Music Therapy: Gentle Comfort for Hospice Patients of All Ages
Music Therapy: Gentle Comfort for Hospice Patients of All Ages
Spring 2010 Your not-for-profit organization serving the terminally ill and their families since 1978 Inside: Our Report to the Community Photo by Thomas Patterson - published in the Statesman Journal on 4/22/07 Music Therapy: Gentle Comfort for Hospice Patients of All Ages Sabrina was just eight years old when she became a hospice patient. She looked forward to her weekly sessions with Music Therapist Jessica Shaller. By playing the xylophone and drums to her favorite songs and ‘leading’ Jessica in playing together, Sabrina experienced a sense of control that living with disease so often takes away. She expressed that music therapy, “makes me feel surrounded with love and helps me relax and get my anger out.” Before Sabrina died, she wrote and recorded several songs with Jessica for her family. One such song to her parents and best friend, Monty the cat, included the lyrics: “Thank you for loving me so much, for snuggling and hugging a bunch. You help me each day when you say, ‘don’t cry, it will be alright.’” Caring for pediatric patients is never easy and making sure a patient is comfortable and less anxious, no matter their age, is essential. Tailored to each child’s developmental level, music therapy can offer a nonverbal way to express emotion. Children who attend Willamette Valley Hospice grief support groups and Camp Mighty Oaks summer bereavement camp also receive music therapy services to help them express their feelings, cope with change, and share memories. In 2005, Willamette Valley Hospice hired Jessica Shaller, a Board Certified Music Therapist, to assist hospice patients like Sabrina, as well as bereavement clients. Many people find music to be a relaxing part of their everyday life but often aren’t aware that music, when used by trained professionals, can benefit patients at the end of life. Music professionals, called either a Music Practitioner, Music Thanatologist or Music Therapist, may all work with hospice patients, but differ in their training and scope of practice. As a Music Therapist, Jessica has formal training in music and psychology, helping her care for individuals of all ages with physical, emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual needs. Music Therapists work in a Continues on page 3 - Music Therapy Willamette Valley Hospice Board of Directors Cretia Benolken Andrew Bone David Booth Dennie Brooks Naomi Hormann Walter Jones Wayne Kinkade Patricia Lundeen Carolyn McKinney Rev John Moody David Moss Betty O’Brien Ginny Posey Carolyn Van Otten Executive Director Pam Matthews Co-Editors Melissa Lindley Linda Hays 503.588.3600 Design/Layout PageWorks Graphic Design Journeys is a semi-annual publication of Willamette Valley Hospice, serving the communities of Marion and Polk counties. OUR MISSION To enhance the quality of life for terminally ill persons and their families; to provide bereavement support for the caregivers and families of our patients, and members of the community; and to educate the community about end-of-life philosphy and programs. Cycle of Seasons and New Beginnings by Pam Matthews Executive Director I sat in the hospice memory garden today enjoying the bubbling fountain and colorful blossoms of our early spring. I thought about cycles of the seasons and new beginnings. My history with hospice in Salem and with Willamette Valley Hospice goes back to the early 90s when I was the Administrator/ CEO of HomeCare Network and Evergreen Hospice in Albany. HomeCare Network had a branch office for home health in Salem and provided nursing and aide services to Willamette Valley Hospice patients as part of the interdisciplinary team. When Willamette Valley Hospice became Medicare certified, the agency was able to utilize its own staff for nursing and aide care. A few years later, Evergreen Hospice began providing hospice services in the Salem area until 1998 when it closed the Salem office. So, I have experience with Willamette Valley Hospice as both a partner and a competitor. Now I am delighted to be embarking upon a new relationship with Willamette I feel very much at home with Willamette Valley Hospice’s non-profit mission and philosophy. Since its inception by dedicated Marion and Polk County community volunteers in 1978, Willamette Valley Hospice has truly provided important and unique services to our hospice patients, families and bereaved members of our communities. I am honored that the Board and staff chose me to join them at Willamette Valley Hospice. I will do my best to continue to nurture the mission of the organization in our community as we move into this new beginning together. Hospice Staff Continue Tradition of Giving Led by the efforts of Susan Briney, RN, and Scott Dangermond, MSW, Willamette Valley Hospice staff donated over 320 pounds of food for Marion-Polk Food Share over the holiday season. Over $1300.00 was collected to help the food share purchase the most needed items for the hungry in our community. Susan says, “This annual food drive is just an extension of what our caring hospice staff does every day. “ Willamette Valley Hospice is a Marion Polk Food Share emergency food box site for hospice patients and their families. 2 Valley Hospice as the Executive Director. Throughout my 30 years of working with hospice and home health in Oregon, I have lived in the hills above Scotts Mills – so it feels I have come full circle to be working back in my own backyard after years on the road driving to offices in Portland and Albany. Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2010 Continued from page 1 - Music Therapy variety of settings and assist patients by utilizing techniques such as musicfacilitated relaxation, therapeutic singing, instrumental playing, lyric analysis, and music combined with imagery. Music therapy uses all types of music and instruments. Don and Chris sing at a family session. Music therapy sessions for hospice patients are often used to help manage physical symptoms such as pain, breathing difficulties, nausea, restlessness, and to ease the dying process. Patients are commonly referred to music therapy when emotional challenges such as anxiety, agitation, depression, grief, and fear are great. Music therapy interventions are customized to each patient and are adapted as their needs change. Chris’ father Don, a hospice patient, recently passed away after struggling with Alzheimer’s for many years. Chris said, “The music therapy provided by Jessica from Willamette Valley Hospice had a significant impact on my father and our family. Jessica was able to tailor the music therapy just for Dad by choosing songs important to him and that he would recognize. Music therapy stimulated his remaining memory function, gave him a sense of accomplishment, and brought him joy and