November 2011 - gracelutheran
November 2011 - gracelutheran
THE PARISH PULSE Grace & Bethany Lutheran Churches Parker & Hurley, SD Office address: P.O. Box 667 Parker, SD 57053 Phone: 605.297.4417 Email: Web address: at a glance… November Sunday Worship: 9:00 am Bethany 11:00 am Grace Thanksgiving Eve Worship: November 23 6:30 pm @ Bethany 8:00 pm @ Grace Mid-Week Advent Worship Begins November 30 7:30 pm @ Bethany November 2011 come to see that the great tragedy in the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor” (p. 113). He goes on to say, “I truly believe that when the poor meet the rich, riches will have no meaning. And when the rich meet the poor, we will see poverty come to an end” (p. 114). Our world is in desperate need of “lovers.” Lovers are those people who are building deep and genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the issues they are concerned I’d like to tell you about an excellent book that made and about. Lovers also include those people who have fallen continues to make a powerful impact on me. It’s entitled, The desperately in love with God and with suffering people, and Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical, by Shane who allow those relationships to not only disturb them, but Claiborne. It’s also one of the first books (if possible) I’d like to transform them. Things become transformed when people have a Book Talk about with a group of people in January. become “human, neighbors, and family” (p. 297). Here are some of the book’s highlights… The following two questions were asked at the beginning of this book: Wouldn’t we all go to a church that believes in ordinary fools and ragamuffins and whose gospel is actually good news? and How can we worship a homeless man on Sunday and ignore one on Monday? Church is not something we do for an hour on Sunday, and it is not a building with a steeple. The church must become something we are – an organism, not an organization. We are to love God, love people, and follow Jesus. That involves living in new ways and realizing community is what we are created for. However, no one ever promised that community or Christian discipleship would be easy. Shane Claiborne was invited by Mother Teresa (Momma T) to “come and see.” That is exactly what he did. According to Mother Teresa, it is among the wealthy that we can find the most terrible poverty of all, and that is loneliness. Even though we are always tempted to do great things, Claiborne learned the discipline of doing small things with great deliberation. Mother Teresa said, “We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.” We are to find our “Calcutta,” because they are everywhere if we just take the time to open our eyes and look. This world wants things larger and larger, because of our “bigger is better” way of thinking. There is a great deal of super-sizing going on all around us – fries, sodas, SUVs, and church buildings, etc. Claiborne’s suggestion is that our goal should not be to get larger and larger, but to get smaller and smaller. He writes: “But amid all the church-growth tacticians and megachurch models, I want to suggest something a little different: God’s kingdom grows smaller and smaller as it takes over the world” (p. 319). We can become so driven by our vision for church growth, community, or social justice that we forget the little things such as caring for those around us. Matthew 25:40 reminds us of something: “And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’” Pastor Don’s Personal Reflection: Shane Claiborne reminds us that “we have to remind each other that we are not crazy, or that if we are crazy, at least we are not alone.” Why is it that when we do something to “serve our neighbor,” we get those looks that make us feel like we are doing something crazy? Why is it so hard for people to give and receive for the pure joy of it? Why do so many of us think we have to do something for the “giver” in order to feel worthy of receiving a gift? Maybe that’s why so many people struggle with God’s free gift of Grace. We hear about God’s grace and ask, “But we When Claiborne asked people whether Jesus spent time with have to do something, don’t we?” I guess if we keep asking the poor, nearly 80% said yes. When those same people were that of God, why wouldn’t we ask that of other people? asked whether they spent time with the poor, less than 2% Something to think about… said yes. He learned a powerful lesson: “We can admire