Vacation Bible School - Grace and Peace Lutheran Church


Vacation Bible School - Grace and Peace Lutheran Church
JUNE 2016
Vacation Bible School
Grace & Peace Weekend Vacation
Bible School Pets
Unleashed –
Where Jesus Cares “FUR” You
Friday Evening June 24 and
Saturday Morning June 25
Invite your children, grandchildren, friends,
and neighbors.
It will be a fun and
un”fur”gettable time for all. On Saturday,
Posey Co. Humane Society is coming to talk
about adoption, fostering and caring for pets.
We will close with a pet blessing service
(everyone is invited to bring their pets.) There
will also be a photo op where everyone can
have their picture taken with their pets!
Church Events
June 8th
- VBS Meeting
June 9-11
- IK Synod Assembly
June 15th
- Council Meeting
June 21st
- Mission of Grace Meal
June 24th & 25th - VBS
Join us June 8th
at 6:30pm for our
last planning
Vacation Bible School
Since our theme is “Pets Unleashed – where
Jesus cares “FUR” you”, we thought it would
be fitting to show how we can care for some
local animals in need.
On Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00 AM, we will
be having a presentation from the Posey
Humane Society on pet adoption, foster care,
and helping pets find a forever home. After
the presentation, there will be a Pet Blessing
by Pastor Roberta and Pastor Ange. We want
to invite all members and VBS families to
bring their pets for the pet blessing at 11:00
AM. If you have an animal that is too large to bring, bring a picture for a blessing.
**Please have dogs on leashes and cats and small animals in
crates or cages for everyone’s safety**
After the Pet Blessing and closing for VBS, we invite
everyone to stay & join us for a picnic lunch.
There will be a display with information on the Posey Humane
Society. We are accepting donations of dog and cat food and will have a donation
jar on the table if anyone wants to help as they are a non-profit 501(c)(3)
organization that receives no funding from any local, state, or national
Our “Project with a Purpose” crafts this year will be dog toys made from the
donated T-Shirts. These will be donated to the Posey County Humane Society
Our Bible story for Friday is “Jesus sheds light on how to live” (Matthew 5-7) and
Saturday is “Jesus dies and comes back to life” (Luke 23:1-24:12).
So bring the kids for a great Friday and Saturday of VBS fun and plan to bring the
family for the pet blessing and picnic.
VBS Staff
What’s The Worry?
Jesus knows our nature. He knows we’re prone to worry. Perhaps that’s why he
“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or
about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the
body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or
reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not
much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his
life?” (Matthew 6:25-27)
In spite of these words of both admonition and assurance, Christians still tend to
worry. Sometimes worry about the ability to provide for our families takes over our
lives to such an extent that it guides our thoughts and actions. We put off giving to the
Lord through our church – “temporarily,” we say – until we feel secure in our
financial situations. Life, as you know, seems to throw one crisis after another at us,
and, often, that financial security never comes.
We have the same worry when it comes to serving. We complain that we just
don’t have time. We work long hours, and then we have commitments to our families.
How can we go to meetings or make meals for a family whose mom is sick?
Later, we tell God and even ourselves. Later, when the college tuitions are paid and
the kids are out of the house. Then we’ll have time and money. But then, after all that
hard work, don’t I deserve to get away and take a nice, long cruise?
We reap what we sow, we read in 2 Corinthians 9:6. What are you sowing?
Proverbs 11:18 reads,
“He who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.” Matthew 6:19-21 records Jesus’
words, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on
Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves
break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures
in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and
where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you
treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Is it forgetfulness of God’s promises or lack of faith
that keeps us stuck in this pattern of giving all for our
physical, temporal lives instead of storing up treasures
in Heaven. Take God at his Word: give generously,
serve without reward, take time to help others, and
watch him satisfy your every need.
