
Southern Lakes
A Publication of the East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce
Fall 2012
19th Annual
East Troy
East Troy Area Chamber of
10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Two full
days of bluegrass on East
Troy’s Historic Village Square.
For schedule, visit www.
easttroybluegrass.com or call
(262) 642-3770.
15th Annual
Golf Outing
Fall Festival
at the East
Troy Farmers
East Troy Area
Chamber of Commerce
11 a..m. Shotgun Start,
Evergreen Golf Club, Elkhorn.
Includes 18 holes of golf with
cart, lunch, hole-in-one chances
for great prizes, steak cookout
and loads of raffle prizes.
Download registration form
at www.easttroywi.org or call
(262) 642-3770. Non-members
Michael Fields Agricultural
4-7 p.m. on the Square
Children’s activities, live music,
vendor booths and more.
MIKE MORBECK Good Neighbors
A full line-up of bluegrass bands will draw music fans of all ages to the East Troy Village Square during the 19th annual East Troy Bluegrass
East Troy Bluegrass Festival returns Sept. 8-9
The sounds of bluegrass music
and the fans who love it will fill
East Troy’s historic village square
for the 19th annual East Troy
East Troy Family Community Bluegrass Festival on Sept. 8-9.
A full line-up of bluegrass bands
Resource Center
5 p.m. Ivan’s Unique Dining on and contests, plus lots of great
food and East Troy Marketplace
the Square
Large silent auction, beer raffle, vendors, will take place from 10
a.m. to 6:30 p.m. each day.
wine pull and a delicious hors
The event opens on Saturday with
d’oeuvres and dessert buffet.
an open stage at 10 a.m., followed
by the fiddle contest at 11:30 a.m.
The bands start in the afternoon,
“All You Can
Spring City Grass at 1 p.m.,
Eat” Spaghetti with
Truman’s Ridge at 2 p.m., Band
Scramble at 3 p.m., Freshwater at 4
East Troy Lioness Club p.m. and the national headliner The
5 - 8 p.m.
Karl Shiflett & Big Country Show
Ivan’s Backstage, 2093 Division at 5 p.m.
Best known for their highly
For more information, visit
entertaining retro stage show, The
Karl Shiflett & Big Country Show
have captured the irrepressible
bounce and down-home, audienceGhost Walk
pleasing, good naturedness of clas2012
sic country and bluegrass acts of
East Troy Area
the 1940s and 1950s. Hailing from
Historical Society
Texas, they have managed to insert
6 p.m. at the Kubicki Museum
their own unique perspective, culand Heritage Center for walking tivating a sound that has brought
tour of sites near and around the them acclaim as one of the most
village square believed to house identifiable and recognizable names
resident ghosts.
in bluegrass music.
$5 adults, $2 children under 12
The music resumes on Sunday
accompanied by adult
with a gospel service featuring the
Scary movies at museum theatre Burie Family at 10 a.m. followed by
from 6-9 p.m.
the banjo, mandolin and guitar contests at 11:30 a.m. The bands return
in the afternoon with KR Bluegrass
Band at 1 p.m., Daylight in the
Swamp at 2 p.m., Bluegrass Kids at 3
p.m., Brew City Drifters at 4 p.m. and
national headliner Nothin’ Fancy at 5
From the Shenandoah Valley in
Virginia comes one of the most entertaining bands in the bluegrass genre,
Nothin’ Fancy.
The group won the Society for
the Preservation of Bluegrass Music
of America’s award for Entertaining
Group of the Year three years in a row.
The band formed in 1994 to compete
in the East Coast Bluegrass Championship in Crimora, Va. After winning
its auspicious debut, the group has
grown in popularity. According to
Bluegrass Now magazine, the band
has “a unique sound that vacillates between smooth, progressive bluegrass
Bluegrass Kids Boot Camp
Hey kids! Want to learn a couple bluegrass tunes or a little improvisation?
Play guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo or sing? Melissa Sherman, founder
of the East Troy Bluegrass Festival, and Lisa Creason of CreasonStudios
will conduct a boot camp for kids of all ages on Sunday, Sept. 9. On-site
registration begins at 9 a.m.; Session 1 10-11:30 a.m.; Session 2 1-2:45
p.m.; Performance at 3 p.m. (not required). For details and music, visit
East Troy Bluegrass Festival At A Glance
Saturday, Sept. 8
10 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
3 p.m.
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
Open Stage
Fiddle Contest
Spring City Grass
Truman’s Ridge
Band Scramble
The Karl Shiflett &
Big Country Show
Sunday, Sept. 9
10 a.m. Gospel Service with
the Burie Family
11:30 a.m. Banjo, Mandolin &
Guitar Contests
1 p.m. KR Bluegrass Band
2 p.m. Daylight in the
3 p.m. Bluegrass Kids
4 p.m. Brew City Drifters
5 p.m. Nothin’ Fancy
and country-tinged Americana.”
Weekend wristbands will be sold
for $5 per person to help defray the
festival costs; children 15 and younger will be admitted free. Attendees
should bring their own lawn chairs.
No alcohol is allowed at this family
The rain location is East Troy Middle School, 3143 Graydon Ave. Check
www.easttroybluegrass.com for updates.