and worship Jesus without doing what he did. We can applaud what he preached and stood for without caring about the same things. We can adore his cross without taking up ours. I had Up-Coming Special Grace/Bethany Worship Services for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Season Please join us for Thanksgiving Eve Worship Services with Holy Communion Wednesday, November 23: 6:30 PM @ Bethany Lutheran in Hurley 8:00 PM @ Grace Lutheran in Parker All are invited to bring bread and wine they plan to serve for their Thanksgiving meal and place it at the altar for a special blessing. Please attend at the time that works best for your family. Mark your calendars for Wednesday Mid-Week Advent Worship: Wednesday, November 30, 7:30 PM @ Bethany in Hurley: “Wait for the Light…With Hope” Wednesday, December 7, 7:30 PM @ Grace in Parker: “Wait for the Light…With Peace” Wednesday, December 14, 7:30 PM @ Bethany in Hurley: “Wait for the Light…With Joy” Wednesday, December 21, 7:30 PM @ Grace in Parker: “Wait for the Light…With Love” Christmas Eve Services: “Love Finds a Voice in Bethlehem” A Service of Story, Song, and Scripture Saturday, December 24, 5:00 PM @ Bethany in Hurley Saturday, December 24, 7:00 PM @ Grace in Parker Christmas Day Services with Holy Communion (Regular Sunday Service Times): Sunday, December 25, 9:00 AM @ Grace in Parker Sunday, December 25, 11:00 AM @ Bethany in Hurley SAVE THE DATE! Sharing the Dream in Guatemala Sharing the Dream is a non-profit organization in South Dakota that promotes fair trade with cooperatives and small businesses in Guatemala. Their craft products are handmade by Mayan artisans using many traditional techniques. Purchasing these crafts not only provides work for these artisans, but the profits go to support community development projects in Guatemala. We will have a table with many hand crafted items available for sale during coffee in November at Bethany – JUST IN TIME FOR Christmas giving! Watch the bulletin for dates! NEW items this year include ceramic dishes and mugs, aprons, new children’s items. Again we will have jewelry, scarves, hats, bags, carvings, glassware as well as coffee, tea and cocoa. Bethany is planning its 5th annual Christmas Caroling party on the SECOND Sunday in December, the 11th. More details will follow as we get closer to the date. Food Pantry Donations Bethany will once again be gathering food or financial donations for the Turner County Food Pantry through Sunday, November 20th. Consider shopping with your family and putting together a box – large or small – based upon the contents list you can find on the table in the entry in November. Take a list home with you! Just place your donations in the entry. Turner County Food Pantry needs: peanut butter macaroni and cheese spaghetti sauce & noodles hamburger helper tuna helper / tuna canned vegetables canned soups flour / sugar laundry detergent Grace WELCA will hold its annual Thank Offering during Worship on November 20. The women of the church may bring a monetary offering for the church parking lot and donations of nonperishables for the food pantry. Grace members – watch your weekly bulletins in November for Fun Facts, brought to you by the Church Council. Fun Facts is intended to give you a little bonus Grace WELCA Thank You! - Grazie Takk - Danke Merci - Gracias - Obrigado Thank you - (Grazie Takk) to Faith Work Group three for taking care of October Communion duties. Faith Work Group three co-chairs are Judie Nelson, Erin & Mike Patten & Deb & Lyle Van Hove. Thanks -(Danke) to Deone Christensen and Grace Lutheran Church Senior Choir for serving October Sunday Morning Fellowship Coffee. Many thanks - (Merci) - Dianna Ihnen and volunteers for assisting with Bingo at Parker Assisted Living Center on Monday afternoon, October 3rd. Gracias - (Thank you) - October WELCA hostesses Dianna Ihnen, Marlene Berens, Kathy Childs & Bonnie Hansen for serving coffee at October WELCA meeting. Obrigado - (Many thanks) - to Kathy Childs for leading WELCA Bible Studies on Sunday, October 9th and Thursday, October 13th. information and trivia about our church. Enjoy! Grace’s Church Council will be disbursing this year’s fair stand profits in November. If you have any out-reach mission suggestions for disbursement, please see a member of Council. All suggestions will be considered. What: Decorating the church for Christmas When: Friday, November 25 Where: Grace Lutheran Time: 2 p.m. All are