The Experience - Greater Burlington Partnership
The Experience - Greater Burlington Partnership
March 2012 Vol. 92 No. 3 The Experience A Newsletter for the Greater Burlington Partnership Making Connections, Building Community p8 - p9 Greater Burlington Leadership p16 View The Experience at Small Business Appreciation Breakfast Save the Date: May 18 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 Burlington, Iowa USA 52601 Phone: 319-752-6365 FAX: 319-752-6454 E-mail: Website: On May 18, it will be time to recognize small businesses of Des Moines County. Small businesses have a major impact on our community and local economy. Join us in honoring them at the 2012 Small Business Appreciation Breakfast at the Comfort Suites Hotel & Convention Center. The meal will begin promptly at 7:30 am. Volume 92 No. 3 News Tour”Upstairs Downtown” Page 3 $2 Million Revolving Loan Available Page 4 Region Heads to D.C. Summit Page 5 CVB Host Iowa Associations Page 5 Golden Ticket Adventure Page 6 Member of the Month Page 7 Making Connections, Building Community Page 8 - 9 Member Renewals Page 10 New Members Page 11 Calendar of Events Page 12 Member Information Page 13 Upcoming Partnership Events Page 14 Partnership Calendar Page 15 Greater Burlington Leadership Page 16 Area small businesses will receive four complimentary breakfasts. Additional breakfasts can be purchased for $15. Take this opportunity to show your support for area small businesses! The featured keynote speaker is Mike Wagner, CEO of the White Rabbit Group. Mike Wagner’s business acumen has been developed through more than thirty years of experience with a number of organizations in a variety of industries. 2011 Small Business of the Year: Standard of Beaverdale Over those years, it became clear to Mike that the businesses with bottom line success have some very basic things in common: leaders focused around a vision and support from engaged employees. Mike is knowledgeable in a broad range of industries including web development, sales management, and consultative sales. To RSVP for the Small Business Appreciation Breakfast, contact Brenda Levitt by May 14 at 319-208-0047 or Nominate a business for the 2012 Small Business of the Year! Businesses who have exemplified outstanding business achievements and community service are encouraged to apply. All nominations will be made electronically this year. You will be emailed a link to the nomination form, or you can access it at Nominations are due by Tuesday, May 1. It is customary and perfectly acceptable to nominate your own company for the award. If you have not received the link for the nomination form via email and would like a form mailed to you, contact Brenda Levitt at 319-208-0047 or Kay Sackville Breuer Jason Hutcheson Beth Nickel Just A Thought Front Cover Photo: Downtown Partners, Inc. Exec. Dir. 319-208-0056 Page 4 Ed Minard 319-750-2873 SUBSCRIPTIONS: Price is $24, which is Economic Development Exec. Dir. 319-208-0043 Steve Frevert Sherri Krause Convention & Visitors Bureau Exec. Dir. 319-208-0045 Melissa Schwenker Finance Manager 319-208-0044 Membership Director 319-208-0046 Dennis Hinkle Brenda Levitt Brenda Wischmeier President & CEO 319-208-0050 included in annual events fees. Non-members: $3 per issue. Periodicals postage paid at Burlington, Iowa. POSTMASTER: The Experience is published monthly by the Greater Burlington Partnership. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Experience (USPS 001-692), 610 North Fourth Street, Suite 200, Burlington, Iowa 52601 page 2 Vice President 319-208-0041 Econ. Development & Govt. Affairs Coord. 319-208-0047 Jaime Howard Sheila Newman CVB Asst. & Welcome Center Coordinator 319-208-0052 Director of Marketing 319-208-0040 Existing Industry and Workforce Specialist 319-208-0048 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 Tour “Upstairs Downtown” Downtown Partners is teaming up with several property owners to bring you “Upstairs Downtown,” a very special tour of upper story spaces. From luxurious condos to newly completed apartments to residential developments in the planning stages, come see how the adaptive reuse of historic buildings is reenergizing downtown Burlington. The “Upstairs Downtown” tour will be held Sunday, March 18 from 1 pm to 4 pm. Advance tickets are available for $10 at the Iowa Store and The Medium/Weird Harold’s. You may also purchase tickets at the door of any site during the tour. The featured spaces are at 400/404 Jefferson, 413 Jefferson, 200 N. Fourth, and Schramm’s Corner at Third and Jefferson. For more details, visit or contact Steve Frevert, Executive Director of Downtown Partners, at 319-752-6365 or Take the Downtown Wine Trail With spring in the air, it’s time to hit the trail – the Downtown Wine Trail! Participating merchants will open their doors for this Spring Open House event on Saturday, March 31 from 5 to 8 pm. Representatives will be on hand to provide samples from wineries throughout the region. It’s a perfect way to sample some new tastes and browse some of the great shops in downtown Burlington. There will be special prizes and giveaways as well. The event is free and open to those 21 or older. You’ll be able to sample wines at The Iowa Store, Original Cyns, Weird Harold’s, The Medium, The Tattered Parasol, Camera Land, Country Friends, Mundt Piano & Organ, Nature’s Corner, and Burlington by the Book. For more information, call Downtown Partners at 319-752-6365 or visit Sponsored by • page 3 Just a Thought The Partnership’s Role in Political Advocacy In February, nearly 50 delegates and 25 students from Southeast Iowa descended upon Des Moines for the annual Great River Region Days advocacy event. The delegation consisted of both business leaders and local Jason Director elected officials, andHutcheson, these eventsExecutive always provide a great