Nov 2015 - Dr EP Scarlett High School


Nov 2015 - Dr EP Scarlett High School
Trudeau new P.M
pg. 18
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
School Nurse
pg. 12
Debate team
pg. 11
220 Canterbury Drive S.W. Calgary AB T2W 1H4
Horses help teens
pg. 03
November 2015
Remembrance Day assembly pays homage to soldiers
By Sophia Radford
played a piece entitled “Serenity,” setting the ber You” by Gavin Liam Logan is told from
Every year on November 11, com- tone of the ceremony. The piece was sombre the perspective of a soldier who had passed
munities gather to show their appreciation and beautiful, and it was a fitting opening away, and the solider reminiscences of time
for the brave men and women who
valiantly defend Canada. Canadians
honour those who serve and mourn
those who have fallen. It is a day to
ponder the sacrifices made for freedom and to recognize the people who
gave their time, health, and often
their lives to ensure that freedom. It
is a solemn day of remembrance and
gratitude, a day that encourages people to forget their day-to-day problems and look at the bigger picture.
It can be difficult to imagine war and
turmoil when it is so far away, but
Remembrance Day ceremonies ask
Canadians to think about the world
beyond our own country.
For decades, schools have
been hosting Remembrance Day assemblies consisting of a variety of
performances, all with the intention
of making students aware of the solPhoto by Sophia Radford
diers’ sacrifices. Speakers, dramatic
performances, videos, and songs are The Drama 10 class performs their own rendition of “I Remember You” at the Remembrance assembly
all a part of these assemblies. The
ultimate goal is to teach students, teachers, to the Remembrance Day service. The gym spent with their loved ones. The piece was
and families the respect and gratitude they was filled with the melancholy sounds of the written for the author’s brother, Corporal
should have for the soldiers who served. instruments, and the piece allowed each in- Shane Keating, and is dedicated to all those
Scarlett held its annual Remembrance Day dividual to reflect on the personal meaning who have served. The poem begins with the
assembly on November 10, providing stu- of Remembrance Day.
narrator recalling childhood memories, takdents and staff the opportunity to observe the
The choir’s rendition of “The Part- ing the audience through his departure into
holiday. The gym was filled with students, ing Glass” was a highlight of the ceremony, war, and finally, his death. The final stanza of
all of them donning the symbolic poppy that with emotional lyrics encapsulating the the poem concludes with the narrator reflectrepresents Remembrance Day.
mood of the assembly. The song conveyed ing, “I remember you, so / remember me.”
The assembly began with the play- the heartbreak of loosing a comrade to war. Students in the Drama 10 class had been
ing of “Oh Canada,” followed by the pro- The lyric, “but since it falls unto my lot / that working on choral speaking, and they used
cessional of the Colour Party. Students in- I should rise and you should not,” is one of their skills to present the poem during the asvolved with divisions of the Royal Canadian the many emotional lines that allude to the sembly. The intention of the poem was “to
Cadets Organization – such as Air Cadets or harsh reality of wartime efforts. Jonathan ensure people remember soldiers who gave
Sea Cadets – formed the Colour Party, and Bell conducted the choir, and the choir pre- their lives, and understand that they are real
performed the processional. Principal Sylvie sented a haunting performance.
people who mean more than their deaths,”
Monfette presented her opening remarks,
Drama students also participated according to members of the Drama 10 class.
sharing a personal anecdote that teaches the in the assembly, reciting a poem that coinGuest speaker Private Nolan Still
importance of Remembrance Day. Her story cided with the theme of the assembly. The shared his insights, speaking of the imporstressed why students should not be apathet- drama class worked vigorously to prepare tance of Remembrance Day and what it
ic in regards to the holiday, but should take a the piece, and it was a solemn tribute to the means to him. His speech allowed students
few moments to appreciate the sacrifices that soldiers who lost their lives in battle. The to see a soldier as a real person, and to see
servicemen and women have made.
poem begged audience members to honor how his service – and the service of others
The Scarlett symphonic band the memory of a fallen solider. “I Remem- – has impacted Canada. Private Still took
a moment to acknowledge Corporal Nathan Cirillo, the solider who was killed in
the Parliament attack last year, and Warrant
Officer Patrice Vincent who was killed in
Quebec two days earlier. He also mentioned
colleagues of his who had passed away, illustrating the types of people that deserve
The dance class also performed
a piece, demonstrating a routine entitled
“Lost.” The talented ensemble of dancers included a variety of lifts, jumps, and rolls in
their routine, creating a piece that was truly
entrancing for the spectators. The accompanying song fit the mood of the assembly, and
the dance class did a magnificent job.
As the assembly drew to a close,
the well-known poem “In Flanders Fields”
was recited by the two Master of Ceremonies in both French and English. The poem,
first penned in the first World War, has long
since stood as a symbol of Remembrance
Day, and of fallen soldiers. Most Canadians probably know this poem by heart – its
beautiful imagery and mournful undertones
make “In Flanders Fields” such a vital piece
of Canada’s heritage.
Following the poem, a minute of silence was observed by everyone in the gym.
This silent moment gave Lancers the opportunity to take a minute to thank those who
made the ultimate sacrifice. The ceremony
was concluded with the playing of “The Last
Post,” played by Emily Ewacha. The Colour
Party proceeded with the recessional, and
as they exited the gym, the assembly concluded.
As Remembrance Day came to a
close, many students took the time to imagine life in a warzone, and to acknowledge the
courage and honor of those fighting for Canada. Scarlett student Jarod Henkel, Grade 10,
knows first-hand why Remembrance Day
is so important. “Today with Cadets I went
around to legions for veterans to play music,” he explained. “It made me happy to see
all the veterans smiling and sometimes even
singing along to the songs we were playing.
These men and women gave up so much so
that we could have a future. I won’t forget
their sacrifice, whether it was their life or if
they were scarred mentally or physically.”
Page 2
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Aaron Schmidtke and Grace Stone
Section Editors
Madison Negrey and Megan Miskiman
Ishaan Sahai and Sophia Radford
Layout & Design
Labeeba Mahmood
Kyle Irvine and Kevin Wright
Hailey Payne and Kevin Leske
Riannon Laarz and Terra Li
Fine Arts
Erin Burns and Carissa Feddema
Daniel Nickerson and Maya Smith
Isabel Fernandez
Isabel Fernandez
The Scarlett FEVER represents and
respects a variety of diverse opinions.
Staff Writers
Alexis Bradley, Erin Burns, Carissa Feddema, Chase Glenwright, Grace Stone, Wesley
Hawley-Thomas, Kyle Irvine, Levi Kitsul, Riannon Laarz, Kevin Leske, Terra Li, Megan
Miskiman, Ashley McIntosh, Daniel Nickerson, Madison Negrey, Hailey Payne, Sophia
Radford, Ishaan Sahai, Aaron Schmidtke, Nikola Tarbuk, Kevin Wright.
Douglas Brandt, Claire Patterson,
Michelle Finley
The Scarlett FEVER is the product of students in the
Journalism 15, 25, 35 programs. It is produced seven times
per school year and is distributed to the community of
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School.
The FEVER operates primarily on a per-student allotment from
Student Activity Fees, supplemented by advertising revenue.
The newspaper is printed by International Web Express.
The FEVER is now available online.
Access it on the Dr. E.P. Scarlett website at:
Click on the “School Info” drop-down menu.
Please contact Claire Patterson at or
Telephone 403-281-3366, ext. 2122
Peeple app and the plethora
of problems that it presents
By Carissa Feddema
Technology has unlocked many
ways for people to share their opinions and
express themselves. It has also caused society to value what others think. Posting a
picture or a comment on a social media site,
such as Facebook or Instagram, offers others
a chance to judge. Although these sites and
apps do offer the public freedom of expression, people often take advantage of these
opportunities and abuse them. The public should not be given this kind of power
concerning other people’s lives. The new
Peeple app is one of these sites that has the
potential to cause plenty of hurt and has
spurred plenty of debate. Peeple is an application for
everyday devices such as smartphones. It
has often been referred to as Yelp for people.
The purpose of the app is to allow users to
rate other human beings on a five star scale
as if they were hotels or a specific brand
of toothpaste. These ratings are based on
experiences including the person’s attitude,
personality, opinions, and looks. It is no
wonder people have such strong opinions,
positive and negative, of it. The app is currently under beta testing. Users must be 21
years of age or older and have an established Facebook account.
All reviews are written under the
user’s real name and are labeled according
to three categories: professional, personal, or
romantic. Positive and negative reviews are
both allowed; however, the user can boost
their overall “positivity rating” by giving
more positive reviews. Negative reviews are
classified as ratings with two stars or fewer.
These reviews are not posted immediately,
but instead are sent to the subject’s inbox.
The creators added this measure into the app
so that the subject has a chance to “work it
out” and change a negative comment to a
positive one. If not, then the review is posted
and the subject will have a chance to publically defend themselves. Reviews can be
reported but not deleted after going public.
Everyone can create a profile for anyone
they know even if that person does not have
an account. Those who receive ratings and
have not joined Peeple, however, will only
have positive reviews shown on their profile.
Nevertheless, it is an invasion of privacy and
could be interpreted as discrimination. Although not everyone likes the direction the app has taken, it was originally
intended to be used for productive purposes. Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough, the
creators of Peeple, are not ashamed of their
work. Despite all of the negative feedback,
they continue to defend Peeple, describing
it as, “a positivity app for positive people.”
The two women wanted a way to find out
which people would be good in certain areas. For instance, if parents wanted to find
out which babysitter to hire, they could look
up what rating prospects had on Peeple. The
creators say that it was designed to build
people up and make them better by giving
them a chance to learn from the mistakes
that others point out for them. Although they
strongly believe in it, the feedback they are
receiving is harsh and negative. It does not matter what this app was
intended for. In the end, it provides emotionally distraught people a chance at revenge
against other people. For example, the rating could be a biased opinion of an angry
ex getting over a breakup. Just like Yelp,
there is no guarantee that reviews are trustworthy. Comments about the app include
questions concerning the app’s flaws: Why
would an app such as this become so popular? Why would it need to be made in the
first place? Has there not been enough objectifying of human beings already? The fact
that these questions are posed proves that
social media provokes unnecessary judgment on others which causes pain and anger.
These major problems are part of society
and keep growing. People naturally want to
judge others. Most people want to be seen as
cool, popular, liked, and happy, even if they
are not in reality. People have come to care
about the number of likes, friends, or views
someone receives on social media, so much
so that it can cause feelings of depression.
2010 proceedings from the Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
(SIGCHI) Conference on Human Factors
in Computing Systems show that users who
consume the highest amounts of content
from social media have an increase in loneliness. Apps like these open gates for cyber
bullying which can only lead to terrible
results. Bullies can use Peeple as a way of
targeting victims and giving them negative
ratings. Peeple is emphasizing these flaws in
Some say digital citizens should be
wary of Peeple; however, it has many users and is, ironically, becoming more and
more popular through its negative press and
controversy. People should not allow themselves to be so narrowly viewed. People are
far more complex than a five star rating.
November 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 3
Equine Therapy: Horsing around can, in fact, help teens
By Megan Miskiman
Equine therapy is one of
the most common types of counselling in North America. Many
question equine therapy which is
difficult to explain. It is like explaining to someone a favourite
gourmet meal, which that person
has never tried; to really understand, they need to have tasted it.
Like many challenges people face
in their lives, horses may seem
large and powerful. Therefore,
horses create a natural opportunities for people to learn how to
overcome the fears and challenges
in life. Winston Churchill once
said: “There’s something about
the outside of a horse that is good
for the inside of a man.” This notion is proven every day in equineassisted counselling.
Horses, like humans, are
extremely social animals. They
have distinct personalities, attitudes, and moods. This social aspect is very important. Since horses cannot talk, they are extremely
adept at reading non-verbal clues
such as body language and moods.
They have an uncanny ability to
mirror what human body language
is telling them, and responding to
it. A horse cannot be fooled. They
are masters at reading body language, non-verbals, and emotions;
they know when a person is happy,
angry, fearful, lonely, etc. A horse
will move away from an angry person, comfort a lonely person, and
follow someone it trusts.
Horses provide tremendous opportunity for metaphorical
learning. If a person is upset, the
horse will be too; however as soon
as that person changes their attitude, the horses will change theirs
as well. Horses are always present
in the moment with their owner or
rider; they hold no grudges. They
can teach humans this ability as
Many people think that
equine therapy is for kids only,
however, horses can have the
same effect on any gender of any
age. Most know dogs as one of the
most well-known therapeutic animals today. Horses are now being
recognized for the psychological
benefit they have on those with depression, addictions, behavioural
issues, etc. It has been clinically
to themselves and others. Spending time with horses, however,
triggers the release of endorphins
and helps reduce the level of cortisol, which is the hormone that
controls arousal and stress. In other
words, spending time with horses
can make a person feel less anx-
this is where the horse comes in. In
order to properly care for a horse,
new skills must be developed. For
kids who are impatient, anxious
or have low self-confidence, these
skills can be very helpful. Skill
development gives the adolescent
a safe environment in which making mistakes
is okay. He/
she may have
a parent or a
sibling who is
very critical
and unforgiving of mistakes, but no
matter what,
the horse will
always forgive
them. Some of
the skills, like
brushing the
horse, can be
learned quite
quickly, even
for a beginner, giving the
young person
an automatic
taste of success
gives the therPhoto by Megan Miskiman apist a founupon
McKenna Keszler of Mountain View Equestrian spends a tranquil moment with her horse Prada dation
which to build.
Being with horses can
proven by many Canadian phy- ious. Equine therapy helps teens cologists that just being around understand that a gentle, quiet be- also give young people a break
horses changes human brainwave haviour receives far better results from their everyday lives. When
patterns. Humans automatically than aggressive behaviour. Horses brushing or riding a horse, for exbecome more centred and focused provide an honest, non-judgmental ample they no longer think about
when with horses. They are natu- platform that is healing for the what happened at home or at
rally empathetic animals, who soul. They do not cheat, manipu- school, but instead they focus on
force individuals to forget about late, or lie. If a teen spends enough what is happening right in front of
their distractions and just focus on time with a horse, they can come them. This experience can actually
the horse.
to realize that cheating, manipulat- help the person have a feeling of
The use of horses for ing, and lying will not work, and refreshment, as they stopped thinktherapy is not a new method. The they learn to stay true to what they ing about their current problems
Greeks documented the therapeu- feel and they must allow the horse for a period of time.
tic value of horses as early as 600 to help them become aware of their The kind of relationship
BC. In 1875, French physician emotional state.
that is developed between a horse
Cassaign concluded that equine Teens with emotional and and human is often healing and
therapy can help certain neurologic behavioural issues can sometimes calming. Many teenagers realize
be difficult to work with. Many this, and after spending time with
A teenager who is emo- times, they have a difficult time horses, begin to let go of negationally unstable can be a danger trusting and opening up to adults; tive thoughts and have the positive
ones. Horses may give a teenager
a feeling that they have never experienced, an emotionally powerful bond of affection and loyalty
that is unconditional. Horses teach
teens how to be responsible. Having this kind of inter-species bond
can have a life-changing effect.
A special kind of magic
happens when an unhappy teen interacts with horses. Teenagers will
often let down their guard when
around horses, and are able to gain
insight into their emotions and
behaviour and have a non-threatening opportunity to find an immediate release from all the negative feelings they have. Horses do
not respond to yelling, bullying, or
aggression, which forces a teen to
have positive energy around them,
giving teens a chance to experience a sense of connection without
the negative feelings sometimes
associated with traditional therapy.
Horses are large, very
powerful, and unpredictable animals. While around horses, teens
will learn how to face the fears and
insecurities they may have. They
must learn how to remain calm
and collected, because as soon as
a horse senses fear, they become
frightened as well. Patients will
also discover the true exhilaration
of horseback riding. The ability to
complete a task while remaining
calm, regardless of self-doubt and
fear is an extremely empowering
experience. Teens will discover a
significant sense of self-esteem as
they continue to work and communicate with their horse.
Equine therapy is certainly not about healing or curing,
but being with horses can change a
teen’s life for ever. Equine therapy
is especially beneficial for people
who do not take to talking therapy.
While a person might forget a conversation they had with their counsellor a few weeks on, they may
never forget the feeling of standing
in the field, hugging the horse that
they know and can trust with their
Page 4
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
The Calgary Sun wishes to clean up comment section
By Chase Glenwright
The Calgary Sun faces a problem
and they believe they have found a way to
fix the issue. That issue is Internet trolls. The
one word that pops into most people’s minds
when they think about a comment section is
trolls have been posting immature and hurtful comments on possibly sensitive subjects.
Although the feelings towards these comments are mixed, most readers are unhappy.
James Wallace, vice president of
editorials tried explaining why they were
making the
changes to
the comment
section. “We
have wrestled
this, particularly at the
Sun, because
the Sun was
founded on
of being an
On a slow
there are usually around
1,000 comPhoto by Chase Glenwright
ments on the
In an effort to curb inflamatory remarks, comments on The Sun’s website are no
longer anonymous giving readers the chance to see the identity of who is posting entire website, and on
a busy news
troll. Most people that use any type of social day the Sun could get somewhere between
media are too familiar with the term. Trolls 6,000 to 8,000. To remove comments that
have weaseled their way into the Sun’s com- “cross the line” is time consuming and exment section on their online site. These
pensive as web staff have had to constantly
monitor the boards.
Wallace also expressed his sympathy towards the web staff that are in charge of taking care of the hurtful comments. “For the
poor souls who are trying to keep up with
several thousand comments a day, there’s
some relief.”
The National Post, which like the
Sun, is owned by Postmedia Network Canada Corp., came to a similar conclusion earlier this month. Users that want to leave a
comment must now sign in using Facebook.
This will hopefully take away the “shield” of
anonymity hateful commenters hide behind.
“Online comments are the lifeblood
of communication between reader and audience at a modern newspaper,” said Anne
Marie, the Post’s editor, in a note to readers;
but that lifeblood is frequently infected as
“the online conversation can [jump] between
[sharp-witted] and [insightful] responses, to
[spiteful] personal attacks.”
The Globe and Mail faces the same
problem and is working with Winnipegbased social media management firm ICUC
to moderate the comments on online stories.
“During the election campaign,
it’s certainly been lively,” James Wallace
said. He also said that the Sun’s newspapers
“are working towards a better solution,” and
adopting a Facebook sign-in is a consideration. Other media organizations have tried
“community-based moderations,” a model
Wallace finds intriguing but also problem-
atic, particularly at unionized newspapers.
Community moderation in general terms,
are guidelines in which users must follow
and respect when using a site, this also goes
for commenting.
Both papers are encouraging readers to continue to comment, but most do not
wish to sign into Facebook to do so. Only
time will tell how this works out for them.
The Sun and the Globe and Mail are
not the only sites that are removing or altering their comment sections. On November
20, 2014 an influential tech blog, Re/code,
announced it was making some changes to
their website involving the comment section.
To comment now or ask questions about one
of the articles one must go to one of their
many social media accounts and comment
on that site.
“Our writers are all active on services like Twitter and Facebook, and our official Re/code accounts on social media post
our stories all day long. Readers are not shy
about offering their opinions to us on these
and other social media services, and [one is]
likelier to be able to interact with us there,”
said executive editor of Re/code, Walt Mossberg.
The Sun and other sites still encourage commenting and healthy and clean debates, because all good newspapers should
respect reader opinion. All they ask is that
commenters stay respectful and understand
that some topics are more sensitive.
Milk may be less healthy for humans than society thinks
By Terra Li
In North America, milk is one
of the most popular beverages. Being a
very popular breakfast choice and breakfast being the most important meal, many
people view milk as a healthy drink. Since
the early ages, society has been told that
milk will benefit bodies, but many recent
scientific studies have found that milk
may do the body more harm than good.
Those who believe that milk helps
the body say calcium and other vitamins and
minerals in milk make it an important part of
a healthy diet for people of all ages. They argue that the benefits of milk include strengthening bones, weight loss, cancer prevention,
improved cardiovascular and oral health, and
relief of PMS. Those who believe that milk
may do harm to human bodies argue that
it contributes to allergies, obesity, heart disease, calcium deficiency, cancer, and other
health ailments. They argue that claims regarding milk’s benefits are advertising campaigns made to promote dairy sales and that
many nutritious alternatives to milk exist.
William Sears, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California at Irvine School of Medicine explains
that “Milk is one-stop shopping for nutrition.
It contains nearly all the basic nutrients that
a growing child needs: fats, carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins and minerals (except
iron). While it is true that most of the nutri- in one of his studies, that “an estimated 65% mans can live healthily without it. As proven
ents in milk can be gotten easily from other of human adults (and most adult mammals) by lactose intolerant individuals, milk is not
sources, such as vegetables, legumes, and down regulate [decrease] the production of necessary to keep a healthy and balanced diet.
seafood, milk puts them all
There was a time when
together in a convenient packmilk was believed to be
age.” As it may be true that
necessary for a healthy
milk covers many nutrients
diet, but research has ina growing human requires, it
fluenced many to think
can be too much for someone
otherwise. Dairy products
if milk is consumed regularly.
contribute to a number
Dairy products like
of health problems. In
milk are used in many unvery small children, it can
healthy food products like
cause a little bit of blood
cheese, ice cream, milk, butloss from the digestive
ter, all of which contribute
tract. Combined with the
significantly to great amounts
fact that milk has no iron
of cholesterol and saturated
of its own, the result is
fat, leading many people to
an increased risk of iron
believe that milk may be a
deficiency. Though milk
little bit too much for a humaybe rich in calcium,
man body as it adds too much
vitamin D, and other imcholesterol and saturated fat
portant nutrients, it lacks
and not enough iron to the
in one of the most impordiet. “Milk and refined sugar
tant minerals, iron. There
make two of the largest conPhoto by Terra Li are many alternatives to
tributions to food induced ill Healthier alternatives to cow’s milk are accessible and it is not difficult to find them cow’s milk like soy bevhealth in our country... It is
erage, almond beverage,
my strong recommendation that you dis- intestinal lactase after weaning. Lactase is coconut beverage, rice beverage, and many
continue your milk products,” Joseph Mer- necessary for the digestion of lactose, the others. All of these options do not contain
cola, DO, Osteopathic Physician states. main carbohydrate in milk, and without it, lactose and many of them do not contain
Researcher in the Department of Genetics, milk consumption can lead to bloating, flatu- carbohydrates. These alternatives are healthEvolution and Environment at the Universi- lence, cramps, and nausea. Even without the ier and just as accessible as cow’s milk.
ty College of London, Itan Yuval, explained ability to properly consume milk, many hu-
November 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 5
Increase in canine deaths across Canadian provinces
By Ashley McIntosh
In the past few months,
veterinarians have been noticing
a major decline in the number of
dogs being vaccinated. They are
deeply concerned because the vaccines prevent minor diseases and
major viruses like Canine Parvovirus. Canine Parvovirus CPV is a
virus commonly found in younger
puppies but due to the decrease in
vaccinations, has been increasingly found more in adults. Intestinal
Canine Parvovirus (the more common strand of virus) attacks the
intestines, symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, weakness,
serious dehydration, and lack of
appetite, which can lead to death.
In the intestinal form, the virus
attacks the intestines. A less common form of CPV is called Cardiac
Canine Parvovirus when the virus
attacks the heart muscles of mostly
young puppies. Whatever type, the
virus is devastating the population.
CPV morphs to spread
and multiply through the animal’s
body so it can live longer in the
body becoming worse, eventually
leading to death. The symptoms of
CPV include lethargy, anorexia, fevers, vomiting, and severe weight
loss. The intestinal form of CPV
the city. Calgary has quite
affects the
a large population of coyability of
otes, and with the number
of dog owners refusing to
to absorb
have their dogs vaccinated
causing the
the coyotes could easily
dog to becatch this disease and their
population numbers would
come weak
decrease significantly.
and dehy CPV is a fairly new disdrated, the
ease and was first isolated
mouth and
in the 1960s and has been
eyes may
ever changing since then.
It is a relatively small virus
but duplicates as it increases
red and the
in age; therefore, becoming
heart rate
very powerful in most cases.
will go up.
It is the owners of dogs that
Vets specumust be in charge of getting
their dogs vaccinated or else
they should not have a dog
vacciif they cannot afford to take
nations is
care of it and keep it healthy.
due to the
Dogs do not have the capaconcern of
bility to go get their vacside effects
cines themselves.
Photo by Ashley McIntosh
Though the veterinarians
Like all dogs across Canada, Molly is at risk for receiving Canine Parvovirus if she is not vaccinated
but if ownhave posted a wide range
the pet the vaccinations. Owners mal or object that comes in contact
ers were to
of recommendations to get
compare the $300 cost of vaccines of these unvaccinated dogs are the with the infected dog’s feces.
a canine vaccinated once a year to
Due to the lower number prevent infections and diseases, it
versus the $2,000 vet stay for treat- reasons for the spread of disease. ment of the disease (if a dog is treat- It is completely inhumane to deny of vaccinations in dogs and CPV is only necessary to take them once
able and not in serious condition) dogs vaccinations to improve and being highly contagious the virus every two to three years to have a
owners would be better off giving stabilize their health. The virus can is spreading to the wildlife popu- happy, healthy dog.
be transmitted to any person, ani- lation, mainly to coyotes around
Calgary is welcoming visitors to “Be Part of The Energy”
By Kevin Leske
Calgary is now welcoming outsiders into the city with its
new slogan “Be part of the Energy.”
The slogan has changed from its old
slogan “Heart of the New West.”
The signs were placed throughout
the city over the span of a couple
weeks in the months of September and October. The signs are
primarily red with white lettering.
According to the head of
Calgary’s economic development,
the slogan has been around for four
years but only now is finally placed
around the city. The slogan has also
been adopted by Tourism Calgary
along with various other city entities. The former slogan was adopted by the city in the year 2000 and
was the slogan until 2011, when it
was replaced by an arguably more
modern and business-oriented slogan. The city wants to move past
its western stereotype and would
rather like to emphasize the significance of its energy industry.
There are ten signs in ten
locations spread across Calgary.
According to Sean Somers from
Transportation Calgary, the total
cost of the signs and the labour adds resent the city and/or business in around the world, the slogan just
up to approximately $30,000. The a positive way for both the busi- did not make sense. Those livsigns have been paid for by tax- ness and the intended audience. ing in more eastern countries had
payer’s dollars which has caused A reason that the city a difficult time trying to interpret
plenty of anger and
controversy from the
citizens of Calgary who
were outraged and upset
with the city for spending so much money on a
slogan and not on other
important entities such
as city transportation or
recreational facilities.
A well-known
tourism expert, Roger
Brooks, states that the
slogan will not change
anything in and/or for
Calgary. He also said
“logos and slogans only
make up two-percent
of a brand.” Brooks
believes it is a bad idea
to move away from the
old slogan which he bePhoto by Alexis Bradley
lieves to be a “globally
symbol.” As the city grows, the need for change grows larger and more prominent than before
Many other experts
view slogans as a form of expres- wanted to move away from the the old slogan. “Heart of the New
sion for a city or business and also older slogan “Heart of the New West” was a very regional slogan
believe that slogans should rep- West” is because to many people and did not reach the hearts or
minds of those around the world.
With the new slogan, however,
the city believes that they will be
more easily understood around the
world and will encourage those to
come and do business with the city.
Over the years, the city
of Calgary has had a wide variety
of slogans, ranging from long sentences to short fragments. Many
of the signs occasionally added
various statements and characters
to the signs like when Howdy,
the Olympic mascot was tacked
on to the welcoming sign. Many
believe that this updated slogan
will do the city good and promote
the city in a business sense. Because Calgary is becoming a more
modern city, things have to start
changing and one of those things
includes the slogan. Although
many love the old slogan “Heart
of the New West,” the new slogan
introduces more opportunities for
Calgary to grow economically.
The slogan not only introduces
the city to more business opportunities but also modernizes Calgary and begins to move the city
away from its stereotypical image.
Page 6
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Putting an end to the gun violence in the United States
Erin Burns
The United States become less and
less safe each day due to the country’s lack
of gun control. The easy access to guns that
almost all American citizens have must be
eliminated. In 2015 alone there have been
281 mass shootings in the United States, and
39,178 shootings total, excluding shootings
by police officers. This is proof that there are
thousands of lives being taken unnecessarily
by people with guns. The only way that these
numbers can be decreased is if guns are not
at easy access to everyone in the United
States. On top of all else, many Americans
are constantly being fed misinformation by
the media that leads them to believe that they
should oppose gun control.
According to the Washington Post,
more than 30,000 people die from shootings
each year in the United States; this is an excessive amount of deaths that could be prevented if guns were not at such easy access
publicly. The same study by the Washington
Post has also proven that guns are the most
commonly used weapon in homicides and
suicides, which again means many deaths,
could be prevented if guns were not so accessible. Among many other misconceptions, many people believe that the only
people doing the shooting are those who are
obtaining their guns illegally, which simply
is not true. tracked every
shooting spree from the last thirty years and
proved that the majority of mass shootings
involve guns that have been obtained legally, therefore this argument is invalid.
On top of these intentional shootings, in 2013 there were 505 accidental
shootings, and in 2015 that number has more
than doubled, putting it at 1,520 as of October 23 according to
These numbers are proof that it is impossible
to ensure that anyone can safely own a gun,
as anyone can fire a gun unintentionally. According to a study by Harvard University,
the mortality rate is seven times higher in
the four states with the most guns compared
to the four states with the least, and there are
far more accidental shootings in the states
with the least gun control in comparison to
those with the most.
Alongside this misconception, people are being fed the message that more guns
means less homicide because people are able
to defend themselves, but this is the opposite of the truth. The Harvard Injury Control
Research Center has provided evidence that
the states with the strictest gun control laws
are the states with the least amount of gunrelated violence each year. Incidentally, the
study shows that the states in the southern
region of the United States are those with
the lowest number of laws pertaining to gun
control, and the most deaths due to shootings. The United States also happens to be
the country with the highest rate of gunrelated deaths per capita, and that with the
least strict gun control laws. Thus proving,
more gun control leads to less shootings.
Many people argue that the removal of guns is unfair to citizens, as American
citizens have been given the right to a firearm in their constitution. Therefore people
are blind to the effects the weapons are having on their country and constantly argue
that guns cannot be taken away because
they are a right. What people are failing to
see is that thousands of their fellow citizens
could be saved each year if guns were not
available publicly. The removal of this right
seems much more fair when it is taken into
consideration that hundreds of thousands of
Americans of all ages could live far longer
without it.
Many countries with low firearmrelated death rates have not eliminated guns
entirely, but they have managed to create systems that limit access. In the United
States, many states require little to no background checking on people who purchase
guns, and people are not required to register
their guns when purchasing, which leads to
everyone, or nearly everyone, with complete
access to guns. Comparatively, Canada has
a far lower gun-crime rate than the United
States and has laws requiring extensive research on a person in order to determine
whether or not someone is eligible to be
licensed to have a gun. And once a person
is granted eligibility to purchase guns they
must have a valid license and must register
their gun. Most handguns are also more re-
stricted than others as they have been known
to be the guns used in a large amount of fatal shootings. The United Kingdom, which
has one of the lowest gun-related crime rates
worldwide, also has strict gun control laws
which disproves the idea that many pro-gun
Americans have: that gun control laws do
not decrease gun crime.
It is clear that more extensive laws
against firearm ownership are working in
many countries, so there is every reason to
believe they will be effective in the United
States as well. People are being misinformed
on the effects of guns and if they are more
correctly informed of the facts it is likely that
they will understand why gun control is absolutely necessary. President Obama states
that he wishes to enforce stricter gun control laws. He was quoted as saying, “I intend
to keep trying, with or without Congress, to
help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook.”
Too many lives have been lost due to firearm
violence that could have been saved had gun
ownership restrictions been made earlier.
The president is willing to make changes, all
that is needed now to make a difference is
the support of American citizens. The United States have the largest number of guns
per capita in the world by far and, not coincidentally, one of the highest rates of firearm
violence. It is time for action to be taken to
prevent unnecessary deaths each year.
Flood mitigation plans lead to reservoir in Springbank
By Chase Glenwright
Two years ago Calgary fell victim
to a natural disaster causing billions in property damage leaving some still recovering.
The flooding in the summer of 2013 was
truly a difficult time for many Calgarians.
In an attempt to prevent future flooding the
provincial government has decided to build
a reservoir in Springbank. This decision has
upset many Springbank and Bragg Creek
residents. Due to the reservoirs location,
some Bragg Creek residents believe it will
not protect them in future floods. Regarding
this, one resident from Bragg Creek had this
to say: “we just don’t count, because McLean
Creek would [be able to protect Calgary the
same way],” said Marina Cooke, who lost
her restaurant and lounge in the flooding of
The flooding in the summer was
devastating to all of those affected. Even
while the flooding was happening, plans
to stop or divert future floods were already
in discussion. The province is committing
$297 million to mitigation plans on the Elbow River. Calgary’s mayor, Naheed Nenshi, says that the Springbank Reservoir is expected to “attenuate” 81% of the water seen
by Calgarians three years ago. This new reservoir combined with a few upgrades to the
Glenmore Reservoir, Nenshi assures, will
keep Calgarians safe from another 2013type disaster.
Another idea was also considered:
a dry dam in McLean Creek. This dry dam
would have been placed somewhat farther
north than the proposed Springbank reservoir and seems much more appealing to
Springbank residents. Environmental Minister Shannon Phillips says the reservoir, with
help from local-mitigation, was the best of
many ideas considered.
Some Springbank residents are
unhappy with the use of private land for a
reservoir that might not even help communities such as Bragg Creek and Redwood
Meadows. Gloria Wilkinson, who speaks for
the Springbank Community Planning Association, says the province is ignoring the
wishes of those who would be most affected
by the project. “They’ve met in Calgary.
They’ve met in Cochrane. They haven’t met
in Springbank,” said Wilkinson. Wilkinson
also says that she is worried about a possible
loss of fertile farmland. The reservoir will be
located about 15 kilometres west of Calgary,
south of Highway 1, east of Highway 22,
and north of Highway 8.
Although Phillips assured all those
opposed that “this option will protect everyone involved much quicker,” she also added
that the dam was more expensive and would
come with a “very real risk of catastrophic
failure in the construction phase,” along with
more damage to a more environmentallysensitive area around McLean Creek.
Phillips claimed that her government was acting quickly with this “difficult
decision” because Calgary cannot wait for
flood protection. Phillips also accused the
although noting that it was the previous
government under premier Jim Prentice that
initially proposed the Springbank option.
Whichever provincial government
Photo and art by Chase Glenwright
Rushing flood waters crashing over the prairie towards Springbank and the new reservoir
previous PC government of “dilly-dallying”
on the plans, in the wake of the catastrophic
2013 flood, a flood that caused billions in
property damage and set a place for itself as
the costliest disaster in Canadian history.
Rick Fraser, the PC’s environmental critic, dismissed Phillips’ criticism,
decided on this is frankly irrelevant. What
should be the focus is if the reservoir will
work and if it is a possibility to reach an understanding with all opposed. Hopefully this
reservoir will be able to make Calgary a little
more “flood resistant.”
November 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 7
Influenza vaccines are now available in the City of Calgary
By Daniel Nickerson
With flu season just
around the corner, many people
in Calgary are considering a flu
shot while others avoid them. The
shot is intended for everyone over
six months of age. Despite some
common misconceptions, there are
only a few possible side effects
like, aches and pains. Some people
can experience a headache, sore
throat, and/or a rare allergic reaction. Individuals can experience
some of these symptoms because
their body is building up antibodies
and getting ready to defend against
influenza. There are a few common
beliefs about vaccines that are
based on incorrect facts and need
to be corrected; for example, vaccines do not cause the individual
being vaccinated to get the disease
or illness that the shot is trying to
prevent, nor do they cause autism. Doctors say that about 90% of the
population need to get shots to provide decent herd immunity. Herd
immunity is the general immunity
to a disease or illness that accumulates over time. There are some
who cannot get vaccines including
people with allergies, supressed people and young kids.
help prevent individuals from getimmune systems, or those under- One study by the Public ting the flu and could possibly keep
going chemotherapy. Health Agency of Canada shows individuals out of the hospital. The flu is generally spread that just fewer than 8,000 people For only a little bit of pain
through coughing, sneezing and were hospitalized in 2014-2015 in the arm individuals can gain
close conplenty of benefits. tact
Each year Influsomeone
enza strains can
who may
mutate or change
which leaves dochave
tors to make an
flu. Some
about which strain
to put in the vacare fever
cines each year
and chills,
which is why
sore throat,
some years vacmuscle
cines can be less
a c h e s ,
effective that the
year before and
c o u g h ,
people can get
sick even if they
and a runny
get the shot.
Alberta Health
nose. Flu
clinics this
Photo by Daniel Nickerson not require their
year opened A Calgarian is seen getting their flu shot at a Shoppers Drug Mart in Woodbine workers to get flu
on October
shots. In 201420 to com2015 only 64% of
bat the flu that generally starts in while there were around 600 the workers voluntarily took the
November and ends around March. deaths that same year. These sta- shot. AHS hopes to get that number
Influenza can lead to hospitaliza- tistics only include adults twenty up to 80% and urge frontline worktion and even death for elderly years or older. The flu shot will ers to get the shot every year. AHS
is thinking about other options that
do not force workers to get the vaccine; for example, wearing a mask
to prevent spread of germs. There
are also other options like the nasal
spray which is meant for anyone
older than two years and younger
than fifty. The nasal spray is effective but the flu shot is still proven
to be more effective and provide
more protection against the flu. All nasal spray flu vaccines for
the 2015-2016 season will provide
protection against four flu viruses:
an influenza A (H1N1) virus, an
influenza A (H3N2) virus and two
influenza B viruses. Studies have shown that
having more than one shot will not
increase the immunity to the virus. Vaccines are important to help
prevent diseases, and the citizens
of Alberta need to be doing more
to protect those who are not able
to get immunizations themselves. Help prevent the spread of Influenza in Alberta by getting the shot by
going to a local clinic or in some
stores like Shoppers Drug Mart. For more information on Influenza
one can go to sites like, immunize., or
The good politician: The plausibility of unpoliticized politics
By Ishaan Sahai
In the campaign leading
up to the historic federal election
where Justin Trudeau’s Liberal
Party formed a majority government, his party ran a positive campaign based around what they believe to be the best for the country,
touting the slogan “Real Change.”
