Reflections - Summer 2014 - Pathways Home Health, Hospice
Reflections - Summer 2014 - Pathways Home Health, Hospice
SUMMER 2014 AFTER A LIFE OF CARING FOR OTHERS GREATER SAFETY FOR HOME HEALTH PATIENTS In his forty-plus years as a primary care physician in Berkeley, Dr. John Jauregui was known for his minimalist philosophy of medicine and his intuitive sense about patients. “Tincture of time – that was my most common prescription. The human body is a self-regulating organism and very often will heal on its own,” he said as he sat in the living room of his El Cerrito home. Demonstrating a deep commitment to outstanding patient care and safety, Pathways recently added a full-time pharmacist to the home health program, with the support of a local foundation. HOSPICE AND THE DOCTOR He learned this essential lesson most forcefully during a yearlong stint as a jungle Drs. John and Ann Jauregui physician in Cambodia in the early 1960s. “We had nothing,” he said. “Medicines had to come from Hong Kong, and there was little to no money to pay for them.” After the year in the village of &Kratie, Hospice he came to the Bay Area and began his practice, caring for thousands of patients over the years. ealth vate Duty Dr. Ann Jauregui, his wife of 45 years, is a practicing e Foundation psychotherapist and author of the recent book, Epiphanies: Where Science & Miracles Meet. She points with pride to John’s intuitive abilities as a diagnostician. “He did it all, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgery. He could zero in on his patient’s problem when it was a mystery to others, and, along with this gift, he is a scientist,” Ann said. “A very handy combination for a family physician.” When it came to his own cancer treatment, John said he could tell the medication was not working before his doctors confirmed it. After more than 16 years of what Ann calls “the best Western medicine offers, in combination with John’s immense life force,” it became clear that another way of thinking was necessary. Chris, one of their eight children, recommended that they call Continued on page 3 PATHWAYS EXPANDS PHARMACIST SERVICES “So many of our home health patients are struggling with chronic diseases. As a result, it’s not unusual for our patients to be juggling more than a dozen prescriptions,” said Bronwyn Calkins, Vice President of Home Health at Pathways. “Especially when they are returning home from a hospital stay where medications may have been adjusted, it is vital to ensure that patients know all of their medications and how to take them.” Pathways is one of the only hospice or home health agencies in the region to have pharmacists on staff. In 2001, Pathways was the first hospice in the Bay Area to hire an in-house pharmacist. The result has been improved pain relief for patients, as well as greater education amongst the entire hospice team. “We know that pharmacists help ensure patient safety and prevent unnecessary re-hospitalizations,” said Barbara Burgess, Pathway CEO. “Bringing a pharmacist into the home health arena seemed a logical next step.” Pharmacists bring a unique perspective to the care team. They are experts at helping patients and families manage complicated medication regimens and resolving drug-related problems. In addition, they can zero in on side effects and consider interactions with non-prescription medicines and supplements. The new Home Health pharmacist is meeting with each Home Health team to discuss patient cases, identifying patients who might be at risk, and making visits to the homes of those patients. During the home visit, the pharmacist reconciles existing Home Health & Continued on page 2 Private Du Continued from page 1 GREATER SAFETY FOR HOME HEALTH PATIENTS medications with any previous medication regimens, including any non-prescription medication that may be in the home. Patients are given tools to help them manage their medications. They are also instructed to