File - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church Powhatan, Virginia


File - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church Powhatan, Virginia
The Prescription
“Seeking to bind your wounds and heal your soul”
A Prayer Partner Story From Sandi+
For the past two years
adults have been paired up
with young people as partners in prayer with some
wonderful stories emerging
of blossoming relationships
and deeper connections
and bonds between members of all ages across the
parish. Prayer Partners was
the vision and work of Anne
Larrick and we thank you,
Anne, for connecting us!
My partner last year was
Jacob Rogers and I continue to pray for him even
though I now have a new
partner (Taylor Worrell!).
Through conversations with
Tammy and Matt, Jacob’s
parents, I learned some of
his needs and theirs. They
were wondering…what happens after high school for
Jacob, and beyond that,
where will he live? What
possibilities are out there,
what opportunities are available for someone like Jacob?
In the late 1980s and early 1990s my late husband,
Bob, and I worked with persons with disabilities in
many settings in the Cleveland area. Then, we moved
to Jacksonville, Florida, and
lived in a L’Arche Community, called “Harbor House”,
making our home with six
women and one assistant in
an intentional Christian
community. We were part of
a network of three homes on
the same campus, sharing
life together. Founded by
Jean Vanier in France in
1964, L’Arche communities
(“The Ark” in English) all
over the world bear witness
to the reality that persons
with intellectual disabilities
possess inherent qualities of
welcome, wonderment, spirituality, and friendship. L’Arche makes explicit the dignity of every human being by
building inclusive communities of faith and friendship
where people with and without intellectual disabilities
share life together. Go to for addition information and to hear
stories of transformed lives!
I shared all this with Tammy, and gave her a book to
read, The Road to Daybreak,
by Henri Nouwen (who lived
in a L’Arche Community);
she learned more about
L’Arche from their website.
We knew
communities in
Lynchburg and
but were
to find a
in Richmond! For the past
few months we have been
getting to know the “Friends
of L’Arche in Central Virginia” (http://cvafrien
about-friends-of-larchecentral-virginia/) and are
working with them through
the initial discernment and
completion of applications
to form a L’Arche home.
Partnering in prayer with
Jacob has led me full circle,
weaving former vocations in
speech therapy and human
services into my priesthood
to serve the wider community in this unique way –
what a sense of joy and
fulfillment, seeing God’s
hand at work! Our prayers
are powerful and effective,
bringing hope and healing
(see James 5:16). Keep
praying for one another,
and the Church!
May 2014
Volume 14 –Issue 5
The independently edited,
local monthly newsletter of
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
2245 Huguenot Trail
Powhatan, Virginia 23139
Published by St. Luke’s
Episcopal Church upon
authority of its Rector
Inside this issue:
Summer Service Times 2
Bible Challenge
Vestry News, Finance
Journey to Adulthood
Rite 13
Holy Week in Pictures 6
The Gathering
Calendar Dates
Monthly Calendar,
Service Assistants
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 2
Service Times Change for the Summer Season
After the Vestry considered this request from several among us, we
are setting the service times for 8 AM
and 10 AM this summer, beginning
June 8th and going through August
31st (Labor Day weekend). Unless otherwise noted, all services will be held in
the church building. Following the 10
AM service we will have “Lemonade on
the Lawn”. We are asking families and
individuals to sign up to host this weekly gathering. Hosts will prepare several
pitchers of lemonade and water, along
with cookies or light snacks, and bring
this to the area in front of the church
building in the shade. Thom Estes and
Stew Wolfe are constructing a
“lemonade cart” that can wheeled up
from the Parish Hall with all the supplies and placed under the trees in
front of the church. Sign up with Tammy or Jean in the church office or on
the sign-up sheet after services.