However, now that Trudeau is actually in power, many question
whether politics is really going to
go through Real Change, or if red
is just the colour of the emperor’s
new clothes.
“Sunny ways, my friends.
Sunny. Ways,” was how Trudeau
started his victory speech on the
night of October 19 in reference
to second Prime Minister Wilfrid
Laurier, a Liberal often thought to
be amongst Canada’s best. Holding the role for fifteen years, Laurier led Canada through a period
of urbanization, industrialization,
and nationalism, promoting what
was thought to be radical thinking
at the time, such as through support of Louis Riel’s cause and the
Metis’ struggle. Unlike what many
politicians are famous for, his work
is thought to not be for his party
and ideology, but rather for the
greater good of Canada, the country he worked hard to make better.
Politicians have, unfortunately, grown a somewhat poor
reputation...just somewhat. The
stories of how politicians really
work are popular and sensationalized for the public, whether it be
through Netflix all-star hit House
of Cards, Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal, Aaron Sorkin’s The West
Wing, political satires The Thick of
It and American-spinoff Veep, or
older shows, such as Yes Minister.
It is often thought that politicians
are capable of nothing more than
working for themselves and their
parties and engaging in dirty, backroom deals. It is though that they
are all corrupt, whether the public
knows it or not.
Most would agree that
politics should not be like this.
Thusly, it is important to think
back to what a government fundamentally is. Parties are chosen
to conform to ideologies, while
politicians are chosen to represent the people. Politicians are not
meant to make decisions on their
own, or even make decisions for
the people; they are meant to make
the decisions that the people want
and ask for. In a representative democracy, the idea of holding public office is not to receive an elite
position granting great amounts
of power to those who are elected,
but rather to practically not exist at
all; this is not a political statement
about the size of government, but
rather, it is a statement on keeping
democracy what it purely is. The
role of a politician is to represent people; if they are asked to paint all
of the grass in the country green,
then that is exactly what they are
meant to do.
This phenomena was one
of the problems with the scandals
around the NSA and American
government surveillance; it is unlikely that the public would ever
know about such controversies
without Edward Snowden having
been a whistleblower. To keep the
debate over government surveillance out of this, what is problematic is the argument that this is for
the people’s own good, regardless
of whether they asked for it or not.
If a country is overwhelmingly
against an ideology or action, then
a democratic government is fundamentally wrong to carry such a
thing out; it must be reiterated that
the government does not make the
decisions, but rather, the people do.
This leads to the topic
at hand—the plausibility of pure,
uncorrupted politics. Many are
paranoid when
it comes to
this idea, and
there certainly
is great merit
to why they
like this. Following Stephen
Harper’s scandal with Duffy
and the Senate,
many claimed
that this was
not enough to
opinions about
him and his
party, repeating
statements like,
“All politicians
are just the
This is
often an excuse
people provide
for failing to exercise the right
to vote; by not voting or through
spoiling their ballot, they do not
have to contribute to
Continued on page 8
Page 8
-- Scarlett FEVER
There is no reason for why a politician inherently needs to be a bad person.
While it is true that many, if not most, are,
at the end of the day, it is a generalization,
much like saying that all businessmen are bad
people. Many will agree that the latter generalization is false, citing great philanthropists
like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. For many,
it is really quite impossible to believe that
there may be someone who enters politics
with genuine, good-natured intentions. Perhaps people should ask themselves if they
would become a bad person were they to enter politics; it is quite unlikely that there is no
possibility for them to remain good people.
Of course, it must be conceded that
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
come a political figure who revolutionizes
Continued from page 7
government and politics. If Trudeau is able
a system which works for self-interest rather
to deliver with what he said during the camthan the people. Now with a new Prime Minpaign period, he could be that leader. For
ister in office, it is certain that there will be
some, that idea might sound ludicrous, but it
more scandals and more corruption, even if
should not be ruled out entirely. It appeared
it is just within the party and not Canada’s
as though the style of politics he was proposnew Prime Minister. Trudeau made many
ing during what has been described as a perpromises during the campaign period, vofect campaign period was one based around
cally speaking out in favour of a parliament
making Canada better, going so far as critiwhich is unified and works for the people.
cizing important figures throughout the hisMany will say that he simply said this to
tory of his party; rather than acting politibe elected, which could very well be true.
cized in his statements, he acted idealistic.
Verging on Fox Mulder-esque conPeople will often think about their ideology,
spiracy theories, many believe that the corarguing for whichever side of the political
ruption that is deeply ingrained within sospectrum they support, but this is nothing
ciety leads to a
but useless. These idedifferent picture
ologies are only to probeing painted
vide philosophical and
for the public
political ideals to lead
than what acto betterment, and in
the end, that is always
often drawing
what should be in mind,
not whether something
to George Orsounds more liberal
well’s Nineteen
or more conservative.
Of course, reachwith politicians,
ing a perfect politics
wealthy busiis not simple, and it
nessmen, and
is important to unthe media all
derstand what has the
working in harpotential to lead to it.
mony. It can be
One major reaunderstood that
son why the electoral
they have the
system, First Past the
power to easily
Post, has not been fixed
influence what
is that it will negatively
the public bePhoto by Ishaan Sahai impact the ability of
lieve; the pow- A parliament made of synergy and cooperation for the betterment of Canada could lead to one of the certain politicians and
erful may act greatest governments the world will have ever seen, completely revolutionizing political paradigms people to work for their
perfectly innoown self-interest; the
cent with the public having no way of figuring the pessimism around politicians is mer- system allows some to achieve greater powout otherwise, but the deeply-rooted corrup- ited; it is the fault of many of them. That er and disregard the viewpoints and perspection means that there is no way for the public being said, the give-up approach to perfect tives of many, and also lends itself to a politics
to learn a very different truth. Working for politics is unhealthy and can never lead to based around winning and wiping out other
self-interest, money, and the wealthy, politi- any progress. In acting like this, there is opinions. It just does not get more undemocians can perform inherently corrupt actions. no way that the depressing political situa- cratic than this. A system where many parties
Thus, society has practically come tion can become any better than it is now. and many opinions are represented, forcing
to a devastating conclusion that politi- While it may be shunned as naive much greater accountability, effectiveness,
cians inherently have to be bad people. thinking, it is possible that there will one day and cooperation, can potentially decrease
November 2015
the problems with the political system just
by being implemented. Fortunately, Trudeau
has come out in favour of such reformations.
The idea of reducing corruption can be implemented in many different
ways. If Trudeau is really the man that he
says he is, any corruption within the party
should be immediately dealt with. Early
in the election period, it was found that a
member of his party was in secret discussions with Transcanada about how to best
lobby a Liberal government. Many, including New Democratic leader Thomas Mulcair, used this as an opportunity to show
how the Liberal Party is the, “same old Liberal Party,” regardless of what Trudeau says.
It must be noted that what happened, however, was actually to the detriment of the party, whereas most corruption
is typically for the well-being of themselves and the party to which they belong.
In this case, however, explaining how best
to manipulate the party does harm to the
Liberals; if anything, there is incentive to
remove him, which is perhaps why that is
just what happened. Interestingly, it would
have made more sense to remove him from
the party after being put in power in order
to not hurt the party’s support and standings
in the polls; this may have been a precursor to potential transparency and honesty.
Making sure that corruption is swiftly dealt
with will bring plenty of respect to Canada’s
new Prime Minister; after all, history’s most
notable and admired world leaders were all
those who were well-liked even by those
who do not support their party or ideology.
Democracy must give great value to cooperation; it is about representing
many viewpoints to progress a nation in
the direction that its citizens want rather
than being about choosing a new four-year
dictator. Unfortunately, a majority government means that there is no need for
the party that has formed government to
cooperate with others; which makes it all
the odder that Trudeau is doing just that.
Not only is Trudeau going to Paris’
Climate Change Summit later this year, he is
Continued on page 10
November 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 9
The results of the election: Justin Trudeau is just not ready
By Kevin Leske
The night of October 19
was one of suspense, hope and fortune for the Liberal Party of Canada
who won a majority government in
Canada. Winning 184 seats in the
House of Commons, Liberal Party
leader, Justin Trudeau, is now the
23rd Prime Minister of Canada.
Trudeau took over former Progressive Conservative leader, Stephen
Harper’s, place as Prime Minister
and now has the responsibility to
lead Canada.
Trudeau and the Liberals
won a majority government which
shocked many Canadians; even
some of the greatest political analysts were left dazed and confused.
Liberals won every seat in Atlantic
Canada which helped them achieve
their victory.
Many voters wanted to
put a stop to Harper and the Conservative reign in Canada and desired change, which made Trudeau
victorious. Both Trudeau and
Thomas Mulcair heavily emphasised the need for change in Canada. Harper and the Conservatives
relied heavily on support from the
western provinces such as Alberta
and Saskatchewan; throughout the
entire campaign they knew that
they had serious competition.
The Liberals started off
the campaign will only a mere 34
seats in the House of Commons
but that quickly changed after the
ballots were counted. In the 2011
Federal Election, the Conservatives won 166 seats and the NDP
won 103. The Bloc Québécois previously had four seats while the
Green Party remained the same as
it does today and stood with only
one seat in the House of Commons.
The election night also
marked Canada’s highest voter
turnout in twenty years. With
68.5% of all eligible voters casting their vote on Election Day, the
turnout is the largest this country
has had since 1993. Many of the
votes are thought to have been cast
by the younger generations who
were motivated and encouraged to
vote all throughout the election’s
campaign. The younger voters appeared to have wanted change and
decided to vote for the party that
they believed would bring them
that change, The Liberal Party of
Trudeau made many
questionable promises to Canadians in his campaign, many of
which he plans on addressing within his first 100 days of being Prime
Minister. One of the first things
Trudeau plans on doing is legalizing and regulating marijuana.
Trudeau claims that legalizing and
regulating marijuana will make it
more difficult for teens and kids
to access; however, Trudeau does
not know quite when the legalization will take place and he does
not have a firm date set. Trudeau
said, “We don’t yet know exactly
what rate we’re going to be taxing
it, how we’re going to control it, or
whether it will happen in the first
months, within the first year, or
whether it’s going to take a year or
two to kick in,” which leaves plenty of open room for the legalization
to actually take place.
According to the Liberal’s
official website, the current system
of marijuana prohibition does not
work as it does not prevent the
youth from accessing the drug and
leads to many unnecessary criminal records.
Trudeau also promises to
amend Bill C-51 which is a bill
that extends Canada’s anti-terror
laws beyond legislation. The Liberals have also promised to cancel
the purchase of F-35 fighter jets
that was set by the Conservatives
as they feel that Canada does not
need the F-35s; Trudeau and the
Liberals intend on choosing more
affordable jets.
One of Trudeau’s most
impactful campaign promises is to
lower the taxes for the middle class
bracket. The Liberals intend on doing this by increasing the taxes for
the wealthier Canadians who are
making over $200,000 a year.
Trudeau also wishes to
bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to
Canada by next September that is
15,000 more than the Conservatives planned on doing. All of these
promises and plans are relied upon
and it is up to Trudeau and the Liberals to put these plans into action.
Being Prime Minister of a
country is not a job for the inexperienced. In fact, being Prime Minster is a huge responsibility and is
most certainly not a position for
those who do not have any experience with leadership. Those elected as Prime Minister should have
experience in politics and should
and have plenty of drive and initiative to lead their country out of
their current problems and through
new ones.
Trudeau was mocked
during the campaign for not being ready to which he responded
with ads stating that he is ready
and is not ready to stand by and let
Canada’s issues remain unsolved.
Trudeau is only 43 years old, that
is only three years younger than
Harper was when he served his
first term as Prime Minster but is
still often criticized for being too
young to run a country. Trudeau is
the second youngest Prime Minister this country has had, behind Joe
Clark who was just 36 years old
when he was elected Prime Minister. Trudeau does not have very
much political experience which
raises concern for many.
Part of what shows
Trudeau’s inexperience are the
issues that he emphasises heavily, such as legalizing marijuana.
Trudeau wants to legalize marijuana quickly and clearly wants it
to be one of the first issues to be
crossed of his list. Legalizing marijuana should not be viewed as such
a large problem; it is most certainly
not the largest problem this country faces.
Trudeau needs to focus
on Canada’s biggest issues like the
recession and get those out of the
way before he starts to put his focus towards smaller, non-economic issues.
This is
say that
the legalization of
is not a
just has
his main
the other
m o r e
important iss u e s
M a n y
and because of
this, the
did not
stand as
great of
a chance
does not actually need change
right now. The government needs
to set its priorities and focus on
this country’s serious issues. The
Conservatives are very capable of
doing so and have the experience.
The NDP offered change to Canadians but they fell short on the issues that they emphasised and with
their overall plan on running this
country. Trudeau and the Liberals, although they may offer “Real
Change,” are not what Canada really needs.
Although Canadians
should all be grateful for not having a minority government, the
Liberal majority government is
just not what this country needs at
the moment. During a time of an
economic downturn, Canada really
should not be changing governments.
Canada needs a leader
who can help this country when it
is down and make the change that
needs to happen. Canada needs experienced leaders at this time and
Trudeau, although he may have
diploma exam
great ideas and plans, is not ready
to take the position of Prime Minister.
Canada is a country that
goes back and forth between the
Conservative and Liberal government and continues to do so on
a cycle. When Canada feels that
change is needed it votes for the
Conservatives if the Liberals are
in power and vice-versa. The NDP
is often left out in the dark even
though they are promoting change
just as strongly as their red-coloured counterparts, the Liberals.
Trudeau may believe that he is the
change that Canada is looking for
but in the current state of economy,
change is not what is needed.
The issues that Canada is
currently facing can only be fixed
by those with experience and those
who have a strong sense of direction and those who can make us
proud to be Canadians. The question is not whether Trudeau ready
for Canada but rather, if Canada
ready for Trudeau.
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Page 10
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
China will soon abolish the one-child policy after decades
By Terra Li
Many babies born in China are only children because of this
policy After decades, China’s
one-child policy will end. The announcement was made in October
2015 as it was stated that all married couples will be able to have
two children in order to provide a
way to offset the country’s aging
workforce. The one-child policy
has been in effect for thirty-five
years and it has been suggested
that China has been loosening the
restrictions of the one-child policy as some families were able to
have two children when a married
couple had met certain criteria. No
details of how or when the new
policy will be implemented have
been shared with the public so far.
Credit Suisse estimated that there
will be 3 to 6 million more newborns each year starting in 2017,
due to the removal of the one-child
policy. According to Credit Suisse
calculations, each baby would result in around 120 to 240 billion
yuan (US $19 to 38 billion) in additional direct consumer spending
annually. Approximately 40,000
yuan (US$6,330) is the estimate
of how much money is needed to
raise a baby until adulthood. The
figure would boost China’s annual
consumer retail spending by 4 to
6%. In the first half of 2015, consumer spending contributed to approximately 60% of China’s gross
domestic product (GDP).
plays a large part of a developed
economy as the US GDP consists
Continued from page 8 of 70-80% of consumer spending. will assist in the creation of better where most quality jobs reside.
continues to grow, it is safe to asChina’s economic growth has been jobs as many businesses will add Although removing the one-child sume that the babies born will also
taken over by manufacturing and jobs. According to official statis- policy may improve the economy, desire to own more and more items
trade over the past
that will contribute to pollution.
couple of decades,
China’s traffic rules are
and while China’s
not strict. Although the rule
economy over the
is pedestrians first, many
years has slowed
people do not obey the rule
and car accidents are very
common. With a larger popuand retail sectors
lation, for those in cars who
is allowing the
do not want to stop for pedeseconomy to greattrians because of the number
ly move forward.
In 2013,
of people will have even less
China eased the
one-child policy
China’s economy deallowing couples
pends heavily on the rewho were only
moval of this policy. If it
themis not removed, the econselves to have
omy of China may slowly
two children. The
decline and maybe even
impact of this lift
ever so slightly continuwas very gradual
ously fluctuate until it hits a
as the cost, Chipoint where it cannot hold
na’s busy work
out. Removing this policy
culture, and the
will allow China to cover
desire to keep
more jobs and allow people
to contribute to consumer
resulted in some
spending which will greatcouples feeling rely increase China’s GDP.
luctant to the idea
After years, China may be
of having more
stable enough in their econchildren.
omy enough to fix more
Job growth is a
problems like pollution,
big motivator for
poor street quality, poor
health care, and decrease
couples to have
Photo by Terra Li China’s debt. Overall, abolmore
As better jobs are Many couples living in China often immigrate in order to raise a larger family with multiple children ishing the one-child policy
will more benefit the counpeople are needed to take the jobs tics, during the year of 2014, ap- China’s pollution may grow due to try than it will keep the country
to satisfy their consumer spend- proximately 10.7 million jobs were the increase in population. As the in an economically poor state.
ing growth. Some business leaders created in urban areas of China — demand for electronics and cars
for Harper’s behaviour in the case
of the conference, a Conservative
MP responded with an implication
that he should have just asked.
This situation is what led Trudeau
to famously calling that Conservative Member of Parliament a rather
unparliamentary scatalogical term.
If Trudeau’s term contin-
also bringing Green Party leader
Elizabeth May and the premiers
of Canada’s ten provinces. In addition, he intends to bring Mulcair
and Conservative interim leader
Rona Ambrose; if they had not
chosen an interim leader at the
time, it would have Harper
“It will almost certainly
himself who would have
represented his party. This
be difficult for anyone
would have been ironic,
to deliver on a promise
as Harper has been critiof, ‘Sunny Ways,’ but as
cized for his lack of coopaformentioned, ruling it
eration—refusing to attend out as impossible does no
an earlier climate change
conference, he also disallowed any other party from
attending, sending May as a rep- ues with this and pure, unadulterresentative instead. This greatly ated, effective politics, Canada
angered May, who said in the could see the greatest government
House of Commons that, “I felt in its history. May appears to be
like a climate change refugee.” incredibly happy with the new
When an NDP Member of situation...not like she was ever
Parliament also expressed disdain going to win, anyway.In fact, prior
to the swearing-in of his cabinet,
it was being thought by political
analysts and idealistic petitionstarter that something revolutionary could have happened—a
multi-partisan cabinet; this was
always going to be unlikely, but
were politics to become pure and
unpoliticized, Trudeau would revolutionize the political situation
of democracy. Even in his victory speech, he famously said that,
“Conservatives are not your enemies; they’re your neighbours.”
Political analysts have
pointed out that the chosen, gender-balanced cabinet is already
effective and honouring promises,
with them having already reinstated the long-form census. In
addition, posts include the Minister of Science and the Minister
of Democratic Institutions, and
several posts have been renamed
as well, like the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
and the Minister of Immigration, tioned, ruling it out as impossible
Refugees, and Citizenship. This does no good. People will say that
all pertains to promises related to Trudeau looking in the mirror will
science, electoral reform, action only yield Harper’s reflection, but
on climate change, and refugees, Trudeau is not the kind of person
respectively. Furthermore, it is that will avoid looking in the mirnow individual
ror, obviously.
ministers who
Even if the state“If Trudeau’s term
state- continues with this and ment is taken
ments and talk
pure, unadulterated,
to the media, effective politics, Canada like it is probwith Trudeau
could see the greatest ably intended
be, it can
government in its history” to
on the day
only be hoped
of the cabithat
swearwill be able to
“Govern- overcome this political paradigm
ment by cabinet is back.” to ensure than an unpoliticized
Of course, the cynical politics is not just naive, wishful
will still say that it is highly un- thinking. Trudeau is criticized for
likely that Trudeau, despite al- being young, idealistic, and naready honouring promises, will be ive, but perhaps it is young, idesome sort of political messiah. It alistic, and naive that is needed
will most certainly be difficult for to actually bring “Real Change”
anyone to deliver on a promise of, and progress to the country.
“Sunny Ways,” but as aforemen-
November 2015
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 11
Local tournament showcases Scarlett’s debate team
By Sophia Radford
ing themselves for the upcoming round.
When they stood up to deliver their
arguments, the debaters were poised and
anticipatory. The debates were riveting to
the impression that they believed strongly
in what they were defending. Most of the
debaters were charismatic, with a “stage”
presence that aimed to persuade the judges.
12. He explained that while it takes plenty
of intellect to be successful during a debate,
it is also an experience that teaches valuable
social skills. He says that while debating, it
is vital to learn how to get along with others on opposing teams. It is important that
in a debate tournament, the atmosphere is
professionally maintained. After the debates concluded, the opposing teams congratulated each other, shaking hands and
commenting on each other’s performance.
Between rounds, all the debaters took time
to socialize, snack, and relax before the next
intense session of planning and debating.
It was an exhausting day for most
of the participants, but it was well worth it.
While the challenge of a good debate is not
appealing to some, the members of Scarlett’s speech and debate society seem to
have the skills mastered. The club meets at
lunch and after school. The members hold
mock debates to practice their skills and
expand their knowledge. The speech and
debate society is open to everyone, and offers students the opportunity to gain selfconfidence and public speaking skills. These
are skills that are highly valued in the workplace, and prove to be vital life lessons.
Many schools attended the weekend tournament, and the day provided an
opportunity for students to become friendly
with the students from other schools, as well
For some people, the thought of
standing in front of an audience and defending their position is a terrifying prospect. For
others, public speaking comes naturally and
is an enjoyable hobby. Students who possess
that interest in debating have the opportunity
to join Scarlett’s speech and debate society and compete in events. Scarlett is host
to many talented debaters, as evidenced by
the debate tournament hosted at the school.
On October 24, Scarlett’s debate team showcased their skills by participating in the tournament hosted here. William MacDonald,
Kamran Ramji, Brad Hauck, and Chi Pham
represented Scarlett during the tournament.
Over 120 students gathered at Scarlett on Saturday, October 24 to participate
in the annual debate tournament. The tournament consisted of multiple rounds, each
with a different debate topic. Debate teams
broke off into partnerships, and each partnership were assigned a classroom where
their debate would take place. A panel of
judges would assess the participants while
the debate occurred. When the debate topic
was announced over the loudspeaker, the
students hastily jotted down the statement
All photos by Sophia Radford
and set off to find their rooms. The debaters only had a brief period – about half an Pictured from left to right, members of Scarlett’s esteemed debate team Brad Hauck, 12, Chi
Pham, 12, Kamran Ramji, 12, and William MacDonald, 12, at the recent debate tournament
hour – of planning, and so they began brainstorming immediately. Moments before the watch, and it was clear the respective teams
round began, students would hurriedly con- were talented debaters. The topics were imverse with their partners, constructing the promptu, as the debaters received their topic
pillars needed for a solid argument. When on the day of the debate – but when observthe time for the debate to commence arrived, ing the tournament, it was impossible to tell
the students took their positions, ready- that the teams only received their topics a
minutes before
the debate.
The students
tackled massive issues in
their debates,
and they all
did so with
and expertise; all debaters were
in their top- Students from all over Calgary came to Scarlett to participate in the annual debate tournament
ics. The deIt may have seemed tense between as fellow Lancers. It is evident that all the
de- livered their opposing teams during the debates, but over- students worked hard to hone their debate
a r g u m e n t s all it boiled down to friendly competition. skills, and that talent for debating was showReplacement debaters for the Scarlett team Aisyah Ghazali and Raavi Dhir, with
pas- “It’s an intellectual and social challenge,” cased at the tournament. Way to go, Lancers!
Grade 10, goof around during their lunch break at the debate tournament
sion, giving says Scarlett debater Kamran Ramji, Grade
Page 12
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Humans need to “bee”careful with honeybee populations
By Rachel Esser
Honeybees, the small,
yet magnificent creatures responsible for helping flowers grow and
bloom and gardens look beautiful,
are essential to the growth of most
plants, though the work many individuals so often take for granted
may “bee” coming to a screeching
halt. Since 2006, there has been a
rapid decline in honeybee populations. Beekeepers are noticing this
change and are concerned about the
potential impact this mass decline
could have. Honeybees are crucial
to the lives of humans, playing a
more significant role in the production and growth of the fruits and
vegetables that humans need to survive than any other creature. Loss
of members of this critical species
could prove detrimental to humans
all over the world. According to
Albert Einstein, “Mankind will
not survive the honeybees’ disappearance for more than five years.”
This loss of population
has created quite a “buzz” among
people, and many wonder what is
causing the decline and what can
be done to slow or stop this process. Researchers have said that
recent harsh winters have been
a large cause of this decrease,
decimating large numbers of the
honey producers in many states
and provinces that are key in the
production of honey. New Brunswick lost 26% of its honeybees,
with Alberta close behind losing
18.5% of its colonies. Ontario,
which has the leading number
of honeybees and colonies lost
58% of its colonies, devastating
Canada as a whole on the subject.
While Canada has been
greatly impacted, the United States
has suffered an even greater deficit. Harsh conditions and weather
throughout long winters that have
lasted into the spring have caused
states like Iowa, along with Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, California, and many others, to lose up
to 70% of their bee population.
Overall, there has been a loss of
one third of the entire population
of bees just this year, which is
42% greater than the loss felt
last year. The result is obviously
tragic, though beekeepers and
biologists are trying to save
the bees any way they can.
The Honeybee Colony
Collapse Disorder, as the loss of
bees has been named, is recognized
as a cause worthy of dipping into
the U.S Department of Agriculture’s fund of $3 million that has
been reserved for the support of one
animal or specials that will make
or break food prices and supply.
Along with the environmental impact, the economic impact of this situation is difficult to
“bee-lieve.” Bees are essential to
the growth of the food that people require to survive and live a
healthy life, and the loss of these
bees leaves quite a “sting” on the
global population or people. It is
estimated that bees are responsible
for pollinating $40 billion worth
of national agricultural products,
meaning that approximately every third bite of food an average
individual consumes is a result of
the work of bees and other pollinators. Commercial bees, paired with
wild bees, pollinate 80% of the
crops in the United States alone.
Furthering the economic impact is
the fact that the rapid loss of bees
has caused an estimated monetary
loss of $30 billion a year. Comparative to this, the $3 million
investment of the USDA for handling the situation is very small.
Other causes for this decline are increased use of pesticides, especially in the US, shrinking habitats, multiple viruses,
poor nutrition and genetics, and
even cell phone towers. The parasite Varroa, a mite that infiltrates
beehives and hinders the honey
production and lives of bees in
general, is highly resistant to insecticides designed for its destruction
within beehives, and is found to
be a leading cause, particularly in
the U.S, of bee loss as well. Many
new viruses have been discovered
recently in the United States that
have also attributed to this decline.
In Canada, researchers
say that the neonicotinoid class
of pesticide that has become more
frequently used in the past decade
is contributing to the decline in
populations of bees and other pollinators within the nation. These
pesticides and many others are detrimental to the lives of bees, and
governments are starting to control
and monitor the use of such pesticides, as their effects can still be
felt by bees even though the flowers
that absorb the toxins from the soil.
Governments, however,
are not the only ones that can make
a change and that have an impact
on these honey-producing wonders. The impacts of everyday activities of people also have an effect
on bees. If more residents of urban
areas increased their education on
the subject and increased the diversity of plants in their gardens, the
bees in the surrounding environment would have a better chance
or surviving. Though some people
feel like they should be “a-pollengizing” for their inability to do
anything to help, anyone can help
the effort to support bees. Simply
by implementing more environmentally friendly “beehive-ior,”
an individual can help bees thrive,
whether by increasing education
on the pandemic or harbouring gardens with a diverse population of
plants that encourage and lure bees.
Many people have already started
this process of conservation, and
many students at Scarlett are busy
as bees trying to increase their
knowledge of the subject and help.
Laura Brown, Grade 12,
said of the subject, “People don’t
realize the importance of bees
and their role in the ecosystem so
the issue of rapidly declining bee
populations doesn’t concern as
many people globally as it should.
Though we are considered higher
on the food chain than these little
pollinators, we couldn’t survive
without them. Bees are responsible
for the pollination of so many of
the plants that humans consume,
so if bees died out we would have
a considerable food storage. Apart
from urging governments to ban
the use of pesticides that harm pollinators, which some have already
done, there are several easy ways
to help out the bees. The first and
probably most obvious is planting a garden with lots of colourful
flowers that bloom from spring to
fall to attract bees to your garden.
Going pesticide free in your garden and also your shopping can
impact bees as well. You can even
go so far as to build a bee house
or bee bath to attract bees to your
garden, similar to the way you’d
build a birdhouse or bird bath. In
the end, the best way to get people
to care is the fact that ‘life without
bees means life without chocolate.’
” Brown and her environmentally
conscious fellows are giving bees a
fighting chance of survival, hoping
to restore bee populations, a victory that will be as sweet as honey.
ages students to visit her on the
days she is here, or they can book
an appointment with Teri Jackson
who works in the Guidance office
as well. Another way to reach her
would be to call 403-943-9101. The little time she has
spent working at Scarlett has been
enjoyable and her experience so
far has been a good one. She says,
“The staff and students I have met
have been very warm and welcom-
ing.” Alexander cannot wait to
spend more time at the school.
Alexander was born
in Canada. She and her husband,
Gord Alexander, are native to Calgary going back 44 years. He attended Dr. E.P. Scarlett and
she attended Bishop Grandin.
They both graduated from
high school in 1989. When
Alexander was in university, she enrolled in business
thinking she wanted to enter
marketing and advertising.
Alexander did not enjoy what
she was doing however and it
was clear that it was not for
her. Unfortunately, her dad
became very ill at the same
time and he was hospitalized
often. It was then that she realized she needed to switch
her focus. After six years of
hard work at university, she
became a registered nurse and
is now in her nineteenth year
Photo by Carissa Feddema
Sharlene Alexander has recently accepted the position of school nurse at Scarlett of her career. She likes her
job and enjoys working with
Her career is based mostly
on Public Health. She once worked
in a hospital for approximately
two years but always liked the
idea of Public Health nursing. Her
job is focused primarily on health
care and health promotion, which
means she keeps people healthy
before they become ill. Not only
does Alexander do that, but she has
also worked in outreach where she
worked with low income clients,
street workers and youth, drug addicted clients, people living with
HIV, and the incarcerated. However, over the years her main focus
has been in Well Child, a national
charity for sick children. Well
Child nurses take care of sick children and youth with long term or
complex health conditions. They
play an important role in helping
children to leave the hospital and
be cared for at home which reduces
the emotional and
Scarlett welcomes our new nurse, Sharlene Alexander
By Carissa Feddema
Sharlene Alexander, Scarlett’s school nurse joined the Scarlett staff in September. She always
makes an effort to be at the school
at least once a week; furthermore,
she is very skilled at her job and
works at many different locations.
Alexander can typically be found
in the guidance office. Her door
is always open and she welcomes
students to come visit her.
This is the first year that
Alexander has been at Scarlett and
she is excited to be here. When the
job opportunity arose, she decided
to act on it. She believes: “I was
ready for a new challenge in my
nursing career.” The designated
day for her to be at Scarlett is Tuesday in the afternoon, but there is no
guarantee that she will be here every week. It is a priority of hers to
come to Scarlett as often as she can
but this is challenging considering
her other job working at a baby
clinic one day a week. She encour-
Continued on page 14
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Terror in the skies of Egypt
By Kyle Irvine
Tragedy hit the skies of Egypt on
November 1, as the discovery of Metrojet
Flight 9628 was made. The aircraft was rendered in a destructive state, shattered and
strewn across the landscape of Egypt. The
Russian passenger plane, carrying over 200
people, apparently had exploded mid-air,
killing every single passenger on board. The
remains of the craft, along with the bodies of passengers, were found on the Sinai
Peninsula. Communications with the plane
were interrupted 30 minutes into the flight,
disrupting connection with the flight. A US
satellite positioned over Sinai at the time detected a large heat flash where the crash site
was later determined to be.
The plane had a destination of St.
Petersburg, Russia, coming from a resort in
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The plane’s state
was declared as normal, with no inconsistencies or issues being reported. During the
flight, there were no emergency signals being sent out by the pilot or theplane’s workers.
Recent investigations performed
by the Egypt authorities have uncovered,
following the information extracted by the
plane’s black box, that the strongest possible
cause is that a bomb was on board. Some of
the evidence that led to this strong possibility
has been going through the analyzing stages
for days. One of the sources of evidence
originated through the analyzing of the bodies on board. It was determined that the ex-
Originally, suspicion of an attack
coming from Egypt’s Islamic State arose, re
sulting in calls for a thorough investigation.
However, Egyptian officials later debunked
the imposed propaganda by dismissing the
possibility of anti-aircraft rockets contributing to the explosion. The weapons described
are shoulder-fired and are unable to reach the
height that the flight was at – 30,000 feet. On
November 4, it had been discovered through
the data of the black box, that an engine
malfunction was one of the most probable
reasons behind the explosion. Regardless of
the cause, much damage has certainly been
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 13
Legalization of Marijuana
By Levi Kitsul
One of the many promises of
the newly elected Prime Minister, Justin
Trudeau, is to legalize and regulate the
sale of marijuana. This topic has gained
significant coverage in the news and on social media websites. Trudeau’s goal is to
make it more difficult for young people to
get their hands on the drug, and to keep the
plant from being illegally tampered with.
In June 2015, the City of Vancouver legal-
breathalyzer. Currently, the state of Colorado’s police are the only force using blood
tests to check for marijuana usage and driving, and it can be a very slow and wasteful
process. A suspect must first agree to have
a blood test taken to check for THC levels
in their blood stream, then they will be taken to a nearby facility to do the blood work.
This process can often take hours; however, if the suspect refuses to take the tests,
they will be treated as if they were over the
legal limit. In Colorado, the legal limit for
The plane had a destination of
St. Petersburg, Russia, coming from a resort in Sharm
el-Sheikh, Egypt. The plane’s
state was declared as normal,
with no inconsistencies or issues being reported.
Dozens of families seek answers
regarding the circumstances of the plane
that led to the untimely deaths of their loved
ones. Grief stricken, though still seeking answers, many have gone to pay their respects
at memorials put in place for the tragic happening. Russian President Vladimir Putin
has described the situation as a tragedy, stating that he wishes to give Russian experts
the broadest possible participation within
the investigation of the wreckage. Airport
Photo by Kyle Irvine
A candle under the Russian and Egyptian flag, resembling mourning, remembrance and respect
plosion, wherever it came from, occurred in
mid-air. The second most substantial piece
of evidence was through the data taken from
the black box. The flight recorder, one second before its loss of connection, recorded
a specific noise, which analysts later examined and correlated it to a bomb detonation.
Although the conclusion found is not 100%
certain, the chances are 9:1.
security in Sharm el-Sheikh has tightened
following the incident, making passenger
safety certain.
Investigations are still ongoing,
as officials comb the landscape for further
clues pertaining to this disaster. Only time
will reveal the answers, detailing the last
moments of the passengers aboard Metrojet
Flight 9628.
Photo by Levi Kitsul
Bongs and Such, located on MacLeod Trail, offers merchadise and other drug related products
ized the use of medical marijuana to be
sold in dispensaries all over BC The difference between medical marijuana and
recreational marijuana is the THC levels in
the drug. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is
an ingredient found in the cannabis plant. Marijuana can be used to relieve stress,
stop muscle spasms, and reduce vomiting;
however recreational marijuana is not used
for medical purposes, it is solely used to
get a high. THC is the chemical responsible for most of the effects of marijuana,
including loss of memory, reduced pleasure, reduced reaction time, changes in coordination and altered brain function. According to THC can stay
in a person’s system for up to four days.
Dispensaries are stores that sell
medical or recreational marijuana. In Colorado, a citizen over the age of 21 can grow
up to six cannabis plants. Growing marijuana may be difficult but it is cheaper than
buying it. When individuals buy weed from
a dispensary they pay the marijuana tax and
sales tax. Marijuana tax can be 8% to 12%
on top of the 2.9% sales tax. Trudeau is going to have to implement a marijuana tax in
order for the government to make profit. It
is going to take longer than it might seem
to legalize marijuana because of all the
details, including taxes, and dispensaries.
Another issue Trudeau will have
to resolve is regulating laws related to
driving while under the influence of marijuana. Cannabix Technologies is one of the
many companies working on the first THC
THC while operating a vehicle is 5 nanograms per milliliter of blood. Cannabix is
on its alpha prototype of the breathalyzer
and will soon be implemented in police
forces all over the globe. There is a huge
demand for this breathalyzer, as it can have
a massive influence on the laws and regulations Trudeau will make for Canadians.
Two of the many problems the Canadian government is running into and
one of the motivations to legalize marijuana is that individuals are being imprisoned for minor marijuana offences,
and young people are finding it too easy
to get their hands on the drug. Trudeau’s
main objective is to make it more difficult for young people to get the drug and
get fairly innocent offenders out of jail.
Trudeau must also address TCH
levels in marijuana which have increased
dramatically in the past 40 years. The average percentage was 1.37% in 1978 and now
tested samples are hitting 33.12%. THC
needs to be reduced in order for the average
consumer to buy safe recreational marijuana; however, the question of what is considered safe recreational marijuana has yet
to be defined by the Canadian government.
Other questions about the process
of legalizing marijuana have yet to be answered. Even Trudeau cannot yet give answers on how he plans to legalize and regulate the drug. Marijuana is a delicate subject,
and it will take more than a few months
to implement the rules and regulations.
Page 14 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Auburn Bay stabbing trial continues later into this year
tions were excessive.
