YACHTCLUB FISHERROW 2006 YEARBOOK TIDETABLES INCSAILINGPROGRAMME, 97 NEWSTREET MUSSELBURGH EASTLOTHIAN EH2I5DG YEARBOOK2006 CONTENTS l"It YEARBOOK2006 $jr-.r> AND COMMITTEE FLAGOFFICERS YEARBOOK2006 2006 MEMBERSHIP HONORARY COMMODORE Maureen Councillor Talac COMMODORE AlynSmurlhwaite 1s Mi hitl [russelburgh EH217RO 0'131 6658683 UtaBinnie 7 Ravensheugh Road, Musselburgh, EH21 7PX 0 1 3 1 6651790 Uta@levenhall.f JI[/|& SHEILA STAN& MAE 01316655496 01315571059 NAUTILASS WEEGUSSIE 23 LEISURE I\4IRROR KENNY PAUL& FIONA 01316200632 01506882721 PAPILLON MACWESTER 27 JIM& JEHANE IAN& UTA 01316657373 PAGEANT SALAMANDER WESTERLY JUNO 560 SPARKLER 01316651790 LORNRIVAL CHRISTIE BOB& OLWEN PAULINE & KEITH CLARK COLLINS TOBY DAVID 01316692902 HUMDINGER ENTERPRISE 01620825557 30 +496154803600 ROCKHOPPER HUNTER HARUMSCARUII.4LASER 013144131M CRAIGMILE CRAWFORD NEIL& SUSAN & ANN GRAHAM 01875610644 01s16571012 DARIUS IVR 0'131665 0970 AlanPeden Terrace, 21 Stoneyhill EH21 Musselburgh, DEANS DONALO 01314549562 0'1316536601 DICK MILLY 01316693449 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY HilleTekotte 43 Eastfield Edinburgh EH152PN 0131669 3210 tekotte@staff COMMITTEE CalumJones JohnMcManus 0131661 1679 018e0781529 FERGUSON TOt/ & NORIjA 01314453700 FINLAYSON ALAN FINLAYSON RICHARD& SANDRA 01316572'165 & JULIE 01896831431 HARRISON CHARLIE VICECOMMODORE AITKEN HON.TREASURER SAILINGCOMMITTEE BARCONVENER FISHERROW HARBOURIT'ASTER Alex Siewarl 3 Stoneyhill Grove, Musselburgh Edinburgh EH2'16SE BARBOUR AINNIE BLACK 013'1661 '1679 tntna ununeett ELPHINSTONE HENOERSON EILEEN HENDERSON HUGH& SHEILA DavidPetde PaulineChristie KeithChristie AlynSmurthwaite GavinMcDowall BAIRD BARBER REARCOMMODORE GENERALSECRETARY CarolJones 37 Abercorn Cres., Edinburgh, EH87HY ANGUS 013165324't2 01316655900 01316655492 01620810651 01875853602 INGRAM INGRAM GEOFFA JAN ROY& BEATRICE 01506883004 01875453242 JARMAN JOHNSTON ANDREW& SIAN ALAN& LOUISE 01314460974 0'1875815964 JONES CALLUIlI Tl[,]& CAROL 0131661 1679 01316611679 JO & EILEEN NORRIE 0131672'1899 013'16656245 JONES LARNER RIVAL34 LODESTAR LARK OUTOF THE BLUE 7OO PEGASUS FAOILINN WESTERLYCENTAUR SCARAB WESTERLYWARWICK LAUGHING MATTER PRIVATEER AMOS MIRROR HUNTERHORIZON26 CHARIVIER IN THE RED SEAJAY LASERI LASERII SCARISTA WESTERLYCENTAUR 01316616337 LMNGSTONE TOM& VALERIE LMNGSTONE IAN& MARGARET 01316615087 LIVINGSTONE SANDY&JOAN JOHN& IRENE LOMAS MACDONALD STUART& JANE 01316692502 0'1316658749 ODYSSEY CRAFryLADY SEAWOLF 30 ROCKHOPPER HUNTER YEARBOOK2006 M.c ILLAI MANCtill LENA TONY& CARRIE [IcALUSTER YEARBOOK2M6 01316650884 01316572312 2006 MEMBERSHIP REI\,IEDY WESTERLYGRIFFON GRYPHON PEGASUS LASER NICRUTO WESTERLYCENTAUR KINTYRE