Dec 2015 - Dr EP Scarlett High School


Dec 2015 - Dr EP Scarlett High School
Syrian refugees pg. 3
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Flex time pg. 21
Art showcase and photospread pgs. 39 & 40
220 Canterbury Drive S.W. Calgary AB T2W 1H4
Sea World pg. 9
December 2015
Lancers’ success at Calgary City Meet goes swimmingly
ming as a child and feels swimming makes Community Centre, the swim team was able
a person feel free. For Berry, swimming is to keep running. Berry said it blew his mind
After months of training, on Tuesalmost instinctive and therapeutic with its that not only was the swim team able to stay
day, December 1, Scarlett swimmers lined
timed strokes. Resulting from his love of alive, but also that his swimmers were able
up for the bus that would take them to the
swim, Berry was a part of the University of to attain first place in the city.
Talisman Centre to compete at the Calgary
Calgary Masters Swim Club. In addition, he Berry and Domestad are incredSwim Meet. Members of the swim team did
went on to work at the SAIT Aquatic Center ibly proud of the team and the effort they
not disappoint and brought back a first-place
as a lifeguard. Berry
trophy and an impressive banner to hang in
believes that in most
the gymnasium.
individual’s lives,
The atmosphere of the meet was
there is a fond or faexciting; there was plenty of effort put forth
vourite moment of
by swimmers, coaches and organizers. An
swimming, whether
average of 1,200 swimmers attend the meet
it is something akin
each year as
to swimming with a
well as 100
father or diving for
officials. Bethe first time. It was
cause of the
at the SAIT Aquatic
high number
Centre, that Berry
of swimmers,
had his favourite
swimming moment.
On an early
do something
different this
before a local swim
By Steve Nimmock
year, divide
team was scheduled
to come in, Berry Swimmers begin their dive into the water as the starting signal goes off
into two diviwas alone with another lifeguard in the pool put forth to be on the team and present dursions. There
facility. The two of them turned off the over- ing the meet. Each of the Scarlett swimmers
was a division
head lights, making the pool room very dark. set their own unique times, personal records
of morning
Underwater speakers were turned on to play and made individual journeys, yet the aspect
and afternoon
their music of choice and so were the under- of being on a team was still there. It takes a
water lights. The result was “an amazing vi- truly motivated person to wake up early, get
sual,” as described by Berry. With nothing in a cold pool, and be working non-stop over
Mike Berry
the weeks. In addition, the effort put forth to
By Steve Nimmiock but the luminescence from the lights, paired
Helen A Scarlett swimmer races against the other competitors fiercely at the City Meet with the music playing, a unique experi- be positive and energetic was admirable.
ence was created. It is easy to see why Berry Another driving force behind the
team of Lancers is composed of mixed ages Girls 25-Meter Backstroke. Finally, Grade found this to be his favourite moment from success of Scarlett’s swim team is Domsand genders, along with categories based 12 student Anna Bender placed first out of swimming. It was from this short story that tad. She put forth immense effort to coach
on experience. The three categories are 18 contestants in the Girls 25-Meter Butter- his love for swimming and the magical as- the team while on her maternity leave. Berry
Blue, Green, and Red level swimmers. Blue fly.
commented that she was a very organized
pects of the sport came to life.
swimmers are those who have never been Scarlett was placed in the Elbow Berry has nothing but good things individual and was a pleasure working with.
on a swim team, Green (which used to be Division, hich started their meet at 10:15am. to say about the team throughout the season Both were equally responsible for taking
known as white) are those have been on a There were 19 teams against Scarlett in the and at the City Meet. This year was a chal- part in instructing swimmers from the blue
swim team, but not before September 1, and Elbow Division all bearing students from lenge to get the swim team running though category, as well as directing swim drills.
Red are those who are currently swim-team high schools across Calgary.
and to keep it alive, as there were many ob- Taking home a first-place trophy,
members outside of school.
Head coaches Berry and Domstad stacles in the way. The largest obstacle was Scarlett has made a name for itself in the
In total, Scarlett won with 587 were responsible for providing guidance and the closing of Canyon Meadows Pool, their competitive swimming scene, all thanks to
points at the City Championship Swim Meet. teaching these swimmers. Berry has been usual practice spot, for renovations. Thank- Berry, Domstad, the parents and most imWith this total net-gain of points, the team coaching swim for a total of thirteen years, fully, due to the dedication of the swimmers’ portantly, the swimmers of Scarlett.
was able to take first in the City Meet. 39 twelve at Scarlett. He always loved swim- parents and the help of the Calgary Jewish
By Kyle Irvine
swimmers performed for Scarlett this year,
a handful placing in top-10 spots. Stand out
performances are Grade 11 student Scott Ingramm, who placed first in both the 50-Meter Freestyle event and the 50-Metre SC Butterfly; Grade 12 Tyler Kiyonaga placed fifth
out of 25 contestants in the 25-Metre Breaststroke. In the Girls 25-Meter Backstroke,
Kelsie Volek, Grade 11, placed fourth out
of 31-event contestants. Grade 12 Daniel
McClement placed fourth out of 47 other
swimmers in the Boys 25-Meter Backstroke.
Grade 11 Mya Hastie placed second out of a
whopping 132 swimming contestants in the
Page 2
-- Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
December 2015
Aaron Schmidtke and Grace Stone
Section Editors
Madison Negrey and Megan Miskiman
Ishaan Sahai and Sophia Radford
Layout & Design
Labeeba Mahmood
Kyle Irvine and Kevin Wright
Hailey Payne and Kevin Leske
Riannon Laarz and Terra Li
Fine Arts
Erin Burns and Carissa Feddema
Daniel Nickerson and Maya Smith
Isabel Fernandez
Isabel Fernandez
The Scarlett FEVER represents and
respects a variety of diverse opinions.
Staff Writers
Happy holidays from all the FEVER staff writers and advisors. We would like to thank you
Alexis Bradley, Erin Burns, Carissa Feddema, Chase Glenwright, Grace Stone, Wesley
Hawley-Thomas, Kyle Irvine, Levi Kitsul, Riannon Laarz, Kevin Leske, Terra Li, Megan
Miskiman, Ashley McIntosh, Daniel Nickerson, Madison Negrey, Hailey Payne, Sophia
Radford, Ishaan Sahai, Aaron Schmidtke, Nikola Tarbuk, Kevin Wright.
for reading our first three issues of the FEVER
this year and encourage Lancer community
Douglas Brandt, Claire Patterson,
Michelle Finley
members to continue reading all upcoming is-
sues next semester at Scarlett! See you after the
The Scarlett FEVER is the product of students in the
Journalism 15, 25, 35 programs. It is produced seven times
per school year and is distributed to the community of
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School.
The FEVER operates primarily on a per-student allotment from
Student Activity Fees, supplemented by advertising revenue.
The newspaper is printed by International Web Express.
The FEVER is now available online.
Access it on the Dr. E.P. Scarlett website at:
Click on the “School Info” drop-down menu.
Please contact Claire Patterson at or
Telephone 403-281-3366, ext. 2122
December 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 3
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning to fast-track
an estimated 25,000 Syrian refugees by February 2016
By Madison Negrey
Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau reaffirmed the commitment to resettle 10,000 Syrian
refugees in Canada by the end of
this year and an entire 25,000 by
the end of February. Trudeau outlined his plan to take in 25,000
refugees by the end of 2016 by using governmental sponsors, private
sponsors, and non-governmental
organizations, but as this goal was
too ambitious he promised to get to
this number by the end of February instead. Canadian Immigration Officials are mainly focusing
on receiving refugees from Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon because
of the high number of people who
have been forced to flee their home
country in recent years due to safety reasons. Beginning in December, Syrian refugees began to be
brought into Canada by privately
chartered aircraft with military
aircraft assisting if needed. Once
picked up, the aircrafts are designated for Montréal or Toronto
since these two airports have the
capacity for many people and the
facilities to support them. Still, this
may not be enough space to transport the promised number into the
country in January and February.
McCallum stated in a news conference at the end of November,
“Military bases are a possibility,
air transport, even naval transport
has not been ruled out.”
According to an Angus
Reid Institute Poll conducted three
days after the Paris attacks, 54% of
Canadians oppose Trudeau’s decision to bring in this many refugees
in such a short period of time. Citizens of Canada are not opposing
the refugees themselves coming
into Canada, but the dangers of
this short timeline. This is not an
unreasonable fear, but it should not
be the reason refugees cannot seek
safety. Another concern is the cost.
The overall cost of the transportation and screening of refugees will
be an estimated $1.2 billion says
the ambassador of Jordan, Bruno
Saccomani, reported by the Official Petra news agency. The overall cost and population is another
concern to some Canadians across
the country.
Minister of Immigration,
Court of Canada for a judicial review while the Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) monitors the
individual. The main concern of
immigration officers and premiers
is that the screening process will be
rushed. Trudeau
had planned to
process in a few
weeks, a process
that was stated by
the United States
Immigration Officers could take
up to two years.
Even at this rate
it will only last
three months so
some screening
may have to be
done after the
refugees arrive
in Canada, which
safety risks. The
of Trudeau and
his government
is to first protect
the people and
citizens it represents.
Photo by Madison Negrey
Aircrafts with military assistance will be the main method for transporting Syrian refugees
Refugees, and Citizenship, John stead should worry about the safety Wall, in a letter to Trudeau, said, “I
McCallum said, “Canadians can of people in Syria.
am concerned that bringing in refuThe concern in Canada gees could undermine the refugee
and must do more to help Syrian refugees who are desperately seek- that screening is being rushed is a screening process.” He later stated
ing safety. This is about showing reasonable fear for all citizens as that his government will establish
leadership and doing what is right the refugees have lived in hostile a refugee settlement centre to coas Canadians.” The cost and popu- places. The Refugee Convention of ordinate the refugees into the provlation is not an issue when people’s 1951 defines a refugee as, “some- ince and protect his people. Also,
lives are in danger. Islamic Relate one fleeing from a well-founded Quebec city Mayor Régis LabeauCanada states that an estimated 3.2 fear of being persecuted,” but con- me agreed saying, “let us open
million refugees have fled Syria cerns are that it could be the indi- our hearts to human distress, but
to take refuge in Jordan, Lebanon, vidual itself who provoked harm not to the detriment of security.”
and Turkey. Also first. Refugee processing or screen- British Columbia Premier Christy
(Civil war in Syria infographic) ing is a complex work that includes Clark, Quebec Immigration Minstates that of 268,961 deaths re- establishing identity. It is very im- ister Kathleen Weil, and Toronto
corded between March 18 and portant that officers take their time Mayor John Tory also raised conJune 8, 2015, 40.1% were inno- to ensure that the refugees have not cerns about Trudeau’s timeline.
cent civilians, 18,864 were women committed any serious crimes and Wall also stated, “If even a small
and children, and 53% of the Syr- that they are not a security risk to number of individuals who wish to
ian population needs humanitarian Canada. After, failed applicants do harm to our country are able to
aid. Canada is a safe country that then go to the Refugee Appeals enter Canada as a result of a rushed
can and should offer help to Syrian Division or apply to the Federal refugee resettlement process, the
refugees. Also,
states that Canada is, at the moment, one of the richest countries
in the world with one of the best
economies; the country does not
need to worry about money and in-
results could be devastating.”
The Paris attack has also
had a huge impact on Canada
bringing in refugees. CBC News
said that on November 22, 2015
children, women, and families will
only be allowed into the refugee
program for safety reasons. Single
men have a lower chance of being
accepted into the program because
the Paris attack stirred fears in Europe and North America that jihadists could seek to blend in with refugee masses in order to strike later.
Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard said, “I think what happened
in Paris has really changed the
dynamic and public opinion,” and
that, “It is not the ideal scenario,
not being able to accept everyone.”
Still, the Canadian government believes that it is the safest and best
Calgary’s mayor Naheed Nenshi believes that bringing Syrian refugees into Canada
is the best thing to do saying that
the refugees are fleeing “the same
bad guys” behind the terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut. He also
stated in a morning council session
on November 9 that “we need to be
able to open our arms to make sure
that we can provide safety to these
folks.” Many people in Canada are
not opposing bringing in Syrian
refugees; they are simply scared of
the timeline Trudeau has proposed.
Even though there are
many concerns are about the timeline of Trudeau’s plan, Canada
does need to help the Syrian refugees. McCallum also reassured
Canadians that citizens would be
protected and said, “Proper consideration will be given to security concerns and health concerns.”
Also, even though the Quebec Premier, Couillard was skeptical he
also stated, “The refugees are victims, not terrorists.” The Middle
East and International Terrorism
expert, Jabeur Fathally also says
that Syrian refugees desperately
need Canada’s help and he only
warned about rushing the process.
Page 4
-- Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
December 2015
In defense of technology:
society’s falliable vendetta
By Ishaan Sahai
Acknowledging physical
and mental health issues
By Carissa Feddema
becoming depressed. The long term effects
Physical health is acknowledged of illnesses, however, should be considered
on a daily basis and many treatments have when discussing health issues.
been developed for physical illnesses. Physical illnesses are more comMental health, on the other hand, is usually monly known than mental illnesses. Disthought to be less important than physical eases are something people are afraid of behealth; however, it can be just as serious. cause they can be life-threatening or disturb
According to the Centre for Addiction and people’s ways of life. Many of these diseasMental Health, 1 in 5 Canadians experience es have treatments and cures. The body can
a mental health or addiction problem in any sometimes heal itself depending of the type
given year. The results of mental illnesses of illness. These are important factors when
can be severe, and the effect they can have dealing with physical health; however,
on people should not be underestimated.
mental health can also be life-threatening.
Mental health refers to a person’s social, Many cases of depression have resulted
emotional, and psychological well-being. in the infliction of pain on an individual,
It contributes to the way people think, self-medication, and suicide. Mental health
feel, and act. A healthy mind is benefi- definitely disturbs people’s regular ways of
cial because it aids individuals in dealing living as well. Even though mental illnesses
with stress and uncomfortable situations are common, they are not talked about ofand affects how people interact and com- ten enough; this is most likely because of a
municate with others as well as how they social stigma which can prevent a person
respond to problems. Some examples of from sharing what they are feeling. Stigma
mental illnesses are Obsessive-Compulsive is also one of the reasons why mental illDisorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, ness can be so difficult to detect and cure.
depression, and schizophrenia. Many ill- Those affected by metal health issues are
nesses are uncontrollable and unpredict- sometimes prone to feeling confused or
able. Since there is so much people still lonely, and in some cases, have a difficult
have not learned about the human brain, it time controlling their actions or organizcan be difficult to understand diseases con- ing their thoughts. A person’s life can be
cerning mental health.
thrown off-balance when faced with these
Mental illness can impact an in- struggles. Mental illnesses prevent people
dividual in different ways. These illnesses from living full and happy lives.
present themselves
The Canadian Mental Health Aswith
sociation is one of the oldest mental
symptoms, includhealth organizations in Canada. The
ing feelings of sadCMHA is a charity that provides
ness, guilt or anger,
service through support for the menhaving excessive
tal well-being of Canadians. It also
fears or worries,
brings together community-based
concenexperience in preventing mental illtrating,
ness. The CMHA also created Menfriends or activities,
tal Health Week in Canada. It is an
and many more.
annual national event that encourThose who clearly
ages people to learn, talk, reflect,
have this evidence
and engage with others on issues
of mental illness
concerning mental health. Organican seek help by
Photo by Carissa Feddema zations such as this make a big diftalking to their doc- Human brains are very complex ference in removing the stigma and
tor or by discussing
helping those suffering from mental
their situation with someone close to them. illness.
Physical health is also important. Although physical health is an
It is part of people’s daily lives and has a important factor in people’s lives, mental
significant affect on their lifestyle. The health is just as serious an issue that has
University of Manitoba states that regular to be acknowledged. Many people suffer
physical activity will decrease risk of dis- from poor mental health and instability.
ease, assist in avoiding injuries, and help Mental health can be very fragile, and peoindividuals feel better physically as well as ple should be aware of the possibility that
mentally. The university also believes that someone could be suffering from a serious
physical activity will reduce the chances of mental condition. Society’s appalling growing vendetta against technology can be epitomized
through a video that, ironically, went viral on YouTube several years ago entitled
“Look Up,” a poem persuading people to
move away from technology. It featured
lines like, “End the confusion, for this thing
we call social is anything but,” and “next
time you go outside, be sure to leave your
phone behind.” The poem implied that halting one’s use of Google Maps will ensure a
successful love life through asking a pretty
girl for directions. “Look Up” scored forty
is perhaps not difficult to understand why.
After all, the change humanity faces now
is so unprecedented that there can be great
difficulty in accepting it: what humanity is
seeing now is a fundamental shift in way of
life. That does not make it wrong, however.
With the world growing everso against technology, perhaps it is time
to draw a radical postulate: technology is
not vehemently bad. If anything, universal
understanding of a simple expression will
push humanity away from a path of regression, and that phrase is this: technology is
good. While many lament the loss of human touch in communication, believing
Photo by Ishaan Sahai
Often the key to productivity, a smartphone is a powerful device that can act as a crucial aid to
the organization of one’s life, but it is common to see the simplification of work labelled as laziness
million views, a near-unanimous positive
reception, and a good load of ad revenue,
but the message the video sends is highly
flawed and engrained within a rather conservative human paradigm. While “Look
Up” is merely a single example, many
speak out in hatred of the direction humanity is taking, discussing how inherently
wrong it is for humans to communicate via
text message rather than “face-to-face,”
and that children should not have access
to technology, for when they were young,
they used to go outside and play on playgrounds and colour in colouring books.
They may lament how many children these
days cannot even colour inside the lines!
Human society has always
evolved and changed—in fact, one could
even argue that the fundamental concept
that drives humanity is change—but never
quite like today. Now, technology drives
human communication, education, science,
and is taking over the many facets of a society, from the economy to the transportation industry. The idea of losing “a sense
of humanity” is lamented by many, and it
that we have become “slaves to technology,” this may be, to an extent, a total nonissue. While there may be merit to the idea
of technology acting as a distraction, the
notion that technology takes humans out of
the “real world” is entirely misguided—the
digital realm is as part of the “real world”
as the physical realm, whether or not basic
human paradigm keeps many from understanding that. While cyberbullying allows
technology to act as an additional medium
of abuse, and while studies have shown that
pen-and-paper may, in certain ways, be a
superior method of note-taking, it appears
as though many criticisms of the prominence of technology in the modern day can
be simplified down to, “that’s not how we
used to do it.”
Unfortunately, it is that very ideology of resisting change that is dangerous
and unhealthy for the world and all human
progress, yet rarely are opinions expressed
defending technology against those who
speak out against it; this makes tackling
many of the plethora of issues that manifest
Continued on page 5
December 2015
Scarlett FEVER
who we are is giving into the terContinued from page 4
rorists” can be echoed here, to an
into the larger criticisms of technol- extent. While the issues of cyberogy of utmost importance, through bullying, both direct and indirect,
are widespread, the notion that one
the usage of smaller postulates.
As a starting postulate, should wade incredibly carefully
social media does not stop entities on social media in order to avoid it
from engaging in “real” human in- is completely incorrect; in no way
teraction as the distinction between is cyberbullying an issue that autothe digital and physical realms is matically attaches itself to the carrying out of certain acts.
solely rooted in paradigms.
Distraction, on the other
The idea that technol- ogy is none other than humanity’s hand, acts as both an individual and
greatest engineering marvel should a psychological issue. Steps can be
possibly be considered an axiom; taken by individuals to ensure that
it is technology that connects all productivity is maintained and disof its denizens with each other and traction is minimized; distraction
with more information than could is not an inherent byproduct or side
ever be accessed in a pre-digital effect of technology—it is selfinduced. While technology may be
However, preconceived helping in distracting populations,
notions of human communication the overwhelming number of merplace sentimentality, nostalgia, and its technology brings do not warclosed thinking above logic and rant placing blame on technology,
progress; to pick up one’s phone, and rather, responsibility must be
tablet, or computer is not tuning placed on individuals. As the digioneself out of the real world—it tal realm grows in prominence, it
is simply a shift into the realm of is sure to become a permanent and
technology. A preferable term for fixed part of human life; much like
“real world” should be “physical with all other aspects of life, indiworld,” because this engineering viduals must learn how to handle
marvel should be accepted as what it.
Another postulate can be
it is—something new, something radical. This engineering marvel drawn around the idea of nostalelevates beyond anything that hu- gia. It appears as though much of
manity has ever seen in the past to the criticisms raised by those who
present it with an extension of real- speak out against technology can
ity, not a domain or territory out- be simplified down to “back in my
day” arguments. Sure, the children
side of it.
Yes, it is rude to be check- of yesteryear may have played outing one’s phone when effort has side and with chalk on sidewalks
been made for physical-world hu- while the children of today play on
man conversation, but that is be- devices, but that does not make the
cause of just that—effort has been way that children play now wrong;
made. Other than that, the notion it merely makes it different. It is
that the prominence of technol- true that “play” has practically alogy today is wrong because it was ways been based around being outnever like this before is plainly and side with friends, and many reminisce about the fun they had when
utterly ludicrous.
Moving past these postu- they were a kid, depressed by the
lates regarding the digital world in reality that children today spend
opposition to the “real world” and less time playing outside, makthe acceptable changing face of ing statements like, “Fun is gone.
human interaction, points may be Play is gone. Kids just stare at their
made about distraction and cyber- screens nowadays. This did not
happen back in my day. We would
It must be conceded that play until the sun came down. Not
the level of distraction induced by today.”
This sort of thinking,
technology is problematic, and ob- viously, cyberbullying is a problem however, is heavily flawed. Once
more, this comes
as well. However, in
“It appears as
down to the idea
the latter’s case, cyberbullying does not though much of the of the human
act as a reason for criticisms raised by paradigm, where
staying off of social those who speak out the new, changmedia and halting against technology ing world is an
usage of technology,
can be simplified entirely different
much like how the to ‘back in my day’ beast in comparison to the world
many issues around
that existed before
the world, while bad,
should not be drastically influencing the way one leads of technology in everyday lives.
their life. The idea that “changing Again, this makes it difficult to ac-
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
cept the change, but that in itself consequences.
does not make the change wrong.
To change focus entirely,
Perhaps a way to think a consideration of books also needs
about this is to conjure up a hypo- to be discussed. There is no arguthetical society “[Technological in- ing against the benefits
where the situdulgement] is not of reading: books are
ation is exactly
reading is great,
tuning oneself out of great,
inverse: chiland there are profound
dren used to the real world—it is intellectual
spend all day simply a shift into the gained by doing so;
playing games realm of technology.” however, it has come
that certain circles ofwhereas now,
ten use this as an exthere are people trying to promote cuse to halt the viewing of televithe usage of playgrounds and co- sion and film in favour of books for
louring books. As ludicrous as it this precise reason.
may seem, these people would be As great an activity as
treated as though they were mad- reading is, this reasoning is more
men with an agenda against so- saddening than anything else in
ciety; this entire situation simply what is being called the Golden
comes down to what any society Age of Television, where arguably,
used to be like, as that is what sets television and film are far superior
people’s preconceived notions.
to contemporary literature; this is
The issue of physical ex- almost a somewhat ironic stateercise is entirely different: while ment given that the literature many
physical exercise is a benefit place above film and television are
gained by playing outside, that in merely young adult novels.
itself can be gained through entire- While it is true that the
ly different methods, and does not written medium allows for visuact as reasoning within itself to dis- alization in a way that visual meallow children from utilizing tech- diums can never, that does not
nology for recreational purposes.
make the visual medium inferior;
It may be worth discussing tech- in some ways, storytelling can be
nology and the apparently negative brought out by a multi-season seimpacts it has on education in the rialized television show in a way
form of smaller issues, all of which that a novel or book series could
can be rebutted with building on never. In many examples, authors
the foundations set by earlier pos- are incapable of producing desired
storytelling due to inability to paint
Firstly, many believe it the visual picture of which they
is wrong for children to be learn- wish for. Both mediums are siming concepts and progress through ply ways of storytelling—different
education using technology rather forms of art.
than more traditional methods. As with playing outside
While it is true that research has and physical exercise, the benefit
shown that there are neurological can be gained through healthy enand psychological reasons behind couragement of reading. However,
why young children using technol- once one has read enough to harogy for educational purposes may ness the benefits, there is no need
be problematic, the very brigade for them to limit themselves from
against this stems out of the same the enjoyment they can gain from
idea: children should be spending other mediums in addition to literatheir time with better pastimes, ture.
like playing outside. However, as This wraps itself back
aforementioned, there is nothing around to the debate between pen
that makes playing outside a better and paper versus digital methpastime than sensical usage of rec- ods of note-taking and homework
reational technologies. Even many completion. Negated using the
of these psychological issues may same rudiments of earlier arguleave the human race by the end of ments, while research has shown
the century, as human brains adapt that physical note-taking can be
to become adept to the environ- better for understanding of matement around them; in an environ- rial and even for marks and acament where technology is of great demic performance, this can be
prominence, this is something that brought down by several ideas.
Firstly, it is quite possible
is bound to happen. This may even be preferable to occur when chil- that the research behind academic
dren are young as this will lead performance in correlation with
to a more profound psychological technological usage is flawed in
change. Even until then, the exclu- itself. While technology can be
sive benefits that technological- used excellently for this purpose
medium learning can bring far in many ways, improper usage will
outweigh the potentially negative obviously lead to poor academic
Page 5
performance. It must reiterated
once more that this is merely the
individual at fault rather than the
Secondly, as mentioned
earlier, the human brain can adapt
in this new technology-heavy society, once again rendering neurologically-linked arguments null.
Finally, the benefits that
can be gained through proper usage of technology for these purposes are astounding. Through the utilization of the medium, notes can
easily be searched, organized, accessed, moved, and changed. With
the manipulatable nature of digital
notes and project completion, each
individual note and point can have
far more done with it than a physical manifestation of that same note
could ever.
A more general postulate
can also be made about the negative impacts technology has on
productivity, ignoring the many
positive impacts it has had.
Many blame social media
on stemming an inability to work.
However, humanity never started
working because humanity likes
to work; humanity started working
because humanity needed to work,
as it still does. Some say technology manifests laziness because of
its ability to make work easier, but
this is the same thing that farming
did when it started the Agricultural
Revolution. An individual’s ability
to become distracted or unproductive is down to the individual rather than the medium. While work
needs to get done, it is difficult
to imagine that society is not progressing because of technology.
Once again, it is fine for work to
be easier, as humans do not work
because they wish to. As humanity works its way towards an end
objective of removing the need to
work, solace and enjoyment can be
found in none other than pure enjoyment itself. Recreation should
be more than tolerable, as it is entirely alright, but in some circles,
the vendetta against recreation is as
strong as the one against technology.
As a final postulate, the
benefits of technology far outweigh the negative impacts it may
potentially have.
The digital realm is a
world of its own, incomparable to
anything in the physical realm. It
is its own society; neither socialist
nor capitalist, yet also a manifestation of the American Dream in its
purest form. The digital realm is a
place where hard work can go into
programming regardless of social
stature in order to create something
Continued on page 8
Page 6
-- Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
December 2015
Withdrawal of the niqab ap- Unrealistic expectations
peal to the Supreme Court not beneficial for students
By Daniel Nickerson
There has been much controversy
over a simple piece of clothing that is part
of Middle Eastern culture and religion. It is
called the niqab. There are actually a few
different head garments that are worn like
the hijab that covers the hair and ears but
leaves the face visible. The burka covers
all of the face and body, but the niqab conceals everything except for the eyes. These
coverings all serve the same purpose to dif-
quest for an appeal to ban the niqab.
New Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
with the help of the Justice Minister Jody
Wilson-Raybould and Immigration Minister
John McCallum backing him up, has put an
end to the appeal and four-year fight. One
reason as to why Trudeau does not wish to
pursue banning the niqab is because the Supreme Court said that it violates the Citizenship Act. Dropping the appeal made by the
Conservatives was a promise Trudeau made
during his campaign while Harper wanted
Photo by Daniel Nickerson
The Muslim Council of Calgary or Masjid during prayer hour is in Calgary Southwest
ferent extents to hide the face of a woman
in a public place. In his election campaign
Stephen Harper vowed to ban the niqab and
other face covering garments during the oath
of Canada Citizenship and this dispute has
caused a divide between many Canadians.
The whole issue began when
Zunera Ishaq, a 29 year old woman, who
was attempting to gain Canadian citizenship
wanted to wear her niqab during the oath
which she had been wearing since she was
15. Jason Kenney, the Minister of Immigration, in December 2011 had implemented
the ban of the niqab while taking the citizenship oath. Ishaq became a Canadian citizen
in 2012 but refused to take off her niqab and
postponed her oath until her case was heard.
Ishaq was willing to remove her niqab before
writing and passing her citizenship test two
years ago, but she refused to uncover in public at the oath-taking ceremony. The Federal
Court of Canada found the rule unlawful in
February and set aside the rule and the Court
of Appeal rejected the Conservative’s re-
to escalate this law by banning the niqab for
public service workers. Trudeau has shown
an appreciation for the minorities of Canada
and how they are a vital part of Canada.
Canada is a patchwork of cultures
from around the world. Their cultures are
integrated into the greater culture, this is one
of Canada strengths. After all, Canada was
built by immigrants; it is also a key difference from the United States because there
government tries try to make minorities conform to their way of living. There are other
countries that have issued a ban on niqabs
and other face coverings, like France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, however Canada
is its own country where people should be
free to wear what they want without having
to deal with prejudice and judgement especially at a time when Islamophobia is strong
around the world. Canadians need to show
that Islam is welcome here for all of those
fleeing the wars in the Middle-East who
have nowhere else to go.
By Madison Negrey
As people grow, so do the expectations placed onto them. There are many
expectations for high school students: get a
job, go to school, get into college, and get
a career. This pressure and the expectations
of parents and guardians can cause students
to rebel, have increasing anxiety, and can
impact their academic performance. Research done by the American Psychological Association shows that parents who
constantly pressure their kids affect them
academically in a substantial way. Life
does not slow, and the amount of stress and
unrealistic high hopes from parents weigh
down students affecting their lives and their
academic performance. These high hopes
from parents can also cause anxiety, depression, and extreme stress also affecting
the student’s ability to perform in school.
Many parents think that pushing their kids with schoolwork is in their
child’s best interest. Some parents also believe that keeping track of their schoolwork
or even assigning extra work will help their
children in the long run. In some, if not
many cases, as soon as children are born,
the main focus of the parents is how to raise
a smart child or how to raise their IQ, starting the children’s increased stress level and
self-loathing from a young age, states Overall, parents believe that
their child should be and do the best and
do not realize that unrealistic expectations
affect the student mentally and academically. states that the
number of students in AP (Advanced Placement) classes has increased by 20.1% since
2012. Many students have a hard time passing these challenging courses and in reality
should be in regular classes, but their parents believe that that is not the right thing to
do. Students should not be failing classes or
barely passing because they are in courses
that are too difficult for them when it could
easily be made more attainable. Parents
should allow their children to learn at their
own level instead of just worrying about
passing a class.
Stress and anxiety are two forces
almost every student has to deal with. US
News says that an estimated 17.5 hours of
homework are assigned per week to high
school students. Also, Higher Education
Research Institute (UCLA) says that outside of class students spend 40% of their socalled spare time on schoolwork or studying. The level of expectations from school
boards and teachers already induces a level
of stress in any student, but when parental
expectations also exceed the limitation,
anxiety and stress becomes more than just
a small obstacle. Pressure from parents can
cause sleep deprivation, excessive worrying, cheating, loss of interest with hobbies,
and withdrawal from friends and family.
Parental pressure can also cause anxiety
and stress with tests and schoolwork for the
fear of disappointing their parents.
Poor self-image is an extreme
symptom of parental pressure and high
expectations. The Journal of Families and
Studies found that children with parents
with unrealistic expectations had a higher
level of depression and a decreased satisfaction with life including poor self-image,
which can cause eating disorders as well as
unhealthy thoughts. states
that in 2012 two-thirds of parents with
children from grade six to twelve expected
their children to obtain a bachelor’s degree
or higher. When students cannot live up to
these expectations or do poorly on a test
and their parents scold them, the students
will then believe they are unintelligent or
unworthy and develop a need to succeed,
which can cause an increased level of stress
and depression.
Not only can parental pressure affect a student mentally but it can also affect
them academically. For some students, excessive pressure can cause them to become
stressed with school or rebel against their
parents, overall affecting them intellectually. Kou Murayama, lead author of the
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology says that “excessive parental aspiration
can be poisonous,” meaning that expectations that are too high from parents can hurt
the students with the amount of stress piled
onto them. Murayama also analyzed data
from a 2002-2007 study of 3,530 students
in secondary school and how much their
parents wanted them to achieve. This study
showed that when parental expectations
exceeded reality or were unrealistic for the
ability of the student, their grades were affected substantially. The study also showed
that students with supportive parents had
grades higher than students with parents
who had expectations that were too high.
Instead of scolding their children for trying their best, parents should
be praising them or helping them without
putting them down or making them feel
unworthy. This way students can excel
at their own pace without being mentally
harmed. Many websites and magazines
like say that parents need
to stop putting so much pressure on their
kids in order for them to achieve their own
expectations. Students already have a high
amount of stress from their own expectations, and parents should be offering guidance to help their stress levels decrease.
If parents allow their children to
learn at their own level their grades will increase and their stress level will decrease.
Parents need to let their children have freedom and they will end up doing better than
when they are pressured by their parents
and/or guardians.
December 2015
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 7
Trudeau’s candidate policy renews debate over abortion
By Madison Negrey
In May 2014, Justin
Trudeau announced that no antiabortion candidates would be permitted to run in the Liberal Party
in the October election. Trudeau’s
announcement was an outrage to
many anti-abortion groups, especially the Campaign Life Coalition
(CLC) and the Canadian Centre
for Bio-Ethical Reforms (CLC).
In past elections the CLC has persuaded people to reject politicians
who support abortion but this is
the first time that they have urged
people to reject an entire political party. The CLC’s main goal
was to ruin Trudeau’s reputation.
The group distributed a pamphlet
across the nation saying, “Justin
Trudeau supports abortion until birth,” with graphic images on
their view of abortion. They also
stated that Trudeau was being unjust by forcing MPs to stand up for
something that they do not believe
in. Trudeau’s reply to this group
was, “Let’s be clear on this. For
Liberals, the right of a woman to
control her body is more important
than the right of a legislator to restrict her freedom with their vote.
MPs who disagree with that have
other choices. They can sit as independents, or as Conservatives. We
are the party of the Charter. We are
the party that stands up for people’s
rights. We will continue to do so.”
Despite the CLC’s hopes to destroy
Trudeau’s reputation, he won the
election by a landslide, but left the
abortion controversy uprooted.
Abortion, which is legal
in about 60% of the world, is the only a potential human being with tions. Our Bodies Ourselves says
termination of a woman’s preg- a 40-80% survival rate stated by that in the US in the 1950-1960s,
nancy, not the termination of a the CNA (Catholic News Agency). 1.2 million illegal abortions were
baby. Many people believe that An important article about abor- performed each year and resulted
abortion is murder and the killing tion, “What Is an Abortion and in 5,000 deaths per year. Illegal
of a human being. Studentenation. Why Women Must Have the Right abortions also caused much damorg states that life starts at the mo- to Choose,” by A.S.K magazine age to the women’s reproductive
ment of conception and that abor- says, “A fetus is not yet a hu- systems and bodies, where legal
tion is the murder of children waiting to be born.
Other sites like CLC say
that abortion is dangerous
for the mother and hurts
the fetus, and that abortion
is destroying a meaningful life. These groups also
say that adoption is an alternative option to abortion. Before Trudeau’s announcement about Liberal
candidates, these groups
were just harmless websites, but now CLC and
other pro-life groups are
outraged attacking the Liberals and anyone who is
pro-choice. Even though
abortion before 24 weeks
(five and a half months) is
a safe process and does not
Photo by Madison Negrey
harm an actual baby, these “Pro-life” takes away legaslative rights for women and can make them feel unworthy
groups are still trying to
change people’s minds.
man being. It is more like a seed abortions provide a safe alternative
Trudeau has held the idea or sprout of a human being. It is to women hurting themselves. The
of no anti-abortion Liberal party ‘alive,’ but that is also true of all Liberal Party believes that a wommembers since 2012. One distinc- the other cells in a woman’s body. an should not have to be injured or
tion made by the Liberals is that It has no life of its own yet. It is not killed because of the termination of
personhood begins when a fetus yet a separate life from the life of a fetus and they do not believe ilbecomes viable (able to survive the woman in whose uterus it is.” legal abortions are just.
outside the womb) or after birth. In other words, the fetus is a liv- Not only is abortion
The argument that life starts at the ing cell just like every other cell in physically safe for the mother, it
moment of conception is false. A a human’s body, not a baby. These is mentally safe for her as well.
person’s age is counted from birth, facts are just some of the reasons Studies by the American Psycholnot conception. The New Health for Trudeau’s pro-abortion state- ogy Association show that 95% of
Guide says the fetus’ organs ment, but the main reason is to woman who get abortions feel that
and heart do not fully start protect the fundamental rights of it was the right thing to do a week
to function until 20 weeks all women in Canada.
after the pregnancy is terminated,
(5 months) which means Abortions provide a pro- whereas woman who were denied
that for 5 months the fetus is choice life for women in Canada abortion became depressed, guilty,
not alive. Usually this is the and individual guaranteeing of regretful, and in some cases suiciddeadline for safe abortions. rights is something Trudeau feels al. Also, parents denied an abortion
This development timeline imperative to this country. His who cannot financially support a
also means that a fetus can- reply to pro-life (anti-abortion) baby or feel that the mother does
not feel pain. A 2010 review groups was that Liberals believe not have the proper health to carry
by Britain’s Royal College that it should be a woman’s choice it become fearful and depressed.
of Obstetricians and Gyn- if she wants to terminate a pregnan- Denial of abortion can lead to
aecologists shows that the cy or not. Trudeau said in response harmful psychological damage
cortex is needed to feel pain, to angry MPs, “the day men get to when in turn can lead to divorce or
which a fetus does not de- choose what a woman does with abuse of the future child. Trudeau
velop until 26 weeks, long her body are long gone.” The New said in a news conference, “a
after most abortions are Health Guide states that abortion woman should do what is best for
performed. es- has a 0.6% chance of death for the her and the possible child.” A baby
timates that 1% of all abor- mother whereas giving birth has a should not come into the world
tions are performed after 20% chance of death for a healthy unwanted which is usually what
the first trimester and only woman. Also, a woman is put in happens when people are denied
because of a health risk to danger if she is forced to pursue access to abortion.
