Grace November newsletter 2013 - gracelutheran
Grace November newsletter 2013 - gracelutheran
THE PARISH PULSE Grace & Bethany Lutheran Churches Parker & Hurley, SD Office address: P.O. Box 667 Parker, SD 57053 Phone: 605.297.4417 Email: Web address: Grace-Bethany Lutheran Parish Newsletter Worship times… November Sunday Worship: 9:00 am Bethany 11:00 am Grace Mark your calendars… Grace WELCA Praise & Worship Potluck Dinner November 17 Following worship Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service November 27 7:00 pm Grace Church Decorating November 29 9:30 am November 2013 Seeds for the Parish Thanksgiving for Thanksgiving A couple of weeks ago, I said we are in desperate need of “thanksgiving.” I wasn’t talking about the holiday, even though some of my Pre-Confirmation students thought I was. No, I was talking about the need to not only “see” blessings right in front of us, but to “voice” them as well. Every time sight and word are combined in regards to blessing, our blessing is somehow multiplied. So, I tried a little experiment one evening driving back to Parker from Sioux Falls. How many “blessings” could I actually think of by the time I pulled into the garage? Here is the list I came up with: I’ve been married for 13 years…and counting! My oldest daughter confides in me with things most daughters would never discuss with their dad! My youngest daughter stills wants a hug at bedtime! My music “signing” has come in handy the past two weeks: A lady from Marion, who happens to be deaf, came to chapel and watched every move I made. Afterwards, she signed, “Beautiful! Thank you!” I think I made a new friend! I was invited to McCrossan’s Boys Ranch to sign, and they were very well-behaved and even tried to sign along with me. I received an e-mail thanking me this week, and it said, “They are still talking about it!” Our parish now has a Facebook page, and a 91-year-old member sent me a message on Facebook! Our Luther League youth led Worship this past Sunday. They wanted to do it, and they did GREAT! And…they want to do it again!! We have 42 young people in our Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation classes! I took my dad to Active Generations last week, and he introduced me to staff by saying, “This is my son, Don.” He remembered who I was that day!! Our dog, Lily, is sleeping through the night! I have the opportunity to go to Haiti! A total of 142 “God’s Work” t-shirts were ordered by people in our parish! I am now preparing for the third “Thanksgiving Eve” Worship Service since I was called to Grace & Bethany! Did I mention our dog is now sleeping through the night? And on and on and on… Take just a few minutes right now and decide if you’d rather focus on the challenges or the blessings in your life. I hope you choose the blessings. And then go out and be a messenger of blessing and a bearer of powerful words of gratitude so you can experience blessings multiplied. Then share them with the world God loves so much! Blessings to you and to those you love! **Continue to Shine!! (Daniel 12:3) -Pastor Don Reiffenberger In Our Parish Church Decorating Thanksgiving Eve 2013 Worship Service Wednesday, November 27, 2013 7:00 PM @ Grace Lutheran Church We will be celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion. All are invited to bring bread and wine that will be served at their Thanksgiving meal for a special blessing. ~May the blessings of God be abundantly yours, and may your joy reflect your gratitude~ If you aren't out Black Friday shopping or off to grandma's house for Thanksgiving, we would be glad to have you join us at Grace to get the church ready for Advent. We are planning to decorate the church on Friday, November 29th at 9:30 a.m. Chris and Deb Grace-Bethany Lutheran is now on Facebook! “Like” us to see event pictures, receive important announcements, and more… November is Northern Turner County Food Pantry Month The tradition continues that November is Food Pantry Awareness month at our community food pantry, and the need continues to grow. We are just weeks away from celebrating Thanksgiving followed shortly after by the merry of Christmas. For many of us, the excitement is beginning to build as we think about what goodies we will be baking, what presents we will be buying our loved ones, and the time we get to spend with our families. This season please keep in your awareness and your prayers the families who don’t share the same excitement because of their finances. For them, deciding how to balance paying the necessities and enjoying the extras that come with the holidays, is stressful. During