SMC Alumni News Blast
SMC Alumni News Blast
SMC Alumni News Blast August 2013 Introducing our 2013-2014 Faculty and Staff Thank you to the teachers and secretaries who have chosen to work at St. Mary’s Colgan. Name Ed Martin Janie Burrow (1973) Chuck Smith Teri Tener (1977) Tom Compton (1970) Wayne Cichon Mike Watt (1978) Debbie Butler Beverly Pommier Nancy Hicks (1974) Donna Landrith (1982) Bev Mitchelson Lisa Farmer (1982) Lisa Russell (1982) Audrey Dickey (1982) Dawn Carlson Chris Bettega Marsha Duran Cathy Oplotnik Kristen O’Brien Debbie Smith Lisa Harris Beth Smith (1974) Donna Maus (1980) Brighid Dawson Kyle Wolf Julie Cedeno (1985) Grade/Subject Science Elementary Librarian Math th 5 Grade High School Principal Math PE Jr High Social Science & Math Jr High Religion & Literature Elementary Principal Kindergarten Jr High & High School Librarian Keyboarding/Accounting Jr High Math Technology English Art th 6 Grade Music Jr High Science & PE 1st Grade Jr High & High School Secretary 2nd Grade Elementary Secretary Science Administrative Assistant History 4th Grade Years Taught in Diocese 40 34 33 32 31 30 28 24 22 19 19 17 16 15 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 10 10 9 8 8 8 Total Years Taught 40 34 36 32 33 36 28 28 28 22 19 21 22 17 20 13 13 13 12 12 10 27 8 17 Denise Hayes Religion John White Technology Jill Van Wey (1989) Preschool Diane Lavery Jr High English Karen Massa English Haydn Ward (1994) Religion Kathy Wilbert (1982) 4th Grade Amy Kannarr (1989) 6th Grade Scott Cichon (2003) Jr High & High School Math Megan Simmons (1995) 5th Grade Valeska Lauderdale Fine Arts Angela Sparks Science Sarah Andrews Spanish Fr. Chad Arnold Religion Abby Farabi Jr High Science Angie Brill 2nd Grade Jennifer Ganer Special Education through USD 250 *Ed Noll Fine Arts Chris Pommier History Jenna Verga (2006) 1st Grade Whitney Clawson 3rd Grade *Robyn Neil Kindergarten *Tina Valenzuela 3rd Grade *LeeAnn Fleming Resource Teacher *First Year at St. Mary’s Colgan SMC Graduates listed in italics 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 15 7 11 14 8 6 16 11 5 5 4 13 4 2 2 7 21 5 1 1 7 0 10 Notes from Nancy Hicks, Elementary Principal JC our Super Hero is the theme for St. Mary’s Elementary School this year. Throughout the year we will be learning about true heroes on earth today. We are blessed with an amazing staff. Two of our elementary staff members have been working at SME for over 30 years. Mrs. Burrow (beginning her 35th year) and Mrs. Tener (beginning her 33 year)! Mr. Mike Watt, our PE teacher, is starting his 29th year at SME. The following staff have been with us over 10 years; Chris Bettega, Marsha Duran, Lisa Harris, Donna Landrith, Kristen O’Brien, and Lisa Russell. Staff that we share with the high school includes, Bev Pommier, Valeska Lauderdale, and Cathy Oplotnik. We also have Sharon Compton who is our very devoted Catechesis of the Good Shepherd teacher. We are “SUPER” excited to be adding a Science Fair, Social Studies special days and a Celebration of Writing. Our technology continues to grow as we have added 21 I-Pads for teacher use in the classrooms. Procuring a variety of grants made the I-Pads a reality. All staff members are eager to engage their students with this great interactive tool. Most importantly, we attend Mass as a school and pray an all-school rosary every Friday. Jonny Adamson at Shrine Bowl 2013 SMC graduate Jonny Adamson