The local independent Bank - Banca Popolare di Spoleto
The local independent Bank - Banca Popolare di Spoleto
The Bank that listens to you a An ambitious business plan, based on process optimisation and innovation The local independent Bank Updated 4 July 2008 An ambitious business plan based on Document updated as at 31 December 2008 process optimisatoin and innovation Banca Popolare di Spoleto S.p.A. Banca Popolare di Spoleto S.p.A. Registered office and Headquarters - Piazza Luigi Pianciani 5 - 06049 Spoleto (PG) - Italy 1 Registered office and Headquarters - Piazza Luigi Pianciani 5 - 06049 Spoleto (PG) - Italy Forthe theArea Area For Over100 Branches Branches Over100 LocalBank Bank Local The distinctive BPS model Banca Banca Popolare Popolare di di Spoleto Spoleto (BPS) (BPS) isis an an independent independent local local bank, bank, aa leading leading player player inin local local economic economic and and social social development developmentand andaacreator creatorof ofvalue valuefor forits itsshareholders, shareholders,customers customersand andemployees. employees. BPS BPSpursues pursuesits itsmission missionthrough throughaamulti-channel multi-channelstrategy strategyand andproduct productand andservice serviceinnovation innovation BPS BPSoperates operatesvia viaone oneof ofthe thelargest largestnetworks networksininCentral CentralItaly, Italy,comprising comprising100 100branches, branches,22treasury treasuryoffices, offices,an anadvisory advisory centre centreand andaafinance financeoutlet. outlet.Specifically, Specifically,the theBank Bankhas: has: 9 9 7575branches branchesininUmbria, Umbria,with withaamarket marketshare shareof of15% 15% 9 9 2929branches branchesininLazio, Lazio,Marche, Marche,Tuscany, Tuscany,Abruzzo Abruzzoand andMilan Milan 9 9 2828Financial Advisors (60 planned by 2010) Financial Advisors (60 planned by 2010) The TheITITplatform platformand andtotal totalapproachability approachabilityof ofthe thestaff staffcomplete completethe theBPS BPScustomer customerrelation relationmodel model The TheBank Bankisismodern modernand anddynamic, dynamic,investing investingboth bothininand andfor forthe thearea areaininwhich whichititoperates: operates: 9 9 creating wealth and employment opportunities creating wealth and employment opportunities 9 9 producing producinginnovative innovativeproducts productsand andservices servicesto tomeet meetand andanticipate anticipatethe the needs needs of of families, families, enterprise enterprise and and organisations organisations 9 9 supporting supportingculture, culture,health healthand andthe theenvironment environment BPS BPSacts actsas asaacapstan capstanfor forthe thelocal localeconomy economy 2 Employees Employees Shareholders Shareholders Customers Customers The distinctive BPS model BPS BPSisisthe theideal idealpartner partnerfor forfamilies familiesand andSMEs SMEs Each Customer expresses specific needs, Each Customer expresses specific needs, which which BPS BPS seeks seeks to to satisfy satisfy through through high high quality quality service, service, rapid rapid response response times, times,product productcompetitiveness competitivenessand andcustomisation, customisation,also alsoininsynergy synergywith withMonte Montedei deiPaschi Paschidi diSiena Siena For For enterprise, enterprise, jointly jointly with with the the Spoleto Spoleto Credito Credito ee Servizi Servizi Group, Group, BPS BPS offers offers innovative innovative services services such such as: as: business business finance, finance,managerial managerialconsulting, consulting,public publicworks workstender tendersupport, support,support supportfor forrenewable renewableenergy energyand andyouth youthenterprise enterprise Our OurGovernance Governanceguarantees guaranteesstability, stability,transparency, transparency,consistency consistencywith withthe themission missionand andefficient efficientmanagement, management,which which ensure ensureadequate adequatepay-out pay-outlevels levelsand andcapitalisation capitalisationininline linewith withthe thesize sizeof ofthe theBank Bank By Bypursuing pursuingconstant