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SCHEDULE In Chapter 2 verse 7, Paul writes, “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God Continued from page 1 . . .Part of my testimony, which is both ordained before the ages . . .” This hidden wisdom is spirideeply moving and hilarious, is how I came to believe God’s tual truth, and it is a mystery to our minds. In verse 10, he says, “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.” Word. Indeed, I had been powerfully touched by God and had given up my existentialist theories in a split second, go- Does the Spirit of God communicate with our minds? No, ing from blaspheming my heavenly Father to praising Jesus. He communicates with our spirit as verses 12 and 14 explain: “Now we have received . . Nevertheless, I was abso. the Spirit who is from God, that lutely convinced the Bible we might know the things that clearly wasn’t of any use for have been freely given to us by me. Every time I would read God. But the natural man does it I had multiple objections to Jeffrey D’s powerful and exciting (and funny) not receive the things of the it. testimony is available on tape or CD. This story of Spirit of God, for they are foolThen one day I got how, after 24 years of being a Jewish atheist, Jeff ishness to him; nor can he know the revelation. I’ll never forsurrendered his heart to Jesus after a miraculous them, because they are spirituget as I said to God, “Oh no, encounter with the living God, has reached unsaved Jews and Gentiles all across America. It is ally discerned.” this is either all true, or it a particularly effective tool for witnessing, espeCan it be any clearer? The isn’t. And you want me to cially for those who rely on their own logic. To spiritual truth (God’s Word) is believe it all don’t you!” order, please fill out the enclosed response card freely given to us by God for our Then knowing this was His with your name and address, and specify testispirit to understand, not for our will, I said, “Okay God, from mony tape ($7.00 including shipping) or CD mind (the natural man) to grasp now on I am going to believe ($10.00 including shipping). The tape is also because it will seem foolish, and this is your Word, even if I available in Spanish. indeed our minds simply can’t don’t understand it, even if I know spiritually discerned don’t like it.” And that is truth. when my faith really took off. That is why the third part of our mission statement We just can’t think our way to God, we must have faith. If we believe God’s Word is true because we took it to (listed below) shows our call to exhort believers in this area. As a former atheist, I have a particular sensitivity to the need a laboratory where scientific tests proved it to be true, our faith would be in the tests, not the Word. If we believe God’s to believe God’s Word beyond my ability to understand it. Word is true because we think we figured it out and it makes sense, then we are trusting in our ability to understand, not FEBRUARY 19-21 the Word. NATIONAL RELIGIOUS BROADCASTERS CONVENTION DALLAS, TX Trusting in the Word is the same as trusting in the Lord, and therefore, according to Proverbs 3:5, it must be SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 done “ . . .with all your heart, leaning not on your own un10:00 AM FAITH ALIVE! COMMUNITY CHURCH YORK, PA derstanding.” Here’s more proof. Our ability to understand the physical universe is limited. Not one of us can truly picSUNDAY,MARCH 12 ture infinity. Then how could we hope to intellectually com10:30 AM GLAD TIDINGS COMMUNITY CHURCH prehend the Word of an infinite God, when the meaning of KEY WEST, FL God is so much greater than that of infinity? SUNDAY,MARCH 26 Some folks will say, “Wait a minute Jeffrey D., I see 5:00 PM (PASSOVER SEDER) a perfect logic in God’s Word and I think it is easy to underENSLEY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE PENSACOLA, FL stand.” Correct, God’s logic is perfect, but it is beyond man’s ability to grasp it. The Jewish Apostle Paul makes that abundantly clear in his first letter to the church of the CorinIF OUR MINISTRY MAILINGS ARE NO LONGER OF INTEREST TO YOU, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LET US KNOW USING THE ENCLOSED FORM. thians, a church which included people with all kinds of difWE WILL REMOVE YOUR NAME FROM OUR LIST. GOD BLESS YOU! ferent beliefs. Mission Statement To relate the importance of the Jewishness of Jesus to the Christian Church; To encourage believers to see Jewish people as a God-directed mission field; To exhort believers to trust God's Word beyond their ability to understand. Jeffrey D. Miller Ministries 1610 Lorraine Road Reading PA 19604
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