a new opportunity.
a new opportunity.
A U G / S E P T 2 0 1 3 PL FIND YOUR FIT CHALLENGE: HELPS PEOPLE LOSE TO WIN PG 16 P O W E R L I N E FOR THE UNFRANCHISE ENTREPRENEUR ® A NEW COMPANY. A NEW OPPORTUNITY. A NEW YOU. PG 6 2013 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CONVERT SPENDING INTO EARNING PG 24 PG 20 SHOP.COM $9.95 USD HOME ADVISOR A NEW SHOP.COM contents built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® 1 Leading the Parade Find out what you need to do to discover A New You as an entrepreneur. 2 Events Check out the latest lineup of NMTSS events. 4 Probiotics: More Than a Gut Feeling Learn about how probiotics can help keep you healthy. 6 #MAIC2013 Recap Relive the magic of this year’s International Convention! 15 What Makes a Good Omega-3 Product? There are many omega-3 products on the market. Learn how to pick the best one. • built on product. powered by people. ® 20 A New SHOP.COM Learn about the latest SHOP.COM advancements and how they’ll make shopping easier and better than ever. 23 Facebook Profiles vs. Facebook Pages Discover the difference between the two and which one may work better for you. 24 Home Advisor: Convert Spending into Earning™ Find out how the new Home Advisor analyzes your buying habits. 27 Power People Market America is helping people create their own success stories. See who’s achieving new levels of success! 16 TLS® Find Your Fit Challenge Helps People “Lose to Win” LIKE US FACEBOOK.COM/MARKETAMERICA FACEBOOK.COM/SHOP.COM Shop Smart! Enter a product’s name or code number in the search bar to find that product quickly and easily. FOLLOW US @MARKETAMERICA @SHOPCOM Get Cashback! FOLLOW US This icon indicates you will receive Cashback for this product. Canadian Codes! This icon indicates Canada-specific product codes. Canadian prices fluctuate based on the exchange rate. built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Around the World Market America in Mexico Market America in Mexico is on the fast track, and they’re not slowing down. UnFranchise® Owners are excited about growing their businesses with the recent launch of several Lumière de Vie® and Cellular Laboratories® products. Plans are also underway for the first Mexico Leadership Seminar in spring 2014. In addition, with the growing Partner Store program and the new Sign-Up Wizard, the future is looking bright for UnFranchise Owners in Mexico. Market Taiwan The sold-out Market Taiwan Product Symposium will be held on Sept. 28 and 29. Speakers will include Dr. Deedra Mason, Dr. Jeff Strong, doctors and consultants who are UnFranchise Owners with Market Taiwan. Discussion topics will range from the applications of Isotonix OPC-3® to weight loss and basic skincare training. UnFranchise Owners attending the event will learn advanced product knowledge to support retailing efforts and create more profits. Market Hong Kong The winners of this year’s Spring Challenge share how the contest changed their lives forever. Get free or flat-rate shipping with this item! Visit SHOP.COM for details on qualifying purchases. • @MARKETAMERICA @SHOPCOMDEALS Tell Us! Please email your feedback, testimonials, suggestions and comments to tellus@marketamerica.com. You could see your testimonial featured in a future issue of Powerline! Powerline JAMIE SCHATZ senior art director JONATHAN KALBAUGH graphic designer RYAN SNYDER copywriter/editor JAMES MOFFAT contributing writer BRANDON KEEL editorial manager KRISTIN MACCAULL graphic designer LESLEY TKACZYK copywriter/editor PERRY KRICHMAR, M.D. senior medical advisor BOB GASTON graphic designer AMY REMACHE graphic designer ROBERT BLAIR, Ph.D. strategic research scientist STEVEN SCHNUR, M.D. senior medical advisor JAMES JORDAN graphic designer HEATHER PIKE copywriter/editor HANNAH CALLAWAY contributing writer FRANK SIMON photographer Powerline is published by Market America, Inc., 1302 Pleasant Ridge Road, Greensboro, N.C. 27409-9326, USA. Basic subscription rates: one year U.S. and Canada $99.95 USD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Powerline, Market America, Attention: Mail Processing, P.O. Box 35364, Greensboro, N.C. 27409-9326. Publication contents copyright 2013, Market America, Inc. All rights reserved. Happy Birthday to Market Hong Kong! This month marks its sixth anniversary. UnFranchise Owners and their customers all recently enjoyed a memorable anniversary dinner where winners of the Sixth Anniversary “Top Recruiter” and “Top Online Retailer” Awards were announced. In addition, a series of anniversary-related games just began on Facebook, letting UnFranchise Owners utilize the power of social media to further expand their business. Market Australia This month, Market Australia is excited to have Stacy Tung, Executive Field Vice President from Market Taiwan, conduct two Local Seminars. She will be in Sydney on Sept. 7 and Melbourne on Sept. 14. Stacy is a master builder, a new Million Dollar Club member and the youngest EFVP in the company! UnFranchise Owners throughout Australia have worked diligently over the past few months, building their businesses in anticipation of her arrival. Market United Kingdom This month, Market United Kingdom is excited to announce that the first of many local seminars will be held as Jim Winkler, Vice President of Sales, is welcomed back to host the events. SHOP.COM UK has also launched Hot Deals, giving consumers handpicked deals to take advantage of the best in online savings. Market United Kingdom’s Partner Store Incentive program continues to bring in well-known names such as British Airways, Trainline, Ticketmaster and Toys R Us. #MAIC2013 Relive the excitement — check out the #MAIC2013 mainstage presentations on YouTube! Visit bit.ly/2013InternationalConvention built on product. powered by people. ® • LEADING THE PARADE built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® I can’t believe that Market America’s 2013 International Convention is already behind us! It’s often hard for me to describe these big events in the afterglow — words like successful, powerful or magical just don’t capture the magnitude of emotions and excitement that you get experiencing it firsthand. Like every other year, I truly believe that this was the best event ever. The thing is, every year I’m right! We just keep getting better. “Set goals, build your business globally, take and make the President’s Challenge, jump Pin Levels and we’ll see you on stage at 2014 World Conference!” The theme of 2013 International Convention was “A New Company. A New Opportunity. A New You.” This concept literally came to life throughout the weekend as one presentation after another validated how our company and entrepreneurial opportunity have been reinvented to leverage the latest technology and reach brand-new markets worldwide. We announced a host of new additions to our most popular brands like Isotonix, Lumière de Vie, Motives and TLS. Plus we introduced brand-new lines like DNA Miracles, Frusanté and Choice Bars. The revolutionary online Home Advisor will help convert spending into earning, thus building your Shopping Annuity. With our EMP countries expanding, a GLOBAL.SHOP.COM site servicing the world, and a global unified MPCP combining all BV, Market America truly is a new company with even bigger opportunities. The last part of the theme is A New You, which should be the emphasis for every UnFranchise Owner from now until World Conference. There are a lot of new products and concepts that must be implemented and duplicated to transform into a hopeless success, but keep in mind that it all starts with mastering the fundamentals. One of my favorite demonstrations on stage is the example of priming the pumps. I always preface it with a story from back when I was a Boy Scout. Our whole troop went on a 10-mile hike one day in August and we got lost. It was extremely hot and we had to find water, so we checked behind this old farmhouse and found a pump. There was a bucket beside it, and the unspoken rule is that the last person to use the pump leaves a full bucket of water so the next people who need to get it running can use the water to prime the pump. This time, the bucket was empty. I started pumping anyway; working really hard and it barely did anything. I pumped and I pumped, but nothing was happening. Finally, the Boy Scout leader tells me to run down to a river and fill up the • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® bucket. We then poured it into the pump, which immediately started gushing fresh water! All we needed to do was prime it first. This business is exactly like that pump. When an UnFranchise Owner starts their business with Market America, they are given SHOP.COM in a box — meaning it’s everything someone needs to instantly start a global online business. From the storefront and merchandising, to support and marketing materials, to proven business-building strategies, order fulfillment and shipping services — it’s all provided upfront. Like the pumps, however, you have to put something in before you get something out. You have to prime it by performing the key resultproducing activities, mastering the Basic 5, and building Base 10, Seven Strong. Then, once you get the business going, it becomes much easier to grow and create momentum. The fundamentals of our business haven’t changed since we started. We still use and share the products, introduce the business by showing people the Plan, sell education by selling tickets, and work in the homes with the ABC Pattern. Next, cross-pollinate by building within your specific region — the Americas (U.S., Canada, Mexico and South America); Asia-Pacific (Australia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, with Philippines, Singapore and New Zealand coming soon); and Europe (United Kingdom and Spain). Then you can create