Newsletter October 2015 - AFGE National VA Council
Newsletter October 2015 - AFGE National VA Council
REFLECTIONS 2016 O ctobe r 20 15 Vo l. 15, Is s u e 3 The Honorable Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Bob McDonald Addresses attendees at the National VA Council #53 during the AFGE/NVAC National President, Alma L. Lee September Joint Labor Management Relations meeting. “Big Enough to Win” Inside this issue: AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. Reelected as President of the largest federal Union “I am honored and humbled by the faith AFGE members have placed in me to continue Training Information & Updates 2 Organizing Updates 3 Kudos & Congrats 4 Welcome 5 Legislative Update 6 Call Out 6 the work I began three years ago, leading the nation’s largest union for federal and D.C. government employees,” Cox said. “Our membership has grown year over year for the past 24 years, and we are going to keep growing so we are big enough and strong enough to build the future that our dedicated members deserve.” AFGE/ NVAC Safety & Health Convention Save the Date! FEBRUARY 22 – 26, 2016 HEALTH & SAFETY MATTERS! Tropicana Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada AFGE/National VA Council Purpose: Update, educate, and motivate NVAC Safety & National Safety & Health Conference Health representatives and activists on key and emerging occupational safety health problems and solutions. Got Joint Master Agreement Training at your facility...? Joint training is an integral part of everything we do, and we need your help in this regard. We ask you to go to the NVAC website ( ) and download the forms for joint training. To locate the form, scroll to the title of the “Menu” area (look on the left-hand side of the screen), and click on “Member Training”. The forms for both Joint Training and Union-only Training are highlighted in red. Discuss with your management and human relations staff what training is needed, and then submit the form to the Director of Education and Training (AFGE/NVAC), email:, office phone: (540) 345-6301 or Ashley Levesque, Staff Assistant for VACO LMR, email: The more training requests we receive from the field, the more it will demonstrate the importance we place on training and show the need for management action. Training Options Offered by the AFGE/NVAC Each of YOU need to be an advocate for training at your facility. There are two types of training available through the NVAC. The first is Joint Training, where both labor and management provide both instructors and students. The advantage to this is that management pays for it. The disadvantages are that management must agree to the training, and since both labor and management are in the room, instructors must remain neutral. Page 2 The second type is Union Only Training. If one local makes the request, the Council will split the costs. If it is multi-local (a District or VISN training) that group will pay all travel and per diem. The advantage to it is that the instructors can provide guidance to the students on tactics. We have been successful in the past year with training in both methods. To request training, you need to submit the appropriate request form to the National VA Council office. The forms are located on the NVAC website. Appropriate topics for trainings include the Master Agreement, Labor Management Statute, Bargaining, Leadership, Communications and Partnership. To find out more, please contact: Director of Education & Training; email: or office phone: (540) 345-6301. REFLECTIONS 2016 AFGE/National Veterans Affairs Council Regional Training — October 2015 VA/AFGE Master Agreement Train the Trainer – September 2015 More than 150 VA employees gathered in New Orleans to discuss more effective ways to better serve those who care for our Veterans. Joint Training was provided in New Orleans for Train the Trainer. Attendees ~ September 2015 President Lee welcome employees~ October 2015 AFGE/NVAC Membership Hits Record High - Again! AFGE closed the month of June with the highest membership record of 300,000 members! The union welcomed 3,801 more members into the AFGE family last month. September closed the month with the highest membership record of 111,746 active members. This was an increase of almost 5,000 members since July’s newsletter. AFGE/NVAC National President, Alma L. Lee and AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. Celebrating growing membership IZE! N A ORG IZE! N A ! ORG NIZE A G OR ~~ ATTENTION ~~ AFGE/NVAC 2015 Organizing Drive has been extended through December 31, 2015. Volume 15, Issue 2 Page 3 Kudos & Congrats! Congratulations to Adrienne Woods for receiving The Mediator Certification in ADR training. Kudos to both Tatishka Musgrove President, AFGE Local 548 (Bay Pines) and Hattye Knight VBA HRC Baltimore for receiving The NVAC Service Award for their years of Dedicated Training For the Master Agreement. The Women's and Fair Practices