sierra hoofprints - Sierra Mustang Club
sierra hoofprints - Sierra Mustang Club
SIERRA HOOFPRINTS The Official Newsletter of the Sierra Mustang Club - October 2014 Founded 1981-Sacramento, CA Dedicated to the Restoration and Preservation of all Ford Mustangs Mustang of the Month Every Mustang has a story behind it. If you would like to see your car and its story on the front page of the newsletter, send a picture of your car and it’s story to the Editor at (Cars selected in order of submittal.) This month we feature a 1965 Mustang 2+2 Fastback owned by Tenia Santangelo . This 1965 Fastback is owned by Tenia Santangelo. Husband Sam lived across the street from this Mustang parked in the driveway for 17 years. When he asked Tenia if she would like a classic car of her own, the first thing that came to her mind was YES, a 1967 GTO because she had one in 1967 and loved it. When Sam came home with the Mustang, all that changed. It’s mostly stock under the hood, with some dress-ups; paint, wire wheels, new front seats, dash and automatic door locks. Today it’s kept in its own Show Room with a display of “neat things” she and Sam have collected over the years. Tenia says, “Thank you, Sam”. SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 1 NEXT MEETING MONDAY OCTOBER 27, 2014 6:30PM I-8 0 AUBURN -FOLSO M RD ROUND TABLE PIZZA, 2793 E Bidwell, Folsom FOLSOM LAKE FOLSO M BLVD LLEY RD GREEN VA UE BL E. NE VI RA BID WE LL ROUNDTABLE PIZZA 2793 E. BIDWELL 50 2014 BOARD MEMBERS ELECTED OFFICERS PHONE EMAIL President Dave Ramacciotti (530) 621-0434 Vice President Brad Tanis (916) 715-3033 Secretary Joan Frantzen (916) 489-2306 Treasurer Bill Johnston (916) 213-7765 Membership Margaret Kane (530) 676-7641 APPOINTED OFFICERS Sgt. At Arms Marina Ramacciotti (530) 621-0434 Publicity Larry Frantzen (916) 489-2306 Hoofprints Dave Porter (530) 677-5115 Members at Large Esther Nelson (916) 847-6063 Bret Gwaltney (916) 847-6063 2014 COMMITTEES Parades/Conv Sondra Fuson (916) 485-9033 Historian Evelyn Hamilton (530) 887-1373 Advertising vacant Sunshine Florita Wilhelm (916) 972-0711 Raffle Dallas & Marlene Green (530) 823-3730 Webmaster Larry Frantzen (916) 489-2306 MONEY DRAWING Betty LeFever was not at the meeting to answer the Trivia Question. Better luck next time… The Trivia Question was saved for next month. The primary purpose of the Sierra Mustang Club is to promote the enjoyment and preservation of ALL Ford Mustangs. Membership is open to all Mustang enthusiasts. Any individual or family who enjoys Mustangs may join. Owning a Mustang is not necessary to belong to our club. We mainly want your enthusiasm. Primary member's dues are $25.00 per year (January through December). Associate member's dues are $5.00 per year. The general membership meetings are held once a month and begin at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted. See the calendar for meeting locations and dates. The December meeting takes place at our annual party at a location to be announced. Benefits of membership include a monthly newsletter (SIERRA HOOF PRINTS), FREE classified advertisements and discounts at various local Ford dealerships and participating vendors and a one day admission to the California Auto Museum. At least one club sponsored event is held each month. Events include activities such as: picnics, car shows, rallies, charitable events, parades, after meeting socials, Holiday party, and a lot of!!! DISCOUNT RETAILERS The following retailers offer our club members price discounts on parts and/or services. When you need parts or service for your Ford product be sure to tell them you are a SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB member and always inquire about specific discount services. Be prepared to show them your membership card. AMERICAN MUSTANG PARTS 11315 Folsom Blvd. (916)635-7271 BATTERY BILL 625 Sunbeam Ave. (916)443-9018 FOLSOM LAKE FORD Hwy 50 at Folsom Blvd. (916) 353-2000 FREEPORT AUTOMOTIVE SERVICENTER 6000 Freeport Blvd. (916) 421-2183 FUTURE FORD 650 Auto Mall Drive, Roseville (916) 969-3600 DOWNTOWN FORD 525 N. 16th Street (916) 442-6931 MUSTANGS PLUS 2353 N. Wilson Way, Stockton (800) 999-4289 RON DUPRATT FORD 1760 N. Lincoln Street, Dixon (877) 469-5521 HARROLD FORD 1535 Howe Ave. (916) 922-1535 SACRAMENTO MUSTANG 4631 Auburn Blvd. (916) 484-3434 RIEBES AUTO PARTS (All 20 