Feb 2016 - Lone Star Leathercraft
Feb 2016 - Lone Star Leathercraft
Cow Tales FEBRUARY 2016 Presidents Letter Next meeting February 6th at 1:00 pm Officers will be meeting at 12:00 noon, one hour prior to the general guild meeting. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. On January 23 Lone Star made its first appearance at the 2016 Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. George, Darla and Cartie demonstrated some leather stamping and carving while having lots of onlookers and questions by all watching. We also did a lot of promoting of the guild and mentioned how they too could learn leather working and/or how to improve their current skills. All of us were asked if members made items for people, we were able to give insight on the many skilled members in the guild and how they could get in touch with current members. The three of us on Saturday and two of us on Sunday also had a lot of young ones who were able to make a key chain as a souvenir, lots of great smiles on their faces. Time just flew by both days. Billy and Bruce Coonrod will man the tables at the Stock Show on Saturday the 30th. It is early in the year and already there are a few members getting ready for a leather show. The 16th Southwest Leather Workers Trade Show will be held in Prescott, Arizona, at least one of the guild officers will be in attendance and will be able to give the rest of us a head’s up. There are lots of classes scheduled and a lot of our favorite vendors. Looks like a really good trade show. Look forward to a good report by Bob Alexander and Barbara Alexander. On the business side of things, Dave Smith is running for re-election to the Directors position of the IFOLG. I will be discussing this with the officers at the Board of Directors meeting at noon on day of the meeting and then with general membership at the 1:00 meeting. Dave has been the Director of the IFOLG for the past two terms, it’s great to have a Lone Star member as an officer in this great organization. It is early in the New Year, holidays are over and now it’s time to start pounding on some leather and having lots of leather related discussions. I look forward to seeing lots of great newly made leather items that we can all see and talk about, and to hear from everyone on what is being made and not quite complete and to answer any questions. Plus to hear what topics you want presented and demonstrated in the coming months. Hope to see you at the meeting, Cartie 1 Guild News February 6th—1:00PM Guild meeting Tandy Leather 1900 SE Loop 820 Fort Worth, Texas 76140 Demonstration: Tobin Tucker will be demonstrating how to paint feathers. February 6th—1:30PM t0 2:30PM Stock Show leather carving demonstration We know there is a conflict with the guild meeting. If anyone would like to forego the meeting and go to the Stock Show, please contact Cartie for information. February 26th, 27th, and 28th Southwest Leather Workers Trade Show, Prescott, AZ. Held at Prescott Resort & Conference Center Sponsored by The Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal. Call 888-289-6409 for information Or www.leathercraftersjournal.com March 5th—Next Guild Meeting March 12th—Kathy Flanagan class at Elk Tracks - See page 5 for details May 20th, 21st and 22nd Rocky Mountain Leather Trade Show, Sheridan, WY. Held at Holiday Inn, Sheridan Sponsored by The Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal. Call 888-289-6409 for information Or www.leathercraftersjournal.com 2 Lone Star Member Publishing Articles in The Leather Crafters Journal Lone Star Member Dave Swallow has recently published not one, but two articles in the Leather Crafters Journal. The most recent can be seen in the January/February issue, beginning on Page 35. It is titled “Considering Tool Size vs Pattern Size”. The article has a comprehensive look at using pear shaders, camouflage tools, vainers, seeders, matting and background tools in various sizes of patterns. No matter if you are a beginner or seasoned leather crafter, the article contains great information to consider when deciding on pattern sizing and layout. Dave’s first article is in the November/December issue and is titled “Tools & Textures”, beginning on Page 59. Both these articles are worth your time to read them. Leather Stamps by Clay Contact Information Email: cdmiller@msn.com Our Guild 2014 ~ 15 Officers President Cartie Yzquierdo 1st Vice President Bob Alexander 2nd Vice President Pat Spencer Secretary ~Treasurer Darla Sellers Activities Tobin Tucker Lone Star Leather Crafters P.O. Box 122252 Fort Worth, TX 76121-2252 www.lonestarleathercraft.org Email contact: djstx@flash.net The Lone Star Leather Crafters Guild was established in Fort Worth, Texas in 1986 by a small group of leather enthusiasts. Today, our Guild has grown into an international organization with members in the United States, Austria, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan, and The Netherlands. Our skill levels range from novice to master, hobbyist to professional, with all members willing to share their ideas and skills with other leather enthusiasts. If you are interested in learning more about our Guild, we invite you to visit a monthly meeting which is held on the second Tuesday of the month. Membership in the Guild is $20 for a single membership, $30 for a family membership, or a onetime $150 for a lifetime membership (U.S. funds). Dues are payable in January. All submissions for the Newsletter should be submitted to the address or e-mail to your left. Submissions must be accompanied by the name and address of writer and are subject to editing for clarity and/or length. The deadline for submission is the 25th of the month prior to publication. 3 222 Blackburn St Rhinelander, WI 54501 USA Tel: 715-362-5393 Fax: 715-362-5391 e-mail: info@leathercraftersjournal.com Complimentary Guild Subscription Program The Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal and the International Federation of Leather Guilds have come together to offer a special complimentary subscription program to all guilds to help bolster guild membership. The program is made of two parts as follows. Part 1 New members to your guild are eligible for one free ½ year (3 issues) subscription to the Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, compliments of the Journal. A guild officer is asked to be responsible for submitting the names and addresses of these new members on a regular basis to the Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, attention Brian (see mailing address or e-mail address above). Part 2 When a current member either subscribes for the first time or renews their subscription to the Journal, $6.00 for each year of the subscription will be paid to the respective guild from the Journal. A one-year subscription will produce a $6.00 payment and a two-year subscription will produce a $12.00 payment to the guild. The member needs to make the Journal aware that the guild is to receive credit for the new or renewed subscription. The Journal can provide preen coded flyers to the guild which, when used by the members, will ensure that proper credit will be given to the guild. If the guild is a member of the International Federation of Leather Guilds, the IFoLG will also receive $6.00 for each year of the paid subscription (for new subscriptions only). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Brian Stelzel at the Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal at 715-362-5393. Thank you for your interest in this program. Sincerely, Brian Stelzel Circulation Manager 4 5 Lone Star goes to Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo These photographs are just a small example of what the Guild does at the Stock Show. George, Darla and Cartie did leather carving demonstrations and helped some of the youngsters make key chains to take home as a souvenir. The Lone Star Team hard at it. 6 January Guild Meeting At the January guild meeting, George Hurst showed us some of the things that can be done with Tandy’s recently introduced vegetable tanned, embossed alligator hide. The beauty of this material is that it takes dye or antique finished just like our regular veg tanned leather. Then with a clear gloss finish, it looks like the real thing. Below are just a few examples of some of the things that can be done with this hide. This is how it comes. !There’s not much you can’t do with this leather. 7 January Guild Meeting Jim looks comfortable Great crowd !! Swivel knife donated by ClayMiller for our drawing 8 Deepest Sympathies Lone Star Leather Crafters would like to extend our Deepest Sympathies to Darla Sellers and her family on the loss of her Sister. Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you. That’s right! It’s reserved for YOU! For YOUR PICTURES, for YOUR PROJECTS, YOUR OWN “HOW TO” ARTICLE. People always love to see what other Guild Members are doing. That’s why we have “Show and Tell” at every Guild meeting. So, how do you do it. Simply email your pictures to the Editor at: saddlesmith@sbcglobal.net Be sure to put a little descriptive information with each photograph. Oh…. you’ve never done a “How To” article before? No problem! Have you discovered a new trick that you’d like to share? How about storage tips? Every leather crafter continually looks for ideas on how to store more supplies, tools, and so on. Maybe you’d like to share so tips that you use in construction or the way you finish your projects. Contact the Editor and we’ll walk you through the process. This is YOUR SPACE. Please take advantage of it!! 9 10 11
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