JAGUAR 21 MlcRo18 01316652373 IiIcDOWAIL GAVIN 01316532412 iloHALE CGHEE BARRIE 01316532280 01875612091 JIM tlc A US MILLER JOHN& FIOM MILLER ARCHIE& THEA 0t875615025 01315521590 0131rMg3053 MITCHELL ANNEROSE 01316653344 MO}IAGHAN MUIRI{EAD DAVID 013t6656131 01506411132 NICOL BILL& JANIS NICOL CHRIS 01318655336 NII{ O 01475412343 PAYNE JOHN& ANN HANNAH PEDEN ALAN& KATHRYN 01316650970 NOUVELLE coBRA 700 PETRIE OAVID& LINDA 013'1554 6946 SHAMAL FIRST24 RAIISEY RUSSELL & JACKIE 0'131663 7668 AUDREY 0131229 4600 WEEWITCH wEsT RANI(NE IAN&ALICE KENNY&SUZ/ ANGUS& SUSAN SEAGROATT ALASTAIR sl PsoN NEIL SMAIL AL€X SIESTA WESTERLYPAGEANT Ptco o1a753r'1741 0'1316658227 SULUMAR MOODY27 01316536434 COUNTESS LINDA COLVICCOUNTESS GROUPMEIiIBERS SCOTSMAN SEA CADE S RICHARDERSKINE MUSSELBURGH 01316656,()1 0't31 653 335'l 01620860425 01475341717 01316U 27 SMURT}IWAITEALY! & ELAINE STEP}IEN 01316658683 WILLIAM& VICTORIA07843691105 STEWART ALEX SlEWART 01316693179 LADYOF ROHAN WESTERLYCENTAUR REEVES ALE(ANDER 01316652936 ROBERTSON COLIN& STEPHANIE0131447 47 SCOTT DAISYGRACE [JIRROR TOLLERT'EY BOB& ELLA SYLVIA& JAN VAN BARNEVEU) & DENNIS WALTON CATHERINE OAVID& CAROLINE t^l|LKIE 0131€655900 MALCOLM& CAROL 013'1657285,1 GYPSYGEM LEISURE 20 ELLAHEZRA COI.ITENDER BRIGHTANGEL SEA}I,AWK SHEENA SADLER 25 AEOLUS JEANNEAU EOLIA cout'tTEss 28 FRACAS,SOLO SIGMA33, TOUCHSTONE WHITEWIND COLVICSAILOR SALTYDOGG SURGENOR GEORGE 0131665 t760 TALAC MAUREEN 01316655046 THOMSON EUAN& FIONA 01316699066 llERNEY BRYAN& JAYNE 01316602545 CALYPSO IIER EY CHRIS 0131669S3'12 TIPSYTUR\I/ LASER2 TOLLERVEY DAVID& HILLE 01318693210 SIESTA WESTERLY PAGEANT LORETTOSCHOOL JAMESTORRANCE 07867763841 (w) 01316534444 l-. .- YEARBOOK2(N6 ,,,"l;9 P,li.,,,g,E "Ii*:: YEARBOOK2M6 lin. WELCOMETO FISHERROW YACHTCLUB PLEASENOTETHAT TIMES FISHERROWTIDE ARE15MNUTES (APPROX) EARLIER THANTHETIMES QUOTED Thankyou for renewingyour membership,or, if you are a new memberthenwelcome to our club. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to let you know of the facilitiesavailableat FYC. Most importantlywe aim to be a fiendly, helpful,club ior our membersand where better to wind down afier a hard week than with a refteshing drjnk at the bar with convivialcompany.The bar is open from 8.45 p.m. every Fridayand can also provide soft drinks for our younger membeF who have their own room across the hall. A new season is beginningand I cant wait. We have laid out an excitingsailing programmewith manyweekendsleft free for cruisingin company.Pleasetry and take part in Club events,whether they be social or sailing,'as you only get out of any situation as much as you put in". The committee and myself will endeavourlo make this a