in our community
in our community
october 2009 Board of DirectorS Election in October Over the last nine months there have been a number of changes on the Board. In January Ed Detrick and Arno Zeyn resigned. The Board wants to thank both Ed and Arno for their work on the Board and efforts to improve our community. To fill these open seats, the Board asked the next two highest vote getters from the October 2008 election to serve and complete the remainder of Ed’s and Arno’s terms. In October we will be electing four Board members. The current make-up of the Board is four seats from the six-gated communities (Carlisle, Horizons, Melrose, Warwick, Waverly, and Windsor) and three seats from the eight non-gated communities (Amhurst, Avon, Central Park, Champlain, Colonie, Gentry Park, Newport, and Pembroke). A Director’s term is two years and the four seats up for election are; two gated seats (Kent Campbell and Jerry Harris) and two non-gated seats (Isabelle Day and Carol Schuett). Under our By-Laws your Neighborhood Representatives elect Directors. Elections will be held at the October Quarterly meeting. In this newsletter is a Candidate Form for the election. The qualifications are simple; dedicating your time and effort to make the community a better place to live and uphold the community standards as defined in our documents. If you are interested in being a candidate complete the form or if you are interested in learning more about the Director position first, please contact me or any of the Board members. Completed candidate forms are due by October 9. Ron Cumello Board President We’re Back! If you do not remember receiving the quarterly edition of your newsletter in July, it is because we did not publish one! Because of harsh economic times and the need to reduce expenses, the Board reluctantly decided to cancel it. But as you can see, We’re Back!!! Look for your issue in the mail four times a year (if funds are available), or sign up at to receive it electronically. USE OF AMHURST PARK Amhurst Park is private property owned by Vista Lakes Community Association. It is for the exclusive use of Vista Lakes residents and their guests except for school hours on school days when portions of the park are reserved for the exclusive use of the Vista Lakes Elementary School. You must be a Vista Lakes resident with a current Vista Lakes identification card with you in order to use the park, or else you may be asked to leave. For the safety of children, anyone under 12 years of age must be supervised by a resident 18 years or older with a Vista Lakes identification card. Identification cards are free and may be obtained at the pool office whenever the pool is open. Amhurst Park should not be utilized as a place to drop your Vista Lakes Elementary School students off to wait or hang out before and after school without an accompanying 18-year or older resident. The fenced in portion of the park including the ball field, basketball courts and soccer field are for the exclusive use of the Vista Lakes Elementary School from one half hour after the beginning of the school day until a half hour prior to the end of the extended Continued on Page 12 inside Messages from Your Board 2 Messages From Your Managers 4 In our community Good News! Increased Pool Hours 3 Upcoming Events 3 Try Surfing Instead! 3 Get Involved 11 calendars October 6 November 6 December 7 Neighborhood news Contacts Neighborhood Representative Elections 10 Sharon Eichorn Community Director....................... 407-207-7003 Melrose Musings Gary van der Laan Property Manager.......................... 407-781-5769 Staff, PoolOffice 1 Neighborhood Representatives 10 contacts Pool Office................................... 407-207-1202 Questions, comments, suggestions Other Contacts Volume 7 Number 2 10 Published by the Vista Lakes Communications Committee Messages from your Board Financial State of the Association VLCA Settles with Newland Communities I would like to take the opportunity in this issue to discuss the financial state of the Association. In my last message I described the steps the Association had taken to manage the current financial crisis and negative impact from the downturn in the real estate market. These steps included: In October 2006, Newland Communities turned over the Vista Lakes Community Association (VLCA) to Vista Lakes residents. Under Florida Statute 720, the Association has four years to negotiate a settlement agreement. I’m pleased to announce the Association