capabilities - McWilliams Creative
capabilities - McWilliams Creative
C A PA B I L I T I E S PRESENTATION McWILLIAMS CREATIVE GROUP A B O U T M C W I L L I A M S C R E AT I V E G R O U P M C W I L L I A M S C R E AT I V E G R O U P is a group of experienced independent team members each with specialized talents. We are a virtual ad agency and marketing communications firm. John McWilliams is the founder of the group, and the principal creative director, graphic designer and chief client contact. Creative has always been at our core. And, the knowledge to drive that creative with solid research, strategy and marketing principles helps contribute to great work that gets great results. Brand development and awareness has always been one of our key focal points. Whether we are re-branding a company, launching a new product or developing a web presence, we believe in focusing on brand look, feel, voice and presence across all components of a marketing campaign to build memorability, increase awareness and elicit response and action through consistent, thought provoking messaging and imagery. J O H N M C W I L L I A M S , the founder of McWilliams Creative Group, has over thirty years of experience in brand development. His skills in concept development, creative direction, graphic design, writing and project management are brought to bear on all McWilliams Creative Group projects. He has earned numerous awards including the AIGA, Communicator Crystal, IABC and APEX awards for graphic design and art direction. He is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University. THE GROUP CHRISTINA FRENCH Concept Development, Content Development, Strategic Planning CY N T H I A N AVA D E H Public Relations and Content Development S AV V I O R T E C H N O LO GY S O LU T I O N S Web and Software Development CHUCK BEARD Art Direction and Graphic Design McWILLIAMS CREATIVE GROUP 2 O U R C R E AT I V E P R O C E S S O U R C R E AT I V E P R O C E S S begins with our genuine interest in and understanding of a client’s mission, goals and product/service. Our learning curve is short. Many times the learning experience encompasses research, field work, customer phone interviews, facility tours, riding along with truck drivers, focus groups, pointof-sale reviews, or any important aspect of your business. Years of experience in many different categories of business allows for nimble idea generation, and having production channels in place allows us to produce work efficiently and cost effectively. There’s some magic involved too, but that’s classified information. You’ll just have to experience our creative process for yourself. 2 # # Total Immersion 1 3 # RESEARCH Initial Client Contact ? Client Questions INPUT SESSION CLARIFICATIONS Strategic Creative Development Marketing Collateral Direct Mail Media P.O.S. Web Advertising P.R. Sales Promotion Results 3 CLIENT EXPERIENCE M C W I L L I A M S C R E AT I V E G R O U P has a breadth of clients and a depth of knowledge in their various business categories. By not being specific to any one discipline or medium, we offer clients a flexible and objective team of experienced marketing professionals, designers, writers, programmers and any other talent a communications effort may need. Below is a partial listing of current clients and clients we have worked with. FINANCIAL R E TA I L H E A LT H CA R E PNC Financial Services Group Giant Eagle Clarion Hospital Federated Investors GetGo UPMC Henry Armstrong Associates Market District Adagio Health Dragonswood Advisors Eat’n Park Hospitality Group St. Barnabas Health System NovoSource M A N U FAC T U R I N G PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Elkhart Brass Microbac Laboratories S P O RT S & E N T E RTA I N M E N T MSA Alpern Rosenthal The Pittsburgh Steelers Heinz North America Paragon Foods Heinz Field H.J. Heinz U. S. Steel Corporation N OT F O R P R O F I T Red Ribbon Soda The Salvation Army The Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon Girl Scouts of SWPA T R A N S P O RTAT I O N & LO G I S T I C S PNC Foundation/Grow Up Great PGT Trucking Extra Mile Education Foundation Genco Lutheran Service Society Pitt Ohio American Ireland Fund YRC Regional Transportation Heritage Community Initiatives USF Ward Trucking 4 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS EXPERIENCE M C W I L L I A M S C R E AT I V E G R O U P H A S E X T E N S I V E E X P E R I E N C E I N B 2 B M A R K E T I N G , sales and product introduction. We have focused industry expertise in conducting necessary research, developing message and launch strategies to support multi-channel rollout. S A M P L E I N D U S T RY CAT E G O R I E S • Industrial Manufacturing • Transportation, Trucking, Logistics • Homeland Security Detection Technology • Laboratory Testing • Financial Services • Accounting and Payroll Solutions • Healthcare High Technology • Environmental Engineering • Specialty Metals Manufacturing 5 FINANCIAL WORK P N C F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S G R O U P - C O L L AT E R A L & S A L E S S U P P O RT 6 FINANCIAL WORK P N C F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S G R O U P - P O I N T- O F S A L E 7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WORK A L P E R N R O S E N T H A L - A D CA M PA I G N S & W E B S I T E 8 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WORK M O N A LO H B A S I N E N G I N E E R S - C O L L AT E R A L K I T & W E B S I T E M I C R O B AC - S A L E S C O L L AT E R A L & A D 5 DAYS FAST WELCOME TO THE BEST VIEW IN THE HOUSE GET INDUSTRY-LEADING SPEED TO MARKET FOR NUTRITIONAL LABELING ANALYSIS AXIS™ WEB PLATFORM DELIVERS UNSURPASSED VISIBILITY, INFORMATION AND CONTROL PERSON • Samples – View samples in our system and know their status from anywhere, anytime. • Results – Review results quickly, download PDF reports, or export results data into your preferred reporting application. • Invoices – Quickly and conveniently view invoices and download PDF copies. The info rmation and insight our partne s derived red results from manage risk, particu and discoveries help larly around efficacy, you safety and product stability. quality, • Mobile – View critical information formatted for your mobile device. INFORMATION N is power … and AXIS delivers. The intuitive, web platform gives you flexible ways to sort and prioritize TATIOKnowledge HAVE A REPU Standard NLEA Nutritional LabelWE S.information to support project management and reporting. You have the power to filter information and results to OTECT. YOUR view and export that which you need to make informed decisions. Industry-Leading Five-business-day TATTO PR ISO 17025 Accredited CONTROL AXIS accelerates your ability to make critical decisions. It turns data into actionable information that lets you be proactive and empowers you to release product or continue operations. Microbac_5-Day TAT postcard2.indd 1 GET STARTED TODAY 4/21/14 10:41 AM Register at and a member of Microbac’s client services staff will contact you to set up your account. AL CARE PRODUC From raw ingredien T TESTIN ts to fina solutions G l produc and tion, Mic the produc broad industry robac pro expertise t develop vides to suppor ment pro microbiolo t your pro testing cess. Ou gy, virolog jects thro r diverse simplifyin y, capabilitie ughout g your buy toxicity, chemistry, s include product ing process bioanalysi developme s and and acceleratin forensics, nt cycle. g your VISIBILITY Microbac Lab compliant, oratories are GM P/GLP/GC ISO-17025 We also Paccred support bench and ited and FDA-a demograph udited. clinical stud ically div ies, with erse subject pools and internal IRB. Let’s star t a convers ation tod on your ay about top testing how needs. we can deli ver Persona l Care Produc ts Consum er/ Industria l Quality Efficacy Safety Stability Nutritio nal Supplem ents Animal Health Drug Discove ry Develop and ment CONTAC Call De MICROBAC.COM AC FOR LIF Infectio n Control Products Medical Device EXPERIENCE AXIS NOW n, t to final productio From raw ingredien keep mitigate risk and Microbac