happiness.” Following Jessica’s suggestions, they were able to use music to comfort and soothe Don when she wasn’t there. Like Don, communication and a sense of connection with others can improve, especially in cases of dementia, stroke, developmental delays, and cognitive impairments related to brain damage or tumors. Spiritual support can be provided through music therapy, as well as the resolution of unresolved conflicts. Don’s family gathered for a group music therapy session. Following Jessica’s cues, Don played a tongue drum to favorite songs he once sung with his brother as a child and later taught to his own children and grandchildren. His family participated through selecting songs, singing, and playing ukuleles while Don responded by smiling brightly, making eye contact, singing, and clapping his hands in rhythm with the music. His level of verbal interaction increased and he shared his experience Did you know? Certified Music Practitioner: • receives 2 years of training. • Provides live music in medical settings in order to create a healing environment. Visit for more information. Certified Music Thanatologist: • receives 2 years of training. • Uses pre-set harp and vocal music at the bedside of a dying person, referred to as a “music vigil”, to promote physical and spiritual comfort. Visit or for more information. Don’s wife, Becky, joins in with drum during family session. of the session by saying, “All here at once” and “I’m excited, it’s good.” Music therapy enhanced communications and interactions between Don and his family. Don’s wife, Becky, said, “Music therapy was central to Don’s care at the end of his life and enabled him to finish his journey in the way we envisioned it - he took his last breaths at home peacefully while surrounded by those he loved in music.” Music Therapist-Board Certified: • receives minimum of 4-year degree program, including a clinical internship often with Master’s and PhD level training. • Uses music interventions to accomplish individualized goals. • May use any instrument and assist patients throughout lifespan. Visit or for more information. Spring 2010 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 3 2009 Supporters of Willamette Valley Hospice “We couldn’t have seen Mom through her final days without you and your expertise and encouragement.” 100F Normal Lodge 4 B Farms Inc. A.J. Frank Family Foundation Rose Abrahamson Dena & David Abresch Duane & Cathy Ackerson Eunice Addie Kathleen Aeschliman Letty Aguilu Beth Aicher Brenda Albers Albert & Donna Albertini Ted Albrich William & Sandra Albright, Jr. James Allen Judy & Bill Allen Sidney Allison Kenneth & Rita Alt Lorraine Alt Charles & Sylvia Alva Cindy Alvarado American Fertility Association The American Legion #149 Janice Ames James Ammon Donna Amoth Andy & Delores Anderson Bob & Fern Anderson Greg & Jeana Anderson Iris Anderson Jane Anderson Kenneth Anderson Mary Anderson Philip & Judity Anderson Roger Anderson Ann Andrews Sam Angelos Helen Ankrom George Arbuckle Arizona Prevention Research Center Susan & Scott Armintrout Robert & Linda Armstrong Harry Arnheim Arnie Manke Enterprises Don & Kathy Arnold Marjorie Arnold Ruth & Herb Aschkenasy David & Kathy Astle Harriet Atkins Charles Atkinson Stan & Therese Atkinson Attrell’s Newberg Funeral Chapel James & Judy Auerback Steve & Romaine Austin Stephen & Virginia Babjar Anthony & Margot Baca Francis & Marilyn Back Susan Back Ed & Sue Badgett James Baer 4 Dennis & Billie Bagger Nancy Bailey Tom & Brada Bailey Nita Baker Thomas & Peggy Baker Ronald & Alfreda Bales Jim & Catherine Baltimore Thena Bamber Bank of the Cascades George Banks Donna Banning John & Susan Barbour Elwyn & Joetta Barker Gary Barker Joan Barker Jake & Phyllis Barlow Anna Mae Barnes Donald & Cathy Barnes Rollin Barnett Richard & Connie Barreras Don & Nancy Barton Jennelle Barton Rosa Barton Bryce Bartruff Josephine Bateman Brad & Jessica Bates Harold & Dona Bates Robert Baum Doris Baxter William & Carol Beale Dennis Bean Tom & Shirley Becker Robin Beckett Sidney W. Beddow W Miriam Bednarz Betty Beilstein Jon & Sally Beilstein & Hugh Bellinger Rachel Bellock Donald Bender Gerald & Kathy Bennett Sara Bennett Cretia Benolken Carolyn Benson Robert & Joan Berg Emrance & Lois Berger Kathryn Berger Morris & Dorothy Bergman Ray & Sandy Bersin Robert & Ann Bertone Fadd & Judy Beyrouty Sue Bianco Max & Arlene Bibby Ray & Marian Bielemeier Mike & Angela Billman Jean Bird Mary Bishop Merle & Karen Bitikofer Wayne & Glenda Blacklock Dennis & Sandra Blackman Richard & Marie Blaha Blanchet Catholic School Thank you for making a difference! Earl & Nancy Bleakney Sharon Blegen Patricia Block Ken & Dolores Blust Tom & Dorothy Bochsler David & JoAnne Bogusko Robert Boldt Maxine Bolin Marv & Bev Bolland Twila Bonar Paul Bond William & Gail Bonniksen David Booth Gary & Joanne Borges Patricia Boschke Michael & Janet Bothum Raymond Bottenberg Richard Boudreau Charles & Cloydine Bower Joe & June Bowersox Bob & Debbie Bowles Thelma Bowlin Leola Bowlsby Orlena Boyd Marilyn & Glenn Boyle Nicki Boynton David & Barbara Braithwaite James & Kay Brandon Edgar & Marlouis Brandt Janet Brannen Sylvia Breed Gates Donald & Dorothy Bremner Lois Bremseth Mick & Patt Brenden Donna Brennan Dwane & Illa Brenneman J Anne Brenneman Nancy Brian Dr Virginia Briggs Dolores Briles Mary Brillhart Lee Briney Patricia Brockman Roberta Brockway Dean Brooks Lois Brooks Charlotte Brosnan Clurus Brown Edith Faye Brown Mildred Brown Richard & Susan Brown Brown Insurance Agency Eleanore Broxson Glen & Doris Bruce Jeannine Brumley James Brunette Sharyn & Davey Brunkal Elton & Margaret Brutscher John & Katherine Bryan Milton & Patricia Buchheit Carl & Geraldine Buchholz Millie Bulkeley Diane Bunn Frank & Nadeane Burbage Grace Burch Dorothy Burdg Barbara Burke Dale & Cathy Burnett Arthur Burr Arleta Burton Bonnie & John Burton Ella Burton John Bush Gary & Pamela Butler Tim & Joan Butler William & Mae Butler James & Donna Butsch Mary Butsch Lauren Butte Hoyez Richard & Eileen Buyserie Gene Byrnes Cindy Calligan Barbara Callner Carolyn Callner Barbara Cameron Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2010 Pearl Camp Eldon & Judy Cannon Amy Capellen Carol Capps Mary Carberry Wayne & Kathy Carbuhn Donald Carey John & Betty Carlisle Jean Carney Paul & Dorothy Carr Mary Jean Carsey Adah Carson Loren & June Carter Lynda Carter Violet Carter James & Diane Cartwright Richard Carty Richard & Marcia Casebeer Gary Casqueiro Patrick & Jeanne Cassidy Russell Cassutt Vern & Gail Castle Diane Caswell Toni Caswell-Christiansen John Caughell Robert & Lorraine Cavanaugh John & Cathy Caywood Beverly Ceres John & Shirley Chamberlain Wanda Chance Richard & Mary Chandler Nancy Chase Calvin Cheek Donald Chenault Marion & Mary Lou Chewning Miriam Chipps Arthur & Laveta Leroy Churchill City View Funeral Home Mary Clack Beverly & Gretchen Clark