locations) Cash account #15922-Must show membership card SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 2 Meeting called to David Ramacciotti order by: Secretary: Joan Frantzen Called to Order at 6:50 pm Adjourned at 7:24 pm Agenda Welcome David Ramacciotti Minutes Joan Frantzen Treasurer report Vice President report Bill Johnston Brad Tanis Membership Margaret Kane OLD BUSINESS Bev’s Angel Project Larry Frantzen Christmas Party David Ramacciotti September 22, 2014 Meeting Minutes Meeting held at Round Table Pizza 27 members in attendance Minutes approved as amended by Margaret to change the attendance at the club picnic at her house from 16 to 18. Gave detailed report of income and expenses for August. Mentioned several upcoming events: Oct 4-Cameron Park Show & Shine Fly-in, Oct 12-Poker run, Oct 18-Nut Tree Mustangs & More, Larry F. mentioned car parking area change, Oct 25Progressive dinner, Sunday after Thanksgiving-CAM Trim-a-Tree, Oct 16-American River Rehab center car display re Larry F., Oct 18-Mustangs Plus car show. We have 42 primary and 33 associate members. Read birthdays & Anniversaries for September. Car show had a large attendance this year. Club members voted to donate $50 to the project. John Scriven will post the check since he has the address. Checked with California Auto Museum to use their room. Cost has gone up to $500 plus a per person catering fee. Told them no thanks. Claim Jumper restaurant in Roseville is a better choice for the party as there is no charge for the room. Proposed for Sunday, December 7, with price of $20 per person. Club will cover tax and tip. Asking for prepay, but if you show up without prepaying, you can still pay and attend because it is a buffet open to the general public.. Voted and approved. Trunk or Treat Asked for charity recommendations to give toys and food to. Only suggestion came from Marina who proposed Mother Teresa Maternity Home. After discussion, it was proposed that we provide items for mothers and babys in lieu of toys and food. Marina will bring a list of needs to the next meeting. Voted to accept this charity for our Christmas gifts. Saturday, Oct 25 is the Golden Hills Mustang Club Halloween trunk or treat event at Ron DuPratt Ford in Dixon. Attended last year and it was a lot of fun. Nancy Porter mentioned our Progressive Dinner is that day. David said the trunk or treat is a daytime event and should end in plenty of time to attend the dinner. SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 3 October 2014 UPCOMING CLUB EVENTS SEE THE WEBSITE FOR MORE EVENTS Sunday 5 12 ALL AMERICAN Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 MUSTANGS AND MORE NUT TREE POKER RALLY 19 PROGRESSIVE DIINNER 26 OCTOBER 27 GENERAL MEETING ROUND TABLE FOLSOM 28 29 30 31 - Cameron Park Show & Shine and Fly In, Saturday, 10/4/14 - Sierra Mustang Club All American Poker Rally, Sunday 10/12/14 - Mustangs and More, Nut Tree Airport, Saturday 10/18/14 - Trunk or Treat event at Ron DuPratt Ford, Saturday AM 10/25/14 - Progressive Dinner, Saturday PM 10/25/14 NOVEMBER - California Auto Museum Tree Trim & Potluck Dinner. Sunday 11/30/14 DECEMBER - Christmas Party - Santa Parade JANUARY 2015 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB MUSTANGS AT THE CAMERON PARK SHOW & SHINE & FLY IN October 4, 2014 SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 4 ALL AMERICAN POKER RALLY The annual Poker Rally was named the “All American Poker Rally” this year because the route crossed the American River five times ...also because the Ford Mustang is an All American Car. We had a record 16 cars participating, including a car from Reno (Gary Guzelis and Kourtney Squire of the Reno Mustang Car Club), with a total of 37 poker hands! The route this year took us around Folsom Lake, via Salmon Falls Road (Fish Falls Road in the instructions), past the Pilot Hill Cemetery, down Highway 49 through the American River Canyon, back across the Foresthill Bridge, past giant statues of naked ladies in Auburn, a rest stop at Foster’s Freeze, past the historic Placer County Court House, through Sky Ridge subdivision to the China Bar gate, meandering down Shirland Tract Road, and Auburn-Folsom Road to Dos Coyotes Restaurant. The scenery was nice and the weather was great. The poker hands were a Tanis Sweep. Our own VP, Brad Tanis won best hand with Four