The Expensive Volunteer - Willamette Valley Hospice
The Expensive Volunteer - Willamette Valley Hospice
Spring 2009 Your not-for-profit organization serving the terminally ill and their families since 1978 Walter has had such a full and interesting life and has left a wonderful, lasting impression on many visitors, family and friends. The Expensive Volunteer Reflections on Respite Care for Walter Bowden Walter had lived a very long life, ninety-six years when I first met him, and his life experiences served as sources of conversation on that first visit and many more. Although I might have heard his stories multiple times, he enjoyed reliving the memories each time he shared them with me. Providing respite care for Walter began in February 2008. His daughter Connie and her husband Richard were his caregivers. They were loving and attentive. When my visits began I would visit him in the room they had transformed into his bedroom. But his mobility declined and they wanted him to be included in family activities, so his bed was moved to the living room where he could look out a large window and see their yard, plants, and watch the neighborhood activities. This was also a welcoming place for visitors. Connie’s father had been very independent until his final illness; caring for him now required that he move in with them. This was a very loving thing to do but care was for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. That left no personal time for Connie and Richard. My respite care visits provided a few hours each week for them to take care of personal business, go grocery shopping, and enjoy eating lunch together in a favorite restaurant. Richard began teasing me with “every time you come I end up spending a lot of money!” by Kathleen Aeschliman, Respite Volunteer Being flexible with my time is possible since I am now retired. The family had requested a volunteer who could visit on Saturday mornings and the occasional weekday. A few months later they preferred that I visit only during the week. They had come to realize that stores were less busy during the week so they came to prefer a weekday for their special lunch and shopping trip. I really want to accommodate the family’s wishes as much as possible. During his years as a widowed person, Walter enjoyed eating out. One of his special treats was breakfast at McDonald’s in Dallas. Regularly, about half an hour after my arrival Richard would return with a McDonald’s breakfast for Walter. Continues on page 3 - Walter Reflecting on our past… planning for our future Willamette Valley Hospice Board of Directors Cretia Benolken, Secretary David Booth Dennie Brooks Walter Jones Wayne Kinkade, Past President Phyllis Leonard Patricia Lundeen, President Carolyn McKinney, President Elect Rev. John Moody David Moss Ginny Posey James Sterup Carolyn Van Otten Executive Director Linda Downey Editor Wenonoa Spivak 503.588.3600 Design/Layout PageWorks Graphic Design Journeys is a semi-annual publication of Willamette Valley Hospice, serving the communities of Marion and Polk counties. OUR MISSION To enhance the quality of life for terminally ill by Linda Downey Executive Director Don’t we all wish for an occasional rest or relief in our busy worlds? Respite - an interval of rest or relief. I am constantly impressed with how the caregivers of our patients give of themselves in caring for their loved ones. When you work outside of the home, you know you have a lunch break, your shift isn’t 24 hours long and you generally have two full days off per week. It is a huge commitment not knowing for how long or what kind of care one is going to be doing. It is difficult to be a caregiver day after day. Caregivers face the added worry that their loved one may become anxious or afraid when their usual caregiver is not available. The caregivers themselves frequently worry that someone else cannot do as good a job as they do. Research shows that being a caregiver can negatively impact one’s own health unless a conscious effort is made to take care of oneself. support for the caregivers How can caregivers do this? One goal of hospice is to encourage caregivers to build in breaks for themselves. This can occur in a number of ways: and families of our • Medical or social adult day care patients, and members of • A short term stay in a facility the community; and to about end-of-life • A paid caregiver for defined periods (maybe at night so the caregiver can get a full night of rest) philosphy and programs. • Short breaks provided by a volunteer persons and their families; to provide bereavement educate the community 2 Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2009 • Breaks provided by friends or neighbors • Family scheduled to assist for specific time frames • Visits by family or friends If you have wondered how you might help your family member or friend who is functioning as a caregiver, think about being more specific when offering to help. Instead of asking “How can I help?,” make specific suggestions like, “ I would be glad to stay with Bob so you can go to your doctor’s appointment, go shopping, go get your hair cut, go to church or go for a walk.” Caregivers are often overwhelmed and find it hard to identify what they need or may feel reluctant to ask for help. One of our greatest needs is for respite volunteers to assist our families. If this is an area where you would like to help, we have frequent volunteer trainings that will give you the skills to feel comfortable and be successful in this role. Another way you can help is by donating to our in-home respite fund. Everyone needs an occasional break. You can help provide that to the valiant caregivers who do such a great job on a daily basis. Give of yourself or your dollars to provide an interval of relief or rest. Not everyone can volunteer to provide respite themselves, but anyone can make a donation to such a worthy cause. Exemplifying Compassionate Care 2009 Hospice Dream Team by Wenonoa Spivak, Community Outreach & Special Projects Coordinator Angie, pictured here with patient, Billy Ray, is one of a special group of honorees who were selected as part of the 2009 Oregon Hospice Association’s annual Hospice Dream Team. This prestigious award, first presented in January 2004, has become a tradition Oregon’s hospice provider programs look forward to every year. Angie has provided compassionate care for Willamette Valley Hospice’s patients since 2006. “When my grandmother came on hospice services, I became involved with her care and met Willamette Valley Hospice staff who were so compassionate, caring and comforting to us, helping us navigate through losing my grandma. It made me realize that I wanted to give the same gift to others that my family received. This job has fulfilled not only the career aspect of my life but daily feeds my soul. It reminds me of what life is all about.” Angie fulfills this mission with all of her patients and provided this loving care for Billy Ray and his family for almost an entire year. “He was a wonderful man. He loved his Ducks hat; he wore it every day and was even cremated with it.” In-Home Respite Care - How Can You Help? by Linda Hays, Community Development Manager We cannot do it alone. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on your financial support to help fund crucial services like in-home respite care. As a community care provider since 1978, your donation by mail, phone or on our website will assure that caregivers like Connie and Richard and patients like Walter can receive the help they need now and in the future. A gift in your will or estate plan will ensure that your assets continue to help provide services to others for years to come. For more information, contact Linda Hays, Community Development at 503.588.3600, ext. 283. Continued from page 1 - Walter Usually his hearing aids and teeth were in place when I arrived, but if he was still asleep, I would make sure that they were in place for our visit. It was also an opportunity to draw on my experience in health care as I assisted him in and out of bed or helped him to reposition. area because of a death in my family so I was unable to attend his memorial service. After my return, I was able to speak with Connie and was gratified to learn that the family was comforted because his death had been so peaceful. Walter’s caregivers and I developed a special relationship. I looked forward to each visit and always allowed some time for conversation with Connie and Richard. Walter has had such a full and interesting life and has left a wonderful, lasting impression on many visitors, family and friends. You can read Walter’s full story and see his portrait as part of Willamette Valley Hospice’s portrait and biographical exhibit, “A Celebration of Life: Faces of Hospice.” Walter died exactly six months from the day I met him. Unfortunately, I was out of the A Celebration of Life: Faces of Hospice photo exhibit Look for Walter and 11 other patients in this poignant and celebratory photo exhibit which shares life stories and experiences of patients in their final moments of living, loving and laughing. The exhibit will continue to travel throughout Marion and Polk counties during 2009. Check our website at for upcoming venues. Spring 2009 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 3 “Without all of your help and care I don’t know what we would have done. You made my mother’s last days much more peaceful.” “Thank you for all you did during dad’s final months. Keeping him home was wonderful.” Sadler Family Fisher Funeral Home, Inc 100F Normal Lodge James & Ethel Adamo Jr. Kathleen Aeschliman Theodore Ahre Charles & Dorothy Alawine Ted Albrich/On Behalf Of Adam Wilma Albright Mike & Suzanne Allegre Francis Allen Charles Allis Richard & Eleanor Alt Luella Amend The American Legion #149 Kyle & Leah Amsberry Pat & D.Craig Anderson Philip Anderson Roger Anderson Kenneth Anderson Nona & Bill Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Maurice & Ruth Ann Anderson Mary Anderson Rochelle Anderson Jane Anderson Greg & Jeana Anderson Tanya Andrade Ann Andrews Angel Network c/o Cottonwood Richard & Lucinda Angyal Helen Ankrom James & Marilyn Annen Jerome & Gayle Annen, Goschie Paula Aragon Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Steve & Teresa Armstrong Harry Arnheim Lance & Jodi Arritola Karin Arvidson Ruth & Herb Aschkenasy Assn of Eng of Oregon David Astle 4 Leonard & Gloria Attrell James Auerbach Wayne & Grace Ault Helen Austin Beverly Aydelotte Daniel Azark Baca & Shank Neva Bach Clifford Bacigalupi Brian & Sarah-Ann Badenoch David Bailey C. Bailey Martha Bailey Clennin & Kathleen Baker Dick & Martha Baker Barbara Baker Charles & Cheryl Baker Martha & Dick Baker Norman & Susanne Baker Carolyn Bakondi M.E. Ballweber Bank of the Cascades George & Mary Banks/ Eiswerth Ronald & Noreen Barclay Gary Barker Elwyn & Joetta Barker William & Anne Barlow Bertha Barner Cathy Barnes Richard & Connie Barreras Jean Barry Jennelle Barton Josie Barton Mary Lou Bartosz Maxine Bartruff Bryce Bartruff Virginia Bartsch Mildred Baskerville Fleishman Josephine Bateman Harold & Dona Bates Annie Battee Chesta Bauer Gerald & Betty Bauer Lois Baughman Robert Baum 2008 Donors to Willamette Valley Hospice Thank you - The Reward of Giving is Shared Myron Baumer Doris Baxter Phil & Joyce Bay Nathan Bay & Family Thomas Bays Marybeth & Douglas Beall Kelly Beard Priscilla Beard Kelly Beard Roy Beaty Gary & Sally Beck James & Kaern Becker Anne & Bill Beckett Robin Beckett Delores Beckmann Ann Beesley Patricia Beesley Barbara Beeson Betty Beilstein Jon & Sally Beilstein Norma Jean Bell Todd Bell Leon & Brigitte Bell Anson Bell & Family Hugh Bellinger Bellingham Fire Fighters Union Rachel & Richard Bellock The Bend Foundation William & Jan Bender Mindy & Dave Benfield Susan & Paul Benfit Bruce & Josephine Bennett Gregory & Judy Bennett Della Bennett Gary Benson Eve Benton M Berger Raymond & Linda Berhorst Lea Berry Deloris Berryman Ray & Sandy Bersin Diana Beterbide Norman & Lorraine Beugli Janice & Larry Bevens Paul & Susan Beyer Laura Beyer Alfred & Leonora Beyer Max & Arlene Bibby Ray & Marian Bielemeier Charles Bielemeier Sandra Bierly Ernest Biershank Stanley Bigos Bud Billstin Bill & Gerald Bishop Dennis & Sandra Blackman Patrick & Diane Blair Beverly Blake Alvera & Ralph Blanchard Dwight Blatchley Shawn Blegen Tom & Dorothy Bochsler Robin & Douglas Bochsler Ruth & Merle Boedigheimer Carol Boire Greta Boland Bollman Funeral Home Jim Bond Paul Bond Ernest Bonyhadi Nancy Wolff & David Booth Milton Borgardt Gert Borschowa Patricia Boschke Charles Bottger Richard Boudreau Thelma Bourbonnais Jeanne Bowdish Debra Bowen Joe & June Bowersox Lynn & Geraldine Bowles Thelma Bowlin J. Bruce & Orlena Boyd Margaret Boyle Beverly Brack Lyle Braff James & Kay Brandon Pat & Mary Rose Brandt Mary Edwards Brandt William Braun Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2009 Jack & Norma Braziel Lynn & Richard Breen Doug Brenizer Anne Brenneman V.C. & Donna Brentano Lorrie Briles Mary Brillhart James & Susan Briney Susan Bristow Charlene Britt Phyllis Britt Roberta Brockway Lois Brooks Dean Brooks Brooks Resources Corporation Nathelle Brown