The activity of La Bufadora, a natural marine spout in
The activity of La Bufadora, a natural marine spout in
The activity of La Bufadora, a natural marine spout in northwestern Mexico Oscar Velasco Fuentes Departamento de Oceanografı́a Fı́sica, CICESE, Ensenada, México. Email: Abstract La Bufadora is a natural marine spout characterized by frequent eruptions of sea water. It is located about 20 km to the southwest of Ensenada, on a cliff of basaltic andesite where the essential elements for the occurrence of this type of spouts are present; namely: a littoral cave with a thin opening, a sea level which is always close to the opening’s tip point and surface waves that vary from mild to strong all year round. We analysed the activity of La Bufadora, under various conditions of surface waves and ocean tide, by monitoring the recurrence time of the eruptions (T ). It was found that T typically lies in the range 13–17 s, which is also the dominant period of the surface waves, and that more and longer periods of inactivity appear as the tide ebbs. 1 Introduction Marine spouts —variously known as blowholes, spouting horns, marine geysers, etc.— are the beautiful result of a chance combination of faulted rocks, sea level at just the right height and powerful waves (see, e.g., Bell 2007). Their working is simple: when a wave crest arrives it compresses the air inside the cave; when a wave trough arrives the air rushes out of the cave producing a jet of spray and a thunderous sound. Blowholes are not uncommon but, since most are small, they usually remain unnoticed. Large ones, in contrast, become true tourist attractions, as it has been the J. Klapp et al. (eds.) Fluid Dynamics in Physics, Engineering and Environmental Applications, Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27723-8 32, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 2 Oscar Velasco Fuentes Fig. 1 (Left) La Bufadora is located 20 km southwest of Ensenada, Baja California. (Right) A view of the mouth of the cave that gives rise to La Bufadora. case with the blowholes of Halona (Hawaii, U.S.A.), Kiama (New South Wales, Australia) and Ensenada (Baja California, México). The latter, known as La Bufadora (from the Spanish verb bufar, signifying to roar or to snort), is located in Papalote Bay, a small inlet of triangular shape on the Pacific coast of northwestern México (see figure 1). The cave finds itself on a cliff of basaltic andesite that dates back to the early Cretaceous period, some 120 million years before present. The axis of the bay, oriented in southwest direction, has a length of about 825 m; the mouth, where the water depth reaches 50 m, is about 1000 m wide. The tidal range in this area may reach 270 cm during spring tides, but the average difference between high and low water is only 160 cm. Papalote Bay is exposed to persistent swells during the whole year. There are, however, no actual measurements there and only a few short time series in and around the Port of Ensenada, 20 km north of La Bufadora, in the neighbouring Todos Santos Bay (figure 1). The longest series available was taken just outside the port facilities from August 1986 to July 1989. The significant wave height (denoted by Hs and defined as the mean wave height, trough to crest, of the highest third of the waves) was observed to have a marked seasonality. The highest waves were found in winter, when Hs was between 60 and 90 cm during 50 % of the time and occasionally reached 240 cm; the lowest waves were found in summer, when Hs was between 50 and 60 cm during 50 % of the time and occasionally reached 120 cm (Martı́nez Dı́az de León 1993). The peak period (denoted by Tp and defined as the inverse of the frequency at which the wave energy spectrum reaches its maximum) Activity of La Bufadora 3 showed no seasonality. Over 90% of the time Tp was in the range 11–19 s, whereas 55 % of the time it was in the range 14–16 s (Hernández Hernández 2004). The purpose of this paper is to present a simple method to analyse the activity of La Bufadora, and to characterize this under various conditions of surface waves and ocean tide. Although there are numerous studies of the temporal behaviour of intermittent eruptive phenomena such as volcanoes and geysers (see, e.g., Simkin 1993 and Rojstaczer et al. 2003), this is, to the best of our knowledge, the first one devoted to a marine spout. Time series of mean pixel intensity Intensity I 200 150 T 100 60 80 100 120 Time (s) Fig. 2 (Top left) A view of the west wall of the cliff under normal conditions; the mean pixel intensity (I) of this image is 113. (Top right) A view of the west wall during an eruption of La Bufadora; now I = 171. (Bottom) The eruptions of La Bufadora can be easily identified in a time series of I. 2 Data and observations We scheduled our field trips so that we could observe the activity of La Bufadora when the tide was around the mean sea level (MSL), above the mean higher highwater (MHHW), or below the mean lower low-water (MLLW). To ascertain this, we used the tide forecasting program Mar (González, 2011), which uses historic hourly data of sea level obtained by the tide stations of CICESE and Mexico’s Na- 4 Oscar Velasco Fuentes Time series of mean pixel intensity 200 Intensity 150 100 50 0 1000 2000 Time (s) 3000 Welch PSD Estimate 40 PSD (dB/Hz) 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 3 (Top) Time series of I showing the activity of La Bufadora on 8 March 2005 during the hour succeeding the high tide (7:08 am). (Bottom) The corresponding estimation of the power spectral density (PSD). The vertical line corresponds to the frequency of the most important component of the incoming swell. tional University (UNAM). The differences between predicted and measured values at Ensenada’s tide station are typically less than ±10 cm. Similarly, we got the properties of the surface waves from Surfline (2011). This private company uses the wave model Wavewatch III of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (Tolman 2002), together with its own data and algorithms, in order to forecast wave and surf conditions along the coast. Thus we were able to monitor the peak period Tp , the significant height Hs , and direction of the swell predicted to arrive at Papalote Bay at the time of observation. Our measuring technique was simple: at each scheduled time we focused a video camera on the northwestern wall of the cliff and recorded footage during one hour, the standard length of digital video (DV) tapes. The video footage was sampled every 0.2 s, then each frame was transformed into a black and white image and its mean intensity (I) was