Aug - Jacksonville Council of the Navy League


Aug - Jacksonville Council of the Navy League
August 2010
The Publication of the Navy League of the United States, Jacksonville Council
JaxCouncil Welcomes Jacksonville Chief of Military
Affairs as Luncheon Speaker, Aug 26
JaxCouncil is once again delighted to provide a respite to
the hot days of summer as we
return to Jacksonville’s River
Club for our summer membership meeting/ lunch. Our
speaker for the event will be
CAPT Bob Buehn USN (Ret)
the City of Jacksonville’s Chief
of Military Affairs, Veterans
and Disabled Services Division. He will be discussing
both his present position and
his experience at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba.
CAPT Buehn is a graduate of the University of Florida.
He was designated a naval aviator May 28, 1980. He
reported to S-3A training at VS-41 in San Diego and
then joined VS-24 at NAS Cecil Field. Here Buehn
qualified as a landing signal officer (LSO) and was
awarded the first VS-24 Memorial Leadership Award.
He served as a fleet replacement squadron (FRS) LSO
at VS-41 from 1984-86, followed by air wing LSO duty
with Carrier Air Wing 14 on board USS Constellation
(CV-64). He also cross-trained in the F-14. In 1988,
Buehn was selected as commander, Naval Air Force
Pacific LSO, in charge of all fleet and FRS LSO programs at AIRPAC. This was followed by a tour as
maintenance officer with VS-28, embarked on board
USS Forrestal (CV-59).
He attended the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. in
1993 and then served as chief staff officer to Commander, Sea Control Wing, U.S. Atlantic Fleet at NAS
Cecil Field.
Buehn assumed command of the VS-32 "Maulers" in
1995 and led the squadron on board USS America's
(CV-66) final deployment. He was then selected as
USS Constellation's executive officer and deployed to
the Arabian Gulf in 1997. CAPT Buehn served as commanding officer, U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba from May 2000 to March 2003, which included
the establishment of Joint Task Force Guantanamo.
He then served as chief of staff for Commander, Carrier Strike Group 14, and assumed command of Fleet
Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Jacksonville in
March 2005. Retiring in January 2008 and has been
with the City of Jacksonville since April 2009.
There will be registration beginning at 1130, followed by lunch at 1200 on the 35th floor of the
MODIS Building. The cost is only $25 per person and
that includes parking in the River Club garage
(validate parking tickets in the club) Reservations
are a must and we ask that you dress in Business
Attire or Business casual.
Reservations must be received by August 23rd,
call the council office at 425-5691 now or email to ensure you don’t
miss this opportunity.
JaxCouncil “Meet the Fleet”
Happy Hour
The next JaxCouncil Happy Hour will
be held on Wednesday September 8 at
Mulligan’s at the NAS Jacksonville Golf
This will provide an excellent opportunity to meet the active duty service
members that are serving our country
in these trying times. And get wings
for 35 cents!
Contact Chuck Tamblyn, VP Programs
at for more
information and to RSVP.
Page 2 August 2010
From the Bridge…
Alan Joyce, JaxCouncil President
Dear Navy League Members, As we work our way through
the hot and steamy summer in
Florida, let us remember our
service men and women protecting our freedoms around
the world. The Jacksonville Council has put out a calendar (in
this newsletter) for the upcoming months with some
exciting speakers and events to show your support
for all our sea services. August 26th 2010, kicks off
the program at the River Club for lunch with Capt. Bob
Buehn who represents the city in all military affairs.
There are many opportunities this fall to participate in
local council events which I encourage you to mark on
your calendar, bring a friend, encourage them to join
NL Jacksonville and attend as many as possible. Jacksonville will be showcased this year when the Navy
League National Convention comes to town. There will
be ships downtown, great presentations and social
gatherings all week long. Also the 2010 NAS Jacksonville Air Show will round out the week with great aerial
and static displays including the Blue Angels. Alan R Joyce
Sea Cadet News
By Douglas Tillett
Our Sea Cadet units are the F.D. ROOSEVELT
both of which meet at NAS-JAX twice monthly.
Our Sea Cadets and Navy League Cadets have
been experiencing Summer Training during June
and July. Summer Training is the focus of the
Sea Cadet year. Navy League cadets attend Orientation for one week, and it was held in Groveland, Florida, in June. Leaguers who have successfully passed Orientation one summer are
free to attend it again the next summer or may
select an Advanced Training instead.
The Sea Cadets’ first Summer Training is called
Recruit Training and it was conducted in midJuly, ending on July 24th, at NAVSTA Mayport. It
is a two-week training and very challenging.
The COTC of RT was LCDR Lounsberry, who is
also the CO of the Mayport Division of the Sea
Cadets. In order to advance in rank, Sea Cadets
must complete the BMR testing, spend time in
grade, and attend RT. Every year Sea Cadet
units are inspected by the Regional Director and
the percentage of cadets who attended RT
counts heavily in the scoring.
In subsequent years after a cadet passes RT,
they select from a wide choice of Advanced
Trainings. A large Advanced Training was conducted during July aboard NAS JAX with LCDR
June Tillett overseeing nine separate training
schools including Helo Combat, Rescue Swimmer,
Field Medical, Advanced Airman, Basic Airman, Religious Specialist, Seabees, Culinary, and Air Traffic
Control. Some of the schools were one-week
schools while others were two week trainings. As
with RT, Sea Cadets must attend advanced training
schools in order to advance in rank, so it is always
our goal to ensure that all of our FDR and TSR cadets go to summer training.
Our recently trained and invigorated Sea Cadets will
return to NAS JAX in August, with training dates
scheduled for August 14 and again on August 28.
The young people who participate in the program,
and all of the adult leaders who volunteer and operate the unit, appreciate the outstanding financial
support of our council. The donations we provide to
FDR Sea Cadets enable these units to exist and
function, so by extension we are teaching these
young people patriotism, courage, self-reliance and
kindred virtues. We thank you very much for your
Email Addresses
To ensure you get the latest Council information
Please take a moment to send an e-mail to "digital communicator 2nd class" Bob Kidd at with
the Subject line "My e-mail address" and the message "My
preferred e-mail address is _____________.'
August 2010 Page 3
Mark your calendars; Jacksonville is hosting the
2010 Navy League National Convention. Under the
leadership of the Mayport Council, and assisted by
JaxCouncil and the other First Coast Councils, if will
be held downtown at the Hyatt Regency, Riverfront,
October 18th through the 24th. This is a spectacular
opportunity for Navy League members in our area
to attend the National Convention without the travel
and associated costs normally associated with attendance.
In addition to the committee meetings and special
topic forums, there will be a number of special
events and optional tours. These include a Golf
outing at NAS Jacksonville on Monday the 18th,
Kennedy Space Center tour on Tuesday, St
Augustine Tour on Wednesday, A Jacksonville Symphony concert and Dinner on the Princess II Riverboat.
Sea Services Panel, and Sea Services Award
Luncheon; and Saturday’s Open Forum with
the National President, Annual Members Meeting and the evening’s formal Reception and
There will also be a number of volunteer opportunities, Airport greeters and Hospitality
Suite hosts being the greatest need. Watch
your email for these as they become finalized.
(Please note email request on page 2, if you
do not currently receive the Council emails)
For a complete list events, meetings, and forums and a list of all costs go to and click on the National
Convention banner.
Convention events include, Wednesday’s Welcome
Reception; Thursday’s Opening Ceremonies and
Hall of Fame Luncheon; Friday’s Honor Ceremony,
Navy League of the United States
Jacksonville Council
1560 Grove Park Blvd, Ste A
Jacksonville, FL 32216
RSVP Today
For the Lunch Meeting at the River Club,
Aug 26 at 1130
Call: 425-5691
2010 Calendar of Events
7:30 am
Board Meeting
Whiteway Deli
River Club
Mixer at Mulligan’s
Mulligan’s at NAS
7:30 am
Board Meeting
Whiteway Deli
7:30 am
Board Meeting
Whiteway Deli
NL/Jax Symphony
TU Concert Hall
National Convention
Downtown Hyatt
2010 NAS Jax Air Show
7:30 am
Board Meeting
Whiteway Deli
STV Dinner Meeting
Florida Yacht Club
WW2 Commemorative Luncheon
River Club
7:30 am
Board Meeting
Whiteway Deli
7:30 am
Board Meeting
Whiteway Deli
Annual Dinner
Florida Yacht Club
January (‘11) 13
IA Lunch, Aug 25th
The next IA (Independent Augmentee) Luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, August 25th, at
Naval Station, Mayport Ocean Breeze Club at 11 AM. This is important in our efforts to support
our Active Duty Sailors and especially those who are putting their lives on the line in Afghanistan and Iraq. Within the last month two of sailor IA's were killed in Afghanistan. This will also
be the last time that Captain Aaron Bowman, CO of Mayport, will officiate at the IA Lunch prior
to his Change of Command. Captain Bowman has been a strong proponent of these lunches
from the beginning and deserves our thanks for being one of the founders of these events at
Mayport and NAS JAX. Tickets are $10 to be consolidated by each Council CALL 425-5691 by
August 20th to sign up.
Page 4 August 2010