R. Bruce & Sharon Brown Katherine Brown Dan & Margaret Brown James & Lois Brown Connie Brown George & Glenda Brown Harry & Elaine Brown Darcy Brown Robert & Donna Brown Geoffrey Bryan Juanita Bryan John & Kathy Bryan Scott & Gail Bryars Bob & May Buchheit Milton & Patricia Buchheit Paul & Mary Buchheit K. & B. Bulletset Ruby Buntjer Frank & Nadeane Burbage Jr. Gladys Buren Arlene Burger Bill & Rose Burgett Dale & Julie Burghardt Barbara & Ed Burke Alma Jean Burleigh Helen & Thomas Burns Dr. John & Katharine Burr Richard & Phyllis Burson Ella Burton John Bush Margaret Butler James & Donna Butsch Lauren Butte Hoyez Boyd & Doris Byrd CCSO Support Guild Cabe Toyota/Scion Margaret Cady Howard & Janie Caldwell Jean Calhoun Harold & Florence Cameron Barbara Cameron Jay & Amy Capellen Amy Capellen Carol Capps Oweta & Philip Carey Steven & Judy Carlson Cheryl Carlson Michael & Rachel Carnahan Judy & Ronald Carnes Karen Carroll Mary Jean Carsey William Carson Bert Carter Eva Carter Dorothy Case Gary Casqueiro Russell Cassutt Vernon Casterline, MD Vern & Gail Castle Toni Caswell-Christiansen Bob & Alene Cate John Caughell Roseann & Patrick Cauley John & Shirley Chamberlain Wanda Chance Richard & Mary Chandler Richard & Arlene Charboneau Susan Charpilloz Donald Chenault Jeneane Cherry David Sweet & Chris Bray Joan Christensen Lola Christofferson Verna Dee Christopher Donald & Cheryl Churchill Leroy Churchill City View Funeral Home Edward & Patricia Clark Jerry & Eileen Clark Patricia & Ned Clark Patty Clark Craig & Joan Clark Margie Clark Beverly & Gretchen Clark Sandy Clark Mitchell & Debra Clason Sandra Clausen Craig & Cherie Cline Rex Clothier William & Linda Cloyd P.K. & J.N. Clute Dorothy Clyburn Sidney Coleman Laura Waterman & Ben Coleman Nedra Colley Ryan Collier Bill & Sharlan Colson Columbia Mothers of Twins Barbara Columbus Ward & Janice Colvin Carol Conan Conley Family Anne Connelly Patrick & Sara Connor Clifford & Doris Cook Mary Cooley Gary & Carrol Cooley Donna Coomer Nancy Coon Roxie Cooper Roxie Cooper Gene & Maralyn Cornish George & Carol Cornwell Florence Coryell Anne Costine Paula Cox Pam Coxen David & Virginia Cozart Florence Craft Mary Craig Charles & Florence Crane Geraldine Cranford Larry Craven Sinok & King Crawford John & Wilma Crawford Marian Crawford Crazy Creek Rockers Leilani Cremere Loyal & Eloise Creswell William Crocker Carolyn Crume Nick & Vera Cruz Carla Cudmore Brian Cuff Melvin & Alice Cummings Ronald Cummings Donald & Doris Curry Mary Curry Randy Curtis Melanie & Randy Curtis Custom Countertops, Inc. Joan Cyrus Dorothy Dahl Lula & Roger Dahl Marvin Dalke Margaret Dallas William Dalton Mel & June Dalton Lynn & Owen Daly Ray & Mary Ann Damerell Ray Daniels Lyle Dannen Betty Lou Danner Raymond & Betty Danner Eugene Daugherty Laura & Eugene Davidson Edna Davidson Laura Davidson Ben & Vera Davidson Harold & Zi Nita Davis L. Anne Davis Carole Davis Dr. Stanley Davis Blanche Davis Lola Davis Douglas Davis Ed & Jan Davis Carole Davis Robert Davis George & Helen Dawson Allan & Jennifer Deal Denise & Ed Deardorss Ted & Jody Debacon Dorothy Delapp Sandra & Richard Delfavero Lucille Deraeve Steve & Carrell Deshaw Luella Dethlefs Sharon Devries Leida Dewey Mariella Dibble Susanna & David Dickey Virgil And Agnes Diehl Floyd & Clare Diess Warren Dietrichson James & Jean Dillard Karen Dillingham Mike & Kathi Dinsmore George Dionesotes James & Dian Dionesotes Sarah Ditchen Muriel Ditchen Robert & Bonnie Ditchen Wilma Ditchen Berenice Doehrman Patricia Doerfler Doerfler Farms Roberta Dolp Gordon & Pat Domogalla Ken & Rebecca Don Frank & Coleen Donckers John Doneth John M. Doneth Elizabeth Donohoe Dale Dorn Dan Dorn Frederick Dosher Judy Doughty Jerry & Judy Douglas Lloyd Dover Mary Dow Cal Downey Malina Downey Cal & Linda Downey Kenneth & Joyce Drake Margaret Drips Michael Drost Barbara Dufault Ruth Duffy Steven Dutoit Carolyn Dyer E & J Gallo Winery Donald Earl Barbara Easterling Charlene Eastman Robert & Donna Eberle Martina Echario Donald Echeverria Viola Eckhoff Ray & Laura Eden Edward Eder Eder Bros. Inc. John & Kathleen Edgar Donald Edwards Thomas Edwards Glora & Robert Egan Colleen & Michael Eggleston Charles & Eleanor Eich Phyllis & Robert Elgin Esther Elkins Gail Elliott Catherine Elliott Tyro & Judy Elliott David Ellis Doris Ellsworth Richard & Donna Embree Thomas & Jeanette Embree Christine Enberg Harold & Janet Engel Rebecca & Michael Ennis Henry & Gertrude Ercolini Dr. Ray Erickson Vincent Ernst Clancy & Marcy Erwert Dale & Anne Esch Donald & Muriel Eshleman Richard Espey Estate Of Desmond Albright Estate of Dale Jefferson Estate of Doroty Colvin Estate of Richard Burrill Estate of Virginia Quigley Quintin & Lois Estell Wanda Etzel David & Anna Evan Diana Evans R.E. & Nancy Evans FPS Enterprises Carl & Mary Fahlstrom Jim & Anne Fairchild Allinson Family Adlard Family Erickson Family Johnston Family Trust Sally Farrell Gay Federico Tom & Phyllis Fencl Keith & Carmen Fennimore Grace & Paul Ferderber Larry & Beverly Ferguson Jim & Claudia Ferguson Stuart & Gayle Ferguson Donald Ferris Larry Ferschweiler John & Elizabeth Fery Chris & Louise Feskens Jerry & Francie Fessler Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Charles & Lynette Field Jay & Mary Jane Fields Walter & Vicky Figueras John & Joan Finley Bonnie Finley Dianne & Alyssa Finn First Republic Bank First Republic SF Collections Team Dr. Guerin & Donna Fischer Fischer, Hayes & Associates, PC Lawrence Fisher Ralph & Susan Fisher Patrick Fisher Lawrence Fisher Mary Fisher Marilyn Fisher Beth Fitzwater Theodore & Barbara Flook Wayne Flowers Jan Foraker Richard & Dell Ford George & Florence Forgard Dennis & Marilyn Forsyth Karen Foster Mary Jane Fothergill Four Corners Rod & Gun Club Shirley Fourier Carolyn Fowle James & Candace Fowler Kit Fowler Roy Fox James Fox Barbara France Marsha Francis Maxine Francis Donna Frane Vivian Frank Joan Fraser George Fraser Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2081 Richard & Mary Jane Frederick Dorothy Fredrickson David & Leanne Fredrickson Claude & Lana Freeborn Clyde & Mary Freeborn Janice Freeman Ruth Frey Maur & Vicki Frey-Horton Marilyn Frick Edward & Lavina Friesen Arvis & Cyretta Friesen Phil & Rhoda Friesen Norman & Jo Ann Frink Tom And Kathy Fromherz Sharon Fry Anna Frye James & Sylvia Fryer Earl Fugate Rosemary Fulgaro Henry Fuqua Betty Gage Gordon Galbraith Wallace Galloway Larry & Jula Galvin Marie Gamroth Tom Gardiner Florence Gardner Michele Gardner Jane Garland Karen Garlock Garrett, Hemann, Robertson PC Jane Guion & Gary & Lynnett Walt & Billie Gates Janice Gefroh