Highlights of Upcoming Events
Highlights of Upcoming Events
Life Line JUNE 2015 Newsletter of Faith United Methodist Church The View from Here At a recent Church Council meeting, I shared two parts of the vision that God has given me as we move forward together in the coming year. This is in addition to those things already in place, from our ongoing ministries to our Capital Campaign and Facilities Design Process. These flow out of God’s work in my life, what I’ve heard in conversations with you, and where our Leadership Team has been praying – and I’m excited to share my early thoughts with you. Leadership Development Prompting Question: How do we raise up, resource, equip and support leaders among those who are already part of the congregation? Leading Thought: There are folks at Faith Church who are already leading in their homes, careers and communities, but haven’t been given the chance or invitation to lead in ministry (either internally or through outreach). There are others who may not even see themselves as leaders, but have skills, personalities and passion that God could use in either ongoing ministry areas or in developing new ministries. Our job as a church is to call those leadership gifts forth, equip people with skills, and set them free to fulfill their God-given potential. Coming Soon: I am looking to pull together a group of 12-15 current and potential leaders to meet once per month over a nine-month period. In addition to reading several books together, we will explore individual gifts, passions and calling with the hope of releasing those 12 -15 folks into ministry leadership roles as God leads. Strengthening Marriage Prompting Question: How are we as a church being called to disciple people in the area of relationships in general, and marriage specifically? Leading Thought: Five areas of relational discipleship come to mind, and the church is called to look for ways to care for each. Helping Engaged Couples Prepare for Marriage Well Helping Struggling Couples Find Healing and Hope Helping All Couples Grow in Strength and Intimacy Helping Divorced and Widowed Persons Find Healing Helping Single Persons Find Satisfaction, Strength and Faithfulness Coming Soon: Faith Church is working with Crossroads Counseling in Williamsport to underwrite and present a workshop with Leslie Vernick, well-known counselor and author, which will equip both pastors in the community, and strengthen couples who come and participate. In addition, we are looking at the possibility of things like marriage retreats, mentoring relationships for engaged and newly married couples, groups such as DivorceCare and GriefShare, and focusing on some of these most important relationships in worship themes and messages. I share all of this seeking two things from you as a church. First, I covet your prayers, as God leads me in leading us together in these endeavors. Second, share with me what you need from God and from us specifically in the areas of leadership and relationship development. Your thoughts are often God’s voice to me, and I appreciate your insights. Following Jesus’ lead together, PL Highlights of Upcoming Events 6/02 - Worship Design Team Annual Planning Day at Wolfinger’s 6/05 - Men’s Hoagie Night 6/06 - Taste of the Summit Notary Available after Worship 6/07 - Notary Available after Worship 6/14 - FSM Mission Trip Meeting 6/14-21 - Family Promise Host Week 6/15-19 - Vacation Bible School 6/20 - Baptism Meeting 6/21 - Baptism Meeting Happy Father’s Day! Worship Services @ Faith Sunday Mornings Traditional Worship @ 8:30 am Contemporary Worship @ 9:45 am with Faith Café & Hands On Bible Club For all children ages 2 - Grade 7 Saturday Evenings Contemporary Worship @ 5:30 pm & Hands On Bible Club For all children ages 2 - Grade 4 Nursery available at all services Welcome to Our New Members of Staff Jared Hetherington will begin serving as our Director of Student Ministries on June 1. Jared, and his wife Nikki, currently live in Aliquippa, PA, where Jared has been serving as Youth and Worship Director at Christ Alliance Church. Prior to that, Jared served at Chippewa UMC in Beaver Falls. A native of Ohio, Jared received his B.A. in Youth Ministry/Bible & Theology from Malone University. His wife, Nikki, is a native of Hughesville, and has her Master’s in Mental Health Counseling from Geneva College. The couple also has a kitten named Izzy. We are excited to have Jared join the Leadership Team God is building here at Faith Church, and looking forward to working with him as he leads our ministries with students and their families. David Miller began serving as our Facilities Manager on May 26. Dave and his wife, Crystal, are long-time members of Faith Church. Their sons, Levi and Isaac, attend Montoursville schools, and Crystal is a 3rd grade teacher at Lyter Elementary. Dave has been part of the facilities maintenance staff at Susquehanna Health, and has long been a servant here at Faith Church. He brings skills learned on the job and at home, as well as a team-building spirit that will continue to help lead our faithful servants in caring for our facilities and grounds, and we are so looking forward to Dave joining our staff. Join in praying for these newest members of