Vacation Bible School - Grace and Peace Lutheran Church


Vacation Bible School - Grace and Peace Lutheran Church
JULY 2016
Vacation Bible School
We want to thank everyone for
making our VBS a success.
We had 16 children registered.
Everyone had a great time and learned
about caring for others as God cares for
The visit from Posey Humane
Society was informative and the children (and adults) got to hold and pet
some kitties and a dog.
We had 4 dogs that were brought in
for the pet blessing as well as the pets from the Posey Humane Society. They filled out a certificate to take home.
The children filled out certificates for their own pets that
were not there and they were included in the blessing.
Pastor Roberta and Pastor Ange blessed the pets and the
pet chew toys the children had made.
The Sunday Service was a lot of fun with the VBS theme.
The congregation got to sing some of the songs and hear the
message from VBS.
The prayers the children wrote were used in our prayer
The Posey Humane Society was very appreciative of the
opportunity to talk about their shelter and of the donations
that were given.
They received a check, and dog and cat food, as well as
the dog chew toys we made.
We would like to continue collecting money and dog and
cat food as our VBS offering to the shelter.
There will be a box by the coat rack for pet food
Donna Ricketts & the VBS Staff
Church Events
July 10th - Semi Annual Cong. Mtg.
- Youth Group Meeting
July 13th - Council Meeting
July 15th - Youth Movie Night
July 19th - Mission of Grace Meal
Fun at VBS
Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly
I want to give a short overview of my trip with Pastor Roberta to the IndianaKentucky Synod Assembly on J une 9th-11th 2016 in South Bend Indiana.
This was my first trip to the Synod Assembly so I wasn’t for sure what to expect.
What I did expect however was a long, tiresome 6+ hour road trip to the top of
Indiana. I wasn’t disappointed. However I must add that Pastor Roberta’s
company made the trip much more bearable.
Since open registration at the synod started at 12:00 noon on Thursday, we decided
it might serve us better to go up the night before so that we were not rushed to get
there by noon. That ended up being a very good decision for several reasons.
The theme of this year’s synod was “Spirit Filled. Spirit Sent” the focus was on
missions and mission work. In fact the Vision was explained this way. Every
Person A Missionary…Every Pastor A Mission Director…Every Congregation,
Conference and Ministry A Mission Center.
As I looked at the agenda, I noticed that there was not a lot of free time. Just about every hour was filled till
about 9:00pm every night with speeches, presentations, activities, discussions, music, worship, and of course,
The business of the weekend was of course the election of I-K synod bishop, and several synod positions that
were open. Even though there were several nominees for bishop, I don’t think anyone was surprised that
Bishop William Gafkjen won the election by an over whelming major ity. Thanks to Pastor Rober ta for
looking up how to spell his name for members at our table during the nominations.
Some of the highlights from my attendance that weekend were the music, the worship services, some amazing
recognitions and the presentations, some, which were given by Lutheran bishops from other countries. I also
for the first time heard a moving video presentation from Elizabeth Eaton, the presiding Bishop of The
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
One really amazing highlight was the recognition of the years of faithful service by pastors throughout the
synod. They ranged from 25 years all the way up to one pastor celebrating 70 years of service. Of course he
received a well deserved applause.
Much of our music was performed by a multicultural group. I apologize that I can’t remember the name of
the group, but they were very good.
Some of the music was sung in various languages and we were all encouraged to sing along with the words on
the big video screens. I have to say most of us butchered most of the languages but it was fun and entertaining
to sing together in other languages.
The daily worship services were especially special for me. The services were filled with music, liturgies,
communion, magnificent processions, and scripture, with some readings in different languages. The services
always included different pastors from around the synod and around the world.
The keynote presentations by Lutheran pastors from foreign countries were extremely interesting. They spoke
about what the Lutheran church is bringing to their country. They spoke about the many challenges they face
ministering and preaching the gospel. Challenges that we here in America may take for granted.
They also spoke about the many blessings they are receiving and their continued commitment to God, the
Church, mission work and spreading the gospel in their countries.
Among the keynote speakers were Ephorus Rev. Dr. Willem Simarmata from Indonesia, Bishop Izani Bruch
from Chile who spoke about the abuse of women, and the challenges of the childr en in Chilie.
We also heard a keynote presentation by Rev. Andre Gingerich Stoner, Director of Interchurch Relations and
Holistic Witness for Mennonite Church, USA, wher e we all discover ed the tur bulent r elationship that
the early Lutheran Church had with the Mennonite Church. This was a conflict that I personally was unaware
of. We were also blessed with the Acappella singing of the Mennonite choir.