welcome to come and help decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. It doesn't matter your age, there are things everyone can help with. We know it's a busy time for many of you with the Thanksgiving holiday and shopping for others. If you can't make it at that time, contact DebVan Hove or Chris Wirt to see what you could help with. WELCA MEETINGS Thursday, November 10th, 1 PM, Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, please plan to attend Grace Lutheran WELCA November meeting. Kathy Childs will lead Bible Study on Philippians following Bible Study will be WELCA business meeting and coffee. Please remember we are meeting Friday, November 11th, 1 PM in Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall to continue planning Grace Lutheran WELCA 2012 & 2013 booklet. Grace Lutheran WELCA is seeking a person for Secretary of Mission in Action. This position involves organizing quilting days. Please let Kathy Childs (297-3739) or Carol J. Viet (2974160) know. Thank you! (Takk du!) WELCA Con’t. Bethany WELCA Sunday, November 13th, 10:00 AM, in WELCA room in west Sunday School education wing, Kathy Childs will lead November Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark. On Saturday, October 8th, a group of our WELCA officers attended the Crossroads Workshop at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls. Monday, November 7th, please help Dianna Ihnen with Bingo at Parker Assisted Living Center. Please be there by 1:15 PM to get things ready for Bingo starting at 1:30 PM. If you have questions, contact Dianna Ihnen at 297-0131. Grace Lutheran Church needs volunteers for the Nutrition Program at the Parker Senior Citizen Center in Parker. Dates volunteers are needed are Monday through Friday, November 7th through November 11th and again Monday through Friday, November 14th through 18th. Sign -up sheet is on the bulletin board close to the west church kitchen door. Please be at Parker Senior Citizen Center on the courthouse hill by 10:30 AM on the day you sign up to help and duties will include setting tables, help dish up the meal, and clean up afterwards. You will be ready to leave around 12:15 PM. One or two volunteers per day are needed. If you have questions, please contact Donna Hertel at 297-3141. This year’s WELCA Fun Day was on Saturday, October 15th. The morning was spent touring the Viborg Heritage Museum. Then we returned to Hurley for a delicious luncheon at the Farmsworth House (Bed & Breakfast), followed by a tour of all the lovely rooms. November 20th, will be Grace Lutheran WELCA Thank Offering Sunday at 11 AM Church service. Food and non-food donations for the Northern Turner County Food Pantry may be left in the church narthex below the ledge and the bulletin board. Northern Turner County Food Pantry is seeing an increase in need of food, nonfood items and money donated to buy items for Northern Turner County Food Pantry to help meet the increase needs of the community. November 20th, prayers of the day will be lead by Grace Lutheran WELCA. Thank offering will be Thank Offering Sunday was held on Sunday, received before children's noisy offering and before our regular October 23rd. The church was decorated with Sunday morning offering. Grace Lutheran WELCA thank quilts on the benches and a fall display up front. offering will go towards paying off Grace Lutheran Church Joyce Wipf gave a brief report on our WELCA Parking Lot loans. Please write checks to Grace Lutheran projects of this past year. WELCA and in check memo write thank offering for parking lot fund. You can write check for monetary donation for Northern Turner County Food Pantry to Grace Lutheran WELCA with a note in the memo that it is for Northern Turner County Food Pantry. Monetary donations to Northern Turner County Food Pantry can be brought up when you bring your thank offering forward. Following Sunday Morning Church Service, November 20th, there will be a potluck Thanksgiving dinner. WELCA MEETING: Our next WELCA meeting will be on Please be sure to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Joy rd Work Group #2 will be in charge of setting up for potluck dinner, Thursday, November 3 , at 1:30 pm. After the meeting the officers will plan the program for the following year. kitchen duties before the potluck meal, making coffee and getting food out on the serving tables. Joy Work Group #2, cochairs are LaVonne Meyer, Ron Nelson & Gerad & Kaylyn Robertson. Please mark your