Bible Challenge Readings for May
May 1: Day 123 – I Kings 13-15, Psalm 102, Acts 17
May 2: Day 124 – I Kings 16-18, Psalm 103, Acts 18
May 3: Day 125 – I Kings 19-21, Psalm 104, Acts 19
May 4: Day 126 – Sunday*
May 5: Day 127 – I Kings 22, Psalm 105, Acts 20
May 6: Day 128 – II Kings 1-3, Psalm 106, Acts 21
May 7: Day 129 – II Kings 4-6, Psalm 107, Acts 22
May 8: Day 130 – II Kings 7-9, Psalm 108, Acts 23
May 9: Day 131 – II Kings 10-12, Psalm 109, Acts 24
May 10: Day 132 – II Kings 13-15, Psalm 110, Acts 25
May 11: Day 133 – Sunday*
May 12: Day 134 – II Kings 16-18, Psalm 111, Acts 26
May 23: Day 145 – I Chron. 19-21, Ps. 119:73-112,
Romans 8
May 24: Day 146 – I Chron. 22-24, Ps.. 119:113-144,
Romans 9
May 13: Day 135 – II Kings 19-21, Psalm 112, Acts 27
May 25: Day 147 – Sunday*
May 14: Day 136 – II Kings 22-24, Psalm 113, Acts 28
May 26: Day 148 – I Chron. 25-27, Ps. 119:145-176,
May 15: Day 137 – II Kings 25, Psalm 114, Romans 1
Romans 10
May 16: Day 138 – I Chronicles 1-3, Ps. 115, Romans 2
May 27: Day 149 – I Chron. 28-29, Ps. 120, Romans 11
May 17: Day 139 – I Chronicles 4-6, Ps. 116, Romans 3
May 28: Day 150 – II Chron. 1-3, Ps. 121, Romans 12
May 18: Day 140 – Sunday*
May 29: Day 151 – II Chron. 4-6, Ps. 122, Romans 13
May 19: Day 141 – I Chronicles 7-9, Ps. 117, Romans 4
May 30: Day 152 – II Chron. 7-9, Ps. s23, Romans 14
May 20: Day 142 – I Chron. 10-12, Ps. 118, Romans 5
May 31: Day 153 – II Chron. 10-12, Ps. 124, Romans 15
May 21: Day 143 – I Chron. 13-15, Ps 119:1-32,
June 1 Day 154 – Sunday*
Romans 6
May 22: Day 144 – I Chron. 16-18, Ps. 119:33-72,
Romans 7
June 2: Day 155 – II Chron. 13-15, Ps. 125, Romans 16
June 3: Day 156 – II Chron. 13-16, Ps. 125, Romans 16
*Enjoy hearing the Scriptures read aloud in church
The St. Luke’s Prescription
Page 3
Vestry News
We are having conversations with
two church development consultants: Loren Mead, founder of the
Alban Institute, who lives in northern Virginia, and Lynn Ellen
Queen, who lives in Richmond.
We have had initial meetings with
each one and are considering
their proposals. Since their experience and expertise complement
one another, there is a possibility
they will work together to advise
us in the visioning process. Do
continue to keep this process
bathed in prayer.
Our 2014 pledges have increased
in number to 65 with the total
amount pledged at $155,180.
Thank you! It is helpful to know for
our financial planning. We are also
reviewing our current investments
and receiving input from a financial planner, Chuck Roberts, who
spoke at our Lenten series.
er: Connie Harriss – Habitat for
Humanity, Senior Luncheon and
Angel Tree; Kakki Rogers –
Christmas Mother; Avis and Rusty
Gates – Backpacks of Love; Jennifer Kapasakis – Madeline’s
House; Linda Ricker – The Gathering (will need a new leader within the next 6 months); Jon Brew –
Free Clinic; and, Steve Moore –
Coalition of Powhatan Churches
and Food Pantry.
contacted for brick and gutter
repairs on the church building
and quotes for the work should
be received soon.
Thom Estes and Sandi+ met with
Ollie from Ollie’s Computers to
discuss needs for updates in
software and equipment; our
anti-virus software has been updated. He is willing to work with
Elizabeth Forrest, Jeannette
Pugh, Tammy Rogers, Stew
Wolfe and Cindy Coleman to
determine our needs for future
Margaret Storti, who has been
serving as our interim during
Lent and into the Easter season,
has agreed to become our Organist/Choir Director. (See more
on page 7.)
Our Outreach Commission reported that spending matches
our budget so far this year. Each
area of outreach now has a lead-
Four possible providers have been
Peter Boone reported that he has
been meeting with Senior and
Junior Wardens on a regular basis from Redeemer, St. Matthias,
and St. Michael’s to support one
another and get to know one another. They have a goal of working together, especially in outreach. Recently, they met at St.
Luke’s and Martha Benson led a
presentation of Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd for them which
was very well received.
Finance Repor t
Total income
Less expenses
YTD Actual
March was a good month with income over expenses by $2,021 that helped offset the January and February expenses that were over income.