For more information or to request
a festival program flier, contact the
East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce at (262) 642-3770 or visit
Food Court Vendors
Hometown Sausage Kitchen
– Brats & Reuben Sandwiches
The Grist Mill – Hamburgers,
Italian Beef & Hot Dogs
Cousins Subs – Variety of Sub
Loomis-Martin American Legion
Post 188 – Roasted Sweet Corn
Pops Kettle Corn – Kettle Corn
East Troy Area Historical
Society – Elegant Farmer
Caramel Apples and Pie
East Troy Area Chamber of
Commerce – Soda, Water, Coffee
and Gus’s Drive-in Sprecher Root
Beer Floats
Page 2
President’s Notebook
By Lori Szolwinski, First Citizens State Bank - East Troy Office
There’s a great vibe
on the Square
Did you get the chance to spend some
time on the Square this summer? If you
didn’t, you missed some great events!
But don’t worry, we’re not done yet.
It all started with the Chamber’s
Memorial Weekend Corn & Brat Roast,
which flowed into the Farmers Market and
Thursday Nights on the Square concerts
and continued with the Woman’s Club
Arts & Crafts Fair, East Troy Cycling
Classic, Lions Club 4th of July parade
and the Knights of Columbus Corn & Brat
Common to all these great events are
the donations of time, talent and treasure
that make them all possible for the good
of the entire community.
Businesses donate their goods and
services, discount their products, loan
their equipment, allocate the time of their
employees and directly contribute funds.
Individuals give freely of their time to
cook food, sell tickets, pick up garbage
and share their musical talents.
The fundraisers complete the cycle
by pouring the proceeds back into the
community in the form of scholarships,
community service projects, facilities
contributions, as well as operational costs.
Other beneficiaries include those
who attend the events; who have the
opportunity to socialize in a relaxing
outdoor setting, enjoy live music, view
unique artwork, cheer on professional
cyclists, purchase food grown locally and
celebrate the contributions of our local
Thanks to the forethought of the village
founders, the Square provides the perfect
place to hold our events. It has open
access from eight directions, seating,
shade, ambiance, restroom facilities,
things to look at, well-maintained
grounds, welcoming environment and
flexibility for a large variety of activities.
There’s a great vibe on the Square that
perfectly sets the scene for whatever takes
place there. And that contagious energy
seems to be making its way around the
business side of the square as well.
This year we’ve welcomed several
new businesses to the Square and will
attentively watch the renovation of the
big white building on the northwest
corner this fall.
So don’t miss out on the rest of
the 2012 events and plan for 2013 by
checking out the calendar of events on
the Chamber website (www.easttroywi.
For the latest Chamber news, visit
A Publication of the East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce
To advertise..........contact Brian Hinzpeter at
Katie Matteson............ Executive Director (262) 642-7451 Cell: (262) 716-9539 or email
2096 Church St., P.O. Box 312
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3770 - phone
(262) 642-8769 - fax
To submit news briefs about your company
or organization ....................contact the Chamber
To update your membership
information..........................contact the Chamber
To submit an event for the calendar
of events .............................contact the Chamber
Jack Cruger ................................ Publisher
To submit information for a new
member profile ...................contact the Chamber
2888 Main St.
P.O. Box 47, East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7451 - phone
(262) 642-2409 - fax
Good Neighbors is a publication of the East Troy
Area Chamber of Commerce coordinated by the
East Troy News and published quarterly in
March, May, September and November.
The East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce
thanks all the volunteers who helped make the
36th Annual Memorial Weekend
Corn & Brat Roast a great success!
Jody Heimos
Chris Hibner
Clark & Dave Hudec
Seth Stormant
David and Sandy Andrews
Dakota and Sherri Bira
Brandon LaGreca
Joy Hernes
Judy Vandervest
Josey Slight
Scott Messerschmidt
Mary Anne Olszewski
Maria Bockowska
Miranda Sawyer
Bonnie Batten
Holly Adamson
Drea and Nikki Luedtke
Jerry and Linda Januszewski