Economic Development forum for interesting discussion. Upon return, however, we often ask ourselves several questions. Was it worth it? Greater Burlington Partnership Did we make a difference? Did our presence influence legislation? The answers to these questions are not easy to quantify. Ultimately, however, I believe these trips are absolutely essential. The interactive sessions allow members of our delegation to build relationships with policy makers and state department heads. The meetings also give us an opportunity to tell the emerging story of our region. This year, that story included evidence of the area’s economic momentum. It is important for legislators to hear from the business community. The world is extremely complex, and policy makers cannot be experts on every topic. They depend on feedback whether it comes from comments at a hearing in the Capitol Building or at weekend policy forums. During this year’s Great River Region Days event, a session was held regarding the use of Tax Increment Financing (better known as TIF). Our audience included mayors and city administrators along with business owners that depend on the appropriate use of this local economic development tool. The discussion (held in a room adjacent to the Capitol Rotunda) helped provide additional context to the larger debate. In fact, Debi Durham, the director of the Iowa Economic Development Authority, sat in on our session just to listen. These advocacy efforts do make a difference. Policy engagement at the state and federal level is important, but our most critical role is in the local communities we serve. For that reason, you should expect a strong advocacy effort from your Chamber of Commerce. Not long ago, a local resident was quoted in The Hawk Eye insisting that ‘one call from the Chamber’ was more powerful than popular opinion. While I disagree with the general assertion, The Greater Burlington Partnership does indeed have an impact on local policy. There are several good reasons. 1. The Partnership represents 675 members with more than 18,000 employees. Those are real numbers, and they provide the organization with strong credibility. 2. The organization picks its battles. It would not be wise to engage in every controversial issue. Sometimes small victories must be conceded to advance the greater cause. 3. Mutual respect is a must. There will always be disagreements on matters of policy. When issues become personal, they become a distraction to the debate. 4. Partnership staff stays connected. Our organization is often seen as a credible source for information and guidance on policy matters. Building relationships with local decision makers enhances that credibility. Employers within any community need a strong advocate. In Greater Burlington, your Chamber of Commerce is unapologetic about filling that role. Jason Hutcheson, Executive Director Economic Development $2 Million in Revolving Loan Funds Available Loans for business development and expansion are available in southeast Iowa. Revolving loans provide gap financing for working capital, fixed assets or real property. These loans fill the ‘gap’ between what the bank can lend and what the business needs. Currently, the Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission (SEIRPC) has $2 million to loan in southeast Iowa, with up to $500,000 available per project. Since 1994, SEIRPC has loaned over $3.7 million to 57 different businesses. Industrial, commercial, retail, restaurants, medical and service businesses have all been assisted with gap financing. Loans are made on the basis of jobs created and retained, the quality of the project and the participation of a primary lender. The loan application requests similar information required by a primary lender. If you are in need of business financing, contact Jeff Hanan at: 319-753-4316 or We specialize in RID DG IVIVEERRRI GEE DEN RR NTTAALLCAR CAREE RIVER RIDGE DENTAL CARE Commitment to to Excellence” “A“ACommitment Excellence” “ADR. Commitment to Excellence” DAVID C. CAMP DR.DR. DAVID C. CAMP DAVID C. CAMP DR.NATHAN NATHAN M. HEUBNER DR. HEUBNER DR. NATHAN M. M. HEUBNER 700 N. Third Street • Burlington, Iowa 52601 N. Third Street••Burlington, Burlington, Iowa 52601 700 N.700 Third Street Iowa 52601 (319)(319) 752-1840 752-1840• • (319) 752-1840 • 700 N. Third Street Burlington, Iowa 52601 (319) 752-1840 page 4 customers! Burlington Locations to Serve You 1233 N. Roosevelt 400 N. Main 752-2741 753-5488 Also Ft. Madison Offering Complete Tire & Auto Service Over 24 tire brands available email: RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 Great River Region D.C. Summit The Great River Region is preparing for the D.C. Summit 2012. Delegates from Southeast Iowa will meet with Senator Grassley, Senator Harkin, Congressman Loebsack and congressional staff members on a variety of key topics affecting our region. Although influencing legislation at a national level may seem like an insurmountable task, it is important that the business community continues to interact with policy makers. Please mark your calendars and join us in influencing our legislators on April 24 - 25. If you plan to attend the summit, your hotel reservations can be made at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill, 202-737-1234. Mention the Great River Region Days room block for a discounted rate. This trip is a cooperative initiative of the Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development organizations in Des Moines, Henry, Lee and Louisa counties. For more information about attending the summit, contact Brenda Levitt, 319-208-0047 or We Need Your Connections! You can help bring thousands of new dollars to Greater Burlington. Simply complete the online Greater Burlington Connector Form before May 15. Each person who completes the form will be eligible to win a Kindle