February 2016
February 2016
SIERRA HOOFPRINTS The Official Newsletter of the Sierra Mustang Club - February 2016 Founded 1981-Sacramento, CA Dedicated to the Restoration and Preservation of all Ford Mustangs Mustang of the Month Every Mustang has a story behind it. If you would like to see your car and its story on the front page of the newsletter, send a picture of your car and it’s story to the Editor at dnporter56@comcast.net. (Cars selected in order of submittal.) This month we feature 1971 Mustang T5 Mach 1 owned by Doug Schulze Doug’s Story: I'm a relatively new member & haven't attended many activities as I live in Amador county. My brother, Reed Schulze in Davis (also a Sierra Mustang Club Member), got me interested in Mustangs after he bought his first one in 1967, a 3spd 289 coupe. I bought this T5 Mach 1 in August, 2014. In 1971, 277 T5 Fastbacks were exported to Germany. Only two were 1971 Mach 1′s. It is believed one was destroyed long ago in Europe. This one survived. It’s not only a rare “One of One” car, but it’s also fully restored. It was treated to a complete mechanical and cosmetic restoration including original build sheet, export and import documents, and window sticker. The laser straight body was painstakingly refinished in original factory bright blue metallic with silver Mach 1 stripes and accents. It has the Mach 1 Ram air hood, rear deck spoiler, color keyed racing mirrors, and Magnum 500 wheels with Goodyear Eagle GT 2 radial tires. Under the hood is a 351 cu. in., 285 hp 4 barrel engine backed by a C-6 automatic transmission, 3.00:1 trac-lok differential and competition export handling suspension . This car looks and drives better than it did the day it rolled off the assembly line. The links on page 3 will take you to articles about the T5 in general and this car in particular. 1 (continued on Page 3) SIERRA HOOF PRINTS NEXT MEETING MONDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2016 6:30PM DENNY’S, 1011 RILEY STREET, FOLSOM DENNY’S 2016 BOARD MEMBERS ELECTED OFFICERS PHONE President Dave Ramacciotti (530) 621-0434 Vice President Scott Tanis (916) 813-3360 Secretary Susan Cotton (916) 353-2744 Treasurer Bill Johnston (916) 213-7765 Membership Margaret Kane (530) 676-7641 APPOINTED OFFICERS Sgt. At Arms Marina Ramacciotti (530) 621-0434 Publicity David Powell (916) 933-7883 Hoofprints Dave Porter (530) 677-5115 Members at Large Gary Cottonl (916) 353-2744 Rick Hohas (916) 469-6788 2016 COMMITTEES Parades/Conv Sondra Fuson (916) 485-9033 Historian vacant Advertising vacant Sunshine Florita Wilhelm (916) 972-0711 Raffle Jennifer Tanis (209) 304-2592 Webmaster Florita Wilhelm (916) 972-0711 EMAIL dmram1957@gmail.com bsmotorsports@sbcglobal.net smcotton@gmail.com billjytte@aol.com lvpurpl@sbcglobal.net dmram1957@gmail.com dlp2300@aol.com dnporter56@comcast.net cottongedd@comcast.net rmhohas@gmail.com slfuson@surewest.net avanityfairflorist@juno.com my_little_tonka@hotmail.com avanityfairflorist@juno.com MONEY DRAWING Money is still in the pot for February! The person who’s name was drawn for January was not there! Be there to win if your name is drawn and you answer the que$tion correctly! The primary purpose of the Sierra Mustang Club is to promote the enjoyment and preservation of ALL Ford Mustangs. Membership is open to all Mustang enthusiasts. Any individual or family who enjoys Mustangs may join. Owning a Mustang is not necessary to belong to our club. We mainly want your enthusiasm. Primary member's dues are $25.00 per year (January through December). Associate member's dues are $5.00 per year. The general membership meetings are held once a month and begin at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted. See the calendar for meeting locations and dates. The December meeting takes place at our annual party at a location to be announced. Benefits of membership include a monthly newsletter (SIERRA HOOF PRINTS), FREE classified advertisements and discounts at various local Ford