helps you atory testing and labor the with play products in assurance. ultimate quality data you need for MICROB E SCIEN Our tech CES nical cap abilities category and broad experience spa sets to deli ver end-to- n all consideration Life Scie nce marke end testing in the t. MICROB Fragranc and Flav e ors T US borah D. AC.COM Elliott, Director of Sales, Life Scie nces at 740.374.2 741 or debra.e lliot@m icrobac .com Food Sales, n, Director of Contact Bob Colvi 410.299.3304, robert.colvin@ MICR OBA C.CO M 9 T R A N S P O RTAT I O N A N D LO G I S T I C S W O R K P I T T O H I O E X P R E S S - A D CA M PA I G N S , O U TD O O R & S A L E S S U P P O RT PittOhio Log Mgt_09:Layout 1 4/29/09 11:33 AM Page 1 If your current carrier’s not performing up to your standards, maybe you should consider us. We’re PITT OHIO EXPRESS, the leader in next-day LTL transportation for 30 years. But don’t just take our word for it — our very own customers describe us as “dedicated,” “reliable” and “always on-time.” Maybe it’s because we’re 100% customer driven. The proof? An astonishing 9,000-plus shipments daily to over 14,000 destinations with a 98% on-time delivery record. PITT OHIO EXPRESS is revolutionizing the LTL industry with our innovative way of thinking and is remaining sensitive to our customers needs by meeting or exceeding their expectations on a daily basis. At PITT OHIO EXPRESS, no shipping demand is too great. We offer everything from LTL, Truckload, award-winning Expedited Service known as FAST TRACK, and coverage across all of North America with The Reliance Network. Plus, our online tracking tools give you up-to-the-minute information for shipment tracing, rate quotes, service reports and more. So what are you waiting for? Switch to PITT OHIO EXPRESS. We’re behind you all the way. Call 1-800-366-7488 to schedule a pickup. Coming to a loading dock near you - New Tour Dates Added Don’t miss it! Next Day from Indiana & Michigan to the East Coast: Pontiac, Michigan Troy, Michigan Detroit, Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Richmond, Indiana Catch us at these cities also: Winston Salem, North Carolina Highpoint, North Carolina Greensboro, North Carolina Map for position only Pitt Ohio Express 1-800-366-7488 Pitt Ohio tour poster.indd 1 12/4/06 10:25:10 AM 10 T R A N S P O RTAT I O N A N D LO G I S T I C S W O R K Y R C R E G I O N A L T R A N S P O RTAT I O N - S A L E S S U P P O RT K I T & S E R V I C E B R O C H U R E Experts in servicing New England Northeast the last Experts in servicing Alaska frontier AK Experts in serv icing the We st Regio nal Ser vice G uide Edmont on Vancou ver Burling Astoria Rosebu Grants Pass Brookin gs rg Colville Spo Yakima Moses Lake kane The Dal Albany Salem Eugene Coos Bay Wenatche e w d t Seattle Longvie Portlan Newpor Calgary ton Tacoma Olympia les Kalispe ll Pasco Lewisto ton n LaGran de Hermis Bend Missou la Medford Klamath Eureka Great Fall s Three For ks Falls Boise Billings Reddin g Twin Fall s Pocatello Benicia Fremont Sacram Stockton ento Reno Salt Lak e City Fresno Region al Region Support Center al Terminal Coverage Areas Service Center Bakers field Pacoim a Los Ang eles Orange County Grand Jun Saint Geo Las Veg as rge ction Denver Colorado Fontan Springs a San Die ReddawayNewPenn flyer.indd 1 go 2/7/06 1:11:01 PM PM 2/7/06 1:04:09 Reddaw Reddaway AK fnl.indd ay Map 1 dd 1 2/7/06 Experts in servicing New England Experts the last in servicing Alaska 1:08:24 PM Northeast frontier AK Experts in serv icing the We Regio st nal Ser vice G uide Edmonto n Vancouve r Tacoma Olympia Astoria Burlingt Calgary on Seattle Wenatch Longview ee Colville Portland Spo Yakima Moses Lake kane Newport The Dall es Albany Pasco Salem Hermiston Lewiston Roseburg Bend LaGrand e Eugene Coos Bay Grants Pass Brooking s Kalispell Missoula Great Falls 866-988-9020 Medford Klamath Eureka Three Falls Forks Boise Redding Billings Twin Falls Benicia Fremont Sacrame nto Stockton Pocatello Reno Salt Lake Need Some TLC? City Fresno Regiona l Regiona Support Cen ter l