What You Should Know About Us - Evanston Township High School


What You Should Know About Us - Evanston Township High School
SPRING | 2013
annual report
What You Should Know About Us
The ETHS Educational Foundation was established in 2005
How You Can Help
in the belief that high-quality public education is a critical
• Participate in our fundraising
component of a thriving community. The decision to support
events. Every dollar raised
Evanston Township High School with private funding for
supports our current capital
grants targeted to capital improvements was made by the
improvement project.
foundation’s board of directors after extensive research was
• Respond to our annual appeal
conducted on the experience and success of other educational
with a generous donation.
foundations throughout the country.
Consider ways to make a gift that will have a lasting impact
on a program of particular interest to you and your family.
• Make a planned gift. Did you know there are creative
The foundation’s current priorities are to:
Support the district’s Capital Improvements Plan, which
ways to support ETHS? Ways in which our students, you
includes renovations of the school’s academic, arts and
and your loved ones all benefit at the same time? Such
athletic facilities.
giving techniques are called “planned gifts,” because with
Fund environmentally responsible efforts such as
thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and
LEED-certified renovations and the development
Evanston Township High School. For example:
of state-of-the-art Science, Technology, Engineering and
> You can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
Mathematics (STEM) labs.
> You can give stock and realize larger tax savings.
Maintain scholarship endowments to help college-bound,
> You can receive monthly payments for life in return for
low-income students with one-time awards.
your gift.
Your Donations at Work 2011-2012
Fine Arts...............................................................$4,100
Mathematics and Citizenship Lecture Series..............$29,135
Student Fees Assistance.........................................$27,793
Senior Scholarship Awards....................................$44,520
Facilities Improvements..........................................$27,209
Wireless Technology...........................................$121,792
Vocational Education............................................$25,000
Inside This
Issue ...
Page 2
Statement of
Page 3
Thank You to
Our Donors
Page 4
The Boltwood
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Evanston Township High School
District 202 Educational Foundation
Evanston Township
High School
District 202
Maria Ballantyne
Louis English ’84
Sheila Fenn
Year Ended June 30, 2012
Unrestricted TemporarilyPermanently
Amy Knepper
Henry Krasnow ’59
Gary Little ’83
James Ossyra ’74
Jerald Scherrer
Mark Shore ’82, Treasurer
Maureen Sippel
Matt Ter Molen ’83
Sarah Wagner ’76, President
$220,024 $87,031 $89,503$396,558
Contributions in-kind
1,350 —
$293,460 $87,031
Management and general
Fundraising and strategic planning
55,108 Special events and fundraising activities
Investment income
Miscellaneous income
Total Revenue and Gains Donna Frett
Gyata Kimmons ’90, Vice President
Net assets released from restrictions
Program grants $429,602
Ann Carra, Athletic Dept. Secretary
Bill Farmer, ETHS Teachers Council
Deborah Graham ’74,
ETHS District Board Member
Cherie Hansen, ETHS PTSA
Jan Ashton, Boosters Club
Kevin Aristide, ETHS Alumni Association
Bill Stafford, CFO
Eric Witherspoon, Superintendent
Elizabeth Tisdahl, Mayor of Evanston
Lorraine Morton,
Former Mayor of Evanston
Net assets at beginning of year
Net assets at end of year
$85,299 $372,100 $2,308,275 $2,765,674
Jane Wuellner
Fran Caan, Executive Director
A Gift Made in Memory or in Honor
Of Someone Is Especially Meaningful
• A
rranging to have a brick engraved for installation at the Bacon
school entrance, the Student Commons or at the baseball park
makes a wonderful gift and supports ETHS.
• A
ll donations will be acknowledged with a letter indicating
tax deductibility.
• A
notice will be sent to the family of those memorialized or
honored listing those who contributed donations in his or her
memory or honor.
© Evanston Township High School Educational Foundation and The Stelter Company
The information in this publication is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, please
consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are
subject to change. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State
income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.
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A listing of gifts received July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012*
The ETHS Educational Foundation sincerely appreciates annual gifts from the following individuals, foundations
and corporations. Their continued support is vital to our success.
Abbott Laboratories Employee
Giving Fund
Soren Spies
Thomas Unterman
John A. Berry and Carol A. Jeffers
David Burgess and Camilla Burgess
Alexandra and Isard Dunietz
John N. Fix
Albert F. Hofeld
William P. Kauffman
Wallace McCallum
Elizabeth Tisdahl
Sarah Barden
Francis Beidler Foundation
Martha Campbell
David J. Caravello
Class of 1946
Judy and David L. Covin
Louis and Jacqueline English
John M. Ferren
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fitzsimonds
Dr. Heather L. Gornik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Little
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Reynolds
David E. Schindel
John A. Shea
William and Ingrid Stafford
Elizabeth Beidler Tisdahl Foundation
Sarah and Michael Wagner
Howard Walker
Judith W. Anderson
Louis J. Aurichio
Jane D. Bannor
Marc L. Baum
Sam Boatwright
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Boyer
Leslie Shad and Joe Brennan
Rebecca Bristol
Leslie Donovan
Donna and Eugene Frett
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Gage III
Philip B. Gorelick
Donald J. Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Harris
David G. Hartman
Betty and Paul Hauser
Robin D. Hinderyckx
Stephen and Suzanne Ingram
Elaine Kisisel
Amy and Mark Knepper
H.J. “Tim” Louis, M.D.
Robert W. Mikolainis
Lenora Moragne, Ph.D.
The Newton Family
James D. Ossyra and Carol L. Remen
Daniel S. Reinberg
Jeffrey S. Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Samuelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Scherrer
William Schmidt
Mark Simon and Susan Frankel Simon
William Singer
Matthew and Jenna Ter Molen
Mark K. Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Witherspoon
Leonard Amari
Steve and Maria Ballantyne
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wynn Bailey Jr.
Carol Beatty
Edward Bloom
Lisa T. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Burris
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caan Jr.
Joan S. Cherry and John R. Carra
Jennifer Cline
Deborah Danson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Derlacki
District 65 Math Teachers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Doub
Jim and Ann Driscoll
Joan Platt Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. David Fenn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Finnegan
Marvin E. Flewellen
John S. Fowler and Catherine M. Huge
Craig K. Freedman
Peter S. Fox-Penner
John S. Fulcher and Joyce Ann Wainio
Yvette Gideon and Roger Sonneborn
Mr. and Mrs. David Graham
Steven Greenberger and
Suzanne Ehrenberg
Lynda and Lauri Hakanen
Winchell T. Hayward
Katrine Helgeson
Ann Herder
Joseph E. Herman
Daniel Hodgman
Doug and Linda Honnold
Lynn Utterback Ingram
Edward R. James
Mrs. Joan Janssen
Rich and Heidi Katz and Alex Katz
James F. King
John A. Klayman
James B. Klutznick
Susan Kramer
Carlyn Laser
Peter C. Lewis
Michael D. Schnur and Janice J. Liten
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Lodal
Connie Loef
Lawrence L. Lubin
Robin Lunn and Patricia Connell
Jeffrey M. Lyons
Leslie Maclin
Dan and Susan Maslauski
Randall and Julie Mayne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mattox
Anita McAuliffe
Michael M. McGuire
Robert E. McQuinn
Robert W. Mikolainis
Robert E. Morgan
Sam Murdough
Margit H. Nahra
John M. Olson
Geoffrey A. Oltmans
Nicholas Potter
Susan Powell
David Powers
Erik J. Priede
Tracy Quattrocki and Neal Brady
Vincent A. Ransom
Gail T. Reeves
Joseph P. Reynolds
Christine Ryan
Karin Ruetzel and Tony Burt
Leonard D. Schaeffer
Renee Schleicher
Benjamin Schneider
David E. Schoenfeld and
Candice J. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Schultz
Enid Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Smith
Jeremy Smith
Ronald and Maureen Sippel
Julie Sterling
Ann Stevens
Laura Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Ter Molen
Bernice Weissbourd
Steven Whitney
Jeffrey and Christine Willemain
Cynthia Wilson
Jane and Tom Wuellner
In-Kind Gifts:
That Little Mexican Café
Thomas E. Schwarten
Evanston Township High School
Honor / Memorial
In honor of Judy Cook Bouma
In honor of ETHS faculty from Rachel Hayman and Edward Michael
In honor of David Fodor and Charlie Abplanalp
In memory of Dobbie Burton
In memory of Betsy Fitzgerald
In memory of Spencer Harris
In memory of Willie May
In memory of Tim McGuire
In memory of Dan Phillips
In memory of Jim and Joan Sammis
In memory of Chris Short
In memory of Carol Snead Snyder from the Class of ’54
In memory of Bruce Soule
* The ETHS Educational Foundation is
very grateful to the many donors who give
annual gifts of less than $250. Due to space
constraints, we are unable to list the names
of these donors in this publication, but remain
deeply appreciative of their generosity.
We have taken care to list all donors
according to their wishes. However, if your
name is listed incorrectly or inadvertently
omitted, please let us know by calling
(847) 424-7157.
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The Boltwood Society A Special Community
Of Supporters for Evanston Township High School
If you value your Evanston Township High School experience, we cordially invite you to
become a member of the Boltwood Society. Named for the first principal of ETHS, a man
committed to upholding the highest standards in academia, the Boltwood Society seeks to
ensure his legacy and maintain the school’s hallmark of excellence.
You can join this special group of supporters by including the ETHS Educational Foundation in
your will or trust, or through some other form of deferred giving. As a member of the Boltwood
Society, you will receive annual stewardship updates, priority invitations to foundation events
and our exclusive school crest sterling pin. If you have already included Evanston Township High
School in your estate plan, please let us know. We wish to welcome you. If you have not yet
made your commitment, please give it some thought. Your decision to join will positively impact
the academic experience of our students for generations to come.
Consider one
of the simplest
ways to support
our mission –
name Evanston
Township High
School Educational
Foundation as a
beneficiary in
your will.
Thank You for
Your Gifts
Your support is a testament
to your belief that
quality public education
is a critical component of
a thriving community.
How to Make a Gift in Your Will
□ Decide what amount or percentage you want to give. A percentage gift ensures that the size
of your gift will remain proportionate to the size of your estate, no matter how it fluctuates over
the years.
□ Take this suggested bequest language to your estate planning attorney to add to your will: I give
to Evanston Township High School Educational Foundation, Evanston, Ill., (the sum of $_____
or _____ percent of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate) for its general purposes.
□ Work with your estate planning attorney to update your existing estate plan with a codicil or
to begin developing your estate plan.
□ Notify us of your intention, if you would like, so our staff can thank you for your future gift and
keep you informed of our ongoing activities.
1600 Dodge Ave. | Evanston, IL 60201
(847) 424-7157 | Fax: (847) 492-5599
Fran Caan | Executive Director
caanf@eths.k12.il.us | www.eths.k12.il.us