Many pro-life supporters
the mother or an abnormal- an illegal abortion which is painful ity in the fetus. Abortion is and terrifying. Revolution News suggest that adoption is a viable sonot “the murder of children US states that thousands of women lution to abortion; however giving
waiting to be born” because are seriously injured or killed an- birth still causes the mother to feel
before 20 weeks the fetus is nually as a result of unsafe abor- guilty and depressed and increases
her risk of death. Also, Skyward
Journey (adoption discovery) states
that it is estimated that there are
around 210 million orphans worldwide and only 250,000 children
are adopted annually. This causes
many orphans to age out of the
adoption program at age 16. To be
more specific 14 million orphans
age out of the program each year.
In Russia and Ukraine studies have
shown that out of 15,000 orphans
that aged out of the system, 10%
committed suicide, 5,000 were unemployed, 6,000 were homeless,
and 3, 000 were in prison within
three years. These orphans were
the result of the mother being denied an abortion which caused the
children to live their lives without
a family and feeling unwanted.
This study also showed that out of
these 15, 000 children, 25% lived
past 30 years of age. “This is about
democracy,” Trudeau told CTV’s
Question Period in an interview.
“This is about choice, and protecting that choice.” Adoption does
not provide that same amount of
choice for neither the child nor the
Another reason Trudeau
supports the right to abortion is to
accommodate victims of rape. The
US National Library of Medicine
estimates that 32, 000 pregnancies
are the result of rape in woman
from the age of 12-45 each year. In
August 2014, a young woman was
forced to give birth in Ireland after becoming pregnant as a result
of rape. As she was forced to carry
this burden for nine months, she
became suicidal and extremely depressed and giving birth was dangerous for her and the baby. Irish
Times stated that the woman had
said this when she found out she
was pregnant: “I do not want this. I
am too young to be a mother. I am
not ready.” Now, abortion in Ireland is legal when a person’s life is
in danger which includes thoughts
of suicide. In Canada, abortion is
legal. Justin Trudeau made it clear
that a woman’s fundamental right
are important to this country, and
abortion is a woman’s choice and
right. He also states that women
should not have to carry or give
birth to something that was a result
of an awful experience.
As Justin Trudeau has
been elected the new prime-minister of Canada, abortion will remain
legal. He has sustained the amount
of fundamental rights of women
and the safety of individuals. He
says, “Women’s rights are longheld Liberal values that we will not
back down from.”
Page 8
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Cannabinoids are effective
Terra Li
Often seen as a drug people take only
for enjoyment, marijuana also provides medical use, too. After recent federal elections,
new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to
legalize and regulate access to marijuana.
However, many people question Trudeau’s
decision, but marijuana can medically benefit people in a number of ways. Although
it holds many consequences, some people
believe that it stands as a safe medical drug.
The reasons politicians banned
marijuana use span greatly and still hold
some truth. As one takes marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from
the drug travels through the bloodstream
and to the brain, over activating specific
parts. Put bluntly, the drug dramatically alters the brain’s ability to simply function.
After about thirty minutes, the
drug user will have a change in mood,
impaired body movement, and loss of
memory. The ban on marijuana primarily targets the younger population due to
marijuana’s harmful long-term effects,
such as a cannabis-use disorder and a significant loss of IQ. Young drug users will
later on experience severe depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and hallucinations.
With the legalization of marijuana,
politicians understand the importance of
regulating it to keep it away from minors
and criminals. Liberal party members state,
“To ensure that we keep marijuana out of the
hands of children, and the profits out of the
hands of criminals, we will legalize, regulate, and restrict access to marijuana.” With
the oncoming changes, patients can safely
take medicinal marijuana purely for benefits, rather than for abuse and enjoyment.
On the other hand, marijuana
plants contain a great number of chemicals
and cannabinoids that can safely treat illnesses and symptoms. Its powerful ability
to reduce main muscle problems and mental
disorders encourages some people to argue
for the legalization of medicinal marijuana.
The drug’s benefits strongly overweigh its
consequences and holds great potential in
treating many conditions and symptoms.
In recent animal studies, scientists
found that cannabinoids help kill certain
cancer cells and reduce the size of others. The drug’s extracts assist in slowing
the growth of cancer cells while enhancing
cancer-killing effects of other chemicals.
Continued from page 5
that can be viewed by millions. That is
wonderful to think about, and should be
accepted as such. The benefits of technology can only be outlined with several examples: the act of elaborating may prove far
too lengthy. However, technology fuels the
direction that education is headed towards;
the current state of education is highly
flawed, grouping children together by age
rather than by skill level and working, for
the most part, at one-pace-fits-all. It is practically impossible for this to be reprimanded
Scarlett FEVER
December 2015
Islamophobia increasing
throughout Western World
Scientists from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) believe that
the chemicals in marijuana can effectively
help or treat HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. NIDA currently funds a large amount of money for
research on marijuana, such as its therapeutic uses and its short/long-term impacts.
Although marijuana itself alters the
brain and human perception, certain chemicals in the drug actually do not harm the body.
The human body produces its own cannabinoid chemicals which provide no harm at all.
Cannabidiol (CBD), a type of cannabinoid,
does not affect the mind or behaviour of humans. It assists in reducing pain, seizures,
and addictions. The National Institute of
Health (NIH) marks CBD and THC for exploration due to its inability to severely harm.
In one certain case, cannabis oil drastically helped 54-year-old
Sharon Kelly by treating her lung cancer and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation. The severity of her
cancer increased to the point that doctors ruled out radiation and chemotherapy.
Doctors told Kelly that nothing could be done; however, Kelly began taking small doses of cannabis oil,
extracted from marijuana. After a few
months, her lung tumor shrunk from 5
cm to 2.1 cm. After more months of taking repeated doses, doctors scanned Kelly
only to find her completely cancer-free.
Similarly, Stefanie LaRue, a
breast cancer survivor, had stage four
metastatic breast cancer. After six rounds
of chemotherapy treatments, her situation did not improve. Afterward, she decided to have surgery, removing the cancer as well as all of her breast tissue.
Eight years later, doctors scanned
and found another occurrence of cancer in
Stephanie; this time, however, she turned to
cannabis oil. After several treatments and
protocols, the drug successfully removed
all of the tumors from her body. Stephanie
currently has no signs of cancerous tumors.
Marijuana holds a great potential
in the medical field and the future for
helping certain conditions and symptoms.
Even though people may misuse the drug,
its benefits outweigh its consequences if
used responsibly. With correct and smart
use and regulation, marijuana’s effectiveness can spread to help many patients.
Julia Wu
On September 11, 2001, the terrorist group Al-Qaeda flew two planes into
the Twin Towers in New York City, killing
thousands of people, and leaving the world
in shock. Though it is difficult to determine
when Islamophobia truly started, for many,
this devastating event led to the rise of racism of Muslim people in many places. Recently, the shocking acts in Paris of suicide
bombers and mass shootings also sparked the
debate of whether or not refugees from places like Syria, who face critical threats from
terrorists, should be allowed into countries.
Because of ignorant citizens who
generalize and stereotype groups of people
based on the extreme actions of a few, there
has been very poor treatment of Muslims
in many countries. Cases of discrimination are surfacing constantly, such as verbal harassment in public areas, religious
profiling, and even targeted violent crimes.
Islamophobia, defined sociologically as the fear of Western countries against
Muslims, was actually coined in the 1980s.
Even then, there was a start to the racism
against this religion, and the perspective that
“not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims” creates a subconscious
fear within people’s minds that motivates
them to make racist decisions or actions.
Islamophobia has been seen everywhere,
from places in North America to European
countries as well. After the recent Paris attack, this worldview has been even more
reinforced. On November 17 in, Fredericksburg, Virginia a man named Samer Shalaby
carried out a small presentation in his community to replace the Islamic center that was
in need of repair. His presentation, however,
did not turn out well. The crowd that showed
up was ignorant, and they shouted terrible
things that reflected their misguided anger
and fear towards the Muslim community.
“Nobody wants your evil cult in this town,”
one of the members of the crowd shouted,
with his finger outstretched towards Shalaby.
Members of the crowd cheered and clapped
at his statement. This person also went on to
say that “Every Muslim is a terrorist, period.” and many other vile and terrible words.
Through the actions of the me-
dia, like news networks and even political
groups, that there is still a promotion of Islamophobia. Donald Trump, a Republican
politician running to be president, believes
that forcing all Muslims to hold identification is necessary for the safety of American citizens. Through actions of highly
influential people who are not knowledgeable on a topic, this will result in false
beliefs of citizens on certain situations.
In Europe, violence and verbal
abuse have also been directed at to the Muslim communities. There is a misrepresentation of the entire group because of certain
individuals who choose to resort to extreme
actions, under the name of religion. With
previous attacks in Paris, London, and Madrid, there has been an increase in security
measures. There is, however, a rise in the
racism against Muslims because of this.
Many media outlets, a place where many
people get their information from, have
portrayed Muslims stereotypically, essentially blaming an entire religion for actions
of the few. This results in citizens believing these stereotypes and acting through on
their beliefs. These actions include: yelling
rude and offensive things to innocent people on the street, and even sending violent
messages on the Internet. For example, Bill
O’Reilly, a host from Fox News, featured a
report from Jesse Watters that showed him
asking leading questions to Muslims and
editing their answers to make them sound
like extremists. An individual uneducated
about this issue may see this report on television, and believe what O’Reilly presents
on his show, even though it is misguided.
Overall, Islamophobia is a significant issue because of misinformed citizens,
which is terrible for everyone. The Muslim communities are discriminated against
for actions they did not do, and are being
mistreated for reasons they cannot change.
The entire country is affected by this ignorance as well. There is a feeling of lack of
security and danger towards a certain group
of people, but these people are not even
the ones who are dangerous at all. Society needs to become more considerate and
knowledgeable about the conditions of others because making false assumptions will
only lead to unhappiness for both sides.
in the physical realm, and this is something
that only technology can do. Already, many
educational YouTube channels provide
“recreational knowledge” at a time when
television knowledge channels are failing,
and Khan Academy acts as an excellent example of a precursor to the face of education
In addition to this, technology is allowing humanity to become more efficient,
and cares little for socioeconomic status of
its users. It can provide enjoyment and education to the low-income in North America
or the impoverished and hungry in Africa.
A world connected through technology is a
healthier one.
Once again, today’s anti-technology vendetta is ludicrous; however, the fallacies that construct this ideology can be seen
in far more examples that have not even
been touched on, from the infamously incorrect study about the negative impacts of
watching SpongeBob SquarePants and the
illogical sentimentality-plagued eBook debate, to the debate over technology’s impact
over social skills or the many other merits
technology has. Yet even in the cases of the
examples that have been expanded on in the
above postulates, any could be a debate of
its own. However, even through achieving
some level of understanding on these issues
begins to show that the anti-technology vendetta is almost solely fueled by paradigms
and nostalgia. Once more, it is easy to see
where the paradigm originates and why it is
so prominent, but that does not make it correct or one to keep; continued usage of this
paradigm is unhealthy for human progress.
In general, if this vendetta against technology continues, it could be very unhealthy
for humanity as a whole.
December 2015
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 9
Sea World revealed: a destination for deceptive fun
slit open the bellies of four orcas, wild; however, those living at Sea ral and less stressful life. There they asked to do. They are fed frozen,
fill them with rocks, put anchors World are confined to tanks that, to could feel the tides and waves; see, dead fish, rather than wild, fresh
Sea World is an Ameri- around their tails, and sink them to them, are the size of a bathtub. Sea sense, and communicate with their fish whenever they please. Sea
World advertises itself as a family relatives and other oceans animals, World’s dolphins are also fed frocan chain of marine mammal the bottom of the ocean.
parks, which feature orcas, sea li- Contrary to the beliefs of establishment full of fun and edu- and engage in other natural be- zen, dead fish; however, their fish
ons, and dolphin shows. The first many, trainers at Sea World have cational activities. However, these havior that they are denied at Sea are heavily medicated with a mixWorld. Workers at Sea World claim ture of ulcer medications and varipark opened in
that whales thrive in captivity, and ous vitamins and minerals, proving
1964 in San Dithat an average lifespan of a cap- that the nutritional value of the froego, and today
tive whale is 30, which is the same zen fish is less than that of a variety
Sea World has
as a wild whale. Orcas living in the of fresh fish in the wild, which also
over 11 milwild have an average life expec- speaks to their health. Years ago,
lion visitors per
tancy of 30-50 years. The estimat- when dolphins were first being
year. They cured life span for a male orca is 60 seized for captivity, many of them
rently house a
to 70 years, while it is 80 to more were dying due to stomach ulcers
total of twenthan 100 for females. Truth be told, as a result of stress. Wild dolphins
most whales living in captivity, do do not develop stomach ulcers and
whales throughnot make it past 9, let alone 30. In die of stress.
out their three
captivity, all male orcas have col- parks:
Many people enjoy the
lapsed dorsal fins, which is a sign entertainment side of Sea World,
live in Sea World
of an unhealthy orca. Sea World so they continue to visit, which
San Diego, sevclaims that collapsed dorsal fins is exactly what the orcas do not
en live in Sea
are completely normal and natural, need. Sea World needs to be shut
World Orlando,
however less than 1% of wild orcas down, but they will continue to
and six live in
have collapsed dorsal fins. 9 out of thrive if people do not open their
Sea World San
10 captive orcas have collapsed eyes to what is happening behind
Antonio. Many
dorsal fins, proving it is most cer- closed doors. When a human bepeople travel to
tainly not natural.
these places speing is kidnapped from their home,
cifically to visit
Another significant con- imprisoned, made to work, and deSea World, to
cern for the animals surviving at nied their freedom, it is called slavwatch the world
Sea World is their diet. Sea World ery. In 2011, PETA filed a lawsuit
continues to say that they meet the against Sea World seeking a decPhoto by Megan Miskiman
dietary needs of their whales and laration that the orcas held at Sea
of these visitors, A humpback whale in Hawaiian waters enjoys the capacity and freedom of the Pacific Ocean
dolphins. They say that the fish World are slaves and subjected to
however, have no idea what goes no formal education in marine bi- activities harm animals mentally, they are fed is healthy and natural. involuntary servitude in violation
on behind the scenes.
ology. Their main purpose is to put physically and emotionally. Sea PETA and other animal founda- of the 13th Amendment to the U.S.
There are currently five on a good show for visitors. They
Constitution. orcas at Sea World who were kid- are not there to educate people
S e a
napped from their homes in the about the intelligence, social naWorld’s days
ocean, a Sea World official told ture, natural families, foraging beof
a PETA undercover investigator. havior or habitats of the animals
animals will
Tilikum is a thirty-two year old held at Sea World. The trainers are
soon come to
orca that was captured by a marine performers and nothing else.
an end. Ac“cowboy” when he was just two On January 11, 2012, the
years old. Many believe that the USDA issued an official warning
NBC San Diwhales at Sea World are captured to Sea World San Antonio for its
ego, the orca
because they are injured; this is “repeated failure to provide drain
shows at Sea
the complete opposite of the truth. covers that are securely fastened
Tilikum was not injured, nor was in order to minimize the potential
Diego will be
he at a higher risk of disease than risk of animal entrapment,” a viophased out as
other orcas. He was torn away lation that resulted in the death of
early as next
from his family against his will and a sea lion. The USDA was once
year. In Octoconfined to small concrete tank.
again called back to the site when
ber 2015, Cal The first ever orca show PETA filed a complaint in 2013
ifornian auat Sea World San Diego was per- after a child had been bitten by a
thorities said
formed in 1965, by a female orca dolphin at Sea World. After invesSea
named Shamu. According to a tigating, the USDA cited the mais no longer
PETA undercover investigator, rine park for multiple violations of
Shamu was captured from the the Animal Welfare Act, including
breed, capture,
ocean, away from her mother. Dur- the use of expired surgical materior exchange
ing this act, her mother was shot als, some almost a decade old. It
orcas. The orwith a harpoon and killed right in was also documented that a dolcas currently
front of her by a marine “cowboy” phin tank and the areas surroundliving at Sea
named Ted Griffin. Griffin’s part- ing the orca performance tank were
ner, Don Goldsberry, later worked in disrepair—containing cracked
Photo By Megan Miskiman Diego will be
for Sea World and was assigned to and crumbling concrete and rusty This orca is forced to perform tricks in front of millions while being held in captivity at Sea World the last to live
bring orcas into the park. He con- beams that could pose a threat to
in that location.
tinued kidnapping and slaughter- the health and safety of both the World, making millions of dollars tions say otherwise. There is noth- This may just be a small step in
each year, has the financial ability ing normal about feeding an ani- rescuing these animals, but it is a
ing orcas, but in a different way animals and workers.
than Griffin ever had. Goldsberry, Orcas and dolphins often to create coastal sanctuaries where mal only after they have correctly step, and it is definitely going in
at one point, had hired divers to swim up to 100 miles a day in the the orcas would have a more natu- performed the trick they have been the right direction.
Megan Miskiman
Page 10
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
World is still in a state of shock following aftermath of
November thirteenth terrorist attacks on Paris, France
By Ishaan Sahai
every one of them, except for a kid sion to train Afghan forces. He and the refugee crisis, which took cen
who was hiding under my leather Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan de- ter stage in the media following
Following the deaths of jacket. People were playing dead fended this decision, insisting that the emergence of a photograph
130 people in attacks throughout and they were so scared – a great Canada will “do its part against of a drowned three-year-old refuthe city of Paris, there has been an reason so many were killed was ISIS.”
gee on a beach, Alan Kurdi. The
ever-changing global response to because so many people wouldn’t There is also great polar- controversy went on to become a
terrorism, the refugee crisis, and leave their friends. So many people ization regarding the Liberal gov- major issue during the campaign
cultural intolerance.
put themselves in front of people.” ernment’s decision within Canada for the 2015 federal election, with
On the night of November Following the condem- itself. Rona Ambrose, interim Trudeau and NDP leader Thomas
13, six sites in Paris, France faced nation of the terrorist attacks by leader of the Conservative Party Mulcair criticizing then-Prime
the most violent incident in the French President François Hol- of Canada, believes that Trudeau’s Minister Stephen Harper’s Concountry in over seventy years, with lande, who was evacuated from the decision will, “send the wrong servative Party for inaction and the
more than 200 injured. The attacks soccer game, other world leaders, message,” while Conservative MP low number of refugees being adwere caused by eight militants, all including Canadian Prime Minister Candice Bergen tweeted that she mitted, particularly after the reveof whom are dead. The first attack, Justin Trudeau and U.S. President is, “so embarrassed and sickened lation that Kurdi’s family intended
which involved an explosion and Barack Obama, voiced their re- by PMJT.” The general Canadian on settling with family in Canada.
two suicide bombings, was at the grets and sorrows.
public has also grown less support- However, concerns regarding radicountry’s national stadium, where Conferences
featuring ive of the Liberal stance on issues calized Islamic fundamentalists
a soccer match between Germany major world leaders changed focus like refugees and terrorism, with and ISIS members coming through
and France was in progress. At to combatting ISIS and terrorism. only around 55% of the Canadian as refugees were prominent, and
around the same time, attackers With many of Canada’s allies sign- populace still supporting with- have been heightened after the revheaded into various
elation that one of the
cafes and fired at
attackers had a Syrian
those inside. Whenpassport. That passport
ever police closed
is now thought to be a
in, suicide belts
fake, however.
were activated, re
Changing views
sulting in the deaths
of the refugee crisis
of the militants. In
and Canada’s role in
addition, a large atthe fight against ISIS
tack took place at
have prompted an ofthe Bataclan concert
ficial reconsideration
of Liberal policies and
hall, where many of
campaign promises.
the 1,500 attending
While the party had
were held hostage
originally promised to
prior to the detonasettle 25,000 Syrian
tion of more suicide
refugees by the end
“They shot
of 2015, the expedited
right into the crowd
speed was criticized,
while shouting ‘Alwith concerns raised
lah Akhbar’—with
about feasibility and
shotguns, I
security. The governwas hell,” one witment responded with
ness at Bataclan told
the decision to push
Radio France. It was
back the deadline to
at Bataclan where
Photo by Ishaan Sahai the end of February
the gunmen took 89 Vigils were held and candles were lit in tribute to those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks in Paris 2016, with Trudeau
or 90 victims.
explaining, “We need
Vowing a return to Bata- ing on to an active fight against drawal from ISIS. Support for ac- to make sure it’s done right...the
clan, vocalist Jesse Hughes of Ea- ISIS, Trudeau came under fire for ceptance of Syrian refugees fell by question that we’ve always had at
gles of Death Metal, the band play- the country’s decision to pull the 5% following the attacks, down to the front of our mind as we were
ing that night, said, “Several people nation’s CF-18 fighter jets out of 69% from 74%.
moving forward is ensuring that
hid in our dressing room and the Iraq and Syria, instead deciding to Security has continued these 25,000 refugees have as suckillers were able to get in and killed contribute largely to a NATO mis- to be a major concern throughout cessful a path as possible.”
Meanwhile, a police raid
in an apartment in Saint-Denis,
France resulted in the death of two
and the detainment of three. At the
start of this raid, a female suspect
had killed herself through detonation of strapped explosives. Over
5,000 police bullets were fired in
the attempt to find and arrest the
suspected ringleader, Abdelhamid
The attacks have prompted a heightened number of cases
of intolerance and hate crime in
Western nations, including in
Canada. Examples include acts of
arson and vandalism of mosques
in Ontario and Alberta, vandalism
in Toronto’s public transit system
and an Ontario Hindu temple, violent physical assault and beating of
a Muslim woman near a Toronto,
and a Londoner now charged for
attempted murder after pushing a
Muslim woman in front of a train.
In Quebec, a man who posted a
video online in which he wore a
Joker mask from the Batman franchise and pledged to kill one Muslim every week has been arrested.
U.S. Republican Party candidate
Donald Trump has drawn criticism after having falsely claimed
to have seen Muslims, “cheering
and dancing on the streets,” in New
Jersey following the attacks of
9/11, for suggesting that he would,
“absolutely implement a Muslim
database,” if elected, and postulating a ban on Muslims entering the
Conversely, the attack has
also led to support for innocent
Muslims and the holding of vigils
for those lost in the attacks. With
all things considered, the Paris attacks have made vast impact on
the world, changing perspectives
on the refugee crisis and the fight
against terrorism and ISIS. The
events that unfolded on November 13, 2015 will surely help shape
what will come in the next months
and years.
December 2015
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Charlie Sheen has always been
well known for his womanizing ways, once
boasting that he had relations with over
five-thousand women. The TV sitcom,
Two and a Half Men, gained success by
exploting the fact that Sheen was well
known for his actions. He was fired from
the long-running show, replaced by Ashton
Kutcher, after a public meltdown in which
he criticized the show’s creator. Sheen’s
life has since been on a downward spiral,
and he recently appeared on NBC’s Today
Show to reveal to the public that he is HIV
HIV is a disease that eventually
leads to AIDS and attacks the body’s
immune system, the T cells, and eventually,
if the disease is left untreated, will destroy
so many T cells that the body is unable to
fight off infections or diseases. Many people
believe that HIV is the same as AIDS, yet
they are different. AIDS is a result of HIV,
the last stage, coming after your immune
system is very badly damaged. Without
treatment, people diagnosed with AIDS
can live for about three years after they get
the disease. HIV used to be considered a
death sentence, yet with advancements in
modern medicine, and yet there is still no
cure, doctors have worked to turn HIV into
a manageable disease.
Sheen says he has no idea how
he acquired HIV, only that he has known
for about four years, and every sexual
partner he has had since the diagnosis
has been notified. Sheen believes that it
was impossible for him to have spread
the disease as he has been assured by his
doctor that the antibiotics are working.
When speaking about how he came to be
diagnosed, he said that the diagnosis came
after lots of headaches and night sweats.
“After a battery of tests… [the doctors]
walked in the room and said ‘Boom, here’s
what’s going on’” he said on the Today
Sheen also revealed that many
people whom he trusted with the information
on his diagnosis have blackmailed him
into giving them money in order to keep
his secret. “I have to put a stop to this
onslaught, this barrage of attacks and of
sub-truths and very harmful and mercurial
stories that are about me, threatening the
health of so many others that couldn’t be
further from the truth,” he said on the Today
Show on Tuesday, November 17. When he
commented about the “shakedowns” that
had occurred he was very angry, “What
people forget is that that’s money they’re
taking from my children, I trusted them
and they were deep in my inner circle, and
I thought they could be helpful. My trust
turned to their treason.” Sheen has said that
the first people he shared the news with
were his ex-wives, Denise Richards and
Brooke Mueller, and then later his oldest
The announcement has shed a new
spotlight on Sheen’s drug abuse and other
scandalous activities from his past, yet it
has had a very good affect on his career.
Sheen has been speaking to the chairman
of SONY, who has said he is excited to
be doing a show with Sheen again. Sheen
also has “many movies lined up” and has
said that there has “been no resistance” in
starting up his career again.
Sheen is excited to start living his
life again after four years of secretly living
with this virus. With his Hollywood career
gaining momentum once again and him no
longer having to keep his secret any longer,
his life is certainly looking up. Sheen
knows that with the proper medication he
can keep on going for a long while.
Scarlett FEVER
Page 11
Apple Pay is now officially
available for Canadians
Sheen reveals he is HIV
positive on Today show
By Isabel Fernandez and
Wenonah North Peigan
By Kevin Leske
Apple Pay has officially launched
in Canada but only a few Canadians will actually be able to use it. Apple Pay launched
in Canada on Tuesday, November 17 and for
now is limited to few Canadians as Apple
Pay only accepts American Express cards
that would be issued by the Amex Bank of
Canada. The tap-and-pay system only works
with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S, which further limits the usability in Canada. Apple
Pay initially launched in October 2014 in
the US only but is gradually becoming more
Apple Pay allows users to upload
their credit card information to use for purchases by using a tap-and-pay system. Apple
is currently working with companies such
as Tim Hortons, Petro-Canada, and Indigo
Books to make their method of pay more
available to Canadians. Anywhere that accepts American Express tap-and-pay should
already be able to accept Apple Pay as a
method of payment. Apple Pay is not only
limited to stores but can also be used for
in-app purchases that are on iPads with the
built-in fingerprint sensors. Canadians that
are interested in using this payment method
can try by using the wallet app that is made
available in IOS 9.1 running devices; they
can then upload their credit card information
and begin to start making purchases whether
they are books or a coffee.
Canada is now the third country to
gain access to this payment feature; the USA
was the first with the UK following behind
as the second country to receive it. Australia
also joined in on the fun on Thursday, November 19, but is still limited to American
Express cards. The app is the most usable
and useful in the United States simply because of the credit cards that the app accepts.
Apple is currently working with Canadian
banks such as the Royal Bank of Canada,
TD Canada Trust, and Scotiabank to make
the payment method more useful to nonAmericans.
More and more companies are
jumping on the Apple Pay bandwagon. Starbucks will conduct a pilot this year, KFC
will be launching it next spring, and Cinnabon will be adding Apple Pay to its US locations next year. Sit-down restaurants such as
Chili’s are looking to make this new method
of pay more prominent by installing tablets
at the tables. Restaurants in the US are looking to start using portable card machines,
while in Canada, portable card machines
are already very widespread and available.
Businesses believe that this quicker method
of payment will lead to happier customers as
they will not have to sit and wait and can be
done with their bill nearly instantly.
While there are many businesses that have
the machines and technology, millions of
businesses still have outdated machines that
lack the right technology. At the start in
October 2014, there were only 200,000 tapcapable machines in the US but that number
has increased to approximately 1.5 million
by the end of the current year.
For Canadians, this can speed up
the payment process and can bring fortune to
the businesses that wish to take part in Apple
Pay. Right now, Apple Pay in Canada is not
where it should be and is not useful to most
Canadians who are looking to make a quick
purchase without hassle. Once Apple Pay is
incorporated by more businesses, Canadians will begin to see the full potential of the
app. Apple Pay is a method of payment that
has more potential than most other payment
methods but Apple has to step up and make
the right developments in order to succeed
in countries such as Canada and Australia.
For businesses and consumers, Apple Pay is
nearly perfect but there is still plenty to be
done in order to live up to Apple’s true intentions with the app.
Bill 6 causes significant controversy throughout Alberta
By Megan Miskiman
Alberta’s premier, Rachel Notley,
and the NDP team, have come up with a new
law, Bill 6, which was passed on December
10, 2015. The idea of the law was brought to
surface after the recent death of a 10-yearold boy who was killed while driving a
forklift on a farm near Killam, Alberta, and
the deaths of three sisters who suffocated in
canola seed near Withrow.
Bill 6 states that Workers Compensation will be mandatory for all farm
workers, even family members. Neighbours
will not be able to pitch in at neighbouring
farms, nor will children under the age of 16,
whether it is their parents doing the work or
not. With several other controversial clauses, Bill 6 will affect all of Alberta’s 43,000
On December 2, 2015, more than 1,000
farmers of Nanton, Okotoks, and other small
neighbouring cities, peacefully protested
against the bill in a two-hour car lineup from
Oktoks to Nanton, a drive that would normally only take thirty minutes. Agriculture
Minister Oneil Carlier and Labour Minister
Lori Sigurdson stood on a small stage at the
Okotoks Best Western Hotel for over two
hours, answering questions from the boisterous crowd about the legislation. “Their
minds have been made up since before they
even put the bill through and unfortunately,
we’ll probably have to move to civil disobedience,” said Jackie Miller, a grandmother
who farms northeast of Okotoks.
After hours of protesting by angry
farmers, Notley called the controversy a
“miscommunication.” “I will acknowledge
that as a result from some misinformation
that has emanated from some government
officials, there may be legitimate confusion
about that,” Premier Notley told journalists in a teleconference Tuesday. After the
Okotoks Town Hall meeting, some of the
farmers cornered the representatives that
were speaking, and would not let them leave
until they “reasonably” answered their questions. The farmers discovered that the reason
they believe Notley wants to push the bill
through without any amendments, is because
once the bill is enacted, it will take away the
landowners’ right to have a say or refuse the
placement of wind turbines or solar panels
on their land. Notley explained that the reason she believes this law is necessary is because of farm-related injuries and deaths of
both kids and adults over the course of the
past few years.
Albertan farmers are worried and
angry, many saying that Bill 6 will “kill
their way of life.” At one point during the
meeting, a speaker even asked who wanted
them to “kill the bill” and, not surprisingly,
hundreds of hands shot up. Notley, however,
does not seem to care. She is continuing to
push the bill forward with small chance of
amendments, saying that in order for farms
to be safe, Bill 6 is a necessity. Many farmers like Annalise Klinabeil say, “It’s not that
agriculture isn’t ready for Bill 6, it’s that Bill
6 isn’t ready for agriculture.”
Many Albertans, are now beginning to question their decision of voting in
the government.
Page 12
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
December 2015
Alberta mourns MLA killed tragically in highway crash
Sophia Radford
Tragedy struck on November 23 when Alberta MLA
Manmeet Bhullar was killed in a
crash on the Queen Elizabeth II
Highway north of Red Deer. Bhullar was aiding a driver in another
accident when he was struck by
an oncoming semi-truck. The
35-year-old public servant pulled
over to assist a motorist who had
lost control on the snowy highway
and was killed when an out-ofcontrol semi-trailer plowed into
him. Bhullar was rushed to the
hospital but sustained fatal injuries
and did not survive. His death has
moved not only the political community but the entire province.
Bhullar became involved
in politics when he was fairly
young. At age 28, Bhullar was the
youngest member to be elected to
the Alberta legislature. In 2011
Bhullar was appointed to Cabinet
and worked as Minister of Service
Alberta. In 2013 he was promoted
to Minister of Human Services—
an area of government responsible
for child and youth services, social
programs and homelessness. He
investigated the deaths of children
while in the foster system and repealed a law preventing the names
of those children to be released.
Bhullar’s work has been said to
“fix the foster system,” and his
public service has changed Alberta
for the better.
A committed humanitarian and advocate, Bhullar began
making a difference in his community from a very young age. He
met former Premier Jim Prentice at
age 10, when Prentice was a law- the right reasons,” says former Pre- And I believe all Albertans are
yer helping the Sikh community mier Jim Prentice.
poorer for the fact he will not,”
fight for the right to build their first Politicians all across Al- said Notley. Prentice came close to
temple. He became very active in berta have expressed their sad- tears when speaking about the late
the community early in his life, ness at the news of his passing. politician, calling Bhullar “a best
and he founded
the youth organization Inspire.
His work for the
community and
for Alberta left
an impact on the
he has been described as “a warrior for fairness
and justice.” It is
somewhat ironic
that the activist
died helping another person. “It’s
a horrible thing to
say, but it’s almost appropriate
in that, if he was
going to go, that
he went helpPhoto by Sophia Radford
ing somebody,”
Calgary Mayor Alberta’s harsh winters make for dangerous driving conditions, especially on major highways.
Manmeet Bhullar was killed on a day when such conditions caused multiple car accidents
Naheed Nenshi
said about Bhullar. His family ex- Members of caucus and politicians friend; he was at my side at every
pressed a similar sentiment, saying of all parties paid tribute to Bhul- step of my own career in public
that Bhullar “left us while he was lar, sharing stories of the lovable life. And I’d hoped to be at his side
doing what he loved more than man. Many of his colleagues were for every step in his.
brought to tears, and it is obvious Thousands gathered at
anything–helping someone else.”
His service touched all that the young politician touched the Jubilee Auditorium for BhulAlbertans, and so the young poli- the lives of many. Nenshi said he lar’s funeral. Family, friends, coltician’s sudden death has rocked was “utterly gutted” upon learn- leagues, and many Calgarians came
many. “You really could not go ing of Bhullar’s tragic death. Pre- through to pay their respects. “So I
anywhere in Alberta without being mier Rachel Notley spoke to in- know you’re smiling,” said childstruck by the sense of admiration terviewers regarding Bhullar and hood friend Tony Singh Dhaliwal
and affection and love that people expressed her sadness. “With his at the service, “because you overin this province had for Manmeet energy, youth, and passion, I quite sold the Jubilee.” Met with laughas a political leader. This was a frankly suspected to see Manmeet ter from the audience, Dhaliwal
man who was in politics for all of in public life for decades to come. continued on to share stories about
Bhullar. The sombre mood of the
memorial service was joined by
those with fond memories, with
Bhullar’s sense of humour a theme
throughout the service. Many politicians, friends, and family spoke
at the ceremony, celebrating Bhullar’s accomplishments in his public and private life. Mayor Nenshi
gave an emotional speech, promising Alberta’s support for Bhullar’s
family “We will be there for you,
the way he was always there for
us,” Nenshi vowed. The thousands
of Albertans who gathered to celebrate his life were moved by the
humorous stories and the tearful
tributes to the “peaceful warrior.”
Several slogans have been
dedicated to remembering Bhullar’s legacy. Twitter users used the
hashtag “#nicetomanmeetyou” to
share their memories of Bhullar
and to express their grief. At Bhullar’s funeral, PC Leader Ric McIver and some of Bhullar’s friends
wore t-shirts donning one of Bhullar’s favorite catchphrases: “With
great beard comes great responsibility.” Bhullar is being remembered as an incredibly selfless man
with a great sense of humour and a
kind heart.
The devastating loss of
Manmeet Bhullar has impacted
many across Alberta, especially
those closest to him. “The light in
our lives went dark today,” Bhullar’s family said in a statement.
The impact this young politician
had on Alberta can be felt across
the province, and it is truly a tragedy that the world has lost him so
Anti-aging drug could extend lives up to 40 years longer
Ashley McIntosh
Scientists have discovered a possible anti-aging drug.