represented St. Mary’ Colgan at the Shrine Bowl All Star Cross Country Race held on July 27 at Washburn University in Topeka. Jonny finished 8th in the 2 mile race with a time of 10:58. Jonny will continue to run at Coffeyville Community College. PJ Forbes interviewed by Sports in Kansas Network PJ Forbes (1986) has spent all of his life involved in sports. Currently he is the manager of the Arizona Rookie Dodgers. He was recently interviewed about his roots, growing up in Pittsburg, attending St. Mary’s Colgan Schools and his family. Click here to read more Annual Appeal Update You are part of the past at St. Mary’s Colgan schools, be a part of the future also by making a donation to the 2013 Annual Appeal. Click here to see how much your class has donated and to download a copy of the Annual Appeal. As of August 28, 2013, the total donation received from SMC Alumni and Friends is $34,460.00. Please prayerfully consider making a donation. Booster Club Picnic The annual Booster Club Picnic was held August 25. High School and junior high coaches, athletes, cheerleaders and dancers were introduced. The evening included the presentation of the 2013 State Championship Baseball banner. Fall Sports Schedules Are you looking for something to do this fall? Why not come to an SMC ball game? Check the website for the most updates about games. 2013 SMC Football Schedule DAY Th Th. Th. DATE 8/29 9/5 9/12 OPPONENT Blue/White Scrimmage Erie Baxter Springs* LOCATION SMC SMC SMC TIME 7:00 7:00 7:00 F 9/20 Anderson Co.-Garnett F 9/27 Frontenac* F 10/4 Girard* F 10/11 Columbus* F 10/18 Galena*# (Homecoming) F 10/25 Riverton*# Th 10/31 Southeast*# Tu 11/5 Bi-District Sat 11/9 Regional F 11/15 Sectional F 11/22 Substate Sat 11/30 State * CNC League Contest # District Contest Junior Varsity/9th Tu 9/10 Erie M 9/16 Baxter Springs M 9/30 Frontenac M 10/7 Girard M 10/14 Columbus M 10/21 Galena Garnett Frontenac SMC Columbus SMC Riverton SMC 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 Hutchinson Erie SMC SMC Girard SMC Girard 2013 SMC Volleyball Schedule DAY Tue Tue Sat. Tue Th. Sat. Sat. Tue Sat Th Tue Th Sat. Tue DATE 9/3 9/10 9/14 9/17 9/19 9/21 9/21 9/24 9/28 10/3 10/8 10/10 10/12 10/15 OPPONENT Chanute/Ft. Scott Southeast/Columbus* SMC/FHS Tourney Garnett/Girard Girard JV Humboldt Tourney SMC JV Quad Baxter/Galena* Charger Classic SMC JV Tri. Riverton* Riverton Quad PHS Tourney Thomas Jefferson/Coffeyville LEVEL V V/JV V V/JV JV V JV V/JV V JV V/JV JV JV V LOCATION SMC Columbus SMC (Finals @ SMC) SMC Girard Humboldt SMC SMC Cherryvale SMC Riverton Riverton Pittsburg T.J. (Joplin, MO) TIME 5:00 5:00 10:00 5:00 5:00 8:30 9:00 5:00 8:30 5:00 5:00 5:00 9:00 5:00 Th Sat Tue Sat Sat 10/17 10/19 10/22 10/26 10/2627 Girard Quad SMC Classic Frontenac/Girard 3A Sub-State 3A State JV V V/JV V V Girard SMC Frontenac 5:00 8:30 5:00 Salina Through an agreement with Pittsburg USD 250, SMC students are given the opportunity to participate in cross country, soccer and golf. Cross Country (USD 250 Coop) hurs. urs. Sat. Thurs. Sat. Tues. 9/5/2013 9/12/2013 9/14/2013 9/19/2013 9/21/2013 9/24/2013 All JV All JV All All F/S Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Sat. Sat. 9/27,28/13 10/3/2013 10/10/2013 10/17/2013 10/26/2013 11/2/2013 Varsity All All All Varsity Varsity Labette County Ft. Scott Paola Parsons Bonner Springs Iola Kansas University Pittsburg Independence SEK Regionals State Labette Co. Ft. Scott Paola Big Hill Wyandotte Park Iola 4pm 4pm 9am 4pm 9am 4pm Lawrence Four Oaks Sycamore TBA TBA Lawrence 9am 4pm 4pm 4pm TBA TBA Golf Golf (USD 250 Coop) Day Date Level Tues. Tues. Thurs. Mon. Thurs. Mon. Thurs. Tues. Thurs. Mon. Mon. 9/3/2013 9/10/2013 9/12/2013 9/16/2013 9/19/2013 9/23/2013 9/26/2013 10/1/2013 10/3/2013 10/14/2013 10/21/2013 All, 9 Hole All, 9 Hole All, 18 Hole All, 9 Hole All, 9 Hole All, 9 Hole All, 9 Hole All, 18 Hole All, 9 Hole Varsity Varsity Opponent Labette Co.