our staff at Faith Church – and pray about how God might be calling you to partner with them in the areas of ministry under their leadership! JOURNEY Update Family Promise Host Week: June 14-21 Our next Family Promise Host Week is coming up quickly! We will be hosting at, and partnering with, Bethel UMC Montoursville. Many servant opportunities are available. If you would like to serve families in our community that need a hand up, or would like more information about this servant opportunity, please contact Paula Robinson at 570244-6505, or email paulaluvsfashion@verizon.net. (as of 5/22/2015) Number of families that have made a pledge to JOURNEY: 177 Total amount pledged to JOURNEY: $2,168,663.20 Amount received for JOURNEY: $ 793,568.31 Commitments to JOURNEY can still be made by contacting me via email at lmichael@faithum.net, phone 570-3682459, or mail 700 Fairview Drive, Montoursville, PA 17754. Thank you for your continued generosity to Faith Church and to JOURNEY! Linda Michael, Business Manager Got Talent? Our Pot-luck Dinners are on hiatus for the summer. They will resume on September 12. If any of our church family are interested in doing special music (singing, playing instrument, etc.) this summer, please contact Lisa Konkle at lkonkle@faithum.net or 570368-8434. Thank you. Summer Giving Options As summer approaches, we understand that individuals and families are busy with graduations, vacations, sports tournaments, summer camps, etc. and may be away during weekend services. To continue your giving while you’re away or unable to attend, here are a few options: Faithum.net/live Even if you aren’t able to attend Faith services, but would like to watch it live, go to Faithum.net/live. There will be a “Give” button at the top of that page and will redirect you to our Giving Options page. Online Giving – One Time & Recurring We offer safe and secure online giving at our website: www.Faithum.net. Please click the “Giving Options” button on our homepage. Through our website, we accept donations that draft directly from a checking or savings account, debit cards and most major credit cards. You may schedule a one-time donation, or set up recurring donations. ACH Transactions (Initiated from Faith Church) If you would like Faith Church to process your giving for you, we can set up ACH Transactions (Automated Clearing House) on a recurring basis. ACH is an electronic network for financial transactions in the US. ACH Transactions are processed electronically, where funds are transferred from the bank account of your choosing to Faith Church. Faith Church will provide you with a form to complete, sign and return. The information needed includes banking information, giving amount, frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.). You may change or terminate the agreement at any time. Online Banking (Initiated from Giver) Most banks offer their account holders the option of Online Banking/Billpay. To process giving from your bank, log onto your online banking account and initiate payments to Faith Church. Your bank will either process and mail a check directly to Faith Church, or they will process the payment electronically. Most banks also offer the ability to set up recurring payments. Mail You may mail your offering directly to the Church Office at: Faith Church Attn: Business Manager 700 Fairview Drive Montoursville, PA 17754 If you have questions, or need more information about any of these options, please call the Business Manager, Linda Michael at 570-368-2459. Nursery & Hands On Bible Club Weekly servant opportunities available! Please consider helping out - even if you don’t currently have school-aged children. We promise, you will be blessed. Sign up on the clipboards beside each classroom or contact Marion. Marion Handley Director of Children’s Ministries mhandley@faithum.net 570-368-2459 Just click on the link at www.faithum.net Vacation Bible School 2015 - Everest! Would you like to help with this icy adventure? We are looking for help in the following areas: Set design, Bible Expeditions (new), Imagination Station (new), Crafts, Snacks, Games, Registration, Crew leaders for each class, Prep work/tear down. Children ages 4 through 6th grade are invited to embark on an icy adventure where kids overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power! VBS Everest will take place Monday, June 15 - Friday, June 19 from 6-8:30 pm, so please save this important information! To help plan this fun and icy experience, please contact Marion. We Need Your Help! As we prepare for VBS we are seeking donations of blue and white plastic tablecloths, blue and white crepe paper, 1/2" or 1/4" round pvc pipes, and camping/hiking gear! We also hope you will donate your time by serving as we decorate and prepare or by signing up to be a Crew Leader guiding our adventurers through their activities! Parents and Teachers Take Note! Important Upcoming Dates: The state of Pennsylvania has changed the laws for background checks required for all paid staff and unpaid volunteers working with children. As a result, all HOBC teachers and those who may wish to become teachers MUST submit state background checks and either FBI fingerprints or a notarized affidavit in order