Although it was spon
Two years ago, on May
taneous, based on the
4, 2013, Craig Kelloway and his
nature of the attack, it
girlfriend who had just moved to
seems as though RasAuburn Bay, decided to socialberry had attended to
ize with their new neighbours.
severely injure KelloNicholas and Kelsey Rasberry,
who had invited Kelloway and
Kelloway was
his girlfriend over for drinks, inthirty-one years old
vited them into their home.
when the attack hap
The two men continpened. He moved to
ued their conversation when evCalgary from Nova
eryone started to wind down. At
Scotia six years prior to
11:30 that night, Kelloway was
pursue his teaching castabbed to death by Nicholas
reer. Kelloway worked
at David Thompson
Kelloway died that
Middle School, and
night, from 37 stab wounds in his
was well-liked among
lungs and stomach area. Three
the students and staff.
different knives were used; RasAccording to Harvey
berry broke two of them during
Kelloway, his father,
the attack and bent the third one.
he would do anything
Kelloway had twenty-three full
Photo by Alexis Bradley for the kids at his
stab wounds, and fourteen stab The Auburn Bay sign is outside of where the gruesome murder occured over two years ago school. He and
incisions. Rasberry claims that
his girlfriend had a
tacked Kelloway. The decision of the murder could have started as five-month-old son named Blake,
Kelloway had threatened him
and his wife, and that is why he at- the judge is manslaughter, because self-defence, but Rasberry’s ac- and based on what family and
By Alexis Bradley
Demerits for distracted driving
By Ashley McIntosh
Alberta implemented its
first law against distracted driving in 2011. The law applies to
all cars, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, farm vehicles
and even bicycles. With a fine of
$172, Alberta’s Distracted Driving
Law restricts drivers from using a
hand-held cellphone, texting or emailing, using a laptop, computer
or video games, personal grooming, eating and writing, sketching
or drawing.
More recently, as of Monday, March 24, 2015, the government started to work on a more
serious consequence for distracted
driving. Bill 204 purposes that the
tickets for distracted driving now
($172) are increased to $250 and
offenders incur additional 3 demerit points. Government figures
hope the added demerits and fine
will create more awareness about
how important it is to keep one’s
eyes on the road at all times.
The top distractions as
listed by CAA/AAA include passengers and conversations, personal communication devices (cell
phones, MP3s, IPods), computers,
information and navigation systems, listening to vehicle stereo,
reading road/street signs and advertising, locating addresses (reading map or directions), smoking,
personal grooming, eating and
drinking, adjusting vehicle controls (AC, heat,
music, etc.), and
using electronic
vehicle comfort
features. Odds
for an accident
are high if one
ever takes her/his
eyes off the road.
In 2015,
the odds of one
getting into an accident because of
distracted driving
have skyrocketed
higher than ever
before. Police bePhoto by Ashley McIntosh
lieve this is due
to the amount of Morgan Davies, Grade 12, is seen texting while driving
technology that
is being used across the population collisions were reported, 84% due
of Alberta. Everyone used to say to distracted driving.
We need more aware“Do you have a phone?” but now ness
these ever-growing
they are all saying “Why don’t you
have a phone?” The economy has distractions. Hundreds of people
changed and that means the people are killed every year because of
distracted drivers. Officers and the
and safety will change too.
Last year in Alberta alone government can inforce laws and
there have been about 121,581 col- fines all they want but it is up to us,
lisions caused by distracted driving the community, to take control of
injuring around 15,745 people and our actions and prevent distracted
killing 309 people. Transporta- driving and the consequences that
tion Alberta recently posted some come from it. One should never
2014 Alberta traffic collision facts. put themselves or others in danThey listed that approximately ev- ger because of a petty distraction.
ery day about one person dies, 51 Please keep all eyes on the road at
people are injured and 397 traffic all times.
Continued from page 12
financial impact on families. Alexander has vaccinated babies,
children, as well as adults against
serious diseases and visited new
babies and parents in their homes
during her time working with Well
Child. She has also counseled
many areas of health in a clinic
Her job as a nurse is not
one that everyone would expect.
She is involved with health promotion and disease prevention.
Her training has been that of a
registered nurse but her role at this
school is not to deal with injuries
as this is what first responders do.
First responders are people who
are trained to respond to emergencies. Alexander’s job is to consult
and help maintain health as well as
help students make healthy choices
in schools. She accomplishes this
by providing resources to promote
health. She assists both teachers
and students by augmenting the
curriculum in healthy teaching
and guiding students in their life
decisions. She also runs vaccine
programs that are mandated by
the government and assist schools
in becoming “health champions”
while having fun at the same time.
There is no typical day for her.
Each day she needs to prioritize
and figure out what she is able to
Her usual routine starts
off at her office where she attends
to emails and phone calls. Then
friends have said, Blake was his
pride and joy. “He always said
the same thing: ‘I can’t wait till
my little fella can get a pair of
skates on or he can go to the ball
field,’” his father added. “Now it’s
so sad,” says Harvey, referring to
his own son never getting to see
Blake grow up. Kelloway’s body
was sent back to his hometown,
Glace Bay, mid-May 2013.
Because of the number
of people who wanted to witness
the trial, the case was upgraded to
a much bigger courtroom to accommodate the volume of people
there. The stands were filled with
friends, family and supporters
of Rasberry, whereas few people
were there for Kelloway as most
of his family still lives in Nova
More than 200 people
showed up for the trial on October
28, 2015. Rasberry’s trial started
October 4, 2015, and the final decision should be made before the
end of this year.
she tries to head out to the schools
she works at. Her job at schools requires her to network, run vaccine
programs, provide resources for
teachers as well as students, and
chat with students. There are meetings that she will sometimes have
to attend either at the schools she
works with or with her team. Her
other jobs are with Well Child clinic where they offer vaccines and
other resources to families with
babies as well as small children, an
HIV clinic at Sheldon Chumir, and
the South Calgary Health Centre
where her office is housed.
Being a nurse is not easy
but it is rewarding. The aspects Alexander likes most about the job is
getting to help people become and
stay healthy. “There is such a value
in that,” Alexander states. “Health
is the most important determinant
in our lives. I am just happy to be
able to contribute to that daily.”
Meeting new people every day is
also one of the great bonuses about
being a nurse. According to Alexander, one of the best benefits of
working in schools is seeing young
people making healthy choices
that improve their lives not only
physically but also mentally; she
wants to help students do this, it is
the most beneficial role for her.
On behalf of Dr. E.P.
Scarlett, The FEVER welcomes
Sharlene Alexander. Her work
here is much appreciated. November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 15
Uber Settles in for Long Run in Calgary’s Transportation
By Levi Kitsul
Although the car service is driving
in the city, Uber has not gotten the the green
light for Calgary, because there are many
perceived risks of using the service. Uber
is a car service that gets its business online
and on its own app. Anyone with a car 2005
and newer, with four doors, and is of legal
driving age can work for Uber. These loose
requirements can pose a problem. Uber does
not have any hiring requirements like an
interview or resume, which is an issue because when one needs an Uber to get home,
faith and trust are put into the system for
being reliable and safe with no guarantee.
The City of Calgary is working
on a way to safely implement Uber into the
system. At the moment, however it is illegal for a person to get into an Uber car,
and can result in a fine of $1,500. Uber
violates many safety concerns and can
be risky in insurance. Uber does not cover ones physical damages if something
were to happen in an event of a crash.
Uber already exists in Edmonton and already has many issues. Taxi companies have
already expressed their anger towards Uber
drivers for taking their business. On top of
that, Uber is being accused of price-fixing in
a $150 million lawsuit by many Edmonton
taxi companies. Uber is being accused of intentionally breaking the City of Edmonton’s
bylaws, such as the Traffic Safety Act and
the Federal Competition Act. The City of
Calgary has issued a statement, warning citizens about the risks of getting in an Uber car.
From a business point of view, Uber represents a wonderful opportunity for one who
makes $35,000 a year, to potentially $55,000
a year. As risky as Uber might seem, it is credit card for rides. Uber claims this can- this new service, Uber has set foot in 58
boosting the economy in its own way. Cab not happen. First, Uber has picture identity counties and 300 cities worldwide. Uber
drivers are also concerned about the future so passengers know who exactly is giving was founded in March of 2009 and has alof Uber, and that they are stealing taxi busi- them a ride, and equally, the passengers have ready worked out most problems. By mid2015, Uber was estimated to be
ness illegally.
worth $50 billion. Lyft was founded
“Everyone is
in 2012 and has much to learn, in
pretty worried
order to be a major rival to Uber.
Uber has five levels of service:
they are trying
UberX, UberXL, UberPlus/UberSeto do because
lect, UberPOOL, and UberBLACK.
they are going
UberX is the least expensive Uber
to screw the
service; the cars seat four riders and
(taxi) industry,
the drivers use everyday cars that
unfortunateare 2000 or newer models. Uberly,” said driver
XL seats six riders and the car will
Imran Farooq.
most likely be an SUV or Minivan.
UberXL has a higher fare price than
start to finish
UberX. UberPlus or UberSelect is
with its own
Uber’s luxury car class; riders can
Uber app. Peoexpect quality cars like BMWs, Merple request a
cedes, and Audis, these cars can seat
pickup on the
up to four passengers. UberPOOL
app. Then the
is a sharing service. One shares the
nearest Uber
fare cost 50/50 with a stranger headdriver picks
ing in the same direction. Cars are
Photo by Levi Kitsul the same as UberX in this class. Fithem up, and
takes them to Kevin Leske, Grade 10, demonstrates setting a pickup location for an illegal UberX car nally UberBLACK is Uber’s exemtheir destinaplary service. This is Uber’s hightion. All transactions from driver to pas- photos of themselves so the driver feels safe. est fare rate class with professional service
Uber is not the only online trans- in a black SUV or luxury sedan. Most of
senger are done online. Once the customer arrives at their destination, the fare is auto- portation service either. A rival company these classes are only in specific cities curmatically charged to the credit card regis- named Lyft has the same business plan: pick rently; Uber is still working out the issues
tered on an Uber account. No tip is needed. up passengers with modern technology and with each class. Currently, Calgary only
Everything is done online, so no hassles. no hassle. Lyft operates in 65 U.S cities, in- has Uber’s baseline service, UberX. Uber
Uber’s system seems like the per- cluding San Francisco, New York, and Los is expanding and cities must learn how to
fect idea, but having all the money being Angeles. Lyft is believed to be worth more make its service available and safe for evtransferred online can be sketchy. Hackers than $2 billion. Uber is expanding rapidly eryone. This is the future of transportation.
can log into customer’s account and use their all over the globe and demand is rising for
Calgarian student hiding dangerous weapons at U of C
Kyle Irvine
University students found themselves appalled after being informed of the
discovery of two semi-automatic hand guns
hiding in a University of Calgary campus
building. On August 27, electrical workers, looking to resolve issues with wiring
in the university’s Earth Sciences building,
located a ceiling piece that looked out of
place. Upon further inspection, the piece
was removed, only to find two .45 calibre, unloaded, semi-automatic handguns.
The authorities were called following the
discovery of the weapons, at which time a
search for suspects involved with the hiding
of the guns was begun.
According to the Calgary Police,
their investigation to find individuals connected to the guns lasted seven-weeks, a
period of time where there was “a minimal threat,” as the Police stated. Due to the
overwhelming number of school shootings
around North America in the past years,
the initial concern the police had was that
these guns were going to be handled for the
purpose of a mass school shooting. Staff
Sgt. Quinn Jacques responded to questions
posed about the nature of the discovery,
stating that the weapons were almost positively involved in the drug trade. This conclusion was drawn following the arrest of
24 year old Husayn Nathoo.
Nathoo obtained the two guns illegally, bypassing any gun laws or required
registration. He was approached by authorities and arrested on October 23.
Among many charges that Nathoo
received following his arrest, he has been
charged for two counts of possession of a
weapon for a dangerous purpose and three
counts of trafficking marijuana and possession of cocaine. He has been expelled from
the University of Calgary in response to
the charges he obtained. Nathoo is due to
appear in court to answer to his crimes on
November 6.
Students at the University of Calgary have described the discovery of stored
firearms disturbing, creating an environment of uncertainty and tension. When
asked about their thoughts pertaining to the
situation, some students have stated they
were “horrified.” For some an atmosphere
of learning and new beginnings has been
soiled by an omen of danger.
ings have occurred in the United States during 2015 alone. The statistics have shown
a noticeable
increase of
all around
N o r t h
who attend
schools and
who are responsible
for stopping
these tragedies from
Photo by Kyle Irvine
An airsoft gun is seen lying on a table, an undesired occurrence in a school
though, that
The chances of a gun-related attack on a the University of Calgary has resolved the
school, however, are not as low as some issue alongside the Calgary Police to keep
would like to think. Twenty school shoot- the student body and the city safe.
Page 16 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
The post-election transition between Harper and Trudeau:
Canadian government begins to take a new direction
By Grace Stone
After the 42nd judicial
election on October 19, Canadians
have been left to wonder how the
transition of the government is going to affect the country’s future.
Many suggestions have been made
regarding the nature of who will be
taking Stephen Harper’s place now
that he has left. Since Harper has
resigned from his position as the
Conservative Party leader, there
are also issues surrounding the future of Canada and how the country
will be run. Citizens have concerns
about changes that will arise due to
the transition of parties in power.
Harper resigned as Prime
Minister and former Prime Minister designate Justin Trudeau was
sworn into his new position on November 4. Taking place in Rideau
Hall, Trudeau also appointed and
arranged for his new cabinet ministers to swear in the same day.
Trudeau set up a team with Peter
Harder, a former government official, to sort through resumes of potential ministers of new and returning Members of Parliament (MPs)
to decide who would best suit the
jobs based on abilities and location. Trudeau chose equal numbers
of men and women for the roles;
fifteen female and sixteen male.
After, Trudeau and transition staff
will meet to discuss with the Clerk
of the Privy Council to discuss
matters about the change in Prime
Ministers. The sooner the meeting
takes place, the more solid foundation that the Liberals will have
in the future to run the country.
As for the former Prime
Minister, Harper will remain as
an MP for Southwest Calgary because he wishes to still be a part
of his party’s future, and he was
elected soundly in the Alberta riding of Calgary Heritage. As a result, Harper has moved out of his
old house in 24 Sussex Drive in
Ottawa, and has found a house in
Calgary near the Elbow River. The
family will be purchasing a second home as well, in an unknown
location. He is moving with his
wife and daughter Rachel. His son
Ben will be staying in Ontario to
pursue his education at Queen’s
University. In the future, Harper
wishes to keep a low profile and
live a standard life in Calgary.
Due to Harper’s ten years
of dedication to the country as
the Prime Minister, a petition has
been initiated to rename the Cal-
gary International Airport after former Minister of Foreign Af- ties and organizations such as the tion is filled, the election process in
him. The petition was created by fairs and represents the riding of True Patriot Love Foundation, the which the permanent leader of the
Curtis Mullen on October 26. It Niagara Falls. Nicholson has been Churchill Society, the Vimy Foun- party may be subject to change. The
received more than 2,000 signa- in politics for more than twenty dation, and the Royal Military Col- Liberal platform has said within
tures in the first twenty-four hours. years. Although he was able to lege of Canada. His efforts have the next eighteen months of form“As Prime Minister Harper was run for interim leader, Nicholson been recognized with the Young ing government, new legislation
the longest-serving Prime Min- is not currently eligible to run for Alumnus Award from Dalhousie regarding elections will change the
ister from Western Canada, let us the official Conservative leader. University, and a Queen Eliza- 2014 Reform Act suggested by Mihonour his accomplishments by re- Finley represents the rid- beth II Diamond Jubilee medal. chael Chong. According to this act,
naming Calgary Airport in his hon- ing of Haldimand-Norfolk and was Bergen, Nicholson, Fin- MPs currently vote for the leader
our,” the petition quotes. Although formerly the Minister of Public ley and O’Toole were all defeated of the party; however, if the legthere is debate about whether or Works and Government Services. by the appointment of forty-six- islation is implemented before the
not the Calgary Airport should be She was previously Minister of year-old Ambrose, an MP of the election for the permanent leader,
renamed due to the fact that
Harper is living and therefore
an airport should not be made
in his memory, the majority of
Calgarians agree that a Prime
Minister that has devoted a decade of his life to Canada should
be honoured in some form. The
petition argues that since Montreal’s airport is named after
Pierre Trudeau, Toronto’s airport recognizes Lester B. Pearson, and Saskatoon’s airport
was named after John G. Diefenbaker, Harper should have an
airport in his honour as well.
Since Harper has resigned, a new interim leader has
been substituted in his place.
Rona Ambrose, the new leader
of the Conservative party, has
promised to work hard to return
the party to power. The other
most popular potential candidates for the interim position
included MPs Candice Bergen,
Rob Nicholson, Diane Finley,
and Erin O’Toole. Other candidates that were not as popular included Michelle Rempel,
Photo by Grace Stone
Mike Lake and Denis Lebel.
Bergen represents the
Petitions have been made to rename the Calgary International Airport in honour of Harper for his decade in office
Manitoba riding of PortageLisgar in the House of Commons Human Resources and Skills De- riding of Sturgeon River-Parkland. the process in which the leader is
and was the former Minister of velopment and the Minister Re- Now that she is the official leader chosen will be different. MPs that
State in Social Development. She sponsible for Canada Mortgage of the Opposition and the follow- Ambrose expects to run for the perlaunched the Canada Job Grant, and Housing Corporation. Finley up leader to Harper, there will be manent title of Conservative leader
supports youth employment, and founded Canada’s largest publicly- pressure on Ambrose to re-empow- include Tony Clement, Jason Kenintroduced the Small Business funded ambulance service com- er the party and live up to Harper’s ney, Lisa Raitt, and Kellie Leitch.
Job Credit. Bergen also account- pany, Canadian Medical Response, legacy. Ambrose has the prior ex- As it had been predicted
ed for Bill C-18, which aimed to and advocates the partnerships perience of being the Minister of before the election that the Conhelp grain farmers increase busi- of public and private businesses. Health, Minister of the Environ- servatives would not be conness by giving them marketing Earlier this year in March, Fin- ment, Minister of Intergovernmen- tinuing in office, the party made
freedom; however, the intention ley was reported to have misused tal Affairs, Minister of Western preparation for after their deparproduced the opposite effect and her power as minister to fund a Economic Diversification, Presi- ture. Some of the decisions that
ended up hurting many farmers. project for her own self-interest. dent of the Queen’s Privy Council were made by the Conservative
Nicholson was one of O’ Toole was elected into for Canada, Minister of Labour, party before October 19 will be
Harper’s most faithful colleagues, Parliament with a majority vote Minister of Public Works and continuing despite the takeover
who was appointed to several in 2012, after serving more than a Government Services Canada, and of Liberals into the government.
cabinet positions and has previous decade in the Canadian Forces and Minister for the Status of Women. One of these changes is the proexperience in law. Some of these earning a degree in law. He is the of- Ambrose has worked with various posed LRT Green Line that was
positions include Minister of Na- ficial MP for the riding of Durham non-profit organizations and made announced by Jason Kenney, who
tional Defence, Minister of Justice, in Ontario, and is the former Min- great contributions to each ministry claimed it would cost $1.53 billion.
and Leader of the Government in ister of Veterans Affairs. O’Toole is she has participated as the leader of.
Continued on page 17
the House of Commons. He is the actively involved in various chari- Now that the interim posi-
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 17
Astronomers scramble over potential alien megastructure
By Ishaan Sahai
While the chances that an alien
civilization has been discovered are
slim, scientists are having trouble explaining unusual data discovered by
In October, NASA Kepler Space
Telescope, noted for its ongoing role in
discovering exoplanets, found this puzzling information coming from star KIC
8462852, 1,500 light years from Earth.
Recording the dimming patterns of the
star, astronomers were confused by how
dramatically the data dimmed; the star’s
light dropped by up to 20% compared to
a typical 2%. Natural causes, such as dust
clouds, have mainly been ruled out, but the
object causing the dimness would have to
be half of the diameter of the star, something completely unheard of for a planet.
Lead astronomers say that it is
most likely that the explanation will be
natural, but the media and public got into
a frenzy after it was announced that there
was a possibility that the object may be
artificial—a gigantic alien megastructure.
“Aliens should always be the
very last hypothesis you consider, but this
looked like something you would expect an
alien civilization to build,” explained Jason
Wright, astronomer, Penn State University.
Investigation leader Tabetha Boyajian, Yale University, echoed the idea that
such scenarios were in consideration. Despite this, they and the entire scientific community remain sceptical and cautious before
reaching any radical conclusions, comparing this to the early, alien-conspiracy-driven
conclusions drawn when data that would
lead to the discovery of new natural phe-
Continued from page 16
The Green Line would connect transit from
the Calgary’s far central-north to southeast quadrants. Premier Rachel Notley and
Finance Minister Joe Ceci have both indicated their intention to continue the funding of this project and other infrastructures
for the future of Calgary. The Conservatives also began the series of projects under the name of the New Building Canada
Fund, which aims to fund separate projects nationwide with a $14 billion budget.
New changes that the Liberals
will begin as soon as possible include tax
hikes and cuts in different areas of funding. Middle-class families will be paying
less tax annually and people earning more
than $200,000 will be paying 33% tax on
their income. The current Universal Child
Care Benefit from the Conservative campaign will be replaced with the Canada
Child Tax Benefit. This benefit is a tax-free
monthly payment that helps families with
the cost of raising their children. Employee
insurance premiums will be reduced as the
Conservative government had planned before they lost the election; however, it is
nomena, such as pulsars, was first collected. light. However the discovered object is Space Agency (ESA) also plan a mission to
“So history suggests we’re go- around five times the size of Jupiter, ruling Jupiter’s moon Europa, hypothesized to hide
ing to find an explanation for this that out the possibility that it may be a planet. a global ocean under its icy surface, by 2025.
doesn’t involve Klingons, if you will,” The past few years have been re- “It almost doesn’t matter where you
said Seth Shostak, senior aspoint your
tronomer, Search for Extratertelescope,
restrial Intelligence (SETI).
To better study and
there are
understand what may be happlanets evpening, astronomers have beerywhere.
gun a deeper investigation of
If there’s
the occurrence. The Allen Telesomebody
scope Array (ATA) in Northern
out there,
California, a system of radio
there are
telescopes, is being used to exgoing to be
amine the object. Run by SETI
so many of
and named for benefactor Paul
them out
Allen, Microsoft co-founder,
there that
the ATA has proven to be useful
I do think
for the institute and noted astrothere’s a
physicists. New data may prove
the current lead hypothesis, of a
large swarm of comets heading
c o m towards the star, to be incorrect.
Never before has Ke O n c e
pler collected data like this. The
the sciendimming of a star is meant to
tific comPhoto by Ishaan Sahai
signify that a planet is orbiting
With incidents like this, humanity is continuing its long tradition of looking up at the Moon and
it, and therefore, blocking some the stars in the sky and wondering if there may be life and alien civilizations beyond planet Earth has conof its light. Using this method,
Kepler, which was launched in 2007, has markable and significant for the ongoing what actually happened, whatever explanabeen able to identify over 3,601 potential search for life outside of Earth. In years past, tion is found is likely to be highly significant
planets and 2,165 binary star systems. The the theory of large oceans on the Martian to the scientific community, and possibly the
space telescope made news earlier this year surface was practically confirmed, as was the world as a whole. Anything similar to this is
after discovering the most Earth-like planet possibility of botanical life when nutrients unseen in the history of Kepler’s mission or
yet, while most confirmed exoplanets are that would be required on Earth were dis- astronomy in general, but as per Shostak’s
similar in size to this solar system’s Jovian covered. Just in September, the presence of comments, while unexplained phenomena do
planets, or Gas Giants. The prevalence of liquid water on the Martian surface was de- not necessarily indicate an alien civilization,
the discovery of larger planets is attrib- tected, proving to be a more substantial dis- they do often indicate a major change in presuted to their size, making them easier to covery than one made by India’s Chandray- ent scientific understanding of the universe.
detect as they are blocking out much more aan-1 on the moon. NASA and the European
less of a reduction then the original quote.
The Liberal government will also
be aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and will meet at the Paris Climate
Change Conference to discuss related issues. In provincial governments, the budget
for infrastructure will be raised $5 billion
in the next year. To compensate for the arrival of Syrian refugees into Canada, $200
million will be spent to provide humanitarian assistance for the cause. Immediate
changes the government will implement
include the establishment of new financial
agreements with First Nations, to implement imported gun-marking legislation,
to lift the visa requirement from Mexico
to Canada, and to hire mental health professionals to support veterans. Military
defences and environmental assessments
will also be reviewed, the number of immigration applications allowed for parents
and grandparents will increase, and an investigation will take place to address missing and murdered First Nations women.
The promise of many changes in
Canada has been speculated to be one of
the reasons why the Liberal government
was elected for government. Trudeau had
focused on optimistic traits, while Harper
addressed the issue of an economic downturn and terrorist threats. Conservatives
will begin to prepare for the next election by making compromises with their
proposals and adjusting their campaign,
which will be difficult without a leader in
their party. Now that Harper has left, the
decade of leadership he contributed to the
Conservatives will make the organization
of the party much harder until the new
interim leader can help direct the MPs.
The defeat of the Conservative
party was largely due to the negative proposals that the party promoted in their campaign. One of the most controversial proposals that the Conservatives announced
prior to the election was the ban of wearing
a niqab for Canadian citizenship ceremonies. This proposal has caused people to be
attacked on the streets for wearing hijabs
and niqabs, and Trudeau has stated to Harper that this ban “is not Canada,” and should
not take place. Although the Conservative
party has not confirmed that they will not
follow through with this ban, many Canadians are upset at this proposal. The mayor
of Calgary, Naheed Nenshi, has expressed
his distaste for Harper and has accused him
of “dangerous and disgusting” politics.
One of the main reasons Nenshi has expressed this is because of the niqab issue.
Another controversial proposal in the Conservative campaign was the series of laws on
terrorism. Harper had suggested that there
would be a ban on Canadians travelling to
countries that have known terrorist groups,
and wished to pass legislation enforcing
that individuals suspected of affiliation with
terrorists are liable to be stripped of their
citizenship and deported to their country of
ethnic descent. Next election, the Conservatives will need to adjust these plans or be
able to convince the party’s followers that
the proposals are favourable in the future.
In the next few months, many
changes will be made regarding who will
replace Harper and the future of the parties.
Liberals will be continuing projects the Conservatives had begun before their defeat and
will be making their own immediate changes in the government. The country’s future is
headed for development in environmentally-friendly infrastructure and services, and
many Canadians are optimistic for the future.
Page 18 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Justin Trudeau becomes PM and forms majority Liberal
government: analyzing Canada’s 2015 federal election
Ishaan Sahai
Over the decade prior to
the Canadian Federal Election on
October 19, the sentiment against
Stephen Harper, the long-time incumbent Prime Minister and leader
of the Conservative Party of Canada, had grown high. With the Liberal Party gaining momentum and
the New Democratic Party (NDP)
finally having become a plausible
government after 2011’s results
under then-leader Jack Layton, this
election was considered to be possibly the closest in Canadian history; Canada’s first true three-way
race. When the votes were tallied
across the ridings, Justin Trudeau’s
Liberals formed a heavy majority government, Thomas Mulcair’s
NDP plummeted, and Harper was
out of power. The results and campaign period provided pollsters,
political scientists, and writers
with a great amount of information to analyze as they attempted
to decipher what factors may have
led to the outcome. The polls managed to miss the magnitude of the
win; however, they themselves
might have contributed to the Liberal victory. Somehow, the Orange
Crush turned into orange being
crushed. From the plausibility of
Trudeau honouring his promises
to the new political environment,
there are almost as many questions abound as there are Republican Party leadership candidates,
but the only thing for certain is
that the only way to find out the
answers is by reading a teenager’s article in a school newspaper.
Harper’s unpopularity is an objective fact. “No prime minister
in history and no political party
have been loathed as intensely as
Stephen Harper and the Conservative party,” agrees John Ibbitson, a
nonpartisan biographer of his life.
Harper’s critics often
refer to what they see as a poor
economic and environmental record, corruption, dishonesty, over-
emphasis on oil, poor foreign and
provincial-federal governmental
relations, illegal activities during
campaigning, a fear-based politics,
and more. With his approval ratings consistently just above 30%
according to EKOS polling and
research, it is difficult to understand how he was helming a majority government that had been
in power for a decade, but this
can be attributed to a progressive
vote-split; with the NDP having
surged in popularity in 2011 under
Layton, the 60% of the electorate
who did not support Harper was
divided between multiple options.
This split continued to become a
problem this year when the progressive vote was split between
Trudeau and Mulcair; as a result,
both parties had to carefully tailor their platforms and ideologies
to appear as the better anti-Harper
option. Many felt that this led to
a switch in political positions for
the Liberals and the NDP, with the
latter becoming a more centrist
option, in contrast to the socialist
party it once was. In addition, the
two parties would have to engage
in political warfare with the other
left-leaning party. For instance,
Mulcair’s proposal of a potential
Liberal-NDP coalition was always
declined by Trudeau. This had the
potential to be risky; the parties’
individual support could have split
the anti-Harper vote so much that
Harper’s unpopularity itself could
have resulted in a Harper victory.
As expected, the polls did
show this to be a major problem.
Once the campaign period started,
all three parties were hovering at
around 30% support, with the rest
of the electorate mainly taken up
by supporters of Elizabeth May’s
Green Party and Gilles Duceppe’s
Bloc Québécois. The campaign period itself proved to be controversial; the length of 11 weeks made
it the longest in modern Canadian
history, angering many Canadians
by pointing out how an extended
campaign period would unfairly
benefit the Conservatives by ex- party leader Michael Ignatieff los- and Keystone XL. Conservatives
hausting Liberal and NDP cam- ing his very own seat: considered to targeted Trudeau for admitting to
paign funds. The Conservatives be devastating in politics. Factors having smoked marijuana, and
had far more money due to incum- included a loss of vote to the New some believed he lacked experibency and access to the tax base. Democratic Party due to the popu- ence and was only brought in for
The English Consortium larity of Layton, as well as anger being his father’s son. He was also
debate did
criticized for what his father
not hapdid as Prime Minister, such
as the controversial National
the 2015
Energy Program, as well as
for the frankly offensive act
of having nice hair. It was
despeculated that the end of the
bate being
Liberal Party might be near.
On election day, the Libthe
maerals formed a majority govjor, iconic
ernment with 184 seats, or
54% of a possible 338, and
debate pri39.5% of the vote. The Right
or to every
Honourable Justin Trudeau,
Member of Parliament for
The ConPapineau (QC), is now the
Photo by Ishaan Sahai Prime Minister of Canada.
The Conservative Party
to partici- The voter turnout was 69%, the highest turnout since the 1993 election pate, inThe right-wing Conservatives
stead preferring up to five topical at the fact that Ignatieff resided in were helmed by Harper, who first
debates. Subsequently, Mulcair the United States prior to entering ran for Prime Minister in 2004
refused to go, having decided on Canadian politics, having taught against Paul Martin, becoming
going to every debate where the Canadian history and politics at Leader of the Official OpposiPrime Minister would be pres- Harvard University. Long-time tion. After calling a motion of no
ent. With only the Liberals and politician Bob Rae became interim confidence, Harper won a minorGreens remaining, the debate leader, and a leadership election ity government against Martin
was cancelled. Controversy also was held on April 14, 2013. The in 2006, and has led the nation
arose when May was not invited outcome was a landslide win for since. Plagued with scandals and
to many debates, despite it be- Trudeau, MP for Papineau, with controversies and mainly only in
ing mandatory to invite all parties 78.76% of the vote. Other promi- power due to the aforementioned
with representation in the House nent individuals who withdrew progressive voter-split, the 2015
of Commons. Instead, May live- from the race to support Trudeau election mainly became an antitweeted her answers to the ques- included Rae and Marc Garneau, incumbency one. Political analysts
tions asked in the other debates. a Member of Parliament and the said by consensus that the election
The Election The first first Canadian astronaut. Trudeau revolved around two major quespolls to close on October 19 were is the son of Pierre Trudeau, of- tions: should Canadians support
those in Newfoundland and Lab- ten considered to be amongst Harper, or not? If not, should they
rador. A Liberal minority was ex- Canada’s greatest and most popu- go with Trudeau, or Mulcair? For
pected, but other outcomes were lar prime ministers, despite be- all practical purposes, the party
still possible, with many pointing ing a tad bit unpopular in Alberta. needed to win a majority; the other
out how the Liberal lead in the During the campaign parties pledged not to give Harper
polls was not significant enough period, the Liberals’ English-lan- the confidence of the house in the
and bringing out the example of guage slogan was “Real Change,” case of a minority, and this may
the United Kingdom federal elec- and their platform included uncon- have led to a Liberal-NDP coalition, where the polls were very off. ventional ideas about the economy, tion...or even another election.
The Liberal Party The such as running a multi-year defi- The
2011 election resulted in the cen- cit to invest in the economy itself. platform was in great part
trist Liberals’ worst-ever showing. They received criticism for this, as based off of a defense of their
The party dropped from 77 seats in well as for siding with the ConserContinued on page 28
2008 to only 34, with intellectual vatives on issues such as Bill C-51
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 19
Canadians continue to heal a year after the traumatic
attack on the parliment building and death of soldiers
Madison Negrey
October marks the one-year anniversary of the death of Corporal Nathan
Cirillo, 24, and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, 53, who lost their lives in the devastating attack on Canada’s parliament building.
Nathan Cirillo was shot as he stood guard at
the National War Memorial on Parliament
Hill by Zehaf-Bibeau before the armed man
managed to enter the center block of the parliament building. The building went into a
long, terrifying lockdown before Zehaf-Bibeau was eventually killed in a shootout with
security personnel. Only forty-eight hours
earlier, Patrice Vincent was rammed in a
parking lot in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu by
Martin Couture-Roleau, a Quebecois man
being monitored for terrorism. Couture-Roleau performed this terrible act after viewing
an ISIL propaganda video calling for their
followers to target officers and government
officials, specifically by running them over
or hitting them with vehicles. One year later
and Canada is still in the process of suffering, mending, and honoring.
“October 20 and October 22, 2014.
It’s been one year. We continue to grieve.
We continue to heal,” were the words by
Governor General David Johnston, during a
ceremony on October 22, 2015 at Ottawa’s
National War Memorial. On October 22,
2015 a crowd of around 2, 000 people joined
soldiers, government officials, including the prime minister at the time,
Stephen Harper, and Prime Ministerdesignate Justin Trudeau gathered
alongside the grieving families. The
two politicians stood side-by-side
while placing a wreath in memory of
the soldiers’ courageous acts and influence on their country. Harper said
in a statement after the ceremony that
it was empowering to see how Canadians came together. There was a
twenty-one-gun salute and a fly-past
by four cF-18 fighter jets, similar to
any given Remembrance Day ceremony because it was a day to honour and remember their bravery. The
ceremony also included a marching of
the colours and words from regiment
Cirillo’s padre, Robert Fead who said,
“May his life and death inspire us all
to work for greater peace in our nation
Photo by Madison Negrey
and in our world.”
Members of the Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders performed
sister, Cirillo left behind a young son, Mar- valued every person in his life. Chief Wara ritual parade in Hamilton, Cirillo’s home cus, his mother Kathy, step-father, Victor, rant Officer Martin Rousseau said, ““He left
town in honour of his life and death. His and his other sister, Natasha. The family way too soon, he served his country before
family were a few among the 200 commu- continues to grieve and says after his death himself, always.” Harper stated in a speech
nity members who joined the event. They all their lives are falling into a new place. They in front of Vincent’s family, “All of Canada
shared a moment of silence for his death as also say that the Argyll’s Highlanders have shares your pain.” The family said after that
a beam of light was shot into the sky to cre- ever since and continue to honour Nathan they were honoured by the ceremony.
ate a “monument of light.” The family was Cirillo and help the family as much as pos- Sadly, many precautions have been
given bracelets from the Argyll command- sible.
implemented for those visiting Canada’s
honouring Vincent also took
place not far from
where he died on
Wednesday October 21, the day
joint ceremony.
A banner was unrolled at the site
with his picture
and the words
“Nous nous souviendrons” (less
we forget). “It
was one thing to
learn my brother
died, but it is so
different to learn
that it was from a
heinous act. And
it was even more
brutal when I saw
what happened in
Ottawa,” stated
Vincent’s sister
Photo by Madison Negrey to the reporters.
Canada’s parliment building a year after the traumatic situation involving a gunman and a breach of security Vincent served
the military for
together in downtown Ottawa to honour the ing officer. “It was cowardly, it was evil, twenty-eight years, first as a firefighter and
death of Nathan Cirillo and Patrice Vincent. and most of all, it was tragic,” says Cirillo’s then on ships. He was described as a humble
This crowd was made up of many citizens, Sister, Nicole, to the crowd. Along with his and caring man by family and friends and
parliament building. Security has been enhanced substantially and protection has been
fully given to RCMP officers. The officers
now carry sub-machine guns on patrol,
and they check baggage that visitors bring
into the building. There are also two large
screening devices and metal detector wands
for people entering the building and the
wands are also on Parliament Hill with the
increased number of RCMP officers. “Until
now, security inside Parliament has been the
responsibility of the Speakers of the House
and Senate. The silos we have today are unacceptable. Security inside Parliament must
be integrated with outside security forces,”
said Jean-Christophe de Le Rue, a spokesman for Public Safety. Visitors are still able
to enter the Parliament building, view the
library, Senate, and House of Commons
but restrictions have been made to what is
allowed in the building.
states that it is much like airport security at
this time. The main goal of the increased security is to stop the same incident that happened only a year ago and protect citizens
and officers themselves.
As Canada continues to hurt, it also
starts to heal. Many precautions have been
taken in the hopes to avoid another dreadful situation. The events that took place last
October shocked the nation but the soldiers
are continuing to be honoured throughout
Page 20 --
Scarlett FEVER
Stars tend to use social
media as a platform for self-promotion, but Taylor Swift has chosen to
use her social sites for a different
purpose. Swift does make time to
post the occasional album promo
picture on Instagram, and every
so often she will let fans know
on Twitter when she is nominated
for an award, but her social media
presence expands far beyond that.