* Ft. Scott Girard Parsons Galena Chanute* Fredonia Pittsburg* Columbus Regionals State Location Time Oswego Ft. Scott Girard Parsons Schifferdecker Chanute Fredonia Crestwood Columbus TBA TBA 3pm 3pm 9am 3pm 3pm 3pm 3pm 1pm 3pm TBA TBA Soccer (USD 250 Coop) Day Date Level Opponent Location Time Fri. 8/30/2013 V, JV Paola There 4:30pm Thurs. 9/12/2013 V, JV Ft. Scott Here 4:30pm Mon. 9/16/2013 V, JV College Heights There 4:30pm Thurs. 9/19/2013 V, JV Coffeyville Here 4:30pm Sat. 9/21/2013 V, JV Carl Junction Here 1:00pm Tues. 9/24/2013 V, JV Ft. Scott There 4:30pm Thurs. 9/26/2013 V, JV Thomas Jefferson Here 4:30pm Tues. 10/1/2013 V, JV Independence Here 4:30pm Sat. 10/5/2013 V Coffeyville Tourney There 8am/10am Tues. 10/8/2013 V, JV Columbus There 4:30pm Thurs. 10/10/2013 V, JV Coffeyville There 4:30pm Thurs. 10/17/2013 V, JV Hertiage Christian Here 4:30pm Sat. 10/19/2013 V,JV Bashor Linwood There 2:00pm Tues. 10/22/2013 V, JV Columbus Here 4:30pm Thurs. 10/24/2013 V, JV Independence There 4:30pm M/S. 10/28/2013 Varsity Regionals TBA TBA 2013-14 SMC Junior High Sports Schedule 2013 SMC Junior High FOOTBALL Tuesday Sept 10 @ Tuesday Sept 17 Home Tuesday Sept 24 @ Tuesday Oct 1 @ Tuesday Oct 8 Home Tuesday Oct 15 Home Tuesday Oct 22 Home 2013 SMC Junior High Monday Sept 9 Monday Sept 16 Monday Sept 23 Monday Sept 30 Monday Oct 7 Monday Oct 14 Columbus Baxter Southeast Galena Frontenac Riverton Girard VOLLEYBALL @ Home @ @ Home @ Columbus Baxter Southeast Galena Frontenac Riverton Locating Alumni We continually strive to improve our St. Mary’s Colgan Alumni data base. We have worked to create a more accurate listing of all who graduated from SMC. In doing this, some names have been added to the data base who are probably deceased. If you know that someone on the list below is deceased, please let me know. We have also lost track of alumni as they have moved. If you have a current address for someone on the list, please send it to me at Thank you for your help. Name Of Class Name Of Class Marguerite Wilbert DeMart 1932 Hazel Ogborn 1942 Teresa Sanders Morey 1932 Max Spriggs 1942 Mary Costello Campbell 1933 Rita Bell 1943 Mozelle Dixon Paragon 1933 Ken Dixon 1943 Mary Jane Stapp Bechtold 1934 Betty Hudson 1943 Frances Hunt Burt 1934 Mary Ann McLean 1943 Kathryn Fikes 1934 Jennie Richards 1943 David Hopper 1940 Patricia Bellino 1944 Virginia Kilduff 1940 J.T. Hopper 1944 Margaret Klein 1940 Rosemary Dorman 1945 Anne McLuckie 1940 Theresa Lero LaForge 1945 Clara Wettstein Nace 1940 Pat Moore 1945 Frances Pryor Seamster 1940 Betty Swan 1945 Manilla Dixon Anderson 1942 Mary McNally Aubert 1946 Thomas Gillespie 1942 James Busse 1946 Jack Logan 1942 Pete Esch 1947 Mary Torres Martin 1942 Theresa O'Donnell Hatcher 1947 Name Of Class Name Of Class Helen Konec 1947 John Pawlowski 1955 Bobby Smith 1947 Ronny Rubitaille 1955 James Sturbenz 1947 Mary Worrell Vinardi 1955 Joan Komac 1948 Peggy Weber 1955 