Opus Bilprovning AB simplifies the inspection process with NetSuite
Opus Bilprovning AB simplifies the inspection process with NetSuite
Overview and background of the solution Alterview Net Solutions AB is proud to present, as a NetSuite Solution Provider, our complete and unique Car Inspection Solution (CI-solution) in NetSuite. The CI-solution is primarily built for Opus Bilprovning AB, one of the biggest car inspection companies in Sweden. Opus has about 30 percent of the market share and with 600 employees and 78 inspection stations all over Sweden, they serve more than 2,000,000 customers each year with car inspections. The tailor made CI-solution is a result of an intensive project between Alterview and Opus, where the solution is also prepared to handle the planned expansion with new upcoming inspection stations around the country. Opus Bilprovning AB simplifies the inspection process with NetSuite Car Inspection Solution from Alterview When the Swedish car inspection industry was deregulated, it was decided to split the state-run monopoly Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection Company into three entities, where two would be sold to the private market. On november 5h, 2012, Opus Bilprovning acquired 71 car inspection stations from Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection Company. In 2014, Opus Bilprovning inspected 1,7 million cars, motorcycles, trailers, motorhomes, trucks and buses. Opus Bilprovning is part of Opus Group which is listed on Nasdaq (Stockholm). We talked to Per Rosén, CEO and Neslin Ayhan, CIO about the transition from an IT-infrastructure built for a regulated monopoly to a modern cloud-based solution from NetSuite designed for a competitive market. NetSuite is the master The NetSuite system is the master in the whole solution. Everything is stored, managed and administrated inside NetSuite. Among the rich standard functionalities in NetSuite, Alterview have developed unique functions for booking and booking overviews, station and lane configuration, resource planning, vehicles database, invitation process, arrival-, queue-, and call-in applications, and a lot more, that seamlessly integrates with NetSuite standard functionalities. Integrations and synchronizations to several external databases and applications are handled with our gateway. One example is the state controlled vehicle database with more than 10,000,000 records that is weekly synchronized with the vehicle database in NetSuite. Per Rosén , CEO Opus Bilprovning AB Neslin Ayhan , CIO Opus Bilprovning AB Describe the situation before your partnership with Alterview and NetSuite? – When we took over the 71 car inspection stations from the Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection Company, we agreed to lease their IT-infrastructure during a transitional period of 18 month. During that time, we had to figure out our own IT-strategy, specify requirements, find service partners and implement a whole new strategy. We set up reference groups in which the staff who were actually going to work with the system took the lead. After that we did a survey, mapping our needs, identifying showstopping requirements and issues that could wait. When the requirement specification was done, we researched the internet, made calls, inviting partners who could guarantee our non-negotiable requirements, such as cloud-support, to demo their solutions (NA). Alterview Net Solutions AB, Solna Torg 3, 171 45 Solna, Sweden Phone: + 46 (0)8 705 99 70, Web: www.alterview.se, E-mail: info@alterview.se Alterview is located in the following Swedish cities: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Luleå Examples of functionality in the solution: Booking overview With 78 car/truck inspection stations, hundreds of lane configurations and thousands of workshifts, the planner needs an overview. This booking overview retrieves all its data from the NetSuite-solution and may be shown on a day-, week- or monthly basis. How did the implementation stage work? – We started with a user case, Alterview received an order to build a booking and planning module. We wanted a solution with a single cloud-based source of information, one of our non-negotiable requirements. Alterview delivered without any problems and hence earned our trust to keep working on the new ITinfrastructure. Feature after feature was made available through NetSuite – HR, Employee Administration, etc. The result was a much more manageable ITgovernance with fewer suppliers to keep track of, much appreciated by an organization of 600 users at 78 locations all over the country, served by an ITdepartment of 5 people (NA). What has improved? – We inherited a cobweb from the Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection Company. The applications were interdependent – make a change in one environment and it could affect one or more applications somewhere else along the infrastructure. Now we are totally autonomous and have a much better control over our IT environment. Thanks to its cloud based nature, all business data exists in the same system which allows us to play around with the data, make analyses, filter, basically sharpen our business operations through data analyses (NA). – Our production-IT is cloud based and we did not want to mix environments. Now we have a uniform system which handles the processes automatically for our 1.8 million customers on a yearly basis (PR). Public web booking End customers can book their own car inspection on the web. Customer Portals Some company customers need to keep track of hundreds or thousands of vehicles because of the mandatory car inspection. With filtering functionalities it is easy to find out which vehicles are up for inspection this or next month. From the portal it is easy to book a new inspection in the booking application. What do you recommend in preparation for a NetSuite implementation? – Plan for training. We trained super users who supported the rest of the organization with NetSuite competence. Create a dedicated core-team who is active from the setting of requirement stage and who takes ownership of the system – it allows the rest of the organization to have one single interface for support issues. I recommend an escalation path for NetSuite related support questions, with your super users having an important role to play in the initial stages (NA). – Of course it takes time to adjust to a new platform, there are details in NetSuite which work differently compared to what our organization was used to. It is important to catch these issues at an early stage in order to avoid unnecessary frustration. That is why we stress the question of training and preparation time, if there is room for this, timewise (PR). Looking forward, what is the next step in the development of your NetSuiteplatform? – Since we have a wealth of data about our customers, we are eager to start working with the NetSuite’s CRM module. In addition, we are continuously reviewing the system, NetSuite releases two upgrades a year – how can we take advantage of these opportunities? (NA). – We have the data foundation but we have to develop the communication with our customers. Thanks to NetSuite, we have a clear competitive edge, it is now up to us to utilize it in developing our CRM for the future (PR). Alterview Net Solutions AB, Solna Torg 3, 171 45 Solna, Sweden Phone: + 46 (0)8 705 99 70, Web: www.alterview.se, E-mail: info@alterview.se Alterview is located in the following Swedish cities: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Luleå
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