serving bowls, pans, lids and Blessings to all, covers with your name to help make it easy to find them. Joyce Wipf Everyone gets to pitch in and help with clean up and dishes following the meal. From Gerry… It is time to make your list. No, I do not mean your Christmas list. I mean your Thanksgiving list. What are you thankful for? On my list is my church family. I think about how I would miss not coming to Worship together. How I value choir and From Judie… singing. I love coffee fellowship after church. I like pulling together to move Pastor, gatherings, meetings and service I have again felt the call to return to the Dominican projects where we remember love is shown in service. Faith Republic in January through the mission group Children of in Action is going to try to highlight a little more of those the Nations to use the skills God has given me and our team services. Since the money FIA has comes from all of you to help do surgery on the Haitian Refugees in the Dominican through the fair stand, we want to contribute to any projects as needed. Republic. They receive no health care from the Dominican government, so medical mission groups from the US are the only care they have a chance to receive. We will have orthopedic, general, and eye surgeons, along with nurses, anesthetists, surgical technicians and medical students. We will operate 12 hours a day for 5 days to help as many children as we possibly can. November 6 starts the mitten tree for Milks Camp. Let us offer a prayer this year when we get our mittens for that child. God knows their need and our heart. If you do not wish to buy mittens and caps, money is welcome. The FROGS will be doing shopping for those and for the health kits for teens. Also needed are fire alarms and replacements batteries. November 13 is our Mission Meal. Judie and I both go in January. Plane tickets have gone up. I will be going January 6th to Haiti. I am pleased some of my family members have Also traveling with us will be a group that will be doing Bible done lots of extra work and are going with. Dave and Tammy School at the schools that Children of the Nations has built Oswald continue to help Helping Hands for Haiti grow the to educate the children so they have a chance for a better mission. We are helping 5 schools feed 900 children 5 days a week with Sioux Falls packaged Kids Against Hunger food, life. and send 16 teachers for further schooling. We bring in I fell truly blessed to have such a wonderful church family school supplies, health kits, clothes, baby layettes, etc. I will serve where needed including Bible School and Women’s and friends for support and prayers. Bible study. Particularly needed at all times are Bibles for In Christ’s Love, Children and adult Bibles. Children’s are $4 and adults’ are Judie Nelson $10. These will be available soon in the entry for viewing if you want to give. Pray, Care, and Share November 12: 8:30 to 11:30 volunteers are needed for sewing dresses and shorts for children in Haiti. Call Lavonne 297-4186 for more information. November 13: Mission Meal November 20: WELCA Thank Offering for parking lot and canned goods for Turner County Food Pantry. November 6-27: Gathering of hats and mittens for Milks Camp. November 16: Luther League youth are making baby blankets to be sent to Milks Camp. ANY DONATIONS OF FLEECE are greatly appreciated. December 3: Delivery of gifts for milks Camp (any and all welcome to come and help). December 4: Parker Community Christmas Choir annual fund-raiser for the Ministerial Association. All proceeds minus expenses go directly to them. They distribute to those in need all year and the need is already up. How can you help? Call Deone 297-4863. VOLUNTEER HELP IS NEEDED in all aspects of the production. If you cannot help physically (i.e. decorate, food preparation, staging, set-up, and hauling), please pray. Grace Sunday School Practice for the Sunday School Christmas program will begin November 13th. Preschool-6th grade will rehearse during regular Sunday School time (10-11 am) every Sunday except November 27th. Mark your calendars now for the Christmas program on December 18th at 9:00 am. November fishbowl offering will go the purchase of Children’s Bibles for Haiti. F.R.O.G.S. The next FROGS outing is scheduled for Nov 20th and we will be leaving church at 12:30pm and heading over to the Pizza Ranch in Tea for some lunch. Please send $10 for the food. The kids are then off to Sioux Falls to