The drug is to be tested next year
and expected to prolong ones lifespan to up to living 40 years longer
by the use of metformin; a drug
commonly used as an antidiabetic
drug. The scientists estimate that
the drug should rule out all symptoms of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,
and other diseases. A study from
Cardiff University shows that metformin should have a beneficial
effect on diabetic users and nondiabetic users. They hope the drug
works on humans since it had such
a positive effect on animals.
If the drug doesn’t work
then the failure could cause two
different reactions, positive and
negative. Positive reactions would
be because you shouldn’t tamper with prolonging death,
there is a reason that we have
a life span so we shouldn’t
change that it will increase naturally. Over the past few years
the human life expectancy has
always been rising so it will
not keep evolving and changing. Negative reactions would
have things to do with scientific factors like the fact that
we live in the 21st century and
people have high standards for
science and always expect testing and experiments to work.
Metformin; the drug
being used for anti-aging, is
a drug mostly used by people
who have type 2 diabetes, are
obese or some types of liver
Photo by Ashley McIntosh
disease. One down side to this
for anti-anging
drug is that the overdoses can
be lethal. Just
like any other
medical or no
you can overdose
on Metformin.
Overdoses usually cause vomiting
and sometimes
fatalities. Poison
has received at
least 9 reported
accidental and
intentional overdoses in Calgary.
Although there
have been only
9 overdoses doctors and scientists do not want
to release a medication that poten-
tially could cause fatalities.
Although life expanding science is very precise scientists are expecting the results to be
worth the wait. Since Metformin
is such a strong medication future
consumers will have to patient in
order to consume a product that
will benefit their life not be a negative. Of course scientists cannot
prevent intentional overdoses but
hope they can make them less simple by making the drug weaker and
only accessible to certain people.
They would do that by making it
a prescription and only accessible
to people who have good health
background and are not depressed
and would not likely use the medication as an escape from life. All in
all the anti-aging drug will be tested and confidently will be ready
soon enough for the public to use.
December 2015
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 13
Environmental Science inaugural year “a great success”
By Aaron Schmidtke
There was a big change as students
entered the halls at Scarlett in the first semester of the 2015-2016 school year, and
that change was the addition of a new grade
twelve course called Environmental Science
AP or as many of the students call it “Enviro-Sci.” Environmental Science explores the
aspects of renewable/non-renewable energy,
pollution, global change, population, water/
land use, and the earth’s resources, among
The class is taught rather uniquely
from any other course in Scarlett as it is
taught by two teachers: Mrs. Natalie McLeod
and Mr. Marc Wyton. “Typically, the average day we have one teacher in charge of the
lesson and we alternate between chapters.
We are also both in the classroom so we can
offer our contributions to the other’s lesson
and engage in dialogue so students can hear
both sides of it. The proposal of the class was
ignited by Mr. McKillop and Mr. Townsend,
but McLeod and Wyton took the ball and ran
with it. Through the lengthy and challenging
process that has been in the works for about
five years, the class is finally being offered to
grade twelve students as an option but also is
an AP course.
Many may raise the question to
why this is an AP course, and the answer is
can be explained fairly simply. The curriculum taught in Environmental Science comes
from the AP College Board; therefore, it is
not a course that was designed by Scarlett.
The course is a very popular one in the US,
but this is the first time it is being taught in
an Alberta high school, and there are under
five in all of Canada. McLeod and Wyton
both hope that the class receives considerable interest from other high schools in Alberta and Canada, as a whole. “Hopefully we
can start attending and presenting at conferences and begin to get other high schools interested in teaching it as well.” As it stands
now, there is an in-class final exam, but no
diploma exam for Environmental Science
much to the surprise of many, this is because
it is dubbed an AP course varying it from
the majority of grade twelve classes. However, much like many other AP courses there
is an AP exam to be written. Like most first
semester courses, it will end in January and
the exam will be written in May. In between
January and May, McLeod and Wyton are
most likely going to offer tutorials and refreshers for students wanting to take the
exam this upcoming spring.
If anything can be said about this academic class. It’s an AP course but it is not balance an option that is an academic course
Environmental Science class is that it is mandatory to take it, so it is yet another sci- or a first-year university class. It’s very difextremely hands-on. Field trips are a class ence class to fit into an already busy sched- ferent work and it is very much under their
favourite and have been offered at an in- ule for a lot of these students.
control as strong, independent learners.
creasing number than other courses. The FEVER: What do you hope students take They should also anticipate that it is very
first field trip the class attended was follow- away from this class?
broad and they have many opportunities to
ing the Elbow River, and it was an Elbow Wyton: It is such a huge answer [laughs]. look into things that interest them.
River watershed study where students would [I hope they take away] more of an engage- FEVER: Are you expecting more students
conduct a number of water testings. The ment with science, an understanding of our next year?
second field trip, which Wyton pronounced connectedness to the world, the intercon- Wyton: Yeah, I’m really hoping that we
was his highlight of the semester for him, nectedness of the world itself, a greater un- have growth in the course. It is hard to gauge
was to the Biogeoscience Inthings based on word
stitute in Kananaskis which
around the hallways,
was a two-day overnight
but I think word is getfield trip in partnership with
ting out there from the
the University of Calgary
students that are curwhere students hiked out to
rently taking the class
the Rae Glacier among other
that they really enjoy it,
outdoor activities. Throughso I have been hearing
out the year, the class also
an increasing amount
had a series of field trips to
of students saying that
Fish Creek Provincial Park
they are interested in
in conjunction with projects
taking it next year. Of
and studies. The Univercourse it must balance
sity of Calgary Solar Car
with their schedule
exhibit was also presented
which determines a lot.
to students here at Scarlett.
FEVER: Overall, what
McLeod expressed their dedo you take away from
sire to visit other locations
your inaugural year?
in the coming months or next
McLeod: I think that
year: “We need to get to a
the year has been a
landfill or a waste-treatment
great success. We were
facility as another field trip,
Photo By Aaron Schmidtke hoping to get fifteen
possibly during the tutorials Environmental Science student Malcolm Henderson inspects some clean dirt under a kids registered in the
or next year.” Wyton also ex- microscope that he found in Fish Creek Park, a popular destination for class field trips class and we ended
pressed such desires: “Yeah
with thirty-two. In
believe it or not, field trips to the dump fill derstanding of the planet, and an understand- terms of how the year has gone, I think it has
ing that science is not always a big complex been very successful. There is a lot I want to
up fast!”
The FEVER was able to catch up thing but rather just asking questions and change and a lot I want to still improve on,
with Wyton and McLeod to give students a searching for answers.
but overall very good.
bit more of an insight moving forward with FEVER: How are universities recognizing Wyton: I think we are probably our own
the program.
the course?
worst critics [laughs]. Things have worked
FEVER: How have you two (McLeod and McLeod: Before the program became offi- out very well for us. Because the program is
Wyton) viewed the student’s reception of cial, we looked at all the universities in Al- so new, we have had a lot of interest from the
the class thus far?
berta and they will all accept the AP exam Environmental Science community. We’ve
McLeod: It’s been a challenge. The students mark that students get. So if students get a 4 had a lot of external agencies that have rethat are in the class are definitely enjoying or a 5 on the AP exam [universities] will ac- ally wanted to jump on board: the University
it but some of the students have found it to cept the course and give students a credit for of Calgary, Alberta Parks, an organization
be a real challenge to balance an AP option a junior level, one-semester course.
called Alberta Tomorrow, to name a few. So
because our expectations for the course have Wyton: Mount Royal University, for an ex- in that sense it has been a very successful
been very high. The work that students must ample, actually has an Environmental Sci- year. Looking back I think there is a differput into the class on their own is a [large ence program that would equate to giving ent approach we might take on a few things.
amount] and sometimes it may conflict with credit for a first-year Environmental Science Through the hallways of Scarlett
other academics like physics or math. The class.
there has not been a negative word spoken
students that are here are highly engaged, FEVER: What can students expect that are about Environmental Science and with outhighly involved, and we have a lot of laughs. looking at taking the class next year?
going, motivated teachers like Wyton and
Wyton: The reason why it is a challenge is Wyton: They need to expect to be motivat- McLeod. The class is sure to succeed in the
because it is an option class but it is also an ed, interested in doing the work, and ready to foreseeable future.
Page 14
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Building the best gingerbread
house: its recipe and brief history
By Hailey Payne
Many families have a
tradition of making gingerbread
houses each Christmas. It is a fun
activity that can be enjoyed by the
whole family. Working on a common task to build a gingerbread
house is a great way to come together and enjoy the holiday spirit.
16 tablespoons (2 sticks) of softened butter
1 ½ cups brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup dark molasses
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 ½ cups flour
4 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon ground cloves
½ teaspoon salt
3 cups confectioners’ sugar (plus
more as needed)
2 egg whites
Directions for Gingerbread
1. In a mixer with a paddle attachment if available, cream the butter
until smooth. Add sugar and mix
together until mixture is light and
fluffy. Add eggs and mix again.
After, add in molasses and vanilla.
Mix ingredients together.
2. Sift flour, ginger, cinnamon,
baking soda, cloves, and salt together. Mix a small section of this
mixture into the mixture from step
one. Do this until all of the sifted
ingredients are mixed into the sugar and butter combination. Shape
the dough into a thick disk, cover
the dough with plastic wrap, and
refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours.
3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
Fahrenheit. Grease 2 cookie sheets.
4. Divide dough in half and roll
each piece out into a large sheet on
a lightly-floured surface. Transfer
the dough onto the cookie sheets
then cut out the shapes for the gingerbread house. It is easiest to follow a gingerbread house template
to do this, but if feeling creative,
family members can make their
own template up.
5. Bake until stiff and toasty, about
10 to 15 minutes. Let the gingerbread cool completely before using.
Directions for icing
6. Whisk the confectioners’ sugar
and egg whites together. Add more
sugar if necessary to make the icing more spreadable.
Assembly of the House
7. Set the gingerbread walls on a
cardboard base and pipe the icing
into the joints. Prop the sides up
with soda cans or a similar support
and let the walls sit for 30 minutes.
Attach the roof pieces using the icing the same way.
8. Decorate to liking. For advanced-looking gingerbread houses, cut out windows and a spot for
the door when cutting out the gingerbread shapes. Then attach the
door the same way as the roof and
walls. Another idea is to put MiniWheats on the roof as shingles.
The tradition of constructing gingerbread houses is not
one that is commonly known. At
first, gingerbread was used for religious purposes and baked to be incredibly firm. An Armenian monk
brought gingerbread to Europe in
the tenth century. At this time the
baking of gingerbread was made
because the origin of the book was
German, which contributes to the
idea of some people thinking that
gingerbread is a German creation.
There continue to be
modern interpretations of the gingerbread house today. The National Public Radio set out to make the
most indestructible gingerbread
house and consulted Ben Schafer,
the chair of the department of the
civil engineering at Johns Hopkins. The best and most interesting advice Schafer gave was to use
melted-down gummy bears as the
glue to hold the house together instead of icing. Icing requires time
to dry and can be fickle. Even in
the best situations icing can prove
to be not strong enough to hold the
house together. Gummy bears are
already sticky and when melted
down can become a super strong
and edible glue. Schafer also
reinforced the importance of
keeping the corners of the
house square and making
sure the roof is evenly balanced by perfectly centering
the roof.
An undergraduate at
Brown University also
thought of how to improve
her gingerbread houses.
Each year she participates
in the schools’ gingerbread
house competitions. She
believes that the best glue
is melting down caramel,
gummy bears, and marshBy Hailey Payne
mallows. Once melted toGingerbread cookies: another holiday treat
gether this proves to be a
in the image of saints or other im- more effective adhesive than icportant symbols with moulds. In ing. The mixture becomes tacky
the sixteenth century gingerbread and thick enough to hold the house
was being sold in markets which together easily but still able to be
allowed it to becoming more popu- spread nicely. It is recommended
lar and widespread. Gingerbread to cover the surface of ones’ work
was eventually brought to Britain space with a plastic table cloth
where the gingerbread was painted or something similar that can be
for the first time. Gingerbread was thrown away after, as the gummy
widespread by then and was being bear concoction is extremely difdisplayed at stores as decorative ficult to remove from surfaces.
candy. People in Russia began to This extremely fun and
make gingerbread men and women sometimes competitive activity enwho were similar to their matry- compasses the family attitude that
oshka dolls: these gingerbread tends to appear around Christmas
people were round. Making gin- time. Many look forward to the
gerbread houses did not become tradition of building a gingerbread
popular until after the Brothers’ house and see this event as the beGrimm produced their tale of Han- ginning of Christmas season. With
sel and Gretel. The house made of differing degrees of difficulty all
candy that the witch lived in was ages will be able to create and enquickly copied resulting in the dec- joy this activity. With no right or
oration of gingerbread houses as is wrong way to construct a gingerdone today. The houses made after bread house it is easy to achieve a
the book came out were more Ger- stunning house and memories that
man-looking in their house styles last forever.
December 2015
Spruce Meadows
Christmas Market
By Ashley McIntosh
Spruce Meadows has
held a Christmas market for almost
40 years, this year thousands were
lucky to have been able to attend.
This Christmas market is home to
more than 250 vendors who sell
items from handmade jewelry to
and even dog collars and leashes.
Peruvian Crafts sold children’s
wool sweaters and woolen crafts.
There were a variety
of food vendors spread all over
the market, including, sweet,
salty, bitter, and spicy flavours.
River Rock Fudge sold a wide
array of tasty handmade fudge.
Photo by Ashley McIntosh
The Spruce Meadows Calgary Christmas Market on welcomed shoppers
world-imported presents. There
were vendors selling flatwork,
sculptures/carvings, fashion and
accessories, food products, pet
services, and sports equipment.
If one was looking for
flatwork there were seven vendors that had excellent wares.
Chris McKay Photography creates photographic prints in colour
or black and white, and sometimes prints travel photography. Holt Fine Art creates handpainted art and handmade frames.
Ron Church Fine Art and Design
paints and creates his own original oil paintings. Custom Canvas
Creations customizes customer’s
photos; they create customized
layouts for all of their customers. Kim Penner Equine Art design their own paintings, print
arts, calendars, and other unique
gift ideas. Wild Horses and Wearable Art manufactures horse
photography and other gifts.
There were a variety of
different fashion and accessories
vendors and artists. Romy Kraft
of FashionGaiters is a German
designer who designs wearable,
handmade, textile art pieces.
Creative Mengerie creates hand
loomed shawls, scarves, and
watches with handmade changeable bands; they also design handmade coats, and bibs. Longview
Leather designs handmade belts,
purses, computer and phone cases,
The Spice Cabinet had gourmet
hot chocolates, dill cheese ball
dips, and popcorn spices. Torill’s Table sells waffles based
on natural ingredients avoiding
preservatives and fillers. Sweet
bakes vegan and non-vegan
items including peanut brittle, almond brittle and cashew brittle.
Vendors for cats and
dogs were also at the market. The
Calgary Pet Bakery was at the
market selling their natural pet
treats and unique pet toys. Calgary Police Service Canine Calendars has been at the market for
three years selling calendars to
support the Calgary Police Foundation. Raining Cats and Dogs
sold pet wear for horses, cats,
and dogs. Slumber Pawz Inc. was
selling handmade pet products including extra comfy beds, pooch
tag bags, and poochie pouches.
The Dragon Flight Archery creates archery equipment
and other related articles. KYLE
Equipment was selling protective
cases, tie downs, and ram mounts.
Spruce Meadows Christmas market was a great place
to buy family members gifts,
sweet treats, and fun little trinkets. There was a variety of interesting and unique items the
ranged from handmade to imported from around the world. I
had a blast attending the market
and plan to go again next year.
December 2015
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 15
Individuals’ phobias may be passed down through DNA
By Megan Miskiman
According to new research, memories can be passed down through genetic
switches that can allow someone to inherit the experiences of their ancestors.
For many years now, scientists have assumed that in one way or another, memories and life experiences must be passed
down to later generations. Researchers at
the Emory University School of Medicine
conducted studies and learned that mice
can pass on their experiences about a traumatic event to their offspring, offspring’s
offspring, etc., all through genetics. The
results of the study sparked a new interest in the minds of many scientists, and
eventually led to the discovery that memories can be passed down biologically by
chemical reactions that take place in DNA.
Dr. Brian Dias of Emory University is one of the few scientists who have
been working on this study. “From a translational perspective, our results allow us to
appreciate how the experiences of a parent,
before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function
in the nervous system of subsequent generations.” In one study performed by Dr.
Dias and Dr. Kerry Ressler, the scientists
trained mice to fear the smell of cherry blossoms before allowing them to breed. Despite never encountering cherry blossoms,
the offspring showed fearful responses to
the odour. The following generations also
showed the same response, and the effect
continued even when some mice were fathered through artificial insemination. It
was later discovered that the DNA of the
animals carried epigenetic methylation: a
chemical change responsible for detecting
odour. The research taken from these studies provided evidence of “trans-generational
epigenetic inheritance,” meaning the environment can affect a person’s genetics.
es and memories to later generations through
DNA. “Such a phenomenon may contribute
to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric
disorders such as phobias, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder,” explained Dr.
chance of being born with the disorder.
hinted at the idea that environmental factors, like conflict, can influence
offspring’s more quickly through epigenetic modifications (expressions of the
genes will be altered but their actual
nucleotide sequence will stay the same.)
This theory presses the idea that if
a child is conceived during a time of war,
the child is at a higher risk of developing
diabetes, post-traumatic stress disorder,
heart diseases, etc. Even though epigenetic modifications are known to be
important, especially for the process of
development and the inactivation of Xchromosomes in females, their roles in
behaviour often still create controversy.
Researchers are continuing to work
hard in order to determine whether or not
the phenomena found in mice can take
place in humans. David Sweatt, a neurobiologist at the University of Alabama
at Birmingham calls this discovery,
which he had no part in, “the most rigorous and convincing set of studies published to date demonstrating acquired
transgenerational epigenetic effects in a
laboratory model.” Dias and Ressler, the
two scientists from the Emory University, are unsure where to go from here.
Ressler said, “Until someone can
explain it in a molecular way.
Photo By Megan Miskiman
it’s probably going to
Ashley Young, a teacher at Dr. E. P. Scarlett School, is very interested in the human structural system
be complicated and it’s probably go
Human DNA is oddly similar to Dias. The scientist’s findings suggest that ing to take a while.” Scientists will remain
that of mice which has led scientists to be- when a parent has a mental disorder such hard at work to prove the possibility, or
lieve that humans can pass on life experienc- as depression, their child has an increased impossibility, behind this phenomenon.
Fun and reliable activities to do in Calgary during winter
By Kyle Irvine
Anyone living in the city of Calgary knows that the winters here are often
full of extremely low temperatures, high
winds, and have an uncanny ability to rapidly change from bright and sunny, to cold
and miserable. Though most of the population has been able to put up with these
strange and often harsh winters, many will
find it pretty difficult to find activities to
do, especially with the occasional -40 C
temperatures. Similarly, though, many opportunities will open up to local residents
of Calgary as winter arrives because it is
paired with holiday activities and annual
traditions. Winter activities can range from
being outside to indoors, of course, but still
can be achieved with little or no cost.
When it is far too cold outside to
be waddling around in dense winter clothing, indoor activities can be among the most
fun. Christmas-related movies, a long-time
tradition of North American families, often
arrive around late November or the month
of December. Comfortably relaxing with
one’s family while depleting a stash of
Christmas movies is an activity that can take
hours of boredom away and get Lancers into
the holiday or winter mood.
Some find doing low-key activities
such as creating a puzzle with the family or
knitting some winter clothing to be enjoyable and inexpensive. Depending on what
an individual’s family may have in terms
of traditions, Christmas trees will often be
unpacked from the dust-collecting bins that
decorate the basement walls. Decorating a
tree with the family while having a plate
of food out and holiday music going, is a
staple moment during the season. Warming up in front of the fire is always a great
option, provided one has a fireplace in their
house. Whether simply lounging in front
of the heat or roasting some chestnuts, the
fireplace can make hours simply feel like a
handful of minutes.
Calgary has an infamous reputation for bringing on cruel, dry winters, with
potentially dangerous winds and icy patches
everywhere. It has been known to reach low
temperatures at a freezing -35 C! Paired with
the wind, Calgary and other cities in Alberta
can be devastated by the average individual’s standards. When it is nice enough for
the average winter-enthusiast to step outside
and not attract frostbite within five minutes,
such as winter photography. With the winter landscape so still and many of the everyday sights being frozen, fantastic
pictures are just waiting to be
taken. Going to a ski hill such as
COP can also be a source of fun,
whether one is into skiing, snowboarding, or even snowshoeing.
One tradition that is practiced during winter all around
North America that cannot be forgotten is skating. On the ice, one
can glide for hours with friends,
loved ones, and family. Although
ice skates are not typically cheap,
it is easy to find hand-me-downs
from neighbours or friends.
Since hockey is a popular activity in Canada, it is not difficult
Photo by Kyle Irvine
This festive scene is what many houses look like in Calgary to find willing participants for a
good old-fashioned hockey game
there is plenty to do. Aside from the generic on the ice. Some good places for skating in
snowball throwing and snowman-building Calgary include Olympic Plaza and Carburn
activities, fun in the snow can have multitu- Park.
dinous definitions. Some will find sledding Although winter has already come
to be a highlight this winter, while others and many may find it difficult to find activimay prefer something a little more slow, ties to do, the truth is, there are many!
Page 16
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
EnChroma glasses offer a colourful new outlook on life
By Carissa Feddema
The day Opie Hughes saw
real colour for the first time was a
very emotional moment. “It is so
overwhelming.” he said, after seeing his son’s true eye colour for the
first time. Hughes has been colour
blind all his life. The day he tried
on EnChroma glasses was the day
he experienced what the world actually looks like.
Special lenses invented
for laser surgery eye protection
have had an unintended purpose,
which was discovered when Don
McPherson, Ph.D in Glass Science at Alfred University, noticed
transformative properties of colour
with the laser surgery protection
glasses. From this realization came
a useful tool called EnChroma
glasses. The technology works by
absorbing light and amplifying the
colour spectrum. EnChroma, the
company responsible for the glasses, have studies that show these
glasses work for 80% of colourblind people.
These glasses look like
regular tinted lenses from the front
but allow the colourblind user to
see every kind of colour variation
they were unable to see before. The
glasses are only produced as sunglasses but come in many different
styles. From cocoons to aviators,
these glasses have come a long
way since the beginning of their
creation. The images that appear
through the lenses seem to pop and
are more saturated than in actuality. Those who experience them for
the first time are left speechless by
the scene around them.
The company first constructed a computer model that is
able to simulate aspects of colour
vision suited for any type of co-
but also protects the user against
ultraviolet light.
People with severe colour
deficiency are considered to be colourblind. Those who have colour
blindness are unable to see the difference between colours that are
obvious to those who can. There
are different types of colorblindness including red-green, blueyellow, and complete colour blindness. Those with red-green cannot
the other hand, is far rarer than redgreen. For those with this kind of
color blindness, yellows can appear blue. It can also be difficult
to tell yellow and red apart from
pink. People with complete colourblindness are not able to see colour
at all and their vision can also be
unclear. Colourblindness is more
common in men than it is in woman because the genes for red and
green color receptors are on the X
chromosome; women have
two of these chromosomes
while men only have one,
resulting in a higher rate of
male colourblindness.
These glasses are a blessing for some, but not everyone is able to experience them as they are very
expensive, ranging from
$200 to $500. Those fortunate enough to receive a
pair are affected immediately. Many first reactions
Photo by Carissa Feddema to the glasses are silence
Enchroma glasses technology is revolutionary and is very appreciated by many users which is most likely because of the overwhelming
lour vision deficiency. To create see reds and greens properly. All amount of new information being
the glasses, they linked the latest the colours in-between those two received at once. People are awed
information of colourblindness on the color spectrum can appear that they can finally see the part of
with their model of colour percep- as dull shades of brown, yellow, the world hidden from them their
tion. This technology has made an orange, and even black. Red- whole lives. Being able to see obincredible impact. Not only does it green is the most common among vious differences between colours
offer a cure for colour blindness, people. Blue-yellow blindness, on can impact someone in major
ways. Daily activities such as driving are made easier. Even something as simple as picking ripe bananas to buy in grocery stores can
be difficult for someone who cannot distinguish between colours. It can feel like an alien planet for
them because they are not accustomed to seeing colours in such
great saturation. Hughes could not
experience what his family could.
He was unable to see his children’s
eye colour. EnChroma glasses affected the way he saw the world.
Outlooks on life can change in an
instant. Those without the need
of these glasses are also impacted
by the reactions of those who are
seeing colour for the first time.
So many people are guilty of taking the simple beauty of the world
for granted, but watching someone
experience colour for the first time
can really open a person’s eyes.
Enchroma continues to
research in medical science. Their
glasses have improved over time
and they are now creating prescriptions for the lenses to meet different people’s needs. It is exciting to
think how far this technology has
gone and how far it can go. They
may even create EnChroma contact lenses sometime in the future;
that is the hope for EnChroma researchers.
Scarlett sends student to International Bio Olympiad
By Kevin Wright
The Canadian Biology
Olympiad (CBO) is an annual nationwide event that picks 4 secondary school students talented in
the field of biology to represent
Canada in the International Biology Olympiad (IBO). Scarlett has a
history of sending representatives
to both the CBO and the IBO. This
year was no exception. After competing in the CBO, Sydney Rodriguez travelled to Aarhus, Denmark
in July 2015 to compete in the international event.
The IBO First started in
1990. It was held in Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic. The
first IBO had 22 students from 6
countries participating. The highest record was 62 countries and
239 students. 2015 was the 26th
annual year it was held. Next year
it will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The IBO was made for students under 20 looking to go head-to-head
against the smartest kids across the
world. The IBO was created to promote careers in science.
To apply, students must
submit a portfolio which must
contain a personal profile, teacher bronze: an amazing achievement cation. “It was very enjoyable, but but contestants have to do multiple
reference, personal essay response, by a very talented individual. Un- it was lots of work. I am very pas- dissections and have to see what
and three dissections. For the
they can do under pressure. “It
dissections, students are rewas one of the hardest most
quired to have a lab cover sheet,
stressful experiences, but it was
a digital photo-essay, a maxiall worth it,” says Rodriguez.
Contestants must know how
mum of five videos (showing
to work under a time limit and
the dissection), and a reference
work under pressure.
for all information found. The
In total, there were 239
portfolio is examined by Uniworldwide competitors and
versity of Toronto CBO profesRodriguez was one of the 4
sors. It is expected that anyone
Canadian competitors. She
who submits this portfolio has
placed 152, which is an amazexemplary skills in biology.
ing achievement. This sounded
The top 4 students from the
like it was an exciting, stressful
CBO are invited to represent
Canada in the IBO.
and an all-round great experi
All IBO participants
ence. Anyone who shares that
must attend a camp where they
passion should submit a portfohave to work hard for many
lio. Those interested in joining
hours doing test dissections
can check out the IBO website
and then return to their rooms
or the Facebook page where inPhoto by Kevin Wright
and study until they go to sleep. This Scarlett laboratory is how numerous students may train for the Bio Olympiad dividuals can see what it is like
To be in the competition, comto be in the competition. At
petitors had to work hard every fortunately, Rodriquez dropped sionate about biology and want to Scarlett, the best person to talk to
day, with the exception of one day her project during the dissection return,” says Rodriguez.
is biology teacher Mike Mckillop.
where they went to Legoland in part of the IBO causing her to lose The IBO also requires This is an incredible
students to complete a test with achievement for Rodriguez. Lancpoints.
Rodriguez received a Getting into the IBO is 200 multiple-choice questions, ers wish to congratulate her and
merit medal this year, finish- very difficult and requires plenty true-or-false questions. The IBO is wish her the best in future endeaving only five places away from a of time, concentration, and dedi- not only a knowledge competition, ours.
December 2015
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
to stop her from singing entirely. Thankfully, Adele made a hasty recovery and was
able to return to her singing career; she still
has her doubts about the quality of her voice
since the operation though. If “Hello” is any
indicator though, Adele has not got much to
worry about.
Adele’s sudden comeback has
blown fans and critics away. After she released her studio album 21, which featured
the top 40 singles “Rolling in the Deep” and
“Someone Like You,” and recorded the title
track for the James Bond film “Skyfall,”
Adele took an unexpected three-year hiatus
from music in order to care for and raise her
son. Just as quickly as she left though, the
singer is back at the top with her new single
“Hello,” and the release of her album, 25.
The single, which was released at the end
of October, broke records immediately, including the Vevo record for highest first day
view-count on the music video. The record
was previously held by Taylor Swift with
“Bad Blood” which racked up 20.1 million
views in 24 hours. “Hello” took the slot with
27.7 million.
Between the years of 2011 and
2012, Adele released three singles which
each spent weeks at number one. “Hello” is
no exception; it became the fastest song to
reach Number one on the Billboard Hot 100
in the last twenty two years, and the fastest selling single in the past eighteen years.
The massive success of the song was only
the first glimpse at the album, which was re-
leased on November 20.
Although the album has done incredibly well already, it is number one in almost every country in the world, Adele was
not afraid to admit that she had her doubts
about it. In an interview, the star revealed
that going into it, she was not sure people
could appreciate another album from her after the success of her last two. She was also
not sure that the songs on 25 could top those
on her previous albums.
Additionally, Adele feared that
fans would be too busy reading into the
meanings of each song to appreciate the
music. She said that she plans to be more
private with the meanings behind the songs
on 25. She was incredibly open with 19 and
21, but Adele says that this was harmful to
people and she regrets it now. Adele plans
to be more mature with her newest album
and leave the meanings of each song open
to interpretation, though she says this idea
scares her.
On top of her other doubts, Adele
also fears that the songs on 25 cannot match
her vocal quality of the past, as in 2011 she
had to undergo surgery to repair a hemorrhage on her vocal chords which threatened
Page 17
wanted to be a mother until she became one.
She also promises to raise Angelo much differently than her parents raised her, and that
their family is doing very well at this point.
With the release of 25, and the
responsibility of raising a son, Adele has
plenty on her plate at the moment, but all
Photo by Erin Burns
“Hello” is one of Adele’s most popular songs to date, with well over 627,640,278 YouTube plays
Above all her other worries though,
the star is still most focused on her threeyear-old son right now. In an interview she
revealed that being a mother has changed her
life “in every way possible.” She states that
her son Angelo has taught her many things,
positive and negative, about herself, one of
which is that she never knew how much she
worries aside, she is very excited for what is
to come with the album release. She stated
that she has plans to tour much more than
she did with her last album, as she feels bad
for having to cancel tour dates due to her
throat problems. So in short, Adele is back
from a three-year hiatus and with her success, the public would never know she left
Canada’s continues performance in the Middle East
By Levi Kitsul
Recent terrorist attacks in Paris
and Beruit have left Canadians worrying
about global safety. The questions of safety
cannot be easily answered though. Justin
Trudeau is working with Canada’s allies to
bomb and air strike areas where ISIS fighters are located but he plans on withdrawing
these efforts soon.
The terrorist threat us not just
abroad. In Ottawa, the RCMP encountered
an audio tape filled with threats, and they
are worried that it might be a Canadian
voice. ISIS has fighters all over the world
and has significant financial reserves funded
by ground in Syria where oil rigs are set up.
The goal of the coalition forces is to shut off
ISIS’s money source, so they cannot harm
anymore people. This goal is very complex:
if ISIS groups are pushed out of their territory, they are likely to take over new land.
According to a recent study by,
ISIS is responsible for 5% of civilian deaths
in the world. With over 200,000 people
fighting for ISIS, is it difficult for governments to keep track of them all.
Trudeau has stated that Canada
will be pulling out its bombing mission
before March 30, 2016; thousands of Ca-
er, hundreds of thousands of refugees, but ISIS left to its own devices
will create millions, tens of millions,
of refugees and victims on a monthly basis.” Harper, when running to
be re-elected, had told voters; “The
intervention has had the effect of
largely stopping the advance of
ISIS, particularly in the north of Iraq
and to some degree in other parts of
Iraq and Syria - not maybe as much
we’d like.”
The coalition has targeted ISIS
with 8,216 airstrikes, 5,383 in Iraq
and 2,833 in Syria. The coalition
is made up of 40 or so countries
that have willingly agreed to fight
against ISIS militants. Countries
include USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Britain, and Russia. All­­
of these counties are trying to find
Photo by Levi Kitsul a solution to the defeat of ISIS. The
The Canadian Government continues to try and intercept domestic terrorist attacks
US had said that they can reclaim
territory, but that will not stop them
nadian citizens are upset by this statement. nadian troops to return home.
and taking over new terriCitizens want Canada to be involved with Former Prime Minister Stephen
Obama will hold a leaders
helping destroy ISIS, and that is difficult to Harper, supports Canadian air strikes exdo when Trudeau is pulling out Canadian pressing, “We must stop ISIS. We can ac- meeting on the defeat of ISIS, as part of the
troops. Though it was an election promise, cept thousands or tens of thousands, and U.N. General Assembly.
Trudeau has yet to release why he wants Ca- maybe all the countries in the world togeth-
Page 18 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
New developments in light therapy for depression sighted
By Alexis Bradley
MDD (Major Depressive
Disorder) is the second-ranked
cause of disability worldwide.
It increases the sufferer’s risk of
mortality and decreases the quality
of life. It is quite common, affiliating 5% of the population, which
are approximately one in twenty
people. Despite how common it is,
there are not many treatment options, and remission rates of individuals remain very low.
According to the journal
JAMA Psychiatry published November 18, 2015, researchers have
found something new to study.
One-hundred-twenty-two adults
between the ages of nineteen and
sixty, all diagnosed with MDD,
were all placed into four different
treatment groups. The first group
was treated with light therapy and
placebo antidepressants, the second group with placebo light ther-
It is the small details that
can often take one’s outfit to the
next level. From the earliest days
of the fashion world to the trends
in demand now, the use of accessories to add personal touch is always evident. With any outfit, the
main components create the look,
but accessories are what truly
make a look special. Accessories
this season range from gaudy rings
at Gucci to knit hoods at Chloé
to chunky rhinestone earrings at
Max Mara and everything in between. In an industry so obsessed
with breaking down boundaries
and innovation, it can be overwhelming to shop for a simple,
timeless piece. Luckily, there are
a couple staple accessories that
will get every fashionable student through the winter months:
a great watch and bobby pins.
A basic watch is something everyone should invest in.
Not only have watches been a
fashion must-have for ages, but
the new modern styles introduced
in past seasons have added a new
type of intrigue to the time piece.
Model/ socialite Alexa Chung and
ex-spice girl Victoria Beckham
are both commonly seen sporting fantastic watches. As fashion
consumer’s tastes lean more towards simplicity, fashion lines
apy and antidepressants, the third sion.
According to the authors of the
group with a combination of light During the experiment, study, the following was the contherapy and antidepressants, and the antidepressant prescribed was clusion of the trial: 55% of patients
the fourth group with a combina- Prozac, and the patients were using only the light box or only the
tion of placebo light therapy and told to sit next to a light box for Prozac saw their depression lift,
placebo antidepressants.
and 76% of pa
Light Therapy is
tients using both
often used to cure SAD
the light box and
(Seasonal Affective DisProzac saw a lift
order), more commonly
in their depresknown as the “winter
blues”, where a person is
The head of the
depressed because of a
study, Dr. Raychange in season. When
mond Lam, says
someone is diagnosed with
that the study
this, they are prescribed
was conducted
a light box, which they
need to sit by for a certain
entire year, sugPhoto by Alexis Bradley gesting that these
amount of time, prescribed
by the doctor, each day. The Scientists are saying light therapy does not cure the “winter blues” therapies cure
lightbox itself emits rays of
more than just
artificial light quite similar to natu- thirty minutes at the start of each the winter blues. Lam says that
ral sunlight, which is believed to day. Once the trial was over, par- more trials should be conducted
chemically change in the brain to ticipants were checked for signs of to strengthen his results. Lam also
lessen certain symptoms of depres- depression using a questionnaire. states that future studies should fo-
such as Marc by Marc Jacobs
and Kate Spade have benefited
from their modern watch designs.
While searching for the
perfect timepiece, having an idea
of what one wants is a good way
to save time and avoid being distracted. There are so many styles
of watches that only differentiate
slightly that it could take hours
if one does not have a clear idea
of what they are looking for.
Some timeless colour
combos include a brown leather
band with gold accents or a black
leather band with silver accents,
but when it comes to picking
out the perfect watch for oneself it really comes down to taste.
Another tip to keep in
mind while shopping is to think
of quality over quantity. This rule
is usually a good idea to keep in
mind in regards to all accessories
one plans to be wearing for a long
time. It is easy to find cute pieces
at stores such as Forever 21 for appealing prices, but the quality is
often a let-down. With that said,
one should also determine their
price range before going shopping.
If one is not ready to invest in a quality time piece then perhaps opting for a more low maintenance accessory is more their style.
Bobby pins are commonly thought
only for
keeping an
in place
in a discreet
fashion, but now bobby
pins are being used in a
much less discreet way.