The pop superstar loves to connect
with her fans on a more personal
level, and social media has given
her that opportunity. Near the beginning of 2014, Swift started to
use her social media accounts for
more than just adorable cat photos, witty status updates, making
the day of thousands of fans ever
The excitement began
when Swift began occasionally
liking fans’ Instagram posts, and
leaving nice comments to put a
smile on a few peoples’ faces. This
act in itself made fans go crazy, but
little did they know, it was only
the beginning. Following the announcement of Swift’s latest studio album, 1989, some fans began
to receive phone calls from Swift’s
management, inviting them to
meet at a secret location, and not to
say a word to anybody. These fans
had no idea what they were getting
themselves into, but they did as
they were told. Some fans flew out
from around the continent to meet
at the secret locations provided by
these mysterious invitations. The
day after the first session, the news
was all over social media. Swift
had hand-picked fans from online
to invite to her personal homes for
what were called, the 1989 Secret
`Swift held the Secret
Sessions in her Rhode Island
home, her Los Angeles house,
her parents’ house in Nashville,
her New York apartment, and her
hotel room in London. The sessions were reportedly incredible.
The pop star invited fans to listen
to 1989 exclusively before the official release date. On top of that,
Swift made lunch for everyone
followed by home-baked cookies, and each fan got a chance to
talk one-on-one with the star and
take a Polaroid picture with her,
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
when her 1989 World Tour started
and she no longer had free time
though. The superstar makes sure
to meet as many fans as possible
while she is on the road. If allowed
by the venue, she holds a meetand-greet after the called Loft 89,
in addition to the one before each
show. Loft 89 is filled with fans
that Andrea, Swift’s mother, and
her team pick out throughout the
One fan got a very special
staged however they wanted. Fans
Swiftmas surprise when her favougot very creative, some cozying up
rite pop princess was standing at
with Swift’s cat Olivia, she even
her door. Swift had met this parlet people hold her Grammys. The
ticular fan at one of her secret sesfans chosen for these sessions were
sions, but was not able to meet her
picked from all over the Internet:
four-year-old son. Therefore, Swift
from Twitter, Tumblr, and Instaset out to buy the little boy an abungram; Swift picked as many fans
dance of toys and other Christmas
as she could find online. When
gifts, and
describing the process of
picking fans for the sessions
she said, “I would go online
them to the
and I would look at their
fan’s doorInstagram pages, or their
step. She
Twitter or their Tumblr or
then spent
whatever and I just kind of
the afterwatched them for months
noon visitand months.”
ing with the
Since the Secret
family and
Sessions, Swift has done
talking like
even more for fans. The star
they were
started following more fans
old friends,
on Tumblr left and right,
as well as
and is still consistently on
the site. In her spare time
she is always finding new
lucky little
fans, liking posts, making
boy and his
kind and witty comments
new toys.
and treating fans as much
Anothmore than fans; Swift truly
er fan, one
treats all of her admirers
of the many
like friends. By the time
November came around, the
of SwiftSecret Sessions had stopped
mas gifts,
as 1989 had been released,
got the inbut the surprises sure had
not. Swift began selecting
individual fans once again,
with much the same proceValentine’s
dure. She visited their TumDay with
blr blogs and Instagram
her favoupages every day, constantly
Photo by Erin Burns rite singer.
liking posts and leaving
comments. Then one day, Callum Burns, Grade 12, shows his love for 1989 on its anniversary Swift invited this fan
out of nowhere, the star began
leaving comments on these fans’ ceived gifts posted videos reacting and her family to her house for a
posts, with a single Santa emoji. to the gifts on social media, which Valentine’s Day full of fun. TogethNobody was sure what this meant, Swift then replied to with sweet er the two baked cookies, gossiped
but fans suspected something was messages telling them she hoped about their lives, and Swift taught
to meet them soon. Swift followed her how to play her favourite songs
One by one, these fans through with what she said; every on the piano. The star makes sure
each began receiving mysterious fan that received gifts from the to make as many individual fans
packages in the mail. Nobody ex- star got to meet Swift in person feel special as possible, but she
pected what was inside. Swift had in a special meet-and-greet before cannot possibly invite every single
sent these people each personally- the 1989 Tour show they attended, fan to her home, so she makes sure
chosen Christmas gifts with hand- along with various other fans Swift to use social media to make every
day special for hundreds of fans.
written cards. The star told each hand-picked from online.
So, one of the biggest Not only is the singer usfan that by searching through their social media accounts she had got- stars in the pop industry spends as ing social media to connect with
ten a feel for what they liked and much of her free time as possible fans though. She is using it to
had picked out items that reminded doing incredible things for her make the world a better place for
her of them while she was travel- fans. Swift’s altruism did not end other musicians. When Swift took
ling all around the
world. The gifts
ranged from clothes,
to home decor, to
anything else Swift
could find. One
fan even received
$1,989 to help pay
off her student loans.
This move was
granted the name
of “Swiftmas” and
fans from all around
the world received Swiftmas gifts.
When the Christmas season ended
though, the gift-giving did not.
Swift continued to send fans gifts
for Valentines’ Day, replacing the
Santa emoji with one of an envelope sealed with a hear
Many of the fans who re-
November 2015
her music off of Spotify in 2014,
she received backlash from people
who did not understand her intent, which was explained later on
June 21, 2015 when Swift posted
an open letter to Apple via her
Tumblr account. This was a brilliantly thought-out and articulated
letter explaining just how she felt
about the company’s new program,
Apple Music, a streaming service
that the star thought was a brilliant
idea –except for the one fatal flaw:
the company did not plan to compensate artists during the built-in
three-month trial period. This was
the same issue she had with Spotify’s free streaming service. Swift
explained that though she was on
her fifth successful album and was
able to support herself, this is not
the case for every artist.
In her letter the singer
explained that for many small artists, who are only just beginning to
make a name for themselves, three
months without pay is significant.
Though she is immensely successful and is able to easily support
herself without three months of
royalties, she stated that: “this is
about the new artist or band that
has just released their first single
and will not be paid for its success.
This is about the young songwriter
who just got his or her first cut and
thought that the royalties from that
would get them out of debt.”
She continued to explain
that there are countless people
whose efforts go into making music that cannot go a quarter of a
year without pay. Clearly, Apple
employees took Swift’s points to
heart, as the next day it was announced that they would be compensating writers, producers, and
artists for all of their plays on
Apple Music, including the threemonth trial period.
Swift knows just how
to make fans feel like her best
friends, and this is exactly her intent. She says “fans are my favorite
thing in the world. I’ve never been
the type of artist who has that line
drawn between their friends and
their fans. The line’s always been
really blurred for me. I’ll hang out
with them after the show. I’ll hang
out with them before the show. If
I see them in the mall, I’ll stand
there and talk to them for 10 minutes.” Swift truly loves to spend
time with fans as much as they
love spending time with her. She
makes sure to meet as many fans
as she possibly can, on the street,
at her shows, and just about anywhere else. The star has mastered
the use of social media, and truly
knows what to do to make her fans
feel really special, and it is one of
her most endearing qualities.
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 21
Trudeau taking office may mean progress in resolving
incidents of murdered and missing aboriginal women
Julia Wu
On August 17 2014, the body of
Tina Fontaine, a fifteen-year-old of Sagkeeng First Nation was recovered from the
Red River in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She had
been reported missing several times, before
she was last seen alive.
The police believe that this incident
was a homicide. Not only was this event
devastating to Fontaine’s family members,
who have faced much trauma since, but the
event has shocked the entirety of Canada as
well. Even though it has now been a year
since the death of Fontaine, this incident and
more like these continue to bring light to issues of safety of First Nations women across
the nation that have gone on for decades. In
fact, the murder of Fontaine is not the first of
these similar incidences of aboriginal women being targeted for murder. A report done
by CBC News called Missing and Murdered
found that there were more than 1,000 cases
of murdered and missing aboriginal women
between 1980 and 2012, and 32 women
killed between 2013 and 2014.
The death of Fontaine has served as
a rallying point for the awareness of these
issues. Through many rallies and protests
in honour of these missing and murdered
women, such as Roxanne Marie Isidore and
Shelly Dene, the issue of security and the effectiveness of the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP) have come to the attention
of many citizens. Many of these protesters
wish for the government to change the way
in which it deals with these disappearances,
conduct of national inquiry.
The New Democratic Party and the
Liberal Party both agree that a national inquiry was needed, with now-Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau saying that “[these crimes
are] part of a pattern that has gone on for
years and Canada absolutely needs to get to
the bottom of [it] with a national inquiry.”
On the other hand, Conservative Stephen
Harper, Prime Minister during the time when
this controversy arose, believes that these
cases are not a, “sociological phenomenon”,
but instead sporadic, isolated incidents. In
the past, he has said that the disappearances
of these women were not a priority for his
To delve deeper into the issue of
whether the murders of these women are
related or not, a study done by CBC News
looked at the backgrounds of 111 families of
the murdered and missing aboriginal women, and found that there have been similar
underlying causes in each of the cases. Despite the fact that the events these women
experience are different, many of them
have experienced physical and emotional
abuse, as well as addictions. Almost all of
these women have lived in poverty; women
like Bernadette Ahenakew had to deal with
physical and sexual abuse, Ahenakew was in
government care for 10 years. Before this,
Ahenakew had lived in a home where she
was exposed to violence, alcohol, and had
been neglected. Similarly, Fontaine also
experienced traumatizing experiences; her
father had been beaten to death a few years
earlier, and she was also involved in the sex
There are countless stories of the
horrors of these women’s pasts. For many,
the exposure of these stories is a sign that
the government needs to investigate the conditions and safety of First Nations women
and children, which is why the First Nations leaders recently urged Trudeau to push
national inquiries on the disappearances of
these women.
The First Nations communities are
in great support of Trudeau for his promise
of running these inquiries; he also plans on
spending $2.6 billion dollars over the course
of his term in order to improve the education on reserves, and to remove the trauma
that First Nations women may endure from
the unstable environment in which they live.
Many believe the murdered and missing
First Nations women to be of utmost importance the death of Fontaine has brought more
understanding and awareness to the struggles and abuse First Nations women face.
With Trudeau now the newly elected Prime
Minister, it is possible that he may break the
chain of poverty for many aboriginal groups.
across-Canada winter scavenger hunt throughout the
living museum is also sure
to be a blast.
Another fun option during the holidays is
Spruce Meadows, which
is hosting an international Christmas market the
weekends of November
13, 20, and 27 selling imported goods from all over
the world as well as handcrafted gifts. Spruce Meadows provides an easy way
to shop and enjoy the winter holidays in their indoor
marketplace that includes
200 vendors. The outside
courtyard contains engaging entertainment such as
ice carving demonstrations,
and fire pits to keep people
warm. Petting farms and
pony rides are available
for children. There are also
horse jumping demonstrations in the Riding Hall.
Shoppers can also visit
Santa’s Village and watch
stunning musical performances.
Photo by Hailey Payne
Another Calgary With the holiday fast approching many look forward to setting
classic winter activity is the up their Christmas trees and the warm feeling associated with it
Nutcracker. On Saturday,
performances for families that wish to read
November 21 at the Jack Singer Concert Hall the original tale. Another classic is going to
Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker see the play A Christmas Carol from the fawill be performing. Alberta Ballet will also mous novel by Charles Dickens at the Max
be performing The Nutcracker from Decem- Bell Theatre in the Arts Commons. This
ber 18 to the 24. Activities are held before
Christmas tradition celebrates twenty-five
years of performance, with the producers going all out this year on the sets and costumes,
and plays from November 26 to December
Murder Mysteries will be performed at the Barracks of Fort Calgary. With
a variety of shows to choose from, the decision might be a difficult one. With the dates
being diverse it is easy to fit this interesting
activity into a busy holiday timetable. One
of the shows offered is Homicide for the
Holidays which is about a party thrown at
the Holiday’s Ranch where the family reunion ends up in mayhem.
Enjoying the different displays of
lights in Calgary is a popular and magical
way to spend the winter evenings. The Festival of Lights is held in Confederation Park
on November 29 through January 8 it can
be seen along 14 Street NW and south of 24
Avenue. The Lions’ Festival of Light is the
largest drive-by Christmas light display that
is free in Calgary. Over 105,000 lights are
set up by volunteers and entices over 55,000
visitors every day. To enjoy another display
on Christmas lights, families can visit Spruce
Meadows and drive through the grounds to
experience this amazing display. The route
is two kilometers long and uses a quarter of
a million lights that sweep over the entirety
of the facility; this will be available starting
December 5 and going until January 4 from
5-10 pm.
The Zoolights is something that
many people look forward to seeing every
Christmas. This year the lights will be lit
from November 21 to January 3. The Zoo
uses around
Wonderful winter wonderland events for every family
By Hailey Payne
With winter fast approaching it is
easy to be swept away by the many festivities and traditional activities that take place
around the city of Calgary. There is a large
variety of events that are sure to capture
one’s interest. Whether one prefers to brave
the cold or stay cozy indoors there is something for everyone to enjoy. With this upcoming holiday time comes busy schedules
which get in the way of knowing when and
where events are happening. It can be difficult to find the time to search out and discover these extra activities but with so much
going on one would not want to miss out on
the many experiences our city offers.
One option fun-seekers may enjoy
is Heritage Park, which offers a variety of
fun activities for families. From November
21 to December 20, families can enjoy a relaxing horse-drawn wagon ride around the
park and captivating activities for guests
of all ages. Some of these activities include
gingerbread cookie decorating, Christmas
carols, and crafts for the children. Four historical homes will also be available to visit
and witness their Christmas traditions. Other
Heritage Park activities families can enjoy
include a toboggan race, a winter road trip
game, a three star hockey shoot out, crafts,
and an indoor version of traditional ice canoe
races from December 27 through January 4.
Heritage Park combines English and French
traditions in the two games: build Bonhomme Carnaval, Quebec’s winter mascot,
a new ice palace, and enjoy the sister cities
game where one can challenge the knowledge they have of both official languages
and of the cities of Calgary and Quebec. An
Continued on page 25
Page 22 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
3 and a half million subscribers on the
website: her second channel has over 3.4
million subscribers and over 290 million
video views. In 2014 Sugg was criticised
for filming while driving her car. A member of the London Metropolitan Police
said, “She could have killed someone. How
can anyone who has their eyes off the road
for that amount of time be in complete
control of a vehicle?” A spokesperson for
Sugg stated that
“at the time of
filming she was
in mostly stationary traffic.”
In 2014 Sugg
signed a twobook deal with
publishing company
Books. The debut
novel of the Youtuber was called
Girl Online, and
was released on
November 24,
2014. The book
follows a fifteenyear anonymous
blogger and what
happens when
her blog goes viPhoto by Riannon Laarz ral. Sugg states
Copies of Suggs bestselling books Girl Online and Girl Online: On Tour on that the book
is “in no way
display can be bought at a local Chapters or through Amazon
autobiographiSugg, father Graham Sugg and brother who cal,” even though the events in the novel
is also a popular YouTube star, Joe Sugg. are based around similar experiences. Girl
Sugg started her blog, in February Online has achieved “the highest first-week
2009 while she was working as an appren- sales for a debut author since records betice at an interior design company. By the gan in 1998,” selling approximately 78,000
end of 2009 Sugg’s blog reached over 1,000 copies. In December 2014 the book befollowers. She then expanded by a YouTube came the fastest selling book of the year.
channel where she posts videos of shop- Along with a bestselling book
ping hauls, hair and makeup tutorials, bak- Sugg had also released her own beauty
ing videos, favourites videos (showing her line called “Zoella Beauty” in September
favourite products of the previous month), 2014. The bath and beauty range launch
and collaborations with other Youtubers. was the biggest beauty launch of the year
On September 4, 2012 Sugg according to U.K newspaper The Metro.
started a second YouTube channel called Sugg is only a twenty--five year
MoreZoella, where she posts a Vlog show- old who is just blogging about the things she
ing her viewers what she is doing during is passionate about, but she has made it into
the day. In 2013, Sugg was named as one the world of being YouTube and Internet
of the National Citizen Service’s ambas- famous, which is becoming more common
sadors, for helping to promote the newly- than being a music, movie or T.V celebrity.
launched youth service, and in 2014 she So grab a cup of tea, curl up on
was named as the first Digital Ambassa- the couch or bed and check out one of
dor for Mind, the mental health charity. Sugg’s videos or pick up the sequel to her
Suggs main YouTube channel is debut novel titled Girl Online: On Tour.
the fiftieth most--subscribed channel with
November 2015
Students provide oil and
tire changes for Lancers
By Grace Stone
This month’s author is a worldrenowned British blogger whose YouTube
channel has reached over 9 million subscribers; this blogger is Zoe Sugg or better known as Zoella. Sugg posts all about
beauty, recipes, places she has visited, and
about her life. The way she connects with
her audience is what makes her blog so
popular. Sugg was born March 28, 1990 in
Lacock, Wiltshire, UK to her mother Tracy
For students, relatives, and staff
who require the oil in, or tires on their cars
changed, Mechanics students are able to
help. During the training courses they receive in class, students have practiced and
are skilled in changing the oil and tires of
many different vehicles. Some students have
part-time jobs working for businesses that
require them to fix up automobiles, so Mechanics students at Scarlett are prepared to
handle tasks that Lancers, their relatives, and
staff request surrounding the change of the
oil and tires in their cars.
The school does not ask that money
be given in return for the students work due
to labour laws; however, it is requested that
those people who wish to change their oil
or tires bring their own replacements. Car
dealerships and stores such as Canadian
Tire and Walmart sell these products. Average tire changes can cost hundreds of dollars
for mounting, balancing, alignment, valve
stems, and disposal of old tires; however, the
process is less costly at Scarlett.
“It’s basic car service that most
can’t do at home. It’s good for people to
top [of the transmission] and you put the
[new] oil [filter] in, after you let the [old] oil
go into a tub. Once you’re done that, put the
new [oil] in depending on what car it is. It
[also] depends on the filter and the [type of]
oil you put in and how much.”
Kyle Clark, Grade 10, adds on to
Eccleston’s explanation: “So [the process is]
basically what [Eccleston] said. There are a
lot more professional terms. Like the tub she
was talking about, it’s [called] the oil receptacle. The little nut in the oil pan where the
oil sits is called the drain plug. So you take
the drain plug out, let the oil drain into the
receptacle, you take the filter off with a filter
tool, let that drain, and you replace the filter.
Then you replace the drain plug and make
sure you’ve got the right oil filter. That’s
pretty much it.”
Clark also explains the process of
changing tires. “So [changing] tires [is] fairly simple. You just put it on the tire machine,
pop the tire off [the rim], [and bring] the new
one that you have to buy yourself. You bring
it in yourself, or you have to get it from the
school. And we put your new one on. You
can buy rims too. In that case, we put the
new [tire] on the rim [first] and then we just
Photo by Grace Stone
Mechanics students are able to perform oil and tire changes for Lancers and community
know about, considering most will own a
car if they don’t already,” says Glenn Wolfe,
one of the Mechanics teachers. When asked
about the certifications that the students have
to be able to operate on vehicles, Wolfe responded, “The students have gone through
safety training on the machines, then operational training on the parts.”
Jasmine Eccleston, Grade 12, explains the process of changing the oil in a
car. “What you do is drain [the oil] into a tub.
You take [the oil filter] out, go in through the
put it back on the car.
“I [worked on] my car in the shop.
I actually have a funny story.” Clark goes
into further detail about his experience in
Mechanics as he was first learning in the
course. “I didn’t know this at the time, but
apparently my car has a drain plug on the
transmission pan. Transmission fluid in a
car is what makes the transition gears shift
smoothly. Without [it], your transmission
Continued on page 24
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 23
Canada’s first giant panda Market Collective in Calgary
cubs call Toronto Zoo home
By Ashley McIntosh
Erin Burns
are hopeful, one of the zoo’s staff members
stated that, “they’re so small and so vulner
The Toronto Zoo celebrated a first able at this age we don’t want to get ahead
in Canadian history on the morning of Oc- of ourselves.” They also will not name the
tober 13: two giant panda cubs were born. cubs for 100 days in honour of a Chinese
The babies were born to mother Er Shun, a tradition. The sex of the cubs is also yet to
panda on loan from China for conservation be determined, but keeping them healthy
efforts for the endangered species. After takes priority over all else. The animal extwo artificial insemination efforts, one un- perts at the Toronto Zoo do not want to get
successful, the Toronto Zoo announced Er their hopes too high because the fact that
Shun’s pregnancy via Twitter on Septem- the cubs were even born is incredible, but
ber 25. The zoo staff stated that they were, the mortality rate for cubs in human care is
“cautiously hopeful” about the pregnancy, 20% for females and 26% for males. There
chances that
the cubs can
survive, but
the zoo staff
is doing everything
their power to
keep the babies alive, and
Er Shun is
exPhoto by Erin Burns showing
materIn their first months, cubs develop black pigment where black fur will grow
nal instincts
as the cubs’ health could change at any and caring very well for her cubs which is
point during the one to two month gesta- a very good sign. On October 16, the Zoo
tion period. The zoo promised to keep the stated that the pandas are experiencing some
public updated on Twitter as the cubs were weight fluctuations, but that this is normal
monitored closely in gestation and cared for and that the cubs are still perfectly healthy.
throughout the next month, but did not want They are also “becoming quite vocal, active
anyone to get their hopes too high as there and bright,” according to the zoo. The zoo
was no guarantee of the cubs being born. staff released that, “the next few days and
Thankfully, excited zoo employ- weeks will still be a critical time for these
ees were able to successfully birth the tiny cubs, however we continue to be cautwo healthy twin pandas on October 13 tiously hopeful with their progress.” The
between the hours of 3 and 4am. The zoo cubs continue to be given time with their
has announced to the public that the next mother in turns. One cub will be nursed
several months will be crucial to the sur- by Er Shun while the other is incubated in
vival of the cubs, and therefore they must order to keep Er Shun from favoring one
be kept in the zoo’s maternity area until over the other as mother pandas often do,
further notice. The maternity area is closed this can cause the other to die of neglect.
to the public and is an area of the zoo Two of the zookeepers from the
where babies are kept under close watch zoo in China that Er Shun is on loan from
at all times and are given time to become are in Toronto helping with the care of the
strong and healthy enough to be exposed cubs. Throughout this process zoo staff is
to the public. Er Shun will spend plenty periodically posting photos of the cubs on
of time with the cubs in the maternity their Twitter, along with notes about their
area in order to make them comfortable. progress. The babies are growing white fur
This birth is a remarkable moment and developing black pigment just as they
in Canadian history, as no panda cubs have should be. The Toronto Zoo has stated that
been born in Canada before, and it is also they have temporary custody of the cubs for
incredibly difficult to breed the animals in approximately two years if they survive the
captivity. Therefore, these two cubs could next few months, and those two years will
be crucial to the survival of this endangered be spent caring for the cubs and ensuring
species and will be monitored very careful- their health. Then, in 2018, the cubs will
ly in order to keep them as healthy as pos- likely be shipped back to China once they
sible. The cubs may be newborn, but they have been weaned from their mother. It
are incredibly important. The zoo employ- is planned that at that point, the two panees say that they do not want to display the das on loan from China, Er Shun and Da
cubs publicly at this point as, though they Mao, will be moved to the Calgary Zoo.
If Clothing & Apparel is enticing,
Market Collective is a relatively check out some of these guests coming for
new organization in Calgary. It is an estab- Market Collective. This year Rebecca King,
lishment for artists, marketers, and designers Seed Yoga, 6streets, and Dreamboat Lucy
to show off their work and ideas to the com- are attending Market Collective. Rebecca
munity. Market Collective is used to help lo- King designs unique articles of clothes, and
cal artists thrive and create inspiration to oth- Seed Yoga manufactures gym and excursive
ers. It started out fairly small but has grown cloths. 6streets makes casual street wear
over the years into an event that attracts whereas Dreamboat Lucy sells formal and
approximately 8,000 visitors every year. fancier clothes. Market collective did a great
Angela Doine and Angel Guerra job this year making sure there is lots of a
founded the market in 2008 using about variety for the community to choose from.
$50. Their main idea has always been to Bath & Body has a few talented
build up the community through the arts. creators coming out to show off their work.
This year Market Collective has been Medicine River Soap and Wild Prairie Bonominated for the 2015 Small Business tanicals will all be attending. Medicine
YYC Award. They have been nominated River Soap manufactures unique soaps that
for their idea of using the arts to build up are inspired from the boldness of the wildera better community and inspire others. ness. Wild Prairie Botanicals has an extra
Market Collective is hosting sev- passion for plants and natural healing. They
eral upcoming holiday events this Decem- use herbs and sage to help heal and repair.
ber 4-6, 11-16, and 18-20. These events will Accessories, it is never a market
include new artistes and a different variety without hand mad accessories. This year
of items and
Some of the
of vendors
are Art & Illustration,
Clothing &
Apparel, Accessories,
will be held
at the Chinese Cultural
Centre at 197
1st St. S.W.
Calgary, AB.
There will be
so many cool
and unique
art pieces that
can make for
great holiday
presents. For
Photo by Ashley McIntosh
each event The Market Collective is held at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Chinatown
Gurra choose which artists get to come and Forage Photo & Design, Marigold’s Heart
participate so they know they are the best of Garden and Strings for Pearls will all be atthe best coming to inspire us.
tending. Forage Photo & Design is a DIY
Some people who will be at Mar- inspired group they take photos and design
ket Collective for Art & Illustrations are, cute little trinkets that would make for great
Tara Put, Mandy Stobo, Kim Smith Illustra- decorations around the house. Marigold’s
tions and Renee Wehring. Tara Put creates Heart Garden is a group of Kindergarten
a wide variety of fabrics, wallpaper and gift students who make and teach people how
wrap. Mandy Stobo illustrates something to make cool and diverse accessories mainthat she calls Bad Portraits. Her Bad Por- ly basing their products on flower crowns.
traits are unique and have similar déjà vu- Strings for Pearls creates jewelry and
ish feeling as if they were a child’s paint- baby accessories that children can teeth on
ings. Kim Smith Illustrations does comic The Market Collective is a miracuillustrations for things like picture books on lous place with lots of unique products. So
the other hand; Renee Wehring does mostly be sure to go down to the Chinese Cultural
black and white styled sketches and paint- Centre to support the local artists.
ings of things that closely resemble nature.
Page 24 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Colouring books are entertaining to more than just kids
By Terra Li
Colouring books have always been
quite popular amongst children and now
they are becoming popular for adults. Not
only is colouring beneficial for specific conditions and disorders, like PTSD and those
suffering the psychological side effects of
cancer diagnosis and treatment, it proves to
be an effective stress reliever in general. Colouring, however, need not be used as just a
stress reliever, it can also be a great activity for those seeking basic fun. What exactly
makes colouring such an effective stress
reliever is a question that some psychologists have recently attempted to answer.
“The action involves both logic,
by which we color forms, and creativity,
when mixing and matching colors. This incorporates the areas of the cerebral cortex
involved in vision and fine motor skills,”
psychologist Gloria Martinez Ayala told the
Huffington Post “The relaxation that it provides lowers the activity of the amygdala,
a basic part of our brain involved in controlling emotion that is affected by stress.”
Focusing on colouring takes the mind off
of stress inducing thoughts and troubles.
Not only is colouring an effective
form of art therapy, it is also very inexpensive. Crayons and a colouring book are the
only materials needed. “You don’t have to
be an expert at the DIY project, or a painter
or an artist. You can just pick something you
like that speaks to you and colour it however you want it,” as Fox was told by Heidi Johnson, who participates in a monthly
coloring club in Minnesota. From this, it
can be safely assumed that the intimidating
feeling one experiences from lack of knowledge of how to perform an action would
not be present in most people who choose
colouring as their stress reliever or hobby.
Lacy Mucklow, an art therapist, of- Shyla Jannusch, a hostess of large colour- lour a different object first. Creativity itself
fers two great books aimed at adults, Color ing parties. Colouring allows adults to ac- contains many health benefits including hapMe Happy and Color Me Calm. These great cess their carefree childhood, escaping their piness and a reduction in stress and anxiety.
examples reveal the psychological ways of stressful responsibilities for some time. A colouring book can hold much
how drawings and colours heavily assist The power of colouring really re- more power than simply drawing. For those
with stress relief. Certain symbols in these lates to any form of creativity or art itself. An- who cannot draw well, pre-determined lines
books resemble those from Buddhism and other significant reason that colouring helps offer them stress relief just from colouring.
Hinduism which stand for spiritual focus is the activation of the creative aspect from Brandon Blaine, who cannot draw well,
and meditation. Mucklow, in the cover of each individual. Each person will choose a chose these books for that reason. Havthe two books, also manipulates the colors different color, each person will start from ing pre-made drawings may remove some
to allow viewers to feel more positive. The a different point, and each person will co- creativity from the activity, but also reinpictures inside inforce and allow
clude uplifting vithose to have no
suals such as heart
tions on them.
music, and food.
The focus that
A simple picture
deholds the power
mands overpowers
to bring out plenty
people’s tendency
of strong, optito focus on other
mistic emotions
worries; however,
that push stressors
the activity holds
away and calm the
one unique and
special attribute
mind significantly.
that yoga, therapy,
most stress relievand other stress
ers, a large comporelievers do not:
nent of colouring
the ability to feel
offers people the
like a kid again.
ability to escape
Colouring allows
reality. With coadults to escape
louring and cotheir harsh, worrylouring
filled world and
adults can return
revisit their innoto their childhood
cent past as a child
temporar— something most
ily forget about
adults often wish
their modern day
to go back to and
stress. “It allows
enjoy once again.
us to be innocent
Photo by Terra Li
again, in some
Continued from page 22
will not work and eventually be totally destroyed and unusable. I accidentally drained
the transmission fluid instead of the engine
oil, so I had to find the inlet for the transmission fluid. [It] was on the pan, which was underneath the car. So I had to go through the engine to the top of the transmission fluid pan.”
Issues that arise, like Clark’s, during the training part of the Mechanics course
that arise help students to know how to
handle different experiences in the process
of changing their cars, so they are more capable of working any issue in the future. To
make sure that the car is operating smoothly
after students have changed the oil or tires,
Caroline Hendry and Wolfe check the work
students have done to the vehicle so that
there are no mistakes. “I’m a Red Seal Licensed Technician, and the students are not
certified technicians, so I have to verify that
the work that they do is good quality,” Wolfe
says. “I do a visual inspection first, and then
I’ll take a wrench and measure how tight
the fasteners are, make sure all the pieces
are in the right place and pressures [and]
Photo by Grace Stone
Kyle Clark, Grade 10, shows how dirty his hands get after he changes the oil and tires on a car
the levels are correct. As long as [the
process of changing oil and tires] is
supervised, it is very safe. I make sure
the students are safe themselves, plus
I check the work [and] the quality of
work afterwards to make sure that the
cars are safe to go on the road.” Wolfe
adds that hundreds of Lancers have
had their cars operated on by students
of the Mechanics program and the
majority have very positive reviews.
All of the work done on automobiles is in the Mechanics garage of
Room 144. The garage can be found
at the back of the school. To set up
an appointment, inform Mechanics
teachers Wolfe or Hendry through
email or in person. The only information needed is the name of the
car owner, what type of car, and the
type of work that needs to be done
to the car, whether that be oil or tire
changes. Clark jokes and finishes
his explanations with: “Grade 10s
[are able to] do your oil, your tires,
[and] basically anything you’re brave
enough to let us do [to the car].”
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Polar bears around the
world are living on thin ice
By Madison Negrey
they lived anywhere else they would over
Global warming is the gradual in- heat or not obtain enough food. This type
crease of the overall temperature of Earth’s of bear needs sea ice for survival because
atmosphere; no one truly knows exactly it is the best spot for hunting their prey (the
when it began, but scientists believe it com- ringed seal, bearded seal, and fish) to gain
menced between 1975 and 2009. Not only a healthy body weight and proper nutrients.
is the temperature rising each year, but ac- Sea ice is the main habitat and hunting area
cording to the Environmental Protection for the polar bear. This type of ice is very
Agency (EPA) the temperature is estimat- thick and runs throughout the arctic sea, it
ed to rise another 6.42 degrees Celsius by provides a place for the bear to mate and
safely travel from place to place.
The process of global warming
As sea ice melts from rising temperatures
starts with the greenhouse effect a natural polar bears are losing their habitat and all
process that involves the interaction be- of the necessities for survival. Either the
tween Earth’s atmosphere and the radia- mothers cannot support their cubs with
tion from the sun. The greenhouse effect food or the necessary nutrients or they are
kept the world at a perfect life-supporting drowning in the dangerous waters. The
average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. EPA also reported a female polar bear havThis effect worked with ease for many ing to swim for nine days straight trying to
years until more greenhouse gases were in- find the nearest ice floe, costing her 22%
troduced to the world. These gases include of her weight and her cub. As ice melts,
polar bears’ homes
are flooded, forcing them to swim
for long periods of
time in very dangerous conditions to attempt and find a new
The U.S. Geological Survey states
that, “two thirds
of polar bears will
disappear by 2050.”
The population of
Photo by Madison Negrey
polar bears is deIce and cold weather is necessary for the polar bear to survive creasing daily. Polarbearsinternational.
carbon dioxide, methane, and all fluorinat- org states that in a study from 2001-2010
ed gases. The greenhouse gases cause the the population of polar bears on the Northatmosphere to thicken, trapping more and ern coast of Alaska and Western Canada
more of the sun’s radiation. DavidSuzuki. decreased by 44%. The study also showed
org states that this scenario is causing more that Canada’s Western Hudson Bay region
extreme and less predictable weather, like has experienced a 22% decline since the
floods, and droughts. It is also harming 1980s.
Other areas including McClintock
people and places all over the world, but according to the Environmental Protection Channel, Canada and the Southern HudAgency the Arctic is a key target of global son’s Bay region are experiencing an alwarming due to the highly-sensitive eco- most dangerous increase in polar bears besystem. The average temperatures in Arctic cause the animals are trying to travel to the
areas are rising twice as fast as anywhere coldest places. This phenomenon is causing
else which is causing ice to melt and rup- many polar bear deaths from the long jourture, flooding out native people’s homes, neys. Loss of habitat is also causing food
communities, and also many habitats for to be scarce for the polar bear and raisanimals. One of the most in-danger spe- ing cubs more difficult. Without a proper
cies because of global warming is the polar body weight the mother cannot support the
cub and herself together and either the two
Polar bears have specifically starve or the cub dies. WWFGlobal states
adapted to living in brutally cold and harsh that about 18% of the polar bear population
weather conditions. They are longer and has been lost due to starvation.
narrower than either grizzly or black bears, Global warming is the cause of
making it easier for them to hunt in the many polar bear deaths. It is killing off
water. They have smaller ears and more many species like seals, penguins, and
padding on their feet to keep from freez- whales as well, rupturing the whole Arctic
ing and they also have substantially more ecosystem. If global temperatures continue
fur. These specific adaptions are only ad- to rise polar bears and other Arctic animals
vantages in their specific environment. If will not be the only species in danger.
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 25
Fun skill-testing riddles
By Wesley Hawley-Thomas
Riddles are a fun way to exercise
one’s brain and stump friends and family. A
simple google search will display many pages of riddles, a testament to their popularity.
Some of the following riddles come from
J.R.R. Tolkien’s popular novel The Hobbit.
Give them a shot and see if you are able to
spot the answer!
1. An eye in a blue face
Saw an eye in a green face,
“That eye is like to this eye”
Said the first eye,
“but in low place
Not in high place.
a) Sun is on the daises
b) Moon in front of the sun
c) Eye of a dragon
d) Eye of a child
2. It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.
a) Justin Beiber
b) fire
c) water
d) the darkness
3. What goes up but never comes down?
a) parents blood pressure
b) age
c) helium
d) angels
4. What can you catch but not throw?
a) a cold
b) the door
c) C4
d) someone’s heart
5. What goes around the world, but stays
in one place?
a) a stamp
b) writing
c) note
6. What has a foot but no legs?
a) a snake
b) a snail
c) a slug
d) a sticker
7. If I drink I die, if I eat I’m fine. What
am I?
a) fire
b) the sun
c) a volcano
d) a human
8. What is so delicate it breaks when you
say its name?
a) glass
b) windows
c) silence
d) china cups
9. We see it twice in a week, once in a year
but never in a thousand days. What am I?
a) shooting star
b) dragons
c) The letter “e”
d) the morning
Scan QR code for answers.
Page 26 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Teenagers face social issues conveyed through media
By Megan Miskiman
many actresses are about 50-80 pounds un- females. A teenage boy or girl may see the
derweight. According to the Government of images, and automatically think that that is
Unfortunately, whether a person is Canada, over 80% of Canadian teens watch what they have to look like in order to be
12 or 52, the world can be harsh and cruel. TV every day. On average, these people accepted in society. In 2012,. A group of
It is not always easy to catch a break. Ev- watch about 3 hours a day, sometimes even editors said that these photos or these acery day, whether through media, peers or more. On a typical day, adolescents between tors in shows are 90% fake. The editors use
family, teenagers are being told that they the ages of 8-18 spend about 7.5 hours en- a substantial amount of editing in order to
are “not good enough. Teens can suffer gaging themselves in some form of media. have models look that way, yet according
from body image issues on many differ- It does not matter what is being watched, to the Canadian Mental Health Associaent levels. The pursuit of
perfection however, is unnecessary as there is and will
never be a “perfect” person.
Positive body image
is a current issue for teens.
In 2012, a Canadian survey
conducted by the Canadian
Mental Health Association
showed that in grades 7-12,
30% of girls and 25% of boys
reported that they were teased
by peers about their weight.