Departments Work For You When opportunity is equal, everyone wins. That’s why AFGE is devoted to promoting diversity, inclusion and fair treatment for all government employees through its Women’s and Fair Practices Department. Page 4 The department works to develop trainings to help educate union members on equal pay, paid parental leave, and bullying. They also work to engage young and LGBT workers in the federal and D.C. governments through its Y.O.U.N.G. workers program and AFGE Pride Program. To ensure that all these workers and more have the voice to stand up and fight for fair treatment, the Women’s and Fair Practices Department is also in charge of the Voter Protection Program, a campaign to ensure that all eligible voters are able to make their voice heard at the polls. AFGE/NVAC NEWS NVAC Welcomes… AFGE/National VA Council would like to welcome Daniel Hines as our new Director of Education. Daniel served as an Air Traffic Controller in the U.S Army for three years before being injured in a training accident. After getting out of the Army he received his bachelors degree in Business Administration from American National University and is currently working on his Masters Degree in communication at Liberty University. Daniel has spent the last 8 years focusing on Training and Development in the healthcare settings as well as Patient Experience in Hospitals and Senior Living communities. He currently lives in Salem VA with his wife Sarah and two children Logan and Lily. When he is not working Daniel plays golf and is an avid Virginia Tech fan and attends as many sporting events as he can. Denise has served at Wells Fargo for a total of 10 years, through several mergers. She has been married to her husband, Pastor Steve Russell, for 26 years, and is a devoted Pastor’s Wife and Worship Leader at Real Life Ministries of Salem, VA. Denise is currently pursuing a degree in theology through Kingsbury Bible College. Denise and Steve have two sons, Craig Steven Russell, II, 25, of Salem, VA, and Cameron Evans Russell, 20, of Salem, VA. “Save The Date” 2016 Triennial Training Convention San Jose, CA More Information to Follow (Dates not Confirmed) Volume 15, Issue 2 Page 5 NVAC Legislative Update — “On the Hill” Submitted by NVAC Lobbyists, Mike Rosenblatt On October 20th, the Senate attempted to move ahead with legislation that would make all VA employees at-will. The bill would also extend probationary periods for VA employees from 12 to 18 months. Thanks to thousands of phone calls and a quick response, NVAC was able to stop the bill dead in its tracks. Senator Blumenthal (D-CT) put a hold on the legislation which will require 60 votes to overcome. Despite this victory, NVAC must continue to push calls to all Senators through our patch through line. Please call 855-976-5397 and tell your Senator: vote NO on S. 1082. H.R. 313, the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act, passed the House of Representatives at the end of September. The bill provides an additional 104 hours of sick leave for newly hired federal employees who are veterans 30% service connected or higher. Veterans starting in the federal workforce have unique health care challenges and do not have a bank of leave saved up when they start working. This bill alleviates that concern and allows for veterans to not have to decide between their paycheck and their healthcare. The Senate passed their version earlier this summer. The two bills have several differences that must be reconciled before the legislation is signed by the President. Call Out for News!! Once again, we are making a call for news. What happens in the field is what makes us a great union! Let us know what you are doing to make the VA a world-class place to work. If you have had a successful recruiting event, negotiated an agreement to benefit workers, or held a special event of any sort, please contact: Brad Looney at or Remember your success will inspire others! AFGE/NVAC News We’re on the web Alma L. Lee, President, NVAC Phone: (540) 345-6301 Brad Looney, Editor FAX: (540) 224-1931 Page 6 AFGE/NVAC NEWS National Secretary Treasure Hudson Honored with "Spirit of Democracy" Award AFGE National SecretaryTreasurer Eugene Hudson Jr. was recognized by the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) with the Labor & Social Justice Leadership Award at the 18th Annual Spirit of Democracy Celebration on October 7. Since 1976 the NCBCP, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, has been dedicated to increasing civil engagement and voter participation to promote social and economic justice in Black and underserved communities at the local, state, national and global levels. The organization strives to empower people in all aspects of public life through volunteer service, advocacy, and leadership development. Upon accepting the award, Hudson said that his career as a public servant and union leader can all be traced back to one core