Acclaimed brands such
as Dior and Zac Posen
have both used bobby
pins in exotic ways on
their runways. By placing bobby pins everywhere around the head
in a somewhat 1940s
revival to placing bobby
pins with excessively
large pearls strategically
to hold a messy bun;
there are thousands of
uses for bobby pins waiting to be discovered.
To add glitz to
a hairstyle with bobby
pins is quite an easy
task. Since there are so
many styles of accessorized bobby pins the
only real endeavour is
picking the right type.
For a sophisticated look,
use a gold bobby pin
to pin back a loosely
twisted front piece
of hair, while a more
edgy look could feature
bobby pins with rhinestones or appliques used
to hold up a hairstyle.
Recently, the place-
ment of simple black bobby pins
in the shape of a triangle to perform a half-up style has become
popular as well as using stacks of
same colour bobby pins to create a
textured look in one’s hair. Whatever the fashion in which the pins
are applied they are sure to wow.
cus on specifically the light therapy for cases of depression.
According to the Chief
of the Brain Sciences Program at
Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto,
Dr. Anthony Levitt, light therapy is
a fairly harmless treatment for depression, but should be used cautiously as treatment for other disorders, such as Bipolar Disorder,
for the reason that it causes some
patients mania, euphoria, hyperactivity and agitation. Program manager with the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, Ken Porter, finds
the conclusions of the trial encouraging. “Any study that encourages
treatment is worthwhile,” he said,
“We’ve seen individuals who’ve
talked about the success of light
therapy in the past, and having a
study that confirms their feelings is
quite beneficial.” The science community is ready to continue with
their research on this topic.
Lancers should bring their focus to
the little details that can make
a look that much more stylish.
Through the use of fashionable
watches and out of the ordinary
bobby pins, students can take
their outfits to the next level.
December 2015
-- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 19
Cosmetic lenses increase in popularity in North America
Washing a
By Terra Li
Circle lenses have been very popu- contact lens in water
lar in Asia for some time. Not only do they
provide enhancing colours, they also make
the iris appear larger. With diameters ranging from 14.0 mm to 15.0 mm, circle lenses
are slightly larger than an average contact
lens. Many people wear circle lenses on a
daily basis, wearing them just like makeup
while some use them as accessories for special occasions. Circle lenses are often used
for dressing up as a cartoon character with
unnatural eye colours.
Because of their larger diameter,
many people believe that circle lenses are
dangerous for humans. They can cause various infections and complications to the eyes,
some of which may last a whole lifetime.
The situations caused by circle lenses are
often found to be caused by misuse of the
contact lens or defective contact lenses sold
by fake companies or companies that sell
products that are not approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA).
Misuse of the contact lenses or poor
lens care has caused many people to have
negative experiences with contact lenses.
Cleaning the contact lenses with the correct
contact lens solution is very crucial for disinfecting and keeping the lenses safe for wearing.
can be very dangerous as water contains
acanthamoeba which
are naturally occurring amoeba (tiny,
one-celled animals)
in water sources,
such as tap water,
well water, hot tubs,
and soil and sewage systems. As safe
as water may be for
with, using for recreation, and consuming, when coming in
contact with eyes, the
risk of catching acanthamoeba is greatly
increased. Showering and swimming
in contact lenses are
just as dangerous as
washing them in water.
keeps society safe
Photo by Terra Li
The correct cleansing of contact lenses keeps eyes safe
items that
for normal
use. In the
past, circle
lenses were
not FDA
and some
brands are
still unapproved.
Big companies such
have made
it safe to
wear circle
lenses. Because they
are a large
their lenses
for defects
is mandatory. Many
smaller companies neglect to do so as their
funding may not be enough to check each
With excessive use of circle lenses,
risk is increased as the lenses can wear out.
Since many circle lenses are of a one-year
disposal variety, the material they are made
with is generally thicker than a normal contact lens. Because of this, less oxygen is able
to get through the lens which can cause infections after long periods of wearing. Though
it is stated that circle lenses should not be
worn more than eight hours at a time, many
people disobey this rule and wear them for
too long. Doing so will dry out the eyes and
cause complications that are very difficult to
Although circle lenses come with
many risks and dangers, with proper use,
they are no more than a popular cosmetic
device. As their popularity grows in North
America, companies are starting to make
safer contact lenses for the public. Recently,
toric circle lenses have been made to suit
people with astigmatisms to ensure safety
and satisfaction. Because of their growing
popularity, companies are making different
types of coloured contact lenses to suit different shapes and colours of eyes. Doing so
keeps circle lens users happy and safe while
using these lenses.
Economic outlook for the future of Calgary seems bleak
By Grace Stone
Over the past year, there has been
a significant decrease in the profits of the oil
industry in Canada that has drastically affected the economic state of the country. Oil
companies and businesses that are directly
connected to the industry have decided to
make job cuts to allow their companies to
grow despite the decrease in profits and to
improve their ability to compete in the oil
market. Job layoffs and decrease in revenues
has led to a massive downturn in employment rates and average income. As Alberta
is known for its large role in the oil industry,
this has led to a less prosperous province;
many families are becoming reliant on social assistance, such as food banks, to help
supplement budgets.
The average stock of Calgary energy companies has decreased 19% since September, and the price of oil has fallen to $40
USD a barrel, whereas oil prices had peaked
at over $112 USD in the summer of 2014,
noted by This low price has
been deemed unprofitable. The reason why
the oil price has decreased so drastically is
because of oversupply of resource in the
market, coupled with the winter weather
which is predicted to be warmer, less heat
energy will be needed and used, thus less
oil will be purchased, further impacting the
market. Due to the prediction that the market
would continue to expand, before the price’s
decline, the cost of oil for foreign buyers
decreased in hopes that those who would
purchase the oil would purchase more. However, once this was deemed a false presumption and money was lost in the process, prices hiked. Foreign buyers are already seeking
new trade with other countries. Iran’s oil
industry is predicted to increase in exports.
For the future of the market, Canadian trade
is expecting the price of oil per barrel to decrease even more than it already has. $35,
$30, or even $20 USD for a barrel is a possibility. The drastic drop in price is the reason why most energy companies have made
layoffs, as most businesses are waiting until
the oil market increases once again to invest.
The Canadian Association of Petroleum
Producers claims that more than 35,000 oil
patch jobs have been laid off since the beginning of the year. At the end of November
2015, TransCanada laid off a total of 185
different positions. On November 18, Enmax made 60 layoffs in the energy sector. In
Enbridge, 5% of the workforce between the
US and Canada has been let go, half of this
number being Albertan jobs; this amounts to
a total of 500 Enbridge jobs laid off and 100
potential positions cut from the workplace.
Unfortunately, many energy companies do not wish to share information
regarding their decisions and opinions on
the subject of economic distress. When an
Enbridge employee was contacted for an interview, the response was: “The company is
pretty serious about its image and how it is
perceived by the markets. The company is
not trying to hide anything, it just does not
want personal opinions of its employees
confusing how the company is seen.”
Positions are also being cut from businesses
not directly in the oil industry. Jobs have
been cut at the Calgary Stampede due to the
economic downturn. A total of 19 jobs and
5% of the permanent staff were laid off, and
some activities in the 2016 Stampede will no
longer continue into the next year. In the Real
Estate business, it has been predicted by the
Calgary Real Estate Board that home prices
will decline more than 0.2% by the end of
the year. Statistics Canada has reported that
11,600 full-time jobs were cut in October
alone, and 3,600 of which have been Calgarian positions. The website also reported
that the unemployment rate has significantly
increased in Calgary as it has risen 1.3% in
the last three months. Alberta Labour has reported that 76% of these layoffs have been
related to the decrease of oil prices.
Due to a higher unemployment
rate in Canada, the use of food banks rose
23% this year to help provide for families.
The Calgary Food Bank on average feeds
approximately 10,000 people annually;
however, this statistic has increased since
the downturn of oil prices. This massive increase nationwide is not fundable long-term.
In order to compensate for the major loss of
profit in Canada due to oil prices dropping,
and to help remove the issue of overusing
food banks, the federal government will be
implementing a four step plan.
The first step will be to create a
basic income to replace provincial social
assistance programs. To complete this, the
federal government will be removing some
social assistance programs and in replacement, create a basic income level that no
Canadian should fall short of. This step will
be funded by tax dollars. Non-cash benefits
from social assistance will be removed as
well, and benefits not cut will be available
to all low-income households without the requirement to pass eligibility criteria. In the
short term, data will need to be collected regarding those receiving social assistance to
be able to inform the public about the usage
of those programs.
The second step will be to increase
the availability of affordable housing, which
will be done by reinvesting half of the savings from Social Housing Operating Agreements to create a Social Housing Operating
Fund. This fund will donate money to cover
costs for housing providers, including rent
subsidies, capital repairs, maintenance, and
retrofits. Additionally, federal tax reforms
will be implemented to support the development of houses. The consequences of this
new reform on affordable housing will be
discussed and contrasted with the consequences of Housing First—a previous approach in 2013 the government had taken—
to make sure the new legislature will have
an improved impact on the affordability of
After this, the third step will be to
reinstate and improve employment and
training support for Canadians with low literacy levels.
Continued on page 21
Page 20
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
The Phoenician alphabet led to the alphabet used today
By Hailey Payne
The history of how the
alphabet came to be is something
that is not commonly known.
Having a language that is easily
read and written is often taken for
granted. Today, there is an estimated 6,500 languages spoken around
the world. A majority of the world
speaks only around 150 to 200 of
the languages present while many
only have a few people left who
use them.
According to The United
Nations’ Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) the most commonly spoken
language is Mandarin Chinese with
English following right behind it.
The Phoenicians were a
large group of people and were arguably the most influential trading
partners during 1970 BC and 300
BC. The Phoenicians lived where
Lebanon, Syria, and Israel are located today and are commonly
known for creating the alphabet.
This language was originally spoken in a coastal Mediterranean
region. The language was called
many different names; the Phoenicians, and Arabs called it “Canaan” after the city, the Ancient
Egyptians called it “pūt” while in
Greek and Latin it is referred to as the Phoenician alphabet are from nicians based their language off
a city called Byblos. The alphabet, of the Egyptians hieroglyphics.
The alphabet was created culture, and language were closely Neighboring communities on the
from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet influenced by the Egyptians.
east and north quickly copied them
in the 15th century BC which
in turn was
origin. Before
this, the Phoenicians were
said to have
a cuneiform
script which
was created in
This language
using a stylus which was
used to create
on a piece of
clay; it started
as pictographs
but later bePhoto by Hailey Payne
came phono- What writing “What’s up” looks like in the Phoenician alphabet as used in the 15th century text
grams (letters)
The original alphabet was and started to use that language as
more like what is present today. The word cuneiform was picked to developed by a organization of well. It is debated whether or not
represent this writing because cu- people that had different languages the Phoenicians were part of this
neus is the Latin word for “wedge.” throughout the group, living in or originating group or just one of the
The earliest known inscriptions in near Egypt. Usually these groups people who adopted it, neverthespoke lan- less, the contributions as a large
guages such trading group significantly help to
as Hebrew, broaden the area that spoke this
E t h i o p i c , language.
and Aramaic. The origins of countless
This group alphabets such as Greek, Hebrew,
based their Arabic, Latin, Etruscan, and some
language off scripts from India and East Asian
of the Egyp- can be traced back to the Phoenitian language cian alphabet. The alphabet conbut personal- sists of twenty-two consonants and
ized it by no vowels. There are considerable
coming up variations in different regions and
with and us- at different time periods.
ing their own The Phoenicians did not
s y m b o l s . include vowels in their alphabet
It was dis- because it was assumed that if one
covered that were reading the writing one also
the Phoeni- spoke the language; the reader
cian people would just insert the vowel that
con- was needed in that word when
trolled by the speaking. The lack of vowels is a
E g y p t i a n s reason why there were many diffrom a let- ferences between the same words.
ter that was This assumption has also made it
found from difficult for experts to decode the
the Egyptian language as it is not known for sure
king in Byb- which vowel is meant to be insertlos where he ed into the word.
The Phoenician alphabet
admitted to the pharaoh is written in horizontal lines much
of control- like the English language is today;
them. but unlike English, Phoenicians
This can ex- wrote from left to right and someplain
why time even in “boustrophedon,”
Phoe- where it alternates from left to right
and right to left. The letter names
were acrophobic, which means that
the word was originally an abbreviated symbol for a word or phrase,
used as the first sound of the word
that the symbol is representative
of. The Phoenicians changed some
of the original letter names because
they did not match up nicely to the
meaning. Having an original word
mean something else to what the
Phoenicians already used, was one
reason for changing the letter name
to better represent what the word
was saying.
The Phoenician alphabet
spread around the Mediterranean
but in particular to Tunisia, Sicily,
Southern France, and the southern
area of the Iberian Peninsula which
is located around modern day
Spain and Portugal. These cities
spoke with the Phoenician alphabet until the first century.
The Etruscans in Italy
were aware of the Phoenician alphabet but did not fully accept it
until the Greeks did. When the
Greeks embraced the Phoenician
alphabet they decided to add vowels to it making it more easily understood; after this, the Etruscans
decide to get on the wagon and
join the ever-increasing number
of places that used the alphabet.
After a while, like the Greeks, the
Etruscans decided to modify the alphabet again to make it more their
The Romans then looked
at the Etruscans’ modification of
the alphabet and started to use that
writing style. Like the others, the
Romans made their own changes
to this alphabet and this has ultimately led to the alphabet that is
used today.
The route to the alphabet
that people use today has been a
long one and can be likened to the
game many know today as “telephone,” in which a message starts
out being whispered into the ear of
the person next to them, and that
person then passing the message
onto the person next to them and
so on until it gets to the end and the
person says what they believe to
be the message. When the message
gets to the last person, the intended
meaning has usually been altered
and is not the same as what the first
person said. The Egyptians started
out with drawings of pictures that
signified certain things to them and
was then “passed on” to the next
city with the English alphabet being changed a little bit each time
until it reached the end with the
complex system of twenty-six letters that are used all the time today.
December 2015
-- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 21
Flex Time provides stress relief for Scarlett students
By Erin Burns
As any student knows,
long days of sitting in class and
completing tests and projects and
other challenging work can get tiring. Because of this, Scarlett staff
decided last year to introduce Flex
Time, the 25-minute break period
between the third and fourth periods of the day. During Flex Time,
students have the chance to complete homework, ask teachers for
individual help if they are struggling, or just take a break. Students
even have the option to visit the
Zen Room in the Aux Gym for
students who want to lie down and
rest or meditate.
Flex Time has provided
Lancers with many benefits so far,
especially for those who are very
busy in and outside of school and
do not often find the time to finish
homework or ask teachers questions. It is also great for kids who
tend to get stressed out after a long
day of classes, as it gives them time
to relax and release some stress.
For many students, last period is
the longest and most exhausting
part of the day after being in class
all day, so Flex Time is placed at
just the right time to give Lancers
a chance to prepare for the final
block. Teachers also like to take
time at Flex Time to make sure
students are succeeding; all teachers keep their classrooms open or
assign a room for students to come
for help.
Some teachers also like to
use it as a time to allow students to
make up for missed tests or assignments. This option allows the stu-
dent to eat and relax with friends
at lunch, and then make up their
missed work during a time where
they would otherwise have nothing else to do. Again, this is especially beneficial for busy students
who cannot stay after school or at
lunch to do tests due to extracurricular activities. Another thing
students find Flex Time great for is
completing group projects. Many
times, teachers assign projects that
must be done outside of school by
a group of students and this can
be difficult to accomplish. Many
groups of students have conflicting
schedules which do not allow for
much flexibility when it comes to
project work. Flex Time however,
provides students with a period of
time where they can complete projects within school hours without
having to accomodate several different schedules.
For those who want to get
some extra physical activity in during the school day, there is a place
for them at Flex Time as well, as
the gymnasium is usually open for
students who wish to use it. And as
for the kids who have had an especially long day and need a power
nap or just some quiet time to rest,
the Zen Room is located in the Aux
Gym. The Zen Room is a room
with all of the lights turned off and
where everyone must be quiet; it is
a great way to take away the stress
of a particularly tiring day, and it
leaves students refreshed and ready
to take on their last period class.
Since the introduction of
Flex Time, results have been great.
There is truly something for ev-
eryone to do during the break, and the last period, which allows her to students feel less tired and overstudents do not seem to be object- concentrate and work better in her whelmed throughout the school
ing. The break is mainly meant last class.
day, no matter what may be causfor academics, and it is helping The response to Flex ing those problems.
to improve students’ understand- Time over the last two years has Mya Selby, Grade 10,
ing of class materials, but it is also been very positive and students feels that Flex Time is good for her
good for students to get an occa- seem to truly be benefitting from because “there’s a whole bunch of
sional break from school work to both the social and academic as- different options of what you can
relieve stress, which can improve pects. Socially, it benefits students do.” She enjoys that students are
the way they work in their fourth like McDonald by giving them a able to do anything they need to
period class. For many Lancers, break when they do not have any- complete, or they have other opFlex Time gives them a chance to thing academic to complete, to tions for when they have no work
see friends who
they do not have
and may not
otherwise get
to spend time
with throughout the day.
This helps to
keep friends in
touch with each
their conflicting
class schedules,
which can be
very important
throughout the
year to mainPhoto by Erin Burns
tain a healthy Madeleine Langley and Aislinn McDonald, Grade 10, catch up on some homework at Flex Time
school-life balance. School should take priority, help make the last period more en- to complete; students are not limand students should use their Flex joyable and less tiring, which helps ited to doing only one thing. SpeTime for school work first, but it is improve performance in class. cifically, Selby feels she benefits
also important for a student to have Academically it has helped stu- because “you get a chance to ask
time to spend with friends when dents like Callum Burns, Grade 12, teachers questions because you
it is possible. Aislinn McDonald, who has been able to improve his don’t always get a lot of time in
Grade 10, feels that getting this marks by using Flex Time to talk class.” In all, Flex Time has had
break and getting to talk to friends to his Chemistry teacher and get a great reviews from Scarlett stuhelps to relieve some of the stress better grasp of the material taught dents.
of her classes and prepare her for in class. It is a great way to help
Continued from page 19
To create a more capable workforce and help utilize all members
of society, the literacy of citizens
must be improved. This step means
reinstating $300,000 per year in
federal funding to education and
training for the unemployed and
illiterate, increasing the labour
force and the amount of money
in the economy. The government
will allow all unemployed to access training programs instead
of the current policy, which only
permits those eligible for employment insurance.
The last step will be to
increase food security and reduce
hunger issues in Northern communities. Currently, every one in five
households in the Canadian territories skips meals because they
cannot afford to eat three times
a day. Westernization is affect-
Photo by Grace Stone
Food bank usage has made a significant 23% increase this year to help provide for families with low food budgets
ing the passing on of traditions of
hunting, trapping, and harvesting
in Inuit cultures. The taste for traditional food is less common than
it used to be.
The government wishes
to help expand community knowledge of these traditions and provide programs that help the accessibility of tools required for
hunting, trapping, and harvesting.
Nutrition North Canada will be
making changes to their programs
to support these future government policies.
Through this four-step
plan, the labour force will hopefully be able to support Canadians so
they are able to provide for themselves while the oil market endures
the rough patch. Many Calgarians
wish that the province will become
more prosperous soon and that the
oil industry recovers so more jobs
can be created.
Page 22 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
Autonomous vehicle technology is now closer than ever
Projects Agency, or DARPA, organized us and Lexus SUVs. They test the vehicles
“Look mom, no hands!” jokes Ste- the Grand Challenges. The DARPA Grand with safety drivers in them. These safety
ven Mahan, Google’s first self-driving car Challenge is a prize competition for autono- drivers are in the vehicle at all times duruser. Mahan said this during a test drive in mous cars in America. Self-driving vehicles ing the test to observe how the car drives
a video that Google posted
and to take over if necesa YouTube video on March
sary. Google has also tested
28, 2012. He is a legally
with their own prototype
blind man from Morgan
car they developed from the
Hill, California. Mahan’s
ground up that is fully selfride was a special test caredriving. The appearance of
fully programed by Google
the Google car is small and
with a Google member in
rounded with two doors.
the passenger seat thoughout
The range finder mounted
the ride to ensure everything
on the top is the main source
stayed safe. Google believes
of autonomous vehicle techit is a promising look at what
nology. It has a laser that
autonomous technology can
allows the car to create 3D
do for people in the future.
maps of its surroundings.
Since Mahan has lost 95%
It then takes the 3D maps
of his vision, this technology
and combines them with
can open numerous doors for
maps of the world. The car
him and offer him a chance
is able to take these two
to get around on his own.
maps and produce different
Google has been
Photo by Carissa Feddema types of data models that
working on the Google Google’s autonomous vehicle is a technological breakthrough in today’s society allow it to drive by itself.
Self-Driving Car Project
This breakthrough in techsince 2009; however, the dream of hav- compete in races to see which car is first to nology can have a major impact on daily
ing self-driving cars has been around for a complete the whole route. In the first chal- lives. If this car makes it to the market, drivlong time. In 1939, New York World’s Fair lenge, in 2004, none of the vehicles were ers will have so many opportunities they
opened and was attended by approximately able to finish. These two events were major did not have before. Instead of focusing on
210,000 guests. The theme of the World’s steps leading up to the year 2009. So far, the driving, parents can look forward to being
Fair was “Building the World of Tomor- project has thrived and been very successful. able to give their child their full attention
row;” which took a look into the future. The Some members of the project had after school while driving home. In cases
guests who attended were presented with the already dedicated years to the technology such as Steve Mahan’s, people with disabilivision of automated highways. Then, in the of autonomous vehicles. Google started by ties and disadvantages would have a chance
mid-2000s, the Defence Advanced Research testing the technology with the Toyota Pri- to get places safely and independently. He
Carissa Feddema
says, “Where this would change my life is
to give me the independence and flexibility to go the places I both want to go and
need to go, when I need to do those things.”
Although autonomous cars open
many doors in people’s lives, some are still
skeptical about the safety and the extent of
the vehicles ability to drive itself. The scenarios the cars seem to have trouble with are
the scenarios that people also struggle with.
Scenarios such as who goes first at four way
stops and whether to speed through a yellow light or suddenly stop are difficult to
judge even for something as complex and
brilliant as an autonomous car. These cases
cause people to wonder about the safety of
the vehicle. Many people still want to drive
and do not want to trust a car to do all the
work which is understandable as strong habits to do with driving are difficult to break.
Google has self-driven over one
million miles. These cars are currently
being tested and refined on the streets of
Mountain View, California, and Austin,
Texas. Google would like to explore other
cities that offer experience with different types of weather and terrain. They plan
on learning plenty about aspects such as
how people might like to use the technology in their day to day lives through testing. Google has taken this technology to the
next level and hopes to someday make it so
that there are self-driving cars all over the
world. The future is bound to be full of these
cars, but until then, Google will refine and
figure out ways to improve this technology.
Fun no-bake peppermint white chocolate cheesecakes
By Riannon Laarz
One of the best parts of the holidays
is the food; this recipe is surprisingly easy
to prepare, definitely something worthy of
serving on Christmas Day or at any holiday
party. These cheesecakes require no baking
at all, just a good chilling in the refrigerator
to get that silky, smoothy and dreamy texture. No-bake peppermint white chocolate
cheesecakes are a great little snack to try this
holiday season.
12 regular size original Oreos
2 Tbsp. butter, melted
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
8 Tbsp. powdered sugar
4 oz. white baking chocolate
10 oz. cream cheese, softened (18oz pkg +
1/2 tsp peppermint extract
Red food colouring, optional
Mini Oreos and extra white chocolate (optional)
Candy canes for decoration
1. In a food processor, pulse Oreos until
finely ground. (If one does not have a food
processor or is making these with younger
kids, use a Ziploc bag and a rolling pin to
crush) Pour the crushedup cookies into a mixing
bowl then toss the cookies with butter. With a
mixer on low, slowly
pour in melted butter and
pulse until evenly coated.
Pour about 2 1/2 Tbsp of
the Oreo mixture into 6
serving cups and level,
set aside.
2. Melt white chocolate
according to directions
listed on package, and
then allow the time for
cooling until just barely
lukewarm (keep it fluid
though. Do not let it set
or there will be pieces of
white chocolate throughout the cheesecake).
3. In a medium mixing
bowl, whip heavy cream
until soft peaks form.
Add 3 Tbsp. powdered
sugar and whip until stiff
peaks form. Set aside in
4. In a mixing bowl,
Photo By Riannon Laarz
whip cream cheese until
smooth and fluffy. Mix These dainty cheesecakes are a wonderful addition to one’s holiday menu
in remaining 5 Tbsp. powdered sugar
and 1/2 tsp peppermint extract. Stir in
cooled white chocolate. (it is optional at
this point. Tint half of the mixture with
red food colouring then separate half
into another bowl and tint.
5. Then add half of the whipped cream
to each) then fold in whipped cream.
Spoon mixture into a piping bag. Pipe
over oreo layer in cups. Chill in refrigerator two hours.
6. Garnish with either crushed candy
canes, candy canes sticks (one only
needs the bottom half of candy canes),
or peppermint white chocolate dipped
mini Oreos just before serving. If doing
the peppermint white chocolate dipped
Oreos, simply melt white chocolate or
vanilla almond bark according to directions on package and dip mini Oreos in
melted white chocolate.
7. Transfer to wax paper and sprinkle
with crushed candy canes before chocolate sets. Allow to set at room temperature.
These cheesecakes will be the hit
of Christmas parties this holiday season
and any guests attending will be ecstatic that they will be eating these little
Cheesecakes that make the holidays
much more enjoyable for everyone.
December 2015 --
-- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 23
Lancers lend a helping hand Winter driving tips that can
through Helping Hampers help save lives on the road
By Rafa Abbas
tablet as a gift for a family. Although this
may not seem like a necessity for a family
in need, it is nice, especially during the
holiday season to receive a gift. Many
families must use their money for living
expenses and not have enough money left
over for luxuries, making their children
feel very alienated from their well-off
community. Good on Thompson’s class for
providing a delightful surprise to a family.
In addition to making a family
smile, Lancers are hoping to make their
own bellies smile, by winning a pizza party.
This sought-after grand prize is awarded
to the class with the most items donated,
in both monetary value and quantity.
Many classes made towering mountains,
motivated by hungry generosity and hunger
itself, but the class to come out victorious
was Mark Chamber’s second period class.
Their donated items
filled six boxes and
had a value of $ 810.
They also donated $
375 in cash, leading
them, Scarlett, and
Thank you for your
Bringing in
items, although very
important, is only one
part of the operation.
Leadership students
take on the bulk of
the organizing of
the effort. From the
numerous impressive
Photo by Raynell Prince a d v e r t i s e m e n t s ,
Leadership students joined the effort to help families for the holidays to the nitty-gritty
collecting, counting,
having food and necessities in the pantry and organizing of all the donations,
for a while, and instead can put their money Leadership students are the gears behind
towards more urgent causes such as paying Scarlett’s well-oiled charity machine.
rent, covering medical expenses, or other
Last year, Lancers helped out two
costs. Whatever the reasons for need might Scarlett families and two Patrick Airlie
be, Scarlett is willing to help out. There are School families. Lancers managed to collect
three families from our very own school, that so much food that year, that Scarlett was
Scarlett is assisting. The families’ identities able to donate 400 pounds of excess cans to
are anonymous, but the most generous of the Calgary Food Bank. This year Scarlett
classes are not kept anonymous, because has decided to focus efforts on three Scarlett
making an impact should be celebrated. and three Canyon Meadows School families,
A teacher and his class who meaning the efforts are a little closer to home.
should be celebrated is Joe Michaud’s
Lancers have really shown their
class, who as a group contributed enough compassionate and generous spirit. As a
to astonishingly fill seven boxes with school we collected an astonishing; ten boxes
goods and presents. What is even more of breakfast foods, four boxes of household
impressive is Michaud’s promise to double products, twenty two boxes of food, thirteen
what they brought in. The value of their boxes of toiletries, ten boxes of gifts and
donations is approximately $ 780, allowing over $2000 in gift cards, for the families.
them to be the “surprise treat runner ups”. The families and Scarlett truly appreciate
Another ambitious class is Matt Lancers’ efforts. Next year, Scarlett hopes
Thompson’s, who all chipped in to buy a to out-do this year’s numbers even more.
Unless students have been living
under a rock, Lancers are probably aware
of Scarlett participating in the third annual
Helping Hampers program. With all the
eye-popping and creative advertising, it
would be virtually impossible to not be
aware. The hopscotch in the hallway and
wrapping paper on the office door is fun,
but the cause they are advertised for is a
serious one. This holiday season, many
people in Calgary will go without gifts,
basic household items, and even food.
In response, Lancers are helping out the
less fortunate through Helping Hampers.
Helping Hampers aim is to provide
a family with food and household necessities
for the duration of a couple of months,
instead of just a week or two. This way,
the families would not have to worry about
By Levi Kitsul
A current trend in the Emergency
Services community on Facebook is rapping about winter driving. Emergency services across Canada are taking part in rap
battles. Calgary, Regina, and Edmonton
Emergency Services are uploading winter
driving raps to Facebook, providing a fun
way to become aware of winter driving.
Calgary’s Police Department wrote this
a police unit, for a road condition report.
Attitude is the most important factor for
safe driving. Driving with a good attitude
can lead to fewer accidents, regardless of
driving skills. No matter how good one is
at controlling a vehicle, if drivers put themselves in high risk situations, a collision
will occur. A good attitude means avoiding
high-risk situations, putting safety first, and
giving 100% attention to the road.
Photo by Levi Kitsul
This car will stay safe no matter the weather this winter because of all the safety accessories
rap: block quote “I hate winter and I cannot
lie, you other drivers can’t deny. When a
storm blows in with an icy, snowy glaze,
and a snow pile in your way, tires get spun.
Wanna pull up fast ‘cause you notice that
green light’s phasing, deep in the snow
you’re sliding. Other drivers can’t stop
staring Oh Calgary; we want to slow down
wit’cha, so read this pict’cha.”
The Emergency Services trend,
while humorous, is as attempt to publicize
the importance of safe winter driving. The
following are tips that will keep Lancers
safe on the roads this winter. Winterizing
vehicles can be lifesaving, literally. A vehicle on Calgary’s winter roads can be deadly. Just a few small steps and precautions
can save a life. Precautions should include
an examination of the vehicle, including the
spare tire, battery, belts, anti-freeze, tires,
heater, brakes, defroster, and windshield
wipers. An emergency kit is recommended
in all winter driving conditions. Keeping
the fuel tank more than half full can reduce
moisture problems in the fuel system, and
will also be an asset if a vehicle becomes
Driving cautiously and having the
right attitude in slippery road conditions are
crucial to everyone’s safety. Speed limits
are recommended for ideal driving conditions, meaning for one’s safety, slowdown
in hazardous road conditions. Plan the best
route to the destination ahead of time, and
be prepared for detours. During poor conditions only drive if it is absolutely necessary. Postpone trips until road conditions
improve. One can also call Highway Patrol,
Visibility is a main factor in hundreds of collisions yearly. If drivers cannot
see 150 meters ahead, they should pull over
and wait for better road conditions. Make
sure all windows, lights, and mirrors are
free of frost and are functional. Headlights
are a must when visibility is limited but are
recommended at all times.
Snow tires must also be on at all
times. Canadian winter conditions are not
regular tire worthy, meaning summer tires
and all-season tires are dangerous in winter.
Having the proper tires on can often save
lives on the road, winter tires are designed
to prevent slides and skids on ice and snow.
Regular tires on a vehicle will not have the
same traction as winter tires, which may
cause a collision.
Making sure everything is working and clearing off snow can be taken for
granted. Snow can weigh down the car and
block the driver’s view, as well as block the
view for other drivers. Always warm up the
vehicle and defrost the windshield.
Highway driving changes when
the road conditions are deteriorating. Driving at fast speeds on ice can be deadly if
driven on wrong. The speed limit is posted
for ideal driving conditions. Drive 20km/h
to 30km/h lower when there is snow and/or
ice on the road. Never accelerate fast, especially after stopping. For manual driving,
stay in a lower gear, which can give the vehicle more traction on the road. Try to stay
on snow and asphalt only. Snow provides
better traction than ice.
If drivers follow these precautions,
winter driving should stand no chance.
Page 24 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
La controverse mondiale:
Les prières pour Paris
D’un côté de l’argument, c’est fantastique qu’une si grande quantité de personnes veuillent partager publiquement leur
tristesse et faire le deuil pour les vies qui ont
été prises si injustement face aux attaques,
mais ce n’est pas à ça qu’oppose la majorité
des gens. Le problème qu’ont les opposants
à la réaction du public ce n’est pas basé sur
la réaction elle-même, mais sur le fait que les
personnes se réagissent si fortement à une et
seulement une tragédie. Il y a des attaques
également horrifiques à chaque jour partout
dans le monde, mais celle-là c’est une des
seules qui a reçu tellement d’attention publique, au moins en matière de média sociale.
Les sites de médias sociaux sont une source incroyablement bon pour
partager des nouvelles sur
les évènements dans l’actualité, et pour exprimer
nos opinions et pensées,
mais c’est beaucoup moins
efficace quand on éclaire
seulement certaines affaires
et laisse les autres seules
sans dire un mot. La même
semaine que les attaques au
Paris se sont passées, il y a
Photo par Erin Burns eu une attaque de bombe à
La support pour Paris est incroyable, malgré la controverse
Baghdad en Iraq, et à Beirut
en Lebanon. Les évènedans le monde depuis 2014 à cause de plu- ments au Paris sont tragiques, et ils méritent
sieurs attaques terroristes. En particulier, il y les appels pour la justice qu’ils ont eue, mais
a un suspect recherché par la police mais qui les autres évènements également tragiques
n’a pas été attrapé. Il s’appelle Salah Adbes- méritent la même attention. Ce n’est pas
lam et il est peut-être en Syrie à ce moment. juste de rendre justice à un seul problème
Tout de suite après que la nouvelle quand il y en a des millions à résoudre.
Les sites de médias sociaux sont très
a été rendue publique, c’est devenu virale sur les médias sociaux. Des milliers de per- utiles et avec le temps, la société se déplace
sonnes partout dans le monde ont rempli les de plus en plus vers compter les-dessus pour
sites sociaux avec des messages donnant la majorité des nouvelles. Même si ça serait
leurs condoléances pour les victimes et leurs pratique, il y a des risques avec la manière
familles. Particulièrement, ça semblait que qu’on traite les nouvelles en les utilisant à ce
presque chaque personne célèbre connu a moment. On doit se rendre compte qu’une
partagé des messages sur leurs comptes de tragédie n’est jamais la seule tragédie. On
médias sociaux, exprimant leur tristesse et ne peut pas choisir un seul problème pour le
payant hommage aux victimes de l’attaque glorifier, et laisser tous les autres sans rien
horrifique. Théoriquement, cette réaction dire, seulement pour laisser faire l’affaire
était la meilleure chose que le public aurait une fois glorifié rendu un mois plus tard. Si
pu utiliser pour la nouvelle d’une telle tragé- on va partager nos opinions sur un problème
die, mais il y avait tellement de controverse mondial, on ne peut pas les baser sur un seul
exemple dans une seule région.
suivant ces évènements.
Par Erin Burns
Le 13 novembre, une attaque terroriste a pris les vies de 130 victimes pendant un concert du groupe « The Eagles of
Death Metal ». Les attaques au Paris étaient
horribles, 112 des victimes étaient pris en
hottage et puis abattus par les attaqueurs,
les autres étaient tirés dessus dans la rue.
Presqu’un mois plus tard il y a encore des
victimes qui meurent à l’hôpital et la police cherche encore des suspects. La police
a soupçonné le groupe terroriste coonu ISIS
quand les attaques ont eu lieu. Le groupe est
responsable des milliers de meurtres partout
December 2015
Trudeau et le mouvement
souveraineté du Québec
Par Madison Negrey
français parce qu’il ne peut pas parle français. Maintenant c’est un paye bilingue et
ça c’est juste pour toute.
Dans le course électorale, chef
de NDP Tom Muclair dit qu’il soutient la
séparation du Québec et qu’il pensait c’était
une décision de Québec et ne pas pour le
reste du Canada. La réponse de Trudeau
était que le séparatisme défie l’unité de cette
paye. Il aussi dit, dans une conférence, que
« l’unité de la Nation est un parti important
pour la paye ». Plus des citoyens au Québec
à choisir Trudeau pour cette raison et après
il a gagné il dit que Québec à retourner à la
paye et que c’est plus bien pour toute. Jean
Chrétien joindre Trudeau dans la campagne
et il dit que « Stephen Harper a honte du
Canada » a l’appui la souveraineté. C’est un
mouvement qui est ne pas nécessaire pour
Canada. Aussi avec l’élection du Trudeau le
soutien pour la souveraineté est plus bas au
Québec est autour toute de Canada.
Trudeau est ne pas le seulement
qui ne veulent pas le mouvement souveraineté. Claude Denis, un professeur sur
d’Ottawa dit
que la souveraineté
« désastre
imminent ».
que 60% du
Canada dit
non pour la
du Québec.