recognize “red flag” symptoms and what actions are required if worsening symptoms do occur. Pathways will be seeking on-going funding for this innovative program. ♦ HOSPICE & HOME HEALTH DIFFERENCES The difference between hospice and home health services can be confusing. Both offer home visits by nurses, rehabilitation therapists, and home health aides. • Hospice is available to patients who are judged to be within six months of the end of life and offers a wide array of services to both patient and family. • Home Health is focused on home-bound patients, often those recently released from a hospital or nursing home. • Home Health patients may need assistance in recovery from serious injury, illness, or surgery, or they may be dealing with a chronic illness. • Home Health also helps patients who are dealing with serious wounds, dementia, and IV therapy, as well as providing a telemonitoring program and specialized chronic disease management programs. Home Health Clinical Pharmacist Denise Schoenberger with Director of Pharmacy Services Victoria Ferraresi alth & Hospice “Thank you for the bereavement counseling I received vate Dutyafter the death of my grandson. I needed someone to tell my story to, and my counselor was a wonderful e Foundation listener for me.“ TRIBUTES IN MEMORY Every person whose name is listed below was remembered by family, friends, or colleagues after their passing. Families often choose to ask for gifts to Pathways in lieu of flowers, and we are grateful for these funds which allow our care to flow to more patients and families. Others remember their loved ones for many years with regular gifts. These tributes were received between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. 2 Kathryn Abbe Christine Amann Ervin Austin Gordon Abbott Antonio Amaral Pat Austin William Abrahams Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Amarillas Bruce Avery Gary Abrahamson Alan Anderson Zachary Avilla Gloria Marie Accinelli Catherine Anderson Eva Aylward Carrie A. Aebi David Anderson Carol Babb Francis L. Aebi, Sr. Dennis Anderson Dolly and Bud Babbitt Eve Agiiewich Thomas George Andrew Bud & Dolly Babbitt Mary Jo Ahlert Roy Andrews Frank Bacci Alasingar Ajji Leonard Andrucci Peggy Badran Lyle Akey Max Anthony Thomas Bahr Frances Alessandri Jean Anthony David Baker Merton W. Allen Nikki S. Applegate Rose Baleri Ronald Allen Alvin Jack Arata Patricia Ball Fran Allhoff Richard & Yoneko Arimoto Jane M. Bancroft Rosemarie Aloise David Ashkenas Jean Bancroft Kathryn E. Alper Kenneth Au Iola Barbier Marta Alvarez Lily Miu Au Donald F. Bard Carmel Amable Esther & Harry Augarten John Barnard Marie Amacker Harry Aumack Dolores M. Barrientos Continued from page 1 AFTER A LIFE OF CARING FOR OTHERS hospice. Chris’s mother-in-law was a hospice nurse, and he has been at the side of friends as they died. “Call hospice now,” he told his parents. John wasn’t so sure. But urged on by Ann and Chris, the call was made to Pathways. Intake nurse Kate Andrews came to the Jauregui home to talk about the hospice philosophy of care and how Pathways services might help John. John and Kate hit it off right away. Both were long-time East Bay healthcare professionals. They shared a history, without knowing it. Kate talked John’s language, and what she said about hospice made sense to him. With the support of John’s doctors, John and Ann decided to start hospice care. Soon nurse Erika Wild appeared on the scene as John’s Pathways Case Manager. “Erika is gentle and wise, and very present,” Ann said. A few days after enrolling in hospice care, John was talking with his brother-in-law. He shared in words what Ann had already sensed. “I’ve always said I wasn’t afraid of death, but I was afraid of dying,” John said. “Now I’m not.” Why? “Because of Kate and Erika and Pathways.” John has always been a person who thinks and acts for himself. He is very involved in the discussions and decisions about his