Fire. Visit and click on the Greater Burlington Connector button. The form will take you less then 5 minutes to complete. Greater Burlington to Host Iowa Associations The Greater Burlington community will be welcoming two association groups to the community in the month of March for meetings and conferences. Leadership Iowa, a program of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry Foundation, will be hosting one of their monthly sessions on March 2 and 3. The session will focus on public safety and will include meetings, tours, and receptions throughout the community and region. The session will attract approximately 46 attendees to the community. The Iowa Association of Women Police will be hosting their Annual Spring Training Conference in Burlington March 25 – 27. The Iowa Association of Women Police is an official non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of women in law enforcement. This conference will attract approximately 50 attendees to the community. Officer Laura Larger and Officer Melissa Moret served as local connectors in helping attract this conference to the Greater Burlington Community. If you belong to an association, club, or board and travel out of town for meetings, conferences or trainings, contact Beth Nickel, Executive Director, Convention and Visitors Bureau at 319-208-0045 to learn how you can be a local connector. Carpet and Furniture Specialists: • Commercial & residential services • Complete fire/water/smoke damage restoration • Floor waxing & polishing • Upholstery & total home cleaning 24-hour Emergency Service CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE SERVICEMASTER OF BURLINGTON 754-8168 / 800-246-8168 • page 5 New Displays at the Welcome Center Greater Burlington Promoted at Tradeshows If you haven’t been to the Port of Burlington Welcome Center lately, now is a great time to stop by. Several new displays have been added, including a focus on business and industry in Greater Burlington with a display by Case New Holland (CNH). The display highlights the importance of CNH in Burlington’s history and also includes some fun things to see. Additional new displays have been added to highlight anniversaries that take place for several annual events this year. The Greater Burlington Convention & Visitors Bureau promotes the Greater Burlington area at a variety of tradeshows this time of year. The Convention & Visitors Bureau will be attending shows that are aimed at vacationers and the group travel market. The Port of Burlington Welcome Center is open daily 9 am - 4:30 pm. Each year the Convention & Visitors Bureau attends a handful of shows that primarily focus on the leisure and consumer travel market. Anticipated attendance ranges from 8,000 to 15,000 attendees at each show. This year the Convention & Visitors Bureau will be attending shows in the Quad Cities and Cedar Falls/Waterloo areas. “Having a presence at tradeshows each year gives Greater Burlington an opportunity to meet face to face with potential visitors,” said Beth Nickel, Executive Director, Greater Burlington Convention & Visitors Bureau. “Many people who visit our booth are excited to learn about all of the great attractions and events we have to offer them throughout the year.” The Convention & Visitors Bureau just returned from the Heartland Travel Showcase in Knoxville, TN. This show is an appointment based show that was used to help attract the motor coach market to Greater Burlington. y CNH Display and Snake Alley Displa Leads generated at tradeshows are kept in a database at the Convention and Visitors Bureau Office. Contact is made with these leads several times throughout the year. re” tu n e v d A rd a y ck a B r u “Golden Ticket To Yo ay 18 – 28 M : rs a d n le a C r u o Y rk a M tions Ticket” to visit local attrac en old “G ir the th wi ed unity arm t out to ex plore the comm yard Adventure promotion on May 18 -28. ck Local residents wi ll be sen Ba ur Yo al Golden Ticket to local attractions are during the Second Annu n & Vi sitors Bureau and tio en nv Co the , on oti om s Bureau. “The dback from last year’s pr ton Convention & Vi sitor attractions.” ng rli Bu ter ea Gr , tor “A fter some positive fee rec d th Nickel, Executive Di re time to visit the adde teaming up again,” said Be attractions and be ex tended so locals have mo more es and offering promotion wi ll include ing up for discounted rat en op be ll wi es ess sin bu ng complimentar y d tions and tourism relate Trailways wi ll be prov idi rac ton att ng e rli nin Bu ly . ate on im oti ox om pr pr y Ap rams during the eleven da n Farmers Market. spec ial activ ities and prog ay, May 24th in conjunction with the Downtow ursd d at any of the community tours on Th . The tickets can be picke 1st ay M ng rti sta ity un the comm distri buted throughout “Golden Tickets” wi ll be reaterburling w.g ww m wnloaded fro do or ns 045 or tio rac att ng eri partn ct Beth Nickel at 319-208-0 nta co or ter let ws ne ce e Experien next month’s issue of Th Watch for more detai ls in om. n.c al Society, bnickel@greaterburlingto s Moines County Hi storic nch, De ty, Ci n Fu e lud inc ractions ton, Kenny’s Roller Ra To date, participating att on, Ar t Center of Burling ati erv ns Co ty un Co me Center, s Des Moine , Port of Burling ton Welco ys ary br Li c bli Pu ton ng rli Bu and Burling ton Trailwa Burling ton Bees Baseball page 6 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • (319) 752-6365 Comfort Suites Hotel and Conference Center MEMBER OF THE MONTH Conveniently located off Highway 61 on the south side of Burlington, the Comfort Suites Hotel and Conference Center is the premiere choice in southeast Iowa for lodging, dining and gathering. With 86 spacious non-smoking guest suites we have plenty of room for business travelers, families and those just looking to getaway. Our great amenities include hot breakfast buffet for all guests, large indoor heated pool and hot tub, game room, guest business center and fitness center. Our full service restaurant, Peaches Café and Steakhouse has great dining with nightly specials and Sunday brunch. The Comfort Suites Lounge has weekday happy hour and live music Friday nights. 