C’est ne pas
juste pour
les citoyens
qui veulent
de voyage
Photo par Madison Negrey toute au long
de Canada ou
Le Parti Québécois a voulu faire Québec un pays individuel depuis 1968
qui ville aux
et 88% parler français. Aux Ottawa seule- Québec et ne veulent pas la séparation. Ça
ment un demi des citoyens peut parler en c’est un autre raison que Trudeau pense
français et l’autre parler anglais. Le mou- Canada besoin l’unité. Canada besoin Quévement est ne pas juste pour les personnes bec et Québec besoin la reste du Canada.
qui ne veulent pas de vie dans un Nation de
Le mouvement souveraineté du
Québec est la séparation du Québec de
Canada. Il était un mouvement plus populaire dans le 1970s et Stephen Harper et
Tom Muclair apporte le mouvement au
cours des deux dernières années. Maintenant, Canada veulent d’écouter de la position
de Justin Trudeau.
Depuis que 1968 le Parti Québécois (un parti politique) a voulu faire
Québec un pays individuel. Ça c’est « la
mouvement souverainiste du Québec ».
La chef de ce parti Philippe Coullard dit,
après l’élection, qu’il était plus difficile de
prendre ce mouvement en motion parce que
Justin Trudeau ne soutient pas la séparation
du Québec. Trudeau pense que c’est
irresponsable. Couillard dit que le but du
mouvement souveraineté est de crée un Nation de français. La réponse de Trudeau est
que ne pas toute les citoyens du la province
du Québec peut parler en français. Aussi,
seulement 40% des personnes sont bilingue
December 2015
-- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 25
The 2015 American Music Awards do not disappoint
By Alexis Bradley
The 2015 American Music Awards
started off with a bang November 22, 2015
when Jennifer Lopez kicked off the show.
Lopez started her performance with a rendition of her 1999 song “Waiting for Tonight,”
then proceeded into a dance number with the
top hits of 2015 after saying “Tonight’s not
about me, tonight’s about the music. And
this year’s music made me want to dance!”
The music she danced to was a mashup of
“Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift, “Anaconda”
by Nicki Minaj, “Thinking Out Loud” by
Ed Sheeran, “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars
and Mark Ronson, “Can’t Feel my Face” by
The Weeknd, “Trap Queen” by Fetty Wap,
“Hotline Bling” by Drake, “Where Are U
Now” by Justin Bieber featuring Skrillex and
Diplo, and “Better Have My Money” by Rihanna. Lopez and her dancers all wore tribal
patterned bodysuits, with the men wearing
jeans over theirs, and danced energetically
during the seven-minute performance.
Following Lopez’s opening performance, 5 Seconds of Summer, more commonly known as 5SOS, rocked the stage,
playing their hit single “Hey Everybody!”
Luke Hemmings, singer and guitarist; Calum
Hood, bassist; Michael Clifford, guitarist,
and Ashton Irwin, drummer, all seemed
quite pleased with their performance. Lights
flashed across the stage, and from the flashes
seen from the cameras of audience members,
all of the spectators were very into the show.
The always-talented Selena Gomez
sang her newest single “Same Old Love.”
The performance followed in the footsteps
of Marilyn Monroe’s Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes. Dressed in her skin-tight sequined
bodysuit, Gomez was stunning next to her
all-male dancers. The choreography was
well-presented, and the staircase that lead to
the platform where the performance started
was a great prop. During Gomez’s performance, when the cameras panned the audience, they stayed on Gomez’s girlfriends,
and never once showed her ex, Justin Bieber,
although it is rumoured that Bieber started to was right in front of it all, revealing that the showcased many of his talents starting when
cry during her performance.
bottom half of her dress was tear-away, to he first went onstage, performing an acous
Simple yet exquisite, Carrie Under- make it easier for the singer to dance around tic version of “Chains,” while playing the
wood performed “Heartbeat.” Underwood the stage.
piano. Once he was about halfway through
The audience held mixed emotions the song, he jumped up from the piano and
stood centre stage wearing a flowing, slight- ly-sequined dress, with a spotlight focused when One Direction performed “Perfect,” went into a fast-paced rendition of “Levels,”
only on her. Underwood was surrounded by from their latest album, Made In The AM. which had the crowd dancing and singing
candles until the backdrop lights up, then the The performance was slightly somber as along. To finish off his spectacular perforstage was filled with floating lanterns and it was the last time the four boys would be mance, Jonas brought in a choir to back him
more candles. The beautiful performance performing for a time, but it was classy and up during a wonderful performance of “Jealhad the crowd holding glow sticks and sing- tasteful all the same.
ous.” The fancy sweater was not the only
ing along to the powerful ballad.
thing Jonas had going for
The performances of strong
him that night.
female singers continued as Demi Lo One of the most popular
vato took the stage with her album
songs of 2015, “Shut up
title song “Confident.” Lovato’s perforand Dance,” was performed
mance was powerful, and the audience
by Walk The Moon. The
loved it. While she messed up her neat,
light show was fun-filled
finger wave hairdo during the song, Loand there were even sparks
vato still continued to look fabulous.
raining down from the ceil
Performance number six
ing onto the band members:
out of nineteen began with Meghan
Nicholas Petricca, Kevin
Trainor singing a powerful ballad titled
Ray, Sean Waugaman, and
“Like I’m Gonna Lose You.” Midway
Eli Maiman.
through the song, the curtain behind
In their first AMA perTrainor dropped to reveal the “See
formance in seven years,
You Again” singer Charlie Puth with
Coldplay rocked the stage
his signature piano. Puth began to play
with the “Adventure of a
“Marvin Gaye,” while Trainor left the
Lifetime” from their new
stage for a fast costume change, then
album, A Head Full of
Photo by Alexis Bradley
came back to finish the song as a duet
Dreams. A reference was
with Puth. After the two finished the Jennifer Lopez’s tasteful performance inspires these grade 10’s to dance made to one of their last
song, they immediately closed in on
music videos, in which the
each other for one big kiss, which left ev- Things got personal when Gwen band was wearing plush elephant costumes;
eryone in shock and wondering about dating Stefani took the stage to sing “Used To Love the members were joined onstage with four
You.” The performance featured Stefani dancers dressed as gorillas.
Starting off in a very Jessica Rab- standing centre-stage while the back screens After, “The Hills” singer The
bit way, Ariana Grande entered the front of displayed different pictures from the music Weeknd sang his heart out during his perthe stage from behind a red velvet curtain, video. Stefani looked lovely in her long lace formance. The stage was covered in rings
clad in a white corset dress that loosely hung dress, with her perfect makeup and her plati- of fire, one looking like a paperclip, and
around her legs. Grande sang at an old- num blonde hair slicked back away from her the Country singers Luke Bryan and Karen
school style microphone as an intro to her face. The performance highlighted contrast Fairchild teamed up for a duet of crowd was
song “Focus,” then had one of her dancers between the ideas of being heartbroken and singing and going crazy over the R&B singin the front row bite her glove to pull it off. learning to love again.
er. “Home Alone Tonight.” Both singers
Grande then proceeded to behind the curtain, Former Jonas’ Brothers member stood on stage in all black, while circles
as it started rising to see a whole new stage Nick Jonas has made his return to music, and
for the next part of the performance. Grande he is ready to prove it. Jonas’ performance
Continued on page 28
Page 26 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
There are countless anticipated films releasing in 2016
By Ishaan Sahai
and Ricky Gervais, along with other notable Edward Snowden, the man who leaked clas
Every year, between 200 and 250 actors. March 23 will see the premiere of sified government documents in what turned
Hollywood films receive a wide release. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice by into the NSA Scandal. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
2015 brought the consumer market major se- Man of Steel and 300’s Zack Snyder. The plays the controversial whistleblower, and is
quels, adaptations, well-loved dramas, and, film has been the subject of hot debate for joined by Shailene Woodley, Nicolas Cage,
for some reason or another, Hot Tub Time the past few years, mainly over concerns Zachary Quinto, Tom Wilkinson, and more.
Machine Two. However, as 2016 begins, about the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman. On May 12, The Angry Birds Movie will be
many films which have seen anticipation cu- The cast will also include Jesse Eisenberg as released; it is based on the popular app, and
mulating over several years are about to be Superman’s rival Lex Luthor, and will not be will feature an all-star cast. It will join sereleased, drowning the public with remakes related to Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight quels Alice Through The Looking Glass and
of classic films, a continuation of the Mar- trilogy. This film will be followed by the X-Men: Apocalypse, both on May 27, with
vel Cinematic Universe, sequels to popular April 7 release of The Jungle Book, a live- the latter being a Marvel film not from the
years-old movies, and more.
action film by Iron Man-director Jon Fa- MCU.
January and February are gener- vreau, which will feature an all-star cast of June is a traditional month for a
ally known as the, “dump months.” Unlike Bill Murray as Baloo, Ben Kingsley as Ba- Pixar release, like for last year’s massivelysummer, which tends to be when action and gheera, Elba as Shere Khan, Scarlett Johans- popular Inside Out. 2016 will be no differmass-consumer films are released, and un- son as Kaa, and Christopher Walken as King ent with June 16 sporting Finding Dory, the
like the final few months of the year, which Louie. Sequels being released during these studio’s seventeenth film. A sequel to 2003’s
tend to be saved for a few major
Finding Nemo, the
releases amidst a sea of Oscarfilm will feature
bait dramas, these months tend
Dory (Ellen Deto be when the films that studios
Generes) in a quest
have the least confidence in are
to find her parreleased, often ones that will be
ents, joined by the
considered amongst the worst of
the year. Occasionally, major films
Brooks, as well as
will be released in the period to
Diane Keaton and
avoid competition, and there are
Elba. The month
several films of note set to be rewill also give movleased in either January or Februiegoers other seary.
Now You See Me:
One such film is Kung Fu
The Second Act on
Panda 3, featuring a return to the
June 10, with Harpopular children’s animated franry Potter’s Daniel
chise. It will be released on January 29, with the original all-star
Radcliffe joining
cast, one that includes Jack Black,
the cast, and InAngelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman,
dependence Day:
Photo by Ishaan Sahai
and Jackie Chan, reprising their
roles, with J. K. Simmons joining The projectors of over 142,000 theatre screens worldwide will be playing the many kinds June 24, a sequel
the cast for the first time. Febru- of between 200 and 250 films Hollywood plans on releasing throughout the year of 2016 to the popular 1996
ary 5 is when Pride and Prejudice and Zom- same months include London Has Fallen on film Independence Day, which starred Will
bies is set to be released, an adaptation of March 4 and book-adaptation Allegiant on Smith.
the popular novel which combined elements March 18, sequels to Olympus Has Fallen July will see sequels Ice Age: Colof Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice with and the Divergent series, respectively.
lision Course, Star Trek Beyond, and a fifth
zombie tropes. With Natalie Portman pro- Hollywood’s summer season gen- Bourne film, on July 22, July 22, and July 29,
ducing, it is set to star Downton Abbey’s erally extends from May through August; respectively. In addition, comedy filmmaker
Lily James and Doctor Who’s Matt Smith. these are the months that usually see the Paul Feig is releasing an all-female reboot of
The same month will also see the release of most major film releases, particularly highly Ghostbusters on July 15, and Harry Potter’s
the Ben Stiller-directed sequel to his popular commercial films, those featuring action, David Yates is behind a live-action all-star
comedy Zoolander. Zoolander 2 will be re- and so-called “popcorn entertainment.” A remake of Tarzan on July 1. Not every film
leased on February 12.
release during these months usually means this month is a sequel or remake; July 1 is
The months of March and April that home-media distribution begins in time also the date of release for The BFG, a Steare rather generic months for the release for the holiday season, making it a strategic ven Spielberg-helmed adaptation of Roald
of films, in the sense that there appears to profit point. The season starts right off with Dahl’s children’s book of the same name.
be little motivation behind a release in this Captain America: Civil War during the first Suicide Squad is set for an August
particular time period, but they too shall see week of May. This movie is directed by Cap- 8 release, featuring various DC comics super
several major releases. One such release is tain America: The Winter Soldier’s Russo villains including the Joker and Deadshot,
Disney’s Zootopia, set for March 4. Actors Brothers, and will be the first film of Phase who will be played by Jared Leto and Will
include Jason Bateman, Ginnifer Good- 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Smith, respectively. The month will not see
win, Idris Elba, Shakira, and Simmons, and It will feature multiple franchise characters, an end to July’s remake trend, however, this
CBC’s Peter Mansbridge, who is set for a along with newcomer Martin Freeman, in a time with a remake of legendary 1959 clascameo as newscaster Peter Moosebridge. story that is expected to advance the MCU’s sic Ben-Hur, with the August 12 version set
The directors behind the animated films plot and character arcs. Also set to be re- to star Jack Huston and Morgan Freeman.
have previously been part of other Disney leased this month, on May 13, is the delayed Other than a few exceptions, with
Animated Studios projects, including Tan- release of an Oscar-worthy film, Snowden, the summer out of the way, the last four
gled and Wreck-it Ralph. Later that month, thought to be delayed from Christmas 2015 months of the year generally belong to
March 18 is the date for the premiere of the due to stiff competition from other Oscar-bait Oscar-bait films; generally dramas that do
animated film The Little Prince, an adapta- films from that year. Wall Street, JFK, and not expect much commercial gain while in
tion of the iconic story. The cast includes Ra- Born on the Fourth of July’s Oliver Stone is cinemas, but rather, are bidding to receive
chel McAdams, James Franco, Jeff Bridges, the director behind this biopic on the life of Academy Award nominations for their qual-
ity in the following year. The timing also allows many such films to remain in theatres
after the nominations have been announced,
meaning that the public can then go to see it.
Much like in January and February, a handful of major commercial films are released
during this time of year due to lack of competition.
While it is difficult to predict which
films are likely to be Oscar-nominated an entire year before release, much has been said
about November 25’s The Founder, in which
Michael Keaton plays Ray Kroc, founder of
McDonald’s. There are several other films
that have already been the subject of anticipation, including Patient Zero with Matt
Smith on September 2, sequel Jack Reacher:
Never Go Back with Tom Cruise on October
21, a Jumanji remake on Christmas, and video game-to-film adaptation Assassin’s Creed
with Michael Fassbender on December 21.
Just like with Ben-Hur, classic 1960
western The Magnificent Seven, a remake of
Japan’s legendary Seven Samurai, will itself
receive a remake on September 23, sporting
a cast which includes Denzel Washington,
Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke, and Matt Bomer.
November will see several major releases, including the MCU’s Doctor
Strange on November 4, which will have
Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role,
along with Rachel McAdams, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Tilda Swinton. On November 18,
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,
directed by Yates and starring The Theory of
Everything’s Eddie Redmayne, is an adaptation of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter-spinoff
novel and will be hitting theatres that day.
The film Rogue One: A Star Wars
Story, while not part of the new Star Wars
sequel trilogy, is a spin-off from the franchise. The first “Han Solo Star Wars Anthology Film,” it will include popular character
Boba Fett and will be a prequel to Star Wars
Episode IV: A New Hope. Rogue One, set
for a December 15 release, will star Felicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Forest Whitaker,
and Hong Kong actor Donnie Yen.
Of course it can only be hoped that
a majority of these highly-anticipated films
also end up as highly-entertaining and wellmade films, but as history has proven to audiences around the globe, Hollywood can
keep remaking Fantastic 4, but it will take a
long time before they will actually be able to
achieve the near-impossible task of getting
people to like it.
These films, however, are sure to be
subjects of discussion once 2016 commences, regardless of whether they flop, cross the
one-billion-dollar line, or become cult classics as time goes on, or go on to win Academy Awards. It appears as though the year
will contain a plethora of film types; from superhero films to a Spielberg-led Roald Dahl
adaptation, and from sequels most people do
not realize the need for, to a shockingly high
number of classic-film reboots and remakes,
it appears as though 2016 will leave no kind
of film untouched.
December 2015
-- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
-- Scarlett FEVER
Out, Direct, and Fractal.
Twenty-year-old Brady Wiggins
goes by the artist name Fractal and produces drum-step, electro house mixes, and, of
course, chillstep. Along with producing his
own works and attaining a fan base, Fractal has also collaborated with other very
popular EDM artists such as Skrillex, Zeds
Dead, TokiMonster, Au5, and many more.
When most people think of dubstep, thoughts of grinding noises, loud wobbles, and over-the-top drops come to mind.
It should be noted, though, that dubstep as a
genre, is not limited to its more mainstream,
hard-core version. A much slower rendition
of dubstep, however, is known as chillstep.
Chillstep emphasizes atmosphere and melody, striving to achieve a relaxing atmospheric experience as listeners tune in. Throughout the song, the drops (periods of build-up
which are usually followed up by a bassdrop) are intended strictly for atmosphere
and not for adrenaline bursts. Chillstep takes
on a task of giving listeners an experience
that is not defined by harsh sounds, but rather a laid-back journey through a song.
As for the specs of the genre, it uses
the same BPM (beats per minute) as dubstep,
140-150 BPM, and utilizes soft synths and
half-time beats. The use of loud wobbles or
any sort of dissonance is typically avoided.
For these reasons, people who hate dubstep
can come to enjoy chillstep, as aside from a
name similarity, they can be quite different.
The origins of chillstep are not specifically
outlined, as it is with most EDM genres. Very often, a genre will start “underground” and out of the eyes of the mainstream; therefore, a genre can exist for a
considerably long period of time without exposure to the public. Though not set in stone,
it is thought that chillstep began its culmination in very close time-proximity of dubstep,
which was established around 1999-2000.
This would be a decade after the introduction and emphasis on chill-out, another electronic music genre, in clubbing culture. As
the name would suggest, chillstep is thought
to be a product of dubstep and chill-out, or
chill, being combined.
Chillstep has found success on
platforms such as YouTube, often found in
user-made mixes, created for the intention
of pure listening or background music. In
addition, many music labels such as Monstercat, Tasty Network, and YouTube-based
Mr. Suicide Sheep have utilized this genre
in response to its growing popularity. As
with any genre of electronic music that has
attained some sort of recognition, chillstep
has a variety of patrons, creating songs and
works of music in the genre. Some notable
artists include MitiS, Blackmill, Cross Them
Page 27
ments,” “Cosm,” “Voyage,” “Alone,” and
many more. He has often shared his songs
through Monstercat, UKF Dubstep, Tasty,
etc. His plans of continuing his career in music currently have no conclusion as he strives
to learn more about his art form.
Chillstep has influenced hundreds
of songs and has resulted in a plethora of
relaxing, melodic, and soothing renditions
Photo by Kyle Irvine
Fractal’s website features a variety of relaxing and atmospheric tracks available to listen to
As described on his website, his idea of listening to something that goes by an intentionally slow pace is to “close your eyes and
clear your mind.” Some of Fractal’s songs
that can be classified as chillstep are “Ele-
of songs, whether the song is a remix or an
original production. As new songs continue
to be released by aspiring artists, more listeners are tuning in to enjoy the soft beats
and out-of-world atmosphere.
An analystic breakdown of Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck
movies and documentaries have been made
about his troubled life. It is difficult to say
which of these films best portrays the life of
Cobain but Montage of Heck portrays Cobain’s life very effectively. This film, unlike
other similar films demonstrates the strug-
by very slowly. The pace is most likely because of the need for the director to leave his
mark on the film but the first hour is too slow
Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck
to keep most entertained for the time being.
is a documentary written and directed by
Another problem of this film is that some of
Brett Morgen. The film highlights the life of
the scenes go from being obnoxiously loud
grunge legend Kurt Donald Cobain from his
to extremely quiet alchildhood to his death and evmost instantly, leading
erything in between. The film
to confusion and frusanalyses the life of Cobain
tration for the viewers
by using many scenes from
of the film.
interviews, back stage foot
The name of this
age, never before seen clips,
documentary is very aprecorded audio, diary entries,
propriate for what this
and more. The film highlights
film delivers. The name
Cobain’s life from his very
“Montage of Heck” is
early days to the forming of
derived from an old
the grunge-rock band Nirmixtape that Cobain
vana. The film features intermade back in 1988.
views with important figures
The film really is just
in Cobain’s life. Members of
a montage of clips that
Cobain’s family make an apPhoto
were arranged by the
pearance in the film along with
Courtney Love, Dave Grohl, This is truly the documentary to see for all Cobain and Nirvana fans around the globe director to tell the story
of a legend’s life. One
Krist Novoselic, and Cobain’s
ex-girlfriend Tracey Marander. Those who gles that Cobain endures and shines light on aspect that would have made this film better would have been more frequent and lonimpacted Cobain’s life either made in ap- his rise to fame with the band Nirvana.
This film’s positive aspects out- ger interviews. The interviews in this film
pearance through an interview in which they discussed Cobain or they appeared through weigh the negatives for the most part, but the are quite short and longer interviews would
struggles that this film does have cannot be have helped better tell the story of Cobain’s
archived footage.
It has been twenty-one years since ignored. For one, the pacing of the film is not life. An interview with Grohl, lead singer
the passing of Cobain and in that time many great. The first hour of the film seems to go of the Foo Fighters and one of the former
By Kevin Leske
drummers of the band Nirvana was absent
which leads to unnecessary suspicion and
The effects used in this documentary get the job done and do as well as they can
as many of the scenes are over twenty years
old. The soundtrack consisted of Nirvana’s
songs and the overall presentation of the film
is not bad. The movie’s quality is nothing to
complain about and is able to leave a good
impression on the viewers.
As a Nirvana fan, this was a highly
anticipated film. Most documentaries and
films about celebrities have a tendency to
fall short on delivering a strong impact on
the viewer. This particular film does a good
job but still misses out on some key components that would make this movie perfect.
This film as opposed to others focuses on the
life of Cobain rather than his death or the
legacy that he left behind.
Overall this film is recommended
for fans of Cobain or Nirvana. Even if one
does not enjoy Nirvana’s music, they can
still be entertained and enjoy the story told
to them through this film. While this documentary does have its flaws, it still manages
to outperform many other films and manages
to hold its own. Of all of the Kurt Cobain
films, this is the one to see.
Page 28 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
Mockingjay – Part 2 concludes epic young adult franchise
Sophia Radford
In 2011, Suzanne Collin’s epic
dystopian novel, The Hunger Games, took
the world by storm. The bestselling trilogy,
which tells the story of a society that annually sends children off to compete in a fight to
the death, centres around Katniss Everdeen,
a heroine with the potential to end the corrupt
government. The series engrossed fans from
the beginning, offering a gory dystopia with
a strong female lead. The unique concept of
the first novel entranced readers, and the two
sequels cultivated a story that spoke to many
generations. In 2012, a movie adaptation of
the first book was released. The franchise
was quickly a sensation. The Hunger Games
grossed over $408 million at the box office.
Two sequels to the film were made with The
Hunger Games: Catching Fire grossing
over $424 million and The Hunger Games:
Mockingjay – Part 1 grossing over $337 million. Fans around the world experienced the
novels, and watched as each film garnered
new success. Over the three books and four
blockbuster films, fans have witnessed the
growth of Katniss Everdeen, from a teen
struggling to feed her family to a PTSD-burdened leader of a revolution.
A-list stars carry the franchise,
with Jennifer Lawrence in the main role
of Katniss Everdeen. Josh Hutcherson and
Liam Hemsworth complete the series’ lead
trio as Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne.
Elizabeth Banks, Woody Harrelson, Philip
Seymour Hoffman, and Donald Sutherland
are also a part of the supporting cast.
While Mockingjay – Part 2 grossed
the least of the franchise, the final installment in the Hunger Games franchise is a cinematic endeavour that does the long-running
franchise justice. Released on November 20,
2015, Mockingjay struggled to compete with
the pre-sale hype of Star Wars: The Force
Awakens. Still, the franchise is responsible
for catapulting one of Hollywood’s biggest
stars, and set a new standard for the young
adult genre. Many series since have drawn
on elements from The Hunger Games, and
the series proved to the industry that action
movies can be made with a female lead. It is
impossible to ignore the impact of The Hunger Games on pop-culture and society itself.
Fans of the novel were anxious to see the
events of the book brought to life, and the
Continued from page 25
of mirrors spun around them on the stage.
The crowd really enjoyed the performance,
as many were moving to the medium beat,
and singing along to the lyrics.
The music slowed as rapper Mackelmore took the stage alone at the microphone for the debut of his new song, “Kevin.” The backdrop started off as a cloudy
sky, then later revealed an orchestra. For
the bridge of the song, singer Ryan Lewis
took the stage, as everything was quiet for
the serious song about drug addiction. The
performance was strong, yet somber.
film is a rather solid adaptation of the novel. to portray the character of Peeta Mellark. tion sequences.
Iconic scenes from the book were reenacted In the final Hunger Games film, Hutcherson Despite the film’s blockbuster staalmost word-for-word on screen, and the ma- steals nearly every scene he is in, skillfully tus, the bones of the film are in the quiet
jority of devoted fans were satisfied with the portraying the broken, even self-loathing moments; scenes lacking massive special efmovie. Director Francis Lawrence stressed character that audiences cannot help but fects or huge battle sequences. Moments like
that the accuracy of book-to-movie was im- sympathize with. The character, having these are where the emotion comes from,
portant to him, and that becomes clear when been brainwashed by the President’s forces, and this film is definitely the most upsetting
watching the film. At the start of almost ev- wrestles with his inner demons, trying to de- of the franchise. Haunting sequences of grief
ery scene, fans of the book could identify cipher what is real and what is a result of and death – often dominated by Lawrence
what was about to occur before any of the the “hijacking” of his memories. This leads – are tearjerkers, and some scenes induce
action started.
full-fledged sobbing.
The film, how Audiences will leave the
ever, was still
film with emotions running
high. Mockingjay – Part 2 confresh; the adaptains troubling scenes that take
tation was not
the viewers on a whirlwind of
identical to the
book to the point
The film is obviously a
where fans were
character-driven movie. The
plot can drag along at times,
changes make
and it is the complex fates of
the plot clearer,
the characters that keep auand fans of the
diences enthralled. Once the
book will not be
film kicks into gear, the action
Mocksequences are fast-paced and
ingjay – Part 2
non-stop, but the uneventful
is certainly the
moments really drag.
darkest of the
For some of the film’s fifranchise;
nal moments, viewers are left
film touches on
with a knot in their guts, unsure
Photo by Sophia Radford
massive themes The final film in The Hunger Games series is based off of the third novel by Suzanne Collins whether or not the film will
of war and
provide closure. The closing
death. The characters question what is mor- to devastating scenes between Lawrence and scene, however, does give viewers closure,
ally excusable during their wartime efforts, Hutcherson. The interactions between the giving them a peek into the fates of most of
and Katniss wrestles with her obvious post- deranged, and often violent Peeta, and the the characters, and resolving the series on a
trauamtic stress disorder. At one point, two shell-shocked heroine are complex and sor- melancholy note. Those invested in the secharacters debate whether it is morally right rowful. Lawrence and Hutcherson manage ries will certainly leave the theatre in tears,
to bomb a base filled with enemy troops and to craft such complicated characters, and the and the more casual moviegoers will be
civilians. These moral debates are frequent scenes between them are far too scarce. Har- mostly satisfied with the conclusion.
in the film, stressing that while almost every relson’s scenes provide familiarity in a rath- Overall, the final installment in the
character has killed someone, murder is nev- er unfamiliar landscape; he throws loosely- Hunger Games franchise is a grim concluer easy to do. It is apparent that the events of veiled insults and funny one-liners that align sion that will leave audiences in an almost
war and the Hunger Games take a toll on all with his character from the first three films. shell-shocked state. It is an adaptation that
of the characters. At one point, the film gets In this installment, however, Harrelson de- holds true to the book and offers emotionvery political, and it could be said that it is velops a new dimension to the character. In ally harrowing scenes of large impact. The
the most thought-provoking of the series.
a simpler scene, the character of Haymitch heavy themes conclude the twisted concept
Jennifer Lawrence shines once displays a softer side, and while relaying of the series. It is no surprise that this film is
again as she brings Katniss to life in a way news of a tragedy his voice actually breaks; so dark; in a world where children are sent
that possibly no one else would be capable it is a depth to this character that the other to kill each other for entertainment, anyof doing. Shifting instantly from moments movies do not develop, and it was nice to see thing goes. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay
of almost numb apathy to torrents of ago- that briefly explored. The ensemble cast cre- – Part 2 is a must-see for fans of the novny, the actress captures the heroine’s tragic ates dynamic characters, and even those that els, but be warned: its dark themes and raw
arc. Hutcherson proves his acting capabil- appear in limited scenes feel like real people. performances cast a heavier, grimmer mood
ity again; it seems that since he was cast, The acting is to be commended, as well as than typical of a young adult franchise.
fans constantly underestimated his ability the spectacular special effects and large ac
For the twentieth anniversary
of the song “You Oughta Know,” singer
Alanis Morissette shared the stage with
Demi Lovato for a duet rendition of the
song. The two singers voices melded
together in perfect harmony and was a great
Celine Dion moved the crowd with
her voice as she sang “Hymne à L’Amour”
in support of the Paris terrorist attacks.
With her French-Canadian background, the
French song came naturally to her, and was
sung beautifully so everyone in the crowd
was touched by her show.
Harrison Ford took the stage to
introduce the popular Acapella group, Pentatonix, as they sang the Star Wars score.
Pentatonix wore very elaborate costumes
made to look like they stepped right out of
Star Wars and onto the stage. The start of t
heir performance was complimented with a
short clip from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which comes out in theatres December
18, 2015. Halfway through the show, the
singers were joined by a large orchestra
while the screens displayed images from all
of the past Star Wars films.
Starting off acoustically, Justin
Bieber performed a rendition of his song
“What Do You Mean?” About mid-song, he
switched into a full performance of “Where
Are U Now,” with a large dance number at
the end of that song. Once that part ended,
the stage went dark, and rain fell from the
ceiling. Once the rain started to fall, the
music began to play once more for the final
song of the night, “Sorry.”
All of the performances were excellent; the audience seemed to have had a
great time. The night ended with MC Jennifer Lopez thanking everyone for getting
her to where she is. After all of the amazing
performances, Lopez ended the night with a
graceful goodbye.
December 2015
ENTERTAINMENT -- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
resembling the sound of bands
such as Blink 182, Green Day,
and Joy Division. The band focuses more on their lyrics rather
than improving their raw vocals
and amateur home recording
system. Contrary to the usual
route bands take when releasing
work, Life Story Piracy released
The Struggle before starting to
tour and play shows. The current
future date for the band to start
playing concerts will begin in
The new band Oranj Sun
released their debut single “Psycho Disco
Face,” on November 27. Since the band
consists of four members that each have
their own preference of alternative music,
the sounds of different subgenres creates
Page 29
of other songs, one of which was released in
early October named “Best Friend,” featuring Youngs Teflon, originally by the artist
Young Thug. Despite the cheesy lyrics of
their debut, artists such as Drake have expressed that they enjoy what WSTRN has
brought to the music industry so far and the
impression is that the band will become more
popular in 2016. Their music resembles that
of The Fugees and Fetty Wap, and the band
has already been featured on radio stations
1Xtra and Kiss FM. WSTRN consists of
band members and cousins Akelle Charles
and Haille, and their friend Louis Rei.
The first new addition to the band Viola Beach, a new band also
The Japanese House released two
scene is Keep Up, a group that has decided originating in England, released their debut
alternative EPs within two weeks of each
to restart their music career after two pre- single “Swings & Waterslides,” on August
other: Pools to Bathe In on October 23 and
vious failed attempts. Originally known as 28, but have recently received help from
Clean on November 4 to iTunes. The voice
The Cheek, then as The Kabeedies, Keep up producer Ian Grimble, who worked with
behind the solo project is 19-year-old Amber
is heading in a new direction of band aes- Catfish & The Bottlemen, Bear’s Den, and
Bain, who recorded and produced the tracks
thetic, sound, and maalongside The 1975 band
turity. The band delves
members George Daniel
into the world of indie
and Matthew Healy. The
dream pop with postsongs Bain has made expunk elements and
periment with various
vocals influenced by
sounds to create a distinct
80s singers. With the
resonance of indie elecprevious
tropop, which is achieved
the group has had in
in her EP albums through
the industry, the sound
the use of many layers
they have developed
of melodies drenched in
reflects the variation
synth effects. The singer’s
and evolution of the
voice is slightly androgyband’s older work in
nous, which was Bain’s
comparison to the new
desired effect so that lissongs of Keep Up. The
teners would focus on
Kabeedies were more
the music more than who
focused on an upbeat
the person was behind
indie rock style. Not
the voice. The Japanese
only because the group
House is currently touring
wished to develop their
in the UK.
style did they reform
into Keep Up, but they
Daniel Caesar released
also wished to rid of
his first soul LP album,
the previous expectaPilgrim’s Paradise, on
tions of their previous
November 12. His songs
bands. On November 5,
experiment with a slight
the band released their
gospel ambience and the
debut single, “Fear.”
lyrics continuously adThis song reflects how
dress religion due to Caethe group has matured
sar’s intensely religious
in their music style by
upbringing. He had origiincreasing how direct
nally released his debut
the meaning of the lyrlast year, an EP album
ics came across to liscalled Praise Break. Caeteners, so the track had
sar’s albums reference
more purpose.
Photo and art by Grace Stone themes of unrequited love
Alex, An artistic rendition of the new band Viola Beach, who produced their debut indie pop single “Swings & Waterslides” with Ian Grimble and finding oneself, while
another addition to the
the music is influenced
music world, recently gained more popular- Mumford & Sons, to release a few more sin- a unique mix of folk, krautrock, punk, and and inspired by classic movies and records,
ity by winning the top prize at the Mersey- gles in the near future. Their sound has less soul. Some of the influence Oranj Sun has in such as the film Casablanca and Pink Floyd’s
rail Sound Station Festival on November 21, acoustic ambience than the bands Grimble their music includes Tame Impala, The Vel- album The Dark Side of the Moon.
and was awarded a professional manage- has worked with in the past. They focus on vets, Elliot Smith, The Clash, and Future Is- Even though this month there were
ment crew and studio recording time. As classic indie pop music. Also in the near fu- lands. “Psycho Disco Face,” is produced by not many new artists, or information about
a 20-year-old singer/songwriter from Liv- ture for Viola Beach is the tour in February Edge Hill’s Recordings alongside producers the musicians that released their debuts reerpool, Alex dives into a genre that mixes with Blossoms and The Vryll Society.
Carl Hunter and Chris Taylor. In the new cently, next month avid music listeners
the influence of jazz and R&B. She began Duo Life Story Piracy released year, Oranj Sun hopes to play more shows can look forward to new releases by artists
her career making covers of different songs, their debut EP, The Struggle, in mid Octo- and tracks and wishes to continue starring in of various genres. To find more musicians
such as “Apple Tree,” by Erykah Badu and ber free of charge. Members Neil Bothamley a few of the BBC Introducing Shows.
that have recently published their tracks or
“Roar,” by Katy Perry. She has made demos and Carl Riley claimed that they released WSTRN has increased in popu- new news about the music business, webof original songs such as “Liar Liar,” and the EP free so that their opinions on various larity after they released their debut song sites such as,,
“Three Little Words,” but has not released subjects could be heard widespread, as it is “In2,” on October 3, which topped the UK,, and have
any songs. In March she will release her in a very popular medium. Life Story Pira- music charts as the fourth most listened to many articles and reviews on upcoming artworks with producer James Mellor.
cy’s opinions are submerged in garage rock, pop R&B single. They began making covers ists.
Page 30 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
The Night Before is the Christmas film to see this year
By Kevin Leske
Disclaimer: This movie is rated R
The Night Before is a
Christmas comedy film directed
and written by Jonathan Levine.
The film stars Seth Rogen as Isaac
Greenberg, Joseph Gordon Levitt as Ethan Miller, and Anthony
Mackie as Chris Roberts. The
film’s storyline is simple: three
best friends make a pact to spend
every Christmas together after
Ethan lost his parents tragically on
Christmas Eve. In the film, Chris
is now famous and Isaac is a soonto-be father, which leads to the trio
wanting to get together one last
time for Christmas Eve, and look
for the Holy Grail of all Christmas
parties: the Nutcracker Ball.
For the most part, the
film has more positive than negative aspects. One of this film’s biggest flaws is the lack of chemistry
between the lead characters. Al-
though most of the acting is quite
humorous, there is a defined lack
of chemistry between the lead
could have been better executed
for its genre. Despite the casting,
it is not too difficult to get past
Photo by Kevin Leske
The Night Before will be a holiday season classic for years to come
characters. This lack of chemistry
is noticeable and at times leads to
awkward and rather cringe-worthy
scenes. The casting of the film
the chemistry issue. As far as acting goes, Rogen is in full comedic
form and many times carries the
film along with his uproarious co-
medic acts. While Levitt appears
out of place at times, he has many
memorable scenes that more than
make up for it. Mackie presents
good comic flair throughout the
film and offers many great scenes
that leave the viewers in tears.
The comedy that is to be
expected in this film is on par with
every other film featuring Rogen.