Another major topic of discussion was “Inclusion”. Not only with the Reconciling In Christ movement, but
also, the synod wants to take a proactive approach to reaching out to more members of different ethnic
backgrounds as an encouragement to become more active in the synod as a whole.
The last highlight that I want to mention is about the amount of resources available to congregations and
members throughout the Indiana=Kentucky Synod. Let me name just a few.
The first is Thrivent Financial. They not only provide financial products to congregations and members but
Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly Continued
also provide sound financial guidance. Since they are a Christian organization, they have a unique approach to
blending faith, finances, and generosity that help congregations and communities thrive.
Wernle Youth and Family Treatment Center is a r esidential agency with a team of pr ofessional ther apists
and clinical support personnel with a full spectrum of treatment programs that helps youths from ages 10 -18
transition from a troubled, confused, painful life to one that can be stable and productive, with potential for a
brighter future.
Summer Seminary Sampler pr ovides week long summer r etr eats for youth at Tr inity Luther an Seminar y.
Their mission is to challenge and help young people to think about their Christian vocation and how they may
choose to live their faith out in church or secular occupation.
Mission Investment Fund (MIF) Capital Campaign Ser vices is a ministr y of the ELCA that str engthens
congregations by helping them raise funds and experience renewal in faith and mission. This ministry has been
used by congregations to raise funds for new building projects and debt reduction. It has also often been used for
congregation’s annual stewardship response program.
Lutheran Military Veterans and Families Ministries Inc. addr esses the pr oblem that the veter ans, ser vice
members and their family members have finding help in their communities by offering civilians and community
care providers affordable military awareness programs and training seminars that target specific military related
This is just a few of the resources available to I-K synod congr egations and member s.
In conclusion attending the synod assembly was really an eye opening experience, one that every member of our
congregation should have. Not only did I learn how the administrative part of the synod worked, but I learned
what was truly important to the leadership of the ELCA, and that is developing and equipping church members to
be examples of Christ—sharing the Gospel through Word, Sacrament and deed, and embracing the philosophy of
God’s Work, Our Hands.
Larry Johnson
Community Garden
Our garden at the Mission of Grace is growing! We have
tomatoes and potatoes, beans, green peppers, pumpkins and
onions. You can be a part of this adventure by volunteering
to water, weed, harvest, and other garden chores. Right
now we are making a watering schedule. If you can help
please contact Pastor Roberta, or
812-431-0075 Vicki Oshodi,,
812-430-6050 or the church office 812-476-8201.
Mission of Grace Meal
Christmas in July
At the Mission of Grace
It will be Christmas in July at the next Mission of Grace meal.
Christmas music, Christmas food, Christmas presents will
highlight the evening.
We are looking for the following donations for this fun
celebration with the folks who come to the meal:
Gift wrap
New or gently used toys for all ages
School supplies
Gift cards
Gifts for men and women
Turkey, dressing, veggies, bread, cookies, (all the fixings
to make this a great time for all.)
Volunteers needed:
Elves (helpers to distribute gifts)
Set-up crew
Clean-up crew
If someone can get in touch with Santa, it would be amazing.
He can wear his summer shorts and Hawaiian shirt if he wants.
Please contact Pastor Roberta or Vicki Oshodi, or
Congratulations 2016 Graduates!
Madelyn Elizabeth Gutscher
Madelyn is the daughter of Samantha and Ben Daugherty.
She graduated from the Deaconess Children’s Enrichment Center and will attend
Scott Elementary School. When she grows up she wants to be a veterinarian.
Middle School
Joshua Randal Blocker
Joshua is the son of Amy and Dereck Blocker, grandson of Pastor Roberta and
David Meyer
He graduated from Southridge Middle School, Huntingburg, IN. In the fall he
will attend Southridge High School where he will play the baritone in the band.
Mauricos R. Mayes
Mauricos is the son of Rachel and Maurice Mayes, and the nephew of Mary
Mauricos graduated from North Junior High School where he earned the A
Honor Roll and was awarded the President’s Education Academic Award He
will attend North High School. His interests include basketball and football.
He also plays the alto saxophone.
Josiah Moore
Josiah is the son of Chameka Coit.
Josiah graduated from North Junior High School. He will attend North High
School. He plays football and is in the band. He plays baritone, saxophone,
and french horn. He is also in the City Honor Band.
Congratulations 2016 Graduates!
