Message from the Art Department `Creativity is
Message from the Art Department `Creativity is
Message from the Principal Dear Parents, Friday 12th June, 2015 Thank you for reading this Newsletter. Early Years Art Exhibition: The School community will have noticed the delightful fragile Artwork in the Reception area. Well done Early Years and thank you to all students for respecting the artwork which in other establishments could quite easily be damaged because the display area is a thoroughfare. Early Years “After School Club” From September, in harmony with the CCA programme, the School will offer an After School Club (supervision) until 16:00hrs. Places will be limited and priority will be given to those children with siblings in other years in the School. More details to follow next Term. Year 5 TIS Camp All Year 5 left for a 3 day team building camp on Wednesday to Janda Baik, Pahang. Thank you to the staff for arranging such a worthwhile experience. World Environment Day: Wednesday 10th June: A tiny seed of love… In response to an invitation from Dato Khor, from SP Setia (Live,Learn,Work,Pla), and a Tenby parent, Pn. Lee hosted a wonderful morning for junior SST children who participated in an interactive workshop on the Environment with representatives from SP Setia before going to the Eco Garden to plant tomato seeds, When at University the Campus Principal and Mr. Mike Carding had the privilege singing, at several functions, the College Song: If I could plant one tiny seed of love… A Kenyan Proverb concluded the morning’s presentation: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. Happy Birthday Earlier this week, pupils and Music Department staff performed, and represented the School with distinction, at the Reception at The Sky Garden - Avenue K, Kuala Lumpur – hosted by the British High Commissioner in celebration of the Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. Special Celebratory Tenby Artwork from pupils was also on display. Tenby won the “Creativity is Great Art Competition”. Out of 300 entries from schools all over Malaysia, there were twelve winners, and Tenby had five of those winning places. Tenby had more entries than any other School, and copies of the Artwork will be sent to the Queen. There will be a Calendar made of their Artwork, in support of a Flood Relief charity for families in Kelantan. The Tenby winners are: Kate Cha {3Y} Raelyn Choi, { 4E}, Ke Yi {4E}Ho Enya {4E} and Luciana Candler {10V}, and they will be invited to have High Tea with the British High Commissioner, where they will be awarded framed certificates. This weekend: Model United Nations Conference at Tenby SEP (KL) 13th & 14th June and Special Olympics There are now 145 students coming from 22 different schools and colleges for this Conference. The Conference Theme is: Crying for Courage, Speaking for the Silenced. Please check the website for more details: On Saturday afternoon the School also hosts Special Olympics Athletes the Los Angeles World Games 2015 ‘Send-off’ Ceremony, and football match; the whole event is sponsored by Uniqlo. Secondary TIS and SST Athletics: Sports Day at the Panasonic Stadium from 08:00hrs on Tuesday 16th June Good luck to all Tenby athletes not going to Los Angeles…but to the Panasonic Stadium for the School’s Sports Day; all support welcome, and thank you the School’s PA for making arrangements for refreshment throughout the morning. Lunch-time Piano Recital: Thursday 18th June 12:10hrs to 13:10hrs in The Auditorium Geraldine Ong, a world class pianist originally from Seremban, but now living and performing all over the USA, performs music by Schubert, and Rachmaninoff. Admission is free and all are welcome. Awards’ Evening for Year 11, 12, 13: Thursday 18th June at 19:00hrs The School greatly looks forward to celebrating the academic and extra-curricular successes of senior students, and acknowledging the work of School staff, and the support of parents. If I could plant one tiny seed… Kind regards, Andrew Auster Campus Principal Happy Birthday TIS PRIMARY YEAR 4 Sleepover Armed with a sleeping bag and a bag of clothes, the Year 4s came back to school on Friday the 05.06.2015 for their Year Group Sleepover. With huge smiles on their faces and excitement in their voices, they kick started the sleepover with the Amazing Race game. They could be seen running in groups all around the primary block looking for ‘stations’ showing great team work to complete the tasks and collect the prize tokens. Amidst laughter and cheers, we all gathered in the canteen for pizza and drinks. As the evening progressed we had movies, snacks and board games, children had a blast. A sleepless night couldn’t dampen their sprits. They woke up with cheery smiles, ready to start Saturday at school. A hearty breakfast and a round of games later, they reluctantly said goodbye to their friends and teachers. International Peace Week Thank you to all the parents who attended the year group meetings this week to discuss the support needed from parents for our International Peace Week in July. The meetings were very positive, with loads of creativity. We are confident that with such dedicated parental support, the week should be a very memorable one for the children. Media Magic in Year 2 Year 2 began their new IPC topic, Media Magic with a wonderful ‘cinema’ treat to watch Charlie Chaplin. It was a wonderful experience for the children. They eagerly lined up outside the ‘cinema’ with their tickets, took their seats in an orderly manner and waited for the show to begin. The children enjoyed the short clip thoroughly and wished they could do it all over again. This mini event was an Entry Point to the topic where the children will begin to explore communication - a human need. Communication is about sharing information and experience. It is a basic human need. Whether it is out of love, fear, anger, hope... our desire to be understood by others is one of the key driving forces of society. Since the dawn of mankind, we have been using communication for survival (cries of help, orders, shouts of intimidation, coercion and persuasion), for cooperation and teamwork, and for expressions of love. As we have become more socially sophisticated, so our methods of communication have developed – from cave-wall paintings and pictograms, to the written word and music. We are certain that the children will enjoy their learning experiences during this topic. TIS SECONDARY As discussed in the Y10 Parent’s Forum a schedule has been drawn up for all the available booster sessions and is detailed below: Y10 Booster Sessions Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Subject Chemistry Drama DT Textiles DT Graphics Biology (Block B) ICT ICT Malay Chemistry DT Textiles DT Graphics Geography Art Biology (Block B) ICT ICT Maths Location CHEM 2 DC 1 DT4 DT1 Bio Lab 2 A211 AG08 A209 CHEM 2 DT4 DT1 AG11 Art Studio Bio Lab 2 A211 AG08 AG109 Teacher MrZiad Miss McCue Ms Hall Mr Savage MsKauslyia Mr Mellor Mr. Syed Mr Jailani MrZiad Ms Hall Mr Savage Ms B Ms Pearce MsKauslyia Mr Mellor Mr. Syed Ms. Gayathri Time 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12:20- 13:00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12:20- 13:00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs Accounting Business Studies DT Textiles DT Graphics Biology (Block E) ICT ICT Malay Chemistry DT Textiles DT Graphics Biology (Block E) ICT ICT Maths AG09 AG09 DT4 DT1 Bio Lab 2 A211 AG08 A209 J2-06 Science Lab 1 DT4 DT1 Bio Lab 2 A211 AG08 AG109 CHEM 2 J2-06 Science Lab 1 DT4 DT1 A211 AG10 Mr Martin Mr Martin Ms Hall Mr Savage MsKauslyia Mr Mellor Mr. Syed Mr Jailani MrPraba Ms Hall Mr Savage MsKauslyia Mr Mellor Mr. Syed Mr Surendren 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.30- 13:00hrs 12.30- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs MrKoh MrPraba Ms Hall Mr Savage Mr Mellor Mr Aru 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs 12.20- 13.00hrs Chemistry Chemistry DT Textiles DT Graphics ICT Economics Please note that most teachers are happy to have one on one drop in sessions if you ask. SST Upcoming Events Event SST PA Sub-committee Meeting (1)Rescheduled Term 2 Information Morning about a)Students Progress b) School Activities Participation b)International Peace Week-parents participation Whole School Senior Sports Std 6 – Form 5 and Year 7-12 National Schools Internal Audit Date Venue Thursday 11th June Time:09:30hrs 08:00hrs (Joint PA Meeting) Thursday 18th June Time:08:00 -10:00hrs Administration Block Meeting Room Tuesday 16th June Time:07:40 – 14:00hrs Monday 22nd -25th June Panasonic Stadium a)Thursday 2nd July Time:08:15 – 09:30hrs b)Monday 22nd June Time:08:15 – 10:30hrs c) Tuesday 23rd June Time: 08:15 – 10:30hrs 22nd-26th June (rescheduled date due to the Senior Sports) School Field Monday 22nd June Assembly time Auditorium Wednesday 24th June Time: 13:40 – 16:00 6th July – 10th July EPC Auditorium Meeting Room Whole School Junior Sports a)Std 1 and Year 1 & 2 b)Std2 & 3 and Year 3 & 4 c) Std 4 & 5 and Year 5 & 6 TechVoc Week 3rd Round of Primary General Knowledge Quiz Std 3S Vs. Std 3M ICAS Writing International Peace Week Std5 & Year 5 a)Rehearsals School School Auditorium a)i)Friday 10th July Time:14:30 -15:30hrs ii)Sunday 12th July Time: 14:00hrs b)Concert b)Sunday 12th July Time: 16:00hrs World Environment Day Event with S P Setia Eighty students of Std 2, Std 4 and Std 5 participated in an interesting series of activities on Wednesday 10th June morning till noon time. They were in for an interactive workshop about water recycling effort and how one can impart change to improve the environment .This workshop was conducted by Ms Jagedeswari from Global Environment Centre. Other activities included the puzzles and quizzes to engage the participants. At about 11:00hrs, the children wrote their pledge on how they want to make a difference towards the environment on their Seed Pledge Pack. They were then taken to our 5 Senses Garden to plant their tomato seeds with the responsibilities and ownership to nurture these plants. Towards the end after planting the seeds, the children were entertained by two huge Eco mascots in the gazebo of the Garden. Students were reminded to keep their pledge packs to remind themselves about their promises to Mother Earth. Huge thanks to the Management of S P Setia Bhd for the Eco learning points imparted to our children as well as the “goodies” packs given to the children. 2015 Term 2 Examinations, Trial PT3 & Trial SPM Dates The dates of the above examinations and trials are given in the table below:Term 2 Examination/Trial Std 1-3 Std 4-5 Trial UPSR for Std 6 Form 1 & 2 PT3 Trial for Form 3 (Held at the start of Term 3) Form 4 Trial Form 5 for SPM Date Venue Tuesday 30th June –7th July ( 5 Days) No Exam. on Thursday 2nd July as Std 1 children will be participating in the Sports Wednesday 1st -7th July (5 Days) Monday 10th -13th August Wednesday 1st – July Monday 10th—21st August 14th ( 4 Days) (10 Days) ( 10 Days) Homerooms Homerooms Auditorium Homerooms MPH Homeroom Auditorium 2015 Secondary Languages Week (Bahasa) This Academic Week was held during the week beginning Monday 11th May. The table below shows the activities carried out for each level. Congratulations to all these winners for all levels. Date/Time Tuesday 12th May 10:50-12:50hrs Name of competition BM Final Competitions for Lower Secondary & Upper Secondary Objective Winner i. To build up confidence to present in front of a crowd. ii. To master the correct presentation technique in terms of language used in the following aspects: voice intonation, clear and correct pronunciation, appropriate and a variety of presentation styles iii. To encourage flexibility and cooperation among team members iv.To master oral communication and to gather confidence in preparation for Oral tests at PT3 and SPM level 1. Class Presentation : Lower Secondary Category a) 1st Prize : Form 2M b) 2nd Prize : Form 3M rd c) 3 Prize : Form 2A Upper Secondary Category : a) 1st prize : Group 2 (Form 5M) b) 2nd Prize: Group 1 (Form 5S) 2. Group Categories : Lower Secondary a) 1st Prize : Form 1S (i) Batrisyia (ii) Yi Huang (iii) Wan Nor Syasya (iv) Nithiyan b) 2nd Prize : Form 3M (i) Nur Dalila (ii)Aqmarul (iii) Yuen Ming (iv) Ryan Liew Upper Secondary : a) 1st Prize : Form 5M (i) Yi Yen (ii) Rachel Wong (iii) Thoy Cyjone (iv) Sin Min b) 2nd Prize : Form 5M (i) Shenye (ii) Suet Chen (iii) Kai Xiang 3. Individual Category (Sajak) Lower Secondary : a) 1st Prize : Katrina Chair (F1S) b) 2nd Prize: Nur Dalila Individual Category Upper Secondary : a) 1st Prize : Kai Xiang(F5M) b) 2nd Prize : Thoy Cyjone Primary Languages Week (Bahasa) The activities carried out during the Languages Week for Bahasa were as follows:Date Competition STD 1S TUNJUK DAN CERITA 15th May STD 2S/2M NYANYIAN LAGU PATRIOTIK 13th May STD 3S / 3M BERPANTUN nd 22 May STD 4S MENDEKLAMASIKAN SAJAK Objective Winners To speak with correct intonation and fluency To learn new words through story telling 1st Prize : Sara Sophia To know the meaning of each word expressed To instill patriotism in our students To have fun studying language 1st Prize : Kumpulan Bunga Raya STD 2M To learn classical poetry following the correct intonation To know the meaning and value of each verse of the poetry recital 14th May STD 5S BERCERITA To present a good story To learn new words through story telling To add in moral values in the story 22nd May STD 6S / 6M PERBAHASAN To communicate fluently To be able to present each point effectively and convincingly To prove a point using wellconstructed sentences 2nd Prize : Gabriel 1st Prize : Zoe Tan ( STD 3M ) 2nd Prize : Anjie ( STD 3S ) 1st Prize : Jeremiah (Std 4S) 2nd Prize : Felix 1st Prize : Adam Harith(Std 5S) 2nd Prize: Kirthina(Std 5S) 1st Prize : Kumpulan Pembangkang Team Members : 1 Caitlyn (Std 6S) 2 Zi Sheng(Std 6S) 3 Adrianna(Std 6M) 4 Almaz(Std 6M) Form 2 Experiential Learning Trip to Janda Baik (Reported by Abhilashini & Nadia (Form 2M) On Tuesday 19th May, forty- seven Form 2 students accompanied by teachers visited Janda Baik, Pahang for their annual experiential learning trip. We departed school at approximately 07:30 hrs without a single delay. The students followed all the ground rules and behaved well throughout the trip. After one and a half hour of travelling, we finally reached Janda Baik. We learned about our magnificent and humungous tropical rainforest and some aspects of biodiversity. After our lesson, we did some simple fishing. The students used worms and bread for bait. We had a fun time fishing, although a few of us did not manage to catch a fish. The fish that we caught were then used for dissection. A few students who did the dissection were guided by a staff member there. We also had a short lesson on observing the body parts of a fish. After learning about the fish, we had a mouth-watering meal which was chicken rice. Most of the boys went for extras. After the appetising meal, we did some hiking near the rainforest, but we were very unfortunate as it started to rain and we had to go back. We did manage to do river trekking instead. The big group found it challenging to walk along the river, as the gushing waters were too strong and the rocks were too slippery and smooth. But with all the obstacles in our paths, we did it without breaking a sweat. Later on, we got to take a nice warm shower at the clean bathrooms there. We had some ‘mamak mee’ and banana fritters together with some cool and refreshing cups of orange juice. During that time, a few of the boys went to catch insects around, like butterflies and spiders. We had to complete a few worksheets given by the event organiser which were brain-splitting difficult, but with the help of our teachers we managed to finish it. At the end of our trip, we all took a funny group shot together with the event organisers, teachers and the staff members there. We packed up and reached school after about 50 minutes. We were all very happy, as we had an awesome time there and appreciated all that the teachers have gone through for us. We really hope we have another fun learning trip like this again. PE DEPARTMENT Secondary Sports Day: With the increase in numbers of students coming down to the track and field at lunchtimes you can tell Sports Day is nearly here! Secondary Sports Day takes place at the Panasonic Stadium, Shah Alam on Tuesday 16 June. General reminders: All students are expected to attend and take part in the event. Students are requested to register with their tutors at 07:40hrs. The first event will commence at 08:00hrs. Bring plenty of sunscreen, a refillable water bottle and plenty of healthy energy food! Arrive with a positive attitude and plenty of enthusiasm to compete and cheer for your House! It will be a fantastic occasion and we look forward to the competition to see which House will be crowned Tenby Sports Day Champions 2015. Further information has been provided in the form of a parent letter that has been sent home with students. #TenbySportsDay Selfie Competition For a chance to win a prize, tweet the PE department a selfie @Tenby_Sport See the posters around school for the details. Primary sports days Many primary students have taken the opportunity to improve their sports day events at Athletics Club after school on Tuesday and during lunchtime on Friday. Just a reminder of the primary dates for our fun packed sports days: Early Years Thursday 2nd July 09:40hrs – 10:30hrs Year 1 & 2 and Std 1 Thursday 2nd July 08:15hrs – 09:30hrs Year 3 & 4 and Std 2 & 3 Monday 22nd June 08:15hrs – 10:30hrs Year 5 & 6 and Std 4 & 5 Tuesday 23rd June 08:15hrs – 10:30hrs Parents are invited to support and watch from the grandstand for KS2 sports days, bring your hat and sunscreen! The set-up for primary sports days this year will involve all our students participating in a minimum of three events over the course of the event. Students will have the opportunity to collect stickers to reward them for the following: Achievements as a team or an individual in the different events For displaying fantastic support and encouragement to others’ Displaying brilliant levels of effort Resilience and determination – not giving up! Cricket: Mr Jon took the Tenby cricket players to the family fun day at Garden International School. It was the first representative team at a cricket tournament this year for Tenby. It was a fantastic occasion and very well organised by Coach Ben. As well as experiencing a new sport and a competitive, fun environment, the Tenby Eagles picked up the bronze medal! Congratulations to all the students that took part. If your child is interested in playing cricket but missed this opportunity please see the PE Department for details of how to get into cricket here in KL. 13.6.15 ISAC U18 Boys Softball @ Tenby 09:00 start – 12:00 finish 17.6.15 KLISS U11 Mixed T-Ball @ ISP (rearranged due to the weather) 24.6.15 Friendly U15 Girls Softball @ Garden International School 27.6.15 Invitational Football Tournament @ HELP International School Twitter: Remember to follow the PE Department @Tenby_Sport for daily updates and news from the curriculum, clubs and teams #TenbyEagles #TenbySportsDay TKLMUN CONFERENCE There are approximately 145 students from 22 different schools and colleges partaking this conference with the theme “Crying for Courage, Speaking for the Silenced”. We have seven committees: DISEC, UNHRC, UNICEF, UNOOSA, WHO, ARAB SPRING and security Council. Please refer below schedule for programme of the day. For more information, please check out our website Programme 13.06.2015 Registration Opening Ceremony Committee Session 1 Lunch Committee Session 2 Break Committee Session 3 Social Night : 08:30hrs – 09:00hrs : 09:00hrs – 10:00hrs : 10:30hrs – 12:00hrs : 12:00hrs – 13:00hrs : 13:00hrs – 15:30hrs : 15:30hrs – 16:00hrs : 16:00hrs – 18:30hrs : 18:30hrs – 21:00hrs 14.06.2015 Arrival of Delegates Committee Session 4 Lunch Committee Session 5 Break Committee Session 6 Closing Ceremony : 08:30hrs – 09:30hrs : 09:30hrs – 12:00hrs : 12:00hrs – 13:00hrs : 13:00hrs – 15:00hrs : 15:00hrs – 15:30hrs : 15:30hrs – 17:30hrs : 17:30hrs – 18:30hrs TEACHING YOUR CHILD TO CROSS THE ROAD SAFELY This article has a simple purpose: to help keep your child safer. As parents, we have a big part to play in helping our children to learn how to stay safer. Children will copy adults’ behaviour, so if they see us taking risks they will probably take risks too. Recently during the morning school drop-offs, I had witnessed a couple of times, children no more than Y1 or Y2 unaccompanied crossing from the secondary campus to primary dangerously. They were not using the designated zebra crossing by the swimming pool; rather they were crossing at the corner turning by the TNB building. Pic 1. Dangerous Crossing This area is NOT a designated crossing for anyone. Again, as mentioned above, children copy adults’ behaviour. I have seen some parents, teachers and maintenance staffs use this crossing daily, hence sending the message out to the children that it is ‘safe’ to do so. This crossing is dangerous because for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is no clear view all around It is on a bend There are normally parked cars around the area Cars are constantly moving in this area during peak hours There are no security guards placed here to ensure their safety when crossing According to research young children cannot judge how fast vehicles are going or how far away they are. Hence to avoid any potential accidents from happening, it is best to teach our children importance of road safety and by setting good examples ourselves. The below is the correct zebra crossing for everyone. It is by the swimming pool area. Pic.2 - Zebra Crossing The area is clearly painted with yellow stripes to signify that this is a CROSSING. The school has placed a traffic security guard here daily with a lollipop to ensure that the crossing is safe. Pic 3. Traffic security guard with lollipop sign LIBRARY Return of Library Resources All books borrowed by students should be returned to the Library on Friday 03.07.2015. Last day of borrowing is 26.06.2015 Useful Contacts For more information about the school email or for CCAs [Please remember to include your son/daughter’s name and class in all correspondence]. For instant news like our new Facebook page Follow us on Twitter TIS Primary School @TenbySEP_TISpri TIS Secondary School @TenbySEPTISsec SST @TenbySEP_SST Sport and PE @Tenby_Sport Tenby CCAs @TenbyCCAEAGLES Read the PA blog Tenby Setia Eco Park No. 1, Jalan Setia Tropika, U13/18T, Seksyen U13, 40170 Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia
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