purchase hats, mittens and health care kit items to package and send off to Milks Camp. We should be done around 4:00. It’s been a great and crazy couple of months in our Luther League group. It seems like we’ve been doing lots of stuff! In September we kicked off the new season with a Mexican taco night, and discussed all of the things we’d like to do this year. Some of the things that we discussed were helping with fall yard clean up, working with young children, making blankets for the kids at Milk’s Camp and working in our own churches. So far we have had an incredible turn out for all of our events. We meet with around 20 kids each Wednesday, and for our weekend events we have a great turn out as well with anywhere between 10 and 15. We’ve watched the movie Soul Surfer as a group, this is a great movie and I highly recommend it to anyone. I sat quietly in the back so the kids couldn’t see the tears towards the end of the movie. We’ve also went to the Harrisburg corn maze, and to the Jaycee’s Haunted House in Sioux Falls. Our discussions were about fear and about finding the right path and if you have Christ in your life and let him lead you should never be lost and never be afraid. What you should be afraid of is losing your way with him. We also had the opportunity to help our new Pastor and his family move into their new home. We met and helped carry in boxes and boxes. It was a very smooth process and we were grateful to have all of the help we had there, it took less than 45 minutes to move everything in. Our group also helped with the Rake-a-thon in October. We split up into several groups and went to Hurley, and to a couple homes in Parker to help pick up leaves for those that couldn’t do it on their own. We then shared a wonderful meal with everyone and got to visit for a while. The upcoming plans for our group shows that we aren’t slowing down a bit. In November we are going to Mitchell to listen to Daren Streblow on the DWU campus. Daren had a troubled childhood and when he got married he felt God leading him to be a stand-up Christian comedian. Also in November we are gathering together to tie blankets for children at Milks camp. We are still looking for some donations of fleece material, so let us know if you have any extra to spare. We have some fun plans for the children of our congregation in December and we are planning on helping out with the community Christmas concert as well. If you have suggestions or ideas for our group, please contact Jenn Preheim or Shari Jensen. Thanks again for all of your support with our group, you can see that the kids have fun being together in a Christian environment and without the support of the parents and the congregations in Hurley and in Parker we couldn’t make it work. Our featured Bible verse in October: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 God bless! Jenn & Shari Grace Lutheran Church Council Approved Minutes Wednesday, September 21, 2011 The following members were present: Emily Bialas, Pastor Reiffenberger, Deb Van Hove, Carol Viet, Ron Viet, Dawn Duerksen, Marci Leberman Deb Van Hove called the meeting to order. Devotions: Tom Williams M/S/P to approve the agenda M/S/P to approve the July minutes Treasurer’s Report: New laptop for Pastor Don from the Parish fund Offering has increased. M/S/P to approve Treasurer’s Report Deacon’s Report: Tom Williams will be working on Time & Talent sheets Board of Education: Rally day was a success. First official day of SS was Sunday September 18. Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation update report will be created to inform congregation, parents and kids about the happenings. WELCA: Carol Viet reported. WELCA met 2nd Thursday of September, studying Philippians. Bible Study once a month during Sunday School. Information will be put on the church web site. October – choir will be serving coffee October 10 – Native American Monday. WELCA will be working on WELCA booklet. Memorial Committee: no report Luther League: Meeting the 1st and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Continuing Business: 1) Sale of Land: 2) Updates on policies/guidelines: Pastor Don will review current policies and we will revisit this at a later date. 3) Confirmation Pictures: Emily is still collecting those that we are missing. Did receive 2 of them and might be able to get a couple of more. 4) Job/position description: Eric will set up a meeting with Hansen’s for their yearly update and discussion on their jobs. 5) Building Update: fire extinguishers need to be mounted. Hall Light Fixtures: Ron will be painting these. Bubbling carpet: Trustees will talk with Ken Hay (Eric) Building upkeep on the outside – light on north side isn’t working. Parking Lot Discussion: thank Chris Carlson & Seal Pro’s for repairing cracks in the parking lot. Council is concerned also about the amount of funds in the Parking Lot fund to pay for the next loan payment. An announcement will be placed in the bulletin thanking Chris and asking the congregation for increased donations for the Parking Lot fund which will also be used to pay for the chip seal in 3 years. 