and Newland Communities have signed a final settlement agreement. The terms of the agreement include Newland Communities paying the Association $250,000 for construction defects and deficiencies and the Association agreeing to provide Newland Communities with a financial release for any future obligations, liabilities and claims. Any Pinecastle Jeep Range related claim by the Association is excluded. • Reducing services, especially pool hours, • Placing liens on properties with past due accounts, • Suspending the rights of residents with past due Association fees from using Association amenities, and • Initiated foreclosure actions on properties that are not paying their dues and are not currently in foreclosure by their mortgage holder. The funds will be used to repair Association property that was in need of repair before the October 2006 turnover. These repairs include: • Tennis courts • Pool cleaning • Pool slide • Residents’ Center’s roof • Drainage improvements by the pool office • Installation of under drains on Vista Park Blvd. • Road repairs at the Amenities Center The positive result of these actions has been a significant increase in Association operating cash that has allowed the Board to restore many services including pool hours. This improved financial condition has also provided the Board with the opportunity to prepare a 2010 budget that extends services next year and establishes an objective to keep the annual Association dues at the same level for most neighborhoods in Vista Lakes. We still have over 200 homes in foreclosure or bankruptcy in Vista Lakes and a high amount of uncollected dues. However, we will closely monitor our income and expenses; and not assume the crisis is over yet. The Board of Directors has agreed to create a subcommittee to prioritize the repairs and make recommendations to the Board for approval. I would like to thank everybody who was involved in these negotiations including Board members Renee Hale and Jim Shelton (Ex Director), and Debra Dremann at Newland Communities. In addition to the improved financial condition, the Association has settled with Newland Communities concerning the turnover of Association property to the residents in 2006. Details of our settlement are covered in a separate article in this issue of the newsletter. Ron Cumello Board President Our annual meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2009 at Odyssey Middle School. We will be electing four Directors and approving the 2010 budget. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting! That only part of Amhurst Park is open to residents while school is in session? See the article starting on the front page. Ron Cumello Board President ALL FLOORS OF ORLANDO FLOORING SPECIALISTS FOR OVER 45 YEARS LAMINATE • CARPET • TILE • WOOD GRANITE COUNTERTOPS Professional Installation • Free Measuring & Quotes Licensed & Insured • Veteran Owned & Operated NOW OPEN IN VISTA LAKES/ VISIT OUR SHOWROOM: LAKE NONA: The Shoppes at Bonneville Lee Vista Promenade 12919 E. Colonial Dr. 8255 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite H Orlando, FL 32828 Orlando, FL 32829 (Across from AMPM Gas Station (Across from Home Depot) 407-243-2685 Corner of HWY 50 and Bonneville) 407-243-1911 a BBB rated rat company 2 Veteran Owned and operated. Hardw 2.99/s ood Install q. ft . atio $ Availa n ble 36 MonthsonNoselect Interest Financing products HOUSE INSTALLERS/NO SUBCONTRACTORS Lifetime Installation Warranty ON ALL Laminate • Carpet • Hardwood STAINMASTER LAMINATE CARPET FLOORING $249 SQ. FT. Completely installed with upgraded padding. Must present Best coupon. Expires in 30 days. $399 SQ. FT. Completely installed. with upgrade padding, 1/4 round and transitions. Must present Best coupon. Expires in 30 days. 20x20 PORCELAIN TILE $129 SQ. FT. While supplies last. Must present Best coupon. Expires in 30 days. October 2009 in our community Good News! The Board of Directors has restored the pool hours for the remainder of 2009. The new schedule is below. MONDAY TUESday WEDnesday THUrsday FRIday SATurday SUNday SEP 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm OCT 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm 10am – 6pm NOV 10am – 4pm 10am – 4pm DEC 10am – 4pm 10am – 4pm Events Committee Announces Upcoming Events Not Sure Whom To Call? Try Surfing Instead! Don’t forget there are four more events in 2009: The fall garage sale will be on Saturday, October 10 from 7am to noon. Ever find that you don’t know what’s