combinations in your organizations with International Re-Entry Centers (IRCs) and Universal Global Centers (UGCs) to bolster BV and commissions exponentially! IRCs leverage BV accrual in other markets, tying volume back in to your home country BDCs and strengthening weak legs. UGCs allow you to maximize home country BV overflow by feeding BDCs in other markets. Basically, this opens the floodgates of earning potential for all UnFranchise Owners, and it takes the MPCP to nuclear proportions. Use the tidal wave of momentum created from International Convention. Set goals, build your business globally, take and make the President’s Challenge, jump Pin Levels and we’ll see you on stage at 2014 World Conference! I believe in you. Keep growing. JR Ridinger President and CEO POWERLINE • AUG/SEPT 2013 1 EVENTS built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® COMING UP! 2013 ma University Orientation and Product Symposium ® Valley Forge Resort 1160 First Ave. nutraMetrix® Consultant Training Moving Up Seminar Moving Up Seminar October 4-6, 2013 October 18-19, 2013 October 20-21, 2013 Doubletree by Hilton 4500 West Cypress St. Tampa, FL Miami Beach, FL Miami Beach, FL Featuring: Jim Winkler, Cheyn Crangle, Gary Rogers Featuring: Jim Winkler, Cheyn Crangle, Gary Rogers For tickets, please contact Evelyn Gandia at 336.478.1364 or evelyng@marketamerica.com For tickets, please contact Evelyn Gandia at 336.478.1364 or evelyng@marketamerica.com For tickets, please contact Evelyn Gandia at 336.478.1364 or evelyng@marketamerica.com King of Prussia, PA 19406 October 11-13, 2013 Gain invaluable, in-depth product knowledge and ma University training from Field experts and leaders. You don’t want to miss this! Call 800.232.8590 for tickets. Visit marketamericaevents.com for more information and get your tickets today! A Perfect Match FRICTION FREE 3000™ ENGINE TREATMENT & AUTOWORKS™ FUEL ENHANCER Improve Gas Mileage • Increase Power • Run Smoother FRICTION FREE 3000 ENGINE TREATMENT Code: 6530 | C6530 | $19.50 Improves engine performance Increases engine life Repairs engine wear AUTOWORKS FUEL ENHANCER Code: 6538 | C6538 | $20.95 Increases gas mileage Protects fuel system from wear and tear Cleans sulfur deposits and buildup Save your car and your money with this perfect match — available exclusively at . miracles™ miracles™ natural ...Because every child is a miracle. DNA Miracles™ is a specialty line of high-quality body care and wellness products, designed and introduced especially for babies, children and expectant moms. Formulated with the highest quality of natural ingredients, we put the same loving care into DNA Miracles™ Natural. You can be assured that each of these easy-to-use products come with our pledge to have your child’s best interest at heart, giving you confidence that you’re using the best there is for your little miracle — and yourself. Get the best for your little miracle at . Code: 6900 | DNA Miracles™ Gummy Vitamins | $22.50 Code: 6930 | DNA Miracles™ Natural Hydrating Baby Lotion | $12.50 Code: 6932 | DNA Miracles™ Natural Foaming Wash and Shampoo | $12.50 Code: 6931 | DNA Miracles™ Natural Diaper Cream | $14.00 LA LA @lala Just got to the Motives booth!!! It’s poppinnnnnn!!!!! #MAIC2013 LIVING WELL built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Probiotics: More Than a Gut Feeling Probiotics are more than bacteria: They’re disease fighters helping keep you healthy. By Steven Schnur, M.D. The digestive tract is home to 400-500 different types of microbes, including both healthy bacteria (probiotics) and potentially pathogenic (or disease-causing) bacteria. Maintaining optimal digestive and immune health depends in large part on maintaining optimal bacterial balance within the digestive tract. Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are both believed to be the byproducts of an imbalance in this relationship. The Research According to a recent meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, probiotics have “shown promise” in prevention and treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. The use of probiotics was associated with a 42 percent lower risk of developing diarrhea compared with control groups in more than 60 studies included in the analysis. The benefits of probiotics stretch far beyond digestive health. Probiotics are also being studied for their cholesterol-lowering activity. Cholesterol is made in the liver from bile, stored in the gallbladder, and released into the upper portion of the small intestine after food intake. Probiotic bacteria — especially Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus and Clostridium — produce enzymes that convert bile into a less-soluble form, which is excreted in feces before it can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. While the capacity to bind cholesterol and the amount of cholesterol assimilated varies widely among strains, overall, the studies show oral administration of probiotics may reduce cholesterol levels by as much as 33 percent. In addition, research published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows two particular strains of probiotics — Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum — have “beneficial psychological effects in humans” and may play a key role in reducing some people’s anxiety. The Sources Many people point to yogurt when they’re asked for a source of probiotics. While it is true that the manufacturing process for yogurt means it will inevitably contain some probiotic bacteria, one simple fact cannot justify strong probiotic claims. There is a very important difference between probiotic presence and probiotic benefits, which manufacturers tend to ignore. So exactly what makes a high-quality probiotic product? Many probiotic products deliver a high total probiotic count, but they are only coming from one or two strains which yields less comprehensive support. According to research published in Food Research International, probiotic products that deliver multiple strains can offer more benefits than a single strain. Diversity of strains, total bacterial count and protection of the probiotics are key elements to be considered for a quality probiotic supplement. Steven A. Schnur, M.D., is a Senior Medical Advisor for the nutraMetrix® Educational Institute and founder and president of EliteHealth LLC. He studied at State University of New York from 1977-1981, where he earned his bachelor’s of science degree in biochemistry. Dr. Schnur attended the University of Miami from 1981-1985, earning his medical degree, and received his board certification from the American Board of Internal Medicine and Cardiology in 1991, and also in 2001. SOURCES: Journal of the American Medical Association, “Probiotics for the Prevention and Treatment of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea,” 2012 British Journal of Nutrition, “Assessment of psychotropic-like properties of a probiotic formulation (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) in rats and human subjects,” 2010 Journal of Diabetes Research, “Cholesterol-Lowering Probiotics as Potential Biotherapeutics for Metabolic Diseases,” 2012 4 POWERLINE • AUG/SEPT 2013 Amber Ridinger, Beauty Expert and Creator of Lumière de Vie Your favorite skincare line is expanding 1. Lumière de Vie® Facial Cleanser is a powerful cleanser that helps to moisturize while cleansing, refreshing and invigorating the skin. The appearance of rough, dry skin is visibly diminished, creating skin that is softer and smoother. Code: 12207 | C12207 | $35.00 2. Lumière de Vie® Toner helps to support a radiant complexion by promoting healthy skin hydration, effectively reducing the appearance of rough, dry skin for a softer, smoother complexion. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is visibly improved while helping the skin to maintain a healthy balance. Code: 12208 | C12208 | $31.00 3. Lumière de Vie® Intensive Hand & Body Crème is an intensive rich crème that saturates skin for long-lasting hydration. With nutrientrich ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil and sunflower seed oil, this powerful crème helps break the cycle of dryness and dehydration to give skin a new softness and suppleness. Code: 12205 | C12205 | $29.95 4. Lumière de Vie® Sample Packs allow you to try the hottest skincare line on the market! Featuring 10 samples of five individual foil packets of Lumière de Vie Illuminating Fading Fluid, Lumière de Vie Serum Concentrate, Lumière de Vie Volcanic Exfoliating Mask, Lumière de Vie Intense Rejuvenation Crème and Lumière de Vie Eye Balm. Contact an UnFranchise® Owner to try them out! 3 2 1 4 Try them today — or visit motivescosmetics.com and search “Lumière de Vie.” The crowd gets warmed up for an action-packed day. President and CEO JR Ridinger teaches attendees about the Shopping Annuity. ANOTHER POWERFUL EVENT! These inspired UnFranchise® Owners will be back for World Conference in Miami! The story of International Convention is no doubt one that’s difficult to convey in words alone. The magnitude of the event can be felt in the bones of attendees, but words escape them when they tell their friends and family about the three-day experience. It truly has to be seen to be believed, and the 2013 International Convention was one of the greatest in the company’s history. Over the next few pages, we’ve compiled some of the best moments of 2013 International Convention through the lenses of a few great photographers. Relive the excitement of this phenomenal event! The crowd goes wild! Excited beauty enthusiasts get a hands-on look at the new Lumière de Vie® products. Executive Team members Andrew Weissman, Jim Winkler, Kevin Buckman and Dennis Franks looking sharp for the day’s events. Senior Vice President Loren Ridinger kicks off