time to go back to school!
time to go back to school!
2013 August Edition PresidentDonna Rhodes 805-794-5556 Vice PresidentTerry Simon 805-522-3346 SecretaryTerri Meadows 805-582-1149 TreasurerBarbara Black Board MembersLorraine Biederman Christine Porter Lynne Tepper Kris Troxler Stacie Wight Horse Show Terry Simon 805-522-3346 Terri Meadows 805-582-1149 PointsStacie Wight 805-732-3113 Delegate [vacant] Area 8 Directors Steve Alvarez MembershipChris Mayer 805-581-3150 SponsorshipHarvey Biederman 805-796-7823 Newsletter & WebTerri Meadows 805-582-1149 TIME TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL! And it's not just for the "students" in your family. We have TWO exciting "educational opportunities" for parents and kids alike. First, on August 25, we're hosting a jumping clinic featuring Jane E. Steiner, for beginner and intermediate riders. Very low cost too! Only $50 a session and $10 to watch or "audit" [that's college talk for being in class but not participating]. In addition to the clinic, we're having a tack swap/sale meet, vendors, a BBQ and bake sale. All net proceeds to benefit the two All Around Super Horse awards. Even if you don't jump, never want to jump, can't imagine jumping, there will still be plenty for you to do and enjoy. This is a "call to membership" to come out and support YOUR corral and riders! On September 15, Chris Mayer of Chris Mayer Basic Horsemanship, will be conducting a trail clinic at the R & R Ranch in Moorpark. This clinic is for EVERYONE! There's a session for lead liners and in-hand trail exhibitors and an afternoon session for riders. Even if you don't show, this clinic will help you in your everyday trail riding. All proceeds will also benefit the All Around Super Horse awards. The flyers and contact information for both of these fantastic clinics are in this newsletter. We've extended the jump clinic deadline from August 11th too. Just make sure you contact Kirby Vander Horck at kvanderhorck@gmail.com or me at shortstirrups@sbcglobal.net to reserve your spot. As I mentioned earlier, this is a "call to membership" because we truly need everyone's help in making these events successful. We ALL need to support these endeavors; the success of these fundraisers depend on YOU. The September 8th premium is also attached. Where did the summer go? It's hard to believe we're back in "show mode" already. Take advantage of these clinics to add polish to your performance. Terri Meadows, Secretary 2013 CALENDAR OF HORSE SHOWS Aug. 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Oct. 6 Nov. 10 Dec 1 Jane Steiner Jumping Clinic SVAC & ETI High Point show Trail Clinic Fundraiser ETI Corral 38 High Point SVAC & ETI High Point show Jr. Ambassador High Point ETI Corral 38 High Point Corral 38 contact: Mary O'Brien (818) 352-3230 ETI High Point contacts: Stacie (805) 732-3113 etihighpoint@yahoo.com and Kim (818) 522-7048, rockbacknzip@aol.com Corral 118 Membership Dues: Junior (17 & under) $45 Family (Limited to 2 people) $75 Senior (18 & over) $50 Add $15 to each individual family member 17 years old and under. Associate $20 each, $10 each additional family member Please call Chris Mayer-805-581-3150 E-mail: A25Hoss@AOL.com To Kirby Vander Horck and her family at the devastating loss of her fiancé, Jason Wright, who died in a motorcycle accident. Your Corral 118 Family is here for you. WONDERFUL JUNE 2ND SHOW VOLUNTEERS Kari Sobisky Brittany Apodaca Rene Apodaca Chris Mayer Stacie Wight Bill Apodaca Barbara Black Kris Troxler Carol Roundy Kelsey Hubert Terry Simon John Hubert Terri Meadows Kirby Vander Horck JUNE 2ND HI POINT & SVAC HORSE SHOW RESULTS! End of Day High Champion Reserve Point Halter 10 & Under W/T E/W 11-13 W/T E/W 14-18 W/T E/W 19 & Over ATR W/T E/W 13 & Under Western 14-18 Western 19 & Over ATR Western 30 & Over ATR Western 13 & Under English 14-18 English 19 & Over ATR English 30 & Over ATR English Open Western Open English Laurel Suprenaunt Nadalee Vasquez Sharon Hutson Genna Nolan Eddie Perkins Kelly O'Connell Orr Arbib MaKenzie Morrison Lynne Tepper Carol Roundy none Lauren Hiesl Leeanna Rhodes Brianna Bodmer Kim Estrada