of a Kind. Second place went to Lori Tanis with a Full House. Third Place went to Scott Tanis with another Full House. If there was a fourth place it would have gone to Jennifer Tanis with a Flush. Tanis must mean Lucky in Greek. The winning bonus card at checkpoint 8, however was an Ace of Spades drawn by Gary Cotton. If you missed it, you missed a good time. I would say nobody got lost, but one car was decidedly slower than the rest to arrive at Dos Coyotes (We won’t any mention names, Bret). Even though they temporarily lost their way, they still had a great time. SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 5 SERRANO CONCOURS SHOW Gary Cotton took home a Third Place Trophy! Wheelin 4 Warriors car show SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 6 When was the Mustang II offered? 1974 to 1978 MUSTANG TRIVIA CORNER SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 7 LEWIS INSURANCE AGENCY EDDIE L. LEWIS SPECIALIZING IN ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC CAR INSURANCE 1035 Jefferson Blvd., Suite 6 West Sacramento, Ca 95691 (916) 371-1642 Fax (916) 371-1656 12/ 12 12/ 12 ADVERTISING RATES BUSNESS CARD 2”X3-1/2” $40/year QUARTER PAGE 4”X5” $75/year HALF PAGE 8”X5” $135/year FULL PAGE 8”X10” $200/year CLASSIFIED ADS (ITEMS FOR SALE) SMC MEMBER FREE NON-SMC MEMBER $5 per issue SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 8 SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Dedicated to the Restoration and Preservation of the Ford Mustang Membership is open to all Ford Mustang enthusiasts. Owning a Mustang is not required. NAME: (Primary Member)______________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: / (Month/Day) NAME: (Associate Member) (List additional on reverse)_____________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: / (Month/Day) ANNIVERSARY: / / (Month/Day/Year) STREET ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE: _______________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE:__________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________ I WANT TO RECEIVE MY NEWSLETTER BY E-MAIL ____OR REGULAR MAIL____ DO NOT PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING (Check all that apply): STREET ADDRESS ____ PHONE NUMBER ____ E-MAIL ADDRESS ____ MUSTANGS OWNED: Year: ______ Body Style: ______________________ Color:____________________ Year: ______ Body Style:_______________________ Color: ___ _________________ INSURANCE COMPANY: _________________________________ POLICY #:____________________________ ( LIABILITY & PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE REQUIRED FOR ANY CLUB SPONSORED EVENT PER ARTICLE IV OFHE T BY-LAWS) MEMBERSHIP DUES are on a Calendar Year basis Primary Members: (Check one) Associate Members: $5 Club Logo Name Badges: $12 AMOUNT ____RENEWAL - $25 ____NEW - * See Note Below ____ people@ $5 = ** Indicate name(s) on form below _ ___ badges@ $12 = TOTAL * Note: NEW MEMBERS DUES are based on date of application as follows: January 1 thru June 30 -$25; July 1 thru September 30 -$15; October 1 thru December 31 -$10 SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB ** Name Badges Badge #1: ____________________________________________ Badge #2: ____________________________________________ LIABILITY: YOUR NAME HERE SACRAMENTO It is understood that the SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB assumes no responsibility to, nor will be responsible for any damage or loss of car or property within. SIGNATURE:_______________________________________________DATE:___________________________ Send checks/money orders, payable to Sierra Mustang Club, to: SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB, P.O. BOX 1793, FAIR OAKS, CA. 95628-1793 or bring them to the meeting. OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED:__________________CHECK #:_____________ AMOUNT:___________ DATE SENT/DELIVERED:____________________ FORM REVISED MAY 2008 SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 9 OCTOBER 2014 PLACE STAMP HERE SINCE 1981 Post Office Box 1793 Fair Oaks, CA 95628-1793 NEXT MEETING MONDAY OCTOBER 27, 2014 6:30PM ROUND TABLE PIZZA, 2793 E Bidwell, Folsom JOIN OUR CLUB A printable application is online at WWW.SIERRAMUSTANG.ORG SEE THE NEWSLETTER IN COLOR ON OUR WEBSITE! 10
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