6) Constitution: revive the Constitution committee to review the constitution New Business: 1) Roof Estimate: $5,431 (rough low estimate) to replace shingles on the SE side of the Church. Ron will make an announcement to the congregation about the shape of the roof and will also address the parking lot. Encourage congregation to give to Parking Lot fund. 2) Installation – October 9, 2011 not a lot of information on that yet from the synod. Deb will order a cake for the occasion. 3) Fall care of landscaping: Deb will check with Barb & Erin on this. 4) Stewardship: didn’t do a lot of this last year. Need to look into doing more of this in the upcoming months. Pastor Don will order a Stewardship kit in order to get ideas on what we can do. Will look to do something in October for November. Deb encouraged all council members to look on SD Synod website and educate themselves on the “That All may be Fed” 5) Friendship registers – Emily: received a sample of a registry book. Discussed the possibility of replacing the pew binders. Will discuss next time in continuing business. 6) Church Binder/Booklet – Policies, Guidelines, Service groups, greeters, readers, ushers, etc…: Deb spoke about this. Would like to see a booklet that contains all of this information in one place for church members. Contact information requests will be placed on the Time and Talent sheets. 7) Lights outside of church – see above 8) Moving Pastor Don and Family: need to load on October 6th. A trailer or two have been donated to help with the move. Need people to move boxes from the trailers into the house on October 8th in Parker. Emily will put announcement in bulletin asking for volunteers to help Pastor Don move. 9) Miscellaneous – 69 extra metal folding chairs will be sold for $3 each. Announcement will be put in the bulletin. Pastor’s Report: God Pause Devotions: 32 receiving so far Pre-conf & confirmation – finished 2nd night First communion will be 2/5/2012 Confirmation will be 4/22/2012 Communion: 1st & 3rd Sunday with apple juice being offered. Working on getting 3rd Sunday as family worship service. Rake-a-thon: October 15th Service Project for confirmation students: October 26th Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 8:00 pm Devotions: Carol Viet M/S/P to adjourn. PARISH TREASURER'S REPORT 10/18/11 INCOME: P101 Grace Deposits P102 Bethany Deposits P110 Misc Income P112 AutoAdvance TOTAL INCOME: CURRENT $823.33 $886.66 $0.00 $0.00 $1,709.99 YEAR TO DATE $8,233.30 $4,433.30 $353.72 $300.00 $13,320.32 EXPENSES - SALARIES: P301 Parish Secretary P302 Continuing Education P303 Supply Pastor P306 Pastoral Supplies P310 Misc. Salary TOTAL EXPENSES - SALARIES: CURRENT $526.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $526.00 YEAR TO DATE $5,080.73 $0.00 $295.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,375.73 EXPENSES - OFFICE: P401 Copier Lease Contract P402 Computer Maintenance P403 Office Supplies P404 Postage P405 Bulletins & Inserts P406 Office Equipment Maintenance P408 Church Office Telephone P420 Miscellaneous Office Expense P422 AutoAdvance Payments P423 Bank Service Charge TOTAL EXPENSES - OFFICE: CURRENT $235.89 $0.00 $103.38 $44.00 $276.79 $0.00 $127.