11.2 - Hosanna Community


11.2 - Hosanna Community
The Hosanna Community News
November 2, 2015
Vol.5, Issue 51
Katie: kwalters.hosanna@comcast.net
Susan: srdistefano@comcast.net
Upcoming activities
Wednesday, November 4, residents are invited to join us outside (weather permitting) for a
great big fall cleanup! We’ll be weeding, sweeping, pruning, and more. The more help we have,
the more we can get done!
Thursday, November 5, Community Cookout
at Faith House. Join Ben & Ann Holt, along with
Joe & Sherry Galbraith, as they prepare a meal
of burgers, beans, chips and dessert. Come
early and visit!
Friday, November 6, Brooke is back from the
H*art Gallery for another fun activity. Meet at
the TreeHouse at 10:00.
Saturday, November 7, 9:00-11:00am, We’re
headed to the Brainerd Optimist Dragstrip in to
check out the cars. Afterwards, we’ll stop at
Above, residents enjoy a hike with Parks &
Rec’s Therapeutic Division at Audubon Acres
(except for the mosquitoes!!). Below, their efforts are rewarded with a trip to Steak & Shake.
Above, residents and staff
participate in an art activity
at the CABIA monthly support group meeting designed to help better understand the impact brain injuries have on physical,
cognitive, emotional, and social skills.
Thanksgiving will be here before you
know it. We will have a traditional
meal at 6:00 and family members
are more than welcome to join us.
There will be single coverage
(meaning only one house will have
someone on duty that day/night). So
that we can plan appropriately, please let your
house manager know your holiday plans soon (if
you will be here for dinner, if you will be gone overnight, and if you will have guests).