May 2007


May 2007
Show Me State Modelers
Bill Pettyjohn and Kelly Quirk taking a close look at a
1/32nd scale F4F Wildcat.
IPMS West Central Missouri
May 2007 Issue
Model Fest 2007, our chapters annual contest, was a success! The weather was
perfect, the models were outstanding, the vendors had great wares to sell and almost 30 club
members were present helping in every way to guarantee a successful event. A big THANK
YOU for a job WELL DONE! Instead of our usual recap of the show-n-tell from our April
meeting, I’m including several pages of photos from the contest that I shot. I hope everyone
had a great time, I know that I did.
Don’t forget that May 28th is Memorial Day. Often we do not observe the day as it
should be. A day where we actively remember our ancestors, our family members, our loved
ones, our neighbors, and our friends who have given the ultimate sacrifice:
• by visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
• by visiting memorials.
• by flying the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon.
Gary Ruhnke, ed.
A Few Words From Our President ...
Or Gunny’s Briefing
e-mail or at the next meeting. The following items need to be
discussed and decided on:
1 - Registration. We will rethink the manner in which the
registration books are numbered to reduce the possibility of
doubling up on the numbers. Hey, sh.. Happens!
Well guys, and gals, we did it! And we
did it quite well while having a good
time. I want to thank EVERYONE
that had a part in putting on this event.
From those of you that showed up
around 0600, to those that stayed until
the final cleanup was accomplished.
And especially those that worked on various items leading up
to the event. You ALL were part of the success of the Model
Fest. My concerns about staying in the BLACK turned out to
be unfounded. Kelly will provide me with the final numbers so
that I can give that report at the May 8th meeting. Suffice it to
say at this point that we did show a profit. Not as great as in
the past, but nothing to sneeze at either.
2 - Ensuring that the entries are placed in the correct category
This means that all of us that are stationed in the model entry display area will have to reduce the amount of chit chat and
pay more attention to what the entrants are doing with their
models. And I am one of the worst when it comes to shooting
the breeze. We’ll just have to be more attentive.
3 - Judging, and the Form used for Judging - - We will design a
universal form for all categories that will provide for additional
information to include the name and entry number of the
individual. This information will be located on the back side of
the form. This info will not be accessed until after the judging
is complete, and will help avoid misidentification of the entry,
and ease the judges job of matching the name and entry
number for the awards ceremony. Yes I know there will be
those that will make the case for this contributing to “Home
Cooking” on the awards, but my answer to that is B.S.!
As good as it was, we do have some areas that need to be
tweaked prior to our next event. Now don’t any of you feel like
I’m taking a shot at you, because I’m not. This was a learning
experience for me, and to everyone’s credit, I was continually
asked if there was anything that I needed done. Be thinking
about what you saw and experienced, and let me know via
(Continued on Page 2)
(Gunny’s Briefing Continued)
We are all adults, and have no friends when we are acting
as judges. Some clubs my have a problem with doing what’s
right, but this club does not have that problem. Enough said.
Although, next time I’ll acquire some sort of P.A. system to
use for the ceremony and to make periodic announcements
throughout the day of the event.
4 - Facilities management - - Next time, if we use the same
location, we will not use ANY tape to hang signage or anything else. I am going to make some easels, similar to the one
that was used in the Church foyer, to hold the Raffle boards
and anything else that needs to be prominently displayed.
Also, I didn’t know until after the event was over that we had
run out of toilet paper in the men’s head. Guess what, that’s
too late to do anything about it. Now I’m going to have to
listen to Jeff Bobella’s grouse about having a raw po po on his
drive back home!
Again, I want to congratulate ALL the members that were there
and actively participated in our Club’s Model Fest. You
demonstrated to ALL there, that IPMS-WCMO is THE club
to go to for a fun modeling experience.
Semper Fi - Ron
P.S. - A number of us get together on meeting nights at the
Fiesta Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant, at Englewood and
N. Oak for dinner. We try to arrive by 1830 (6:30PM) to have
plenty of time to eat, and to lie to each other in good fun.
Come on down, everyone is invited.
5 - Awards Ceremony - - If the above are addressed adequately,
nothing needs to be changed for the awards ceremony.
Do You Remember The First Time?
Hello Gang...Bud Ellis Here. How many of you remember your first
model? Was it a plane , a ship , or something made of wood? Or was it one
of those dreaded civilian type autos? What ever the kit was, how did it get
you involved with the hobby?
For me it was the summer of 1976 and I was spending the summers with
my grandmother. She would take me to the five and dime every now and
then and if I was good she would usually buy me something. My Dad was
into cars and well I guess it just kind of rubbed off on me. I had about
every diecast Hot Wheels known to man at that time and on the shelf
were these things called model cars? The ONE that really stood out to me
at the time was a copper and gold flamed ‘57 Chevy Nomad wagon. It was
sitting on the beach somewhere in California and to an 8 year old kid it
was the MOST. So I begged my grandmother for the kit for a large sum
of $1.98 and the tube of airplane glue was 78¢. I can still smell that glue...