happy and inclusive season for membersold and new. In the club we have a gamesroomcompletewith pooltable and musicfacilities.There is alsoa payphoneinstalledfor members'use (0131-665-3155). During the winter with the majorityof our boats out of the waler, it is easy to iorget that the club can be a usetul source of informatjonand camaraderie for the whole family. The commitleewill be ananginga varietyof entertainingeveningsin additionto the usualannualsocialevents.Pleasecomealongand lend your supportto theseevents. Notificationof details and dates will be provided in our regular newsletter Suggestions are alvrayswelcome. The club has a power-washeravailableto all members.Unlimiteduse of the club dinghies is also available.Full Members and their tamilies may use these boats, howeverwe would ask that if any other memberswish to make use of the dinghies then they make a one-off annual payment to cover wear and tear, The clubroomsare availableior privatefunctionsby anangement. ln this increasinglytechnologiaalage more and more of our membershav€ accessto the lntemet.We have been makingan effort to compilea list of emailaddressesfor our members.Althoughnot detailedin the handbookit is our intentionto issuea list ot addresseslater in the year. Please send an e-mail to the MembershipSecretary if you changeyour email addressor acquirea new one so we can keep our recordsup to date. Once we have your address it will be easy for us to pass on informationabout club events to you. Bon Voyage Alyn Smurthwaite Commodore. Wth the intemet in mind, please find below a few helDfulwebsites. Please note thal only our own site is maintainedby FYC. - The Clubsite,maintainedby ChrisTiemey www, - A good site ior the latest weather information Port Edga/s website www.pbo, - The website of the magazine'Practical Boat Ownef - The Hydrographic Ofticewebsite - Forth Yacht Clubs Associationwebsite - The Maritimeand CoastguardAgencywebsite v::> - GMT 26n3/O6&28/10/06 MtF nne MrF lffi: 3f tHgnili} 17ff81, w 16sr 6.1 190t 1.3 1;t i21s 4.e 21Y"?310#fri:318ff:: fi 19 aw ii 3lil? il 113133 i:l 19ffi S0 13,4,4 F 1329 5.i SA 1401 5: (f TH 1?42 6.0 2322 0.5 $ F L12 5n 1055 1.6 2351 O.A 2035 1t osoo t.t 7,223 AEn?i P331,3 ii 28ffi33:3 ii 20TE M 1926 SU 1,442 5.4 sA 1915 5-5 2103 12 li 13ff31 539:3 1""21ffi3 TU 1221 M 1517 5.,t su 1253 1.t mo6 5,1 o 2ot0 m15 1.0 63J#;:314ffiti: 22tr2 2,0 M 1359 2-1 21(l? 4A TU 15i13 5.5 2109 0.9 W 1319 22 2116 73iil 131533i9 i? 233iti T}l 16.11 W 1619 5.4 ' :r..ii.!;'{vldrch: Tideb- GMT ' UiI lo.r,r-l AddI hoo for 8.s.1.bdwe6 26/03/96& 28/10/06 'Iim. lvltE lih. 0.0 S\ 1730. 