to serve with our kids. This new legal requirement means that even if you recently obtained a Track1 clearance you must request new clearances. Bring them in for Marion to copy for our church records. There will be a notary available to assist, free of charge, following weekend services in May and June. June 6 & 7 2015 Summer Online! Camps & Retreats-Listed The Susquehanna Conference Camp and Retreat Ministries provides opportunities for authentic relationships with Jesus, experienced in community, and in the beauty of God's creation. Register your child(ren) before May 1 for the early bird discount and check out www.susumcamps.org to see a list of all the opportunities! To inquire about what scholarships may be available through Faith UMC, please contact Marion to learn more. June 15-19 June 27 July 4 /5 Notary Available to Sign Volunteer Affidavits after services Vacation Bible School 6:00-8:30 pm Safe Sanctuaries Training 3:30-4:30 pm If you are in town, consider signing up to serve in HOBC! Thank You Thank you to all who participated in the Food Packing Event on May 3! It was a joy and privilege to see so many children working alongside the adults of Faith Church. During VBS this year the children will have the opportunity to participate in Operation Kid-to-Kid, raising money for Bibles for children in Thailand. Just $4 will give a child a colorful, kid friendly New Testament! Parent Connection Children in Hands On Bible Club receive the Parent Connection the first two weekends of the month. Please help your children learn their verses so they can put their faith into action. GROW Deb Ottenmiller Dir. of Group Life/Assimilation dottenmiller@faithum.net 570-368-2459 Baptism Information Meetings Pastor Larry will be meeting with anyone interested in receiving the sacrament of Baptism for themselves or for their children. The meeting times are Saturday, June 20 at 6:45 pm or Sunday, June 21 at 11:00 am in Room 10. Baptism will take place the weekend of June 27/28. Please call the church office at 570-368-2459 to let us know the meeting you will be attending . Saturday Night Hospitality Team Serving Opportunities Greeters and ushers are needed for all Saturdays of the month. Please contact team leader Dorothy Thomas (570494-3298 or sunflower_7381@comcast.net) with questions or your commitment to serve! Snacks Needed for Fellowship Time Donations of snack foods are needed-pretzels, chips, veggies, fruit, cookies, cake, pies, etc. If you are able to help out, please sign the clipboard in Faith Café or call the church office. Thank you for helping us make our guests feel welcome! Are You Looking for a Community Group? On Monday, June 8 at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall, Merge will start a new study by Andy Stanley entitled, “Follow”. This group is open to anyone. Please join us Monday, June 1 for coffee and dessert and invite your friends! Childcare is provided. Questions? Contact Tony and Rebecca Sharp at 334-803-4444. Men of Faith Church We are going to have a Men’s Hoagie Night on June 5 from 6-8:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. We will have food, fellowship and fun along with a brief devotional. If you would like more information on this, contact Tony Sharp at 570-368-2459 or tsharp@faithum.net. The 2015 Global Leadership Summit will be simulcast at Faith Church this year on August 6-7. Summit is an event designed to improve leadership skills in the workplace, in the home, and in society. During the two day event, a number of world-class leaders in business, education, entertainment, and Christianity discuss aspects of their leadership that they have found crucial to their success. The event consists of a series of lectures, skits, musical numbers, and interviews that help to provide each attendee with the tools to improve their ability to lead. If you would like more information, please go to our website www.faithum.net and click on “News & Events”; then “Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit 2015”. A general overview is on that page. If you wish to register, enter the password for the Faith Church Host Site: GLS15HOST. This password is our priority code for the discounted registration fee of $89.00, for members/attenders of Faith Church, good until Tuesday, July 7. After Tuesday, July 7, the registration fee will be $119.00. For questions, contact Jeremy Ramsey (ramsey@lycoming.edu). If you would like to see firsthand what it is like to experience the event, we will be holding a Taste of the Summit event on Saturday, June 6 at 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall. Over breakfast, we will have the opportunity to experience one of the sessions from a previous Summit as well as to hear why this event has had such an impact on previous attendees. There is no cost for the event, but pre-registration is a must! Please contact Jeremy Ramsey at ramsey@lycoming.edu. SERVE AND GO Thank You for Your Generosity!!! A final thank you to all who helped make our Food Packing II event a blessed one! 92,190 meals were delivered to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank Pastor Rusty Wolfinger Associate Pastor rwolfinger@faithum.net 570-368-2459 on May 4. Oak Hill, West Virginia . . . Here