International Convention with an inspiring welcome speech. The Ridingers and Duane’s mother react during Duane McLaughlin’s emotional performance. JR Ridinger demonstrates the proven principle of working in the homes by following the ABC Pattern. Steve Ashley discusses the continued success of Prime™ Joint Support Formula by Isotonix®. Miss North Carolina USA Ashley Mills pays the Motives booth a visit. Winners of the TLS® Find Your Fit Challenge give Lydia Martinez a boost. Chief Operating Officer Marc Ashley gets the crowd pumped about the new SHOP.COM. Executive Field Vice President Stacy Tung motivates the crowd. Executive Vice President Joe Bolyard poses with an excited UnFranchise® Owner who just “got his three.” UK UnFranchise Owner Tanesha Westcarr discusses how Facebook has helped her team grow. Executive Vice President Marty Weissman shares his insight on the new DNA Miracles™ line. Loren Ridinger and Marty Weissman pose with baseball All-Star Cliff Floyd. Duane McLaughlin and Amber Ridinger McLaughlin present their new product line, DNA Miracles. Andrew Weissman demonstrates the major downside of working the 45-Year Plan. International Field President Joanne Hsi motivates the audience with her success story. Loren Ridinger pays a visit to the popular DNA Miracles booth. Basketball Hall-of-Famer Scottie Pippen autographs a basketball for a lucky winner. Andrew Weissman and Market America’s Executive Directors get excited about success. La La Anthony explains her excitement about Motives® for La La. International Field Chairman Elizabeth Weber shares secrets to her incredible success. Conquer Entertainment artist Olamide Faison entertains the crowd. Conquer Entertainment artist Nadia Turner wows the crowd with her incredible voice. Eager ticket buyers stop to pose with Field Vice President Phil Guido. Vice President of Communications Anthony Akers discusses the technology of MeetON.com. JR Ridinger demonstrates finding freedom by smashing his alarm clock. Vice President of Sales Jim Winkler discusses success with a panel of millionaires and millionaires in the making. CHALLENGE WINNERS built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® NEW MILLION DOLLAR CLUB MEMBERS An elite group of UnFranchise® Owners who have earned in excess of $1 million in commissions through Market America.* Larry Cao & Qin Liu Kun-Yu Lin Su-Mei Chiu Ma Donald & Lisa Martin, Jr. Min Pan Stacy Tung Li Wang Ru & Yan Wang Not pictured: Margaret Davis, Gina Hsu PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE MOTIVES ® challenge Sandi Bennett, Thomas Bui, Roxanne Cahill, Jose Carrero, Laura & Raymond Giamcobbe, Jr., Valerie Green, Jie Gu & Fu Guo, Robin Kaba, Madeleine Laxamana, Zhewu Li, Kali Lo, Bingshuang Lu, Donald & Lisa Martin, Jr., Michelle & Tony Molinaro, Daniel Morgan, Yan Ping Northrup, Toby Oetken, Charese Sailor, Eddy Sarit, Kathleen Schindler-Brown, Elizabeth Weber, Wei Qin Wu, Ying Jie Zhan, Shizhen Zheng nutrametrix challenge ® Charlie Cao, Jane Chen, Craig Goldstein, Holly Grief, Dr. Perry Krichmar, Cherie Lyle, Daniel Truth Morgan, Dr. Stan Pierce, Larry Rogowsky, Dr. Steven Schnur, Lorin Sourbeck Hsin Yuan Huang, Yi Shan Huang, Todd & Laura Laire, Bingshuang Lu, Carlos Marerro, Michele Molinaro, Toby Oetken, Cynthia Slen, Quinnie Sy, Danelle Toner, Jodi L. Usher MA WEBCENTERS ® challenge TLS ® challenge Kathleen Carr, Yi Shan Huang, Glant Lee, Cherie Lyle, Jerry & Amy Martin, Lydia Martinez & William Izer, Joanne Orshan, Jinglin Zhang Carlos Cintrón, Sue Gilad, Craig Goldstein, Todd Laire, Jason Pelland, Russell & Trista Polo, Eddy Sarit, Greg Taba *The examples of income shown above are not intended to be representative of the earnings of any specific class of Market America Independent Distributors, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. Rather, the income figures testify to the results which have been accomplished by Independent Distributors who have devoted time, talent, hard work, and a willingness to follow the UnFranchise® proven business plan in building their Market America businesses. The success of any Market America Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent and dedication which he or she devotes to the building of his or her Market America business. the pros of probiotics WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS? [proh-bahy-ot-ix] Probiotics are bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines. 25 There are more than different diseases and syndromes — including ALZHEIMER’S ARTERIOSCLEROSIS DEPRESSION & RHEUMATISM that have been linked to bacterial imbalance Oral administration of probiotics has shown to REDUCE CHOLESTEROL LEVELS BY AS MUCH AS 33% in animal and human studies. (World Health Organization) An estimated 100 TRILLION microorganisms representing more than 500 DIFFERENT SPECIES inhabit every normal, healthy bowel, REDUCING THE GROWTH OF HARMFUL BACTERIA and PROMOTING A HEALTHY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. save paper 34% Probiotics reduced antibioticassociated diarrhea by 64% reduction in Upper Respiratory Infections (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013) probiotics + aloe 43% REDUCTION IN TOTAL CHOLESTEROL LEVELS 50% 12% INCREASE IN HDL (GOOD) CHOLESTEROL (Journal Nutrition, March 2013) in immune function following two weeks of probiotics supplementation Two particular strains of probiotics — Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum — improved “levels of psychological distress, including measures of depression, angerhostility, anxiety and problem solving.” (British Journal of Nutrition) (British Journal of Nutrition, March 2011) INCREASE in healthy young adults following 12 weeks of oral administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (British Journal of Nutrition, 2013) Get swept away in contemporary tales of love, passion and cosmetics with the Motives® Modern Day Romance Collection. Inspired by trends from the Fall/Winter 2013 runways, this collection features products that range from playful and feminine to edgy and fierce. Tell your story with the new Motives Modern Day Romance Collection! Passion 115MLMG 3 If You Dare 5424MNP Crave 5425MNP Exposed 5426MNP Jaded 5009MNP 4 Venom 5008MNP 7 1 Hot Summer Nights 238ML 3 Naughty 100MLML 5 Kiss Me 58MLG 2 6 1. Motives Secret Moments Palette Motives Secret Moments Palette features four metallic eye shadows that are playful and dreamy, taking you on an adventure of a modernday romance. {Code PRESH12, $34.95} 5. Motives Khol Eyeliner - Green Envy A new addition to the Motives Khol Eyeliner collection, Green Envy provides fun, long-lasting color. Your passion awaits with this amazing new shade. {Code 43MEP, $14.75} Coming Soon! 2. Motives for La La Secret Fantasies Palette Motives for La La Secret Fantasies Palette features four eye shadows that are contemporary and intriguing with a hint of punk, allowing for limitless possibilities. {Code 2013MLSF, $34.95} 6. Motives Glitter Eyeliner - Gold Digger The newest addition to the Motives Glitter Eyeliner collection, Gold Digger, allows you to create a look that is perfectly subtle or defiantly bold. Script your modern-day romance with this fierce new liner. {Code 101MGE, $12.95} 3. Motives & Motives for La La Mineral Lip Shine Add a little shimmer to your day with the new additions to the Motives and Motives for La La Mineral Lip Shine collection. With contemporary charm and hints of modern edge, these new Mineral Lip Shines are sure to transport you to your very own modern-day romance. {Codes Vary, SR $17.95} 4. Motives & Motives for La La Nail Lacquer Motives® and Motives® for La La Nail Lacquer features five new colors from the modern and edgy Jaded to the perfectly nude Exposed. Complete your story with these contemporary, vogue shades. {Codes Vary, $6.95} 7. Motives Rich Formula Lipstick - Hot Summer Nights & Motives for La La Mineral Lipstick - Naughty Featured Item: Add playful, rich color to lips with Motives Rich Formula Lipstick in Hot Summer Nights and Motives for La La Mineral Lipstick in Naughty. Achieve a feminine or edgy Modern Day Romance look for Fall/Winter 2013. {Code 238ML, $14.95; La La Code 100MLML, $17.50} 8 9 Rose Berry 113ML Rosewood 111ML Petal Pink 112ML First Date PRESH10 10 Late Night PRESH11 109 109MFL 110 110MFL 111 111MFL 113 113MFL 112 112MFL Adore Me 51MLG 11 Scandal 49MLG Toasty Delight 50MLG Rosé 52MLG 12 14 13 Brown Berry 56MLG Empress 105MPB Pink Mauve 104MPB Miami Heat 53MLG 15 Miami Heat 53MLG Fashion Week 54MLG 13 Sangria 55MLG 8. Motives Holiday Quad Designed specifically with this time of year in mind — the parties, first dates and late nights. From subtly glamorous to playfully flirtatious, these quads are perfect for wherever your holidays may take you. {Codes Vary, $29.95} Limited quanity will be available in October! 