this month of awareness, the Food Pantry is asking churches, organizations and individuals to help with stocking the pantry. On average, 40 families have been served at the pantry every month in 2013, and that number continues to grow. The need is up 61% from this same time last year, having served an additional 136 patrons. A box given to each family costs roughly between $39 and $50. That’s $1560 to $2000 a month to support this mission. We continue to hear stories about things like medical bills, unexpected costs, layoffs, family deaths and more that all drive the need to use the pantry’s services. Your help and support is greatly needed and genuinely appreciated. The Food Pantry is in need of both monetary gifts and donated items. It is startling when I go to church in Haiti. They sing joyfully. They sing loudly. They sing and praise God with intensity. How can that be when they are hungry. They are poor and living often in houses of mud and stones. How can they worship like that? The answer is Jesus. They need and know who walks with them. They need and know that this is not their home. They need and know who saves them from their sins and who died for them. They need to praise and thank Him. For Americans it can be harder. Why? Because we need and know we need more things. We are told so by a bombardment of advertisements. I need to up-date my phone, my television (are they really 96 inches? Big brother has found us), my living room carpet and of course my car. Things are ok (well within limits) but where is thankfulness? My reminder thankfulness list for November and maybe yours? ....MilksCamp mitten tree (want to go and visit and help distribute?) ...Christmas tree at Jones for gifts for local folks ...Thanking our Pastor, Sunday School teachers, council members, organist, secretary, choir director, janitors, etc. ...Thanking our Luther League leaders ...Thanking those great teens (some of them are yours) ...Giving to the food pantry (November is the in-gathering for winter) ...Thanking your parents if they are alive (and being thankful if they are) ...Thanking that teacher or coach that really cared and helped you. ...Thanking God that I am warm in winter and have food at meals. ...___________(this is for what I forgot and you remembered) Notice sometimes we thank by giving a thank gift. Sometimes the thanks is a smile, a word, a letter and yes a prayer. God gives us so much. Sunshine and sunsets, birds, flowers and great children (love children's offering) to name a few. Best of all God gave His son to free us from sin and save us to live with Him forever. Now that is Love!! Thanks be to God Gerry This winter, a group from our parish will travel to Haiti. In “The Parish Pulse” for the next few months, individuals from this group will share with us why they have decided to go to Haiti. The first is Gina Cole, who shares her thoughts below: A mission trip to Haiti has always been in the back of my mind, with thoughts of looking further into it once our girls were grown and out on their own. When McKenzie chose a mission trip to Haiti as her high school senior project I could not have been more thrilled and also very proud of her. When she asked if I would be willing to join her, it was just the icing on the cake! It has been very exciting to share the experience with my daughter and the rest of the mission team as we prepare, plan and dream of this trip. We have already enjoyed the bond of sewing dresses and shorts for the children of Haiti, packaging meals together for Kids Against Hunger, getting our vaccinations and planning for fundraisers. Thank you for your prayers, words of support and your financial gifts you have provided as our team prepares. I know this trip will challenge me physically, emotionally and most important spiritually in ways I can only imagine. I look forward to sharing the love of God with the many gifts and blessings he has provided for me. Gina Cole Youth News We have a very active youth group that has proven they love to serve Jesus by loving and serving others. We started October with our meeting to plan the activities for the month and it was a busy month for these dedicated youth. On October 9th, they had their regular bible study with Pastor Don. On October 16th, a group went to Viborg and Marion to visit not only the members on the regular monthly visiting list, but also other residents of the nursing homes. This was a special treat for the residents whom our kids had an opportunity to spend some time with. The youth that did not visit the nursing homes stayed back and created beautiful cards for those