site address is: http://www.local7tmt.com
45-34 Court Square
Long Island City, New York 11101
First Class
U.S. Postage
Long Island City, NY
Permit No. 1153
Locations and Times for
Chapter and Mega Meetings
Long Island City
Elizabeth Chapter
Atlantic City Chapter
K of C Hall
49-18 Queens Boulevard
Long Island City , NY
1st Wednesday of the Month • 5:00 pm
Bayway Polish Home
625 Pulaski Street
Elizabeth, NJ
2nd Wednesday of the Month • 5:00 pm
Painters Hall
12 High Street
Glassboro, NJ
2nd Thursday of the Month • 5:00 pm
Mega Meetings are held twice a year. Members will be notified as to time and place.
Union Office Hours are 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Local 7 Website Address
Field Reps Home Office
Telephone Numbers
Adolfo DiCosmo
Chris Guy
William Hill
Tom Lane
Ron Nicastri
Ernesto Jimenez
Blaise Toneatto
Frank Williams
Send to: BAC Processing Center
1657 Commerce Drive
South Bend, Indiana 46628
Anyone that is behind 3 months in dues will be
dropped and subject to an additional
$150.00 re-instatement fee.
Any member who has business or questions for the Tile
Association Funds, Marble Industry of New York Funds, or D.
H. Cook should first direct their call to Melissa at the Union
Hall from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 718.786.4392.