Charles & Leanne Geis William & Eileen Gentzkow Ronald George Shirley Gerhardt Denise Giard Ann Giglia Frank Gilbert Harold Gilbert Lois Gilbert-McCrabb Dorothy Gill Nancy Gille Louise Gillespie Pearline Gillett Caroline Gilstrap Sharon Giltz Melvin & Kay Gingerich Norma & Edward Ginther Delilah Ginther Marilyn Girod Esther Gisler Bruce & Joan Gledhill Harold Godkin Les & Ellen Godowski Tami Goertzen Shirley Goertzen Steve & Linda Gohl Ed Ford & Judy Gohring Gold Star Transport Inc Thomas & Ethelwyne Golden Elodie Golden Golden Age Club Elliot & Susan Goldstein Tammie & Floyd Goldstein Bryan Gonzalez John & Diane Gooley Lawrence & Mary Gooley Roland & Marjorie Gorham Herman & Vernice Goschie Bert Gottwald Yvonne & Gary Gover Ernest Grabski Robert & Mary Graf Janice Graham Warren & Darlene Granzow Glen And Darlene Grauer Carl & Bernice Graves Kathleen & Kenneth Graves Richard & Mary Gray Colleen Greco Donna Gregg Letha Gregg Marilyn Grenz Cheryl Grigorieff Marvin Grimm Oscar Grischkowsky Virginia Groah Edna Grosjacques Grove, Mueller & Swank, P.C. Donna Gruetzke Jeffrey & Winifred Gunter Shelley Gunther Jan & Fred Gutkind J. Wallace Gutzler HP Company Foundation Doris Haag-Cupp Char Hacek Eloise Hachler Norma & Herman Hackstock Dorothy Hadley Linda Hagan Laura Hagedorn Leroy Hagen Roger & Lois Hagestedt Susan Haight Earl & Camille Hale David Hall Virginia Hall Betty Hall Ruth Jean Hall Thelma Haller Topsy Haller L. E. Haller Eloise Hamilton Johanna Hamilton Dorothy Hamlin Bob Hammond Patricia Hammond Betty Hammonds Donald & Lavonne Haney Betty Hann Sue Hannan Barbara Hanneman Mariellen Hanrahan N. John & Ruth P. Hansen Evan Hansen Iola Hanson Lois & Bill Hanson James & Jill Hanson Donna Hanson Helen & Lumier Hanzel Florence Hardesty Faith Hardie Helen Haro Eugene Harp Tom & Donna Harris Robert & Janet Harrison Willis & Hazel Hart Walter & Pearl Hart Thomas & Doris Hartley Elaine & Earl Hartman Jean Harvey Beverly Haslebacher Bill & Theda Hastie Gerald & Carol Hastings Mark & Mary Hatlen Leonard & Ardis Hatteberg Robert & Mary Ann Havlik Maxine Hawks Leonard Hay Barbara & Donald Haynes Linda & Ron Hays George & Cathie Head Craig & Kathrine Healy Gillian Hearst Fred & Shelley Heller Norman & Jennie Helvie Linda Helvig Yvonne Hemer Emily Henjum John & Joan Henkel Susan Hensley Tim & Karen Hensley Hensley Family Norman Hettwer Rosemary Heuberger Steven & Shelley Heyblom Jeff & Catherine Heyerly Robert Heyerly Susan Hickman Betty & Michael Higgins Norma Highberger Cheryl Highfill Charlene Hill Dorothy Hill Douglas Hill Charlotte Hill Ethel Hill David & Regan Hillesland Hillsboro Elks Lodge #1862 Dale & Karen Hillyer Signa Hilton Christine Hindman Marilyn Hinds N.M. Hipperson Stephen & Beverly Hoag Nellie Hobson Guy & Ruby Hockett Zoa Hoffer A. A. Hoffman Linda Hofman Dorothy Hole Betty Hollin Odin & Ellen Hollin Alvin Hollins Kathryn Holmes Rita Holt Dorothy Horn C. Louise Horner Alan & Frances Horton Barbara Hosier Hospitality Club of Salemtowne Ruth Hostetler Erma Hough Linda Hovey-Chapman Judith Howard Cathy & Dennis Howell Jerry & Lee Anne Howey Jerry & Susan Hubbard Leon Hubbard Sue & James Hudson Cinda Jane Huffman Dave & Sharon Huffstutter Lee Hughes Nancy Hull Lawrence Hulse Gert & Aloy Humpert David Humphrey Jean Hunsaker John & Beverly Hunt Joyce Huntley Raymond & Grace Hush Huston-Jost Funeral Home Sharon & Stephen Hutchens Lewis Hyslip Ken & Joanne Imamura Margaret Inoue Instrument Covers Ioka Farms, Inc. Tracy Ireland Loretta Isom “The Guys” Iverson & Sons Katherine Jackman Katherine Jackmond Roger And Jo Anna Jackson Marjorie Jackson Larry Jackson Michael & Cynthia Jackson Joe & Carrie Jackson-Corrado Maxine Jacobs Jill Jacobsen Darrell & Charyl James Joseph & Debilyn Janota Edna Jaquet Garry And Marcia Jebousek John Jenkins Donald Jenkins Romaine & Fred Jensen Charles & Cleo Jean Jensen Robert & Winifred Jensen Ardeth Jerde Lois Jergens Elizabeth Jette John L Fowler Trucking Frank & Mary Johnson Marlan & Linda Johnson Theodore Duane Johnson Jerry & Therese Johnson Della Johnson Gordon & Margaret Johnson Sarah & Gerald Johnson Lyle & Sally Johnson Marianne Johnson Howard & Brenda Johnson Nancy Johnson Johnson, Glaze, & Co., P.C. Robert Johnston Florence Johnston Jeffrey & Mary Jones Maxine Jones Alex Jones Dean Jones Dorothy Jones Kate, Randy, & Herb Jordan Roger & Georgia Judd Susan Jungwirth Dorothy Jurgenson John & Paula Justice Barbara Kanz Rob & Kathy Kaplan Calvin Kaser William & Carolyn Kast Arthur & Virginia Kayser Charlotte Keasey Edgar & Helen Kellam Louis Kelle Sharon Kemnitz David & Marjorie Kemper Chris Kempton Herman & Pauline Kerfman Donald & Phyllis Kerr Warren King Imogene & Amos King Lisa Kingston Bela & Cathy Kirchberger Marilyn Kirk Barbara Kitterman Amy & Richard Kittinger Terry & Peggy Klein Regina Kleinschmit Norma Kliever Paula Knight Al & Betty Knode Frank & Beverley Knox Charles & Anna Koenig Walter Kohler Eugene & Charlotte Kolb Stephen & Susan Komanecky Betty Kostenborder Anna Louise Kostenborder Sylvester & Maryann Kottre Tami Kottre William & Cheryl Kowal Harold & Ann Kraemer Robert Kraft Deanna Kramer Ed Kramer Ernie & Carol Krause Linda Kroeger Melinda Krumroy Gayle & Edward Krupka Ronald & Dona Kudna Lowell & Bette Kuenzi Ray Kuenzi Margaret Kuper LCG Pence Construction, LLC Jerry & Karen Lackner Gloria Ladum Evelyn Ladwig Dale & Jacquelyn Laird Donna Lajoy Edward & Alice Lambert Walter Lambert Wanda Lambert Bob Landers Cindy Lane Stephen Lane Susan & Bruce Lang Linda Lange George & Leslie Lanning Alda Large Mark & Alyce Larsen Peter Larson Geraldine Lasniewski Bruce Laudon Catherine Lauer Clifford & Joyce Lawrence H. Lawyer Paulette Layfield Bill & Delores LeMay William Leach Gary & Elizabeth Ledoux Alice Lee Brenda & Mike Lee William & Marlene Lee Kurt & Mary Lee Thelma Leech Helen Leedy Janet Kay Lefley Alvin & Shirley Leisinger Frank & Roberta Lemay Ronald & Opal Leming Russell Lenhart George Leonard Phyllis Leonard David Leonard Jack & Lurlyn Long Daniel Long Charles & Roberta Lonsford Eric Lopez Lynn & Yvonne Lorenzen Marlene Lottridge Jill Love Audrey Lovelace Winston Lovell Jack & Deborah Lowery Charles & Mary Lucas Nancy Lucas Perry & Cheryl Lucas Rita Lucas Joseph & Rosemary Lucier Dr. Kenneth Lundeberg Kenneth Lundeburg Patricia Lundeen Delores Lusk Jo Ann Luthe Lowell Lux Ann & Ron Lyman Georgette Mackenzie Priscilla Macmillan Doug Macrae Joseph Maganini Ingegerd & Olle Maguusson Mary Mailliard Bill & Mary Mainwaring Tara & David Manitsas Kimberly & John Manitsas Jr Mary & John Manitsas Sr Doug & Deborah Manthe Carol Ann & Herbert Marcoe Barbara Marcoe Elaine