Bryan Rose
Spencer Price
Bill and Lisa Vint
Amber Ferry
Dan, Janel & Lisa Heidelmeier
Amy Block
Jessica Wisniewski
Tim Dieringer
Debbie & Mike Benetti
Mary Ann Glowinski
Craig & Kathleen Onsgaard
Sheila Mondloch
Ellie Rohrer
Zak Griffa
Chris, Daniel & Tim Barr
Betty Douglass
Brooke & Morgan McPhail
Jared Dixon
Eric & John Kramer
Savannah Goral
Autumn Klick
Melissa Thiel
Kim & Tyler Buchanan
John Zinzow
Danielle Brinker
Sara Rubel
Kathy Frymark
Kim Sippl
Ellen Thomson
Carl Matteson
Dan O’Leary
Nick Wachal
Kim & Ted Cvikota
Janelle Flintrop
Stephanie Dunaway
Marolyn Komperud
Chris Grimm
Kelly Miller
Pam Burki
Megan Mueller
Katie Grenier
Taylor Kainz
Stephanie Moran
Michael Brewer
Garry Zoellner
Phillip Messerschmidt
Dawn Klodd
Gina Dingman
Dawn Kloth
Pat Ebert
Amanda Lindner
Kimberly Burks
Sarah Alexander
Scott Iloncaie
Ted Kilpin
Gerry Lycholat
Dick Judd
Pat Kulas
Dusty & Sandy Stanford
Holly Swenson
Marilyn Schultz
Brenda Rosin
Jason Hayes
Cindy Knutson-Lycholat
Margaret Nichols
Shirley Savina
Emily Leising
Nici Berrones
Joey Stephan
Dylan Jester
Josh DeGrave
Tyler Sentz
Sheri Leathers
Shannon Manske
Karen Branfort
Tricia Blum
Elaine Scanlan
Cheryl Siemers
Eileen, Julia, Katie & Tom
Jeff Standafer
DeAnne & Scott Conrad
Jenna and Tracey Redmond
Ann, Ben & Ted Zess
Allison Parsons
Ashtin Garins
Faye & Mary Brugge
Lori Szolwinski
Amber, Jerry & Jordan
Bill & Dawn McCarthy
Tom Bowitz
Matt Joas
Angela Long
Mary Nicoson
Dixie Kaiser
Mackenzie Miller
Jean & John O’Brien
Betty Altenburg
Linda Burie
Travis Hartwig
Cody Stuht
Brett Harper
Mackenzie Rosin
Jane Thompson
Mary Rohrer
Doris Kranitz
Judy Mitten
Ashlee Arendt
Dan Richardson
Tisha & Tony LaShay
John Hudoc
Sue Frohling
Riley Condon
Dani Stemper
Tina Keckhaver
Ashley Rehfeldt
Annie Hefernan
Katlyn Rausch
Dave & Reenie Allen
Wil Alexander
Dan Donegan, John Stephan
& Boy Scout Troop 92
Ron Rhode & East Troy
Lions Club
Teronomy Builders
Knights of Columbus
Mike Kittleson
Village of East Troy DPW
Russ Gale & Members of
American Legion Post 188
East Troy House
Gus’s Drive In
East Troy Point Shell
Hometown Sausage Kitchen
Burger King
John’s Disposal Service
Landmark Services
Walworth County Solid Waste
Frank’s Piggly Wiggly
Lakes Area Rental
East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce
2012 Corporate �artners
Chairman ($2,500 Donation):
Executive ($1,500 Donations):
Lori Szolwinski, First Citizens State Bank,
East Troy Office
Vice President
De Anne Conrad, Citizens Bank of
Mukwonago, East Brook Office
Linda Kaplan, East Troy Shell
Ann Zess, Allan Integrated Control Systems
Brooke McPhail, Citizens Bank
Sarah Alexander, Realty Executives
David Allen, East Troy House Historic Inn &
David Scurek, American Family Insurance
Jane Thompson, JT Interiors and The Red
Door Cafe
Karen Branfort, East Troy Manor
Mary Rohrer, Square Roots
Tony LaShay, Excel Engineering
Leaders ($750 Donations):
For information about the Corporate Partnership Program, contact Katie Matteson at (262) 642-3770.
Chamber thanks East Troy
Cycling Classic contributors
Members of the East
Troy Area Chamber of
Commerce’s Bike Race
Committee are very grateful
to the sponsors, volunteers
and community businesses
and residents for the success
of the first East Troy Cycling
Classic on Friday, June 22.
The committee was cochaired by Jane Thompson of
the Red Door Café and Linda
Kaplan of East Troy Shell.
Committee members included:
Lori Szolwinski of First Citizens
State Bank – East Troy Office,
Ann Zess of Allan Integrated
Control Systems, Inc. and Tony
LaShay of Excel Engineering.
The Dennis and Janice
Klumb Family Foundation
graciously served as title
sponsor for the event, which
was the second leg of the 11-day
Tour of America’s Dairyland,
June 21 – July 1. The family’s
contribution paid for half of
the bid fees required to bring
the race to their hometown.
Dennis Klumb Jr. also played a
significant role by introducing
the event to the Chamber and
securing additional sponsorships
from his company, KS Energy
Services, LLC.
The Dave Strand Family,
another local family with strong
community ties, stepped up with
a substantial contribution to help
make the event possible.
Other sponsors responsible
for the event’s success, listed
alphabetically, include:
ACC Publishing, LLC
Al Smith’s Saloon
Allan Integrated Control
Systems, Inc.
American Family Insurance,
Dave Scurek Agency
Anich’s Liquor
Arbonne International
Associated Bank
Benefit Concepts, Inc.