Sheila Langrock Lorraine Biederman Liliana Gerber Emily Holden Elyse Mallach Michelle Sobisky Rene Apodaca none Janet Tamborelli Juliet Gerber Angie LoCascio Angie LoCascio Rene Apodaca Elyse Mallach Annabel Saturday HORSE SHOW REPORT Kirby Vander Horck and the Oakridge Riding Club are hard at work putting together the August 25th Jumping Clinic with renowned clinician, Jane E. Steiner. In addition to the jumping sessions, the event will offer a bake sale, BBQ, and tack swap meet. (Please see the flyers in this newsletter for more information.) This is your opportunity to support Corral 118 by participating in this fundraiser, even if you don't "jump." We expect to hold a raffle and need donations, plus your culinary creations for the bake sale. Please contact Kirby Vander Horck at kvanderhorck@gmail.com or myself, Terri Meadows, at shortstirrups@sbcglobal.net, to let us know how you can help. It promises to be a fun-filled day and with everyone's participation, a great social time as well. On September 15, we are holding another fundraiser benefiting these two awards. This is a trail clinic with Chris Mayer of Chris Mayer Basic Horsemanship. For more information, see the attached flyer. Also, contact Chris Mayer at a25hoss@aol.com or Lorraine Biederman at Lorrainebiederman@yahoo.com for more information. Terri Meadows, C118 Horse Show Co-Chair IT'S GOOD TO BE QUEEN! Ron & Roberta Warne of R&R Ranch for generously donating their facility for our September15 Trail Clinic Fundraiser! R and R Enterprises 9001 Roseland Road, Moorpark, 93021 Phone: 805-523-1241 Ronald Loren Warne Roberta Lynn Warne dba R and R Ranch and Dignified Dead Animal Disposal WE NEED RAFFLE ITEMS!!!!! The August 25th Jane Steiner Jumping Clinic fundraiser will feature a BBQ, tack swap/sale and raffle. Please consider donating items to the event as our shelves are empty. To donate items, please contact Terri Meadows at shortstirrups@sbcglobal.net or Kvanderhorck@gmail.com. Thanks! Congratulations to Rene Apodaca, crowned Queen of the Jr. Ambassador program. Congrats to all the new "court," too! This is my horse Bella. She's currently a 15 year old 15.2h draft cross mare. I bought her when she was 9 and I was only 12. When I first got her she would do anything she could to hurt me or get away, rear, bite, kick, bolt. anything. I put her in training for just 2 months as a tune up so that I could sell her. During those 2 months my trainer taught me how to work with her correctly and that's when our bond started. After the 2 months of training I told my mom that I had decided that I wanted to keep her. Since we didn't have any more money to finish her training I decided that I would work on it myself. Now, 6 years later, we have an unbreakable bond. I've taught her just about everything there is to teach a horse. We attend horse shows, gymkhanas you name it, and we show in EVERYTHING. western pleasure, showmanship, hunters, jumpers, barrel racing. She's everything I ever wanted. For being a draft horse, she's pretty darn agile and has won me 2 belt buckles on the show circuit and another belt buckle and even a saddle barrel racing! The trust that we have together is unlike anything I've ever felt before. She's a great trail horse and can even go bareback/bridleless and is learning tricks as you read this. I love this mare, with all my heart ♥ Michelle Sobisky Boy, is our face RED with embarrassment! Kim Estrada and Brianna Bodmer sponsored our events at the February banquet. Our deep apologies for omitting their names from our sponsors' roster. Thank you Kim and Brianna for your understanding. IF we've left anyone else out who contributed at the banquet, please contact Harvey Biederman at 805-796-7823 so we can rectify the omission. Thank you! Corral 118 Gratefully Acknowledges Our 2013 Sponsors Our horse shows cannot exist without their generosity. PLATINUM SPONSORS Sheila Langrock Dan Engle Calabasas Saddlery Donna Rhodes Jenny & Anabel Saturday GOLD SPONSORS Kim Estrada & Brianna Bodmer Theresa's Country Feed & Pet June Tabor Photography Terri Meadows Christine & Barry Porter SILVER SPONSORS Stacie Wight - Scentsy Lynne