Laila McKenzie Simpson
Laila is the daughter of Jessica and Nicholas Simpson, and the granddaughter
of Elaine and Mike Musgrave.
She graduated from Washington Middle School. Laila will attend Bosse High
Abigail Aaren Walker
Abby is the daughter of Gail and Aaron Walker, and the granddaughter of
Linda Heidorn.
She graduated from Boonville Christian Middle School and will attend
Boonville Christian High School.
Jahem Weston
Jahem is the son of Star Weston.
He graduated from Washington Middle School. He will attend Bosse High
High School
Shawna Kay Cronk
Shawna is then niece of Pastor Roberta and David Meyer.
She graduated from Southridge High School in Huntingburg, IN where she
was team manager of the football and track teams.
In the fall Shawna will attend Ivy Tech Community College, where she will
study dental hygiene.
Congratulations 2016 Graduates!
Mikayla Grace Eubanks
Mikayla is the daughter of Dr. Rhonda and Craig Eubanks.
She is a 2016 Home School graduate. Mikayla will attend Ivy Tech
Community College in the fall where she will complete her general
education requirements. She will then transfer to a 4 year university.
Mikayla works as a veterinary assistant at U-Vet in Newburgh and is
involved in local theater.
Jordan Fox
Jordan is the son of Takiyah and Ashon Stewart, and Dion Fox.
He graduated from Bosse High School and will attend Franklin College to
pursue a degree in business. Jordan will play football for the Franklin
Jordan, your family is very proud of your work and dedication!
Sinclair A. Jones
Sinclair is the daughter of Darla Nixon-Jones and Ronald Jones, and the
niece of Vicki Oshodi.
She graduated from Central High School and will attend Indiana State
University majoring in Social Work.
Raven Marcelle Lawrence
Raven is the daughter of Philip Lawrence, Jr., the granddaughter of Cheryl
and Philip Lawrence, and great-granddaughter of Mary Moore
She graduated from Lincoln Park Academy in Fort Pierce, Florida. She
will attend Indiana River State College in the fall then transfer to the
University of Central Florida. Raven is interested in a performing arts
Congratulations 2016 Graduates!
Robyn Alexandria Zellner
Robyn is the daughter of Gina Mayes.
She graduated from North High School and will attend Indiana UniversityPurdue University in Indianapolis majoring in biology.
Samantha Marie Daugherty
Samantha is the wife of Benjamin Daugherty.
She graduated from Henderson Community College with an Associate’s
degree in Nursing. She is a registered nurse at Deaconess Gateway Hospital.
Samantha will attend Purdue University- Calumet to pursue a bachelor’s
degree in nursing.
Quentin Jones
Quentin is the son of Darla Nixon-Jones and Ronald Jones, and the nephew
of Vicki Oshodi.
He graduated from Ivy Tech Community College with an Associate of
Applied Science with a major in Computer Information Technology. Quentin
will attend the University of Southern Indiana to purse a bachelor’s degree.
Ke’Ayra Marcelle Lawrence
Ke’Ayra is the daughter of LeKenya and Shane Lawrence, the
granddaughter of Cheryl and Philip Lawrence, and the great-granddaughter
of Mary Moore.
She graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a
Bachelor’s degree in Psychobiology. This summer Ke’Ayra will study
abroad in Spain with a UCLA educational program. In the fall she will enter
graduate school. Ke’Ayra will pursue a career in sports medicine.
Youth In Motion
Maurice and Rachel Mayes hosted a cookout/mentoring session for the Youth
Group at their home. With nearly 15 youth in attendance; along with parents, the
day was filled with food, swimming, fishing, games and a mentoring session.
The youth participated in a discussion session focused on life lessons hosted by the
Mayes’. Invited guests included, Montel Carter – Youth Activity Director at Carver
Community Center, Michelle Posey – Community Resource Specialist at
Southwestern Behavioral Health Care, Jorden Fox – Football Player at Franklin College,
Jamal Belten -- Baseball Player at Ball State, and Eric Mayes – Rules & Compliance
at NCAA.
The youth learned about setting priorities, how to speak up and speak out, making
smart choices, being a leader instead of a follower, and taking ownership for
Fun was had by all!!