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $788.00 YEAR TO DATE $2,397.98 $1,419.32 $475.68 $176.00 $1,103.95 $0.00 $1,264.98 $475.16 $305.91 $10.00 $7,628.98 EXPENSES - PROGRAM: P601 Books P602 Lenten Materials P603 Christmas Materials P605 Baptism Supplies P606 Confirmation Materials P620 Miscellaneous Program Expense TOTAL EXPENSES - PROGRAM: CURRENT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 YEAR TO DATE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $204.00 $142.45 $0.00 $346.45 $1,314.00 $13,351.16 GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES Beginning Balance: Total Income: Total expenses: Ending Balance: Dawn Duerksen Parish Treasurer $585.17 $13,320.32 $13,351.16 $554.33 GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH TREASURER'S REPORT 10/18/11 INCOME: 101 General Offering 102 Envelope Offering 103 Quarterly Offering 104 Lenten Offering 109 Camper Savings 114 Bethany Reimbursement 121 Parking Lot 202 Use of Building 203 Misc. Income 204 Augie/USF PACT 205 Thrivent 214 Lutheran World Relief Fundraiser 219 Transfer from Building Fund 222 Transfer from Memorial Fund TOTAL INCOME: SUMMARY GENERAL CHECKING: Beginning Balance Total Income Total Expenses Ending Balance Monthly Summary January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Monthly Offering Current $754.22 $5,520.00 $995.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,513.22 Year To Date $7,258.58 $44,764.06 $12,215.00 $1,145.25 $1,065.00 $373.67 $4,800.00 $0.00 $873.85 $0.00 $1,135.00 $0.00 $2,885.90 $0.00 $76,516.31 ($1,023.82) $76,516.31 $73,298.18 Offering Total $5,745.65 $5,487.26 $5,074.50 $5,781.92 $5,392.25 $4,478.36 $5,219.88 $4,357.44 $5,228.66 $5,256.72 Misc Income $1,817.50 $5,556.60 $3,250.67 $2,729.70 $1,120.10 $3,877.00 $627.00 $2,106.00 $1,270.00 $2,139.10 Monthly Expenses $5,685.37 $8,503.99 $9,788.78 $7,575.61 $6,773.30 $12,673.43 $2,485.39 $6,566.43 $6,509.54 $6,736.34 $52,022.64 $24,493.67 $73,298.18 SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCES: Campers Savings Building Fund Savings Parking Lot Savings $865.48 $3,428.96 $511.61 OTHER ACCOUNT BALANCES: Farmer's State Bank CD Home Federal Bank Money Market $32,046.70 $3,394.82 PARKING LOT LOAN BALANCES: Loan #1 as of 10/18/11 $8,579.44 Loan #2 as of 10/18/11 $13,238.25 Dawn Duerksen, Treasurer Payments made through December 2012 Payments made through April 2012 EXPENSES: SALARIES/BENEFITS 301 Pastor Base Salary 302 Pastor Housing Allowance 303 Pastor Insurance 305 Pastor Car Allowance 307 Pastor Pension 308 Pastor Continuing Education 320 Custodian 321 Organist 325 Sub Pastor 326 FICA Expenses TOTAL EXPENSESSALARIES/BENEFITS: Current $1,950.00 $650.00 $0.00 $270.83 $0.00 $0.00 $557.84 $0.00 $0.00 $458.85 Year-toDate $16,522.60 $10,190.44 $1,364.32 $1,440.82 $1,111.28 $0.00 $5,014.11 $28.30 $0.00 $1,359.47 Proposed Budget $6,667.82 $26,671.29 $5,000.00 $2,697.50 $3,350.00 $200.00 $6,200.00 $1,560.00 $400.00 $2,000.00 $3,887.52 $37,031.34 $54,746.61 EXPENSES: BUILDING & GROUNDS 401 Snow Removal 402B Natural Gas 405 Electricity and Water 407 Insurance 408 Misc. Bldg. & Grnd. Exp. 409 Piano Tuning 409A Organ Maintenance 413 State Farm - Workmen's Comp. 414 Parking Lot Expenses/Loan Payments TOTAL EXPENSES-BUILDING & GROUNDS: Current $0.00 $9.54 $0.00 $0.00 $54.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 Year-toDate $1,000.00 $2,494.65 $2,539.64 $2,690.94 $4,538.44 $90.10 $0.00 $641.49 $4,800.00 Proposed Budget $1,250.00 $5,000.00 $3,300.00 $3,300.00 $7,500.00 $200.00 $200.00 $850.00 $0.00 $1,264.22 $18,795.26 $21,600.00 EXPENSES: CHURCH PROGRAMS 501 Parish Fund 502 Bible Camp Sponsorships 503 Offering Envelopes 504 Confirmation Expense 506 Synod Assembly 507 Books and Materials 508 Misc. Program Expense 512 Bank Service Charges 517 Bibles for 3rd Graders 518 Father/Son Banquet 519 Postage 526 High School Graduate Gifts TOTAL EXPENSES-CHURCH PROGRAMS: Current $823.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $489.94 $3.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Year-toDate $8,233.30 $1,065.00 $295.69 $0.00 $260.00 $0.00 $1,948.85 $38.40 $0.00 $0.00 $164.00 $210.81 Proposed Budget $9,880.00 $1,000.00 $450.00 $300.00 $250.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $500.00 $200.00 $1,316.47 $12,216.05 $14,080.00 EXPENSES: MISSIONS/BENEVOLENCES 602 Augustana/USF PACT 603 ELCA Benevolence 604 Shetek Bible Camp 605 Crossrads Conference Dues 608 The Banquet 612 Lutheran World Relief 613 Parker After Prom TOTAL EXPENSES-MISSONS: GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES: Current $0.00 $532.87 $0.00 $20.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $553.57 $7,021.78 Year-toDate $0.00 $4,665.27 $0.00 $20.70 $569.56 $0.00 $0.00 $5,255.53 $73,298.18 Proposed Budget $2,000.00 $9,000.00 $600.00 $50.00 $600.00 $0.00 $50.00 $12,300.00 $102,726.61
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1. Time and Talent Sheets: Deacons will be reviewing and will be given to all members after next council meeting.
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