happening until you’ve missed it? Don’t know whom to call regarding an issue in the neighborhood? Not sure whether the CDD or the VLCA is responsible for something? Just want to know when the pool is open? Trick or Treat, October 31st from 6:30-8:30pm. There will be fun games and contests for the younger children and those who would enjoy Halloween without the fright. For those who enjoy haunted houses, the Residents’ Club will be transformed for one night into the House of Horrors. this will be a scary but safe no-touch walk through event. This event is co-sponsored by Events Committee and BuzzNet. The Vista Lakes web site,, is owned and maintained by the VLCA, and is an excellent resource for information about our community – a place that’s open 24/7, and contains answers to just about every Vista Lakes related question. The best way to find out is to get online and explore your community online. Some of the more popular features are outlined below: BuzzNet Appreciation, A pool-side event on November 13th at 7:00pm will be adults only. Get ready to laugh! Tickets will be limited. Tickets will be $10.00 per person in advance. Look for more information on the website and mail box kiosks closer to the event. You won’t want to miss the exciting mentalist/hypnotist comedy show. Hor d’oeuvres, by Thyme 2 Cook and non-alcoholic drinks will be served. Come out and be a part to thank your local businesses that have supported and sponsored other events for the enjoyment of the Residents of Vista Lakes. The community photographer will be there to capture these fun memories! Email Alert – Simply the best way to stay informed! Sign up for the Vista Lakes Email Alert and you will receive occasional email notifications about meetings and events going on, or impacting our community, but your email address will be kept private and will not be shared with anyone. Christmas Winter Wonderland From 3-6pm on December 5th at the Residents’ Club. Santa will arrive by fire truck. There will be a gift bag for every good little boy and girl. Look for more details closer to event date. The Events Committee is already busy planning for next year. The two garage sales will be March 27 and Oct 16 from 7am to noon. We will have a dive-in movie the last Friday of the month in May, June and August. A Movie in the Park will be on Sept 24. We will have four big events: Fiesta-Eggestravaganza on April 3 from 10 – 2; the July 4th BBQ from 11 – 3; the Fall festival on October 30; and our Christmas party December 4th. More information and details will follow as time gets closer. If anyone would like to volunteer to help with any of these events please contact me or Sharon, our Community Director. Renee Hale Events Committee Chair October 2009 e_Newsletter – Would you rather receive this newsletter by email? You’ll not only save trees, but you’ll also help to keep our quarterly dues down by saving some of the more than $4,000 that it costs to print and mail each edition - you’ll also receive it earlier! Contacts – Email addresses and phone numbers for Vista Lakes Board members and management, committee chairpersons, and a whole host of other contacts from Orlando/Orange County from street light repairs to hospitals, schools, utilities and elected officials. Governing Documents – Current versions of all of the official documents are available online, including the Rules & Regulations, By-Laws, and the Architectural Control Guidelines under which the community operates. Recreation – Discover all of the recreation options offered by the community, how to go about getting a Vista Lakes ID card issued, how to rent one of our pavilions, and a whole lot more. That’s just a very small sample of what’s available, so log onto to find out more, and if you don’t find what you’re looking for, just click on the webmaster link and let me know, and help to make your web site even better! Jerry Harris Vista Lakes Webmaster 3 Messages from your managers From the Desk of Gary van der Laan, LCAM, Association Manager As we approach the end of 2009, you may have noticed the landscaping changes taking place throughout the Vista Lakes property. The property that is maintained as part of the Vista Lakes Community Development District (CDD - see for an explanation of the CDD) is undergoing significant changes to the landscape design, primarily along Lee Vista Boulevard and Chickasaw Trail. These changes were necessary due to several factors, including: • The age of the plant material • Water savings