The humour is crude and is littered
with pop-culture and drug references, and no shortage of curse
words. One thing this film has
though is heart which seems to be
missing in far too many films today. Overall, the film’s comedy is
effective as nearly every joke lands
and a majority of people will find
themselves laughing at new heights
throughout the film. Even in some
of the more sentimental scenes,
there is a joke waiting around the
corner to lighten the mood. In the
film, a romantic element is also
present but is most certainly not
overdone, nor is it too overwhelm-
The Night Before is a
movie that will have a strong appeal to many viewers. Many will
find themselves relating to some
of the scenes and overall message
in this film. The idea that a few
friends just want to get together for
one last good time is understandable. The whole film is quite relatable to groups of friends and is a
great film to see with such friends.
While this film most certainly has
its flaws, its positives are much
greater and make this film very enjoyable.
Overall, The Night Before is a very funny, lighthearted
film that is highly recommended.
This film is guaranteed to make
the viewer laugh, regardless of
their comedic preferences as there
is something for everybody. If it
holds the test of time, The Night
Before could become a true holiday classic.
The Walking Dead season six eats its way to the top
By Kevin Wright
As the sixth season of
The Walking Dead comes to an
end, it is important to recognize its
achievements. The Walking Dead
premiered on AMC in 2010; since
then it has had a cult following of
obsessive viewers. The show is
based on the critically-acclaimed,
Robert Kirkman comic-book series which started in 2003. While
the show is based on the comic
book, the plot has taken a different path. In the five years the show
has been on, it has received several People’s Choice Awards and
one Emmy. The comic book has
spawned two TV shows, multiple
spin-offs and several award-winning video games. The first issue of
The Walking Dead debuted in 2003
and one comic book had a record
sale of $11,000 because of its low
print-run. It is the most expensive
modern comic book. The comic
book continues to be published and
is very popular.
The first and second season sky-rocketed in viewer numbers and continues to increase in
viewers. Recently, the plot and
story arch have picked up speed
and seems to be catching up to
the comic book. Currently it is the
third-highest-viewed cable show
on TV and the season six premiere
received over 20 million views.
The script is well-written because
it shows that ultimately The Walking Dead is not about zombies, it
is about people. The characters are
people who were all forced to live
together. They are diverse people
who have to work together to
survive against brain-dead, flesheating monsters
who they might
friends in a time
not so long before. Viewers
grow such a
close connection to the characters and there
are so many
different socioeconomic, gender types, and
that viewers can
connect to.
In the
final scene in
season six, there
was a mention of a man
named Negan.
book nerds are
this, and others The Walking Dead
and curious. Jeffrey Dean-Morgan
was recently cast as Negan. Even
the name Negan seems to emanate
evil, which is fitting, seeing as he is
the new villain. There was recently
leaked footage of Morgan (Negan)
swinging a baseball bat, which he
calls Lucille. The episode in which
Negan is revealed will probably be
his death seemed like a cheap and
pointless thing to do. Even though
many would rather see Glenn alive
then dead, this seemed very pointless.
While the comic
book has not finished,
the TV show is starting to catch up. Kirkman does not have an
ending planned but he
did base it on the classic zombie movie plot,
where there are only
one or two people left
because they were unable to stop the zombies, but just continue
to live. No matter how
the show ends, fans
will be upset. There
is no such thing as a
good ending for fans
in a genre such as this.
The Walking Dead has
been and will continue
to be popular. Its suspense puts viewers
on their feet and the
action is full throttle.
Photo by Kevin Wright
The show gives some
Issue 100, the first appearance of upcoming villian Negan, who will debut on AMC in 2016
For those who have not After that episode aired fans were viewers a knowledge advantage
seen the show there are major shocked and disappointed that cre- in a Game of Thrones fashion. It
spoilers ahead. One of the most ators would give such an unfitting seems unlikely that a small group
shocking parts of this season in- death to such a prime character. As of hundreds would be able to kill
volved the character Glenn. One the dust and ash settled, fans, and a planet of zombies, so the ending
of the most beloved characters was critics and writers found it unlikely seems very ambiguous and open to
devoured mid-show in a dead-end, that he was gone, spurring many debate.
and his fate was not revealed until Internet conversations and fan thethe second-last episode. With cre- ories of how he survived. Faking
the highest-viewed episode of The
Walking Dead seeing as he is the
worst villain the group has had to
ative angles it seemed like Glenn
was devoured but he survived. In
the past, writers have the black,
twisted hearts to kill fan favourites.
December 2015
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
-- Scarlett FEVER
Page 31
The scoop on Little Mix’s Brand new album Get Weird
By Riannon Laarz
British pop girl band Little Mix recently released their new album, Get Weird,
on November 6, 2015. This is their third
album since their formation on the popular
singing competition X-Factor U.K. The album has a whole new sound, different from
what fans are used to hearing from them.
Little Mix released their first single
from Get Weird, “Black Magic” in May. The
song has a dance pop sound throughout the
whole three minutes and thirty-one seconds.
The rhythm is influenced by the dance music
of the 1980s. The tempo of the song is quick
with 122 beats per minute and is composed
in the key of E major, with the vocal range
being in G3 to C5. The band mentioned that
the message of the song is “basically that we
are the girls with the secret potion and we’re
going to give it to all the other girls that want
to get the man they want to get.” As well “it
[the potion] is a metaphor for having confidence to get your man,” added bandmate
Pinnock. The song debuted in Australia at
twenty-five, and in the UK went to number
one and stayed there for three consecutive
weeks. The single debuted at number ninetynine on the US Billboard Hot 100 the week
of August 29, 2015, becoming the group’s
first entry on the chart since “Wings.” During
the second week on the Hot 100 it climbed
up to sixty-eight, achieving a new peak of
sixty-seven in the third week on the Hot 100,
becoming the group’s highest charting US
single to date.
The band released their second
single “Love Me Like You,” on September
25, which has a 50s dance sound, using lyrics like “Sha-la-la-la.” The song is catchy,
leaving listeners singing it all the time. The
single was only available as a single album
in the UK, New Zealand, and Australia featuring an exclusive track from the third album, “Lightning.” T
“Weird People” is the next song off
the album and it has a very funky, techno
beat with some low voices during the verse.
The lyrics are fun, upbeat, and catchy, reminiscent of a disco tune. It has self-empowering lyrics, saying that one should not let other people get them down. The next song is
“Secret Love Song,” which features singer/
songwriter Jason Derulo. It is a slower ballad, with a bit of a faster chorus. It is a very
captivating song with the lyrics, pulling at
the listener’s hearts strings.
The next song will make one flip
their hair. “Hair” is one of the most popular songs off the album aside from “Black
Magic” and “Love Me Like You.” The peppy, upbeat tune with the catchy lyrics brings
listeners to their feet dancing and flipping
their hair. Many listeners would say this is
the best song on the album. This song makes
one excited to listen, saying that one is better
off without a guy. “Grown” is next on the
album and has a sixties beat with a bit of a
modern twist so listeners do not feel like it is
too old school. It is a fetching song because
of the beat of the music and the lyrics. It has
a very strong voice with good dynamics.
The next track is the slower song, “I
Love You.” One of the singers shows good
jumps from lower to higher and is able to
showcase her great range of her voice. The
song also has nice harmony from the girls.
The song is able to connect with the listeners. “OMG” has an enticing beat that keeps
one interested in listening more. The song
reminds listeners of Britney Spears, “Oops.
I Did It Again,” during the chorus. The singers show good attitude and good harmony,
they are really in sync to sound as if they are
singing as one. It is a simple beat, but has
complex sounds.
“Lightning,” begins with rain
sounds, and is slower at the beginning but
picks up during the chorus. It has the sound
of classical music, differing from what they
have been doing. They have really good
lines, pushing on a word and drifting off.
The chorus is very catchy, giving listeners a great beat drop to their more original
techno sound. The song has an interesting
sound, bringing it up to a techno sound then
right back down to a raw sound. “Lighting”
can be said to be one of their top hits of the
album. The bridge drops down to a newer
Photo By Riannon Laarz
sound, which has not been heard from Little
stores like HMV
Mix before. It has a classic dark choir
sound building it back up to the faster
and intense chorus.
“A.D.I.D.A.S” has a more
laid-back sound coming after such
an intense song as “Lightning.” It has
very different beat; it has a more steserious about your success
reotypical girl band sound than what
one would expect. It is a harder song
to analyze and critique.
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ing more of the voices than their
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shortest song of the album at two min@ChinookLearning
utes and twelve seconds. It’s titled
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out of the album. “I Won’t” is another
fast, fun old-school tune with a splash
of modern on the tempo switch. It is
a very fun and catchy song, making
one want to dance and sing the lyrics. The song has great harmony, and
they do use the same tempo and notes
but have a mix of dynamics to make
it less boring for the listener.
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Continued on page 38
Page 32 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
Possible contenders at the 88th Academy Awards: predicting which films will receive Oscar Best Picture nominations
a nomination will not be possible.
14. Son of Saul - It is very rare for
On February 28, Chris Rock is set
foreign films to receive Best Picture nods;
to host the 88th Academy Awards ceremony,
the last time it happened was for Amour,
which will honour the best films of 2015.
from France, when the films of 2012 were
On January 15, the nominees for the varibeing honoured, which on its own signifious categories will be announced; however,
cantly reduces Son of Saul’s chances. Howit is possible to predict which will achieve
ever, this Hungarian film has garnered an ina nomination within the category of Best
credibly positive reception, and many critics
Picture—the most esteemed honour for any
believe that it has the potential to break into
film within Hollywood. Of course, as it is
the Best Picture nominations in addition to
with the Oscars, there is a certain pattern to
almost certainly winning Best Foreign Film.
the types of films that are the most likely to
13. The Danish Girl - Up until the
achieve nominations. Films that are created
film was released at the Toronto Internain such fashion are said to be “Oscar bait.”
tional Film Festival (TIFF), the idea that this
A study out of the University of
film would not manage to achieve a nominaCalifornia—Los Angeles which worked to
tion seemed ludicrously unlikely. The film
mathematically calculate the “Oscar bait”
sounds like a complete shoe-in: a period
nature of any given film found that period
drama about transgender issues, directed
dramas, biopics, dramas, tragedies, stories
by Academy-favourite Tom Hooper, starabout hardship, and movies about touchy
ring Eddie Redmayne, who won Best Actor
topics tend to do the best. Generally speakin 2015 for his role as Stephen Hawking in
ing, there is also usually an inverse correlaThe Theory of Everything. Everything about
tion between how “baity” a film is and how
the film screams “Oscar!” However, when it
it is received by the public. As such, blockwas actually released, critics and the public
buster films in genres like action, fantasy,
were disappointed. The film has lost most of
science-fiction, commercial comedy, animaits Best Picture potential since, though it is
tion, and superhero films rarely tend to be
likely to make an impact in other categories.
nominated. For instance, this year’s ConcusDespite this, the Oscar-baity nature of the
sion, starring Will Smith, rings Oscar just
film ensures that The Danish Girl is not enfrom the sombre subject matter that the name
tirely ruled out, and it should be advised to
implies. That being said, current frontrunner
watch out for Eddie Redmayne in the Best
Spotlight has proven to be popular with both
Actor race.
critics and the public, and contenders such
12. Beasts of No Nation - An origias The Martian and Inside Out are examples
nal production from Netflix, this was their
of films that break this pattern, having been
gamble in the big race after already mancommercially-oriented films and popular
aging to achieve Golden Globe and Emmy
with critics.
nominations for their television programs.
With this in mind, the uncertain
Beasts was Netflix’s chance to parallel such
task of predicting can commence; in addisuccess at the Oscars. Starring well-known
tion to the ten most likely choices, six other
actor Idris Elba and newcomer teen Abrapossibilities and three potential dark horses
ham Attah, the film is a drama about child
will be included for a ranking of the nineteen
soldiers and war in Ghana. Strong competimost probable nominees.
tion may mean that Netflix’s dream will not
Dark Horses: While names like
be fulfilled, but much like with The Danish
Love and Mercy,
Girl, it cannot be ruled out entirely.
Macbeth, The Big
11. Carol - Having competed with
Short, In the Heart
Sicario for the Palme d’Or, Carol may
of the Sea, Trumbo,
not be in the top ten, but it has disand Straight Outta
played as strong a chance of achievCompton have been
ing a nomination as many of the films
proposed, it is likeabove it. Starring Oscar-favourite Cate
ly that some will be
Blanchett as well as Rooney Mara, the
“straight outta confilm is about an affair between the two
tention” due to the
characters in 1950s Manhattan. Carol
strength of these
has mostly garnered highly-positive
other films, though
reviews. With such Oscar-friendly subsome rallied at the
ject matter and constant repetition of
Golden Globes. Rethe descriptor beautiful from critics,
gardless of Concusthis is certainly one to keep an eye on.
sion’s name, it too
Likely Nominees: Moving into the
is a more unlikely
top ten, there is a very strong race to
candidate in the
join last year’s Birdman and the likes
Photo by Ishaan Sahai
Since 1929, over 2,700 Oscar statuettes have been handed out, including to filmmaker of Francis Ford Coppola’s The God
19. Suffather Part II, Victor Fleming’s Gone
Francis Ford Copolla, the man behind the iconic Godfather film trilogy
fragette - Based
With the Wind, and Michael Curtiz’s
off of the historical feminist movement of replicate that success at least in the form of a Casablanca. While it is likely that all may be
the same name in the United Kingdom, this nomination. Much like in the case of Sicario, nominated, the actual number of nominees is
dramatization could have garnered a nomi- however, strong competition may mean that based off of complex calculations; there may
By Ishaan Sahai
nation, but the only above-average critical
reception will almost certainly rule out a nod
given its stiff competition. That being said,
the film features Meryl Streep. The Academy loves Streep. Streep could be in Transformers and the film would end up on Oscar
predictions lists.
18. Star Wars Episode VII: The
Force Awakens - Given the nature of the
film, this may be rather unlikely. However,
if the film proves to be of exceptional quality, it may join the original Star Wars in
managing a nomination.
17. Mad Max: Fury Road - Much
like the films in the franchise that came before it, the action-heavy dystopian sciencefiction movie managed to be very popular
with critics, garnering a 98% approval rating
on Rotten Tomatoes. However, the content
of the film will likely mean bowing down to
the paradigm of which films tend to be nominated.
Other Possibilities: These films
subjectively do not have as much of chance
of achieving a nomination as the top ten, but
they maintain strength and could easily upset the list.
16. Sicario - Starring Emily Blunt,
the film on the Mexican drug trade has been
rather positively received and was in contention for the Palme d’Or at the 2015 Cannes
Film Festival. The only factor keeping the
film out of serious contention would be the
strength of the films above it on this list.
15. Creed - Thought to be little
more that a potential dark horse prior to its
November premiere, Oscar expectations for
Creed shot much further up after its release.
A continuation of the Rocky series of boxing
films following a gap of nine years, Creed
features Michael B. Jordan as the son of
original character Apollo Creed, while Sylvester Stallone returns as Rocky Balboa. The
original Rocky, released in 1976, won Best
Picture, and it is possible that Creed may
be between five and ten contenders based on
the allocation of votes in the alternativevote system the Academy uses to choose the
10. Brooklyn - An independent period drama, Brooklyn is about the romance
between an Irish immigrant and an Italian
plumber in the New York of the 1950s. This
film presents a rather striking parallel to ­­, but
the film’s somewhat larger base of support
means that Brooklyn might have the edge.
With an astoundingly-rare 100% current
top-critics approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the film has been described as one that
garners strong love out of anyone who has
seen it. Perhaps even deserving a higher position, this film will almost certainly manage
to do well during Awards Season.
9. The Hateful Eight - Following
two romances and five dramas is a film by
Quentin Tarantino, a popular director known
for ultra-violent and ultra-mature films. His
eighth film seems to be no different. While
Tarantino-esque films do not seem to be
traditional Oscar bait on the surface, he has
managed three Best Picture nominations in
the past: Pulp Fiction, (thought to be one
of the best films of all time,) Inglourious
Basterds, and Django Unchained. His films,
particularly Pulp Fiction, are typically described as highly influential in cinema in
general and are often seen to be, “movies
subtly about movies.” Set to star frequent
collaborator Samuel L. Jackson, the film is
yet to be re­­­leased. If reception to the film is
positive, it could very well garner an Oscar
8. Room - A Canadian-Irish bookto-film adaptation, Room has certainly made
positive impressions since its release at
TIFF. Starring Brie Larson, it has been noted
for its execution of the themes of the novel
from which it has been adapted: in Room,
a young boy and his mother live in a small
room incorporating artificial structures that
resemble nature, but with no actual windows
or means of exiting. As the boy begins to
grow older, he begins to grow more curious
and skeptical of the surroundings in which
he is being held captive. Having won the
both the prophetic People’s Choice Award
at TIFF and widespread acclaim from critics,
Room is a highly likely nominee.
7. Joy - Directed by Academy favourite David O. Russell and starring frequent collaborator Jennifer Lawrence in the
eponymous lead role, the film is likely to receive the admiration of the Academy’s voters. Given that the film appears to be similar
to Russell’s previous films, awards seasons
predictions gurus have enough confidence to
predict a nomination in the big race. If Joy
is nominated, it will be Russell’s fourth Best
Picture nomination, joining The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook, and American Hustle.
6. Steve Jobs - On paper, biopic
Steve Jobs was a surefire nomination in the
Continued on page 33
December 2015
December’s Author of the Month
is debut author Gina Ciocca, the author of
the novel Last Year’s Mistake. Ciocca’s
novel is written in chapter alternating between the past and present, following the
main character Kelsey, who in the summer
before her freshman year befriends David.
The two become best friends but when a
misunderstanding on the night of the winter
dance causes her to become the school joke,
everything around her crumbles including
her friendship with David. When Kelsey’s
parents decide to move, Kelsey is ready to
leave the past behind her, but David is not
that ready to leave it behind him. Now it is
her senior year and Kelsey has new friends, a
new look, and a new boyfriend, but David’s
family has moved to the same town and old
feelings bubble to the surface and threaten
to destroy Kelsey’s second chance at happiness.
Ciocca graduated from the University of Connecticut with a degree in English.
Continued from page 32
Best Picture race. When it was actually released, however, despite a very strong critical reception, critics and the public have had
more mixed feelings than originally anticipated, which perhaps makes it less likely a
nomination than the films above it. Starring
Michael Fassbender as Jobs, Seth Rogen as
Steve Wozniak, as well as Kate Winslet,
Jeff Daniels, and more, the film was created
by the incredibly powerful duo of Danny
Boyle and Aaron Sorkin. Boyle is noted for
having directed the 2012 London Olympics
Opening Ceremony, Best Picture nominee
127 Hours, and Best Picture winner Slumdog Millionaire, in addition to Trainspotting, The Beach, and Millions. Sorkin is a
highly noted screenwriter, and Steve Jobs is
a rare case of a film’s writer being of equal
or higher reputation and fame than a film’s
director. Sorkin has also written A Few
Good Men, The Social Network, and Moneyball, all Best Picture nominees, and has
served as the showrunner and head writer of
the highly-acclaimed television shows The
West Wing and The Newsroom. With all this
in mind, Steve Jobs has a very good chance
of securing a nomination.
5. Inside Out - Pixar Animation
Studios has a reputation as the most critically-acclaimed film studio in the world;
their fifteen films have an average Rotten
Tomatoes critical approval rating of 90%,
their first eleven films have an average Rotten Tomatoes critical approval rating of
95%, and their first six films have an average rating of 97%, including two nearlyunprecedented 100%-rated films. These
-- Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
She lives in Georgia with her husband and
son. Gina is a member of the writing and
blogging group YA Misfits and can found
online at
The FEVER was able to interview
Ciocca about what got her started in writing,
tips for those budding authors, and more.
FEVER: What got you into writing in the
first place?
Ciocca: I’ve wanted to write novels since
second grade. I love books, I love the escape
they offer from real life, the way anything at
all can happen. I remember reading Bridge
to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson, and getting so lost in it that I actually forgot where I
was for a second after I closed the book. I’ve
always wanted to write something that other
people could fall in love with the way I’ve
fallen in love with so many different books.
FEVER: How do you come up with your
Ciocca: Kelsey, David, and Ryan came to
me in a dream before I ever knew the constatistics are astounding and incredibly rare,
and Pixar’s 15th film, Inside Out, managed
to achieve near-unanimous critical acclaim.
The studio has been known for producing
“creative, deep films for adults that kids
can watch too.” Inside Out was no exception, even prompting discussion amongst
psychologists for the highly unconventional
execution of its thematically-driven plot.
About anthropomorphic emotions controlling feelings from “headquarters” inside
of a brain, the film was placed at the top of
most predictions list immediately after its
June release. From director Pete Docter,
longtime Pixar collaborator and director of
Monsters, Inc. and Up, the film could join
Up and Toy Story 3 as Pixar films that managed Best Picture nods, though it is unlikely
to win. In reality, the only factor keeping
Inside Out from achieving a position higher
on this list is that it happens to be animation,
a type of film that the Academy generally
4. The Revenant - Coming out later
this year is The Revenant, a film by Alejandro González Iñárritu, the filmmaker behind
Birdman, winner of Best Picture for 2014.
While back-to-back Best Pictures have
never been won, The Revenant appears to
be an exceptionally strong contender for a
nomination in the race. Starring Leonardo
diCaprio in the role of real-life 19th century
Western frontiersman Hugh Glass, Glass is
robbed and left for dead in the wilderness
by his team following a vicious bear attack.
The film was, however, plagued with production problems; while most of the film
was shot in British Columbia and Alberta,
including Calgary, they were unable to film
Scarlett FEVER
Page 33
defense mechanism to keep feelings of inferiority at bay. Of course, back then, I didn’t
realize that was why I did it. I learned a lot
about myself in writing Kelsey’s story!
FEVER: What inspires your writing?
Ciocca: Anything and everything. Dreams,
personal experiences, stories I hear from
other people,[and] shows that I’ve watched.
I’m pretty sure that Clark and Lana from
Smallville are at least half the reason I ended
up writing YA romance. I still swoon just
thinking about the prom episode, and that
show has been off the air for years.
FEVER: Do you have any advice for young budding writers out
Ciocca: Yes, lots of advice. Do
your research--publishing professionals are always grateful when
people take the time to inform
themselves. Learn to take critique-it hurts, but it makes your work so
much stronger. And last, as cliche
as it sounds, KEEP TRYING. Authors face near-constant rejection,
even after they get published. But if
you’re not trying, you’re missing a
hundred percent of the shots you’re
not taking. Pick up a copy of Ciocca’s
debut novel Last Year’s Mistake
next time one is at the bookstore
Photo By Riannon Laarz
and be on the lookout for Busted.
Last Year’s Mistake can be found at Chapters bookstores
cept of Last Year’s Mistake. Other times, I
have the concept first, and build a character
to fit the story. It varies with each novel.
FEVER: What aspects, if any, in real life
are in your novel?
Ciocca: The town where Kelsey lives in
Connecticut is 100% based on the town
where I went to high school (also in Connecticut). And a lot of her experiences in
the “past” chapters mirror some of mine at
that age. For example, growing apart from
friends, being uncomfortable in your own
skin, and keeping people at arms’ length as a
the entire movie in Canada as Canada was
far too hot. While this may be a first, the resulting late release date of the film may limit
viewing by voters, which has proven to be
problematic in the past; last year’s nominee
and end-of-the-year release Selma was not
watched by over 10% of the voters. Regardless of all of this, The Revenant is a strong
competitor for the esteemed prize.
3. Bridge of Spies - A Cold War
drama starring Tom Hanks and directed by
Steven Spielberg means that Bridge of Spies
was a potential contender from the day
Spielberg first mentioned it. Spies will be
the fourth time Spielberg will have directed Hanks, following Saving Private Ryan,
a Best Picture nominee, Catch Me If You
Can, and The Terminal. Both Hanks and
Spielberg are Academy favourites; Hanks
has been nominated for Best Actor five
times and won twice for Philadelphia and
Forrest Gump, and Spielberg has been honoured with a Best Picture nomination eight
times, winning for Schindler’s List. Spielberg is, of course, possibly one of the most
well-known directors of all time, behind
films like Jaws, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,
Jurassic Park, the Indiana Jones series, Minority Report, and Close Encounters of the
Third Kind. The film’s writers, on the other
hand, include Ethan and Joel Coen, who
have also proven to be Academy favourites
in their own rights, behind films like Fargo.
The film was well-received and will almost
certainly be nominated, but it has been described as not having any unconventionality
or other factor to translate the nomination
into a win.
2. The Martian - Based off of the
bestselling novel by Andy Weir, this science-fiction thriller and black comedy has
an all-star cast led by Matt Damon, and is
directed by Ridley Scott, the man behind
Alien, Blade Runner, and Gladiator, a Best
Picture winner. The plot, which involves a
man stranded on Mars in the near future,
does not seem like typical Oscar material. However, given a very strong reception from critics and audiences alike, and a
Golden Globe nomination to boot, prediction gurus have deemed The Martian to be
very likely to garner a nomination.
1. Spotlight If there is one film
that has already been predicted to possibly
win rather than simply get nominated, then
it is Spotlight. Directed by Thomas McCarthy with a cast that includes Mark Ruffalo,
Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Liev
Schreiber, and Stanley Tucci, the film is a
dramatized account of the unveiling of the
Catholic Church’s child sexual abuse scandal by The Boston Globe. Many are already
calling Spotlight one of the greatest investigative journalism movies of all time, and
while a statement as grandiose as that may
be premature, the film’s incredibly strong
initial reception has placed it at the top of
nearly every professional Best Picture predictions list. It would be senseless for it not
to top this one. Very likely to continue the
11-year streak of films released within the
first ten months of the year or the first week
of November to win, Spotlight is certainly
one to watch, although not to see whether or
not the film is nominated, but rather whether
or not the film joins the 87 Best Picture winners before it.
Page 34 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
A track-by-track review of One
Netflix’s Master of
Direction’s Made In The A.M. None worth watching
draws similarities to the group’s
previous track, “Girl Almighty”,
on their last album, FOUR.
Since their creation on the
“What a Feeling” is a
UK version of the reality singing
bit of a throwback tune to the 80s
show, The X Factor, British-Irish
with its’ Fleetwood Mac soundgroup, One Direction have hit
ing string arrangements. It is
many milestones, including windefinitely one of the highlights
ning an American Music Award,
of the album with a mellow feel.
4 Brit Awards, and countless other
Despite the weepy name
accolades. On November 13, 2015,
and tune of the song, “Love You
One Direction hit another landGoodbye” has lyrics that are nothmark, as they released their fifthing short of amusing. It is emotionstudio album entitled, Made In The
al, but only to a point, once listeners
A.M, to the joy of fans worldwide.
hear the title in the contents of the
The album is suspected
song, things become much more
to be the final one, before the
interesting. “I Want to Write You a
Song,” is a
hiatus, in early 2016
simple song
and is also their first
with a simalbum since the deparple tune, but
ture of member, Zayn
it is the lyrMalik in March. The
ics that hit
remaining four memthe homerun
bers include, 21-yearhere. The
old, Harry Styles,
song paints
Tomlinson, 22-yearpicture of
their deepand the group’s sole
22-year“H is tory,”
Photo edited by Wenonah North Peigan
It is safe to say that
a sort of
Made In The A.M is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants Lancers to buy Made In The A.M. ‘ t h a n k
in direct contention for the teeny ment is the best part of the song, you’ to fans who have stuck by
bopper’s affections with Justin but is still not up to standards. the group for the last five years.
Bieber’s new album, Purpose, as Following, “Infinity”, “End of the It is reminiscent of the time they
they were released on the same Day” starts strong with a verse (the group and the fans) have
day. Bieber has definitely bested that paints a picture, however, shared together. “Walking in the
One Direction on production of where it suffers is the anthem-like Wind” is a track that serves as a
the songs, but it is nowhere near chorus. According to Bunetta, the reminder that although the group
as emotional, as Made In The conception of this song was a year does have an upcoming hiatus,
A.M, which acts as One Direc- ago, and the group had just added that they will not be far. While
tion’s parting gift for their loyal on as time went on. This state- the lyrics are a tad mediocre, the
fans before their temporary break, ment is easy to believe due to the message is the important part
“Temporary Fix,” is one
which is hopefully, actually a tem- choppy nature of the song with its porary one as life is hard enough great verses, and lacklustre chorus. of the only party-pumping tunes
“If I Could Fly” is a bal- on the album that fans can hear the
already. The deluxe version of the album is composed of thir- lad that delivers where the album’s group let loose and have fun. With
teen songs, nineteen of which the other tearjerker song, “Infinity” its enchanting arrangement, lismembers hold a writing credit for. fails. It is the emotional power- teners are invited to have fun too.
”Hey Angel,” the album- ballad that this album deserves. While “Wolves” is a fun song, it
opener, penned by frequent One With lyrics that paint a stunning is not a memorable one. It sounds
Direction collaborator, Julian picture, it is a must-listen. “Long like the type of song that was made
Bennetta, is definitely not the al- Way Down,” is the type of emo- by a boy band sitting around the
bum’s high point or next single tional love-stricken ballad that campfire, “A.M.” would be the
material, but it is a strong opener. fans would expect from a boy band one. This song deserved to be on
It is the perfect song for day- such as this one. It is emotional at the regular album, as opposed
dreams in the middle of the day. times, but merely scratches the sur- to just the deluxe, due to its’ raw
“Drag Me Down,” the first single face of what could be a great song. and
of the album, released in August “Never Enough,” is a track would Made In The A.M is
of this year is the perfect song be great competition for the worst proof that the group has evolved
for pumping up the party, and track on the album. With its’ dis- from the manufactured beginis proof that the band, even one appointing chorus, this could eas- nings as reality show losers, into
member short, is able to gener- ily be found on a computer folder a full-fledged band with their own
ate hits. Although it was released called, “Rejected Disney Songs.” unique sound. One Direction’s
as the first taste of the album for With a catchy chorus, that in- swan song, Made In The A.M is
fans, it is definitely not represen- volves a bit of a play-on words, now available to be streamed or
tative of the album as a whole. “Olivia” is playful tune that purchased in stores and online.
By Sarah Barnes &
Wenonah North Peigan
“Perfect,” the second
single, is being referred to as the
‘Taylor Swift diss track,’ due to
a specific lyric, sung by Styles.
Fans have also noticed similarities between this track and Swift’s
own hit, “Style.” The song itself,
however, while controversial, is
also a song the album could have
gone without. It is not bad by
any means, but is definitely not
the first-choice song to listen to.
Speaking of songs that hit below
the mark, “Inifinity” is a track that
is meant to hit home as a sweeping ballad, but falls short due to
cliché-ridden lyrics. The arrange-
By Aaron Schmidtke
On November 6, 2015,
Aziz Ansari’s new show, Master
of None, was released on Netflix as a Netflix Original Series,
which is quite the prestigious
honour. Like all shows on Netflix, all the episodes are released
at once when the show drops, and
like all shows on Netflix, they are
extremely easy to binge watch.
The first season of Master of
None consists of ten episodes, all
of which are produced to fit in a
half-an-hour time slot. The show
stars the aforementioned Ansari,
along with former Saturday Night
Live cast member Noël Wells;
and Eric Wareheim from Tim and
Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job,
among others.
Ansari is undoubtedly
one of the most popular standup comedians at the moment, but
like every popular stand-up comedian or popular entertainer, he
has critics. Many believe Ansari’s
a number of different perspectives
on an episode-to-episode basis. It
is truly genius the way they make
a short, ten-episode season feel
like a full-length season as the audience experiences the highs and
lows of the life of Dev, a 32-yearold actor trying to make it in
New York City. The show can be
described as a mature romanticcomedy.
The show has been incredibly well-received on all sorts
of rating sites. The show currently
has a 91% rating on Metacritic,
and it received an unbelievable
approval rating of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. The actual plot and
show are not the only positives to
pull from this series. The balance
between classic songs such as
Toto’s “Africa” and Rick Springfield’s “Jessie’s Girl,” and indie
tracks like “Master of None” by
Beach House and “Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for two Virgins)” by
Father John Misty, (whose con-
Photo by Aaron Schmidtke
Aziz Ansari’s, Master of None, is now available streaming on Netflix
stand-up routine simply consists
of him screaming at the audience
the whole time, and that he is only
funny because he is loud. Ansari
puts these theories to rest as he
is absolutely brilliant in the first
season of his show. His approach
to comedy on Master of None is
unlike the usual comedy style that
made him beloved on the television show Parks and Recreation.
The style of comedy he
pursues is subtle, charming, and
genius. Viewers truly fall in love
with the characters and their personalities. Ansari and Alan Yang
created the show and also cowrote every episode in the debut
season. The show was made from
cert the characters actually attend
in an episode), it is clear that the
soundtrack is beautifully put together.
The show balances humour and heart in an incredible
fashion and viewers feel like they
are living the life of Dev in their
own studio apartment in New
York City. It is almost guaranteed
that the show will be renewed for
a second season due to its criticalacclaim and success on social
media and other outlets. Ansari
wowed many with his acting, and
it will be interesting to see if he
continues to do so as he enters his
prime as a comedian.
December 2015 --
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 35
A review of The 5th Wave and the fast-approaching film
By Hailey Payne
The 5th Wave by Rick
Yancey is the intense and captivating beginning to the series of the
same name. The novel begins with
a prologue titled “Intrusion: 1995,”
with a short impersonal record of
the aliens coming down to earth. It
starts out with an omniscient voice,
and the manner it is written in invokes the hope of overcoming the
alien attack in the reader. This writing style is like is a dark cloud that
swallows everything up and makes
the attack look easy. The prologue
hints at the amount of planning
that went into the aliens’ attack on
earth, that it is not just a military
show of power but a well-thoughtout plan to achieve their end goal.
From there the plot jumps right
into the story with the first four attacks or waves, as the novel names
them, having happened already.
During the first wave,
half a million people are killed.
The next wave is less obviously
stated and takes one’s full attention
while reading the book. The novel
is not a fluff read. The protagonist,
Cassie, mentions that after the second wave the number of people her
dad estimates this wave takes out,
is another three billion people. The
third wave is said to have an almost 100% killing rate. The fourth
wave is still progressing when the
book starts with Cassie living in
the woods all by herself.
Unlike other novels, the
main character is not introduced
right away, but instead Yancey has
a short first chapter that is almost
like another prologue. In this chap-
ter the unidentified main character suspense as the perspective that
points out her views on the aliens the reader is now reading through
attacking. She expresses little hope is not always in the same situation
and is skeptical about the idea of or part of the story as the last one.
humanity uniting together to defeat The reader has gotten used to unthe Others. Yancey does an excel- derstanding through one character
lent job of creating the teenager’s but then usually does not come
attributes and mannerisms, which back to that person until later. This
results in the reader being able to novel pushes humanity to the edgrelate to Cassie, who is
forced to mature quickly
to deal with this situation.
With the novel
starting after the first
three waves have happened and the story set
up, there are long flashbacks that occur during
the novel which Yancey
uses to tell the reader
what happened between
becoming aware of the
aliens and Cassie being in
the woods alone. These
flashbacks are needed to
fully understand the plot
but are often times placed
in the middle of captivatBy Hailey Payne
ing events; they hold
The protagonist Cassie carries her brother’s
readers in suspense be- teddy bear to return to him after he is rescued
cause they are left wanting to know what will happen but es and highlights the challenges of
are distracting as readers must get wanting to give up and needing to
through these lengthy flashbacks. fight, to live. Trust and defiance
When one cannot read for long pe- versus despair and surrender is a
riods of time undisturbed, as most constant battle that every character
cannot, these flashbacks can seem faces. All characters are haunted
a bit frustrating as one has to put by the past and faced with finding
the book down without knowing the courage to fight, but the ways
in which each deal with these presthe result of the event.
The novel is split up into sures differ and keep readers interthirteen uneven sections, with the ested and on edge about how they
point of view changing in each sec- will react.
tion. This technique also creates Yancey did a marvellous
job of creating main characters that
are interesting and likable in their
own way. Readers will not be disappointed with the point of view
switches dissimilar to some other
novels that have similar point of
view swaps; but lack the ability to
engage the reader equally in both,
leaving the reader anticipating the
end of one character’s point of
view in order to get to the others’.
The sequel, The infinite
Sea, was released in September
and promises the same action and
suspense as the first installment in
this thrilling series. The expected
release date for the third installment, The Last Star, is May 24,
2016. Yancey has kept the reader’s
attention with quickly writing and
publishing the next novels in the
series, which allows the readers to
stay interested and not forget about
the series.
This novel by Rick Yancey is being made into a movie
which readers hope will be as
thrilling as the novel. Readers
hope the film will have many similar aspects as the novel and that
the film will stay true to Yancey’s
creation. The movie is expected to
be released early in the New Year
and features an amazing cast that
will likely please viewers. Chloё
Grace Moretz plays Cassie Sullivan in The 5th Wave and also
stars in movies such as If I Stay.
Moretz’s first appearance was in
two episodes of the TV series The
Guardian as Violet in 2001. Heart
of the Beholder was her first movie
in 2005 in which she played Molly.
Mortez was born in Atlanta, Geor-
gia in the same state as the movie
was filmed in. Mortez quickly followed Heart of the Beholder with
Family Plan and The Amityville
Horror in the same year.