1-6 ,13 2ftltr 10?E: i:326ll!! ti 183il? 0l r]{ 1632 62 s\ 1702 53 SU 1330 1.1 11ffiai: 19?319 i:?27331i i:3 3fiff E::" M 1253 5.4 6,1 Sq 1251 1.9 SU rfig 52 0,4 1936 1.5 28 1.1 06 '923 13 4ffi 3i 123113 i:l 28&133 i:320i# 5.3 SU 1339 5,1 ir| 1t19 5.0 fU 1346 5.7 0.3 2013 03 2012 1,3 i:29ffi1 ;:; 5lfi: :i 13iltr ;:321Xft8 W 1436 6.0 M 1a13 5.3 TU 1902 4-3 su 1344 55 i.,t 2036 1.1 2332 13 a m39 0.1 iE3031t3 3l 6 li3 i!5.0 14ffi2 i3 22T.ZZ TU 1451 5,1 w l95z 4.6 TH 1524 6.1 o m1r o-o 3:l i:153ilt ii 23#fri.i313il3 F 1610 61 2l $r rs23 s.1 TH 1256 2.1 ,j35 4.6 ar44 03 2053 4.5 Jffii-16-fr9-frz4lai:rw 151s 2.3 22Jo a3 YH i551 5.5 2116 0.f F 1621 2.O .213 4.5 2142 0.A w 1301 2,2 2333 4.3 tH 1651 5,.{ 2211 0.9 2201 02 F 1144 rA 2350 4.3 9l$1,,,, Ii{,:-';. ,,,"^^,*P,lii. ",". llt6 MIF 1tr3i I iff?;i 17S!li:i 25W ft F 1627 5J 2113 0.f TU 1531 23 2223 15 1 sA 165s 6,0 2226 A.6 Tid. MIE su 1357 1J MIB Tim. M r?20 Tim. ii 25$i ?: 103li1 3f i:l263li! 1318i3i3 2?ill3:3 M 130,4 5.0 lU 1301 su 1740 5.7 2245 1.1 1929 13 22?4 ;i i::27313: i3 1913;; 3:?li: 118ru M 1325 5,3 2315 1.6 TU 13.{-1 5,2 19'A 12 W 1?/7 2316 Z:2 iI 283t11 41i?i:E12 f,! ?i 20:11: W 1420 5.3 TH 1933 ru 1912 4.4 23Sa 2,1 2109 0.{ 1941 0,9 ?129K1,E:.i i:i 213313 133fi1 5?lii;f F 1307 w 2003 4.4 Tll 145,( 5.4 o 2016 0.s 2041 3322r# 1! 30iil,li:l 63lgi3 1433!i F 1523 5.,1 SA 1606 'll1 1457 22 2135 12 ,34a O.1 2154 7?iii i:3153i$:i 23ff;: SU 1710 F 1721 2,0 SA 1603 5.{ ?25A 13 2115 0.4 l:l' 8l1t;;::16#3 3i 2411?" M 1A0a 1.0 SU 1640 5-4 sA 1315 r.3 2359 a.s YEARBOOK2N6 ilir> YEARBOOK2006 Tides - GMT -Moy June Tides - GMT U.I {G.M.r) Add I ho( f6. B s.l belw@n 26,/03/06 & 28ll 0/06 /vlht Mld nm' ,vl'.6 n;. MrB Tim. ]im. Tim. 1 M 1721 sa n21 1i Iu 1z2O a-s 1511 1,5 w 17so 5,2 1.5 2 TH 1300 ss 1en 0.9 ii5.0 26il:: i; ii 18ffi 21fi:i: 10s: F 1355 t6 TH r$3 W 1303 5,0 TU 1S06 5.1 ,21s 1.t ?011 0.9 2319 1.7 13:17 t3 i.i27K* .'2 i! ll3tT i:l 19ffii 3ff.: F 1931 4.9 5q 47 55 w 1a52 a,3 Ttl 1343 5: , 2?p5 2.1 1911 1-1 41131 IH 19t3 4.5 . Mt6 MrF MtG fide nme sU 1535 5-6 2121 1n SA 1410 lJ 2031 4.3 MrB lid€ i1 i:317Ei ii 2533Y, 1l?Sil 933i3 aU 1432 5' F 1306 5.1 SA1920 5: n ra3r r,g ziir jo43 j,4 r.s . 2035 1.3 ii l:l 26Ktr 3'!iil 183fli 2W3 li 10 M 151e sl su 1:l2s 12 F ii15 a,c sa 1353 sl 2Ut 192 2.1 2125 1' 50 1l2933!1 i:3 ii 13#:: i:3213ff3 53ffi! su i533 14 M 1620 55 i:l F t,a?2 z0 l? 29?i33 sA 1503 5.4 ii 21?ii3 53# 1: 133*3 1.t 1.2 2140 2145 2OS: 4,3 o 2o2t O.g Tl{ 1'24 5l w 1710 1' TU 1605 t5 M 1540 ls 2213 15 2317 5 0 2113 1-2 ,13 30iil3i3 ;': 143i.!Ll 22i:d: 6tr33 rl 1640 12 TU 1704 s3 SA 154! 20 su 1542 5.a i; li 30lffi 221''ii 3;i 5:::3:i 14T"39 2205 1-s 2217 5.0 2213 1.3 2w 11 F 1a03 so Trl 13ls 14 sl til ii 7lifi :::153$: i; 23?ft !':l31T,i] W 1711 61 M t6ri 5.a N 17a1 11 1.9 su ltm 2311 a.4 --j]ffi 2232 1:l 23,46 a2 211A 1.1 rx iirir ii U.I {G.U.I) AddI hourfor b.,a..i 26n3lo6 & 2An0/o6 MrF Mt6 Tide Tim' MtE 1325ffi ii i3 173t;3 1:?l3 i:l su93ffi M 12a5 10 TU 1s0a 53 r?ra sr rgaz r,s -se ;at; ii r9o7 1.5 1949 53 i:: 13 . 2oso 15 Mt6 lim. Mt6 0 2030 1,1 zist zo lgsz 14 2lx2 5o 2115 0.9 2191 14 Tih. Mtr fim. U.I 2113 4i 2l2a 13 2056 ,r,5 2t5S O,7 F 1722 s? ?242 1t 7t1s 1.s 2313 1.1 2112 a,7 210o 1.1 i4i0 1,6 2i31 2010 ,r,9 i.l '6 - 234 1.f 2t5f 12 m12 1J 2317 1.1 2t27 1.3 I \ Mru fim. ?.1 l3ii 1.3 ii2?'T#i f,[xli 'li:lifi 2Jfril il .* i:i 22#{.ii 303ff3 63113 ; i3 l4$il i*i ;:i *?lli ":*: ::: " titziz ii ff 3J3,H? _z liit!+l"qffi ii 218F" 5' 10 * ;G: % ;i ;:; 2033 1.0 i'i 8t":: :i 16ft:1t! 24ffi1 *1ffi i3 i1 ii 'l{H :: "ii*l 2i DecemberTides- GMT NovemberTides' GMT (GM.XI Add I hou lor'@n26/o3/06 &2a/10/96 Iim. 1.1 i: 7#;3 1315t!ff ii ?t 23W, i: 31fl8 ?! 31ff1 151# 3: 2339:: 7?rs ;; M 1341 le l, r2s3 5,1 Tu 1920 5,3 11r 1923 a-7 W i4,45 5.3 sl rsza st i' iiii is s- ioii is 2313 1.t 1353 1t a 2019 15 1e4! 1.? zres t.t i6i ii _-gEs_ 83;;3ii 163ii:l:i 2433i6 il 3:3 16ffil3!2438" TU 1351 5,,4 W 1256 1J M l'110 5.2 TH 1519 53 sa 1323 1.7 SU 1S00 5.5 202€ 1.6 sA 1513 2030 $l*ll'luilil''elli i; 'lTti, u.X IG.M.T) Add t hour fo. be*E n 26/03196 & 28/lO/06 nme MtE 12 28n:; il ?i12ft3 3:l20igi 3:32lifii !:! 4A* ;:: 20:38 ii 128\i 43f,1 F 1500 2,a SA 1659 6.0 SU 1355 2.1 lA 1726 52 *;trl * ,r_5 2159 223; O.f 2214 t3 'i3 H ';i$ i:l 'i H: i:9 1fl3 13 sA5 ffi ;::13:i;t il 21 3gli:: 29:fl3ii 3:l21$l ?i 29fi9 533ii 13ii3l 171t 22 SU 1tr6 5r M .1319 5.0 *;El *ff i;?:i ? il 2313 4.6 2307 0J 1930 1,9 2244 1.5 ii ';H :: ?l 30ffi: i314:ff z: 223:f i: :-: ll 30iEii:i su6lig 6ffi i:314%ii""122ffi 1305 1.9 U i333 5.6 M406 52 W 13.a6 a.9 sa 1902 13 e, 13os 51 i'- isai z.o q.a iiii F 1343 Z4 2cr'2 41 5.9 263;ff lofttr 3118S31 2H:: *lls ?: *1i$1i ;H ff ii li3 3:3 is "*i; i3 i:l 2813ff i:i 203131 * 1;:: :i 33gg l; 11339 3:319ffi ii 27ffi3 il l? 27tr$3:i TH ?.;19319 11113""1 3[# i315 2l 5U 1652 5.3 F 1613 6.0 SA 130t 22 w 1.36 1.7 rH lcie s3 ru isoi ss n nG ii o zost lz 'l!* )112i.i "" " 4E2l;tr121333 ri iiii iii rl iin s.; .ffi 1-6 2215 i.110ffi3: 183ffi :3 2iui f 263!:: ;; 103113 :::263ffi E 18S:i 2ll?3 lE w 2m7 1,6 TB 1526 5.9 F 1630 2,4 5A 1620 53 w 1s4 53 qi ru 1$4 13 M 141. 54 ti) i ];:l i.l a 1954 12 16 1 1 1 S ;.: 2 F51a49 3 35333:3 t 9W 1440 ff95,7;:1TH71403 ffi $ 2.1 T1 1924 4,3 2355 1.9 ?l43 i3 238iS3! 3:l158Jli 731i9 TH 1416 U.I IG.M.IJ Add I hou' for 8.S.l betfl$n 26/03n6 & 2AnO/06 nhe 1e16 19 ?13? 1! i3 3-0 i3 223ei 6ffi:,i3 141:;E s{ 1e46 ,a.a F1 4 s l 5 1 r H r $, w i ti rs 1s23 1.2 243;li ?: * 22.3 0.6 t,s il 29fil ij :j 2133g 5i3lll:?131f"! * AugustTides- GMT July Tides- GMT Time 247 i1 ii 27nE 11fti8 3: 1939:3 3ffi fi w 173'45.1 ru 130.150 u tng r.s za sir rdi ix ru r*s 1j w raso# i3 3i 23#13 7rE i.i 151331 F 1241 53 w 1724 1,f rH 1739 5a ij 8?!i9 l3 16fii1 -iljzi 215i 12 MtB w t6sl 2152 12 2212 os ,l ""*53'M6"1e uiii6 i.z 'ruiror s.s wlB37o.e rin. i63t Ls 23o2 15 ti; 1945 1.7 2150 14 ?215 5.0 2037 12 .i j# ?! il ii 28l8ii 4rx.i l? 12i*l ;: 20$:: TH 1315 50 w 1346 52 { r7,rs 2.0 TU 1S03 5,6 li li 28li?l 128ii! il 203i13 43H1:2 w 1614 5l TU lsso t'l 1521 s,4 t.s su irsi 2to1 4.1 ?j r:e* :? 9:fi1 Ei flnn E 25bf * iootoo rutmz 3i 17:fi:13 25Siliii 1!H :: 933U i ior! i: srrs,, 3: * ;l:: il ' llli i'i lgiiliii !i fi 19itr 3iH: ll 'z'9i:g I I ii l? 2733i3 ii 1931S 3:# i: 113i1: TU 1603 53 M 1423 13 SU 1438 54 s{ 2m4 4.5 2n3 l & 28/10'06 U.T.(G.M.T.)Add I hour fo' lj.s r bdven 26103/06 Mhs nn' Mtrs nm' MtF MtF llm. lin . U.T.{G.M.I) Add I hou lor 8.S1. hetuen 26/03/a6 &2a/1a/O6 MtE MIE lihe r, rr iima MrF fin. rime - 2106 1. 2014 6.1 1.3 o 2000 1.2 F 1423 53 1913 1,0 I Ur lcl .rl AJdI hou lor&t1-b*w626/03196 & 28/10/06 OcloberTides- GMT SeplemberTides- GMT Mir3 Tim' lvllE M,6 rim. MlF ]in. MtE Tim. MiE li $ 9l#i i:3171!3l3 25lii3 1i::1 M 1a10 5.'l F 1?13 1.7 SA 1741 5.2 sU 1751 13 I i:i i:325iffi 9?l3ii:! 1733i3 1iili li *;1l: 2325 1.1 2&5 1.1 2325 3.3 *ll3i ;lis;:B il ii 'liil i! i:? i? 26fri8 2!fft;il0lili 13183s3 n 1900 s3 M 1311 51 sA 1S1o 1,1 SU 1S2! 5.0 261313 ll il i3 1833i! 2lill l:31013# 1330 17 23s1 1.6 milf l:: '.lll3i:l * lSili? "'lill ?3 li ?327822 33:3il 11!i:?;i 19ffi3 W 1252 r.3 TU 1354 5.3 su 13s3 5.5 M 1909 43 :: llsr ffii :i 193:fi?1272\21',;i 3:::: 1.5 1951 5l 1911 1.2 1903 -r iEi i: M 1e13 4s li :.: 283J13 43i,2 i:l't239lil3 203ill r1l i35r 19 w 1435 5l M 135s 5.7 TU 1236 24 il i:i 20ffii 28HU 1:.i 4:9:: ;.112H# /t.7 13 20.{9 51 a 1953 1S59 zr03 1.o TLl 1335 ?, M 1121 14 sA i3?6 8.3 su i2!o zs 2010 19 a 1931 1.3 19a1 4.6 i':? il293?i i:1133"ff ?:21ffi 53316 F 1511 2.0 TH is15 5.t TU 1444 5,7 W i353 25 l3 il 293iii 21",H ?2 5 Slil i3 133il3 1 s I i 2153 m34 2lo0 4.6 o 2o5o 0.9 W 1510 21 ru 1456 5s s-u lara 6,0 M 1416 Z? 2116 '1-9 2@A 12 o zors o.a 210€ ,rj lf i: 301ffi ti 22"H i11433ff 6BH ga 1636 13 F 1556 55 i t 1$o 5.t ttl i51s 2.5 6 3f? 23oo 5'r 2111 11 1.6 B.o 2207 2132 *13.'l a1*,E:i ?:i '"i!13Il -Bl ?z 7 su 1t5a 17 SA 16!a a5 F 1624 2'{ TH 161s s.5 233!Si:i 15fr33 l:3 73# 3i 2153 1.O 23A6 4J t.o uog *# :;: *;l l ; Li "l !l ! i :l 833!3 i:i16li$li 24ifr3i:i F 1653 5-4 SA 1111 2.2 SU 1723 3a i 2 i 3 24w , 8 3 i1 i3 3 1 6 li i 3 2236 10 23ss 4.3 2235 1.2 F 13s0 53 w 1630 5.7 lH 17al 2.2 z 2i s n 214e 13 9 YEARBOOK2006 YEARBOOK2N6 EVENTS TROPHIES FOR2OO5 (contd) TROPHIESFOR2OO5 EVENTS R. N. L. l. Stern Chase Shield Held by Graham Crawlotd, Lodestar Joe Wilson Memorial Trophy Held by: Afastair Seagrcl Contender Riding of the Marches Quaich Held by: David Petrie Shamal Riding of the Marches Trophy [fhree Ships) Not sailedin 2005 Ladies Rose Bowl - Cruisets Heldby: ElaineSmurtfMaiteAeolus Ladies Rose Bowl - Dinghies Carol Jones Laser Junior Cup Held by: Stacey Lindsay Pico Fisherman'sLog Not raced in 2005 Inshorc Series Trophy (GlassYacht) Not concludedin 2005 Randolph Cup Hefd by: Chadie Hanison Faolin Rob BallantineTrophy Held by: Geoff Ingram Cornfess , Linda Sail 'n' Sizzle Starnchase Not raced in 2005 lron Topsail Trophy Not raced in 2005 Cha;ity BarometerTrophy Held by David Petrie Shana/ Old codgers Won by Alastair Seagrot SternChasei Cruisers 'Maud'Trophy in 2006." Notawarded Stem Chase:- Dinghies Open Cruiseseries Open Cruiser Race 'CruiserClass'No downwindheadsails LadiesStemchase Ladiesdinghyrace Dinghiesi One day competition InchmickeryRace cruiser:- MidweekInshoreSeries cruiser Raceto Dunbar Stemchase(in 2004) Stemchase An evenl underengine. DINGHYHANDICAPSERIES1 Held by Grant RichardsonPico DINGHYHANDICAPSERIES2 Held by Alastair Seagroatt Pico Quayside Trophy Held by Keith Christie Humdinger Odyssey ll Plate Held by: Callum Jones lallshripsi S'ton-Cadiz Awarded to the cabin (with bunks) cruising boat (motoror sailer)which in the opinionof the sailing committee has done the most extensive, interesting and enterprising cruise during the year. The competition will be iudged by the ships logbook or record, The closing date for entries is the last day of September and entries should be submitted within the following week. WeekendSeries MidweekSeries Awarded at the Regattafor firsl FYC member. Awardedto the club member- junior or senior- who has accumulatedthe biggest number of nautical milesas skipper,crew or passengerin any vesselor vessels, regardless of size whilst tlavelling under sail alone. Awarded for a cruiser event. Sport forAll Trophy Not sailedin 2005 Awarded to the boat which has taken Dart in the A Guid Trie/ Rollo Trophy largestnumberof club events/raceswithoutwinning Yachts:Heldby BrianTiemey a club trophybut has @me closestto doing so. Will Calypso Dinghies: Heldby John McManusbe judged by the sailingcommitteeafter scrutinyof the season'sresults. Laser Triathlon Petrie Won by David CruiserFundraiserStem chase Extendedcruislng in company Single-handed dinghy Race for those of mature years. as mnvenient andto submittheirlogsfor to anangecruising areencouraged Members for the'OdysseyPlate'and 'Maud'trophyawads. consideration 10 11 N il D I tr o o x o o qt S.lllng€ 20OO D.t $ T Ev.nt l1:00!m 12!.h tglh €et Sat D DIY 20th Sun D 'l i:oolm D Rldlhd ol M!rch* ?Eohv lHW,i2: N 2€fl Y.cht And Dlnqftv S.ll n'€ Stlrnchai€ 27rh otl' 19.00.m 17lh Dlnohlre v Y.alrt3{ro! Roundlho Y.cht M.rk€r. .s.tla FYC$pr.r€nl|tlon lb| bv Callum Jon€. 