Rachel Mayes
Youth Calendar – Upcoming Dates:
July 10 - Youth Group Meeting
July 15 - Youth Movie Night
July 17 - Youth Service
August 14 - Church Picnic
This Month at Grace & Peace
3 - Walt & Mary Weimer
15 - Ashon & Takiyah Stewart
20 - Charles & Laura Hildreth
3 - Tiffany Harris
4 - Eugene Jackson
4 - Summer Travis
6 - Deb Toy
8 - Rita Calhoun
12 - Helen Wallington
13 - Lois Smith
14 - Leah Travis
15 - Warren Hale
15 - Kevin Stewart
15 - Jeff Byrne
17 - Philip Lawrence II
25 - Sterling Pasha II
26 - Adam Burress
28 - Kenneth Stewart
29 - Mauricos Mayes
31 - Shirley Ferguson
Please contact the church if you or someone in your family is
sick, shut-in, hospitalized, or if there is a death in your family.
Our Pastor, Roberta Meyer, will be available
to come and visit you.
Call the church office to set up an appointment
(812) 476- 8201. Or email
Mission of Grace
On the 3 Tuesday of every month
Our Next Dinner is Tuesday,
July 19th
6:00-8:00 p.m.
This month’s dinner will be held at
Mission of Grace
418 E. Gum Street
Corner of Gum and Elliott Street
The Mission of Grace, an outreach ministry of
Grace and Peace Lutheran Church,
Emanuel Lutheran Church, Christ Lutheran Church,
Fresh Air Community of Faith, and Unity Church of Evansville
2016 Lutherans for Habitat Update
As always, we thank all the Churches for participating your prayers, labor, and financial assistance. This
year’s house is ‘buttoned up’ on the outside. At the moment, the professional services are active in the
interior (insulation, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, drywall, etc).
In the near future we should be getting the details associated with the completion of the professional services,
and details about the dedication. As this information is developed, we will pass it along.
At this time, I would challenge ALL Lutherans to take the time to drive by this year’s house. The house is
located at 64 W Delaware Street. It is just a few blocks away from St Paul Lutheran Church / Evansville
Lutheran Schools.
As mentioned previously, Doris (partner family) is wheelchair bound. Her neighbor to the east is also a
Habitat family. It is impressive to see how Habitat was able to take an existing design and make it 100%
Handicap accessible.
Blessings and Thanks to all
Jeff Byrne & Lutherans for Habitat
Church Picnic
Save the Date!
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Church at Burdette Park
Worship and Holy Communion
followed by a picnic feast,
And fun at the park.
More information will come later.
Transportation to and from
the park will be provided.
Just let the church office know
if you need a ride.
Grace and Peace Lutheran Church
July 2016
200 South Boeke Road
Evansville, IN 47714
9:30- 1 Mission of
7:30 AA Mtg.
5:00 Exercise
6:30 Fresh Air
9:30- 1 Mission of
7:30 AA Mtg.
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
4th of July
(Office Closed)
7:00 Overeaters
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
Youth Group Mtg
7:00 Overeaters 10:00 Roberta
Anonymous Periscope
6:30 Exercise
7:00 Bible Study
Watch Mtg.
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 Council Mtg
Roberta in EVV
5:00 Exercise
6:30 Fresh Air
Youth Group
Movie Night
9:30- 1 Mission of
7:30 AA Mtg.
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship with
Youth Skit
7:00 Overeaters 10:00 Roberta
Anonymous Periscope
6:00 Mission of
Grace Meal
6:30 Exercise
7:00 Bible Study
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
Roberta in EVV
5:00 Exercise
6:30 Fresh Air
9:30- 1 Mission of
7:30 AA Mtg.
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
7:00 Overeaters 10:00 Roberta
Anonymous Periscope
6:30 Exercise
7:00 Bible Study
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
Roberta in EVV
5:00 Exercise
6:30 Fresh Air
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
10:00 Roberta
9:30-1 Mission of
Periscope Study
7:00 Bible Study 10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 VBS Meeting
Roberta in EVV
Deadline for
August 2016
July 25th
Church Council Members
Pastor – Roberta Meyer
President – Luke Anderson
Secretary – Don Smith
Christian Education – David Meyer
Congregational Life – Larry Johnson
Our Mission is:
To Proclaim God’s
And Share God’s
Through Love
And Service
To All.
Fellowship – Linda Heidorn
Finance/Stewardship Team – Jeff Byrne
Property – Ron Young
Social Outreach - Vicki Oshodi
Adult Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Children’s & Youth Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Treasurer – Toni Beumer
Worship and Music - Vicki Young
Church Office: (812) 476–8201
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
10:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.
Roberta Meyer (812) 431-0075
Grace and Peace Lutheran Church
200 South Boeke Road
Evansville, IN 47714-1330