We Come!!! The FIRST Volunteers in Mission (VIM) trip that Faith Church has sponsored will take place this October. On October 4-10, 2015 we will be traveling to Oak Hill, West Virginia. We’ll be partnering with the Oak Hill United Methodist Church and will be working on a variety of work projects for senior citizens and others in need. An informational meeting will be held immediately following the 9:45 worship service on Sunday, July 12 at 11:00 am in Room 10. This meeting is for those who have already expressed an interest in going on the trip as well as for those who might want to find out more about the trip. If you are interested in attending, mark your Connect Card or contact Pastor Rusty. Coming in July . . . Feed the 5,000 The summer is often a slower time for donations at the United Churches of Lycoming County’s Food Pantry. With that in mind, let’s mobilize to restock their shelves this July. We’ll have Feed the 5,000 bags available in the Narthex beginning in July (although, any bag will do!) We will be collecting these food items on the weekends of July 11/12 and 18/19. These are the items that they have a continual need for: spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, pasta (any shape), powdered drink mixes, hamburger helper, oodles of noodles, saltine crackers, canned vegetables, cereal, pop tarts, and soups. Start collecting now!!! Go . . . Go . . . Go in 2015 1. Feed the 5,000: Bring in your non-perishable items on the weekends of July 11/12 and 18/19 2. Transform Lycoming County (partnership with First UMC): August 10-14 (registration details in July newsletter) 3. Fall Festival (Children’s Activity Area): September 25-26 4. Volunteers in Mission Trip: Oak Hill, WV (October 4-10) Interest meeting on July 12 at 11:00 am in Room 10 5. Trunk or Treat: October 31 (or the date set by the borough) 6. Operation Christmas Child: November 7. Thanksgiving Baskets: in association with McCall Middle School 8. 2015 Christmas Offering: supported ministries/organizations TBA COMING IN JULY PRAISE KIDS Conklin’s Pool 15 Cedarwood Lane, Montoursville Monday, July 13, 6-9 pm Rain Date - Tuesday, July 14 Lisa Konkle - 570-368-8434 Farewell from Phillip To My Church Family, Following Jesus is the most rewarding yet most challenging thing you can do. When Jesus first called me to follow Him it was an easy call – I was going off to college to pursue training for ministry. The next several times Jesus called me it was also easy to respond. Eventually the call came for me to move to Montoursville in July of 2008. This call was easier too, as I was living in Taiwan while my wife taught and I finished my degree online (and volunteered at a church). Fast forward almost seven years. Leaving Faith Church has been the hardest call that Jesus has placed on my life because you truly have become my family. So with that in mind – thank you! Thank you for the support and love you have shown to me and my family. Thank you for the support you have given our ministry over the years. You, Faith Church, have been the hands and feet of Jesus in many ways in and around our lives as a family. God has been at work through you and He will continue to work through you! A special thanks to the many leaders, students and parents who have supported our student ministries over the past several years! I trust that God will continue to work through you and Faith Church as we help more and more people Connect, Grow, Serve & Go in their faith! Phillip Allen Your Former Director of Student Ministries P.S. - Shout out to Jared and Nikki! I trust God will move in big ways through your ministry! FSM Mission Trip There will be a meeting for all students and their parents/guardians who are going on the FSM Mission trip in Room 10 on Sunday, June 14 at 6:00 pm. Faith Church Council Faith Church Leadership Team Ryan Tira, Chairperson Emily Miller - Recorder Ron Gearhart Michael Kinsey Carol Larson Ben Meckbach Crystal Miller Jeremy Ramsey Larry Leland, Lead Pastor......................................................lleland@faithum.net Rusty Wolfinger, Associate Pastor.................................rwolfinger@faithum.net Diane Dunlap, Office Administrator.......................................office@faithum.net Marion Handley, Director of Children’s Ministries …......mhandley@faithum.net Jared Hetherington, Dir. of Student Ministries ……...jhetherington@faithum.net Linda Michael, Business Manager/Nursery Coordinator...lmichael@faithum.net Deb Ottenmiller, Director of Group Life......................dottenmiller@faithum.net Tony Sharp, Director of Worship...........................................tsharp@faithum.net Faith United Methodist Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm Phone #: 570-368-2459 Email: office@faithum.net Web: www.faithum.net Facebook: www.facebook.com/faithmontoursville If you would like to receive the newsletter (in color!) via email, please contact the church office. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Faith United Methodist Church 700 Fairview Drive Montoursville PA 17754 Life Line JUNE 2015 Non-Profit Org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Williamsport, PA Permit No. 212
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