constantgrowth growthobjectives objectivesfor forthe thevalue valueand androle roleof ofBPS, BPS,the thestrategy strategyadopted adoptedhas hasininrecent recentyears yearshas has allowed the Bank to double its geographic penetration and traded volumes allowed the Bank to double its geographic penetration and traded volumes BPS BPShas has692 692Employees, Employees,of ofwhich whicharound around400 400were wererecruited recruitedfrom from2000 2000onwards. onwards.The TheStaff, Staff,its itskey keyroles rolesalso alsorenewed, renewed, has hasan anaverage averageage ageof of40 40 BPS BPS encourages encourages professional professional growth growth and and corporate corporate identity, identity, offering offering interesting interesting career career paths paths based based on on ongoing ongoing training trainingand andthe theuse useof ofmodern modernincentive incentivesystems systems Customer Customersatisfaction satisfactionisisthe thekey keyto toBPS BPSprofessional professionalsuccess success 3 BPS: over 100 years of independence 28 April 1895 The Bank is founded By public deed, Prof. Giulio Cesare founds the Banca Popolare Società Cooperativa di Spoleto, established to serve local individuals, families and busineses 1895 1992 September 1996 The Stock Exchange listing 2007 - 2008 Growth continues BPS is admitted to trading on Borsa Italiana's screen-based MTA market 104 branches in Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Tuscany, Abruzzo and Milan. Shareholders' Agreements with BMPS renewed for 20072010 1996 1998 TODAY July 1998 BPS-BMPS agreement 30 July 1992 BPS becomes a public limited company Guido Carli recommends seizing opportunities offered by the "Amato Law". Banca Popolare Società Cooperativa di Spoleto is split into Banca Popolare di Spoleto S.p.A. and Spoleto Credito e Servizi Scarl, the Bank's major shareholder 4 A highly strategic agreement is signed with Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A., which acquired 25% of BPS shares At the service of local families, enterprise and organisations from the start MASS EVENTS The Bank sponsors all events that represent Umbria at worldwide level, such as the Spoleto Two Worlds Festival, Gubbio's Festa dei Ceri, the Giostra della Quintana jousting tournament, etc. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Bank supports local development also through meetings on current topics such as enterprise culture, renewable source energy and promotion of local excellence ART AND CULTURE The Bank provides support in promoting the historic, artistic and environmental heritage of the area, encouraging growth in art & culture tourism in Umbria RESEARCH AND HEALTH The Bank is one of the founder members of the Human Health Foundation Onlus, a cancer research foundation. It has donated equipment and surgical and health centres to various hospital authorities in the Region SOCIAL AND EDUCATION The Bank has set up an Ethical Account for solidarity projects. The Bank is a founder member of the Giuseppe Romano Banking Studies Centre, promoting accademic merit, top level training and introduction to employment opportunites for young people 5 BPS in brief Total Total assets assets 2,742,088,912 2,742,088,912 Euro Euro Loans Loans to to customers customers 2,087,171,119 2,087,171,119 Euro Euro 116,700 116,700 Customers Customers Customers Customers 116,700 116,700 Regulatory Regulatory Capital Capital 217,358,000 217,358,000 Euro Euro Direct Direct deposits deposits 2,425,185,000 2,425,185,000 Euro Euro 104 104 Branches Branches across across 66 regions regions Shareholders' Shareholders' equity equity 167,324,131 167,324,131 Euro Euro Employees Employees 692 692 Net Net profit profit 10,620,817 10,620,817 Euro Euro Financial Financial advisors advisors 28 28 Dividend Dividend Yield Yield 4.77% 4.77% Core Tier Core Tier 11 7.35% 7.35% Totale Totale Capital Capital Ratio Ratio 10.00% 10.00% ROE ROE 6.70% 6.70% 104 104 Branches Branches 6 Capitalisation Capitalisation 111,255,681 111,255,681 Euro Euro Moody’s rating upgraded Description 2006 2007 and 2008 Long Term Deposits (medium-long term) Baa1 A3 Short Term Deposits P-2 P-1 C- C- Stable Stable Bank's Financial Strength Outlook 7 Performance Share Capital distribution Shareholders with a direct or indirect holding of over 2% of ordinary Bank shares. Share capital 62,136,899.60 Euro No. of shares % Share capital Spoleto Credito e Servizi Soc. Coop. 11,173,561 51.07% Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA 5,673,251 25.93% Associated investees Patacconi / Gemmani / Nicolini * 1,138,053 5.20% 446,231 2.04% 3,448,094 15.76% 21,879,190 100.00% Shareholder Coop Centroitalia/Coofin** Market TOTAL * The shareholding of the Patacconi Group is distributed as follows: Nicolini Rosetta 539,727 shares (2.46% of the share capital); Patacconi Leonardo 538,726 shares (2.46% of the share capital); Gemmani Lucio 43,600 shares (0.20% of the share capital); Immobiliare Valeria 16,000 shares (0.07% of the share capital) ** The shareholding of the Coop Centroitalia Group is distributed as follows: Coop Centroitalia 183,592 shares (0.84%) and Coofin 262,639 (1.20%) 8 Corporate Governance Board of Directors Chairman Giovannino Antonini (Executive Committee Member) Management General Manager Chairman Deputy General Manager Mauro Conticini Standing auditors Roberto Rossi Michele Fesani Alfredo Pallini Senior Deputy Chairman Marco Bellingacci (Executive Committee Member) Deputy Chairman Giorgio Raggi (Executive Committee Member) Board of Statutory Auditors Francesco Bonelli Substitute auditors Piergiorgio Castellani Giovanni Burini Board members Claudio Bernardini Paolo Arcelli Michele Logi (Executive Committee Member) Nazzareno D’Atanasio (Executive Committee Member) Marco Carbonari Gabriele Chiocci Valentino Conti Mario Fagotti Francesco Di Bello Aldo Amoni (Executive Committee Member) Claudio Umbrico 9 The Organisation General GeneralManager Manager Alfredo AlfredoPallini Pallini Internal Audit Internal Audit Division Division Legal Affairs and Compliance Division Legal Affairs and Compliance Division Sandro Ascani Camillo Latto Human Resources Management and Development Office Human Resources Management and Development Office Human Resources Administration Office Human Resources Administration Office Personnel Personnel Division Division Organisation and S.S. Organisation Division and S.S. Division Mauro Conticini General Affairs and Cost Management Office General Affairs and Cost Management Office Sandro Ascani Compliance Department - Anti money-laundering Compliance Department - Anti money-laundering Legal Affairs Department Legal Affairs Department Organisation and IT Office Organisation and IT Office Logistics - Security - Support Office Logistics - Security - Support Office General Affairs, General Affairs, Litigation and Cost Management Division Litigation and Cost Management Division Mauro Riommi Litigation Office Litigation Office Chief Financial Officer Paola Piermarini Planning, Control and Risk Management Planning, Control and Risk Management Department Department Francesca Palescandolo Senior Deputy General Manager Senior Deputy General Manager Administration Division Administration Division Mauro Conticini Agnese Pula Finance Division Finance Division Valerio Volpi Loans Division Loans Division Marcello Siena Special Special Loans Loans Department Department Investor Relations, External Relations Investor Relations, ExternalDivision Relations and Special Assignments and Special Assignments Division Marketing Division Marketing Division Management Planning and Control Department Management Planning and Control Department Risk Management Department Risk Management Department Financial Statements and Tax Accounting Office Financial Statements and Tax Accounting Office Central Services Office Central Services Office Stock Exchange and Markets Office Stock Exchange and Markets Office G.P.I. Office G.P.I. Office Financial and Foreign Admin. Services Office Financial and Foreign Admin. Services Office Roberto Tantillo Emilio Quartucci Branch Network Network Loans Network Loans Centre Centre Network Credit Risk Network Credit Risk Management Management Centre Centre