oriental band alzafar shrine - Association of Shrine Oriental Bands of
Volume 1, Issue 7 OCTOBER 2013 ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND San Antonio, Texas Welcome Nobles all ! Thanks for visiting the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band Newsletter. This newsletter is published from time to time so our band’s events can be recorded and shown to all. Check-in periodically to get additional news and photos not published in the Alzafar Achbar, and now Na Khabar newsletters. I hope you enjoy this issue. The Musette Newsletter Thanks again for your visit !!! President/Music Director Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band San Antonio, Texas 210-520-0768 Home, 210-827-3596 Cell www.asob.org/Alzafar-shrine-oriental-band.html A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO OUR ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND LADIES The Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band members, as well as all Shriners, know that our Ladies are a very important part of our fraternity and can not function as we do for our children’s hospitals and the many events we, as Shriners, rally to promote and raise funds without our ladies’ support and understanding. In the past few months, several of our Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band members’ wives have been suffering with health issues where our Brethren are needed at their side to assist in their recovery and not able to participate in our band practices, events, parades and band stated meetings. The Oriental Band members are praying together to the Great Architect of the Universe so that He may bring comfort and healing to our Ladies in need and remind our Masonic Brethren that you can rely on your fellow Nobles to assist if needed. A Dozen Roses we offer to our Ladies of the Oriental Band. You will always be worthy of much more for your support and willingness to give up your Shriner at times so he can be part of our fraternity to bring healing and smiles to our Shriner’s Children. You are an important part of this process! Most of all, we offer roses since they are a symbol of the caring, love and affection that you so well demonstrate to your Nobel and the Alzafar Shrine and the Children we heal. Thank you so very much and get well soon. The Oriental Band Members ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND The purpose of the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band is to have fun doing what we do best; playing our instruments and having fun as Shriners. However, while we are thoroughly enjoying the activities, we are always mindful of your most important goal of perpetuating the programs of our Temple and the Children’s Hospitals. William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band The Musette Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 7, October 2013 ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND NEWS CARRY OVER FROM THE LAST MUSETTE NEWSLETTER As reported in our last newsletter, a stone was placed on the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band Island. It has been hot in south Texas, our band members are taking care of their family health issues and other situations have been keeping us from improving our Alzafar Shrine Temple parking lot Island. However, there has been some ‘all season’ plants such as Lantanas of different colors (these grow like mad with little care) and others identified and selected. Sand, additional stones were donated and waiting to be placed. What is needed is soil, a borrowed gas operated weed whacker and a few good bandsmen. Let the ‘Pres’ know of your interests so we can create an Island of recognition. I am sure our Oriental Band ladies can give us their most expert ideas that we can all enjoy. We will have a discussion on this task during our October stated meeting. Thanks UPCOMING IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR OUR ORIENTAL BAND Fellow Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band Members; Our band is nearing the time where we must nominate members of our band, then elected upon and install as our next Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and the Quarter Master. This will take place during our November Stated Meeting being held on November 18, 2013. We have already selected and voted upon the Band Director last August. Our important decision of who will lead the Oriental Band for 2014 is in our hands and we must search among every band member who desires to serve as such. Noble Robert ‘Bobby’ Smith is now working on getting information from the Petroleum Club where we will again have our annual meeting. It is important that the members gather and provide Bobby with all of the information and funds to accomplish his project as soon as possible. I, Bill Nanes, as the current President of the Oriental Band, have been honored to serve as the band’s primary representative for the year 2013 and I look forward to continue to serve as such for the remainder of this term with the same enthusiasm as the previous 10 months until the next president is elected. We’ll see who that lucky devil is in November. Another piece of information concerns upcoming parades. As we all know at this writing, the Del Rio Amistad parade was again cancelled this year. The Hospital Charity Gala was the highlight on this day and this is understandable. It seems like these two events and perhaps one other, collide every year with no remedy in site. Another important note is the Kerrville parade that is scheduled for October 26th. This parade was cancelled and in lieu of the same, the Cowboy Homecoming Parade in Pleasanton is scheduled instead. Then, the Fall Festival Parade in Devine. This parade is now on our schedule according to our Parade Marshall. The date is Saturday, November 2nd. This parade is optional as stated by our Illustrious Potentate during our October stated meeting. The following week, on Saturday, November 9th, we have the Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown San Antonio. Finally the Christmas Parade in Sattler Texas; Dr. Charlie Beckmann’s favorite parade. And that is the parade news for the remaining of 2013 as far as I know. Meow is for softies. How ‘bout Booo ! The Oriental Band members are reminded of our Shrine Halloween celebration. This event will be held on October 30th at 6:00 p.m. It is desirable that we get as many members and our family members of the band to participate. We will give out treats from our East door of the band room as usual and we are in need of decorations and fun ideas. So come along and have fun with the kiddos. The band room will be opened at 5:00 p.m. on this date to prepare. Come by and join the fun! Your costume and family members are welcome. So there you have it Fellow band members. We will discuss these events during our practices and stated meetings and formulize our participation. Bill Nanes President 2013/Band Director 2012-2014 Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band Page 2 THE MUSETTE William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band The Musette Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 7, October 2013 ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND PERFORMS AT THE FLORESVILLE PEANUT FESTIVAL PARADE Yep … sure did. The weather man and women in the local TV channels had it all wrong. They decided to forecast biblical rains but instead we had a perfect City of Floresville Peanut Festival Parade. What a jubilant township it is. These folks love a parade. The people that I met were gracious and thanked the Alzafar Shine units for participating in their celebration. I even recorded a candidate for Masonry for cryin’ out loud. What a town! I, as the Director of the Alzafar Shrine Band, want to thank James Pavliska of the Alzafar Director’s Staff for driving the vehicle that pulls the Oriental Band trailer. One of the primary two Director’s Staff members who always steps forward to help the Oriental Band by pulling our trailer. The other is Noble Walter Koehler. There have been others and we thank them all for a nice ride. The Oriental Band also makes it known that the band is at the service of sharing our band trailer to the Honor Guard and others to deliver them to the staging area after the parade end. We had quite a ride with these Nobles as usual as we always share a moment of Brotherhood after the parade. Along the parade route in down town Floresville, Texas At parade line-up, Rich Thompson, Bill Nanes, Dwain Smith, Robert Smith, Daniel (Honor Guard member), Armando Falcon and Tom Kopcho. The band entertaining the folks in Floresville. Giving our fellow Nobles of the Honor Guard a ride back to the staging area at the end of the route. Other fun pictures from Foresville. ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND TOM-TOMs GETTING A FACE-LIFT The Oriental Band’s Tom-Toms have been around for a very long time and are banged up a bit. No one seems to know when they were purchased. However, I do know that I could not find the same type anywhere I looked and the drums I do see are not the same man-made craftsmanship as long ago. Those that are compatible to ours are very expensive for our blood. So the next best thing is a ‘Face-Lift’! One of the drums was taken and looked over. The skins and the hardware was eventually removed. After looking over the possiblities, the work of removing the existing decals, painting and a little sanding was in order. Color? … Black seemed to be the logical choice to me since it is the primary color of our uniform. And with a little glitter added to bring out some sparkle … the surgery began! Classic but a beat-up drum. Interesting original color revealed. Looking at areas of interest and made the decision to take off the drum hardware and skin. … and Whoa-Laaa! Before applying the decal at right, the drum was taken to the band for the member’s approval to proceed. Page 3 Stripped and ready for a new life. This design will be drawn on a clear decal and placed on the drums. First coat of black paint A little glitter ... Being that the decal is clear and the drum is glittered, the final effect is believed to be similar to this. THE MUSETTE NEWSLETTER Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter The Musette Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 7 October 2013 A MESSAGE FROM THE ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND PRESIDENT AND BAND DIRECTOR As a reminder from the last issue of the Musette Newsletter, there are many individuals who want to become Masons. It is not sold; the rule is, “2B1-Ask-1”. Once a Master Mason, then it is the manner of getting their interest into the Shrine. But do not forget those who are already eligible. Look around you and seek those who may be interested. And finally … I ask every new and current Shriner to come by our Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band room every Monday at 6:30 p.m. (except when we are dark … July and December) and join us for a social before we begin our practice. We are in need of percussion players, tom-tom (drum), cymbals, quad-drums, tambourines and other percussion instruments. We also would like to have one or more new member(s) interested in learning to play the MUSETTE (I will demonstrate one to you… nice piece). You will be surprised how quickly you can dominate this unusual, historical and antique instrument. NO EXPERENCE OR MUSIC KNOWLEDGE NESCESSARY. We have a unique way of making YOU a PRO. But most News ALERT … News ALERT The Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band now has again made themselves presented by way of an article in the Na Khabar, Association of Shrine Oriental Bands International, newsletter; Volume 85, September 2013, Number 13, after many years of absence. You can now access the newsletter via www.asob.org. Click on ‘Newsletter’ on the left pane. Our band entry is on page 12 of the web version of this newsletter issue. The magazine has not been mailed as of this date, Sept 25, 2013. FORGOT MY GLASSES Yesterday my daughter-in-law again asked why I didn't do something useful with my time. Talking about my "doing something useful" seemed to be her favourite topic of conversation. She was "only thinking of me" and suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys. I did this and when she came over yesterday I decided to teach her a lesson about staying out of my business. I told her that I had joined a parachute club. She said, "Are you nuts? You 're almost 72 years old and you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?" I proudly showed her that I even got a membership card. She said to me, "Good grief, where are your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club." Gosh !!! I'm in trouble again, and I don't know what to do... I signed up and paid for five jumps a week," I told her. She fainted !! Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier but sometimes it can be fun. ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND PRES, MUSIC DIRECTOR’S FINAL WORDS “IN A NUT SHELL” So there you have it my Brethren … the September issue of “THE MUSETTE”. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this newsletter; more especially our web visitors. Please give our newsletter web site address to others. Thanks!! www.asob.org/alzafar-shrine-oriental-band.html Page 4 THE MUSETTE NEWSLETTER Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter The Musette Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 7, October 2013 Alzafar shrine oriental band 2013 Parade schedule Note: Some scheduled parades may have been skipped by the Oriental Band but many other Alzafar Shrine units were there to participate. DATE PARADE LOCATION LINE-UP SAT. 23 Feb Washington Birthday Laredo, Texas 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. SAT. 13 Apr Strawberry Festival Poteet, Texas 8.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. SAT. 27 Apr Fiesta Flambeau San Antonio, Texas 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. SAT. 04 May Cornyval Helotes, Texas 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. SAT. 04 May Hobo Fest (optional) Kirby, Texas 9:00 a.m. 10.:00 a.m. SAT. 11 May Bluebonnet Festival La Vernia, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. SAT. 25 May Memorial Day Bandera, Texas 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. SAT. 15 Jun. Berges Fest Boerne, Texas 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. th START THUR. 04 July July 4 Jubliee (optional) Schertz, Texas 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. FRI. 23 Aug Gillespie Cty Fair (optional) Fredericksburg, Texas 8:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 31 Aug Kendall County Fair Boerne, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. SAT. 21 Sep Medina County Fair Hondo, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 12 Oct Peanut Festival Floresville, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 19 Oct Fiesta de Amistad Del Rio, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 26 Oct Cowboys Homecoming Pleasanton, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 2, Nov Fall Festival Devine, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 09 Nov Veteran’s Day San Antonio, Texas 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon SAT. 14 Dec Christmas Parade Sattler, Texas 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. CANCELLED ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND BRIEF HISTORY The original Alzafar Band was formed in 1940. However it was not formed in San Antonio but at a Shrine club in the valley of Texas which was part of the Alzafar Shrine in San Antonio, Texas. At a Flambeau parade in San Antonio years later a Nobel of the Alzafar Shrine asked for and received permission to form an Oriental Band. It was announced in the Alzafar ARCHBAR publication and drew five Nobles. A meeting was held on November 7, 1977 and the new Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band was formed. In January 1978 at an official stated meeting, Potentate Floyd O. Schneider officially announced the new unit. At that instance the stage curtains opened and the Nobles where treated with “Hoochie Kooch” played by the newly formed Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band. The very first Texas All State competition for the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band was in Houston, Texas in 1978. What is funny is that the band won this competition but was soon disqualified because someone noticed that the new band played the wrong contest song. The tune announced during Mid-Winter in El Paso, Texas was for the following year, not this competition. The Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band did win at Austin Texas in 1980. The rest is history. Today the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band enjoys playing in parades and competitions. Although most of our members are aging, they are strong as a camel. Our Musettes have been around for the longest time. No one knows for sure. Nevertheless, they produce their unique sound at the helm of their musicians. Our percussion players are going strong as well. We hope our new Shriners will look us over and see that we are a fun group and join our band. So that’s it in a nut shell. Some of this information was taken in part from Oriental Band member’s handbook written back in 1993 and again in 1997. William “Bill” Nanes, Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band, President/Music Director, 2012/2014 Page 5 THE MUSETTE NEWSLETTER
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