dealerships and participating vendors and a one day admission to the California Auto Museum. At least one club sponsored event is held each month. Events include activities such as: picnics, car shows, rallies, charitable events, parades, after meeting socials, Holiday party, and a lot of fun...fun...fun!!! DISCOUNT RETAILERS The following retailers offer our club members price discounts on parts and/or services. When you need parts or service for your Ford product be sure to tell them you are a SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB member and always inquire about specific discount services. Be prepared to show them your membership card. AMERICAN MUSTANG PARTS 11315 Folsom Blvd. (916)635-7271 BATTERY BILL 625 Sunbeam Ave. (916)443-9018 FOLSOM LAKE FORD Hwy 50 at Folsom Blvd. (916) 353-2000 FREEPORT AUTOMOTIVE SERVICENTER 6000 Freeport Blvd. (916) 421-2183 FUTURE FORD 650 Auto Mall Drive, Roseville (916) 969-3600 DOWNTOWN FORD 525 N. 16th Street (916) 442-6931 MUSTANGS PLUS 2353 N. Wilson Way, Stockton (800) 999-4289 RON DUPRATT FORD 1760 N. Lincoln Street, Dixon (877) 469-5521 HARROLD FORD 1535 Howe Ave. (916) 922-1535 SACRAMENTO MUSTANG 4631 Auburn Blvd. (916) 484-3434 RIEBES AUTO PARTS (All 20 locations) Cash account #15922-Must show membership card SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 2 Doug Schulze’s 1971 T5 Mach 1 Doug says one exception to the info in the articles is that it's NOT the only T5 Mach 1 in the US. The T5 registry has this car & 6 other T5 Mach 1's listed.... one in Washington state, 4 still in Europe, one “location not listed” & mine in Calif. Gary Hansen in Pleasanton has two 1966 T5 fastbacks with consecutive VIN numbers. Another interesting fact about the T5…the odometer & speedometer are in kilometers. Doug says he keeps a conversion chart in the car. For more info on T5s, click on these links: http://www.musclecarsworld.com/1971-ford-mustang-t5-mach-1-fastback-coupe-the-only-one-to-exist/ http://www.mustangheaven.com/2013/for-sale-rare-1971-mustang-mach-1-t5-fastback-exported-to-germany/#more-15467 SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 3 SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB MEETING MINUTES— January 2016 Meeting Called to Order David Ramacciotti, President Date: 1.25.16 Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at Denny’s, Folsom, CA. 34 members in attendance and 1 guest AGENDA Welcome Minutes: David Ramacciotti, President Susan Cotton, Secretary Minutes approved Treasurer report Bill Johnston Financial Report for December and year-end was presented Events Scott Tanis, Vice President Upcoming events were reviewed and are posted in club calendar. February 6, Buttercup Pantry, Placerville at 10:00 Club Official Events March 20, Annual Bowling Outing at Country Club Lanes, Sacramento April 27, River Cats Game and car show at Raley Stadium Membership Margaret Kane, Membership Chair As of the meeting there were 19 primary and 15 associate members that have renewed for 2016. Don’t forget to send Margaret your renewals. Birthdays and anniversaries for January were celebrated. Cupcakes followed the raffle to celebrate. Cruise to Alaska Nancy Porter Monthly Meeting Location David Ramacciotti, President Nancy Porter gave an update on the Club Alaskan Cruise in September. Just a reminder the monthly Club meetings has moved to Denny’s on Riley in Folsom, effective January 2016. We are only booking the meetings month to month due to problems encountered at this meeting. February meeting will be held at Denny’s and discussions with management addressed the logistical issues the Club experienced. Club members will be kept posted if meeting location change is needed OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ACCC Membership David Ramacciotti, President A motion was made and passed to continue our support of ACCC David announced he had selected Gary Cotton and Rick Hohas to fill the positions of Member at Large Meeting Adjourned by