Terminal Coverage Area s Service Center Bakersf ield Los Ang eles Orange County Grand Saint Geo Las Vega Pacoima s rge Junction Denver Colorado Fontana Springs USF Glen Moore offers the Truckload Capacity you need in key markets. San Dieg o ReddawayNewPenn drivercard.indd 1 PM 12:58:32 2/7/06 dd 1 ay AK driv Reddaw 2/7/06 1:00:11 PM Reddaw ay ma p drive rcard. indd 1 2/7/06 12:59 :24 PM USF Glen Moore offers Truckload Capacity in the following key markets. Origin Delivering. SM Destination Both Origin & Destination All Intra-Southeast Regional © 2006 YRC Regional Transportation, an operating unit of YRC Worldwide Inc. (25-01/06) 11 M A N U FAC T U R I N G W O R K E L K H A RT B R A S S M A N U FACT U R I N G C O M PA N Y - F I R E F I G H T I N G P R O D U CT S M A R K E T I N G OurGreatest INnovatioN: Durability On May 20, 2012, Firefighters at the St. John, NS Canada Fire Department were fighting a large structure fire when fire conditions deteriorated rapidly and an urgent order to evacuate was given. All lines were to be left in place. Afterwards, this Chief™ nozzle was recovered, and it still worked! Unlike the competition, Elkhart Brass nozzles use metal bale handles and grips for ultimate durability. THE CHIEF™ NOZZLE For 112 years, Elkhart Brass has engineered and built products that are as tough, rugged and durable as the firefighters who use them. WIN A ROGUE GYM FOR YOUR FIREHOUSE! Stop by booth 5621 at FDIC to see how we can help you meet your challenges with unmatched engineering, strength and durability. And, we’re giving away a Rogue gym to one lucky firehouse as part of Elkhart’s commitment to firefighter health and fitness! | 1.800.346.0250 12 M A N U FAC T U R I N G W O R K U N I T E D S TAT E S S T E E L C O R P O R AT I O N - I N V E S TO R D AY M A R K E T I N G A N D E V E N T G R A P H I C S Investor United Stat es Steel Corporation Investor Day and Webcast U. S. Stee l Automo tive Center Troy, Mic higan June 6, 201 2 If you have Dan Lesn any questions, pleas ak or 412-433- at dtlesnak@uss.c e contact om 1184. D &Weabycast Agenda June 6 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. Regi stration - 4:30 p.m. Managem and Lunch ent Presenta 4:30 p.m. Center tions and Automoti 5:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. Ques Tours ve tion and Answ - 6:30 p.m. er Hors d’oe uvres and Session To access Cocktail Rece the on “Overview webcast, visit the ption web ” then “Cur rent Infor site at www.ussteel.c mation” unde June 7 om and click r the “Investors 8:00 a.m. ” section. - 10:00 a.m. Great Lake s Works Stee l Plant Tour REG ISTE R NOW 13 PA C K AG E D G O O D S W O R K R E D R I B B O N S O D A - B R A N D I N G , LO G O & PAC K AG I N G H. J. HEINZ - WEBSITE S D C N U T R I T I O N - PAC K AG I N G 14 R E TA I L - G R O C E RY W O R K G I A N T E AG L E - C O L L AT E R A L , D I R E CT M A I L A N D PAC K AG I N G 15 N OT F O R P R O F I T W O R K E X T R A M I L E E D U CAT I O N F O U N D AT I O N - B R A N D I N G , O U TD O O R CA M PA I G N & W E B S I T E 16 N OT F O R P R O F I T W O R K LU T H E R A N S E R V I C E S O C I E T Y - M E A L S O N W H E E L S - R E C RU I T M E N T CA M PA I G N , LO G O A N D W E B S I T E 17 N OT F O R P R O F I T W O R K T H E S A LVAT I O N A R M Y - A N N U A L R E P O RT G I R L S C O U T S - D I R E CT M A I L T H E F O U N D AT I O N F O R T H E LU P U S C E N T E R O F E XC E L L E N C E - D I R E CT M A I L 18 N OT F O R P R O F I T W O R K M A R S H O M E F O R YO U T H - A N N U A L R E P O RT T H E A M E R I CA N I R E L A N D F U N D - I N V I TAT I O N H U M A N E S O C I E T Y - I N V I TAT I O N 19 F O U N D AT I O N W O R K P N C G R O W U P G R E AT - M O B I L E L E A R N I N G A D V E N T U R E 20 H E A LT H C A R E W O R K Biography: Results U P M C S P O RT S M E D I C I N E Ron DeAngelo, M.Ed., L/ATC, CSCS “My daughter wants to play strong!” Deborah Stewart, mother of a 15 year-old tennis player “Our daughter had reached a level of junior competitive tennis where it was no longer enough