29% of girls and 16% of boys
reported that this teasing persisted in the home as well,
meaning they were teased
about their weight by a family
member. In 2013, another survey was conducted with girls
in grades 9 and 10. The results
were astonishing: 28% of girls
in grade 9 and 29% of girls in
grade 10 engaged in weightloss behaviours. 37% of girls
in grade 9 and 40% in grade
10 saw themselves as “too
fat.” Even 12% of students
Photo by Megan Miskiman
that were considered of norTeenagers worldwide can sometimes feel isolated and alone in a society that puts such a large focus on perfection
mal weight on the BMI scale,
admitted to attempting to lose weight. The a Victoria Secret fashion show or Sleeping tion, it is still the cause of eating disorders
results present a significant problem, as these Beauty, there is some sort of message being and depression in over 900 Canadian teens.
thoughts can lead to eating disorders, de- portrayed along the lines of being skinny and Peers at school can also have a
pression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. attractive. The same message is conveyed in significant effect on how teenagers see
Media can also have major influ- magazines. The models posing on the front themselves. In 2014, the Canadian Mental
ences on a person’s daily thinking. Some page do not actually look like that; they are Health Association reported that suicide is
might see a TV/movie character that they altered. The body type seen in magazines is the third leading cause of death among teens
admire and strive to be like, but in actuality, naturally possessed by only 5% of American and over 14% of high school students have
Continued from page 21
1.5 million lights to line the walkways and
create incredible animals and designs, some
of which flash to the music being played.
This event is entirely outside but there are
fire pits that people can huddle around to
keep warm. It is also suggested that spectators bring their own hot chocolate or buy it
there for added warmth.
The longest food bank fundraiser
is the CP Holiday Train where over 150
concerts are performed from boxcars that
are turned into a stage. This opportunity will
run for three weeks starting December 12 at
9511 Horton Road SW in the parking lot.
The cost to attend this is free but people are
encouraged to bring a non-perishable food
item or donate money to the Calgary Food
The City of Calgary has also pro-
vided temporary ice rinks for skating that
are weather dependent but can be expected
to be open from mid-December until February. To find the nearest rink, it is easiest
to search The City of Calgary outdoor skating rinks and click on The City of Calgary’s
website. This will open straight to the page
on their website about the outdoor skating
rinks. The City of Calgary strongly advises
to wear a helmet and asks that hockey sticks
not be used on the ice. These rinks are flooded as needed during hours of low usage.
The Calgary Nativity Pageant will
be performed at Heritage Park, parking at
the lower boat parking area, from December
19 until the 24. This year it is the fiftieth anniversary of this Christmas tradition hosted
by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. It is free to experience this retelling
of the birth of Jesus Christ with live animals
that can be petted after the show. Perfor-
mances start at 7:00 pm and run until 9:00
pm with a new performances starting every
twenty minutes.
If one is willing to drive out of the
city into Okotoks there are many celebrations such as the Spirit of Christmas art
gallery at 53 North Railway Street. This
art gallery showcases pieces entirely from
local artisans and includes a variety of different products, not just paintings. Jewelry,
cards, and holiday ornaments will also be
for sale. All original merchandise is under
$200. Shoppers are encouraged to come and
browse the gallery which will be opening
November 14 and running until December 23, from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm. In this
magical time some might enjoy the act of
giving to the less fortunate. The art gallery
is also hosting a Tree of Warmth that allows
one to donate new toques, scarves, gloves,
and slippers that will decorate the tree un-
thought about suicide, with 7% actually attempting it. Bully-related suicide can be
connected to any type of bullying, whether
it is physical bullying, emotional bullying, cyberbullying and sexting, or circulating suggestive or nude photos or messages
about a person. According to the Canadian
Mental Health Association all five types of
bullying can lead to eating disorders, depression, self-harm, and feelings of self-hate, if
not suicide. At this point in time, even the
younger generations are being affected. In
2012, it was reported by the Canadian Mental Health Association that 40% of nineyear-olds in Canada had dieted due to being told at school that they were “too fat.”
In 2014, over 250 teens in between the ages
8-18, died due to an eating disorder. Many
teens who are being bullied do not speak
up for fear of being labeled as “weak;” they
do not realize that it is okay to ask for help.
In the end, it can be difficult to deal
with the same message from so many sources. A student watches a TV show and sees
that her favourite actress is tall, skinny, and
blemish-free. She will then go to school the
next day, maybe feeling not pretty enough,
and begin to bully another student for not
looking like the typical actor/actress today.
Many teens do not understand the ratio of
what their weight should be in relation to
their height. An average woman is 5’4” and
140 pounds while an average model is 5’11”,
and 117 pounds. There is no single cause
of an eating disorder, but media and peers
at school have the biggest say in how others feel about their weight. “Someone with
a BMI of 25 is overweight; someone with a
BMI of 45 is obese, but it’s seen as the same
thing,” Says Dr. Leora Pinhas. The media
does not understand the effect that they have
on young teens.Many conversations take
place about changing societal pressures;
this change must come from those who desire it. Society has a significant impact on
teenagers, the stigma surrounding body type
and mental illnesses must be destroyed.
til December 12 when the organizers will
donate all of these items to local charities.
Also in Okotoks, one can Skate with Santa
for this one-day-only event on December 13
from 2:15 pm until 3:15 pm at the Okotoks
Recreation Centre.
With so many events taking place
in and around Calgary it is difficult to not
get into the holiday spirit. This is the time
for giving and spending time with family,
and with so many options available there is
sure to be one that each family will enjoy.
As the weather gets colder people’s hearts
grow warmer with the many opportunities to give back to those in need. People
in Calgary and the surrounding areas are
fortunate to have a wide variety of choices
for this year’s activities. Whether families
love to walk in a winter wonderland or dash
through the snow, Santa Claus is coming
and he will know who is naughty or nice!
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 27
The CBC provides workshops to students across Canada
begin to mime what is being said over the
speaker. Once the scenes are finished, the
timer brings the recorded scenes to the film
editors, who fill in the green screen with the
appropriate backdrops for the miming. One
does not need to speak French to participate
in this workshop, but it will make everything
much easier to understand.
Television Broadcast is only of-
dents are taught specific aspects about the
studio, for example, what the walls are made
out of to create complete silence and no echo
in the room. Once the participants are taught
about the studio, the recordings start and
their show is made.
All of the participants separated
into each of their workshop groups, are
given a tour of the CBC building. Students
have the opportunity to see different sets,
used and unused, from different shows and
are shown how they filmed on the sets. The
students are also able to see a radio studio,
and are shown how the employees run the
radio show so smoothly.
All of the tours are in English, except the one
group, where it is all explained in French.
The separate groups were offered a twentyminute break from working, where the students are let loose in the CBC cafeteria to
buy food. Once everything is finished, all of
the projects are saved to a USB, and taken
home with the students.
If anyone would like to participate
in this activity, go to the website Encounters with Canada for more information. The
requirements to go are that the person going must be 14-17 years old. This program
in which one goes to Montreal for the day
is only offered during the Journalism and
Communications theme week, the next time
this theme will happen is March 13-19 2016.
If someone is interested in this theme, it is
suggested that they sign up as soon as possible, because spots will fill up quickly.
encounter in
the pursuit of
suede boots is
that there are
possibly too
many styles to
choose from.
This season,
knee-high boots have been having a moment in the limelight, but a classic ankle
boot with a block heel is also a good option.
Ankle boots are commonly mistaken for
booties, but in actuality an ankle boot ends
four inches above the ankle while a bootie
will end right at the ankle. In the case of any
style try sticking to more natural shades of
suede such as browns, blacks, and beiges to
achieve a bohemian look. Coloured suede,
as well as looking too glitzy to be boho,
can also look cheap when the suede is not
high quality. By sticking to natural tones,
one may find a pair of faux-suede boots that
look authentic without the large price tag.
The best way to complete an outfit with suede boots is to understand what
pairs well with different boot styles. Knee
high boots look great on top of skinny jeans
and when paired with dresses that do not
quite meet their top, stay away from jeans
that have a slim fit yet are not slim enough
to fit underneath the boot. Neither bunching
them up underneath nor having odd lines on
them from wearing them over ones boots is
attractive. Some wide or relaxed-leg styles
can look exceptional when the boots are
tighter fitting through the leg. On the con- to accomplish this trend is by playing with
trary ankle boots and booties should never many of different combinations, once one
be worn with wide leg pants. For a truly bo- gets used to matching numerous patterns it
hemian look pair flat ankle boots with a long will become easier to find pleasing pairings.
circle skirt or a handkerchief hem dress.
For those who are looking for
a more daring way to express their bohemian spirit, they need not look further than
wearing eclectic prints. Kaleidoscopic
shapes, silk scarf patterns, and everything
in between were used on runways such
as Bottega Vennetta, Givenchy, and Chanel. Trendsetters who have taken a shot at
this trend include socialite Olivia Palermo
and actors Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
It is true that mixing prints can
come across as tacky, which is what makes
this trend so difficult to complete. The trick
is to stick to one colour palette and match
pieces accordingly. A fall-inspired palette
could include colours like orange, forest
green, or mauve while a more specific palette might simply follow repeated shades
of one colour. Match pieces that have the
palette colours as their base but also contain fun accent colours to keep the outfit
vibrant. For example one might wear a
Photo by Cleo Williams
deep green neck scarf with gold accents, Katie Ewart, Grade 12, sports suede boots.
an oversized textured sweater in beige
and a bright coloured coat printed with the The past couple of fashion seasame green on the scarf. Another way to sons have been full of bohemian-based colcarry out this trend is to use the same print lections and the trend has shown no sign
in numerous scales and colours. To follow of slowing down. This fall, students can
the free-spirited trend one might match nu- take a new approach on the look by wearmerous dreamy floral prints.The best way ing suede boots and wearing eclectic prints.
to them. This is the most popular workshop
at CBC; therefore, the students are separated
into two groups of twenty students each, so
that everyone can have the job they would
to personally experience what one is bewant. Once the employees show everyone
ing taught: this is how the CBC is teaching.
how the equipment works, they set up in an
They invite classes to come into their Monempty news studio and begin to film their
treal news building and they put the students
own broadcast. The list of jobs provided ininto their daily working environment. CBC/
clude: news anchor, reporter, meteorologist,
Radio-Canada offer three workshops to the
producers of different kinds,
students: Television Broadnews director, camera operacast, Radio Broadcast, and a
tor, broadcast technician, and
French trailer-making course.
audio engineer. Once everyone
When students parhas their premade script memticipate in the French trailer,
orized, they begin to film the
most students get to work
on their acting skills. About
Participants in the Radio
twenty students are needed
again only offered
for this workshop. While no
have a wonderful
talking is actually required,
new aspects about
students get to mime differworking
Much like the
ent scenes. All of the work
is done in front of a green
screen, which comes into
play once all of the acting is
finished. There are different
twenty students is offered this
roles assigned to students:
workshop. The roles given inactors, cameraman, timer,
Photo by Alexis Bradley
clude: station manager, host,
and film and sound editors.
A visit to CBC/Radio-Canada is a must when you go to Encounters with Canada radio traffic manager, sales exThe timer holds the director
ecutive, reporter, programme
slide and says when the scene
producer, broadcast
will start. Once that is said, the cameraman
and news
will hit record and the sound editors hit play
the paron the recorded audio. At this point, the
let the
actors are in front of the green screen and
film their own newscast with a script given students record the show themselves. Stu-
Alexis Bradley
One of the best ways to learn is
The fast turnover of fashion that
has come to be established in the 2000s
means not much of ones closet stays in style
for long. Pieces one may have thought to
be timeless can be a thing of the past in a
weeks time. Many trends come and go in
the blink of an eye, yet one specific trend
is proving its worth by returning prominently for its third runway season. In 2013
bohemian silhouettes made an overpowering return to the high fashion scene after a
hiatus. Scattered with 70s-inspired pieces
and romanticly flowing silhouettes, the collections shown years ago are still having an
impact on today’s fashion. Take a cue from
the world’s top trend and go for a bohemian look this fall with a few simple staples.
Featured on runways such as Chloe,
Micheal Kors, and Miu Miu, suede boots are
the first step to acing a bohemian look. With
the weather cooling down, suede is a perfect
way to look polished while keeping warm in
the fall months. Celebrities have also taken
a liking to this must-have piece with supporters including singer Ciara and legendary model Kate Moss sporting the look.
One dilemma style seekers may
Page 28 --
Scarlett FEVER
Continued from page 18
economic record, and that voting for the
Liberals or NDP would lead to economic disaster and security failures. Many disagreed,
including the other parties, calling Harper’s
economic record disastrous. Harper having
the worst economic growth record since the
Great Depression and the worst job creation
record since World War II soon became a
fixed part of Liberal and NDP party rhetoric.
Harper and his party ran into more controversies as the year went on, becoming the spotlight of the Senate Scandal,
the refugee crisis, and great angerfooled
themselves into voting for the NDP. Starting an issue over the niqab also proved
to be a miscalculated political strategy.
On election day, the Conservatives were voted out of power, and many
important ministers lost their seats. Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Member of Parliament for Calgary Heritage
(AB), led his party to form Official Opposition with 99 seats, or 29% of 338 possible seats, and 31.9% of the popular vote.
Harper has resigned as party leader, according to party-released documents.
The New Democratic Party The
2011 election led to the left-wing NDP’s
best-ever showing under Layton, forming
official opposition. The socialist-leaning
party was traditionally one to have influence in parliament, such as through Tommy
Douglas and universal health care under
Liberal Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson,
but never one to try to form the government
itself. Layton had led the party for years, and
was expected to become opposition leader
in 2004 until the nation’s right-wing parties merged to form the Conservatives, and
Harper became opposition leader instead.
In 2004, 2006, and 2008, Layton’s NDP
came in fourth, and the large Bloc Québécois came in third. In 2011, the NDP managed to pull off a gain of 67 seats by winning a majority of those in Quebec, where
they had previously elected only two MPs.
Unfortunately, on August 22, 2011, cancer
took Layton. A March 24, 2012 leadership
election resulted in a victory for Mulcair
with a final 57.2% of the vote. He was criticized within his own party for having views
further right than the NDP traditionally
had, and that him being leader might draw
the party away from its labour-based roots.
Mulcair went on to become and
do just that. While the party opposes Bill
C-51, the Trans Pacific Partnership, and
Keystone XL, the reasoning behind the
last two has switched to an economic one.
Mulcair’s platform was unconventional for
the NDP, stating that the party intended on
balancing the budget, much like the Conservatives, lowering the tax rate for small
businesses, not hiking taxes for the wealthy,
barely increasing the corporate tax rate, and
keeping production costs low. Though Mulcair was a very popular opposition leader
amongst the public regardless of their individual political leanings, many were angry
about the party’s shift to the center. Others
were skeptical about the NDP being able to
balance the budget; the party made many
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
promises, and it would be impossible to
balance the budget without having to pull
back on some of those. In the end, the progressive vote leaned towards Trudeau over
Mulcair, and the polls even predicted him
losing his own seat, which he almost did.
On election day, the New Democrats finished in a distant third with just 44
seats, or 13% of a possible 338, and 19.7%
of the popular vote. The party lost much of
its former stronghold of Quebec, as well as
many important NDP figures, including Layton’s widow and Toronto mayoral candidate
Olivia Chow and deputy party leader Megan
Leslie. Mulcair, Member of Parliament for
Outremont (QC), will stay on as party leader.
The Bloc Québécois The separatist Bloc Québécois (BQ), a party based on
defending Quebec’s rights within Canada,
was expected to possibly be wiped out
entirely. Long-time leader Duceppe had
stepped down when the party won only
four seats in 2011, losing 43, mainly to the
NDP, including his very own seat. In 1993,
Duceppe had become opposition leader, an
outcome that would be surreal today. Mario Beaulieu succeeded him as BQ leader in
2014, but Duceppe came back from retirement to lead the party once more. On election day, the BQ finished in fourth with 10
seats, or around 3% of the total 338 seats,
and 4.7% of the vote. While the party
gained 6 seats, the percentage of the possible vote in Quebec is at its lowest in party
history, and Duceppe, who has resigned,
was defeated in the riding where he ran.
The Green Party The environmentalist Green Party earned its first ever seat
in 2011 for May in Saanich-Gulf Islands,
although it won 3.91% of the vote compared to 6.78% in 2008. The party continues
to be somewhat popular across British Columbia, polling at around 10%, and at one
point, polls suggested that the party would
win a second seat in the riding of Victoria.
Later, the polls moved on to predict one
seat as an absolute minimum and absolute
maximum for the Greens. To even receive
one seat is a big deal for them, given the
voting system in place. On election day, the
Greens finished in fifth with a single seat, or
around 0.3% of the 338 ridings where the
Greens ran, and 3.5% of the popular vote.
Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament for
Saanich-Gulf Islands (BC), won her riding
with 54% of the vote, and the party came
in second to the NDP in Victoria (BC).
Outcome in Quebec Following an
unexpected clean sweep in Atlantic Canada,
the nation turned to Quebec to see how their
votes would affect the election outcome.
Quebec has long been, understandably, a BQ
stronghold. Last election, the NDP did as well
as they did largely due to an unexpectedly
excellent performance in the province. Seven of the 75 seats in Quebec, or 9.33%, went
to the Liberals, five, or 6.67%, went Conservative, 59, or 78.67%, went to the NDP, and
the BQ were down to just four, or 5.33%.
So, the strategy of the Conservatives and BQ, who were polling poorly in
the province, was to take seats from the
NDP, who were then leading nationwide.
The three largest parties were practically
stuck in 30% tie in the polls at the time, and
every seat was of utmost importance, so
the parties attempted to do this during the
French-language Consortium debate. Mulcair’s fatal blow was calling the random
introduction of the niqab into the debate, a
non-issue throughout the campaign, a political tool for the Conservatives. Since Quebec
is largely against public usage of religious
symbols, it was the Conservatives and BQ
who benefited, and the NDP lost a large
chunk of projected seat numbers in the polls.
26 of the now-78 seats were projected for
the Liberals, 11 for the Conservatives, only
34 for the NDP, and 7 for the BQ versus a
previously-predicted zero. The NDP’s nationwide support in the polls fell down to the
mid-20% range, plateauing until it reached
21.7%. Mulcair’s very own riding of Outremont was predicted to go to the Liberals.
The NDP did even worse than
predicted, despite Mulcair retaining Outremont, and the Liberals outperformed expectations, winning most of Montreal, including the ridings of Garneau and former
leader Stéphane Dion. Trudeau won his riding of Papineau, but Duceppe did not win
Laurier-Sainte-Marie, which he had contested, and the BQ’s vote share also dropped.
Final results of 78 ridings
(75 in 2011): 40 seats; 51.28%, Liberal, +33, +41.95 percentage points (pp).
16 seats; 20.51%, NDP, -25, -58.16pp.
12 seats; 15.38%, Conservative, +7,
+8.71pp. 10 seats; 13.33%, BQ, +6, +8pp.
Outcome in Ontario and Other
Provinces Ontario is famous for typically
voting for different parties provincially
and federally; though the Liberals were in
power provincially, the province’s seats
largely went Conservative in 2011. Given
that around a third of the nation’s seats
are in Ontario, doing well in the province is crucial for a good performance
in the overall election, as seen in 2011.
When seat boundaries were redrawn to increase the total number of seats
nationwide from 308 to 338, the Conservatives were accused of gerrymandering
in the Greater Toronto Area; drawing the
lines in a way to benefit themselves; this
would split the left leaning vote in urban
and mid-to-low-income ridings, increasing the likelihood of a Conservative victory in those ridings, and would separate
the rich regions with big CEOs, attempting
to guarantee those seats for them, making strategic voting practically a necessity.
The NDP’s strongholds in the
province are Hamilton and Windsor, both
cities with large blue-collar populations - a
traditional NDP-supporting demographic.
The party had done well in parts of Toronto
and the GTA—Layton was from TorontoDanforth—but people seemed to insist on
strategically voting for the Liberals instead,
making an NDP victory nationwide now
very unlikely. The New Democrats also
targeted parts of rural Ontario, where their
provincial counterpart had done well, including the battleground-riding of Kenora.
Meanwhile, the Conservatives and
Liberals were fighting out the GTA, where
nine-term Conservative MP for Mississau-
November 2015
ga-Malton Jagdish Grewal was dumped
after writing an editorial in support of gay
therapy, asking if it was wrong for, “a homosexual to become a normal person.”
As the Liberals gained more and
more support in the region, Harper turned to
the Ford brothers, both Rob and Doug, in a
bid to gain support from Ford Nation, suburban Toronto’s ultra-conservative supporters.
At the end of the polling period,
67 of now-121 ridings were projected to
go Liberal, 40 Conservative, and 14 NDP.
In reality, most of the GTA went
Liberal, including NDP stronghold TorontoDanforth. There were only a few exceptions,
including two NDP ridings in Hamilton. The
Liberals managed to take the rest of Hamilton, and also swept Ottawa and KitchenerWaterloo. The Liberal-Conservative battleground rural riding of Kenora also went
Liberal, although for the first time, it was
the NDP that came in a close second. At this
point, however, there was no longer any hope
for a strong NDP performance nationwide.
Saskatchewan and Manitoba also
saw a progressive shift, as did Alberta. Alberta, Conservative-stronghold and Harperhome, had shockingly voted for a majority
NDP government in its recent provincial
election. While this never was going to
translate over onto the federal stage, the
Liberals won multiple seats in the province, shocking the nation. The last time a
Calgarian seat went to the Liberals was in
1968, when Pierre Trudeau was elected.
Many pollsters and political scientists predicted in the early days of the campaign that the three-way race’s outcome
would be determined by British Columbia.
Generally, it was thought that the
Liberals would do well in the Vancouver region, the NDP in the islands, including Victoria, and along the coastal rural ridings, and
the Conservatives in interior BC, including
Kelowna. The Greens also do better in BC
than in other provinces, and a riding on Vancouver Island is where May is from. In some
ridings, the party came in a close second or
third. The polls’ final projection was 13 Liberal, 16 Conservative, 12 NDP, and one Green.
The polls were quite wrong, but pollsters
were correct in having said that the winner
in BC would determine the winner federally,
with the Liberals having won the most seats.
The Niqab, Quebec, and the Debates There were a plethora of highly complex issues, from the economy and oil to
environment and science, from the Fair
Elections Act to former Conservative election behaviour, Bill C-51, the refugee crisis,
and issues with Mike Duffy, the Senate, and
electoral reform. However, one that practically requires a case study is that of the
niqab; with the electoral race practically in a
three-way tie, every seat mattered greatly. As
aforementioned, the logical strategy would
be to target Mulcair in the French-language
debate to tap into Quebec, as did end up happening with the introduction of the Niqab
by Harper, previously a non-issue. The Bloc
jumped on the bandwagon, and Mulcair
coming out in favour of the right to wear it
Continued on page 29
November 2015
Continued from page 28
was given a death blow, given that
the province is one typically against
public usage of religious symbols.
However, siding on this issue
with Harper and Duceppe would
mean alienating NDP support
elsewhere, so Mulcair was really
backed into a corner, in essence.
The earlier debates also
had profound impacts on the parties in the polls. Rogers Media’s
August 6 General Debate greatened support of Trudeau, and
was how the parties first ended
up in a three-way deadlock. It
should be noted that prior to this
debate, a spokesperson for Harper said about Trudeau prior to
the debate that, “If he comes on
stage with his pants on, he will
probably exceed expectations.”
While analysts chose
Mulcair and Harper as standouts
in September’s economy debate,
Trudeau was also popular, and
the academic verdict was that the
debate would not change opinions, but rather strengthen them.
In-between the French-language
debates, it was thought that
Trudeau performed well in one
about Foreign Policy, and this began Liberal momentum, placing
them just above the Conservatives in the polls, while NDP support plummeted into the mid-20s.
The Campaign Much of
the outcome of the election can be
attribute to the campaign period.
The Conservative Party is very famous for their attack ads, and this
continued into the 2015 election
from the day Trudeau was chosen
as the Liberal Party’s leader. Belittling Trudeau by referring to him
as Justin, even by Harper in public, proved to be unpopular, and
the party came under fire when
they began releasing ads editing
clips out of Trudeau’s interview
with Mansbridge with the intent to
mislead. These ads promoted the
conclusion that Trudeau was a terrorist-sympathiser junkie who felt
that the budget could balance itself. These clips were often supplemented with comments he made as
a child or shots from a charity strip,
and these ads ended with, “Justin
Trudeau: he’s in way over his head.”
The Conservatives later
ran a much-spoofed ad featuring
job applicants, promoting the idea
that Trudeau was too young and inexperienced, despite being similar
in age and experience to Harper
and John F Kennedy when they
-- Scarlett FEVER
ran for office, and brought out the
message that Trudeau was nothing
more than a pretty face, with lines
like, “I see he’s included a picture,” and, “Justin Trudeau: he’s
just not ready. Nice hair, though.”
The Conservatives have
always been famous for their attack
ads. In 2011, their ads suggested
that Ignatieff was “just visiting”
and “not in it for you,” saying that
he did not understand Canada’s
politics, despite being one of the
world’s most renowned experts
on the subject, and Canadian politics and history were what he was
teaching at Harvard. In 2008, they
made fun of Dion for having adopted children, and in 1993, the Progressive Conservatives poked fun
at how the left side of Chretien’s
face was paralyzed. The latter is
considered to be the first American-style ad in Canadian politics.
Many say that it was this
negative campaign which led to the
Conservative’s loss. In addition,
bringing up banning the niqab out
of nowhere to bring in the feminist
vote backfired. At another point,
Harper was asking for Canadians to
vote for him to stop the Netflix tax...
which no one else was proposing.
you might not know about
me - I like movies and TV
shows. One of my all-time favourites is Breaking Bad,” the
former Prime Minister said.
showed at the end when he approached the Ford Brothers. The
Conservatives also ran foreignlanguage ads in ethnic, sociallyconservative Vancouver suburbs,
claiming that Trudeau wanted to
sell drugs to young children and
open up brothels on every street,
and then there was a controversy
over a Barbaric Cultural Practices
hotline; this and the Niqab issue
could have led to their downfall.
By contrast, the Liberals ran a positive campaign, one
that was noted for being unpoliticized and based on what the
party felt was best for Canada’s
future, even calling out previous Liberal politicians. Ads included Trudeau saying, “Stephen
Harper likes to say I’m not ready.
Here’s what I’m not ready for….”
The NDP’s campaign
that the Liberals are as corrupt as the Conservatives, and
brought up popular party figures, like Douglas and Layton.
Candidates of all politi-
cal stripes were also dropped by
their respective parties throughout
the campaign period. Notable examples include Conservative home
contracter Jerry Bance, who was
humiliated after the revelation that
he urinated into a client’s mug.
The humiliation certainly carried
over to the wider party; according
to Mulcair, “He must be someone
who’s adept at Stephen Harper’s
trickle-down theory of economics.”
Other controversies with
the party included a candidate calling abortion worse than both the
Holocaust and 9/11, while another
was found to have posted videos
of him sexually harassing girls
and insulting the disabled; furthermore, another candidate posted
condescending Facebook posts
in response to a youth’s question.
Election gaffes by the other parties include when NDP candidate Alex Johnstone retaliated to
anger over having made a joke
about Nazi death camp Auschwitz by claiming to have never
heard of it, when Liberal candidate Maria Manna resigned after
9/11-related conspiracy theorizing, in addition to several more.
Polls Throughout the
campaign period, the polls were
practically at a three-way tie.
Due to the quirks of First Past the
Post, the party in third place in
the popular vote was often in first
in ridings won. At the end, however, the NDP fell into the mid20s and plateaued until reaching
the low 20s while a two-way race
between the Conservatives and
Liberals shifted towards a Liberal
lead, predicting a Liberal minority
with a possible Conservative win.
The reason behind the
polls missing the magnitude of
the Liberal win has been under debate. In fact, many pollsters were
warning the public that the Liberal lead is not significant enough
to mean anything, pointing out
David Cameron’s victory in the
United Kingdom. This result, for
a large part, comes down to strategic voting, which may have contributed to the NDP’s downfall.
Orange Gets Crushed,
Red Triumphs The NDP were often
in first in polls throughout 2015,
but towards the end, an NDP win
was practically outruled. However,
they ended up doing considerably
worse than projected, in what the
CBC has endearingly referred
to as the Orange Crash. There
may be many reasons for why.
Their support in Que-
LIB - Trudeau (39.47% of vote, +20.56pp) | 184 seats (54.44%) (+150, +43.51pp)
(32 ATL, 40 QC, 80 ON, 8 SK/MB, 4 AB, 17 BC, 3 Terr.) Polls: 37.2%, 124-161 seats
CPC - Harper (31.89% of vote, -7.73pp) | 99 seats (29.29%) (-67, -19.82pp)
(0 ATL, 12 QC, 33 ON, 15 SK/MB, 29 AB, 10 BC, 0 Terr.) Polls: 30.9%, 100-139 seats
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
bec was always predicted to fall
after the French-language debate, but they ended up almost
losing the province entirely;
however, they also failed to do
well outside of Quebec. There
may be several reasons for this.
One may be the shift to
the center. The party, just getting
established for the first time, figured that it would be sensible to
pick up more conventional rather
than socialist policies. This, however, alienated their core support
group of blue-collar and unionized
labour workers. Instead, it was the
Liberals who moved into becoming the clear contrast to Harper.
Even centrism in itself often does
not work as a political ideology.
Strategic voting was also
certainly at play. With the NDP
falling in the polls and the Liberals growing in momentum, many
progressive voters may have
jumped on the Trudeau bandwagon, preferring the Liberals
over four more years of Harper.
Electoral Reform During the campaign period, Trudeau
stated via the incredible esteemed
platform of Twitter that electoral reform and ditching First
Past the Post would be one of the
first things a Liberal government
would do. However, it was First
Past the Post that led to a Liberal
majority rather than a minority,
and many are unsure if the Liberals will carry through with this.
What many forget though
is that similar numbers to 2011 does
not mean the same story. In 2011,
around 60% voted against Harper.
In 2015, it was not that 60% voted
against Trudeau, but rather, that
70% voted against Harper, as the
election was largely anti-incumbency. Since systems like Alternative Vote, Single Transferable Vote,
and Mixed Member Proportional
are based around forming the most
preferable governments, it is possible that the Liberal victory could
have been even larger; this does
not hold true for Harper in 2011.
Canada’s New Political Environment and American
Parallels Ignoring whether or not
Trudeau will be able to deliver on
having a well-behaved government, Canada’s politics have now
changed as a whole; 8 of the 10
provinces now have progressive
governments. The only exceptions are Saskatchewan, where the
centre-right Saskatchewan Party is
in power, and British Columbia’s
conservative Liberal party; British
Page 29
Columbian politics is confusing.
This progressive slant will likely
lead to more work between the
provinces and the federal government, and the lack of connection
to the oil industry may mean a
greater emphasis on the economy
outside of Alberta. There may
even be more cooperation with
the United States; if the Democrats are in, Keystone XL will no
longer halt Canadian relations,
and if Trump is in, both countries
will have leaders with notable hair.
In addition to the lack of a
stale relationship between the two
nations, it is interesting to compare the politics of both nations.
In some ways, social issues are
much more important in the United
States; while Canada’s parties lean
from socially-centrist to sociallyliberal, America’s two parties are
clearly socially liberal versus socially conservative. In fact, their
politics is more conservative as
a whole; while Bernie Sanders
is treated as though a socialist,
he would fit right in into Canadian politics. It can even be said
that Canadian politicians come
in three flavours of Bernie Sanders: mild, medium, and hot, from
right to left. As the Liberals are
currently thought to be the furthest
left, given people’s perception of
him, it is interesting to think of
Trudeau as a hot Bernie Sanders.
Conclusion In summation, Harper could have been gone
long ago. With intense hatred towards him on practically every
issue in addition to the way that
his government was acting and his
politics was playing, the only thing
stopping him from being defeated
was a progressive vote-split. However, the NDP’s platform decisions
coupled with Harper and Duceppe
playing politics around the topic
of the niqab led to strategic voting for the Liberals rather than
Mulcair, and a party which most
Canadians can support is finally in
power. While what happens during
the next four years is unknown,
understanding why the country
ended up with a Liberal majority
comes down to all of the incredibly
important factors in an incredibly
oversized article. The only thing
for certain is that, come 2019, a
landslide Green majority government is nothing but inevitable.
Some results are included below, with a striking parallel to 2011’s numbers with different parties.
NDP - Mulcair (19.71% of vote, -10.92pp) | 44 seats (13.02%) (-59, -20.42pp)
(0 ATL, 16 QC, 8 ON, 5 SK/MB, 1 AB, 14 BC, 0 Terr.) Polls: 21.7%, 51-90 seats
Duceppe’s QC-exclusive BQ were up 6 seats to 10 while around 8 were predicted.
The Greens had no change, retaining May’s predicted single BC seat.
Page 30 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Number of homicides in Calgary dramatically increases
By Grace Stone
Currently, thirty homicides have
been committed this year in Calgary. The
past two months, September and October,
alone have included twelve of these homicides. This recent increase in crime has
led many Calgarians to be fearful of other
citizens in their communities and to wonder
why the homicide rate has suddenly escalated in occurrence. Numerous police reports
have posted information regarding different
homicide charges to suspects of the crimes,
as well as the current information on the victims and the causes of death. Newspapers
such as calgaryherald and calgarysun have
made connections to various homicides and
are suspicious of the motives and similarities
between cases; however, no official accusations have been released.
Earlier in the month on September
9, police investigated the death of nineteenyear-old Jessica Hagan along Cranarch
Circle in Cranston. The house showed no
signs of violence, and the cause of death has
not yet been disclosed on account of suspicion, evidence of which police have refused
to release. Reports have stated that it might
be weeks until it is determined if this was a
criminal offense, even after the autopsy results are in. Also taking place on the same
day, at the intersection of 16 Avenue and 19
Street NW, Kallen Brianne Carothers was
found suffering fatal gunshot wounds. Osman Mohamed has been held as a person of
interest in her death, as investigators say he
was in the same blue Toyota Carothers was
in at the time she was shot; however, police
do not know if Carothers was the intended
target for the homicide, or if Mohamed himself was the target.
Less than a week after Carothers
was shot, a forty-one year old man identified as Christian Jovanovic was found in a
Banff Trail hotel room in Northwest Calgary
on September 14. The man held accountable
for Jovanic’s death is Martin Allen Rangers, who now faces second-degree murder
charges after his court appearance on September 30. The police believe this violent
encounter was unplanned and that the two
men had no connection with each other. A
stolen 2015 grey Fiat is still being searched
for, as police believe it may have a connection to the case.
On the morning of September 18, a man
named Mohammed Saqib was found in a
broken-down and burnt Audi on the side
of a road in Airdrie. The twenty-nine-yearold’s death was discovered after fire crews
responded to notifications about a fire in the
area, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) deemed his body to be a victim
of homicide. Two brothers in their twenties,
Julius Person and Theo Wheyee, have been
convicted of arson and the second-degree
murder of Saqib. A third party, Saad Mohamed Osman, is also being searched for.
Police have warned the public not to approach Osman. Police have not shared information indicating the relationship between
Saqib and these three men.
On September 30, two separate homicides were reported in South Calgary. The
victims, Joel Gary Geddes and Jonathan Joe
Schmeikal, were both in their thirties when
they passed. Each had a previous criminal
background. Geddes and Schmeikal had
both moved out of their own houses three
weeks prior to the incidents. Additionally,
both cases featured the use of guns. Police
have not released any information claiming
that these two homicides were linked; however it has been suspected that there could be
a similar factor in the roles of their deaths.
The second homicide that day involved
fifty-six-year-old Frank Burton who was
stabbed to death in Highland Park. Burton’s
history of mental illness put him at a higher risk of being in compromised situations
with possible attackers around him due to
his susceptibility to say offensive comments
without the understanding of their meaning.
Investigators are currently considering this
the motive behind the incident.
On October 11, twenty-six-yearold Christa Cachene was found by her father.
She was dead on arrival (DOA) of the police
to the scene in a house in Ranchlands, following a party that began the previous Saturday. The autopsy reported vicious assault
wounds all over her body. The assailant,
eighteen-year-old Isaiah Riel Rider, is wanted
o n l y
charge of
but also
due to a
assault, and
a nationwide warrant for
the breach
of a conditional
sentence order. On the same day, thirty- lice reports.
Some of the violence in the city
three-year-old Christopher Stephen Tooley was found DOA in the southwest quadrant could have been caused by a spark in the asof Calgary, showing injuries of assault prior sumptively discontinued decade-long gang
to the crime. There are no indications that war between the FOB and FK gangs; howthis attack was an accident, and drugs may ever it has been speculated other criminal
offenses have ensued because of the mohave played a role in the scene.
The following day on October 12, mentary chaos in the homicide units, who
police were called to a separate neighbour- are trying to juggle multiple cases at once.
hood in Ranchlands to investigate a dead The possibility that the 2002-2009 gang war
body after it was found inside a house. has re-ignited due to changes made in drug
Neighbours reported hearing three different trade is very plausible for Calgary; however,
sounds two days prior. One of the neigh- the disputes that have occurred recently difbours claimed that he heard sounds similar fer than the ones six years ago. A representato “crashes, as if somebody was throwing tive in the police force, Sgt. Quinn Jacques,
something really big into the dumpster.” has stated that conflicts in the city over drugs
These noises proceeded with a sound simi- have been seen before, however the recent
lar to a “male voice, screaming in [a] bit of use of guns in these disputes is new. He has
agony.” The case has not been solved yet.
also said that “the conflict that we’re see
On October 19, two more individu- ing doesn’t seem to have a root cause. It’s
als were found deceased in a northeastern probably in some way related to drugs, but
home in a
neighbourhood of Coventry Close.
Their deaths
have been
suspected as
They may be
classified as
first or second-degree
murders, as
there are no
that this was
a random attack. An autopsy has not
been scheduled yet.