Chappell Sports & Promotions,
Citizens Bank of Mukwonago
Cousins Subs
Doc’s Sewer & Water
East Troy Family Dental
East Troy Shell
Edward Jones Investments
Excel Engineering
First Citizens State Bank – East
Troy Office
Five O’Clock Somewhere
Fleury’s Body Repair
Fox Plumbing
Garden Party Florist
Gus’s Drive-in
Hackbarth Builders
Hometown Sausage Kitchen
James R. Taylor & Sons
Jerry’s Pier Service
John’s Disposal Service
Judy Jacobson
Kikkoman Foods
Lakeside Painting
Michael Fields Agricultural
O’Leary Plumbing & Heating
Paul J. Nyffeler, CPA
Pickwick Inn
Realty Executives Integrity
Red Door Café
Roma’s Ristorante & Lounge
Skydive Milwaukee
Square Side Resale &
State Farm Insurance, Joan
Palmer Agency
Sullivan Dentistry
Teronomy Builders
The Heritage
The Abbey Resort
The Elegant Farmer
The Grist Mill
Walworth County Economic
Development Alliance
Wisconsin Oven Corporation
The committee is also
grateful to the individual
contributions of the following
people: Alan Boyes from the
Village of East Troy Police
Department, Mike Miller
from the Village of East Troy
Department of Public Works,
Mary Jensen from Sideview
Plaza, DeAnne Conrad from
Citizens Bank of Mukwonago,
Tina Keckhaver from Little
Angels Learning Center,
Nina Stefaniak from Bright
Beginnings Day Care, Kathy
Zwirgzdas from the East Troy
Community School District,
Larry Price from the Walworth
County Department of Public
Works, Mike Redel from the
Town of Troy, Rev. Carrie
Kreps Wegenast from St. James
United Methodist Church, Brent
Flikkema from John’s Disposal
Service and Lori Puls from
East Troy High School and
members of the National Art
Honor Society (Mikel Duval,
Rachel Yahr and Rose Tharp),
as well as the volunteers who
helped marshal the course
during the race (Mary Hudec,
Monica and Maggie Zoellner,
Neil Marini, Adam Schrieber,
Robin Posekany, John Graf,
Jody Garber, Lori and Glenn
Thanks to all the community
business owners, employees
and residents for their patience
in tolerating the extra people
in town, the detours around the
central part of the village and for
some, lack of vehicular access
to their place of residence or
employment, as well as the
other inconveniences they
encountered that day.
Thanks to a commitment
from the Dennis and Janice
Klumb Family Foundation,
plans are already underway for
next year.
� ������
Page 3
CHAMBER PHOTO Good Neighbors
East Troy Farmers Market vendors (from right) Thomas Cicero from Hometown
Sausage Kitchen, Mary Rohrer from Rohrganics, Shawn Murray from Michael Fields
Agricultural Institute and Troy Strand from The Grist Mill presented donations to the
East Troy Community Band representative Rodger Trader in recognition and appreciation for the cooperation by the band during its Thursday Nights on the Square concert series. The East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the market,
matched the vendors’ combined donation, making a total contribution to the band of
$477. Patrons of the band, as well as the band members themselves, supported the
Farmers Market vendors prior to the weekly concerts during June and July. The market continues on Thursdays from 4-7 p.m. through Sept. 27, featuring fresh produce,
meat, bakery and prepared food from local vendors, plus the Kids Zone sponsored by
Bright Beginnings Day Care and the East Troy Family Community Resource Center,
along with music and special events every week. For a weekly schedule, visit www.
easttroywi.org or call (262) 642-3770.
Page 4
Chamber Member News
New team members, programs at
Wisconsin Spinal Rehabilitation
Centers - East Troy
Wisconsin Spinal Rehabilitation Centers
- East Troy has announced that Gina Peter,
CA/CMT and Melinda Strelak, CMT have
joined its team in multiple roles.
The center’s newest employees bring the
clinic experience to a new level. Massage
and chiropractic have always gone hand-inhand getting wonderful results. Adjustments
can be slightly uncomfortable for a chronically stressed spine. Massage will assist in
reducing muscle tightness as well condition
the patients’ tendons and ligaments so the
adjustment will hold longer.
Peter is a certified chiropractic assistant
and has front desk duties also. She has a
wonderful way with patients, giving them
attention and care they deserve. She brings
a young attitude filled with excitement and
a genuine concern for patients’ health.
Strelak is the center’s practice representative. She is out in the community creating
more awareness of spinal-health benefits
and the services provided at Wisconsin
Spinal Rehabilitation Centers. She is very
energetic and has a passion for health and
The center offers free on-site business
wellness talks – “How to Stay Young for
the Next 100 Years” and “Postural Analysis” for all employees.
ChiroNut is its newest program offered to
the workplace as on-site chiropractic wellness care at no cost to the employer. Chiropractic care reduces workplace fatigue, repetitive injuries, elevates employee morale
and production, while cutting medical costs
for both the employer and the employee.
The ChiroNut program shows that a company cares about the health of its employees.
For more information call Wisconsin Spinal
Rehabilitation Centers, (262) 642-4100.
Historical Society plans Ghost Walk
The East Troy Area Historical Society
will present Ghost Walk 2012 on Saturday,
Oct. 27, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Kubicki
Museum and Heritage Center, 2106 Church
St., East Troy.
The event will take brave souls on a
walking tour of sites near and around the
village square believed to house resident
The cost of the tour is $5 for adults and
$2 for children under 12 accompanied by
an adult. In addition, scary movies will
be shown in the museum theatre from 6-9
For more information, call the museum
at (262) 642-2642.
Burger King names new manager
Christine Mulock joined
Burger King as manager in
May, heading up a team
of 20 employees in East
Troy at 2951 E. Main St.
She previously worked in
customer service at a salon
in Brookfield and recently
moved to East Troy. She
has also worked as a manager at KFC and Arby’s.
She said customers
should look for a new
chicken sandwich lineup coming soon.
For more information, call (262) 6422951.
Old World introduces ‘Life on the
“Life on the Farm” is an exciting and
new kind of hands-on experience at Old
World Wisconsin, located at W372 S9727
State Highway 67 in Eagle.