David Ramacciotti Jen Tanis There was no winner this month in Mustang Trivia. $5 will be added to the raffle prize for next month. You have to be present to win so don’t miss the meeting because you may be the winner Don’t forget your raffle donation at next meeting and buy your tickets from Jen. She will be back. Adjourned at 7:30 pm Members at large Adjournment Mustang Trivia Raffle Celebration cupcakes followed the raffle. SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 4 February 2016 UPCOMING CLUB EVENTS SEE THE WEBSITE FOR MORE EVENTS Sunday 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 BUTTERCUP PANTRY PLACERVILLE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 GENERAL MEETING DENNYS FOLSOM 28 29 1 March 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Buttercup Pantry, Placerville, 10:00 AM Saturday 2/6/16 Bowling and Ice Cream at Leatherby’s, Sunday, 3/20/16 Drive Your Mustang Event, Raley Field, 10:00 AM Sunday, 4/17/16 Eagle’s Nest Car Show, Veerkamp Tractor Display Reno Stampede Car Show, Citrus Heights Parade Carmichael Elks Parade, Hwy 160 Cruise to Stripper’s Cafe CAM Car Show and Cruise Mustangs to Alaska, 9/2/16 thru 9/9/16, All Mustang Picnic All American Poker Rally CAM Tree Trim and Dinner Santa Parade, Christmas Party SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 5 NATIONAL MUSTANG DAY - THE MUSTANG WORLD UNITES APRIL 17TH One special day each year, the Mustang World unites by taking their Mustangs to the Road! Mustang enthusiasts know April 17th is the birthday of the Mustang and the day it was first shown to the automotive world at the New York World's Fair. Now April 17th is National Mustang Day! The goal of the National Mustang Day is to unite all Mustang enthusiasts by driving their Mustang that day. Imagine one day a year, Mustangs are everywhere! The Mustang Club of America celebrates April 17th every five years with a Mustang Birthday Celebration. Sierra Mustang Club will celebrate with a drive to the Ballpark for the “Drive your Mustang” event on April 17th! Sierra Mustang Club will be displaying at least 20 Mustangs outside Raley Field at the Sacramento Rivercats game on April 17, 2016. FOR SALE: Like new Chrysler 300M Grills. Asking $50 each, four available. Selling for a friend. Call Jim Cosce 916-366-9422 U-Haul Receiver 1¼” Trailer Hitch for 64 ½ - 70 Mustang (#24914). Class I Rated at 2,000 pounds total weight and 200 pounds tongue weight. Never installed $100 Selling for a friend. Call Jim Cosce 916-366-9422 New Alpine Super Sport Truck Chains Quick Fit LT Chains 4.5mm #2533 Purchased at Les Schwab for $131. New (in package) United Pacific 84 LED Tail/Stop Lights (FTL6701LED) for a 67 Mustang. Does not include electronic flasher. Retail price $120/pair $50/pair Selling for a friend. Call Jim Cosce 916-366-9422 Asking $75 Selling for a friend. Call Jim Cosce 916-366-9422 SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 6 SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 7 Mustangs to Alaska Travel, visit and enjoy time in a beautiful location with other great Mustang enthusiasts $50 onboard credit + more! AND, Free Cocktail party if we fill at least 25 cabins. You do not need to be a club member or Mustang owner to join us – Feel free to invite relatives and other good friends. Sept. 2-9, 2016 (over Labor Day Weekend) From INTERIOR $1,331.07 * OCEANVIEW $1,76607* Alaska Itinerary BALCONY $2,141.07* Day Port Arrive Depart *Rates (U.S dollars) are per person, based on double occupancy Fri, 9/2 Seattle Deposit is $250 per person. Refundable until May 20, 2016 Sat, 9/3 Includes Government fees/taxes Sun, 9/4 Cruising Cruising - Inside Passage Juneau - 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 9:00 PM Mon, 9/5 Skagway 7:00 AM 8:30 PM Tues, 9/6 Cruising – Tracy Arm Fjord 7:00 AM 12:00 PM Wed, 9/7 Cruising Thurs, 9/8 Victoria, BC 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Fri, 9/9 Seattle 6:00 AM Discounts may be available Passports required