Jeff Byrne, Stewardship Chair
This Month at Grace & Peace
6 - Philip & Cheryl Lawrence
16 - Kurt & Marilyn Kluger
17 - Jeff & Margaret Ann Byrne
20 - Mike & Elaine Musgrave
6 - Ben Daugherty
6 - Kurt Kluger
8 - Robert Zellner
9 - Gina Moore
9 - Caden Simpson
12 - Marja Tichenor
13 - Lucian Snaden
15 - Herman “Buddy” Moore, Jr.
23 - Gail Walker
27 - Rachel Mayes
Please contact the church if you or someone in your family is
sick, shut-in, hospitalized, or if there is a death in your family.
Our Pastor, Roberta Meyer, will be available
to come and visit you.
Call the church office to set up an appointment
(812) 476- 8201. Or email
Class of 2016
Congratulations 2016 Graduates!
We will be celebrating YOU on Sunday,
June 5th during worship! We will have a
reception immediately following service.
Please invite your friends and family to
join you.
Exercise with Ange
Exercise with Ange Humphrey begins next week Tuesday and Thursday evenings
6:30-7:30. Ange has been a fitness instructor for over 30 years in Atlanta, Owensboro,
Bardstown and Evansville. Her fitness class is a traditional Hi/Lo
aerobic format suitable to all abilities. Participants will need light
hand weights (optional), a mat and water. Dress comfortably and
wear good supportive shoes. Class fee $8.
Ange also teaches daytime classes at First Presbyterian on 2nd street
Monday and Wednesday at 9:45-10:45.
Peace, Ange
Mission of Grace
On the 3 Tuesday of every month
Our Next Dinner is Tuesday,
June 21st
We’re having Hot Dogs!
6:00-8:00 p.m.
This month’s dinner will be held at
Mission of Grace
418 E. Gum Street
Corner of Gum and Elliott Street
The Mission of Grace, an outreach ministry of
Grace and Peace Lutheran Church,
Emanuel Lutheran Church, Christ Lutheran Church,
Notes From Pastor Roberta
Good Morning All!
Last Sunday I told the children during the children's message that each week I am
going to give them and all the congregation a word to think about. Sunday's word
was "TRUST". Who do we trust? Why do we trust? How can we be trustworthy?
Last month we read about the centurion who trusted Jesus to heal his slave. We
asked the question "What Amazes Jesus". Jesus was amazed at this centurion's
trust and faith in Jesus. When his disciples doubted, questioned, and did not trust,
this Roman soldier knew who Jesus was and had faith in Jesus' power. This kind of
trust and faith is what amazes Jesus. I pray my faith will grow and amaze Jesus.
Due to an accident, Toni Beumer will not be able to attend the IK Synod
Assembly in South Bend on June 9-11. I would love it if another female member
would go with me. We can have a male and a female delegate. Larry Johnson is
going, but now I am asking for another woman to come with us. Please let me
know if you can join Larry and I. Let’s keep Toni in our prayers.
The June MOG meal is June 21. We are having a cookout at the MOG. Please plan
to come join in the fun. There will be an opportunity to dig in our new garden, too.
Peace and Joy,
Pastor Roberta
Ange & George to Kenya
Hello Friends,
George and I have a thrilling opportunity we want to share
with you! We are hoping to go to Kenya this July, and we
need your help to make it happen.
We are excited to be going on the ALDERSGATE UNITED
is an annual mission trip in partnership with two villages in
western Kenya that has been ongoing since 2003. My sweet
friend and colleague, Pastor Lynn Renne, had led many of these trips so we will be in
excellent hands.
The local Kenyans welcome and partner with us as we hold a 4 day medical camp, interact with children in class
rooms and a vulnerable children’s home, make home visits, and learn about the Kenyans where they live, work,
worship and play.
Part of our responsibility will be to conduct eye exams for the villagers. To get us up to
professional speed, we will attend training in Louisville in April. The medical camp
where we will serve includes doctors, dentists, eye glass fitting, (both prescription and
reading) and lab testing. There is great need for all of these services, as you might
The trip is from Thursday, July 7 through Saturday, July 24, 2016.