The cast also features
stunning men such as Alex Roe
as Evan Walker and Nick Robinson as Ben Parish. Roe is known
for The Calling (2000) and A German Word (2013). Roe was born
in June 1990 in Westminster, London, England. Robinson can be
recognized from the popular movie
Jurassic World in which he plays
Zach, one of the Claire’s nephews
(Bryce Dallas Howard). Robinson
is an American actor and was born
in Seattle, Washington.
J. Blakeson directs The
5th Wave and was first noticed in
his first film The Disappearance
of Alice Creed in 2009 which he
wrote and directed.
This novel has received
many accolades. Entertainment
Weekly calls The 5th Wave “[r]
emarkable, not-to-be-missed-under-any-circumstances.” Marie Lu,
New York Times bestselling author
and author of Legend and Prodigy
comments that it is “[a]n alien
apocalypse story that feels terrifyingly plausible. This is the very
definition of a rollercoaster ride. I
bit my nails with each turn of the
page!” The 5th Wave is an USA
Today and New York Times bestseller and has been titled a Booklist
Best Fiction for Young Adults and
a 2014 Children’s Choice Book
Award Finalist for Teen Book of
the Year. With so many praises scifi fans should check it out.
The five best indie albums of 2015 as 2016 approaches
Aaron Schmidtke
With the increased interest in the genre, there was a plethora of powerhouse indie bands that
released albums in 2015, some
new groups and some old. It was a
year to remember in the indie community and here is a look at what is
determined to be the top-five best
albums of that genre in 2015.
5. I Love You, Honeybear – Father John Misty
Father John Misty is becoming an increasing recognizable
name among the indie music lovers ever since his time drumming
for the beloved group, Fleet Foxes. Since departing in 2012, Josh
Tillman, who performs under his
pseudonym, Father John Misty,
has been extremely busy. The
Maryland native released his first
solo album as Father John Misty in
April of 2012 titled Fear Fun and
it was decently well-received but
was almost an introduction into I
Love You, Honeybear, which was
released on February 9 of 2015. I
Love You, Honeybear is a dramatic parting from any of his former
releases. Tillman describes it as a
concept album about himself with
feelings of love and relationship
with his wife Emma and “engaging
in all manners of regrettable behaviours.” The album is an incredibly
raw look into the personal life of
Tillman. Due to the personal nature
of the album, it has been stated by
Tillman that originally it was hard
to play the music live and more
specifically in front of close family
members. The album explores the
passionately tender balance of love
and irony, and Tillman displays his masterpiece.
clear intentions in an exceptional 4. Another One – Mac DeMarco
manner. The album was a critical Mac DeMarco is domisuccess receiving such ratings as nating the indie-pop/rock scene
4/5 stars from Rolling
with his
Stone, 4 and a half out “One of the highlights f o u r t h
of 5 stars from AllMu- from the album is at the s t u d i o
sic, a 87% rating from
end of the final track, a l b u m
Metacritic, an 8.8/10 “My House by the Wa- to date,
rating Pitchfork Me- ter,” DeMarco gives lis- A n o t h e r
dia, a 9/10 rating from teners his home address One. The
Spin, and 100% ratings
and urges them to come awas
from The Guardian and
reExclaim! The album on by and he will make c o r d e d
debuted at 17 on the them a cup of coffee.” in
Billboard 200 and sold
home in
28,000 copies in the first week, his Rockaway, Queens, New York,
best album sales to date. It is un- and dropped on August 7, 2015.
clear what is to come in the future It has been dubbed a “mini-LP”
for Father John Misty, but with his but DeMarco prefers to just call
steady progress through two al- it an EP. When writing songs,
bums to date, the third should be a DeMarco does not like to force
anything but rather flow with the
music. The eight-track album is
described by DeMarco as “an album of love songs because he felt
like writing love songs.” DeMarco
has also stated that the album is
personal and meaningful to him,
but he preaches that the nature of
love songs or pop songs in general
is that anyone can interpret them
or relate to them in any way they
please. The album debuted at 25 on
the Billboard 200 and 1 on the Top
Rock Albums, making it his most
commercially-successful album to
date. It sold 13,000 copies in the
first week, almost 50% of them
coming in the vinyl configuration.
The album was given decently
favourable reviews including 4/5
stars from The Guardian and
Continued on page 37
Page 36 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
December 2015
The long-awaited Fallout 4 Riddles: a brain challenge
finally released to public
By Wesley Hawley-Thomas
By Terra Li
The popular game series, Fallout by Interplay Entertainment, was released on November 9, 2015 on the Steam
store for $79.99. Many Fallout fans were
hyped about the release of this game as
Fallout: New Vegas was released nearly
six years ago and Fallout 3 was released
In terms of the game’s system,
many improvements have been made but
some bugs and glitches remain. Compared
to the past Fallout games, Fallout 4 is generally less buggy and runs well most of the
time. There are places in the game that may
drop frames per second or force the game
to lag, but for the most part, the game runs
Riddles are a fun way to exercise
one’s brain and stump friends and family.
A simple google search will display many
pages of riddles, a testament to their popularity. Give these a shot and see if you are
able to spot the answer!
1. What comes through the walls, through
your floors, and comes to meet your door?
a) letters
b) the mail man
c) the cold
d) disease
2. If it’s information you seek, come and
see me.
If it’s pairs of letters you need, I have
consecutively three.
a) a bookkeeper
b) today
c) Johnny
d) hobby
Photo By Terra Li
Fallout 4 gets fans excited as the anticipated game was released and is finally available to players
nearly eight. Fallout fans were anxious to
have this game in their hands and get into it
right away. So far, most players have been
satisfied with this game. With five games
in the main series and three in the spin-off
series, Fallout has yet to fail its players.
Fallout is a game series focused
around a post-apocalyptic setting placed
in the future. It is an open-world exploration game where players can interact with different objects and non-player
characters (NPC for short). The hundreds
of characters, locations, quests, and the
ability to roam around in a large, open
world allows players to experiment with
gameplay and further enjoy the game.
The pros and cons in this game are
very evident. Combat is greatly improved
from the past games: the game is aesthetically more pleasing as more colours are used
compared to the other 3D Fallout games,
the story shows some twists that are not expected, and there are many new concepts
implemented into the game. Allowing lowlevel enemies to pose a threat was something Fallout 4 does better than the rest of
its series, which makes the game generally
more fun to play because it has more action.
Character quality is mixed. The
voice acting is surprisingly good but it
does show some flaws. Many characters
feel genuinely alive, while some seem like
they have no personality. An interesting
aspect is the voice-acted protagonist. In
most games, a protagonist with a voice is
not commonly seen as the protagonist, the
heroic and quiet person. Having a voiceacted protagonist makes the game stand out.
smoothly. The number of glitches and bugs
is noticeably less than previous games, especially for large and complex games. The
game has a disappointing controller-designed user interface. Having only four options in dialogue limits interaction options.
Being a role playing game (RPG)
with first person shooter (FPS) elements,
quests are available for players to take. Main
quests move along well and allow the players
to enjoy themselves. Side quests, on the other
hand, are significantly less interesting. Most
of the side quests only require the player to
find and talk to a different character. Some
interesting encounters are possible, but most
of the side quests feel more like a chore than
something to enjoy. When the story quest has
been completed, there are only bland quests
that most players lose interest in very quickly.
The biggest flaw this game possesses that differs from the rest of the Fallout games is the lack of depth. This game
offers exciting FPS elements and features,
as well as a visually-pleasing environment
for players to enjoy, but classic Fallout style
gameplay is not offered in Fallout’s latest
addition. The game feels repetitive after a
while and it is very difficult to enjoy replaying it as the routes given do not show much
variety. Although there is plenty of action
in combat, the story feels dull and the end
goal is almost a drag to reach. The elements
that make Fallout unique and special are
not present in Fallout 4, and thrown away
in favour of appealing to a bigger audience.
As a RPG with FPS features, Fallout 4 excels, but as a member of the Fallout series,
Fallout 4 falls below the rest of its family.
3. A natural state, I’m sought by all.
Go without me, and you shall fall.
You do me when you spend,
and use me when you eat to no end.
a) diet
b) yin and yang
c) a scale
d) balance
4. What is he that builds stronger than
either the mason, the shipwright, or the
For his houses will last forever!
a) ants
b) the gravedigger
c) the government
d) free mason
7. Under pressure is the only way I work,
and by myself is the only way I’m hurt.
What am I?
a) Queen
b) a singer
c) a diamond
d) Mp3
8. First think of a person who lives in
disguise, who deals in secrets and tells
naught but lies. Next tell me what is
always the last thing to mend, the middle
of middle the end of the end? And finally
give me a sound often heard during the
search of a hard-to-find word. Now string
them together and answer me this, which
creature would you be unwilling to kiss?
a) a secret
b) mom
c) a spider
d) a dog
9. When is 99 more than a hundred?
99 runs for 1:39, while “100” runs for one
minute. Riddle me that!
a) ounces
b) a microwave
c) degree
d) a calculator
10. A man was born on January 1st, 23
B.C. and died January 2nd, 23 A.D. How
old did he live to be? Take in mind that in
some cultures people are born as one year
a) 45
b) 49
c) 46
d) 57
11. What is made of wood but can not be
5. I have four wings, but cannot fly.
I never laugh and never cry;
On the same spot I’m always found, toiling away with a little sound..
a) chair
b) sawdust
d) 2x4
a) airplane
b) bird
c) fan
d) a flying fish
12. I build bridges of silver and crowns of
gold. Riddle me this, what am I?
6. I›m not a pool but I have a cover, I’m
not a tree but I have leaves, I’m not a slave
but I am bound, I’m not a website but I
have pages, and I’m not a shirt but I have
sleeves. If not those, what am I?
a) a king
b) a dentist
c) a jester
d) the government
a) a book
b) a computer
c) a scroll
d) news paper
December 2015
Continued from page 35
AllMusic, 75/100 from Metacritic, and 8/10
from Exclaim! One of the highlights from
the album is at the end of the final track,
“My House by the Water,” DeMarco gives
listeners his home address and urges them to
come on by and he will make them a cup of
coffee. To date, DeMarco has stated he does
not regret doing so, but he certainly is curious as to why he did it. The total number of
people that have come by so far is around
400. DeMarco has been extremely busy the
past couple of years releasing Salad Days in
2014 and Another One in 2015, not to mention the obscure instrumental album, Some
Other Ones, and touring like a mad man. He
might be slated to take some time off in the
coming year.
3. Currents – Tame Impala
The psychedelic indie rock superstars, Tame Impala, released their third studio album, Currents and it was received unbelievably well by their fans and critics. The
Australian band already achieved a massive following in the indie community after
their first album, Innerspeaker, in 2010 and
a huge follow-up with Lonerism in 2012.
Many listeners believe the main concept of
the album is about a romantic breakup but
it is confirmed that it is about the process of
personal transformation. The ripples, or currents, represented on the album cover signify
these emotion intentions quite accurately.
Tame Impala’s frontman, Kevin Parker, attempted to make this more of an album that
people can dance to as opposed to previous
releases. The album still includes familiar
tones and recognizable sound, but the music
itself actually varies quite substantially from
their previous albums. The album included
four released singles, but two in particular
made the listeners fall in love. “Let It Happen” is about “always finding yourself in
this world of chaos.” It was very much a top
song of the summer and will continue to be a
classic for Tame Impala followers. “’Cause
I’m a Man” also catches the audience’s attention, and is difficult to not yearn after the
tremblingly beautiful rhythms. Fans were
not the only ones who adored this auditory
brilliance. The album debuted at 1 in Australia, 3 in the UK, and 4 in the US. Euphoric
reviews included an 84% rating from Metac-
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
ritic, a 9.3/10 rating from Pitchfork, 9/10 rating from Spin, 4/5 stars from Rolling Stone
Australia, and 5/5 stars from The Guardian.
2. Midnight Snack – Homeshake
Edmonton-born and Montrealbased Peter Sagar releases his third studio
album to date under his group name, Homeshake. Many readers and listeners in the
indie community may find this a shocking
pick at number two. The reality of the situation is that Mac DeMarco’s former guitar-
Scarlett FEVER
loops he created in his first solo-set. The record is written about when he was on tour
with DeMarco touring the world and longing to be back at home in Montreal, enjoying
the simple pleasure of enjoying a midnight
snack before curling up in bed next to the
person one loves. The album is a reflection
on the dizziness and loneliness that plagued
him towards the end of the tour. Sagar left
DeMarco after the tour because he wanted
to focus on his solo material and to rebuild
Page 37
1. Depression Cherry – Beach House
Once again, Beach House releases
another stellar album for dream pop and indie rock enthusiasts around the world. This
duo of Victoria Legrand and Alex Scally are
already a recognized name among the indie
crowd and the May 26, 2015 release of, Depression Cherry only adds to their already
impressive discography. The band has been
active since 2004 and have steadily climbed
their way into the hearts of fans through their
daydreamy, evolving sound. As opposed
to their previous albums, the fifth studio
masterpiece, Depression Cherry, explores
more of a serene, tranquil sound and return
to some more natural tendencies. Legrand
and Scally have both been quoted as saying their 2012 album Bloom did achieve
sounds that they were pleased with, but live
performances suffered because of aggressive drumming; and due to larger venues,
they felt it was necessary to make a larger
sound. Depression Cherry really sways
away from a belligerent sound and moves
more towards putting their fans in a trance.
This humorously-titled album is structured
rather simply and the melody and arrangements are made with few instruments, making sure the sound is not overwhelming. In
many tracks, one can hear the vintage organ-keyboard providing a hauntingly beautiful sound. It is believed that Depression
Cherry was recorded in autumn of 2013
and 2014 and the music reflects the leaves
falling to the ground and blowing with the
cool fall winds. The opening track “Levitation” sets the tone for the entire album and
is one of the best indie tracks of the year.
The album was given generally favourable
Photo by Aaron Schmidtke reviews but fans surely liked it more than
critics. Metacritic rated it 76/100, AllMusic
Grade 12, Emily Ewacha, prepares to play her instrument much like the bands included on this list
gave it 4/5 stars, Pitchfork gave it a rating
ist, Sagar, is releasing genius music with some steadiness in the fast-paced life of an of 8.4/10, Rolling Stone gave it a 3 and a half
Homeshake. After the releases of his two indie star. The track “Heat” off the album is rating out of 5 stars, and Spin rated it 8/10.
previous albums The Homeshake Tape and one of the grooviest tracks dropped this year The album peaked at #1 on the US IndepenIn the Shower, Midnight Snack appears to and is believed to be the most popular track dent Album charts. Beach House decided to
be his most successful album drop to date. off the album. Homeshake is an extremely release a second album in October of 2015,
There are a number of differences in his undervalued band, and it is hard-pressed to a very rare occurrence in the music commusound in this album as opposed to the previ- find an album review from a reliable source. nity. With two albums in one year, do not
ous two. In Midnight Snack, Sagar trades in For the sake of Sagar and his underappreci- expect Beach House to be busy in the comhis guitar for synthesizers and a drum ma- ated style of music, people need to start lis- ing year; but if they proved anything from
chine. Sagar explores a drowsy tempo and tening to one of the most exciting artists this the last break from the industry; it was worth
the wait.
the vocal arrangements are developed from year.
December 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 37
Star Wars Battlefront, the Star Wars game fans hoped for
By Chase Glenwright
Star Wars Battlefront is
driven by a sense of adventure,
and really captures what all fans
love about the franchise. The
game is visually stimulating,
from the detail on the maps to the
different assorted avatars, it is clear
much effort has been put into the
visuals. One important aspect of
the game that goes hand-in-hand
with the visuals is what it sounds
like. Developers were faced with a
difficult challenge, making a Star
Wars game sound like Star Wars.
With the use of the original music
added to the in-game soundtrack as
well as the sound the blasters make
when fired, it just frankly sounds
like Star Wars.
Star Wars Battlefront is
a first- and third-person shooter,
which means that players can
toggle between a first-person and
third-person view to adapt the
game to different playing styles.
The game also has a singleplayer and multiplayer aspect.
The multiplayer consists of many
different game modes and is
enjoyable for everyone. Fans have
been waiting for this game for
about a decade, and now that it is
finally here, they are scrambling to
fit in as much playtime as possible.
The game has many different game
modes ranging from large-scale
forty-player battles to small-scale
eight-player modes. This game
also includes a battle no Star Wars
game should be without: a fight
that takes place in the sky. The
game mode “Fighter Squadron”
introduces an element of flight.
The developers have also
added a highlight of the game, the
addition of “power-ups,” that can
be acquired in-game: The most
common of these provides items
that can improve a team’s chance
in the fight such as a proximity
mine, a blaster turret, a squad
shield, a thermal imploder, or an
orbital strike. Other “power-ups”
include a chance to play as heroes
and villains from the franchise.
Players can lead the rebels to
Continued from page 31
Just like the first part, “Secret Love
Song, PII” has the slower ballad
sound; it matches their tempo like
the first part. The entire song is
just piano and their voices; it has
a very anti-climactic sound. There
is no harmony; only has one member singing at a time. It has plenty
of focused energy giving the song
that hit of emotion with its sister
song, “Secret Love Song,” “Se-
victory as Luke Skywalker or show Although the game has a somewhat hit on the fact that there are not game modes such as TDM (Team
the Imperials that sometimes the weak single-player mode, it makes very many creative sight lines. Deathmatch) and Capture the Flag.
reward of victory is all one bounty up for it in amazing online game Tatooine’s blend of interior and Most game modes eventually get
hunter needs as players take Han modes such as Droid Run, or one exterior environments provides boring, and players see no new
Solo into action, or
content and feel like they have
players can show off
experienced everything.
their blaster skills as
In an attempt to prolong
Princess Leia. Players
the amount of play time for each
can embrace their inner
player, DICE has introduced a
dark side and crush the
progression system. Players can
rebels as Darth Vader,
acquire points by playing matches
play as a gun-for-hire
as well as leveling up. Through
and defeat the rebels as
each level a player can purchase
the bounty hunter Boba
new weapons and skins for their
Fett, or show the true
avatars to use or wear.
might of the dark side
The game does seem
and play as Emperor
to be more of an ode to Star
Wars, rather than a substantial
experience is thrilling
Star Wars game by itself. The
and innovative, truly
most positive aspect is that it
a Star Wars game to
really has a Star Wars feel and is
trump them all.
exciting to play if one is, or even
if not a fan of Star Wars. Some
that the only reason
drawbacks are that game modes
this game has a fighting
are repetitive and some give the
chance against games
advantage to a certain team to the
such as Halo 5, or Call
point of frustration. Most maps
of Duty: Black Ops 3 is
are lacking in strategic points,
because of the license.
and although are very visually
Lucasfilm gave EA
appealing provide little to no
DICE exclusive access
cover or are very long range.
Battlefront does not go
to original movie props
much deeper than its ambitious
to bring this wonder
surface appeal. It unloads its
of the silver screen
best content in the first ten hours
to the video game
of gameplay. After the first
ten hours, content starts to get
are not many new
repetitive, left to fade into lower
scenarios that have not
and lower quality. Star Wars
already been seen by
Battlefront is truly beautiful to
gamers in titles such
as Battlefield 4; for
By Chase Glenwright look at, but gameplay does get
example, larger-scale Star Wars Battlefront is truly a very visually stimulating game and has beautiful cinematics boring and possibly the only
hope for this game is a flood of
battles. Gamers, on the
other hand, are able to live out their of the gaming community’s more a better chance for players to use new downloadable content. Some
the battlefield to their advantage. players argue that Star Wars
fantasies like charging over the hills favoured, Walker Assault.
This game has received Tatooine is most likely the “ace in Battlefront 2 is still the best yet.
into battle with the Rebellion while stormtroopers push back over the much love from the gaming the hole” for the redemption
horizon as an AT-ST comes into community, a love that could quite of the maps. Because it is
view, and tie fighters and X-wings possibly be short-lived. It is strong arguably one of the only
scream overhead. This game really visually, but lacks in other places. maps that has a perfect
separates the nerds from the rest of Maps are very beautiful to look combination of interior,
at; for example, the undergrowth and exterior areas as well as
Those who love Star Wars on the forest moon of Endor is very strong strategic points
will love Star Wars Battlefront cosmetically appealing but lacks and high traffic lanes.
with its strong cinematic moments, cover. Hoth’s barren fields making Game
and just very strong all-around feel the most of combat becoming like Blast and Cargo are
of a true Star Wars experience. very long-ranged but takes a just mash-ups of common
cret Love Song, PII” is one of the
slowest songs off the album. Little
Mix belts out the chorus.
“Clued up,” is a big
switch from a very slower song before to this faster song with more
harmony. It is more of an acoustic
song, only using a guitar and their
voices. There is not much to say
about this song, since it is very repetitive.
“The Beginning” of the
end is the last song off the album.
It is the shortest song only being
one minute and thirty-three seconds. It does not have that ending sound; it is more of a middle
first song. It is top short and feels
awkward for its length. The placement at the end feels like the song
should be the first song off the album instead of the last song.
The future of Little Mix
looks to be a bright one with the
group going on their Get Weird
Tour, across the UK, featuring Na-
than Sykes as their opening
act. The tour will also have
dates in Australia making
this the first time Little Mix
has headlined a tour outside of the UK and Ireland.
Lancers can listen to some
of the songs from the album
through Apple Music, and
Spotify or buy the album
through iTunes, Google
Play, and in stores.
December 2015
FINE ARTS -- Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
Page 39
Art showcase displays creativity and talent of students
art teachers. “Most of the students that con- improved in the last year.” Her work titled explains the process of creating the print
tinued on [into their next art course respec- “Self-discovery” focuses on hyperrealism making project of hers. “You have to make
White trifolds covered with various tively] have a specific style or subject matter and is on display at the Southwood Public a [design] first in pen or pencil, and over the
pieces of art were displayed in the library they’re interested in, and they’re developing Library.
drawing you lay plexiglass. [Then] scratch
the week of December 7-11, displaying the their artwork with that style. Some people In Art 10, students such as Heather the image [onto the plexiglass] with [the
projects that students have been working on are into super realism, some people are
etching needle].
since the beginning of September. The art- into abstract, some people are into more
To print it you
work was seen and appreciated by staff and of an illustration style, and they’re kind
lay ink [on the
students during the week, as Scarlett’s talent, of fine-tuning that style, which is pretty
creativity, and dedication to projects outside cool.”
Crisp says. Paula
and inside of the classroom were showcased. Currently, some of the artwork
Alfaro, Grade 12,
Each grade enjoyed many of the the students have created that are not
finishes Crisp’s
unique projects the semester incorporated. showcased in the library are on display
On display were some of the Art 10 projects in a public showing at Southwood Public
“[After], you wet
including acrylic painting, ceramic projects, Library. It is the second year Scarlett has
the paper [that
graphite value scale studies, metalwork, and participated in the event, and the art will
you will transfer
print making. Over the semester, Art 20 stu- stay in the library during December and
the design on],
dents delved into mixed media, watercolour, January. “There’s about fifteen [Scarand then you
and pottery, having recently finished person- lett] works at the local library,” McRae
smudge ink on
al self-guided projects. These assignments adds. “There’s a program called Art in
[the etched defeatured a variety of mediums including but the Library, and certain libraries around
sign], then wipe
not limited to painting, sculpting, sketching, the city have display areas for art [as]
[the excess] off.
and silver casting. The majority of the work it’s part of their mandate to show local
Then you let it
in Art 30 were personal projects as well, work. Sometimes it’s one artist that is
sit [underneath
with mediums such as pottery, paper ma- showing a collection of work, but [the
the press] and
che sculpting, acrylic painting, oil and chalk libraries] often connect with the schools.
run it through the
Photo by Grace Stone press, and then
pastel, watercolours, and gel pen. The se- Last year they asked if we wanted to be
mester in Art 30 began with figurative draw- a part of [the public showing] and they Southwood Public Library showcases art on its walls dedicated to the creative back again.”
Crisp adds onto
ing using charcoal, conté, ink, and graphite. liked the [work] enough that they asked projects that Scarlett students have worked on during the first semester this year an explanation
if we wanted
to do it again this Wall, Grade 10, worked on an acrylic paint- of her design for the project: “I work a lot
year. We’ll keep ing. “[My] painting is of a summer camp that with weird shapes that are organic and natudoing it ‘cause I go to every summer. It’s the lake that we go ral. It’s kind of like an abstract concept [with
it’s pretty cool to canoeing on. My friend actually snapped this many] textures and patterns.”
Throughout the course, there have
have our work in photo. She let me use it. I thought it would make a really good painting,” Wall says. “I been many opportunities to further develop
a public place.”
G r a c e was trying to get a really nice gradient go- the style and skill of the art that students creHill, Grade 11, ing for the sunset. It didn’t work the way I ate. The variety of mediums allow students
one wanted it to, but you just kind of work with to discover which type of projects are the
of her personal what you can do. I was just using a lot of best approach to their individual art style and
projects that in- water and mixing the colours for the lake. what direction they wish to continue in for
the The whole painting is a colour theory paint- future projects. “Absolutely, I see improveuse of Prisma- ing, so even though the painting has warm ment,” McRae observes about how students
color pencils on and cool tones in it, [I was] only allowed to that have continued on into their next art
a black canvas. use warm colours, which makes it difficult course respectively are finding the style of
“This [drawing but fun.” Wall explains the process that the art they enjoy the most. “Not just in techis of] my friend. acrylic painting project in Art 10 undergoes: nique.”
I changed the “We started with the colour wheel to see how Examples of work on display in[original refer- you mix the colours and then we did three cluded an anatomical art study by Kent Yaence picture’s] little paintings with three different methods cyshyn in Art 30, who used white charcoal
Photo by Grace Stone
colours to be of mixing colours. Then we started mapping and pencil crayon to create a portrait of a
Students appreciate various mediums of art displayed in the library
bright colours, out [on] the [canvas] and went ahead and skeleton. The artwork appears as if it is neon
to represent her started painting.”
as the multicolour skull contrasts with the
Melody Ng, Grade 12, has created black background. Natalie Wilcox in Art 20
Later in the semester, the class was assigned personality. Probably, this is the longest I’ve a painting project in which students had to ever spent on anything,” Hill laughs. “It’s a a pastel drawing of a woman using light and created “Lily pads after rain,” which uses
self-challenge, which is good. It’s something cool colours as a project for the showcase. acrylic to create realism in the water droplets
parody a famous painting.
“During the show, it’s about the that I can work on even if school is really “The way it came out is kind of soft-look- featured on the painting. Seanna Greenwood
collective, the whole body of work [and] busy. [Art] is a fun class that I’m proud of ing,” she notes about her work.
Continued on page 41
all the kids,” says Ray McRae, one of the [participating in and] I like seeing how I’ve In Art 30, Felicity Crisp, Grade 12,
By Grace Stone
Page 40 --
Scarlett FEVER
Girl with pearl earring ft. snapchat
filter, Melanie N
Art 30
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Building Sandcastles, Aislinn McDonald
Art 30
December 2015
Homie Lisa, Anastasia Vedmedeko
Art 30
Art Showcase
Photospread by Grace Stone
Beautiful Reality, Kaitlyn Willerth
Art 30
Parody of Liberty Leading the People, Sara R
Art 30
Billy, Katy Searl
Art 30
Gratitude, Seanna Greenwood
Art 10
Lily Pads after Rain, Natalie Wilcox
Art 20
Moonlit Converse, Soobin Moon
Art 20
Self-Discovery, Grace Hill
Art 20
December 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Continued from page 39
in Art 10AP also created an acrylic painting
called “Gratitude,” which depicts light shining on a person’s eyes with the creative use
of warm and cool tones. Chiane Guo in Art
10 used graphite in her still-life drawing,
“Shadows,” and experimented with blending so that the pottery the art depicted is in
soft focus. Art 30 student Zainna Dilan created “Depression: stage 2,” which features
skillful use of shadows and texture to create
a life-like graphite drawing of a woman lying on her side. The acrylic work “Building sandcastles,” by Aislinn McDonald, Art
10, is an aerial painting that used orange and
blue colours to draw the viewer’s attention
in. In Art 30, students worked on a project
that parodied an old painting: Anastasia Vedmedeko parodied the Mona Lisa in a water
colour and pencil crayon “Homie lisa,” by
adding to the original idea with a bandana
and hands that had “love,” and “thug,” tattooed on the knuckles. Melanie N used
acrylic to create “Girl with pearl earring ft.
snapchat filter,” which parodied an old portrait with Snapchat’s rainbow filter. Art 20
students were given the opportunity to try
pewter casting, and created various pendants
with unique designs. There were many other
works created by talented artists that were
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Art students that participated in the
show were very happy that staff and students
were able to visit the library and admire the
work on display. Hill wishes that every year
people should view the art and recognize the
dedication that students put into their work:
“[The showcase] takes a lot of time, so come
and see it! I appreciate the artists.” Crisp was
glad that the showcase was able to display
the possibilities for students that have or
have not participated in the course. “I hope
that it encourages people to join [and] stay in
art, and I think it’s a nice community [event]
among the grades. I think it’s a good thing
for all the grades to see what they’re going
to do next year.”
Overall, the showcase allowed students and staff an opportunity to appreciate a
variety of mediums by art students of every
grade. McRae comments on the effect that
the showcase has on the school: “I think that
everything students do at Scarlett… be it the
performance that’s given by athletes during
games, be it our music students, be it our
drama students, our dance students… I think
for the art students, it’s their show. It’s their
time to get out there and expose their work
to the school and have a voice. I think that’s
really important [and that] it’s a great, positive thing to have in school.”
Page 41
The Sting entertains all
By Ashley McIntosh
The Sting, based on the screenplay
by David Ward, centres on con artist Jonny
Hooker (played by David Yates, Grade 12)
who teams up with an older con man to
avenge his friend’s death. Hooker and Henry Gondorf (played by Coan Roik, Grade
12) craft an elaborate scheme to fool a powerful mobster (Joseph McManus, Grade 11)
out of half-a-million dollars. The actioncomedy is directed by James Jack, drama
teacher, and is sure to entertain viewers.
Students involved in the production worked vigorously to prepare for the
show. Rehearsals commenced in September, and students with larger roles were often
in the theatre every night. Throughout the
various rehearsal stages, the actors developed their characters and honed their skills.
The Sting was very well-produced and was really enjoyable. Though
it was a high school production, there
were many wonderful aspects of the play
that made it seem professional. One en-
the theme of the play. Raymond McRae and
James Jack designed the set and props and
the building crew, Louise Cameron, Grade
11, Alina Graber, Richard Kang, Callum Serieska, Uju Ezeaka, Val Chubinskaya, Holly
Hansen, Karen Ratliffe, and Jaime Wood,
all Grade 10, did great work on all of the set
pieces. One of the most interesting sets was
the Horse Race Bidding set. Some of the
larger props could have been made easier
to move as some of the props were heavy
and bulky, slowing down scene changes.
Lighting and sound was great and
was well-timed to fit in with the scenes. Lochlan Cuthbertson and Brayden Fleming,
both Grade 11, were the designers of lights
and sounds; and their operators Matt Clark,
Grade 11, and Kyle Clark, Grade 10, spent
plenty of time perfecting the sound and
lighting with the help of the stage and backstage managers Kaitlyn Willerth, Grade
12, and Louise Cameron, Grade 11. The
advertising committee which consisted of
Gerald Prost, Anthony Lem, Grade 10,and
Photo by Gerald Prost
Logan Warga, and Janey Deacon-Rosamond, grade 12, engage in a heated conversation
joyable aspect about the play was the
character diversity and establishment.
All of the actors did wonderfully vocalizing their parts with their Chicago accents and representing their characters.
Costume designs and makeup were
done amazingly by Ardith Crealock (Costume/Make-up Facilitator) with the help of
Alexis Bradley, Echo Chen, Jessica Wang,
Cassie Rewucki, Cassie Rewucki, Briann
Shewchuk, Belle Zhao, all Grade 10; Angel
Lo, Niki Lewicki, Salma Sarwari, Tasnim
Mustafa, all Grade 11; and Yasmine Ben
Lamin, all Grade 12. Makeup could have
been more exaggerated, especially on the
characters that needed to look old like Henry Gondorff (Roik) as audience members
may not have noticed their makeup until
they came up onto the apron of the theatre.
Sets and props were well-suited for
Jack did a fantastic job creating colourful posters and programs that seduced the
audience and passerbys to read about the
play and even buy tickets to see the show.
The whole play was excellent but
a few of the actors truly stood out: Yates
(playing Johnny Hooker), Roik (playing
Henry Gondorff), and Esser (playing Mrs.
Vanderkieft) displayed a very strong understanding of how they needed to portray their
characters in order for the audience to engage
and fully comprehend the plot of the play.
Altogether, The Sting was a very
enticing high school production. There will
always be room for improvement but that
is the best part about plays: students get to
learn from their mistakes and learn what they
can improve upon. Jack did well on recreating The Sting, hopefully all of his future
plays will be just as good and even better.
Page 42
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
December 2015
Silver success for both Senior Scarlett Volleyball teams
By Helena Gagnier
set, Allisa Dandenault, the teams starting a level of nonchalance and sloppiness that Final against Notre Dame, which went to a
­­­For the second year in a row, both setter, dislocated her thumb, taking her out was extremely uncharacteristic of their usual riveting 5 sets. The final score of the match
senior volleyball teams had the opportunity of play for the rest of the tournament. Fortu- play. By their third and final game of the were 23-25, 24-26, 25-23, 25-23, and 15-13.
to test their skill at the provincial level, fight- nately, Linzee Aston stepped up to the chal- day, the boys had regained some of their On the final day, the athletes were
ing to bring home a championship banner as lenge and filled in as a setter for Dandenault. usual energy and focus, managing to finally beginning to feel physically and emotionally
a reward for three years of hard work and Aston claimed the win against Jasper Place claim a win over Harry Ainlay with scores of worn down. It was with great will power that
23-25, 25-23, and 15-13.
the teams were able to continue to play at an
with scores of 24-26, and 15-10.
As a result of their outstanding The third game of the day was On day two of the tournament, elite level.
performance at the Calgary City Champion- against Lindsay Thurber, who the Lancers games were played to best of five. The girls The Senior Girls played Strathcona
ships, the Senior Girls were ranked second beat at 25-20 and 25-20. The girls finished were majorly successful, as they played only in their Semi Finals, battling for a chance to
in the province, while the Senior Boys were second in their pool, earning them a bye to one game, against Bishop Carroll, in order to play in the Provincial Championship match.
ranked first. With these hard-earned rank- Quarter Finals.
earn a spot in the Semi Finals. The Lancers The year before, the Senior Girls choked in
ings, both Lancer
Semi Finals,
teams were granted
leading to a
the opportunity to
fourth place
travel to Edmonton
Deto play other top
termined to
teams from across
place higher
the province.
this year, the
girls played
Nowith a fire,
vember 27, the highwinning
est ranked teams in
four sets.
Alberta took to the
courts, attempting
T h e
to advance to QuarSenior Boys
ter Finals the next
day. As a result of
placing within the
Semi Finals
top four volleyball
in four sets,
schools in Alberta,
against Harry
the Lancer Senior
Ainlay. Last
teams were placed
in a “power pool,”
boys placed
an elite group of
seventh, and
athletes designed
to ensure that the
were thrilled
to be playing
best teams would
for a Provinnot play each other
cial banner.
again until Finals.
The girl’s
T h e
first game was
girls went on
to the ProvinAberhart Orange,
cial Finals,
who they had lost
playing AbCity
Photos by Helena Gagnier erhart
ships to earlier that
The silver medal winning Senior Girls Volleyball team shows off their gorgeous medals from the exciting provincials in Edmonton
month. The Lancfirst set began
ers play was inspired and aggressive, taking The Senior Boys were not so suc- won in three sets with scores of 25-19, 25- brilliantly, with a lead for Scarlett of 15-8.
the first set with 25-21. In the second set, the cessful, only winning one of their three 18, and 25-20.
However, the Lancers relinquished their
team became tense, and Aberhart brought games. Their first game was against Jasper As a result of their inability to pre- lead and were unable to return several serves
the forceful offense that they are known for, Place, the top ranked team from Edmonton, form on the first day, the boys had to play from Orange. As their passing deteriorated,
causing Scarlett to lose at 21-25. The third who the Lancers lost to 17-25 and 17-25.
a crossover match versus Lloydminster in so did their confidence, and the Lancers lost
set was well fought, but ultimately lost at They then went on to play Aberhart order to advance to Quarter Finals. They 25-27. Confidence shaken and emotions run8-15.
Orange, who the Lancers beat in Calgary won in three quick sets, showing no sign of ning high, the girls were inconsistent in the
The Lancer girls then faced Jasper City Finals to win gold. This time, however, the lull they experienced the previous day. second set, which Aberhart took advantage
Place, the top ranked team in Edmonton. the Lancers had no such luck. They lost with The Lancers brought unmatched energy, and of, and so the Lancers were crushed, losing
They found success in the first set with a scores of 19-25 and 17-25. won with scores of 25-16, 25-15 and 25- at 12-25.
Continued on page 46
score of 26-24. However, during this first The Scarlett Senior Boys were playing with 19. They then went on to play their Quarter
December 2015 --
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 43
IAAF ban on Russian athletes after doping scandal
By Daniel Nickerson
The next Olympics will
take place in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil and with a little over a year
away many countries are ramping
up training and getting into shape.