that could use a cheerful note sent their way. On October 20th, the Luther League did the majority of the service at both Grace Lutheran Church and Bethany. If you happened to miss church that day, you missed an opportunity to witness a great group of young adults greeting with their beautiful smiles, ushering, leading worship , special music, kid talk, and assisting with communion. On October 23rd, a group went to Mitchell for a comedy skit, while a few others went to listen to Maya Angelou speak at Augustana College. On October 30th, the youth bypassed their annual trip to the Jaycee’s Haunted House in Sioux Falls to sponsor their own Halloween Party to Preschool through 4th graders. At the party they played games, such as the cupcake walk, pin the stem on the pumpkin, pumpkin ring toss, spoon the cottonball, and cookie decorating. The cost to participate at the Halloween party was 1 pantry food item or a school supply. Above all that they do with their time, we have collected $50 in youth offering to donate to a family with a small child that has cancer, they are selling raffle tickets to raise a MINIMUM of $500 to the Children’s Miracle Network in honor of Tessa, (PS-the drawing is not until November 3rd, so you have a short amount of time left to get those raffle tickets), and are planning a Pancake feed on December 8 th to raise funds for their mission trip! We would like to thank the congregation for all of your encouraging words of support and love! Matthew 20:28-“For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Members of the God’s Blessings, Luther League Jenn Preheim, Kathy Licht, & Shari Jensen Jr FROGs & FROGs The Jr. FROG's will be putting snack kits together at their November 24th meeting and donations are needed! Snack kits go to the Turner County Food Pantry, and they were a HUGE success last year! Kids LOVED picking them out! There is a collection box in the entry way and we are looking for donations such as pop tarts, fruit snacks, pudding cups, and anything else individually wrapped. If you could help out by donating an item or two, it would be greatly appreciated! Donations will be accepted up until November 23rd! and our parish packed rice packets for Kids Against Hunger in Yankton on October 1. The group packed meals for 2,592 children/adults. Upcoming Sunday School Events November 10 & 17 - Practice for the upcoming Christmas program. It's important that all kids are in attendance! November 24 - No Sunday School December 1 & 8 - Christmas program practice December 15 - Christmas program at 9:00 am Bethany WELCA MEETINGS: The October WELCA met at church on Thursday morning, October 3rd, for a day to work on quilts. Thelma Mikkelsen hosted Ruth Circle at her home on Wednesday evening, October 16. Adeline Schempp led the Bible Study. Our November WELCA meeting will be on Thursday, November 7 at 1:30 pm. We will plan our programs for the next year. Grace WELCA Meeting: November 14 1:00 pm WELCA meeting and Bible Study Business meeting first, followed by Bible Study on James. Lesson 6: “The Power of Prayer” James 5: 13-20 Hostesses: Shirley Joffer & Donna Hertel November 4th – 1:30 pm: Bingo at Parker Assisted Living. Please come. Praise & Worship Potluck Dinner November 17 after church Joy Work Group 2 is in charge. Four WELCA officers went to the Fall Crossroads Workshop held at West Prairie Lutheran Church on Saturday, October 12. Fall Workshop Offerings of food and money will go to Northern Turner County Food Pantry. Communion Duties : Faith Work Group 3 Thank you to: Faith Work Group 3 for Communion duties in Oct. Joy Workgroup 2 for Fellowship Coffee in Oct. For those who helped with Bingo at Parker Assisted Living. Grace Lutheran Approved Church Council Minutes September 18, 2013 8:00 pm Members present: Ordell Oswald, Dawn Duerksen, Julie Anderson, Kathy Licht, Marci Leberman, Dennis Johnson, Pastor Don Reiffenberger, and Barb Nelson. President Ordell Oswald Called the meeting to order. Agenda approved. M/S/P Devotions given by Dennis Johnson Secretary’s Report: M/S/P Treasurer’s Report: M/S/P Trustee’s Report: All the rooms in the west Sunday School wing have been painted. The railing on the west entrance has been lined up to get fixed. Deacon’s Report: Thankful for all the volunteers for kid’s talk. Board of Education Report: September fishbowl offering will be given to Pastor’s emergency fund. The Board of Ed and teachers will be putting more emphasis on memory work. The Sunday School has started a ‘Heifer’ project, which they hope to purchase a heifer and give to someone in need in our community. The project can