YTD expenses are higher than budgeted with property maintenance being the primary driver.
The St. Luke’s Prescription
Page 4
Overview of the Journey to Adulthood (J2A)
A transformational way to do youth ministry…
So, you want to know about
Journey to Adulthood (J2A)?
What is it and what makes it different from traditional youth curriculum? Well, first of all – the
program structure is different.
There are three sections of the
Journey to Adulthood program:
Rite 13, J2A and YAC. Each section of the program lasts for two
years and that two-year grouping
of teens will stay together until
they graduate from high school, with
no other class being added in
(although there will almost certainly
be individuals who join the group as
new families move in.) This stability
of group dynamics creates a safe,
sacred space where the group members can learn to trust themselves
and each other as they grow in faith.
May 18th at the 9 AM Holy Eucharist. On Saturday evening, our Rite
13 students and parents will participate in a rehearsal and dinner to celebrate this rite of passage. The two
years of Rite 13 focus on recognizing
the gifts God has given us, celebrating our creative potential, and learning to interact as a community of
The second segment is J2A, an
acronym for JOURNEY TO
ADULTHOOD (grades 8-9 or 910). It is a little confusing since
the name of this group has the
same name as the entire program, but the reason for this is
that the bulk of the work gets
done in these two years, building
on the foundation of the Rite 13
experience. During these years,
teens learn and practice six basic
skills of adulthood: active listening,
negotiation, assertion, research &
information management, partnership
and leadership. At the end of the second year of J2A, the group designs
and goes on a Holy Pilgrimage. We
will focus on pilgrimage over the next
two years.
The last two years of the Journey to
Adulthood program are referred to as
The first two years of the program is
YAC, which stands for YOUNG
called RITE 13 (grades 6-7 or 7-8), a
name that comes from
(grades 10-12). YAC
a liturgical rite of passtudents are encoursage we celebrate with
aged to accept more
young people around
adult responsibilities
their 13th birthday. This
and to contribute their
rite is loosely based on
time, talent and treasthe Jewish bar/bat
ure in support of the
mitzvah tradition and is
ongoing work of the
a way for the entire
church. Teens write a
congregation to celepersonal credo of bebrate the unique gifts
liefs and rely on their
and abilities of its
trusted peers as they
young teens. The Riteexplore their faith
13 liturgy (Celebration
of Manhood and Womstruggle with the deanhood) is the commutails of transitioning
nity expression of this
and serves as a rite of
passage from childworld.
hood towards adulthood. We will celebrate J2A Students led the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday
this rite on Sunday,
Continued next page
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 5
Rite 13 Students to Take a New Step in Their Faith Journeys
There will be a special Liturgy for the
Rite 13 class on Sunday, May 18,
during the 9:00 service. This is a
celebration of the students' approaching manhood and womanhood
and a charge to the congregation to
take seriously their commitments to
these young people.
Rite 13 and Catechesis students at
the National Cathedral
Rite 13 is a program meant for children and teenagers between the ages of 11 and 13 that includes religious training, social service and
discussion of relationships. Topics
covered include prayer, poverty,
leadership and nonviolence. The
Liturgy of Personhood welcomes
teenagers to the journey of becoming
adults and recognizes the holy power
of creation that God gives to each one
of us.
At the Liturgy of Personhood, the students will answer questions from the
priest and receive a blessing with their
parents standing behind them. After
the blessing, the students, instead of
sitting with their parents, sit with the
other members of the class to show
their movement away from childhood
and onto the path that will lead them
to adulthood.
Please join us in expressing our acceptance and appreciation for our adolescents as they enter a new phase
in their lives.
Journey to Adulthood (J2A) (Continued from preceding page)
Adulthood experience incorporates
much learning and laughter, but it
takes our young people seriously and
gives them real work to do. The program is based on the key concept that
“Manhood and Womanhood are gifts
from God, but Adulthood must be
earned.” It encourages teens to explore the four areas of Self, Spirituality, Sexuality and Society, and learn to
connect their faith to all areas of life. It
is our hope that this program fosters
an environment of wholeness and authenticity and helps teens develop a
life-changing relationship with the God
who created them.
This journey has the potential to
transform not just your youth group,
but our entire church. The program
uses the collective wisdom of adults in
your church to beckon young people
into responsible, faithful adulthood. It
calls the entire congregation into a
deeper relationship with their young
people and it calls each one of us –
whatever our age – to think about the
gifts we have been given. When we
find ways to use our gifts to be God’s
presence in the world, we can ALL be
changed in very powerful ways.
We began this amazing way of formation two years ago at St. Luke’s
and it is still getting underway in some
aspects. All of our groups will be shifting in the fall and we need at least 3
new mentors for each segment. We
also need someone (or a team) who
will be responsible for fundraising
aspects (for mission and pilgrimage).
The mentors do not have the time
and energy to be both mentors and
fundraisers. Mission trips, pilgrimage,
and urban adventures will need extra
hands and hearts. Are you called?
Since Anne Larrick, who has been
overseeing all our Youth Christian
Formation programs for the past several years is completing her final year
in this position, we also need someone (or a team of two) who will coordinate all our youth formation.
Talk with John Rick (Vestry Liaison),
Anne, or any of the J2A mentors to
learn more. Are you called?
Alleluia. Christ is risen.
The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.
Page 6
The St. Luke’s Prescription
Holy Week at St. Luke’s
The Palm Sunday Procession
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
The Seasonal Choir
Easter Children’s Sermon
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 7
Celebrating the Day of the Resurrection at The Gathering
rolls, and Betty Estes' homemade
cookies. After the Easter Egg Hunt,
Jack and Max Altieri went home,
emptied their eggs, and put together
36 bags of candy which they brought
back to the church for us to add to
the Easter meal. Martha Benson,
Beth Brew, Joyce Evans, Rich, Angie, and Jean Wolkiewicz, Steve
Moore, Rev. Sandi Kerner, and Linda
Every 3rd Sunday, St. Luke's provides
lunch for those attending The Gathering, where on a sidewalk on Decatur
Street, Deacon Becki Dean holds a
weekly Sunday service. In April, the
third Sunday happened to be Easter,
and St. Luke's provided a real Easter
dinner. While the Easter Egg Hunt and
Easter brunch was going on, volunteers helped to put together 36 lunches of ham, potato salad, baked beans,
Ricker delivered the lunches and
took part in the communion service
led by Rev. Dale Custer. The Gathering has become an important ministry for St. Luke's, a place to share
a meal and worship, and experience
for ourselves the Risen Christ.
Welcome Margaret Storti
Organist/Choir Director.
After serving as our interim during
Lent and Easter, Margaret Storti has
accepted the invitation to become our
Margaret Duncan Storti earned her
B.M. in Voice from Baylor University
and M.M. in Choral Conducting from
Western Washington University. As
a K-12 music educator, she has
taught in Henrico County Public
Schools, Maggie Walker Governor’s
School and for the Richmond Catholic
Diocese. She is certified in OrffSchulwerk and has pursued additional studies in World Music Drumming
and Kodaly teacher training. She is
the designer of award-winning Harmony Park at Colonial Trail Elementary, Virginia’s first outdoor musical
classroom. Margaret has been in-
volved in music ministry most of her
life in both Texas and Washington,
and for the past 22 years, throughout
the Richmond area. Margaret serves
on several non-profit boards, is a
charter member of the James River
chapter of the American OrffSchulwerk Association, and sings
with the Richmond Symphony Chorus. An avid reader, she also enjoys
gardening, travel and cooking for
friends. Margaret lives in Glen Allen
with her husband, Michael, and their
two teenagers, Alex and Elizabeth.
We are delighted to have Margaret
join us and look forward to working
and worshipping with her.
The St. Luke’s Prescription
Page 8
For our Youth — Mark your calendars:
 Camp Chanco Scholarships are
available. Look for scholarship application as an attachment with the ENews during the month of May.
Scholarship forms are due Sunday, June 1st.
We want to recognize our graduates and
those who have achieved other milestones
this school year in high school and college.
Please send information about graduates,
(student’s and parents’ names, when and from
where they will graduate), awards or recognitions and future school or career plans. Our
young people are very important to the ministry
of St. Luke's and we want to support them in all
the exciting transitions they are making in their
lives. Please email or call the church office to
have your loved one included in the June announcements and newsletter by May 29.
If anyone would like to make a donation toward the
Camp Chanco Scholarship fund please make a check
payable to St. Luke's Episcopal Church and in the
memo list Camp Chanco Scholarship.
Centering Prayer (in a group) is offered on the
2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month at 8:30 AM.
Come join us on May10th and 24th.
May Weekend - May 16-18 (registration deadline is May
Camp Chanco summer camp registration is open. Sessions begin June 22 and conclude
August 24 with the new Family Camp
session. For more information on
session, dates, rates, and registration, visit Chanco’s website.
News Briefs
May Bir thdays
Eleanor R. Dowdy
Jack Speed
Michael Maszaros
Thomas Kimbrough
Hayleigh Edwards
Sarah Morris
Clifton Reynolds
Marsha Searle
Peyton Worrell
Christopher Maszaros
Dick Kennon, Jr.
Martha Ragland
Renee’ Broughton
Martha T. LeGrand
Sarah Kennon
Max Altieri
Jennifer Stevens
Jon Brew
Dianna Strickland
Gordon Moncure
Kiernan Ziletti
Martha Benson
Olivia Stokes
Ruth Holliday
Emily Scott
Watch over thy children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless
and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them
when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may thy
peace which passeth understanding abide all the days of
their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
You are Invited! Beginning May 7th at 12
Noon Women's Wednesdays Prayer and
Share with a Light Lunch. Anne Larrick
would like to invite you to Women's Wednesdays Prayer and Share. Prayer and Share is a
time to gather together and share concerns in
your lives and pray. The group will also read
and discuss the gospel for the week and end
with prayer. During the first meeting a light
lunch will be served. For more information
please contact: Anne Larrick at 804-598-7679
Coming Soon...The St. Luke's Giving Tree:
Looking for a way to make a difference, but
don't have a lot of time or not sure how to help?
The Giving Tree will allow you to select a task
for you and your family to complete, and we will
track it much like the Angel Tree. (Tasks will
include clean-up/pick up/fix up projects with our
buildings and grounds). Simply select a task
from the tree, document what you've selected
and commit to the time frame with which it
should be accomplished.
Take advantage of
the additional sunlight and do something good
for St. Luke's and yourself.
Page 9
Volume 14, Issue 5
Regularly Scheduled Weekly Activities
Each Sunday
8, 9 & 11
Holy Eucharist (on combined service days, services are at 8 and
10-11 AM
Christian Formation
Children’s Choir practice (except
The Rev. Sandra B. Kerner, Rector
Interim Organist/Choir Director, Margaret Storti
Lee Kramer, Treasurer
Jeannette Pugh, Intake Treasurer
1 Sun.
1:30 PM
2nd Sun.
2 PM
3rd Sun.
2:30 PM
4 Sun.
3:00 PM
Communion service at Beaufont
Communion service at The
Peter Boone, Senior Warden
Communion at Beaufont
Healthcare Center
Teno Bratton, Junior Warden
7 PM
8 PM
Education for Ministry (EfM) @
Alcoholics Anonymous
1st Tues.
6 PM
Worship Commission
3 Tues.
11:45 AM
Each Wed.
Ladies Prayer and Share
7 PM
Holy Eucharist/Healing Service
7 AM
Men’s Group (“Holy MOCs”)
Seniors’ Luncheon (except Jan.)
9 AM-3
Home School Co-op meets (begin
7 PM
Order of St. Luke Healing Course
(except for 3rd Thurs Vestry
7 PM
Knitting Guild
3 Thurs.
7 PM
2nd & 4th
8:30 AM
John Rick
Ben Bruno
Steve Moore
Shelly Shock
Cindy Coleman
Stew Wolfe
Jon Brew
Janet Tucker, Vestry Recorder
Pam Cole, Health Ministry
Joyce Evans, Altar Guild
Each Thurs.
1st, 3rd, & 5th
The Gathering Place
Each Mon.
Sally Silvey, Endowment Treasurer
Centering Prayer Group
Join the "Ella K. Team"
and participate in Richmond Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis WALK on Saturday, May 17th. Let Susie
Thomas know if you plan to walk with Ella's Team
so she can bring enough T-shirts for you, if you
wish. Meet at the lake at Innsbrook between 9
and 9:30 AM. Group picture is at 9:45 AM and the
short walk begins at 10 AM.
Anne Larrick, Youth
Betty Handy, Architectural Review
Rick & Pam Cole, Newsletter Editors
Stew Wolfe
Ally Kapasakis
Ally Kapasakis & Mikaela Benway
Wolkiewicz Family
Allison Dunaway
Destiny Hunt
Lizzie Shock
Linda Ricker
Destiny Hunt & Lizzie
Randy & Mary Lisa
Holy Eucharist
Jeanne Wolkiewicz
Henry Ziletti
Lee Kramer
Ethan Kramer
Charlotte Kramer
Service in Sanctuary
Ethan & Charlotte Kramer
Kimbrough Family
Holy Eucharist
Betsy & Bill Moore
Abby Timmons
Olivia Stokes
Elizabeth Forrest
Team # 3
JoAnne Stephenson
Ella Thomas
Amelia Thomas
Kakki Rogers
Ella & Amelia Thomas
Teno Bratton
Holy Eucharist
Nancy Hakala & Will
Hannah and Laura Bratton
Isabella Worrell
Betsy Moore
Team # 2
Lector I/ Eucha. Min.
Lector II-2nd Lesson
11:00 AM Service
Eucharistic Min.
Altar Guild
Peter Boone
Holy Eucharist
Team # 4
Betty Estes
Rick Cole
Mimi Ziletti & Peter
Holy Eucharist
Team # 1
Linda Ricker
Anne Holliday
Taylor and Peyton Worrell
Mary & Larry Barden
Holy Eucharist
Cindy Bratton
Mikaela Benway
Holy Eucharist
Larry Lyons
Holy Eucharist
Don Morris
9:00 AM Service
Paul Pugh
Connie Harriss
Holy Eucharist
The Sixth Sunday of
Lector / Euch. Min.
Holy Eucharist
The Fifth Sunday of
May 25
Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist
The Fourth Sunday
of Easter
The Third Sunday after Easter
May 18
8:00 AM Service
Service/ Role
May 11
May 4
Service Assistants Calendar May 2014
May 2014
@ 8, 9, & 11 AM; EFM @ Manakin Worship ComBeaufont Towers 7 PM
mission 6:30
1:30 PM; WomPM; AA 8 PM
en’s Cursillo
Prayer and
Share 12 PM;
Holy Eucharist
and Healing
Prayer 7 PM
15 Men’s
Men’s Group
7 AM; Home
School Group;
Knitting Guild 7
Women’s Cursillo
4Holy Eucharist 5
Holy Eucharist @ 8,9, &
11 AM: The
Meadows 2 PM
Holy Eucharist @ 8,9, &
11 AM: Rite 13
Liturgy of the
Personhood 9
AM; he Gathering 2:30 PM;
EFM @ Manakin Senior Lunch7 PM;
eon 11:45 AM;
EFM @ Manakin AA 8 PM
7 PM
25 Holy Eucha- 26
rist @ 8,9, & 11
AM: Beaufont
Healthcare Center 3PM
Memorial Day
Women’s Prayer and
Share 12 PM;
Holy Eucharist
and Healing
Prayer 7 PM
Group 7 AM;
Home School
Group; Order of
St. Luke 7 PM
Group 7 AM;
Home School
Group; Knitting
Guild 7 PM Vestry 7 PM;
21 Women’s 22 Men’s
Prayer and
Share 12 PM;
Holy Eucharist
and Healing
Prayer 7 PM
Group 7 AM;
Home School
Group; Order of
St. Luke 7 PM
27 AA 8 PM 28 Women’s 29
Prayer and
Share 12 PM;
Holy Eucharist
and Healing
Prayer 7 PM
Group 7 AM;
Home School
Group; Knitting
Guild 7 PM
Prayer 8:30 AM
Strides Walk
9:30 AM; Rite
13 Liturgy of
Personhood Rehearsal 5:30
Centering Prayer 8:30 AM;
Christian Formation—Every Sunday @ 10 AM
Children’s Choir practice – Every Sunday @ 11 AM
Food Pantry Sunday— May 25
The Newsletter of St. Luke’s
Episcopal Church—Powhatan, VA
2245 Huguenot Trail,
Powhatan, Virginia 23139
Office: 804-794-6953
Fax: 804-794-6532
On the web at
Worship Schedule
8:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
Service (no music)
Service (nursery)
Service (nursery)
A South Richmond Ultreya is scheduled for Friday,
May 23rd at St Luke's beginning at 6:00pm. Bring
food to share. We will group, have a witness talk,
sing and celebrate Eucharist. We will welcome four
new babe chicks from the men's and women’s Cursillo weekends in April: John Milstead, Teno Bratton,
Hali Chambers, and Ruth Holliday All are welcome
to attend.