belief in equality and fairness. "I try to be fair to everybody, I believe in treating people equitably." Hudson said. "I want to continue to do that and I want that to be my legacy." Hudson grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, just as the Civil Rights movement began in the segregated South. Hudson said that his parents set a strong example for how to treat others. They instilled in him the belief that you do not leave your fellow man behind and that there is an intrinsic reward to helping others. "I work to be a strong leader who advocates for people whose voices have been silenced," he said. "I'm proud to serve in an organization as diverse as AFGE." Hudson pointed to the diverse makeup of the AFGE National Executive Council as a prime example of how AFGE calls on people from all walks of life to strengthen and lead the labor movement. Many from the NEC were present at the reception including National Vice President for Women and Fair Practices Augusta Thomas, and National Vice Presidents Dorothy James, Everett Kelley, Eric Bunn Sr., and Cheryl Eliano. National President J. David Cox Sr. offered the following congratulatory message to NST Hudson -- "I am so proud to see Eugene recognized for his work. He has always been a strong advocate for our members and I know he carries that drive even when he's not conducting AFGE business." Hudson is the first African American to be elected to the position of AFGE National Secretary-Treasurer. He was recently reelected by acclamation during the 40th National Convention. President Barack Obama sent his well-wishes to all attendees of the event, and in a statement, said that "America moves forward when people across our Nation -- of all origins, backgrounds, and beliefs --join in a spirit of common purpose to brighten our shared future. As long as we stay true to that spirit, I am confident we Still Marching Forward... Dear NVAC Leaders, As we reflect on this year, we are thankful for the victories and the challenges. It has been a busy year and we have achieved so much. One of our greatest accomplishments was obtaining over 110,000+ members. NVAC remains, by far, the largest Council within the American Federation of Government Employees. Our hard working Local leaders banded together to sign up new members. The key organizing topics included increased staffing levels, whistleblower retaliation and increased funding for duties related to Veteran care. The NVAC Organizing Committee, led by NVAC President Alma Lee and Barbara Whitson - Casanova, had a record breaking year, increasing membership from 95,000 in 2013 to 110,000+ dues paying members in 2015. With this number of dues paying members backing the NVAC organization, our strength is formidable. The Committee continues to raise their goal and continues to add new members, making NVAC the strongest Council within AFGE. CONGRATULATIONS! The NVAC Communications Committee 2015 has been an interesting and challenging year in Communications and Information Technology. While we strive to be innovative, cutting edge, and forward thinking we have to balance that with Information security and defending ourselves against hacks and attacks. We continued our “Green” initiative by dispensing information electronically, being environmentally conscious and saving a few trees. We’ve concentrated our efforts on expanding and upkeep of our fabulous NVAC website. This website is packed with valuable information from organizing to negotiations and more. The President’s Briefings that go out 4 or 5 times a day are another way we strive to keep you current and up to date on all pertinent information. In the coming year we will be adding Group text capabilities for the Council and different committees to enhance more rapid communication. As always we welcome your suggestions and input for future capabilities. 2016 the NVAC Communications Committee will pursue automatic text messaging for faster notification to our members. Chet Goree Committee Chair for Communications and IT Recommendations from the NVAC Title 38 Summit (Training) Develop a formal multi-disciplinary process with mentoring to assist new employees to successfully orient and to achieve competencies in their assigned areas. (Time & Leave) Modify physician time and leave policy to permit use of sick leave (SL), annual leave (AL) as all other employees have (15 minute increments). Comply with title 38 regulations R/T overtime. Oversight and transparency of compensation panels outside of the local facility. Transparency of the CME budget and increase the cap for CEU/CME annual requirements commensurate with the private sector. Title 38 Mid-Term Bargaining Committee report The Title 38 Mid-Term Bargaining committee consists of; Barbara Whitson-Casanova RN, Kathleen Pachomski RN, Diane Clines NP, David Mollett RN and Jeffrey Sladek RN Chairperson. The Title 38 Mid-Term bargaining committee negotiates Title 38 issues that are a result of a demand to bargain over a change in working conditions that affects multiple Locals. The committee relies heavily on notification from the field for the identification of changes in working conditions so that a demand to bargain can be initiated as management frequently neglects to inform the NVAC prior to implementation. You may contact any of the committee members if you have information about a policy change or directive affecting the NVAC bargaining unit. During the previous year the title 38 mid-term bargaining committee has dealt with multiple issues concerning attempts to standardize practices of both Physicians and Nurses. The challenges that will be dealt with in the future are proposed changes in panel size for Nurses and Physicians as well as the day to day management of schedules. In addition, safe staffing in terms of patient staff ratios need to be standardized and acceptable for the delivery of safe and quality health care. Full bargaining rights for Title 38 as all other bargaining unit employees in the VA have. Appellate Peer Review Panels. Provide adequate support staff and space for providers delivering patient care. The PACT team only, should manage patient scheduling and consults in collaboration with their provider. Reinstitute Ken Kizer’s supervisor to staff ratio of 15 or more to 1 supervisory ratio. Support nurses that report unsafe staffing and mandate that facilities develop a contingency plan that does not include mandatory overtime i.e., per diem pool, float pool, intermittent staff etc. Develop a National Universal staffing co-efficient to ensure safe patient care and adequate nurse patient ratios. Establish National Patient Staffing ratios for all areas in a collaborative effort to develop solutions that will build a safer environment for patients and clinical staff. Overhaul the NPSB and ensure that it is fair to all and not based on friends and positions. Stop the duplicitous documentation and find a way to pull data from one note and not redundant documentations. Maintain “status quo” of provider panel sizes (800 NPs/PAs and 1200 MDs). Develop an oversight committee beyond the local facility to evaluate the delayed proficiency/evaluations. Jeffrey Sladek RN Chairperson; Title 38 Mid-Term Bargaining Committee The Title 38 Mid-Term and Grievance and Arbitration committees held a joint summit last summer to develop and disseminate recommendations to the Office of Nursing Service and the Chief of Staff regarding Title 38 issues. The recommendations submitted were as follows; Mid-Term Bargaining Committee Report 2015 NVAC Mid-Term Bargaining Committee members, Oscar L. Williams Jr., Chair, 2nd Executive Vice President and Representative 7th VA District Council#59, William “Bill” Wetmore, 3rd Executive Vice President, Willie E. Haywood Jr., Terence J. Watts, Representative 5th VA District Council #179 , Willie E. Haywood Jr., President 6th VA District Council 262, and Jeffery Sladek, President 13th VA District Council #219. The Mid-Term Bargaining Committee since January 1, 2015 has submitted more than 306 demands to bargain requests, survey/questionnaires approval and/or disapproval to VA, VHA VISNs, NCA, VCS, CBO Purchase Care, SAO and at facilities with more than one AFGE Local. It has been a very busy year. The Mid-Term Committee with the help on Diane Clines, President AFGE Local 96, St. Louis, MO and NVAC National Representative, negotiated an internal appeal process, of removal action for Veterans Canteen Service Non-Veterans workers. VCS Non-Veterans workers under 38 USC were considered at-will employees for their removal action. Now these workers can file a timely appeal to VCS in St. Louis, MO, on their removal action. The Mid-Term Bargaining Committee would like to thanks all the NVAC Locals that keep us informed of changes in working conditions that the Department ‘s management officials try to implement without meeting their national bargaining obligation. National Executive Board Officers M.J. Burke 1st Executive VP Oscar L. Williams, Jr. 2nd Executive VP Alma L. Lee NVAC President Bill Wetmore 3rd Executive VP Dorothy Jefferson NVAC Treasurer District Representatives Christopher Bovie Ena Thompson-Judd 1st District Curtis Jackson Bob Fetzer 2nd District 3rd District 4th District Terrence Watts Willie Haywood Oscar L. Williams Jr. Patrick Russell 5th District 6th District 7th District 8th District Barbara Whitson— Casanova 9th District Ben Johnson Donald Fowler xxxxxxxxxxxx 10th District 11th District 12th District Jeff Sladek Bill Preston Richard A. Colón-Falcón 13th District 14th District 15th District National Representatives James Alsup David Bump Diane Clines Bill Jefferson James Martin Anthony McCray Tatishka Musgrove Kathleen Pachomski Victor Ramirez-Rios Chet Goree Geneva Moore Adrienne Woods Safety Representatives Irene Coley Keith Ireland Louis Curry Rosetta Sloan Brenda Stromski
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