be followed on the Sunday School bulletin board. Ideas are being put into place for keeping up post-Christmas attendance in Sunday School. Organizations & Committee Reports: Faith In Action: Gerry Schnabel representing the group visited with council in regards for a money request for a portion of the proceeds of the fairstand to go to the Backpack program, and also for the Haiti mission trip. nd Choir: The Senior Choir has been asked to be the opening act for the Grand Old Opry November 2 in Parker. The computer used for choir, Sunday school, Luther League, and other presentations has ‘crashed’ and cannot be repaired nor information retrieved from the computer. th th FROGS & Jr. FROGS: Next event is October 26 . 22 kids attended the first event September 8 . Luther League: Three co-leaders are organizing and leading the group, Shari Jensen, Kathy Licht, and Jenn Preheim. rd Luther League will be conducting the entire church service the 3 Sunday in October. Men in Mission: Will be getting organized soon. Continuing Business: 1. Burgers with the Bishop: 4 members of our church attended. The future ELCA health benefits for church employees was presented. Bishop Zellmer led a Bible study, and another individual gave a presentation on the future of social media in the ELCA and in our congregations. 2. Snow Removal: M/S/P, to accept the bid from Herlyn Construction for snow removal for the 2013-2014 winter. 3. Legal papers received: the legal papers from the sale of the parsonage from several years ago, was received from Duncan Law office will be placed in the church safe. 4. Picture: M/S/P, to hang the collage picture received from Life Touch above the table in the narthex near the church office hall. New Business: 1. Time and Talent Sheets: Deacons will be reviewing and will be given to all members after next council meeting. 2. Fall Clean-up: The youth and whoever else would like to help, will have a rake-a-thon. Watch for date to be determined. 3. Highway Sign – Kathy Licht will contact Rise Jongeling for estimate to replace weathered old sign north of fairgrounds. 4. Eleanor Nold Check – M/S/P, to deposit the check from the Eleanor Nold Estate in the Memorial Fund, and to remain in the Memorial Fund until council gives direction on the use of the funds. Pastor’s Summary: Since last council meeting, Pastor made 22 visitations, and already by council Sept. 18 had 14 visitations this month. One funeral in July and one in August. In August there was also 3 weddings conducted. Pastor plans on going on the Haiti mission trip. Next bread th giveaway is September 24 . th Next meeting: Wednesday, October 16 at 8:00pm Devotions will be given by Barb Nelson PARISH TREASURER'S REPORT 10/15/13 INCOME: P101 Grace Deposits P102 Bethany Deposits P110 Misc Income P112 AutoAdvance TOTAL INCOME: CURRENT $945.21 $508.96 $0.00 $0.00 $1,454.17 YEAR TO DATE $9,452.10 $4,580.64 $0.00 $0.00 $14,032.74 EXPENSES - SALARIES: P301 Parish Secretary P302 Continuing Education P303 Supply Pastor P306 Pastoral Supplies P310 Misc. Salary TOTAL EXPENSES - SALARIES: CURRENT $476.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $476.87 YEAR TO DATE $5,086.66 $0.00 $946.74 $0.00 $0.00 $6,033.40 EXPENSES - OFFICE: P401 Copier Lease Contract P402 Computer Maintenance P403 Office Supplies P404 Postage P405 Bulletins & Inserts P406 Office Equipment Maintenance P408 Church Office Telephone P410 Pastor Cell Phone P420 Miscellaneous Office Expense P422 AutoAdvance Payments P423 Bank Service Charge p424 Xfer to Correct Account (Grace) TOTAL EXPENSES - OFFICE: CURRENT $207.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $90.33 $75.00 $19.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $392.36 YEAR TO DATE $2,194.99 $0.00 $764.38 $46.00 $570.49 $0.00 $902.05 $750.00 $379.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,606.98 EXPENSES - PROGRAM: P601 Books P602 Lenten Materials P603 Christmas Materials P605 Baptism Supplies P606 Confirmation Materials P620 Miscellaneous Program Expense P622 Synod Seminary TOTAL EXPENSES - PROGRAM: CURRENT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 YEAR TO DATE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $101.22 $361.90 $236.11 $0.00 $699.23 $869.23 $12,339.61 GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES Beginning Balance: Total Income: Total Expenses: Ending Balance: Dawn Duerksen Parish Treasurer $709.51 $14,032.74 $12,339.61 $2,402.64 GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH TREASURER'S REPORT 10/15/13 INCOME: 101 General Offering 102 Envelope Offering 103 Quarterly Offering 104 Lenten Offering 109 Camper Savings 114 Bethany Reimbursement 121 Parking Lot 123 Endowment 202 Use of Building 203 Misc. Income 204 Augie/USF PACT 205 Thrivent 214 Lutheran World Relief Fundraiser 219 Transfer from Building Fund 222 Transfer from Memorial Fund 223 Twins Reimbursement 224 Church T-shirts TOTAL INCOME: Current $491.59 $4,445.00 $970.