9. Motives Mineral Lipstick These mineral-formula lipsticks add long-lasting color with essential hydration for show-stoppingly smooth lips. {Codes Vary, $17.50} 10. Motives False Eyelashes Introducing five new styles with high-quality human hair and a clear strip that gives lashes instant length and volume. {Codes Vary, $7.75} 11. Motives Mineral Lip Shine This mineral-based formula delivers sensational color with ultra shine and protection to achieve soft, beautiful lips. {Codes Vary, $17.95} Wild Honey 57MLG powders to contour, highlight and bronze, plus an easy-to-follow instructional guide on where to apply. {Code 101MSD, $34.95} Coming Soon! 13. Motives Illuminating Lip Shine These are sure to light up your look with their convenient mirror and LED light for the perfect shine day or night! {Codes Vary, $13.95} 14. Motives Mineral Blush These mineral-based blushes provide exceptional sheer, lightweight application for cheeks that look natural and radiant. {Codes Vary, $15.50} 15. Motives Makeup Remover Towelettes Motives Makeup Remover Towelettes gently cleanse the skin while removing makeup, dirt and oil in one easy step. {Code 01MEMT, $6.00} 12. Motives 3-in-1 Contour, Bronze and Highlight Kit Perfect for beginners and professionals alike, Motives 3-in-1 Contour, Bronze and Highlight Kit features three *Add a “C” in front of the code number for Canadian orders online. choice UT PEAN ER BUTT AR B N I E PROT Natural 15 grams of protein 12 grams of fiber 7 grams of non-fiber carbs Gluten free ™ CHOC PEAN OLATE UT BU TTER ENER GY BA R 150 calories 22 vitamins and minerals 13 grams of protein 5 grams of fiber Gluten free Exclusively at Code: 6800 $21.00 Code: 6801 $19.95 Larsa Pippen @larsapippen My Ace @scottiepippen at #maic2013! I live on Isotonix Joint Formula���� built on product. powered by people. ® • LIVING WELL built on product. powered by people. ® • Smaller fish such as herring, sardines and anchovies are most plentiful in omega 3s, EPA and DHA. built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® EPA and DHA serve different functions. These good fats influence thousands of gene expressions involving fat metabolism, cell inflammation and brain signals. If your cells don’t get the needed amount of DHA and EPA, they can’t function optimally and eventually break down. The only way to get these essential fatty acids is through the foods you eat or the supplements you take. As a cardiologist, I always recommend patients take a quality omega-3 product to maintain heart health. But the most common question I get is: “What do you mean by a quality product?” There are a couple of things to look for to determine what omega-3 product you should take. SO IF I HAVE TO CONSUME OMEGA-3s, WHAT’S THE BEST SOURCE? Studies show that receiving an adequate amount of omega-3s can reduce triglyceride levels by as much as 30 percent in adults — a main component of keeping cholesterol in check. Additionally, baby boomers can reduce their risk of coronary heart disease deaths by up to 40 percent with adequate omega-3 intake. These and countless other fish oil studies involve the use of 1,000 to 3,000 milligrams of omegas. That’s why it’s important to know how much omega-3 is in a product to receive the maximum benefit. By Perry Krichmar, M.D. built on product. powered by people. ® Omega-3s have been shown in studies to improve the incidences of cardiovascular disease, mental health illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease, inflammation and more. For example, adequate omega-3 intake has been shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels enough to reduce the risk of heart attack by 5 percent and the risk of stroke by 8 percent. HOW MUCH OMEGA-3 ARE YOU GETTING, AND WHICH KINDS? What Makes a Good Omega-3 Product? • It’s easy to distinguish the amount of total omega-3s in a product, as most companies — especially marketing-savvy ones — will tout those numbers right on the label or in their advertising. Then you have to find out what types of omega-3s are in said product and how much. “Well, isn’t all omega-3 the same thing?” The answer is no. Many mass-marketed products contain anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of omegas. However, they include as little as 100 milligrams of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), the two most important omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil. Oily fish — especially smaller fish such as herring, sardines and anchovies — are most plentiful in omega-3s, EPA and DHA. Not only that, but their lifespan is short, so they’re less likely to accumulate environmental toxins common in larger, longer-lived fish. That’s another important factor when choosing an omega-3 product: the source of its fish. Quality omega-3 products utilize these smaller, cold-water fish because they provide the best, most contaminant-free fish oils. And many reputable companies and manufacturers will screen even further, testing every batch of omega-3 fish oil dozens, if not hundreds, of times throughout their production processes. It’s easy to understand why patients and consumers might get confused. There are a lot of omega-3 fish oil products on the market. You can look in any grocery store, specialty nutrition store or big-box retailer, or search “fish oil” online and find hundreds of pills and supplements touting their superiority. Finding that proverbial needle in a haystack may seem daunting. Make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. Sources: American Heart Association Scientific Statement: “Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease,” 2002 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Intermediate Markers of Cardiovascular Disease,” 2004 Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, “Triglycerides and Cardiovascular Disease,” 2011 Perry Krichmar, M.D., is a Senior Medical Advisor for Market America and co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of EliteHealth, where he manages the Wellness and Prevention Center. He is also very active in teaching physicians about the latest trends in cholesterol management and cardiovascular risk prevention strategies, and is one of the industry’s foremost experts in CAT scan screening for heart disease. POWERLINE • AUG/SEPT 2013 15 LIVING WELL built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Find Your Fit Challenge • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® HELPS PEOPLE Lose to Win Participants in the TLS® Find Your Fit Spring Challenge collectively lost thousands of pounds and inches. The winners share their inspiring stories. By James Moffat Dan Beiler sat at his computer one night searching for a way out. In his own words, he was alone, depressed, scared, confused and dying. Then, he saw a way out. A simple message from a woman on Facebook: Do you want to change your life? “I said, I’ve got to make a change, [but] I don’t know what that looks like,” Beiler said. “I knew after the first week of starting the TLS program that I was on to something. When I look in the mirror today, I see success and I have a sense of purpose.” “I screamed at the computer, ‘Yes! I want to change my life right now’,” he recalled. “I just poured out my heart to her and said I need to make a change.” Beiler was one of six people — three individuals and one threemember team — recognized by TLS and Market America at 2013 International Convention and awarded a total of $75,000 in cash prizes for their weight loss successes. In all, participants in the 2013 Spring Challenge lost more than 14,000 pounds and 3,400 inches from their waistlines. “I knew after the first week of starting the TLS program that I was on to something. When I look in the mirror today, I see success and I have a sense of purpose.” Twelve weeks later, thanks to that woman — his TLS Weight Loss Solution coach Meredith Garofalo — and a whole lot of determination, Beiler is both a big loser and a big winner: He’s lost 112 pounds and more than 34 percent body fat. And he’s the individual winner of the TLS Find Your Fit 2013 Spring Challenge, earning $15,000 for his incredible accomplishment. “People are looking to get healthier, lose weight and just feel better about themselves,” said Lydia Martinez, director of TLS Weight Loss Solution. “The Find Your Fit Challenge provides the motivation, and looking at the results, it’s worked.” But it’s not just about the pounds lost: it’s about living healthier and getting the most out of life, according to second-place winner Rob Alvarez. “For me, I wanted to get healthy. Bending over to tie my shoes and getting out of breath didn’t feel good anymore,” said Alvarez, who competed in two consecutive Find Your Fit challenges, lost 53 pounds and went from a size 44 to a size 34. “I feel like I’m 20 [years old] again. I want to inspire other people to do the same.” “The four-day Convention held at the [Greensboro] Coliseum attracts about 20,000 people, and company leaders say it pumps about $21 million into the local economy.” — Fox 8 WGHP, Aug. 9, 2013 built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Changing lives — that’s what TLS® has been about for Rebecca Tobar, the coach of our 2013 Spring Challenge group winners, Team X-treme. The team of Kyle Huffman, Brent Steinbach and Tracey Steinbach, all of Spearfish, South Dakota, lost a combined 73 pounds, 40 percent body fat and 34 inches from their waistlines to take home the $50,000 prize. • built on pr boost the power of your IMMUNE SYSTEM For Tobar, though, TLS has never been about the money. Nearly four years ago, her son, Damien, stood on stage at Market America 2010 World Conference in Miami as part of the initial group of youngsters who launched the TLS Shape Up program. That program helped him lose over 40 pounds, 20 percent body fat and 20 inches from his waistline — all at the age of 12. “Lydia and the TLS Team … saved my son’s life,” Tobar said. “I promised to pay it forward. Every person I touch with TLS is in her honor, because she truly saved my son Damien’s life, and this is me paying it forward.” DAN LOST 110LBs. 34% and BODY FAT Code: 13984 | $39.95 | Visit tlsSlim.com to find out how you can Find Your Fit. Individuals following the TLS Weight Loss Solution can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. The persons sharing their stories are Independent Distributors of Market America products. You should consult your physician before beginning this or any other weight-management program. When life comes at you with everything, give everything back. With its combination of ingredients, including the clinically studied Wellmune®, Isotonix® Immune boosts your immune system to help you stay healthy and energetic. Try it for yourself at . These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. NOURISH YOUR HEART. POWER YOUR BODY. Code: 12895 | C12895 | $34.95 | Bold flavor. Refreshing results! EXPERIENCE FOR ALL YOUR HEAVY LIFTING Whether you’re a regular gym goer or just live a busy life, you have heavy loads to bear. With 21 grams of protein in convenient single-serving packets, TLS® Whey Protein Shakes give you what you need to succeed. Get the protein you need to promote healthy muscle growth, muscle retention and optimal body composition in a delicious shake with no artificial sweeteners. Conquer all your heavy loads with TLS Whey Protein Shakes — available exclusively at TLS® Whey Protein Shake Vanilla Flavor | Code: 6709 | $33.95 TLS® Whey Protein Shake Chocolate Flavor | Code: 6710 | $33.95 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. GOOD HEALTH IS A BALANCING ACT Deliver your body the balance it needs with NutriClean® Probiotics. Formulated with 10 diverse healthy bacterial strains, 10 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) and patented LiveBac® and Bio-tract® technologies, NutriClean Probiotics promotes your health — from immunity to stomach comfort and more.