1780 Stonegate Center Drive, Burlington, Iowa 319-753-1300 Our Conference Center has 10,000 square feet of flexible banquet and meeting space and our professional staff will cater to your every need. We can accommodate groups up to 400 people and have the expertise to handle your special requests. We offer our corporate guests the most modern technologies with our high speed internet access available throughout the property, cutting edge audio/visual capabilities and top notch service. You can be sure no detail will be missed. Follow us on Twitter - Like us on Facebook! The Greater Burlington Partnership is widely using social media to boost brand awareness, share breaking news and promote Partnership events. The Greater Burlington Partnership encourages Chamber of Commerce members and individuals to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. You can simply visit and click on the social media icons. The Partnerships Twitter is The Partnerships Facebook is “As the number of people and businesses using social media continues to rise, it’s essential for the Greater Burlington Partnership to engage social media,” said Brenda Wischmeier, Director of Marketing. “Social Media is one of the best ways to keep up to date with businesses on what they have going on.” You can also find Downtown Burlington, Iowa and Greater Burlington Iowa Convention & Visitors Bureau on Facebook! H&L Mack Truck Sales Corp. Since 1956, providing new Mack and used trucks. Genuine Mack parts, sales and service Hwy 61 South Mediapolis, IA 52637 319.394.9143 • page 7 Making Connections, Building Community More than 420 business professionals from the area and their guests were in attendance at the Greater Burlington Partnership Annual Dinner on Friday, February 3. The emcees for the evening were Joyce Vance and Donna Logan, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois. They were delightful and kept the crowd entertained with a few jokes throughout the evening. Rick Buller, Berthel Fisher and Company/ Legacy Partners, spoke as the 2011 Chairman of the Board of Directors and was presented with a plaque of appreciation for his term. Mike Dick, CPA Associates, P.C., took on his new role as the 2012 Chairman of the Board of Directors and set his ideas and goals in motion. A video and short roast were given to Dennis Hinkle, President and CEO, for his upcoming retirement. This was his final Annual Dinner as President and CEO of the Greater Burlington Partnership. Special thanks to the Annual Dinner Committee who made the night possible: Corky Wolbert, Joyce Vance, Mary Delzell, Sue Eastin, Kali Eastin, Donna Logan, Kay Kent, Patty Moad, and Kay Sackville Breuer. Join Us in Congratulating all the Winners! The Emmy Award, which has been a tradition of the Chamber of Commerce since 1965 . . . . is to be presented only to people who have by some deed, action, or continued years of community service helped the community and is not normally recognized for his or her actions. This year’s Emmy was awarded to Tom Walz, for his passion and continued volunteerism in the community since age 9. Tom began his volunteering at the Y and has kept serving the public both through his professional career and volunteer roles. His volunteering has included Steamboat Days, Snowbull, Burlington Bees, High School Fundraisers, Snake Alley Criterium, the Lions Pancake Breakfast, the Chili Cookoff, Heritage Days and Toys For Tots. He’s helped with more floods than he can count, always the first to get there and the last one to leave. Tom volunteers because it’s important to the people involved or the entire community, therefore becoming important to him. He believes in Burlington and West Burlington and its citizens. He is a hands on tireless worker and leader. Always helpful and cheerful. He shows up and asks what needs to be done and does it. and Trust Jeff Burkhart, Farmers and Merchants Bank d. awar y Emm The Tom Walz with presented Rick Buller presented the Chairman’s Award to Matt Shinn, Two Rivers Bank & Trust, for his dedication and vision in the Imagine campaign. The Imagine was the community-wide initiative to engage everyone who lives, works, visits or studies in Des Moines County and the greater Burlington area to help create five big ideas for the future. The five visionary ideas that were generated will make the area a better place to live, work and play. Pictured with all the Award Winners: Rick Buller, Legacy Partners and Dennis Hinkle, President and CEO, Greater Burlington Partnership. was awarded to Mississippi The Best Renovation of a Facility newly renovated facility that Valley Regional Blood Center for their ening rooms, sectioning off of the included the addition of four donor scre ge door, new flooring , cabinets donation area, installation of a second gara a new parking lot. and counters, as well as construction of was presented to Doug Ziegler The Community Impact Award first annual Burlington Monster and the Burlington Soccer Club. Their success, attracting more than 1,100 Match Soccer Tournament was a huge rs. The tournament filled hotel participants and another 3,000 spectato er time for local hotels as well rooms to 100% occupancy during a slow as benefited local restaurants and retailers. The Business Person of the Yea r was awarded to Martha Wolf, The Ivy Bakeshoppe. Martha is an energetic business owner and has created a restaurant with obvious success. Martha can be seen running in and out of businesses or with an apron on greeting customers. No