necessitated by a lack of available water resources • Cost savings resulting from reduced water use With a clearly defined goal, Leland Management began working with resources available from both the City of Orlando and Orange County to move Vista Lakes to the forefront of water conservation among planned communities. The replanting planning process took into account: • Replacement of non native plant material with Florida native water wise plant material • Restructuring of plant beds to place plants having similar watering requirements close to each other • Replacement of sprinkler heads which used high volumes of water with lower water use drip lines and spray heads • Changing watering control systems (valves, timer clocks) to better adjust for rain, wind and other environmental factors which affect the effectiveness of the watering In addition to the plant material and irrigation replacements, changes to the fertilization and pest control programs have also been initiated. The types of fertilizer used are more environmentally friendly, and buffer zones have been created surrounding all water retention areas in which no fertilizer is used. Pest control is also used very sparingly in these buffer areas to prevent run off into the water system. The pruning of plant material on the property is also being adjusted. The changes to the methods and frequency of the pruning will promote lower water use and a reduction in the size of the plant beds. This will reduce the amount of mulch and weed control needed while maintaining the natural look of our community. Continued on Page 8. From the Desk of Sharon Eichorn, CAM, Community Director What is all the Buzz about? The buz-zz-z- is all about BuzzNet, the new business networking group at Vista Lakes. If you have attended an event this year then you have seen BuzzNet members at work and play. With their loyal support and donations they are making your events bigger and better, each business contributing in its own way. It is a win-win situation for the new community-based organization. The VLCA Events Committee appreciates the partnership while the residents enjoy the additional fun and excitement BuzzNet is bringing to the events. The BuzzNet members are networking and getting to know our residents as well as attracting new customers. Regions Bank at Vista Lakes and the Vista Lakes Community Director have put together the opportunity for local businesses to meet on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 8:30am in the Residents’ Club. BuzzNet is a very friendly group of businesses welcoming new members at each and every meeting. In a few short months membership has grown to almost forty business members. If you own or operate a business or live in Vista Lakes and think BuzzNet sounds interesting, you are right, it is! You are invited to attend the next meeting. Find out if BuzzNet is your kind of group. There is no charge; only a sense of community spirit is required. Meet and greet other businesses and support your community events. Come join the new group where everyone is buzzing about where work becomes fun! Please remember to thank the businesses that are supporting your community by patronizing their services and establishments. Look for BuzzNet Members at the events, in your newsletter and on the community website For additional information please contact me. Sharon Eichorn Community Director That you can make arrangements for long-term guests to swim at the pool without being accompanied by a Vista Lakes resident? Contact Sharon Eichorn to make arrangements. 4 October 2009 October 2009 5 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday O c t o be r 2 0 0 9 4 5 6 8:30am BuzzNet, (Residents’ Club) 11 12 18 13 7 7:00pm ARC Meeting (Residents’ Club) 14 2 8 9 3 19 8:30am 20 BuzzNet, (Residents’ Club) 6:30pm Board Workshop (Residents’ Club) 15 10 7:00am–12:00pm Community Garage Sale 16 17 7:00pm Meet the Board Candidates (Residents’ Club) 7:00pm Amenities Committee (Residents’ Club) COLUMBUS DAY 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 6:30pm Quarterly Board Meeting (Odyssey Middle School) 25 26 27 7:00pm Gentry Park HOA (Residents’ Club) No v e m ber 2 0 0 9 1 Saturday 10am–6pm Daily Pool Open 1 2 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 8 9 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 15 16 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 22 23 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 29 4 5 6 11 VETERANS’ DAY 18 24 7 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 7:00pm ARC Meeting (Residents’ Club) Closed Weekdays 10:00am 12 CDD Meeting (Residents’ Club) 6:30pm Board Workshop (Residents’ Club) 19 13 7:00pm Adults Only Event (Residents’ Club) 20 14 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open Closed Weekdays 21 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open Closed Weekdays 25 26 THANKSGIVING DAY Closed Weekdays 8:30am 17 BuzzNet, (Residents’ Club) 6:30pm Trick-Or-Treat (Residents’ Club) 7:00pm Gentry Park HOA (Residents’ Club) Closed Weekdays 10 7:00pm Amenities Committee (Residents’ Club) Closed Weekdays 3 8:30am BuzzNet, (Residents’ Club) Closed Weekdays 6 Friday 27 28 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open Closed Weekdays 30 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open Closed Weekdays October 2009 Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday De c e m be r 2 0 0 9 1 8:30am BuzzNet, (Residents’ Club) 6 7 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 14 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 4 21 22 9 10 11 16 17 12 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 6:30pm Board Workshop (Residents’ Club) Closed Weekdays 18 19 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open Closed Weekdays 23 24 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 25 CHRISTMAS DAY 26 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open Closed Weekdays Closed Weekdays 27 5 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open Closed Weekdays 3:00pm–6:00pm Christmas Winter Wonderland Event (Residents’ Club) 7:00pm Gentry Park HOA (Residents’ Club) Closed Weekdays 20 8:30am 15 BuzzNet, (Residents’ Club) 3 Saturday 7:00pm ARC Meeting (Residents’ Club) 7:00pm Amenities Committee (Residents’ Club) Closed Weekdays 13 8 2 Friday 28 29 10:00am–4:00pm Pool Open 30 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE Closed Weekdays Animal Hospital at Vista Lakes Kenya Howze, DVM Kristin Mariash, DVM Jennifer Raulerson, DVM Alexis Smith, DVM 8770 Lee Vista Blvd. Orlando, FL 32829 Office: (407) 380-3011 Fax: (407) 380-3079 State of the Art Hospital Vaccinations, Surgery, Dental Cleanings, X-Rays, In-House Labwork Clean, Climate Controlled Boarding Facility for Cats And Dogs Professional Grooming by Lashonda Hospital Hours Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8 AM - 6 PM Wed 8 AM - 5 PM We now have Sat 8 AM - 12 PM Digital Technology 10% off First Time Exam! Must Present Coupon At Time Of Service Offer Expires 12/31/09 Visit our new website • Doctor Anne Scholl Mealey Owner / Operator October 2009 7 WE BUILD POOL ENCLOSURES AND SCREEN ROOMS Your Affordable Screen Company SKYE SCREENING FREE ESTIMATES Quality Financing Available We put the blue in Blue Skies We do Concrete and Block Knee Walls Licensed & Insured • POOL ENCLOSURES • SCREEN ROOMS • FLAT & A-FRAME STYLE ROOFS • PATIO’S Continued from Page 4. ChickasawSCREENING Trail shown in the photo is an example of these changes. Quality Financing Available RemovedLicensed were Pfitzer juniper along the edge of the bed (along & Insured do Concrete andinterior Block Knee put theas bluewell in Blue roadsideWecurb) as Skies ParsoniWejuniper from the bed. Walls The new Pool plantsEnclosures, are all Florida nativeRooms waterwise The orange/ Screen - Flatplantings. & A-Frame style roofs, Patio’s, Decks, Firebush, Lanai’s, Re-screens red/yellow flowers are Paver called Dwarf the plants with the Glass Rooms & Aluminum Repairs blue flower are called Plumbago, the grasses under the Medjool Licensed Residential Contractor CRC1329212 palm trees are Muhly grasses, and the green hedge plant behind the annuals (gold edge coleus) is Walter’s Viburnum. The existing plants that we did not remove are Lorapetlum (purple/green hedge) and Ruellia (green shrub with purple flowers). We also added netafim drip irrigation to reduce the amount of water usage and water runoff for these beds. 407-857-5079 The Board of Directors, Management Company and Landscape Service are working hard to make these changes; and I am sure as the changes are completed and our new plant material fills in you will see a Vista Lakes that is more visually attractive while also being more environmentally friendly than ever before. • PAVER DECKS • LANAI’S • RE-SCREENS • GLASS ROOMS • ALUMINUM REPAIRS A few reminders based on the more common calls to our office: Licensed Residential Contractor CRC1329212 407-857-5079 -Short Sales -Short Sales -REO’s -REO’s -Foreclosures -Foreclosures -New Homes -New Homes -Rental Services -Rental Services -Relocation -Relocation WE BUILD POOL ENCLOSURES AND SCREEN ROOMS Your Affordable Screen Company The centerSKYE island along Lee Vista Blvd at the intersection with FREE ESTIMATES From the Desk of Gary van der Laan… Remember that any solid waste from your pets needs to be disposed of properly. Pet stations are located throughout the community and provide bags as well as trash cans for the disposal of pet waste. Any exterior change requires approval from the Association’s Architectural Review Committee. The Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month and does require that submissions for that month be in to the office no later than the Monday prior to the meeting. Request forms are available at the Clubhouse Office or the Feature Home Feature Home Vista Lakes website. Trash carts should be stored in the garage or elsewhere out of sight from the street, except on trash collection days which are Tuesdays and Fridays. Commercial vehicles are not permitted to be parked within the Vista Pristine 4 bedroom 2 Bath Home 2 Bath Lakes community unless they are parked within a closed garage. Pristine 4 bedroom Separate Living & Family Home Keller Williams Advantage 2 Realty Portable basketball nets should be stored in the garage or in the rear Rooms Separate Living & Family Open Kitchen Design of the property whenever they are not in use. Direct # (407)-496-9590 eller Williams Advantage-Short 2 Realty Rooms Sales Tranquil Backyard Setting Feature Home -Short Sales Backs upDesign to Park Open Kitchen -REO’s irect # (407)-496-9590 Your Board of Directors has asked Leland Management to carefully -REO’s Quick closing! Tranquil Backyard Setting -Foreclosures Toni Campbell, Realtor oni Campbell, Realtor -Foreclosures -New Homes Feature Home monitor all homes within the community and take immediate as maintenance issues appear. This action includes violation -Relocation notices from both the Association and the City of Orlando Code -Relocation Are you behind on your mortgage payments? Do you know someone who is? Enforcement. Although homes may be empty, the state requires Pristine 4 bedroom Pristine 4 bedroom 2 Bath 2 Bath FREE confidential consultation call Toni Campbell at 407-496-9590 Home Home POOL ENCLOSURES SCREEN OOMS notices be attempted as a first course of action. •After the Rprocess Toni Campbell, Realtor Toni Campbell, Realtor Separate & Family Separate LivingLiving & Family F LAT & A-F RAME STYLE ROOFS KellerWilliams Williams Advantage 2 Realty Keller Advantage 2 Realty Continued on Page 12. RoomsRooms PATIO’S • PAVER DECKS • LANAI’S Open Open Kitchen DesignDesign Kitchen Direct Direct# #(407)-496-9590 (407)-496-9590 Tranquil Backyard SettingSetting Tranquil Backyard RE-SCREENS • GLASS ROOMS BacksBacks up to Park up to Park That the poolRisEPAIRS now open on A LUMINUM • CONCRETE KNEE WALLS QuickQuick closing! closing! Wednesdays through October? Are you behind on your mortgage payments? Do you know someone who is? ing Check out this newsletter and Are you behind on your mortgage payments? Do you know someone who is? FREE confidential consultation call&Toni Campbell at 407-496-9590 anc Insured FREE confidentialLicensed consultation call Toni Campbell at 407-496-9590 e for pool hours. n l Fi ilab We put the blue in Blue Skies a Backs up to Park -Newon Homes Are you behind your mortgage payments? Do you know someone who is?action -Rental Services Quick closing! Services FREE-Rental confidential consultation call Toni Campbell at 407-496-9590 WE BUILD POOL ENCLOSURES AND SCREEN ROOMS SKYE SCREENING Your Affordable Screen Company 8 FREE ESTIMATES Av October 2009 Metro PCS La China Little Caesars Hersheys Ice Cream PUBLIX National City Bank Eye Associates Florida Sports Karate Primrose School Pasquale’s Restaurant Jackson Hewitt Tax Nils Hair Design Vista Lakes Family Dentistry Wachovia KinderCare HairMasters Mi Pequeno Angelito Children’s Store Subway Liquor Six, Inc. UPS Store Fifth Third Bank Regions Bank Tokyo Café Animal Hospital of Vista Lakes Casselton Cleaners Happy Dog Wash Brandon Nail Salon Exit Realty Championship Martial Arts October 2009 9 neighborhood news Neighborhood Representatives Named The Neighborhood Representatives for 2009-2010 have been elected; the list is below. If you live in one of the two neighborhoods that don’t have a Representative and you would like to volunteer, please contact Gary van der Laan. Why do we have Neighborhood