* Get this and more NutriClean . products at NutriClean® Probiotics Code: 13282 | $35.00 | TECH TALK built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • A NEW SHOP.COM SHOP.COM’s latest enhancements are the next step toward being the best customer experience on the web. By Heather Pike The theme for this year’s International Convention was “A New Company. A New Opportunity. A New You.” This theme applies to many aspects of the Market America | SHOP.COM business, including the actual website itself, SHOP.COM. The site has received many upgrades that make it more appealing to customers than ever. Since Market America acquired SHOP.COM two-and-a-half years ago, a talented team of programmers has been working tirelessly to integrate the two separate technologies. The integration is now complete, and SHOP.COM is easier to navigate and more customer-friendly than ever — the next step toward a major strategic mission to be the best customer experience on the web. The most noticeable change to SHOP.COM is the new home page design. The new streamlined look and feel is sleek and professional while also being inviting and engaging. Navigation categories at the top of the page, a key component to online shopping sites, have been updated to include the most relevant categories based on research and analytics. Market America brands, other popular brands, seasonal deals and hot items are now easier to find and more prominently displayed on the site. Banners that feature multiple products are now clickable to each product, allowing users to see pages for each product individually — a feature not seen on other online retailer sites. VISIT *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Randy Cantin @randycantin This business is getting easier and easier #MAIC2013 Checkout is simpler, with fewer clicks and page refreshes required to make a purchase, increasing purchases by users. Different areas on the site are also accessed by windows that expand right on the existing screen and simply close after use, so previous navigation is not lost. We have also continued to improve the site’s search functionality. Search technology is critical on any shopping site, and we are making changes daily to our algorithms and other aspects of the technology that improve its functionality. The type-ahead feature of the search has been updated, based on most searched and purchased items, and spell-check has been improved to help shoppers find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily. Search result relevancy has also been enhanced, allowing users to select from more specific subcategories to narrow their search down to exactly what they want. Market America-branded product pages now all include a comparison chart, indicating how the products stack up to similar brands and products. This allows users to quickly visualize what a quality purchase they are making with every Market America product. Other existing items on the site have been upgraded, such as the Trends page, Daily Deals, Hot Deals, ShopBuddy™ and others, to truly make the shopping experience better than ever. TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW MUCH BETTER THE SITE IS. YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! Build YOUR Business ANYTIME, ANYWHERE REAL FOOD, REAL SAVINGS Managing your UnFranchise® Business has never been easier thanks to the new upgrades to UnFranchise Mobile. Whether you’re on a plane, at the store, on vacation or lounging in your backyard, you can now register new partners and redeem vouchers from your mobile device. NEW! Invite to Partner Now with just three easy steps. NEW! Redeem vouchers digitally by applying them directly at checkout. Looking to eat healthy and save money but don’t have time to cook? It’s possible with TLS® Simply Delivered. Choose from an array of affordable, convenient and delicious options delivered to your door. Visit and search “TLS Simply Delivered” to get three meals a day for only $10. Visit unfranchise.com from any mobile device today to use these exciting new features. OMEGA-3S OMEGA-3s CAN HELP REDUCE THE RISK OF HEART ATTACKS AND STROKES, PLUS LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENTATION CAN BOOST CHILDREN’S IQ BY MORE THAN 3.5 POINTS (Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2013) TAKING THE RECOMMENDED DAILY ALLOWANCE OF OMEGA-3s CAN REDUCE TRIGLYCERIDE LEVELS BY AS MUCH AS 30% OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENTATION HAS BEEN SHOWN TO REDUCE BOTH SYSTOLIC & DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE (Sources: CDC, Journal of Nutrition) EATING TWO SERVINGS OF FISH PER WEEK CAN REDUCE RISK OF STROKE BY AS MUCH AS 50% INCREASED DHA IN OLDER ADULTS REDUCES RISK OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE DEATH BY 40% (Annals of Internal Medicine) OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS REDUCE INFLAMMATION. OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS PROMOTE INFLAMMATION. THE TYPICAL AMERICAN DIET CONTAINS UP TO 25 TIMES MORE OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS THAN OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS. FISH/SHELLFISH IN U.S. BASED ON THEIR OMEGA-3 CONTENT* TUNA CANNED TUNA SHRIMP POLLOCK SALMON COD 0.2 grams PER SERVING 0.3 grams PER SERVING 0.45 grams PER SERVING 1.5 grams PER SERVING 0.2 grams PER SERVING *Amounts are approximate based on brands, cooking methods and fresh/frozen. TECH TALK built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • FACEBOOK PROFILES VS. FACEBOOK PAGES WHAT TO KNOW FOR YOUR BUSINESS Is a Facebook profile or page the right fit for you? By Hannah Callaway, Social Media Community Manager Loren Ridinger and Steve Ashley gave a social media presentation at International Convention that was jam-packed with tips and suggestions you can leverage to build your business across multiple social platforms. One of the most notable topics covered was the importance of creating a Facebook page for your business. You’re probably already using Facebook, so why add the hassle of a monitoring a page? Here’s a quick run down of the differences between profiles and pages. Use this list to determine which is the right fit for you! LINGO If you have a personal profile on Facebook and also manage a page, make sure you have the lingo correct before you start sharing with potential customers and business partners. On a profile, invite people to “add” you as a friend or “follow” your public updates. For your page, users can “like” the page to stay abreast of posts and new updates. ACCESS If you have a Facebook account then you automatically have a Facebook profile. Simply log in to Facebook with your email address to access your profile. Pages are managed through your profile. When you create a page, you have the option of assigning managers and other contributors to have access to it. You don’t have to have a separate login or email to create or manage a page. They are shown in the left column of your Facebook “Home” screen. Click there to visit your page, read notifications, post content and engage with users. PRIVACY While you have freedom to change your privacy settings on your Facebook profile, anything posted to a page is automatically visible to the world. If you create a page, it becomes the place to talk about your UnFranchise® Business. Keep family photos and personal updates exclusively on your profile. SCHEDULING If you’re constantly on the go and don’t have time to create Facebook content on a daily basis, it’s easy to schedule posts ahead of time! If you’re writing for a profile, you’ll need to use an outside management tool (such as HootSuite — it’s free!) to schedule your posts. On a Facebook page, you have the ability to schedule posts straight on the page itself. Then, click “Use Activity Log” in the Admin Panel to see what you’ve scheduled. THE FISH OIL Other fish oil products just can’t compare to Heart Health™ Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E. Most other commercial products contain a third of the total fish oil contained in Heart Health Essential Omega III Fish Oil.*† Love your heart — get this exclusive formula only at . TABS One of the biggest differences between a Facebook profile and page is that pages allow you to create tabs with additional content. Tabs can link to other social networking sites (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and with StoreYa.com you can even create a tab for a store that sells items from your portal — right on Facebook! Loren and Steve talked about the power of StoreYa.com in their presentation but we’ll be sharing much more with you over the coming months. If you think that a Facebook page may be the right fit for your UnFranchise Business, I encourage you to get started now! Set it up and ask leaders in your organization what tips they have to help you create valuable content. We’ll be sharing more information about Facebook pages soon, so keep an eye on our corporate social media channels for more details. Heart Health Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E Code: 13893 | C13852 | $62.95 | *When compared to products on the market. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. † TECH TALK built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® HOME ADVISOR: Convert Spending into Earning™ Maximize the Shopping Annuity with the NEW Home Advisor. By Brandon Keel By now, most UnFranchise® Owners should be familiar with the concept of the Shopping Annuity. For those who are still a little unclear about it, the perfect tool has been developed to guide them through how to best grow their Shopping Annuity, and as a result, grow their business. The new Home Advisor is nothing short of genius. It combines convenience with the power of demonstration, showing users exactly how much they can save and earn by switching from current brands to Market America’s exclusive quality brands, thus investing in their Shopping Annuity to build a solid financial future. UFOs have access to the Home Advisor through unfranchise.com, whereas their customers have access to the exact same platform and functionality on SHOP.COM. Shoppers can use the Home Advisor to navigate from room to room in a virtual home, keep track of savings, add or edit products at any time, plus a MyList tailored to the individual’s needs is automatically created. Take a quick trip through the kitchen, laundry room, family room, bedroom, bathroom, garage and outdoors to discover products that can enhance daily life and save money in the process. To get started, users are prompted to either log in (if they’re not already) or to create an account for new customers. From there, it will ask what categories a user buys from regularly in order to customize the experience: For Him, For Her, Child, Pet, Pool / Spa, Vehicle and Lawn & Garden. After that, the real experience begins as the Home Advisor thoroughly goes through every room of the house, breaking each one down into different categories (based on preferences selected in the prior step) of consumable products typically found there. For example, in the kitchen, one of the categories is Kitchen Cleaners with a list of all types of cleaners people use on a regular basis. The next category in the kitchen is Nutrition, covering vitamins, supplements, antioxidants, energy needs, fiber and so many other areas of wellness. As shoppers move through the categories within a particular room, there is a status bar to show the progress, in addition to BV and retail profit (or Cashback for customers). 24 POWERLINE • AUG/SEPT 2013 “With our emerging markets program, our GLOBAL.SHOP.COM website,” said vice-president Andrew Weissman. “There’s really no more geographic boundaries, so, we really see ourselves as a global opportunity.” — News 14 Carolina, Aug. 9, 2013 built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® All Your Once all categories in a particular room are completed, the Home Advisor will recommend Market America products based on each item checked off by the user. For example, if someone indicates that they use disinfectant spray under Kitchen Cleaners and that they take antioxidants under the Nutrition category, they would be presented with Snap™ Disinfectant Cleaner and Isotonix OPC-3®, among others. ENTERTAINMENT in One Place This is where it really gets cool. Users will have the information right at their fingertips that shows the product details for whatever Market America item is being recommended. In addition, the Home Advisor provides a detailed look at how Market America products stack up against the competition under the Compare Product tab. SHOP.COM Marketplace has launched Books, Music and Videos (BMV), offering over 1.2 million books, eBooks, digital audio, music and movies on DVD and Blu-Ray. In one quick glance, the Compare Product tab lists all the major brands of competition, breaks them down into cost per serving, and demonstrates how much money can be saved by purchasing Market America products and/or what makes them superior in the marketplace. With such a huge supply, all merchandise is competitively priced, plus customers earn 2 percent Cashback on every purchase, while UnFranchise® As shoppers continue through the process, room by room, selecting products — it starts to become clearer than ever the power of buying Market America brands. At any time during the process, users have a button on every product page that allows them to add that product to MyList, a feature that allows shoppers to save and share lists of products they want. Shoppers have access to thousands of digital book titles, including best sellers, new releases and more — many of which are priced under $5! Should a shopper get interrupted from completing the Home Advisor, they can pick right back up in the process the next time they log in. Plus, MyLists that are created with the Home Advisor can be edited at any time. Owners receive 5 percent IBV. Once the Home Advisor has been completed by UFOs, it will show a screen with the total retail profit of products selected, the monthly savings, and the monthly BV value of a particular list! This is an incredible way for UnFranchise Owners to get a realistic idea of what investing in their own business can do for long-term growth and success. This is a tool that UnFranchise Owners simply cannot afford to ignore. Give it a try! If nothing else, it will at least provide a glimpse of the power of the Shopping Annuity. Customers can also benefit from going through the Home Advisor on SHOP.COM, as they will see the savings pile up, plus the Cashback amount tallies right before their eyes. This is only the beginning — coming soon, there will be exclusive giveaways and monthly specials that will make shopping at BMV by SHOP.COM Marketplace even more enticing. Stay tuned! There simply isn’t a better place to find all your favorite entertainment — and there is no better deal than getting 2 percent Cashback for every purchase. Find out what BMV by SHOP.COM Marketplace has to offer by visiting SHOP.COM and searching for BMV. Check it out today! Don’t wait. Take the time to discover new ways to earn by saving with the NEW Home Advisor, then share it with business partners and customers! POWERLINE • AUG/SEPT 2013 25 Olamide Faison Many might recognize Olamide Faison singing the alphabet on “Sesame Street”, or as a member of the Jive recording group Imajin, but now the New York City-born singer/songwriter travels throughout the country, serenading audiences with his voice and hypnotizing them with his guitar. He’s also making major moves in both the music and television industries and as the younger brother of Donald Faison, Olamide has a valuable source of inspiration. He’s had parts in “Seven Songs for Malcolm X” and the HBO film “Rebound: The Story of Earl Manigault”, but as a singer, his bewitching vocals have been compared to some of the greatest R&B talents of his generation. TECH ENHANCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED FOR ULOs AT GETCONQUER.COM Artists now have a tool for recommending products directly on their profile pages at GetConquer.com! The artist can recommend up to six products on their main landing page and as many as they want in their Trend Shop. Additionally, ULOs now have the ability to reset the credit card information stored in their account for subscription payments. This will allow expired or replaced cards to be updated. Also, ULOs are now able to set up bank account information in order to withdraw funds from music downloads. We’re excited about these changes and ULOs should be, too! ® ON Just announced at the 2013 International Convention, MeetON.com has opened its broadcasting channels to all Market America Distributors! Now you truly have the world at your fingertips. With MeetON, you can... • Host corings for your organizations with business partners all over the world • Show the plan to a prospect in any country • Get a glimpse into other events from the comfort of your own home • And so much more! A personal testament to the power of MeetON: “I want to thank everyone for streaming the 2013 International Convention on MeetON. I have not been able to attend because of my 90-year-old mother, a husband with health issues, and our five rescued animals — but my heart has always been there with everyone. With MeetON, I have a front row seat and can enjoy being a part of this great event! I know the importance of attending events every year and plan on being there as soon as I can. Until then, thanks for giving me a way to receive the important information in a timely manner.” - Diana Wojtyniak on MeetON.com. Register as a Broadcaster today! MeetON.com facebook.com/meeton @meeton PowerPeople built on product. powered by people. ® • The following Independent Distributors have advanced to a higher Pin Level from 4/05/13 to 5/24/13. marketamerica.com > powered by people > power profiles built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® National Supervising coordinator — $10,000* *Received in commissions and management bonuses within a four-week pay cycle. Ying Li and Chunwei Chen, Bridgewater, NJ Hongtao Yue, Ottawa, ON We initially began the Market America business as a back-up plan five years Market America provides us this incredible opportunity to be ago. The UnFranchise Business System was designed for average people to financially independent and have time freedom. It changed our life achieve financial independence and time freedom. By following the system and in many