Marier James & Irma Markel Malcolm & Shari Marsh Norm & Donna Marsh William & Jean Marshall Delmer Marsolek Nancy Martin John Martin Kathleen Martinez Rose Marx Steven Maser Bettie Mason Arol & Mae Masters Masters Mickey Mathena Leonard & Ilene Mathisen Tresa Matlack Saima & Johnnie Matson Susan Mattioli Glenn Matz Thomas & Laurie Maurer Mary Maxon Marvin & Bertha May Kathi & Donald May Art & Iris Mayer Carolyn McRae Kathleen Meader Clarence Medack Roberta Mehl Ed & Diane Mehler Karen & Steven Meithof Laticia Mendenhall Dan & Maryann Meredith Greg & Angela Meredith Bruce Merrifield Joseph Merrik Don Mesman Betsy & John Messer Howard & Cheri Messmer Marian Meyers RJ Meyers Opal & Kent Michailson Mid Valley IPA Mid-Valley Glass & Millwork Patricia Miles Eleanor Miles Carma Sue Miletta Anne Miller Bill & Donna Miller Dale & Carol Miller Patricia Miller Michelle Miller Marvin & Yvonne Miller Beverly Miller James & Doris Miller Lois Miller Adrianne Miller Patricia Miller Judi Miller Charles & Margaret Mills Cynthia Mills Timothy Mintzer Ray & Rita Miskimen Rev Trust Bob & Sara Mitchell Patricia Mitchell Peggy Mitchell Ruth Mitchell-Parkison Alvin & Violet Mohr David & Natalie Moline Clifford & Laura Monroe Dale & Norma Mooney Sharon Moore Lawrence Moore Mary Moreland Phyllis Morgan Ed & Sara Morgan Wilbur A & Joyce A Morgan,Trust Donovan & Irma Morisky Dennis Morley Richard & Barbara Morrow Morrow Equipment Romy Mortensen Cecelia Mosher Marianne Neufeld Elizabeth Nevue Vera Newberry Phyllis Newell Edyth & Frank Newell Irene & Dale Niccolson Elliot & Clarissa Nichols Leroy & Estelle Nickila Paul & Caryl Nicol Carol Niederer Alford & Dorothy Nolan Jennene Norblad David Norman Donald Norman Norpac Foods Inc. North Santiam Funeral Service Ed Northcutt Northwest Commercial Real Joe Nunes Floyd & Leslie O’Brien Richard & Betty O’Brien Alvin O’Neel Oak Creek Club Flora Oates Leslie Ann Obrien Martha Ochse Kay Oda Thomas Ohren Toshie Okazaki Catherine Olcott Gerald & Grace Oleman Sarah Olsen Paulette Olson Adrian Olson Sally Oneil Gayle Oneil Deborah Opitz Oregon Epsilon ADK Oregon OSHA Betty Ann Orr & Bob Kelle Don & Betty Orwick James Oshea Wesley Oster Ernestine Ostrin R.D. Othmer Beverly Otjen Marilyn Ott Arnold Otter Anthony & Sharon Pace Pacific Living Centers, Inc. Pacific Pride Services, Inc. Bonnie Packer Stanley & Joan Page Jim & Meeta Palesano Bonnie & Cr Palmer Howard Palmer Vera Paquin Joyce & Gregory Parfitt H & Lola Parker “Thank you for keeping mom comfortable during her final mile on her journey.” “Everyone is so caring and kind. We just want to thank you for all your service and loving care.” Jean & Betty Leontios Robert & Winona Letcher Shelley Lewelling Delmas & Kay Lewellyn Raymond & Edith Lex Liberty Mutual Foundation David Lichter Steven & Carol Lidberg Rosemarie Lieuallen LifeSource Natural Foods Gloria & Bruce Lighthart Phyllis Lind Melissa & Michael Lindley Bob & Pat Lindsay Gladys Livingston Phyllis Llambias James & Zita Locke Edwin & Marilyne Lodmell Patricia Loe David & Sandra Loewen James & Sarah Lofting Francis & Kellie Rae Lombardi Dave & Ellen Long Rev. David Maynard Michael & Betty Mayou Dennis McBee Susan & Jim McBride Louis & Carla McCanna Richard & Marjorie McCanse Thomas McClure Donna & Earl McCulloch Becky McCune Don & Molly McCurdy Walter McElhaney The Richard McEwen Rev Liv Trust Louise McFadden Krista McIntyre Ardith McIntyre Lisa McKay W.H & Marilyn McKee Ginger McKenzie John & Linda McKnight Dennis & Patricia McLeod Marlene McMahon Mary Lois McMillan Arthur & Elizabeth Mosher J. Davidson & Patricia Moss Martha Motley Jack Moye Edward & Edith Mulkey Jerry & Kathleen Mullen Jerry & Kay Mumper Betty Munson Lisa Murphy Ed & Edna Murphy Elva Murray Marge & Quinton Murren Richard And Jois Naegeli Nathan Levin Co. Don & Chris Nathman National Assoc. of Letter Carriers William & Pamela Neal Neilsen Manufacturing Inc Hugh & Sandra Nelson Bennett Nelson Larry Nelson Donald Nelson Karla Parker Fran Parker Bobye Parkes Michael & Mary Parkinson Ronald Parks Terry & Sherry Parks Julie Paro Madlen Parton Charles & Nadine Patterson Lori & Derek Pavlicek Barbara Payseno Kayrene & Ivar Pearson Betty Pearson Curt & Julie Pedersen Armida Pena Herschel Pendell C Pendergrass William & Suallen Penhollow Ernest & Janet Pereira Diana Perth Joseph & Judith Pesaturo Continues on page 9 Spring 2009 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 5 Committed to Excellence - Committed to Patient Care In 2008, we provided compassionate care to 1,241 patients and their families. According to a family survey from families who have used our services, 99% were pleased with the care provided by our professional staff and volunteers and would recommend Willamette Valley Hospice to others. We provided loving hospice care to five children and supported their families through this very difficult time. 2008 Measures of Progress, Commitment & Excellence Compassion + Dedication = Volunteers In 2008, 134 volunteers donated 9,752 hours supporting patients, family members and office staff, which translated into a savings of $188,720.68. A record number of new hospice volunteers joined long-time volunteer Dan Long and new volunteer coordinator Melissa Lindley. Two of these new volunteers are Pet Therapists accompanied by their Therapy Dogs. Dan and Melissa New volunteer coordinator Melissa says, “I feel privileged to be a volunteer coordinator at Willamette Valley Hospice, working with amazing members of our community who are eager to lend their time and talents to serve others.” Melissa really enjoyed training and working alongside volunteers in her previous position, working with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Bellingham, WA. She wanted to work for another service agency that valued volunteers as a vital part of its service delivery. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, traveling, cooking, and spending time with family and friends. 6 Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2009 Bereavement Services – Here for Our Community In 2008, we offered 15 grief support groups for adults, children and families throughout Marion and Polk counties. We provided two support groups for children in Salem/ Keizer Schools, two community memorial services and a holiday grief workshop. Camp Mighty Oaks, the only children and family grief summer camp in Marion and Polk counties, offered emotional healing and support to over 30 children and adult campers. Kim Herrera and her children were among the attendees in 2008. Kim felt as though she watched her children open “from little closed flowers to full blown blooms. Since camp ended, “the kids talk more about their grandmother and say ‘let’s go do this…you know she wouldn’t want us sitting around feeling sad all the time.’” Herrera family — Think of Us as Your Community Hospice Community Support 2008 ($314,769) How Your Gifts Help Children’s Bereavement & Camp Mighty Oaks, 3% Bequests, 53% Adult and Community Bereavement Services, 35% Volunteer Services, 32% United Way, 0.5% Fundraising, 11% In-Home Respite Care, 4% General, 35.5% Unfunded Care, 26% Spring 2009 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 7 We Come to You – Your Community Resource Learning About Hospice Sooner In order to make sure we reach those who need us, we gave 134 community presentations and clinical education presentations to over 7,000 individuals about end-of-life issues, grief support, and available community resources. Our Latino Outreach Coordinator provided cultural competency training to Salem/Keizer School District counselors, members of the Oregon School Counselors Association and members of the National Association of Social Workers. 2008 Measures of Progress, Commitment & Excellence — Your Community Hospice Giving “As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled.” Victor Hugo - French poet (1802–1885) Willamette Valley Hospice received one grant awarded from the Spirit Mountain Community Fund for a donor management database system. Thanks to you, our community supporters, Noah and Kenny we received over $22,000 from Light Up A Life ornaments and memorial gifts in honor of loved ones. Main Auto Body, a local Salem business, donated their time and materials to paint the stars that were used in our Light up a Life Ceremony. We rely on your generous donations to help us provide essential services such as volunteer support for patients and caregivers, adult, children and family grief support, in-home respite and care for those without a source of payment. 8 Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2009 Elizabeth Peters Jill & Scott Peters Ralph Petersen Bruce & Norma Peterson David & Kati Peterson Weston & Linda Peterson Ralph Peterson Patricia Pfau Mary Jane & Ed Phelps Leland & Joyce Phelps Phoenix Contracting Inc Donna Pierce Gene & Shirley Pilcher Pioneer Trust Bank Foundation Delvin & Jean Plaisance George & Betty Plane Charlene Poe Garry Poe Raymond Pogue Alfred & Mary Ellen Pohlschneider Patricia Polizzi Polk County Mental Health Phil & Ruthie Pomeroy Kathryn Poole & Bowling Friends Chuck Portaro Sam Portaro Gale Porter Portland General Electric Geneva Powell Kenneth & Jolene Powell Rosalie & Paul Powers Cindy Pratt Don Priddy Gayle Priem Kristina Primbs-Wetter Primozich Family Richard & Debra Proksch Carra Pruett Edna Pruitt Les Puffer Everett & Betty Pugh Cheryl Pugh Clyde Purcell Rodney & Maryjane Purdy Laveta Purdy Lois Putnam Beverly Putnam Beverly Quail Dwight & Barbara Quisenberry Arthur Rabago David & Sheryll Ralls Dorothy Ramig Wayne & Janice Ranne Keiva Rapraeger Alfred & Anne Rasmus Barbara Rasmussen Evelyn Raven David & Linda Ray Ola Mae & Alan Ray Jon & Mary Raymond Clara Reames Kim & Priscilla Reaney Betty Rebo Diana Redford Nick Reding Margaret Reding Carol & Rick Reece Richard Reed Nancy Reed Debbi Rehbehn John & Susan Reich Ben Reimann Mark Renaud Donald & Elsie Renc Kristin Retherford Kenneth & Heidi Reynolds Harold & Juanita Reynoldson Lora Rhodes Helen Rhoten Ruth D Rice Barbara & Dennis Rice Robert & Janet Richardson B. Jo Richardson Mary Rieckewald Frances Riedman Chris Riffle Bill Riffle & Family Donald Ringwald John Ritchie Steven Ritchie Donna Rivett Ina Janet & Raymond Rivoli Barbara Roach Rob Roach Robert Frost School William Roberts Madeleine & Jerry Robertson Lee & Virginia Robertson Mary & Glenn Robinson Jo Ann Robson Gerry Roe Norine Roelofs James & Chris Roethlin Gwen Rohde Anna & Duane Romig J. Michael Rose Linda Rosenbalm John & Mary Ann Rosenbraugh Thelma Ross Barbara & Norman Ross Katherine Ross Gerald & Carolyn Roth Ivy Roth Mary Roth William Roy Roy Farms, Inc. Ed & Mary Lou Rubesh Dorothy Rubesh Norman Rue Homer & Ann Rue Deborah Russ Jennifer Russell Brenda Russell Monica Ryan Robert & Linda Rykken S.A.W. Family Foundation Inc Saalfeld Griggs PC Arthur & Jean Sacher James Sahlstrom Sonja Sahly Salem Electric Salem Elks Lodge #336 Salem Executives Assoc. Salem Sojourners Bridge Club Salem Woman’s Club Salem Zenith Woman’s Club Keith & Rhonda Samsom Sirous & Elfriede Samy Steve & Nancy Sanchez John & Karen Sandstrom James & Carol Sanner Ed & Leah Santos Edwin Sather Tom & Carol Saunders Walter & Dorothy Scarborough Ramona Schaecher David & Margaret Schafer Andrea Schamp Robert & Judy Scharf R.A. Schenck Earl & Diana Schindler Darlene Schirman Carl Schlecht Robert & Kathryn Schmidt Shirley Schmidt Mildred Schmidt Orville Schmitz Peter & Christine Schmitz Daphne Schneider Milo & Mildred Schoenborn Philip Schollian George & Merrie Schopfer Carol Schroeder Donald & Judy Schroeder Joyce Schuberg Bette Schubert David & Sue Schumacher Robert Schunke Doris & David Scott Randy & Cathie Scott Lyle & Linda Scott Joann Sears Leslie Seaver Theophile & Linda Sedlock Jacquelyn Seeger Dave & Judith Seeger Delores Seeley Lyman & Louise Seely Karen Seery Beverly Seifer Bernard & Mayanna Seiler Joseph & Mary Seiler James & Mildred Self Jane Sellers Peggy & Richard Senske Tom Senter Janet Sermon Sue Setterberg George & Judith Settlemier Ronald Shanks Wayne & Beverly Sharp Karlynn & Dale Shatto Anne & Terry Sheehan Alvin & Marilyn Sheets Shell Oil John & Connie Sheltren Jerry & VI Shepard Larry & Linda Shepherd Martha Shermer Neil & Nancy Sherwood Kiyo Shimizu Avery & Beth Shipley Helen Shotts Ora Shutt Gloria Sica Richard & Sally Siddoway Jack & Anita Siddoway Becky Silbernagel Siletz Trucking Co., Inc. Manuel & Karen Silveira Donna Silver Reta Simmons Robert Simpson Verla Sims Gladys Sinanan Helen Sirek Cindy Skaling Jane & Don Slack Don & Jane Slack Arlene & Leroy Slattum Richard Sloan Howard & Donna Smith Bob & Pamela Smith Gene Smith Barbara Smith Katrine Smith Joy Smith Louise Smith Gary & Carol Smith Frank Smith Terrance & Sharon Smith Arlen & Carol Smith Fred Smith Dennis & Patricia Snyder Anna Snyder Wilken John & Marilyn Sohrt Carol Sohrweid South Salem Rotary Club Teresa Sowers Jacqueline Spalti Richard & Jeanne Spaziani Judith Kay Spence Wenonoa & Eric Spivak Kenda & Matthew Sprague Don & Eileen Sprague Delma Sprauer Doreen Sprenger Ross Sprenger Lowell Spring Robert Springer Jeanne Springer Jeannette Spurgeon St. Mary’s Public School Evelyn Staab Bonnie Staebler Shirley & Jeffrey Stanton Lance & Sally