matter where she is or what she is doing, you will always see her with a smile! Martha was busy working - accepting the award on her behalf is daughter Hannah. The Project of the Year was awarded to Westland Theatres and Tim Burcham. This new facility was built in seven months at Westland Mall and features a 5,000 square foot lobby, ten state of the art theatres with wall to wall screens measuring about 45 feet across. Three of the screens are 3-D, and all ten theatres include stad ium seating and reclining seats. The Young Professional of the Year was awarded to Chris Lee. He is activily involved in his work at the Des Moines County Conservation and brings his knowledge of the natural resources field to everything he is involved in. He is currently President of the Aldo Leopold Pheasants Forever Chapter in Burlington, is a participant in Greater Burlington Leadership and serves on the Downtown Partners Board of Directors. 2012 MEMBER RENEWALS Access Energy Cooperative and Access Energy Propane AD Specialties Unlimited Advance Chiropractic Center Advanced Rehab & Sports Medicine Air Choice One Aldo Leopold Pheasants Forever Chapter 271 Alfagomma America Allen Blasting and Coating Alzheimer’s Association American Ordnance AmericInn Anderson, Roberts, Porth & Wallace, P.L.C. Law Firm Bakers Pride Beckman TV & Appliance Bel Canto Chorale Bickel’s Cycling & Fitness Bickford Assisted Living and Memory Care Borghi USA Brockway Company Brockway Mechanical & Roofing Co. Burlington Area Family Practice Center Burlington Church of Christ Burlington Family Eyecare Burlington Golf Club Camera Land Cameron Insurance Services Carlos O’Kelly’s Carpetland USA Carter Chiropractic Clinic Carter Nursery Casa Fiesta Mexican Restaurant Century 21 Property Professionals Cessford Construction Company Childrens’ Dental Center of SE IA Christ Episcopal Church Burlington Civic Music Association CNH COBO International Collision Center Corp Construction Management Services Contract Services Dave Bessine Electric Iowa State University, Des Moines County Extension Service Design Homes Designer’s Viewpoint Details Diamond Vogel Paint Center Doran & Ward Printing Company page 10 Drake Hardware & Software Dresser-Rand, Steam Turbine Business Unit Employee Benefit Systems Ernest Pilkington - Independent Assoc. LegalShield Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust Federal Mogul Ignition Products Financial Adjustment Bureau First Congregational Church First Presbyterian Church Fleck Sales Flint Cliffs Manufacturing For Our Birds & Gardens Furniture City General Electric Company Goodwill of the Heartland GRADE A PLUS Graystone Construction, Inc. Great River Christian School Great River Entertainment Great River Materials H & R Block H. Daniel’s & Associates Haines, Carol and Bob Happy Joe’s of Burlington Hawkeye Pedershaab Heartland Harley-Davidson/Buell Howard Johnson IKON Office Solutions Integrated Technology Partners Integrity Builders & Supply Iowa State Bank The Iowa Store Iowa Wesleyan College J.D. Byrider/CNAC Kitchen Solvers KPI Concepts Krafty Kids Klothing Little Angels Childcare Lowe’s Appraisal March of Dimes Martini’s Grille Massage Cool la Vie McGregors Furniture Mediacom Ann M. Menke, CPA, PC Merit Construction Merschman Fertilizer LLC Burlington River Terminal Midland Mediation MidWestOne Bank Mike Nelson Concrete Paving Co. Minard, Edwin E. II The Board of Directors asks fellow business and organizational leaders to help the Chamber of Commerce be a catalyst by renewing their memberships. The renewing members are listed as of February 14. Those members listed in bold also made voluntary contributions. Renewing members will be recognized in the newsletter through May. Miracle Car Wash Mississippi Valley Callers Association Mississippi Valley Human Resources Mundt Piano and Organ Company Napoli Pizza and Restaurant National Federation of the Blind of IA New York Life Newbury Village Orndoff and Associates Paddlewheel Lounge The Pampered Chef-Deb Swink Parrott Farms Parties Unlimited Peace in Balance, Stephanie Cook Peaches Cafe and Steakhouse Refreshment Services Pepsi POS Professional Office Services Prall’s Rainbo Oil Company Dr. Brad Randolph Rheinschmidt Tile and Marble Riddles Jewelry Ritter’s Florist, Garden Center, Landscaping River Basin Publications Riverview Business Center Burlington Rotary Club RSC Equipment Rental Running Wild Dr. Teresa Salino-Hugg Salon West Sears Servpro of Burlington The Sherwin-Williams Company The Sherwood Company Sickel’s Launderers & Dry Cleaners Slumberland Furniture Snyder’s - Lance Southeast Iowa Builders Association Southeast Iowa Cardiology Associates Southeast Iowa Regional Airport Authority Spirit Hollow State Farm Insurance - Dave Vavroch Subway #1 SunnyBrook Assisted Living Super 8 Motel Target Team Staffing Solutions 3E Electrical Engineering and Equipment Today’s Modern Hair Option Two Rivers Insurance Services Tyson Fresh Meats Burlington/West Burlington Area United Way U.S. Bank Van Meter Wal-Mart Stores The Waters Edge Co. Whitey’s Bar & Billiards Whitham, Ed Wild Rose Manor - Guest House Windstream Communications Iowa Workforce Development Wunderlich Excavating & Plumbing Member Meeting Mark Your Calendars 4th Wednesday at 7:30 am Greater Burlington Partnership Johnson Room All Chamber of Commerce members and their employees are invited to attend a “What’s New” round table discussion. Upcoming Dates: April 25 May 23 June 27 July 25 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 NEW MEMBERS Iowa Department for the Blind 5241 4th St, Des Moines, 515-681-4914, Victoria Kollman, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, The Iowa Department for the Blind provides employment services to blind and visually impaired Iowans who are looking for a job or want to retain or advance in their current career. The Department for the Blind believes that with the right skills and opportunities a blind or visually impaired person can be a competitive and valuable employee. Jeff’s West Avenue Auto 2400 W Ave, Burlington, 319-754-6812 Jeff Heald, Owner Let Jeff’s West Avenue take care of your automotive repair needs. Whether it’s a taillight, a tune-up or anything in between, stop by and let us earn your business. Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. 500 W Madison, Ste 4000, Chicago, Michael J. Ridge, Director-Investments, Michael Ridge, a Burlington native, is director of investments at Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. with 18 years’ experience in the financial services industry. He recommends asset preservation strategies to pre-retirees and retirees who are concerned about outliving their money. Smile Shoppe 210 S 5, Burlington, 319-752-1600, Dr. Amy Groeltz, Dentist/Owner and Martin Joyce, Owner/ CFO At Smile Shoppe, the most advanced dental care is offered with compassion and empathy. Independent owner Dr. Amy Groeltz and the Smile Shoppe team are ready to provide you and your family with the highest quality dental care in the most relaxing atmosphere. We pride ourselves on the outstanding quality of work using the most current treatment options in our state of the art facility. We are proud to be part of this great community, having the privilege to create long lasting relationships and smiles. Thomas Janitorial Services 910 S 12th St, Burlington, 319-754-8336 Garry Thomas, Owner, We professionally clean offices, office buildings, wax floors, and new construction clean-up. We have been in business in the Burlington area since 2000. Call us for all your cleaning needs. Wendy Riggens Photography 409 N 4 St, 3rd Floor Burlington, 319-753-3061, Wendi Riggens, Owner/Photographer, Wendi specializes in capturing the personality of the subjects she photographs and creates unique, timeless images. She has been photographing weddings since 2004 and opened her business in 2006. She loves photographing maternity and newborn sessions, and offers beautiful and discreet birth photography. Her 3rd floor loft studio is a great place for professional headshots as well! Call or email to schedule an appointment. Wireless Central 550 S Gear Ave, West Burlington, 319-754-8000, Leticia Hood, Store Manager, Wireless Central and U.S. Cellular are dedicated to providing unsurpassed customer service. Our goal is to deliver the ideal customer experience each and every time. Our talented team has helped thousands of people make the right choices for their wireless needs. Our employees are experts; they receive continuous training, ensuring our team is up-to-date on the latest plans, programs, services, and phones from U.S. Cellular. Benefit of Membership Schedule Your Business Success The Greater Burlington Partnership wants to hear about your Business Successes and would like to join you in celebrating with a Ribbon Cutting. Your Business Success will be featured in The Experience, online and on the Greater Burlington Partnership Facebook page. To schedule your Business Success, contact Melissa Schwenker at or 319-208-0046 to take advantage of this free membership benefit. SHOTTENKIRKBUYSCARS.COM WE ARE INTERESTED IN PAYING CASH FOR VEHICLES UNDER 85,000 MILES • page 11 March Calendar of Events Sponsored by 1 - 18 - Mississippi Waterfowl Exhibit Art Center of Burlington Includes paintings from French wildlife artist Maxime Bochet. For more information, 319-754-8069 or 8 - 10 - SnowBull Burlington Memorial Auditorium Southeast Iowa’s Premier Indoor Bull Riding event. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit 9 - Burlington/West Burlington Area United Way Annual Meeting PZAZZ! Conference Center — 12 - 1 pm The Burlington/West Burlington Area United Way will hold its Annual Meeting with a noon luncheon. Reservations are required and may be made by calling the United Way Office at 319-752-7831. $14.50 per person. The Annual Meeting agenda includes nominations for organization officers and board members. 9 - Snowbull 2012 Cowboy Rendezvous Featuring Brushfire The PZAZZ! Convention & Event Center - 9 pm Brushfire blends five extremely talented musicians with incredible harmonies, an explosive stage show and a fresh, dynamic sound produced by an array of instruments to create an unforgettable experience for the audience. With performances across the country, Brushfire has played shows with Lady Antebellum, The Band Perry, Gretchen Wilson, Alan Jackson and Jake Owen! $5 at the door for 21 and over only. 11 - Second Sunday Performance Des Moines County Heritage Center — 3 pm This month’s performance will feature Hal Morton and friends. Door opens at 2:30 pm and seating is limited. $5 per person at the Columbia Street door. For more information, 319-752-7449 or 18 - Bel Canto Spring Concert First Congregational Church — 3 - 4:30 pm Enjoy an inspiring afternoon of traditional classical choral pieces and a few popular tunes performed by 35+ semi-professional vocalists from southeast Iowa. Directed by Dr. Tim Ahern. Pianist is Leigh Pirtle. For more information, 866.722.4692, ext. 5065 f or page 12 18 - “Upstairs Downtown” Tour Downtown Burlington — 1 - 4 pm The featured spaces are at 400/404 Jefferson, 413 Jefferson, 200 N. Fourth, and Schramm’s Corner at Third and Jefferson. Tickets $10 at The Iowa Store and The Medium/Weird Harold’s. You may also purchase tickets at the door of any site during the tour. For more information, 24 - 31 - Stained Glass Artisans Art Center of Burlington Gallery hours are: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 pm, Saturday & Sunday 1 - 4 pm. For more information, 319-754-8069 or 24 - SEISO Spring Classical Concert Memorial Auditorium — 6 - 9:30 pm Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra presents the music of Silbelius and Beethoven’s triple concerto with the California-based Aleron Trio. For more information, 319-3856352 or 30 - Taste of Fine Wine, Arts & Ale Scholarship Fundraiser Pzazz! Convention & Event Center — 6 - 9:30 pm Taste many wines, beers and coffees and listen to live music while enjoying fabulous food and bidding on silent auction items, followed by a live auction of wonderfully unique items. Student art show and sale, too. Net proceeds (est. $20,000) go for scholarships at Southeastern Community College. Tickets $50 each. Sponsor Tables for 8 are $500. To reserve your ticket or table call 319-208-5065 (weekdays)or 319-470-1129 (eve/weekend). 