April 2015 Newsletter 04/22/15


April 2015 Newsletter 04/22/15
April 2015 Vol. 15, Issue 1
The Honorable Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Bob McDonald addressed the attendees at AFGE/NVAC Meeting
held during the 2015 AFGE Legislative and Grassroots Mobilization Conference in DC
2015 AFGE Legislative and
Grassroots Mobilization
The AFGE/NVAC Council kicked off this years Legislative and Grassroots Mobilization Conference at
the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington,
DC. AFGE National President J. David Cox opened
the meeting followed by NVAC President Alma L.
Lee to a capacity audience and addressed numerous issues facing AFGE/NVAC Bargaining unit members to date. The meeting was then turned over to
the Honorable Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Bob
McDonald. Secretary McDonald's appearance was
the first time a VA Secretary has spoken at a VA
Council meeting at the Legislative conference. Addressing the activists who represent employees
from VA facilities across the
country, Secretary McDonald
energized the crowd with his
own enthusiasm to move the
VA forward with employees as
the main engine and most important asset.
AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. and
AFGE/NVAC President Alma L. Lee
National Quality Council (NQC) Meeting
The quarterly National Quality Council (NQC) meeting between VA and
AFGE leadership was held March 3-4, 2015 at the Salisbury, NC VAMC.
The meeting was Co-Chaired by Alma Lee, AFGE/NVAC President, and
Bob Snyder, Principle Deputy Assistant the Executive Director of the
MyVA Task Force. Other NQC members present included Bob Fetzer
(NVAC), Bill Jefferson (NVAC), Curtis Jackson (NVAC), Mary-Jean Burke
(NVAC), Tom Murphy (VBA), Kathy Locklear (VHA) and Dr. Linda
Schwartz, the Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning attended.
National Quality Council
The meeting focused on the Baldrige Criteria that is used as the performance improvement framework for the Secretary’s “Robert W. Carey Performance Excellence Program”. The Office
of Policy and Planning presented an overview of the Baldrige criteria and the NQC discussed how to reinvigorate the
Carey Program.
Also reviewed the MyVA effort being led by the MyVA Task Force with various focus areas that included establishing
a Veteran Experience office to improve customer service throughout the VA; improving internal support services to
assist service providers; improving internal processes that hamper good customer services while establishing a culture of continuous performance improvement; leveraging strategic partnerships; and focusing on people and culture
to empower employees to provide better service to Veterans. Ms. Stacy Vasquez from the MyVA Task Force, then
provided additional details on several specific process improvement activities that have been identified during MyVA
site visits or via the IdeaHouse.
After the presentation on MyVA and process improvements, the NQC discussed ways to reinvigorate local quality
councils and to get more labor involvement in the MyVA efforts. Management and AFGE representatives agreed to
continue discussions on these topics, which would be the focus of the next NQC scheduled for June.
Secretary McDonald Addresses NVAC
Secretary McDonald said he was thrilled
to return to meet with the National VA
Council #53 during the March Joint Labor
Management Relations meeting on March
11, 2015. McDonald stated that the VA
cannot win without the employees in the
VA. McDonald said he really wants to
provide an experience that the vets will
not forget, he stated, “There would be no
hope for the veteran's unless we better
(L-R) Principal Deputy Assistant , Bob Snyder; Secretary of Veterans
Affairs, Bob McDonald and AFGE/NVAC President Alma Lee
serve employees. We can’t achieve our first
objective without taking care of them. This is our opportunity to see the change”.
New Director for Education & Training
St. Petersburg Rally
Rochelle Madden has been selected as the
NVAC's New Director of Education and Training.
On Friday, February 27, NVAC President Alma Lee
joined AFGE President J. David Cox, employees and
members from the St. Petersburg Regional Benefits
Office, and AFGE locals from around Florida and Georgia at a demonstration to reveal whistleblower retaliation issues at the St. Petersburg office. Last summer,
following a report released by an AFGE member exposing serious quality control issues with veterans
benefits, the AFGE member was fired in retaliation.
