- Henrietta Church of Christ


- Henrietta Church of Christ
Upcoming Events
03/06 Urban Air 6:15 ($12)
Leadership Training for Christ Practices
Bible Bowl Sundays 4:00pm
Sign Language Wednesdays 5:30pm
Chorus Wednesdays 6:00pm
Drama Wednesdays 7:30pm
Point 1: It is human nature to try to _______ a
relationship with God by being _______ __________ to
merit such a relationship.
Point 2: The Law was given to tell people how to be able
to be _______ __________.
Point 3: Instead of bringing ______ ___________ with
God, the Law brought punishment...________.
Point 4: Christ came to be the ultimate fulfillment of the
______ and took the punishment that we
______________ by taking sins upon Himself and being
crucified on the cross.
Point 5: Because His sacrifice was one time, for all, and
because His blood continually washes away our sins, we
are no longer under _____, but under ________.
Point 6: ________ does not mean no accountability.
Rather, it means that we are now free from the constraints of the _____ and the fear of _______. Because of
this, we are called to a higher mission than merely
obeying the law. Now we are to be his ambassadors of
Bible Class (9:30) …………………………..56
Worship A.M (10:30)…....…………………..87
Small Groups (6:00) …..………………...…NC
Wednesday (6:30)…..………...…..…………66
2016 Budget: $3,650
Contribution: $2,978
February 28, 2016
Paul Landis / 631-4921
Tommy Sims / 867-4163
Brad Yurcho / 631-2865
(All songs today will be in the paper book)
Adam Bowers, Building Maintenance / 642-7709
Todd Davis, Education / 257-4339
Tyler Garrison, Benevolence & Education / 366-4092
Gerald Holland, Worship/Small Groups / 636-9616
Leroy Schaffner, Senior Ministry / 538-5057
Oscar Talley, Building Maintenance / 337-6105
Harry Webb, Building Maintenance / 704-5386
Scott Williams, Missions & Youth / 781-7484
Todd Davis / 257-4339
Office Hours are Monday-Thursday 9:00-12:00
Youth and Family Minister:
Chandler Walker 940-249-1313
Office Hours are Tuesday-Friday 9:00-12:00
Selinda Taylor / 538-4564 or 782-8495
E-mail: henriettacofc@sbcglobal.net
Web Site: www.henriettachurchofchrist.com
Mailing Address: PO Box 388, Henrietta, TX 76365
Office Phone Number: 940-538-4564
#9 We Shall Assemble (all)
#15 Lord, Reign In Me (all)
#24 Lord Listen to Your Children (all)
Opening Prayer
#21 As the Deer
Communion Message
#18 Worthy Is the Lamb (all)
#45 How Great Is Our God (both)
Scripture Reading
Matthew 7:13-14
#35 Days of Elijah
#41 Sanctuary (1,3)
Closing Prayer
Preacher’s Porch
The very first Sunday I ever came to worship in Henrietta,
I was privileged to get to preach. Now, many of you will
recall that when I moved to Henrietta 10 years ago, I did
not come as a preacher. I came as a school teacher. It just
so happened that I came in the crease of time between
Ryan leaving and Joe Puckett arriving and on the
Wednesday before (we were in town unloading a trailer), it
had been announced that the church was still looking for a
preacher in that week. I signed up.
As I began to prepare for that lesson, there were a
couple of questions that were in the front of my mind. First,
if this is the only opportunity I ever have to speak to this
body, what message do I want to share? Second, if I want
to fit in as a part of this body, what tone do I need to take
while I preach? And finally, what if I make someone mad?
The conclusion I came to actually answered all of these
questions in one shot. You see, I decided that there is no
other message except Christ crucified and the redemption
that comes from Him that would be worthy of either your
time or mine. I also decided that, if this was too
straight-forward, it was still my obligation to speak of this
message of hope and that, if it made people mad, well, at
least it was the truth of the gospel and that I had a greater
obligation to God and His son, Christ Jesus, than to man.
And so I spoke, plainly and straight-forwardly for about 45
As it turned out, I offended no one (that I know of), I and
my family were welcomed with open arms, and we
gratefully serve here 10 years later.
Please don't think I am patting myself on the back. That
is not my intent. My intent is to challenge you. If you only
had one opportunity to address a group, a gathering, an
individual, what message would you present? Paul said,
"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except
Jesus Christ and him crucified." (1 Corinthians 2:2). But in
fact, we come into contact with people every day that we
may never see again. We talk politics. We talk school or
work or weather. I challenge you; tell them the story of
Jesus. Nothing you ever do in life will matter as much.
In Christ, Todd
Donna Whitley is in Hospice for pain management for cancer.
Continue to Remember: Todd Davis & Family, Jennie Waggoner, Mary
Hawn, Brenda Estridge, Mary Taylor, Kirby Whitley, Brownie
Pickens, Bill Yearley (Mary Taylor’s brother with cancer), Marsha
Finley (Tera Holland’s sister with cancer), Stephanie Ayola (Tina
Davis’ sister with cancer), Khristie Beaird, Nikki Freeze (LaNelle’s
daughter-in-law), Alyene Williams, Karla Brinkley, April Taylor ( Mike’s
sister-in-law with M.S.), Tom Allen, Nils Donnell, Sue Callaway, Julie Dickenson
Our Shut-Ins: Lillian Wines, Bill Wood, Jerry Greene
The Westview Boys Home will be here March 7th or 8th
to pick up donations. Please grab a sack from the foyer
table and bring it back by next Sunday.
February Small Group Fellowship at 5:00
Bring your favorite Chili or a dessert
Faith Village Church of
Christ will host a Strong
Marriages Workshop with
Trey and Lea Morgan on
Saturday, March 5th from
8:30-3:00. If you would be
interested in going, please
let the office know.
We will have a special contribution on
March 6th for LTC, benevolence and
replacing the partitions between the foyer &
auditorium . Please take a
look at your budget and be
prepared for this special
opportunity to help in several
of our local ministries.
Upcoming Events
February Events
Chili Cook off
Sonshine House
Ladies Day-Bowie
Marriage Workshop
Special Contribution
Westview Pickup
Elders Meeting
Daylight Savings Time
VFW BBQ Luncheon
Spring Break
Elders & Deacons Meeting
Small Group Fellowship
SonShine House
Sunday Night Small Groups
Service Project
February 28th
Please bring dish soap to help
Sunshine House
Val Walkup
Kerri Williams
Viki Salmon
Brenda Estridge
Carl Barnhill
Michelle Cotton
Leroy Schaffner
Cody Sheppard
Lauren Taylor
Katie Butler
Jonnie Barnhill
Grace Holman
Clay Cotton
Trent Yurcho
Ed Althof
Ariel Webb
Kay Anderson
Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday,
March 13th. Please make sure you
adjust your clocks before going to bed
Saturday night.. Because of the time
change, our Small Group Fellowship
Time will change to 6:00 instead of 5:00.
beginning in March.
Ladies Day at the Carter Lake church
of Christ March 5th 9am to 2 pm.
Salad Luncheon Provided