
Volume 4, Issue 1 ~ July 2016
...covers my entire counter.
Flavia wipes it and deftly layers together three pieces just the right
size. We scoop in the fillings that have taken hours to prepare. Orange
masa made from corn flour and vegetables, three pieces of potato, just
a handful of rice, the ancho chicken stained red, tomato, minty herba
buena. Her hands move quickly, years of practice evident, as she rolls
the leaves and ties the cord forming a neat package. Mine move slowly,
clumsily, much like my understanding of the rapid stream of Spanish as
she explains each step. The nacatamales simmer in a large metal pot for
three hours, they will be ready in time for a delicious supper at the end
of the day.
Making nacatamales and new friends
“O taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the
man who takes refuge in Him.” Ps. 34:8
Friendships and trust, much like this traditional Nicaraguan food,
take time and care to build. Sharing experiences together help us to get
to know people. We want to understand not just their language but also
their culture and how they view the world. As we learn more we can better share the richness of God’s word and the sweetness of a relationship
with Him in their context.
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done,
but according to His mercy He saved us…” Titus 3:5
We continue to see the religion mentality that is prevalent here dictate much of daily life. People often do good to seek approval; from
God, a church, or their community. Yet from the Bible we know that in
Christ God’s approval rests on the believer. Our righteous acts are to be
motivated by a heart of thankfulness for what is already DONE, not to
complete or secure our salvation. As we teach from God’s Word we are
emphasizing the GRACE that is offered freely by faith in Christ alone.
Spanish class with Alberth and Jeff
preparing Bible study notes
On Saturday night and Sunday morning we clear out our living room
of all but chairs, put on some coffee and open the door. Beginning with a
foundation class we hope to help those who attend understand the centrality of Christ in the Bible as a whole. We are praying for people who
attend to have hearts seeking a growing relationship with Jesus
through the study of His Word.
This is the beginning of what we hope to see accomplished.
Thank you for joining us in the goal of developing, training and discipling in order to plant Grace churches. We want to see the gospel of God’s amazing grace implanted and transforming the hearts
and lives of those we minister to. Without the Body of Christ working together we could not be here. Thank you for partnering with us
in ministry. Thank you for praying with us for God’s will in His work
and His timing. It is exciting to see Him at work.
Left: Chloe and Lily
practicing Spanish
with their friends
Ethan and our friend Brayan
playing at the park
Right: A picture of our
new neighborhood
The Chapman Family July 2016
In Christ’s love and for His glory,
Brett and Debby Chapman
Chloe, Lily, Ethan and Asher
Brett and Debby Chapman
APT #8
Matagalpa, NICARAGUA
USA phone: 386-279-6069
Brett phone: 011-505-8511-5517
Debby phone: 011-505 8511-5545