Members of Local 1594 in St. Petersburg report that
the culture remains steeped with employee intimidation tactics and gross mismanagement. The demonstration was highly successful with over 50 attendees
and significant media coverage, including television
and newspapers. President Lee along with the other
activists, demanded that the office rehire the AFGE
member and put an end to their culture of intimidation and retaliation. AFGE and NVAC also demanded
that the St. Petersburg listen to VA Secretary McDonald who has pledged to end retaliation against whistleblowers and other courageous employees who
speak out on behalf of veterans and employees.
Rochelle fills the position previously held by
Dave Rodriguez who left the position in late
2014. William Jefferson, NVAC National Representative, served as interim Director and guided this program flawlessly until a new Director was hired.
Rochelle has been actively engaging audiences from industry to higher education for nineteen years. Her industry
experience includes working for corporations such as Walt
Disney Company, Sony, Hallmark and Macmillian Publishing. In 2004, Rochelle was on contract working for Walt
Disney Corporation in Orlando, Florida. She worked with
the Walt Disney Company in 2006 to partner with Hallmark
in offering customer service and teamwork training to the
Kansas City Region through the Disney Institute.
Rochelle has continued her representation in social action
and justice issues through feeding programs, assisting with
homeless shelters and government relations.
Rochelle’s formal educational background includes a Master of Science in Industrial Technology from Indiana State
University and an Educational Specialist’s degree in Technology Education from the University of Central Missouri.
She has received certification in online teaching through
the Quality Matters peer-review process with her curriculum development and assessment methods.
Membership Training
This is a reminder if your Local would
like to request training , please go to
our website; afgenvac.org to find the request forms:
(1) Request for Joint Labor Management Training provided by the
AFGE/NVAC-DVA National Training and Education Committee. Your
Joint Training request will be placed in priority order based on available resources. Our staff will contact you with regard to available
times and trainers as soon as we are able to schedule.
(2) AFGE National VA Council Training Request Form (Union ONLY)
will be placed in priority order based on available resources.
- REMEMBER a trained activist is an effective activist!
VA Secretary's ADR Selection Awards
Tatishka Musgrove
The Office of Resolution Management (ORM) presented for
the Secretary’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Award
to Tatishka (Tish) Musgrove, AFGE Local 548 President and
NVAC National Representative, a medical records technician
at Bay Pines VA Healthcare System Bay Pines, FL . Nominations included seven categories of recognition and an American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) member in
one of the seven categories.
Tish was also awarded the Category A: Individual Effort by an
Employee. This award is the highest recognition for individuVA Secretary, Bob McDonald; AFGE/NVAC
als and groups who have made exemplary contributions to furNational Rep. and LP 548, Tatishka Musgrove,
thering VA’s goals in the area of ADR. It also recognizes and
AFGE/NVAC President Alma L. Lee
highlights programs that implement innovative ADR techniques that contribute to the fair, efficient, and cod effective resolution of disputes and Equal Employment Opportunity complaints. Additionally, this award serves to encourage the marketing of best practices which serve as models for
all VA organizations. Congratulations Tish!!!!
We request everyone submit a copy of your NEW or RENEGOTIATED LSA to NVAC for review. You can email a copy to:
alma.lee@va.gov, monica.speer@va.gov or penny.mcnabb@va.gov.
As stated in the 2011 Master Agreement, Article 46, Section 2 (B):
“It is agreed that prior to implementation of any Local Supplement, the respective parties shall forward their agreement to VA Headquarters and the Union for review. The national parties shall review the Local Supplement within
30 calendar days of its receipt. In the event either of the national parties determines there exists a conflict with the
Master Agreement, they shall forward a written document to the respective local union and the other national party
identifying the conflict for resolution at the local level.”
If your LSA is disapproved during Agency Head Review, the Agency must serve
you with the disapproval by hand-delivery or USPS mail (our MCBA does not
allow for service by Email) within 30 days of the date the LSA was submitted
to the Agency Head.