ways. Also, it changed our thoughts. We want to thank JR, working closely with our team, we can earn significant additional income on a Loren and the Corporate Team for creating the system and leading part-time basis. Now, we are enjoying the ongoing income and lifestyle that we us on this journey. Thanks to all of our senior partners and our desired. Thank you to Market America, our mentors and our teammates. team! Follow the proven system, and everyone can be successful! ® Not pictured: Hengda Liu, New York, Zhiyu Yu, New York Supervising coordinator — $7,500* *Received in commissions and management bonuses within a four-week pay cycle. Fabin Jiang, La Puente, CA I want to thank Market America for giving me the opportunity to achieve my goals in the future. Market America’s wonderful products have changed my life and the lives of many others. Market America also gives me the chance to solve my financial problems. I will keep working hard to help and support more partners to achieve their goals. Thanks to my team partners and my sponsor, Hui Wang. Henry Lee, Honolulu, HI I am a single dad with two children. I am a traditional business owner, but working my Market America business part time allowed me to switch to being a full-time entrepreneur. I want to reach financial freedom by helping people around me change their lives. I know this is possible with ma®. Thank you to my sponsor, mentors and most especially my team. *The examples of income shown for each of the Independent Distributors featured in powerpeople are not intended to be representative of the earnings of any specific class of Market America Independent Distributors, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. Rather, the income figures testify to the results which have been accomplished by Independent Distributors who have devoted time, talent, hard work and a willingness to follow the UnFranchise® proven business plan in building their Market America businesses. The success of any Market America Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent and dedication which he or she devotes to the building of his or her Market America business. PowerPeople built on product. powered by people. ® • The following Independent Distributors have advanced to a higher Pin Level from 4/05/13 to 5/24/13 marketamerica.com > powered by people > power profiles built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Supervising coordinator — $7,500* *Received in commissions and management bonuses within a four-week pay cycle. Xiaomei Liu and Shuguang Zhao, Acton, MA After obtaining my PhD and working in IT for 10+ years, Market America was my first step into entrepreneurism. ma® provides the best platform to put together our talent/passion toward achieving individual financial goals by helping others succeed. The outcome depends on how big our dream is and how much effort we put in. Once we condition our mind to take the ownership and truly treat it as business, success is within everyone’s reach. Fan Yang, Flushing, NY I want to thank the Corporate Team for providing the system for an average person like me to succeed. Market America is really a system of opportunity for everyone who wants to change his or her lifestyle. I want to thank all my junior partners for their willingness to work with me to achieve our goals together. A lot of thanks to all my senior partners for their help and guidance in this business. Let’s succeed and change our future together. Professional coordinator — $4,500* *Received in commissions and management bonuses within a four-week pay cycle. Ming Zhong Chen, Jackson Heights, NY Elvy He, Portland, OR My coworker introduced me to Market America. I had no prior experience in business, and I had no clue what ongoing income was. I am happy that I made the right choice to be an UnFranchise® Owner. My choice changed my life. Time freedom and money freedom are my reasons to be part of this business. The business is simple. It is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. I became a full-time entrepreneur in 2009. I have a 9-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl, and my dream is to be debt free and to be able to provide the best environment for them to grow up in. My favorite product is the MPCP; it unlocks my potential for personal growth and ability to help as many people as I can. Thanks to Henry Lee, the Portland Team, my partners and my family. I-Fang Ho, Tarrytown, NY Qi Wen Huang, Ridgewood, NY In 2011, I got sick and had to be out of work unexpectedly for three months, with no pay. My college friend, Yi-Mei, gave my family and me some products to try. She told me about business behind it and I decided to become an Independent Distributor. I didn’t take it very seriously until I attended regional conventions. Finally, I realized I had been trading my time for money as well as my freedom. It is the Isotonix® line of products that keeps my family and me healthy. And it is Market America that provided me hope and limitless opportunity to achieve my goals. JR taught us that the real Market America life starts at Professional Coordinator. He is absolutely right. I owe all this to my wonderful partners as well as the senior partners for their continuous support and guidance. Kuang Yue Chang, Burnaby, BC Changgen Luo and Sumei Yu, Summit, NJ Ever since I’ve been introduced to the ma® products, I’ve never doubted my decision to become an Independent Distributor. Through the proven UnFranchise Business System and the powerful team format, I am steadily working toward my goal of achieving true freedom — both in terms of time and finances — all while helping others. I would like to sincerely thank Market America as well as my partners for providing me with such great opportunities and experiences. I am an IT professional who has been building the business part-time for a year and a half. Our products have helped people, and I have found many GoNows for our team using the NMTSS. I want to be healthy with lot of friends and enjoy time and financial freedom, and I know that those goals are possible with Market America. I have many people to thank, including my sponsor, many senior leaders and everyone in my team. PowerPeople built on product. powered by people. ® • The following Independent Distributors have advanced to a higher Pin Level from 4/05/13 to 5/24/13 marketamerica.com > powered by people > power profiles built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Professional coordinator — $4,500* *Received in commissions and management bonuses within a four-week pay cycle. Christopher Sarli, Glastonbury, CT Xiangnan Wang and Xuan Peng, Dublin, OH I want to thank JR and Loren and the Corporate Team for making this all happen. To my mentors and sponsors, Lisa and Ed Grant, for steering me in the right direction. Phil Guido, Paul Carlotta and Michelle and Tony Molinaro for their great audios. I want to thank my wife, Jen, for having faith in me and helping me with our growing business. I also want to thank everyone on my team, because without their efforts this would not have been possible. Market America provides each of us with an equal opportunity to pursue our dreams. Through teamwork and consistent effort, what we get is supported health, ongoing income and life-long friendships. Many thanks go to our fantastic team, senior partners, friends and families. Dr. Daniel and Pamela Witkowski, Melrose, MA Kun Yang, Toronto, ON I am a financial advisor who became an Independent Shop Consultant two years ago. My husband, daughter and I live a healthy and nice lifestyle. We love to travel. Using the time and financial freedom provided by Market America, we hope to travel the world. Thanks to my partners and my family for their support. The foundation of success is what you do for personal development and how much you serve others. That is why we were drawn to Market America. It has an impeccable training and seminar system and the business model is based on people helping people. We knew that if we were committed and consistent, we would be successful! We are grateful for the business opportunity, the leaders and our amazing team! Weiyu Zhou, Holmdel, NJ Not pictured: Joseph Gerard, Portland, OR Honglian Jin, Flushing, NY Jodie and Wayne Robinson, Princeton, MN Xinli Zhao, Ottawa, ON We want to improve and grow. We are willing to explore and to learn. We started with the products and then we learned the business. We like the idea of becoming part of the distribution channels where money flows. With help of our team, we have overcome many challenges. We met and made many friends in the process. We thank ma®, our team and Angela Chiu and Sandra Liu, who introduced us to this opportunity. Senior Master coordinator — $3,000* *Received commissions in excess of $3,000, including management bonus. Mei Yong Chan, New York I’m a single mother with an 18-year-old daughter. We enjoy picnics, swimming, family gatherings, shopping and traveling. Market America has given me the time and financial freedom to enjoy these things. The NMTSS has helped me build self-confidence, get to know more people and leverage my business. I would like to thank to my mentors, Amber Yang and Min Liu, for their efforts in organizing the NMTSS, which helps me build my business. Glen and Kam Ferro, NJ The NMTSS was the key to our achievement. Because of the NMTSS, we believe in our company, our products and ourselves. We have been building our business from event to event. We couldn’t have done this without our wonderful NMTSS system. We will now be able to spend more quality time with our children and parents, we will be debt free, and we will help our sons to achieve their goals. Jeremiah 29:11 Ai Ping Jin, Toronto, ON Because of heavy clinical work and irregular eating patterns, my husband and I had