For the 2012 season, the German Area’s
Koepsell Farm will let visitors discover
what life was really like working and living on a late 19th-century farm in the Upper
Visitors will follow the daily adventures
of the Kruegers, a farm family of the 1880s
who left the Old World to build a new life in
The Kruegers documented their lives
through photographs and family stories
across the second half of the 19th century
and first half of the 20th. “Life on the Farm”
is based on this unique record not only of
who the Kruegers were, but also of how
they sought to be remembered.
Costumed interpreters throughout the
farmstead will help visitors step back to the
1880s and imagine the type of life that the
Kruegers would have known.
They will guide visitors through the
Kruegers’ typical chores, teach them about
their farm animals, and demonstrate how
they used authentic farm implements.
For more information, call (262) 5946301 or visit oldworldwisconsin.wisconsinhistory.org.
Family Community Resource Center
to host night at Ivan’s
The East Troy Family Community Resource Center’s single largest fundraiser
will be held at Ivan’s on the Square on Saturday, Oct. 20. Doors open at 5 p.m. The
night will feature a large silent auction, beer
raffle, wine pull and hors d’oeuvres and
dessert buffet.
“We are very excited to have Terry Murphy providing entertainment for this wonderful evening,” director Marolyn Komperud said. “The Family Resource Center
has to raise $16,000 per year in order to
VANESSA LENZ Good Neighbors
Jim Carney of Oconomowoc shows Aase Mattson, 5 ½, of Waukesha how to care
for a horse at Old World Wisconsin’s Koepsell Farm, where guests may discover firsthand what life was like working and living on a late 19th-century farm in the upper
continue offering free programming to East
Troy residents and we hope that everyone
can come out and support your local Family Resource Center on Saturday, Oct. 20 at
The center will start its second year of
programming this fall at its Windfield Plaza
location, 3066 Main St.
Wednesday morning play group will start
Sept. 12 and run every Wednesday morning
from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Monday night Family Craft and Activity
nights return on Sept. 17 from 6 - 6:45 p.m.
The Tuesday Alphabet Adventures program for children ages 2 to 5 returns Sept.
18 and will run from 9:15 - 9:45 a.m.
Coming in the winter of 2012 is a new
book club for students in fourth through
eighth grade. The group will read the Percy
Jackson Series. The center is also developing programs involving senior citizens.
Anyone with interest or ideas is encouraged
to the center at (262) 642-4900 or by emailing easttroyfamily@gmail.com.
Country Inn & Suites welcomes new
general manager
Trisha Joost of Spring
Prairie became the new
general manager of the
East Troy Country Inn
& Suites, 2921 O’Leary
Lane, in May.
She brings seven years
experience in the hospitality industry from her work
as the front desk and hotel
manager at Alpine Valley
Trisha Joost
She holds an associate
degree in accounting from Gateway Technical College and is currently pursuing an associate degree in hotel hospitality management.
For information about the local hotel,
call (262) 642-2100.
Page 5
Chamber Member News
Wisconsin Oven relocates to Eagle
Wisconsin Oven Distributors, LLC, distributor for Memmert - German Company
producing laboratory ovens and equipment,
light industrial and research and distribution
for the U.S., has moved its facility to W355
S9075 Godfrey Lane in Eagle.
The business, which was previously located on Hillburn Mill Road in East Troy,
is owned by Tina Strand. Ryan Strand (sales
and service manager) and Nick Doman
(warehouse manager and sales) are currently
employed at Wisconsin Oven Distributors.
For more information, call (262) 5943941.
McPhail receives business banking
Brooke McPhail, branch
manager for Citizens Bank
in East Troy, has received
the company’s prestigious
“Business Banking Certificate.”
The certificate, which
takes up to a year to earn,
requires successful completion of a series of edu- Brooke McPhail
cational classes combined
with hands-on training while working with
business owners.
“The certificate means Brooke is uniquely qualified to work with business owners,” said Russ Bulthaus, Citizens Bank
Vice President, Commercial Banking Team
Leader. “Business Banking is a very specialized area, yet many financial institutions
deal with business owners the way they deal
with their largest corporate customers. We
believe it’s important to understand the specific needs of business owners and provide
the service and products geared to their circumstances. That’s why we developed this
comprehensive certificate process.”
To receive her certificate, McPhail underwent training in a variety of financial areas
focused on small business, including: cash
flow, financial statements / business, entities, business deposit / loan products, tools/
resources to help business owners and how
to determine business owner’s needs
“The training is very detailed and provides great insight on understanding the
needs of small business,” said McPhail. “It
has provided me with great information to
better provide small business owners with
the guidance they need and want from a
banking institution.”
To maintain her certificate, McPhail will
continue to receive specialized coaching, attend an annual “Talking Business” Business
Banking training session and pass additional
ited. All other activities including pumpkin
picking, hayrides, foods and more are available each weekend throughout the festival.
“We are delighted to host our annual Autumn Harvest Festival,” says The Elegant
Farmer orchard manager and co-owner,
Mike Bauer. “Lots of folks come back year
after year and some visit for the first time
and discover this family-fun tradition. We
welcome them all. ”
The Elegant Farmer, Highways ES & J,
Mukwonago, is open year round 8 a.m.- 6
p.m., excluding holidays.
For more information, call (262) 3636770 or visit www.elegantfarmer.com to
shop online.