computed as the average of the grey levels (0–256) of all pixels (480 × 640). We found this to be an efficient diagnostic of the occurrence of eruptions because the white colour of the mixture of water, foam and spray ejected by La Bufadora increases the intensity I of the images by 50–100 units, depending on the weather conditions and the strength of the eruption. Furthermore, by defining a suitable cut-off intensity, we were able to automate the computation of the time elapsed between successive eruptions, hereafter referred to as recurrence time T (see Activity of La Bufadora 5 8 March 2005, 7:07 8 March 2005, 13:26 100 100 Tn+1 Tn+1 50 0 0 50 50 Tn 0 0 100 3 May 2005, 16:26 50 Tn 100 Tn 100 12 May 2005, 15:40 100 100 Tn+1 Tn+1 50 0 0 50 50 Tn 100 0 0 50 Fig. 4 Return map of the recurrence time: Tn is the time elapsed between the n-th eruption and the following one. (Top) Similar surface waves but different sea level; (Bottom) Similar sea level but different surface waves. figure 2). Note that I reaches a lower than average value after each eruption because we shot in automatic exposure mode. 3 Results We made the first measurements on 8 March 2005, when the tidal range was largest even though it was two days before the new moon. The first recording session started at 7:07 h, shortly before the tide reached high water (193 cm above MSL). Figure 3 shows the one-hour time series of the intensity I and the corresponding Welch estimate of the power spectral density. The vertical line indicates the peak spectral value at a frequency of 0.0714 Hz, or a period of T=14 s, which coincides with the period of the southwest swell. Figure 4a shows a return map of Tn+1 vs Tn : as 6 Oscar Velasco Fuentes expected, there is a clear clustering of points along the lines Tn = 14 s and Tn+1 = 14 s. The second recording session started at 13:26 h, about half an hour before the tide reached low water (40 cm below MSL). Figure 4b shows that there is a slight shift of the cluster of points towards 15 s. The most important change, however, is the total number of eruptions: only 73 in one hour, compared with the 117 observed in the previous session. Since, according to Surfline, the characteristics of the surface waves remained fairly constant in the six hours elapsed between these two series the changes in the activity of La Bufadora should be attributed to the change in sea level (233 cm). A similar behaviour was observed on 11 December 2011 when the tidal range was 200 cm and the dominant swell had a period of 17 s all day long. The recurrence time therefore clustered around 17 s during both high and low water, but in the former case we observed 157 eruptions in one hour, whereas in the latter we observed only 60. Histogram of recurrence times Number of events 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 Time (s) Fig. 5 Histogram of the recurrence time T for the complete set of observations. The figure shows only T < 60 s (88% of the observed events). Observations with the tide around MSL were scheduled on different days to single out the effect of the surface waves. The most regular activity was observed on 3 May 2005. The measurements started at 16:26 h, a few minutes after the tide reached MSL. We observed 225 eruptions in one hour with a recurrence time mostly in the range 14–15 s (see figure 4). On this day the dominant swell was coming from the southwest and had a period of 14 s. The most irregular activity was observed on 12 May 2005. Measurements started at 15:40 h, and during the whole hour of observation the tide remained within 2 cm of MSL. We observed 86 eruptions in one hour with no predominant recurrence period (see figure 4). The mean and the standard deviation of T were, respectively, 37.5 and 31.3 seconds. This day was characterized by two swells coming from the southwest, one with a period of 12 seconds and the other with a period of 16 seconds. The histogram with the whole set of data (figure 5) shows that the recurrence time T lies between 11 and 19 seconds in 60 % of the events. Furthermore, there are two peaks in this range: 23.5 % of the events have T = 16 ± 1 s, whereas 22.6 % of them have T = 14 ± 1 s. There is also a significant number of events (8 %) in the range 0–4 s. These are most probably the result of the sloshing of water in the complex geometry of the cliff where the cave is located. Activity of La Bufadora 7 4 Conclusions Although our observations are limited in number and they were made only during spring, late autumn, and late winter, we can derive some general conclusions about the activity of La Bufadora. The interval between eruptions, or recurrence time T , is in general fairly constant and its value matches the peak period (Tp ) of the dominant swell, confirming that La Bufadora is simply driven by the ocean surface waves. There is a remarkable agreement between the most frequent recurrence times observed in La Bufadora in 2005 and 2011 (13–17 s) and the most frequent peak periods of the surface waves measured at the Port of Ensenada during 1986–1989 (11–19 s, see Hernández Hernández 2004). This result suggests that the wave climate has remained rather constant for the last quarter of a century. At the current sea level La Bufadora is active during the whole tidal range, but the eruptions produced at the extremes of this range exhibit important differences, both quantitative and qualitative. The former are deduced from the measurements presented in section 3, the latter from direct observations made during the recording sessions. Succinctly stated, the characteristics of the eruptions are as follows. When the sea level is high the eruptions consist of a jet of water, they are numerous and usually occur in long trains of fairly periodic eruptions separated by lapses of inactivity of tens of seconds to a couple of minutes. When the sea level is low the eruptions consist of a cloud of spray, they are scarce and occur in isolated trains of a few eruptions separated by periods of inactivity of a few minutes. The best time to witness a good performance of La Bufadora is during the high water of a winter day; the less favourable time is during the low water of a summer day. Anyway, it will be a very rare occasion when it takes more than ten minutes to observe a good train of eruptions. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Francisco Ocampo and Manuel Figueroa for suggestions and comments on an earlier version of this paper. References Bell, F.G. 2007 Engineering geology. Elsevier. González, J.I. 2011 Predicción de Mareas en México. ( Hernández Hernández, R.R. 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