experienced a dramatic increase in body weight. Fortunately, with help from the ma TLS® program, both of us successfully lost 30 lbs. and have gotten healthier and younger us back. Introducing ma products to our patients also received outstanding feedback. These findings gave us enormous confidence and firm determination to really dig into the business. Thank you, Market America! *The examples of income shown for each of the Independent Distributors featured in powerpeople are not intended to be representative of the earnings of any specific class of Market America Independent Distributors, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. Rather, the income figures testify to the results which have been accomplished by Independent Distributors who have devoted time, talent, hard work and a willingness to follow the UnFranchise® proven business plan in building their Market America businesses. The success of any Market America Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent and dedication which he or she devotes to the building of his or her Market America business. PowerPeople built on product. powered by people. ® • The following Independent Distributors have advanced to a higher Pin Level from 4/05/13 to 5/24/13 marketamerica.com > powered by people > power profiles built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Senior Master coordinator — $3,000* *Received commissions in excess of $3,000, including management bonus. Li Qin Li, New York, NY I’m so grateful to have a Market America UnFranchise® Business; it has transformed my life. Market America is a true blessing for average people. My friend, Yu Yan Lin, introduced me to Market America via the Isotonix® line and the system. This business has totally changed my life. My goal is to bring more people to the finish line with me. I’m so thankful for JR and my team because they have helped me reach my dreams! Laurie Pergola, Dunedin, FL God bless Bob Pepé for bringing Market America to Florida so many years ago. I would like to thank my son, Ryan, for his vision and commitment to his UnFranchise Business. I would also like to thank my good friend, Deb Reed, for all she does to help our team and me. My three key points to success: Don’t quit, Don’t quit, Don’t quit! Qi Wang, Rosemead, CA Since I moved to the U.S., I have worked so hard that I have had no time for my family. One of the main reasons I am a Shop Consultant is for the time freedom. The first Moving Up Seminar I attended opened my eyes to the basic knowledge for building this business. Thanks to my whole team for changing my life, and to Market America for providing this opportunity to average people just like me. Jane Zhou, Toronto, ON I came to Canada 33 years ago from Beijing, China, knowing nothing about business or being an entrepreneur. I’ve been working all my life and should be happily retired but cannot afford to do so. When I received my little pension from the government, I almost dropped dead! I decided that I have to do something to turn my life around. Then, I found Market America. Thanks to my mentors, Max Min Chen and Wei Wang. Susan Markowitz, Bound Brook, NJ I am a Registered Dietitian. I see patients part time while building my nutraMetrix® business and teaching patients about TLS®. I love that I have the ability to choose the hours I work, and take off for periods of time during the summer. I am very blessed to have an outstanding team. The leadership, training and mentoring I receive is what has helped me succeed. I want to do the same for my team. Ryan Pergola, Trinity, FL I am a certified fitness professional with a passion for health, wellness and helping others. When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. Being able to help hundreds of people through the TLS® Weight Loss System has been the most rewarding part of this journey. I’d like to thank my mother and father for supporting me and allowing me to pursue my career in wellness. Yushun Wen, Newington, CT I’m an immigrant with long working hours but little salary — that was not my American dream. Thanks to my sponsor, Kim, who introduced me to this great opportunity. During the three years of this amazing journey, I realized it’s really essential to plug myself and my team into the NMTSS. I also really appreciate my teammates’ efforts and the help of Kim, Jessica, James and Amber. They are great leaders who helped grow fabulous entrepreneurs! Jia Zhou, Reston, VA I am an entrepreneur who is always looking for business opportunities. I didn’t realize the power of the UnFranchise Business model until I had a few other business experiences. Now I truly believe that the power of duplication and leveraging will help people reach financial freedom through teamwork. I enjoy the learning process for personal growth and I feel proud to be a Shop Consultant who helps my customers. Jerry & Amy Martin, Winder, GA We never dreamed the potential of this business is what it is and we are so thankful for the great people and leaders we have met along the way. We say thank you to everyone out there who invests a little time in someone else — sometimes it takes you believing in them more than they believe in themselves for them to do something great. We look forward to what the future holds with Market America! John and Sharon Strack, MN For the past 13 years we have owned a traditional business, where trading time for money could not be truer. Thank you JR, Loren and the Corporate Team for giving us the opportunity to build a business by working with other great people to achieve our goals. It is fun to dream and even more fun to realize those dreams. We just follow the business plan and the leaders who have paved the way. Thanks, ma®! Eric Ho Sang Yu, Brooklyn, NY I was looking for a better way. When ma® was introduced to me, I found it to be something I can do without affecting my lifestyle. The idea of having full control of time and financial freedom is just fantastic. I am so thankful for the corporate team, my team, my senior partners and my family. Words cannot express this incredible journey. The best way to show appreciation is to give it back to the people you love. Not pictured: Myles Cardadori Michael Easton Xiaomeng Sui Patrick Talbert Qi Wang Dengfei & Wangping Wang Changmin Zeng Zhen Hua Zhang PowerPeople built on product. powered by people. ® • The following Independent Distributors have advanced to a higher Pin Level from 4/05/13 to 5/24/13 marketamerica.com > powered by people > power profiles built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® • built on product. powered by people. ® Master coordinator — $2,100* *Received commissions in excess of $2,100, including management bonus. Carl Ang New York, NY Annette Chia Port Moody, BC Ronny Chiu Markham, ON Du Jingli North York, ON Duc Ong Mississauga, ON Marquis Hopkins Palm Harbor, FL Zhaoxi Jiang Rockville, MD Yanmei Kuang Portland, OR Ziqian Li Markham, ON Ellen Ling Upper Saddle River, NJ Peter Liu Beaverton, OR Linda Jackson Gurnee, IL Not pictured Master Coordinator: AIX Clinic, Hui Dong, Juan Guo, John & Michelle Larca, Jia Li, Kaiyen Liang, Jack & Kathleen Martin, Qin Qian, Katie Rourke, Yushen Wen, Ping Zhang, Xinli Zhao Not pictured UFOs (below): Dao Van Mississauga, ON Li Tan Plano, TX Changmin Zeng Flushing, NY Sandi Bennett, Tony & Michelle Boe, Huan Chen, Jie Zhou, Chien Pin Cheng, Vanessa Corn, Cheree Culpepper, Bonnie Hunter, Jessica Hunter, Michael & Cynthia Lang, Xiao Ping Lu, Abby Phillips, Ellen Robertson, Xudan Wang, Kun Zhao, Ying Zhao, Ling Zou UFOs† † An UnFranchise® Owner (UFO) is a qualified and active Independent Distributor who has made the commitment to master the UnFranchise Business Development System by implementing the established tasks, activities and practices as set forth and defined in the UFO Program, which will dramatically increase the chances for success. Bruce & Michele Ahlswede Ken & Tara Beck William Hau San Antonio, TX Thornhill, ON Beth & Philip Black Joyce Chiu May Diep Brooklyn, NY New London, CT Carl Eklund & Jodi Easton Xiaorong Fang Raleigh, NC Markham, ON Rick & Holly Howroyd Chia Hung Jin Hui Ling Ke Ryan Kimball Julie Landsiedel Whitestone, NY Cherry Hill, NJ Rochester, NY Christina Knight Lutz, FL Phil & Barbara Quartier Boynton Beach, FL Cleveland, GA Wellesley Hills, MA San Francisco, CA Yi Luo Tiffiny Luong Arlington, TX Tony & Michele Molinaro New Port Richey, FL Richard & Stephanie Ng Yan Ping Northrup Westwood, MA Irving, TX San Gabriel, CA Diana Smith Chien Lin Song Jacquelyn Sowers Leanne Vaillancourt Edward Wang Elizabeth Weber Alice Liu Phoenix, AZ Scarborough, ON Winchester, VA Bedford, NH Arcadia, CA Melrose, MA Bismarck, ND Boston, MA Kit Wong-Khoo Oradell, NJ †The above Independent Distributors represent UnFranchise® Owners who have qualified 3 out of last 4 quarters as of the second quarter 2013. Aubrey Glaskin & Dr. Eric Clay Elgrin, IL Helena Li Delene & Pat Goode Jinban Guan Rochester, NY Toronto, ON Columbus, OH Bayside, NY Xiaolu Li Lanjiao Lin Don Rice Kathleen Schindler-Brown Yu Shan, Yajin & Donald Wu Scottsdale, AZ Reynold Wu Markham, ON Wyncote, PA Xiaobo Xiao & Lijing Yang Burnaby, BC Brooklyn, NY Markham, ON Cuil Yao Valrico, FL FOR EVERYBODY, EVERY DAY NEW! Isotonix® Bromelain Plus Isotonix® Bromelain Plus Code: 13986 | $59.50 | Bromelain is a highly researched extract derived from the pineapple stem. This hot ingredient can be found in Isotonix Bromelain Plus, with benefits such as: ● Promotes optimal cell health ● Supports the body’s natural healing process ● Supports the body’s natural inflammatory response ● Supports the body’s natural tissue and recovery repair process Look for Isotonix Bromelain Plus soon on ! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 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