Knutson Bros. II ready to ‘Rock’
fourth fashion show
Cindy Knutson-Lycholot, owner of Knutson Bros. II, LLC, is once again organizing
the Rock ‘N Roll Express fashion show-luncheon on behalf of the Lakeland Builders
This year’s event will take place at Hawks
View Golf Club in Lake Geneva on Saturday, Nov. 17 from 10:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., with
table reservations due by Sept. 24.
For more information, call (262) 6425211. To see highlights from last year, visit
Elegant Farmer sets Autumn Harvest
Whether you’re continuing a family tradition or starting a new one this fall, The
Elegant Farmer offers a family-fun farm
experience during its popular Autumn Harvest Festival weekends Sept. 15-Oct. 27, 10
a.m.-5 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to The Elegant
Farmer festival activities including hayrides, pony rides, train rides, make your own
caramel apples, warm cider donuts, hot cider, chili, BBQ pulled pork sandwiches and
pickin’ in the pumpkin patch.
Throughout the festival there will be a
wide variety of apples to select from in bins
both in the orchard and in the farmer’s market.
The Elegant Farmer will offer a family-fun farm experience during its popular AuDue to the unseasonable spring weather,
apple picking in the orchard’s trees is lim- tumn Harvest Festival weekends Sept. 15-Oct. 27.
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Page 6
New Member Profiles
Evergreen Golf
N6246 U.S. Highway 12
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 723-5722
2877 Main St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 278-6744
Website: Synergy HomeCare of East
Evergreen Golf Club is a 27-hole public
golf course, specializing in hosting charity
fundraising events. Its banquet facility also
hosts weddings, parties, meetings and a weekly Friday Fish Fry.
CHAMBER PHOTO Good Neighbors
Chamber Ambassador Sheri Leathers
from Associated Bank (left) presented
Synergy HomeCare owner Elizabeth Erman with her membership plaque.
in the
Wild Flour
Bakery & Café
W2463 County Road ES
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-1816
Bakery and café with a specialty foods
section featuring many local producers.
Specialty coffee drinks, smoothies, sandwiches
and daily soup.
Wild Flour Bakery & Café’ owner
Josh Mertens and his fiancé Alayna
Vicary are the Chamber’s newest members.
CHAMBER PHOTO Good Neighbors
Excel Engineering
Excel Engineering is a full service
architectural engineering firm and its
business development director is Tony
LaShay of East Troy.
CHAMBER PHOTO Good Neighbors
100 Camelot Dr.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
(920) 322-1696
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Chamber treasurer
Ann Zess from Allan
Integrated Control
Systems, Inc. presented
Travis Hartwig with a
$500 scholarship during
East Troy High School’s
Senior Awards program
June 3. Hartwig works
at Citizens Bank of
Mukwonago and will
attend Carroll University
this fall. The Chamber’s
scholarship is awarded
to an East Troy
graduating senior who
is the son, daughter
or grandchild of an
employee or owner
of a current Chamber
member business.
Employees of current
Chamber members’
businesses also qualify.
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CHAMBER PHOTO Good Neighbors
Chamber Ambassador Dave Scurek
(right) from American Family Insurance
welcomed Evergreen Golf Club manager
Bill Rogers to the Chamber.
Synergy HomeCare serves East Troy and
the surrounding areas with non-medical athome needs. Services include, but are not limited to, light housekeeping, med preparation,
medication reminders and companionship to
the elderly, hospice, rehab patients and those
in need.
Page 7
East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory 2012
CFO/Accounting Services, Ltd.
550 Bay View Road, Suite E
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-2930
East Troy Tax Service LLC
2893 Main Street, Suite C
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3058
Edward Jones Investments
2098 Church Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5717
Paul J. Nyffeler, CPA, SC
2481 Executive Drive
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-8700
Dave Hudec Law Office, LLC
2847B Buell Drive
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7515
Mills & Boehm, LLP
123 Wolf Run
Suite 1
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-7311
*Alpine Valley Music Theatre
W2699 Highway D
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 642-4400
East Troy Electric Railroad
2002 Church Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3263
Old World Wisconsin
W372 S9727 Highway 67
Eagle, WI 53119
(262) 594-6300
The Elegant Farmer
1545 Main Street
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-6770
Fleury’s Body Repair Inc.
1006 Main Street
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-8555
Horter Chevrolet, Inc.
915 Main Street
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-4061
*John Amato Ford, Inc.
1015 S. Main Street
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-3085
Lynch Chrysler Dodge Jeep
2606 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4700
*Associated Bank
3292 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3941
*Citizens Bank
2905 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7391
*Citizens Bank of Mukwonago
- East Brook
2541A E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120-0196
(262) 642-8456
*First Citizens State Bank
- East Troy
2546 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2530
Edwards YMCA Camp & Retreat
N8901 Army Lake Road
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7466
The Salvation Army-Army Lake
N8725 Army Lake Road
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-6400
Timber-lee Christian Center
N8705 Scout Road
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7345
East Troy Bible Church
2660 North Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7604
Good Shepherd Lutheran
Church and School
1936 Emery Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3310
St. James United Methodist
2945 Main St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7642
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
2665 North Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3200
Unitarian Universalist Church of
the Lakes
319 N. Broad St.
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 723-7440
Valley View Community Church
2951 Union Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5392
Bielinski Homes
1830 Meadow Lane
Suite A
Pewaukee, WI 53072
(262) 542-9494
Dairy Air Heating and Cooling
W1225 County Road J
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 684-4444
Envirocon Snow & Landscape
N8492 Division Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 363-5579
Excel Engineering Inc.
100 Camelot Dr.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
(920) 322-1696
Fox Plumbing & Water Care,
N7208 Colbo Road
Burlington, WI 53105
(866) 939-3792
Hackbarth Builders, Inc.
2096 Church Street, Suite F
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-9601
James R. Taylor & Sons Inc.
2115 Division Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7970
Knutson Bros. II LLC
W792 Potters Circle
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5211
Lakeside Painting, Inc.
2892 Austin Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-9445
McPherson Concrete
Construction, Inc.
2010 Church Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 363-9200
Mike Zei Painting and Drywall
N8545 Pickeral Lake Road
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 880-9006
O’Leary Plumbing and Heating,
2720 Buell Drive
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7747
Ruebl Builders
N9654 Sunset Drive
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 594-5765
Watertight WaterCare, Inc.
119 S. 2nd Street
Waterford, WI 53185
(262) 534-2300
*East Troy Shell
2526 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4624
East Troy Volunteer Fire
N8406 Highway ES
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7439
Village of East Troy
2015 Energy Drive
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-6255
Aurora Health Center
2483 Corporate Circle
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2000
Awakenings 3 Bodywork, LLC
3278 W. Main St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 309-2779
East Troy Acupuncture
3278 W. Main Street, Suite D
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4325
East Troy Family Dental Center
2481 Executive Drive
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5695
East Troy Fitness & Choice
Martial Arts
2111 Lenck Avenue
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-9640
East Troy Manor
3271 North Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3995
Home Care Network
612 Wells Street, Suite H
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
(262) 248-0457
Home Helpers/Direct Link
158 W. Chestnut St.
Burlington, WI 53105
(262) 757-0012
Koskinen Eye Clinic
3278B Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-9719
ProHealth Care D.N. Greenwald
Center in Mukwonago
240 Maple Avenue
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 928-1900
Snap Fitness 24-7
2541 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-1645
Sullivan Chiropractic
3161 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7404
Synergy HomeCare
2877 Main St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 278-6744
Wanezek Family Dentistry S.C.
3278A W. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5881
Wisconsin Spinal
Rehabilitation Center, S.C.
3224 W. Main Street, Suite E
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4100
Honey Creek Apartments, LLP
2859 Honey Creek Court
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4040
Skylark, Inc.
W2493 County Road ES
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2651
The Heritage-East Troy
3223 North Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4800
Daniel Heidelmeier
W720 Honey Creek Rd.
Burlington, WI 53105
(262) 206-1993
Francine Pease - I
N7431 Burr Oak Road
Whitewater, WI 53190
(262) 473-4445
CSI Media, LLC
120 Wright Street
Delavan, WI 53115
(262) 728-3424
Mukwonago Publications
111 N. Rochester St., Unit 3
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-4045
Southern Lakes Newspapers
East Troy
1102 Ann St.
Delavan, WI 531115
(262) 728-3411
American Family Insurance
- David Scurek
2886 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3911
Benefit Concepts, Inc.
W5689 Tamarack Trail
Whitewater, WI 53190
(262) 495-8283
Humana MarketPOINT-Mike
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 349-3680
Joan I. Palmer Insurance
Agency, Inc.
2104 Church St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2038
Johannesen-Farrar, Inc.
512 E. Walworth Avenue
Delavan, WI 53115
(262) 728-2631
JT Interiors & Red Door Cafe
2887 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2262
Alpine Valley Resort Inc.
W2501 Highway D
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 642-7374
Camp Dewan
N6360 Church Road
Burlington, WI 53105
(262) 642-9797
Country Inn & Suites
2921 O’Leary Lane
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2100
*Hampton Inn
40 W. Hidden Trail
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 743-2360
Pickwick Inn Bed & Breakfast
2966 Union Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5529
Snug Harbor Inn
W7772-2C Wisconsin Parkway
Delavan, WI 53115
(608) 883-6999
CSI Media, LLC
120 Wright Street
Delavan, WI 53115
Mukwonago Publications
111 N. Rochester St., Unit 3
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Southern Lakes Newspapers
East Troy
1102 Ann St.
Delavan, WI 531115
American Legion LoomisMartin Post 188
2870 School Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7213
Big Brothers Big Sisters
1545 Hobbs Drive
Delavan, WI 53115
(262) 728-8865
East Troy Area Community
Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 866
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2530
East Troy Area Historical
2106 Church St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2642
East Troy Community Band, Inc
3010 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5411
East Troy Education Foundation
2546 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2530
East Troy Family & Comm.
Resource Ctr.
3066 Main Street, Suite 108
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4900
East Troy Food Pantry
2861 Austin Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4357
East Troy Football Moms
2955 Union St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 366-8971
East Troy Lioness Club
S76 W3168 Arbor Dr.
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 642-5245
East Troy Lions Club
2077 Division Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5245
East Troy Senior Citizens Club
1934 Edwards Street, Unit 11
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5574
East Troy Youth Soccer Club
2527 Brittany Lane
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4870
Friends of LaFayette Church
W3465 Church Rd./Highway ES
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 554-5499
Friends of the East Troy Airport,
W317 S6698 Schnitzler Road
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 391-5177
Friends of the ET Lions Public
3094 Graydon Avenue
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-6262
GFWC-Woman’s Club of East
P.O. Box 474
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2326
Kiwanis Club of Greater East
Troy, Wisconsin
P.O. Box 453
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3380
Knights of Columbus 4579
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-9762
Oak Ridge Cemetery
2580 North St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 806-2985
The Village Players
P.O. Box 175
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 470-7529
United Way of Walworth County
P.O. Box 1020
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 374-4474
VFW Post #7501
Legion Hall - 2870 School St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3484
Walworth County Visitors
203 W. Walworth Street
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 723-3980
Lawn Doctor-East Troy,
Mukwonago & Waukesha
W325 County Road L
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 366-7736
Bay View Veterinary Clinic S.C.
890 Main Street
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-9993
Puppy Love Pet Grooming
2075 Division St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 903-9831
Bielinski Homes
1830 Meadow Lane
Suite A
Pewaukee, WI 53072
(262) 542-9494
Coldwell Banker Residential
20350 Watertower Blvd.
Brookfield, WI 53045
(414) 315-2832
NAI MLG Commercial
13400 Bishop’s Lane, Suite 100
Brookfield, WI 53005
(262) 938-4430
Realty Executives Integrity
2880 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3363
Shorewest Realtors,
1231 S. Rochester Street,
Suite 110
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-1010
East Troy Electric Railroad
2002 Church Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3263
East Troy Lake Association
2959 N. Shore Dr.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3373
Elkhorn Martial Arts Center
799 E. Geneva Street
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 743-2111
Evergreen Golf Club
N6246 W. Highway 12
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 723-5722
Fantasy Hills Ranch
4978 Town Hall Road
Delavan, WI 53115
(262) 728-1773
MF Helicopters, LLC
2085 Highway L, Hangar A17
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 391-5177
Skydive Milwaukee/Sky Knights
Sport Parachute Club
W1341 Highway L
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-9494
Al Smith’s Saloon
2878 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4446
Burger King
2951 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2951
Cousins Subs - East Troy
2541 E. Main Street
Unit I
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5013
East Troy House Historic Inn &
2093 Division Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7100
Gus’s Drive-In
3131 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2929
Ivan’s Unique Dining on the
2087 Division Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7107
J. Lauber’s Ice Cream Parlor
2010 Church Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3679
JT Interiors & Red Door Cafe
2887 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2262
Roma’s Ristorante & Lounge
N8416 Highway ES
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5353
Snug Harbor Inn
W7772-2C Wisconsin Parkway
Delavan, WI 53115
(608) 883-6999
The Grist Mill
2763 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 684-5138
Wild Flour Bakery & Cafe
W2463 County Road ES
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-1816
East Troy Marine, Inc.
2708 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5150
*East Troy Shell
2526 E. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4624
End of the Leash
214 S. Rochester St.
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-3338
Frank’s Piggly Wiggly
3238 W. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5524
Hometown Sausage Kitchen
W1184 County Road L
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3264
Sherwin-Williams Co.
360 Bay View Road
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-0846
*Square Roots
1988 Energy Dr.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-9541
Square Side Resale &
2096 Church Street
Suite C
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2544
The Peddler Resale Shop
2883 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-1717
1940 Center St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 844-0231
West 20 Ranch & Saddle Co.
W4812 Hwy 20
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-4272
Bright Beginnings Day Care,
2541 Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3904
East Troy Community School
2043 Division Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-6710
Little Angels Learning Center
2141 Mill Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7002
Michael Fields Agricultural
W2493 County Road ES
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-3303
Nature’s Classroom Montessori
W1802 County Road J
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-6820
St. Peter’s Catholic School
3001 Elm Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5533
The Climbing Tree Child Care &
Family Education
3147 W. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-5001
Bon Voyage Cruise &
Vacations, Inc.
116 North Milwaukee St.
Waterford, WI 53185
(262) 514-2022
Five O’Clock Somewhere Travel
& Cruise
N8766 Hillburn Mill Road
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2553
Kimberly Ann Photography, LLC
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 492-3893
Lakes Area Rental
801 E. Centralia Street
Elkhorn, WI 53121
(262) 723-6450
LTR Power Center
3266 W. Main Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7892
Martin Group
501 Commercial Court
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
(262) 248-8911
Puppy Love Pet Grooming
2075 Division St.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 903-9831
Quality Custom Framing
3224 Douglas Avenue
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7522
Sleeping Dogs Communications
2096 Church Street, Suite D
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-2870
Sunset Creative Services
W4023 Sunset Dr.
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 949-0539
Time Warner Cable - Business
1320 N. Martin Luther King Jr.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
(414) 277-4193
Trim-N-Tidy Cleaners
2121 Church Street
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 642-7396
Dynamic Awards and Apparel,
401 Jefferson Street
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 363-2005
244 Industrial Drive
North Prairie, WI 53153
(262) 392-5222
Ferry Farms Trucking, LLC
W1545 Sawyer Lane
East Troy, WI 53120
(262) 347-7491
Center for Innovation and
Business Development
1200 Hyland Hall
University of WisconsinWhitewater
Whitewater, WI 53190
(262) 472-1365
Gateway Technical College
3520-30th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
(262) 564-2662
*Corporate Partners
Page 8
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