One country that might not have
the chance to compete is Russia.
There has been a provisional ban
on Russian athletes placed by the
International Association of Athletes Federations (IAAF) after the
whistle was blown and a doping
scandal was that was sponsored by
the Russian government revealed.
The President of the IAAF, Sebastian Coe, referring to the fact that
the IAAF was not able to catch the
doping scheme, said: “Today we
have been dealing with the failure
of ARAF, All-Russia Athletic Federation, and made the decision to
provisionally suspend them, the
toughest sanction we can apply at
this time.” The ARAF, was supposed to help prevent doping from
taking place in Russia, but after
corruption found its way to the
officials they decided to look the
other way and allow the doping to
continue. If Russia works hard and
shows significant change in how
they prevent steroids, then there is
still the possibility of the ban being
lifted and they will be allowed to
compete in the 2016 Olympics in
The allegations first surfaced on German television when a
former discus thrower, Yevgeniya
Pecherina, claimed that 99% of the
athletes that represent Russia used
forbidden substances. There was
also an undercover video taken
of 800 metre runner Mariya Savinova, who won gold at the 2012
Olympics in London, admitting to
using a banned steroid. Another
disturbing fact is that there are
claims that leading Russian officials supplied banned steroids in
return for 5% of the athlete’s in-
come and collaborated with doping
control officers to keep it quiet and
falsify tests. After some investigations, the head of Russian AntiDoing Agency, Nikita Kamaev,
The World Anti-Doping
Agency, or WADA, is the world’s
main organization against doping
by banning substances like anabolic agents, peptide hormones or
growth factors, hormones
or metabolic modulators, and masking agents.
Some examples of these
substances are oxandrolone, testosterone, and
insulins which all can be
used to help people with
deficiencies or other problems, but to take them
just to help someone become a stronger or faster
athlete who is already in
peak physical condition is
more than just cheating,
it is just ethically wrong.
When an athlete takes
some sort of steroids they
Photo by Daniel Nickerson not only hurt their reputaMany substances are banned in Olympic competition like testosterone and even
tion but also damage the
some ingredients in common cold medicine that can be found in most households
status of their country.
stepped down after the provisional
ban from the Olympics. It is not
clear who will take Kameav’s spot,
but they will be under heavy watch
from the IAAF.
Junior Girls basketball team excites fans in Lancer community after a preview of what is to come in the future
Key players in the tourna- basketball, and the Junior Girls
team improving with every game. creating a positive team dynamic. By Sophia Radford, As
Katie Demyon, Hailey were a shining example of its imThe
Erin Burns, and the
Acosta, and Jayme portance. With each game, the girls
Megan Miskiman
One of the most popular
sports among youth today is basketball. The exciting sport is both
fun to participate in and to observe.
ing basketball in the two-day tournament. Throughout the course
of the weekend, the team played
some of their first games together,
developing their skills as individu-
Photo by Rafa Abbas
The Junior Girls team practice their drills before big basketball games
The Junior Girls basketball team
played their first games in a tournament at Western Canada High
School the weekend of December 4. The Lancers played skilled
teams like Western, Jasper Place,
and Ross Sheppard. The tournament went fairly well, with the
als and as a cohesive unit.
The team showed strength
in defense, and this area grew
stronger with each game. The tournament progressed over the weekend, but the intensity grew with
each game. The team seemed to
eventually settle into a “groove,”
beat Ross Sheppard 58-35 in their Allard. Each player demonstrated
last game of the tournament. The strengths in different aspects of
Lancers also
showed off
their own personal skills
press, a defensive tactic
that was not
used much in
practice and
that requires
a significant
amount of defensive skill,
that gave the
girls the push
Photo by Rafa Abbas
they needed The girls excel at defence, a skill vital to playing basketball
in their game
against Ross Sheppard. Their use of the game which contributed to the
this technique ended up being just improvement of the team. There
was the team needed, as it helped is room for each girl to improve
build the intensity in the game to as well, which they will continue
give them an edge over their com- to work on throughout the season,
petition. Basketball is a very in- but overall they performed very
tense sport that requires players to well. While Acosta was acknowlpush themselves to their limits, and edged for her excellent defensive
the Junior Girls have showed that play, Demyon was the top scorer
they are capable of handling that of the game, and throughout the
pressure in the way that they grew tournament the girls learned how
stronger with each passing game, to combine their different skill sets
and were able to pull off this de- and use them to their advantage.
fensive move in their last game.
Teamwork is vital when playing
grew more and more connected as
a team and this definitely reflected
in their playing.
This tournament was a
great start to what is sure to be a
very exciting season for the team.
It highlighted examples of each
player’s strengths that can be used
to the team’s advantage. The Lancers were also left with some insight
as to which areas of the game they
can improve upon to strengthen
their performance throughout the
rest of the season. They now know
which areas different players excel
in, and they can use this information to improve their cooperation
as a team. Basketball is a very fastmoving sport and the fast-paced
nature of the tournament tested
how the girls played under pressure.
Our Lancers lost 40-55
against Western, but had a triumphant victory against Ross Sheppard. It was a close game against
Jasper Place, but ultimately the
Junior Girls lost 33-26. The season
is still early, and there is plenty of
room for improvement among the
dedicated players. It is sure to be
an exhilarating season for Scarlett’s junior girls basketball team.
Page 44
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Scarlett FEVER
December 2015
Kobe Bryant inspiring young athletes despite retirement
By Levi Kitsul
Kobe Bryant, the only player in
NBA history with 20 years in one franchise,
announced he will retire at the end of the
current season. Bryant has helped the Los
Angeles Lakers win 5 NBA championships,
and now at the age of 37 has finally had
enough. Bryant, a 17-time all-star, has had a
huge influence on other players. On December 1, LeBron James said to Bryant that he
inspired him and he was “kind of sad” when
he learned the Lakers all-star was retiring.
LeBron also said, “I wanted to be just like
him, man.” He even grew an afro in high
school so he could look just like Bryant.
Bryant has had many memorable
moments throughout his NBA career. Bryant is 1 of 4 players in all of NBA history
with 25,000 points, 6,000 rebounds and
6,000 assists in his career. On January 22,
2006 Bryant had his career-high 81-point
game against the Toronto Raptors. Bryant
made 28 of 46 shots, 18 of 20 free throws,
and 7 of 13 from the three-point range.
From March 16 to 23, 2007 Bryant had 4
consecutive games with 50-plus points. An
above average point-per-game average can
Bryant’s retirement gives
the Lakers General Manager
Mitch Kupchak a chance to
go shopping for free agents.
Bryant’s $25-million salary is
coming off at the end of the
season, freeing up plenty of
money in the Lakers’ franchise.
Bryant answered many
questions at a postgame press
conference. When asked by
the press, what the hardest
part of retiring is, Bryant responded with honesty. He explained that he did not know,
Photo by Levi Kitsul and it was too tough to say
Kobe Bryant will not touch the court after this years season at the moment. He then went
range from 20-30 points a game. On April
on to say that retirement will
12, 2013 Bryant saved the Lakers from a hit him hard when he does not attend trainloss against Golden State by downing 2 free ing camp next year. Bryant is okay with the
throws with an Achilles tendon tear. Bryant thought of retirement, and will miss being
had said after his injury during the game: on the court. The press then went on to ask
“Maybe I can run on my heel,” his trainer Bryant about what his family thought of him
Vitti laughed, then granted his wish; Bryant retiring. Bryant expressed that his family is
shot the free throws, swished them both, and torn; they have been watching him play basled the Lakers to a 118-116 victory over the ketball since he was three; Bryant’s entire
Golden State Warriors.
life has revolved around basketball, but his
parents are excited to see him more after he
Bryant was then asked about his contribution to the association. He explained that
throughout his professional basketball career, he has met many friends on the court.
Bryant says, “All these players that I speak
to, they call me frequently with questions.
That means more to me than anything else:
the impact, mentality, aggression and work
Michael Jordan is one of the first
people Bryant told about his retirement.
Jordan was already an elite player when
Kobe was drafted, but through many years
of playing against each other, they became
best friends. Bryant talked about Jordan in
a recent conference, saying: “We’ve been in
frequent contact. We had some laughs, went
back and forth about it. But the important
things for him, he said, ‘Just enjoy it. No
matter what, just enjoy it. Don’t let anybody
take that away from you, no matter what
happens, good or bad. Enjoy it, man.’”
Bryant continues to inspire young
athletes to work hard and reach for their
dreams. Bryant will retire an MVP and 17time all-star.
Junior Boys Basketball reach third versus Aberhart
Farrell started the second quarter. Amjad
By Chase Glenwright
took the first foul shots of the game making
The basketball season has started one of his two shots. The Lancers showed
for Scarlett’s Junior Boys team with a tour- more effort in this quarter, resulting in a full
nament on the first weekend of December. line change to Hauser, Udoumoren, Howell,
The consists of 13 players: Aadil Amjad Press, and Baines. Press was fouled attempt#15, grade 10; Lincoln Baines
#14 grade 10, Liam Farrell #7
grade 10, Jace Hauser #4 grade
10, Dale Haubrich #23 grade
10, James Howell #10 grade 10,
Marc Maurette #22 grade 11, Seth
McClimans #8 grade 10, Maxim
Mikenine #13 grade 11, Ben Press
#11 grade 10, Eion Rush #6 grade
10, Zach Udoumoren #12 grade
11, Kenny Wojtula #5 grade 11.
The Jr. boys played the William
Aberhart Orange in the consolation final of the Junior Girls and
Boys Redhawk Invitational Tournament at Western Canada High
School. The game started with
Mikenine, Haubrich, Maurette,
Amjad, and Rush. The game
picked up quickly with Haubrich
scoring a three pointer to start off
the game. The Lancers teamwork
and some high percentage shooting but got tied up when Aberhart
showed a strong offensive press.
The boys lost possession a few
times on their own half, while Aberhart proved themselves to be an
effective team. The first quarter
ended with the Lancers down by
Players McClimans,
By Chase Glenwright
Amjad, Maurette, Wojtula, and Eion Rush #6 going in for a lay-up Aberhart #9 blocking
ing a shot from outside the three point line teenth at Bishop O’Byrne and another on the
resulting in Press taking three foul shots, seventeenth at Bishop Carroll. The Lancers
unfortunately he missed all three. Aberhart would be delighted to have you come supstill pulled into the lead at the end of the sec- port them.
ond quarter with a score of 23
Lancers to 30 Aberhart.
The third quarter
was when the Lancers started
to get their grip and began to
make a comeback. Starting
with Baines, Hauser, Udoumoren, Howell, and Press, the
team made a total of 18 points
in this quarter putting them in
the lead by one point. Howell
made an excellent play, denying Aberhart player #9 on
his lay-up. Getting the crowd
quite excited. The score at the
end of the third quarter was
51 Lancers, 50 Aberhart.
The fourth quarter
was the most intense by far.
Everyone was on the edge
of their seats. Starting with
Howell, Wojtula, Baines,
McClimans, and Farrell, the
Lancers pulled ahead of Aberhart, made some excellent
plays and came out on top
in the end. The final score
of the game was 65 Lancers,
61 Aberhart. Haubrich was
awarded player of the game.
The Lancer Junior Boys team
now have a third place tournament plaque to show off.
By Chase Glenwright
The Junior Boys have games
coming up on December fif- Jace Hauser #4 driving towards the net passing Aberhart’s #9
December 2015 --
Hat Trick Hockey is a column that summarizes the previous
month of NHL Hockey. The section “Score” will highlight a success or surprise that took place in
the past month, while “Penalty”
will highlight a flaw. “Prospects”
focuses on looking to the future.
Going into the 2015-2016
NHL season, fans were anticipating the arrival of Connor McDavid and Jack Eichel, both of whom
were being praised as the next
Crosby or even the next Gretzky.
However, the Sabres did not have
the start they wanted, losing eight
of their first ten games. Eichel currently ranks third among Sabres
players for points. Edmonton came
out .500 in their first 10 games but
McDavid did not woo the league
like experts thought he might. McDavid played thirteen games for
the Oilers before a collision with
the boards during a game against
the Philadelphia Flyers resulting
in a clavicle injury. McDavid ranks
fifth on Oilers scoring despite his
With the absence of the
first overall pick, rookies around
the league have begun to stand out.
One of these rookies is Chicago
Blackhawks forward Artemi Panarin. Panarin agreed to a contract
with the Hawks in April of 2015
and scored his first NHL goal in his
first game, on his first shot against
the New York Rangers. Panarin
leads all rookies in points and assists and is only one goal behind
current rookie scoring leader, Max
Domi. Panarin is the second highest points earner for the Hawks
this season, behind his linemate
and role model, Patrick Kane. According to captain Jonathan Toews,
Panarin can think on his feet and
has incredible skills with the puck,
both of which are coveted traits by
any hockey player. The undrafted
Hawks winger is on track for a
great season and an even better career.
The Calgary Flames find
themselves in a goaltending predicament. They currently have
three goalies that are signed to
Scarlett FEVER
one-way contracts. NHL teams are
allowed to have two goaltenders
on their 23-player roster so the
Flames must make a choice. None
of the goaltenders have been playing exceptionally well during their
stay with the team. Joni Ortio, who
has spent time jumping between
the Flames farm team in Stockton
and the NHL, has not had a great
start. Last season Ortio was called
up to the Flames for 6 games where
he posted a 4-2 record with a 2.52
goals against average. This season,
Ortio has played 5 games, earning
no wins and a goals against average of 4.26. Unfortunately, the
other Flames goaltenders do not
boast much stronger stats. Hiller,
who was placed on the injured
reserve in early November, participated in 7 games with the team
this season, putting up a 2-3 record
with a 3.67 GAA. With Hiller out
with a hip injury, the Flames gave
Karri Ramo a chance to prove himself and make a case for starting
goaltender. Ramo won 6 of his 14
starts, putting up a 3.12 GAA.
The danger to having 3
goaltenders, all of whom are waiver-eligible, is that one goaltender
can easily be lost. In order for any
of the 3 to cross over to the AHL
from the NHL or vice versa, they
must clear waivers. During that 24hour period, any other team can put
in a claim for that player. By the
end of the 24 hours, the player will
be sent to the team that claimed
him, meaning that the Flames
would not get anything in return,
which is almost worse than having
3 goaltenders.
With Hiller set to return,
Bob Hartley has a choice to make.
Starting Hiller right away would
show that Hartley still has confidence in Hiller and that he is the
clear choice for starting goaltender.
However, continuing to play Ramo
would show that Hartley does not
believe Hiller is ready.
The Flames currently
spend $8.74 million on goaltenders
per year. Ramo, who was originally
brought in to be the second-string
goaltender is making close to $4
million a year, which is one of the
highest salaries for backup goal-
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
He makes
more than
goaltenders Devan Dubnyk and
Craig Anderson respectively.
Possibly more
of a problem than the Flames current goaltending dilemma is their future
problems. Both Hiller and Ramo
are free agents going into next
season and Ortio is a restricted
to make a decision soon, especially
since they have now slid to second
last in the West.
Due to the recent success
of the new 3-on-3 overtime format,
the NHL has decided to take that
success to the All-Star game. The
game will feature All Star teams
from each division who will compete for a prize of $1 million, split
between the players on the winning
team. Similar to last season, fans
will have an opportunity to vote
in one player for each team. Last
year, the Blackhawks almost swept
the fan voting, however, thanks to
the nation of Latvia, Zemgus Girgensons, a centerman for the last
Page 45
decided whether they want to play
their semi-final game first or second. Semi-final games will be 20
minutes in length, with the Atlantic
facing off against the Metropolitan
Division and the Central Division
competing against the Pacific. The
winner of those two games will
compete in another 20-minute
game with the prize being awarded
to the winning team. A shootout
will be the deciding factor if any
game remains tied after the 20 minutes of play. The NHLPA and the
NHL Board of Directors hope that
this new format will keep viewers
more engaged in the action.
The new 3-on-3 overtime
format has already reached its desired effect. The dislike of
shootouts has been widely
discussed over the last couple of years with many people complaining that a team
game such as hockey should
not be decided by a 1-on1 competition between a
player and a goaltender. The
incorporation of the 3-on-3
overtime combines the nerve
wracking nature of the shootout with the team style of the
regulation game. Also, with
the NHL trying to keep the
audience as engaged as possible, tie games have come
to an end much quicker than
before. As of November 18,
38 of 56 games have ended
during 3-on-3 overtime. Last
season, with the previous
overtime format of 4-on-4,
only 44% of games ended in
overtime. For some players,
the new overtime format is
superior to 5-on-5 hockey.
Players are given more time
and space to show off their
skills, and for players like
Johnny Gaudreau, it gives
them plenty of opportunities to show what they can
Photo by Maya Smith
do. Gaudreau netted the
The Calgary Flames will likely be sending one of their star caliber talents like
winner against the
winger Johnny Gaudreau, centre Sean Monahan, or defenseman Mark Giordano
Blackhawks on November
free agent. The Flames have been place Buffalo Sabres, was also 20 by using the time and space givconditioning AHL goaltender Jon chosen. The fan picks for this year en by the sole Blackhawks defenGillies in the hopes of having him will become captains of their re- semen, Brent Seabrook, to cut to
become a backup and maybe even spective All Star teams. The rest of the net where he got the goaltender
starting goaltender in the near fu- the players will be chosen by the moving to one side before shooting
ture. However, he currently has no Hockey Operations Board. To even high blocker side.
This format does very
NHL experience. The Flames may out the representation, all 30 teams be in the market for a new goalten- will have at least one player attend- little to aid goaltenders.“There’s
der before the trade deadline, but ing the All-Star game at the end of just too much space for guys to
work with,” Steve Mason, a goalHartley has not made a statement January in Nashville.
There will still be an All tender for Philadelphia Flyers told
on whether or not they are even looking. Hartley has said, “One Star Skills Competition where the reporters, “Guys are so talented
[goalie] has to make a statement Western Conference All-Star team, that when they have that time and
somewhere. It’s plain and simple. made up of the Central and Pa- space, they can put goals in.” ScorYou play okay as goalies and it’s cific Division teams, will face the ing has been a major problem for
Eastern Conference All-Star team, the NHL since the late 90s and this
not good enough.”
Whether or not the which includes the Metropolitan few-player, high-paced overtime
Flames choose to resign Hiller or and Atlantic Division teams. The system may provide the scoring
Ramo, the truth is they will have winner of that competition will drive that they have been missing.
Page 46
-- Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
The Calgary Flames’ early season
woes have been quite the let-down after the
team was pegged as a bottom-feeder going
into the 2014-15 season but made the postseason for the first time since 2009. This
disappointing start has Flames fans thinking
about their young guns coming up through
the system once again, and what kind of success these players may bring to them in the
future. The following prospects have been
deemed the most exciting with the highest
potential in the Flames system at the moment.
Jon Gillies, Goaltender, 6’ 5”, 215 lbs,
drafted 75th overall in the 2012 Draft
The biggest problem in the Flames
early struggles has undisputedly been goaltending. There are a number of issues with
the Flames goaltending including carrying a
trio rather than a pair, jeopardizing the development of prospect Joni Ortio in the process, and the fact that Jonas Hiller and Karri
Ramo are simply not starting goalies anymore. Hiller and Ramo were both playing
over their heads last season and could not
keep that pace. This is where Gillies comes
in. Gillies is who the Flames hope is the
goaltender of the future and it does not look
like he will disappoint. Gillies is currently
playing with the Flames’ American Hockey
League (AHL) affiliate, the Stockton Heat,
after absolutely dominating three years at
Providence College. Gillies has been limited
to only seven games so far this season due
to a pair of injuries, but when he returns he
is sure to carry the torch in Stockton. After
backstopping Providence to a Frozen Four
Championship and winning gold with USA
at the World Juniors, he looks to continue
that success at the pro level. Unfortunately
for the Flames, Gillies looks like he may be
NHL ready in about two years as a best-case
Emile Poirier, Right Wing, 6’ 2”, 200 lbs,
drafted 22nd overall in the 2013 Draft
One of the Heat’s most lethal
weapons is struggling out of the gate after
an extremely successful rookie season which
earned himself a six-game stint with the
big club last season. Poirier may be going
through what many hockey minds consider
to be the “sophomore slump,” which happens when a player in his second season has
a much poorer season than his rookie campaign. Poirier was drafted much higher than
expected in 2013 but it looks like the Flames
scouting might be paying off. The Flames
are extremely weak on the right wing position as they lack depth throughout their lineup. With two of their top three right wingers
in David Jones and Jiri Hudler going into
contract years, they seem to be pretty desperate for Poirier to develop into a big, great
skating, right winger. Poirier surely hopes he
will not disappoint.
Markus Granlund, Centre, 6’, 185 lbs,
drafted 45th overall in the 2011 Draft
The script with Granlund is all too
familiar. It looked as if he was going to be a
mainstay in the Flames lineup after dressing
Continued from page 42
tion against Jasper
Place, who they
had lost to earlier
in the tournament.
The Lancers fought
hard against Jasper
place, winning the
first set 25-21. In
the next set, Jasper
Place brought aggressive offense, to
which Scarlett responded with absolutely outstanding
defense. However,
their defense was
not enough to solidify a win, and the
boys lost at 23-25.
The next two sets
were similar, with
extraordinary play
exhibited by both
In the third set, Scarlett came back
with hope, but was too emotionally and
drained to preform at their peak. They were
once again hopelessly inconsistent, and the
girls were playing so poorly that it became
humorous to the team. The Lancers kept a
positive attitude, laughing at their ridiculous errors. Coach Tyler Spooner took the
opportunity to substitute players onto the
court who had never before played in a final. Though the girls took home silver, their
attitude remained positive and they lost with
As the final point was lost-a serve
out the back- tears were shed, not for the loss
of gold medal, but for the end of an amazing
season and the conclusion of a tightly knit
team. For several of the girls, this was their
last game of volleyball.
In the Provincial Championship
match, the Senior Boys sought redemp-
Scarlett FEVER
in forty-eight games last season but off to
the AHL he went to begin the year with the
Heat. Granlund was obviously disappointed,
but he did not let that disrupt his play as
he leads the Heat in scoring about a dozen
games into the season. Granlund looks like
he can develop into a useful two-way, thirdline centreman, who can put up some quality numbers. He almost looks like a Mikeal
Backlund sort of player. Granlund is the first
call-up out of Stockton if any injuries occur.
If he cannot crack the big club next season,
there will be quite a few eyebrows raised and
with his contract due for renewal, he will
probably receive a one-way deal, and surely
will get a long look from teams interested in
claiming him on waivers.
Oliver Kylington, Defenseman, 6’, 185
lbs, drafted 60th overall in the 2015 Draft
It is amazing sometimes to see
what a player’s attitude can do to his draft
position. Fans saw this phenomenon in 2013
with the Rangers selecting Anthony Duclair
in the third round when he was undoubtedly a top-tier skilled player in the draft. If
the draft was to be redone, he would have
without a doubt been a first-round pick as
he is currently top five in rookie scoring this
season. Fans saw it again in 2014 with Josh
Ho-Sang being drafted 28 overall due to his
attitude problems which are still an issue to
date. The most recent was his tardiness in
the opening days of training camp because
he slept in. For this unacceptable act, HoSang was immediately sent back to his junior club, without the opportunity to make
the big club. Based on skill, Ho-Sang was
a top-ten player in his draft class. His only
problem is his attitude. The Oliver Kylington case is one of the more curious ones. It
appears that the Kylington attitude problem
was a rumour. Kylington had a bit of a disappointing season split between Farjestads and
AIK in Sweden. Kylington went from being
a projected top-five pick to dropping to late
second round. He is a top-five skater from
the draft class and the Flames were happy
to announce his name on stage. The Flames
were also happy that he is allowed to play in
December 2015
Stockton and develop his skills in the North
American pro game. Kylington will be getting top-four minutes with the Heat moving
forward, and with his smooth skating, he is a
low-risk, high-reward prospect.
Tyler Wotherspoon, Defenseman, 6’2”,
210 lbs, drafted 57th overall in the 2011
Young Flames defensemen Rasmus Andersson, Brandon Hickey, and Kenney Morrison all make solid cases for themselves, but Wotherspoon’s proximity to the
NHL gave him the slight edge. It is not a
question of whether Wotherspoon will be
an NHL defenseman, the question is when.
His big body and stellar defensive play make
him a future stud that looks like he will project into a 5/6 defender who can jump up and
play shutdown minutes in the top four. With
Ladislav Smid and Deryk Engelland aging,
Wotherspoon will provide a welcome presence on the Flames acclaimed blueline. He
is already anchoring Stockton’s blueline and
will continue to dominate the AHL until the
Flames decide he is ready and have an open
roster spot for him. Surprisingly, Brett Kulak beat out Wotherspoon for a job in training camp but long-term, Wotherspoon is a
more viable option.
Many may view this list as a weaker
prospect pool than most but the reality of the
situation is that the majority of the Flames’
best prospects are already playing on their
team. The team’s two best forwards are
twenty-two and twenty-one: Johnny Gaudreau and Sean Monahan respectively. Sam
Bennett is also an extremely highly-touted
prospect who made the jump to the big club
this season and is performing better and better in every game he plays. The Flames hope
that these and many more of their prospects
can develop through their minor system and
come up when they are ready without being
rushed. Despite looking to the bright, but
distant future, the Flames want to stay in the
present and do not want to call their season
quits and rightfully so. With a weaker than
usual Pacific Division this season, anything
is possible for the “Cardiac Kids.”
Photo by Stephanie Rip
The Senior Boys Volleyball team, coached by Darren Colquhoun, placed silver at Provincials
teams, but ultimately, the
Lancers lost with scores
of 24-26 and 25-27.
Lancer teams should be
proud of their performance, as even earning
a spot at Provincials is
challenging, let alone
winning a Provincial Silver medal.
With the exception of Isabel Loewen,
the 2016 Senior Girls
Volleyball team will be
composed entirely of
girls new to the senior
team. The 2016 Senior
Boys Volleyball team
should continue to soar,
as many players will be
returning to play their final year.
December 2015
Scarlett FEVER
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
Page 47
Senior boys basketball team hopeful entering season
By Daniel Nickerson
As basketball season has
started, the Scarlett Senior Boys
are working hard to get into shape
and playing condition. The Lancers will have to face teams that are
in both Division 1 and 2 because
the Calgary Senior High School
Athletic Association, or CSHSAA,
has decided that the boundaries between the two divisions is so close
that they have grouped all the teams
in both divisions under one umbrella and now call it Division 1/2.
CSHSAA has also placed a seeding
round at the end of the regular season to separate the teams into two
different playoff divisions. Those
who win in the seeding are placed
in the Division 1 playoffs while the
teams who do not win will be put
into the Division 2 group.
Within the 1/2 Division,
the teams are split up into north
and south; Scarlett will be in the
south group. Last year the Lancers were in the middle of the pack
in the south but lost in the seeding
round and were sent down to the
Division 2 playoffs. Unfortunately, Scarlet lost in the first game and
was eliminated by St. Mary’s. This
year the Senior Boys will want
some redemption
as last year they
expected to do
better, and with
a new start to
the season coming up, they have
their chance.
This year the
Lancers are lucky
to have Josee
Lemay, who is
one of Scarlett’s
teachers, coaching them this
year. Lemay will
be helping the
head coach Frank
Lyall, a member
of the basketball
community outside of Scarlett.
Most of
Photo by Daniel Nickerson
the Senior Boys Scarlett students getting into the basketball spirit by playing a game of bump in the gym
Basketball season
January 5 after they get back from The pre-season tournawill take place after the Christmas break and exams, Christmas break and before exam ment, the Calgary Basketball Clasbut Scarlett played 2 games before break which will be against West- sic, finished up on December 5.
Christmas: December 15 against ern Canada. Many games for the The tournament started on NovemBishop O’Byrne and December 17 Lancers will take place in February ber 30 with many teams like Cenagainst Bishop Carroll. The Lanc- while they have one final game in tennial, Bishop McNally, Robert
Thirsk, and Scarlett’s own Lancers
ers will only have one game on March before going to playoffs.
playing in the Boys A Division as
opposed to the B Division and the
C Division. The Lancers entered
a bracket with 15 of the other top
teams within Calgary. The Lancers
faced off against St. Mary’s, their
first game of the tournament, which
took place on November 30 at 7:30
pm. Unfortunately the boys lost 92
– 61. Scarlett then went on to play
Centennial on December 1 at 5:30
pm where they were able to easily
get the win, 92-75. After defeating Centennial the Lancers played
Notre Dame to get into the third
place game. Regrettably Scarlett
lost 89-73 on December 3 at 7:30
pm and was knocked out of the
tournament. After the tournament
was done a total of twenty-seven
people received scholarships, but
none from Scarlett received one.
The scholarships given out are for
graduating seniors with the purposes of advancing their post-secondary education.
Not a bad start for Scarlett. The Lancers look like they
will be sitting around in the same
place as last year in the standings,
which is about seventh place. If
the Lancers work hard they should
be able to get into the playoffs.
all Grade 12, are the members of games played in such a short period However, the team has demonthis year’s team. .
of time, and the ongoing intensity strated their team dynamic with
It is obvious that the girls of each game, some of the Senior the way they support each other
are a very tight-knit group. Some of girls have suffered minor injuries. when faced with difficulties like
the girls may have
played on previous teams together while some are
just meeting for
the first time, but
regardless, they
have developed
a team dynamic
that reflects on
the court. The
unity they share
as individuals and
as a team allows
them to play the
sport with grace
proving their athletic ability. Basketball requires
everyone to work
as a team in order
to be successful
on the court, and
it is evident that
the Lancers have
Photo by Rafaa Abbas
Due to
of basketball
the number of
injured teammates. “It is great to
see how the girls rally around each
other during difficulty or injury,”
says team coach Andrew Rasmussen. The coach is very pleased with
their ability to rally around each
other when it is necessary. The
girls have only just started their
season but already play very well
as a team and are able to combine
their strengths and weaknesses and
use them to their advantage.
With their ability to play
together as a team and their combined skill levels, the season is already looking good for Scarlett’s
Senior Girls. The girls are all very
close and are able to bond through
their passion for basketball, which
will have a very positive influence
on their success throughout the
season. In the sport, it’s very important for players to be close with
each other, as this helps with their
performance on the court. If the
players on a team can be friends
on and off court, it is much easier
for them to understand each other’s
abilities and help build strength as
a team.
The girls have played
9 games, winning their first one
against Bishop McNally, a division
2 team.
Senior girls kick off the season with their first few games
Megan Miskiman,
and Erin Burns
Every Monday afternoon
and Wednesday morning, the gym
is filled with the familiar sound
of sneakers squeaking and balls
bouncing. That’s right; the Senior
Girls Basketball team has started
their season. After an eventful tryout process, the Senior Girls team
is finally assembled. The team won
their first game against Bishop McNally on November 26. So far, the
girls have played 6 games in tournaments and had their first season
game on December 8 against St.
Mary’s. The players, students in
grades 11 and 12, consistently give
their all in each game and practice,
and their dedication to the sport is
what will make this season one to
watch for.
This year’s Senior team
is made up of a variety of talented
athletes: Abby MacLean, Hannah
Tarasco, Hannah MacLean, Jadon
Schmidt, Brittney Mason, Riva
Kessel, Tristyn Oke, Kate Misner
Stephanie Pyre, all Grade 11; and
Shannon Fitzgerald, Ginelle Mah,
Sarah Kulle, and Victoria Deneka,
Page 48
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Tips for exam preparation
By Helena Gagnier
Warm weather has finally arrived,
and students cannot help excitedly anticipating the long awaited break, but one last obstacle stands in their way before the months
of relaxation can begin: final exams. Exams
are a stressful time for many students, and
are the main source of anxiety during these
last few weeks of school.
One of the most important things
to do in preparation for the exams is to start
studying early. While it is tempting to relish the last weeks of school by relaxing and
soaking up the sun, it is vital to start preparing for exams as soon as possible. Individuals should begin reviewing the material they
learned while school is still in session, so
that if any questions arise, they can ask their
teachers. Studying over a long period of time
is more beneficial than cramming an entire
semester’s worth of knowledge into one’s
mind the night before an exam.
Another way to ensure that students will study an adequate amount is to
set study times for one’s self. Individuals
should have a schedule that indicates times
and days when they are completely dedicated to studying. Students should make sure
that their workspace is clear and organized
to limit distractions, and should especially
consider turning off their phones. If they are
studying with a friend, students should make
sure that they are always on task and are
always benefitting from the topic of discussion.
Studying can be mind-numbingly
boring at times, and in order to avoid stopping due to lack of interest, it can be effective to study with a friend or two. Many
people find that they learn more efficiently
when studying with somebody else. Individuals can quiz each other and help one another understand concepts more clearly. Study
partners may explain answers to one another
and share notes to provide a wider base of
information to study from. As long as they
always remain on topic, students may benefit
from having a study buddy.
Taking breaks is another necessity
in the process of studying. While studying
is very important in exam preparation, taking breaks is equally as vital. It is important
for individuals to let themselves take time to
process the information and let it sink into
their memories before moving onto the next
subject. Students should take ten-to-fifteenminute breaks every hour or so while studying to allow their minds to store the information in their memories and refocus. Also,
studying before one goes to sleep has been
proven as beneficial to the memorization
process as the human brain retains information more thoroughly as one sleeps.
Understanding how one learns best
is key to how students choose to prepare for
the exams. Whether individuals are auditory,
visual, or kinesthetic learners, it is important
to know how to study most beneficially.
There is a different method of studying for
every individual, and everyone should find a
technique that suits their individual needs.
Auditory learners prefer to have information presented orally, through speeches
and lectures, rather than simply taking notes
or reading. Studying techniques for auditory
learners should actively incorporate some
form of listening or speaking. For example,
students may benefit to listening to recorded
lectures, or from recording themselves reading their notes out loud, and then listening to
the recording. Also, speaking answers aloud
can help them retain the information, as well
as explaining their answer to a family member or a friend.
Visual learners thrive when given
maps, charts, diagrams, or images of any
kind, and benefit from seeing things rather
than only listening. When visual learners are
studying, they should make sure to use many
diagrams, and draw out concepts so that they
better understand. These students will benefit from writing things down and perhaps
rewriting important notes in order to better
memorize them. Most visual learners study
more efficiently alone so that they can completely focus on the images. Students should
highlight and underline the most important
parts of their notes, and use sticky notes to
mark important pages in the textbook. They
should consider printing off diagrams and
labelling them, as well as drawing out concept maps.
Kinesthetic learners are students
who learn well by touching and doing activities. While preparing for exams, kinesthetic
learners should make their studying as active
as possible. They could do this by listening
to recorded lectures or notes as they go for
jogs or walks, or flipping through flashcards
while running on the treadmill. Also, assembling flowcharts and diagrams can help.
Students can do so by writing out points on
sticky notes and assembling them on empty
walls or whiteboards. Kinesthetic learners
benefit from keeping their hands busy while
they study, or from movement of any kind.
In order to be relaxed about an
exam, it is helpful to have the day planned.
Individuals should plan when they want to
go to bed the night before, and when they
want to wake up to make sure they are not
tired entering the exam. Laying out what one
is going to bring the night before will lead
to a calmer start to the day. If the exam individuals are writing is being held in the afternoon, students should make sure they do
not sleep in too late to avoid being groggy,
and perhaps do something that relaxes them,
such as taking a walk. Individuals should
leave themselves enough time to get to the
location of the exam in a comfortable timeframe, early enough to get used to the environment.
It is important that individuals pace
themselves when studying, and that they find
the method that suits them the best. Students
should trust themselves to do well, and not
stress over the exams. If they prepare well,
students should find themselves confident
when writing the exams.
Scarlett FEVER --
December 2015
Schedule for winter exams
Semester 1 exams are quickly approaching. All locations for the exams will
be posted outside the Main Office. Remember to arrive thirty minutes early before
your exam. Hoodies or hats are not allowed
during an exam. All technology must be
turned off and stored away prior to writing
an exam.
Fr. Math 20-1
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Math 20-2
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
FLA 30 Part B
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
ELA 30-1 Part A
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Biology 20, 20AP
9:00 am – 11:00 am
ELA 30-2 Part A
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Math 10C, 10C-AP
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Fr. Math 10C
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Social 30-1 Part A
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Fr. Social 30-1 Part A
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Biology 30
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Social 30-2 Part A
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Social 10, 10AP
9:00 am – 11:00 am
ELL Social 10-2
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
FLA 30 Part A
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Chemistry 20, 20AP
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
ELA 10, 10AP
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Math 30-1, 30AP
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Fr. Math 30-1
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Math 30-2
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
ELA 30-1
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Social 20-1
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
ELA 30-2
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Fr. Social 20-1
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Physics 20, 20AP
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Social 20-2
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Science 10, 10AP
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Environmental Science
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Physics 30, 30AP
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
ELA 20-1, 20AP
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Social 30-1 Part B
9:00 am- 11:30 am
ELA 20-2
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Fr. Social 30-1 Part B
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Social 30-2 Part B
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Chemistry 30, 30AP
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
FLA 10, FLA 20
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Science 30
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Math 20-1, 20AP
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm