Hossein Zaryab - Zaryab Graphics
Hossein Zaryab - Zaryab Graphics
Hossein Zaryab 647-534-5656 | hossein@zaryab.ca www.zaryab.ca Logos Logo: IKCo (Iran Khodro Co.) Client: IKCo (Iran Khodro Co.) Date:2007 Software: Corel Draw Comments: IKCo. is the biggest car manufacturer in Iran. The Client asked me to redesign their old logo. The horse logo was originally designed for one of their products named “Samand”. They wanted a logo with the horse head and integrated with logo of their main partner “Peugeot”. This redesign was part of the visual corporate identity project that I did for them. Logos Logo: Bookan Cement Client: Bookan Cement, Bookan, Iran Date:2013 Software: Adobe Illustrator Comments: The concept is combining A “C” for Cement with a “B” for Bookan in a minimalistic way. Logos Logo: Beauty Palace Client: Beauty Palace Date:2013 Software: Adobe Illustrator Comments: Beauty Palace is a chain store in Iran for Beauty products. Logos Logo: Do Dolphin Client: Do Dolphin Date:2013 Software: Adobe Illustrator Comments: “Do Dolphin” is a real estate agancy and the name means two dolphins. The concept was to illustrate two dolphins, along with two “D”s. Logos Logo: Construction Industry Pillars Client: Construction Industry Pillars Date:2005 Software: Corel Draw Comments: CIP is a Construction Company based in Tehran. The concept was to demonstrate a construction worker with the letters C, I and P. The client wanted to have a logo which can be used on various materials, including staff uniforms and company vehicles. Logos Logo: Ferdows Tea Client: Ferdows Tea Company Date:2001 Software: Corel Draw Comments: Ferdows Tea Company asked me for a logo which can reflect the pleasure of drinking an aromatic tea. Logos Logo: Rose Food Industries Client: Rose Food Industries Date:2002 Software: Corel Draw Comments: Main idea in this logo was to show both a rose and a fork. The company mainly produces pasta and spaghetti. Logos Logo: Alliage Client:Alliage Date:2009 Software: Corel Draw Comments: For designing the logo of this alloy supplements company I used lowercase Letter “a” and pouring molten metal. alliage Logos Logo: George Coffee Client: George Coffee Date:2010 Software: Corel Draw Comments: The Idea of a golden coffee bean resembling a “G” made me and my client more than happy. Logos Logo: Coweis Client:IPACO Date:2005 Software: Corel Draw Comments: In designing this logo I used the letter “W” as an arm of a scale. Logos Logo: The Centennial of Iran’s Oil Industry Client: Ministry of Petroleum of Iran Date:2007 Software: Corel Draw Comments: A candle for a century and a golden drop dripping into a barrel. There was a competition for designing a logo for the centennial of Iran’s oil industry. I informed that my logo was one of two winner logos, but they decided not to use winner logos and order a calligraphic logotype instead. Logos Logo: Seven Book Shop Client: Seven Book Shop Date:1999 Software: Corel Draw Comments: The Letter “V” resembles both a book and the character for figure “7”. Logos Logo: Footsteps of Heart Client: Footsteps of Heart Date:2004 Software: Corel Draw Comments: “Footsteps of Heart” was a newsletter for an NGO for disabled children. Logos Logo: Jahan Pharmed Client: Jahan Pharmed Pharmaceutical Distribution Co. Date:2006 Software: Corel Draw Comments: J, P and arrows showing Distribution Logos Logo: Rastak Client: Rastak Engineering Co. Date:2008 Software: Corel Draw Comments: Two letter “r”s in red and grey. Logo: Noorsaform Client: Noorsaform Lighting Co. Date:2010 Software: Corel Draw Comments: The letter “n”. Rastak and Noorsaform are close partners so I decided to use the same idea for Noorsaform. Logos Logo: IINVU Client: Inter Islamic Network on Virtual Universities Date:2009 Software: Corel Draw Print Media Ads Print Media Ad: Clenil Client: Sina Darou Date:2010 Software: Adobe Photoshop Comments: This ad was made for Clenil Compositum Spray, a drug for asthma which is a compound of two drugs that have synergic effect on treatment of asthma. I thought that use of a spoon and a fork was a good idea for showing synergy. Packaging Product Packaging: Multichoco Client: Multi, Iran Date:2012 Software: Adobe Photoshop Comments: Front Face of packaging design for Multi’s new product. Web Design Web Design: IST Client: IST, Iran Date:2012 Software: Adobe Dreamweaver Comments: A minimalistic web design for IST consulting group: www.ist-petrokimya.com.tr Magazine Designs Magazine Layout and Illustration: ILI Language Learners Quarterly Client: Iran Language Institute, Iran Date:2013 Software: Adobe InDesign, Corel Painter Comments: A magazine spread and an illustration for a story in it. Story Story Petey hadn’t really believed that Dad would be doing it – sending Granddad away. “Away” was what they were calling it. Not until now could he believe it of Dad. But here was the blanket that Dad had that day bought for him, and in the morning he’d be going away. And this was the last evening they’d be having together. Dad was off seeing that girl he was to marry. He’d not be back till late, and they could sit up and talk. It was a fine September night, with a thin white moon riding high over the gully. When they’d washed up the supper dishes they went out on the shanty porch, the old man and the bit of a boy, taking their chairs. “I’ll get my harmonica,” said the old man, “and play you some of the old tunes.” But instead of the harmonica he brought out the blanket. It was a big, double blanket, red, with black cross stripes. “Now, isn’t that a fine blanket!” said the old man, smoothing it over his knees. “And isn’t your father a kind man to be giving the old fellow a blanket like that to go away with? It cost something, it did – look at the wool of it! And warm it will be these cold winter nights to come. There’ll be few blankets there the equal of this one!” It was like Granddad to be saying that. He was trying to make it easier. He’d pretended all along it was he that was wanting to go away to the great brick building – the government place, where he’d be with so many other old fellows having the best of everything…. But Petey hadn’t believed Dad 22 INTERMEDIATE | LANGUAGE LEARNER QUARTERLY | FALL 2013 | NO. 21 would really do it, until this night when he brought home the blanket. “Oh, yes, it’s a fine blanket,” said Petty, and got up and went into the shanty. He wasn’t the kind to cry, and besides, he was too old for that, being eleven. He’d just come in to fetch Granddad’s harmonica. The blanket slid to the floor as the old man took the harmonica and stood up. It was the last night they’d be having together. There wasn’t any need to say, “Play all the old tunes.” Granddad tuned up for a minute, and then said, “This is one you’ll like to remember.” The thin moon was high overhead, and there was a gentle breeze playing down the gully. He’d never be hearing Granddad play like this again. It was as well Dad was moving into that new house, away from here. He’d not want, Petey wouldn’t, to sit here on the old porch of fine evenings, with Granddad gone. The tune changed. “Here’s something gayer.” Petey sat and started out over the gully. His chair creaked as he involuntarily gave his body a painful twist. The tune stopped suddenly, and Granddad said: “It’s a poor tune, except to be dancing to.” And then: “It’s a fine girl your father’s going to marry. He’ll be feeling young again, with a pretty wife like that. And what would an old fellow like me be doing around their house, getting in the way, an old nuisance, what with my talk of aches and pains! And then there’ll be babies coming, and I’d not want to be there to hear them crying at all hours. It’s best that I take myself off, like I’m doing. One more tune or two, and then we’ll be going to bed to get some sleep against the morning, when I’ll pack up my fine blanket and take my leave. Listen to this, will you? It’s a bit sad, but a fine tune for a night like this.” They didn’t hear the two people coming down the gully path, Dad and the pretty girl with the hard, bright face like a china doll’s. But they heard her laugh, right by the porch, and the tune stopped on a wrong, high, startled note. Dad didn’t say anything, but the girl came forward and spoke to Granddad prettily: “I’ll not be seeing you leave in the morning, so I came over to say goodbye.“ “It’s INTERMEDIATE | LANGUAGE LEARNER QUARTERLY | FALL 2013 | NO. 21 23 Cover Designs Book Cover Design: The Dictionary of Qatar Contemporary Statesmen Client: Ezam Publications Date:2013 Software: Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter Comments: An Illustration of a Qatari Statesman made by Corel Painter used for this cover Design. Technical Documentation Technical Illustration: SAIPA 141 Client:SAIPA Date:2003 Software: Corel Draw Comments: Profile of SAIPA 141, for cover of SAIPA 141 owner’s manual . Technical Documentation Technical Illustration: SAIPA Service Manual Client:SAIPA Date:2003 Software: Corel Designer Comments: I did a series of technical illustrations for SAIPA, some based on photos and some from CAD data.
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Hossein Zaryab - Zaryab Graphics
could he believe it of Dad.
But here was the blanket that Dad had that
day bought for him, and in the morning he’d
be going away. And this was the last evening
they’d be having together. Dad was of...