Christopher Clark Craig Clark Gary & Patricia Clark Hazel Clark James & Jean Clark James & Nancy Rae Clark Margie Clark Pat Clark Kathleen Clayberger Clearpoint Farms Margaret Clements Charlotte Clothier Rex Clothier William & Linda Cloyd Bob & Ida Coates Sandra & Roger Colburn Alan & Sandra Cole Darwin Coleman Nedra Colley Barbara Collins Jim & Gloria Collins Karla Collins Bonita Colony Barbara Columbus Stuart & Mary Compton Garth & Joyce Confer Sheila Conklin Dennis & Susan Conrad Arnold & Betty Conzelmann Daniel & Patricia Cooke Aaron & Mary Cooper Robert Cooper Roxie Cooper George & Carol Cornwell Costco Wholesale Michael & Ethel Costello Anne Costine Delsie & Francis Coufal Jim Coulson Rubylee Courtney William & Gayle Cowning Estate of Lucille Cox Irma Cox Keith & Evelyn Crane Geraldine Cranford Harlan Crawford Leilani Cremere Lois Creswell Harvey Crim E.Lew Crites Stephen & Jane Croley Cleo & Margaret Crosby Barb & Ron Cross Ralph Culet Melvin Cummings Ronald Cummings Frank & Eileen Curran Donald & Doris Curry Susan Curtis Custom Countertops, Inc. Joan Cyrus D & H Enterprises Susannah Dahill Dorothy Dahl John & Lisa Dahl Yvonne Dahl Margaret Dallas Mel & June Dalton Lynn & Owen Daly Danis Panaro Nest Betty Lou Danner Jack & Jeannine Dante Kathleen Danze Debra Darbous Niva Darby Margie Dark Roger & Paula Darland Irma Dash Eugene Daugherty Robert & Patty Davenport Edna Davidson Marcella Davidson Raymond & JoAnn Davidson Carole Davis Paula Davis Jim & Krystyna Dayton Larry & Barbara DeYoung Ted & JoAnne Bebacon Bruce & April Debolt Alice Decardoville Chris & Sharon Deckelmann Dorothy Decker Pamela & David Decker Dan & Sherry Deforest Marilyn Delmar Curt & Karen Dennis Martin Denyer James Derr Bernie & Dee Devaney Carol Devore Harold & Linda Deyoung Leonard & Joilea Dickey Warren Dietrichson Karen Dillingham George Dionesotes Muriel Ditchen Sarah Ditchen Harriet Dixon Judy Dodd Doerfler Farms Susan & Laroy Dohn Vicki Dombek Tony & Maria Dominguez Gordon & Pat Domogalla John Doneth Michael & Janet Donohue Len & Valerie Dorfman Gale & Janet Dorn Carol Dornfeld Donald Doughton Glenda Douthit Vivian Douty Mary Dow Cal & Cal Downey Malina Downey Roger Drain Evelyn Drees Driver Ed Advisory Committee Barbara Dufault Flo Dugan Don & Bettie Duhrkopf Thomas & Donna Duker George & Mary Duncan Linda Dunn Loretta Dunnavin Jan Dupont Frank Dutcher ENXCO Service Corp Barbara Easterling Winnifred Eaton Ray & Laura Eden Andrew & Jeanette Eder Duane & Debora Eder Edward Eder Joseph & Cherie Eder Lilly & Charles Eder Ray & Patricia Eder Eder Bros. Inc. The Family of Eva Edmonds Aurelia Edwards Donald & Barabara Edwards Mark & Teresa Edwards Anthony & Patricia Ehresman Dr Stuart & Debby Eisendrath Marvin Ann Elegant Phyllis & Robert Elgin Nina Ellenberg Gail Elliott David & Sonja Ellis James & Beverly Ellis Barbara Ellison Doris Ellsworth Sharee Emmons Harold & Janet Engel Robert & Sandra Engle Rebecca Michael Ennis Larry Epping Lawrence & Jeanette Epping Joan Ercolini Donald Erickson Margaret Erickson Vincent Ernst Nancy & David Erwin Anne Esch Carol Esch Donald & Muriel Eshleman Richard Espey James & Pauline Eubanks Charles & Dorothy Evans Marit Evans Carl & Mary Fahlstrom David & Mary Fajer Mike Fajer Angeleen Farrell Sally Farrell William & Charleen Farrell Jim & Billie Faulkner Craig & Joyce Fear Rachel Feldman Linda Fender Gilman & Lorraine Fennimore Grace & Paul Ferderber Garry Fergueson Henriette Ferguson Jim & Claudia Ferguson Larry Ferschweiler Jeanie Ferte Betty Field Charles & Lynette Field Jay & Mary Jane Fields Kenneth & Avis Finberg Dianne & Alyssa Finn Trent & Betty Finnigan Randy Fishfader Linda Fitz-Armstrong Bernard Fitzgerald Five Oaks Farm, LLC Oaks Mary Jane Flora Wayne Flowers Mary & Pat Fogarty Jan Foraker Mary Ford Alfred F. & Ruth Forman Elizabeth Forry Kelly Foster Lynn Foster Four Corners Rod & Gun Club Corners Roy Fox Marsha Francis Dorothea Frank Vivian Frank Fred Meyer Men’s Department Dorothy Fredrickson Claude & Lana Freeborn Larry & Jamea French Robert Freres Ted & Diane Freres Fresenius Medical Care Medical Robert & Sharon Frey Marilyn Frick Arvis & Cyretta Friesen Norman & Jo Ann Frink Helen Fritton Allen & Robin Fromherz Ervin & Sharon Fry Arletha Frye Kaye Frye Paul & Jean Frykberg Earl Fugate Judy & Gordon Fultz Henry Fuqua Glen & Marilyn Furlong Larry & Lena Gabel Wallace Galloway Stephen Gamroth Marcia Gard Florence Gardner Jane Garland Karen Garlock Monica Garrison Norma Garrison Sandra Garrison Geiser Julian & Ruth Gartner Nancy Gassner Bruce Gates Nellie Gates Barb & Paul Gehlar Charles & Marjery Gehley Genius Loci Wines Ron George Michael & Ann Marie Gerig Mary Jane Gerlinger Walter & Linda Gibson August & Eva Giering Carla Gifford Patricia Gildersleeve Dorothy Gill Corinne Gill Steiger Louise Gillespie Mae Olive Gillett Rhonda Gilliam RK & FA Gingerich Carolyn Giovannini Connie & George Gisler Esther Gisler Wesley Gladow Deborah Glander Geraldine Glandorf Gordon Glockner Roberta Godfrey Harold Godkin Les & Ellen Godowski Robyn Godwin Nelson & Irma Gohlke Judy Gohring Gold Star Transport Thomas & Ethelwyne Golden Golden Age Club Golden Valley Farms Valley Jennifer Goobic Clifford Gordon J. Victor & Doris Gordon Joyce & Allesandra Gori Gayle Goschie Elsie Goss Patricia Gottfried Franklin & Margaret Gould Cecelia Gove Yvonne & Gary Gover Ernest Grabski Colleen Graff Billy & Jo Graham Irva Graham Ray & Donna Graning Carl & Bernice Graves Dessel Graves Barbara Gray Richard Gray Dorothy Green Lester Marylou Green Phillip Green Barbara Greene Berniel Greene Arlene Gregory Dolores Gries Orin & Pearl Giffith James Griggs Virginia Groah Edna Grosjacques Janet Grosjacques Sandra Gross-Hunt Mary Lou Grosso Robert & Pamela Grove Alice Gruber Gruber-Condon Family Fund - The Oregon Community Foundation John & Joyce Gullickson Jeffrey & Winifred Guter Shelley Gunther J. Wallace & Virginia Gutzler HP Company Foundation Company Doris Haag-Cupp Char Hacek Eloise Hachler June & Glenn Hackstedt Marcella Hafner Ted & Margaret Hafner Doris Hagen Roger & Lois Hagestedt Hair Works North Inc. Works Johanna Hamilton Thomas Hamilton Robert Hammond David & Mary Jo Hampton Betty Hann Barbara Hanneman Edward & Evelyn Hannevig Iola Hanson James & Jill Hanson Lois & Bill Hanson Sharon Hanson Dr Lumier & Helen Hanzel Florence Hardesty Dr Raymond Harmon, PhD Richard & Roberta Harper Tom & Donna Harris Phyllis Hart Walter & Marlene Hart Karen Hartley Roland & Joanne Hartley Kierstin Hartwig Richard & Kathleen Hatteberg Vernon & Lula Haugen Arlene Haugstad Robert & Mary Ann Havlik Paul & Kathy Hayduska Barbara & Donald Haynes Tillie & Clarence Haynes Linda & Ron Hays George & Cathie Head Bryce Hecht Eunice Hegle Barbara Hein Heintz Electric Inc. Richard & Barbara Heintzman Claudia Hellman Heltzel Willaims Yandell Roth Smith & Petersen PC Linda Helvig Mark & Linda Helvig David & Laurie Hendersen Alan & Cynthia