Photo by Grace Stone
Police are constantly working to help and provide safety to many Calgarians
There were
eighteen previous homicides that took place there’s not two opposing groups. It’s very
in 2015 before the twelve cases mentioned, complex.” Multiple gangs and individuals
including the following victims: Abdullahi have been suspected to play a role in this
Ahmed, Murad Omar, Cuong Hoang, Rob- violence, instead of the two sole FOB and
ert Joseph Marx, Dawn Echoes Baptiste, Jai- FK gangs in the previous feud.
mend Roberto Orellana-Sincuir, Mohamed- Additionally, the types of crime are differdek Ali Mohamud, Rodney Conway, Jessica ent from other years. There have been little
Rae Newsman, Taylor John Zanoni, Ryan robbery in Calgary this year; however, 24%
Edward Delve, Maryam Rashidi, Steven of total crime is accounted to assault and hoSharda, Levi Marance, Mustafe Mohamud micide. Many residents are concerned about
Hussein, David Quach, Chelsea Serpentini- their safety due to the increasing percentHarty, and Hui Xu. These deaths were found age of crime dedicated to harming and riskin various areas of Calgary including Auburn ing the lives of other citizens. The Guns &
Bay, Canada Olympic Park, MacLeod Trail, Gangs Unit of the force has been targeting
Airdrie, Willow Park, Pineridge, and Arbour the people involved in these homicides and
Lake. Many of these deaths were caused by shootings for more information to halt the
gunshot wounds.
increase of violence. Calgary police teams
Interim police chief Paul Cook are doing their best to try to decrease the
made an announcement on behalf of the number of homicides in the city. The force
commissions’ headquarters informing the has asked any citizens with information
public that the force will “relentlessly pursue about any of these crimes to please report
these criminals who are taking their violence their knowledge on the incident—residents
on to our streets.” In addition to the increase are able to do so through an anonymous site—
of homicides, gun violence has also esca- called
lated in Calgary. There has been more than and to remember to always make the safest
seventy shootings this year, roughly around decisions.
ten shootings each month, according to po-
November 2015
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 31
Cataluña va a votar en sus Lieux français de se rendre
deseos de ser un país in- au la province de Québec
dependiente de España
Madison Negrey
Por Isabel Fernandez
España puede tener una lengua
oficial, sin embargo muchas personas no
la hablan. Catalán es mucho más popular
en muchas zonas de España, como Barcelona. Catalán es una mezcla de francés y
español, que la mayoría de los españoles
creció hablando. Hace muchos años, era
ilegal hablar catalán bajo el control de
un dictador llamado el general Francisco
Franco, y mucha gente se creció con en
miedo de hablar su lengua materna en público. Las personas eran golpeadas y castigadas por hablar catalán. No se permitía
ser enseñado o hablado en las escuelas.
A lo largo de los años había pocas
muchas personas estaban en contra de
que los catalanes votaran la elección celebrada en España, sin embargo, las personas de ascendencia Catalána votaron por
la independencia de España. Catalán ha
sido una parte de España desde que perdieron la Guerra de Sucesión Española
en 1700. Brevemente Cataluña tenía su
propio gobierno justo antes de Francisco Franco llegó al poder y destruyó eso.
Recientemente os funcionarios españoles han estado haciendo campaña para
eliminar el catalán de los sistemas españoles, como declaración educación. Uno en
particular, hecha por José Ignacio Wert, se
destaca como ofensivo para todas las personas que hablan catalán, que es que todos
ellos tienen que ser oprimir.
Las personas que están
participando en el movimiento de independencia
han estado diciendo que
nada de esto habría sucedido
si el gobierno español estuviera dispuesto a negociar
algunos términos. Cataluña
es mayor PIB de ingresos de
España, y argumentan que
dan más a España de lo que
están recibiendo de vuelta,
y parte de las negociaciones
habrían sido de arreglar eso.
foto por Isabel Fernandez
El Sr. Calderwood está de acuerdo con los Catalanes que debe El movimiento de indepenser un país independiente, libre de España y la Unión Europea dencia, dice que el primer
ministro, Mariano Rajoy,
personas que se levantaron el franquismo, ha forcado en la adopción de medidas
y entre esos pocos era Antoni Más. Más contra el gobierno que desee el Gobierno
Tenía de 20 años en el momento en que él y Estaban confía en que Cataluña
sus amigos decidieron publicar una revista nunca tendrá no la independencia, y no sé
en catalán con el apoyo y la protección de sabe hasta qué punto el movimiento de indelos sacerdotes locales. Antoni Mas sigue pendencia ira. Si Cataluña gana una mayoren pie en contra de las personas que me- ía en el gobierno, podrían iniciar el proceso
nos precian su cultura. “Si ellos sacan los de independencia ya en la última semana de
tanques, iré delante de ellos, no tengo mie- octubre, y con un plan de 18 meses ya exisdo. Tengo más de 60 años de edad y que he tentes, podrían ser un estado independiente
hecho mucho. “, dijo cuando se le preguntó en 2017. A pesar de que hay un inconveniqué pasaría si la historia se repitiera y la ente a todo esto, si Cataluña se retira de Escultura Catalána fuera víctima una vez más. paña y se convierte en un Estado independi
La opresión de los catalanes to- ente, entonces ellos serían expulsados ​​de la
davía existe hoy en día, 40 años después Unión Europea y obligados a volver a apliFrancisco Franco muriera en 1975, y car, algo que no beneficiana su economía.
la Parc du Mont Royal. Le parc est 494
acres avec une grande colline (ou petite
montagne) avec les sentiers de marche, les
lumières, et un affut sur Montréal. En plus,
les autres choses de voir à Montréal inclut :
la Montréal musée d’arts, musée McCord,
le Centre Canadienne pour l’architecture,
la Tour Olympique, le vielle Montréal,
Les deux langues plus populaires
au Canada sont Anglais et Français. Il y a
plus des provinces qui parle l’anglais que
français, mais il y a les places très intéressants ou les citoyens sont bilingue français - anglais ou il peut seulement parle
en français. Ça c’est les points plus
intéressants de voyage au Canada!
En premier il y a Ottawa, la
capitale du pays. C’est une belle ville
avec beaucoup d’histoire, magnifique
architecture, et le système de parlement
du Canada. Un des sites les plus populaires à Ottawa est le bâtiment du parlement! Les visiteurs peuvent aller faire
un tour de le bâtiment et voir le Sénat,
Photo par Madison Negrey
Chambre des Communs, et la biblioUn photo qui a été pris à la Parc du Mont Royal
thèque du parlement. Aussi, tu peux voir
le processus avec le manufacture des lois et le hockey temple de la renommée.
et voir des important documents et des po- En troisième place du voyage en
sitions. C’est une très importante partie du français il y a la ville de Québec. 80.1%
Canada et une bonne place pour visiter. des citoyennes au Québec dit que français
Vous avez besoin de visiter à Ottawa est le et leur première langue ou leur langue
Central Aviation. Le Central Aviation sont préférée. C’est la place avec plus de français
des promenades en biplans. Expérience de au Canada! Québec à beaucoup de beau
l’aviation comme il était dans le 1930s dans architecture et plus vielle bâtiments qui sont
les vintages biplans. Il y a les différents très intéressant à voir. Le musée National
tours pour différents parties de la ville, in- de Beaux-Arts du Québec est une place
cluent l’histoire avec le promenade. Ici son très intéressant qu’incluent 25 000 pièces
deux points d’intéressant à Ottawa, mais il d’arts par les personnes Québécois. C’est
y a plus d’autres qu’incluent : le musée de un tour qui est autoguidée et il y aussi les
guerre, les demeures anciennes, et les parcs. ateliers d’artistes. Un festival où tous les
En deuxième, il y a Montréal. C’est gens devraient visiter est sont la du Carnival
ne pas juste la maison des Montréal Cana- d’Hiver Québec. Pour soixante années, le but
diennes, c’est une belle ville avec beau- de la Carnival est d’organiser une célébration
coup des choses à faire. Un de ces choses d’hiver pour chaque année. C’est comme le
est le biodôme. Ça c’est un grand bâtiment Stampede mais pour les citoyens de Québec.
avec la science et la nature. Il y a les auto- Le festival inclut les festivités, la nourriture,
guidées tours de la facilite et tu peux mar- un parade, et beaucoup d’autres choses!
cher dans le bâtiment et voire les quatre Cette année, la Carnival commence en le 29
différents écosystèmes. Il y a la pluie de janvier et fini le 14 février. Québec est une
forêt tropicale, le foret érable, golfe de très belle ville avec beaucoup des choses à
St. Lawrence, et les régions subpolaires. faire comme : la Musée de la civilisation,
Toutes les écosystèmes ont les animaux et le parc de la chute-montmorency, parc
plantes de chaque région. À Montréal, il y d’artillerie (site historique), Aquarium
a beaucoup des Cathédrales et un qui est de Québec, et les Cathédrales. C’est
très belle est la Basilique Cathédrale-Marie- une ville vous avez besoin de voir!
-Reine-du-Monde. Cette Cathédrale est le Au Canada, Ottawa, Montréal,
troisième plus grande au Québec avec très et Québec sont les meilleur endroits pour
belle architecture et histoire qu’incluent travailler en français. Chaque ville a beaucoup
les Romaines. Un endroit que toutes les d’histoire et de tourisme. Ce sont les villes
visiteurs du Montréal besoin de voir est que vous avez besoin à visiter un jour.
Page 32 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
The film Back to the Future Part II’s future date passes
By Hailey Payne
Many know the popular
movie trilogy Back to the Future,
written by Bob Gale and directed
by Robert Zemeckis, and the rollercoaster that Marty McFly (Michael
J. Fox) rides after finding himself
transported to the 50s. In the sequel
Back to the Future Part II, released
in 1989, McFly once again travels
to another time, but instead of going to the past he goes to the future
along with Doc Brown (Christopher Llyod) and Jennifer (Elisabeth
Shue) to help McFly and Jennifer’s
future children. During their time
in the future the film features a
time of technological advances
and significant steps from where
they were in their original year of
1985. Fascinatingly, the date that
these iconic characters travel to in
the future, October 21, 2015 just
passed, providing the unique opportunity to compare what the future was predicted to be in Back
to the Future Part II, to what the
world is actually like today.
The future Gale and Zemeckis predicted was one of technology-based lives including, flying
cars, hoverboards, high tech glasses, and fingertip and eye scanners.
Some of their predictions have
come true but others have not. The
first most obvious prediction that
was inaccurate was that everyone
would have flying cars and floating
signs to direct drivers. As one can
tell, this has not come to pass yet
but what might be surprising is that
companies have been working on
making a flying car. Aeromobil had
started making their first prototype
in 1990 which looked more like a
short, but wide plane. Since then,
the company has been working
hard and has come up with three
other attempts, getting better each
time. Aeromobil’s most recent
model is the Aeromobil 3.0 that
was finished in 2014. The Aeromobil 3.0 is a car and plane rolled
into one and looks remarkably like
a car in the front while the back
sports a propeller and wings more
like that of a plane. It is much more
aesthetically pleasing than Aeromobil’s first prototype, Aeromobil
1.0, and has retractable wings that
make it easy to drive as a car and
can be able to fly in seconds. As a
car, the Aeromobil 3.0 uses regular gasoline, can fit into normal
sized parking spaces, and can be
used just like other cars; to fly, all
it needs to take off is a grass strip
or paved area a few hundred meters long. There is no final product
that is available to buy yet so while
the prediction made in Back to the
future Part II has not happened yet,
significant strides have been made
in the production of a flying car.
The fingerprint and eye
scanners of Back to the Future
Part II are something that are
available today. Unlike in the film
though, these biometric scanners
have not become an everyday item
for many. The use of doorknobs
is still routine as well as the reliance on locks to keep people safe.
The word biometrics comes from
the Greek words bio meaning life
and metric meaning to measure.
The technology of biometrics has
been greatly developed and machines are now able to analyze
personal characteristics including fingerprints, irises, voice patterns, facial recognition, and hand
measurements. When looking at a
fingerprint scanner there are many
different kinds to choose between
from one figure to the whole hand
or a flat fingerprint versus a rolled
one. When Apple came out with
the iPhone 5s it was the first to feature a touch ID option that can be
used to unlock the phone as well as
to make purchases at the App Store
or iTunes store with a quick tap.
The touch ID option is easy to set
up and then uses one’s fingerprint
instead of password. Apple has
since produced many products that
have touch ID including all iPhone
6 products, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3,
iPad Mini 4, as well as the upcom- to pass. Another prediction that did
not turn out to be true was that citiing iPad Pro.
Interesting enough there zens today would be able to enjoy
are also two ways in which ones holographic movies, specifically
eye can be used as a key that are Jaws 19 because inevitably somelargely different from each other. one would have made the sequel.
The first is a retinal scan which Companies such as Prodisplay and
identifies the network of capillar- Integraf have been working on hoies that carry blood to the retina in lographic displays and have made
the back of the eye. This network projection screens that can be used
of capillaries is extremely complex but have not made any holographic
and unique to each person, such films for home viewing yet.
that even identical twins do not The invention of highshare the same pattern. The second tech glasses with a camera and acis the scanning of one’s iris which cess to information that shows up
is a thin circular structure that on the lens is showcased in the film
controls that amount of light that and something that is also being
reaches the retina by increasing or worked on today. Meta has sucdecreasing the diameter of the pu- cessfully made the Meta Pro Space
pils. The colour of a person’s eyes Glasses which is compared to havis a result of the colouring of the ing a phone, tablet, and laptop comirises; this is also a complex pat- bined. This product is advertised to
tern that is unique to each person.
be able to make the holographic
A prediction that has images similar to the technology
come true is the handless video- seen in Iron Man. These glasses
game. In the sequel McFly shows a allows the wearer to control their
couple of children how the games Smartphone and laptop through
back in his time, the 80s, are a 3D image and also features two
played and they remark that having cameras, a Bluetooth, and 3D
to use their hands is like a baby toy. surround sound. Google has also
While video games that require been working on these fascinatcontrollers are not obsolete, there ing glasses and has successfully
are games such as the Xbox Kinect created a prototype that has many
that are quite
useful features.
and Something that Back to The Google Glass
can be played the future Part II antici- relies on ones data
without a con- pated was McFly’s auto to use the Internet
troller. Another
lace up shoes, which but when conprediction from can arguably be called nected can allow a
the film that
variety of apps to
proved to be
either show movie
right on point is
trailers, Wikipethe use of a small, wireless tablet. dia information, quotes, and comes
It is commonplace to have iPads with Glossaic: a social network
and tablets in society today that are for sharing videos and pictures.
used for a variety of activities from Google Glass features Map2Glass
doing work to playing games.
which can calculate routes to a des
In Back to the Future tination, Speech Helper that can
Part II the popular style is some- upload a speech or slides to these
thing that is, thankfully, far from glasses. The Google Glass can also
the style today. The film shows help students to stay organized and
men wearing double ties and fea- will keep track of what is due that
tures an adjustable jacket with a day. The MyGlass app can read
self-drying mode that could be text messages to the wearer but it
useful today but has not yet come does not have hands-free response
capabilities. The glasses are said to
be comfortable and have amazing
tracking navigation but is commented to have poor battery life
even though the battery is noticeably big and juts out from the right
Something that Back to
the future Part II anticipated was
McFly’s auto lace up shoes, which
can arguably be called true. Nike
has fashioned these auto lacing
shoes that look just like the ones
worn in the film and indeed lace
up themselves. It is argued that this
should not count as being an accurate prediction because Nike made
the shoes after the model presented
in the film and the shoes may not
have been invented if they were
not in Back to the Future Part II.
The hoverboard is another
prediction that was not completely
on point in the fact that people
would enjoy them like skateboards
today. While they are not commonplace, companies have been able
to make progress with this idea.
Hendo Hover is one example of a
company that has created a working hoverboard, but the board requires a special bottom that uses
magnets to make the board stay in
the air. It is fascinating to see that
indeed this could be something that
happens but so far the hoverboard
is not ready for everyday use and
large scale production.
Back to the Future Part
II was able to make many thrilling and skillful predictions that
describe life today. The increase
in technology was unsurprisingly
true but while the predictions were
close, society was a bit slower in
the pace that technology would
advance. Many of these prognoses
were partly true but still in the invention phase where the technologies are needing some work still
and not a commonplace item yet.
In a few more years maybe society
will more closely resemble the future date that was shown in Back to
the Future Part II.
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 33
The Martian is one of the best works of contemporary
literature, a must-read novel even for non-readers
Ishaan Sahai
People often like to throw
around the word “perfect;” however, rarely is something actually perfect. Perfection means that
something really, truly is without
flaw. It is hard to think that there
is never even a single flaw or small
little bit nagging out. To be perfect means that there can be absolutely no nitpicks whatsoever.
There must not be a single line that
could have been a slight bit better.
It must be impossible for there to
exist a parallel universe where it is
done better. For something to meet
all this of this criteria is incredibly
unlikely, so it is important to exercise caution when using the word,
“perfect,” to describe something,
whether it be a novel, a TV show,
a film, or anything for that matter.
The word “perfect” should only be
used very, very rarely.
The Martian is perfect.
Absolutely perfect. There is not a
single word in the entire book that
should be changed. There is not
a single iota of writing that could
have been written better; it is perfect from the first page to the last.
The plot begins in the
near future, where the crew of Ares
3 are forced to end their manned
mission on Mars prematurely due
to a sandstorm. Unfortunately, the
sandstorm supposedly takes the life
of astronaut Mark Watney, and the
rest of the crew reluctantly leaves
the planet without him; however,
Watney is still alive. Now acting
as the audience surrogate and with
the audience’s perspective, he is
stranded, badly injured on Mars all
alone with no way of contacting
Earth or any other human being.
Meanwhile, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory realizes what has
happened, and must try to help
him, despite having no way to do
so. They also face an equally difficult challenge: handling the press,
the politicians, and the public.
They must decide if they can tell
the public, or even the crew of Ares
The novel acts as an ultimate example of the classic trope
of being stranded - think Robert
Zemeckis’ and Tom Hanks’ Castaway or Daniel Defoe’s Robinson
Crusoe, but better. Think Gravity
but with a plot.
Also interesting is the
story behind the story, so to speak.
The author, Andy Weir, is not a
writer by trade. Instead, he is a
computer scientist and self-con- sentation of the narrative clearly ever.
This is not inherently a negative,
fessed science and science-fiction works well in setting an engaging Many have praised the but The Martian laughs in the face
geek. Originally, he had a blog and gripping tone and in pacing the heavy incorporation of science into of that idea, even making fun of it
where he did little more than write plot, and is also helpful in devel- the plot. Weir has discussed how within the book. Despite incorpoDoctor Who fanfiction. Later, on oping and portraying character- scientists who worked at places of rating plausibility, not only is Weir
this very same blog, however, he ization. In addition, the plot truly the likes of NASA would send him able to tell an engaging and gripbegan posting parts of a complete lacks predictability; every setback, overwhelmingly positive reviews ping story, this ends up becoming
novel he was writing recreation- of which there are many, is differ- for doing so, and would go as far as even more effective as the reader
ally—The Martian. Upon request ent, and the setbacks themselves detailing scientific proofs of where can tell that this is about exactly
from the readers of his blog, Weir are resolved in interesting and new he went wrong, which led Weir to what would happen if a man actuuploaded the story in ebook format ways. It is difficult for the reader make corrections for the final edi- ally ends up stranded on Mars. At
on the Amazon Kindle, priced at to guess how a particular struggle tion of the book. The book is a to- times, the level of science might be
the minimum of 99 cents—obvi- will be overcome as the book truly tally pure example of real-science a bit too much for some—there are
ously, it is higher now. The book plays with an entire sandbox of sci-fi; to figure out how an astro- entire pages where Watney does
skyrocketed to the top of the Kin- possibilities, with each resolution naut could get off of Mars was the nothing more than sit down and
dle charts, and soon, publishers be- expanding the depth and breadth of very objective of writing it.
do physics and math calculations;
gan approaching Weir. After that, the story.
Commenting on the re- however, through incorporating
the film rights for the book had The writing is incredibly ception of the book, Weir wrote, this, Watney’s character ends up
been sold and he was a New York accessible; reading this novel felt “That response is pretty...incred- coming across as very resourceful,
Times bestselling author.
very different from any other book. ible, considering all I did was write and coupled up with his black hu
To write a self-published The entire story is written using about how much I love science, mour, becomes one of the best ficbook that would take the author language and prose that feels very albeit while tormenting my main tional characters of modern times.
from being an average Doctor Who realistic, and the presentation of the character with the constant threat The book really is a celfan to selling film rights to what narrative actually brings the feel of death,” in an article entitled, ebration of humanity, knowledge,
would eventually become an all- of a television episode or a movie “How Science Made me a Writer.” and progress. With Watney being
star from legendary sciencea beacon of scienfiction director Ridley Scott
tific ingenuity and the
can only be surreal and must
ending being deeply
mean that there is something
philosophical around
special about this book. For
the topic of human nathis to happen, it can only
ture, there is also real
be assumed that the novel
depth to this sciencewould have to be extraordifiction outing, a true
narily good.
thriller that keeps on
And yes, it really is
surprising, even when
that good.
the book is nearly fin
One of the greatest
ished. It truly means
appeals of the book is Weir’s
something that the film
writing style and the way the
adaptation happens to
plot plays out; a plot which
be on prediction lists
could have been much darker
for next year’s Acadeis juxtaposed with dry, witty,
my Awards despite beblack humour and heavily
ing science-fiction; the
but cleverly-used profanity.
Oscars are famously
While it may not seem like
generally given out to
the kind of story to be a
movies without appeal
comedy, The Martian truly
to the general public...
ends up being hilarious—the
that is to say, normal
book is certainly one of the
human beings; it does
Photo by Ishaan Sahai
funniest of the modern day.
happen on occasion,
This is further proven by the The Martian pulls off the impossible task of being perfect; the truly exceptional novel combines excellent however, and for a
film adaptation, which bases plotting, science, and humour to create an endearing enigma of contemporary storytelling for the ages commercial sciencethe rudiments of its style,
fiction film to be able
presentation, and humour funda- rather than a traditional book. In Unlike the still-excellent to do this really means that is has
mentally off of the book, garnering case that sounds like a negative Interstellar, the book truly takes transcended the ideas of what critserious, professional predictions comment, it definitely is not; uti- the idea of real-science to heart by ics can and cannot like. The book is
for the Golden Globe for Best Mo- lizing this writing style actually ensuring that everything is based a true must-read, and should even
tion Picture - Comedy or Musical. increased the level of engagement. around what is known today. Other be read by non-readers. Those who
This is definitely not to Combined with the lack of predict- than the overall plot and characters, have not yet seen the film should
say that comedy and black humour ability and the many challenges there is nothing fictional or made go and read it first, and those who
is all that the book has going for the protagonist must overcome, up about how the story progresses have seen the film should go and
it. The plot is presented in a very the one comment that nearly every and is resolved. It is this level of read the book immediately; it is
interesting and unique way; with- reviewer has said about this book plausibility which ends up being a one that requires being read by all.
out going into detail, a major narra- by consensus must be echoed—the very likeable and endearing quali- The Martian is a flawless,
tive shift occurs after the first few gripping nature will make it far ty; most science-fiction takes great genuinely perfect masterpiece that
chapters, definitely having been more difficult to put down than liberty on accuracy and plausibil- will most certainly go down in the
done with strong literary and story- when this exact same comment is ity for dramatic impact—or even history of fiction.
telling-based intentions. The pre- said for every single other book, most fiction, come to think of it.
Page 34 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Jeff Lynne’s ELO to release first album in fourteen years
By Aaron Schmidtke
In 1986, the band known
as one of the most influential
and dominant groups of their era
folded, causing heartbreak among
Electric Light Orchestra or ELO
fans across the globe. After a failed
attempt to resurface in 2001 with
the album, Zoom, they remained
quiet for another fourteen years
or so. Now shifting to present
day, ELO has announced they will
be releasing a brand new album,
Alone in the Universe, on November 13. This will not only be their
first album in fourteen years, but
this may open the door to their
first successful tour in almost thirty
years. There should really be something cleared up here. ELO is Jeff
Lynne and basically it always has
been. It has shifted members here
and there all throughout its time as
a band and the only constant has
been Lynne. So essentially, all of
the “it” should be “he” and “his.”
Lynne is credited on his
new album with playing every
instrument except for the tambourine and the shaker, which
his engineer played. Not only is
Lynne an absolute genius in mak-
ing his own music, but he is also
an outstanding producer. In 2008,
The Washington Times named
Lynne the fourth greatest record
producer in music history. He has
produced albums for Bryan Adams, George Harrison, Paul Mc-
of progressive rock music accompanied by classical music sounds.
ELO is considered a true pioneer of
the genre. At the peak of their playing days, they were essentially getting the younger generation to listen to classical music, a feat widely
the best in the rock department,
but the difference is that the rock
n’ roll riffs happen to be paired
with instruments like the cello
and violin. ELO achieved a sound
truly like no other at that time.
Looking at their previous
albums such as
On the Third
Day (1973),
Face the Music
(1975), A New
World Record
of the Blue
(1979), contained monumental tracks
“Evil Woman,”
“Telephone Line,”
“Don’t Bring
Photo by Aaron Schmidtke Me
and “Turn to
ELO’s Greatest Hits is ready to start spinning featuring 11 of their best songs through 1973-’78
Stone.” There
Cartney, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, recognized as impossible due to is a fair amount of certainty that
Ringo Starr and Brian Wilson. the fact that rock n’ roll was taking none of the tracks off their new
ELO’s music is described over the music industry. It is not to album will contend with their old
as symphonic rock, which is a form say that ELO cannot compete with hits; however, from listening to the
singles from Alone in the Universe
titled “When I Was A Boy” and
“When the Night Comes,” sixtyseven-year-old Lynne still has it.
His astonishingly well-preserved
vocals still have the ELO tone to
them, which should really encourage fans to give the album a listen.
It is pretty clear that
Alone in the Universe will not be
nearly as commercially successful
as records of his past, but there is
not any indication to say he cannot produce a wonderful piece
of music that can add to their already legendary collection of albums. We saw Pink Floyd release
Endless River in 2014, their first
album in twenty years. Endless
River is not in the same league or
even comparable to Pink Floyd
albums of the past such as Dark
Side of the Moon or The Wall but
it is nonetheless a beautifully puttogether album and Pink Floyd can
rest easy knowing it may be their
last. This is the hope for Lynne
with making this album; likely one
last tribute to the music group that
helped define an era of unbelievable music in the 1960s and 70s.
Gilmore Girls Netflix reboot 2016 Spectre satistactory
By Alexis Bradley
Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel return to the small screen
as one of the most loved motherdaughter pairings in TV history.
Netflix is currently working with
Warner Bros. to create a reboot
of the original TV series Gilmore
Girls (2000-2007). The show will
not return for a full season, but instead is reported to be four 90-minute long episodes with an eight to
nine year time jump from where
the show originally left off. It is
rumoured that all of the actors will
return, with the exception of Melissa McCarthy. As well as those
rumours, it is said that the original
creator of the show, Amy Sherman-Palladino, will be returning.
Graham (Lorelai Gilmore), known for other roles including Mrs. Baxter in Evan Almighty
(2007) and Sarah Braverman in
Parenthood (2010-2015), has experienced much career and personal success since the end of
Gilmore Girls. In 2010, Graham
and her costar from Parenthood,
Peter Krause, began dating. She
wrote a novel titled Someday,
Someday, Maybe (2013) which
was later entered into the New
York Times bestseller’s list. Graham teased the fans of the original
series, when she tweeted on Monday October 19, 2015 “DUDES.
I can’t confirm this. But I also
can’t deny it…” which left more
questions than answered ones.
Fans miss Rory Gilmore (
Bledel). Bledel’s best known role
was Rory, but she is also known
for her roles in The Sisterhood
of The Travelling Pants (2005)
and The Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants 2 (2008). In 2014,
she married Vincent Kartheiser
(Mad Men) after meeting him on
the set of his hit television series.
Since the ending of the
show in 2007, McCarthy’s acting career sky rocketed. She has
been in popular films such as:
Bridesmaids (2011), Identity Thief
(2013), The Heat (2013), Tammy
(2014), St. Vincent (2014), and
Spy (2015). McCarthy also stars
as Molly in the hit sitcom Mike
and Molly (2010-now).
that her career has taken off, it is
assumed that is the reason she
will not be returning for the final
conclusion of this show. McCarthy played the role of Sookie St.
James, best friend of Lorelai Gilmore and chef at the Dragonfly Inn.
Amy Sherman-Palladino,
creator and writer of seasons one
through six, has expressed how
upset she was that she did not get
to end her show. After a contract
dispute after the sixth season, she
was replaced for the final season.
“It’s always a bummer when you
don’t get to end it,” she said at the
Austin TV Festival. “I had hoped
maybe that there would have been
a call, ‘Hey, it’s the last episode,
do you want to come back?’ And
there wasn’t. But that’s OK, that’s
not the way it works in Hollywood where there are rules.” She
is reported to return for the reboot, to finally end it her own way.
Filming is rumoured
to start in early 2016, and the
show is supposed to start after
Netflix releases their other reboot series, Fuller House, which
will be a thirteen episode season
with people from the cast of Full
House (1987-1995). Because there
are only four episodes of Gilmore Girls, each 90-minutes long,
the episodes will each be set in
a different season of the year, to
give viewers more of a perspective on their lives year round.
1962. The next Bond was George
Kevin Wright
The lineage of James Lazenby; he originally was set
Bond started with Ian Fleming’s
first book Casino Royale in April
1953. Fleming wrote fourteen
books; the last one was made in
1966. Over 100 million copies
were sold of all fourteen books.
During World War II Fleming
was a naval intelligence officer,
so he would plan, scheme, and
command the troops. Much of his
writing was based off of his experience in the war.
Over the fifty-three
years that Bond has been on the
big screen there have been six
actors who have played James
Bond. There have been over
seventy-four actors who were offered or were considered for the
role. The first time James Bond
appeared in a live film run was in
1954 Climax! Mystery Theater,
played by Barry Nelson. David Niven played a long-retired
James Bond. Other notable actors
in the films are Woody Allen and
Peter Sellers.
Sean Connery was the first James
Bond actor who had a six-movie
film run. He was born in Scotland
in 1930 and received the role in
up for a seven-movie contract
but decided that he would only
do one. After that movie, Connery returned to do one more
Bond movie. The next was Roger
Moore who had a seven-movie
run over the span of twelve years.
After Moore was one of the most
disliked bonds, Timothy Dalton.
Many fans that read the classic
books are more partial to Dalton
because he portrays the character closer to the books. Others
thought that his performance was
not as good as the previous actors. Next was Pierce Brosnan;
after his performance as Remington Steele producers realized he
had a plenty of potential. Brosnan
signed for four movies and had
an eleven-year run. He was considered as a very average Bond.
The most recent Bond,
Daniel Craig, is considered to be
one of the best. His modern portrayal of the legendary agent redefined the genre of spy movies.
So far his three movies have been
Continued on page 39
November 2015
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 35
Star Wars: The Force Awakens coming to theatres soon
By Megan Miskiman
On December 18, 2015, the force
will return to fans across the world. Harrison
Ford (Han Solo), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) and Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia)
will be returning to the big screen ten years
after what fans thought to be the last Star
Wars movie.
In 2005, Star Wars Episode III:
Revenge of the Sith was released as the concluding Star Wars movie of the saga; however, in 2012, Disney bought Lucasfilms for
$4.05 billion, and with the deal came the
announcement that a new trilogy of movies
would be made in hopes of keeping the epic
story going for years to come. J.J. Abrams
will be directing the film, titled, Star Wars:
The Force Awakens. The new film is set approximately thirty years after the events in
Return of the Jedi, and will feature new and
returning characters.
The first installment in the legendary franchise, Star Wars IV: A New Hope,
was released on May 25, 1977. It was directed
by George Lucas, and starred Hamill, Ford,
Fisher, Peter Cushing, and Alec Guinness.
A New Hope made $775 million at the box
office. After the overwhelmingly positive response from the public, Lucas began on Star
Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back which was
released on May 21, 1980. It received many
mixed reviews, but is now recognized as
one of the greatest films ever made, and to on May 16, 2002, and though it received on the public. Many companies such as Kraft
date has made $538 million from its origi- better reviews, the film was considered un- Dinner and Nixon are coming out with Star
nal run and several re-releases. On May 25, successful, making only $649.4 million. On Wars-themed products such as macaroni
1983, Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi was May 15, 2005, Star Wars III: Revenge of the and cheese, and Star Wars-themed watches.
released. The film received mostly positive Sith premiered and made $848.8 million in All this merchandise is being released in an
reviews and now has grossed over $572 mil- the box office. It was the last Star Wars film effort to increase the hype surrounding the
to be made.
new movie. Strategically-timed trailers for
lion worldwide.
Received with less enthusiasm Star Wars has had a colossal effect the film have been released, creating an inwere the three prequel
triguing effect on
films. Star Wars I: The
Phantom Menace was
From Armagedreleased on May 19,
don to Star Trek,
1999, sixteen years afJ.J. Abrams has
ter the premier of Star
never failed to
Wars VI: Return of the
impress, and Star
Jedi. Star Wars I: The
Wars followers
Phantom Menace reare eager to see
ceived many reviews,
what he produces
praising the visuals,
this time. There
but criticized the writare many shots
ing, characterization,
of lightsabers and
and acting. Contrary
fighting in the
to the reviews, the film
trailers, fostering
became the secondnostalgia for the
highest grossing film
viewers. It has
in the world after Tibeen ten years,
tanic, and the highest
and fans are waitgrossing Star Wars
ing patiently for
film, making more than
hoping to solve
$924.3 million worldwide. The film was folPhoto by Megan Miskiman the air of mystery
lowed by Star Wars II: Enthusiastic Star Wars fans show their excitment for the next film by dressing as the characters surrounding the
film’s contents.
Attack of the Clones,
By Sophia Radford
album in July. The single, “She’s Kinda
Hot,” was a very different sound than what
the band had previously released. Fans were
skeptical at first, making assumptions based
on the title of the song – but were surprised
when the track turned out to be an anthem
for outcasts. Memorable lyrics lend a voice
to all those who feel like they do not belong.
“We are the kings and the queens of the new
broken scene, but we’re alright though,” the
band chants. The single reached number one
on the digital charts of twenty seven countries, and the track was met with enthusiasm
from fans. In August of 2015, the Aussie
quartet announced the title and cover art for
their second studio album, Sounds Good
Feels Good.
Upon pre-ordering the album,
consumers received a second track, “Fly
Away,” a tune that, despite its catchy hook
and charming guitar riffs, does not compare
to “She’s Kinda Hot.” It lacks the clever
lyricism that the first single was praised for.
Instead, the boys sing about a generic wanderlust. It is satisfying enough, and if nothing else, “Fly Away” offered a glimpse into
the cohesive, more put-together sound that
Sounds Good Feels Good promised. The
underlying electric guitar connects all the
tracks, constructing a collection of songs
that are reminiscent of garage bands and
backyard parties. The strange mix of drum
machine beats found on tracks like “She’s
Kinda Hot” and “Hey Everybody!” captures
5 Seconds of Summer delivers with brand new sound
Those who have not heard of the
Australian pop-punk band 5 Seconds of
Summer – 5SOS for short – have probably
been living under a rock. Luke Hemmings,
Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, and Calum
Hood make up the group, all playing their
own instruments and co-writing all of their
songs. Starting out by posting covers on
YouTube, the band got its big break when
they toured with British pop sensation One
Direction in 2014. In March of 2014, the
group released their first single, “She Looks
So Perfect,” and in summer of that year released their self-titled debut album. Popular
tracks off the album like “She Looks So
Perfect,” “Don’t Stop,” “Good Girls,” and
“Amnesia” familiarized fans with the band’s
sound. The first album is a bit of a patchwork
of pop and rock – tracks like “End Up Here”
and “Social Casualty” are heavier anthems,
encapsulating the punk-rock sound the boys
admire. But the “pop” sound is more prominent in most of the album, leaving the band
in a strange category – many fans felt that
they were not punk enough to be called poppunk, but still too edgy to be pop.
In early 2015, the band returned to
the studio to work on their sophomore album. In May 2015, 5 Seconds of Summer
embarked on their first headlining tour, performing their debut album while also introducing fans to new tracks. The band released
their first single off the upcoming second
the quirky misfit feeling the album strives
for, and the unique ensemble of sounds surprisingly work. Emotional tracks like “Jet
Black Heart” and are still thick with guitar
and drums, but take listeners into a darker
headspace. The slower tracks are anything
but laid-back, with hard-hitting choruses and
meaningful lyrics. “Jet Black Heart” transcends the easy-going party vibe of previous
tracks on the record, with emotional lyrics
like: “The blood in my veins / is made up
of mistakes.” The track is full of beautifullywritten metaphors, and is a heavier, darker
The band’s musical influences are prominent
throughout the album, with “Permanent Vacation” borrowing the drum beat from Green
Day’s “Holiday,” and the verses of “Hey Everybody!” are similar to the melody of Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like The Wolf.” Fans
have equated 5SOS’s new sound to that of
My Chemical Romance circa 2007.
Still, it is obvious the band has
come into their own, and Sounds Good Feels
Good showcases how hard the musicians
worked to develop a unique sound.
Continued on page 36
Page 36 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
In the 1980s when video
games were growing in popularity
via arcades and Nintendo’s home
console, the specialized sound and
video technology of the Nintendo
Entertainment System was still
relatively primitive. A very distinctive property of games created
in that era is the pixelated 8-bit
graphics that acted as the visuals
and the “blips” and “bloops” of
the 8-bit music. Although these
sounds were incredibly limited
in terms of depth and sound, the
tracks produced for many of the
games have stood against the test
of time and have been hailed as
musical works of art. Regardless of
the limited library of sounds to use,
these distinct 8-bit sounds came to
be a widely appreciated genre of
music, known to most as chiptune.