30 - 31 - 9th Annual Family Spring Bluegrass Music Festival Comfort Suites Hotel Family-oriented event featuring up to six bands performing bluegrass, traditional country and gospel live on stage. Performances begin Friday evening and continue on Saturday afternoon and evening. Tickets available at door. Youth talent show Saturday 10 AM. Lots of jam sessions & merchandise vendors. For more information, 573-853-4398 or 31 - Downtown Wine Trail Downtown Burlington - 5 - 8 pm Sample wines and try new tastes and browse some of the great shops in downtown Burlington. The Iowa Store, Original Cyns, Weird Harold’s, The Medium, The Tattered Parasol, Camera Land, Country Friends, Mundt Piano & Organ, Nature’s Corner, and Burlington by the Book. For more information, To Submit Calendar Information RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 Youth Appreciation Scholarship Applicants Wanted The 6th annual Taste of Fine Wine, Arts & Ale is scheduled for Friday, March 30 at the Pzazz! Event Center at 6 pm with a silent auction and two hours of tasting an estimated 80 wines, beers, ales and locally roasted coffees, followed by a live auction. Local purveyors participating include Lindon Meadows, Baxter Winery, Millstream Microbrewry, Fleck Sales and Golden Eagle Distributing. Digger’s Rest will provide samples of specialty roasted coffees. Donated Coca Cola products will also be available. Throughout the evening Pzazz! chefs will feature a wide array of delicious hot and cold appetizers and desserts, including Lenten specialties. Does your Junior or Senior represent the Optimist Values or have they contributed to the betterment of our community? The Optimist Club of Burlington-West Burlington wants to provide scholarships to your student! Net proceeds from the event will help fund SCC scholarships for local students enrolling at SCC and college mini-grant projects. The event will also include a large student art show where a number of pieces will be available for purchase. Silent and live auctions will include numerous unique and exciting items donated by college employees, students, alumni and friends of SCC. How to Apply: Ages: High School Juniors & Seniors Application Locations: Des Moines County High Schools & The Burlington Public Library Applications Due: March 28, 2012 Contact: Stephanie Bailey at 319-759-6976 or Recognition Ceremony will be held May 2, 2012 where scholarship winners will be announced! Southeast Iowa Regional Job Fair Member Information Get Your Tickets for the Taste of Fine Wine, Arts & Ale Scholarship Fundraiser Tickets are $50 each, sponsor tables for eight people will be $500 and will include reserved seating, proximity to the auction stage, party favors, and hors d’oeuvres and desserts at the table. Again this year, transportation will be provided to pick up and deliver Lee County patrons to and from the event. To order tickets or reserve sponsor seats, contact Julie Glasgow at 319-208-5062 or To donate an item or service, contact Becky Rump at 319-208-5065 or The deadline to RSVP is 4:30 pm March 29. Employers, register now to connect with job seekers at IowaWORKS Regional Job Fair. IowaWorks of Southeast Iowa will be hosting a job fair April 26, 2012 from 11 AM to 5 PM. The job fair will be held at the new National Guard Armory in Middletown, IA. Hire a Veteran! We are dedicating the first hour to helping our returning veterans find a job. We estimate more than 200 veterans will attend. Take this opportunity to join us and find your next employee. Notre Dame - Gym-Sized Garage Sale Registration fees are $160 for table and electricity. For more information, Looking to do some Spring cleaning? Any items from your basement, attic or garage make great contributions for the sale. The Gym-Sized Garage Sale is set for March 31. Don’t pitch! Save and donate to Notre Dames Garage Sale. We will be collecting and sorting on Thursday, March 29 and Friday, March 30, from 9 am – 4 pm. If you have items to donate simply drive up to the entrance by the west high school gym doors and students will be available to help you unload. Please call Val Giannettino, Development Director 319-754-8431 ext. 385 if you have items to donate. To Submit Member Information OFFICERS Chamber Board of Directors Chairperson Mike Dick, CPA Associates, P.C. Past Chairperson Rick Buller, Legacy Partners Chair-Elect Bryan Bross, Klingner & Associates Treasurer Jeff Burkhart, Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust Burlington Community School District “Supporting all students in their quest for lifelong learning.” The Burlington Community School District will be “ROUNDING-UP” next year’s kindergarten students the week of March 19 and registering 4 year olds for our Grayhound Preschool Program. All families with a child who will be 5 (for kindergarten) or 4 (for Preschool) on or before September 15 are encouraged to call 319-753-6791, ext. 110 for more information. We are excited to have you visit our buildings, meet our teachers, and see for yourself what a great place the Burlington Community School District is! Send to Brenda Wischmeier, Director of Marketing DIRECTORS Chamber Board of Directors Julie Anderson, Hope