Issue 4
Issue 4
ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. REGISTRATION If you haven’t already registered for the Daytime School of Ministry sessions, be sure to do so! Registration costs just £25 for all sessions, or £5 per day. 2. PARKING Extensive car parking is available onsite and nearby areas. Please follow the Stewards instruction. 3. TRANSPORTATION A FREE shuttle service will run throughout the conference. Morning shuttle service starts at 8am. Afternoon shuttle service starts at 12noon. Evening shuttle service starts at 5pm. Operating from: Chatham (Wickes DIY car park, Barking, Grays, O2 North Greenwich and Stratford stations. Morning Lane, Hackney and KICC The Land of Wonders, Hoe Street. A shuttle bus will operate between a few local hotels. 4. CATERING FACILITIES A variety of food is available from a number of outlets in the Food Court, located at the Exhibition Hall. 5. CHILDREN CHURCH The Children’s Church facility is for children aged 3 – 12 years old and is located in Ruth’s and Rhoda’s houses. The children’s church will be in operation during the Daytime School of Ministry sessions only. 6. EXHIBITION The exhibition hall features different products and services and operates between 9:00am -10:00pm. During services the stands will not be in operation. Take time out to visit MAMM and the KICC Bookstore stands where there will be a variety of special offers and discount available. 7. FIRST AID The first aid point is situated at the Prayer Palace Reception. 8. LOST & FOUND If you lose your property whilst at IGOC or find property that does not belong to you, please take it to reception. 9. KEEPING YOU SAFE To ensure your safety, we have peacekeepers on site. Please work with us to make the conference safe and enjoyable for all. 11. EATING IN THE MAIN SANCTUARY Please refrain from eating and drinking within the main sanctuary. 12. PHOTOGRAPHY/ RECORDING Please be aware that digital recording and photography is in progress during IGOC. 13. ATM ATM’s are located in the Prayer Palace restaurant on the ground floor and in the lobby area of the lower ground floor. WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE DAYTIME SCHOOL OF MINISTRY? “I connected to Pastor Nasir’s testimony on healing and will draw from it. I see the power of God in him especially because he converted from Islam to Christi anity.” Dr D.A “Pastor Steve Munsey was awesome. He conveyed his message very clearly and that Word has transformed me completely.” “The Daytime School of Ministry teachings and Word were strong and very inspiring. I will take stock of my life and also that of my family.” Miss A.P Welcome! 14. WATER FOUNTAINS Public water fountains are located at Rhoda House and the Prayer Palace Restaurant. H ello and welcome to the International Gathering of Champions 2014. 10. KEEP PRAYER CITY CLEAN Please help keep Prayer City tidy by disposing of your rubbish in the bins provided. What an amazing time we are having in the presence of the Lord. Out & About JN ASKS? T H U R S D AY 2 8 T H AU G U S T 2 0 1 4 STARTS TODAY We have been challenged in the Daytime School of Ministry by the teachings of Dr Nasir Siddiki and Pastor Steve Munsey. OC’s s IG Is thi t little cutes l? gir For 13 – 19year olds The Bible has so many examples for us to learn from and when we trust in His power, God will direct our lives. The challenges we face will bow at His name and be removed by His Power. At this International Gathering of Champions may your mind be transformed and His Power manifest in your life. . DOUBLE HONOUR Pastor Matthew and Pastor Yemisi will be celebrating their 33rd Wedding anniversary tomorrow Friday 29th August. Be a blessing for they are worthy of double honour. Send your email messages of congratulations to: Matthew Ashimolowo 10.00AM BISHOP TUDOR BISMARK 2.00PM DR MENSA OTABIL 6.30PM PASTOR MATTHEW ASHIMOLOWO GRACE POWER ~ Dr. Nasir Siddiki ~ and might to do naturally what we cannot do. O pening IGOC 2014 conference In His Power, Dr Siddiki gave his own personal testimony of how Jesus brought him from near death to abundant life. He is a true testament of operating in the power of God. Dr Nasir encouraged everyone to shout ‘grace power’ began by teaching us that when we look at Acts 1:8 we see that we receive God’s ability, efficiency “I received a prophecy from my spiritual Father Pastor Kenneth Copeland that this year will be the year of Great Grace and I believe that this will be a truth in your lives. He said, “The Word grace is from the Greek word charis. It is God’s ability on your ability and in 1 Peter 4:10 that the word charis, which also means gift or grace, shows us our authority. If you have not been using your authority, gift or grace, then you are not a good trustee of the power that God has given to you. We can also see in Romans 5:2 that grace brings access to the power. How do we access the power and release it in our lives? Ephesians 2:8 – 10 gives us the answer. Grace power always comes