Hendrickson Roland & Janice Hendrickson Emily Henjum Patricia Henning Joan & Howard Henry Dan & Donna Herren Elverna Herrick John & Dorothy Herring Perry & Ione Hershberger David & Miriam Hertz Joe & Myrna Hess Andy & Jane Heuberger Dorothy &Elbert Heyen Therese & David Henderickx L. Douglas & Karen Highberger Ted & Janet Highberger Highway Trailer Sales Arthur & Gloria Hill Charlene Hill Dorothy Hill O Coleman & Rosalie Hill Ollie Hill Harold & Lucille Hindman Nina M. Hipperson Edna Hobbs Nellie Hobson Zoa Hoffer Ray & Charlotte Hoffman Linda Hofman Katherine & John Hogate Dorothy Hole Louise Holland Patricia Hollenbeck Betty Hollin Odin & Ellen Hollin Marian Holman Judith Holt Rita Holt Phylis Hood Earl Hook John & Arthalene Hopkins Marion Hopper Stella Hopper Maur & Vivki Horton Barbara Hosier Hospitality Club of Salemtowne Club Cub & Kathleen Houck Erma Hough Wayne & Jeanette Houghtaling Perry & Ann Howard Vinita Howard Susan & Kenneth Howell Charles & Leanne Hubbard Leon Hubbard Margaret Hubbs Ronald Hubbs Karen Hubert Catherine Huddleston Cinda Jane Huffman Doris Huffstetler Bill & Barbara Hughes James & Emily Hughes John Hughes June & Bill Hughes Larry & Karen Huges Steven Hughes Lawrence Hulse Nancy & Rick Humpert Tadd & Christy Humphreys Robert Hurst Wilbur & Hilda Hurst Raymond & Grace Hush Paula Hyatt Immanuel Lutheran Church Women Independence Air Park Social Committee Instrument Covers Covers John & Judy Irvin Terah Isaacson Carole Isenberg Keiko Iseri Tina Isley Thomas & Yvonne Israel Tamie Iverson Katherine Jackmond Gary & Jeanne Jackson Robert Jackson, MD Ruth Jacobs Myrtle Jaech Manuel Jama Barbara James Darrell & Charyl James Ron & Sandy James Thelma James Joseph & Debilyn Janota Jack & Tami Janssen John & Regina Jenkins James Jenks Richard Jenks Harold Jensen Linda Jensen Winifred Jensen Jim & Linda Jett Arthur & Flora Jincks Ronald Johns David & Cathy Johnson John Johnson Nell George Johnson Robert Johnson Robin Johnson Terry Johnson Theodore Duane Thomas & Miriam Johnson Ann Johnston Florence Johnston George Johnston, Jr. Catherine Jones Delores & Courtney Jones Jeffrey & Mary Jones Rowland Jones Vickie Jones William & Barbara Jordan Mary Jova Roger Judd Dorothy Jurgenson Joan Jurickovich Richard Kane Sung Ha Kang Barbara Kanz JK Karcher Allan & Millie Kaarlin Calvin Kaser Cloreta Kaser Charlotte Keasey Linda Keene Geraldine Keene-Pilling Louis Kelle Jean Kelly Terry Kelly Sharon Kemnitz Nancy Kemp Neal Kent Lorraine Kerr Janis Keuscher John & Mary Kienlen John & Margaret Kier Craig & Abby King James & Frances King Robert & Rona King Warren & Earlene King Lisa Kingston Marilyn Kirk Anne Klassen Shirley Klebaum James & Judith Kleen Robert & Michele Kliever P.M. & Janes Klosterman Donald Kluver Arden & Joyce Knepper Gary & Lenay Knepper Glen Knickerbocker Paula Knight Knothe Apparel Group Suzanne Knutsen Joseph & Marion Koch Lorraine Koch Gary & Dorothy Koehler Gladys Koehn Bob & Kiana Koenig Delores Koenig Ronald & June Kohanek Walter Kohler Genevieve Kolb Richard & Sharon Koloen Bruce & Lee Ann Konieczny Joe & Patricia Koos Betty Kostenborder Calvin & Orma Kraft Ollie May Kraft Robert Kraft Jerry & Sharon Krause Robert Krebs Robert & Joy Krein Melinda Krumroy Dona & Ronald Kudna Gordon & Marian Kunke Leonard & Floralee Kunzman Carol Kuschnick Gail Kuzaro LCG Pence Constrution, LLC Bill Labhart Joe & Cindy Lackner Ladie’s Auziliary of The FRA Unit 374 Barbara Lahay Walter Lambert Lancaster Assisted Living LLC Lancaster Village LLC Stephen Lane Linda Lange DeEtte Lankford Carol Ann Lantz Robert & Nancy Larsen Louise Larsen Revocable Living Trust Peter Larson Barbara Lasley Derek Latham Bruce & Vicki Laudon Viola Laudon Chester & Arlene Laugen Virginia Laugen Lawrence Lauinger Donna Laurence Cora Lautenbach James & Carolyn Laverty Hilda Lawyer Norman & Gay LeVee Ruby Leach Connie Leavitt Marty & Carol Lee Ronald & Janet Lee Denny & Louise Legard Diana & Lee Lehman David Lelack Kathleen Lelack-Green Maxwell Lenz George Leonard Mary Lerner Robert & Winona Letcher Edythe Leupp Clara Levitas Stuart Levy Thellen Levy Mamie Lew Delmas & Kay Lewellyn Sally Lewis Donna Libolt David Lichter Robert Lierman Barbara & Gregory Lies Carolyn Lindbeck Melissa & Michael Lindley Shirley Lindquist David Lindsay Woody & Jane Lovelace Lorene Lovretich James & Jean Lowe Raymond & Arlene Lucas Elmer Lucht Steve & Peggy Luke John Lulay Stella Lulay Allen & Mary Lund Ann Lundberg Kenneth Lundeberg Patricia Lundeen Gayle Lundmark Larry & Kathie Lunz Delores Lusk Jo Ann Ron & Ann Lyman Francine Lynch MOPS International Current & Reitred Coordinators Patricia Mack Thomas & Norma Mack Georgette Mackenzie Macy & Son Funeral Directors Charlotte Mader Marie Madson Joseph Maganini Jay & Sherry Main Bill & Mary Mainwaring Gerald & Oradell Major Arvon & Berneice Malstrom Walter & Helen Mangnell Ruth Manhire Norm & Chris Manselle Carol Manspeaker Arnie & Carol Marcoe Lester Margosian Elaine Marier George & Patsy Marinelli Malcolm Marsh Norman & Donna Marsh Jean Marshall Flora Marston Nancy Martin Rose Martin Theodore Martin Kathleen Martinez Merle & Carol Marx Beth & J.D. Mason Linda Mason Thomas & Lorraine Masters David & Kristen Mattson Thomas & Linda Maurer Allen & Margaret McRae Sarah & Jane McCabe Louis & Carla McCanna Cleo McCella Howard & Patricia McMillen Stuart & Mary McNeil Shirley & Gerald McVein Edwin Meadors John & Denise Meck James & Carol Meetze Roberta & Ronald Mehl Marilyn Meiseger Quinten & Shirley Meland Dallas & Janet Melcher Andrea Melendy Bruce Merrifield Joseph Merrik Betsy & John Messer Howard & Cheri Messmer Deborah Meyers Doris Meyers Pat Middelburg Larry & Joyce Milbrandt Eleanor Miles Carma Sue Miletta Joseph & Virginia Miletta William & Gloria Miley Anne Miller Charlotte Miller Dale & Carol Miller Debra Miller Forest & Rosemary Miller James & Doris Miller Jim Miller Joan Miller John & Susan Miller Lois Miller Norman Miller Patricia Miller Yvonne Miller Roberta Mills Jerry & Debbie Milner Frank Minnich Mary & Bernard Minten Bob & Sara Mitchell Budd & Janice Ann Mitchell Steve & Tracy Mitchell Richard & Josephine Moe Donna Moen Beverly Moffitt Alvin & Violet Mohr Robert & Carrie Mohr Margaret Montgomery Judi Moody Thane & Susan Moon Michael & Christine Mooney Horace Moore John & Nancy Moore Lawrence Moore Ned & Rose Moore Helen Moorhead Leslie Myers Kay Myklebust Glenn & Nellie Nado Marjorie Napper Mary Jo Don & Christy Nathman National Assoc. of Letter Carriers Br 347 Bennett Nelson Hugh & Sandra Nelson Jack & Becky Nelson Mae Nelson Marc & Carol Nelson Robert & Linda Nelson James & Catherine Nemechek Ronald Neu Roger Neufeld Elizabeth Nevue New Perspectivies Center for Counseling & Therapy Perspectives New York Life Insturance Co. York Trent & Lucille Newcomb Edyth & Frank Newell Dennis & Patricia Newton James & Jean Nichols Maxine Niehus David & Lillian Nielsen Tony & Margaret Nielsen Craig Noffsinger Rose Nollen Gary & Patricia Nopp Jennene Norblad Kathleen Nordmark Louis E. & Nancy Nordyke Norpac Foods Inc. North Santiam Funeral Service Raymond & Marilyn Northcutt Northwest Commercial Real Estate Sales, Inc. Commercial Northwest Pesticide Enterpise Inc. Ronald & Patricia Nowak Claude Nunemacher Peter & Jeanette Nunnenkamp Leslie O’Brien Richard & Betty O’Brien Edwin O’Mohundro Thomas O’Quinn OECDD Social Fund Shirley Oakley Frieda Obrist “We think fondly of the hospice team that blessed our dad’s life in his last days. We are again so thankful for the smiles you brought to his face — and to ours. You have taught us new degrees of compassion.” Susan Lindsey Stephen & Evelyn Lineburger Sonya Linn James & Susan Litchfield Jo Ann Livingston Phyllis Llambias Elizabeth Lockwood Patricia Loe David & Sandra Loewen F. James & Sarah Lofting Francis & Kellie Rae Lombardi Dave & Ellen Long Rex & Alice Longfellow Dale & Patti Loquasto Lauralyn Lorenz-Glantz James & Beverly Lorenzen Lynn & Yvonne Lorenzen Gail & Steven Love Steve & Jill Love Audrey Lovelace Frances & Bill Lovelace Don & Delight McClain Dennis McColly Robert & Virginia McConville Marlene McCoy Allen & Margaret McCullough Carole McDonald Kay McDonald Terry McDonald, DDS Walter McElhaney Estate of Philip McHarness Patrick & Janet McIntire Laverne McIntosh William H. Marilyn McKee Ginger McKenzie Irene McKenzie Dolores McKillip Marge McLauchlan Dennis & Patricia McLeod Nelson & Ellen McLoud Marlene McMahon Janet McMannis John & Carolyn McMillan Gladys Moorman Eugene & Glenda Morgan Wilbur Morgan Gail Morlan Dennis Morley Janet Morris Charles Morrow Cecelia Mosher Wilma Moskal Lee & Carla Moyer Dennis & Lyn Mumey Jerry & Kay Mumper John Munro John & Lisa Murphy Kerry & Becky Murphy Elva Murray Marge & Quinton Murren Agnes Mussmecher Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance Co. Jeremy Myer Delores Myers Martha Ochse Elmer & Joanne Ogborn Velda Ohling Glenn Okawa Catherine Olcott Donald & Barbara Olds Raymond & Suan Olmstead Elizabeth Olsen Thomas & Shirley Opitz Oregon Dept. of Consumer & Business Services Oregon Independent Automobile Dealers Assn. Oregon Ramblers 208 Nikolay Orlov Beverly Otjen Marilyn Ott Gerald & Elizabeth Otter Anthony & Sharon Pace Pacific Living Centers Inc. Continues on page 8 Spring 2010 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 5 “Knowing that there was help available for us made difficult situations a little easier. We found your staff and volunteers to be helpful, caring, and compassionate.” Community Outreach and Education Willamette Valley Hospice staff and volunteers gave 163 presentations and attended 27 Health and Information Fairs throughout Marion and Polk Counties and beyond. Staff and volunteers made over 9,892 connections with community members, informing them of the many hospice and bereavement services available. Bringing Compassion Home In 2009 our staff and volunteers provided compassionate care to over 1,100 patients, including six children. Providing excellent and compassionate care for our patients and their families is essential to our staff and volunteers. According to results from our current family satisfaction survey, 99 out of 100 families would recommend Willamette Valley Hospice to others. 2009 Report to Our Community — Being there in so man Volunteer Support Services • 4,438 hours providing support for patients and their families • 990 hours supporting bereavement services with phone calls and support groups Dream Team Award - Recognized as a member of Oregon Hospice Association’s 2010 Dream Team, Brittney Blakley, volunteer coordinator (front row, far left) stands with fellow Dream Team recipients. Appreciated by our staff and loved by our volunteers, she has helped recruit and increase the number of volunteers from 82 several years ago to nearly 200 at the end of 2009. She is clearly an asset to our hospice organization, the volunteers she works closely with, and to the patients and families we care for each and every day. 6 • 4,730 hours of office support, data entry, mailing projects, and more • 362 hours spent supporting children’s grief activities including Camp Mighty Oaks Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2010 In 2009, 204 volunteers contributed over 11,259 hours providing a savings of $219,000.00 for Willamette Valley Hospice. Grief Support Services “After coming to the grief group, my grief is not as painful as before. I see a light at the end of the tunnel.” Willamette Valley Hospice offers a variety of bereavement services to educate and support individuals experiencing grief following a loss of their loved ones. In 2009, bereavement counselors, interns and volunteers reached out and touched a significant number of people in the community. Grief Support Activities • 9 Six-Week Adult Support Groups • 3 Six-Week Child & Family Support Groups • 8 Six-Week In-School Support Groups • 1 Coping with the Holidays Grief Workshop • 1 Financial Decision at the End of Life Workshop • 328 Visits made to Greiving Hospice Family Members • 133 Community Counseling Visits • 1,112 Supportive Hospice Family Phone Calls • 394 Community Grief Support Phone Calls • 2 Spring & Holiday Memorial Services • 24 Drop-In Grief Support Groups • 4 Grief in the Workplace Presentations • 10 Educational Grief Presentations ny ways Where your donations made a difference in 2009 Community Donations 2009 Total Community Donations $153,950 General Contributions, 26% Massage Therapy, 17% Memorial Gifts, 60% Adult and Community Bereavement Services, 44% Music Therapy, 10% Grants, 2% Camp Sponsorships, 2% United Way, 1% Honorium Gifts, 9% Children’s Bereavement, In-School Groups & Camp Mighty Oaks, 2% Volunteer Services, 21% Unfunded Care, 5% In-Home Respite Care, 1% Spring 2010 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 7 Pacific Pride Services LLC Sally Packer Nadine Padilla Stanley & Joan Page Susie Page Bernita Palmer Pamela Palmer Richard & Valdean Pankratz Douglas & Kathleen Parham Eleanor Parker Stewart & Mary Parker Bobye Parks G Neal & Sue Parks Margaret Parks Christine Patrick Nita Patrick George Patterson Fred & Ann Patton Jane Pauli Barbara Payseno Pamela Pederson Armida Pena Margaret Pennell Lloyd & La Vaughn Penner Robin Petchell Charles Peter Ralph Petersen Virginia Petersen Alice Jean Peterson Dale & Patricia Peterson Edith Peterson Linda Peterson Weston & Linda Peterson Gary & Aileen Petrie John & Laqueta Jeanine Peyton Ed & Peggy Phelps Joanne Phillips Ruthellen Phillips Clarence & Irene Pietrok Debra Pillette-Stephens Pineway Ladies Golf Club Eugene & Jan Pingree Peg Pink John Piper Donna & Joseph Plas Dora Pohl James & Kathleen Pointer Marilyn & Robert Pool Norman & Marolyn Poole Donald Porter Donald Porter Portland General Electric Postal Connections Diana Powers Evans Leroy & Donna Prantl Clare & Glen Predeek Jack & Patrcia Price Gayle Priem Pamela & Rick Primasing Kristina Primbs-Wetter Carol Prokofieff George Prokop Edna Pruitt Public Safety Center Ardell & Jeanne Pugh James & Lorraine Pullman Jim & Sandy Purves Todd & Catherine Putman Fred & Patricia Pynes WC & Shirley Radke David & Sheryll Ralls Ram II Lorena Ramey John & Elmetta Ramseyer Alfred & Anne Rasmus Larry & Linda Rater Paul & Elly Rathje Marian Ratzlaff Mary Redden David & Kathleen Redford Diana Redford Nick Reding Rick & Carol Reece Don & Pat Reed Richard Reed Wallace & Kathrine Reed Regence Employee Giving Campaign Stan & Alma Reimer Donald & Elsie Renc Ronald & Susan Rende Gregory & Barbara Resch 8 “Thank you for all you did in the last week of mother’s life. To us you were angels and we will never forget you. Your presence also made those last days easier on mom in all ways possible. She was able to go in peace with her ever-grateful attitude because she knew so many people cared.” Mary Rex Helen Rhoten Carl & Barbara Rice Samuel & Jerrilyn Rice George & Erla Richards Ray & Roseann Richardson Robert & Janet Richardson J Keith & Marjorie Ridings Frances Riedman Rick Ries Chris Riffle Donald Ringwald Mary Ripley John Ritchie Steven Ritchie Lanaya Ritson Donna Rivett Mike & Georgi Rivett Barbara Roach Rob & Lori Roach Robert & Cecilia A. Suckard Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Charles & Carol Roberts Evelyn Roberts Mark & Jane Roberts Charlotte Robertson Jerry & Madeleine Robertson Jo Ann Robson Larry & Janet Rock Stephan & Diana Rodewald Gerry Roe James & Chris Roethlin Richard Roever Toni Rogers Doris Rohner Edwin & Frances Rohner Rohner Farms Judy Rohrbacher Donald & Bernice Rollofson Anne Rose Betty Rose Howard Rosenbaum Gerald & Merrily Rosenthal James & Julia Ross Norman & Barbara Ross Thelma Ross Betty Roth Gerald & Carolyn & Ivy Roth Roth’s Margie Rowe William & Betty Roy Maxine Royse Ada Lucille Ruch Ron & Kathryn Rufener Jo Ann Runyon Franklin & Theresa Rush Harold & Janice Russell Donna Russell Jennifer Russell Monica Ryan Richard Rygh S.A.W. Family Foundation SDB Partners Inc Saalfeld Griggs PC Arthur & Jean Sacher Salem Auto Dealers Assoc. Salem Clinic Salem Electric Salem Elks Lodge 336 R’s RV Club Salem Police Association Salem Ukulele Strummers Assn Ron & Sue Salvo San Jose Search and Rescue Steve & Nancy Sanchez Tom & Carol Saunders Patricia Sawyer Richard & Teri Schaefer Sid & Vicki Schain Sue Scheller Robert A. Schenck Karen & Mark Scherlie John & Diane Schindler James Schlechter Arnold & Shirley Schmidt Herb & Marlene Schmidt Lawrence & Virginia Schmidt Ronald & Mildred Schmidt Charlene Schnurbusch Jim & Lani Schoening Philip & Linda Schollian George & Merrie Schopfer Louie & Marlene Schroeder Bonnie Schrouder Donald & Joan Schrouder Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2010 Doris Schrouder Gerald & Olive Schuler John Schulte Edward Schultheiss Ken & Kay Schultz Wilfred & Margaret Schultz Brian & Stephanie Schumacher Joe & Susan Schumacher Julie Schumacher Thomas & Rita Schumacher Klara Schuman Dr George & Betty Schunk Richard & Kay Schwartz Schwarzler Family Trust Family Doris Scott Randy & Cathie Scott Roland Scowden Constance Segel Ellen Seiffert Donald & Elaine Semolke Lydia Senter Serco Inc Raymond & Virginia Sether Jacqueline Shadoan Dick & Pat Shankle Ronald Shanks James & Dolores Sharp Karlynn & Dale Shatto Jeanne Shelton Jerry & Vi Shepard Jack & Sandra Shepherd Kenneth & Eunice Sherman Sherman Sherman Johnnie & Hoyt LLP Neil & Nancy Sherwood Roger & Linda Shilhanek Claude & Eileen Shinn Carol Shires George & Barbara Shore Helen Shotts Beverly Shumann Richard & Sally Siddoway Patricia Siegmund Bruce Sigloh Dick Signell Eldon Silbernagel Larry & Patricia Silbernagel Thomas & Kathy Silbernagel Ruby Silver Silverton Elkettes Carolyn Simmons Dan & Laurel Simmons Irene Simmons Robert & Nancy Simmons Gary & Diane Simon Claire Simons Eric Simpson Verla Sims Gladys Sinanan Sam & Jennifer Skillern, III Arlene & Leory Slattum Gary & Anne Smalley Arlen & Carol Smith Bob & Pamela Smith Bryon & Sherry Smith Bula Smith Donald & Zada Smith Donna Smith Doris Smith Joy Smith Louise Smith Margaret Smith Patricia Smith Royce & Paula Smith Steven & J. Elaine Smith Terrance & Shoron Smith Wilma Smith Paula Sneddon Jeff & MaryAlice Snider Anna Snyder-Wilken Aparajita Sohoni MD Carol Sohrweid Sylva Solberg Joseph Soldati Jim & Phyllis Sorenson South Salem Rotary Club Salem Jacqueline Spalti Gary & Emma Spanol Richard & Jeanne Spaziani Susan Speckman Harold Speidel Helen Spencer Susan & Del Spiker Don & Eileen Sprague Robert & Laurie Springer Jeannette Spurgeon Kenneth Spychalski Mark Spychalski St Helena’s Guild David & Susan Stanley Shirley & Jeffrey Stanton Starks Farm Stayton Road Runners Club H Clayton & Patricia Stearns Judith Steele Sharon Steele Theresa Steele Norman Steen Sue Steffen George & Patricia Steiner Jean Stephens Mildred Stevens Linda Stevenson Marilyn Stewart-Frank Holly Still Paul Stirling Owen & Katherine Stockard Dorald Stoltz Danny & Jeanette Stone Delmar & Rose Marie Stone Clarence & Winnifred Storey Marjorie Storm Paul & Carol Strauch Debbie Straw Charles Strong Susie Strubhar George & Elsa Struble Ione Strughold Larry & Susan Stuart Sheila Sund Ruth Surgeon James & Ardyce Swift Betty Swinkels Matthew & Donna Swisher TOPS OR 813 Salem Ursula Tabor Jim & Hope Tacchini John Tackett Rudy & Rosie Talarico Michael & Sherri Tallon Richard & Shirley Tank Rholan & Edith Tankersley Tim & Kathee Tarpley Charles & Mary Tarter William & Amy Jo Tattersall Doyle & Joyce Taylor Hershel Taylor Marion Taylor Russell Teachout Ronald Templeman Sally Templeman Loren Thackery The Law Office of Eden Rose Brown Joseph & Mary Thimm Alice Thomas Becki Thomas Karen Thomas Dorthy Thompson Gerald & Susan Thompson James Thompson Lynn Thompson Sharon Thompson J. Immel & Raymond Thorne Loren & Margaret Thornton Delores Throneberry Millie Tibbitts Delmond O. & Patricia Tilgner Vince & Babs Till Ruth Tisler Connie Tjernberg Walter & Jennifer Todd Dean & Laura Tofte Jim Tokarski Larry Tokarski Richard & Minnie Toledo George & Carol Tookey Mary Toon Daniel Toporek Angelo & Rosina Toscan Debra Tracy Randy & Lynnette Traeger Transportation Safety Division Linda Trick David & Lullu Truitt Roy & Ellen Tulee Elsie Turner David & Jennifer Tuss United Way Clement & Charlene Unrein, Jr. Clint Uselman Dr. C W & Patricia Utter Robert & Louise Vachter Sandra Valella Dorothy Valish Gaida Valkovskis Theresa Van Handel William & Cheryl Van Natta Patricia & Carl Van Well Wilbur & Darline Vanderbeck Dorothy Vandoorninck Jeffrey & Diane Vanhoy Nick Vera Cruz Deanna Verboort Sylvia & William Berburg Tom Vervaene Helen & James Vibbert Alden Vickstrom Ione Vigeland Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service John Vohar Lorene Vollmar Valerie Vollmar Wesley & Nancy Vollmer Guy Wade Ruth Wagner Wagon Wheel Dollars of Salem Wheel Beverly Walker Dick & Elaine Walker Lorrine Walker Neil & Lynne Walker Patricia Wallace Marvis Walter June Walton Frank & Alene Walz Frank Ward Mr & Mrs Ward Jerry & Jean Warden Dorothy Warwick Tatiana Washburn Washington Traffic & Safety Eduction Assoc Wilbur Watters Margaret Wattier Charles & Jane Wavra Frank & Darlene Wavra Timothy & Joanne Wavra Leslie Buck Charles Weathers George & Jerri Weathers Jack & Karen Weaver John & Patricia Weaver Kenneth Webb Jeannie Webber Richard & Kristin Weddle James Weins Larry Weinsheimer Donna Weisner Verle & Stewart Weitzman Charles & Barbara Wellman Grover & Gladys Welty Wayne & Lynne Werbel Daniel West West Coast Trust Sybil Westenhouse Carolyn Westover Chris & Barbara Westover Frances Jean Whipple Lois Whitaker Jim & Eileen White Marie White Kay Whitney John Whittington Dennis & Tammara Wiard Janice & Ron Wickett Mrs H Wayne Wigle Wilco Farms Betty Wilkens Willamette Chapter Oregon Council of the Blind James Willhite Bill & Kathe Williams Linda Lee Williams Ron & Penny Williams Steve & Linda Williams Darlene Williamson Nevada & Gerald Willis Linda Willnow Dawn Wilson Dorothy Wilson Mark & Doris Wilson Robert & La Vonne Wilson Thomas & Harriett Wilson Gerald & Henrietta Wimer Elizabeth Winer Sandra Wiscarson Lynn & Frank Witherspoon Jim & Ruth Witsmeer Gordon Wogan Anna Wolf Marjorie Wolf Philip & Mary Ellen Wolf Gary & Joyce Wolfard M. Jean Wollenburg Rhonda Wolter Women’s Alliance Salem Unitarian Fellowship Alliance Darlene Wood Tim & Pat Wood Steven & Cherie Woodworth Howard & Rosella Workinger Reuben Worster Billie & Norma Wright Harry & Florene Wright Jill Wright Loel Wright Robert & Patricia Wright Louisa & Gordon Yano Bertha Yoder Sho & Kaz Yoshida Dennis & Jan Young James & Roberta Young Ken & Maureen Young Mike & Ruth Young Jon & Kathy Yunker Charles Zemanek Don &Vivian Zielinski Lou Ann & Ronald Ziglinski Fred & Charlene Zimmerman John & Vera Zimmerman David & Sandra Zolkoske Willamette Valley Hospice has prepared this list with great care, but despite our sincere efforts, errors do sometimes occur. If you were a donor during the fiscal year and your name was omitted or misspelled we hope you will forgive us and advise us of our error. Thank you. You may opt out of future publication and fundraising communications by writing to Willamette Valley Hospice, 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem OR or email Willamette Valley Hospice Receives Community Enhancement Award Memorial Garden Continues to Brighten Neighborhood Far from the noise of busy streets and tucked within a small West Salem neighborhood, the hospice memorial garden remains one of Salem’s best-kept secrets. This quiet garden recently earned Willamette Valley Hospice the West Salem Community Enhancement Award for on-going beautification of the community. Presented by the West Salem Neighborhood Association and the West Salem Business Association, the award recognizes the best-maintained businesses that contribute to the quality of life in West Salem. Willamette Valley Hospice’s memorial garden provides visitors a relaxing fountain, rock garden, and benches for quiet contemplation. Among the trellised vines, memory flags created by family and friends with the names of their loved ones blow in the breeze. Used throughout the year for community memorial services, the next Spring Memorial Gathering takes place on June 3rd from 3-5 pm. For more information regarding the memorial garden, upcoming community memorial services, or hospice services, please call us at 503.588.3600 or visit our website at and go to our Bereavement Services page . Many Thanks to our Active Volunteers Ellany Adams Lucas Adams Camille Adrian Kathleen Aeschliman Jen Akeroyd Natalie Amo Kathy Andreas Alice Bailey Mary Lou Baldwin Susan Bearden Gretchen Beck Betty Beilstein Lisa Bennett Bill Bernt Pegi Bielenberg Tasia Blanchard Sheri Blasio Mary Brillhart Marilyn Brock Patricia Boschke Brad Busey Jackie Bylsma Kathleen Calder Sabrina Cambone Jenny Cho Kathy Clayberger David Collett Holly Collier Albert Cooney Carmela Coyne Lee Coyne Joani Cremer Catherine Crowe Janna Curtis Cathy Daniels Verne Deplois Angelique Deplois-Basl Coral Doeden Elisia Drake Judy Easterly Tenessa Eckstein Ruth Edsall Elaine Eldredge Paddee Embrey Carol Esch Maggie Erpelding Ron Espersen Sharon Espersen Kathy Farrell Karin Feskens Maria Flores Cindy Flugum Diane Foster Coleen Frantz Sharon Franzel Jane Garland Pam Gentzsch Kate Graham Rita Gray Ana Gutierrez Tami Hamm Mary Hance Mary Hancock Eileen Harder Arlene Harouff Mary Harp Hannah Harper David Hartwig Kier Hartwig Darren Hegewald Donna Heintz Josefina Hernandez Patricia Hollenbeck Kathie Isom Peggy Jackson Cindi Jarvie Judy Jeffreys Diana Jensen Ruth Katter Peggy Kelly Guyna King Rachel Knotts Emma Kraft Melinda Krumroy Laurel Lace Jon Langenwalter Ellen Langsather Cecilia Larson Diana Lehman Bella Lemmon Phyllis Lind Candace Lindstrom Laurie Linn Betty Lockwood Dan Long Melissa Luu Kristin Marcroft Michael Martin Mae Masters Roberta Matteucci Lou McCanna Carla McCanna Scott McClendon Ron McFadden Carrie McIntire Lois Miller Megan Miller Dolly Mills Nayely Montes Lorrie Morrow Kathleen Mrowka Kathy Myers Tran Nguyen Lori Norton Meredith O’Donnell Nancy Ohren Carolyn Olhauser Gemma Olson Paulette Olson Carmen Ottele Amy Overlin Tiffany Pagel Amanda Parish Pamela Paul Adrienne Pauly Deborah Perin Theresa Peters Theresa Peterson Jeanine Peyton Ross Pickerel Karon Redmond Mary Rezac Anna Marie Rhea Anita Richardson Cindy Richins Rita Roberts Angie Rodriguez Fred Roe Carla Rogers Bob Ruhr Martha Russell Linda Schellendberg Salome Serron Jacqueline Shadoan Neil Sherwood Manisha Shrestha Bruce Sigloh Joy Smith Sherry Smith Kim Sprenger Ambra St John Jean Stephens Marilee Sullivan Betty Swinkels Jan Thompson Wah Tom Jim Underwood Alan Venegas Wendy Wan Darrell Ward Stacy Weathermon Carol Weaver Dolores Weekly Teresa Whitehurst Cynthia Wilcox Lucy Wilk Palmer Wold James “Jim” Wright Teresa Wright Heather Younk Vince Zollner BEREAVEMENT VOLUNTEERS Suzanne Brazier Mary Brillhart David Collett Verne Deplois Jane Garland Mary Harp Linda Hofman Judy Jeffreys Emma Kraft Nicole McDavid Nancy Niswonger Shelley Pointer Rebecca Ruppert Martha Russell Julia Schmidt Edna Ann Shelton Joan Wiens James “Jim” Wright Teresa Wright SPECIAL PROJECT VOLUNTEERS Bree Allhiser Ashley DeFrancis Glenice Emmert Aleysha Ford Bill Gentzkow Shelby Hamm Rachel Kelly Mariah Krause Lauren Layton Pat Lewis Maxine Newton Heidi Olson Emily Rogers Sara Rush Kayla Ryan Virginia Tat Ruth Williams Spring 2010 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 9 Summer Camp Supports Grieving Kids and Families Do you know of a family who may benefit from this unique camping experience? For its eleventh year, Camp Mighty Oaks welcomes and supports any child, age 5 or older, along with adult family members, who has experienced the death of a loved one. Camp Mighty Oaks, Willamette Valley Hospice’s bereavement summer camp for the entire family, will be held on Saturday, July 10, 2010 at the Oregon 4-H Center. Campers enjoy a full day of traditional camping experiences, including great food, new friends, fun and yet healing activities. In a casual and comfortable setting, children and their families find ways to grow together and gain more understanding about grief and loss. Nine-year-old Lauren recently lost her father. She told her mother she wished all the kids from Camp Mighty Oaks could attend the same school together since they all understood what each other were going through. “A powerful part of camp is having the opportunity to talk with others about their loss,” says Lori Ensign, camp director. “Parents and children each participate in small groups to explore the grief and loss within their own lives.” Camp Mighty Oaks is a program funded generously by community donors, who have enabled families to attend each year, regardless of their ability to pay the $25 fee for each child and $35 for each adult. For more information or to support Camp Mighty Oaks, call Bereavement Services at 503-588-3600. Become a Circle of Caring Member. A monthly gift ensures ongoing support for hospice care services. Easy, convenient and saves postage, your gift can be given by credit card or through your checking account much like direct deposit. Call Linda Hays, Community Development Manager at 503.588.3600 to find out how or go to to learn more. Thanks to You – Light Up A Life Fund-raising Campaign a Huge Success. This winter’s Light Up a Life campaign was our most successful fund-raising effort to date. Donations for our special hand quilted ornaments raised over $24,000. Your kind support will help us provide unfunded care, volunteer services, and bereavement support to our hospice families and members of our community. You do make all the difference. Remember Us A planned gift can benefit your family and the community today and Willamette Valley Hospice tomorrow. Please remember Willamette Valley Hospice in your will. 10 Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2010 A Fishing Trip on the River…Priceless Just another day? Not to Tommy and not to our family! by Tammy Salshenberg (Tommy’s Sister) I wish there were enough words that could explain what Willamette Valley Hospice and Gold Star Transport did for our family when they granted my brother, Tommy, his final wish to go fishing one last time. When the Willamette Valley Hospice Social Worker Diana Nicholson-Nelson, contacted Donna Smith , President of Gold Star for help, not only did they happily agree to transport Tommy for his final fishing trip, but they offered their own boat at no expense. Throughout his last days, Tommy barely had enough strength to do the minimal everyday activities we all take for granted. The day of the fishing trip, for the first time in a month and a half, I saw my brother initiate self will. He was dressed in everyday clothes with tennis shoes on, and his wallet in his back pocket! Just another day? Not to Tommy and not to our family! It was a priceless gift. Gold Star picked a good name for its company, because they receive one every day, in my eyes. Willamette Valley Hospice was the silver lining. My deepest thanks go out to all the members of Willamette Valley Hospice and Gold Star! Have a cell phone you’re not using? Donate it to a soldier! Angie Robinson, RN, is accepting donations of used cell phones to send to our soldiers that do not have one. Angie discovered the need for cell phones from her son-in-law, a member of the U.S. Air Force. Drop off your cell phones at our office during business hours before July 1st, and they will be sent to a soldier in need. We Need Your Help! We hope you like our new look. We have been able to make this change to the Journeys newsletter while holding our printing and production costs at the same level. Now Accepting Donations for our 1st Annual August 7th Rummage Sale - Call Melissa Lindley 503.588.3600 or melissal@ for details. Proceeds will benefit hospice care services and bereavement support. Spring 2010 • Willamette Valley Hospice • Journeys 11 mark your calendar ADULT GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS - 6 Sessions There is no cost for these groups, but pre-registration is required. To register or for more information contact Bereavement Services at 503.588.3600 or toll-free at 1.800.555.2431 or visit us on the web at Silverton - evening Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm May 6, 13, 20, 27; June 3, 10 Family Birth Center, Silverton Hospital, 2nd Floor, 342 Fairview, Silverton Salem - daytime Tuesdays, 2:00-3:30 pm May 11, 18, 25; June 1, 8, 15 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Stayton - daytime Fridays, 10:30 am - noon July 9, 16, 23, 30; August 6, 13 Santiam Hospital, 1401 N.Tenth St., Stayton Salem - evening Mondays, 6:00-7:30 pm June 14, 21, 28; July 5, 12, 19 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Drop-In Grief Support Salem - daytime Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 am July 21, 28; August 4, 11, 18, 25 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem Silverton - evening Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm Sept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 7, 14, 21 Family Birth Center, Silverton Hospital, 2nd Floor, 342 Fairview, Silverton SPRING MEMORIAL GATHERING June 3, 2010 Thursday, 3-5 pm Willamette Valley Hospice Memorial Garden, 1015 3rd Ave. NW, Salem, OR GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS for Adults & Children ages 5-18 years old Salem - Tuesday Evening Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm Sept. 21, 28 & Oct. 5, 12,19, 26 Willamette Valley Hospice 1015 3rd St. NW, Salem There is no cost for these events, and no registration is needed. Willamette Valley Hospice now offers three monthly opportunities to receive grief support on a drop-in basis. To locate the entire calendar of grief support information please visit our website at then click on Bereavement Services followed by Grief Supports and Services. A recent participant in a grief support group stated that the group helped her immensely. “Now it’s getting easier to deal with the loss and to embrace the memories,” she said. Drop-In Discussion Groups Creatively Expressing Grief These groups offer a chance to express grief through discussion. Creatively express your grief through the use of art. 1 Wednesday of every month; 6:30 - 7:45 pm or 4th Thursday of every month; 12:15 - 1:30 pm st 2nd Thursday of every month 1:00-2:15 pm Please contact Bereavement Services at 503.588.3600, or toll-free at 1.800.555.2431, with any questions. 12 Journeys • Willamette Valley Hospice • Spring 2010
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