care, and he prefers to take as little pain medication as possible. He is spending more time “sitting and thinking,” as he puts it. John and Ann are fortunate to have the love and care of a large network of family and friends, and in the hard moments, Ann feels she can depend on the care and support of Pathways. John is philosophical. “I feel I am understanding and accepting more deeply something I’ve known for a long time, something I’ve always known.” ♦ “During the last days of my husband’s life, we knew we could count on your timely response and assistance, day or night. Relief from stress and worry came with every visit. Your professional expertise was so important, as was the warm and caring manner of every person who came [to our home]”. Connie Barthold George Biocini Jean & Lynne Bosetti Florence Brown Irwin (Bunk) Cameron Raimonda Romanelli Bartolini Patricia Rose Bird Lillian Bottali Malcolm L. Brown Lynda Canadas Lloyd Barton Elizabeth (Betty) Bishop Barbara A. Bracey William E. Brown Therese Canale Consuelo Basinillo James P. Blach, Sr. Lynn Bradley Carmelita Brunetto Louis Cantalupi William J. Beall Edith W. Blackman Rose T. Bradley Barbara Jeanne Buchanan Robert Carlson William E. Beaton Curt Blackmon Joyce Brandle Rudy Buchser Robert Carothers Marie Bedford William P. Blake Nancy L. Brannigan Matilda Budz Charles F. Carstarphen, Jr. Marie Beede Norma Blanch Antonius D. J. Brantenaar Kermit Howard Bundt Fannie Carvalho Maria Beginez Ethel Blanchard Paula Bravo Gale Bunnell Marie Therese Casey Joseph Beh James C. Bliss Kathleen Breen Alma K. Burch Dorothy Castano Mary Benetti William Bloom Miryam Brender Toby Busellini Louis Castelli Walsh Bentley Ann J. Boeckling John J. Brent Carol Buss Edythe Cavender Mr. Roy Benvenuti Bruce J. Boldrin Vicky Brewer Callie Cain Edelmira Cervantes David Berliner Carol A. Bomberger Mary Brocato Aileen B. Calcaterra Esther Chacon Ann Berman Olga V. Bonaccorso Kuniko Brochon Clarence Caldwell Ki Fai Chan Bern Betty Bonanno Charles Brock David N. Caldwell Leslie Fong Chan Al Bernal Vito Borella Michael Brooks Susan Calkins Richard Chapman Mary Berrett John Borglin Craig Brown Dwight Cameron Donna Chase Bette Bertoldi Christine Borstel Denny Brown Eleanor Cameron Nicole R. Chen Dorothy Bigham 3 “Your incredible guidance and assistance was truly invaluable. Such care and support made our journey easier.“ Yook Moi Cheong Nancy Ditch Dorothy Gachina Faye Hammonds Rhonda Jackson Lillian Chew & Tom W. Chew Magdalena Dittmann John Gaiser Bob Hansen Ruth Jackson Alexandra Chiles Robert Dorricott Albert Galatolo James Hansen Winston Jaco Jr. Andrew Chin Elsa Dougherty Alicia Galeano Lillian Hansen Arno Jacobi Peter Chope Melba Doyle Rob Gallup Paul Hansen Ruth Winslow Jacobs Herman Christensen Harold R. Dreyer Mary L. Galvan Paul J. (Jack) Hansen George (Bud) Jacobson Barbara Christman Michael Dunn Horace Gambill John F. Hare William Jacopi Doris Chrusciel John J. Eagan, Jr. Xabier Garaizar Don G. Harms Jeanne Jenkins Chris Chrysanthis Alan Ehrke Mary Garcia Janet Harris Patricia Johanson Albert P. Ciucci Eileen Eisenson Prudence Ann Garcia Harry Harrison Herbert Johnson Lawrence M. Clousing Margaret Eisenstark Racoosin Louie John Garibaldi Kate & Tom Hart Hobart Johnson Vincent J. Coates Leonard Ely Azucena Gavino Dr. Ward Hart Margaret Ann Johnson George T. Cocconi Rita J. Emerson Gladys Gayden Dora Harting Ann Harris Jones Bernice Cohen Kathleen England Marshall Gayden, Sr. John J. Haruff Darlene Jones Helen Cohen Doug Englebart Marshall Gayden, Jr. George Hashimoto, Sr. James F. Jones Robert J. Collins Evelyn English John George Alice Havens Olga Jones Robert Colten Florence Ennes Melodi Gheno-Barri John F. Havens Teri N. Jones Enes Brovelli Common Wallace V. Epstein, M.D. Tony Giannotti F. Owen Hawkins Richard Jorgensen Elaine Connelly Bob Ercolini Agnes Giglio Charles M. Hayes Leopold & Lydia Jurich Mary Catherine Connolly Cheryl Erichsen Anna Ruth Gilbert Kenneth Hayes, M.D. Luba Kalabin Doris Cooper Florence Eskenazi Grant Gill Daniel B. Healy David A. Kane Walter Cooper Vincent Estebanez Chad Gillis Benjamin Heckemeyer Linyen Kao Anne Cordes Celia Estevez Elizabeth Girimonte John Heinrichs Kay Kapulos Paul A. Cornett Thomas Fante Gary Glazer Willy Helbig Helen M. Kaplan Denise Cosbie Gloria Fargo Thomas Glikbarg Douglas Heller Lisabeth Kaplan George P. Costello Jarvis Fargo David Paul Godfrey Richard Henry Helm Sy & Charlotte Kaplan Jonathan Cox Mary Ferguson David J. Goerz, Jr. Leo Heneghan William Kaufmann Kay Craigmile Armand Fernandez Arnold Goldman Joseph K. Hermezian Richard Kebart James Crawford Michael Joseph Ferrando Eva Goldschmidt Maria E. Hernandez Timothy J. Keehen Bernice Cressman Vincenna Ferrante Ernest & Sally Gonzales Julie Hess Barbara Kehoe Joe Critchfield Ferd Ferrarini Margaret Ann Hicks Kaye H. Kelley, M.D. Mary Catherine Crowley Josephine Ferrarini Genoveva Gonzalez & Jesus Aguilar Ann Kellogg Josefa S. Cruz Maata Fetu’u Joe D. Good Melvin Hicks Charles Hiebert Eileen Kelly Philip & Rose Culcasi Maria Guadalupe Figueroa Christine Hill Patrick Kelly Katherine Cummings Phyllis Rae Fink Luthfi Hill Hugh David Kennedy Lillian Cummings Joan Flanigan Lon Hitchcock Jim Kennedy Jimmie Lee Currier Howard F. Fletcher Stephen Louis Hmelar, Sr. Norma Kennedy Joanne Currier Connie Floyd Joseph Hobson Georgeanne Kerwin Frank Curtin Marjorie Foletta Thea Drell Hodge Edward & Teresa Kevin Joe Cusick George Fong Saul Hoffman Norman Kihnley Gus Cusulos Jean Forehand Karyl Hoke Helen Kimmis Charlie Daines Joseph M. Forte Sandra L. Holt David Barclay Kirby Jacob Theodore Dann Lynn Foster Hoyt LeDane Hood Robert J. Kirsling Zuriel (Liza) Danner Eli K. Fountain Phillip Hopper Thalia Kitrilakis Frances Davis Veronica Frain Margaret Houldsworth H.R. & Gerlinde Klauser Jeanne M. Davis David Francis Homer Hoving Frances Klein Ginny Davison Eloise Francke Stephania Hrynczak Dora Kleytman Nancy De Biagio Cindy Franco Wen Chen Hsu Melba Klinefelter Robert De Nardi Mary Kay Franczyk Dorothy Hubbard Dr. Jim Klint Bonnie K. De Pew Bess Frank Gilbert Huesca Phyllis Knipe Leona N. DeBique Patricia B. Franke William S. Hughes, Jr. Jean Knudtsen Father of William DeButts Miriam Frankel Edith Ruth Hume Bill Koenig Mary DeFranco Bill Frees Peter Hunt Mary Lou Koenig Kenneth Della Santina Paul & Marilyn Frehner Lillian Hunter Delphine Kohler Dr. Angelos Dellaporta Friends Laird Huntsman Vladimir F. Kolar Livia & Giulio DeNardi Beverly Fuchs Helen Imperiale Carolen Koleszar Wilma Denser Judith Fucilla Carolyn Ingle Susan Koll Rose A. Devlin Sumako Fukumori John Inglis, Jr. Deo Konagai John Dillon Ellen Fullerton Alex L. Ingram, Sr. Peter Kruse Debbie Diltz Emiko Furuta Galina Izrailov Ruth M. Kuch 4 Roger S. Goodrich Sam Gordon Roger M. Gorrell, Sr. Florence H. Gottdiener, M.D. Sidney Gould Albert M. Gounod Katherine Graham Colleen Granero Carolyn Elizabeth Backer Grant Bruce Graubart Lavon J. Graves Polly Green Agnes Greenberg Herbert Greenman James Greer Steven Griffin John R. Griffiths Jean Groberg Gloria Grover Judie Guillera Annabelle B. Gull Emma Hager Dolly Halden Florence L. Hall George J. Hall Monzell Halsey Arthur Rhoades Hamer, Jr. James Kuhlman Richard B. Madigan Chadwick W. Michel Keso Okazaki Agnes B. Puckett Riyoko Kushida Lily Main Janice M. Micheletti James Oliver Dan Quayle Steve Kustra George Malave Jerry L. Middlekauff Masayuki Omura Shirley Quinby Benny Kuykendall William Hull Malkmus Father of Richard Miller Lynn O’Neill Herb Radding Dolores (Bunny) Laber Father of Carol Malnick Lawrence J. Miller Raymond J. Orrock Marcia Ann Radloff Mary Labetich Barbara Mancini Mike Miller Arthur Ortiz Robert W. Rae Robert J. Lang Richard Mangum Zelda Mines Tess Ortiz Raul Ramirez Phyllis Lange Gaylynne Mann Earlene Minetti Hertha Overbeck Frank Ramos Mel Lapides Gerald D. Mann Mary Ming Sydney Derwent Overton Jessie Randall John Laranjo Marianne Mannia Helen Minotti Elizabeth Ann Owen Jeanne S. Rantz Phillip A. Larson Sidney Maran Alma Mitchell Kathleen Paar George & Alice Rathbun Jerry Latimer Lino Maraschin Jacqueline Mitchell Brian Paaso Theresa A. Ratto Julia Jingmay Lau Rose Carmen Marino Ruth Mitchell Aldo Paccagnini Evelyn Rausch Robert Lauritzon Denis Marinos Mabel Mittelstadt Phyllis E. Page Ed Ray Mary G. Lawler Vanda Sciutto Marques Lowe Shee Miu Marie Palmer Margene Recht David Leahy Genevieve L. Martin Kikuyo Mizufune Ursula Palmer Loren Reed Kathy Lee George Martinoni Gerald Moglia Dorothy Munster Pandolfi Dr. William and Ann Reeves King Lun Pang Gerard Reimering My Parents Wolfgang R. Reinbacher Rosalie Paris Ana Rel Barry Parks Eugene Renfro Eileen Patel Geraldine Reynolds Jamshed R. Patel Joan Reynolds Nirmala Patel Mardelle June Reynolds Pathways Hospice Patients Darrell Rhoades Angelina Janine Patino Robert C. Ribak Rosemary Patton Doug Richardson Anne Paye Marie Rieben Gil Pease Richard Riggs Antoinette Pennington Geraldine Roberts Michael Peppars Leonard Robinson Fred Perata Mrs. C. W. Roddy Francisco R. Pereyra Katie Rodriguez George Perlstein, M.D. Pasquel A. Rodriguez Linda Perman Sofia & Luis Rodriguez Aldo Pessagno Ann C. Rogers Steve Pessagno James H. Rogers Merlin Peters Charlotte Rohlapp Eleanor Peterson Pat Romano Kari Anne Peterson Albert Romeo Collette Joy Petkanics Tony Romeo Herb Petty Josephine Ronco Joan Phillips Jackie Kay Roof Marie Piccioni Norman Roos Rita Pickens Deborah Rose Valerie Poffenbarger Adriana Pesaresi Rosenfeld Art Poirier William E. Roth Margaret Ponty Dorothy Rowland Phyllis Porter William H. Royer Sue Ellen Porter Niels Rudd Monroe Postman Dorothy Ryser Thomas Potterfield Grace Safford Boyd J. Poulsen Chiye Saito Minda & Bud Powar Maryam Sajjadi Teresa (Mammy) Power Michi Sako Donna R. Pratt Earl W. Salmon Marilyn Pratt Betty Salveter Barbara Prawicki Clemente J. San Felipe Bill Pretto Connie Garcia Sanchez John K. Price Pedro Sanchez Kathleen Prior Simona Sanchez Donald E. Pryde Don Sanders “In the early morning when my mom took her last breath, I was honored to be there with the hospice nurse who came to the house shortly after I called. You provided relief and support for us as a family.” Marjorie Lee Joseph V. Lerma Mark Harvey Levine Frank W. Leyva Bernard Lighthouse Lillian Ligon Louise Ligon Ted Linden Heide Lindert Walter Lindert Dorothy Lindow Richard Liserre Eva List Louis Lo Fiego Joseph LoConte Chia Nien Loh Louise McKinney Lohman Rocky Lombardi Grace U. Long Betty Loo Ed Loo Prospero Asen Loo Bertha G. Lopez Carlos Lopez Connie Louie Geraldine Ludwick Ferdinand Luscher Frances Lynch Anthony Ma John Mabe Malcolm MacDonald Wally Mackenzie Miriam R. MacKenzie Edgar Madden Tania Madfes Elaine Madigan Jean Madigan Fathers of Priscilla & Tony Marzoni Donald Molteni John Mason Joseph Montalbano Josephine M. Mason Mary Ann Massey Margaret J. Matthews Carolyn Mays Viola McAfee Martha Thurston McCabe Rosemary McCaffrey Dorcas McCarthy Richard F. McCown Fielding McDearmon Arthemise Frere McDonald Craig McFate Judy Sieben McGill Sandra McGill James McHugh Donna McKay George McKee James W. McLaughlin Mary Pat McLean Susan McMullen Debbie McMullin Stephanie McMurtrie Melchor Jacinto Mea Miroslav Medan Kalaben Mehta Dorothy Meirles Miriam Mellberg Antonina (Lee) Mello Tresa Mendez Raymond H. Mensing Charles Merdinger Lee (Jack) Meredith Darrell E. Messick Jacqueline D. Meyer John E. Meyers Sister of Helen Monk Francis A. Moore Steven Morena Sally Morgan Thomas Morrell DeLora C. Morris Nasrin Mortazavi Etta Moses Margaret Mueller Helen Mulcahy Dorothy Mulhern Dan Murphy Joseph P. Murray Judy Myers Earl A. Naas Eleanor Narcisso Jennifer Nathan Nancy Nelson Sum Nguyen Dorothy Nielsen Pamela C. Nielsen Winnie Nielsen Richard Nile Cornelia G. Nivison Mary Belle Nolan Ellen Nold Doris Nosek Ronald Nowicki Melba Nunes Robert Nutto Willis T. Obuchi Martin O’Connor Kiyo Ogata Folke Ohlsson Gudrun Ohlsson 5 “My heartfelt and sincere thanks and admiration for all that you did for my dad. You cared for his body, mind, and spirit.“ Timothy & Janet Sandis Edward J. Stern Eva Delia Vellutini Mary Winward Alice Wygren Abel Sandoval Alex Stewart Joe Ventimiglia Jill Witzel Charles Xuereb Irving Saraf John E. Stilz Virginia Vidal John Robert Wolfe Raymond T. Yamada David Savory Richard Stimmler William R. Vierra Boris Wolper Cheryl Yaney Lorraine Sawhill Sharon Stluka Maria M. Villar Joe K. Wong Yung Ying Kim A. Schaefer Dr. Walter Strauss Rodolfo Villela Rosalind Chan Wong Nancy Noren Yirchott Maureen Schaeffer Patricia Strong Jess A. Viloria Eleanor D. Wood Helen Charles Yoshida Thomas Schafer Nevon Stuckey Jon Vlasak Ray M. Wood, M.D. Gail Young Bill Scheler III Carmen Ann Stuhler Sally Vlasic Jonathan Woodard Margo Zaharias Walter Schilling David Sturgeion Isabel Woodford Santiago Frigillana Zarate Albert Schmidt James Sukovitzen Carl and Marguerete Von Borstel Joe Zderick Harold Schroeder Jack E. Summers Mary Vrabel Lois W. Woodruff Cameron Worcester Frances Zeluff Sandra Jillian Scopazzi Carolyn Sunada Eleanor Wortz Sharon Zwickor Doug Scovill Jewel Sunzeri Bob Scruggs Andrew John Surmick Allan V. Sebben Benjamin Swan Sumiko Sebe Karen Swanson Irene Seja Jim & Aletha Sweeney Grant A. Selmier Peter E. Sylvester, Jr. Rod Selmier Laurie Takasugi Jerome Senkir June Takata Janet Severino Ludwig Tannenwald Carmen Sforzini Howard Tao Louis Shaieb Mother of Liz Tavares Isaiah Shain Charlotte & Lee Telesco Thomas Shannon Dag Tellefsen Betty & Cy Shapiro Shirley Theis Judy Shaw Gerhard Gustav Thiem Rose Sherwood Bob Thill Ray Shibata Donald Thom Billie Shinn Lucille Thomas Alberta Siegel Malcolm Thompson Diana Silver Eleanor Thoreau Marjorie Silver Martin Titcomb Ina Cleone Simonds Laura Toby Deliora Simons Francis H. Tom Joy Sinnott Bess Tong Robert Smart Grace Toso Gerald L. Smith Alfred Trauffer Ingrid Smith Gladys Long Tropeano James A. Smith Norman Troyer John F. Smith John Truch Ruth Smith Matina Tryforos Therese Smith Hazel M. Tsujimoto Sally Snyder Betty Tucker Gin So Yao Chang Tung Alvin Soderquist Lila Turck Eddy Solomon Katherine Twite Carol Somerville Pete Uccelli Lael Sorenson Efren S. Valdeolivar Donna Sorich Oliver Van Cise Robert Sorich Stephanie Van Doorn Napoleon Sotto Dirk van Erp Catherine M. Sousa Marianna van Erp Tom Spencer Samuel Van Ness Robert Spinrad Wilhelmina VanKessel Michael Stadlen Felix Vasquez Brendan Staveley Ellie Vayssie Philp M. Stein Nancy Veitch Jennifer (Jenna) Steins Miguel Velasco 6 Marie C. Wainwright Robert & Norene Walch Dana D. Walker William Walsh Doris May Warden Marian Wardlaw Robert Wardlaw Fung Warner Glenn R. Warren Marina Warszawski Duane Wasson Kyo Watanabe Annamarie Weber Elenore Weber William D. Wright James C. Wyatt In Honor Recognized by gifts from friends and family members, the names below are those individuals who were honored in their lifetime. These gifts often celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or weddings, as well as the warmth and kindness of the honorees. These individuals were named in gifts received between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. Roderick Webster Eleanor Alegre Robin Lewis Vernet Weidenbach Christine Alloo Andy Maccagno Jack Weissman Frances Altus Felice Wells Dr. Richard Babb Priscilla & Tony Marzoni & Family Gordon Wells Jim & Nancy Baer Gordon Alex Wells Arielle Bakhshi Martha Werges Cynthia Beeman Julie West Lisa Berend Daniel Scott Weston Ellen & Marc Brown Marilyn Westphal Vilma Buck Molly Westrate Sumi & Richard Chen Martha Wharton Annamarie Colapietro Veva Wheaton Fran Crawford Anna White Josephine Darius Beverlee P. White Hayley Ditzler & Daughters Gertrude Whittingslow Tricia Dodds Elfriede Wiesendanger Peggy Drach Frank Wigmore Nancy DuPuy Virginia Wigton “Dr. Jack” Edelstein Paul Wilcox The Union of Erin and Richard Troy and Mary Wilder Robert Frey Paul F. Wilkins Elaine Gee-Wong Ann Wilkinson Kris Geiger Josephine Willard Mildred Harvey Edward Willers Nancy Hassen David Williams, Sr. Tiffany Hawkins Edith Bini Williams Sonja Hemphill Hugh Williams Khanh Ho Maloy Walls Williams Kingsley Jack Elliott Wilson JoAnn Kemist Wilfred (Bill) Wilson Mehwesh Khan Richard & Darma Winder Rachel & Jonah King Kent Winton Kris Klint Kelly Winton Ann Lee Donna Mashtare Celiane Milner Arnav Moudgil Bob Nelmida Heather Nishimura Greg & Candace Osborn Pathways Staff & Volunteers Carla Paul Michael Porcello, Sr. Bill & Paula Powar Tracie Pyers Rachel Reilly Reynaldo Rivera David Rutschman Michal Sadoff Doris Sbarboro Mary Lou & Anthony Schiavo Vivian Shults Shannon Sikes Suzanne Small-Spitters David Smilovitz Emmah Smyth Chris & Tim Taich Jessica Taich & Josh Levitz Thompson Family Roy Turley Alison Turner Martha Weiner Dona Wijtman Kevin, Beth, and Ryan Worcester Linda Wygren CATHOLIC PRACTICE AND BELIEF THE GIFT OF HOSPICE Legacy Gifts Pathways is very grateful to individuals who have made estate gifts to support our operations and services. These gifts represent an abiding belief in the value of the care Pathways provides. The gifts came in the form of bequests or trust arrangements, as well as through IRA and other retirement plans. Below is a list of those from whom legacy gifts have been received in the period April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. Dorothy H. Bolton Sandra L. Holmes William J. Boudreau Carol B. Hughes Richard A. Emerson Legre Iggleden Maureen P. Haywood Diane S. Passelli Harry Hind Eugenia C. Van Deinse Remembrance Funds When gifts or pledges in memory of an individual reach a total of $5000, Pathways establishes a Remembrance Fund that the family can name. Below is a list of the Remembrance Funds to which gifts were received between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. Alvin Jack Arata Fund Sy & Charlotte Kaplan Fund Dolly and Bud Babbitt Fund Jim Kennedy Fund Jane M. Bancroft Fund Dr. Jim Klint Memorial Fund Mary Benetti Fund Phillip A. Larson Fund David Berliner Fund Lily Main Fund Ann J. Boeckling Fund Vanda Sciutto Marques Fund Antonius D. J. Brantenaar Fund Martha Thurston McCabe Fund Carstarphen Family Fund Debbie McMullin Fund Lillian Chew & Tom W. Chew Fund Earlene Minetti Fund George P. Costello Memorial Fund DeLora C. Morris Memorial Fund Zuriel (Liza) Danner Fund John Dillon Fund Debbie Diltz Fund Robert Dorricott Fund Melba Doyle Remembrance Fund Marjorie Foletta Fund Francis A. Moore Fund Ellen Nold Fund Sydney Derwent Overton Fund Phyllis Porter Fund Agnes B. Puckett Memorial Fund Adriana Pesaresi Rosenfeld Fund Veronica Frain Memorial Fund Dr. William and Ann Reeves Memorial Fund Patricia B. Franke Fund Sofia & Luis Rodriguez Fund Ernest & Sally Gonzales Fund David Savory Memorial Fund Lavon J. Graves Memorial Fund Kim A. Schaefer Fund Greer-Galloway Memorial Fund Ingrid Smith Memorial Fund John R. Griffiths Fund Yao Chang Tung Fund Florence L. Hall Fund William R. Vierra Fund Laird Huntsman Fund Troy and Mary Wilder Fund Arno Jacobi Family Remembrance Fund Richard & Darma Winder Fund David A. Kane Memorial Fund Kent Winton Fund This is the second in a series of articles reflecting on the intersection of faith and hospice across religions represented in the Bay Area. It is based on the writing of David A. Lichter, D.Min., Executive Director of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and edited by Annamarie Colapietro, BCC who is on the Spiritual Care staff of Pathways Home Health and Hospice. As is true of many religions today, there is a spectrum of beliefs and practices of those who identify themselves as Catholic. Consequently, one of the first challenges that a hospice team encounters when offering its support to a dying Catholic is to determine where the particular person is in his or her understanding and embrace of Catholic beliefs concerning the purpose of life and the