Enterprise Office Enterprise Office Public Administration Office Public Administration Office Retail Office Retail Office Credit Facilities Office Credit Facilities Office Enterprise Finance Office Enterprise Finance Office Abnormal Risk Management and Control Office Abnormal Risk Management and Control Office Credit Procedures Management Office Credit Procedures Management Office Online Channels Office Online Channels Office Transparency Office Transparency Office Financial Advisors Office Financial Advisors Office Network Coordination - North Network Coordination - North Network Coordination - Centre Network Coordination - Centre Network Coordination - South Network Coordination - South Network Coordination - Marche Network Coordination - Marche Network Coordination - Rome Network Coordination - Rome Financial Advisors Financial Advisors Network Network Milan Branch Milan Branch 10 Our territorial presence 1 Milan Tuscany Arezzo 3 10 Ancona Siena Macerata Perugia Umbria Spoleto Marche Pesaro 75 Ascoli Piceno Terni Viterbo Rieti L’Aquila 104 Branches in 6 Regions CENTRAL NETWORK Lazio Rome (7) 1 Abruzzo 14 NORTHERN NETWORK SOUTHERN NETWORK Centre Coord. Manager Corrado Caterini North Coord. Manager Mario Carlettini South Coord. Manager Lanfranco Amadio Spoleto/Valnerina Area Manager - Franco Pezzi Alto Tevere Area Manager - Maurizio Apostolico Terni/Rieti/Viterbo Area Manager - Carlo Mancini Foligno/Bastia Area Manager - Cesare Galligari Perugia Area Manager - Maurizio Faina ROME NETWORK Rome Coord. Manager Cesare Giglio MARCHE NETWORK Marche Coord. Manager Lucio Cavalieri 11 Market shares Deposits * Area Loans 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 UMBRIA REGION 14.09% 14.76% 14.69% 9.52% 9.57% 9.92% Perugia 16.24% 17.13% 17.13% 10.24% 9.91% 10.35% Terni 6.79% 6.71% 6.87% 6.58% 7.02% 8.09% LAZIO REGION 0.07% 0.07% 0.10% 0.08% 0.09% 0.12% Rome 0.05% 0.05% 0.07% 0.05% 0.07% 0.08% Rieti 3.65% 4.04% 3.94% 3.12% 3.39% 4.14% Viterbo 0.19% 0.29% 0.34% 0.36% 0.59% 0.71% MARCHE REGION 0.14% 0.16% 0.15% 0.34% 0.40% 0.47% Macerata 0.39% 0.38% 0.33% 1.21% 1.29% 1.46% Ancona 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.08% 0.11% 0.13% Ascoli Piceno 0.11% 0.24% 0.28% 0.28% 0.47% 0.67% TUSCANY REGION 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% Siena 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.07% 0.09% 0.09% Arezzo 0.04% 0.05% 0.05% 0.12% 0.15% 0.17% ABRUZZO REGION 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% L'Aquila 0.16% 0.11% 0.23% 0.30% (*) current account liabilities + savings accounts + certificates of deposit + Bank bonds 12 Traded volumes continue to increase (in millions of Euro) Direct deposits Short term loans TOTAL DEPOSITS 4.500 Indirect deposits M/L term loans TOTAL LOANS 3.884 4.000 3.802 3.667 3.446 3.286 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.699 1.565 1.721 1.202 1.714 1.732 1.427 1.891 2.143 1.874 1.793 1.741 1.376 1.000 500 0 2.087 2.426 557 2004 645 661 2005 782 766 2006 13 917 869 2007 1.022 1.241 846 2008 Our Customers 116,700 Customers 350 2.200 Large Corporate Turnover > 10 million Private Deposits > 500 thousand SME Turnover up to 10 million Affluent - Upper Deposits from 125 thousand to 500 thousand Affluent - Lower Deposits from 25 thousand to 125 thousand 23.100 Small Business Turnover up to 1 million Family Deposits up to 25 thousand 1.000 6.070 17.200 66.780 22% 78% no. 25,650 Enterprise Customer type 14 no. 91,050 Private and Families Products and services by Customer type Customers Customers Products Productsand andservices services Private Privateand andFamilies Families Enterprise Enterprise credit/debit cards revolving credit cards/utility direct debit corporate credit/debit cards Loans Loans mortgages, personal loans, consumer credit financing, leasing, factoring, special credit, agricultural credit Bonds Bonds bonds, fixed rate, floating rate, index-linked bonds, fixed rate, floating rate, index-linked Italian and foreign mutual investment funds, asset management including multimanager Italian and foreign mutual investment funds, asset management including multimanager life, non-life, unit-linked, index-linked and open-end pension funds life policies, non-life policies, open-end pension funds foreign transactions, guarantee transactions business finance, foreign and guarantee transactions home banking, trading online phone banking, e-commerce, sms account info, ATM expense info remote/corporate banking, phone banking, e-commerce, sms account info, ATM expense info bank drafts, safety deposit boxes, etc. public works tender assistance, business consulting, renewable energy, marketing Current Currentaccounts accounts Fund Fundand andAsset AssetManagement Management Insurance Insurancepolicies policies Special Specialtransactions transactions Online OnlineBanking Banking Integrated IntegratedServices Services 15 Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena: the partner for growth On On 20 20 April April 2007, 2007, the the Shareholders' Shareholders' Agreement Agreement was was renewed renewed between between Spoleto Spoleto Crediti Crediti ee Servizi Servizi Soc. Soc. Coop., Coop., the the major major shareholder, shareholder, and and BMPS. BMPS. This This agreement agreement establishes establishes aa practical practical and and operational operational relationship relationship that that allows allows the the Bank Bank to to retain retain its its local localbank bankindependence. independence. Shareholders' Shareholders' Agreements Agreements 2007 2010 2007 - 2010 BPS-BMPS BPS-BMPS synergies synergies The Theagreement agreementaims aimsto toconsolidated consolidatedand anddevelop developthe theBank Bankininterritorial territorialterms, terms,at atthe thesame sametime timeexploiting exploitingBMPS BMPSeconomies, economies, technology technologyandproducts andproducts. . AA Commercial Commercial BB Personnel, Personnel,Professionalism Professionalismand andTraining Training CC Capital CapitalManagement Management DD Cost Costeconomies economies Synergies already operative Synergies to be implemented ......... ......... for for the the independence, independence, consolidation consolidation and and development development of of the the Bank Bank 16 Commercial partners and product companies MPS Leasing & Factoring SpA Leasing and Factoring (with and without recourse) MPS Capital Services Banca per le Imprese SpA Financing and enterprise support Bright Oak Ltd. AXA MPS Vita SpA Investment company specialised in quantitative management Life policies (capitalisation, variable, etc.) and Open-end Pension Funds Fondi MPAM SGR Fondi MPS AI SGR Consumer credit. Revolving credit cards. Personal and business loans Italian mutual investment funds Italian funds of hedge funds AXA MPS Danni SpA Non-life policies, theft, fire, etc. 17 AXA MPS Financial Ltd Foreign insurance policies (unit-linked and index linked) MPS Fiduciaria SpA Trust products and transactions Synergies with Group companies SPOLETO CREDITO E SERVIZI Società Cooperativa This is the Group's Holding, which holds 51.07% of Banca Popolare di Spoleto S.p.A. shares Spoleto Credito e Servizi (SCS) is a cooperative with over 19,400 members throughout Italy. The SCS holds 51.07% of the Bank's shares and is the major shareholder. Through Banca Popolare di Spoleto S.p.A., SCS provides its customers with preferential-term financial services. Jointly with the Bank it created the Giuseppe Romano Banking Studies Centre and the Human Health Foundation Onlus. Via Porta Fuga, 4 - 06049 Spoleto BRANDUP SRL - Management Consulting This is an investee company of the Bank and a subsidiary of Spoleto Credito e Servizi Soc. Coop. BrandUP Srl is the Group's services company, subject to management and coordination of Spoleto Credito e Servizi S.C. Through BrandUP, the Bank provides a package of products/services unique to the area in which it operates: It operates in the following sectors: Managerial consulting Subsidised public financing Marketing and Web services Renewable source energy Basel II consulting Business Plans Market research Public works tender consulting Photovoltaic assistance Corso Garibaldi, 88 - 06049 Spoleto Via Lunghi, 63 - 06135 