Davide Bruzzi The ESEO mission: current status and achievements ESEO Mission Implementation Manager Nicola Melega1, Paolo Tortora1,2, Fabrizio Giulietti2, Piero Galeone3, Antonio De Luca3 1 SITAEL S.p.A., 2University of Bologna, 3ESA-ESTEC Outline • • • • The ESEO Program SITAEL S.p.A. ESEO in Brief Current status and achievements – – – – – – – Launcher and orbit The ESEO spacecraft The ESEO spacecraft functional block diagram ESEO technology demonstrators ESEO AIV Plan ESEO Ground Segment Education activities • Conclusions and future activities 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 2 The ESEO Program • The ESEO Program is financed and technically supported by the ESA Education and Knowledge Management Office reporting to the Cabinet of the ESA Director General (DGC-DE) • The satellite is mainly developed by students preparing their Master or PhD thesis supported by ESA experts • ECSS standards are considered as reference documentation 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 3 SITAEL S.p.A. • SITAEL S.p.A. belongs to the holding Angelo Investments, a worldwide leading Transportation and Aerospace Group composed by synergic high-tech companies with more than 1000 highly skilled employees. • SITAEL, ALTA and ALMASpace, the three space companies of Angelo Investments Group, completed the process of merging into a single company on December 31st, 2014. • In the context of the ESEO Program, ALMASpace is the prime contractor and responsible for the mission implementation. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 4 ESEO in brief - 1 SSETI Express • ESEO is the third mission managed by the ESA’s Education and Knowledge Management Office and builds upon the experience gained with SSETI Express (launched in 2005) and the YES2 tether and re-entry capsule experiment (launched in 2007); YES2 • The project is currently at the end of Phase C, the detailed design stage, with students actively involved from eight universities across all Europe; • The ESEO spacecraft is to be launched into Low Earth Orbit in 2016. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 5 ESEO in brief - 2 • ESEO Program Organization Chart: 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 6 ESEO in brief - 3 • ESEO University Network: University of Bologna GPS Receiver, UHF Ground Station #1 (GSF) Mission Control Centre (MCC) Hungarian Academy of Sciences Tritel Dosimeter (TRITEL) Wroclaw Univ. of Technology S-Band TX (HSTX) Budapest University of Technology and Economics Langmuir Probe (LMP) & Power Distribution Unit (PDU) AMSAT-UK Educational HR Payload (AMSAT) 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany Technical Univ. of Munich S-band Ground Station (GSM) University of Vigo UHF Ground Station #2 (GSV) Cranfield University De-Orbiting Mechanism (DOM) Tartu Observatory Optical Payload (CAM) Technical Univ. of Delft ADCS S/W Experiment (ADE) 7 Launcher and Orbit - 1 • Launcher: VEGA is considered the baseline but additional launchers are possible alternative candidates. ESA is in the process to select a suitable launch vehicle. • Orbit: The target is a circular Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO), 10:30 LTAN with an altitude of 523 km. • Attitude: Nadir-pointing attitude has been selected as a baseline for nominal operations. • Mission profile: The identified orbit produces a cycle of 106 orbits in a week, about 15 orbit per day, in order to complete the coverage of the selected areas of interest (Europe and South Atlantic Anomaly). The definition of the areas of interest was driven by the optical payload and the scientific instruments requirements. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 8 Launcher and Orbit - 2 • Coverage of the areas of interest: 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 9 The ESEO Spacecraft - 1 • The ESEO Platform: Platform subsystems and units are installed inside the ESEO BUS Module Top Plate: Tray 6: Telemetry and Telecommand (TMTC) Antenna GPS Payload Antenna AMSAT Payload Antenna Sun Sensor Main (SS) Sun Sensor Red (SS) EGSE/Umbilical Connector Telemetry and Telecommand (TMTC) Tray 5: GPS Magnetometer Main (MM) Magnetometer Red (MM) Tray 4: On-Board Data Handling (OBDH) Tray 3: Tray 2: Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Power anagement Board (PMB) Battery Packs (BP) Momentum Wheel Main (MWM) Momentum Wheel Red (MWR) Magnetorquers Y (MT) Tray 1: Lateral Panels: Micropropulsion System (MPS) Solar Arrays (SA) Payload module: Earth Sensor (ES) Micropropulsion System Pressure Vessel (MPV) 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 10 The ESEO Spacecraft - 2 • The ESEO Payload Complement: payloads provided by the university network are installed inside the ESEO Payload Module. Top Plate: GPS Antenna AMSAT Antenna Tray 5: GPS Sector 4: TRITEL LMP LCB Sector 1: MPS Tank CAM Sector 2: ES MT X & Z Panel 2: DOM Sector 3: AMSAT HSTX HSTX Antenna Bottom Plate: LMP LDE ES HSTX Antenna TRITEL CAM 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 11 The ESEO Spacecraft functional block diagram • ESEO Functional Block Diagram: fully redundant platform 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 12 ESEO technology demonstrators • At platform level the following items are implemented as in-orbit technological demonstrators: – In house developed cold-gas micro-propulsion subsystem – In house developed momentum wheel – Integrated Current Limiter for power distribution unit (ESA CFI) – Integrated Single Event Latch-up protection for digital devices (present in particular in OBDH and TMTC subsystems) 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 13 ESEO AIV Plan • The model philosophy foresees Elegant Breadboard (EBB) and Proto-flight models (PFM) • EBBs implemented with COTS components and going to face qualification tests (including environmental) • Confidence tests (VFT) are performed before CDR 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 14 Confidence tests • • A set of electrical and functional confidence tests (included in the VFT category) were agreed with ESA and successfully completed The following verifications were performed: – – – – – • • Envelope and mass measurement, mechanical interface check; Signals verification on electrical interfaces (power supply, CAN, RS-232/RS-422/RS-485, pulse command, dedicated data I/F); Power consumption measurement, including in-rush current, ripple and DC-DC secondary output measurement in idle and working conditions; Over-voltage protection circuit activation on secondary power buses; Pulse command interface (inhibit, reset, re-programming mode) verification. Tests have been repeated at -25°C and 70°C TID and SEE tests were performed on the selected microcontroller 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 15 Confidence tests on payloads EBB models • • • • • • DOM performed more than 20 successful consecutive deployments after environmental testing GPS successfully completed verification functional test and interface check including a specific test campaign at ESA-ESTEC dedicated to the verification of the two redundant front-ends TRITEL unit successfully completed electrical and functional tests at ambient, minimum and maximum temperatures HSTX completed several transmission tests in order to verify data-rates, bandwidth and power consumption at the different operational modes ADE completed algorithms coding, test on the OBDH hardware representative model and measurement of the performance AMSAT successfully completed electrical verification and functional tests 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 16 ESEO Ground Segment • ESEO GS is composed by: – Mission Control Center (including main telemetry and telecommand groundstation, located in Forli (Italy) – Telemetry and telecommand backup ground-station located in Vigo (Spain) – S-band downlink ground-station for scientific data located in Munich (Germany) • Additional components: – SATNET network coordinated by CalPoly (USA) – AMSAT community TC Packets (UHF Band) ESEO TC Packets (UHF Band) HK TM Packets (UHF band) TC Ack Packets (UHF band) Payloads Ancilliary TM Packets (UHF band) Payload Data Reception GS (Munich) HK TM Packets (UHF band) TC Ack Packets (UHF band) Pass Planning (SATNET) Backup TTC GS (Vigo) Primary TTC GS (Forli) Science Data Downlink Report (SATNET) Science Data file (SATNET) User Segment ESEO MCC Payloads Request Status (FTP) Pass Planning (FTP) Payloads Planning Payloads Requests (FTP) 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 17 Current activities on GS • Consolidation of MCC interfaces, protocols and data-rates • Preparation of operational procedures • Communication tests TC Packets (UHF Band) ESEO TC Packets (UHF Band) HK TM Packets (UHF band) TC Ack Packets (UHF band) Payload Ancilliary TM Packets (UHF band) HK TM Packets (UHF band) TC Ack Packets (UHF band) Payloads Ancilliary TM Packets (UHF band) Payloads Science TM packets (S band) TC Packets (SATNET) Operational Pass Planning (SATNET) Primary TTC GS (Forli) HK TM Packets (RF link) Backup TTC GS (Vigo) TC Ack Packets (RF link) Payload Ancilliary TM Packets (RF link) Operational Pass Planning (FTP/SATNET) Payload Request Status Report (FTP) TLE (FTP) TC Packets (RF link) HK TM Packets (SATNET) TC Ack Packets (SATNET) Payload Ancilliary TM Packets (SATNET) ESEO Mission Control Center Operational Pass Planning (SATNET) Payload Request (FTP) Science Data Downlink Report (SATNET) Science Data file (SATNET) User Segment Onboard Control Procedure TM Report Request (email) Payload Data Reception GS (Munich) ESEO TLE files (HTTPS) TM Report (email) GS Operator TLE Provider Site Onboard Control Procedure (email) Platform Engineer • SATNET operational test campaign carried out at the end of January 2015 to support the LEOP phase in the context of the NASA ELANA X launch. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany ESEO Maintenance Center (ALMASpace) 18 Educational activities • • • Lecture and Training Courses, and Internship opportunities were organized and conducted at system level at the UniBO and System Prime premises for 60 students selected from the University Network About 200 students are collaborating to ESEO at different levels of involvement, most of them from the premises of all university teams involved in the project In January 2015 the last group of ESEO students joined UniBO and ALMASpace/SITAEL for their internship period 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 19 Conclusions and future activities • The ESEO program is now at the end of phase C1, going to close the CDR process with CDR board chaired by the ESA Inspector General • About 200 students have been actively involved in the ESEO program, 60 of them participated in lecture and training courses as well as a four weeks internship period at the prime contractor premises • Most of the spacecraft units and payloads have been successfully manufactured and tested in their EBB models confirming the robust design • The program is now approaching an intense and challenging AIV phase • Follow the ESEO updates on: http://www.esa.int/Education/European_Student_Earth_Orbiter 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 20 Contacts Thank you for your kind attention Davide Bruzzi ESEO Mission Implementation Manager davide.bruzzi@sitael.com SITAEL S.p.A. Via Filippo Guarini,13 47121 Forli (FC) - ITALY Via San Sabino, 21 70042 Mola di Bari (BA) – ITALY Tel: +39 080 5321796 Fax: +39 080 5355048 www.sitael.com 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation April 20 - 24, 2015 Berlin, Germany 21
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