23rdt24lh / 8rh Trlllhlon (Ron.cyElr.Salll D 13th o o x sun FbrF|mn. Lo! (nchmLlcry |e) lf you aruunablsto undo iko youl dslogatsdduty, lt l€ yg! responslbllltyto find replacement covor. Tho namedRgacusofilcor la r€6ponslblgfor rocrultlng a cr€w msmberto carry out roacueboat cover. FunhorCrul.aDayaTo BaOagrnls.dEyYachtSallol! andNotlceot NextCrulsoto BePtnnedOnNottceBoad ln FYC o G ol t- 14 l> YEARBOOK2N6 SOGIALEVENTS nr_e,Ird{s" wr oe tmpaned bdefng/prcsentation.sarmgrulesand rescue regadinq basic crewraceoffcer Esponsibilities.please maketime to attend .50 per head. StarttG sea;; 13thMay 2.00pmstaft 2.30pmstad. saila-stemchase, foiGE? RNLIand JoeW'son slemchases Foflowedby BBe ".,Hff;f"g* o*nro"a vour -J,idieo,- (xNLi Enrytee - E 5.00 perboat) yacttts v race-rcr the RNLI trophy and dinghies for the JoeWitsontrophy,fofoveduvi-eBd-Fto"" Dnngyourownfood- dubBBe,savaitable for preasepadicipateand representyofiEiE yercwnag/pennantshouldbe flownfrom Sqnday25thJune Briefing 11.45am112.45pm Starts: 30thJune - s.tart €t o.0ofor2-hander,-So0-Ei single-hander and€2.s0f". ;;';;-"" yachtanddinghysailoE (roooInduded). ro sign-inat briefingsessionto d ILU ai 11.45am.BUFFETservedafiersailingevent. 4oyear-oldsailorsloEGlnFollowed by BBe. pleasebringyour-# saillo Gullaneandanchorormoor- The RIB Ml act as a water-taxj for fhe torattsaitlinduOing rtaEiGiiooi bombardment). Fancya-ressoptionai_pun computsory.pleasebdngyourownfood_ 15 YEARBOOK2@6 18 personsto pair-upwithan expet- yachts sthAugust and helm 11 26thAugust Saturday 2.30pmslart Sat gth September 2.30omstart Saturday7th Odober (to be confirmed) Fridayl3th Oc{ober 7..30pm Fdday27thOciober Monday20th NovemberT.30Pm Saturday2sth 7.30Pm November December tbc Yachtsand dinghiesstemchaseracetollowed bya BBQ. Pleasebdngyourownfood- club for use{coalssupplied). BBO'Savailable TriathlonChallenge Forthebraveandthedaft! Sail& Sizzle Stemchase. Follo'redbv BBQ. Crane-Out FundraiserforRNLI.Varielyof Xmascards and stockingfillerson Sale,as wellas a fne selection of cheeseslo consume. FancyDfessoplional.Fun& games Party Halloween oroanisedfor the vounq& vounqin heart. ANNUALGENEML Wevalueyourinputtothismeeting.Please comeandairvoutviews! MEETING anangedto presentthe 2006 PrizeGivingEvening Socialevening winnerstheirsifuerware.Pa.tyon downto a at theQuayside. fab.LiveBand.Bufetprovided. A ChristmasEvent tbc RNLICheese& \Mne 16 - FISHERROW YACHT CLUB Tel:01316653155 www.fisherrowYachtcl Publishedby FisherrcwYachtClqb@2006