Stapleton Charles & Marlita Stauffer Mike & Nancy Stebbins Winona Steckley Norman & Mildred Steckley Theresa Steele Sharon Steele Judith Steele Sue Steffen Florence Steffensen Corinne Steiger Rodney & Mary Steininger Joseph & Patricia Stemkoski Sharon Stephens Carol Stevens Linda Stevenson Robert & Betty Stewart Phyllis Stewart Alberta Stewart Dorothy Stickney Holly Still Curtis & Edna Stinson Katherine Stockard Ruth & Gilbert Stocker Dorald Stoltz Kenneth & Darla Stoneman Richard & Lorelle Stonex Marilyn Stovall Rebeca Strauss-Trustee Jack & Madeline Strickfaden Charles Strong Susie Strubhar George & Elsa Struble Ione Strughold Larry & Susan Stuart Bette Stuchlik David & Carolyn Stump Sublimity Insurance Company Ron & Arleatha Suing Patricia Sully Estrellita Sumulong Sund & Popovich Ruth Surgeon Louise Sussenguth Paul & Marcia Suter Barbara Sweany Steven & Bobbie Swindle Betty Swinkels Wilma Sylvester Tangela Sylvester T.Garlock, B.Albrich, L.Spensor, T.K. Art Unlimited TN Sunshine Travelers Diane Tackett June Tallman Everett Tallman Sue & Adolfo Tapia Charles & Mary Tarter William & Amy Jo Tattersall Josele Taylor Hershel Taylor Phillip Taylor Zelda Taylor Donna Kay Taylor Teamsters Local 670 Retirees Bradley Tedrow Sally Templeman Ralph & Lois Thackery The DSL Friendship Fund Joseph & Mary Thimm Alice Thomas James & Linda Thomas Dorthy & Chris Thompson Marguerite Thompson Theodore Thompson Lynda Thompson Danny & Joan Thompson Nancy Thompson Gerald & Susan Thompson Jim & Marcile Thomsen Frank Thomsen Lois Thrapp Delores Throneberry Linda Tibbs Ruth Tisler John & Eleanor Titus John & Helen Titus Connie Tjernberg Lorraine Todd Mavis Tofte Jim Tokarski D & Katherine Tomlinson Francis Tompkins George, Carol & Doug Tookey Daniel Toporek Jerald & Margaret Torresdal Laverta Townsend Dana Toy Jerry Tracy Greg & Sandra Traeger Jean & Don Trammell Lyle & Fern Tresham Connetta Trimble Triple Creek Ronald Tripp Pauline Trom Arlene Trowbridge Truitt Bros., Inc. Toan Truong Glenn & Evelyn Tucker Beth & Henry Tucker Hector Turcotte Martha & S.C. Turner Alice & Pat & Family Tvetan James & Joy Underwood United Titanium, Inc. United Way Clement Unrein, Jr. Robert & Louise Vachter Gaida Valkovskis Valley View Acres Carolyn & Dan Van Otten R.K. Van Santen, Dds Peter & Pam Vandeneynde Wilbur & Darline Vanderbeck Kimberly Vanderpool Evelyn Vandette Urban & Linda Vanhandel Deanna Verboort Tom Vervaene Alden Vickstrom Karen Vincent Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service Estate Of Judith Visconti “Thank you for all of your help and support. With your help, we were able to grant mother’s last wish to stay in her home.” “Thank you for your dedication and compassion during our time of need.” “You provided us with strength and tools to allow my sister to be well cared for during her journey.” George Vogel Linda Vognild John Vohar Michael & Lorene Vollmar William & Deborah Voves Guy & Ilene Wade Richard & Viola Wade Sharon Wagner Ruth Wagner Wagon Wheel Dollars Of Salem Wah Chang Timothy & Linda Wahlberg Doris Walker Dan Walker Louis Walker Jr. Carolyn & James Wall Margaret & George Wallbaum Lorna & Dick Wallen Marvis Walter June Walton James & Valera Warczak Sharon Ward Allan & Dorothy Ward Dorothy Warwick Tatiana Washburn Bob & Rachel Watilo Glenva Watkins Deanna Watkins Wilbur Watters Margaret Wattier Charles & Jane Wavra Donald & Julie Wavra Randy & Rose Wavra Frederick & Charlene Wavra Bob & Mary Waytenick Barbara Weathers-Tipton John Weaver Kenneth Webb Cherry Webber Jerry & Carol Webber Virginia Webster James & Virginia Webster Ethel & Jim Webster & Family Eileen Weekley Betty Weiss James & Louise Weiss Norman Welch Christine Welch Elaine Wells Wells Fargo Community Support Shirley Werdebaugh Roy & Fern West Shirley West Sybil Westenhouse Larry & Kathy Westling J.J. & Darlene Wetherbee Violet Wettestad Leo & Beatrice Wheadon Scott & LJ Whipple Bruce & Jan Whitaker Douglas & Erva White Debra White Jim & Eileen White Beverly & Michael Whiteley Sharon Whitwer Jacquie & Mark Wiesner Wilco Farmers Rosemary Wiles Denny & Jeannette Wilfong Mabel Wilhelm Debra Will Willamette Lutheran Homes, Inc. Willamette University Willamette Valley Concrete Willamette Valley Doll Club Willamette Valley Model-T Ford Robert & Noreen Willey Leila Willgress Patricia Ehrlich & James Willhite Denyce Walker/ William Turnbull Roland And Virginia Williams Lynda Williams Terrill & Michael Williams Steve Williams Theodore & Eileen Williamson Eugene Williamson Linda Willnow Jeanette Wilson Thomas & Harriett Wilson Joyce Wilson Jack & Joan Wilson Dorothy Wilson Dawn Wilson Harold Wiltse Gerald & Henrietta Wimer Windedahl, Rangitsch & Thompson Jerry & Sharon Winegar Dr. Thomas & Patricia Winkler Donna Winkler Gene & Polly Winstead Mary Wirfs Sandra Wiscarson Gary & Kae Wise Linda Wiser Dick & Norma Wiser Bonnie Witiuk Donald & Jody Witten DJ & Lila Woelke Wogan & Hatfield Philip & Mary Ellen Wolf Gary & Joyce Wolfard Dorothy & Gilbert Wolfe Rhonda Wolter Glenda Wolvert Ernest & Lorene Wood Beverly Wood Walter Wood John & Susan Wood Frank Wood Carol Woodcock John Woodruff Beth Woodrum Pat & Cathie Woodward Linda Woolley Eunice & Donald Worden Michele Worley Julie Wright Ronald & Kathleen Wrolstad Larry & Judy Wrolstad Carol Wrolstad Catherine Yale Taylor Yingling Harrison & Raymona Yost Janice & Dennis Young Dennis & Jan Young Mike & Ruth Young Ken & Maureen Young Bonnie Young Violet Yungen Charlene Yuranek Charles Zemanek Douglas & Jamie Zielinski Don & Vivian Zielinski Dorothy Zinn Richard & Charlene Zitzewitz Steve & Varee Zolotoff c/o Hewlett-Packard c/o Portland General Electric Willamette Valley Hospice has prepared this list with great care, but despite our sincere efforts, errors do sometimes occur. If you were a donor during the fiscal year and your name was omitted or misspelled we hope you will forgive us and advise us of our error. Thank you. Spring 2009 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 9 Camp Might Oaks Serving Grieving Children and Their Families Willamette Valley Hospice’s Camp Mighty Oaks, in its 10th year, is the only camp in Marion and Polk counties specifically for grieving children and their families. The camp includes traditional camping experiences, great food, new friends, and activities. Within a casual and comfortable setting, children and their families will find ways to grow and gain more understanding about their grief and loss. Camp Mighty Oaks welcomes and supports any child, 5 or older, along with adult family members who have experienced the death of a loved one. “A powerful part of camp is having the opportunity to talk with others about their loss,” says Lori Ensign, camp director. “Parents and children each participate in small groups to explore the grief and loss within their lives.” To register and for dates and times, please contact our Bereavement Services department at (503) 588.3600. Light Up A Life 2009 Holiday Fundraising Campaign New in November 2009 – Unique Quilted Holiday Ornaments Handmade by Hospice Volunteers Light up a Life Community Gathering Thursday December 3, 3-5pm Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St NW, Salem no registration required 10 Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2009 Volunteer Trainings there is no cost to attend the training but please pre-register One-day training: Friday, May 15th, 8:00am-5:30pm Four-evening training: Mon, Jun 8; Wed, Jun 10; Mon, Jun 15, and Wed, Jun 17; 6:00pm – 9:00pm each evening. An exciting new service for our community Monthly Drop-in Grief Groups by Lori Ensign, Lead Bereavement Counselor Loss is a universal event, yet grief is an individual experience. We instinctively know that we need support when we are grieving; it is natural to seek solace at a time of loss. Expressing your grief and listening to the expressions of others can be a valuable key to healing. Grief support groups provide an opportunity to discover that you are not alone and find resources to help through the grief process. Willamette Valley Hospice Bereavement Services provides a variety of opportunities to come together in community to find support. We currently offer six-week grief groups and wanted to add opportunities for people to attend when they needed to drop in for support. The drop-in grief groups are a safe, supportive place in which bereaved people can share their grief, receive information about the grief process and receive support from trained facilitators and other members of the group. Members are invited to share or just listen as they wish. Members can attend the groups regularly or periodically for as many sessions as they wish. Participants report that the support groups serve as a stepping stone along the path of learning how to live with loss. The groups take place at Willamette Valley Hospice, 1015 3rd St NW, Salem. There is no cost for these groups and no registration is required. Creatively Expressing Grief: explores a different theme each month and uses art activities as a way to process and invite participation in a safe and supportive environment. 2nd Thursday of every month, 1:00pm – 2:15pm May 14: Growing through grief June 11: Bridges to healing July 9: Tending to the garden of grief August 13: Honoring your grief Drop-in Discussion group: looks at a variety of topics to help you creatively face your situation and discover alternatives for working through your grief. This group is a place where you can connect with others to decrease the isolation that grief can bring. 4th Thursday of every month, 12:15pm-1:30pm May 28: Instrumental & intuitive grief June 25: Children & grief July 23: Journaling as a way of healing your grief August 27: Setting your intentions to heal If you do not wish to receive further communications from us, you may optout by either calling: 503.588.3600 or by email: or by mail: Willamette Valley Hospice, 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem, OR 97304. We do not rent or share contact information to third parties. Spring 2009 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 11 2009 Calendar of Community Events ADULT GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS - 6 Sessions There is no cost for these groups, but pre-registration is required. To register or for more information contact Bereavement Services at 503.588.3600 or toll-free at 1.800.555.2431 or visit us on the web at Dallas - daytime Thursdays 2:00 - 3:30 pm May 7, 14, 21, 28; June 4, 11 West Valley Hospital, 525 SE Washington, Dallas Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Silverton - evening Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm Sept. 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Family Birth Center, Silverton Salem - evening Hospital, 2nd Floor, 342 Fairview, Mondays, 6:00-7:30 pm Nov. 9, 16, 23, 30; Dec. 7, 14 Silverton Willamette Valley Hospice Woodburn - evening 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Mondays, 6:00-7:30 pm Oct. 12, 19, 26; Nov. 2, 9, 16 Cascade Park Retirement Center, 950 N. Cascade Drive, Woodburn Silverton - evening Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm May 7, 14, 21, 28; June 4, 11 Family Birth Center, Silverton Hospital, 2nd Floor, 342 Fairview, Silverton Salem - daytime Tuesdays, 2:00-3:30 pm May 19, 26; June 2, 9, 16, 23 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Salem - evening Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm June 16, 23, 30; July 7, 14, 21 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Salem - daytime Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 am Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26; Sept. 2, 9 Drop-In Grief Workshops Stayton - evening Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm Nov. 5, 12, 19; Dec. 3, 10, 17 Santiam Hospital, 1401 N.Tenth St., Stayton Monmouth - daytime Mondays, 10:00-11:30 am Oct. 12, 19, 26; Nov. 2, 9, 16 Monmouth Senior Center 180 S. Warren, Monmouth Children, Adults & Famiies - 6 Sessions Salem - daytime Tuesdays, 2:00-3:30 am Oct. 27; Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24,: Dec. 1 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm Sept. 22, 29; Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS for There is no cost for these groups but you must pre-register There is no cost for these events, and no registration is needed. Creatively Expressing Grief Drop-In Discussion Group Explore how art can help you express your grief when words alone seem inadequate. Part of each group is devoted to the topic of interest for adults who have lost a loved one. Meets Monthly - Every 2nd Thursday Meets Monthly - Every 4th Thursday Community Grief Workshops There is no cost for these events, and all are welcome to attend. SPRING MEMORIAL GATHERING May 28, Thursday, 3:00 - 5:00 pm. Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem No registration required. Coping with the Holidays workshop November 14, Saturday 9:00 am - noon Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Please contact Bereavement Services at 503.588.3600, or toll-free at 1.800.555.2431, with any questions. 12 Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2009
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