The cost, per person, is $5,000 US. This money is for airfare, transportation,
food, and lodging in Kenya, as well as vaccinations and anti-malarial medicines
needed to travel to Kenya. This price includes visas, insurance and other fees
required for travel. We would need this money as soon as possible, but no later
than mid-June 2016.
This is a wonderful opportunity to not only go and "do" but to learn from the people of Kenya as we share time in
their world. I know that my life will be forever changed by the Kenya experience. George and I look forward to
sharing our stories with you upon our return.
Donations are tax deductible, and there are several ways to
1) You can make donations by check, which is to be made payable and sent to:
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
5130 Lincoln Ave.
Evansville, IN 47715
Please put “Kenya trip – G & A” in the memo line.
2) You June also give online by visiting , clicking on the Giving Link on the
lower left, and donating by credit or debit card as a one time guest to the site.
3) George and I have established an online account with GO FUND ME. Simply search
and our page will immediately pop up.
As a donor and friend, you are part of the team, so we will be sending out updates while we are there. If you
would be interested in receiving these or if you have any other questions about my our trip we would be happy to
talk with you, and we look forward to sharing our stories of Kenya with you.
Believe me, any money you can donate is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this and
consider helping us achieve our dream. Asante Sana! (Swahili for “Thank you very much!”)
Asante Sana,
Ange Humphrey
Grace and Peace Lutheran Church
June 2016
200 South Boeke Road
Evansville, IN 47714
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
Roberta in EVV
6:30 Exercise
Wedding at G & P
9:30- 1 Mission of
7:30 AA Mtg.
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
Graduation Sunday
12:30 Fresh Air
1:00 F. A. Service
7:00 Overeaters 10:00 Roberta
Anonymous Periscope Study
6:30 VBS Mtg
7:00 Bible Study
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
Roberta in EVV
6:30 Exercise
9:30- 1 Mission of
7:30 AA Mtg.
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
Youth Group Mtg
12:30 Fresh Air
1:00 F. A. Service
7:00 Overeaters 10:00 Roberta
Anonymous Periscope
6:30 Exercise
7:00 Bible Study
Watch Mtg.
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
6:30 Council Mtg
Roberta in EVV
6:30 Exercise
9:30- 1 Mission of
1:00 Ladies Tea at
Mulberry Jean’s
7:30 AA Mtg.
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
12:30 Fresh Air
1:00 F.A. Service
7:00 Overeaters 10:00 Roberta
Anonymous Periscope
6:00 Mission of
Grace Meal
6:30 Exercise
7:00 Bible Study
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
Roberta in EVV
6:30 Exercise
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
12:30 Fresh Air
1:00 F.A. Service
7:00 Overeaters 10:00 Roberta
Anonymous Periscope
6:30 Exercise
7:00 Bible Study
9:30-1 Mission of
10:00 Bible Study
5:30 Women’s
Bible Study
Roberta in EVV
6:30 Exercise
Birthday party in
Fellowship Hall
7:00 Fresh Air
Yard Sale
9:30- 1 Mission of
7:30 AA Mtg.
Deadline for
July 2016
June 25th
Church Council Members
Pastor – Roberta Meyer
President – Luke Anderson
Secretary – Don Smith
Christian Education – David Meyer
Congregational Life – Larry Johnson
Our Mission is:
To Proclaim God’s
And Share God’s
Through Love
And Service
To All.
Fellowship – Linda Heidorn
Finance/Stewardship Team – Jeff Byrne
Property – Ron Young
Social Outreach - Vicki Oshodi
Adult Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Children’s & Youth Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Treasurer – Toni Beumer
Worship and Music - Vicki Young
Church Office: (812) 476–8201
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
10:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.
Roberta Meyer (812) 431-0075
Grace and Peace Lutheran Church
200 South Boeke Road
Evansville, IN 47714-1330