Haven Area Development Center Dave Beach, Hy-Vee Food Store Sonya Belger, Styltique Eric Benne, Swanson, Engler, Gordon, Benne & Clark L.L.L.P Jim Carter, Dresser Rand Joe Cochran, CPA Associates, P.C. Rodney Gibbons, Slumberland Furniture Laura Hubbard, CNH Lynn Humphries, American Ordnance Jim Kammerer, Great River Health Systems Bill Malcom, MTC Technologies Brian Messer, Farmers Savings Bank Deb Mulch, Burlington Community YMCA/YWCA LJ Pritchard, Titan Broadcasting Michelle Russell, Rheinschmidt’s Flooring America Mary Beth Sanchez, J & S Electric Business Systems, Inc. Gary Schmeiser, Sterzings Food Company Lance Shaver, Federal Mogul Ignition Products Don Sheedy, Peaches Cafe & Steakhouse Judy Stevens, Re/Max Real Estate Specialists Theresa Thielen, Hass Thielen Funeral Home Marvin Thomson, Two Rivers Investment Services Joyce Vance, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Kathy Wunderlich, George’s Lawn Mower, Inc. Vision – A growing regional center of commerce, industry, education, health care, entertainment and culture which provides a great place to live and work. Mission – The Chamber of Commerce is a business association that exists to serve as a catalyst for economic growth and community development in Greater Burlington, Iowa. • page 13 Greater Burlington Leadership Healthcare Session Business After Hours MidWestOne Bank March 15, 5 - 7 PM Join us with your co-workers to build your network at Business After Hours and grow your business! Brought to you by the Greater Burlington Partnership Eggs & Issues RiverPark Place Winegard Board Room March 17, 7:15 AM Chamber of Commerce members are invited to a legislative breakfast with invited guests Representative Tom Sands, Representative Dennis Cohoon and Senator Tom Courtney. Sponsored by Preferred Products Corporation page 14 Proudly Supported by: MidWestOne Bank 3225 Division Street Burlington, IA 52601 Great River Medical Center 505 Social & Community Tour March 8, 5:15 pm 5:15 pm - Underground Downtown Burlington Tour, meet at 401 Jefferson Street. 6 pm - Pre St. Patty’s Day Party, Kelly O’Shea’s, 609 S. Main St., Burlington Enjoy both events or just the event that fits into your schedule. Open to individuals ages 21–42. Annual membership is $55. For more information, contact Kay Sackville Breuer at or 319-208-0041. RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 March 2012 MONDAY ( J) Johnson Conference Room (W) Winegard Board Room (A) Alliant Energy Executive Conference Room TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 7:30 am (A) Value-Added Ag 5 6 12 pm ( J) Farmers Market Committee 7 8 7:30 am ( J) Executive Committee 9 7:30 am (A) Government Affairs 8 am ( J) Ambassadors 5:15 pm (401 Jefferson Street) YP 505 Social & Community Tour 12 8 am (SCC) 5th Grade Career Fair 13 14 15 5 pm (MidWestOne Bank) Business After Hours 8 am (SCC) 8th Grade Career Fair 16 12 pm ( J) YP Leadership 12 pm (City Hall) DPI Business Development 19 20 7:30 am (W) Board of Directors 12 pm ( J) 12 @ 12 21 7:30 am ( J) BRE Committee 22 23 29 30 5:05 pm (Catfish Bend Casino) YP 505 Social 3:30 pm (A) Chamber Foundation Meeting 4 pm (A) Future Workforce 26 27 8 am (Weird Harold’s) DPI Marketing & Promotions 11:30 am ( J) DPI Design Committee 28 7:30 am (A) Entrepreneurship Committee 4 pm (A) Leadership Program Committee Sales Sheets Newsletters Booklets Brochures Labels Cartons Packaging and More! Does your business need a better fix? Stop in, call us, or visit us online for your next printing project. Joe Farrier - VP Sales Steve Curry - Sales Representative Jim Gilbertson - Sales Representative Kristen Logan - Customer Service Tammy Newberry - Customer Service 2811 Mt. Pleasant Street, Burlington (319) 754-5359 We can help. 866-722-4692 • page 15 RiverPark Place 610 N. Fourth St., Suite 200 Burlington, Iowa 52601 TELEPHONE 319-752-6365 FAX 319-752-6454 E-MAIL WEB SITE Leadership 2011- 2012 ” r e g n u H y p u c “Oc In April, the members of the Greater Burlington Leadership Class will kick off their effort to replenish food banks serving the Greater Burlington area. The effort, aptly dubbed “Occupy Hunger” is the class’ group project and couples food drives with local events in the area. The effort will kick off during the Burlington Bees’ opening week of home games. During the home games on Thursday, April 12 through Sunday, April 15, Occupy Hunger “Protestors” will be present to collect canned food and personal hygiene items from fans. For every fan that donates an item, the Bees will donate one dollar to the cause. The “Protestors” will also work at the stadium’s concession stand during the whole month of April, donating their pay from the work to the food banks as well. Occupy Hunger protestors will also descend upon 34 Raceway on Saturday, April 21 as the race day sponsors. Again, protestors will collect canned food and personal hygiene items for the food banks at the event. Then, between hot laps and the feature race, drivers will hit the crowd up for monetary donations by passing their helmets around. Occupy Hunger protestors have set the goal of receiving 2,012 units of items and dollars combined during the month-long effort. Greater Burlington Leadership participants hold $1 Million during the Entrepreneurship Session.. Greater Burlington Leadership is an intensive professional development series designed to strengthen leadership skills by empowering and educating people who live, work or have interest in Greater Burlington. The series is presented by the Greater Burlington Partnership. To learn more about Greater Burlington Leadership, visit for more information or to nominate a candidate for the 2012-2013 series. your bridge to the future burlington • west burlington • mediapolis mt. pleasant • new london • coralville iowa city • des moines • west des moines ankeny • ft. madison • davenport