Perugia 18 The 2007-2010 Strategic Plan: growth and innovation Independence and a local vocation through growth and innovation Net profit of over € 13.2 million CAGR revenues* (08-10) +4.9% 2010 Shareholders' Equity up to € 221 million Share Capital increase of up to € 44 million, self-financed by approx. € 8.5 million 2010 ROE over 6% 10 new branches 20,000 new customers Staff increase to 750 Enhancement of the Financial Advisors' network Average banking product up to € 6.5 million Increased market share Umbria Region, 1.0% per year Growth Value Optimisation Growth Innovation Innovation Process automation Expansion of the loans sector Focus on IT as effective distribution tools Streamlining of the distribution network Emphasis on quality of service Risk Management enhancement Head Office reorganisation Expansion of the product mix for customers Cost of credit at 74 basis points Net payout over two years of max 65% Cost-income ratio to 62% 2010 TIER 1 to 7.8% 2010 TOTAL CAPITAL RATIO to 11.20% * Compound Annual Growth Rate 19 The 2007-2010 Strategic Plan: objectives for Customers CRM and team dedicated to affluent customers Targeted products and services to achieve greater Customer Satisfaction IT upgrading to reduce costs and response times Intensification of financial advisory services, subsidised public finance and business consulting Development of a model based on customer clusters and not merely quantitative Development of cross-selling with an integrated product mix 20 10 new branches Enhancement of the Financial Advisors' network Max MaxValue Value Proposition Proposition for forthe theCustomer Customer The 2007-2010 Strategic Plan: objectives for Employees 30 person increase in the Financial Advisors' network (recruitment - staff turnover) 30 person increase in Employees (recruitments - staff turnover) 750 665 Employees 22 Financial Advisors 30/06/2007 Recruitment of key staff to Head Office and network enhancement Recruitments for new branches Financial Advisor recruitment from the market Recruitments for new branches Financial Advisor recruitment after BPS training Employees Financial Advisors 60 31/12/2010 The Thechart chartshows showsthe theincrease increaseininworkforce workforcenet netof ofstaff staffturnover turnoverfor forboth bothEmployees Employeesand andFinancial FinancialAdvisors Advisors 21 Volumes and Values The Strategic Plan: objectives for Shareholders Volume objectives (CAGR* 2006-2010) Loans 10.9% Economic objectives (CAGR* 2008-2010) Direct deposits 11.7% Total deposits 6.8% Revenues 4.5% Cost of personnel 5.1% Equity objectives (CAGR* 2008-2010) Admin. expense 3.4% Provisions 2.1% Shareholders’ Equity 14.6% Net Profit 11.3% Profit objectives Gross profit of 24.9 million by 2010 ROE to 6.4% by 2010 * Compound Annual Growth Rate 22 Contacts: Chairman's Office and Head Office CHAIRMAN Giovannino Antonini Tel. + 390743220753 Piazza Luigi Pianciani, 5 06049 Spoleto (PG) Tel. + 39 0743 2151 - Fax + 39 0743 44963 GENERAL MANAGER Fully paid-up Share capital 62,136,899.60 Euro Alfredo Pallini Reg. no. 2346, Perugia Register of Companies (Court of Spoleto) Tel. + 390743215220 Perugia Chamber of Commerce no. 170173 Tax Code and VAT no. 01959720549 Reg. no. 5134.2, Register of Banks held by the Bank of Italy SENIOR DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER Mauro Conticini Tel. +390743215215 Email: 23 Contacts: Divisions, Financial Advisors, Branch network General Affairs, Litigation and Cost Management Division Mauro Riommi Tel +390743/215603 Administration Division Agnese Pula Tel +390743215336 Marketing Division Emilio Quartucci Tel +390743215833 Loans Division Marcello Siena Tel +390743215768 Finance Division Valerio Volpi Tel +390743215345 Investor Relations, External Relations and Special Assignments Division Roberto Tantillo Tel. +390743215233 Personnel Division Mauro Conticini Senior Dep. Gen. Manager Tel +390743215220 Organisation and Support Services Division Sandro Ascani Tel +390743215314 Internal Audit Division Camillo Latto Tel +390743215370 Legal Affairs and Compliance Division Sandro Ascani Tel +390743215314 Planning, Control and Risk Management Division Francesca Maria Palescandolo Tel +390743215219 francesca_maria_ FINANCIAL ADVISORS OFFICE Matteucci Lionello Tel +390743215793 ROME COORDINATOR Cesare Giglio Tel +390642013405 CENTRAL NETWORK COORDINATOR Corrado Caterini Tel +39074234791 NORTHERN NETWORK COORDINATOR Mario Carlettini Tel. +39075575104 SOUTHERN NETWORK COORDINATOR Lanfranco Amadio Tel +390744545621 Foligno/Bastia Area Cesare Galligari Tel +390742347970 Spoleto/Valnerina Area Franco Pezzi Tel +390743215416 Alto Tevere Area Maurizio Apostolico Tel. +39075852219 Perugia Area Maurizio Faina Tel. +39075575105 Terni/Rieti/Viterbo Area Carlo Mancini Tel +390744545651 MARCHE COORDINATOR Lucio Cavalieri Tel +390733837697 24 Contacts: Branches Assisi Piazza S. Chiara, 19 06081 Assisi (Pg) Tel +39075816249 Cannara Via A. Di Savoia 06033 Cannara (Pg) Tel +390742720184 Cerqueto di Marsciano Via 2 giugno, 26 06055 Cerqueto (Pg) Tel +39075879397 Collazzone Fraz. Collepepe Via Tiberina, 145 06050 Collepepe (Pg) Tel +390758789300 Foligno Via C. Battisti, 2 06034 Foligno (Pg) Tel +39074234791 Assisi S. M. Angeli Via Los Angeles 06081 Assisi (Pg) Tel +390758040303 Cascia Piazza G. Garibaldi, 1 06043 Cascia (Pg) Tel +39074376193 Cerreto di Spoleto Piazza G. Pontano, 35 06040 Cerreto (Pg) Tel +390743922128 Collevalenza di Todi Voc.Torri 06050 Collevalenza di Todi (Pg) Tel +39075887479 Giano dell´Umbria Bastardo Largo A. De Gasperi 06030 Bastardo (Pg) Tel +39074299118) Assisi – Torchiagina Piazza A. Canini 06081 Torchiagina (Pg) Tel +390758098135 Castel del Piano Centro Commerciale "La Perugina" - 06071 Perugia Tel +390757749445 Città di Castello Viale V. Veneto, 20 06012 Città di Castello(Pg) Tel +390758521682 Corciano Fraz. Ellera Via A. Gramsci 06074 Ellera (Pg) Gualdo Cattaneo Ponte di Ferro P.zza Caduti delle Miniere 06035 Ponte di Ferro (Pg) Tel +390742920000 Bastia Via V. Veneto 06083 Bastia (Pg) Tel +390758010821 Castel Ritaldi - La Bruna Via della Repubblica 06080 Castel Ritaldi (Pg) Tel +39074351313 Città di Castello Loc. Riosecco Via del Vaschi, 1 06012 Riosecco (Pg) Tel +390758522135 Deruta Via Tiberina, 243 06053 Deruta (Pg) Tel +390759724047 Gualdo Cattaneo S. Terenziano Via delle Scuole, 2 06058 SanTerenziano (Pg) Tel +390742932000 Bevagna Corso G.Matteotti 36/38 06031 Bevagna (Pg) Tel +390742360125 Castiglion del Lago ViaS.Pellico 06061 Castiglion del Lago (Pg) Città di Castello San Secondo Via E. Fermi, 2 - 06012 San Secondo (Pg) Foligno - Loc. Paciana Viale Firenze, 166/d 06034 Loc. Paciana (Pg) Gualdo Tadino Via Vittorio Veneto, 75 06023 GualdoTadino (Pg) Tel +390759140115 Tel +390759525146 Tel +390755172499 Tel +39074220060 Tel +390758578149 25 Contacts: Branches Gubbio - Padule Via Castel D´Alfiolo, 34 06024 Padule (Pg) Tel +390759293071 Monteleone di Spoleto Corso V. Emanuele, 20/b 06045 Monteleone di Spoleto (Pg) Tel +39074370115 Perugia - Corso Vannucci Vannucci, 30 06180 Perugia (Pg) Tel +39075575131 Perugia - Sant' Egidio Via Assisi, 101 06080 Sant' Egidio (Pg) Gubbio Via Montello, 17 06020 Gubbio (Pg) Tel +390759221856 Nocera Umbra Loc. Gaifana 06025 Gaifana (Pg) Tel +390742810582 Perugia - Elce Via A. Vecchi, 53 06100 Perugia (Pg) Tel +3907542470 Perugia Solfagnano Parlesca Via della Solidarieta, 4 06100 SolfagnanoParlesca (Pg) Tel +39075604433 Scheggino Piazza del Mercato, 1 06040 Scheggino (Pg) Tel +39074361139 Magione Loc. Case Nuove 06063 Magione (Pg) Tel +390758472416 Nocera Umbra Piazza Umberto I, 6 06025 Nocera Umbra(Pg) Perugia - Ponte Felcino Via dell´Ala, 14/d 06077 Ponte Felcino (Pg) Tel +390755918569 Perugia 1 - Via Briganti V. Briganti, 69/c 06100 Perugia (Pg) Tel +390755057607 Sellano Via G. Marconi 06030 Sellano (Pg) Tel +390743926577 Marsciano Via Umberto I 06055 Marsciano (Pg) Norcia Corso Sertorio, 5 06046 Norcia (Pg) Tel +390743828151 Perugia Ponte San Giovanni Via della Scuola 06087 Ponte San Giovanni (Pg) Tel +390755671 Perugia 2 Via Caduti del Lavoro V. Caduti del Lavoro, 52 06100 Perugia (Pg) Tel +39075567270 Spoleto S. Giovanni Baiano Via K. Marx, 92 - 06049 S. Giovanni Baiano (Pg) Tel +390743215361 Perugia - Colombella Via delle Marche, 26/a 06080 Colombella (Pg) Perugia - San Sisto Via Tagliapietra, 3 06080 Perugia (Pg) Tel +39075528581 Preci Via Roma, 33 06047 Preci (Pg) Spoleto - San Giacomo Corso Flaminio, 115 06049 San Giacomo (Pg) Tel +390743275627 Tel +390758749911 Montefalco Piazzetta Mustafà 06036 Montefalco (Pg) Tel +390742378607 Tel +390742812051 Tel +390755791000 26 Tel +390755928283 Tel +390743939251 San Giustino Via Umbra, 18/b 06016 San Giustino (Pg) Tel +390758569321 Contacts: Branches Spoleto - San Venanzo Via S. Benedetto 06049 San Venanzo (Pg) Tel +390743215475 Todi Via Angelo Cortesi 06050 Todi (Pg) Tel +390758942655 Amelia Via Orvieto, 14/15 05022 Amelia (Tr) Tel +390744978087 Orvieto Via Montenibbio 05018 Orvieto (Tr) Tel +390763300044 Terni Corso del Popolo 05100 Terni (Tr) Tel +390744545611 Spoleto - Via Marconi Via G. Marconi 06049 Spoleto (Pg) Tel +390743215861 Torgiano Via G. Mazzini, 6 06089 Torgiano (Pg) Tel +390759880023 Arrone Via G. Matteotti, 10/12 05031 Arrone (Tr) Tel +390744389138 Terni - Via della Stazione Via della Stazione, 25 05100 Terni (Tr) Tel +390744433521 Civitavecchia Viale della Vittoria, 4 00053 Civitavecchia Roma Tel +39076633449 Spoleto - Sede Piazza Pianciani, 1 06049 Spoleto (Pg) Trevi - Cannaiola Via Nuova, 39/a 06039 Cannaiola (Pg) Tel +390742/381895 Narni Scalo Via Tuderte, 84 05036 Narni Scalo (Tr) Tel +390744750870 Terni - Viale Trento Viale Trento 05100 Terni (Tr) Tel +390744288340 Fonte Nuova Via Palombarese ,82 00013 S.Lucia Roma Tel +390690531908 Spoleto 1 Ag. Città Via Nursina Via Nursina, 1 06049 Spoleto (Pg) Tel +390743215434 Trevi Piazza G. Garibaldi, 7 06039 Trevi (Pg) Tel +390742381583 Narni Via G. Garibaldi, 25 05035 Narni (Tr) Tel +390744726641 Terni - Voc. Sabbione Str. Sabbione 05100 Voc. Sabbione (Tr) Roma - La Storta Via Braccianese, 15 00123 - La Storta Roma Tel +390630892143 Tavernelle Via Pievaiola, 3 06068 Tavernelle (Pg) Tel +390758355972 Umbertide Via Martiri della Libertà 06019 Umbertide (Pg) Tel +390759412029 Orvieto - Sferracavallo Via Po, 8,10,12 05010 Sferracavallo (Tr) Tel +390763393418 Terni 1 - Borgo Rivo Viale del Rivo, 79 05100 Borgo Rivo (Tr) Tel +390743215271 27 Tel +390744814545 Tel +390744305399 Roma - Via Emilia Via Emilia, 68 00187 Roma Tel +390642013405 Contacts: Branches Roma - Via Innocenzo XI Via Innocenzo XI, 43/45 00165 Roma Tel +39066382794 Leonessa Piazza VII Aprile, 7 02016 Leonessa Rieti Chiusi Via Leonardo da Vinci, 21 53043 Chiusi (Si) Porto d’Ascoli Via Valsesia, 2 63037 Porto d´Ascoli (Ap) Tel +390735753812 Tolentino Via G. Leopardi 62029 Tolentino (Mc) Tel +390746923171 Tel +390578226433 Roma 1 Corso Trieste 00198 Roma Rieti - Via G. Falcone Via G. Falcone, 33/35 02100 Rieti San Benedetto del Tronto Via A. De Gasperi, 42 63039 S. Benedetto (Ap) Tel +390746202430 Montepulciano Loc. Stazione 53045 Montepulciano (Si) Tel +390578738748 Tel +39073586398 Villa Potenza - Macerata Borgo Peranzoni, 152 62010 Villa Potenza (Mc) Tel +390733493191 Tel +390686398118 Roma 2 Clodia, 165 f 00195 Roma Tel +390637500192 Rieti - Via Matteucci Via Matteucci 02100 Rieti Tel +390746200149 Sansepolcro Via Montefeltro, 10 52037 Sansepolcro (Ar) Tel +390575734606 Civitanova Marche Corso Garibaldi, 22 62012 Civitanova Marche Tel 0733784479 Visso Via Rosi, 21 62039 Visso (Mc) Tel +390737972005 Cittaducale Fraz. S. Rufina Viale le M. D´Aquilio, 58/60 02015 Rieti Montefiascone Via Indipendenza, 26 01027 Montefiascone (Vt) Osimo Via don Sturzo, 61 60027 Osimo Ancona Tel +39071715999 Monte San Giusto Fraz. Villa San Filippo Via Pontechienti, 31 62015 Villa S. Filippo (Mc) L´Aquila Ss. 17 nr.2 c/o Centro Commerciale Parroni 67100 L´Aquila Tel +390862317317 Tel +390761820592 Tel +390746606568 Fara in Sabina Passo Corese Via G. Matteotti, 70/72 02032 Rieti Tel +390765484072 Tel +390733837522 Viterbo Via F. Baracca, 26 01100 Viterbo Tel +390761250920 Porto San Giorgio Via Petrarca, 63 63017 (Ap) Tel +390734674320 28 Recanati Via Madonna Cupa di Varano62019 Recanati (Mc) Tel +390717570092 Tel +390733966025 Milano Via del Bollo, 8 Milano Tel +390272018085