with a purpose. It is not a result of anything we can do but what God will do with us. Dr Siddkik then prayed for us that we will leave this conference after learning how to operate in His Power and go out and change our world. Faith Element of Grace Power A After giving the glory to God, Dr Siddiki picked up right where the first session ended by giving us an overview of the first session. We were introduced to topic of the second session with the question: what does it mean to release God’s power by faith? Dr Siddiki told us that God gives seed to the sewer. The seed was not created just to be a seed but rather an assignment from God. Throughout the message, were repeatedly told that if one believes when they speak and then release that word, the devil 2 cannot stop your harvest. Dr Siddiki boldly corrected the negative thinking of some Christians who eat the seed God provides and then get upset at God when there is no harvest! The seed should be planted by the Word of God as it brings forth purpose and destiny. When we plant the seed which God has given us, we need to believe by faith that the seed is in the ground and is already growing. Dr Siddiki then introduced us to the power of the Voice Activated System. “SAY IT!” Dr Siddiki instructed us. If you have released grace power with the Word, you have to believe your confession. If you don’t see an instant manifestation, “Chill out! It will happen. Harvest is progressive as the manifestation is not always instantaneous. This does not negate the power of God, but rather exposes at the very moment the Word is released. In Power was released as the music department danced, sang and showed IGOC that only Jesus can Break Every Chain. It was clear when the ministration ended and a great shout went out that chains had been broken and captives set free. ~ Pastor Steve Munsey ~ prophetic words into the lives of the congregation and the KICC ministry. Prophetic declarations about change, financial increase, instantaneous healings and miracles were spoken into the lives of every present person in Prayer City. The spirit of faith is that of: ‘I believe therefore I speak. Nothing happens unless it is spoken into existence.’ Pastor Steve then challenged us with the following statement: “you are where you are because you spoke something in your past which has brought you to your present. Based on the words which Job stated Pastor Munsey confirmed that we have the authority to decree a thing and know that it will be established. W ow! Pastor Steve Munsey continually used this word to describe his amazement by what he had encountered so far on his first visit to Prayer City. He loved our stage, our choir, and our grounds. ~ Dr. Nasir Siddiki ~ s Dr Siddiki opened the second session, we were invited into a deeper view of his testimony of how he came to give his life to Christ. Everyone was amazed as the awesome video testimony was played. Many people showed their amazement with rapturous rounds of applause and cheers. Some shed tears at the evidence of the wonderful work Jesus has done for Dr Nassir. Take Your Problem Off JESUS CAN BREAK EVERY CHAIN Mark 11:23 Jesus did not even need to look at the fig tree. He simply spoke to the tree and it ceased to exist the moment the Word was released. That is the very faith we are encouraged to have. Once the prayer has been released, belief immediately becomes believed. The present tense transforms to the past tense. We’re called to stand on the foundation of faith and not conform to the world’s notion that belief seeing is believing. The faith element of grace power says that when you have believed, you will then receive. Kings rule and reign by decree. When a decree is issued, rulers go to sleep knowing that it will happen. Relax! We are kings of the Most High King- our faith releases the power of God, which is the same power referred to in Acts 1:8, with the intention to bring about change. The dynamic way in which biblical truths were conveyed captivated us. His message told us that he did not come all the way from Chicago to impress us, but to change us based on the word God had given him. We serve a God who is very specific and detail, we were told not to generalise in our requests with God - we need to be specific. Specific declarations then began to flow. Pastor Steve spoke with spirit filled power and authority encouraged us to exercise our faith as if it had already been done. “Speak your future and your future will come back to you” he said. All conference products can be purchased from IGOC exhibition stand 36. Our opening scripture was taken from Mark 10:46-47. The focus of this scripture is faith. Jesus loved the faith of the centurion whose servant was unwell. Pastor Steve pointed out that there are 35 miracles cited in the bible, but amazingly, not all of them were done by the recipient’s faith. Based on this level of faith, Pastor Munsey began to speak powerful 3
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