Although the NES was
certainly not the first platform to
demonstrate this form of music,
it is arguably the most famous for
it. It must be noted,however, that
those who invented older computer systems and arcade cabinets
did their job in spreading the phenomenon of sound to the masses,
looking for a fun time. Another extremely memorable platform that
facilitated the spread of chiptune
was Nintendo’s handheld machine,
the Nintendo Gameboy. Similar to
the NES in sound, the Gameboy
used only but a few channels, combining the uses of different wave
frequencies to produce the iconic
sounds they were limited to using.
The Gameboy has become, argu-
ably, the most popular station for
producing chiptune for artists today, due to its portability and small
Some may question why
the 8-bit sound of the NES and
the Gameboy was the only option
for creating soundtracks. Frankly,
technology during the time of early
console creation was just beginning to grow in size and displaying human intellect, and the understanding of limitation was not
expansive. The NES sound chip,
for instance, was only able to bear
five channels for sound. The channels were occupied by two square
waves (sounds for melody, typically), one triangle wave (often
the bassline or drums), one noise
wave (static, used with sound effects or percussion) and one for
sampling. The hardware would
not permit adding any more channels than what was already implemented. Musicians during this era
of gaming had to work around
the limitations and barriers placed
before them. Since all five channels were typically used during a
game, sound effects and additional
sounds outside of the music had to
be inserted in a channel, sometimes
interrupting a wave sound from being produced. Although imperfection stained the sound chip, this did
not stop the engineering and genius
behind composing on an 8-bit platform.
Despite the NES and the
Gameboy being primary sources
used to delve into the chiptune
Continued from page 35
mings – the lead vocalists for those
particular tracks – showcase their
capability for a softer tonality. The
lyrics and emotional delivery tug
at the heartstrings, proving that the
20-something boys are also skilled
at penning poetic songs.
Overall, the album exudes a carefree feeling, with tracks
like “Money” championing party
antics, while “Permanent Vacation” and “Safety Pin” sets the perfect soundtrack to a teenage rebellion. The band expresses what it is
like to be a misfit and an outcast,
resulting in an extremely relatable set of lyrics. There is an underlying seriousness to the album,
When listening to this album, it
becomes clear that the band is exactly where they want to be; the
constructs of boy-band pop are
not as strong on this album. While
5SOS are not quite in the same
vein of pop-punk as Fall Out Boy
and Panic! At The Disco, the album does present a much heavier
There are moments of
quiet found among the album,
however. “Invisible” and “Broken
Home” are softer, more acoustic
songs. These songs are rich with
emotion, and Hood and Hem-
scene, many artists
have used emulators
or other software
programs to replicate these sound
channels, despite the
absence of a console. The existence
and availability of
emulators often help
a lack of first-hand
access to an NES or
Gameboy. That being said, many artists have stated
that working with the legitimate
hardware is not only more genuine,
it can also be easier in some cases.
For instance, some have mentioned
a chiptune song have often been
aided by a hardware piece dubbed
Little Sound DJ. LSDJ was created by Swede Johan Kotlinski
for the intention of creating chip
music. The LSDJ system itself is a
cartridge for the Gameboy which,
when attached via cartridge slot,
will access the Gameboy’s sound
chip, directly allowing a user to
create songs through the actual
sound base. Since the cartridge
bears a small size and the portability of the Gameboy is already a key
factor, artists have found that carrying their “instrument” with them
is an easy and convenient task. Artists will often hook their Gameboy
November 2015
Many talented musicians
have majored in composing chiptunes; from the composers of Nintendo during the 1980s to amateur
artists looking to start out, chiptune
has been a very popular and widely
appreciated genre. Some notable
artists and groups that work with
chiptune would be Anamanaguchi,
Nitrofun, Shirobon, among many.
A successful 24-year-old solo artist
named Niamh Houston, who goes
by the alias of Chipzel, is another
artist. Chipzel works with Gameboys and LSDJ, creating upbeat
and catchy songs for adoring fans,
whether online or live in concert.
Although not having much selfexposure
from her Youtube
pages, her music
has been spread
around via chiptune mixes, which
are popular on
various music-listening platforms.
from Chipzel include “We Knew,”
work on the Super
Hexagon game’s
and many others.
the inability for
sound processors
to generate higher
Photo by Kyle Irvine millions of people
A red Gameboy Advance SP, a platform where LSDJ can be accessed and used to make music have come to love
the distinct waves
that working with the original limi- up via third-party equipment to of chiptune music. As video games
tations of a console eliminate the speakers or sound boards and will ascend higher and higher into realchances of using higher resolution program their songs in front of live ism and advanced graphics, there
music, sometimes making the core audiences – often in a club scene. is a certain charm to the retro style
sound illegitimate sounding.
This makes for an exciting and of old school games and their ac
Those who have worked genuine style of performance on a companying music.
with the Gameboy to compose digital machine.
however; at first glance, the album obviously alluding to those issues.
presents a lighter mood, but when The order of the songs
listening closely to the lyrics, some on the album crafts a story, beginsongs
ning with lighter antouch
thems and concluding
“When listening to that
n particular track, it is easy with slower ballads. In
heavi- to envision a stadium filled “Outer Space / Carry
with fans swaying back On,” an overall feeling
topnostalgia and bursts
and forth. The end of the of
of high energy makes
M u l - album leaves listeners with the song the perfect
t i p l e a sense of nostalgia and track to close the alhope.”
bum. When listening to
memthat particular track, it
bers in 5SOS have admitted to is easy to envision a stadium filled
their struggles with mental health, with fans swaying back and forth
and songs like “Jet Black Heart,” and belting the lyrics. The end of
“Safety Pin,” and “Invisible” are the album leaves listeners with a
sense of nostalgia and hope. The
song tells listeners “you know it’s
gonna get better,” concluding with
an uplifting message that is the
cherry on top of the cake.
5 Seconds Of Summer’s
sophomore album proves to be a
sonically cohesive collection of
pop-punk anthems and thoughtful
lyrics, and it lives up to the hype.
Sounds Good Feels Good raises
the bar for these Aussie stars, topping their debut. With their tickets
to their 2016 tour on sale now, it
will be exciting to see what is next
in store for Clifford, Hemmings,
Hood, and Irwin.
November 2015
-- ENTERTAINMENT -- Emilie & Ogden is a Montreal-born
soloist who showcases indie folk music by
plucking the strings of a harp. After Emilie
attended her school’s choir performance and
admired how another student played the harp
in harmony with the choir’s vocals, she was
inspired by the instrument. Emilie decided
to name her harp “Ogden.” She then proceeded to make covers of other songs, such
as “Style,” by Taylor Swift. After gaining attention on media sites, the harpist decided to
produce her own full album, 10 000, which
was released October 2. Her soft, flowy
voice is a perfect match to the elegant sound
of the harp. Each song has a unique taste:
“White Lies,” includes a background guitar
riff slower but similar to the jazz-rock of the
Black Keys’ album, Turn Blue. There are a
number of other instruments on the album,
some played by her friend and producer,
Jesse MacCormack. Instruments such as the
piano, horn, various drums, and backup vocals are showcased on a few tracks. Emilie &
Ogden are currently touring the UK and will
be returning to Quebec for a few concerts
later on in their tour.
Another Canadian soloist, Nicole
Dollanganger from Toronto, released her
debut LP album Natural Born Losers to the
world on October 9. Dollanganger’s work is
noted for her references to taboo topics and
the simplicity of her soprano vocals. Her
voice is high-pitched and haunting, particularly chilling in the two octaves of her song
“Choking Games.” She previously showcased a few of her singles that she created
using only Garageband and her microphone
to a website called; however, her most recent music was recorded in
a studio with a full band. Dollanganger had
also produced her own covers of Marilyn
Manson songs in addition to her freelance
demo singles. Two of these singles are “Valley of the Dead,” which was highlighted by
morbid lyrics and “Coma Baby,” which was
influenced by “Daisy” by Brand New in its
distinct two-chord progression. The success
of her account promoted her
to opening for Lana Del Rey’s Toronto concert, performing alongside Claire Boucher
of Grimes, as well as the opportunity to join
in on the vocals of indie singer Hana at The
Molson Theatre in Toronto.
Moving Panoramas is a trio from
Austin, Texas, which formed after main
singer and guitarist Leslie Sisson was kidnapped, threatened, and robbed by a gang
member who broke into her house in 2011.
In addition to the trauma, one of her friends
was murdered shortly after the event, and a
Facebook stalker threatened Sisson’s life.
These events induced post-traumatic stress,
Scarlett FEVER
and her anxiety and fear drove her to writing
songs to cope. As a result, three friends that
stuck together through Sisson’s unfortunate
past created the band Moving Panoramas.
For fans of The XX, the plaintive reverberation of guitar in Moving Panoramas is similar in sound; however, the trio incorporates
more indie noise rock underneath the smooth
approach of Sisson’s vocals. Each track on
their debut album One, which was released
on October 2, uses similar chords that seems
to tie the album together. The song “One,”
on the LP displays significant influence of
the song “If You Wanna,” by the Vaccines
in the chorus, with only slight alterations in
the tempo and upbeat quality that the Vaccines originally had. As an overall take on
the album, Moving Panoramas seems to be
a much softer and lighter version of the song
“Rubber,” by the band Yuck.
Another debut that highlights the
use of quirky sounds and odd music composure, also known as experimental artist
LeRoy/Leo Hopfinger, released EP Skläsh
on October 16. His work brings together
uncommon instruments with fragments of
notable sounds from different eras of music.
The resulting quality to his music is an original arrangement of unusual and almost unsettling sound effects, which lack the traditional approach to songs that are commonly
heard in music. Hopfinger does not include
the same sounds in each song, there are no
chorus or verses, the music lacks vocals,
and the mixture of effects he strings together
does not follow conventional DJ composition. Hopfinger was originally in the indietronic/elektropunk band Rhytm Police who
produced similar music, until his decision to
debut solo.
Band Patawawa produces its own
rendition of various indie, soul, discofunk
music, and has recently gained more popularity from the previous singles they have
published. The only songs that they have
recorded include “Red and White,” “Dare
to Disco,” “Strange,” “Back To Life,”
“Fratchy,” and “Charmer,” which each have
their own style in the different subgenres
in disco. “Dare to Disco,” and “Red and
White,” both capture the traditional disco
genre with modern sound effects. “Back to
Life,” and “Charmer,” are jazzy, electronic
disco tunes. “Fratchy” and “Strange” both
use more indie guitar sound, and results in
a sound similar to The Kooks. Members
Sam Wilmot, Rory Lovatt, and Beth Garrett
created the name of their band when they
mixed the names of the Patterdale Terrier
and a Chihuahua. Patawawa will be touring
the U.K. soon and are hoping to incorporate
more instruments into their album later on as
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
they progress in their genre.
On October 2, avant-garde songwriter Spencer Radcliffe released his first album, Looking In. This was post-production
of a variety of EP’s including Keeper, Brown
Horse, and Sinking Down. He prefers to publish songs that have slight delay to their lyrics
and tempo; however, Radcliffe incorporates
instruments commonly perceived as unpleasant sounding to intrigue the listener and
balance out the slow timing. The song “Other Side,” uses off-pitch vocals to create an
unsettling quality to the piece. The twang of
guitar in the track “Yankee,” or the squeaking of clarinet in “Looking In,” also helps to
achieve this effect. Other uncommon sounds
such as a cat purr in “Mermaid,” or the shaky
recorder in the track “Soft Spot,” add to the
Page 37
versions of beats from different decades.
The modern band HAIM rendered their own
style of synthpop based on artists from the
70s, and is a prime example of the inspiration BØRNS had looked to in its track “Electric Love.” The similarity between HAIM’s
song “The Wire,” and BØRNS track “Electric Love,” is uncanny, as the pitch range,
type of instruments used, and the tempo of
the beat is almost the same. The album overall is a lighter, pop version of Muse. The
voice behind BØRNS, Garrett Borns, had
been dreaming of pursuing a career in the
performing arts for years. When he was ten
years old, Borns was already a paid magician. When he was thirteen years of age, he
received a college scholarship based upon
his drawings and other visual mediums. This
Photo and art by Grace Stone
A sketch of Emilie from Emilie & Ogden, a new artist who plays indie folk music with the harp
unique style Radcliffe has achieved in his
experimentation with music. Originally born
in Ohio, Radcliffe is currently touring the
US and places near his hometown.
The last artist is a pure electropop
artist by the name of BØRNS, whose vocals
are similar to a falsetto Ryan Tedder from
One Republic and sound effects resemble
Lorde. His debut album, Dopamine, was released on iTunes October 16. Unlike Radcliffe, BØRNS focuses on crisp and clean
lyrics, and sounds influenced by modernized
standard of excellence he achieved at such a
young age is reflected in Dopamine, a wellcomposed, clean-cut album.
Next month, avid music listeners
can look forward to new debuts by artists
of various genres. To find more musicians
that have recently published their tracks or
new news about the music business, websites such as,,,, and have
many articles and reviews on upcoming artists.
Page 38 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
ENTERTAINMENT -- November 2015
A review of the bestselling novel Avengers, Infinity War,
A Court of Thorns and Roses
what to expect so far
faeries who ruled over the world.
Maas did a wonderful job of seamlessly intertwining the story with
the history of previous events that
led to the current situation. This is
needed to fully understand the setting of this imaginative novel. In
the front of the book Maas includes
a map of the lands that help to paint
the picture that she is trying to put
into the readers’ minds. The map
provides additional information
and contributes to a better understanding of the layout, which also
comes in handy.
In this world there is an
invisible wall that separates the
faeries’ land from the land that the
humans won. The humans are left
with little resources and many in
poverty. To help provide for her
family, Feyre begins to hunt and
plot, and characters, but because of
this being the first book, the plot
moved at a slower pace. With the
Sarah J Maas’s A Court of
plot all laid out readers are left eaThorns and Roses is a captivating
gerly awaiting when the sequel, A
start to a new series of the same
Court of Mist and Fury, will come
title. The novel was number two
on the Times young adult bestseller
out on May 3, 2016.
list in May for a total of six straight
One of the characters that
weeks. A Court of Thorns and Roscaught the readers’ favour was
es is the second series Maas has
Rhysand. Many love this character
written, her first being the Thorne
even though he was relatively pasof Glass series, that is widely
sive and uninvolved until the end.
popular and remains number two
In the novel the characters loathed
on New York Times September 20
Rhysand and shunned him for the
Children’s Bestseller Series list.
choices that he made. As the story
The entirety of Maas’s books have
unravels not all is as it seems and
been featured on various bestsellcharacters may surprise readers.
ing lists providing an ever growing
Fans hope that Rhysand has a bigfan base and has named her a New
ger role in the second book and
York Times and USA Today bestpossibly gets closer to Feyre.
selling American fantasy author.
Feyre is a great example
Maas grew up in New
of showing selfless dedication and
York, New York
service to her sisters
where she attended
and father even though
Hamilton College,
they show little gratimajoring in cretude for her actions.
ative writing and
Trying to do the right
minoring in relithing even though is
gious studies. She
seems impossible is
graduated in 2008
also a lesson that can
and is currently
be found in the novel,
married and living
along with friends that
stick together throughMaas’s books are
out the trials they
in the young adult
faced showing true
science fiction and
and lasting friendship.
fantasy genre and
This novel likewise
have been recomencourages one to
mended for fans
look deeper than just
Photo by Hailey Payne the surface of a person.
of Kristen Cashore
Maas’s novel, A Court of Thorns and Roses incorporates
and George. R. R.
Being open-minded
characteristics classic story of Beauty and Beast effortlessly
Martin. The worlds
and trying to underthat Maas created have been said one day makes the mistake of kill- stand another’s perspective is both
to loosely follow a Disney princess ing a wolf that was actually a fa- directly and indirectly present.
story, with the Throne of Glass erie. Tamlin, another faerie, shows Maas has dazzled her auseries being roughly the story of up at her door and tells Feyre that dience and has become a huge sucCinderella but with a few chang- she can either die or come with him cess, praised by many. Alexandra
es. Also, with A Court of Thorns to live in his estate in the danger- Bracken, author of The Darkest
and Roses, being a loose retelling ous faerie lands. Feyre goes with Minds series and fellow New York
of Sleeping Beauty blended with him and is soon swept up in a com- Times bestselling author, expresses
faerie lore. The Throne of Glass plicated world of magic and deceit. that A Court of Thorns and Roses is
Maas did a remarkable job “A gorgeously written tale as lush
series has sold over a million cop- ies in thirteen different languages. of keeping the readers in suspense and romantic as it is ferocious.
Maas has been writing since she by withholding information until Absolutely spellbinding.” Maas’s
was sixteen and posted the first of critical points in the text where writing style is unique and she is
the Throne of Glass series online. small insights are revealed, but can able to form a connection between
Bloomsbury Publishing found and easily be overlooked until the en- her characters and the audience
published this thrilling novel in tire picture is revealed. This results that is unusually complete. USA
2012 and has since then been an in continual surprises throughout Today acknowledges this in their
advocate to provide as much pub- one’s journey experiencing the statement that “Sarah J Maas delivnovel. Maas wonderfully displays ers what may be her best work to
licity as possible.
Sarah J Maas wrote A the many facets of Feyre’s person- date...enchanting, spellbinding and
Court of Thorns and Roses in 2009 ality and the reader is left with the imaginative...The world-building
but it was not published until 2015. feeling of completely knowing her. is stellar, as only Maas can imagThe novel is from the point of view Readers find themselves enthralled ine it.” With the many positive
of Feyre, the main character, in a by the characters and enchanted by reviews it is no surprise that many
world devastated from the wars the world created. Maas did won- have moved it to the top of their
fought to gain freedom from the derfully in establishing the setting, reading lists.
By Hailey Payne
By Kevin Wright
In recent years it is apparent that comic-adapted movies, zombies, and science fiction have been some of the most
popular movies and TV shows.
Marvel studios has dominated in
this area and what is coming up
next is nothing short of their fantastic reputation. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) includes
popular and familiar names like
Iron Man and Captain America.
All of the Marvel movies have
been building up to the 2018
and 2019 two-part movie Aveng-
“Actors including
Josh Brolin, Tom
Hiddleston, Jeremy
Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and Chris Evans
will be returning for
this movie.”
ers: Infinity War, which will be
based on the 1992 comic series.
The series is based on Adam
Warlock who acquires an ancient artifact known as the infinity gauntlet which causes him
to become totally emotionless,
eliminating both the good and
evil sides of him. This attribute
makes him a completely logical
wielder of the gauntlet that can
use it correctly and not abuse its
powers. A group of higher beings decides that Warlock is not
worthy of wielding the gauntlet
so he gives it up. The gauntlet
is then stolen by an alternative
persona created out of Warlock’s
spite. The Avengers then have to
hunt and retrieve the gauntlet.
This movie will be directed by the Russo brothers, who
have headed many Marvel projects before; they will be calling
the shots. The brothers made their
debut in Captain America: Winter
Soldier. As a Russo brothers film,
fans can expect to be astounded
by the writing, effects, cast, and
acting. There is a great fear that
the upcoming Avengers film could
come up short. The first Avengers
brought in $1.5 billion and is in
the top-five highest earning movies of all time. On the other hand
Thor: The Dark World brought in
a third of its $180 million budget.
Marvel has announced nine new
movies planned all the way to
2019. Marvel has announced that
Infinity War part one and part two
will cost $1 billion. The overall
budget on all twelve previous
Marvel movies is $2.1 billion
combined. This announcement
was made at this year’s New York
Comic-Con. $200 million dollars are going to Robert Downey
Jr. alone for his portrayal of Iron
Man. The rest of the cast and
crew will split up $400 million.
With this astounding amount of
money it can be safely assumed
that Downey will be prominently featured in Infinity Gauntlet. Downey is one of the highest paid actors in recent years;
this movie makes no exception.
With the amount of
money spent on this film, the only
question left is how much the
franchise plans to make. Clearly
Marvel has the funds to create this
project but the franchise will not
get all their money back if it flops.
In the past Marvel has failed massively, making fans wonder why
Marvel even bothered to make
the movie. On the other hand in
recent years they have brought
fans quality movies and the expectation is that they will only
get better. Although the first
Avengers may be hard to top, this
film is projected to be the highest grossing film of all time and
the biggest blockbuster of 2019.
Actors including Josh
Brolin, Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy
Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Mark
Ruffalo, and Chris Evans will
be returning for this movie. By
the time the Infinity War movie
comes out there will be new big
name characters joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Some
rumoured actors are Chadwick
Boseman, Mads Mikkelsen,
and Benedict Cumberbatch.
The new film promises
to give fans a darker and less
satirical view of the Avengers,
which fans have not really experienced before. Most of the previous movies have been about
saving the world from some unstoppable villain. This basic and
simple premise was just a method
of introducing new characters.
One of the reasons
marvel makes these comic book
films is to entertain filmgoers and feed Robert Downey
Jr’s family for the next ten generations. In all seriousness,
people will just have to enjoy
these movies for what they are.
November 2015
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 39
The Martian wows audiences in theatres everywhere
North Peigan
On September 24, 2015, Matt Damon’s newest blockbuster, The Martian, directed by Ridley Scott, known for the 2000
flick, Gladiator starring Russell Crowe and
Joaquin Phoenix, launched into theatres. The
film is based on the novel of the same name
by Andy Weir, which was released in 2012.
The story follows astronaut,
Mark Watney, played by Damon, known
for Steven Spielberg’s war drama, Saving
Private Ryan and as Jason Bourne in the
Bourne franchise, as he becomes stranded
on Mars, and is forced to fend for himself.
The movie was a thrill ride, with
occasional breaks to allow for further development of the plot. Theatre-goers were
in absolute awe at the film’s graphics of
outer space; however graphics aside, the
film would be hollow without the amazing performances at the movie’s core.
The film premiered at Toronto International Film Festival, on September 11,
2015, where it received critical acclaim,
even generating some Oscar buzz for Scott,
Continued from page 34
cially successful. His final movie Spectre is his last appearance as Bond.
There is plenty of talk about who will
play the next Bond. Some names that
have been suggested are Idris Elba and
soccer legend David Beckham. Elba
would be the first black Bond. Bond
author Anthony Horowitz made this
remark about the names being floated:
“For me, Idris Elba is a bit too rough
to play the part. It is not a colour issue.
I think he is probably a bit too street
for Bond.” With so many in support
of the idea of an ethnically different
Bond, right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh says: “He was white and Scottish. Period.” Yaphet Kotto, former
Bond villain (who is black) is against
the idea of a black Bond. He states:
“He cannot be black. Political correctness be damned. Play 003 or 006,
but you cannot play 007.” Horowitz’s
comments created plenty of conflict
and argument. Later he stated, “I am
mortified to have caused offence. I’m
really sorry my comments about Idris
Elba have caused offence. I clumsily
used the words ‘too street,’ it wasn’t
my intention to offend.”
While most James Bond movies are enjoyable, Spectre was not very
pleasing. The plot seemed to drag on
because it was Craig’s last movie. It
started off strong, with plenty of action and good rising action, and ended
strong but the middle of the movie
felt repetitive and overdone. Spectre
seemed to take elements from On Her
Majesty’s Secret Service, but it was
very much its own movie. The movie
lacked passion while leaving the audi-
and Damon,
as lead actor.
Also present
in the film’s
cast is Jessica Chastain,
from the The
Help (2011),
Michael Pena,
American Hustle (2013) and
even Saturday
alumni, Kristen Wiig makes
T h e
film is an enigPhoto by Wenonah North Peigan
ma in itself,
Matthew Palmer, Grade twelve, is suprised as he believes that he sees a martian
has wandering
around the halls and classrooms of Calgary schools all around the city
never been better. His performore well-known for his outer space films, inmance is the key element in making the film cluding, Alien (1979) and Prometheus (2012). ing
work. Scott, over time has become more and Some have compared the film
ence needing something to care about
in the movie.
The writers tried to wrap up
all of Craig’s movies in this movie, but
spent too much time on pointless action sequences instead of finishing the
Spectre did not live up to the
previous Bond movie, Skyfall. Skyfall
gave viewers a very good backstory
and made viewers connect with James
Bond. Moreover the writing was poor.
It was plain, generic, and predictable.
It lacked inspiration, originality, and
did not live up to its title. With all of
that said, this film deserves a 7/10 and
as a James Bond film deserves 6/10.
While given a low rating it is one of
the highest grossing box office movies
right now. It cost $300 million dollars
to produce, making it one of the most
expensive movies of all time. It has to
make $1 billion worldwide to break
even because of actor’s salaries and
promotion for the movie.
This movie was the re-introduction of the classic Bond villain,
Blofeld. While the trailer prominently
featured Blofeld, he was introduced in
the last forty-five minutes of the movie
which did not give him enough time to
develop. If the director had introduced
him earlier and given him more screen
time they would have had a better villain and a better character.
Craig was a very good James
Bond. Spectre could have been a better finish for his James Bond career.
No James Bond film should ever have
a viewer bored and this film was disappointing. Hopes for the next James
Bond movie remain high.
to Interstellar (2014) and Gravity (2013), while cases could be
made for both, neither film possesses the sharp-witted quip of Drew
Goddard’s screenplay for the film.
While the film is neither as nailbiting, nor edge-of-seat inducing as the
trailer may portray the film as, it is the plot
and story of the film that will keep the audience hooked until the final credits roll.
The Martian is not to be confused as just another action-thriller with explosions and huge stars,
but instead, at the heart, is a story
of a man’s struggle with the world
around him and his own humanity.
The director is famous for the
atmosphere he brings to his films
that are highly concentrated on the
visual style of the motion picture,
and The Martian is no exception.
The movie is one that should
not be watched in the comfort of
one’s home, due to the breathtakvisuals it is a must-see in theatres.
Page 40 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Mac Demarco dominates the stage at MacEwan Hall
By Aaron Schmidtke
On Monday November 2, fans said
“Goodbye [to the] Weekend” as slacker
rock god Mac Demarco returned to Calgary to once again take the city by storm.
With bands, The Courtneys and Alex Calder
opening, this tour was in promotion for his
critically-acclaimed fifth studio album, the
Mini-LP, Another One, released on August
7, 2015.
Entering MacEwan Hall, the venue
of the concert, one would be hard-pressed to
find an individual not wearing a Levi’s jean
jacket, torn jeans, an unkept plaid shirt, or
some classic Chuck Taylors. These fashion
trends are a testament to the crowd that Demarco draws to his shows. These individuals
live for these moments; the moments where
their paragon of music is one with them.
An hour before the doors opened, the lineup of ticket-holders was stretched the entire length of the university’s cafeteria. Demarco’s bassist and back-up vocalist, Pierce
McGarry walked right through the cafeteria
only being noticed by a handful of fans who
managed to snap a picture.
Demarco walked on stage to an
incredible ovation from the sold-out MacEwan crowd. He opened up the show with his
opening track from Another One, “The Way
You’d Love Her.” The crowd was swaying
back and forth loving every second of it as
it is one of the more popular tracks off the
album. He received a huge roar from the
crowd and gave them what they were looking for: raw entertainment. The issues that
the opening bands had with sound was not
an issue with Demarco. Perhaps it is because
of his more pronounced vocals or perhaps
they have a different sound manager, but regardless the issue was resolved.
Once completing his first interaction with the crowd, he began playing the
classic guitar riff from his title track off his
2014 album, Salad Days. It was fairly obvious that the track is one of his most popular
because the entire crowd was singing along.
The next song was another newer song, “No
Other Heart” which is a bit of a slower song,
but again the crowd was grooving and swaying to the beat. If anything should be said
about Demarco’s music, it is that it is the
kind of music to fall in-love to; especially
his new album which he has been quoted as
saying is an album written about love.
For the next track however, Demarco shouted out to the crowd that he was
going to “speed it up; ” “The Stars Keep
On Calling My Name” began and everyone
started jumping and dancing. Demarco loves
people dancing at his shows and this was an
incredible lift from the crowd and it was
one of the best songs of the night without a
He then played his title track from
his new album, Another One. The song is
considered one of his top tracks off of the
The next song “Cooking Up Something Good” is one of his older tracks off
the album 2. “Ode to Viceroy” was the next
song up and another song off of 2. The song
is about his undying loyalty to Viceroy Cigarettes and is undoubtedly one of his top five,
perhaps top three most popular songs. It was
hard to find a member of the audience not
singing along.
The crowd was right-away picked
back up by one of his most successful tracks
from Salad Days, “Let Her Go.” It is also
widely considered one of their most mature
tracks because of the balance of upbeat guitar grooves yet gloomy tones.
What followed were a couple of
tracks from Another One which were very
well-balanced due to the upbeat riffs in “Just
to Put Me Down” compared to the heartbreaking lyrics in “A Heart Like Hers.” Like
his previous tracks all night, the set list was
arranged absolutely brilliantly, giving the
fans a couple more upbeat songs to pick
them up in a hurry.
The next track up was another top
hit of Demarco’s, “Chamber of Reflection.”
It began with the keyboard, like usual, except the sound of completely off. He and
the keyboardist struggled with it for a good
five minutes but throughout the whole song
the crowd was entertained by McGarry and
White as they joked and mockingly sang the
song without instruments, changing the lyrics to cracks at their sound manager. After
the issue was resolved, it was a masterpiece.
With songs that are as popular for artists are
often some of the hardest to play due to the
fact that the crowd knows them like the back
of their hand and anything less will be insufficient. Demarco however killed it.
Demarco announced that “Still Together” would be the final song of the evening. The crowd once again began singing
along because of the simplicity of the lyrics and how catchy the song is. The song is
neither fast nor slow but finds an impressive
medium. Unlike the original song though,
Demarco threw in an exciting twist. The
beat of the song began to pick up and the
other band members began nailing solos.
Demarco walked to the edge of the stage,
kicked off his shoes, backed up a good
seven feet and ran off the stage in a fit of
adrenaline. He was caught by the crowd and
surfed them like it was his day job. He managed to touch seemingly every fan there. He
went from the middle, and covered almost
the entire crowd. As he maneuvered through
the hands, many of which were smacking
his butt and grabbing questionable areas,
he made his way back to the front where he
jumped up, grabbed the microphone, and
the solos stopped. Then everything began at
once again and the song continued for another while and it ended. What a final song.
Despite Demarco previously announcing their last song, the crowd began
chanting “encore” like at most shows todays. Within a few moments, Demarco and
his band walked back on stage and began
performing another cover, this time being
recognized widely by the crowd. It was “Enter Sandman” by Metallica. Every member
on the stage was absolutely shredding their
instruments giving them a heavy-metal
sound. Demarco gave his best impression of
Metallica’s lead singer, James Hetfield in an
almost mocking sense however it was actually pretty good; they dominated the stage
and that was their cue to depart.
Demarco’s rise among indie-rockers is a very compelling story. He is undoubtedly an absolute joy to watch perform
live and his personality is truly unique. His
humour is accompanied by musical genius.
The next time Demarco comes to Calgary, it
is highly recommended to grab tickets and
groove with him.
vertise a track that has no sound in it, many
fans respect Rutherford’s tribute.
The second track “Prey,” is distinguished by the correlation the lyrics have
to the chords that are played. The song surrounds the idea that the singer “feels that
something is wrong,” similar to the instincts
prey has. During the verses, the lyrics have
a lighter tone and the background music reflects this with a more upbeat, jazzy guitar
riff; however, when Rutherford sings that
“something is off, I feel like prey,” the two
chords that are played are more unsettling
to the pitch the vocalist sings at. This leads
tisteners to think “something is off,” with the
tuning, which is a unique effect in the music.
One of the singles that was released
prior to the anticipated Wiped Out! was “The
Beach,” which uses fuzzy production textures such as static, and electronic notes that
are similar to the sounds The 1975 creates.
The song is about trying not to be a burden
and moving on despite the past. This deep
meaning is portrayed through a melody that
is not easily forgotten.
As a continuation of The Neighbourhood’s song “Baby Came Home,” on
the band’s EP I’m Sorry…, the track “Baby
Came Home 2 / Valentines,” on Wiped Out!
was released. Beginning the song with a
D minor chord and Rutherford’s vocals in
major, the slightly off-tune note effectively
draws the listener in. The track contains
two parts to the song: the continuation and
an instrumental section. The instrumental
part experiments with many different types
of effects and instruments such as the tambourine, various drums, bells, ocean sound
effects, inaudible mumbling, and a simple
guitar riff to tie it all together. At the 2:17
mark of the first part of the song, the track
transitions from soft acoustic chords with romantic lyrics, and crescendos into powerful
soul music.
Track eight, “Greetings from Califournia,” returns to The Neighbourhood’s
roots in its verses with beats created by nonsynthetic instruments. The verses are similar
to the verses in the track “Female Robbery,”
in I Love You, while the chorus is a representation of the new sound the band has adopted. Many of the tracks reference the state
as it is the place where the band originated.
Before the anticipated release of the
album, the single “R.I.P. 2 My Youth,” was
advertised. This twelfth track on the album
uses gospel sound effects and relies on the
power of Rutherford’s vocals to guide the
song, while the background drums and tambourine provide the main beat for the track.
The most influence of hip-hop in Wiped Out!
is shown in “R.I.P 2 My Youth.” This is arguably one of the darkest songs on the album,
with lyrics suggesting that the innocence the
band once has is dead, and they have learned
to accept adulthood. The references to religion, suicide, and family enhance the meaning of the song and the purposeful way the
music video is set up helps to convey the
message further.
The other five tracks of the album
have the same theme of experimenting with
chords. Overall, the album keeps the same
ambience that The Neighbourhood continues to produce, despite the evolution of the
band’s sound through time. The album is
worth listening to and more updates on The
Neighbourhood and their future work is on
their website,
The Neighbourhood impresses in new album release
Grace Stone
The Neighbourhood once again
fuses together an atmospheric, alternative
R&B album as follow-up to their popular
debut LP album two years ago. The band’s
new album Wiped Out! is a composition of
jazz, hip-hop, synth, and rock influence that
continues to carry the familiar ambience The
Neighbourhood is recognized for. Released
on October 30 to iTunes, Wiped Out! does
not disappoint fans of their debut I Love You,
despite the progression in a new direction the
band takes in their music style. While The
Neighbourhood’s first album features faster
tempo and hard-hitting beats, the follow-up
favours smoother vocals and relies on synth
to create the distinct offsetting atmosphere
the band is known to have.
The album begins with the track
“Moment of Silence.” It has been speculated
that the track was dedicated to main frontman Jesse Rutherford’s father, who recently
passed away. “Moment of Silence,” is exactly what the title suggests: thirty seconds
of dead air as an artistic statement. Although
disappointing that the band decided to ad-
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 41
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Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Vic Lewis Band Festival excites Scarlett band members
By Chase Glenwright
November was an exciting time for
school bands that attended the Vic Lewis
International Band Festival. The artsPlace
Vic Lewis International band festival is a
two-day, noncompetitive event for junior
high and high school bands. The festival is
an excellent chance for bands to show off
what they know and listen to other bands.
The festival took place on November 6 to 8.
Although this festival is a
nice to listen to all my peers for the first
time.” A fellow band member, Sophie
Schneider, shared the same opinions of the
learning aspect and also commented on the
adjudicator that gave the bands a few tips
and tricks with their songs. “We were really
lucky with Jazz one because two of the three
pieces we were playing are bassy tune and
our clinician did all his university studies
in bassy tunes. So we basically had a bassy
expert to help us.”
from whom he developed his love for
music, that if he wanted music in the valley
he would have “to go to the kids.” Lewis
took that advice in the 1940s. But this was
not without challenge, Lewis did not have
a teaching certificate. He did however find
the room.
Teaching school bands only made
a part of Lewis’s career, he went on to
become an arranger and therefore had to
learn all the instruments he wanted to write
for. Accordingly, he learned the Hawaiian
Photo By Chase Glenwright
Band students are back from the Festival and have learned how to improve their playing
Photot By Chase Glenwright
Band teacher Paul Brown and students ready to perform at the Vic Lewis Band Festival
noncompetitive event, nerves were high
because it was still a performance and the
same tension that comes with concerts
applies here. The Scarlett grade eleven and
twelve bands had been preparing for months
and were ready to show off what they could
Eighty-three Scarlett band students
went to the festival. The group consisted of
grade eleven and twelve students as well as a
few grade ten students that were in Jazz two,
one of the two Jazz ensembles that went. The
symphonic band made up most of the group,
with the wind ensemble also contributing to
the total amount of students.
Grade ten student Sam Mueller
elaborated on his experience at the festival,
“I felt like it was a very good learning
experience for everyone...and it was
Paul Brown, Scarlett band teacher,
had only good things to say about past years
as well as this year. “It is a noncompetitive
festival...we do not get graded but we
have had only positive remarks on our
performances.” He also commented on the
other high school bands. “Since it is on a
weekend we are not pressured into getting
the students back to their academics...
allowing us to stay longer and really explore
the other bands in the festival.”
In the Bow Valley, Vic Lewis
is a name recognized by all. Lewis was a
dedicated musician, talented arranger, and a
devoted teacher. He brought band programs
to not one, but two local schools. And
introduced the music he loved to hundreds
of students.
Lewis was once told by his father,
a way to sidestep this by forming a Band
Parents’ Association, and convinced the
school board to buy instruments. Lewis had
soon created a long-running after-school
In the 1960s the program took a
turn for the worse, as Lewis recalled, “the
only interest the kids had in music was the
guitar and drums... if they played a trumpet
or trombone [they would] sneak down the
alley to rehearsals.” The cultural shift to
rock and roll, as well a lack of formal band
music soon lead to the downfall of Bow
Valley bands.
The band program made a mighty
comeback in the 1980s, Lewis was offered
a job to teach a high school band in Banff.