Travel Insurance Recommended Reservations MUST be made through our Mustang Owner/Travel Agent (Nancy Porter) to be included in this group, to receive the $50 onboard credit & goodies, and for your cabin to count toward the 25 required for a cocktail party with hot/cold appetizers Sponsored by Sierra Mustang Club RCCL reserves the right to impose a daily fuel surcharge In addition to the cruise reservations, Nancy can help with Pre- and Post-Cruise hotel reservations, flights, Park and Sail hotel arrangents, travel insurance, and more. To Make Your Reservation, Contact: Nancy Porter Mustang Owner & Owner/Agent of The Travel Gals SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 8 What years was the Mustang T5 sold in Germany? Answer: 1964 through 1979. MUSTANG TRIVIA CORNER ADVERTISING RATES BUSNESS CARD 2”X3-1/2” $40/year QUARTER PAGE 4”X5” $75/year HALF PAGE 8”X5” $135/year FULL PAGE 8”X10” $200/year CLASSIFIED ADS (ITEMS FOR SALE) SMC MEMBER FREE NON-SMC MEMBER $5 per issue SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 9 12/ 12 SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 10 SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Dedicated to the Restoration and Preservation of the Ford Mustang Membership is open to all Ford Mustang enthusiasts. Owning a Mustang is not required. NAME: (Primary Member)_____________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE_________/_________(Month/Day) NAME: (Associare Member)(List additional on reverse)____________________________________ BIRTHDATE_________/_________(Month/Day) ANNIVERSARY:_____/_____/_______(Month/Day/Year) STREET ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIPCODE:_______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE:___________________E-MAIL ADDRESS:___________________________________ DO NOT PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING (Check all that apply): STREET ADDRESS___PHONE NUMBER___E-MAIL ADDRESS___ MUSTANGS OWNED: Year:______Body Style:__________________Color:____________________ Year:______Body Style:__________________Color:____________________ INSURANCE COMPANY:____________________________POLICY #:_________________________ (LIABILITY & PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE REQUIRED FOR ANY CLUB SPONSORED EVENT PER ARTICLE IV OF THE BY-LAWS) MEMBERSHIP DUES are on a Calendar Year basis Primary Members: Associate Members: (Check one) _____RENEWAL - $25 $5 AMOUNT _____NEW - *See Note Below ____people@ $5= Club Logo Name Badges: $12 **Indicate name(s) on form below ____badges@ $12= TOTAL ______ ______ * Note: NEW MEMBERS DUES are based on date of application as follows: January 1 thru June 30 -$25; July 1 thru September 30 -$15; October 1 thru December 31 -$10 **Name Badges – indicate type: Lanyard___ Pin ___ or Magnetic ___ Badge #1:_____________________________ Badge #2:______________________________ SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB YOUR NAME HERE SACRAMENTO LIABILITY: It is understood that the SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB assumes no responsibility to, nor will be responsible for any damage or loss of car or property within. SIGNATURE:____________________________________________DATE:______________________ Send checks/money orders, payable to Sierra Mustang Club, to: SIERRA MUSTANG CLUB, P.O. BOX 1793M FAIR OAKS, CA. 95628-1793 or bring them to the meeting OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED:________________CHECK #:______________AMOUNT:_____________ DATE SENT/DELIVERED:_____________________ SIERRA HOOF PRINTS 11 FEBRUARY 2016 PLACE STAMP HERE SINCE 1981 Post Office Box 1793 Fair Oaks, CA 95628-1793 NEXT MEETING MONDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2016 6:30PM DENNYS’, 1011 REILY STREET, FOLSOM JOIN OUR CLUB A printable application is online at www.sierramustang.org/application WWW.SIERRAMUSTANG.ORG SEE THE NEWSLETTER ON OUR UPDATED WEBSITE! 12
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