Rally on the Hill
The American Federation of Government Employees led by AFGE National President J. David, rallied at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC
during a break at Legislative and Grassroots Mobilization Conference. A
coalition of AFGE members, along with other unions representing employees of a variety of federal agencies, climbed to the Hill to let there
voices be heard. Joining them on the Hill were members of Congress ,
Senator Minority Whip, Dick Durbin (D-IL) Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD);
the Congressional Democratic House Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD);
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.); co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD). Durbin called on Congress
to respect federal employees. The aim of the rally was to make members of the 114th Congress aware of issues impacting federal employees; including furloughs, sequestration, federal pay and benefits.
Photos by AFGE
Not Goodbye, But Until We Meet
Dear AFGE Brothers and Sisters , I have decided
that I will retire on May 2, 2015. I am grateful to
have been able to work for President Alma Lee, the
NVAC Executive Board, National /Safety Representatives, the NVAC Staff as well as all of our Local Leaders and its membership.
I have been fortunate to witness the solidarity and
steady growth AFGE /National VA Council has
achieved as a body (AFGE) to work to make a difference with so many employees, not just with their
work, but in their lives. Your commitment to AFGE/
NVAC is also seen by the veterans we serve and
many others. I have had the honor of getting to
know many of you through work as well as at many
events. I wish you much success in the future.
Keep up the good work ! Until we meet again...
NVAC Local President 2823 James Swartz
(VBA Cleveland, Ohio)
Photo by Michael O'Connell/Federal News Radio
AFGE Invited to March with President
Obama and President Bush in Selma, AL
Source AFGE News March 13, 2015
AFGE was honored to be the only union invited to join a
group of civil right leaders and activists led by President
Barack Obama to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge last
weekend to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Bloody
Sunday and the Civil Rights March. Joining President Obama
and AFGE President J. David Cox Sr. were the First Family,
former President George W. Bush, Rep. John Lewis, Rev. Al
Sharpton, and other original “foot soldiers” who were there
on the bridge 50 years ago. “AFGE always stands for civil
rights and workers’ rights. To be a part of this is an amazing
moment,” President Cox said.
Jim King
NVAC Director of I.T.
Photo Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
President Obama
Visits Phoenix VAMC
Cincinnati VA Medical Center workers
call for more staffing
Mr. Louis Curry, AFGE Local
President of 2382 and AFGE/NVAC National Safety
Representative met with
the President Obama on
his most recent trip to
Phoenix VAMC to discuss
the concerns and issues
Louis Curry LP 2382 at the
surrounding the Phoenix
Phoenix VAMC with
Medical Center. KUDOS to
President Obama
LOUIS on a job well done!!
January 30, 2015 Associated Press
CINCINNATI (AP) — An employees' demonstration
calling for full staffing and improved working conditions is scheduled at the Federal Veterans Administration Medical Center in Cincinnati.
Members of Local 2031 of the American Federation
of Government Employees scheduled the demonstration Friday at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center.
A union release says understaffed facilities and gross
mismanagement are harmful to veterans. Local union President Charles Smith says employees haven't
yet seen the changes outlined in last year's VA legislation take shape in Cincinnati.
AFGE/NVAC Welcomes Charles L.
Smith, AFGE Local President 2031
from the Cincinnati VA Medical Center Cincinnati, OH as its newest AFGE/NVAC National Representative.
A spokeswoman for the Cincinnati VA Medical Center says it has no higher priority than ensuring that
Veterans access the high-quality care they've
earned. Spokeswoman Denise Kerr (kur) says the
facility has worked with union leaders regarding
their concerns and will continue to do so.
AFGE/NVAC-DVA Joint National Training and Education Committee
Got News?
We would like you to share your stories, news, recruiting events, awards and milestones.
Send news to afgenvac@aol.com.
National VA Council
1970 Roanoke Blvd.
Building 76, Suite 106
Check us out on
the web!
Salem, VA 24153
Phone: (540) 345-6301
Fax: (540) 224-1931
E-mail: afgenvac@aol.com