This band was a step up for Lewis, he had
only ever instructed an after school program
and this time he was helping a band that
would be incorporating and following a set
curriculum. Again the problem of not having
a teaching certificate resurfaced and this time
the school stepped in to help by ensuring that
there would always be a certified teacher in
and Spanish guitar, string bass, accordion,
trombone, piano, cello, and drums.
There was apparently no musical
task Lewis would not try. For thirty years he
played with several musicians that called the
Bow Valley home. Those musicians included
Louis Trono, Johnny Byers, Jim Hutchings,
and Emilio Casale. Aside from organizing
and teaching the student bands, composing
and arranging, promoting concerts, and
touring and performing, he was the official
bugler for the Legion for over 60 years.
In November 1999, just weeks
before he passed away, Phi Beta Mu, the
prestigious international association of
band masters, appointed Vic Lewis as an
honorary member for his many years of
dedication and musical achievements as a
music teacher and director of school band
programs in Bow Valley. The Vic Lewis
International Band Festival is an annual
tribute to a man’s legacy that will continue
to be loved by many generations to come.
The Scarlett bands are more than happy to
participate in years to come.
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 43
Juniors Girls V-ball continues to serve up competition
Carissa Feddema
The Junior Girls Volleyball team continues to show great
progress and effort. Since the beginning of the season, they have
proved their talent and skill in the
The Junior Girls coach,
Janet Guterson, says the team has
improved immensely. Their best
games of volleyball were on October 23 and 24 when they played
in the Notre Dame Tournament in
Red Deer. They won one match
but the competition was fierce and
they played great considering the
skill of their opponents. The girls
have grown very tight as a group
yet have learned to be indepen-
11, also works diligently. Guterson commented on her smile that
she always shows on her face and
how supportive she is of her teammates. These are characteristics to
value and admire. Irina Korovina,
Grade 10, was unable to play at the
start of the season due to an injured
leg. This was very unfortunate as
she wanted to play along with her
teammates on the court. Her leg
has now healed very nicely and is
improving daily.
Caitlyn Bailes, Grade 10,
shared her take on volleyball which
is a very difficult sport. Bailes says
it is difficult to get the right technique when one has to get to the
right spot in order to hit the ball.
“It may seem like basketball is the
sport where you run around the
Photo by Carissa Feddema
Kasandra Knappett, Grade 11, serves the ball at the game against Centennial high school. The Lancer team members whatch from the side lines
dent players. Although all players
have improved significantly, Jadon
Schmidt, Grade 11, has definitely
shown plenty of growth. She is
a superb defensive player and a
very consistent hitter. Her hard
work is evident and she loves to
compete. Abby Idiagbor, Grade
most, but you have to move just as
much in volleyball.” Volleyball requires time outside of practices and
gameplay. Bailes devotes about an
hour each day to footwork. For her,
the overall feeling she has before
a game starts is relaxation. This is
because she believes it is important
to be calm before she plays. Being
calm allows her to avoid stress and
helps her excel. She prepares for a
game by making sure she has a balanced meal of veggies and protein.
Bailes also usually reads a couple
of paragraphs from a book so that
she can clear and calm her mind.
It is so difficult to put aside other
thoughts such as school and other
situations before a game; all she
needs to do is forget about them,
which is easier said than done.
To help her forget about stressors,
all she does is focus on her goals
and how she wants to excel as an
athlete. “By not being distracted, I
am able to reach those goals.” The
aspect that Bailes loves most about
volleyball is the hitting and the excitement she gets after her smashes. She receives her motivation by
looking at all the athletes around
the world going into the Olympics.
Her goals are to be in the Olympics
someday. “Each day, I remind myself of the little things that I need to
Guterson’s opinion of
volleyball is that it is a great game
and can be very exciting to watch.
She has been coaching volleyball
at Scarlett for twenty-three years
and says, “I love coaching the junior team because I get a chance
to really get to know some of the
grade ten students right at the start
of the year. I like that there are
players from many different junior
high schools coming together to
form a new team.” The assistant
coaches are Stephanie Maxwell
and Stu Holtan; their hard work
and dedication towards the team
should not go unnoticed.
The Junior Girls played
Lord Beaverbrook in the Scarlett
gym on October 1 and won 3-1; Ernest Manning in the Scarlett gym
on October 6 and lost 3-2; Bishop
O’Byrne in their gym on October 15 and lost 3-0; Sir Winston
Churchill in Scarlett’s gym on October 20 and lost 3-0; Centennial in
the Centennial gym on October 22
and lost 3-1; and Western Canada
in the Scarlett gym on October
27 and lost 3-0. The playoffs start
during the first week of Novem-
ber. Coach Guterson is preparing
for the post-season by pushing the
girls to improve as players.
The game against Western
The score was 18-24 for Western
Canada. The Lancers kept fighting
for three more points until the ball
went out on their side, ending the
Photo by Carissa Feddema
The Scarlett Lancers played exceptionally well at the Centennial game
Canada on October 27 was full
of excitement and pep from both
teams as well as fans in the stands.
After each point, there was cheering and laughter that erupted from
the teams and the audience. Because of this lively atmosphere,
the game felt much more intense
and extreme. The Scarlett fans supported the Lancers wholeheartedly.
They screamed “Let’s go Lancers”
often and laughed at the appropriate moments. This fan support took
the feeling of stress out of the game
for many players. After excellent
rallies, there was loud cheering and
during serves, everyone was silent
and respectful.
Even though Western
Canada is a strong team, the Lancers did their best and played an
exceptional game. For the final
few points of the second last set,
the Lancers were not giving up.
set at 21-25. This determination is
proof of their ability to focus on
the sport and keep playing even
when it seemed like their chances
of winning that set were lost. After
each point was awarded, the girls
joined in the centre of the court in
a huddle; a symbol of their support
for each other. Those who were on
the bench also supported the team
with cheers, encouragement, and
helpful pointers.
Coach Guterson was there
helping the team in their struggles
and celebrating with them in their
victories. She gave good pep talks
and prepared them for what was
to come. The team communicated
well and played aggressively. Even
when plays went out of control, the
team was able to work together and
pull through. All the players stood
out and
Continued on page 44
Page 44 --
Scarlett FEVER
Hat Trick Hockey is a
column that summarizes the previous month of NHL Hockey. The
section “Score” will highlight a
success or surprise that took place
in the past month, while “Penalty”
will highlight a flaw. “Prospects”
focuses on looking to the future.
The longest winning
streak to start an NHL season belongs to the 1933-1934 Toronto
Maple Leafs with ten consecutive
wins. This season the Montreal
Canadiens fell just short. The Canadiens have shot out to a hot start
this season, which is only somewhat surprising since they have
been a quality team for the past
few seasons. With a start like this,
winning nine consecutive games
before losing to the Vancouver
Canucks, it is easy to forget the
post-season woes that have faced
the Canadiens the past couple of
The Canadiens did not
have a busy off-season, keeping
the same core. They sent enforcer Brandon Prust to Vancouver,
in exchange for Zach Kassian,
who would add a bit of depth on
forward. The Canadiens also acquired Paul Byron from the Calgary Flames who will add to their
already strong defensive group.
Arguably the star of the
Continued from page 43
played amazingly well; however,
Natasha Wood, Grade 10, was
most notable for her hard spikes
that were difficult for the other
team to recover from. Julia Wu,
Grade 10, also performed well
with great sets that went nice and
high into the air directly towards
the power players. Scarlett had
many chances for spikes that they
seized because of good communication and aggressive playing by
all players. There were some mistakes such as serving into the net
and passing it outside the court,
but they were able to move past
these plays and learn from them.
The team seemed to be having a
good time.
Western Canada was thrilling to
watch. Lancers performed a nice
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
previous chemistry with
their second line centerman,
Ryan Kesler. Both Kesler
and Bieksa have combined
for only three points so far
this season. In fact, scoring is the biggest issue that
the Ducks have faced. The
Ducks have scored only
ten goals, while the NHL’s
top goal scorer has nine.
Anaheim is known for their
strong forward pressure and goal
scoring abilities. They have two
November 2015
Khudobin. This method worked
well when the Ducks were a high
scoring team, but now the team
is forced to rely on a low goalsagainst average to make up for
poor execution up front.
The NHL standings have
been shaken up this year, with
teams with early exits from the
playoffs last season, such as Winnipeg and Washington, ranking
higher than teams who usually
Canadiens and the prime reason
take the top spots. The 2014-2015
for their success is their starting
Stanley Cup winners Chicago
goaltender, Carey
Price. Price has
sit in sixteenth
been the backbone
place overall,
of the Canadiens
below many
for at least three
seasons and has
elimicarried them to
durstrong finishes in
ing the playthe standings, and
offs. There is
to the conference
still time for
finals. He won four
Anaheim to
awards last year,
move up in
including MVP and
the standings;
at this point,
Price also carried
however, it
Canada to a gold
will not be
medal finish at the
espeOlympics in 2014.
cially since
With Price out for
they are loat least a week with
cated in the
a lower body inPhoto by Maya Smith
Western Conjury, the Canadiens
The Stars are second place in the NHL and first in the Western Conference ference, a tradiwill have to prove
tionally talent
that they bring talent other than
of the strongest forwards in the heavy conference.
their goaltending.
league, Ryan Getzlaf and Corey Prospects:
After losing eight straight
The Anaheim Ducks fin- Perry, both of whom have not games, the Columbus Blue Jackished last season one win away stepped up to carry their team.
Goaltending is another ets owners knew that they had to
from the Stanley Cup Finals, yet big
for Anaheim. They make a change. They chose to fire
this season they have started with
just two wins in ten games. The have not had a clear starting goal- head coach Todd Richards and
Ducks are relatively the same team tender since Jonas Hiller left go- hire the colorful former Canucks
this year, if not stronger. They ing into the 2014-2015 season. coach John Tortorella. Tortorella
acquired Kevin Bieksa from the Instead, they have rotated between is known for his post-game comVancouver Canucks, who has had Fredrik Anderson, John Gibson, ments and general moodiness as
and recent acquisition, Anton well as his controversial deci-
sions. He coached the Tampa
Bay Lightning to a Stanley Cup
victory in 2004, but has not had
much post-season success since.
Tortorella coached the Rangers
for four seasons before being fired
after the Rangers were eliminated
by the Boston Bruins. His most
recent and possibly most controversial coaching job was with
the Vancouver Canucks. In one
game against the Calgary Flames,
Tortorella attempted to enter the
Flames dressing room to exchange
words with Flames head coach,
Bob Hartley. He was suspended
for fifteen games without pay for
this incident. Tortorella is also the
main reason that Roberto Luongo
was traded from the Vancouver
Canucks; when Tortorella started
backup goaltender Eddie Lack for
the highly-anticipated Heritage
Classic, Luongo was traded two
days later.
Even though he is is seen
as brash and unorthodox in the
public eye, many of Tortorella’s
former teammates give glowing reviews of his passion for the
sport. Vinny Prospal, who played
for both the Lightning and Rangers under Tortorella, had this to
say about Tortorella on BlueJacketsXtra, “He pushed all the right
buttons with me and I played my
best hockey under [Tortorella]. He
changed me as a hockey player.
He had a lot of influence on me as
a person too.”
Regardless of his eccentric personality, Tortorella has
proven that he can win and that is
exactly what the Columbus Blue
Jackets need. While a new coach is
not everything, fans can expect the
Blue Jackets to pick up the pace
following this coaching change.
save from a spike by bumping it,
but the ball went out of the court.
On one play, the team continued
to fight to keep the rally going by
reaching out and bumping the ball
back into the court. They finally
hit it over the net. It was an intense
play. The crowd cheered as it went
over. It was an example of the excellent teamwork the Lancers had
that night.
There were amazing digs that
night which cannot go unrecognized. Lancers did a side dig to
the right. It was a good bump that
went straight to the setter. The setter set it nice and high to the hitter
on the left. It was a beautiful spike
down to the center of Western’s
court. The crowd inhaled deeply
and then let out a loud cheer after
the point was awarded to Lancers.
The referee called the
game carefully. There were no
calls that were disagreed with or
that caused frustration.
Western Canada was a
worthy opponent. They had many
nice saves and powerful spikes.
Scarlett was enthusiastic and alert
but Western was too. There was
clear evidence of team support
and communication throughout
the game. The Junior Girls played
very well against the Redhawks.
The playoffs started during the first week of November.
The team is preparing themselves
through practices. Coach Guterson
continuously pushes them to do
their best and improve as players.
Congratulations to the Junior Girls
Volleyball team. It has been an exciting season to watch and to be a
part of so far.
Grade 11, dove and bumped with
one hand while the other stopped
her fall. The bump did not go high
enough to get the play going again
but the crowd and team cheered for
her amazing effort anyway. There
was another play where Knappett
and Riva Kessel, Grade 11, both
wanted to pass the ball up to the
setter. Neither one backed down
but Kessel was on top, so she
passed it up to the setter, showing
the determination and quick decisions of the team members.
There was one other rally
where the ball changed possession
three times before the Lancers finally received the point. Western
spiked it over, but Lancers saved
with a bump that went out of control. Another bump by the Lancers
and they played to ball over to opponent’s court. Western returned
with a spike. The Lancers bumped,
set and spiked it over. The other
team hit it over again and with a
final bump, set, and spike by the
Lancers, it went over but this time
Western could not return it. The
spike had been aimed to the far
back of the court which they were
not ready for. The Lancers and the
crowd cheered loudly and excitedly.
If this was not evidence
enough of their hard work and
determination, then there was another great play where Lancers
tried to earn the point but did not
achieve it. They made desperate
attempts to get the ball over the
net, bumping it three times in a
row but to no avail. The crowd’s
spirits, however, could not be
dimmed; they cheered enthusiastically after every bump.
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
was a total of nineteen players that
played fifty or more games for Calgary last season. Out of those nineteen players, seven set career highs
including Sean Monahan (+28),
Jiri Hudler (+19), Lance Bouma
(+19), T.J. Brodie (+10), Dennis
Wideman (+6), Kris Russell (+5),
and Mark Giordano (+1). Joe Colborne and Mikael Backlund were
both on pace to set career highs but
suffered injuries that limited them
to 64 and 52 games respectively.
Johnny Gaudreau and Josh Jooris
both were rookies and therefore
their point totals were obviously
their best they have done and both
were very impressive with 64 and
24 points respectively. Paul Byron
and Deryk Engelland were 2 and
6 points off their career highs respectively while both playing the
most significant roles with an NHL
club to date. David Jones took part
in his best campaign as a Flame.
The only disappointments for the
Flames were Matt Stajan, Mason
Raymond, and Curtis Glencross. In
defense of Stajan, he was playing in
his first full season since the death
of his son, Emerson. Glencross
was traded mid-season, but up to
that point was a misfit. Raymond
has been brought in on a threeyear/ $9 million contract, which is
pretty clear that the Flames regret.
The other two players remaining
were Raphael Diaz and Brandon
Bollig, both of whom were not
depended on in any crucial role
whatsoever, essentially being low
risk, high reward players, except
the reward was not so high. All of
Stajan, Raymond, Glencross, Diaz,
and Bollig participated in fewer
than 62 games. Starting goaltender Jonas Hiller also posted his
best Goals Against Average, second best Goals Against total, and
third best Save Percentage, in his
seven seasons with forty-six or
more games. So, what must the
Flames do to match or exceed
their impressive season last year?
The additions of Michael
Frolik and Dougie Hamilton need
to be crucial for success this season. Hamilton has overall been a
disappointment for the Flames.
One of the largest reasons for the
upset is that he and Mark Giordano
have not been able to find chemistry, which may perhaps be an issue down the road for the Flames.
It is evident that the Flames suffered beginning the season without T.J. Brodie. Frolik has been
used as a utility player throughout
his career and will be continued
to be used as such in Cowtown.
He can play up and down the
line-up and that is something the
Flames need as they are desperate for secondary scoring, the primary concern entering this season.
The top line of Gaudreau, Monahan, and Hudler last
season was absolute dynamite and
they hope to keep their pace from
last year which will give Hartley
licence to switch around other
lines as he sees fit. Sam Bennett
should be a fixture on the second
line most of the year if he picks
up where he left off during the
playoffs last season. Backlund is
groomed as an impressive topnine, two-way centre but needs
to increase his point totals. Jones,
entering a contract year, needs to
find where he was at a few years
ago with the Avalanche, though
last season was his best in recent
years. Stajan is no longer a top-six
centre in the league (whether he
was to begin with is up for debate)
and the game is starting to take a
toll on him. Colborne, Bouma, and
Michael Ferland are a couple of
big, younger kids that all provide
a big boost to Hartley’s bottom six
with their gritty presence, shotblocking, and some clutch scoring.
Bouma is still out for the foreseeable future with a broken leg.
If anyone says that they
were not surprised by the Flames
last season, they are liars. They
were pegged as a bottom-feeder
and they clawed their way up the
standings game by game, giving
fans arguably the most exciting season since the cup run in ’04. Unfortunately now that the Flames have
fallen so far behind, many analysts
appear to have the Flames missing the playoffs now but if there
is anything we have learned about
this Flames team in the past, it is
to not count them out on anything.
Page 45
Jr. Boys Volleyball
wins silver at Cities
By Levi Kitsul
NHL teams often struggle
to find their identity. Some teams
elect to play the grind-you-down
style like iconic teams in the past
such as “The Broad Street Bullies” and some play to score the
next goal. If there is one thing
that can be observed from the Calgary Flames 2014-15 season, it
is their identity is as clear as day.
The “Cardiac Kids” identity is that of a tenacious, hardworking group that competes for
points every single night in the dog
fight of the Western Conference.
Head coach Bob Hartley does not
ask for much from his players besides a good attitude, strong character, and undisputed effort. The
Flames defied all odds last season as
they squeezed themselves into the
playoffs and won their first round
series against the Canucks to boot.
Despite their unquestionable character and determination,
the Hockey Gods were shining
on the Flames last season, meaning that every good team in the
league still needs plenty of luck.
The Flames defied the analytics or
“fancy stats” gurus as they came in
twenty-eighth in shots for per game
and also in Corsi and Fenwick percentages at 44.5% and 45.8% respectively. Another noticeable stat
is the Flames shooting percentage
which was second in the league
last year at 8.88% beating out the
high-power offense of teams like
the Rangers, the Blackhawks, the
Capitals, the Ducks, and the Blues.
This is an incredible number and
it should be recognized that the
Flames were successful enough to
score at this high percentage, but
this is unfortunately an unrealistic
expectation to rely on this season.
What to take out from
all of the above is that the Flames
can rely on their hard work all season but luck may not be as kind
to them this year as last year. The
third period comebacks may not
be such a frequent occurrence as
the Flames racked up twenty-four
points when they were trailing after two periods. Another huge representation of the Flames season
being an anomaly is the number of
players that had career years. There
Playoffs were a challenge for Scarlett’s Junior Boys
Volleyball team, but with hard
work and teamwork they achieved
silver in the City Championships.
The team was ranked
fifth in standings, close behind
Aberhart. Throughout the regular season, Scarlett was tied for
third place with two other teams,
Woodman and Centennial. This
season all teams are ranked by
points, not games won.
One aspect the team was
working on leading into playoffs, was putting the ball in better spots. It is one thing to put the
volleyball over the net, but it is
Going into playoffs,
Chad Kerr, Grade 10 libero, believed that they could win it all.
The competition in the league
was a very high caliber but not
any higher than Scarlett’s caliber. Playoffs often come down to
close matches and points scored;
the matches are back-and-forth
games that keep fans on the edge
of their seats.
Eric Wulder, Grade 10,
a power for the team, had high
hopes for the team’s future. Although the season is over, Wulder
hopes the boys will stay together
through the next high school
years. This was Wulder’s first
year of high school volleyball; he
was excited to see that competi-
Photo by Levi Kitsul
Dr. E.P. Scarlett Div 1 Junior Boys Volleyball team places second in Cities
another to put it in a spot where it
will be a challenge to return.
The team played in the
City Finals on Friday, November
13. They played their hearts out,
and left it all on the court. However, they did not come out on top.
Western Canada High School outplayed the Lancers in that game.
The playoffs were a best
of five. Western won the first
three sets and took the title of
City Champions. The Lancers had
previously beat Western in league
play and in the U of C tournament. If playoffs were structured
like the World Series with seven
different games of five sets each,
maybe the result would have been
different. That being said, the Junior Boys are more than happy
with second place, and are already excited for the next up-andcoming season of club volleyball
and Senior Boys next year.
tion has gotten more difficult to
beat, making him work harder for
Wulder plans to play
club volleyball now that the high
school season has ended, but he
has not decided on an exact team.
There are various clubs all over
Calgary with separate coaching
techniques, and team mechanics.
Wulder has yet to discover where
he fits into it all.
The knowledge a person
learns from being on a team can
be life-changing. From learning
how to treat others with respect,
to cheering teammates when they
are down, volleyball or any team
sport will teach various life skills
that will give players an advantage later in life. The Scarlett
Junior Boys have all definitely
grown and gained this valuable
knowledge throughout the season.
Page 46 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
The Lancers are the advancers: Senior boys dominate
By Aaron Schmidtke
The Scarlett Senior Boys
volleyball team had an extremely
successful regular season. They
played eight games and won six of
them, placing them second overall
in the league standings just behind
undefeated William Aberhart entering the postseason. There is no
indication that they cannot continue their success as they enter the
playoffs on a hot streak. They entered their home court for the quarterfinals against the Senior Boys
Volleyball team from Sir Winston
Churchill on Thursday, November
5 with one thing and one thing only
on their minds: victory.
The Lancers entered
the Scarlett gymnasium to an absolutely packed house as it was
hard-pressed to find a seat in the
bleachers on the Scarlett side of
the crowd. They kicked off their
first set with a bang going up 4-0
in the blink of an eye. This sparked
Churchill’s coach to take a timeout
in an attempt to settle down his
troops. It appeared to have worked
as they battled back to chip away at
some of the score getting the game
to a 8-6 Scarlett lead but that would
be as close as they came. This
Scarlett Senior Boys team is one of
the most skilled volleyball teams
in the league, not just in terms of
standings, but watching them first
hand: they come in waves. Absolute domination ensued as Scarlett
went to finish the game off with a
final score of 25-14. Grade eleven
power-hitter Jesse Elser completely ran the show in the first set as
it was clear that Churchill did not
have a game plan to spot him.
As the teams switched
sides, the second set did not come
any easier for Churchill as Scarlett
once again began the set with a 4-0
lead. Once again Elser really came by the score.
ously seen in games past, the Lancto play in this set along with a cou- As the third set began, ers have the skill level to be able
ple of other stars in this elite offen- Scarlett had a certain confidence to play with fire. The next stretch
sive group in Jacob Reid and Jack- to them dancing on the border of of points went 6-1 and Scarlett had
son Howe.
The three
for nine
points in
With all
respect to
a b u n dantly
clear they
could not
keep up
with Scarlett. Every
time Scarlett spiked
their skill
it seemed
Photo by Aaron Schmidtke
w o u l d
just sink a
level. Visu- Grade eleven, Jackson Brennan serves up an incredible ace to extend Scarlett’s lead over Churchill
ally obvious signs of their lack of ability cockiness. As the players on Scar- a bit more of a comfortable lead
to play at Scarlett’s level included lett’s bench were watching their at 13-7. That would be the closest
improper placement, positional six players in the court, they all put Churchill got as the final score was
errors, sending the ball back on their arms around each other creat- 25-18 advancing Scarlett to the
second hits rather than third and ing a chain of sorts. For every point next round where they play Westtipping more than hitting. Despite the players on the court made, they ern.
After the game as the Setheir struggles, they truly did bring would bang their feet on the gym a high compete level as they were floor, and simultaneously cross nior Girls team were warming up
diving and fighting for every inch. their legs. For the third consecu- for their playoff match-up, music
Churchill’s attitude was also a very tive set, Scarlett begins with a 4-0 began playing over the sound syspositive attribute moving forward lead. Churchill did battle back to a tem in the gymnasium, and Howe
as they did not seem to be affected score of 7-6; however, like previ- started showing off a few of his
dance moves to his fellow teammates.
With the win, Scarlett
advanced to the city finals against
Aberhart and won with a huge audience behind them. Scarlett will
now go to Provincials in a couple
of weeks time. For coach Darren
Colquhoun, this is the highest provincially ranked team he has ever
coached. “[They are] great players
that are fun to watch. My coaching
philosophy is to be the best you
can be. Not just in volleyball, but
in terms of attitude, relationships,
sportsmanship, and drive.”
Going into the game
against Western on Tuesday, November 10, Colquhoun had nothing
but compliments for their competitor but remained confident in his
group. “They are a good team. We
have had many close games against
them as we have played them four
times already this year. [...] [Our]
team has really improved most in
playing together and focusing on
goals each game.”
As there is a large question mark surrounding the Senior
Boys with Provincials, there is not
so much of a question surrounding
next years’ squad. Colquhoun has
already stated he will return as the
head coach of the club next season
along with six of the twelve roster
players who are in grade eleven
including Howe, Elser, Jackson
Brennan, Jeff Carreos, Andrew
Pearson, and Perry Wulder. Scarlett was certainly considered a
favourite entering cities and will
undoubtedly hold their own at
Provincials. The key to the process is that with six grade elevens
and a returning coaching staff for
next year, the annual success of
the Scarlett Senior Boys volleyball team has zero signs of slowing
Grade 12, placed thirteenth. Ty- hari, Grade 10, who finished twenler Kiyonaga, Grade 12, finished ty third, among many others.
third, and Robert GermOver“I was particusheid, Grade 11, placed
sixth in the Intermediate larly impressed with really enjoyed
Boys Division. Garrett
our Intermediate
Empey, Grade 12, fin- Girls and Boys that showing the
ished fourteenth. These pushed themselves other schools
five runners represented to the limits each and what
Scarlett at Provincials.
every day.”
Others who performed
They had been
well, but did not qualify
training confor Provincials included: Alexan- sistently in preparation and it has
dra Sawka, Grade 11, finished fifty really paid off with seven fantastic
first with her teammate Stephanie Lancers qualifying for Provincials.
Pye, Grade 11, finishing right be- Finally on October 17, Provincials
hind her, along with Ayush Chaud- took place in Grande Prairie. Te-
The provincial competitors are, as well as their other
fifty teammates, congratulated for
their efforts and a job well done.
They have done Scarlett coaches
Mark Wyton, Sandra Ullyot, and
Lea Marinelli proud. Marinelli,
a new to cross-country, but experienced head coach, commented
on the team’s efforts this season:
“I was inspired by the dedication
and drive of all the athletes both
at practices and the meets. I was
particularly impressed with our
Intermediate Girls and Boys that
pushed themselves to the limits
each and every day.”
A solid final lap for Cross Country runners this season
By Rafa Abbas
On October 7, the Scarlett
Cross Country team left for
Cochrane to compete in the City
Championships. The terrain and
track were very new, even to senior
members of the team, as this is the
first time that this race was held
at Cochrane. Even so, the terrain
did not hold the Lancers back from
blowing the competition away.
Scarlett ranked fifth overall. The
Junior and Intermediate Boys and
Intermediate Girls really shone in
Jovana Tepavac, Grade
11, placed third. Alexandra Burke,
pavac, placed second with a remarkable 150-metre sprint finish,
being the star of the most talked
about race.
Kiyonaga placed
eighth and Germsheid placed nineteenth in the Intermediate Boys Division. Burke placed twenty ninth.
Empey finished thirty fourth representing Senior Boys and Scarlett. Michael Hudson, Grade 12,
and Drew Kemna, Grade 11, also
qualified for Provicials but could
not make it out to Grande Prairie,
which took a gruelling seven hour
bus ride to get to. Hudson placed
sixth at the City Championships
and Kemna was sixteenth.
November 2015
-- Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 47
Senior Girls soccer just miss the net on the gold medal
By Daniel Nickerson
At the beginning of Senior Girls soccer playoffs Scarlett
sat on top of the league in the South
Division and was ahead of the
leading team in the North Division,
William Aberhart, by 4 points. The
first of the two quarter-finals took
place on October 14 with Western
Canada beating Lord Beaverbrook
9 – 2. Western was placed second
in the North Division and Beaverbrook was third in the South. The
next quarter-finals match up was
between Bishop Carroll and St.
Mary’s with St. Mary’s winning 1
– 0. Previous to this game Bishop
Carroll was ranked second in the
South while St. Mary’s was tied for
third in the North Division.
The top two teams in both
divisions, Scarlett and William
Aberhart, were given byes to the
semi-finals. Nobody was expecting St. Mary’s to win all of their
games especially against teams
they have lost to in the past or only
tied. What was even more surprising was that no goals were scored
against them, while the Lancers a hard-fought game, St. Mary’s In the game against Westhad four goals for and only two ended up on top with one goal over ern Canada the Lancer’s normal
against them in their two play- the Lancers winning 1 – 0. The keeper was out with a concussion
off games. All of the teams that Scarlett girls were humbled by this and was not able to play so the
played St. Mary’s were expected to defeat after going undefeated in the coaches decided to put in one of the
other players, Kendra Stembridge,
win so it was considered a massive regular season.
upset from a team
that only just made it
into the playoffs after
being tied for third
place with St. Francis
in the North Division.
After the quarterfinals wrapped up,
the semi-finals commenced on October
19 at the Subway
Centre. Scarlett beat
Western in a 4 – 1 win
in one of the semi-finals while in the other
game William Aberhart lost to St. Mary’s
1 – 0; Aberhart was
the first-place team in
the North before the
playoffs. In the City
Championship ScarPhoto by Daniel Nickerson
lett faced off against Jullien Ramirez, Grade 12, waits to be subbed in during the game against Western Canada
St. Mary’s and after
who made some nice saves to
help keep the Scarlett girls ahead.
There was even a penalty kick for
Western but Kendra Stembridge
stopped the original shot and was
only beat off a rebound; that was
the only goal that she let in. The
grade eleven girls put in plenty of
effort in this game scoring all four
of the goals, first by Ally Hay, second by Hannah Park, third Georgia
Tansley, and fourth Taylor Wells.
With these girls and many more
players coming back next year
Scarlett has a good chance at playing in and possibly winning the
City Championship. On the other
hand many of the other teams will
be looking at Scarlett and want to
beat the currently second-placed
team next season. This loss in the
championship game will serve to
motivate those grade ten and eleven girls who return to the Scarlett
team next year. Congratulations
to all the players and coaches who
had a very successful season and
good luck to all those trying out
next season.
touchdown with a one-point conversion, the score was then 140. In the second quarter at 10:50
Churchill scored again, the score
was 21-0. Then, Five minutes after
Churchill’s touchdown, Aleksan
made a seventy-yard run into the
end zone. The Lancers, failed to
complete the one-point conversion
far they are able to go.
Good work by the coaches and congratulations to Churchill
and great work Junior Boys on a
fantastic season.
Junior Boys Football ends season in dramatic fashion
Kevin Wright
After an exciting season
the Junior boys Football season has
come to an end. After an incredibly cold night at Shouldice Park
on November 4, the Junior Boys
were knocked out of the playoffs.
The final score in their final game
was 50-12. Their opponent, Win-
Photo By Kevin Wright
The Lancers huddle together, trying to make last play against Churchill
ston Churchill High School, played
very well. They only allowed 14
points their entire season, so for the
Lancers to score two touchdowns
on Churchill is admirable.
Churchill scored first
at 8:18 in the first quarter, with a
touchdown and a one-point conversion. With 3:10 left in the first
quarter Churchill scored another
making the score 21-6. With 1:43
left, the opposition scored again
and the score became 28-6. Carson
Heins, Grade 10, scored another
80-yard touchdown for the Lancers, in the third quarter with ten
minutes left. Churchill then scored
22 more points in the fourth quarter, for a final score of 50-12.
Overall it was an enjoy-
able game and both sides played
hard and represented their school
well. It would have been nice to
see the Jr. Boys continue in the
playoffs but Churchill was a very
worthy opponent.
H e i n s
very well
all season
the leader
in touchdowns for
the Lancers. When
asked if he
would join
again next
said: “abs o l u t e l y,
I enjoyed
every second
it.” Most
g a m e s
are full of
enthusiastic fans,
the Lancers win or
lose. They
worked very hard all season and
played very well. Football fans and
Lancers cannot wait to see these
boys return next year to see how
much they have improved and how
Page 48 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
November 2015
Scarlett Senior Boys Football place second in playoffs
By Daniel Nickerson
The Senior Boys football team
played a chilly Division 3 playoff game this
year as the quarter-finals took place on October 28 with the temperature just above freezing. The teams in the semi-finals on November 3, were also in for a freezing game with
snow falling the day before the game and the
temperature around -7 degrees Celsius with
the field covered in snow. The playoffs took
place at Shouldice Park with teams playing
on fields Hellard, Encana, and Stampeder.
Admission was $2 to get in for students and
seniors and $5 for adults.
Two teams earned byes in the quarter-finals: one went to Churchill/Bowness
who placed first in the regular season and the
other to Scarlett who came in second. The
first of the two quarter-finals was between
fourth-place Lester B. Pearson and fifthplace Forest Lawn at 5 pm. Lester Pearson
lost that game 14 – 7. The other quarterfinal was John Diefenbaker against Central
Memorial the same day as the other quarterfinal on Hellard Field and starting at 7 pm.
John Diefenbaker came out on top winning
38 – 6, an expected win as John Diefenbaker
placed third in the league before playoffs
and Central Memorial finished sixth, and
was the lowest-ranked team in the playoffs.
The semi-finals started on Novem- defensive stops and some incredible catches chance to win the City Finals in a rematch
ber 3 at 6:30 pm with first-place team be- by the receivers. Even with the icy cold air against the only team the Lancers have ever
fore playoffs,
lost to this season, Churchill/
The Lancers went up
against the winagainst their rival Churchill/
ner of the quarBowness Saturday at 2 pm
ter-final game,
on Encana Field trying to
Lester Pearson.
overcome their opponent
Churchill/Bowand win the City Champiness won that
onship. Scarlett received a
game fairly eascrushing defeat, losing the fiily 38 – 0 and
nal 19 - 7 to Churchill/BowChurchill/Bowness who was undefeated all
ness went onto
season and the only team to
the City Chamcome close to beating them
was the Lancers who only
lost to Churchill/Bowness by
up against John
6 points. All of the Lancers
Diefenbaker in
are still proud to have made
to the City Finals and there is
even a possibility of Scarlett
moving up to Division 2 next
season because they made it
only won by
to second place. Whatever
one point in the
Photo by Daniel Nickerson
the case Scarlett will be a
end with a final
Player Dan Jovanovic heading fo the end zone in semi-finals against Diefenbaker
strong team for the next few
score of 23 - 22
on Stampeder Field at 6:30 pm. Hard fought and freezing hands the Lancers stood strong years no matter what division they end up in
by both teams the game was close right to against their opponent and the weather. Af- and the other teams better look out.
the end but Scarlett came up some important ter this hard work Scarlett was awarded a
Sr. Girls Volleyball will redeem the team in Provincials
By Helena Gagnier
25-22. Rewarded with their first gold medal
Heading into the third and final of the season, the girls were reminded of the
month of their season, the Senior Girls Vol- rush that accompanies winning.
leyball team peaked at exactly the right time. The next week, on November 5, the
The Lancers played their last league team played the Robert Thirsk Comets, who
game on October 27 against the Western fought desperately in order to move forward
Canada Redhawks, losing in five sets with in playoffs. However, even though the Lancscores of 25-21, 25-23, 21-25, 22-25, and ers gave a somewhat flat performance, they
11-15. This was the Lancers first league loss still managed to win in four sets with scores
in three years, and as a result of their previ- of 25-17, 25-15, 23-25, and 25-20.
ously undefeated record, they were able to On November 10, the Western Canmaintain their ranking of first in the South.
ada Redhawks arrived on the Lancers home
On October 30 and 31, the Lancers court prepared to battle for a spot in the City
had a shot at redemption, as they were once Finals, and ultimately for the assurance of
again pita
ted against
at Prothe
The Redthe Foothills
c a m e
with spirin Okotoks.
it, havUndefeated
ing two
for the entire tournabusloads
dent fans
were confishow up
dent as they
to voice
headed into
their supfinals where
Photos b y Helena Gagnier
they would Left Side Anna Watt, Grade 12, passes a perfect ball to the setter Scarlett
face Westanswered
ern in a battle for gold. The Lancers played the call for spirit as fans poured into the
well, stepping up to the challenge and win- stands, wielding posters and coming prening in two sets, with scores of 25-20 and pared with many encouraging cheers, led by
the enthusiasm of Larry the Lancer.
By feeding off of the energy
brought by the crowd, the Lancers became
untouchable, playing as a team and showing no mercy to
The Lancers won
the first set 2518, followed by a
similar second set
at 25-20.
third set, the Redhawks
back, and the
Lancers faltered
in their focus,
making many unforced errors such
as missed serves
and miscommunications. As a
Setter Allisa Dandenault,
result of this, the
Redhawks were able to win the set with a
score of 25-23.
Still confident, and with a new
drive, the Lancers once again found their energy, easily taking the fourth set 25-23.
Cheers erupted from the stands after the final point, and the gym was “louder
than it’s been in ten years,” says Coach Tyler
On Saturday November 14, the
Lancers arrived at Bishop Carroll, prepared
to play their long-time rivals William Aberhart Orange for the title of City Champions.
With adrenaline running high and encouraged by an enthusiastic crowd, the team
played with aggression and focus, winning
the first set with a nerve-wracking score of
In the
set, the
team continued
to fight
hard, but
lost their
lead, resulting
in a loss
score of
the third
Photos b y Helena Gagnier
set started
Grade 12, blocks the opponent
out with
huge blocks and kills, but the energy slowly
faded, and the girls again lost with a score of
Pressure ran high in the fourth, and
the Lancers fought hard, but were unable to
limit their unforced errors enough to claim
the win, and lost the game with a score of
On November 25, the Lancers will
travel to Edmonton where they will play
for the title of Provincial Champions and
seek redemption against their rivals of three
years, Aberhart.