Patricia Wallace Wilkins 1948 Joe Bartelli 1957 Joe Wilson 1948 Teddy Meyer 1957 Hope Abaloz 1949 Marianne Miller 1957 James McCaffrey 1949 Nancy Tangye 1957 George Oberley 1949 Diann Delaney 1958 Patricia Patterson 1949 Terry Gallagher 1958 Gilbert Trevino 1949 Kathleen Lyons Henderson 1958 Rose Marie Neil 1950 James Ireton 1958 Agnes O'Donnell 1950 Kay Crandon Kennedy 1958 Elizabeth Lero Stahl 1950 James Monahan 1958 Connie Wallace 1950 Joseph Monahan 1958 Mary Jones Boswell 1952 Wilfred Shields 1958 Barbara Kluth Cowen 1952 John Valentine 1958 Mary Frakes 1953 Margaret VanBecelaere 1958 Virginia Lero Jones 1953 D. David Vietti 1958 Iona Ross Neagles 1953 Morris Swan 1959 Sandra Braun 1955 Joe Berk 1960 Joanne Cronister 1955 Louis Boulard 1960 Robert Harper 1955 Marion Carothers 1960 Robert Kastelic 1955 Bill Dorsey 1960 Anton Langford 1955 Susan Gastel 1960 John Meyer 1955 Marilyn Gibson 1960 Name Of Class Name Of Class Rosemary Amershek Helm 1960 Mac French 1967 Jim Louderback 1960 Stan Gavin 1967 Joseph Palmer 1960 Linda Bradshaw Lynn 1967 Bill Sampson 1960 Kathy McGraw Sells 1967 Bonnie Smith 1960 Thomas Thomas 1967 Jose Baron 1962 Bob George 1968 Cecelia Bush 1962 Ken Huff 1968 Virginia Fenimore Rigensberg 1962 Carol Briece McKay 1968 Steve Adamson 1963 John Young 1968 Constance Parks Hamer 1963 Davene Allen 1969 Richard Smith 1963 Jane Friend Crawford 1969 Cathy Lenne Browne 1964 Mary Dellasega 1969 Paula Glick Doherty 1964 Dawn DeVere 1969 Ron Gallagher 1964 Duane Gartner 1969 Dennis Gilmore 1964 Martha Spencer Helton 1969 William Glennon 1964 Maureen Murphy 1969 Margaret Spenser Ward 1964 Mike Napier 1969 Michela Wilbert Wesonig 1965 Patsy Esch Reagan 1969 Jim Boyd 1966 Cathy Slattery Rhyne 1969 Steve Farris 1966 Maureen Dudgeon Silver 1969 Jim Keller 1966 Nancy Adams 1970 Jack Loth 1966 Michael Day 1970 Kathy Saia Perkins 1966 Matthew Lyons 1970 Pat Ryan 1966 Cary McClure 1970 David Stumfoll 1966 Patricia Laidler Palmer 1970 Theresa Tierney VanTassel 1966 Mariette Bertalot Stewart 1970 Name Of Class Name Of Class Gale White 1970 Jeanene Jennings 1978 Cindy Giefer Rogers 1971 Alesia Monsour McDonald 1978 Joyce Shipman 1971 Cathy Miller 1978 James Wickes 1971 Kevin Miller 1978 Daniel Spangler 1972 Rebecca Weber Smith 1978 Rebecca Buche Stanley 1972 Charlie Velia 1978 Sema Barnett Peyton 1973 Kathleen Doherty 1979 Chris Slattery 1973 Jeannie Butterfield Johnson 1979 Margaret Vacca Smith 1973 Thomas Lahaye 1979 Denis Gartner 1974 Theresa Lopez 1979 Ken Madl 1974 Mark Monsour 1979 Sam Smith 1974 Nancy Martinous Oldham 1979 Sheila Groner Williams 1974 David Rhodes 1979 Michael Bennett 1975 Victor Seidler 1979 Tim Miller 1975 Mark Stark 1979 John Price 1975 Richard Tripp 1979 Sandra Cigainero Segura 1975 Bob VanBecelaere 1979 Rick Monsour 1976 Patty VanBecelaere 1979 James Richardson 1976 Kerry Peak Boyles 1980 Steven Rohner 1976 Patricia McCullough 1980 David Groner 1977 Paula Monsour 1980 Sandra LaForge 1977 Annette Schmit 1980 David Rohner 1977 Ursula Jones Vogt 1980 John Trytek 1977 Vaugh Worrell 1980 Mark VanBecelaere 1977 Tal Buset 1981 Mitch Bicknell 1978 Reyna Isturain 1981 Name Of Class Name Of Class Greg Jones 1981 April Tierney Haynes 1991 Jeff Merrell 1981 Mike McClure 1991 Cathy Piccini Minton 1981 Brian West 1991 Louis Ramirez 1981 Meredith Horning Andrews 1992 Mike Usher 1981 Mat Burton 1992 Jeff Bitner 1982 Vandana Chandra 1992 Sean Kelly 1983 David Cronister 1992 Licely Tom 1983 Amy Amershek Simpson 1993 Thomas Tom 1983 Brian Woolums 1993 David Wilson 1983 Stacy Locke 1994 Barbara Engelbert Clay 1984 Chris Rainwater 1995 John West 1984 Ryan Sullivan 1995 Charles Worrell 1985 Andrea Stickley Wang 1995 Amy Ryan 1986 Matt Wiebelbaus 1995 Dee Dee VanBecelaere Henry 1987 Tyler Dunn 1996 Natalia Lomshek Reese 1987 Ralph Bartley 1997 Edwardo Gellerdo 1988 Lynn Schirk Gooch 1997 Vicki Pope 1988 John Paul Mattivi 1997 Jeeravt Ringcharoen 1988 Ryan O'Connor 1997 Choompol Sopsarn 1988 JerrodO'Nelio 1997 Paul Willingham 1988 Cory Peak 1997 Michelle Morrison Patterson 1989 Libby Burton Smith 1997 Jeanette Trick 1989 Jason Spangler 1997 Steve Jones 1990 Starr Stephens 1997 Shelly Landis 1990 Cassie Gilmore 1998 Royce Stricklan 1990 Brian Hallacy 1998 Name Of Class Name Of Class John Martin 1999 Kelli Markey Lowery 2004 Megan Rickel 1999 Maureen O'Connor 2004 Jessica Riddle 1999 Jacob Richardson 2004 David Elder 2000 Chelsea Cole 2005 Taylor Markey 2001 Sean Phifer 2005 Kristin Wilson 2001 Brittni Trytek 2005 Kelly Meredith 2003 Hilary Cole 2007 Joel Gregory 2004 Breezie Trytek 2009 Ross Herman 2004 Benedict Mazurek 2010 St. Mary’s Colgan Decals Show your support for our school! SMC Student Council is selling decals that range from the familiar Colgan "C" to just about any sport or extracurricular activity. To order your decal, email SMC Student Council at with your request, or drop by the SMC High School office. Decals will be available 1-2 weeks after we receive your order. Thanks for your support. Mailing is available for an additional $2. SMC Decal Price List 1. $6.00 Go Panthers 2. $6.00 Colgan Panthers 3. $10.00 Colgan (theater) 4. $10.00 Blue and white C (little) 5. $10.00 Blue and white C (big) 6. $10.00 SMC Golf 7. $10.00 Colgan Pompon 8. $10.00 Colgan Track 9. $10.00 Colgan Panthers (paw print) 10. $12.00 SMC Cheer (Personalized) 11. $10.00 Colgan softball 12. $12.00 Colgan (basketball) (Personalized) 13. $6.00 White C 14. $10.00 Colgan baseball 15. $12.00 SMC Panther (head) blue and white 16. $10.00 Colgan volleyball 17. $10.00 SMC blue and white, cross 18. $12.00 Colgan Football blue and white, small 19. $12.00 SMC Alumni (blue and white) 20. $15.00 Colgan Football blue and white, large Alumni Database Updates In an effort to have a more complete SMC alumni database, we would like to add the parents’ names of alumni. Please go to fill in your name and graduation year and add your father and mother’s names to the update form. Please update any other fields that have recently changed. Prayer Intentions To submit a prayer request to be included in next month’s Alumni News Blast, please email Have you moved recently? Please help us keep our mailing list accurate so we don’t lose track of our alumni and also to help keep our postage costs down. Send any updated addresses, to If you have a son or daughter who is an alumni and you are still receiving their SMC Alumni mailers, please send us their current address. St. Mary’s Colgan Alumni 109 E. 9th PO Box 214 Pittsburg, KS 66762 620-231-2135 To unsubscribe to SMC Alumni News Blast, state that you wish to unsubscribe in an email to
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SMC Alumn i News Blast
Office Staff:
Janie Burrow (1973)
Chuck Smith
Teri Tener (1977)
Tom Compton (1970)
Wayne Cichon
Mike Watt (1978)
Debbie Butler
Beverly Pommier
Nancy Hicks (1974)
Donna Landrith (1982)
Bev Mitc...