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,413.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 $0.00 $1,485.42 $0.00 $0.00 $432.50 $9,265.32 SUMMARY GENERAL CHECKING: Beginning Balance Total Income Total Expenses Ending Balance $9,479.59 $79,762.53 $86,516.79 $2,725.33 Monthly Summary January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Monthly Offering Year To Date $5,734.12 $46,182.00 $10,885.00 $1,962.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $7,570.16 $0.00 $0.00 $9.33 $0.00 $775.00 $0.00 $1,485.42 $0.00 $3,527.00 $432.50 $79,762.53 Offering Total $6,936.00 $6,252.75 $5,971.00 $4,746.60 $4,081.00 $4,810.20 $4,975.20 $4,699.61 $6,699.17 $2,744.59 Misc Income $597.00 $1,790.25 $3,698.29 $2,981.54 $3,048.00 $5,032.27 $1,309.33 $2,250.00 $4,736.42 $2,403.31 Monthly Expenses $6,502.90 $7,540.10 $8,792.07 $8,891.49 $9,993.22 $11,025.74 $8,509.80 $7,162.91 $10,242.01 $7,856.55 $51,916.12 $27,846.41 $86,516.79 SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCES: Campers Savings Building Fund Savings Parking Lot Savings $29.57 $5,519.59 $0.45 OTHER ACCOUNT BALANCES: Farmer's State Bank CD Home Federal Bank Money Market $34,236.14 $3,400.48 PARKING LOT LOAN BALANCES: Loan #1 approximate balance $3,741.62 Loan #2 approximate balance $4,597.85 Dawn Duerksen, Treasurer Next pymt due 11/13/final pymt due 8/14 Next pymt due 11/13/final pymt due 8/14 EXPENSES: SALARIES/BENEFITS 301 Pastor Base Salary 302 Pastor Housing Allowance 303 Pastor Insurance 305 Pastor Car Allowance 307 Pastor Pension 308 Pastor Continuing Education 320 Custodian 321 Organist 325 Sub Pastor 326 FICA Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES-SALARIES/BENEFITS: Current $2,004.17 $650.00 $61.04 $487.50 $265.42 $0.00 $561.02 $0.00 $0.00 $558.61 $4,587.76 Year-to-Date $20,041.70 $6,500.00 $546.88 $4,875.00 $2,377.94 $0.00 $5,000.73 $637.20 $0.00 $1,642.54 $41,621.99 Proposed Budget $24,050.00 $7,800.00 $1,051.05 $5,850.00 $3,185.00 $200.00 $7,500.00 $1,560.00 $400.00 $2,100.00 $53,696.05 EXPENSES: BUILDING & GROUNDS 401 Snow Removal 402B Natural Gas 405 Electricity and Water 407 Insurance 408 Misc. Bldg. & Grnd. Exp. 409 Piano Tuning 409A Organ Maintenance 413 State Farm - Workmen's Comp. 414 Parking Lot Expenses/Loan Payments 417 Transfer to Correct Account - Building TOTAL EXPENSES-BUILDING & GROUNDS: Current $0.00 $7.42 $0.00 $0.00 $65.19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,171.27 $0.00 Year-to-Date $614.46 $2,312.37 $2,106.24 $2,737.50 $2,554.32 $95.40 $0.00 $710.94 $7,570.16 $400.00 Proposed Budget $1,250.00 $5,000.00 $3,300.00 $3,750.00 $7,500.00 $200.00 $200.00 $950.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,243.88 $19,101.39 $22,150.00 Current $945.21 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $108.71 $53.29 $127.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $459.95 Year-to-Date $9,452.10 $3,519.50 $292.85 $0.00 $390.00 $0.00 $1,026.00 $663.87 $127.12 $0.00 $304.18 $3,510.50 $0.00 $1,034.90 Proposed Budget $11,342.52 $500.00 $350.00 $300.00 $400.00 $100.00 $2,000.00 $600.00 $350.00 $100.00 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $0.00 $1,694.28 $20,321.02 $16,592.52 Current $0.00 $669.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $669.91 Year-to-Date $0.00 $4,903.15 $0.00 $0.00 $504.24 $65.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,472.39 Proposed Budget $2,000.00 $7,500.00 $600.00 $50.00 $500.00 $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,850.00 $8,195.83 $86,516.79 $103,288.57 EXPENSES: CHURCH PROGRAMS 501 Parish Fund 502 Bible Camp Sponsorships 503 Offering Envelopes 504 Confirmation Expense 506 Synod Assembly 507 Books and Materials 508 Misc. Program Expense 512 Bank Service Charges 517 Bibles for 3rd Graders 518 Father/Son Banquet 519 Postage 525 Twins Game 526 High School Graduate Gifts 527 Church T-shirts TOTAL EXPENSES-CHURCH PROGRAMS: EXPENSES: MISSIONS/BENEVOLENCES 602 Augustana/USF PACT 603 ELCA Benevolence 604 Shetek Bible Camp 605 Crossroads Conference Dues 608 The Banquet 613 St. Dysmas 614 Emergency Cash Fund 615 Synod Seminary 616 Lutheran Outdoors 617 Mobile Food Pantry TOTAL EXPENSES-MISSONS: GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES:
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