Representatives? What do they do? Why should you care? To get answers to this and more, go to and click on Neighborhoods, then Neighborhood Representatives; it will tell you all about it. The Board does not recommended or endorse any service contractors. If you receive any e-mail or flyers stating the Board approved special pricing or services, please call the Community Director. Neighborhood Representatives 2009-2010 Amhurst Gary Schuett Avon Roy Taylor Carlisle Randy Young Central Park Adam English Melrose Musings Melrosians! Did you hear about the suspicious person going door to door in Melrose? Have you been getting all the information about the happenings to and around our gate? You haven’t? You must not be on the Melrose email list! To get on it, send me an email at Jim Shelton Melrose Neighborhood Representative That the sign on Lee Vista Blvd. out by 417 welcoming you to Orlando no longer marks the eastern the edge of the city? The city limit has moved further east! Champlain Homida Rajack Colonie Douglas Allington Gentry Park Patty Kenny Horizons Vacant Melrose Jim Shelton Newport Esther Grillo Pembroke Flor Taveras Warwick Nancy Cotterman Waverly Vacant Windsor Herb Joseph Listing Expired? Call Now! 321-276-6980 luis j. garcia, Realtor® Hablo ol! Españ Residential - Commercial Happy Hour 2-for-1 Drafts Or House Wine Mon-Sat 4 pm-7 pm 10 Hours: Mon-Thurs 11:00am-9:30pm Fri & Sat 11:00am-10:00pm October 2009 in our community • That overnight parking on all streets is not encouraged by the Association, and overnight parking or storage of commercial vehicles is prohibited by our documents? Get Involved! Ever think you would like to volunteer for something in order to give something back to Vista Lakes, but you have no idea what, or you don’t want to get involved in something that takes too much time, or you don’t know how you can help? Do you like working with adults and children and want to help just once or twice a year? Try the Events Committee – they are always looking for help for specific events. Have some financial expertise but not a lot of time? Try the Finance Committee – they draft the budget once a year. Deal with contracts? So do we, and there is a Contracts Committee. Do you think this article is poorly written and you could do better (you wouldn’t be alone)? Join the Communications Committee! If none of this helps, just ask a committee chair, Board member, Sharon or Gary – if not in this newsletter, the emails for them are on If they can’t answer your questions, they will know who can. Jim Shelton Communications Committee Vice Chair • That yard Waste is collected on Tuesdays, and must be either bagged, or tied in bundles? • Residential • Commercial • Property Management • Commercial Leasing Hablo Español Serving the Metro Orlando Area Yadira Kitterman Lic. Real Estate Broker 407-948-0377 • October 2009 11 Use of Amhurst Park Continued from Page 1. session day program. During these times, residents may not use these areas, but may use the remainder of the park including the playground area at all times, dawn to dusk. If you see any illegal activities at the park (or anywhere else), please call 911 with details. If you have other concerns, please report them to me. Sharon Eichorn Community Director • That if it is about Vista Lakes and you don’t know it, you can probably find it on • That emergency and hurricane preparedness information is available at the Residents’ Center. Please ask for assistance at the pool office window. From the Desk of Gary van der Laan… Continued from Page 8. of sending 3 notices from the Management Office, a home that is unoccupied will be scheduled for mowing by either the Association or the City of Orlando. The cost of this maintenance is billed directly back to the property owner and a lien may be placed on the property so that these expenses can be recovered when the property is sold. This process is time consuming, but is required by our Governing Documents and the State of Florida. Gary van der Laan Association Manager Playground at Amhurst Park That you can take care of most business at the pool office during open pool hours? Like dropping off ARC applications, viewing permitted colors for painting your house, renting pavilions, getting Vista Lakes I.D’s and signing up the kids for YMCA programs with a Vista Lakes discount? Median on Lee Vista at Chickasaw Leland Management 6972 Lake Gloria Blvd., Orlando, FL 32809 12 October 2009
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