meaning of death. Ideally, Catholics have a sense of their dignity as human beings whose ultimate destiny is unending life with God. Hospice can certainly be of assistance on that journey. For the person who knows a cure is not possible and is now facing death, hospice offers all aspects of care: physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. Hospice tends to the whole person. Catholics believe human life is sacred and of high value; however, the duty to preserve life is limited to what is beneficial and reasonable in view of life’s ultimate dignity and destiny. One need employ only ordinary means to preserve life. Neither extraordinary means directed toward the extension of life nor interventions that hasten death are part of Catholic teaching or practice. As much as possible, death for the Catholic is a human act, the handing over of one’s life to God, and the hospice team with its array of services is ideally suited to support this process. Moreover, when the dying and their families are faced with complex and sensitive decisions regarding the medical interventions that should take place, hospice can give assistance in the completion of advanced directives, powers of attorney, and other documentation insuring the dignity and choice of the persons involved. By their faith, Catholics are invited to view suffering and death as a participation in the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. It is Catholic belief that Christ accompanies each person through the shadows of death to eternal life. Hospice creates a sacred space that respects and honors living and dying in that belief. ♦ You can find the first of this series online at 77 FOUNDATION BOARD Mark Kelsey, Chair Christine Alloo, Vice Chair Ronald A. Castellino, MD Mari Chazen Minda Cutcher Clarence J. Ferrari Jr., J.D. Gunilla Follett Tom Follett Harvey Hinman,J.D. Kingsley Jack Carol Proffitt HONORARY BOARD Kingsley Jack, Chair Richard R. Babb, MD Rev. Dr. Mark Bollwinkel Patti Cavender Gunilla Follett Tom Follett Kris Klint Paula Kushlan, MD Kathryn Ladra Janet Larson Jack Melchor Diane Spirandelli Suzanne Small Spitters Isaac Stein Madeline Stein Barbara Burgess, CEO Sandra Coolidge, RN PHN, VP of Admissions, Community Relations and Philanthropy Trish Telesco Morgan, Director of Development NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID SUNNYVALE, CA PERMIT #172 585 N Mary Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085-2905 800.753.3071 Pathways Home, Health and Hospice is a 501(c)3 not-forprofit, community based public benefit corporation. Make a tribute gift today at PHYSICIANS FOR PATHWAYS A CHALLENGE ON MAY 6 me Health & Hospice Private Duty ospice Foundation On May 6, Silicon Valley Community Foundation is organizing the first-ever online giving event to benefit non-profits in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. Pathways Home Health and Hospice is taking part. In fact, if you give to Pathways during the Silicon Valley Gives effort on May 6, your donation will be doubled! Home Health & Hospice Private Duty Hospice Foundation A group of Pathways medical directors have banded together to issue a challenge to our donors. Every gift up to $10,000 will be matched by this challenge. “With their gifts, Pathways donors join us in caring for Pathways patients,” said Pathways Medical Director Dr. Ellen Brown. No matter where you live, you can take part in Silicon Valley Gives by going online to or by looking us up on Once there, you can see a video of Pathways doctors talking about the work they do and how your gifts help. ♦ Pathways is very grateful to our team of hospice physicians for their expert and sensitive care as well as their generosity: Denis Bouvier, Ellen Brown, Charleston Cone, William Fowkes, Jagmohan Khaira, Ronda Macchello, and Bob Mueller 8 If you give to Pathways during the Silicon Valley Gives effort on May 6, your donation will be doubled by Pathways physicians!