Hahahah. When I got back to grandma’s house I immediately opened it
and wondered how I was gonna ever figure out how to put it together.
Well, somehow I did, although I never did paint it, I just pretended If I
remember right it had metal axles and it rolled so I could play with it, too.
There was a whole series of chevy kits (‘55 thru ‘57 Chevys) and I had
them all and from then on I was hooked. Over the years I’ve built several
and yes I’ve blown them up with fireworks, cut up promo’s, and spent lots
of money in the last 30 years but I’ve enjoyed ever bit of it.
I have found a lifetime hobby where I’ve met some great people and some
of those friendships can last a lifetime.
If I could go back to that summer of ‘76, I wouldn’t change a thing. I just
wish the kits were still $1.98. Thanks Revell for getting me hooked on
such a great hobby!
So there you have it guys...let’s hear about your first model and what got
you involved in the great hobby of model building ?
Bud Ellis “Kustoms”
It is reported that a certain Ron Denning, of the northland area,
was able to reoccupy his hobby room after not being able to enter
for the last 13 years. This reporter has learned that when Ron was
married to his lovely wife Mary Anne, he relinquished his hold
on his hobby room and turned it over to a succession of children
for a bedroom. Ron moved his hobby work area to the furnace
room. According to Ron after the youngest son graduated this last
December, he was able to re-enter the restricted area and reclaim
his space. His wife has dubbed the place “The Bat Cave”. Ron has
christened the room as “THE FLIGHT LINE”.
During the interview I was given a tour of the Hobby area.
Fluorescent strip lighting was added along with recessed
incandescent can lights. Compressed air was routed to the work
area, and a workable phone was added. The closet that was in the
room was expanded so all the model kits can be accessed easily.
Over the past decade Ron was given “Ghost Squadron” calendars
by his wife at Christmas. Instead of repainting Ron wall-papered
the entire room with vintage aircraft pictures. Living his childhood
dream, he has hung his collection of 1:18 scale aircraft from the
ceiling and walls.
A radio tuned to OLDIES 95 plays in the
background. And he has provided a pallet for
his frequent visitors “Baxter and Milo”, the
family bassets.
Reporting ...
Sprue Monocoat aka Ron Denning
The Next Three Pages
Are A Photo Recap of
Our Contest
Italeri – M-4A1 (T-23 turret)
M-7 Priest (bagged kit – complete)
DML – Mk Vc (Firefly)
M-50 Super Sherman
M-51 Isherman
Academy – M-18
Nichimo – M-4A1
POLAR LIGHTS - Forbidden Planet C-57D Star Cruiser, 1:72 scale Cash,
trade, or both Ron Denning 816-587-8815
WANTED: Ford Pinto kit
Mike Williams is trying to find an unbuilt car model kit of the early 1970’s Ford
Pinto. As Mike remembers it, he thinks it was the old AMT kit. Anyone willing
to part with the kit, or if you’re aware of one being available, please contact
Mike Williams. 816-436-2406
SHIPS (BOATS): All 1/72nd scale
Revell – PT-109
S-100 Schnellboot
Vosper Torpedo Boat
Airfix – E-Boat (earlier version of Schnellboot)
Vosper Torpedo Boat
Joe Teliczan is currently looking for three 1/72 B-25 or B-24 prop assemblies
His e-mail is or home phone is 816-279-9757.
XB-70 AMT 1:72 Scale kit.
Ron Denning 816-587-8815
LITTLE GENERALS – Complete set of pewter 1/9th scale “Famous
Generals” bust figures – Set consists of most every major military
leader of the 19th and 20th centuries, from Napoleon Bonaparte
to Dwight D. Eisenhower. Over 20 bust figures to set. Unpainted
pewter mounted on walnut bases with pewter name-plate.
Ron Reynolds, also of Lee’s Summit, has the following kits for sale, or trade:
ARMOR: Looking for Sherman’s? All 1/35th scale
Tamiya – M-4 (early production)
M-4A3 (have 3)
M-4A3 (engineer version w/105)
M-4A3E2 (have 2)
M-3 Lee
Contact Ron at 537-4558 after 18:00 (6PM to you non-military types) or via
e-mail at for prices or trade wants.
A Couple of New Items in This Edition
of the newsletter will hopefully encourage more members to submit
articles. Bud Ellis’ article about his first model build and Ron
Denning’s article showing his hobby area will urge you all to share
your experiences. Don’t be bashful... grab a camera and click a few
shots of where you create your plastic masterpieces or just write a few
lines about that first kit you built. I know I remember mine.
DON’T FORGET ... the meeting this month at
Hobbytown on May 8th.
See you Tuesday!
Gary Ruhnke, ed.
Club web site: