Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated circuits IC-EMC


Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated circuits IC-EMC
Modules Génie Electrique et Electronique
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated circuits IC-EMC
Period : Contact us
Description of the Course Topic
This five-day course is focused on electromagnetic compatibility of
integrated circuits.
■ A set of basic concepts is proposed as an introduction, covering
specific units, parasitic impedance of interconnects, origin of noise,
noise margins, time/frequency conversion and 50 W adaptations.
■ The second focus concerns parasitic emission, how to design
low emission circuits and how to measure the IC emission using
standard IEC 61967 methods.
■ A third topic concerns susceptibility, with focus on measurement
methods (IEC 62132) and hardware/software techniques to improve immunity to interference.
■ The fourth part is related to modeling approaches for predicting
EMC (IEC 62433), based on standards such as IBIS, ICEM and
ICIM. The fifth part deals with EMC guidelines for improved emission and immunity to interference.
■ Illustrations of these concepts are made using IC-EMC (www.
ic-emc.org), a freeware including unique features and tools for efficient EMC simulations of integrated circuits.
Afternoons are dedicated to practical sessions including an access
to the EMC laboratory of INSA Toulouse, for hands-on experiments
of IC emission characterization (according to IEC 61967) and IC
immunity characterization (IEC 62 132).
■ 5 days
■ INSA Toulouse
Course support
■ Courses and tutorial classes
Teaching Method
■ Face to face
■ As a National Engineering School, in French top 10 best institutes among 200 engineering schools, INSA Toulouse is leading in
International Exchange,
■ Bachelor-Master-PhD structure, and ECTS-based programs.
■ The course EMC of ICs is part of a International Master “Embedded Systems” (2 years complete program) and validated
through a written exam and fully eligible for 3 ECTS credits.
■ PhD Students in electronics and IC design, IC users, IC designers, Researchers in CMOS design.
■ Group 2: lab – emission measurement methods
■ Group 1: simulation of emission measurement methods
► Day 1 - Welcome
Basic concepts
■ Illustration of basic concepts using IC-EMC
► Day 4 - Modelling Immunity of ICs
■ IB
■ Group 1: lab – immunity measurement methods
■ Group 2: simulation of immunity
► Day 2 - Measurement methods
Specific setups
■ Emission IEC 61 967
■ Immunity IEC 62 132 Modelling Emission of ICs
■ Ibis (mC buffer, mem load)
■ IA (mC, IOs)
■ PDN (mC)
► Day 5
■ Group 2 : lab - immunity measurement metods (uC IO)
■ Group 1 : simulation of immunity
EMC guidelines, case study; Course evaluation and details on
written exam report evaluation criteria.
► Day 3
■ Group 1 : lab - emission measurement methods (1 ohm, Sig int,
sniffer, TEM)
■ Group 2 : simulation of emission measurement methods (1 ohm,
Sig int, TEM, scan)
2000 €
Olivier BERNAD
05 61 55 92 53