to just go out on the practice court and hit. She had to back it up with core strength, agility, and endurance training to avoid injuries. Ron’s team specifically tailored a program to accommodate my daughter’s particular type of physical activity. The focused training and physical workouts have contributed to my daughter’s mental toughness on and off the court. The added advice on nutrition, hydration, muscle recovery and the importance of stretching has been a Godsend.” “I want to stay ahead of the competition.” Kevin Orie, Former professional baseball player “The staff, along with a state-of-the-art facility at UPMC Sports Performance, paved my road for athletic success and durability. My career was greatly enhanced by their modern training techniques and dedicated professionals. I always felt prepared and ahead of my competition. I have not come across a more advanced and effective program in my fourteen-year baseball career, and urge others to take advantage.” More WIC please. “I want to cross the finish line.” Christina French, Publisher and runner “When I first came to UPMC Sports Performance, I literally could not touch my toes. My lack of flexibility was destroying my dream of finishing a marathon by my 30th birthday. I was only a “weekend” runner to begin with, so my initial over-training caused Achilles tendonitis due to lack of flexibility in my hamstrings - nearly destroying my dream to cross the finish line. Ron worked with me on a personalized program that improved not only my running performance, but also my overall posture, strength, and well-being. Thanks to Ron and his team, I crossed the finish line in San Francisco on July 30, 2006 with great strength and no injury.” Ron De Angelo, a Performance Enhancement Specialist, started his career over 25 years ago as a fitness specialist. In 1984, Ron headed into the sports medicine field and continued on to refine training practices for speed and agility in 1990. WIC for Nutritious Food Options. In 1997, along with Cris Carter and Bill Welle, Ron founded the Cris Carter’s FAST Program. This facility has trained over 1,000 scholastic, collegiate and professional athletes in the areas of speed, agility, quickness, strength, and power. 1-800-WIC-WINS “I want to play ball.” In 1998, Ron became the Strength Coach for the Toronto Raptors Basketball Club, NBA. During his tenure with FAST and the Raptors, Ron trained over 25 professional NFL players, over 25 professional NBA players and a number of NFL All-Pro and NBA All-Star athletes. Throughout his career, Ron has trained top-ranked players for both the Women’s and Men’s Professional Tennis Tour. Center for Sports Medicine UPMC Sports Performance Complex 3200 South Water Street Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Results: A D AG I O H E A LT H - O U TD O O R A D V E RT I S I N G Helping Every Athlete Get There Through Peak Sports Performance Training A program of Adagio Health In October, 2004, Ron was named the Director of This project is funded, in part, underSports contract withfor the Pennsylvania Department of Health using Performance UPMC Sports Medicine. Glen Kolod, funds by the U. S. Department ofUPMC Agriculture. WIC is an equal opportunity provider. Through the Sports Performance training 45 yearsprovided old “Basketball is one of my favorite hobbies. But about two years ago, I was in so much pain that I couldn’t even run the length of the court. I was suffering from paralyzing back pain, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis in my feet. Thanks to a program of both strength and flexibility work with Ron’s team, I now play ball the way I want to - with no pain at all.” program, Ron and his professional staff’s services are now available to all levels of athletes from the weekend warrior to the high school, collegiate, or pro athlete. T H E V I L L AG E S AT S T. B A R N A B A S - D I R E CT M A I L A S K D O CTO R G - B R A N D , LO G O & W E B S I T E 21 LO G O A N D B R A N D W O R K F I R S T A N N U A L at t he ty At Th ar – 22 e P T H E