Tepper COPPER SPONSORS Angela Locascio - Silver Lining Ranch Hiesl Construction, Inc. Equine Designs by Lis' Chris Mayer Basic Horsemanship (Your Name Could Be Here) We need your help to continue these great shows. Please become a Corral 118 Sponsor. Download a Sponsorship & Advertisement Form from our web site, eti118.org. Please support Ride On Therapeutic Riding where everyone becomes handicapable! CORRAL 118 WEBSITE WWW.eti118.org Be sure to check out our website for up to date information on our events. Riding Lessons and Horse Boarding--Equitation Inspiration Training, Moorpark Facility features: jumping arena, dressage arena, trail course, round pen, hot walker, wash racks, box stalls, pipe corrals, grass turnout, large turnouts, picnic areas Full-Service Boarding includes: premium feed and shavings, turnouts, feed your supplements, blanketing, tack and trailer storage Lessons and Training: Hunter/Jumpers, Western Pleasure, Dressage, Trail Quality Horses for Sale and for Lease Gift Certificates Available! Call Aimee: 805-624-2400 or see www.equitationinspiration BOARDING: 12x24 Stall available in Simi Valley. $100 per month and you pay for food. Call for details. Contact Terry Simon at 805-522-3346 or horseladyusa1@yahoo.com FREE: Big wood crates- approx. 3' x 3' x 3' very solid. Some of the folks at my ranch made mounting blocks and a couple put hinges and latches on to make a secured container. They are free for the taking. Lynne Tepper, LandL@Roadrunner.com Come Play at the August 25th Jane E. Steiner Jump Clinic & Fundraiser! MEMBERS’ CLASSIFIED ADS: To place a free classified ad or purchase ad space, please contact Terri Meadows at shortstirrups@sbcglobal.net or 805-582-1149 FOR SALE: Reinsman Tacky Too Contour Saddle Pad 32x32. Great condition! $35 16.5" Crump Prix de Saute close contact saddle. Good condition. $300 Brenda Chew 805-581-6399 FOR SALE: Woody Pet: $6.26 + Tax/bag. Small Fine Tine Fork: $27.95 + Tax; Large Fine Tine Fork: $29.95 + Tax Call Chris Mayer 805-581-3150 or e-mail A25Hoss@aol.com. Sorry, no deliveries. LESSONS/BOARDING: 2013 ADVERTISEMENT &SPONSORSHIP FORM E.T.I. Corral 118 is a not-for-profit equestrian organization dedicated to providing horse shows and related events open to anyone who wants to participate. (EQUESTRIAN TRAILS, INC. (E.T.I.) is a California-Not-For-Profit organization that is dedicated to equine legislation, good horsemanship, and the acquisition and preservation of trails.) Your sponsorship1 through placing an advertisement promotes equestrian activities, good horsemanship, and trail etiquette through local horse shows, play days, organized trail rides, etc. Your advertisement can be for a business or to support an equestrian in her or his riding goals. (A donation without any print copy is considered a sponsorship.) Your advertisement will appear in our 2013 newsletters as well as on our web site. Further, your web site or e-mail will be linked on our web site. (You must supply a print-ready advertisement according to advertisement level below.) Please choose from the following categories: PLATINUM: $200 provides FULL PAGE ad GOLD: $135 to $199 provides 1/2 page ad SILVER: $70 to $134 provides 1/4 page ad COPPER: $35 to $69 provides business-card size ad Name: __________________________ Business: ________________________ Address: _________________________ Questions? Please call Harvey Biederman Sponsorship Chair, at 805-796-7823 or E-mail at jetsdoe@yahoo.com _________________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Phone No.: _______________________ Amount: $_______________________ Your support is deeply appreciated by all who participate and enjoy ETI Corral 118 activities and events. Please mail this form and check to: Harvey Biederman Sponsorship Chair E.T.I. Corral 118 41 La Encina Newbury Park, California 91320 Please make checks payable to: E.T.I. Corral 118 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Visit our Web Site – www.eti118.org 1 Advertisement and/or Sponsorship amount must be either in cash/check or product value. Product value is the retail value of the item[s] donated. Please, no promotional gift certificates or gift cards. All size ads are approximate to printing specifications. \ ETI Corral 118 Fundraiser: Jumping Clinic with Jane E. Steiner August 25, 2013 Arroyo Simi Equestrian Center ETI Corral 118 is proud to announce our first ever JUMPING CLINIC featuring hunter/jumper trainer, Jane E. Steiner. Due to the overwhelming interest in our newly-added jumping classes, we felt that this clinic would be a great opportunity to raise funds for our awesome Year-End awards. Whether you are an avid jumper or a “flat only” type of rider, this clinic is a great opportunity to polish your riding skills Schedule Fundraiser BBQ & Bake Sale! 7:00-7:30 Warm-Up 8:00-9:30 Morning Beginners (X-Rails - 2’) 9:30-11:00 Morning Intermediates (2’ - 2’6”) 11:00-12:00 Lunch 12:00-1:30 Afternoon Beginners (X-Rails - 2’) 1:30-3:00 Afternoon Intermediates (2’ - 2’6”) Costs $50 per horse/rider per session Auditors $10 Sign up now to reserve your spot; session spots will be assigned on a “first come, and learn something new. In addition to the clinic, we will be hosting a Tack Swap Meet and first served” basis! All proceeds benefit the ETI 118/SVAC Year-End Awards WE NEED VENDORS!! Contact us if you wish to have a booth at this event or participate in the Swap Meet! Please no dogs or “scary” objects near arena! Sign-ups must be submitted no later than August 11, 2013. Please email to kvanderhorck@gmail.com Entry and Vendor Forms available at: WWW.ETI118.ORG JUMPING CLINIC WITH JANE E. STEINER ENTRY FORM Name: _______________________________ ___________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________ City:___________________________ State: __________ Zip Code:_____________________ Phone: Area Code ______Number __________________ _________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________________ **E.T.I. Member? ________ Corral #: __________ **Non-ETI members must pay a $5 single-event membership fee for insurance purposes. ALL RIDERS MUST SIGN A WAIVER & RELEASE FORM $50 per horse/rider per session $10 Auditors fees Sessions: Please check the sessions you wish to ride: Morning Beginners: 8-9:30 a.m. Morning Intermediates: 9:30-11 a.m. Afternoon Beginners: 12 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Afternoon Intermediates: 1:30 -3 p.m. Single event membership fee Auditor's fee $50 $50 $50 $50 $5 $10 Total: If paying by check, please provide a driver's license number: ________________ Please **e-mail completed form to: Kvanderhorck@gmail.com or mail to: Terri Meadows ETI Corral 118 1926 Morley Street Simi Valley, CA 93065 **Please reserve your spot via e-mail or mail. Payment will be accepted at the clinic. Thank You! SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 S.V.A.C. & E.T.I. HIGH POINT WESTERN / ENGLISH 2013 HORSE SHOW PREMIUM Gateway Equestrian Center, 3495 Chicory Leaf Place, Simi Valley, INFO: Terry Simon 805-522-3346 & Terri Meadows shortstirrups@sbcglobal.net WEBSITE: www.eti118.org --For Rules, Premium, Waiver & Entry Form! SAVE MONEY PRE-ENTER! SEE ENTRY FORM FOR PRE-ENTRY RATES NO ONLINE ENTRIES! Registration Opens 7:00 a.m. Show Starts: 8:00 a.m. > > >ACAAP, OCAP & PAC Approved < < < RAIL JUDGE: The Fabulous Kathy Callahan-Smith TRAIL JUDGE The Amazing Fral Lelli ================================================================================== @A 27. Western Pleasure 14-18 @ E.T.I. National High Point Class. @A 28. Western Pleasure 19 & Over-ATR A 29. Western Pleasure 30 & Over- ATR @# 100. Lead Line Equitation E/W 7 & Under @A 30. Western Pleasure Open (Lead Line held after the lunch break!) @A 31. Western Equitation 13 & Under @A 32. Western Equitation 14-18 HALTER @A 33. Western Equitation 19 & Over-ATR 1. Minis & Ponies - Open A 34. Western Equitation 30 & Over-ATR @ 2. Mares - Open @A 35. Western Equitation Open @ 3. Stallions & Geldings - Open @A 36. Western Horsemanship - Open @Aa 4. Halter – Open @ 5. Halter Color - Open W/T - WESTERN/ENGLISH COMBINED CHAMPION & RESERVE @Xa 37. W/T W/E Horsemanship-Open 1st & 2nd Places from Halter Classes 1-5 @Xa 38. W/T W/E Pleasure 10 & Under @X a 39. W/T W/E Pleasure 11-13 SHOWMANSHIP - E/W (English/Western) @X a 40. W/T W/E Pleasure 14-18 @Aa 6. Showmanship in Hand E/W 13 &Under @X a 41. W/T W/E Pleasure 19 & Over ATR @Aa 7. Showmanship in Hand E/W 14-18 @Xa 42. W/T W/E Equitation 10 & Under @Aa 8. Showmanship in Hand E/W 19 & Over ATS @X a 43. W/T W/E Equitation 11-13 @A 9. Showmanship in Hand E/W 30 & Over ATS @X a 44. W/T W/E Equitation 14-18 Aa 10. Showmanship in Hand E/W- Open @X a 45. W/T W/E Equitation 19 & Over ATR 15 MINUTE BREAK TRAIL CLASSES: 200. WARM -UP TRAIL-rider chooses ONE trail course to practice @ 11 . Leadline Trail Horse E/W 7 & Under @&a 12. Trail Horse W/T E/W 10 & Under @&a 13. Trail Horse W/T E/W 11-13 @&a 14. Trail Horse W/T E/W 14-18 @&a 15. Trail Horse W/T E/W 19 & Over ATR @A 16. Trail Horse E/W 13 & Under @A 17. Trail Horse E/W 14-18 @A 18. Trail Horse E/W 19 & Over-ATR A 19. Trail Horse E/W 30 & Over- ATR @A 20. Trail Horse E/W Open 300. WARM UP PLEASURE-Non-judged @A @A @A A @A @A WESTERN 21. Country Pleasure Western 13 & Under 22. Country Pleasure Western 14-18 23. Country Pleasure Western 19 & Over- ATR 24. Country Pleasure Western 30 & Over-ATR 25. Country Pleasure Western Open 26. Western Pleasure 13 & Under ENGLISH Country Pleasure English 13& Under Country Pleasure English 14-18 @ +A @+A @+A A @+A @A @A @A A @A @A @A @A 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. A 59. Hunt Seat Equitation 30 & Over-ATR @A @A 60. Hunt Seat Equitation Open 61. Hunter Hack 1'6"-2' Open @A @A 62. Eq. over Fences 2'-2'3" Open63. Working Hunters -2'-2'3" Open - Country Pleasure English 19 & Over- ATR Country Pleasure English 30 & Over-ATR Country Pleasure English -Open Hunt Seat Pleasure 13 & Under Hunt Seat Pleasure 14-18 Hunt Seat Pleasure 19 & Over ATR 54. Hunt Seat Pleasure 30 & Over-ATR 55. 56. 57. 58. Hunt Seat Pleasure Open Hunt Seat Equitation 13 & Under Hunt Seat Equitation 14-18 Hunt Seat Equitation 19 & Over-ATR (See reverse for symbol keys, arena rules & Day End categories) ANY/ALL CLASSES WITH LESS THAN THREE RIDERS MAY BE COMBINED Note: The Lunch Break will be held approximately at NOON. ARENA RULES: Tack changes: you must leave the arena before the class is pinned to complete your tack change. Class adds/scratches must be done TWO classes prior to class added or scratched. Scratches will be charged 1/2 the class fee. NO EXCEPTIONS! SYMBOLS KEY @ E.T.I. National High Point Show Program Class. & Horse or Rider may not show this year or has never shown in Trail at lope or canter. X RIDER May not show in any class at any show at a lope or canter. (Per ETI National) # Lead Line Class 100 will be held after the lunch break or close to 12:30 p.m. A "All Around Super Horse" class. a "All Around W/T Super Horse" class. AOCAP & PAC Approved. Check with registry for participation rules CORRAL 118 YEAR-END AWARDS: TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ALL CORRAL 118 YEAR-END AWARDS, INCLUDING "ALL AROUND SUPER HORSE" AND "ALL AROUND W/T SUPER HORSE", YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF CORRAL 118 AND COMPETE IN SAID CLASS AT A MINIMUM OF (4) SHOWS. CORRAL 118 RULES AVAILABLE ONLINE AT www.eti118.org. END-OF-DAY HIGH POINT AWARDS Presented to the following horse/rider combination. SVAC Day End Awards, must show in at least 3 qualifying classes in that division. 10 & Under W/T English & Western 13 & Under Western 13 & Under English 6, 12, 37, 38, 42 6, 16, 21, 26, 31 6, 16, 46, 51, 56 11-13 W/T English & Western 14-18 Western 14-18 English 6, 13, 37, 39, 43 7, 17, 22, 27, 32 7, 17, 47, 52, 57 14-18 W/T English & Western 19 & Over-ATR Western 19 & Over-ATR English 7, 14, 37, 40, 44 8, 18, 23, 28, 33 8, 18, 48, 53, 58 19 & Over ATR W/T English & Western 30 & Over ATR Western 30 & Over ATR English 9, 19, 49, 54, 59 9, 19, 24, 29, 34 8, 15, 37, 41, 45 Open Western 4, 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, 36 Open English 4, 10, 20, 50, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63 3/14/2013 2013 E.T.I. CORRAL 118 HIGH POINT & SVAC SHOW ENTRY FORM NO ONLINE ENTRIES. FAX OR MAIL ONLY ***PLEASE BRING YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD** One Horse/Rider per form Pre-Entry Deadline: Must be postmarked, faxed, or received no later than the Thursday before the show. CASH/CHECKS ONLY --PAY AT SHOW! Date: Corral #: Entry # ________________ Proof of Membership Required Name: ___________________________________________________Phone: (______)_________________ First Last Area Code Address: ________________________________________________________________ City E-mail: __________________________________ State Zip Birth Date (If under 18)_________Over 18____ No one will be allowed to ride without a signed Waiver & Release. A signed Waiver is required with each Show Entry Form upon check in. If under 18, Parent or Legal Guardian must sign Waiver & Release (trainer's signature is not acceptable). If parent or legal guardian is not available to sign on day of event, please sign and mail the Waiver & Release along with your pre-entry. Waiver & Release forms are available at our web site www.eti118.org. Circle Category: 10&U W/T 11-13 W/T 14-18 W/T 19 & O W/T-ATR 13&U 14-18 19&O-ATR 30&O-ATR -OPEN Amateur Professional Western English Both (This will apply for points for day end and year end awards) Name of horse: ______________________________Age: ___Sex: ___Breed: ________ Color: ____________Owner’s Signature:____________________Attach copy of papers if applicable Circle Each Class Entered (X out classes that are scratched ---be sure to fill out form) T T T T T T T T T T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 T [blue ticket] [pink ticket] 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 100 200 [warm up trail] 300 [warm up pleasure] FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Please mail all entries to: Chris Mayer 387 Lamp Post Circle Simi Valley, CA 93065 805-581-3150 FAX: 805-581-3945 Web Site: www.eti118.org Please make all checks payable to: ETI CORRAL 118 $25 CHARGE FOR RETURNED CHECKS Open checks must be closed after last class NO REFUNDS WITHOUT VET CERTIFICATE Total Classes Total Entry Fees Pre-Entry Non-Member: ______ $13.00 per class [$6.50 per scratch] Pre-Entry Member: ______ $11.00 per class [$5.50 per scratch] Add/Post Entry Non-Member ______ $15.00 per class [$7.50 per scratch] Add/Post Entry Member ________ $13.00 per class [$6.50 per scratch] Trail Set-Up Fee [1 warm-up trail course- blue ticket] Warm-Up Pleasure (class 300) [pink ticket] Ground Fee (See Entry # ______ if more than one rider Drug Fee (See Entry # ______ if more than one rider _________ _________ _________ _________ ETI 118 SVAC FEE (RIDER & HORSE COMBO) MUST PAY ETI NAT'L HIGH PT. FEE (RIDER & HORSE COMBO) MUST PAY 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ETI Non-Member Single Event Membership fee Other Amount: ________________________ _____________ Yes I want to sponsor a Year End Class (amount) __________ Total Amount Due: _______ Check #______ Driver’s License: _________________________ cashier’s initials: _______ or Cash_________ ____________ SEE OTHER ENTRIES # . EVERY ENTRY MUST HAVE A CHECK# OR REFERENCE ON IT. ETI Corral 118 Fundraiser ~Maneuvering Through the Trail Class with Chris Mayer~ Lead Liners, In-Hand, and Riders all Welcome! All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the ETI Corral 118 SVAC All Around Super Horse and Walk/Trot Super Horse Programs. Info: Date: Sunday, Sept. 15, 2013 Location: R&R Ranch, 9001 Roseland Road, Moorpark Hours: 9am-10am for Lead Liners and In-Hand trail and 10am-12 noon for riders. Cost: $20 for Lead Liners and In-Hand $50 for riders $10 for spectators $5 additional cost for Non-ETI members Corral 118 thanks the R&R ranch for generously donating their facility for this event! Bring your own food and beverages. Must register to attend in case we need to contact you for some reason. To register, please contact: Lorraine Biederman, lorrainebiederman@yahoo.com or (805) 796-1411 Chris Mayer, A25Hoss@aol.com or (805) 581-3150 A fun way to learn the basics of the Trail Class in a casual environment. A great way for the experienced trail course rider and horse to get back to basics, while supporting the C118’s Super Horse programs.
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