Dansk Varemærke Tidende - Digitale tidender
Dansk Varemærke Tidende - Digitale tidender
Dansk Varemærke Tidende Nr. 5. 123. årgang. 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Dansk Varemærketidende Indholdsfortegnelse Offentliggørelse af registreringer .......................................................................................... 333 Omtryk af tidligere offentliggjorte registreringer ................................................................... 348 Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger ............................................................................... 349 Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold .............................................................. 350 Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning .................................................................... 354 Licens ................................................................................................................................... 355 Fornyede registreringer ........................................................................................................ 356 Udslettede registreringer ...................................................................................................... 358 Ansøgningsregister ............................................................................................................... 359 Navneregister ....................................................................................................................... 362 Mærkeregister ...................................................................................................................... 365 Klasseregister ....................................................................................................................... 366 Offentliggørelse af internationale registreringer................................................................... 368 Delvis ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse ....................................................................................... 422 Navneregister internationale registreringer .......................................................................... 423 Mærkeregister internationale registreringer ......................................................................... 425 Registreringsregister internationale registreringer ................................................................ 427 Stillingsannonce .................................................................................................................... 429 Prisliste pr. 2002-01-01 ........................................................................................................ 430 Abonnementsprisen for årgangen er 1.000,- kr. Abonnementer tillægges porto. Abonnement tegnes i Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen, Helgeshøj Allé 81, 2630 Tåstrup, tlf. 43 50 85 35, Gironr. 4 02 05 53, hvor enkelte numre sælges for en pris af 40 kr. Ansvarlig for redaktion: Niels Ravn Trykt hos Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen ISSN 0903-8809 Offentliggørelse af registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Offentliggørelse af registreringer 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00185 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04786 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-21 Indsigelsesfristen udløber 2 måneder fra dato, jf. varemærkelovens § 23 (111) Reg.nr.: FR 2002 00001 (210) Ans.nr.: FA 2001 00005 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-04-11 (730) Indehaver: KFUMs Idrætsforbund i Danmark, Peter Toftvej 21, 6000 Kolding, Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (511) Klasse 42: Tjenester (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) ydet af foreninger til deres egne medlemmer. (551) Fællesmærketekst: Retten til at benytte mærket tilkommer KFUMS IDRÆSFORBUND I DANMARK og de foreninger der er medlem af KFUMS IDRÆSFORBUND I DANMARK. For mærkets benyttelse er fastsat følgende bestemmelser: Retten til at benytte emblemet i annoncer og på brevpapir, brochurer, sportsbeklædning og lignende tilkommer alene forbundet og dets medlemsenheder. Adgangen til at benytte emblemet ophører ved udtræden og eksklusion. Der henvises til § 6 i forbundets love. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00184 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04684 (730) Indehaver: Estrategia Televisa, S.A. de C.V., Av. Vasco de Quiroga 2000, Edificio A, Piso 4, Colonia Zedec Santa Fe, Delegacion Alvaro Obregon, Mexico, D.F. 01210, Mexico (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00186 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04787 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-21 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-14 EJENDOMSTORVET (730) Indehaver: KMD A/S, Lautrupparken 40, 2750 Ballerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Databehandlings- og edb-programmer, særligt internetbaserede edb-programmer til brug for den kommunale ejendomsadministration. Elektronisk dokumentation, herunder brugervejledninger og manualer. (511) Klasse 16: Trykt dokumentation, herunder trykte manualer til brugere og systemudviklere, instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater) til brug for undervisning vedrørende databehandlings- og edbprogrammer. (511) Klasse 37: Installation og vedligeholdelse. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed, herunder internetbaseret. (511) Klasse 42: Udvikling, programmering, implementering og integration, vedligeholdelse og videreudvikling af databehandlings- og edb-programmer til brug for den kommunale ejendomsadministration, rådgivning og teknisk bistand vedrørende edb-programmer til brug for den kommunale ejendomsadministration. (730) Indehaver: Estrategia Televisa, S.A. de C.V., Av. Vasco de Quiroga 2000, Edificio A, Piso 4, Colonia Zedec Santa Fe, Delegacion Alvaro Obregon, Mexico, D.F. 01210, Mexico (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00187 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04213 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-08 BRIG'S (730) Indehaver: Manoel D. Pocas Junior -, Vinhos S.A., Rua Visconde das Devesas 186, P-4400 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). 333 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00188 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04788 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-21 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00190 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04646 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-12 VIEWFLEX (730) Indehaver: DNP Denmark A/S, Skruegangen 2, 2690 Karlslunde, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, elektriske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, møntautomater og -apparater, kasseapparater, regnemaskiner og databehandlingsudstyr, ildslukningsapparater, projektionsskærme samt dele og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) dertil. (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, tryksager, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler til brug for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), spillekort, tryktyper, klichéer. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00189 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04645 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-12 (730) Indehaver: Valsemøllen af 1899 A/S, Havnegade 58, 6700 Esbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Patrade A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori, konfekturevarer, gær, bagepulver. (511) Klasse 35: Bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, herunder hjælp til kommercielle funktioner i bagerivirksomheder, samling (ikke transport) af et udvalg af varer, så andre får mulighed for - på en nem måde - at overskue at købe disse varer. (511) Klasse 42: Bagerivirksomhed, forbrugervejledning og forbrugerkommunikation i forbindelse med bagerivirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00191 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04764 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-19 AKVARIUM (730) Indehaver: Valsemøllen af 1899 A/S, Havnegade 58, 6700 Esbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Patrade A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori, konfekturevarer, gær, bagepulver. (511) Klasse 35: Bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, herunder hjælp til kommercielle funktioner i bagerivirksomheder, samling (ikke transport) af et udvalg af varer, så andre får mulighed for - på en nem måde - at overskue at købe disse varer. (511) Klasse 42: Bagerivirksomhed, forbrugervejledning og forbrugerkommunikation i forbindelse med bagerivirksomhed. (730) Indehaver: Akva Waterbeds ApS, Boeletvej 25, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun Dragsted, Langelinie Alle 35, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 10: Vandsenge til medicinsk brug, og dele dertil. (511) Klasse 19: Kabiner, ikke af metal. (511) Klasse 20: Vandsenge, ikke til medicinsk brug, og dele dertil. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00192 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04765 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-19 AQUARIUM (730) Indehaver: Akva Waterbeds ApS, Boeletvej 25, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun Dragsted, Langelinie Alle 35, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 10: Vandsenge til medicinsk brug, og dele dertil. (511) Klasse 19: Kabiner, ikke af metal. (511) Klasse 20: Vandsenge, ikke til medicinsk brug, og dele dertil. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00193 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04408 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-22 WRIGLEY'S EXTRA POLAR ICE (730) Indehaver: Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, a corporation of the State of Delaware, 410 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Høje Taastrup Boulevard 23, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Konfekturevarer, herunder tyggegummi og slik. 334 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00194 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04519 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-01 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00196 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03481 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-09-17 THE COUNTER (730) Indehaver: IRMA A/S, Korsdalsvej 101, 2610 Rødovre, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: FDB Koncernadvokaten, Roskildevej 65, 2620 Albertslund, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, frugtsauce, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og spisefedt. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, the, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, herunder vineddike, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, skovbrugs- og havebrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager. (511) Klasse 32: Øl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikke alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (511) Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). (511) Klasse 35: Samling (ikke transport) af et udvalg af varer, så andre får mulighed for - på en nem måde - at overskue og købe disse varer - også online. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00195 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03198 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-08-28 (730) Indehaver: Viggo Kim Christensen, Østre Paradisvej 7 D, Øverød, 2840 Holte, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Trykte Publikationer, herunder tryksager. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (730) Indehaver: INT Media Group, Incorporated, 23 Old Kings Highway South, Darien, Connecticut, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Høje Taastrup Boulevard 23, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Computer software; computer software og telekommunikationsapparater til at skaffe forbindelse til databaser og Internettet; computersoftware for søgning af data; computerprogrammer til adgang til og interaktiv kommunikation med computernetværk, computer online systemer, databaser, internet, intranet, extranet, LAN's (lokalnet), webservere, e-handelservere og mailservere; computer software i forbindelse med, downloaded via eller leveret fra internettet; maskinlæsbare data; eletroniske publikationer (downloadbare) til disposition online via databaser eller via internettet; magasiner, nyhedsbreve, aviser, brochurer, ugentlige publikationer og andre tryksager downloaded via internettet, intranet, extranet eller mailservere; computer spilleprogrammer downloaded via internettet; internetspil (downloadbare); elektroniske spil; digital musik (downloadbare) til disposition fra internettet og/eller fra MP3 internet websider, CD-roms; videoer, kasseter; computer tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); screen-savere; musemåtter. (511) Klasse 42: Formidling af on-line faciliter til tidstro interaktion med andre computer brugere vedrørende emner af general interesse; design, tegning og bestilt tekstskrivning, alt til kompilering af websider på internettet; oprettelse og vedligeholdelse af websider; drift af andres websider; leasing af accesstid til en specifik computerdatabase (andre end internetudbydere); kompilering, oprettelse og vedligeholdelse af et domænenavneregister; udlejning af computere; installation og vedligeholdelse af computer software; informationsvirksomhed; nyhedsformidling, også formidlet online via computerdatabaser eller via internettet; nyheds melde- og udskriftsvirksomhed; nyhedsudklipsvirksomhed; bestilt tekstskrivningsvirksomhed, internet nyhedsbureau; formidling af statistikker vedrørende brug af browser, skræmbilledopløsning, operativesystemer og placeringshenvisninger; formidling af webside besøgsrapporter; online og offline kunde- og teknisk bistand; tilvejebringelse af optællingsbistand til brug på eller i forbindelse med hjemmesider og internettet; oprettelse, vedligeholdelse og drift af websider; restaurationsvirksomhed og udbringning af mad og drikke; værelsesudlejning; lægevirksomhed, sundheds- og skønhedspleje, bistand ved landbrugsvirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed; juridisk bistand; videnskabelig og industriel forskning, programmering af computere; alle de forannævnte tjenesteydelser også formidlet on-line fra en computerdatabase eller internettet. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00197 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04548 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-04 CASTIT (730) Indehaver: Castit, Højbro Plads 21 A, 2, 1200 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Bistand til casting i forbindelse med fotoopgaver, reklamefilm og spillefilm. 335 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00198 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04584 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-07 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00203 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 02337 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-06-19 POWERPUFF PIGERNE (730) Indehaver: HeltSolgt, Strandparken 2, 3100 Hornbæk, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, rådgivning vedr. forsikringsforhold. (511) Klasse 42: Arkitektvirksomhed, indretningsarkitektvirksomhed i form af boligrådgivning og boligindretning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00199 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04753 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-20 ivarment (730) Indehaver: Ivarsson Holding A/S, Kometvej 26, 6230 Rødekro, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Byggematerialer (af metal). (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal). (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00200 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04754 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-20 ivarit-Unico (730) Indehaver: Ivarsson Holding A/S, Kometvej 26, 6230 Rødekro, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Byggematerialer (af metal). (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal). (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00201 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04755 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-20 ivargreen (730) Indehaver: Ivarsson Holding A/S, Kometvej 26, 6230 Rødekro, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Byggematerialer (af metal ). (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal). (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, skovbrugs- og havebrugsprodukter. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00202 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04459 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-26 (730) Indehaver: Erhvervsfremme Styrelsen, Dahlerups Pakhus, Langelinie Allé 17, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Professionel forretningsmæssig rådgivning, information og vejledning om ansættelse af udlændinge i Danmark; personalerekruttering. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed for udenlandske medarbejdere, danske og udenlandske forskningsinstitutioner og virksomheder i forbindelse med udlændinges flytning til samt ansættelse og ophold i Danmark. (511) Klasse 42: Juridisk bistand og information til udenlandske medarbejdere, danske og udenlandske forskningsinstitutioner og virksomheder i forbindelse med udlændinges flytning til samt ansættelse og ophold i Danmark. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver 336 (730) Indehaver: The Cartoon Network LP, LLLP, a Delaware Limited Liability Limeted Partnership, One CVV Center, Atlanta, Georgia 30348, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed, navnlig spredning og transmission af radio- og fjernsynsprogrammer, af lyd, billeder og informationer, herunder også telegrafisk samt via kabel, satellit, radio, globalt eller andet computernetværk og lignende teknisk udstyr, telekommunikation af informationer og meddelelser (herunder websider), edb-programmer og andre data; elektronisk post; tilvejebringelse af brugeradgang til Internettet; telekommunikationsforbindelse til Internettet eller til databaser; telekommunikations-gateway-ydelser; pressebureauer og nyhedsbureauer. (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningsvirksomhed, uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, navnlig i form af serier af programmer og film, som udbydes via kabel-TV, fjernsyn, radio og det globale computernetværk. (511) Klasse 42: Indsamling og formidling af nyheder, meddelelser og information. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00204 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04498 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-29 CHUG (730) Indehaver: Arla Foods amba, Skanderborgvej 277, 8260 Viby J, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Arla Foods amba, Varemærkeafdelingen, Bernstorffsgade 33, 1577 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Mælk og mejeriprodukter, mælkedrikke; spiselige olier og spisefedt. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, the, kakao; pulvere og præparater til fremstilling af cappuccino-, kaffe- kakao- chokolade- og tedrikke; drikke på basis af chokolade og kakao; chokolade- og kakaodrikke med mælk, spiseis. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00205 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2002 00036 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2002-01-07 TASTEFULLY ENGLISH (730) Indehaver: Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., CH-1800 Vevey, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Konfekturevarer, bagerivarer, konditorivarer og flødeis, alle forannævnte varer med engelsk oprindelse. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00206 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03751 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-10-04 ParsTronic (730) Indehaver: ParsTronic Data, Egeparken 148 1. th, 5240 Odense NØ, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, elektriske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, møntautomater og -apparater, kasseapparater, regnemaskiner og databehandlingsudstyr, ildslukningsapparater. (511) Klasse 42: Restaurationsvirksomhed og udbringning af mad og drikke, værelsesudlejning, lægevirksomhed, sundheds- og skønhedspleje, bistand ved landbrugsvirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed, juridisk bistand, videnskabelig og industriel forskning, programmering af computere. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00207 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04762 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-30 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00210 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04133 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-10-31 DOÑA PAULA (730) Indehaver: Viña Doña Paula S.A., Av. Cerrito 740, Piso 16, 1309 Buenos Aires, Argentina (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Høje Taastrup Boulevard 23, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Vin. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00208 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04132 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-10-31 (730) Indehaver: Pen-sam, Jørgen Knudsens Vej 2, 3520 Farum, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Plougmann & Vingtoft A/S, Sankt Annæ Plads 11, 1250 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Pensionsvirksomhed; forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; finansiel rådgivningsvirksomhed, herunder vedrørende pension og forsikring; finan-siel information; finansielle vurderinger (forsikring, bankvirksomhed, fast ejendom); finansiel sponsorering; finansiering; investering af kapital; finansielle analyser; kreditgivning; udstedelse af kreditkort; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed; forvaltning af fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 41: Undervisning i legemsøvelser og -træning, herunder i rygtræning; gymnastikundervisning; afspænding; mensendieck; helsecentre og -klubber; information om undervisning i legemsøvelser og rygtræning; rekreationsinformation; arrangement og ledelse af workshops, seminarer og symposier. (511) Klasse 44: Fysioterapi; ergonomisk rådgivning; kiropraktorydelser. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00209 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03428 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-09-13 Lineage (730) Indehaver: NCsoft Corporation, 143-8 Samsung-dong, Kangnamgu, Seoul 135-090, Sydkorea (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Holme Patent A/S, Vesterbrogade 20, 1620 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Software til computerspil; programmer til interaktive multimedia computerspil; programmer til interaktive videospil; elektriske kredsløb til brug i underholdningsspillemaskiner for at gengive musik, tale og special effects; udstyr til computerspil indeholdende hukommelsesindretninger; nemlig discs; Joystick til computerspil; software til videospil; multimedie software optaget på cd-rom; software til virtual reality-spil; animeringsfilm; musik og billeder optaget på compact disc og bånd; spillefilm, projicerede film. (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningstjenester, nemlig on-line computerspil; underholdning i form af tilvejebringelse af online computerspil; underholdningstjenester, nemlig produktion og distribution af game shows; tilvejebringelse af game show faciliteter; udleje af computerspilprogrammer; udleje af film. (730) Indehaver: Pen-sam, Jørgen Knudsens Vej 2, 3520 Farum, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Plougmann & Vingtoft A/S, Sankt Annæ Plads 11, 1250 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Pensionsvirksomhed; forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; finansiel rådgivningsvirksomhed, herunder vedrørende pension og forsikring; finan-siel information; finansielle vurderinger (forsikring, bankvirksomhed, fast ejendom); finansiel sponsorering; finansiering; investering af kapital; finansielle analyser; kreditgivning; udstedelse af kreditkort; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed; forvaltning af fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 41: Undervisning i legemsøvelser og -træning, herunder i rygtræning; gymnastikundervisning; afspænding; mensendieck; helsecentre og -klubber; information om undervisning i legemsøvelser og rygtræning; rekreationsinformation; arrangement og ledelse af workshops, seminarer og symposier. (511) Klasse 44: Fysioterapi; ergonomisk rådgivning; kiropraktorydelser. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00211 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04609 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-08 TID TIL GOD TID (730) Indehaver: Dansk Folkeferie, Gammel Kongevej 33, 1610 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Trykte publikationer, herunder kataloger, tidsskrifter, blade til børn og gæster. (511) Klasse 39: Rejsebureauvirksomhed, herunder arrangering af ferier og rejser. (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (511) Klasse 42: Restaurationsvirksomhed og værelsesudlejning. 337 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00212 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 00822 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-02-24 (730) Indehaver: TDC A/S, Nørregade 21, 0900 København C, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Promovator A/S, P.H. Lings Allé 4, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, elektriske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, møntautomater og -apparater, kasseapparater, regnemaskiner og databehandlingsudstyr, ildslukningsapparater. (511) Klasse 16: Foldere, brochurer, plakater, ungdomsblade, trykte publikationer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande. (511) Klasse 35: Annoncering. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (511) Klasse 42: Rådgivningsvirksomhed (professionel-) ikke forretningsmæssig, herunder rådgivning rettet mod børn og unge. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00213 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03321 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-09-05 MEDICUS (730) Indehaver: Lægekredsforeningen for Århus Amt, Fredens Torv 3 B, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, distributation af reklamer og bistand ved forretningsledelse. (511) Klasse 42: Udvikling og forskning for andre, information og rådgivning vedrørende sundhedsfaglige emner også formidlet via et globalt computer netværk, fotografering og fotografiske reportager, journalistiske reportager. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00214 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04426 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-23 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00215 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04721 (730) Indehaver: Scandinavian Publishing Group A/S, Borgergade 6, 4. sal, 1300 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager og magasiner. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00216 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04722 338 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-18 (730) Indehaver: Scandinavian Publishing Group A/S, Borgergade 6, 4. sal, 1300 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager og magasiner. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00217 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04629 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-10 PHYZYME (730) Indehaver: Danisco A/S, Langebrogade 1, 1001 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Danisco A/S, Intellectual Capital - Trade Marks, Langebrogade 1, 1001 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 01: Enzymer til anvendelse i fremstilling af dyrefoder. (511) Klasse 31: Dyrefoder, tilsætningsstoffer til foder, ikke til medicinske formål. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2001-06-22 EM 002270353 Harmoniseringskontoret (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00218 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04379 (730) Indehaver: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Alle, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Anti-diabetiske præparater. (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-18 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-20 easy4WARD (730) Indehaver: Easy Cargo Systems A/S, Fuglebækvej 1 A, 2770 Kastrup, Danmark (511) Klasse 42: Restaurationsvirksomhed og udbringning af mad og drikke, værelsesudlejning, lægevirksomhed, sundheds- og skønhedspleje, bistand ved landbrugsvirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed, juridisk bistand, videnskabelig og industriel forskning, programmering af computere. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00219 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04520 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-01 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00225 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04812 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-22 (730) Indehaver: Tryk System ApS, Sverdrupvej 17, 6100 Haderslev, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Reklametavler og skilte af papir eller pap og etiketter. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00220 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04298 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-13 Bendtzen (730) Indehaver: Scancom International A/S, Skovvej 120, 4220 Korsør, Danmark (511) Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer, varer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) af træ, kork, rør, spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, fiskeben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for disse materialer eller af plastic. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00221 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04449 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-27 ISMANDENS FAMILIE PAKKE (730) Indehaver: Mejerigaarden Holding A/S, Sennelsvej 1, 7700 Thisted, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Spiseis, buddinger, fromager, frosne desserter (hovedsageligt bestående af spiseis, budding, fromager, chokolade, kage og brød), chokoladevarer, konditori- og konfekturevarer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00222 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04299 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-13 Weather-Tex (730) Indehaver: Scancom International A/S, Skovvej 120, 4220 Korsør, Danmark (511) Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), senge- og bordtæpper. (511) Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af materialer og genstande. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00223 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 02761 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-07-17 QWIKPATCH (730) Indehaver: Cordis Corporation, a corporation of the state of Florida, 14201 N.W. 60th Avenue, Miami Lakes, Florida, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 10: Afdækningsstykker til brug i forbindelse med medicinske katetre. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00224 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04811 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-22 B. A. P. (730) Indehaver: B. A. P. / Brdr. Alex Petersen ApS, Jægersborg Allé 33, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Wissum & Co., Dampfærgevej 3, 5., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (730) Indehaver: B. A. P. / Brdr. Alex Petersen ApS, Jægersborg Allé 33, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Wissum & Co., Dampfærgevej 3, 5., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00226 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03829 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-10-11 ROCK KLASSIKER (730) Indehaver: Nordisk Radio Reklame A/S, Magstræde 10 B, 1204 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S, Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, optagne computerprogrammer, compactdisks til lyd/billede, belyste film. (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, tryksager, fotografier. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00227 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 02302 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-06-16 (730) Indehaver: Kenth Tor Søren Pedersen, Brunellevangen 9, 2680 Solrød Strand, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Trykte publikationer, herunder aviser, dagblade, magasiner, ugeblade tidsskrifter og bøger. (511) Klasse 35: Forretningsmæssig bistand vedrørende elektronisk handel; annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, også via globale computernetværk. (511) Klasse 41: Udgivervirksomhed, også via globale computernetværk. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00228 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 02783 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-07-18 THE JACKET (730) Indehaver: Deadline Golf, v/Jan Pedersen, Prinsessegade 23, 1422 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Plakater, brochurer, postkort. (511) Klasse 28: Sportsartikler ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, golfudstyr, golfkugler. (511) Klasse 41: Salg og afvikling af sportsarrangementer herunder turneringsgolf, information om sport. 339 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00229 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04152 Dansk Varemærketidende (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-01 (730) Indehaver: Dagbladet Børsen A/S, Møntergade 19, 1140 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, brochurer, nyhedsbreve. (511) Klasse 38: Kommunikation via computerskærme og internettet, udsendelse af meddelelser. (511) Klasse 41: Klubvirksomhed, arrangement og ledelse af forelæsninger, konferencer og seminarer, underholdningsvirksomhed, uddannelsesog undervisningsvirksomhed, foredragsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 42: Tjenester (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), ydet af forretninger til deres egne medlemmer, nyhedsformidling. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00230 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04151 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-01 BØRSEN EXECUTIVE CLUB (730) Indehaver: Dagbladet Børsen A/S, Møntergade 19, 1140 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, brochurer, nyhedsbreve. (511) Klasse 38: Kommunikation via computerskærme og internettet, udsendelse af meddelelser. (511) Klasse 41: Klubvirksomhed, arrangement og ledelse af forelæsninger, konferencer og seminarer, underholdningsvirksomhed, uddannelsesog undervisningsvirksomhed, foredragsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 42: Tjenester (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), ydet af forretninger til deres egne medlemmer, nyhedsformidling. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00231 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04505 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-29 (730) Indehaver: Sparekassen Lolland, Nygade 4, 4900 Nakskov, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virksomhed, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver 340 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00232 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04665 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-13 (730) Indehaver: Gobi Supermarked A/S, Svanemøllevej 16, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Vin. (511) Klasse 35: Samling (ikke transport) af et udvalg af varer, så andre får mulighed for - på en nem måde - at overskue og købe disse, import- og agenturvirksomhed. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00233 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04666 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-13 GOBI VIN (730) Indehaver: Gobi Supermarked A/S, Svanemøllevej 16, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Vin. (511) Klasse 35: Samling (ikke transport) af et udvalg af varer, så andre får mulighed for - på en nem måde - at overskue og købe disse, import- og agenturvirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00234 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04667 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-13 GOBI (730) Indehaver: Gobi Supermarked A/S, Svanemøllevej 16, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Vin. (511) Klasse 35: Samling (ikke transport) af et udvalg af varer, så andre får mulighed for - på en nem måde - at overskue og købe disse, import- og agenturvirksomhed. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00235 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04501 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-30 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00238 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2000 00896 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2000-02-29 VERSUS (730) Indehaver: Gianni Versace S.p.A., Via Manzoni, 38, Milan, Italien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 03: Kosmetiske præparater, herunder nat- og dagcremer, rensepræparater til behandling af ansigt og krop, badeskum (bodyshampoo), barberskum, aftershave præparater, foundation (makeup), neglelak, deodoranter til mænd og kvinder, håndsæbe og kropssæbe, hårshampoo og -conditioner, hårspray, tandpasta og duftpræparater, nemlig parfume, toiletvand og æteriske olier til personlig brug til mænd og kvinder. (511) Klasse 09: Optiske instrumenter, apparater og udstyr, briller, solbriller, brillestel, monokler, lorgnetter, dele og tilbehør hertil (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), herunder etuier til alle ovennævnte varer. (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer, håndtasker, tegnebøger, kufferter, attachétasker, indkøbstasker, mapper, sportstasker, rejsekufferter, tasker til håndbagage, skuldertasker, dragtposer til rejsebrug, nøglepunge, paraplyer, parasoller, stokke, piske og sadelmagervarer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande til mænd og kvinder, nemlig bælter, frakker, regnfrakker, veste, bluser og pullovers, jakker, benklæder, nederdele, jakkesæt, dragter, skjorter, T-shirts, sweaters, undertøj, sokker og strømper, handsker, slips, sjaler, hatte og kasketter, støvler, sko og tøfler., fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (730) Indehaver: FEMILET A/S, Tulstrupvej 13, 7430 Ikast, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8100 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00236 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04368 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-21 Branit (730) Indehaver: IVARSSON HOLDING A/S, Kometvej 26, 6230 Rødekro, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Byggematerialer (af metal). (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal). (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00237 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04616 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00239 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03546 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-09-20 Noahs Ret (730) Indehaver: Ibrahim Sara, Dalgas Boulevard 114, 2. th., 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark; Baris Dul, P.G. Ramms Alle 61, 3. tv., 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, frugtsauce, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og spisefedt. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, the, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, herunder vineddike, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, skovbrugs- og havebrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-08 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00240 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03714 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-10-03 NordiNet (730) Indehaver: Dahl+Fog Management ApS, Kvæsthusgade 5 C, 1251 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Preben Kønig, c/o Advokaterne Lund-Nielsen & Kønig A/S, Amaliegade 22, 1256 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og medicinske præparater til tandpleje og tandbehandling, materialer til tandplombering og til tandaftryk. (511) Klasse 10: Kirurgiske, medicinske, odontologiske apparater og instrumenter, kunstige tænder, suturmaterialer, alt til brug for tandlæger, tandteknikere, tandplejere og klinikassistenter. (511) Klasse 35: Dentaldepot i form af detail- og engroshandel med farmaceutiske og medicinske præparater og med kirurgiske, medicinske og odontologiske apparater og instrumenter, alt til brug for tandlæger, tandteknikere, tandplejere og klinikassistenter, bistand ved forretningsadministration, herunder markedsføring. (511) Klasse 36: Økonomisk rådgivning og administration til tandlæger, tandteknikere, tandplejere og klinikassistenter. (511) Klasse 44: Tandlægevirksomhed, herunder tjenesteydelser ydet af tandlæger, tandteknikere, tandplejere og klinikassistenter, tandlægelaboratorievirksomhed. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (730) Indehaver: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (511) Klasse 42: Computer data service, herunder diagnostiske informationer om kliniske resultater, analyser og rådgivning fra medicinske klinikker i relation til behandling af væksthormon insufficiens. 341 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00241 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04526 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-16 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-01 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00244 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04596 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-07 UZH (730) Indehaver: Bodil Egsmose Jensen, Valmuevænget 9, 5540 Ullerslev, Danmark (511) Klasse 14: Servietholdere, servietringe, sangringe, opsatser og andre borddekora-tioner af ædle metaller og legeringer heraf. (511) Klasse 16: Bordduge, bordlinned og bordservietter; flag, kort herunder lykønsknings-kort og forlovelseskort, konvolutter, konfetti, oblater, pynteborter, bordservietter, dækkeservietter, alle de nævnte varer af papir eller overvejende af papir. (511) Klasse 28: Spil og legetøj, gymnastik- og sportsartikler (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), julepynt. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00242 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04793 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-21 (730) Indehaver: Shoe-D-Vision Amba, Grenåvej 637, 8541 Skødstrup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter. (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, skind og huder, kufferter og rejsetasker, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke, piske og sadelmagervarer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00245 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04595 truffle café (730) Indehaver: Truffle Café Copenhagen A/S, c/o advokatfirmaet Nordia, Nørre Søgade 7, 1005 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Advokatfirmaet Nordia, Nørre Søgade 7, 1005 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, the, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, herunder vineddike, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. (511) Klasse 43: Restaurationsvirksomhed og udbringning af mad og drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00246 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04198 (730) Indehaver: Exide Danmark A/S, Bødkervej 11, Vinding, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S, Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Elektriske akkumulatorer og elektriske batterier, herunder startbatterier og nødstrømsbatterier; batteriladere; dele og tilbehør dertil (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser). (511) Klasse 37: Reparation, vedligeholdelse, herunder opladning og udlejning af elektriske akkumulatorer og elektriske batterier. (511) Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af materialer og genstande. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00243 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04179 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-02 APOFEN (730) Indehaver: Apotekeren A.m.b.a., Torvestræde 8, , 4700 Næstved, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater samt præparater til sundhedspleje, herunder farmaceutiske præparater med antiinflammatorisk effekt; diætetiske præparater til medicinsk brug, næringsmidler til spædbørn. 342 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-07 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-07 (730) Indehaver: Hotel Guldsmeden ApS, Guldsmedgade 40, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Patrade A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 43: Restaurationsvirksomhed og udbringning af mad og drikke, værelsesudlejning (midlertidig), hoteller, hotelreservation. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00247 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04569 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-05 TUBERTEST (730) Indehaver: Aventis Pasteur Limited/Aventis Pasteur Limitée, 1755 Steeles Avenue West, Willowdale, Ontario M2R 3T4, Canada (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2001-06-27 FR 013108183 Frankrig Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00248 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04424 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-23 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00251 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04436 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-23 (730) Indehaver: Advokatgruppen Administration ApS, c/o Advokat Jørgen Pedersen, Arosgården, Åboulevarden 31, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Bistand ved forretningsledelse, forretningsadministration og varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Inkassovirksomhed og finansiering, herunder finansiel information, rådgivning og vurdering. (511) Klasse 42: Juridisk bistand. (730) Indehaver: Johnson & Johnson, a corporation of the State of New Jersey, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj, præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter samt slibemidler, sæbe, parfumerivarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårvand, tandplejemidler. (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater samt præparater til sundhedspleje, diætetiske præparater til medicinsk brug, næringsmidler til spædbørn, plastre og forbindsstoffer, materiale til tandplombering og til tandaftryk, desinfektionsmidler, præparater til udryddelse af skadedyr, svampe- og ukrudtsdræbende midler. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00249 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04280 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00252 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04570 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-05 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-13 BJØRN'S (730) Indehaver: THE RYVITA COMPANY LIMITED, Weston Centre, Bowater House, 68, Knightsbridge, LONDON SW1X 7LR, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Brød, mel, kiks, knækbrød. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00250 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04276 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-13 CARBOPLYIN (730) Indehaver: Maillefer Instruments Trading Sárl, Chemin du Verger 3, Ballaigues, CH-1338, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Anæstetiske farmaceutiske præparater, herunder lokalanæstetiske præparater, navnlig til dental brug. (730) Indehaver: L'Oréal Société Anonyme, 14 rue Royale, F - 75008 Paris, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Plougmann & Vingtoft A/S, Sankt Annæ Plads 11, 1250 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 44: Sundheds- og skønhedspleje af mennesker. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00253 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03458 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-17 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-09-15 CREUNA (730) Indehaver: Creuna A/S, Rentemestervej 69A, 2400 København NV, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun Dragsted, Langelinie Alle 35, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved ledelse og administration af forretninger og kontortjenesterydelser. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (511) Klasse 42: Juridiske tjenester, videnskabelig og industriel forskning samt edb-programmering. 343 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00254 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03168 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 1998-04-29 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00257 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04661 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-12 LUIS FELIPE EDWARDS (730) Indehaver: Vina Luis Felipe Edwards, Avenida Vitacura 4130, CL Santiago, Chile (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00255 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03668 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-09-28 SPRAYLOGIC (730) Indehaver: Spraying Systems Co., a corporation of the State of Illinois, North Avenue at Schmale Road, Wheaton, Illinois, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Computersoftware, herunder software til brug i forbindelse med en kontrol af industrielle sprayanordninger. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00256 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03921 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-10-17 learning partner (730) Indehaver: Teknologisk Institut, Gregersensvej, , 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Bistand og rådgivning ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, herunder kompetenceudvikling, strategi- og organisationsudvikling samt projektledelse. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, herunder kurser inden for Human Ressource Mangement. (511) Klasse 42: Design, udvikling og ajourføring af edb-software, teknisk rådgivning om IT. 344 (730) Indehaver: Navigare, Gammelgårdsvej 40, 2.th, 3520 Farum, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Nautiske, geodætiske, elektriske, elektroniske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning; apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede; optiske eller magnetiske databærere, CD-Rom, lydplader; databehandlingsudstyr, computer hardware og software, perifert edb-udstyr, telefoner, herunder mobiltelefoner; elektroniske edb-manualer, elektroniske opslagsværker, elektroniske publikationer distribueret on-line eller via multi-media-netværk. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, salgsfremmende foranstaltninger for andre, forretnings- og reklamemæssig bistand, herunder tilvejebringelse af interaktive elektroniske brugerflader som salgs- og reklamemedie for andre; PR-virksomhed, marketing, markedsføring og reklame via Internettet; forretningsmæssig og reklamemæssig bistand i form af udlejning af udstillings-, butiks- og informationsfaciliteter i et elektronisk virtuelt miljø, herunder på Internettet; tilvejebringelse af forretningsoplysninger og erhvervsinformation via Internettet; fremstilling og salg af reklamebannere og logoer; telemarketing; auktionssalg via Internettet. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed, herunder herunder tilvejebringelse af søgemaskiner, e-mail-, diskussions- og chat-faciliteter på Internettet; TV- og radiotransmission; information vedrørende telekommunikation; telefonservice (oplysning om vejret, klokken, telefonnumre osv.); udsendelse af meddelelser og billeder formidlet via computer; udbud af flerbrugeradgang til elektroniske netværk, herunder Internettet; pressebureauvirksomhed, herunder via Internettet; elektronisk service-information f.eks. vedrørende websteder, e-mail- og chat-faciliteter. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer, herunder via Internettet; produktion af TV- og radioudsendelser; udgivervirksomhed, herunder udgivelse af værker i elektronisk form; information om underholdning, uddannelse og undervisning. (511) Klasse 42: Programmering af computere; udvikling og vedligeholdelse af databaser til brug for andre; design og ajourføring af computerprogrammer; opdatering af computer software; rådgivning vedrørende computer hardware og software; udlejning af computere og computerprogrammer; design af Web-sider, drift af Web-servere og WWW-hoteller; homepage administration; udlejning af accestid til computer-databaser; oversættelse, redigering af skrevne tekster; professionel rådgivningsvirksomhed (ikke forretningsmæssig eller finansiel). (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00258 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04387 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-21 (730) Indehaver: Finn Brøgger Jørgensen, Kastanievej 40, 5230 Odense M, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Gengivelser af billeder (fast og bevægeligt) på en gennemsigtig skærm, glasrude/vindue, uanset materiale, som i fast skærm, herunder gengivelse af annoncer, reklamer og undervisningsmateriale. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00259 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04683 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-14 JUBILEE (730) Indehaver: Ed. Laurens Limited, Grienbachstrasse 11, CH-6300 Zug, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 34: Pibetobak, tobak til hjemmerulning, cigarer, cigarillos, cigaretter, tobak, tobaksprodukter, artikler for rygere, lightere, tændstikker. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00260 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03006 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-08-14 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00262 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04603 2002-01-30 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-07 (730) Indehaver: ECCO SKO A/S, Industrivej 5, 6261 Bredebro, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj, præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter samt slibemidler, sæbe, parfumerivarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårvand, tandplejemidler, creme, voks, pudsemidler og imprægneringsmidler til fodtøj. (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter. (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, skind og huder, kufferter, rejsetasker, håndtasker, skuldertasker, bæltetasker, rygsække, dokumentmapper, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke, piske og sadelmagervarer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00263 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2002 00099 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2002-01-11 Det Digitale Fingeraftryk (730) Indehaver: Protellus ApS, Trepkasgade 9, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00261 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03310 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-18 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-09-05 Lægeforeningens Medicinfortegnelse (730) Indehaver: Lægeforeningens forlag, Esplanaden 8A, 1263 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Elektroniske publikationer. (511) Klasse 16: Trykte publikationer. (511) Klasse 41: Udgivervirksomhed. (500) Bemærkninger: Mærket er registreret på baggrund af indarbejdelse. (730) Indehaver: Inco Danmark A.M.B.A., Flæsketorvet 84, 1711 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Artét, Hermodsvej 5, 1.sal, 8230 Åbyhøj, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Indpakningspapir, plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 29: Fisk (ikke levende). (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00264 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2002 00100 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2002-01-11 (730) Indehaver: Inco Danmark A.M.B.A., Flæsketorvet 84, 1711 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Artét, Hermodsvej 5, 1.sal, 8230 Åbyhøj, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Indpakningspapir, plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 29: Fisk (ikke levende). 345 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00265 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03780 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-10-08 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00268 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2002 00008 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2002-01-03 POSEIDON PHARMACEUTICALS HANSENFENSTER (730) Indehaver: NeuroSearch A/S, Pederstrupvej 93, 2750 Ballerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater, herunder farmaceutiske præparater til medicinsk brug, farmaceutiske præparater til behandling af respiratoriske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande, allergiske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande, inflammatoriske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande, og immunologiske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande. (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelig og industriel forskning, herunder farmaceutisk forskningsvirksomhed, forskning i ion-kanal modulatorer’s virkningsmekanisme, forskning i den sygdomsmæssige baggrund for respiratoriske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande, allergiske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande, inflammatoriske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande, og immunologiske sygdomme og sygdomstilstande. (730) Indehaver: Hansengroup A/S, Bredgade 4, 6940 Lem Station, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8100 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, byggematerialer af metal, transportable bygninger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbaneanlæg, metalkabler og tråd (dog ikke til elektriske formål), kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, metalrør, pengeskabe, andre varer af metal (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), malm. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør til bygningsbrug (ikke af metal), asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere (dog ikke af ædle metaller eller overtrukket hermed), kamme og svampe, børster, børstenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (med undtagelse af glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser). (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00266 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04580 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-06 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00269 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04583 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-06 (730) Indehaver: Rene Wagtberg, Glentevej 10, 3650 Ølstykke, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Vin, herunder hedvin.. (511) Klasse 35: Detail og engroshandel med vin. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00270 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03131 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-08-23 TrendVisionInternational (730) Indehaver: Ido Kylpyhuone Oy, FIN-10600 Tammisaari, Finland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 11: Apparater til belysning, opvarmning, dampdannelse, kogning, køling, tørring, ventilation og vandledning samt sanitetsinstallationer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00267 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03007 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-08-14 Det Originale Aftryk (730) Indehaver: Protellus ApS, Trepkasgade 9, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. 346 (730) Indehaver: Anette Hauch Design, v/ Anette Hauch, Østergade 11, 1100 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Trykte publikationer, rapporter og undersøgelser vedrørende trends i mode, livsstil, kunst og design. (511) Klasse 35: Reklamevirksomhed om trends i mode, livsstil kunst og design; bistand og rådgivning ved forretningsvirksomhed, herunder om trends i mode, livsstil, kunst og design. (511) Klasse 41: Undervisning og uddannelse vedrørende mode, livsstil, kunst og design; kulturelle arrangementer herunder, udstillinger og messer vedrørende mode livsstil, kunst og design. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00271 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2002 00009 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2002-01-03 HANSENFASAD (730) Indehaver: Hansengroup A/S, Bredgade 4, 6940 Lem Station, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8100 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, byggematerialer af metal, transportable bygninger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbaneanlæg, metalkabler og tråd (dog ikke til elektriske formål), kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, metalrør, pengeskabe, andre varer af metal (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), malm. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør til bygningsbrug (ikke af metal), asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere (dog ikke af ædle metaller eller overtrukket hermed), kamme og svampe, børster, børstenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (med undtagelse af glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser). (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00272 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2002 00010 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00274 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04378 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-21 LANGHUS (730) Indehaver: FDB, Roskildevej 65, 2620 Albertslund, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Klæbemidler til papirvarer, pensler. (511) Klasse 27: Vægbeklædningsmateriale. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00275 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04777 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-12-21 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2002-01-03 HANSENCELL (730) Indehaver: Hansengroup A/S, Bredgade 4, 6940 Lem Station, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8100 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, byggematerialer af metal, transportable bygninger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbaneanlæg, metalkabler og tråd (dog ikke til elektriske formål), kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, metalrør, pengeskabe, andre varer af metal (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), malm. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør til bygningsbrug (ikke af metal), asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere (dog ikke af ædle metaller eller overtrukket hermed), kamme og svampe, børster, børstenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (med undtagelse af glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser). (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00273 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04156 (730) Indehaver: Danske Invest Administration A/S, Strødamvej 46, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, bankvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virksomhed, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, kapitalinvestering og investeringsforeninger. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00276 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04296 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-14 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-01 (730) Indehaver: Siam Wooden Products Co., Ltd, 140 Moo 7, Soi Watsrivareenoi, Bangna-Trad Road, Km. 18 Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540, Thailand (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 28: Byggeklodser (legetøj), dukker, dukkesenge, dukketøj, dukkehuse, dukkestuer, legetøjssæt, trælegetøj. (730) Indehaver: Vestergaard Frandsen A/S, Haderslevvej 36, 6000 Kolding, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Patrade A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Præparater til udryddelse af skadedyr, insektfordrivende midler, insekticider. (511) Klasse 11: Apparater til belysning, opvarmning, dampdannelse, kogning, køling, tørring, ventilation og vandledning samt sanitetsinstallationer. (511) Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), herunder moskitonet, tæpper. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00277 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 04331 (151) Reg.dato: 2002-01-21 (220) Ans.dato: 2001-11-16 (730) Indehaver: Simolux ApS, Skibsbyggerivej 12, 9000 Ålborg, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Elektrisk materiel (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til befordringsmidler, herunder kontakter, kabelsko og relæer. (511) Klasse 11: Autopærer. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i rødt på hvid baggrund. 347 Omtryk af tidligere offentliggjorte registreringer 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Omtryk af tidl. offentliggjorte registreringer Indsigelsesfristen udløber 2 måneder fra dato, jf. varemærkelovens § 23 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 04929 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2001 03705 (151) Reg.dato: 2001-12-07 (220)Ans.dato: 2001-10-02 GenAble (730) Indehaver: Dura Holding A/S, Det gule Pakhus, Havnepladsen 3B,2, 5700 Svendborg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S, Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 01: Kemiske produkter til industrielle, videnskabelige og fotografiske formål samt til anvendelse i landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsøjemed, kunstig harpiks i rå tilstand, plastic i rå tilstand, gødningsmidler, ildslukningsmidler, præparater til hærdning og lodning, kemiske konserveringsmidler til levnedsmidler, garvestoffer, bindemidler til industrielle formål. (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater samt præparater til sundhedspleje, diætetiske præparater til medicinsk brug, næringsmidler til spædbørn, plastre og forbindsstoffer, materiale til tandplombering og til tandaftryk, desinfektionsmidler, præparater til udryddelse af skadedyr, svampe- og ukrudtsdræbende midler. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virksomhed, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. (511) Klasse 42: Restaurationsvirksomhed og udbringning af mad og drikke, værelsesudlejning, lægevirksomhed, sundheds- og skønhedspleje, bistand ved landbrugsvirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed, juridisk bistand, videnskabelig og industriel forskning, programmering af computere. 348 Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger Dansk Varemærketidende 2002-01-30 Varemærker og fællesmærker Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 1987 1995 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 00124 01904 04891 01874 02913 03215 04357 05044 01165 02150 02724 02869 03140 03146 03567 03621 03624 03625 04457 00025 00026 00029 349 Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Tilførsler af registreringer (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1972 01139 (730) Indehaver: K.S. Paul Products Limited, Nobel Road, Eley Estate, London N.18, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 01047 (730) Indehaver: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha, 30-2, 3-chome, Shimomaruko, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 01324 (730) Indehaver: M-real Corporation, Revontulentie 6, FIN-02100 Espoo, Finland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 02321 (730) Indehaver: IMD-INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT, 23, Chemin de Bellerive, Lausanne, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1993 02036 (730) Indehaver: Boards & More AG, Seefeldquai 17, 8008 Zurich, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1990 02115 (730) Indehaver: Boards & More AG, Seefeldquai 17, 8008 Zurich, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 02082 (730) Indehaver: Boards & More AG, Seefeldquai 17, 8008 Zurich, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1984 00445 (730) Indehaver: Boards & More AG, Seefeldquai 17, 8008 Zurich, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1984 00264 (730) Indehaver: Boards & More AG, Seefeldquai 17, 8008 Zurich, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 00315 (730) Indehaver: Personell - The Outdoorwearshop AB, Östra Hyllievägen 115, S-216 23 Malmö, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Patrade A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 03825 (730) Indehaver: Allan Persson, c/o Packaging Paper Europe A/S, Kingosvej 3, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark; Preben L. Petersen, c/o Packaging Paper Europer A/S, Kingosvej 3, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 00888 (730) Indehaver: Jeanjer, Ltd., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 1400 Broadway, New York, NY 10018, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark 350 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1952 00187 (730) Indehaver: Eaton Aeroquip inc., Eaton Center, 1111 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 01981 (730) Indehaver: XPon Display ApS, Eriksvej 5A, 8900 Randers, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 00186 (730) Indehaver: FONA Gruppen A/S, Gungevej 17, 2650 Hvidovre, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 01737 (730) Indehaver: Kapman AB, S-811 81 Sandviken, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S, Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VG 1962 00076 (730) Indehaver: HUCK INTERNATIONAL, INC., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 6, Thomas, Irvine, Californien 92718-2585, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Holme Patent A/S, Vesterbrogade 20, 1620 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 06156 (730) Indehaver: Hertz System, Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 225 Brae Boulevard, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Holme Patent A/S, Vesterbrogade 20, 1620 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 06389 (730) Indehaver: Hertz System, Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 225 Brae Boulevard, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Holme Patent A/S, Vesterbrogade 20, 1620 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 05914 (730) Indehaver: Unisa America, Inc., a corporation of the State of Florida, 6900 North West 52nd Street, Miami, Florida 33166, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Holme Patent A/S, Vesterbrogade 20, 1620 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1981 00609 (730) Indehaver: Joh. Winklhofer & Söhne GmbH und Co. KG, AlbertRosshaupter-Strasse 53, D-81369 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 01140 (730) Indehaver: Scandinavian Leisure Group AB, Sveavägen 25, 105 20 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 00782 (730) Indehaver: Scandinavian Leisure Group AB, Sveavägen 25, 105 20 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1989 00886 (730) Indehaver: Danisco Cultor Sweden AB, Box 956, S-601 19 Norrköping, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Danisco A/S, Langebrogade 1, 1001 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1972 00517 (730) Indehaver: Dunhill Tobacco of London Limited, 1a St. James's Street, London SW1A 1EF, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1972 01268 (730) Indehaver: RHONE-POULENC AGRICULTURE LIMITED, Fyfield Road, Ongar, Essex CM5 0HW, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 07820 (730) Indehaver: Thermos KK, 1435 Shimonakano, Yoshida-Machi Nishikanbara-Gun, Niigata-Ken 959-02, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1977 02155 (730) Indehaver: Thermos KK, 1435 Shimonakano, Yoshida-Machi Nishikanbara-Gun, Niigata-Ken 959-02, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1974 00491 (730) Indehaver: Thermos KK, 1435 Shimonakano, Yoshida-Machi Nishikanbara-Gun, Niigata-Ken 959-02, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1958 00902 (730) Indehaver: Thermos KK, 1435 Shimonakano, Yoshida-Machi Nishikanbara-Gun, Niigata-Ken 959-02, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1957 00578 (730) Indehaver: Thermos KK, 1435 Shimonakano, Yoshida-Machi Nishikanbara-Gun, Niigata-Ken 959-02, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 03213 (730) Indehaver: International Truck and Engine Corporation, a corporation of the State of Delaware, 4201 Winfield Road, Warrenville, Illinois 60555, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 00981 (730) Indehaver: Adam Opel AG, D-65423 Russelsheim, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 00591 (730) Indehaver: Adam Opel AG, D-65423 Russelsheim, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 05637 (730) Indehaver: Netnord A/S, Niels Jernes Vej 10, 9220 Ålborg Øst, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 01452 (730) Indehaver: EURALIS, Société Anonyme, Avenue du Loup Pendu, F69140 RILLIEUX-LA-PAPE, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 02221 (730) Indehaver: Bone's Centrallager ApS, Bredgade 55D, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Lasse A. Søndergaard Christensen, Advokatfirma Gorrissen, Federspiel Kierkegaard, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 03518 (730) Indehaver: Bone's Centrallager ApS, Bredgade 55D, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Lasse A. Søndergaard Christensen, Advokatfirma Gorrissen, Federspiel Kierkegaard, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 00343 (730) Indehaver: Bone's Centrallager ApS, Bredgade 55D, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Lasse A. Søndergaard Christensen, Advokatfirma Gorrissen, Federspiel Kierkegaard, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1977 01107 (730) Indehaver: Inhoco 2173 Limited, Pottington Industrial Estate, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1LZ, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Focus Advokater, v/adv. Jan I. Kristensen, Fisketorvet 3, 5100 Odense C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1989 00886 (730) Indehaver: Danisco Cultor Sweden AB, Box 956, S-601 19 Norrköping, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Danisco A/S, Langebrogade 1, 1001 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1989 00886 (730) Indehaver: Danisco Cultor Sweden AB, Box 956, S-601 19 Norrköping, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Danisco A/S, Langebrogade 1, 1001 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 01309 (730) Indehaver: Bone's Centrallager ApS, Bredgade 55D, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Lasse A. Søndergaard Christensen, Advokatfirma Gorrissen, Federspiel Kierkegaard, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 00390 (730) Indehaver: Bone's Centrallager ApS, Bredgade 55D, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Lasse A. Søndergaard Christensen, Advokatfirma Gorrissen, Federspiel Kierkegaard, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 03452 (730) Indehaver: Bone's Centrallager ApS, Bredgade 55D, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Lasse A. Søndergaard Christensen, Advokatfirma Gorrissen, Federspiel Kierkegaard, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark 351 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 00343 (730) Indehaver: Bone's Centrallager ApS, Bredgade 55D, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Lasse A. Søndergaard Christensen, Advokatfirma Gorrissen, Federspiel Kierkegaard, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 02099 (730) Indehaver: Suzuki Motor Corporation, 300 Takatsuka-cho, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1980 01019 (730) Indehaver: Kongskilde Industries A/S, Skælskørvej 64, 4180 Sorø, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1952 00532 (730) Indehaver: DSM N.V., Het Overloon 1, NL-6411 TE Heerlen, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 03828 (730) Indehaver: Veedol International Limited, George House, 50 George Square, Glasgow, G2 1RR, Skotland, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1962 00178 (730) Indehaver: Casco Nobel Aktiebolag, Box 11550, 100 61 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 00493 (730) Indehaver: Nordisk Tobaks Kompagni A/S, Kornmarksvej 22, 2660 Brøndby Strand, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni A/S, Tobaksvejen 4, 2860 Søborg, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1962 00177 (730) Indehaver: Casco Nobel Aktiebolag, Box 11550, 100 61 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 04549 (730) Indehaver: Nordisk Tobaks Kompagni A/S, Kornmarksvej 22, 2660 Brøndby Strand, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni A/S, Tobaksvejen 4, 2860 Søborg, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1926 00011 (730) Indehaver: EMI Records Limited, Hayes, Middlesex, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1972 01563 (730) Indehaver: PARSONS CHAIN COMPANY LIMITED, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 00276 (730) Indehaver: PPG Industries Ohio, Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 3800 West 143rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44111, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S, Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 01838 (730) Indehaver: Fosroc International Limited, Burmah Castrol House, Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1RE, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1986 02674 (730) Indehaver: ARMKEL, LLC, a corporation of the State of Delaware, 469 North Harrison Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 00012 (730) Indehaver: ARMKEL, LLC, a corporation of the State of Delaware, 469 North Harrison Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 01443 (730) Indehaver: ARMKEL, LLC, a corporation of the State of Delaware, 469 North Harrison Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 02375 (730) Indehaver: Monsanto Technology LLC., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark 352 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1962 00179 (730) Indehaver: Casco Nobel Aktiebolag, Box 11550, 100 61 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 00199 (730) Indehaver: IMI Norgren, Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 5400, South Delaware Street, Littleton, Colorado 80120, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 05974 (730) Indehaver: MAILLEFER INSTRUMENTS HOLDING S.A., CH-1338 Ballaigues, (Canton of Vaud), Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 03567 (730) Indehaver: ALCATEL CABLE INTERFACE, société anonyme, 25, Avenue Jean-Jaurès, F-08330 Vrigne-Aux-Bois, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Høje Taastrup Boulevard 23, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1981 04138 (730) Indehaver: Becton Dickinson Infusion Therapy AB, Box 631, S-251 06 Helsingborg, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1952 00187 (730) Indehaver: Eaton Aeroquip inc., Eaton Center, 1111 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1972 01314 (730) Indehaver: Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 59-25 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, New York 113622591, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Hofman-Bang Zacco A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark Dansk Varemærketidende 2002-01-30 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 05505 (730) Indehaver: RHODIA INC, 259 Prospect Plains Road, Cranbury, New Jersey 08512, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 01251 (730) Indehaver: RHODIA INC, 259 Prospect Plains Road, Cranbury, New Jersey 08512, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 00610 (730) Indehaver: RHODIA INC, 259 Prospect Plains Road, Cranbury, New Jersey 08512, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1954 00729 (730) Indehaver: RHODIA INC, 259 Prospect Plains Road, Cranbury, New Jersey 08512, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde, Schou & Ostenfeld A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1990 07239 (730) Indehaver: Opsis AB, Box 244, S-244 02 Furulund, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: AWAPATENT, Teglholm Allé 13, 2450 København SV, Danmark 353 Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Tilførsler til registreringer Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning, herunder begrænsning efter indsigelse eller efter deling (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 02834 (511) Klasse 06: Rustfri stål. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 01132 (511) Klasse 03: Præparater til rengøring, polering, pletfjernelse, herunder rensevæske til skrivemaskinetyper, rensepasta til hænderne til anvendelse i forbindelse med skrivemaskinearbejde, sæbecreme og sæbe. (511) Klasse 08: Papirknive og sakse. (511) Klasse 16: Papir og pap og produkter deraf (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), tryksager, bogbinderimaterialer, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, bindemidler (klister) til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (ikke møbler), instruktionsog undervisningsmaterialer (ikke apparater), emballagematerialer af plast (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), spillekort, tryktyper, klichéer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 00209 (511) Klasse 03. (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, fotografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, kontrol og livredning, mønt- og jetonautomater, kasseapparater, regnemaskiner, ildslukningsapparater. (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, papirvarer, papvarer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), bøger, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler til papirvarer, artikler til brug for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), spillekort, tryktyper, klicheer. (511) Klasse 18. (511) Klasse 20. (511) Klasse 21. (511) Klasse 24. (511) Klasse 25. (511) Klasse 27. (511) Klasse 28. (511) Klasse 30. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 00314 (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, distribution af reklamer, brochurer og vareprøver. (511) Klasse 37: Reparations- og installationsvirksomhed. 354 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 04400 (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, elektriske, optiske apparater og instrumenter med undtagelse af briller, solbriller og brilleglas samt apparater og instrumenter til signalering, kontrol og undervisning; apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede;, magnetiske databærere og lydplader; møntautomater; kasseapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsudstyr og computere, datakommunikationsapparater, computersystemer og -netværk; ydre computerenheder; visuelle display enheder, tastaturer og printere, alle til brug i forbindelse med computere; POS-transaktionsterminaler; stregkodelæsere; automatiske tællermaskiner; magnetiske og integrerede kortlæsere; biometriske scannere og aflæsere; telekommunikationsapparater og -instrumenter; telefon handsets; mobiltelefoner; telefonsvarere, personsøgere, telefaxmaskiner, dele og tilbehør til alle ovennævnte varer; computerprogrammer og computersoftware; hukommelseskredsløbs compactdisks; magnetiske stribe kort; integrerede kredsløb og smartkort; udgivelser i elektronisk form leveret online fra en computerdatabase eller fra Internettet eller andre kommunikationsnetværk. (511) Klasse 16: Papir; tryksager; papirhandlervarer; instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater); kontorrekvisitter (dog ikke møbler); ringbind til Iøsblade; skriveinstrumenter; trykte publikationer; bøger; manualer (håndbøger); aviser; rapporter; magasiner; kataloger; adressebøger; kalendere. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration; fremskaffelse af varer til forretnings- og statsorganisationer; forretningsinformation; salgsfremmende foranstaltninger af varer og tjenesteydelser for andre; detailservice; databasestyring; fremskaffelse af informationsteknologi outsourcing; rådgivning og udarbejdelse af rapporter, alle i forbindelse med ovennævnte tjenesteydelser; information i forbindelse med alle ovennævnte tjenesteydelser. (511) Klasse 36: Finansiel virksomhed; finansielle tjenesteydelser; sørge for eller fremskaffe kredit for køb, leje, udlejning eller leasing af varer eller tjenesteydelser. (511) Klasse 37: Reparationsvirksomhed; installationsvirksomhed; installation, vedligeholdelse og reparation af computere, computersystemer, computernetværk og telekommunikationsapparater; rådgivning og udarbejdelse af rapporter, alle i forbindelse med ovennævnte tjenesteydelser; information i forbindelse med alle ovennævnte tjenesteydelser. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed; fremskaffelse af brugeradgang til Internettet; fremskaffelse af telekommunikationsforbindelser til Internettet eller databaser; tjenesteydelser for telekommunikationsportaler; information i forbindelse med alle ovennævnte tjenesteydelser. (511) Klasse 39: Pakning og opbevaring af varer; dataopbevaringstjenester; postordreforsendelsesvirksomhed; rådgivning og udarbejdelse af rapporter, alle i forbindelse med ovennævnte tjenesteydelser; information i forbindelse med alle ovennævnte tjenesteydelser. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed; informationsteknologi til undervisning; undervisning i personlig udvikling og personlige færdigheder; ledelsestræning; udgivelse af bøger, manualer, kursusmaterialer og tekster (dog ikke reklamemateriale) i trykt og elektronisk format; udlejning af undervisningsmateriale og -apparater; arrangering og gennemførelse af seminarer og workshops; organisering af udstillinger og konkurrencer, alle for uddannelsesmæssige formål; information, rådgivning og vejledning i forbindelse med alle ovennævnte tjenesteydelser. (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelig og industriel forskning; professionel og teknologisk rådgivning, alle i forbindelse med informationsteknologi; design af computersystemer og computernetværk; computerprogrammering; design; opdatering, vedligeholdelse og reparation af computersoftware; computervejledning; design, tegning og bestilt skrift (commissioned writing), alle for indsamling af hjemmesider på Internettet og andre kommunikationsnetværk; leasing af tilgangstid til computernetværk og databaser; information og udfærdigelse af rapporter; alle i forbindelse med ovennævnte tjenesteydelser. Licens Dansk Varemærketidende 2002-01-30 Varemærker og fællesmærker Tilførsler af registreringer Licens (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 01485 (791/793) Noteret dato: 2002-01-16 Licenstager: TONE BROTHERS, INC., a corporation of the State of Iowa, 2301 S.E. Tone's Drive, Ankeny, Iowa 50021, USA (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 01485 (791/793) Noteret ophørt: 2002-01-16 Licenstager: BURNS PHILP FOOD INC., a corporation of the State of California, 222 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California 94108, USA 355 Fornyede registreringer 2002-01-30 Varemærker og fællesmærker Fornyede registreringer FR VG VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1982 1962 1932 1942 1942 1942 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 356 00023 00076 00562 00204 00303 00418 00052 00238 00532 00741 00753 00860 00861 00862 00177 00178 00179 00226 00369 01012 01116 03317 00118 00129 00205 00214 00259 00270 00397 00419 00493 00780 01131 01184 01188 01335 01434 01591 01644 01818 01930 02134 02341 00246 00248 00261 00267 00268 00276 00296 00336 00438 00534 00539 00613 00717 00731 00865 00880 00892 01023 01028 01087 01491 01540 01776 01812 01822 01838 01891 01923 Dansk Varemærketidende VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1989 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 01990 01998 01999 02051 02351 01412 04984 08484 00136 00141 00143 00169 00191 00192 00197 00213 00241 00261 00318 00324 00371 00438 00456 00467 00484 00485 00517 00529 00570 00590 00604 00738 00783 00784 00845 00849 00855 00860 00945 00971 00976 00983 01008 01116 01201 01440 01538 01560 01565 01576 01595 01631 01946 02099 02184 02185 02186 02201 02228 02398 02399 02415 02422 02507 02537 02675 02678 02815 02992 03217 03271 03416 03462 03463 03464 03597 03904 03999 04132 04322 04326 04327 04415 04421 04452 Dansk Varemærketidende VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 2002-01-30 04471 04497 04543 04556 04567 04650 04820 04824 04997 04998 05054 05056 05162 05170 05303 05327 05359 05360 05398 05507 05522 05853 05880 06335 357 Udslettede registreringer 2002-01-30 Varemærker og fællesmærker Udslettede registreringer VR VR VR VR VR VR 1967 1975 1995 1995 1995 1997 358 03117 01067 02388 02389 07313 01871 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsregister Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Ansøgningsregister Register over mærker i dette tidende angivet i ansøgningsnummerorden (210) Ans. nr. FA FA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 1981 2001 1925 1932 1942 1942 1942 1949 1951 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1953 1957 1960 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 1966 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1974 1975 1975 1977 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 00021 00005 01389 00680 00215 00240 00315 02215 01016 01881 02042 02620 00558 00910 01177 01178 01179 01944 01489 01096 01906 01909 01911 01995 02081 02411 02843 01862 04839 02871 04286 04541 05090 00681 00704 01274 01488 01711 01728 01786 02102 02243 02244 02477 02645 03211 03238 03388 03517 03635 03840 03956 04285 04782 04863 00760 02842 03712 04544 02338 01851 02093 02829 03499 04984 00659 00711 01165 01277 02323 03335 (111) Reg. nr. FR FR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VG VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1982 2002 1926 1932 1942 1942 1942 1954 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1957 1958 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1967 1972 1972 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1974 1975 1977 1977 1982 1982 1982 1980 1982 1984 1982 1982 1992 1982 1982 1981 00023 00001 00011 00562 00204 00303 00418 00729 00532 00187 00052 00238 00741 00753 00860 00861 00862 00578 00902 00076 00177 00178 00179 01116 00226 00369 01012 03117 00259 01314 03317 00270 01131 00397 00205 00493 00214 00129 00118 01139 00419 01268 00517 01591 00780 01184 01188 01335 01818 01434 01563 01644 01930 02134 02341 00491 01067 01107 02155 00199 00209 00296 01019 01891 00264 00880 00613 02415 01540 00892 00609 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1984 1984 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 03389 03424 04700 00359 01385 01671 01735 01765 01794 01795 01828 01875 01993 02110 02169 02249 02568 02883 02953 03180 03361 03674 03703 03916 04345 04507 04535 04751 04771 04772 04816 04817 02574 02575 05530 06067 00477 00577 04501 00060 00124 04997 05086 06323 07141 01003 01934 04144 05466 05725 07206 07247 08355 01266 01347 06540 07330 07681 07709 08235 08927 08946 00295 00530 00595 00905 01361 01405 02595 02670 02671 02686 03197 03324 03472 03515 03681 03827 04532 04811 04917 05282 05316 05638 06077 2002-01-30 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1981 1982 1982 1982 1984 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1986 1987 1992 1987 1992 1992 1992 1989 00731 00336 01028 00534 00717 00438 01087 00246 00267 00261 00268 00248 00276 04138 00865 01812 00186 00445 00539 01491 01838 01023 01822 02082 01452 01923 01776 01990 01998 01999 02351 02051 02674 00012 00976 01443 00981 00983 00136 00886 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1989 1990 1992 1992 1992 1991 1992 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1990 1992 1992 1992 1992 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 01047 01412 07239 01201 03567 00141 04984 00143 07820 01140 01116 01132 00371 02115 03597 00169 03213 01324 00782 00590 00591 00845 00517 08484 01538 05507 00849 04543 00191 00192 00855 00197 01560 00529 03217 01440 00860 00213 02221 00438 03828 01565 01576 01595 359 2002-01-30 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 360 06098 06674 06925 07062 07108 07251 07673 07719 08605 08667 08800 08830 09144 09573 09632 00130 00217 00562 01079 01270 01432 01437 01953 02045 02094 02262 02469 02470 02471 02520 02585 02969 03048 03290 03295 03397 03418 03431 03732 03733 03912 03920 04174 04314 04315 04498 04510 04756 05035 05175 05265 05572 05772 05816 05957 06403 06404 06405 06409 06414 06758 06760 07251 07347 07351 07364 07394 07517 07532 07909 08216 08423 08424 08712 08740 00123 00125 00144 00723 01188 00048 03158 03384 04527 02501 Dansk Varemærketidende VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1995 1994 1995 1994 04820 04824 01631 04132 01008 04556 02422 00241 00456 04567 01737 00261 04415 00467 00604 00276 00888 04421 05522 01946 03904 06335 00738 00945 00570 02099 02184 02185 02186 02201 02228 02321 02507 02398 02399 00318 02537 00324 00484 00485 02675 02678 00493 00783 00784 00971 03271 02992 04452 05303 04650 04471 03999 03416 05327 03462 03463 03464 05359 05360 04997 04998 05853 05398 05162 02815 04497 03518 05170 06389 04322 04326 04327 05880 06156 05054 05056 05914 05637 05974 02036 00610 01251 05505 04549 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 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1995 1995 1995 1995 01485 00343 02388 02389 VR VR VR VR VR 1995 1996 1998 1997 2000 07313 02834 03452 01871 00390 VR 2000 01309 VR 2002 00238 VR 2001 04400 VR 2001 00314 VR VR VR VR 2001 2001 2001 2002 00315 02375 01981 00212 VR 2002 00227 VR 2002 00203 VR 2002 00223 VR 2002 00228 VR VR VR VR 2001 2002 2002 2002 03825 00260 00267 00270 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 00254 00195 00261 00213 00209 00253 00196 00239 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 00255 04929 00240 00206 00265 00226 00256 00208 00210 00230 00229 00273 00243 00246 00187 00250 00249 00276 00220 00222 00277 00236 00274 00218 00258 00193 00248 00214 00251 00221 VR VR VR VR 2002 2002 2002 2002 00202 00204 00235 00231 Dansk Varemærketidende VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 04519 04520 04526 04548 04569 04570 04580 04583 04584 04595 04596 04603 04609 04616 04629 04645 04646 04661 04665 04666 04667 04683 04684 04721 04722 04753 04754 04755 04762 04764 04765 04777 04786 04787 04788 04793 04811 04812 00008 00009 00010 00025 00026 00029 00036 00099 00100 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002-01-30 00194 00219 00241 00197 00247 00252 00266 00269 00198 00245 00244 00262 00211 00237 00217 00189 00190 00257 00232 00233 00234 00259 00184 00215 00216 00199 00200 00201 00207 00191 00192 00275 00185 00186 00188 00242 00224 00225 00268 00271 00272 VR 2002 00205 VR 2002 00263 VR 2002 00264 361 Navneregister 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Navneregister Register over mærker nævnt i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk orden efter indehaver (730) Indehaver (210) Ans. nr./(111) Reg. nr. A & O JOHANSEN A/S, BRØDRENE A I IMPEX APS AALBORG STIFTSTIDENDE A/S ACCO WORLD CORPORATION, ADAM OPEL AG ADAM OPEL AG ADVOKATGRUPPEN ADMINISTRATION APS AKVA WATERBEDS APS AKVA WATERBEDS APS AKZO NOBEL DECORATIVE COATINGS LIMITED ALCATEL CABLE INTERFACE, SOCIETE ANONYME ALCON UNIVERSAL LTD. ALCON UNIVERSAL LTD. ALCON UNIVERSAL LTD. ALCON UNIVERSAL LTD. ALTO WYNLANDGOED ANETTE HAUCH DESIGN APOLLINARIS BRUNNEN AG APOTEKEREN A.M.B.A. ARLA FOODS AMBA ARLA FOODS AMBA ARMKEL, LLC ARMKEL, LLC ARMKEL, LLC ASCOM AUDIOSYS AG ASTRAZENECA AB AVENTIS CROPSCIENCE SA AVENTIS PASTEUR LIMITED/AVENTIS PASTEUR LIMITED AVESTAPOLARIT AB B. A. P. / BRDR. ALEX PETERSEN APS B. A. P. / BRDR. ALEX PETERSEN APS BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC., BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT BECO CONSULT APS BECTON DICKINSON INFUSION THERAPY AB BENNEKOU, SIGNE BERLINGSKE DAGBLADE A/S, DE BERLINGSKE DAGBLADE A/S, DE BERLINGSKE DAGBLADE A/S, DE BERNDORF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT BLÅ AVIS A/S, DEN BLÅ AVIS A/S, DEN BMF BYGNINGSBESLAG A/S BOARDS & MORE AG BOARDS & MORE AG BOARDS & MORE AG BOARDS & MORE AG BOARDS & MORE AG BOFORS, AKTIEBOLAGET BOLIG-SIDEN.DK BOLSIUS INTERNATIONAL B.V. BOMBARDIER INC. BONE'S CENTRALLAGER APS BONE'S CENTRALLAGER APS BONE'S CENTRALLAGER APS BONE'S CENTRALLAGER APS BONE'S CENTRALLAGER APS BONE'S CENTRALLAGER APS BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION, BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COM BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COM BURGER, JACOBUS FRANCOIS C. JOSEF LAMY GMBH CAMPBELL SOUP SWEDEN AB CAMPINA MELKUNIE B.V. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA CARL ZEISS, FIRMAET 362 VA VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1998 2001 1992 1982 1992 1992 2002 2002 2002 1972 1992 1982 1992 1992 1992 1972 2002 1942 2002 1972 2002 1986 1987 1987 1982 1992 1992 04891 03146 00570 00276 00591 00981 00251 00191 00192 02341 03567 01812 04415 04421 04471 01930 00270 00303 00243 00205 00204 02674 00012 01443 01990 00438 04556 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 1996 2002 2002 1982 1962 1992 1981 2001 1992 1992 1992 1982 1992 1992 1999 1982 1984 1984 1990 1993 1972 2001 1992 1982 1991 1992 1995 1998 2000 2000 1992 00247 02834 00224 00225 00246 00226 00456 04138 02724 00570 00783 00784 00892 04326 04327 02913 02082 00264 00445 02115 02036 00118 04457 00467 01540 02221 03518 00343 03452 00390 01309 00604 VR 1992 00191 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1992 1992 1952 1992 1992 1992 00192 02184 06335 00741 00213 01047 02537 CARTOON NETWORK LP, LLLP A DELAWARE LIMITED LIA CASCO NOBEL AKTIEBOLAG CASCO NOBEL AKTIEBOLAG CASCO NOBEL AKTIEBOLAG CASTELLI S.P.A. CASTIT CHEMISE LACOSTE, SOCIETE ANONYME, LA 1 CHRISTENSEN, VIGGO KIM CHRYSLER CORPORATION, CLAIRE PRODUCTION BY FJAND-TEX A/S CLARK EQUIPMENT COMPANY, CONCORDI CONTECH CONVERSE INC., CORDIS CORPORATION, CRAY VALLEY LTD. CREUNA A/S CUETARA, S.A. DAGBLADET BØRSEN A/S DAGBLADET BØRSEN A/S DAHL+FOG MANAGEMENT APS DANDY A/S DANISCO A/S DANISCO CULTOR SWEDEN AB DANSK FOLKEFERIE DANSK STANDARD DANSK TYGGEGUMMI FABRIK A/S DANSKE INVEST ADMINISTRATION A/S DEADLINE GOLF DET BERLINGSKE OFFICIN A/S DET BERLINGSKE OFFICIN A/S DEUTSCHE HERRENWASCHE-FABRIKEN DORNBUSCH & CO DIAS DANMARK A.M.B.A. DIE BERGKELDER BEPERK DIE BERGKELDER BEPERK DISTILLEERDERIJEN ERVEN LUCAS BOLS B.V. DNP DENMARK A/S DOETSCH, GRETHER & CIE AG DOLU, ALI DSM N.V. DSM N.V., DUL, BARIS DUNHILL TOBACCO OF LONDON LIMITED DURA HOLDING A/S DURASCAN MEDICAL PRODUCTS A/S DURASCAN MEDICAL PRODUCTS A/S DURASCAN MEDICAL PRODUCTS A/S E. REMY MARTIN & CO. S.A. EAGLE FAMILY FOODS, INC. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EASY CARGO SYSTEMS A/S EATON AEROQUIP INC. ECCO SKO A/S ED. LAURENS LIMITED EDWARDS, VINA LUIS FELIPE E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY, E.K. GREEN & COMPANY LIMITED EMI RECORDS LIMITED ERHVERVSFREMME STYRELSEN ERIC RAHMQVIST AB ESTRATEGIA TELEVISA, S.A. DE C.V. ESTRATEGIA TELEVISA, S.A. DE C.V. EURALIS, SOCIETE ANONYME EXIDE DANMARK A/S FAKTA A/S FDB FEMILET A/S FERTIN PHARMA A/S FITTNESS HOLDING DENMARK FONA GRUPPEN A/S FONDEN FOR DE SAMVIRKENDE OMSORGSKLUBBER I DA FORLAGET BØRSEN, A/S FORLAGET BØRSEN, A/S FORMES A/S FOSROC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED FRANQUET, S.A., ETABLISSEMENTS FRELSENS HÆRS BYGNINGS- OG FORRETNINGS AKTIES FRELSENS HÆRS BYGNINGS- OG FORRETNINGS AKTIES FRELSENS HÆRS BYGNINGS- OG FORRETNINGS AKTIES VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 1962 1962 1962 1972 2002 1992 2002 1992 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 2002 1992 2002 1992 2002 2002 2002 1962 2002 1989 2002 1952 1992 2002 2002 1992 1992 00203 00177 00178 00179 00780 00197 02992 00195 00141 00860 08484 05360 04984 01116 00223 02507 00253 00738 00229 00230 00237 01116 00217 00886 00211 00052 00971 00275 00228 00783 00784 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1992 1972 1992 1992 2002 1972 2001 1992 1952 2002 1972 2001 1992 1992 1992 1942 1992 1992 2002 1952 2002 2002 2002 1992 1972 1926 2002 1992 2002 2002 1982 2002 1982 2002 2002 1992 1992 1982 01560 00136 01644 02678 05880 00188 01188 01165 03217 00532 00239 00517 04929 00324 00484 00485 00204 00976 04452 00218 00187 00262 00259 00254 01631 02134 00011 00202 01132 00185 00186 01452 00242 01776 00274 00235 03416 04322 00186 VR VR VR VR VR VR 1982 1992 1992 1992 1982 1992 00248 00783 00784 00318 01838 03271 VA 2002 00025 VA 2002 00026 VA 2002 00029 Dansk Varemærketidende FRESENIUS AG FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE DEUTSCHLAND GMBH F.S. CONCEPTS, INC., FUJI OIL CO., LTD. FYENS STIFTSTIDENDE A/S GA MODEFINE S.A. GATES CORPORATION,, THE GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION, GEOFFREY, INC., GEOFFREY, INC., GIANNI VERSACE S.P.A. GLYNWED INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY GOBI SUPERMARKED A/S GOBI SUPERMARKED A/S GOBI SUPERMARKED A/S GRANDS MOULINS DE PANTIN GREITER AG HANSEN, KASHA HANSENGROUP A/S HANSENGROUP A/S HANSENGROUP A/S HARBOES BRYGGERI A/S HARBOES BRYGGERI A/S HELTSOLGT HENRY C. COLLISON & SONS LIMITED HERTZ SYSTEM, INC., HERTZ SYSTEM, INC., HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT HOTEL GULDSMEDEN APS HUCK INTERNATIONAL, INC., HUNTSMAN FILM PRODUCTS CORPORATION IDO KYLPYHUONE OY IDRÆTSSAMVIRKET ÅRHUS IMD-INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MANAGEMENT DEVELOP IMERCO A.M.B.A. IMERCO A.M.B.A. IMERCO A.M.B.A. IMI NORGREN, INC., A CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF INCO DANMARK A.M.B.A. INCO DANMARK A.M.B.A. INDIA GEWURZ-WERK GMBH INHOCO 2173 LIMITED INT MEDIA GROUP, INCORPORATED INTERNATIONAL COMPUTERS LIMITED INTERNATIONAL TRUCK AND ENGINE CORPORATION IRMA A/S ITT INDUSTRIES, INC., IVARSSON HOLDING A/S IVARSSON HOLDING A/S IVARSSON HOLDING A/S IVARSSON HOLDING A/S J. VAN MEETEREN VERKOOPKANTOOR B.V. JALLATTE S.A. JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V. JEANJER, LTD., JENSEN, BODIL EGSMOSE JENSEN, ERLING ROSENDAHL JENSEN, JAN LUND JOH. WINKLHOFER & SOHNE GMBH UND CO. KG JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, JORDAAN, ERNST GABRIEL JORDAAN, JACOBUS NICOLAAS PETRUS JORSAL, STEEN BOYE JYDSKE VESTKYSTEN A/S VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1982 1967 1982 1982 2002 05170 05507 00143 02675 00570 01946 00613 03117 00261 00267 00238 VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VG VR VR VA 1971 2002 2002 2002 1992 1992 2001 2002 2002 2002 1992 1992 2002 1992 1992 1992 1992 1972 2002 1962 1972 2002 1999 03317 00232 00233 00234 00945 05162 02150 00268 00271 00272 05054 05056 00198 01538 06156 06389 01595 01591 00246 00076 00214 00266 01874 VR VR VR VR 1992 1975 1995 1995 02321 01067 02388 02389 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1982 2002 2002 1992 1977 2002 2001 00199 00263 00264 02422 01107 00196 04400 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 2002 1972 2002 2002 2002 2002 1992 1992 1962 1992 2002 1989 1997 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 2002 1992 1992 1992 1992 03213 00194 00270 00236 00199 00200 00201 00983 04820 01012 00888 00241 01412 01871 00609 00539 00717 00880 01491 02051 02351 01008 01201 03462 03463 03464 03999 05303 05359 05398 05853 00248 02185 02185 05327 00570 JYLLANDSPOSTEN A/S JYLLANDSPOSTEN A/S JØRGENSEN, FINN BRØGGER KAPMAN AB KBUS 8 NR 1780, APS KENNAMETAL INC., KFUMS IDRÆTSFORBUND I DANMARK KLIPDRIFT BRANDEWYN MAATSKAPPY KMD A/S KODAK A/S KONGSKILDE INDUSTRIES A/S KRAFT FOODS AS KRIZIA S.P.A. K.S. PAUL PRODUCTS LIMITED LAROUSSE-BORDAS, SOCIETE ANONYME LEVITON MANUFACTURING CO., INC. L'OREAL SOCIETE ANONYME LZ 2000 APS LÆGEFORENINGENS FORLAG LÆGEKREDSFORENINGEN FOR ÅRHUS AMT MAILLEFER INSTRUMENTS HOLDING S.A. MAILLEFER INSTRUMENTS TRADING SARL MANOEL D. POCAS JUNIOR - VINHOS S.A. MAQUET AG MEJERIGAARDEN HOLDING A/S MELITTA HAUSHALTSPRODUKTE GMBH & CO. KOMMANDI MICROSOFT CORPORATION, MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, A MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, A MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, A MINOLTA KABUSHIKI KAISHA MONSANTO TECHNOLOGY LLC. MOREL (UK) LIMITED MOTT'S INC., MOTT'S INC., M-REAL CORPORATION MUNDIPHARMA AG MUNDIPHARMA AG NAVIGARE NCSOFT CORPORATION NETNORD A/S NEUROSEARCH A/S NN NN NN NORDDEUTSCHE AFFINERIE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT NORDISK RADIO REKLAME A/S NORDISK TOBAKS KOMPAGNI A/S NORDISK TOBAKS KOMPAGNI A/S NOVO NORDISK A/S NOVO NORDISK A/S OLYMPIA INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED ONCOR INTERNATIONAL LTD. OPSIS AB PAARL WINE AND BRANDY COMPANY LIMITED PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION, PARSONS CHAIN COMPANY LIMITED PARSTRONIC DATA PEDERSEN, KENTH TOR SØREN PEN-SAM PEN-SAM PERSONELL - THE OUTDOORWEARSHOP AB PERSSON, ALLAN PETERSEN, PREBEN L. PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL, INC. POLITIKENS HUS A/S POLITIKENS HUS A/S PPG INDUSTRIES OHIO, INC. PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY,, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE HOLDING GMBH PROCTER & GAMBLE HOLDING GMBH 2002-01-30 VR VR VR VR VA VR FR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1992 2002 1992 1987 1972 2002 1992 2002 1952 1980 1992 1982 1972 1992 1972 2002 1995 2002 2002 1992 2002 2002 1982 2002 00783 00784 00258 01737 00124 01131 00001 02398 00184 00753 01019 04824 00296 01139 00241 01314 00252 07313 00261 00213 05974 00250 00187 00865 00221 VR 1942 00418 VR 1992 04650 VR 1982 01923 VR 1992 04997 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1992 1982 2001 1992 1982 1992 1992 1982 1982 2002 2002 1992 2002 1952 1952 1952 04998 00731 02375 00845 01891 00197 01324 01998 01999 00257 00209 05637 00265 00860 00861 00862 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1972 2002 1992 1994 2002 2002 1992 1992 1990 1992 1982 1972 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 1972 1992 1992 1992 1972 1972 1972 1982 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1982 1982 01184 00226 00493 04549 00214 00240 02415 02228 07239 02399 00209 01563 00206 00227 00208 00210 00315 03825 03825 01818 00783 00784 00276 00259 01335 01434 01087 00169 00517 00855 01576 04132 04567 00336 00534 363 2002-01-30 PROCTER & GAMBLE HOLDING GMBH PROCTER & GAMBLE LIMITED PROTELLUS APS PROTELLUS APS P:T CLOTHING A/S REALKREDIT DANMARK A/S RECKITT BENCKISER INC. REC-LINE, REIMER, KASPER ERLAND REIMER, KASPER ERLAND REIMER, KASPER ERLAND RHODIA INC RHODIA INC RHODIA INC RHODIA INC RHONE-POULENC AGRICULTURE LIMITED RYVITA COMPANY LIMITED, THE S. DYRUP & CO. A/S SACHTLEBEN CHEMIE GMBH SALANT CORPORATION, SARA, IBRAHIM SCANCOM INTERNATIONAL A/S SCANCOM INTERNATIONAL A/S SCANDINAVIAN LEISURE GROUP AB SCANDINAVIAN LEISURE GROUP AB SCANDINAVIAN PUBLISHING GROUP A/S SCANDINAVIAN PUBLISHING GROUP A/S SCHWEPPES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SCHWEPPES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SEGA ENTERPRISES, KABUSHIKI KAISHA SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. SHOE-D-VISION AMBA SIAM WOODEN PRODUCTS CO., LTD SIMOLUX APS SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. SONNE, HENRIETTE SPAREKASSEN LOLLAND SPEA INDUSTRIA NAZIONALE PELLETTERIE S.R.L. SPEJDER SPORT A/S SPRAYING SYSTEMS CO., SUNSTAR INC. SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION SWEDISH MATCH CIGARETTES AB SWEDISH MATCH CIGARETTES AB TDC A/S TECHNAL TEKNOLOGISK INSTITUT TELENORDIC THERMOS KK THERMOS KK THERMOS KK THERMOS KK THERMOS KK THOMSON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SALES GMBH TITAN A/S TRELLEBORG TYPEHUSE HOLDING, A/S TRUFFLE CAFE COPENHAGEN A/S TRYK SYSTEM APS UDENRIGS-HANDELSKALENDEREN APS UITKYK FARM ESTATES UNIDENT AB UNISA AMERICA, INC., URBAN JURGENSEN & SØNNERS EFTERFØLGER APS USA BASKETBALL VALSEMØLLEN AF 1899 A/S VALSEMØLLEN AF 1899 A/S VEEDOL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN A/S VINA DONA PAULA S.A. VINGAARDEN A/S VISKASE CORPORATION, V&S VIN & SPRIT AB WAGTBERG, RENE WEATHER REPORT SPORTSWEAR AB WELLBELOVE, BRIAN M. WRANG-JØRGENSEN, JESPER WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY,, WM. XPON DISPLAY APS ZOOM, KABUSHIKI KAISHA ZUCHTER DES HOLSTEINER PFERDES MI, VERBAND DER ÅRHUS STIFTSTIDENDE A/S 364 Dansk Varemærketidende VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VA VA VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VR VR VR VR VR 1982 1932 2002 2002 2000 1982 1995 1992 2001 2001 2001 1954 1994 1995 1995 1972 2002 1972 1982 1962 2002 2002 2002 1991 1991 2002 2002 1992 1992 1992 2000 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2002 1992 2000 2002 1992 1992 1972 1992 2002 1992 2002 2001 1957 1958 1974 1977 1991 01028 00562 00260 00267 03215 00268 01485 00371 03621 03624 03625 00729 01251 00610 05505 01268 00249 00493 01023 00369 00239 00220 00222 00782 01140 00215 00216 00529 01440 01565 05044 00244 00276 00277 00205 03567 00231 00261 04357 00255 04543 02099 00397 03904 00212 03597 00256 03140 00578 00902 00491 02155 07820 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 1982 1992 1982 2002 2002 1972 1992 2001 1992 00438 02201 01822 00245 00219 00419 02186 00314 05914 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VA VA VR VR VR VR 1992 1992 2002 2002 1992 2002 2002 1972 1952 1992 2002 1995 2001 1992 2002 2001 1992 05522 04497 00189 00190 03828 00273 00207 00129 00238 00590 00269 01904 02869 02815 00193 01981 00849 FR 1982 00023 VR 1992 00570 Mærkeregister Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Mærkeregister Register over mærker offentliggjort som registreret i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk rækkefølge efter mærketekst (540) Mærke En at tale med TDC børns vilkår (fig) (fig) (fig) AKVARIUM (w) APOFEN (w) AQUARIUM (w) B. A. P. BRDR ALEX PETERSEN COPENHAGEN (fig) B. A. P. (w) B (fig) Bageriet (fig) Bendtzen (w) BJØRN'S (w) Bodille Design (fig) Branit (w) BRIG'S (w) Børsen Executive Club (fig) BØRSEN EXECUTIVE CLUB (w) CARBOPLYIN (w) CASTIT (w) CHUG (w) CREUNA (w) Dermo-kosmetisk Hudpleje Center (fig) Det Digitale Fingeraftryk (w) Det Originale Aftryk (w) DOÑA PAULA (w) Dr. med. Max Riese (fig) easy4WARD (w) ecco (fig) EJENDOMSTORVET (w) feel it (fig) Fisk&Smag (fig) GOBI (fig) GOBI VIN (w) GOBI (w) Guld Posten (fig) HANSENCELL (w) HANSENFASAD (w) HANSENFENSTER (w) HeltSolgt (fig) HJEMMETANDLÆGEN Vi kommer hjem til dig (fig) HoboMnkc (fig) Hotel Guldsmeden (fig) INFOFORM AIR PICTURE SYSTEM (fig) INKASSOGRUPPEN (fig) Irma City Meal (fig) ISMANDENS FAMILIE PAKKE (w) ivargreen (w) ivarit-Unico (w) ivarment (w) JUBILEE (w) KFUMs Idrætsforbund i Danmark (fig) KORT DATO (fig) LANGHUS (w) learning partner (w) Lineage (w) LUIS FELIPE EDWARDS (w) Lægeforeningens Medicinfortegnelse (w) MEDICUS (w) MOTIVE FORCE batteri service (fig) NAVIGARE (fig) Noahs Ret (w) NordiNet (w) ParsTronic (w) PermaNet (fig) PHYZYME (w) POLE2POLE (fig) PORSGRUND BAD (fig) POSEIDON PHARMACEUTICALS (w) POWERPUFF PIGERNE (w) Q feel it (fig) QWIKPATCH (w) (111) Reg. nr. VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 FR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 VR 2002 00212 00186 00275 00191 00243 00192 00225 00224 00190 00189 00220 00249 00241 00236 00187 00229 00230 00250 00197 00204 00253 00252 00260 00267 00207 00248 00218 00262 00184 00216 00263 00232 00233 00234 00227 00272 00271 00268 00198 00237 00214 00246 00258 00251 00194 00221 00201 00200 00199 00259 00001 00219 00274 00256 00209 00254 00261 00213 00242 00257 00239 00240 00206 00273 00217 00195 00266 00265 00203 00215 00223 R B (fig) R B (fig) ROCK KLASSIKER (w) SIMOLUX (fig) SMAG FOR HAVBRUGS FISK (fig) SPRAYLOGIC (w) TASTEFULLY ENGLISH (w) Televisa (fig) THE COUNTER (w) THE JACKET (w) TID TIL GOD TID (w) TrendVisionInternational (w) truffle café (w) TUBERTEST (w) UZH (w) VERSUS (w) VIEWFLEX (w) VINBUSSEN (fig) Viva VIVA FEMILETMAISON DE LINGERIE (fig) Voilá (fig) Weather-Tex (w) workindenmark.dk (fig) WRIGLEY'S EXTRA POLAR ICE (w) www.spardirekte.dk (fig) 2002-01-30 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 00208 00210 00226 00277 00264 00255 00205 00185 00196 00228 00211 00270 00245 00247 00244 00238 00188 00269 00235 00276 00222 00202 00193 00231 365 Klasseregister 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Klasseregister Register over mærker off. som registreret i dette tidende angivet efter klasse (551) Klasse 01 03 03 03 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 366 (111) Reg. nr. VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 00217 00238 00248 00262 00214 00237 00243 00247 00248 00250 00265 00273 00199 00200 00201 00236 00268 00271 00272 00184 00188 00196 00206 00209 00212 00226 00238 00242 00255 00257 00258 00261 00277 00191 00192 00223 00237 00266 00273 00277 00241 00244 00262 00184 00188 00195 00211 00212 00215 00216 00219 00226 00227 00228 00229 00230 00241 00261 00263 00264 00270 00274 00238 00244 00262 00191 00192 00199 00200 00201 00236 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 00268 00271 00272 00191 00192 00220 00268 00271 00272 00222 00273 00212 00224 00225 00235 00238 00244 00257 00262 00263 00264 00274 00228 00241 00276 00194 00204 00239 00263 00264 00189 00190 00193 00194 00204 00205 00221 00239 00245 00249 00194 00201 00217 00239 00194 00187 00194 00207 00232 00233 00234 00254 00269 00259 00189 00190 00194 00197 00202 00212 00213 00227 00231 00232 00233 00234 00237 00251 00253 00256 00257 00260 00267 00269 00270 00198 00208 00210 00231 00237 00251 00275 00184 00242 00268 Dansk Varemærketidende 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 44 44 VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR FR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR FR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002-01-30 00271 00272 00184 00185 00186 00203 00212 00226 00229 00230 00231 00253 00257 00211 00222 00242 00001 00185 00186 00188 00197 00202 00203 00208 00209 00210 00211 00212 00227 00228 00229 00230 00253 00256 00257 00260 00261 00267 00270 00001 00184 00189 00190 00196 00198 00202 00203 00206 00211 00212 00213 00218 00229 00230 00240 00251 00253 00256 00257 00265 00245 00246 00208 00210 00237 00252 367 Offentliggørelse af internationale registreringer 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Offentliggørelse af registreringer (111) Reg. nr.: MP439180 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-20 Indsigelsesfristen udløber 2 måneder fra dato, jf. §23 i bekendtgørelse nr. 1264 af 23 december 1996 (111) Reg. nr.: MP349864 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-10 (730) Indehaver: Tecniplast Gazzada S.r.l., 6, Via I Maggio, I-21020 Buguggiate, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NOTARBARTOLO & GERVASI S.p.A., Corso di Porta Vittoria, 9, I-20122 Milano, , Italien (511) Klasse 09: Scientific apparatus and in particular, equipment for laboratory animals. (800) International registreringsdato: 1998-07-11 Gazette No.: 12/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP452074 (730) Indehaver: Rieker-Schuh GmbH, Gänsäcker 31, D-78532 Tuttlingen/ Möhringen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dipl.-Phys. Claus Pöhlau, Dr.-Ing. Walter Köhler, Dipl.-Phys. Wolfgang Segeth Patentanwälte, Merianstrasse 26, D-90409 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 25: Shoes. (800) International registreringsdato: 1988-10-10 Gazette No.: 11/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP389393 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-29 VERONICA (730) Indehaver: Nedac Sorbo Groep B.V., Innovatie 1, NL-6921 RN Duiven, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Keesom & Hendriks N.V., Postbus 85538, NL-2508 CE LA HAYE, Holland (511) Klasse 25: Stockings, socks, stockings combined with panties and tops. (800) International registreringsdato: 1992-06-29 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2000-04-17 Deltafol (730) Indehaver: EWALD DÖRKEN AG, 58, Wetterstrasse, D-58313 HERDECKE, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dipl.-Ing. C. Köchling und Kollegen Patentanwälte, 135, Fleyer Strasse , D-58097 Hagen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 17: Plastic sheets reinforced with large-mesh nettings, fabrics or material layers; waterproof and insulating sheets of plastic materials as well as insulants made from such materials; small greenhouses made of plastic sheets reinforced with large-mesh nettings, fabrics or material layers. (511) Klasse 22: Goods made of plastic sheets reinforced with large-mesh nettings, fabrics or material layers, namely tarpaulins, tarpaulins for storage and for horticulture; tarpaulins made of plastic sheets reinforced with fabrics, nettings or material layers. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-04-16 Gazette No.: 12/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP479078 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-01 LANCE (730) Indehaver: BASF Aktiengesellschaft, 38, Carl-Bosch-Strasse, D67063 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in horticulture and forestry; natural and synthetic fertilizers; agents used for improving soils, including peat, substrates for growing plants, compost; growth inhibitors. (511) Klasse 05: Products for weed and pest control as well as for preventing the growth of mushrooms and spores; preparations for disinfecting soils, inoculation agents for seeds. (800) International registreringsdato: 1983-09-06 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP535535 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-03 Alpina (730) Indehaver: Alois Pöschl GmbH & Co KG, 1, Dieselstrasse, D-84144 Geisenhausen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 34: Chewing and snuff tobacco. (800) International registreringsdato: 1989-03-02 Gazette No.: 1/2001 368 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP621164 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-24 (111) Reg. nr.: MP660010 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-23 Patio-Wohnart ganz natürlich (730) Indehaver: GARANT-MÖBEL, ARCHITEKT JOSEF LAUTEN KG, 143, Hauptstrasse, D-33378 RHEDA-WIEDENBRÜCK, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Rechtsanwälte Hierseman, , Schils und Partner, 19, Barkeystrasse, D-33330 GÜTERSLOH, Tyskland (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, mirrors, padded furniture ,namely mattresses and pillows, included in this class, beds (furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advice when buying furnuture, advice relating to the presentation of articles for sale, to the design of sales´areas, including internal organisation and the operation and delivery ; design and use of a advertising means. (511) Klasse 42: Services of a designer, particularly the design and carrying out of interior design and components related to interior design. (800) International registreringsdato: 1994-04-28 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP635158 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-09 (730) Indehaver: Bertoldo & C. S.r.L., Via Robassomero 8, I-10078 Venaria Reale (TO), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: JACOBACCI & PERANI S.P.A., Corso Regio Parco, 27, I-10152 Torino, Italien (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, electrical, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, monitoring (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines and data processing equipment; fire extinguishers. (800) International registreringsdato: 1995-05-11 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP642129 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-11 CATIMINI (730) Indehaver: CATIMINI, Société par Actions Simplifiée, 94, rue Choletaise, F-49450 SAINT MACAIRE EN MAUGES, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Groupe Zannier, - Service Juridique Laurence Sermet-Colly, Zone Industrielle du Clos Marquet BP 88, F42402 Saint Chamond Cedex, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Sunglasses and sunglasses frames; sound recording carriers, in particular, recorded diskettes and cassettes; visual recording carriers, in particular, video cassettes. (800) International registreringsdato: 1995-08-01 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP644430A (730) Indehaver: Masterfil SRL, Via B. Buozzi 90, Zona Industriale D, I06030 Giano Dell Umbria (PG), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SNEIDER Massimo, c/o Studio Tecnico Lenzi, 13, via Lucania, I-00187 Roma, Italien (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, including boots, shoes and slippers. (800) International registreringsdato: 1996-05-28 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP687528 (800) Design. dato: 1998-01-07 NORMA (730) Indehaver: Rasmussen GmbH, 4, Edisonstrasse, D-64377 Maintal, Tyskland (740/750) National fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Goods made of metal, included in this class, namely fittings, fastening parts, mounting parts, connecting parts, holding parts, couplings, plugging and joining parts including clamps and clips as well as clamping and holding straps, all for hoses, tubes and lines. (511) Klasse 17:Goods made of plastic, included in this class, namely fittings, fastening parts, mounting parts, connecting parts, holding parts, couplings, plugging and joining parts, including clamps and clips as well as clamping and holding straps, all for hoses, tubes and lines. (800) International registreringsdato: 1998-01-07 Gazette No.: 04/1998 (800) Design. dato: 1995-10-05 BI VIT (730) Indehaver: Bivit naamloze vennootschap, 58, Monnikenwerve, B8000 Brugge, Belgien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BIVIT INTERNATIONAL, besloten vennootschap, met beperkte aansprakelijkheid, 31, Hikstraat, B-2200 HERENTALS, Belgien (511) Klasse 05: Vitamins; mineral preparations not included in other classes; dietetic substances for medical use; herb mixtures as medicinal or pharmaceutical additives for animal feed. (511) Klasse 31: Animal feed. (800) International registreringsdato: 1995-10-05 Gazette No.: 4/2001 369 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP690043 (800) Design. dato: 1997-12-01 (730) Indehaver: SCHWEIZ. ELEKTROTECHNISHER VEREIN, 1, Luppmenstrasse, CH-8320 Fehraltorf, Schweiz (740/750) National fuldmægtig: Giersing & Stellinger Patentbureau A/S, Teglporten 3, 3460 Birkerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Advertizing; business management and organization consultancy; information on company business, particularly relating to failsafe system issues. (511) Klasse 36: Technical services in the field of insurances, real estate operations; finance; consultancy and information in connection with insurance, real estate and financial operations, particulary relating to security. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; information on telecommunications. (511) Klasse 42: Consultancy pertaining to research and development, data processing and computer software as well as legal problems, all these services particularly in connection with fail-safe systems; consultancy on telecommunications. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 1997-05-29 CH 447582 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 1997-12-01 Gazette No.: 07/1998 (111) Reg. nr.: MP703837 (111) Reg. nr.: MP714851 (730) Indehaver: Heinrich Deichmann-Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG, Boehnertweg 9, D-45359 Essen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Klaka Rechtsanwälte, 4, Delpstrasse D-81679 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Pocket calculators; spectacles cases; mouse pads; sunglasses; CDs, music cassettes; helmets; reflectors for clothing, satchels and umbrellas. (511) Klasse 11: Reflectors for spokes. (511) Klasse 14: Key ring pendants; watches, alarm clocks; pin-on buttons. (511) Klasse 16: Pencil cases; rubbers, rulers; pencil sharpeners; exercise books, writing pads, timetables, stickers. (511) Klasse 18: Satchels; rucksacks, bags for sports clothes; purses; money bags, belt bags. (511) Klasse 21: Bread boxes, drinking vessels. (511) Klasse 25: T-shirts, caps, headbands, scarfs; clothing for inline skaters; shoes of all kinds. (511) Klasse 28: Inline skates; balls; elbows and knee guards (sports articles). (800) International registreringsdato: 1998-12-03 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP717139 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-21 ISH (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-08 SPHINX TILES (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-06 (730) Indehaver: Trega International B.V., 30, Borgharenweg, NL-6222 AA Maastricht, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Shield Mark B.V., Postbus 75683, NL-1070 AR Amsterdam, Holland (511) Klasse 01: Adhesives (adhesive materials) included in this class, particularly for tile covering. (511) Klasse 19: Nonmetallic construction materials, particularly tiles. (511) Klasse 27: Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering floor; nontextile wall hangings. (800) International registreringsdato: 1998-11-04 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (730) Indehaver: Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, D60327 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Eder & Schieschke, 34 II, Elisabethstrasse, D-80796 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Advertisement; marketing; management; company administration; office functions; organization and arranging of exhibitions and fairs for commercial purposes and for advertisement purposes; rental of advertising media and advertising material. (511) Klasse 41: Education; training; entertainment; sports activities and cultural activities; organization and arranging of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; organization and arranging of seminars, conferences and symposia. (800) International registreringsdato: 1999-06-08 Gazette No.: 6/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP711896 (111) Reg. nr.: MP722020 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-06 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-19 NEFA ZON (730) Indehaver: Lacufa AG, Lacke und Farben, 141, Schnellerstrasse, D12439 Berlin, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Anwaltssozietät P.-C. Sroka, Dr. W.-D Feder J. Sroka, Postfach 11 10 38, D-40510 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals for industrial use, materials for hydraulically preserving and waterproofing cement and concrete, unprocessed artificial resins in powdered, granular or liquid form as admixtures for construction materials, adhesives used in industry, adhesives for wallpaper. (511) Klasse 02: Paints, dyestuffs, coloring pastes, varnishes, lacquers, preservatives against rust and deterioration of wood, surfacer (included in this class), fillers; agglutinants for paints, bactericidal and fungicidal paints, thinners. (511) Klasse 17: Protective agents for buildings, namely sealing compounds and water repellent agents, insulating materials, fire-retardant materials. (511) Klasse 19: Natural and artificial stones, construction materials (not of metal), mortar for use in construction, adhesive materials for construction purposes, synthetic coatings (construction materials). (800) International registreringsdato: 1998-08-05 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (730) Indehaver: Antula Healthcare AB, Odengatan 106, S-11322 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: LA Groth & Co KB, P O Box 6107, SE102 32 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations for external use. (500) Bemærkninger: Der er fundet 4 bærer af navnet "Zon". (800) International registreringsdato: 1999-10-28 Gazette No.: 5/2001 370 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP728087 (800) Design. dato: 1999-12-31 (111) Reg. nr.: MP740374 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-11 SMART MAILING DANIO (730) Indehaver: Frama AG, CH-3438 Lauperswil, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: R.A. Egli & Co Patentanwälte, 4, Horneggstrasse, CH-8008 Zurich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 07: Electric and electronic machines for opening mail. (511) Klasse 09: Computer software (recorded programs) for franking machines; computer-assisted and printer-assisted peripheral franking apparatus. (511) Klasse 16: Electric and electronic franking machines; office machines and apparatus, in particular franking machines; franking machines with or without digital printing technology. (800) International registreringsdato: 1999-12-31 Gazette No.: 5/2000 (730) Indehaver: COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE, 126-130, rue Jules Guesde, F-92300 Levallois Perret, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Benoît BARME Directeur Marques & Modèles GROUPE DANONE Direction Marques & Modèles, 7, rue de Téhéran; F-75008 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical confectionery, flour for pharmaceutical purposes, almond milk for pharmaceutical purposes; milk ferments for pharmaceutical purposes and lactose; dietetic products for medical use, medical preparations for slimming purposes, medicinal herbs, medicinal oils, medicinal infusions, sugar for medical purposes; nutritive substances for micro-organisms; vitamin preparations; baby food, namely lacteal flour, soups, dried soups, milks, powdered milk, fruit compotes, vegetable purées, vegetable purées in dried form, fruit and vegetable juices, cereal for babies. (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, ham, poultry, game, charcuterie; dried, preserved and/or cooked fruit and vegetables, compotes, jams, fruit sauces, jellies, consommés, soups; tinned food consisting mainly of meat, fish, ham, poultry, game and/or charcuterie; prepared, dried, cooked, preserved, deep-frozen dishes, consisting mainly of meat, fish, ham, poultry, game and/or charcuterie; savoury or sweet snack goods made with fruit or vegetables such as potatoes, flavoured or plain; crisps, mixed nuts, all nuts particularly prepared hazelnuts and walnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts; cocktail snacks made of charcuterie; milk, flavoured jellified milks and whipped milk products (except powdered milk); dairy products (except all dairy products in powdered form), namely milk desserts, yoghurts, drinking yoghurts, mousses, creams, cream puddings, crème fraîche, butter, cheese spreads, cheeses, ripened cheeses, mould-ripened cheeses, fresh unripened cheeses and cheeses in brine, soft white cheeses, strained soft white cheeses, fresh cheeses sold in paste or liquid form, flavoured or plain; beverages consisting mainly of milk or dairy products, milk beverages containing fruits; plain or flavoured fermented dairy products (except powdered milk and all dairy products in powdered form). (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, sugar, rice, puffed rice, tapioca; flours, tarts and pies (sweet or savoury), pizzas; plain, flavoured and/or filled pasta, cereal preparations, breakfast cereals; prepared meals consisting mainly of pasta; prepared dishes consisting mainly of cake pastry; bread, rusks, biscuits (sweet or savoury), wafers, waffles, cakes, pastries; all these goods being plain and/or topped and/or filled and/or flavoured; savoury or sweet cocktail snacks containing dough used for bakery, biscuits or pastries; confectionery products, edible ices, ices made entirely or partly with yoghurt, ice cream, sorbets (edible ices), frozen yoghurts (edible ices), frozen flavoured water, honey, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), sweet sauces, pasta sauces, spices. (511) Klasse 32: Beverages mainly consisting of lactic ferments. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-20 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP734099 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-07 BODY SPECIALS (730) Indehaver: Confendex B.V., h.o.d.n. Hunkemöller, 28, Liebergerweg, NL-1221 JS Hilversum, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Markgraaf B.V., Hogehilweg 3, NL1101 CA Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Holland (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, including underwear, headgear, footwear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-04-11 Gazette No.: 6/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP740186 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-11 HAUSSMANN JOUR (730) Indehaver: BANQUE WORMS S.A., Tour Voltaire, 1, Place des Degrés, La Défense, F-92800 Puteaux, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NONY & ASSOCIES, 29, Rue Cambacérès , F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 36: Financing, banking, insurance and investment services, exchange agencies, portfolio management, debt collection, issuing of travelers' checks and letters of credit, fund management and investment, underwriting and redemption of securities. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-11 Gazette No.: 19/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP740560 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-11 HAUSSMANN INDEX JAPON (730) Indehaver: BANQUE WORMS S.A., Tour Voltaire, 1, Place des Degrés, La Défense, F-92800 Puteaux, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NONY & ASSOCIES, 29, rue Cambacérès, F-75008 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 36: Financial, insurance, banking and investment services, bureaux de change, management of portfolios, debt-recovery, issuing of travellers' cheques and letters of credit, management and investment of funds, underwriting and redemption of securities. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-11 Gazette No.: 19/2000 371 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP740586 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-18 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741110 EMERICA (730) Indehaver: Pierre-André SENIZERGUES, 316, Buena Vista Street, Newport Beach CA 92661, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: GILBEY DE HAAS, 90, rue d'Amsterdam, F-75009 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitation leather articles, namely: bags for travel, wash bags, sports bags, rucksacks, beach bags, bags for campers, handbags, shopping bags, school satchels and bags, document wallets, wallets, purses not made of precious metal, key-cases, trunks, cases, suitcases; travel goods namely rucksacks, handbags, bags for campers, beach bags, bags for travel, sports bags, suitcases; wallets; purses not made of precious metal, keycases. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-18 Gazette No.: 19/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP740685 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-31 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-21 Klüberquiet (730) Indehaver: Klüber Lubrication München Geisenhausenerstrasse, D-81379 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 04: Technical oils and greases; lubricants. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-21 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741111 KG, 7, (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-21 Klüberrail (730) Indehaver: Klüber Lubrication München Geisenhausenerstrasse, D-81379 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 04: Technical oils and greases; lubricants. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-21 Gazette No.: 20/2000 KG, 7, BALTRA (111) Reg. nr.: MP741371 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-17 (730) Indehaver: Ruhrgas Aktiengesellschaft, 60, Huttropstrasse, D-45138 Essen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 37: Laying of pipelines. (511) Klasse 39: Operation of pipeline systems for the transport of fuels, in particular natural gas; transport and storage of fuels, in particular in underground porous rock reservoirs and storage caverns. (511) Klasse 42: Engineer services, in particular in the field of fuel transport; design of pipeline systems; project studies in the field of fuel transport. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-31 Gazette No.: 19/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP740821 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-25 SEPLEC (730) Indehaver: SOCIETE DES MOTEURS ELECTRIQUES, DE NORMANDIE, Route du Havre, F-76360 BARENTIN, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Martine BOURGUIGNON THOMSONCSF TPI/DJ Marques, 13, Avenue du Président Salvador Allende, F94117 ARCUEIL Cedex, Frankrig (511) Klasse 07: Electric motors and their control and power supply devices designed for ventilating, cooling and air conditioning. (511) Klasse 11: Electric motors and their control and power supply devices designed for ventilating, cooling and air conditioning. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-25 Gazette No.: 19/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP740951 (800) Design. dato: 2000-04-17 (730) Indehaver: ABB AB, Kopparbergsvägen 2, S-721 83 Västerås, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Jessica Ölvestad ABB, AB Patent, SE-721 78 Västeräs, Sverige (511) Klasse 07: Machines, namely turbines and generators for electricity production; parts of couplings of machines and parts for transmissions (not for vehicles on land); turbine driven apparatus for electricity production and energy storage. (511) Klasse 09: Electrical apparatus and instruments for control and supervision of electrical apparatus, motors and generators; transformers. (511) Klasse 42: Research, development work and engineering consulting for supervision and monitoring electrical apparatus such as transformers, motors and generators; measuring quantities, data acquisition and control of electrical quantities in electrical apparatus such as transformers, motors and generators. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-04-17 Gazette No.: 19/2000 372 (730) Indehaver: OPTICOS S.r.l., 2, via G. Terzi di Sant'Agata, I-24030 BREMBATE DI SOPRA BG, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: TRUPIANO Roberto BREVETTI EUROPA S.R.L., Corso di Porta Ticinese, I-20123 Milano Mi, Italien (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitation leather, goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins, pelts and hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-17 Gazette No.: 20/2000 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP741449 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-28 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741521 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-11 TRAXX (730) Indehaver: N.V. Verenigd Streekvervoer, Nederland, 300, Graadt van Roggenweg, NL-3531 AH UTRECHT, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Markgraaf B.V., Hogehilweg 3, NL1101 CA Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Holland (511) Klasse 12: Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, as well as parts and accessories thereof not included in other classes, such as luggage racks and mudguards. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials, not included in other classes; books, periodicals, newspapers, magazines, brochures, bulletins, leaflets, posters; calendars, cards, punching cards and other written and printed goods. (511) Klasse 35: Business related services; professional business consulting services relating to the use and marketing of equipment and materials; administrative coordination of after-sales services; administrative management of fleets of cars; business valuation services; organization of events and meetings for advertising purposes; market research and analysis for transport. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance and financial affairs, loans; hire-purchase services, more precisely for vehicles. (511) Klasse 37: Repair, maintenance and servicing of vehicles and parts thereof; cleaning; work relating to vehicle bodies, including conversion, repair and alteration of vehicle bodies; dismounting, upgrading and mounting of vehicle parts; vehicle service stations and vehicle washes. (511) Klasse 38. (511) Klasse 39: Transport services; services of regular lines for public transport by coach, bus, taxi and express tramway; transporting passengers and goods and information related thereto; drawing up of logistics plans related to transport and distribution (delivery); packaging and storage of goods; organization of trips, guided tours and excursions; escorting travellers; booking travel for passengers and goods; renting forms of transport and particularly vehicles. (511) Klasse 41: Organization of events and meetings for educational and entertainment purposes; publishing of books, periodicals and tourist guides; teaching, training and instructional services, relating to transport and/or mobility. (511) Klasse 42: Technical research and studies, particularly relating to transport; drafting of plans concerning regular servicing; inspection of motor vehicles; scientific research services relating to transport; development of the necessary infrastructure for telecommunication services, including networks, for mobile communication in the field of public transport, as well as consultation services related thereto; advice about transport technology as well as passenger mobility in relation to transport; logistics advice about transport and distribution (delivery); advice about the logistics of transporting passengers and goods and relating to the organization of trips and accommodation; medical services. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-28 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741462 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-22 SIKAMEMBRAN (730) Indehaver: Sika AG, vorm. Kaspar Winkler & Co (Sika SA, ci-devant Kaspar Winkler & Co) (Sika SA, gìa Kaspar Winkler & Co), Tüffenwies 16-22, Postfach, CH-8048 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 17: Plastic sealing sheets, in particular for construction purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-22 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741517 (730) Indehaver: HAYWARD POOL EUROPE SA, 6, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, F-78180 MONTIGNY LE BRETONNEUX, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET HELENE PETIT, 94, avenue Kléber, F-75116 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 07: Machine tools; pumps for swimming pools (machines); pumps for swimming pools (machine or engine parts); pump diaphragms; centrifuge pumps; engines, other than for land vehicles, hydraulic engines; hydraulic turbines, hydraulic controls for machines and engines; pressure regulators (machine parts); pressure valves (machine parts); feedwater regulators; water heaters (machine parts); valves (parts of machines). (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes for swimming pools; water supply installations; water distribution installations; water pipe installations; water distribution plants; water intake apparatus; installations, apparatus and machines for purifying swimming pool water; water softening apparatus and installations for swimming pools; chlorinating units for swimming pools; water filtering apparatus for swimming pools; hydrants; immersion heaters; whirlpool-jet apparatus; ornamental fountains. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-11 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741522 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-11 (730) Indehaver: HAYWARD POOL EUROPE SA, 6, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, F-78180 MONTIGNY LE BRETONNEUX, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET HELENE PETIT, 94, avenue Kléber, F-75116 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 07: Machine tools; pumps for swimming pools (machines); pumps for swimming pools (machine or engine parts); pump diaphragms; centrifuge pumps; engines, other than for land vehicles, hydraulic engines; hydraulic turbines, hydraulic controls for machines and engines; pressure regulators (machine parts); pressure valves (machine parts); feedwater regulators; water heaters (machine parts); valves (parts of machines). (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, signaling and emergency (life-saving) apparatus and instruments, automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tires, safety tarpaulins, luminous beacons, marking buoys, life buoys, signaling buoys, directional compasses, swimming belts, life belts, diving suits, fire escapes, life nets, divers' masks, breathing apparatus for underwater swimming, swimming floats, swimming straps, pince-nez, earplugs for divers. (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes for swimming pools; water supply installations; water distribution installations; water pipe installations; water distribution plants; water intake apparatus; installations, apparatus and machines for purifying swimming pool water; water softening apparatus and installations for swimming pools; chlorinating units for swimming pools; water filtering apparatus for swimming pools; hydrants; immersion heaters; whirlpool-jet apparatus; ornamental fountains. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-11 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-04 COMPACTIVE (730) Indehaver: Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin Michelin & Cie, 12, Cours Sablon, F-63040 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 09, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Monsieur RICHEBOURG Cabinet RICHEBOURG., Le Clos du Golf 69, rue saint-Simon, F-42000 Saint Etienne., Frankrig (511) Klasse 12: Tires and air tubes for vehicle wheels, treads for retreading tires. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-04 Gazette No.: 20/2000 373 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP741665 (800) Design. dato: 2000-06-06 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741846 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-11 sanfix PLUS ELTAB (730) Indehaver: Franz Viegener II, GmbH & Co. KG, 9, Ennester Weg, D57439 Attendorn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Stracke Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Otto Loesenbeck Dipl.-Phys. Peter Sprecht Dipl.-Ing. Jan Dantz., 164, Jöllenbecker Strasse, D-33613 Bielefeld., Tyskland (511) Klasse 06: Water pipe fittings made of metal for home installation, for hospitals, for commercial buildings and for the garden, as well as water pipes and protective pipes made of metal. (511) Klasse 19: Water pipe fittings made of plastic for home installation, for hospitals, for commercial buildings and for the garden, as well as water pipes and protective pipes made of plastic. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-06 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (730) Indehaver: Deutz Aktiengesellschaft, Deutz-Muelheimer Str. 147149, D-51063 Koeln, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Data processing programs, also with program-controlled inquiry routines, for acquisition, configuration and definition of the delivery/ building scope as well as for documentation and identification of combustion engines, in particular diesel and gas engines as well as generating sets consisting of such combustion engines and machines, especially cogeneration plants, power generating sets, pumps and compressor sets; data carriers for storing such data processing programs as well as data and information, including guarantee and service information for such combustion engines and such generating sets. (511) Klasse 41: Training, instructing and teaching of expert sales and marketing personnel and technical and customer development advisers in connection with combustion engines, generating sets, power plants with combustion engines and power generating plants. (511) Klasse 42: Establishing, changing, updating and consultancy of data processing programs and data carriers. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-11 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741666 (800) Design. dato: U 800 (730) Indehaver: DaimlerChrysler AG, 225, Epplestrasse, , D-70567 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patent Attorney Gerhard Bauer, c/o Daimler Chrysler AG, Intellectual Property Management FTP/T-0533, D-70546 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 12: Motor vehicles and parts thereof (included in this class). (511) Klasse 37: Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-11 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741687 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-29 U 500 (730) Indehaver: DaimlerChrysler AG, 225, Epplestrasse, , D-70567 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patent Attorney Gerhard Bauer, c/o Daimler Chrusler AG Intellectual Property Management, FTP/T-0533, D-70546 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 12: Motor vehicles and parts thereof (included in this class). (511) Klasse 37: Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-29 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741688 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-29 U 400 (730) Indehaver: DaimlerChrysler AG, 225, Epplestrasse, , D-70567 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patent Attorney Gerhard Bauer, c/o Daimler Chrysler AG, Intellectual Property Management FTP/T-0533, D-70546 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 12: Motor vehicles and parts thereof (included in this class). (511) Klasse 37: Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-29 Gazette No.: 20/2000 374 (111) Reg. nr.: MP741950 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-18 DIAMOND (730) Indehaver: Yacht Collaborative Enterprise B.V., 25, Diemermere, NL1112 TC DIEMEN, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Shield Mark B.V. Amsterdam, 61, Overschiestraat, NL-1062 XD AMSTERDAM, Holland (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); all aforementioned goods relating to human resource management. (511) Klasse 35: Intermediary services in finding employment and advisory services in the field of personnel and personnel affairs (so called "Human Resources Management"); business management and business organization consultancy; advisory services in the field of business administration; interim management, commercial project management and advisory services in this field; outplacement of personnel; recruitment and selection of personnel; career guidance of personnel; project studies with reference to business management; marketing advisory services; all aforementioned services relating to human resource management. (511) Klasse 41: Training and courses; publishing, lending out and dissemination of books, periodicals and other printed matter such as newspapers; training (education) of employees; all aforementioned services relating to human resource management. (511) Klasse 42: Advisory services with respect to the choice of profession; selection of personnel via psychological methods; services of psychologists; drawing up expertise reports by psychologists. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-18 Gazette No.: 20/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP742457 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-08 Move 3000 (730) Indehaver: Euromovers Deutschland GmbH, 159-161, Reuterstrasse, D-53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Gaedertz Rechtsanwälte, 19-21, Theodor-Heuss-Ring, D-50668 Köln, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance underwriting; financial operations; monetary operations; real estate operations. (511) Klasse 39: Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-08 Gazette No.: 2/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP742642 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-31 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP744830 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-19 MEXCEL CAVIAR ET TRADITIONS (730) Indehaver: Mecatool AG, 98, Wilerstrasse, CH-9230 Flawil, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Georg Fischer AG, Amsler-LaffonStrasse 9, CH-8201 Schaffhausen, Schweiz (511) Klasse 07: Clamping devices (parts of machinery), particularly for fastening parts for machining and electrodes; retaining devices for electrodes in EDM equipment. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-31 Gazette No.: 21/2000 (730) Indehaver: La Scea Sturgeon, Pisciculture du Carillon, F-17240 Saint for sur Gironde, Frankrig (511) Klasse 14: Caviar sets of precious metal. (511) Klasse 29: Caviar. (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-19 Gazette No.: 24/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP744871 (111) Reg. nr.: MP743129 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-31 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-22 ELPRICE (730) Indehaver: Elprice Holding AS, Olav Kyrresgt. 11, N-5014 BERGEN, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: AS Bergen Patentkontor, P.O.Box 981, Sentrum, N-5808 Bergen, Norge (511) Klasse 07: Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand operated; incubators for eggs. (511) Klasse 08: Hand tools and implements (hand operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-22 Gazette No.: 22/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP743130 (730) Indehaver: Cancom IT Systeme, Aktiengesellschaft, Siemensstr. 6, D-89343 Jettingen-Scheppach, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, navigation, photographic, film, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, control, rescue and teaching apparatus and instruments; devices for the recording, transmitting and reproduction of sound and images, magnetic recording media, records, compact disks (CDs), computer programs recorded on data media; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing devices and computers. (511) Klasse 35: Organisation and execution of buying and/or selling events such as buying and selling auctions which take place mainly via the Internet, particularly for the goods mentioned in class 9 and the services mentioned in class 42; organisation and execution of exhibition events which take place mainly via the Internet, particularly for the goods mentioned in class 9 and the services mentioned in class 42. (511) Klasse 42: Creation of programs for data processing, installation of software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-31 Gazette No.: 24/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745367 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-20 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-10 Thermosan (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Amphibolin-Werke von Robert Murjahn GmbH & Co KG, Rossdörfer Strasse 50, D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Kanzlei PFENNING, MEINIG & PARTNER GbR, Kurfürstendamm,170, D-10707 Berlin, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Adhesives used in building. (511) Klasse 02: Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against deterioration of wood; preservatives against rust; fillers; binding agents for paints; bactericial/fungicidal paints; primers (included in this class); thinning agents, lacquers for buildings. (511) Klasse 19: Natural and artificial stones; building materials (not of metal); mortar; protective agents for buildings (included in this class); artificial resin plaster. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-10 Gazette No.: 22/2000 (730) Indehaver: Ivoclar Vivadent AG, FL-9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein (511) Klasse 05: Materials used in dentistry, intended for making impressions, artificial teeth, caps, crowns, bridges, inlays, prostheses, protective coatings; insulating and denture relining materials; liquid filling and moulding materials, staining materials, ceramic materials for making crowns, bridges and inlays. (511) Klasse 10: Apparatus for use in dentistry, artificial teeth and caps, ingots made of resin or ceramic materials for making restorations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-20 Gazette No.: 24/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745604 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-08 WELLNESS (730) Indehaver: TEXTILES WELL, Usine de l'Elze, F-30120 Le Vigan, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET BEAU DE LOMENIE, 158, Rue de l'Université, F-75340 PARIS CEDEX 7, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery goods, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-08 Gazette No.: 24/2000 375 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745627 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-02 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745636 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-26 MASTERS PRONORVAL (730) Indehaver: GUINOT, Société Anonyme, 1, rue de la Paix, F-75002 PARIS, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NOVAMARK, 122, rue Edouard Vaillant, F-92593 Levallois-Perret Cédex, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, perfumery goods, essential oils, cosmetic products; non-medicated skin creams. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-02 Gazette No.: 24/2000 (730) Indehaver: BIOFARMA, 22, rue Garnier, F-92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, Frankrig (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products; dietetic substances for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-26 Gazette No.: 24/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745806 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745628 TAOASIS VUARDE (730) Indehaver: DECATHLON, 4, Boulevard de Mons, F-59650 VILLENEUVE D´ASCQ, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: TMARK Conseils Conseils en Propriété Industrielle, 31, rue Tronchet, F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 06: Snap hooks for harnessing. (511) Klasse 09: Avalanche probes. (511) Klasse 18: Leather (excluding cases adapted to the products for which they are intended, gloves and belts); travelling bags, saddlery; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery; beach bags; bags for climbers; mountaineering sticks; saddle trees and straps; bridles (harness); bags for campers; sling bags for carrying infants; shoulder bags; rucksacks; sports bags. (511) Klasse 22: Ropes (neither made of rubber, nor intended as strings for rackets or musical instruments), strings for rock-climbing; strings, fishing nets, camouflage nets, tents, tarpaulins (neither as safety tarpaulins, nor as pushchair covers), sails (rig), padding and stuffing materials (other than rubber and plastics), raw fibrous textile materials. (511) Klasse 25: Ready-made clothing for men, women and children; knitwear and hosiery, lingerie, undergarments, dressing gowns, bathrobes, swimming costumes, bathing caps; bath sandals and slippers; pyjamas, housecoats, jumpers, skirts, dresses, trousers, jackets, coats, shirts, layettes, neckties, neckscarves, belts, gloves, rainproof clothing, anoraks, ski suits, wetsuits for waterskiing, hats, caps, socks, stockings, tights, footwear (except orthopaedic footwear), slippers, boots; sport, beach and ski footwear, crampons for mountain shoes; sportswear (except diving clothes); climbing and hiking clothing, hunting clothing. (511) Klasse 28: Games, toys, play balloons; gymnastics and sports articles (except clothing, footwear and mats); skating boots with skates attached; boxing gloves; hanggliders, archery implements; bows for archery; bobsleighs; kites; kite reels; strings for rackets; gut for rackets; rackets, balls for games; fishing tackle; windsurf boards; surf boards without automotive power; snorkels; small balls, balls, nets for sports; golf clubs, skis, waterskis, edges of skis, ski bindings; fishing rods and fishing accessories namely fishing reels, lines, bite indicators, fish hooks, bait and lures, free weights; bows; crossbows and arrows; harpoon guns (sports articles); swimming webs; swimming pools (sports or play articles); swimming pool slides; skateboards; jokes and conjuring tricks; swings; billiard tables, balls and cues; stationary exercise bicycles; exercisers; fencing weapons; hockey sticks; skittles and bowls; petanque balls; physical rehabilitation apparatus (gymnastics apparatus); abdomninal boards (gymnastics apparatus); tables for table tennis; theatrical masks; sleighs (sports articles); scooters; Christmas tree decorations (excluding lighting and confectionery). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-09 Gazette No.: 24/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745630 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-27 (800) Design. dato: 2000-06-09 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-18 Aristo (730) Indehaver: ANDREA MICHALIK, 39, Fanny-Lewald-Strasse, D-01259 Dresden, Tyskland (511) Klasse 31: Horticulture products, included in this class. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-18 Gazette No.: 24/2000 (730) Indehaver: TAOASIS GmbH, Aroma-Kosmetik & Verlag, Bismarckstrasse, 23, D-32656 Lemgo, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Rechtsanwälte Nahme, Reinicke, Leisewitzstrasse 41-43, D-30175 Hannover, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary and products as well as sanitary preparations; dietetic products for medical purposes; baby food; disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin, herbicides. (511) Klasse 41: Publication and issue of books, newspapers and magazines. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-27 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745809 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-12 PRIMALT (730) Indehaver: Kord Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2. Am Sandtorkai, D-20457 Hamburg, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Harmsen & Utescher Rechts- und Patentanwälte, 55, Alter Wall, D-20457 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, coffee additives, coffee substitutes, chicory, tea, cocoa, coffee, coffee substitutes, tea or chocolate drinks, including those containing malt and/or flavourings and/or sweeteners and/or milk products, all the aforementioned products also in instant form; coffee, cocoa and chocolate preparations for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, also those containing coffee surrogates, malt, milk products and/or fruit products; malt products. (511) Klasse 32: Non-alcoholic beverages, also those containing coffee, cocoa, chocolate, coffee surrogates, milk products, fruit products and/or malt or malt products. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-12 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745835 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-17 BONDEGÅRD (730) Indehaver: Bribrend B.V., 49, Vlamingstraat, NL-2713 RT ZOETERMEER, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ir. H.J.G. Lips c.s. , (HAAGSCH OCTROOIBUREAU), 146, Breitnerlaan, NL-2596 HG LA HAYE, Holland (511) Klasse 29: Butter, margarine; edible oils and fats. (511) Klasse 30: Sauces, including liquid seasonings (namely dressings); spices. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-17 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745890 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-23 VAPAFLEX (730) Indehaver: Vaparoid AG, beim Bahnhof, CH-3946 Turtmann, Schweiz (511) Klasse 19: Bituminous sections. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-23 Gazette No.: 25/2000 376 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP745891 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-11 (730) Indehaver: VERINOX Sp.A., 2, via Marco de Marchi, I-20121 MILANO, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Prof. Franco Cicogna, 14/A, Via Visconti di Modrone, I-20122 Milano, Italien (511) Klasse 06: Threaded screws, bolts and bars, made of stainless steel. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-11 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP745978 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-25 VOLUMIZER (730) Indehaver: Wella Aktiengesellschaft, Berliner Allee 65, D-64295 Darmstadt, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, perfumeries, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-25 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746115 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-27 Arotec (730) Indehaver: Henkel-Ecolab GmbH & Co. OHG, 38-42, Reisholzer Werftstrasse, D-40589 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Cleaning and deodorising agents for clothing articles, laundry and blankets; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, perfume concentrates. (511) Klasse 09: Dosing apparatus for rinsing, cleaning and disinfecting agents and for perfume concentrates; controlling instruments for the dosage of cleaning agents and perfume concentrates for tumble driers; dos-ing apparatus for tumble driers for the dosage of liquid cleaning agents and perfume concentrates. (511) Klasse 11: Deodorising apparatus (not for personal use). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-27 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746175 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-13 (730) Indehaver: Thomas Feucht, Matthias Bartholmé, Karin Schmidt, all, 6, Bludenzer Strasse, D-70469 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CMS Hasche Sigle Eschenlohr Peltzer, 8, Schöttlestrasse, D-70597 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard; goods made from paper and cardboard (included in this class); publications, newspapers and magazines, books; bookbinding material (included in this class); photographs; stationery; artists' material (included in this class); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus) (included in this class); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing including boots, shoes and slippers. (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; meat, fish, fruit and vegetable jellies, jams; eggs, milk; dairy products, namely butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, dried milk for nutritional purposes; edible oils and fats; meat, fish, fruit and vegetable preserves, pickles. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereal (except animal fodder), bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery, edible ice, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; (edible) salt, mustard, pepper, vinegar, sauces, salad sauces; spices; refreshing ice (except chemical coolants). (511) Klasse 32: Beer, ale and porter; mineral water and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; syrups and other non-alcoholic preparations for making beverages (included in this class). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, business management, business administration, office functions. (511) Klasse 42: Catering for guests and serving of drinks; catering for parties; licensing of industrial property rights. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-13 Gazette No.: 25/2000 377 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746555 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-03-31 (730) Indehaver: Quelle Aktiengesellschaft, 91-95, Nürnberger Strasse, D-90762 Fürth, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: P. Matschkur, H. Lindner, J. Blaumeier Patent- und Rechtsanwälte, 23, Dr.-Kurt-Schumacherstrasse, D90402 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemical products for commercial, scientific, photographic, agricultural, horticultural and forestry purposes; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics materials; fertilisers; soil; artificial sweeteners; fire extinguishing agents; agents for hardening and soldering metals; chemical products for preserving foods; tanning agents; adhesives for commercial purposes, adhesive cement. (511) Klasse 02: Dyes, varnishes, lacquers; rust preventatives, wood preservatives; paints; wood mordants; leather mordants (as dye mordants); unprocessed natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. (511) Klasse 03: Washing and bleaching agents; cleaning, polishing, grease removal and abrasive agents; soaps; laundry starch; perfumes, essential oils, agents for body and beauty care, hair tonics, deodorants for body care; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 04: Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust-absorbing, dust cleaning and dust bonding agents; solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; motor fuels (included in this class); lighting materials; candles, wicks, lighters as a material. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary products and preparations for health care; dietetic products for medicinal purposes, baby food; medicinal herb teas; plasters, dressing material; tooth stopping agents and impression compounds for dental purposes; adhesives for false teeth; disinfection agents; deodorants for health purposes; deodorising room sprays; feminine hygiene articles, in particular sanitary towels, panty liners, tampons, disposable panties; agents for destroying harmful animals; fungicides, herbicides; fragrance and room sprays. (511) Klasse 06: Non-precious metals and their alloys; construction materials made of metal; transportable metal constructions; railway construction materials composed of metal; cables and wires of metal (not for electrical purposes); locksmithing products and small ironware, refuse and water bins, propane gas canisters, transporting containers; metal tubes; safes; goods composed of non-precious metals, in particular anchors, anvils, lift chains, bells, barrel taps, bottle lids, conduit connecting pieces, valves (except as machine parts), strongboxes, lattices, furniture casters, sign boards, including registration plates for vehicles, transporting containers, tanks; ores; crampons, climbing hooks; roll-up doors. (511) Klasse 07: Machines tools; engines (except engines for land vehicles); clutches and drive belts (except those for land vehicles); mechanically driven agricultural implements; agricultural machines; incubators for eggs; cleaning machines; mechanical filtering appliances; filters as parts for machines or engines; pumps for conveying liquids, solids and air, handoperated, electric or driven by petrol engines or as an attachment to handoperated apparatus or machines; electric lawnmowers; electric hooks, electric chaff-cutters; electricity generators; pressure valves, pressure regulators; machines for working metal, wood and plastics materials, compressors, autogenous welding appliances, road sweepers, snow ploughs, cleaning machines, mechanical filtering appliances, lifting apparatus; sewing machines, knitting machines, dishwashers, washing machines, ironing machines, electrically driven appliances for household and kitchen, foil welders, bread and meat slicers, tin-openers, mixers, juices extractors, electric knives, electric choppers, universal switching machines, pasta machines, stirring appliances, meat choppers, grist mills, coffee grinders, universal cutters, presses; electrically driven tools for the DIY worker, cutting, drilling, percussion drilling, planing, screwing, grinding and milling machines, drill hammers, drill screwdrivers, drilling and milling bays, milling grinding motors, lathes, electric saws, jigsaws, chain saws, compass saws, circular saws, circular saw benches, cutting devices and workbenches adapted for the above-mentioned tools, electric planes, grinding tools and machines, electric and manual tackers, electric soldering pistons and soldering bays, solder guns, hot adhesive guns, electric generators, current generators, hot-air generators, paint spray devices, wallpaper removers, hot-air appliances and fans, also for removing lacquers, tile removal and cutting machines, electric welding tools and machines, high-pressure cleaners, sand-blasting apparatus, drill sharpeners as tools and as attachments for drilling machines, metal and tension searching tools, motors and lifts; pressure flushing devices; compressors and attachments, in particular paint-spray guns, spray guns, sand-blasting apparatus; cable lifting gear and bottle lifting gear, also electric; cable winches; electric lawn trimmers, rechargeable hedge cutters, lawn aerating tools, motor scythes, shredders, mulch mowers, petrol and electric lawnmowers, electric hedge shears, electric shearing machines; vacuum cleaners, floor-polishing machines; starter motors, exhausts; ventilators; ignition devices for motors of land vehicles. fortsættes 378 (511) Klasse 08: Hand-operated tools and instruments; hand-operated tools for agricultural, horticultural and forestry purposes, for machine, apparatus and vehicle construction and for construction technology; mechanical lawnmowers, mechanical lawn trimmers, mechanical hedge shears; cutlery, forks and spoons; felling and stabbing weapons; shavers; nail-cutting devices; dog trimmers; vices, garden hoes, chaff choppers, electric manicure tools. (511) Klasse 09: Electrical, electrotechnical and electronic apparatuses and instruments (included in this class); apparatuses and instruments for heavy current technology, in particular for conduction, transformation, storage, regulation and control; apparatuses and instruments for weak current technology, in particular for telecommunications, high-frequency and control technology; scientific apparatuses and instruments for research in laboratories; navigation, measurement, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, monitoring, rescuing, and teaching apparatuses and instruments; spectacles, binoculars; devices for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound and images; picture projectors, enlargement equipment, camera tripods; photocopying devices and machines, including electrostatic and thermal machines; broadcasting and telecommunications apparatus, talking machines, conversation devices as additional devices for a television; magnetic recording supports in the form of tapes, foils, discs, cassettes, records; vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated machinery; cash registers, calculators, data processing appliances and computers, machine-readable data carriers provided with programmes, data processing programmes; fire-extinguishers; warning triangles; electric cables, wires, conductor and connection armatures therefor as well as switches and distribution switchboards or cupboards; batteries, tachometers; transformers; exposed films; accident protection clothing, including shoes, special clothing for rescue purposes, face-protection shields, protective goggles or masks for workers; diving suits, diving goggles, ski goggles; protective helmets for winter sports people, riders, cyclists and motorbike riders; irons; foil-welding appliances; electric soldering apparatus, electric welding appliances, charging appliances for rechargeable equipment; special containers which are specially adapted to the above-mentioned apparatuses and instruments; garage door openers; tyre-pressure measurers; copying appliances. (511) Klasse 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and apparatuses, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles, in particular orthopaedic bandages, corsetry, stockings and shoes; surgical suture material; heated pillows and heated blankets for medical purposes; health implements, in particular sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, fever thermometers, devices for measuring blood sugar, inhalation devices, acupuncture equipment, massage appliances, apparatus for physiotherapy, stimulation current appliances, stethoscopes for sphygmomanometers, apparatus for taking blood samples, heat cushions, infrared radiation appliances, support cushions, walking aids, pulse measuring devices, tooth polishing implements, stoppers for feeding bottles, dummies. (511) Klasse 11: Lighting, heating, steam generation, cooking, cooling, drying, aeration and water supply apparatus and sanitary appliances; heated cushions and blankets for non-medical purposes; heat pumps, sauna installations, essentially consisting of sauna cabins, sauna furnaces and sauna control devices, ice-cream makers, yoghurt makers; electric hotwater bottles, electrically heated food warmers; sun-tanning appliances; jacuzzis. (511) Klasse 12: Land, air and water vehicles; prams, parts for land, air and water vehicles; crucibles, brakes, travel direction indicators, horns, gearboxes, clutches, motors and drive belts for land vehicles, vehicle bodies, vehicle seats, steering wheels, wheels, tyres, wheel rims, tyre valves, impact dampers, car accessories, in particular trailers, couplings, luggage carriers, ski carriers, mud guards, snow chains, windscreens, head restraints, safety belts, safety child seats; bicycle accessories, in particular bicycle nets, luggage carriers, bells, air pumps, repair kits; roof cases; lawnmowers in the form of tractors and other vehicles; wheelchairs. (511) Klasse 13: Firearms; ammunition and missiles; explosives; fireworks bodies. (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys, and goods manufactured from or plated with precious metals or their alloys, in particular artistic commercial objects, ornaments, tableware (except cutlery), table centrepieces, cooking pans, ashtrays, cigar and cigarette cases, cigar and cigarette holders; jewellery, precious stones; clocks and time measuring instruments; containers specially adapted for the above mentioned goods. (511) Klasse 15: Musical instruments. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, card (cardboard) and goods made of paper and card (cardboard), in particular paper towels, serviettes, filter paper, paper handkerchiefs, toilet paper, disposable nappies, packaging containers, packaging bags; printing products; bookbinding articles, in particular bookbinding yarn, linen and other textile materials for bookbinding; photographs; writing materials; photo albums; adhesives for paper and writing materials or for domestic purposes, and also for craft; self-adhesive tapes for paper and writing materials or for domestic purposes; artists' supplies, in particular drawing, painting and modelling materials; paintbrushes; typewriters and office supplies, in particular non-electric office appliances; addressing machines, franking machines, filling cabinets, letter baskets, letter openers, writing documents, hole punches, staplers, paper clips, coloured tapes, correction means for office purposes, stampers, ink pads, stamping ink, inks for writing and drawing, Indian ink; teaching and instruction media (except apparatus) in the form of printed products, games, animal and plant preparations, geological models and preparations, globes, whiteboard drawing implements; packaging material made of plastics, in particular wrappings, bags and foils; playing cards; printing letters; printing blocks; self-adhesive tapes for household purposes. fortsættes Dansk Varemærketidende (511) Klasse 17: Caoutchouc, gutta-percha, rubber, asbestos, mica and goods made from caoutchouc, gutta-percha or rubber in the form of blocks, plates, rods, foils, strings or tapes (all as semi-finished products); goods made from plastics materials (semi-finished products); sealing, packaging and insulating material; hoses (not of metal); self-adhesive tapes, except for medical purposes, for paper and writing materials. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and leather imitations; goods of leather and leather imitations, in particular bags and other containers not adapted to the objects to be held therein and small leather goods, in particular purses, wallets, key cases; skins and furs; suitcases and small cases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, tackle and saddlery; handbags, briefcases, shopping bags, school satchels; pack sacks, rucksacks. (511) Klasse 19: Building materials (not of metal); pipes (not of metal) for building purposes; asphalt, pitch, bitumen; plaster, filling cement; transportable constructions (not of metal); monuments (not of metal); letter boxes made from masonry. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, camping furniture, mattresses, pillows, sleeping bags for camping; mirrors, frames; goods made of wood or wood substitutes, in particular profile strips for picture frames, curtain rails, wall-plugs, chests, transport pallets, barrels, containers, trunks, work benches, tanks, taps, laths for trellises, tool stems, yarn reels, cloths hangers, laundry pegs, plastics objects, ornaments; goods made of plastics material, in particular profile strips for picture frames, curtain rails, wall-plugs, chests, transport pallets, barrels, containers, trunks, tanks, rivets, screws, pins, plates, furniture, windows and door-fittings, curtain rails and curtain hooks, internal venetian blinds, protective bags for clothing, clothes hangers, laundry pegs, bottle stoppers, plant stakes; letter boxes not of metal or masonry; goods made of cork, reed, rushes, cane, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, turtle shell, amber, mother-of-pearl and meerschaum; containers made from masonry. (511) Klasse 21: Containers for household and kitchen (not of precious metal or plated); small hand-operated tools for household and kitchen use, appliances for body and beauty care, electric combs and toothbrushes, mouth sprays, lawn sprinklers, combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; cleaning materials; steel chips; raw or partly worked glass (except for construction); goods of glass, porcelain and earthenware for household and kitchen use, artistic objects made of glass, porcelain and earthenware; electric combs and toothbrushes; cooking utensils and buckets made of metal, aluminium, plastics or other materials. (511) Klasse 22: Ropes, string, fishnets, tents, tarpaulins, nets (included in this class), sails, sacks for transport and storage of mass-produced goods; upholstery filters (except of rubber or plastic materials); raw spun yarn filaments; packaging bags of textile material. (511) Klasse 23: Yarns and filaments for textile purposes. (511) Klasse 24: Woven materials and textile goods, in particular textile materials, curtains, roller blinds, household linen, table and bed linen; bed cover and table cloths; mosquito nets; bed linen. (511) Klasse 25: Garments, footwear, headgear; garments of leather, leather imitations or fur; belts. (511) Klasse 26: Lace and embroidery, tapes and shoelaces; buttons, hooks and eyes, needles; artificial flowers; zip fasteners; hair nets; wigs. (511) Klasse 27: Carpets, doormats and mats, also for vehicles, linoleum, floorings made of rubber, plastics material or textile material, also for gymnastics; wall papers (except from textile material); artificial lawn; insulating floorings. (511) Klasse 28: Games, toys, also of electronic type; gymnastic and sports equipment; skis, ski bindings, ski sticks, ski edges, ski skins, ski, tennis and angling equipment; balls; dumb belts, put shots, discuses, javellins; tennis racquets, cricket bats, golf and hockey sticks; roller and ice skates; table tennis tables; Christmas tree decorations; swimming floats; bags specially adapted for sports equipment; snorkels. (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, fowl and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; meat, fish, fruit and vegetables jellies; jams; eggs, milk, milk products, in particular butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, milk powder for nutritional purposes; edible oils and fats; meat, fish fruit and vegetable preserves. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes; flours, grain preparations (except fodder); bread, patisserie and confectionery, ice cream; honey, molasses syrup; yeast, baking powder, cooking salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces including salad sauces; spices; ice for cooling; coffee, tea, cocoa or chocolate drinks. (511) Klasse 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products in particular grain and other propagation material, unprocessed grain, eggs for hatching, unprocessed wood; livestock; fresh fruit and vegetables; grains, live plants and natural flowers; fodder, malt. (511) Klasse 32: Beers; mineral waters and carbonated waters and other alcohol-free drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for the making of drinks; coffee or cocoa preparations for the manufacture of alcoholic or alcohol-free drinks. (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic drinks (except beers); alcoholic preparations for making drinks. (511) Klasse 34: Tobacco, smokers' articles, in particular tobacco pouches, cigar and cigarette holders, cigar and cigarette cases, ashtrays, all the above-mentioned goods not made of precious metal, their alloys or plated therewith, pipe stands, pipe cleaners, cigar cutters, pipes, lighters, pocket devices for self-rolling of cigarettes, cigarette paper, filters and sleeves, matches. 2002-01-30 (511) Klasse 35: Promotion, management, administration, office work; services of a call centre, in particular receiving of calls, telephone customer support, telephone advice and questioning about products/services, taking of orders, telephone sales of goods and services, advertising processing, monitoring of orders and sales, obtaining new customers and subscribers, sales supports, address administration and care, telephone marketing, support and arrangement of dates and appointments for outside service and sales representatives and for decentralised company organisations, sales supports; services of an Internet call centre, in particular taking calls and giving advice in response to telephone enquiries, in particular a hotline, or enquiries via digital media, services of a pay TV call centre, in particular taking of orders and recordings by decoding units in the context of use of pay TV; compiling of data in computer databases, processing of data according to specified criteria; management consultancy on the use of services of a call centre; mediation of contracts for energy supply; collecting and supplying of data and addresses; services of a database, in particular making available data, telecommunications and address directories and indirectly and directly paid for availability of a database or on-line services. (511) Klasse 36: Finance, in particular banking business, business of a building society; insurance, mediation of insurances; money businesses, real estate. (511) Klasse 37: Construction; repair; installation works; repair and maintenance of household appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers, of heating, air-conditioning, cooling and ventilation apparatus, of photo, projection and cinematographic appliances, of precision instruments, of bicycles; electric installation; installation of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and cooling appliances, of household appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers, of sanitary installations and broadcasting and telecommunications apparatus; plumbing and gas and water installation; fitting of kitchens, fitting of wardrobes; carpentry; installation of automatic voice recognition in the taking of telephone calls; installation of electronic and digital connection to a call centre. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, telephone services; collecting and supplying of announcements, news and information. (511) Klasse 39: Transport, packaging and storage of goods; arrangement of journeys; mediation of travel, mediation of traffic services, organisation of town sight-seeing, tour guiding; conveyance of persons and goods by motor vehicles, rail, ship and aeroplane; distribution of energy, services of an energy supplier, in particular supply of electrical energy to industrial companies, communities and households; transmission of energy through energy transports networks. (511) Klasse 40: Film development and reproduction of photographs; production of energy; operation of energy transport networks (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - rule 13.2.b) of the common regulations). (511) Klasse 41: Education, training, entertainment, sports and cultural activities; execution of training and seminars. (511) Klasse 42: Accommodation and board of guests; consultancy and planning in garden design and landscaping; catering, computer and Internet consultancy, hotel reservation, styling (industrial design); development, setting up and adaptation of programmes for data processing; development, setting up and adaptation of automatic voice recognition in the taking of telephone calls; consultancy and planning in fitting of kitchens. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-03-31 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746585 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-17 CLINAIRE (730) Indehaver: Byk Gulden Lomberg Chemische Fabrik GmbH, BykGulden-Strasse 2, D-78467 Konstanz, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations for treating respiratory diseases, (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-17 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746587 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-17 KLINAIRE (730) Indehaver: Byk Gulden Lomberg Chemische Fabrik GmbH, BykGulden-Strasse 2, D-78467 Konstanz, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations for treating respiratory diseases. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-17 Gazette No.: 25/2000 fortsættes 379 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP746636 (800) Design. dato: 2000-06-30 ALPHA DENT (730) Indehaver: REWE-Zentral AG, 20, Domstrasse, D-50668 Köln, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Washing, cleaning and bleaching preparations; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; cosmetics, including such products for babies and small children; mouth and toothcare preparations, dentifrices, non-medical mouth washes; cleaning agent and other preservative agents for artificial dentures and tooth clips, preparations for cleaning, care and enhancing of hair and skin; bath and shower preparations; deodorants and antiperspirants for personal use; shaving sticks, creams, foams and gels; after-shave lotions and gels. (511) Klasse 05: Medical mouth washes; preparations for healthcare, dietetic products for children and patients; plasters, materials for dressings, disinfectants; fungicides, herbicides; preparations for the extermination of weeds and harmful animals. (511) Klasse 21: Toothpicks, toothbrushes, electrical mouth and dental care devices, electrical artificial denture cleaning equipment; electrical tooth brushes; electrical mouth showers and combined apparatus consisting of electrical toothbrush and electrical mouth shower; floss for dental purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-30 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746637 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-19 Idea - wellness inclusive (730) Indehaver: REWE-Zentral AG, 20, Domstrasse, D-50668 Köln, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Fertilizers; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs. (511) Klasse 02: Paints, varnishes, lacquers, colorants. (511) Klasse 03: Washing, cleaning and bleaching preparations; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, toilet waters, cosmetics, including such products for babies and small children; preparations for cleaning, care and enhancing of hair, skin and teeth, mouth washes; bath and shower preparations; deodorants and antiperspirants for personal use; shaving sticks, creams, foams and gels; after-shave lotions and gels; impregnated cloths for personal use; moist wipes for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool, cotton wool pads, cotton sticks. (511) Klasse 05: Plasters, materials for dressings; cotton wool, cotton wool pads, cotton wool sticks; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides; herbicides; dietetic foodstuffs and foodstuff preparations, dietetic auxiliary agents for healthcare, in particular vitamins, minerals and nutritive food supplements; food for babies; sanitary towels, tampons, panty liners, napkins for adults, including all the aforesaid goods made of or using cellulose, non-woven textile fabrics and nap fabrics; moist wipes for sanitary purposes; sanitary preparations. (511) Klasse 06: Goods of common metals, namely nails and screws; household foils of aluminium. (511) Klasse 07: Electric tools for home improvements, in particular drilling, sanding, milling machines, band saws, motor saws, circular saws, soldering irons, welding apparatus; electric kitchen appliances for chopping, mixing, pressing; soldering irons (non electric). (511) Klasse 08: Hand-operated cosmetic implements and parts therefor, in particular scissors, tweezers and files; electric and non-electric razors, razor blades; cutlery; razors and razor blades. (511) Klasse 11: Extractor hoods. (511) Klasse 14: Household kitchen utensils, namely pans, pots, strainers, soufflé dishes, baking tins, including of precious metal or coated therewith. (511) Klasse 16: Printed materials, periodicals; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; paper products for household and hygienic purposes (included in this class), in particular toilet paper, kitchen towels, handkerchiefs, table napkins, cosmetic tissues and napkins for babies, including all the aforesaid goods made of or using cellulose, fleece and nap fabrics; bags of paper or plastic for preserving foodstuffs; freezer bags; rubbish bags; household films of paper and plastic. (511) Klasse 18: Bags; small leather goods. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges, articles for cleaning purposes, rubber gloves, cloths for cleaning of textile and non-textile materials, scouring and cleaning pads, household kitchen utensils, namely pans, pots strainers, soufflé dishes, baking tins; articles made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, earthenware or plastic for household and kitchen purposes, in particular glasses, cups, pots, mugs, plates, dishes, vases, bowls; hand brushes, dustpans, brooms, brushes of all types (included in this class); scrubbing brushes, sponges, cleaning and household cloths, skins of chamois, feather-dusters, mops, carpet sweepers, steel wool, buckets, gloves for household purposes, scouring pads; hair, nail and tooth brushes; hair, nail and tooth brushes. fortsættes 380 (511) Klasse 24: Textile goods, included in this class; bed and table covers. (511) Klasse 25: Outer clothing and underwear for women, men, children and babies, including sports clothing, belts, scares, excludes bathing and beach clothing; bodywear, dessous and lady's bodies; stockings, hosiery; footwear; headgear; gloves. (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry, game and shellfish, including preparations of the aforesaid goods; sausage, meat, poultry and fish products, caviar; salads of meat, fish, poultry and game; meat, poultry, game and fish pastes, meat extracts; fruit, vegetables and pulses; fruit and vegetable pulp; delicatessen salads made of vegetables or lettuce; potato products of all types, namely French fries, croquettes, baked potatoes, prepared potatoes, potato fritters, potato dumplings, fried potato cakes, potato pancakes, crisps, potato sticks; semi-prepared and prepared meals, namely soups (including instant packet soups), stews, dry and liquid prepared meals, mainly of one or more of the following goods: meat, fish, vegetables, prepared fruit, cheese, pasta or rice; meat, fruit and vegetable jellies, jams; eggs, milk and milk products without coffee-cream, namely drinking milk, sour milk, butter milk, yoghurt, fruit yoghurt, yoghurt with chocolate or cocoa additives, non-alcoholic mixed milk drinks, chocolate beverages, kefir, quark, fruit and herb quark desserts, desserts, mainly of milk and flavourings with gelatine and/or starch being binding agents, butter, clarified butter, cheese and cheese preparations; fruit jellies; edible oils and fats; savoury pastries, crisps of cereals, salted and unsalted nuts and other snack foods, included in this class; all the aforesaid goods (where possible) also frozen or preserved, sterilised or homogenised; fruit sauces, salted and unsalted nuts. (511) Klasse 30: Sauces, including salad dressings, ketchup, horseradish, capers; marzipan, nougat, marzipan and nougat products; spreads, principally containing sugar, cocoa, nougat, milk and/or fats; pralines, including filled pralines; confectionery, sweets, namely boiled, peppermint and fruit sweets, chews, lollipops, chewing gum; rice, tapioca, flour and cereal products, kernel cereals, namely rice, wheat, oats, barely, rye, millet, maize and buckwheat, the aforementioned goods also in the form of mixtures and other preparations, in particular wheat bran, wheat germ, maize meal, maize semolina, linseeds, muesli and muesli bars (mainly of cereal flakes, dried fruit, nuts), cereals, popcorn; pizzas; blancmanges, bread, bread rolls, pastry and confectionery; pasta and wholemeal pasta, in particular noodles; ices, ice cream; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar; spices, mixed spices, pepper corns; savoury biscuits, and other snack food, included in this class; all the aforesaid goods (where possible) also frozen or preserved, sterilised or homogenised. (511) Klasse 31: Fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, animal foodstuffs; shellfish. (511) Klasse 32: Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices, vegetable juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages without for caffeine- or coffeebased beverages; whey beverages; instant powdered drinks without for caffeineor coffeebased beverages.. (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beer), in particular wine, sparkling wine, spirits, liqueurs. (511) Klasse 34: Tobacco, tobacco products, in particular cigars, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigarettes paper, cigarette cases, tobacco pipes, bags for pipes, lighters, matches, pipe cleaners. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, advertising consultancy, distribution of goods for advertising purposes; marketing, market research and market analysis; consultancy in the field of marketing and business strategy; business consultancy, including organisation consultancy, professional business consultancy, personnel consultancy; marketing costing and analysis; accounting in particular remote accounting, business consultancy. (511) Klasse 36: Financial services; insurance, namely insurance brokerage; including financial consultancy. (511) Klasse 38: Radio production and broadcasting. (511) Klasse 41: Development and implementation of training concepts; arranging of seminars and educational events. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; accommodating; providing of economic and technical know-how for retail sales systems. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-19 Gazette No.: 25/2000 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP746684 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746882 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-06-28 FRUTTI KVARKI EPSILON (730) Indehaver: COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE (Sociéte Anonyme), 126-130, rue Jules Guesde, F-92300 Levallois-Perret, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Benoît BARME Directeur Marques & Modèles GROUPE DANONE, Direction Marques & Modèles, 7, rue de Téhéran, F-75008 Paris., Frankrig (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, ham, poultry, game, charcuterie; dried, preserved and/or cooked fruits and vegetables, compotes, jams, fruit coulis, jellies, soups; food preserves essentially containing meat, fish, ham, poultry, game and/or charcuterie; ready-prepared, dried, cooked, tinned, frozen dishes, made mostly of meat, fish, ham, poultry, game and/or charcuterie; savoury or sweet cocktail products made from fruits or vegetables like potatoes, plain or flavored; potato crisps, dried fruit mixes, all nuts, particularly prepared walnuts and hazelnuts such as peanuts, cashew nuts; cocktail snacks made of charcuterie; milk, dry milk solid, flavoured jellified milks and whipped milk products; dairy products, namely milk desserts, yoghurts, drinking yoghurts, mousses, creams, dessert creams, fresh cream, butter, cheese spreads, cheeses, ripened cheeses, mould-ripened cheeses, fresh unripened cheeses and cheeses in brine, soft white cheeses, strained cheeses, plain or aromatised fresh cheeses in pasty or liquid form; beverages mainly consisting of milk or dairy products, milk beverages containing fruits; plain or flavoured fermented dairy products; edible oils, olive oil, edible fats. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, sugar, rice, puffed rice, tapioca; flours, tarts and pies (sweet or savoury), pizzas; plain, flavoured and/or filled pasta, cereal preparations, breakfast cereals; prepared dishes mainly containing pasta; prepared dishes essentially consisting of pastry; bread, rusks, biscuits (sweet or savoury), wafers, waffles, cakes, pastries; all these goods being plain and/or topped and/or filled and/or flavoured; savoury or sweet cocktail goods containing baking dough, biscuit mixture or pastry mixture; confectionery, edible ices, edible ices consisting totally or partly of yoghurt, ice cream, sorbets (edible ices), frozen yoghurt (confectionery ices), flavoured frozen water, honey, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), sweet sauces, pasta sauces, spices. (511) Klasse 32: Beverages mainly consisting of lactic ferments. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-27 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (730) Indehaver: Beta Film GmbH, Betastrasse 1, D-85774 Unterföhring, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Büsing, Müffelmann & Theye Rechtsanwälte und Notare, Marktstrasse 3, D-28195 Bremen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Paper, cardboard (carton), products made of paper and cardboard (carton), such as paper towels, paper serviettes, filter paper, paper handkerchiefs, paper decoration, writing paper, packaging containers, packaging bags, wrapping paper; products from printing works, such as news papers, magazines, comics, brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, programmes, press files, books, book jackets, posters, banners, telephone cards, entrance tickets, participation tickets, invitation cards, identification cards; stationery including writing and drawing implements, office articles, such as rubber stamps, ink pads, stamping inks, letter openers, paper knives, letter baskets, paper baskets, ring binders, desk pads, hole punchers, staplers, paper clips, drawing pins, labels, also self-adhesive ones; teaching and training products (except apparatus) in the form of materials from printing works, games, globes, blackboards and whiteboards and drawing and writing products for the like; packaging made of plastic, such as covers, bags, plastic sheets also self-adhesive and for decoration purposes; playing cards and photographs, pictures (prints and paintings); calendars, transfers (also those made of vinyl and those applied by ironing on), paper and vinyl labels, stickers, badges, empty covers designed for sound and picture carriers; cut-out figures and decorations made of cardboard; stationery, postcards and greeting cards, exchange cards, name shields made of paper or cardboard, notebooks, notice boards, address books, letter files, folders and loose-leaf files, plastic hole strengtheners, calendars, albums, paper weights, letter openers, desk pads, rulers, erasers, book marks; sewing patterns and drawing templates; scratch pictures, wrapping paper, present decorations made of paper and cardboard; selfadhesive plastic sheets for decoration purposes; packaging covers and bags made of paper and plastic; empty covers designed for videos; blocks of chalk, glues for paper goods and stationery; writing instruments, especially ball-point pens and ink pens, pencil tins, pencil holders, pencil extensions, pencil sharpeners, drawing, painting and modelling materials and instruments, brushes; artists’ requisites, such as coloured pens, chalks, painting boards, painting canvas; typewriters and office equipment (except furniture), unwinding devices for sticking tape, printing characters, relief plates; inks; painted art objects made of paper and cardboard, decorations for party purposes made of paper. (511) Klasse 16: Electrical, electrotechnical and electronic apparatuses, devices and instruments included in this class; scientific, control, measuring, signalling, counting, recording, monitoring, test, switching, and regulating devices and equivalent apparatuses and instruments; apparatuses, instruments and devices for telecommunication; optical image viewers with threedimensional graphics; devices for the saving, reception, recording, transfer, processing, conversion, output and replaying of data, speech, text, signals, sound and video, including multimedia devices, amusement apparatus (electronic), namely radio and television sets, sound and/or video recording and replay devices, including portable machines and equipment for digital video/sound signals; sets for interactive television; devices for the reception and conversion of encoded signals (decoders); aerials and satellite signal receivers; access and/or key cards for decoders (smart cards), devices, and multimedia-type devices for the interconnection and control of audio, video and telecommunication equipment as well as computers and printers, including devices with an electronic user interface and a control for interactive television and/or pay TV; computer slot cards, especially cards that enable computers to immediately use digital multimedia technology; devices and operating systems for data digitization, encoding and decoding, compression and decompression, scrambling and unscrambling, modulation and demodulation; electronic programme guides, including those with information functions; remote control units, including those with infrared keypads; operating and other software for the above apparatuses, instruments and devices; data processing devices and computers, buffer storage units, computer chips, disks, cables, drives, terminals, printers, keyboards, monitors and other computer peripherals; computer game equipment consisting of storage diskettes, manual controllers and video game units; video, computer and other electronic games that connect to television sets, automatic sales machines, game and entertainment consoles including video and computer games (including chip or coin operated ones); accessories for computers, video and computer games and all similar electronic and electrotechnical apparatus, namely joysticks, manual controllers, control units, adapters, functionality or memory capacity extension modules, speech synthetizers, light pens, electronic 3D goggles, formatted or non-formatted programme cassettes, diskettes and cartridges, programme recorders, keypads, diskette stations mainly including floppy disk drives, microprocessors and control electronics; electronic data processing units including monitors, input devices, output devices, printers, terminals and memory chips, also if used as accessories to a basic configuration; computer programmes on diskette, tape, cassette, cartridge or on modules, hard disks, compact discs, film, punched cards, punch strips and semiconductor memory modules; electronic data carriers; video (111) Reg. nr.: MP746860 (800) Design. dato: 2000-06-06 (730) Indehaver: Maglificio Renata BRANCHER, Via Roma 25, I-32028 TRICHIANA (BL), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Roberto de Barba, Via Casoni, 10/A, I-32025 Mas di Sedico (BL), Italien (511) Klasse 25: Items of clothing; clothing made of knitted fabric. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-06 Gazette No.: 25/2000 fortsættes 381 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende games (computer games) supplied as computer programmes stored on data carriers; computer and video game cassettes, diskettes, cartridges, hard disks and tapes as well as other programmes and databases stored on machine-readable data carriers, included in this class; sound carriers with recorded material or blank, especially phonograph records, compact discs, tapes and cassettes (compact cassettes); video carriers with recorded material or blank (included in this class), especially videodiscs (optical discs), compact video discs (CD video, CD-ROM and CD-I), video films, cassettes and tapes; exposed films, photo CDs; photographic, film, optical and educational apparatuses and instruments; magnetic, magneto-optical and optical carriers with recorded sound and/or video material; coded telephone cards; parts of the above goods. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and marketing, information and advisory services for marketing and advertising; statistical evaluation of market data, market research, market analyses, distribution of catalogues, mailings and goods for advertising purposes, radio, television and cinema advertisements; public relations; sales promotion; mediation and completion of commercial transactions for third parties, mediation of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods, all above services are also rendered in conjunction with communication networks; computer-based file management, organisation and running of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes; collection and delivery of market research data (also by electronic means and/or via computer), as well as marketing and market research concerning information technology products and services; database services, namely data collection, processing, archiving, analysing, updating and delivery; marketing of advertising time and advertising area on audiovisual, electronic and other media; storage, processing and reproduction of information such as data; making available of EDP-based, subscriber-related accounting systems. (511) Klasse 36: Collection, processing, storage and transfer of fee charges. (511) Klasse 38: Making and broadcasting of radio and television programmes via wireless and wired networks; broadcasting of films, television, radio and teletext/videotext programmes; telecommunication; operation of communication networks, including networks for interactive applications especially for data distribution; collection, delivery and transfer of news, press releases (also by electronic means and/or via computer); transmission of sound and video via satellite; transmission of processed and unprocessed data via satellite; uploading and updating of operating software via cable or satellite; interactive electronic research concerning information technology products and services; subscriber-based television service (pay TV) including video-on-demand, also acting as a digital platform for third parties; telecommunication and information database services; mediation of information for third parties, distribution of information via wireless and wired networks; online services and transfer, namely forwarding of information and news, including e-mail; operation of a teleshopping channel; operation of communication networks by means of digital multimedia technology especially for the Internet access to teleshopping and telebanking services including applications running on television screens; operation of networks for the transfer of news, images, texts, speech and data; transmission, storage, processing and reproduction of information such as sound and images. (511) Klasse 41: Production, reproduction, presentation and rental of films, video and other television programmes; production and reproduction of data, speech, text, audio and video recordings on video and/or audio cassettes, tapes and hard disks (including CD-ROM and CD-i) as well as of video games (computer games); presentation and rental of video and/or audio cassettes, tapes and hard disks (including CD-ROM and CD-i) as well as of video games (computer games); rental of television sets and decoders; training, education; entertainment; sports and cultural activities; organisation and running of shows, quizzes and musical events as well as the organisation of sports and entertainment competitions, including those for recording or presented as live radio or television programmes; production of advertising programmes on radio or television, including price competition programmes; organisation of competition in the fields of learning, education, entertainment and sports; organisation of correspondence courses; publication and issuing of books, magazines and other print products as well as of the related electronic media (including CD-ROM and CD-i); organisation of concerts, theatre and entertainment events and sports competitions, production of films, television, radio, and VTX/teletext programmes, radio and television entertainemnt; organisation and holding of conferences, seminars, lectures and multimedia shows; promotion of new blood and talents; recording of information such as sound, images and data. (511) Klasse 42: Allocation, mediation, rental and other uses of rights to films, television and video products as well as other video and audio programmes; management and use of third parties' copyrights and industrial property rights; use of subsidiary merchandising rights in films and on television; software development, specialising in the fields of multimedia, digital and/or interactive television and pay TV; technical and engineering services, specialising in the fields of multimedia, digital and/or interactive television and pay TV; technical support in the above fields; creation of data processing programmes including video and computer games; licensing and sublicensing of EDP-based, subscriber- related accounting systems; mediation and assignment of access rights to the users of various communication networks. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-28 Gazette No.: 25/2000 382 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746883 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-24 VIRTX (730) Indehaver: Virt-x plc, One Canada Square, 34th Floor, London E14 5AA, Storbritannien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Meisser & Weinmann, Bahnhofstrasse 8, CH-7250 Klosters, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Software for use in the field of financial transactions and the Stock Exchange. (511) Klasse 42: Provision and/or leasing of access time to a data bank containing information; professional consulting about the electronic administration and organization of banking and financial affairs. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-24 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746894 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-14 SILCOM (730) Indehaver: SILCOM Electronics Vertriebs GmbH, 284, Hindenburgstrasse, D-41061 Mönchengladbach, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BONSMANN & BONSMANN Patentanwälte, 35a, Kaldenkirchener Strasse, D-41063 Mönchengladbach, , Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Memory modules apparatuses and devices for electronic data processing (included in this class). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-14 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746896 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-02 (730) Indehaver: learn2play, Am Goldberg 2, D-99817 Eisenach, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwalt R. Frhr. v. Schorlemer, 5A, Karthäuser Strasse, D-34117 Kassel, Tyskland (511) Klasse 15: Musical instruments. (511) Klasse 16: Teaching and instructional material (other than apparatus). (511) Klasse 42: Education, schooling, entertainment. (591) Farvetekst: Blue, green (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-02 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746930 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-09 MEDIO (730) Indehaver: DaimlerChrysler AG, Epplestrasse 225, D-70567 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patent Attorney Gerhard Bauer, c/o Daimler Chrysler AG, Intellectual Property Management FTP/T-0533, D-70546 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 12: Motor vehicles and parts thereof (included in this class). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-09 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP746999 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-23 GageMax (730) Indehaver: CARL ZEISS (firme), D-89518 Heidenheim, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Devices for measuring coordinates and their parts. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-23 Gazette No.: 25/2000 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP747002 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-24 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747010 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-08 T-DigitPark MYCODERM (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 39: Transport and storage of goods. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-24 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (730) Indehaver: ACO hUD ab, Box 622, S-19426 UPPLANDS-VÄSBY, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ehrner & Delmar Patentbyrå AB, Box 10316, 100 55 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; shampoo for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-08 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747003 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-25 (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machines run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 39: Transport and storage of goods. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-25 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747011 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-14 Jannet (730) Indehaver: Heins & Seitz Capital, Management GmbH, 21, Sendlinger Strasse, D-80331 München, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ARCON, Schmidt-Sibeth Heisse Weisskopf Kursawe Rechtsanwälte, 5, Maximiliansplatz, D-80333 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electrical, electrotechnical and electronic apparatus and instruments, included in this class; equipment for data processing and computers; recorded computer programs (software). (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; banking and monetary affairs; real estate operations, real estate financing services; building society services. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; electronic mail services; operation of telecommunications networks; information services, namely collection, provision, transmission, transcription and broadcasting of information and data, particularly via the new media, the Internet, digital networks, electronic media, online services as well as on local, regional and international computer networks; development and emission of Internet pages; provision and operation of an electronic market place on computer networks, particularly on the Internet (e-commerce). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-14 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747013 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-04 (730) Indehaver: Riri S.A., 23, via Catenazzi, CH-6850 Mendrisio, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: E. Blum & Co Patentanwälte, 11, Vorderberg, CH-8044 Zurich, Switzerland, Schweiz (511) Klasse 26: Slide fasteners and parts thereof. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-04 Gazette No.: 25/2000 383 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747015 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747216 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-11 NAXOS PharmaPlaza (730) Indehaver: Argesys S.A., 18, chemin des Aulx, Ch-1228 Plan-lesOuates, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Micheli & Cie, 122, rue de Genève Case postale 61, CH-1226 Thônex, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Computer software for management and follow-up planning relating to budgeting and resource techniques. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-30 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (730) Indehaver: E.J. Hoijink Beeheer B.V., 4, Jan Steenlaan, NL-1412 JV NAARDEN, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Intermark B.V., 6, Jan Luykenstraat, NL-1071 CM AMSTERDAM, Holland (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. (511) Klasse 09: Data processing apparatus, computer software, websites, electronic apparatus and instruments not included in other classes, magnetic data carriers, interactive CD's (CD-i), Read-Only-Memory discs (CDROM); automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment, computers, computer peripheral devices, registered computer programmes, recorded programmes for the control of computers. (511) Klasse 35: Business management, business advisory services and consultancy, regarding purchase and sale affairs; business intermediary services in the trade of goods as mentioned in classes 3 and 5; information in the field of business, also by telecommunication networks, such as Internet; administrative dealing with orders within the framework of services rendered by mail-order enterprises; business administration; office functions; statistical information; book-keeping; business information; market canvassing, marketing research, marketing studies; business management and organization consultancy; publicity and business affairs, such as setting-up and management of databases; advertising and publicity; dissemination of advertising matter. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance and financial affairs, including financial information; real estate management and real estate appraisal and mortgage (housing agents); hire-purchase financing; financial management; leasing of real estate. (511) Klasse 42: Software development; programming for electronic data processing; updating of software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-11 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747018 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-23 (730) Indehaver: SCG Software Consulting Group AG, Chanerfusseg 11, CH-6300 Zug, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Recorded computer programs. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, in particular manuals. (511) Klasse 37: Repair; installation and maintenance services. (511) Klasse 41: Training and further training; information on educational matters; carrying out and organizing seminars. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming as well as consultancy in this field and computer software maintenance. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-23 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747204 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-31 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747224 POLIDAN (730) Indehaver: SOLVAY (Societe Anonyme), Rue du Prince Albert, 33, B1050 Bruxelles, Belgien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SOLVAY Société Anonyme, Department de la Propriété Industrielle, 310, rue de Ransbeek, B1120 Bruxelles, Belgien (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals products for industrial use (excluding detergent and tensioactive raw materials); unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics. (511) Klasse 17: Synthetic resins (semi-finished products), plastic compounds (insulating materials). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-31 Gazette No.: 25/2000 384 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-31 CALGON AquaTec (730) Indehaver: Reckitt Benckiser NV, World Trade Center AA, 229, Schiphol Boulevard, NL-1118 BH SCHIPHOL, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Knijff & Partners, P.O. Box 5054, NL1380 GB WEESP, Holland (511) Klasse 01: Water softeners. (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use and dishwashing, whether or not in solid, fluid or gel form; laundry preparations for dry cleaners; polishing preparations for kitchen and glassware; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; carpet cleaning preparations; soaps; decalcifying and descaling preparations for domestic use; fabric softeners; all afore-mentioned goods with or without a disinfective component. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-31 Gazette No.: 25/2000 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP747245 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-17 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747355 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-08 ECOTEMP (730) Indehaver: ATELIER SYSTEMES DE PROTECTION, 840, Cheimin des Montants, F-54690 EULMONT, Frankrig (511) Klasse 07: Protective covers for robots and machines, made of textile fabrics and of rubber. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farven rød. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-17 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747249 (730) Indehaver: Henkel-Ecolab GmbH & Co. oHG, 42, Reisholzer Werftstrasse, D-40589 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Dishwashing agents, stain removers and rinse additives for use with the aforementioned goods. (511) Klasse 05: Disinfectants. (511) Klasse 07: Handing out apparatus for dishes used in dishwashing machines. (511) Klasse 36: Leasing of dishwashing machines and dishwashing installations to third parties. (511) Klasse 37: Rental of dishwashing machines and dishwashing installations to third parties. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-08 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747423 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-20 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-06 PROTEUS (730) Indehaver: Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, D-51368 Leverkusen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, seed dressing preparations (included in this class), fertilizers. (511) Klasse 05: Preparations for weed and pest control, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-06 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747254 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-13 CAPEX (730) Indehaver: Galderma S.A., CH-6330 Cham, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Medicinal shampoos. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-13 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747266 (730) Indehaver: TEMA TEKSTIL PAZARLAMA SANAYI, VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Hürriyet Mah. Altin Sok. No: 12, Yenibosna ISTANBUL, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BASALAN PATENT & TRADEMARK INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY SERVICES CONSULTANCY LTD. CO., Fulya Mah. Ortaklar Caddisi Günes Apt. No. 12/7, MECIDIYEKÖY, ISTANBUL, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-20 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-10 BBVA EUROSEGUROS (730) Indehaver: BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA, S.A., Plaza San Nicolás, 4, E-48005 Bilbao (Vizcaya), Spanien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Susana Cobas Horcajo (492/8), C/ Jorge Juan, 19-3, E-28001 Madrid, Spanien (511) Klasse 36: Insurance services; banking, monetary and real estate operation services. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-13 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747353 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-08 ECO-TEMP (730) Indehaver: Henkel-Ecolab GmbH & Co. oHG, 42, Reisholzer Werftstrasse, D-40589 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Dishwashing agents, stain removers and rinse additives for use with the aforementioned goods. (511) Klasse 05: Disinfectants. (511) Klasse 07: Handing out apparatus for dishes used in dishwashing machines. (511) Klasse 36: Leasing of dishwashing machines and dishwashing installations to third parties. (511) Klasse 37: Rental of dishwashing machines and dishwashing installations to third parties. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-08 Gazette No.: 25/2000 385 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747435 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-22 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747495 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-02 EMOTIONS (730) Indehaver: Demp Holding B.V., Burgemeester Cortenstraat 43, NL6226 GR Maastricht, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte H. Klose, M. Schmitt, Rechtsanwälte Dr. G. Reble, C Schultze, Dr. J. Ossing, Dr. H.-T. Kilpper, Dr. R.-D. Härer, R. Sturm,Weber, Sophienstr. 17, D - 68165 Mannheim, Tyskland (511) Klasse 02: Dyestuffs and lacquers. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-02 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (730) Indehaver: REYSAS SANATSAL GÖSTERI MERKEZLERI, VE TURIZM ANONIM SIRKETI, Turan Günes Bulvari 63/1, YILDIZ ANKARA, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 09: Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Paper cardboard and goods made of these materials not included in other classes; printed matter; photographs; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards. (511) Klasse 18: Goods made of leather and imitations of leather not included in other classes, namely bags and boxes of leather, pocket wallets, purses and briefcases of leather, shopping bags of leather and school bags of leather. (511) Klasse 20: Picture frames. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith). (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, headgear. (511) Klasse 26: Numerals for marking linen, monogram tabs for marking linen. (511) Klasse 27: Carpets, rugs, mats and mattings. (511) Klasse 28: Playthings. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising services. (511) Klasse 41: Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-22 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747452 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-17 Accumio (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronical, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanism for coin operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to and operation of a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-17 Gazette No.: 25/2000 386 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747514 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-10 MHP (730) Indehaver: Castrol Limited, Burmah Castrol House, Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1RE, Storbritannien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NICHOLA LAWRENCE, TRADE MARK DEPARTMENT, BURMAH CASTROL TRADING LIMITED, Burmah Castrol, Pipers Way, Swindon, WILTSHIRE, SN3 1RE, Storbritannien (511) Klasse 04: Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; lubricating oils and greases; fuels; non-chemical additives for fuels, lubricants and greases; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; illuminants; gear oils; transmission oils. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-10 Gazette No.: 25/2000 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747588 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-19 ASUWANT (730) Indehaver: Asuwant Entertainment société anonyme, 21, rue Aristide Briand, F-92170 Vanves, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BREESE-MAJEROWICZ SIMONNOT, 3, Avenue de l'Opéra, F-75001 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 38: Transmission and dissemination of images, messages, information, and of commercial data by computer terminal, cable, satellite, computer communication, communication networks such as the Internet, and via any other telecommunication facilities; telecommunication information; radio and television transmission, information agencies, radio and television programmes, television programme broadcasting. (511) Klasse 41: Teaching, training, education and entertainment services; sports and cultural activities; correspondence courses; publishing of texts, illustrations, books, reviews, newspapers, periodicals, magazines and publications of all kinds and in all forms, including electronic and digital publications; organisation and conducting of seminars, placements and lectures; organisation of conferences, forums, conventions and colloquiums; book publishing; organisation of competitions in the fields of education and entertainment, of games, information campaigns and professional or other events; publication of multimedia products, namely of magnetic, optical, image and sound carriers; lending of books and other publications; services of a franchiser, namely primary staff training; production of films on videotapes, movie film production, videotape editing, videotape rental. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming, design and development of multimedia products, production (designing and programming) of multimedia products, design and development of computer systems, leasing access time to a computer database, leasing access time to a computer for handling data, computer consultancy and information services, design and development of software and CD-ROMs, development of computer systems for opinion polls and market surveys; designing information processing systems, research and development activities for the purpose of running computer databases, and for compiling and systemizing information within a central data bank; legal counselling; printing; videotape recording (filming). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-19 Gazette No.: 1/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP747589 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-19 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747827 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-09 ASUWANT ENTERTAINMENT (730) Indehaver: Asuwant Entertainment société anonyme, 21, rue Aristide Briand, F-92170 Vanves, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BREESE-MAJEROWICZ SIMONNOT, 3, Avenue de l'Opéra, F-75001 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 38: Transmission and dissemination of images, messages, information, and of commercial data by computer terminal, cable, satellite, computer communication, communication networks such as the Internet, and via any other telecommunication facilities; telecommunication information; radio and television transmission, information agencies, radio and television programmes, television programme broadcasting. (511) Klasse 41: Teaching, training, education and entertainment services; sports and cultural activities; correspondence courses; publishing of texts, illustrations, books, reviews, newspapers, periodicals, magazines and publications of all kinds and in all forms, including electronic and digital publications; organisation and conducting of seminars, placements and lectures; organisation of conferences, forums, conventions and colloquiums; book publishing; organisation of competitions in the fields of education and entertainment, of games, information campaigns and professional or other events; publication of multimedia products, namely of magnetic, optical, image and sound carriers; lending of books and other publications; services of a franchiser, namely primary staff training; production of films on videotapes, movie film production, videotape editing, videotape rental. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming, design and development of multimedia products, production (designing and programming) of multimedia products, design and development of computer systems, leasing access time to a computer database, leasing access time to a computer for handling data, computer consultancy and information services, design and development of software and CD-ROMs, development of computer systems for opinion polls and market surveys; designing information processing systems, research and development activities for the purpose of running computer databases, and for compiling and systemizing information within a central data bank; legal counselling; printing; videotape recording (filming). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-19 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747592 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-21 MOOD MEDIA (730) Indehaver: Mood Media, Route Nationale 307, F-78810 Feucherolles, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Cabinet Ballot, 7, rue Le Sueur, F75116 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Sound and image recording and reproducing apparatus and carriers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, books, magazines relating to sound and image matters. (511) Klasse 35: Services relating to advertising through message and/or recorded picture broadcasting; advertising management. (511) Klasse 41: Musical, radio, television and video entertainment; film production; rental of films, sound recordings and material for sound and picture recording and broadcasting. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-21 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747593 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-09 CASSIOPEIA BUSINESS COM.UNITY (730) Indehaver: CASSIOPEIA AG, 4, Inselkammerstrasse, D-82008 Unterhaching, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Schoppe & Zimmermann Patentanwälte, Postfach 710867, D-81458 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Internet software, Intranet software, Extranet software. (511) Klasse 42: Consulting concerning the use of the Internet, Intranet, Extranet; programming of Internet software, Intranet software, Extranet software for third parties. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-09 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (730) Indehaver: NutriSI N.V., 7,Sint-Pietersvliet, bus 8, B-2000 ANTWERPEN, Belgien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NOVAMARK S.A., 7, Boulevard du Souverain, B-1170 BRUXELLES, Belgien (511) Klasse 01: Chemical products for use in industry, science, photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry (excluding fungicides, herbicides and pesticides); unprocessed artificial resins; unprocessed plastics; fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; metal tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. (591) Farvetekst: Black, white, green and shades of brown and yellow (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-09 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747899 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-09 SOGNI D'ORO (730) Indehaver: Star Stabilimento Alimentare S.p.A., Via Matteotti 142, I20041 Agrate Brianza, (Milano), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: JACOBACCI & PERANI S.P.A., Via Senato, 8, I-20121 MILANO, Italien (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, baby food; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa; sugar; rice; tapioca; sago; artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ice; honey, golden syrup; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. (511) Klasse 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, included in this class; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds; natural plants and flowers; animal feed, malt. (511) Klasse 32: Beers; mineral and sparkling water and other soft drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-09 Gazette No.: 1/2001 387 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP747937 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-18 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747965 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-26 ALL IS THINKABLE. MUCH IS DOABLE. (730) Indehaver: Schweizerische, Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, 50/60, Mythenquai, Postfach, CH-8022 Zürich, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Pricewaterhouse-Coopers AG, Stampfenbachstrasse 52, CH-8035 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; commercial administration; office tasks; marketing. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial operations; monetary operations; real estate operations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-18 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747945 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-28 Elotack (730) Indehaver: Elotex AG, Industriestrasse 17a, CH-6203 Sempach-Station, Schweiz (511) Klasse 01: Industrial chemicals, namely spraying powders. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-28 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747956 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-28 ContiStick (730) Indehaver: Continental Aktiengesellschaft, Vahrenwalder Strasse 9, D-30165 Hannover, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemical products for industrial, scientific, photographic, farming, horticultural and forestry purposes; synthetic resins in a crude state, plastics in a crude state; adhesive for industrial purposes, cold vulcanizing of fabric belts, chemical solutions for bonding rubber to metal, rubber adhesives. (511) Klasse 04: Lubricants for vehicle tyres to be mounted on rims. (511) Klasse 07: Drive belts, conveyor belts, machine tools, clutches, except for land vehicles, driving belts. (511) Klasse 12: Vehicles and their parts, clutches for land vehicles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-28 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (730) Indehaver: Adar Golad, 16, Scherenenkweg, NL-8051 KH HATTEM, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric not included in other classes, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, monitoring (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculat-ing machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire ex-tinguishers. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made thereof, not included in other classes; printing products; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' supplies; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (excluding apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printing type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 28: Games, toys; gymnastics and sporting articles not included in other classes; Christmas tree decorations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-26 Gazette No.: 1/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748006 (111) Reg. nr.: MP747963 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-15 EPICENTRE (730) Indehaver: SANOFI-SYNTHELABO, 174 Avenue de France, F-75013 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Audio-video compact disks, digital optical disks, optical compact disks, computer software (recorded programs), magnetic data me-dia, data bank software and electronic and recorded image banks, computer programs; all these goods for use in the medical field; computers and computer peripherals. (511) Klasse 16: Paper and cardboard (unprocessed, semi-processed or for station-ery or printing purposes); non-textile labels, adhesives (for station-ery or household use), cardboard articles, books, printed matter, manuals, pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals; packaging paper; paper or plastic packaging bags, sachets, envelopes, small bags and sheets; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus). (511) Klasse 35: Compilation of information into computer databases, computerized file management, systemization of information into computer data-bases; all these services relating to the medical field. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; communications via computer terminals and Internet communications, computer-aided message and image transmission; all these services intended for the medical field. (511) Klasse 42: Development (design) of computer software, maintenance of com-puter software, database reconstruction, all the above being computer services. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-15 Gazette No.: 1/2001 388 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-06 VINCENT (730) Indehaver: SOREMARTEC, Drève de l'Arc-en-Ciel 102, B-6700 Schoppach-Arlon, Belgien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dennemeyer & Associates S.A., 55, rue des Bruyères, L- 1274 HOWALD, (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg), Luxembourg (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes; flour and cereal preparations (excluding fillings), bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery, edible ice; honey, golden syrup; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; pepper, vinegar, sauces; spices; ice for refreshment; cocoa and goods made of cocoa, particularly cocoa paste for beverages, chocolate paste; coatings and icing, particularly chocolate coatings and icing; chocolate, chocolate eggs, pralines, chocolate decorations for Christmas trees, chocolate goods with alcohol centres; sugar goods; confectionery products, including dessert pastry and commercial pastry goods; chewing gum, sugar-free chewing gum, sugar-free sweets. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-06 Gazette No.: 1/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP748061 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-29 (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (as far as included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanism for coin operated ap-paratus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of card-board or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for tele-communication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming, data base services, namely rental of ac-cess time to and rental services relating to data processing equip-ment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-29 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748099 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-12 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748100 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-12 (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for the recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine-run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-12 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for the recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine-run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-12 Gazette No.: 2/2001 389 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748101 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-12 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748191 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-15 AXORID (730) Indehaver: ASTA Medica AG, 45, Weismüllerstrasse, D-60314 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations, sanitary preparations; dietetic substances, adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-15 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748204 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-07 DIVA (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for the recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or magnetic data; machine-run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-12 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748157 (730) Indehaver: House of Prince Poland S.A., Jawornik 360, PL-32-400 Myslenice, Polen (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Henryk Drelichowski, P.O. Box No. 24, PL-31-816 Kraków 39, Polen (511) Klasse 34: Tobacco products, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, lighters for smokers, matches, smokers' articles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-07 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748367 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-20 S42 (730) Indehaver: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft ZT FM, Post Office Box 22 16 34, D-80506 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Telephones, mobile phones; accumulators, batteries, automotive accessories for mobile phones, namely supports, hands-free sets, charging cables, charging units, charging stations, headsets, mouse devices; chip cards, software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-20 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-08 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748537 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-17 Safe-T-Melt (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing, Lawyers Rechtsanwälte, 92a, Königsallee, D-40121 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for the recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine-run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 41: Education; instruction; entertainment; organization of sporting and cultural events; publication and issuing of books, periodicals and further printed matter as well as corresponding electronic media (including CD-ROM and CD-I). (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-08 Gazette No.: 2/2001 390 (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, 67, Henkelstrasse, D-40589 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Adhesives for use in industry. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-17 Gazette No.: 2/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP748593 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-17 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748773 SKANOVA (730) Indehaver: Telia AB, S-123 86 Farsta, Sverige (511) Klasse 09: Communication networks and control devices to them, namely telecommunication exchanges, trunk lines, transmitters, receivers, switches, base stations, terminals, cables for electric and optical signal transmissions; communication networks including optical connections, electrical connections and radio connections; control and interconnection equipment for electrical, optical and radio connections, namely multiplexers and servers; devices and instrument for recording, reproduction, storing, processing, reception, transmission, modification, compression and radio transmission of data, sound and/or pictures; testing and calibration instruments; magnetic, optical and electronic data carriers; mechanisms for coin and card-controlled devices and peripherals to them; registered computer programs; internet communication devices; magnetic encoders (for storing of data); supervisory programs (computer programs). (511) Klasse 38: Transfer and transmission of data, information and communication by means of telephones, computers, teleprinters, electronic mail, laser beams, satellites or by electronic or optical devices; electronic communication; communication via fibre optical networks; mobile radio communications; information and leasing of optical, electrical, and/or radio connections, granting of capacity in connections adapted to individual purposes or for transit traffic between telecommunication networks managed by various operators; leasing of telecommunication equipment; services related to access to data communication networks/internet; data packet transmission services; network communications, broadband communications; digital telecommunications and data communications. (511) Klasse 42: Consulting services related to data communication and telecommunication; construction and development of computer systems for collection, handling, retrieval and presentation of data; computer programming; consultation related to security issues including digital signatures, encryption services, electronic verification and identification services. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-17 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748600 (730) Indehaver: Satsafe MLS AB, Box 21165, S-10252 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ehrner & Delmar Patentbyrå AB, Box 10316, 100 55 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Klasse 09: Mobile positioning devices. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication via long range mobile equipment. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-21 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748733 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-10 ALLOGA (730) Indehaver: Galenica Holding AG, 8, Untermattweg, CH-3001 Berne, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Troller Hitz Troller & Partner, 38, Münstergasse, CH-3011 Bern, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary products and sanitary preparations, including parapharmaceutical products; dietetic products for medical use, baby food; plasters, materials for dressings; materials for filling teeth and making dental impressions, disinfectants. (511) Klasse 35: Marketing, market research and analyses; operation of an import agency, particularly for medicines and pharmaceutical products; retail trade in goods, particularly medicines and pharmaceutical products; collection and systematization of data on paper and electronic data carriers, particularly data and documentation relating to medical and pharmaceutical issues, including parapharmaceutical issues. (511) Klasse 39: Services in the field of transport and storage, particularly transport, storage and delivery, as well as packaging, of goods, particularly medicines. (511) Klasse 41: Publication of data and documentation on paper and electronic data carriers relating to medical and pharmaceutical issues, including parapharmaceutical issues; continuous training. (511) Klasse 42: Legal counselling and representation services for third parties with regard to authorities and public administration, particularly for drug licensing. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-10 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-28 ZOMARYL (730) Indehaver: Novartis AG, CH-4002 Basel, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-28 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748780 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-17 (730) Indehaver: Neuricam SpA, 12, Via S.Maria Maddalena, I-38100 Trento, Italien (511) Klasse 09: Integrated and printed circuits. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-17 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748781 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-09 PCS (800) Design. dato: 2000-06-21 SatSafe 2002-01-30 (730) Indehaver: Wilhelm Julius Teufel, GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarstrasse 189-191, D-70190 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Lichtenstein, Körner & Partner, 9, Heidehofstrasse, D-70184 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 10: Orthopaedic footwear, particularly shoes, inner soles and soles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-09 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP748988 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-15 FRAMUS (730) Indehaver: Hans-Peter Wilfer, 5, Zum Hackerhof, D-08258 Markneukirchen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Meissner, Bolte & Partner Patentanwälte, 27, Karolinenstrasse, D-90402 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Sound processing devices, mixing consoles, devices for tone effects, tuners, loudspeakers, active loudspeakers (combos); fitted cases or bags for sound processing devices, for mixing consoles and for tuners. (511) Klasse 15: Fitted receptacles, cases or bags for musical instruments. (511) Klasse 18: Non fitted receptacles, cases or bags for musical instruments, for sound processing devices, for mixing consoles and for tuners. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-15 Gazette No.: 2/2001 391 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP749003 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749032 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-27 MEDIA SURFER sixthcontinent (730) Indehaver: The Fantastic Corporation, 1, Rathausstrasse, CH-6341 Baar, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Lenz & Staehelin Rechtsanwälte, , , Bleicherweg 58, CH-8027 Zürich, Swaziland (511) Klasse 09: Magnetic or electronic recording media, apparatus for transmitting and reproducing sound or images. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, publications, periodicals, magazines, circular letters, books, bills, brochures, pictorial representations and reproductions, graphic images, napkins (made of paper or cardboard), calendars, office supplies, posters (pictures) or images, inkstands, pencils, congratulatory cards, stationery, playing cards, notebooks, prospectuses, boxes (made of paper or cardboard). (511) Klasse 35: Organisation and conducting of commercial exhibitions; organisation and conducting of sales and advertising events for commercial purposes. (511) Klasse 41: Education and training; computer training; entertainment, cultural activities; organisation and conducting of seminars, of school events, conferences and exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; information services for training in information technologies, computers and news; all the above services for training purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-30 Gazette No.: 2/2001 (730) Indehaver: Gold-Zack AG, 7, Gold-Zack-Strasse, D-49822 Mettmann, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ursula Holler Rechtsanwältin, 17, Holzhausenstrasse, D-60322 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; cost prise analysis; business organization consultancy, especially in connection with sys-temization, compilation, management and transfer of databases and information by means of electronic media; controlling and coordination of and between enterprises like public relations, especially by means of electronic media. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; monetary affairs; financial analysis, especially analysis of stock is-sues, financial and strategic consultancy and sponsorship; financing services and participations, especially in connection with going public; capital investments. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; providing Internet exchange; collecting and transmission of news and pictures; providing of sources of information. (511) Klasse 41: Education; training; entertainment; cultural activities; educational programs as well as its implementation by means of electronic media. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-27 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749020 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749060 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-27 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-27 dersechstekontinent 6th-continent (730) Indehaver: Gold-Zack AG, 7, Gold-Zack-Strasse, D-49822 Mettmann, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ursula Holler Rechtsanwältin, 17, Holzhausenstrasse, D-60322 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; cost prise analysis; business organization consultancy, especially in connection with sys-temization, compilation, management and transfer of databases and information by means of electronic media; controlling and coordination of and between enterprises like public relations, especially by means of electronic media. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; monetary affairs; financial analysis, especially analysis of stock is-sues, financial and strategic consultancy and sponsorship; financing services and participations, especially in connection with going public; capital investments. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; providing Internet exchange; collecting and transmission of news and pictures; providing of sources of information. (511) Klasse 41: Education; training; entertainment; cultural activities; educational programs as well as its implementation by means of electronic media. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-27 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (730) Indehaver: Gold-Zack AG, 7, Gold-Zack-Strasse, D-49822 Mettmann, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ursula Holler Rechtsanwältin, 17, Holzhausenstrasse, D-60322 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; cost prise analysis; business organization consultancy, especially in connection with systemization, compilation, management and transfer of databases and information by means of electronic media; controlling and coordination of and between enterprises like public relations, especially by means of electronic media. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; monetary affairs; financial analysis, especially analysis of stock issues, financial and strategic consultancy and sponsorship; financing services and participations, especially in connection with going public; capital investments. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; providing Internet exchange; collecting and transmission of news and pictures; providing of sources of information. (511) Klasse 41: Education; training; entertainment; cultural activities; educational programs as well as its implementation by means of electronic media. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-27 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749025 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-27 sechster-kontinent (730) Indehaver: Gold-Zack AG, 7, Gold-Zack-Strasse, D-49822 Mettmann, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ursula Holler Rechtsanwältin, 17, Holzhausenstrasse, D-60322 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; cost prise analysis; business organization consultancy, especially in connection with sys-temization, compilation, management and transfer of databases and information by means of electronic media; controlling and coordination of and between enterprises like public relations, especially by means of electronic media. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; monetary affairs; financial analysis, especially analysis of stock is-sues, financial and strategic consultancy and sponsorship; financing services and participations, especially in connection with going public; capital investments. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; providing Internet exchange; collecting and transmission of news and pictures; providing of sources of information. (511) Klasse 41: Education; training; entertainment; cultural activities; educational programs as well as its implementation by means of electronic media. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-27 Gazette No.: 3/2001 392 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP749119 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-15 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749365 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-10 KNOWINGS (730) Indehaver: Knowings, 100, boulevard Barrier, Immeubles les Bâteliers, F-73100 Aix les Bains, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET GERMAIN & MAUREAU, 12, rue Boileau, F-69006 LYON, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Computers and peripheral equipment, recorded computer programs (software and software packages); sound and image reproduction apparatus, magnetic data carriers; apparatus for data processing and computers. (511) Klasse 35: Computer file management; document reproduction; business advice or information; business organisation and management consulting services; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; advertising. (511) Klasse 38: Communication via computer terminals; electronic mail services; services providing access to computer networks; transmission and communication of data via computer communication; press and information agencies. (511) Klasse 42: Legal services; web site design, development and hosting; leasing access time to a computer database server and to programs; computer programming; leasing access time to a computer for data manipulation; updating of recorded programs (software and software packages); development (design) of recorded programs (software and software packages); computer system configuration analyses; computer support and more generally non-business professional consulting, engineering project studies; rental of computers (software and software packages), recorded programs and computer hardware. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-15 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (730) Indehaver: Steven R.A. van Eijck, 17, Witte Spaanstraat, NL-3062 XL ROTTERDAM, Holland ; Matthew M. Fawcett, 32, Saffierhorst, NL2592 GL The Hague, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Knijff & Partners B.V., Leeuwenveldseweg 12, NL-1382 LX Weesp, Holland (511) Klasse 36: Financial consultancy. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-10 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749371 UNICERT (730) Indehaver: Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren, Sprachlehr- und Fremdspracheninstitute (AKS) e.V., 150, Universitätsstrasse, D-44780 Bochum, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Harrer & Krevet Rechtsanwälte, 3, Humboldtstrasse, D-79539 Lörrach, Tyskland (511) Klasse 41: Foreign language certification in academic instructions, including appropriate preparatory language training programmes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-15 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749426 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749207 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-15 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-15 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-28 @SIPARK (730) Indehaver: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft ZT FM, Postfach 221634, D-80506 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 36: Monetary affairs, in particular eletronic payment transactions. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; providing information via the Internet, in particular traffic data. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-28 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749361 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-22 TeamComputer (730) Indehaver: Wilkhahn Wilkening + Hahne, GmbH & Co, 8, Im Landerfeld, D-31848 Bad Münder, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: V. Tetzner, M. Tetzner, T. Tetzner Patent- und Rechtsanwälte, 3, Van-Gogh-Strasse, D-81479 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, monitoring, emergency and teaching apparatus; apparatus and instruments for heavy current engineering, namely for conveyance, transformation, storage, regulation and control; light current engineering apparatus and instruments, namely for the telecommunication, high-frequency and regulating techniques; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment. (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply purposes and sanitary installations. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, mirrors, frames; goods (included in this class) made of wood, cork, reed, rushwork, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, tortoiseshell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials or of plastic materials. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-22 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (730) Indehaver: Dirk Manthey, 29, Heimhuder Strasse, D-20148 Hamburg, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Gaedertz Rechtsanwälte, 50, Warburgstrasse, D-20354 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 42: Providing of food and drink and temporary accommodation; services of a restaurant; services of a hotel; medical, hygienic and beaty care. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-15 Gazette No.: 3/2001 393 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749536 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749873 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-23 IMPULSE TWIST (730) Indehaver: Unilever N.V., Weena 455, NL-3013 AL Rotterdam, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Unilever N.V., Postbus 760, NL-3000 DK Rotterdam, Holland (511) Klasse 03: Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, eaux de Cologne, eaux de toilette, cosmetic body care products, in aerosol form; skin care oils, creams and lotions; shaving gel and foams; pre-shave and aftershave lotions; talcum powder, for toiletry use; tioletry products for the bath and showder; dentifrices; oral care products, for non-medical use, anti-perspirants and deodorants for personal use; toiletries. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-23 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750028 (730) Indehaver: S.A. Majid, 51, Bd. de Dixmude, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgien (511) Klasse 30: Tea. (591) Farvetekst: Red, black, green, gold, pink (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-05 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP749834 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-22 (730) Indehaver: Auer Blaschke GmbH, Wiener Strasse 209-215, A-2104 Spillern, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Thomas M. Haffner Patentanwalt, 3a, Schottengasse, A-1014 Wien, Østrig (511) Klasse 30: Waffles. (591) Farvetekst: Yellow, black, pink, orange and brown (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-03 Gazette No.: 3/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750074 (730) Indehaver: Philip Morris Products S.A., Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH2000 Neuchâtel, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Zimmerli Wagner & Partner AG, 19, Löwenstrasse, CH-8001 Zurich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 34: Raw and manufactured tobacco, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, hand-rolling tobacco, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco; tobacco substitutes (for non-medical purposes); smokers' requisites including cigarette paper and cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco jars, cigarette cases and ashtrays not of precious metal, their alloys or coated therewith; pipes, pocket machines for rolling cigarettes, lighters and matches. (591) Farvetekst: Dark blue, light blue, red, gold, white (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-22 Gazette No.: 3/2001 394 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-03 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-22 (730) Indehaver: Zhongshanshi kadanlu, piju youxian gongsi, No. 1, Xingninglu, Dongfengzhen, Zhongshanshi, CN-528425 Guangdong, Kina (511) Klasse 16: Papers for household and industrial use; printing products; stationery; writing materials. (511) Klasse 42: Exhibition-site management; public baths for hygiene purposes; Turkish baths; massage services; hairdressing salons; luxury hairdressing salons; beauty salons; intellectual property licensing; intellectual property consultancy; industrial designs; fashion designing services; fashion information; computer programming; computer software development. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-22 Gazette No.: 4/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP750178 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-24 (730) Indehaver: APC Interactive Solutions AG, 64,Triester Strasse, A-1100 Wien, Østrig (511) Klasse 09: Computer hardware, computer software and peripherals for computers and parts of the aforesaid goods not included in other classes. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, especially image and sound transmission via the Internet. (511) Klasse 39: Booking of seats for travel purposes; vehicle rental, transportation of travelers, tour package reservation, tour arrangement, organization of trips and excursions. (511) Klasse 41: Education, training, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities, services relating to leisure activity planning. (511) Klasse 42: Provision of access to computer programs by means of global computer networks; provision of computer programs which can be accessed on a global computer network, computer site development, hotel or boarding house room reservation, operation of holiday camps (accommodation), rental of tourist rooms or tourist homes. (591) Farvetekst: Red, white (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-24 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750183 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-13 MustBinder (730) Indehaver: MUSTEK OPTIC-COMPUTER & COMMUNICATION INTERNATIONAL GmbH, 2a, Hellersbergstrasse, D-41460 Neuss, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Thomas U. Becker & Partner Patentanwälte, Turmstrasse 22, D-40878 Ratingen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Computers, personal computers, especially notebook computers, laptops; peripheral equipment for electric and electronic installations like displays, screens, monitors, printers, mice, joysticks; computer software; programs for electronic games; apparatuses for recording, transfer and playback of photographs and/or text; DVD systems; digital cameras, video conference systems, compact discs and chip discs as well as carriers for recording of sounds, pictures and video; scanners and computer programs for scanners, stored on data carriers; uninterrupted power supply equipment for the aforementioned apparatuses. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-13 Gazette No.: 4/2001 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750212 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-15 (730) Indehaver: Voigtländer GmbH, 56 H, Petzvalstrasse, D-38104 Braunschweig, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: GRAMM, LINS & PARTNER GbR, Theodor- Heuss- Strasse 1, D-38122 Braunschweig, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Films (sensitized and unexposed). (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, surveying, optical, measuring, signalling and regulating apparatus and instruments; cinematographic filming apparatus and instruments, especially cinematographic cameras, camcorders, digital cameras as well as parts of cameras, included in this class; photographic apparatus and instruments, especially photographic cameras as well as parts of and accessories for photographic apparatus and instruments, namely objectives, attachable viewfinders, cameras shutters, objective screen, camera hoods, lens shade, exposure meters, flashlight devices, photographic filters, supporting strap for cameras, adapter rings for attaching objectives on cameras, angle viewfinder, exposure meter, front lens, exposure and telemeter, lenses, stands and their pieces for photographic and cinematographic cameras; telescopes, field glasses and binoculars for theatre; microscopes; slide projectors, photographic transparencies, frames for photographic transparencies, centering apparatus for photographic transparencies; films (exposed), animated cartoons, film cutting apparatus, video cassettes and video tapes, video screens, video recorders; cases and bags especially made for films, objectives, cameras and photographic apparatus. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-15 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750302 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-20 INTRAKEUR (730) Indehaver: Covatuin B.V., 3, Korenmolenlaan, NL-3447 GG Woerden, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Merkenbureau Onel B.V., 48-2 Eikenweg, NL-1092, CA AMSTERDAM, Holland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry (except fungicides, herbicides and pesticides), natural and artificial fertilizers. (511) Klasse 05: Disinfectants; herbicides and pesticides. (511) Klasse 08: Hand tools and implements (hand operated); cutlery; forks and spoons; side arms; razors. (511) Klasse 19: Building materials (non metallic); natural and artificial stone; lime, mortar; gypsum, gravel, sandstone tubes and tubes of cement; material for making roads; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments of stone, non-metallic chimneys. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, celluloid and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except pain brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. (511) Klasse 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; living animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, naturals plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and commercial affairs. (511) Klasse 42: Laying-out of gardens; gardening, garden-maintenance/ care. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-20 Gazette No.: 4/2001 395 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750475 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-28 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750822 (800) Design. dato: 2000-09-28 KFG-E Custonomy (730) Indehaver: KFG Level AG, Ruessenstrasse 4, CH-6341 Baar, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: OK pat AG, 36, Hinterbergstrasse, Postfach 5254, CH-6330 Cham, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Computer software; downloadable electronic publications. (511) Klasse 35: Data compilation and systemisation in a database. (511) Klasse 42: Computer consulting; computer systems analysis; computer programming; software maintenance; software design; provision of access time to information relating to a wide range of fields by means of a global computer network (the Internet). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-28 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (730) Indehaver: Heinz Biederer, Am Seitenberg 16, D-97828 Marktheidenfeld, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Hagemann, Braun & Held, Postfach 860 329 , München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Sales promotion; business management; business administration, management consulting; marketing studies; services of a price agency, such as determination of the most attractive offer for goods and/or services through marketing studies and analysis of market estimation; operation of a call center, in particular handling of contracts concerning purchase and sale of goods (taking of commissions and orders); search and mediation services, in particular searching and finding information in a data network, in particular in the Internet. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; collecting and providing of information; transmission of information; operating an information, complaint and emergency hotline; mediation of access to registers in data networks, in particular to information available in the Internet. (511) Klasse 42: Organizational and technical project management in the field of electronic data processing, in particular in the Internet; development of trademarks, products and services for third parties. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-09-28 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750512 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-07 ASPIRE (730) Indehaver: Yamanouchi Europe B.V., Elisabethhof 19, NL-2353 EW Leiderdorp, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Markgraaf B.V., Hogehilweg 3, NL1101 CA Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Holland (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; public relations. (511) Klasse 41: Education; providing of training, organising presentations, seminars, exhibitions, fairs and training sessions (for educational purposses); publication and issuance of periodicals, news letters and books; health clubs (sports and leisure). (511) Klasse 42: Consultancy and information with regard to medical care, health care and medical technology; medical care and health care. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-07 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750770 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-22 (730) Indehaver: Le Gant Rigaudy S.A., La Frugière, F-47500 Sauveterre la lemance, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bruno Ducamp- le gant rigaudy s.a., F-47500 Sauveterre La Lemance, Frankrig (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, socks, headgear, hosiery. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-22 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750771 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-22 (730) Indehaver: Le Gant Rigaudy S.A., La Frugière, F-47500 Sauveterre la lemance, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Le Gant Rigaudy S.A., La Frugière, F-47500 Sauveterre la lemance, Frankrig (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, socks, headgear, hosiery. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-22 Gazette No.: 4/2001 396 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP750827 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-16 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750858 (800) Design. dato: 2000-07-03 instalight PLUS (730) Indehaver: Ivoclar AG, Bendererstr. 2, FL-9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein (511) Klasse 03: Dentifrices, bleaching preparations and sanitary preparations. (511) Klasse 05: Materials for use in dentistry, particularly materials and instruments for making impressions, casts, crowns and bridges, inlays, dentures and artificial teeth and for rebasing, insulating and tooth characterisation; polishing preparations, dental waxes, defatting and sanding products; dental alloys; materials for fillings and for sealing purposes, amalgams, materials for pulp protection and root treatment; materials for protecting cavities, treating damage to the dentin and to the dental pulp; materials used in acid etching and for preventing tooth decay; repair materials, products for improving the adhesive quality of filling materials, protective lacquers, drying and defatting products, materials for the cosmetic restoration of damaged teeth, diagnostic products; dental materials for bleaching teeth, compounds, cements, materials for saliva diagnosis; disinfectants, products for oral and dental hygiene, medicated mouthwashes, products for treating caries and periodontosis; staining materials; alloys of precious metals and alloys of non-precious metals for use in dentistry and dental technology; dental coating materials; precious and non-precious metals for use in dentistry and dental technology; adhesives, cavity lining materials, root filling materials, reconstruction materials for root canal anchors, repair materials; positive contrast media, materials for binding metals and resins, prefabricated elements for crowns, bridges and pontics, fibre-reinforced resins for making crowns, bridges and pontics; fissure sealants, capsules for mixtures of dental substances; plaque disclosing materials. (511) Klasse 10: Apparatus, instruments and tools used in dentistry and dental technology, particularly instruments for making impressions and recordings; articulators, mixers, sanders, dosing apparatus and instruments, cutting, grinding and drilling instruments; artificial teeth and caps, plates for teeth; syringes, colour-coded rings, matrix bands, strips; the aforementioned tools and instruments for preventing caries and for treating periodontosis; polishing tools, ceramic mixture plates, pins; resin, metal or ceramic ingots; crowns and bridges, instruments for applying dentistry products. (511) Klasse 11: Polymerisation and adaptation apparatus; all the aforesaid products for dental care; dental ovens. (511) Klasse 17: Materials made of semi-processed resins, resins in the form of polymerizable pastes and liquids, resins in the form of photopolymerizable pastes for manufacturing jewellery, pourable and/or hardening resins (semi-finished products), resins and mixtures of resins (semi-finished products). (511) Klasse 42: Organisation of seminars and instructional courses in the field of dentistry. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-16 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (730) Indehaver: Insta Elektro GMBH & CO KG, Wefelshohler Strasse 35, D-58511 Lüdenscheid, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Technical accessories, namely electronic transformers, electronic control devices for start-up and operation of lamps, ignition devices, dimmers, cord dimmers, keying dimmers, switches, sensors for radio-, mechanical-, infrared-, ultrasonic signals; actuators; brightness sensors, photo-electric switches, presence detectors, proximity switches, vibration switches, ventilation and thermic sensors; devices for controlling and regulating stage lighting, devices for presence control; as well as devices for acoustic control, voice and picture recognition; devices for control of multi-functional light diaphragms, light table, reflectors, diaphragms permeable to light, electronic components/devices with wireless infrared light remote control for lighting control; electric and electronic devices which are connected to one another via an installation bus system in a building and which send commands for influencing control, measuring, transmission and registration apparatus and devices. (511) Klasse 11: Lighting systems, lamps; lamp holders, mechanical, electrical, incandescent halogen high pressure lamps, light rail systems, lamp cooling devices, light filters, lamp shades, light shades, attachments for lamps. (511) Klasse 37: Installation of lights and light systems, namely installation of control and regulation devices dependant upon daylight and artificial light, as well as of mechanical and electronic apparatus for control of reflection processes and absorption and reflection diaphragms; repair and maintenance, including repair and maintenance of the products or systems using the products listed in classes 9 and 11, but not including repair and maintenance of the time switches for the above products. (511) Klasse 42: Light design; remote control by different transmission mediums, namely radio-, infrared-, ultrasonic. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-07-03 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750866 (800) Design. dato: 2001-12-21 (730) Indehaver: Mairs Geographischer Verlag, Kurt Mair GmbH & Co., Marco-Polo-Zentrum, D-73760 Ostfildern, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Commercial agencies and conclusion of business for others; agency of contracts for procuring and selling goods; distribution of advertising material (fliers; prospectuses, printed matter, product samples). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-21 Gazette No.: 4/2001 397 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750870 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-12 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750891 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-30 costdata STRUCTURESSENCE (730) Indehaver: Frank Bürger, Im Höhngesgarten 9, D-51491 OverathUntereschbach, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Kutzenberger & Wolff, Theodor-Heuss-Ring, 23, D-50668 Köln, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Computer programs, including those for use in computer networks, particularly computer programs for the acquisition and analysis of data for controlling, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, commercial and production benchmarking, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, the determination of production and administration cost structures and the determination of products costs, accounting; computer programs for automatic order placement, particularly for order placement on virtual markets on the Internet or other computer networks. (511) Klasse 16: Teaching material namely teaching material for controlling, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, for commercial and production benchmarking, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, in the determination of production and administration cost structures and the determination of products costs, for accounting, particularly in printed form, for example in the form of books, magazines, periodicals, in electronic form, for example in the form of diskettes, compact discs, video cassettes, DVD or in a form obtainable online via a computer network. (511) Klasse 35: Consultancy, including that conducted online via a computer network, namely consultancy in the field of controlling, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, in the field of commercial and production benchmarking particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, in the determination of production and administration cost structures and in the determination of products costs, in the field of accounting; optimization, including that conducted online via a computer network, for example optimization of controlling particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, of commercial and production benchmarking particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, of the determination of production and administration cost structures and of the determination of products costs, of accounting; collection, analysis and marketing of data, including that conducted online via a computer network, namely data for controlling, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, for commercial and production benchmarking particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, for the determination of production and administration cost structures and for the determination of product costs, for accounting; preparation of cost analyses, including those conducted online via a computer network, particularly of analyses for the determination of production and administration cost structures and of analyses for the determination of product costs including the determination of the most favourable supplier, analyses for accounting, analyses for commercial and production benchmarking; controlling, including that conducted via a computer network; commercial and production benchmarking, including that conducted online via a computer network; Internet services, namely the collection and analysis of data in the field of controlling, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution including automatic order placement based on the determined data, in the field of commercial and production benchmarking, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, including automatic order placement based on the determined data, for the determination of production and administration cost structures and for the determination of product costs, including automatic order placement based on the determined data, in the field of accounting; automatic order placement via a computer network. (511) Klasse 41: Training, including that conducted via a computer network, namely training in the field of controlling, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, in the field of commercial and production benchmarking, particularly for the sectors of purchasing, sales, production and distribution, on the determination of production and administration cost structures and the determination of raw material costs, in the field of accounting. (511) Klasse 42: Technical provision of a virtual market place, particularly for the automotive industry, electrical industry, particularly in the domestic appliances sector. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-12 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (730) Indehaver: Laboratoires Ingrid Millet, 54, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, F-75008 Paris, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Sodema Conseils S.A., , 14 bis, rue de la Faisanderie, F-75782 Paris Cedex 16, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Soaps; perfumery goods, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-30 Gazette No.: 4/2001 398 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751028 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-15 andiamo (730) Indehaver: Salamander-Bund GmbH, 10, Stammheimer Strasse, D70806 Kornwestheim, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: KROHER - STROBEL Rechts- und Patentanwälte, 20, Bavariaring, D-80336 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, shoe and leather care preparations. (511) Klasse 18: Goods made from leather and leather imitations (included in this class). (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-15 Gazette No.: 4/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751213 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-04 CHOKOLINO (730) Indehaver: Auer Blaschke GmbH, Wiener Strasse 209-215, A-2104 Spillern, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Thomas M. Haffner Patentanwalt, 3a, Schottengasse, A-1014 Wien, Østrig (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-04 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751258 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-18 ERGO (730) Indehaver: Ergo Computing UK Ltd., Ergo House, Wheatcroft Business Park, Edwalton, Nottingham NG12 4DG, Storbritannien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Lewis & Taylor, Sutton Place, 49 Stoney Street, GB-Nottingham NG1 1LX, Storbritannien (511) Klasse 09: Computer hardware and software; computers; personal computers; lap-top computers; computer peripherals; computer components. (511) Klasse 37: Computer installation and maintenance services. (511) Klasse 42: Computer networking services; advisory and consultancy services relating to computer hardware and software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-18 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751344 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-22 REALFLU (730) Indehaver: F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Grenzacherstrasse 124, CH4002 Basel, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Chemical reagents used for medical purposes. (511) Klasse 09: Containers and jars (equipment) used in diagnostic procedures. (511) Klasse 42: Scientific research, namely collection and analysis of data relating to viruses to assess the spread of flu epidemics; provision of access time to an electronic data bank. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-22 Gazette No.: 5/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP751467 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-06 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751654 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-11 HELUKABEL (730) Indehaver: Helu Kabel GmbH, Dieselstrasse 8-12, D-71282 Hemmingen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wolf & Lutz Patentanwälte, 93, Hauptmannsreute, D-70193 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric cables, wires, conductors and connecting armatures belonging thereto; threaded cable connectors of metal; threaded cable connectors of plastic material; cable binders of plastic material (included in this class); helices of plastic material for harnesses wires, plastic tubes or individual cables (included in this class) (all of the aforementioned goods for electric purposes). (511) Klasse 17: Protective plastic tubes, insulating plastic tubes and threaded tube connectors of plastic material or metal (all of the aforementioned goods for electric purposes). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-06 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751645 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-17 (730) Indehaver: Pocket Card Miniprints GmbH, Agentur & Verlag für kreative, Kommunikation, Kesselstrasse 41, D-70327 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wilhelm & Dauster Patentanwälte, 8, Hospitalstrasse, D-70174 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Plastic cards with a magnetic data memory. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, bookbinding material, jackets, covers and cases of paper, cardboard or plastic, plastic cards with or without a magnetic data memory. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising. (591) Farvetekst: Black, white, red, blue. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-17 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (730) Indehaver: Klaus P. Guenther, Im Obstgarten 33a, D-21614 Buxtehude, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dipl.-Ing. Ludgerus A. Meyer, 38, Jungfernstieg, D-20354 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Recorded data carriers for sound, images and data; computer programs; CDs, videos, DVDs; electronic games, electronic game equipment; sunglasses. (511) Klasse 12: Bicycles, battery-charged vehicles, golf caddies. (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys, namely handicraft articles, cups, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard; paper towels and table napkins; printed matter; photographs; postcards; stationery; articles for drawing, painting and modelling; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), in the form of printed matter and games; plastic materials for packaging, namely envelopes, bags and films; playing cards, stickers. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, namely handbags, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks; bags for campers, rucksacks. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes; glassware, porcelain and earthenware for household and kitchen. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles goods, namely household linen, table and bed covers, towels. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, shoes, headgear; T-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, coats, trousers, shirts, sweaters, neckties, gloves, scarves, head scarves, hats, socks, underwear, sports and swimming wear. (511) Klasse 28: Games, playthings, gymnastic and sporting equipment, balls for games, golf clubs, bags for sports and games equipment, golf balls, dolls, plush toys; skateboards, inline skates, golf bags. (511) Klasse 29: Milk products, namely yoghurt, milk beverages (milk predominating), desserts of yoghurt, of curd and of cream. (511) Klasse 30: Pastries and confectionery, edible ices, honey, cereal bars, chocolate bars. (511) Klasse 32: Aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages, energy drinks. (511) Klasse 35: Operation of data bases, also via internet; operation of interactive data bases via Internet. (511) Klasse 39: Travel arrangement, tourist guidance, transport. (511) Klasse 41: Training; further education and entertainment; publication of books and magazines; sports and cultural activities; production and publication of films and sound data; organisation of seminars and exhibitions; film, sound, video and television productions; organisation and execution of music and entertainment presentations as well as contests. (511) Klasse 42: Accomodation and providing of food and drink for guests; development and maintenance of programs for data processing; exploitation of rights, licensing of trademarks; development of interactive data bases via Internet. (591) Farvetekst: Green, red, white, grey, ochre, bright blue. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-11 Gazette No.: 5/2001 399 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP751663 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751712 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-20 CAREEZA Porta Romana (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., Groenewoudseweg 1, NL-5621 BA Eindhoven, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: International Octrooibureau B.V., 6, Prof. Holstlaan, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Electronic flat irons and their parts, including sole plates. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-05 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (730) Indehaver: Seagull S.r.l., 5,Via Rossetto, I-30172 Mestre (Venezia), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Manzoni & Manzoni S.r.l., P.le Arnaldo 2, I-25121 Brescia, Italien (511) Klasse 09: Spectacle mountings (frames) and eyewear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-20 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751664 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751893 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-19 (800) Design. dato: 2000-06-26 Création Iris (730) Indehaver: Braun GmbH, Kronberg, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Braun GmbH, Frankfurter Strasse 145, D-61476 Kronberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 11: Electric hair drying appliances and attachments, such as nozzles or diffusors therefor; parts of the aforesaid goods. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-19 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751665 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-19 Création Orchid (730) Indehaver: Braun GmbH, Kronberg, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Braun GmbH, Frankfurter Strasse 145, D-61476 Kronberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 11: Electric hair drying appliances and attachments, such as nozzles or diffusors therefor; parts of the aforesaid goods. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-19 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751666 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-19 Création Clivia (730) Indehaver: Braun GmbH, Kronberg, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Braun GmbH, Frankfurter Strasse 145, D-61476 Kronberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 11: Electric hair drying appliances and attachments, such as nozzles or diffusors therefor; parts of the aforesaid goods. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-19 Gazette No.: 5/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP751687 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-23 ZONAVI (730) Indehaver: Telenor Plus AS, CJ Hambros plass 2D, N-0130 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Telenor AS, Postboks 6701, St. Olavs Plass, N-0130 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 38: Interactive services for distribution of different networks such as: electronic transmission of messages and data; transmission (cable radio); transmission and communication (cable television); video on demand transmission services; broadcasting (television), broadcasting (video); cable television broadcasting; subscription television broadcasting; radio and television broadcasting; video broadcasting; satellite television broadcasting and terrestrial television broadcasting, communications via mobile telephones, mobile units, PDA units, data net magazines, data gateway services, interactive services related to TV-programs (interactive triggers, pop-ups). (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-23 Gazette No.: 5/2001 400 (730) Indehaver: Feezt AS, Arbiensgate 2, N-0253 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Treidmark AS, Fridtjof Nansens Plass 9, N-0160 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 09: Information technology products consisting of systems, technical components, software for computer and telecommunication networks and descriptions for procedures to make said items operate therein. (511) Klasse 35: Assistance concerning advertising, commercials, and other marketing and assistance concerning sale of technology and services for computer and telecommunication networks. (511) Klasse 36: Investments and/or shareholding and/or financial participation in companies engaging in creation and development, marketing and sale of technology and services for computer and telecommunication networks. (511) Klasse 38: Communication via computer and telecommunication networks. (511) Klasse 42: Creation and development of technology and services for computer and telecommunication networks. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-06-26 Gazette No.: 5/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP752066 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-22 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP752223 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-11 DJUICE (730) Indehaver: Djuice AS, Pilestredet 33, N-0166 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Telenor Communication AS, P.O. Box 6701, N-0130 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; telecommunication services for the provision of data network portals and mobile data network portals for global data networks; providing telecommunication links on global data networks; providing access to global data communication networks and global telecommunication networks, electronic transmission, sending and receiving of text, data, pictures and sound, also via satellite; customised information services in the field of telecommunication and data communication services, data network portals and mobile data network portals provided via data networks. (511) Klasse 42: Technical planning and development of local and global networks and for further connecting through global networks and other data communication networks and telecommunication networks. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-11 Gazette No.: 6/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP752265 (730) Indehaver: August Storck KG, Waldstrasse 27, D-13403 Berlin, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CMS Hasche Sigle Eschenlohr Peltzer Schäfer, Stadthausbrücke, 1-3, D-20355 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 30: Confectionery; chocolate and chocolate products; pastries. (591) Farvetekst: Orange, blue, white, grey. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-22 Gazette No.: 6/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP752083 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-02 TOPSHARE (730) Indehaver: Topshare B.V, 17, Zonneoordlaan, NL-6718 TK EDE, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Software. (511) Klasse 35: Import and export of software. (511) Klasse 42: Development of software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-02 Gazette No.: 6/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-08 (111) Reg. nr.: MP752405 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-07 INFOASSO (730) Indehaver: Monsieur Gérald Frapech, 4, rue Blacas, F-06000 Nice, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Isabelle Charreau-Droupy, Cabinet Legi-Mark, 5, rue Firmin-Gémier, F-75018 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Computer databases and data banks providing all type of information regarding associations; computer software, software packages and computer programs on all kinds of recorded magnetic, electronic or optical media. (511) Klasse 38: Services relating to communications on computer and telephone networks; electronic mail services and dissemination of information by electronic means, especially by global communication networks such as the Internet; message exchange by computer transmission, exchange of computerized documents; electronic, computer, telematic messaging services; transmission of information contained in databases and data banks and accessible by access code by computer or telematic database and data bank servers providing all type of information relating to associations; transmission and exchange of encoded data, information, messages, signals and/or images, regarding associations and contained in computer databases or data banks, by telematic, telephone, computer means, by the Internet, Extranet or Intranet. (511) Klasse 41: Release of computer software, software packages, databases and/or data banks providing information regarding associations; editing of electronic directories for professional use; editing of data intended for use on computer and telecommunication networks. (511) Klasse 42: Design, development, updating and maintenance of computer software, of software packages, of computer databases and data banks, of professional directories providing information on associations; rental of access time to a computer or telematic database and/or data bank server; rental of computer software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-08 Gazette No.: 6/2001 (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; data base services, namely operation of a data base. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 39: Transport and storage of goods. (511) Klasse 41: Education; instruction; entertainment; organization of sporting and cultural events; publication and issuing of books, periodicals and further printed matter as well as corresponding electronic media (including CD-ROM and CD-I). (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental service relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-07 Gazette No.: 6/2001 401 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP753178 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-16 (111) Reg. nr.: MP753309 (800) Design. dato: 2201-02-24 Sonnenschein (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Exide Standby GmbH, Im Thiergarten, D-63654 Büdingen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Beyer & Jochem Patentanwälte, 13, Klettenbergstrasse, D-60322 Frankfurt, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Accumulators, batteries. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-24 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP753584 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-30 SPORTSMAXX (730) Indehaver: Condat AG, Alt-Moabit 91d, D-10559 Berlin, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Meissner, Bolte & Partner, Postfach 86 06 24, D-81633 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Apparatus and computers for data processing as well as apparatus for monitoring, controlling, measuring and regulating telecommunication systems, data media (included in this class), computer programs stored on data media, including the ones for image and sound. (511) Klasse 35: Corporate consultancy regarding business organization and management. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming for data processing purposes and for system software for telecommunication engineering; data processing consultancy; planning, organization and creation of computer software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-16 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP753251 (730) Indehaver: Euro-Case, 28, rue Saint Dominique, F-75007 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; press and information agencies; communication via computer terminals. (511) Klasse 42: Restaurant services; temporary accommodation; medical, sanitary and beauty care; veterinary and agricultural services; legal services; scientific and industrial research; computer programming; rest and convalescent homes; day-nurseries; marriage bureaux; funeral director's services; expert evaluations, professional consultancy and drawing up of plans unrelated to business dealings; engineering work (not for building purposes); prospecting; materials testing; laboratory services; rental of farming equipment, clothing, bed clothes and vending machines; printing services; leasing access time to a computer database server; reporter services; video tape filming; exhibition-site management. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-12 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-16 Wader Quality Toys (730) Indehaver: Wader Quality Toys e.K., Manfred Wader, 53, Alte Landstrasse, D-42477 Radevormwald, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Rieder & Partner Anwaltskanzlei Ges. burgerl. Rechts., 45, Corneliusstrasse, D-42329 Wuppertal, Tyskland (511) Klasse 28: Games, toys. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-16 Gazette No.: 7/2001 402 (111) Reg. nr.: MP753611 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-12 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-12 Fimcase (111) Reg. nr.: MP753299 (730) Indehaver: FKG Communications AG, Austrasse 9, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Büchel, Kaminski & Partner, Letzanaweg 25-27, FL-9495 Vaduz, Liechtenstein (511) Klasse 09: Software, data media. (511) Klasse 35: Management consultancy, especially in the field of sponsoring; sales promotion for third parties. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-30 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (730) Indehaver: Vertex Standard Co., Ltd., 8-8- Nakameguro 4-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8644, Japan (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SUZUYE Takehiko, Kasumigaseki Ube Bldg., 3-7-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013, Japan (511) Klasse 09: Telecommunication machines and apparatus, parts and accessories for telecommunication machines and apparatus, electronic machines and apparatus, parts and accessories for electronic machines and apparatus, aerials, amplifiers, amplifying tubes, amplifying valves, answering machines, anti-interference devices (electricity), bar code readers, cabinets for loudspeakers, chips (integrated circuits), electromagnetic coils, holders for electric coils, electric coils for telecommunication apparatus, computer keyboards, computer memories, recorded computer operating programs, computer peripheral devices, recorded computer programs, computer software (recorded), computers, couplers (data processing equipment), magnetic data media, optical data media, data processing apparatus, demagnetizing apparatus for magnetic tapes, disk drives (for computers), electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations, electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of signals, electronic pocket translators, galena crystals (detectors), integrated circuit cards (smart cards), integrated circuits, intercommunication apparatus, interfaces (for computers), loudspeakers, masts for wireless aerials, printed circuits, printers for use with computers, processors (central processing units), radios, vehicle radios, radiotelegraphy sets, radiotelephony sets, sound locating instruments, sound recording carriers, sound recording discs, sound recording strips, sound reproduction apparatus, sound transmitting apparatus, telegraphs (apparatus), telephone apparatus, telephone receivers, telephone transmitters, teletypewriters, television apparatus, transistors (electronic), transmitters (telecommunication), transmitters of electronic signals, transmitting sets (telecommunication), vacuum tubes (radio), video telephones, word processors, wireless local area network (LAN) systems consisting of computer terminals for receiving and transmitting information, global positioning systems receivers. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-12 Gazette No.: 7/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP753616 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-16 (111) Reg. nr.: MP753938 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-24 CERAN ARCTICFIRE OMNISET (730) Indehaver: SCHOTT GLAS, Hattenbergstrasse 10, D-55122 Mainz, Tyskland (511) Klasse 11: Cooktop panels, hobs and heating plates, all made of glass ceramics and/or special glass for cooking and heating apparatus using all kinds of energy sources, namely electricity, gas, solid and liquid fuels. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-16 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (730) Indehaver: Omnical GmbH, Hauptstrasse 156, D-35716 Dietzhölztal, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patent Attorney Ingo Radünz, 100, Schumannstrasse, D-40237 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Water level indicators, pressure gauges, safety temperature limiters, sensor equipment, maximum pressure limiters, thermometers. (511) Klasse 11: Boiler safety appliances, included in this class, especially fittings. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-24 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP753670 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-10 GFI (730) Indehaver: Nicholas Paul Andrew Galea, Communications House, Mediterranean Street, SGN 07 The Village - St. Julians, Malta (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Merkenbureau Hendriks & Co. C.V., Postbus 379, NL-1400 AJ BUSSUM, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Electric apparatus and instruments, not included in other classes; teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of data, sound or images; computer software; data processing equipment and computers; magnetic, electronic and optic carriers of sound, images or data; electronic publications. (511) Klasse 42: Services rendered in the field of computerization; operation of networks and software applications (except installation, repair and maintenance); computer programming; providing of software facilities for interaction with other computer users; providing of software (search engines) for searching on the Internet; design and development of Internet Web sites and advisory services in in this field; technical consultancy regarding computers, software, networks, Web sites, Internet and intranet; rental of computer software, computers and computer peripherals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-10 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP753896 (111) Reg. nr.: MP754183 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-22 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., Groenewoudseweg 1, NL-5621 BA Eindhoven, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Internationaal Octrooibureau B.V., 6, Prof. Holstlaan, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven, Holland (511) Klasse 11: Electric lamps for stimulating and positively influencing the biorhythm. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-22 Gazette No.: 8/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-08 (111) Reg. nr.: MP754312 (730) Indehaver: Supplitel AG, Schlossherblingen, CH-8234 Stetten, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Zimmerli, Wagner & Partner AG, Löwenstrasse 19, CH-8001 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Software; computers and computer peripherals; data memories, data media; apparatus and media for recording, saving, processing, reproducing and sensing information; parts of all the aforesaid products. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; marketing; professional basiness consulting; data compilation and systemization in a database; data processing and provision of data for third parties. (511) Klasse 38: Télécommunications; services related to data communication. (511) Klasse 42: Computer consulting; computer programming; software development, design and maintenance; computer and software rental; leasing access time to a computer database server and to global networks; granting of industrial property licenses (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-08 Gazette No.: 7/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-05 (730) Indehaver: Günter Seitlinger, 13,Buchenländerstrasse, A-5020 Salzburg, Østrig (511) Klasse 09: Scientific weighing and measuring apparatus and instruments. (511) Klasse 11: Oil burners. (511) Klasse 42: Scientific and industrial research. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-05 Gazette No.: 8/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP754325 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-06 HRGATE (730) Indehaver: Human Line International Holding AG, c/o Scout24 Holding AG, Neuhofstrasse 4, CH-6340 Baar, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: RA Dominik A. Schwerzmann, Baarerstrasse 63, CH-6301 Zug, Schweiz (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-06 Gazette No.: 8/2001 403 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP754390 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-12 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755051 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-05 GIOCONDA AEROFIX (730) Indehaver: Olivetti Lexikon S.p.A., via G. Jervis, 77, 10015 Ivrea (TO), Italien (511) Klasse 09: Calculating machines. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-12 Gazette No.: 8/2001 (730) Indehaver: MAP Medizintechnik für Arzt und Patient GmbH & Co. KG, 16, Frauenhoferstrasse, D-82152 Martinsried., Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Scientific apparatus; measuring and monitoring instruments for research and diagnostic purposes; devices for supplying breathing gas; fastening parts for respiratory masks; respiratory masks and parts thereof; head straps for respiratory masks. (511) Klasse 10: Medical apparatus and instruments; medical devices; diagnostic and therapeutic devices; measuring and monitoring instruments for diagnostic and therapeutical purposes; apparatus and instruments used in sleep medicine; devices for supplying gas for the purposes of artificial respiration; fastening elements for masks for artificial respiration; masks for artificial respiration and parts thereof, including woven textiles for applying breathing masks to patients; head straps for masks used for artificial respiration; fastening devices for medical use, particularly for attaching respiratory masks. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-05 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP754743 (800) Design. dato: AWC agens WAVE Consulting (730) Indehaver: AWC agens Wave Consulting GmbH, Buchenweg 11-13, D-25479 Ellerau, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Schlutius Rechtsanwälte, , 4, Spitalerstrasse, D-20095 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Data processing apparatus and computers, computer software. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), manuals. (511) Klasse 35: Business consultancy, in particular in the field of analysis, structuring and realization of business proceedings, of structural organizational and of regulation instruments in the area of asset management of financial service enterprises. (511) Klasse 41: Arranging and conducting of seminars. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; technical advice in the field of use of computers and software in enterprises. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-01 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP754915 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-27 INTERWETTEN (730) Indehaver: Interwetten AG, Burgkmairgasse 2, A-1220 Wien, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Doralt Seist Csoklich Rechtanwälte, 2-4, Währingerstrasse, A-1090 WienS, Østrig (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, particularly transmission of news, pictures and sound via Internet to carry out bets; telephone services. (511) Klasse 41: Gambling, particularly carrying out sports bets, bets of all kind, online bets, Internet bets and telephone bets; publication of sports and bets papers and sports journals and bets journals; reservation of sports admission cards. (511) Klasse 42: Set-up and maintenance of web-sites. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-27 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755030 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-05 SERIE 100 (730) Indehaver: Sportswear Company S.p.A., Galleria Cavour 4, 40124 Bologna, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: LOVISETTO Alessandra MODIANO GARDI PATENTS, Via Giardini, 605, I-41100 MODENA, Italien (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-05 Gazette No.: 9/2001 404 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755116 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-28 SOPHO MyOffice@Net (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., 1, Groenewoudseweg, NL-5621 BA EINDHOVEN, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Internationaal Octrooibureau B.V., 6, Prof. Holstlaan, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Computers, computer peripheral apparatus, computer terminals, apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound and/or images and/or data; communication and telecommunication apparatus, telephone sets, telephone switchboards, modems, encoding and decoding apparatus; telecommunication networks; magnetic and optical data carriers; recorded computer programmes (software). (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-28 Gazette No.: 9/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP755295 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-22 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755427 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-29 DRUNKI (730) Indehaver: Nikolai Aleksandrovitch Jeleznyakov, kv. 20, d. 56, pr-t Lenina, g. Blachikha, RU-143900 Moskovskaya obl, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: S. Lovtsov Firme de brevet et de droit "YOUS", Case Postale 184, RU_103009 Moskva, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 32: Beers; mineral and sparkling water and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices. (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beer). (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-29 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755459 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-26 LONGHITTER (730) Indehaver: Thierry Mugler, 4-6, rue aux Ours, F-75003 Paris, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET HELENE PETIT, 94, avenue Kléber, F-75116 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; eyewear, sunglasses, eyeglass frames, eyeglass cases, chains for spectacles, spectacle cords; cases for diskettes and compact disks; cases for electronic diaries; cases for pocket calculators. (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and alloys thereof other than for dental use; jewellery; precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments; watches, watchstraps. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitation leather, products made of these materials (leather and imitation leather) not included in other classes, namely key cases (leather goods), document wallets, wallets, purses not made of precious metal, handbags, school satchels and bags, rucksacks, shopping bags, beach bags, garment bags (for travel purposes); animal skins and hides; trunks and suitcases; leatherware, bags, travel bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear.. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-22 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755311 (730) Indehaver: Annette Engelhardt, 2, Margeritenweg, D-83109 Grosskarolinenfeld, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Kayser & Möbus Patentanwälte, 24, Otto-Kraft-Platz, D-59065 Hamm, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Magnetic data carriers, recording discs; computers, data carriers with computer programs; recorded film and video tapes, compact discs; glasses, glass cases; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of data, sounds and images; video cameras; photo cameras, film cameras; automatic music machines (coin-operated); sound-recording and storage media; amusement machines (automatic and coin-operated); video games. (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods of precious metals or coated therewith included in this class; jewellery; horological and chronometric instruments; badges of precious metals. (511) Klasse 28: Golf clubs; golf bags; golf balls; golf gloves; gymnastic and sporting articles (included in this class); electronic games, excluding apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-26 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755463 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-06 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-11 (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wessing Lawyers, 92a, Königsalle, D-40212 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; collection and provision of data; database services, namel operation of data base. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base, rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planing services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i rød og grå. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-11 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (730) Indehaver: Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, 3-2, Marunouchi 2chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan (740/750) International fuldmægtig: KOMATSU Toshihiro, 23-1-1144, Yoyogi 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053, Japan (511) Klasse 42: Rental of temporary accommodation; temporary accommodation reservations; restaurants; canteens; printing; meteorological information; vocational guidance; weed killing; vermin exterminating (for agriculture, horticulture or forestry); construction drafting; surveying; designing; computer programming; computer software design; maintenance of computer software; technical project studies; translation; computer rental; rental of computer software; leasing access time to a computer data base; leasing access time to a computer for the manipulation of data; retrieval service or agencies for retrieval of computer databases. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-06 Gazette No.: 9/2001 405 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP755501 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-06 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755549 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-13 TUBOFLATOR (730) Indehaver: Livbag, 2, rue Villaret de Joyeuse, F-75017 Paris, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SNPE Service Propriété Industrielle, 12, Quai Henri IV, F-75181 PARIS CEDEX, Frankrig (511) Klasse 11: Airbag inflators for protection devices with airbags. (511) Klasse 12: Protection devices with airbags for motor vehicle passengers. (511) Klasse 13: Pyrotechnic gas generators and pyrotechnic feeds for such generators;pyrotechnic gas generators for automotive safety; pyrotechnic gas generators for seatbelt retractors. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-06 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755508 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-08 DIGIGREFFE (730) Indehaver: Bernard Guenix, Sylvie, Lemercier-Regnard,Pascal Beder, et Olivier Denfer, Greffiers de, Tribunal de Commerce Associés, 1, Quai de Corse, F-75004 Paris, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Alain BENSOUSSAN, Avocats, 29, rue du Colonel Pierre Avia, F-75508 PARIS CEDEX 15, Frankrig (511) Klasse 35: Business information and inquiries especially on corporate administration, inquiry and administrative assistance services for the creation of companies, computerized file management, collection and formatting of data in computer database. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, communications by computer terminals; computer-aided transmission and dissemination of legal data, images and messages; electronic mail, provision of access to legal and/or judicial databases via computer servers, cross-referencing of sites on a telecommunication network and particularly on the Internet, creation (design) of hypertext links on a telecommunication network and particularly on the Internet, all these services provided in connection with the legal sector and judicial activities. (511) Klasse 41: Arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conventions, seminars and symposiums regarding legal and judicial matters, organization of electronic forums on a telecommunication network and particularly on the Internet, publishing of texts and books especially relating to legal and judicial matters. (511) Klasse 42: Legal services, judicial and legal information, judicial and legal consultancy, information and inquiries particularly in the legal and judicial sector, document securing services on a telecommunication network and especially on the Internet, establishment of electronic signature devices, rental of access time to a computer database server, crossreferencing of computer sites dealing with legal matters on a telecommunication network, especially on the Internet. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-08 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755524 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-18 MONORHO (730) Indehaver: ZLB Bioplasma AG, Wankdorfstrasse 10, CH-3000 Bern 22, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-18 Gazette No.: 9/2001 406 (730) Indehaver: Romero Sanchez, Juan Carlos, et Murillo Mateo, Franciso, s/n Avda. Hispanoamerica, E-03658 Salinas (Alicante), Spanien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Manuel de Arpe Fernandez, Guzman el Bueno 133, E-28003 Madrid, Spanien (511) Klasse 25: Footwear (except orthopaedic footwear). (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-13 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755574 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-17 (730) Indehaver: Sony Overseas SA, Rütistrasse 12, CH-8952 Schlieren, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: William Blanc & Cie Conseils en propriété industrielle S.A., 9, rue du Valais, CH-1202 Genève, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Video cameras, video cameras with videotape playback and/or recording units, videotape players and/or recorders, blank videotapes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-17 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755648 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-28 WATERDREAM (730) Indehaver: Hansgrohe AG, Auestrasse 9, D-77761 Schiltach, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dipl.-Chem. Dr. M. Ruff, Dipl.-Ing. J. Beier, Dipl.-Phys. J. Schöndorf, Dipl.-Chem. Dr. T. Mütschele, Lic. en sc. (phys) J. Claus, Dipl.-Phys. Dr. T. Muschik, 28, Willy-Brandt-Strasse, D-70173 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for heating, steam generating, refrigerating, drying, ventilating and water supply and sanitary installations, water heating installations, solar installations (not included in other classes), water preparation facilities, mixer taps and faucets, manually-oprated and selfclosing water inlet and outlet valves and taps; fixtures for wash-hand basins, bidets and sinks, bathtub and shower fixtures; showers and shower cubicles, showers and shower unit fittings, shower stands; pre-assembled multipurpose showers; complete shower units; water inlet and outlet valves and fittings for sanitary basins, washstands, sinks, bidets, bath tubs and showers; siphons, water inlet and outlet pipes; lighting fixtures; essentially metallic housings and linings as parts of shower cubicles; crank cases and coatings essentially nonmetallic housings and linings as part of of shower cubicles; pipe fittings for sanitary installations; parts of the aforementioned products. (511) Klasse 20: Shaving mirrors and mirrors, consoles, nonmetallic valves (other than machine parts); cupboards with mirrors and small furniture for bathrooms; nonmetallic vall arms, parts of the aforesaid goods. (511) Klasse 21: Soap dishes, glasses, bathroom glasses, non-precious metal towel horses, toilet paper and toilet brush holders, toilet brushes, toothbrush holders, stands and rets for bath and toilet utensils, oral irrigators as medical apparatus. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-28 Gazette No.: 9/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP755653 (800) Design. dato: 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755702 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-13 ENERGISING THE OFFICE (730) Indehaver: Kinnarps AB, Industrigatan 1, S-521 88 Kinnarp, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentbyrån y Wallengren AB, P.O. Box 160, SE-331 21 VÄRNAMO, Sverige (511) Klasse 16: Cabinets for stationery (office requisites); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), including flip-chart stands and writing boards; office requisites, except furniture, including writing tablets, pen holders and pencil cases, letter trays, file and directory racks, bookends and boxes for sets of books. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture and office furniture, including tables, desks furniture, table tops, pedestals, cupboards, bookshelves, furniture shelves, screens (furniture), benches (furniture), mirrors, seats including chairs, armchairs, sofas and desk chairs. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-18 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755694 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-05 FlexiGene (730) Indehaver: QIAGEN GmbH, 4, Max-Volmer-Strasse, D-40724 Hilden, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: von Kreisler, Selting, Werner Patentanwälte, Deichmannhaus am Dom, D-50667 Köln, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemical products used in science and industry, especially for the purification of nucleic acids, especially genomic DNA; kits used in science containing buffer solutions, columns, or cartridges with chromatographic material for the purification of nucleic acids, especially genomic DNA. (511) Klasse 05: Chemical products used in medicine and diagnostics, especially for the purification of nucleic acids, especially genomic DNA; kits used in medicine and/or veterinary medicine containing buffer solutions, columns, or cartridges with chromatographic material for the purification of nucleic acids, especially genomic DNA. (511) Klasse 09: Kits used in science containing buffer solutions, columns, or cartridges with chromatographic material for the purification of nucleic acids, especially genomic DNA. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-05 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755697 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-15 (730) Indehaver: Allgemeine Privatkundenbank AG, 98, Buchholzer Strasse, D-30655 Hannover, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dreiss, Fuhlendorf und Kollegen Patentanwälte, 6, Gerokstrasse, D-70188 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Computer programs and computer installations and auxiliary apparatus for computers, peripheral devices for conducting banking transactions and being the means of communications between customer and bank. (511) Klasse 36: Financiel services (banking) from credit institutes, especially recovery of bills, cheques, debit notes, payment orders and securities; arranging of payment orders; investment brokerage; financiel affairs; safe deposit box rental; building society investments; brokerage of insurence investment; credit card services; issuing bearer bonds and negotiable bonds; issuing of travellers'cheques; dealing in foreign notes and coins, change operations, issuing coins; brokerage of lease-purchase transactions; brokeage and management of loans and securities; real estate agencies and mortgage brokerage. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-13 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755711 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-02 THEOPRAX (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, D-40191 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming, consultancy and information about the use of washing agents, dishwashing products and cleaning preparations, adhesives and cosmetics. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-02 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755783 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-15 e-fm VRIEZO (730) Indehaver: ic information company, Im Wannenboden 2, CH-4133 Pratteln, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Computer programs, in particular for data administration purposes (data warehousing) and for business information delivery (business intelligence). (511) Klasse 35: Computer file management. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming and consulting related thereto, particulary computer programming for data administration purposes (data warehousing) and for business information delivery (business intelligence). (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-15 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (730) Indehaver: Lamb-Weston/Meijer V.o.F., 18a, Stationsweg, NL-4416 PJ Kruiningen, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Merkenbureau Onel B.V., Eikenweg 48/1, NL-4416 PJ KRUININGEN, Holland (511) Klasse 29: Deep frozen potato products. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-15 Gazette No.: 9/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755820 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-03 CORDUROY (730) Indehaver: W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH, 22, Hermann-OberthStrasse, D-85640 Putzbrunn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Robert J. Harrison, c/o W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH, 22, Hermann-Oberth-Strasse, D-85640 Putzbrunn, Tyskland (511) Klasse 10: Plastic sheets, plastic patches and plastic membranes for medical purposes, all included in this class. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-03 Gazette No.: 10/2001 407 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755851 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-20 (730) Indehaver: Helsana Versicherungen AG, 25, Stdelhoferstrasse, CH8024 Zürich, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Zimmerli Wagner & Partner AG, 19, Löwenstrasse, CH-8001 Zurich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 36: Insurance underwriting. (591) Farvetekst: Blue, gray. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-20 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755858 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-26 EXTENDO (730) Indehaver: Orion Corporation, Orionintie 1, FIN-02200 Espoo, Finland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Minna Ahola, Orion Corporation, Orion Pharma, Industrial Property Rights, P.O. Box 65, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of neurological, respiratory, hormonal or cardiovascular diseases and disorders, all for human use. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-26 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP755919 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-29 (730) Indehaver: Fibercorp, naamloze vennootschap, 11-13, Drukpersstraat, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BUREAU GEVERS S.A., Intellectual Property House, 5, Holidaystraat, B-1831 DIEGEM, Belgien (511) Klasse 09: Software, computer hardware, magnetic data media, data processing apparatus, cables, fibre-optic cables, fibre-optic networks. (511) Klasse 36: Financial services, including hire-purchase of facilities for wireless and other types of telecommunication; real estate brokerage. (511) Klasse 37: Construction, repair and installation services. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; leasing and subleasing of facilities for wireless and other types of telecommunication. (511) Klasse 42: Technical consulting and engineering services; taking part in the official procedures granting telecommunication rights. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-29 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756060 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-12 VILLA BRICI (730) Indehaver: Vinska klet Goriska Brda, zadruga, kmetijstvo, proizvodnja, vina in trgovine z.o.o. Dobrovo, Zadruzana cesta 9, SI-5212 Dobrovo, Slovenien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentna pisarna, d.o.o., Copova 14, p.p. 322, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenien (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-12 Gazette No.: 10/2001 408 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP756072 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-22 (730) Indehaver: Chrome Imaging S.A., 3, rue Hugo-de-Senger, CH-1205 Genève, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Verniory & Lüdin, 8, rue des VieuxGrenadiers, CH-1205 Geneve, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Cinematographic apparatus, apparatus for recording, transmitting or reproducing sound and images; equipment for data processing and computers; magnetic and optical recording media containing chromium. (511) Klasse 37: Installation, maintenance and repair of computers. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming, maintenance of computer software. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-22 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756095 (800) Design. dato: 2000-10-06 (730) Indehaver: FRANCE CABLES ET RADIO, 124 Rue Réaumur, F75002 PARIS, , Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NOVAMARK, 122, rue Edouard Vaillant, F-92593 Levallois-Perret Cédex, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Scientific (other than medical), nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for sending, recording, transmitting or reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculators, data processing equipment, computers, computer memories, modems, magnetic tapes, facsimile machines, optical or magnetic media for information, computing machines, electrical cables, satellites, videodisks, digital optical disks, laser equipment for non-medical use, computer keyboards, printed circuits, telecommunication transmitters, highfrequency apparatus namely intercommunication apparatus, software, software packages, telephone apparatus, visual display units, audiovisual apparatus, telecommunication apparatus, information or data cap-ture, storage, processing instruments; media for recording, and reproducing sound, images or signals; connection equipment for computer hardware (modems); message transmission equipment, calculators and process computers, data-processing and word-processing computers, computer terminals, video screens, computer printers, magnetic and optical disks, magnetic tapes, microfilm readers and associated control units, printed circuit boards, memory cards, electronic circuit cards, electronic identification cards, integrated circuit module, apparatus for information, signal and data capture, counting, storing, converting, processing, entering, sending, transmitting; apparatus and instruments for optical reading, for coded information and media for such information namely computer diskettes; apparatus and parts of apparatus for transmitting data and signals by telephone, telecopier, telegraph, teletypewriter, telex, cable, satellite; interfaces namely interface software. (511) Klasse 35: Business management assistance to industrial or commercial companies, information compilation, analyses of the running costs of computers; statistical and mechanical data processing tasks; commercial and administrative assistance services for companies in professional transaction applications; newspaper subscription services, marketing services, telephone subscription services, promotional offers. 2002-01-30 (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, news and information agencies, communication via computer terminals, transmission and reception of data, signals and information processed by computer or telecommunication apparatus and instruments; telephone communications; information transmission via computer; computer communication of information accessed via a code or a terminal, telephonic, televised, radio information related to telecommunications, information transmission by teletypewriters, via satellite, transmission of messages and encoded images; data transmission services, in particular batch transmission of information and images, electronic and computing message and mail services, mailing and transmission of dispatches, computerised document exchange, electronic information exchange by telex, facsimile machines, telephone enquiry services, telephone call transfer or telecommunication services; transmission of information held in data banks and images banks, electronic information dissemination services, particularly for global communication networks (similar to the Internet) or private or reserved access networks; rental of telecommunication apparatus and installations. (511) Klasse 41: Education and entertainment; training and further training in the field of telecommunications and information technology; operating lotteries, organization of seminars, conventions and competitions in the field of telecommunications and information technology; training and instruction in the field of programming, installation, operation, management, maintenance of computers and telecommunication apparatus, equipment and software related to computers and telecommunication apparatus and instruments; publication of texts (other than advertising). (511) Klasse 42: Software rental; rental of electronic and data processing installations; engineering services, software application transposition services, computer facility management services; operating and supervising assistance services for computer networks; technical support services in the field of information technology and telecommunications; computer programming, computer rental, exploitation of patents namely transfer of know-how, licensing services; data and word processing program development for companies, computer program copying; consultation and research services in the field of telecommunications, technical organisation and consultancy in the field of telecommunications and information technology; rental of programs on computer media and via telecommunications; computer and telecommunication system design; consulting and project services in the field of computer operating analysis and programming; studies and research in the field of computer and telecommunication e-quipment operation and maintenance; printing services, technical advice services on computing; converting codes and formats between different types of texts; computer power failure services, computer management; consulting in computer selection, analysis, programming and operation; consulting in telecommunication management; consulting services in the field of telecommunications. (591) Farvetekst: Yellow, mauve, violet, white. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-10-06 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756110 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-19 (730) Indehaver: Fabryka Cukiernicza KOPERNIK, Spólka Akcyjna, ul. Zólkiewskiego 34, PL-87-100 Torun, Polen (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Malgorzata Rawa, ul. Stokrotkowa 52, PL-87-100 Torun, Polen (511) Klasse 30: Confectionery, cakes and sweets. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-19 Gazette No.: 10/2001 fortsættes 409 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP756143 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756264 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-25 OVULEQUIN (730) Indehaver: Intervet International B.V., 35, Wim de Körverstraat, NL5831 AN BOXMEER, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Akzo Nobel N.V., Patent and Trademark Department, 76, Velperweg, NL-6824 BM ARNHEM, Holland (511) Klasse 05: Veterinary preparations, for use with horses. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-27 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756193 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-20 DERAMAXX (730) Indehaver: Novartis AG, CH-4002 Basel, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Veterinary products. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-20 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756202 (730) Indehaver: Teracom AB, Box 17666, 118 92 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ehrner & Delmar Patentbyrå AB, Box 10316, 100 55 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Klasse 09: Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound, images, text or data. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-25 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756326 (800) Design. dato: (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-07 BENITAX (730) Indehaver: Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, D-51368 Leverkusen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations and substances, diagnostic preparations and reagents for medical use. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-07 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756226 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-16 Fenonolf (730) Indehaver: Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel, Sudbrackstr. 56, D-33611 Bielefeld, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Stracke Dipl.Ing. Karl-Otto Loesenbeck Dipl.-Phys. Peter Specht Patentanwälte, 164. Jöllenbecker Strasse, D-33613 Bielefeldt, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical products. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-16 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756248 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-03 Efector (730) Indehaver: i f m. electronic GmbH, 4, Teichstrasse, D-45127 Essen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Gesthuysen, von Rohr & Eggert Patentanwälte, 100, Huyssenallee, D-45128 Essen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electrical or electrotechnical and electronic devices, components and apparatus; especially electrical, electrotechnical and electronic actuators and sensors, for eg. inductive, capacitive and optoelectronic, proximity switches, speed sensitive switches, rotatory transmitters, current sensors and pressure sensors; installations, appliances and units assembled with electrical, electrotechnical and electronic devices, components and apparatus; electronic operating apparatuses, particularly free programmable electrical operating apparatuses. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-03 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (730) Indehaver: Swiss Citypower AG, Limmatquai 2, CH-8001 Zürich, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Zimmerli Wagner & Partner AG, 19, Löwenstrasse, CH-8001 Zurich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Electric and electronic apparatus and instruments (included in this class); scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmitting or reproducing sound and images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers calculators, data processing equipment, computers and computer software; parts of all the above goods; all these goods of Swiss origin. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; professional business consultancy; business organization consultancy; commercial administration; efficiency experts; data compilation and systemisation in a database. (511) Klasse 36: Financial operations; lease-purchasing transactions; financing; finansial consulting; energy cost analyses; real estate operations. (511) Klasse 37: Construction serveces; repair services; installation services; installing, servicing and repair of power installation; installation of meters; setting-up of installations. (511) Klasse 39: Energy and electricity distribution and related information; emergency power supply; transport; warehousing og goods. (511) Klasse 40: Generation of electricty and energy and related information; rental of generators; treatment of materials. (511) Klasse 41: Training and instruction; organization and conducting of training seminars, courses and workshops. (511) Klasse 42: Scientific and industrial research; consulting in the field of energy and security; engineering; technical expertise services in the field of energy, technical and professional consulting; computer programming; exploitation of industrial property rights; engineering project studies. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-21 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756384 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-05 (730) Indehaver: Kerstner GmbH, Fahrzeugklimatechnik, 9, Werner-vonSiemensstrasse, D-68649 Gross-Rohrheim, Tyskland (511) Klasse 11: Equipment for heating, air conditioning and cooling, also for vehicles. (591) Farvetekst: Blue (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-05 Gazette No.: 10/2001 410 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP756489 (800) Design. dato: (111) Reg. nr.: MP756557 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-15 Teccato (730) Indehaver: Mobile Zone AG, Pumpwerkstrasse 15, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: LARESE & PARTNER, Dufourstrasse 56, Postfach, CH8032 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media; data processing equipment. (511) Klasse 35: Middleman services regarding subscription contracts with Internet and telecommunication access providers; retail sale of all kinds of mobile products and equipment guaranteeing Internet and telecommunication access, as well as consulting in connection with such sales. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (591) Farvetekst: Red, black (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-26 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756533 (800) Design. dato: 2000-08-31 (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, 140, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, D53113 Bonn, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Spitz, Klinger & Partner GbR Rechtsanwälte, 20, Bavariaring, D-80336 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for the recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine-run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business management; data base services, namely operation of data bases; collecting and providing of data. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collecting and providing of news and information. (511) Klasse 39: Transport and storage of goods. (511) Klasse 41: Education; instruction; entertainment; organization of sporting and cultural events; publication and issuing of books, periodicals and further printed matter as well as corresponding electronic media (including CD-ROM and CD-I). (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-15 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756804 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-31 (730) Indehaver: Gitronica S.R.L., 22/B, Via Amedeo Avogadro, I-62010 Montelupone (Macerata), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Boggio Luigi, Bongiovanni Simone, Borelli Raffele, près de STUDIO TORTA S.r.l., Via Viotti, I-10121 TORINO, Italien (511) Klasse 09: Electric, electronic, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking apparatus and instruments, apparatus for the control of domestic electrical appliances, lighting apparatus, transformers, power supplies, electronic timers, electronic circuit board. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-08-31 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756539 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-19 SKOOM (730) Indehaver: Red-Mit AS, Karenslyst Alle 1B, Leil 50, N-0278 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DELOITTE & TOUCHE ADVOKATER DA, ATT.: ANITA GRIMSTAD, Postbox 347 Skøjen, N-0213 OSLO, Norge (511) Klasse 09: Magnetic data carriers, recording discs. (511) Klasse 41: Entertainment. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-19 Gazette No.: 10/2001 (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, D-40191 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Raw materials for laundry preparations. (511) Klasse 03: Cleaning and polishing preparations, rinsing agents for laundry and tableware, washing agents. (591) Farvetekst: Blue, red, black, white. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-31 Gazette No.: 11/2001 411 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756806 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-31 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756865 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-31 P3-lubosec (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, D-40191 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry. (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, especially soft soaps. (511) Klasse 04: Lubricants used for conveyor belts and lubricants for chain lubrication; lubricants for conveyor belts and lubricants used for chain lubrication, containing active detergents, anticorrosives and disinfectants. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-31 Gazette No.: 11/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756810 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-31 (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, D-40191 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry. (511) Klasse 03: Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, soaps, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning and polishing preparations, degreasing agents, rinsing agents for laundry and tableware. (511) Klasse 05: Chemical sanitary preparations; medicines, disinfectants. (591) Farvetekst: Green, red, yellow, blue, white. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-31 Gazette No.: 11/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756880 (800) Design. dato: 2000-11-08 arrayTAG (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, D-40191 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry. (511) Klasse 03: Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, soaps, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning and polishing preparations, degreasing agents, rinsing agents for laundry and tableware. (511) Klasse 05: Chemical sanitary preparations; medicines, disinfectants. (591) Farvetekst: Green, red, yellow, blue, white. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-31 Gazette No.: 11/2001 (730) Indehaver: Lion Bioscience AG, Im Neuenheimer Feld 515, D-69120 Heidelberg, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Boehmert & Boehmert, 32, Hollerallee, D-28209 Bremen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry, science, medicine and diagnostics, preparations for laboratory and scientific purposes; chemical and biological reagents and test kits, including biochemical, immunological and microbiological reagents and test kits; biochemical products, including collections of clones and their use for diagnostic purposes, in particular short, non-redundant, sequenced cDNA-fragments from the 3'nontranslated regions of the genes of model organisms; diagnostic preparations for scientific purposes. (511) Klasse 05: Diagnostic preparations for medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary purposes and sanitary preparations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-11-08 Gazette No.: 11/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP756982 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-30 Tesis (730) Indehaver: ERCO Leuchten GmbH, Brockhauser Weg 80-82, D58507 Lüdenscheid, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ostriga, Sonnet & Wirths, 6-8, Stresemannstrasse, D-42275 Wuppertal-Barmen , , Tyskland (511) Klasse 11: Electric lighting apparatus and their parts. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-30 Gazette No.: 11/2001 412 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP757124 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-30 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP757622 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-16 EVOTAINMENT (730) Indehaver: BKN ENTERTAINMENT INC., 41, Madison Avenue 25th Floor, NEW YORK NY 100 10, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Sodema Conseils S.A., 14 bis, rue de la Faisanderie, F-75116 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, communications via analogue and digital computer terminals; cable television; press and information agencies; electronic, analogue and digital transmissions; transmission of sounds, images, signals and data via satellites, cables and networks; telecommunications using modems, computer-aided transmission of messages and images, electronic mail services; transmission of information via computers; telecommunications and electronic mail services via networks; transmission of information accessible with access codes to telecommunications networks, particularly via televisions or micro-computers, to telecommunication network portals, to telecommunication network search engines. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-30 Gazette No.: 11/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP757169 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-08 WORLD.WIDE.WIPE (730) Indehaver: Hutchings & Harding Ltd., 163, High Street, Sawston, Cambridge CB2 4HN, Storbritannien (511) Klasse 21: Chamois leather and sponge screen-wipes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-08 Gazette No.: 11/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP757599 (730) Indehaver: DaimlerChrysler AG, 225, Epplestrasse, , D-70567 Stuttgart, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patent Attorney Gerhard Bauer, c/o Daimler Chrysler AG, Intellectual Property Management FTP/T-0533, D-70546 Stuttgart, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Spectacles and spectacle frames; devices for recordal, transmission and reproduction of sound, pictures and data; CD-ROMs, cassettes, video tapes. (511) Klasse 12: Motor vehicles and parts thereof (as far as contained in this class). (511) Klasse 14: Jewelry, clocks. (511) Klasse 16: Paper and cardboard; printed matter, magazines, publications, books, packing made of paper or cardboard. (511) Klasse 18: Leather goods (as far as contained in this class); attaché cases, travel bags, rucksacks, umbrellas, walking sticks. (511) Klasse 25: Clothes, shoes, headgear. (511) Klasse 28: Toys; model cars and toy cars. (511) Klasse 35: Arranging of fairs and exhibitions for economic, commercial and advertising purposes; internet performances, namely collecting and providing of information, texts, drawings and pictures with respect to goods and services. (511) Klasse 36: Insurances and leasing of motor vehicles. (511) Klasse 37: Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles. (511) Klasse 38: Broadcasting and transmission of sound, pictures and data; internet performances, namely transmitting of information, texts, drawings and pictures with respect to goods and services. (511) Klasse 39: Transportation of persons and goods; services of a travel agency. (511) Klasse 41: Arranging of exhibitions for cultural and teaching purposes; arranging of seminars, cultural and sport activities. (511) Klasse 42: Services of an engineer; providing and maintenance of programs for data processing; services rendered in procuring lodgings, rooms and meals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-16 Gazette No.: 12/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP758191 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-11 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-22 EEYE (730) Indehaver: eCompany S.A., en formation, 14, rue du Rhône, CH1204 Genéve, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Python Schifferli Peter & Associes, 3, rue Bellot, CH-1206 Genève, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Computer software, computers and parts thereof included in this class. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-22 Gazette No.: 12/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP757610 (730) Indehaver: Compagnie Bancaire Espirito Santo S.A., 15, avenue de Montchoisi, Case postale 390, CH-1001 Lausanne, Schweiz (511) Klasse 36: Insurance, financial affairs, monetary operations, real estate operations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-11 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-03 ifm (730) Indehaver: i f m electronic gmbh, 4,Teichstrasse, D-45127 Essen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Gesthuysen, von Rohr & Eggert Patentanwälte, 100, Huyssenallee, D-45128 Essen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electric or electrotechnical and electronic devices, components, and apparatus, especially electric, electrotechnical and electronic actuators and sensors, for example inductive, capacitive and opto-electronic proximity switches, speed sensitive switches, rotatory transmitter, current sensors and pressure sensors; installations, appliances and units assembled with electrical, electrotechnical and electronic devices, components and apparatus; electronic operating apparatuses, particularly free programmable electric operating apparatuses. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-03 Gazette No.: 12/2001 413 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP758197 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2001-02-15 (730) Indehaver: Bizo U.S.A. Kereskedelmi és, Szolgáltató Kft., Bogdany Street 3, H-1033 Budapest, Ungarn (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Szücs Ernö Péter Csitary and Szücs Lawyer Office, 23, Keskenö Street, H-1131Budapest, , Ungarn (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, (including boots, shoes and slippers). (591) Farvetekst: Black, red. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-15 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP758218 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-24 (730) Indehaver: Sanara Holding GmbH, 2-4, Unteres Rheinufer, D-67061 Ludwigshafen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Richter, Werdermann & Gerbaulet Patentanwälte, 10, Neuer Wall, D-20354 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 36: Placing of insurances, especially in the field of transport and forwarding; customs brokerage. (511) Klasse 39: Transport, carrying out of direct travel and urgent transport, freight forwarding, transport, packing and storage of merchandise, furniture and goods; placing of transport services, collecting, safekeeping, delivery and forwarding of goods especially in land, rail and air vehicles and ships; loading and unloading of land, rail, air vehicles and ships, transport of money and valuables, vehicles rental, delivery of products, furniture and goods. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-24 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP758556 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-14 (730) Indehaver: Telia AB, S-123 86 Farsta, Sverige (511) Klasse 35: Processing, storing, production and/or control of computerized information; consumer information online; business information; promation of innovation activity in the form of market research and marketing of new products; framing of advertisements and advertising for marketing and presentation of goods and services via international networks. (511) Klasse 36: Computerized finance services; electronic transfer of money. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication and data communication; transmission of data, documents and messages via electronic and by telephone connected computer systems and global communication network services; reception per telecommunication media or other media of orders for delivery of goods. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-14 Gazette No.: 13/2001 414 (111) Reg. nr.: MP758684 (800) Design. dato: 2001-01-22 (730) Indehaver: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft ZT FM, Post Office Box 22 16 34, D-80506 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Optical, electrotechnical and electronic apparatus and devices (included in this class); electrotechnical and electric devices for recording, emission, transmission, reception, reproduction and processing of sounds, signals, characters and/or images; electrotechnical and electric devices for recording, processing, sending, transmission, switching, storage, output and input of messages and data; computers, software; pertinent facilities and parts of all aforementioned goods and related peripheral equipment; optical, electrotechnical and electronic information and communication equipment, in particular for telephone switching and telephone transmission systems such as telephones, videophones, voice boxes, dialling devices, domestic telephone systems, private automatic branch exchanges, pertinent installations and parts of all aforementioned goods and related peripheral equipment consisting of switching and transmission equipment, individual modular assemblies and components of such devices, such as power supply units, transmission media such as telecommunication cables and optical fibers and pertinent connection elements, pertinent facilities and parts of all aforementioned goods and related peripheral equipment. (511) Klasse 35: Electronic services, in particular collecting, storing of data, information, images, video and audio sequences. (511) Klasse 38: Renting of devices and systems pertinent to data, information and communication equipment and systems; passing on or distributing of data, information, images, video and audio sequences, provision and transmission of information stored on a database, in particular also by means of interactively communicating (computer) systems. (511) Klasse 42: Consultancy in terms of technology and software in the setting-up and operation of data, information and communication devices, systems and other products and facilities inclusive of data and telecommunication networks; planning, development, project design, consultancy, testing, technical monitoring, system integration and product integration in the field of data, information and communication technology inclusive of data and telecommunication networks; electronic services, in particular translating data and information; renting of data, information and communication equipment and systems; development, generation and renting of data processing programs; consultancy in terms of technology and software for the operation and administration of devices, systems and other products and facilities pertinent to data, information and communication technology inclusive of data and telecommunication networks and of pertinent facilities and parts. (591) Farvetekst: Green, blue, red, black, white and dark blue. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-01-22 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP758726 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-06 (730) Indehaver: Olympus Optical Co. (Europa) GmbH, 14-16, Wendenstrasse, D-20097 Hamburg, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Schaefer & Emmel Patentanwälte, 20, Gehölzweg, D-22043 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Digital cameras, photographic lights, computer programs for image analysis, especially for colour tone determination. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-06 Gazette No.: 13/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP758913 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-07 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759316 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-15 CNC TODAY Flowmetrics (730) Indehaver: Mikron AG Nidau, Ipsachstrasse 16, CH-2560 Nidau, Schweiz (511) Klasse 16: Printing products; reviews. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-07 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (730) Indehaver: DEUTSCHE BANK AG, 12,Taunusanlage, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Clifford Chance Pünder, Mainzer Landstrasse 46, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Services concerning the managemant and operation of industrial, trading and services companies, namely consultancy on the planning organization and management of these companies as well as with regard to questions concerning operations and personnel; management consulting; consultancy related to trade to the capital market; valuation in business matters; prognosis on economical affairs. (511) Klasse 36: Monetary affairs; services concerning financial affairs particularly banking services, currency transaction, time deposits transaction, miscellaneous financial affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, data based transmission of programmes and information on commerce and on the implementation of transactions; providing and transmission of information and data via online services and via the Internet; transmission (technical) of data and information about the capital market and on services via Internet and via other electronic communication sysytems. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-15 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP758938 (800) Design. dato: 2001-04-09 POLLINI (730) Indehaver: Pollini S.P.A., 11, via G.Tognacci, I-47030 San Mauro Pascoli (Forli), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Prof. Franco Cicogna, 14/A, Via Visconti di Modrone, I-20122 Milano, Italien (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and business service rendered to and/or on behalf of others; public relations and market research service. (511) Klasse 38: Service in the field of communications; service consisting in the transmission of radio and television programmes; service consisting in the transmission of programmes by cable; management service for telephone lines and telephone services; service in the field of data communications transmissions; service consisting in the transmission of messages, images and sounds using data communications sites and domains; service consisting in data communications services via an Internet connection; transmission of radio and television programmes by satellite. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-04-09 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759238 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-04 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759399 REY EXPRESSION (730) Indehaver: International Paper S.A., société anonyme, 5-7 Boulevard des Chênes, Parc Ariane, F-78280 Guyancourt, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: APPLIMA S.A., 3, rue de la Faisanderie, F-75116 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; services for transmitting information via telematic means and for video communication; electronic and computer mail services; information on telecommunications; communication via computer terminals; transmission of messages and information; electronic mail services; services supplying access to computer networks; transfer and dissemination of information and data by computer networks. (511) Klasse 42: Web page design, authoring and hosting services, leasing of databases; leasing of access time to computer database servers; research, development, design and updating of data processing equipment; leasing of access time to computer networks; technical information, technical consulting and technical assistance services pertaining to computer network planning, management and operation; design, development, rental and updating of software; consulting on computers and computer programs; computer programming; professional consulting in the computing sector; design of computer systems; computer hiring. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-21 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759400 (730) Indehaver: Outdoor Chef International Ltd, Neuhaltenring 1, CH6030 Ebikon, Schweiz (511) Klasse 11: Garden barbecue sets from Europe. (591) Farvetekst: Yellow, green and white (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-04 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759306 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-05 SABATO RUSSO (730) Indehaver: Quattro Piu S.r.L., Km 2.200, Via per Mottola-Quartiere Industriele, I-74015 Martina Franca (Taranto), Italien (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made thereof, not included in other classes; printing products; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' supplies; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (excluding apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printing type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 24: Woven fabrics and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-05 Gazette No.: 13/2001 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-21 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-21 REY SUCCESS (730) Indehaver: International Paper S.A., société anonyme, 5-7 Boulevard des Chênes, Parc Ariane, F-78280 Guyancourt, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: APPLIMA S.A., 3, rue de la Faisanderie, F-75116 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; services for transmitting information via telematic means and for video communication; electronic and computer mail services; information on telecommunications; communication via computer terminals; transmission of messages and information; electronic mail services; services supplying access to computer networks; transfer and dissemination of information and data by computer networks. (511) Klasse 42: Web page design, authoring and hosting services, leasing of databases; leasing of access time to computer database servers; research, development, design and updating of data processing equipment; leasing of access time to computer networks; technical information, technical consulting and technical assistance services pertaining to computer network planning, management and operation; design, development, rental and updating of software; consulting on computers and computer programs; computer programming; professional consulting in the computing sector; design of computer systems; computer hiring. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-21 Gazette No.: 13/2001 415 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759448 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-14 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759583 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-27 CALL CENTER AGENT SIZ MILLEA (730) Indehaver: SIZ, Genossenschaft Schweizerisches, InformatikZertifikat, Florastrasse 44, CH-8008 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; commercial administration; office tasks. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (511) Klasse 41: Education; training; entertainment; sports and cultural activities. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-14 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (730) Indehaver: The Tokio Marine and Fire, Insurance Co., Ltd., 2-1, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8050, Japan (740/750) International fuldmægtig: HANABUSA Tsuneo, c/o HANABUSA PATENT OFFICE, Ochanomizu Square Building, 6, Kandasurugadai 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan (511) Klasse 36: Life insurance brokerage; life insurance underwriting; agencies for non-life insurance; claim adjustment for non-life insurance; non-life insurance underwriting; insurance premium rate computing; consulting on life insurance and non-life insurance; providing information on insurance; acceptance of deposits (including substitute bond issuance) and acceptance of fixed interval installment deposits; loans and discount of bills; domestic exchange settlement; liability guarantee and acceptance of bills; securities lending; acquisition or transfer of monetary claims; safekeeping of valuables including securities and precious metals; money exchange; trusteeship of financial futures contracts; trusteeship of investment and other money, securities, monetary claims, personal property, land, rights on land fixtures, surface rights or lease on land; acceptance of testamentary trust; agencies for bond subscriptions; foreign exchange transactions; letter-of-credit related services; brokerage for hire-purchase; providing information on finance; issue of tokens of value; agencies for collecting gas or electric power utility payments; intermediation for payment of gas or electric power utility charges; intermediation for issuing a credit card; settling charged prices on behalf of a credit card user; trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options, and overseas market securities futures; agencies or brokerage for trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options, and overseas market securities futures; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in domestic markets of securities, securities index futures and securities options; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with oncommission trading in overseas markets of securities, and securities index futures; securities underwriting; securities offering; transaction of securities subscription or offering; providing stock market information; advice made orally, in writing and by any other method based on an investment counselor contract on securities; agencies for commodity futures trading. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-27 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759452 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-31 (730) Indehaver: Cocap AG, Fröbelstrasse 33, CH-8032 Zürich, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Wyler & Wolf, Stadthausquai 1, Postfach 4029, CH-8022 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 36: Financial operations; monetary operations. (591) Farvetekst: Black and white. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-31 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759481 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759653 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-15 (730) Indehaver: AIGLE INTERNATIONAL S.A., 14, rue de Bassano, F75116 PARIS, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Richard A. BUCHEL - AVOCAT -, , 7 place Brant, , F-67000 STRASBOURG, Frankrig (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, shoes, boots and footwear (except orthopaedic footwear), headwear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-30 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759505 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-18 THE PEOPLE ENGINE (730) Indehaver: The People Engine, 102, avenue des Champs Elysées, F-75008 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 35: Business consulting, inquiries or information, particularly with regard to personnel recruitment; advertising, dissemination of advertisements; market study; computerized file management. (511) Klasse 38: Computer-aided message and image transmission and communications via computer terminals; Internet-based transmission of commercial and advertising data; information transmission via computer; Internet-based transmission of information. (511) Klasse 42: Research and development of new products (for others); design of Internet sites; set-ting-up of Internet sites; personnel selection using psychological testing. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-18 Gazette No.: 14/2001 416 (730) Indehaver: NEXTENSO, 12, rue de la Baume, F-75008 Paris, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Elisabeth de Morelos Compagnie Financiere Alcatel, Département de Propriété Industrielle, 30, avenue Kléber, F-75116 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Software for applications relating to access to computer and telecommunications networks. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, information and data emission and transmission, long distance data or signal transmission; electronic mail services. (511) Klasse 42: Services of electronic programming, computer programming; leasing of access time to a database server. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-15 Gazette No.: 14/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP759877 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-14 (730) Indehaver: Trafficare AB, c/o AB Swedcarrier, P.O. Box 340, S-10126 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Barbro Tannborg Euro AV -System AB, Östra Ledinge 5818, SE-762 92 RIMBO, Sverige (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and marketing services related to maintenance of buildings, premises, railway stations, terminals and vehicles for goods and passenger traffic; computerized administration services for goods and passenger traffic; compilation and systemization of computerised information relating to maintenance of buildings, premises, railway stations, terminals and vehicles for goods and passenger traffic; professional business consultancy in the field of transportation. (511) Klasse 37: Building construction, repair, installation services and maintenance of buildings, premises, railway stations, terminals for goods and passenger traffic; repair and maintenance of vehicles for goods and passenger traffic; information in connection with the mentioned services. (511) Klasse 39: Transportation and storage services; rental of warehouses; rental of vehicles for transportation; information and logistic services regarding transportation and storage. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-14 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP759889 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-22 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760217 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-15 (730) Indehaver: Sony Overseas SA, Rütistrasse 12, CH-8952 Schlieren, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: William Blanc & Cie Conseils en propriété industrielle S.A., 9, rue du Valais, CH-1202 Genève, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Computer programs and software, particularly application software for personal computers for controlling the behaviour and movements of robots and toy robots, application software for personal computers for confirming the growth process of robots and toys, game software for personal use; telephones, particularly mobile telephones; computer screen savers, particularly for personal computers; computer wallpaper (screen backgrounds), particularly for personal computers (511) Klasse 16: Stationery. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-15 Gazette No.: 14/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760218 (730) Indehaver: Denselight Semiconductors PTE Ltd, 6, Changi North Street, 2, Changi North Industrial Estate, Singapore 498831, Singapore (740/750) International fuldmægtig: TAN KOK QUAN PARTNERSHIP, 5 Shenton Way #29-00 UIC Building, SINGAPORE 068808, Singapore (511) Klasse 09: Telecommunication equipment and components; optical communication products; electro-optic, opto-electronic, photonic and microphotonic components and devices; optical semi-conductors for telecommunications and data communications; optical mixers; lasers; laser diodes; laser drivers; super luminescent laser diodes; photodiodes; integrated circuits; semiconductor devices and instruments; semiconductor wafers; multiplexers; electronic multiplexers; demultiplexers; electronic demultiplexers; modulators; demodulators; modulators drivers; amplifiers; transimpedance amplifiers; automatic gain control amplifiers; limiter amplifiers; semiconductor optical amplifiers; circuits; decision circuits; clock data recovery circuits; frequency converters; detectors; light intensity detectors; oscillators; filters; switches; couplers; cross-connects; phase-shifters; splitters; wave guides; resonators; attenuators; transmitters; receivers; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in this class. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-22 Gazette No.: 14/2001 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-15 (730) Indehaver: Sony Overseas SA, Rütistrasse 12, CH-8952 Schlieren, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: William Blanc & Cie Conseils en propriété industrielle S.A., 9, rue du Valais, CH-1202 Genève, Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Computer programs and software, particularly application software for personal computers for controlling the behaviour and movements of robots and toy robots, application software for personal computers for confirming the growth process of robots and toys, game software for personal use; telephones, particularly mobile telephones; computer screen savers, particularly for personal computers; computer wallpaper (screen backgrounds), particularly for personal computers. (511) Klasse 16: Stationery. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-15 Gazette No.: 14/2001 417 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP760584 (800) Design. dato: (111) Reg. nr.: MP760677 (800) Design. dato: contractworld (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Messe AG, Messegelände, D-30521 Hannover, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: GRAMM, LINS & PARTNER GbR Patent- und Rechtsanwälte, 1, Theodor-Heuss-Strasse, D-38122 Braunschweig, Tyskland (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, especially periodicals, catalogues, brochures, posters and photographs; teaching material (except apparatus). (511) Klasse 35: Organization and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes; consultation on the realization and carrying out of fairs and exhibitions, organization of participation in fairs; presentation of companies and their products and services as well as sales promotion and arrangement of business contacts, also in the Internet; providing and rental of exhibition stands and booths including respective equipment; public relations; advertising, rental of advertising spaces, marketing, marketing studies and marketing analysis; organisation and conducting of product presentations. (511) Klasse 41: Organisation and conducting of conferences, special shows, congresses, symposiums and competitions, especially in the field of arrangement of spaces and decoration; publishing and issuing of journals, catalogues, brochures; organisation and conducting of seminars, workshops and exhibitions for cultural or teaching purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-21 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760643 (730) Indehaver: Gonzagarredi societa cooperativa, a responsabilita limitata, 5, Strada Provinciale Pascoletto, I-46023 Gonzaga (Mantova), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BRUNACCI Marco, MODIANO GARDI PATENTS, 605, via Giardini, I-41100 MODENA, Italien (511) Klasse 16: Teaching material. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture; chairs; school furniture; filing cabinets. (511) Klasse 28: Games and toys. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-04 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760694 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-05 (730) Indehaver: Carilis, 99, bld. Kellermann, Stade Charlety, F-75113 Paris, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Cabinet Armengaud Ainé, 3 avenue Bugeaud, F-75116 Paris, Frankrig (511) Klasse 41: Sports clubs, health club services (physical fitness), sports camp services, organisation of sporting competitions, sports instruction, operating sports facilities, information on sports, rental of sports equipment (except vehicles), rental of skin diving equipment, rental of tennis courts, organisation of shows (impresario services), production of shows, performance of shows, organisation of seminars, colloquiums, conferences in particular concerning sport, renting of stadium facilities, renting of theatres, organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes in the field of sports. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-05 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (730) Indehaver: Colorplaza SA, 33, rue des Bosquets, CH-1800 Vevey, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ABREMA Agence Brevets et Marques Ganguillet & Humphrey, 16, avenue du Thèâtre, CH-1005 Lausanne, Schweiz (511) Klasse 16: Photographs, posters, books, newspapers and periodicals, calendars, printing paper, particularly paper for photographic prints. (511) Klasse 39: Transport and delivery of pictures and photographs on any media, ordered by computer. (511) Klasse 40: Image processing services using digital or analogue data, photographic printing and reprinting, image processing and printing on any media, digital or other. (800) International registreringsdato: 2000-12-13 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760697 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760674 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-18 NITROXY (730) Indehaver: Ceca SA, 4-8, Cours Michelet, F-92800 Puteaux, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ATOFINA, 4-8, cours Michelet, F92800 Puteaux, Frankrig (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry and science; molecular sieves; molecular balls, zeolites. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-18 Gazette No.: 15/2001 418 (800) Design. dato: 2000-12-13 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-21 GELPAC (730) Indehaver: Reckitt Benckiser N.V., Saturnusstraat 40, NL-2132 HB Hoofddorp, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Knijff & Partners, P.O. Box 5054, NL1380 GB WEESP, Holland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals products for industrial purposes; water softeners; descaling agents and means; descaling preparations other than for household purposes; protective preparations for glassware, porcelain and earthenware, crockery and other kitchenware; products for the prevention of tarnishing of kitchenware and glassware, not included in other classes; all aforementioned goods with or without a disinfective component. (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use and dishwashing, whether or not in solid, liquid or gel form; laundry preparations for dry cleaners; polishing preparations for kitchen and glassware; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; carpet cleaning preparations; detergents; decalcifying and descaling preparations and means for household purposes; fabric softeners; stain removing preparations; all aforementioned goods with or without a disinfective component. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-21 Gazette No.: 15/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP760710 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-06 2002-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP761031 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-23 MAXBLUE UTOPUR (730) Indehaver: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, 12, Taunusanlage, D-60325 Frankfurt/Main, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CLIFFORD CHANCE PÜNDER, Mainzer Landstrasse 46, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (511) Klasse 35: Services concerning the management and operation of industrial, trading and services companies, namely advice on the planning, organization and management of these companies as well as with regard to questions concerning operations and personnel; management consulting. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs, monetary affairs, in particular trading with securities; insurance; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication in the field of financial affairs, data based transmission of programmes and information relating to trade with foreign currencies, interest rates and monetary affairs, securities, investments and similar transactions; implementation of such transactions; providing and transmission of information and data in online services and in the Internet. (511) Klasse 42: Computer programming. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-06 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (730) Indehaver: CU Chemie Uetikon AG, Seestrasse 108, CH-8707 Uetikon am Zee, Schweiz (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry and science, such as agents for treating water, precipitants. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-23 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP761047 SUPRA LIFE (730) Indehaver: Supra Caisse-maladie, 35, chemin de Primerose, CH1000 Lausanne, Schweiz (511) Klasse 36: Insurance underwriting, financial affairs, monetary affairs, real estate operations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-07-21 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP762058 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760801 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-11 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-15 CMS-Link Credit Management Service Link (730) Indehaver: Kasolvenzia, Inkassogesellschaft mbH, 7-9, GottliebDaimler-Ring, D-74906 Bad Rapenau, Tyskland (511) Klasse 36: Monetary affairs, financial affairs, debt collection agencies. (511) Klasse 42: Legal services. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-15 Gazette No.: 15/2001 ELA-SWING (730) Indehaver: Wella Aktiengesellschaft, 65, Berliner Allee, D-64274 Darmstadt, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemical preparations used in industry for the production of cosmetic preparations, especially for embellishing, conditioning, cleaning and colouring the hair. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-11 Gazette No.: 16/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP762076 (111) Reg. nr.: MP760938 (800) Design. dato: 2001-07-21 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-09 (800) Design. dato: 2001-05-29 MAPEWRAP (730) Indehaver: Mapei S.p.A., 22, Via Cafiero, I-20158 Milano, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DR. FRANCO CICOGNA, 14/A, Via Visconti di Modrone, I-20122 Milano, Italien (511) Klasse 01: Unprocessed synthetic resins and in particular epoxy; chemicals for use in industry, and in particular for the building industry; adhesive substances for industrial use. (511) Klasse 17: Carbon fiber fabrics for the static adaptation of structural building elements of reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete for resin impregnation; glass fiber cloths; products made of semiprocessed plastics; packing, stopping and insulating materials. (511) Klasse 19: Building materials; natural and artificial stones; bricks; tiles; roof tiles; cement; lime; mortar; plaster and gravel; sandstone and cement pipes; road building materials; asphalt; pitch and bitumen; transportable buildings; monuments of stone; chimneys; semi-worked wood; building timber; girders; pins; boards; wood veneers; plywood; building glass; glass sheets, glass tiles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-29 Gazette No.: 16/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP762189 (800) Design. dato: 2001-07-26 SICRALL (730) Indehaver: Fort James S.à.r.l., 3, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxemburg, Luxembourg (740/750) International fuldmægtig: MARKS & CLERK, 6, rue Glesener B.P. 1775, L-1017 Luxembourg (Grand-Duché du Luxembourg), Luxembourg (511) Klasse 16: Paper, paper goods, namely toilet paper. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-09 Gazette No.: 15/2001 (730) Indehaver: Siga Cover AG, Industriestrasse, CH-6105 Schachen LU, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Troller Hitz Troller & Partner Rechtsanwälte, Schweizerhofquai 2 Postfach, CH-6002 Luzern, Schweiz (511) Klasse 01: Adhesives used in industry, for wall tiles and for repairing broken objects. (511) Klasse 17: Adhesive tapes other than for medical, stationery or household purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-07-26 Gazette No.: 16/2001 419 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP762218 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-19 (111) Reg. nr.: MP769135 (800) Design. dato: 2001-03-19 Cossacks (730) Indehaver: Chem-Tools GmbH, 24-26, Am Kümmerling, D-55294 Bodenheim/Mainz, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-19 Gazette No.: 16/2001 (111) Reg. nr.: MP762230 (800) Design. dato: 2001-06-26 LAUNDROCLIN (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie AG, 6, Lenbachplatz, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Splanemann, Reitzner, Baronetzky, Westendorp, Dr. B. Reitzner Patentanwälte, 6, Rumfordstrasse, D80469 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Chemical products for use in industry, in particular bentonites. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-26 Gazette No.: 16/2001 420 (730) Indehaver: CDV Software Entertainment AG, 37b, Neureuter Strasse, D-76185 Karlsruhe, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Stephan Wiedorfer, Attorney at Law, 25, Bavariaring, D-80336 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, surveying, electric (included in this class), photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; electric and electronic data processing devices and computers; devices for digital and analog signal processing (included in this class), in particular modems; electric circuits with digital and analog signal processing; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images and/or digital data; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; devices for input, output and transfer of data including reading and writing apparatus for data carriers (included in this class), in particular printers, plotters, data transfer devices (modems), light pens, joysticks, scanners, multifunction keyboards, musical keyboards for connection to data processing devices and plug-in boards thereof, track ball input devices, namely „mice“ and track balls, phonetic input devices, acoustic and optical reproducers for data processing devices, also in the form of additional or plug-in devices, namely monitors and loudspeakers, also integrated in spectacles or in helmets; consoles and modules for video games; computer games (included in this class); interactive entertainment programs; computer software; image and/or sound information carriers and/or data carriers with or without programs and/or data, in particular discs, magnetic bands, cassettes including video cassettes and streamer bands, fixed disk storage means and read-only-memory (ROM), RAM and plug-in modules, optical storage means (with the exception of exposed or unexposed films) including compact discs ROM and WROM and compact discs and digital versatile discs; coin, card, or chip-operated juke boxes and amusement apparatus for amusement arcades; circuit boards provided with integrated circuits, in particular plug-in boards; semiconductors; accessories for electronic data processing devices, namely typewriter ribbons, cables, plugs, tables for screens and printers, daisy wheels, voltage and current stabilizers, emergency power generating units; devices for protection from excess voltage including excess voltage plugs; dust filters, sound-absorbing covers, ventilators, distributing units (gateways), mouse pads; memory and network controllers and devices; data carriers containing training manuals and seminar files. (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, in particular in the fields of computer technology and computer programs, namely operating and user instructions, forms, work instructions; books including manuals; program documentation, written accompanying material for computer programs; magazines, brochures, catalogues, stationery, calendars, notebooks, cards, posters, placards, adhesives, greetings cards, gift wrappings, writing paper and envelopes, playing cards, scratch cards; party articles of paper; paper napkins, paper pennants and flags; paper handkerchiefs; cork and chalk boards; albums, telephone cards; paperweights; artists' materials; bookbinding material; single or multi-layer printing paper including adhesives and forms; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), in particular work books, training manuals and seminar files, paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials, included in this class; children's books; works processed in the form of novels; published scripts; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); packaging material of plastics, included in this class. (511) Klasse 28: Games, playthings, toys, pieces and their accessories and components; board games, card games; electronic games (included in this class); puzzles, dolls, roller skates, ice skates, fancy dresses, masks; handicraft sets; gym and sport articles, included in this class. (511) Klasse 35: Operating of a database; compilation of image, sound and/or text data on machine-readable data carriers. (511) Klasse 38: Operation of a network server for third parties; providing of access to electronic communications networks, electronic databases and to interactive computer games via electronic networks or other online media. (511) Klasse 41: Rental and leasing of computer and video games. (511) Klasse 42: Establishing, developing, updating, improving and adapting of data processing programs and/or files (including multimedia, homepages and web sites); granting of licences in data processing programs, including computer and video games and files; rental and leasing of data processing units, computer peripheral devices and programs for data processing, advisory services for computer hardware and software, advisory services for the organization and realization of data processing, computer consulting services, services of a database, namely providing of storage possibilities for third parties as well as collecting, selecting, evaluating, processing and providing of data for third parties; rental of access times to databases; computer analysis; computer systems analysis; maintenance of computer software; selecting, processing, revising, connecting and putting into archives of digital image and/or sound data; technical project planning; providing of homepages and/or electronic mail addresses for third parties; drawing up and updating of homepages for computer networks. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-03-19 Gazette No.: 24/2001 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP769877 2002-01-30 (800) Design. dato: 2001-09-25 MERGE 2 WIN (730) Indehaver: Didier, Fernand, Charles Bonnet, 31, rue Thiers, F-94130 Nogent Sur Marne, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Computer software. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; consulting and services in business organisation and management, compilation of information into central databases, market research, organisation of exhibitions, personnel recruitment. (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; financial consulting, financial operations, capital investments, financing services, fund management, financial transactions. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-09-25 Gazette No.: 25/2001 421 Delvis ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Delvis ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse (111) Reg. nr.: MP661267 (511) Klasse 03: Perfumery, cosmetics. (511) Klasse 08: Cutlery. (511) Klasse 09: Sunglasses; calculating machines, especially pocket calculators; vehicle breakdown warning triangles and warning lights. (511) Klasse 12: Awnings, especially for vehicles (511) Klasse 14: Horological and chronometric instruments; jewellery. (511) Klasse 16: Writing utensils. (511) Klasse 18: Goods made of leather and imitations of leather (not included in other classes); bags; parasols; umbrellas. (511) Klasse 21: Combs and brushes (except paint brushes); glasswarem porcelain (not included in other classes). (511) Klasse 22: Tents, nets, awnings. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods (not included in other classes). (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, including sportswear; ties and scarfs; belts; footwear; headgear. (511) Klasse 27: Carpets, rugs, especially for vehicles. (511) Klasse 28: Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles (not included in other classes). (511) Klasse 34: Smokers' articles, namely ashtrays, cigar and cigarette cases, not of precious metal, lighters, matches. (111) Reg. nr.: MP720667 (511) Klasse 10: Pacemakers and other medical apparatus and instruments in the field of cardiology including defibrillators, Holter's products, diagnostic apparatus for ventricular rhytm disorders and cardiac stimulation apparatus. 422 Navneregister internationale registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Navneregister Register over mærker nævnt i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk orden efter indehaver (730) Indehaver (210) Ans. nr./(111) Reg. nr. ABB AB ACO HUD AB ADAR GOLAD AIGLE INTERNATIONAL S.A. ALLGEMEINE PRIVATKUNDENBANK AG ALOIS POSCHL GMBH & CO KG ANDREA MICHALIK ANTULA HEALTHCARE AB APC INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS AG ARBEITSKREIS DER SPRACHENZENTREN SPRACHLEHR- UN ARGESYS S.A. ASTA MEDICA AG ASUWANT ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETE ANONYME ASUWANT ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETE ANONYME ATELIER SYSTEMES DE PROTECTION AUER BLASCHKE GMBH AUER BLASCHKE GMBH AUGUST STORCK KG AWC AGENS WAVE CONSULTING GMBH BANCAIRE ESPIRITO SANTO S.A., COMPAGNIE BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA, S.A. BANQUE WORMS S.A. BANQUE WORMS S.A. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT BERNARD GUENIX, SYLVIE LEMERCIER-REGNARD, PASCAL BERTOLDO & C. S.R.L. BETA FILM GMBH BIOFARMA BIVIT NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP BIZO U.S.A. KERESKEDELMI ES SZOLGALTATO KFT. BKN ENTERTAINMENT INC. BONNET, DIDIER, FERNAND, CHARLES BRAUN GMBH BRAUN GMBH BRAUN GMBH BRIBREND B.V. BYK GULDEN LOMBERG CHEMISCHE FABRIK GMBH BYK GULDEN LOMBERG CHEMISCHE FABRIK GMBH CANCOM IT SYSTEME AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT CARILIS CARL ZEISS (FIRME) CASSIOPEIA AG CASTROL LIMITED CATIMINI, SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIEE CDV SOFTWARE ENTERTAINMENT AG CECA SA CHEM-TOOLS GMBH CHROME IMAGING S.A. COCAP AG COLORPLAZA SA COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELI COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE CONDAT AG CONFENDEX B.V. H.O.D.N. HUNKEMOLLER CONTINENTAL AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT COVATUIN B.V. CU CHEMIE UETIKON AG DAIMLERCHRYSLER AG DAIMLERCHRYSLER AG DAIMLERCHRYSLER AG DAIMLERCHRYSLER AG DAIMLERCHRYSLER AG DECATHLON DEMP HOLDING B.V. DENSELIGHT SEMICONDUCTORS PTE LTD MP740951 MP747010 MP747965 MP759481 MP755702 MP535535 MP745630 MP722020 MP750178 MP749371 MP747015 MP748191 MP747588 MP747589 MP747245 MP750028 MP751213 MP752066 MP754743 MP758191 MP747266 MP740186 MP740560 MP479078 MP747249 MP756202 MP755508 MP635158 MP746882 MP745636 MP644430A MP758197 MP757124 MP769877 MP751664 MP751665 MP751666 MP745835 MP746585 MP746587 MP744871 MP760643 MP746999 MP747593 MP747514 MP642129 MP769135 MP760674 MP762218 MP756072 MP759452 MP760694 MP741517 MP740374 MP753178 MP734099 MP747956 MP750302 MP761031 MP746930 MP741666 MP741687 MP741688 MP757622 MP745628 MP747495 MP759889 2002-01-30 DEUTSCHE AMPHIBOLIN-WERKE VON ROBERT MURJAHN DEUTSCHE BANK AG DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DEUTSCHE EXIDE STANDBY GMBH DEUTSCHE MESSE AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG DEUTZ AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DIRK MANTHEY DJUICE AS DR. AUGUST WOLFF GMBH & CO. ARZNEIMITTEL ECOMPANY S.A. EN FORMATION E.J. HOIJINK BEEHEER B.V. ELA MEDICAL ELOTEX AG ELPRICE HOLDING AS ENGELHARDT, ANNETTE ERCO LEUCHTEN GMBH ERGO COMPUTING UK LTD. EURO-CASE EUROMOVERS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH EWALD DORKEN AG F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG FABRYKA CUKIERNICZA KOPERNIK SPOLKA AKCYJNA FANTASTIC CORPORATION, THE FAWCETT, MATTHEW M. FEEZT AS FIBERCORP NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP FKG COMMUNICATIONS AG FORT JAMES S.A.R.L. FRAMA AG FRANCE CABLES ET RADIO FRANK BURGER FRANZ VIEGENER II GMBH & CO. KG FRAPECH, MONSIEUR GERALD GALDERMA S.A. GALENICA HOLDING AG GARANT-MOBEL ARCHITEKT JOSEF LAUTEN KG GERVAIS DANONE, COMPAGNIE GITRONICA S.R.L. GOLD-ZACK AG GOLD-ZACK AG GOLD-ZACK AG GOLD-ZACK AG GONZAGARREDI SOCIETA COOPERATIVA A RESPONSABILI GUINOT, SOCIETE ANONYME HANSGROHE AG HAYWARD POOL EUROPE SA HAYWARD POOL EUROPE SA HEINRICH DEICHMANN-SCHUHE GMBH & CO. KG HEINS & SEITZ CAPITAL MANAGEMENT GMBH HEINZ BIEDERER HELSANA VERSICHERUNGEN AG HELU KABEL GMBH HENKEL KGAA HENKEL KGAA HENKEL KGAA HENKEL KGAA HENKEL KGAA HENKEL KGAA HENKEL-ECOLAB GMBH & CO. OHG HENKEL-ECOLAB GMBH & CO. OHG HENKEL-ECOLAB GMBH & CO. OHG HOUSE OF PRINCE POLAND S.A. HUMAN LINE INTERNATIONAL HOLDING AG HUTCHINGS & HARDING LTD. I F M. ELECTRONIC GMBH I F M ELECTRONIC GMBH IC INFORMATION COMPANY INSTA ELEKTRO GMBH & CO KG INTERNATIONAL PAPER S.A. SOCIETE ANONYME INTERNATIONAL PAPER S.A. SOCIETE ANONYME INTERVET INTERNATIONAL B.V. INTERWETTEN AG MP743130 MP759316 MP760710 MP753309 MP760584 MP747002 MP747003 MP747452 MP748061 MP748099 MP748100 MP748101 MP748157 MP752405 MP755311 MP756557 MP741846 MP749426 MP752223 MP756226 MP757599 MP747216 MP720667 MP747945 MP743129 MP755459 MP756982 MP751258 MP753251 MP742457 MP452074 MP751344 MP756110 MP749003 MP749365 MP751893 MP755919 MP753584 MP760938 MP728087 MP756095 MP750870 MP741665 MP752083 MP747254 MP748733 MP621164 MP746684 MP756533 MP749020 MP749025 MP749032 MP749060 MP760677 MP745627 MP755648 MP741521 MP741522 MP714851 MP747011 MP750822 MP755851 MP751467 MP748537 MP755711 MP756804 MP756810 MP756865 MP756806 MP746115 MP747353 MP747355 MP748204 MP754325 MP757169 MP756248 MP757610 MP755697 MP750858 MP759399 MP759400 MP756143 MP754915 423 2002-01-30 IVOCLAR AG IVOCLAR VIVADENT AG JELEZNYAKOV, NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVITCH KASOLVENZIA INKASSOGESELLSCHAFT MBH KERSTNER GMBH FAHRZEUGKLIMATECHNIK KFG LEVEL AG KINNARPS AB KLAUS P. GUENTHER KLUBER LUBRICATION MUNCHEN KG KLUBER LUBRICATION MUNCHEN KG KNOWINGS KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. KORD BETEILIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG LABORATOIRES INGRID MILLET LACUFA AG, LACKE UND FARBEN LAMB-WESTON/MEIJER V.O.F. LE GANT RIGAUDY S.A. LE GANT RIGAUDY S.A. LEARN2PLAY LION BIOSCIENCE AG LIVBAG MAGLIFICIO RENATA BRANCHER MAIRS GEOGRAPHISCHER VERLAG KURT MAIR GMBH & CO MAP MEDIZINTECHNIK FUR ARZT UND PATIENT GMBH & MAPEI S.P.A. MASTERFIL SRL MECATOOL AG MESSE FRANKFURT GMBH MIKRON AG NIDAU MOBILE ZONE AG MOOD MEDIA MUGLER, THIERRY MUSTEK OPTIC-COMPUTER & COMMUNICATION INTERNA NEDAC SORBO GROEP B.V. NEURICAM SPA NEXTENSO NICHOLAS PAUL ANDREW GALEA NIPPON YUSEN KABUSHIKI KAISHA NOVARTIS AG NOVARTIS AG NUTRISI N.V. N.V. VERENIGD STREEKVERVOER NEDERLAND OLIVETTI LEXIKON S.P.A. OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. (EUROPA) GMBH OMNICAL GMBH OPTICOS S.R.L. ORION CORPORATION OUTDOOR CHEF INTERNATIONAL LTD PEOPLE ENGINE, THE PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. PIERRE-ANDRE SENIZERGUES POCKET CARD MINIPRINTS GMBH AGENTUR & VERLAG FU POLLINI S.P.A. QIAGEN GMBH QUATTRO PIU S.R.L. QUELLE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT RASMUSSEN GMBH RECKITT BENCKISER N.V. RECKITT BENCKISER NV RED-MIT AS REWE-ZENTRAL AG REWE-ZENTRAL AG REYSAS SANATSAL GOSTERI MERKEZLERI VE TURIZM AN RIEKER-SCHUH GMBH RIRI S.A. ROMERO SANCHEZ, JUAN CARLOS ET MURILLO MATEO, F RUHRGAS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT S.A. MAJID SALAMANDER-BUND GMBH SANARA HOLDING GMBH SANOFI-SYNTHELABO SATSAFE MLS AB SCEA STURGEON, LA SCG SOFTWARE CONSULTING GROUP AG SCHOTT GLAS SCHWEIZ. ELEKTROTECHNISHER VEREIN 424 Dansk Varemærketidende MP750827 MP745367 MP755427 MP760801 MP756384 MP750475 MP755653 MP751654 MP741110 MP741111 MP749119 MP751663 MP754183 MP755116 MP745809 MP750891 MP711896 MP755783 MP750770 MP750771 MP746896 MP756880 MP755501 MP746860 MP750866 MP755051 MP762076 MP660010 MP742642 MP717139 MP758913 MP756489 MP747592 MP755295 MP750183 MP389393 MP748780 MP759653 MP753670 MP755463 MP748773 MP756193 MP747827 MP741449 MP754390 MP758726 MP753938 MP741371 MP755858 MP759238 MP759505 MP749834 MP740586 MP751645 MP758938 MP755694 MP759306 MP746555 MP687528 MP760697 MP747224 MP756539 MP746636 MP746637 MP747435 MP349864 MP747013 MP755549 MP740685 MP749536 MP751028 MP758218 MP747963 MP748600 MP744830 MP747018 MP753616 MP690043 SCHWEIZERISCHE RUCKVERSICHERUNGSGESELLSCHAFT SEAGULL S.R.L. SEITLINGER, GUNTER SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT SIGA COVER AG SIKA AG, VORM. KASPAR WINKLER & CO (SIKA SA, CI SILCOM ELECTRONICS VERTRIEBS GMBH SIZ GENOSSENSCHAFT SCHWEIZERISCHES INFORMATIK-Z SOCIETE DES MOTEURS ELECTRIQUES DE NORMANDIE SOLVAY (SOCIETE ANONYME) SONY OVERSEAS SA SONY OVERSEAS SA SONY OVERSEAS SA SOREMARTEC SPORTSWEAR COMPANY S.P.A. STAR STABILIMENTO ALIMENTARE S.P.A. STEVEN R.A. VAN EIJCK SUD-CHEMIE AG SUPPLITEL AG SUPRA CAISSE-MALADIE SWISS CITYPOWER AG TAOASIS GMBH AROMA-KOSMETIK & VERLAG TECNIPLAST GAZZADA S.R.L. TELENOR PLUS AS TELIA AB TELIA AB TEMA TEKSTIL PAZARLAMA SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM TERACOM AB TEXTILES WELL THOMAS FEUCHT, MATTHIAS BARTHOLME, KARIN SCHMID TOKIO MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD., THE TOPSHARE B.V TRAFFICARE AB TREGA INTERNATIONAL B.V. UNILEVER N.V. VAPAROID AG VERINOX SP.A. VERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD. VINSKA KLET GORISKA BRDA ZADRUGA, KMETIJSTVO, P VIRT-X PLC VOIGTLANDER GMBH VOLKSWAGEN AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT WADER QUALITY TOYS E.K. MANFRED WADER WELLA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT WELLA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT WILFER, HANS-PETER WILHELM JULIUS TEUFEL GMBH & CO. KG WILKHAHN WILKENING + HAHNE GMBH & CO W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES GMBH YACHT COLLABORATIVE ENTERPRISE B.V. YAMANOUCHI EUROPE B.V. ZHONGSHANSHI KADANLU PIJU YOUXIAN GONGSI ZLB BIOPLASMA AG MP747937 MP751712 MP754312 MP748367 MP749207 MP758684 MP762189 MP741462 MP746894 MP759448 MP740821 MP747204 MP755574 MP760217 MP760218 MP748006 MP755030 MP747899 MP749365 MP762230 MP753896 MP761047 MP756326 MP745806 MP439180 MP751687 MP748593 MP758556 MP747423 MP756264 MP745604 MP746175 MP759583 MP752265 MP759877 MP703837 MP749873 MP745890 MP745891 MP753611 MP756060 MP746883 MP750212 MP661267 MP753299 MP745978 MP762058 MP748988 MP748781 MP749361 MP755820 MP741950 MP750512 MP750074 MP755524 Mærkeregister internationale registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Mærkeregister Register over mærker offentliggjort som registreret i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk rækkefølge efter mærketekst (540) Mærke (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) @ INTELLIGENCE (fig) Accumio (w) AEROFIX (w) AGAXY (fig) ALL IS THINKABLE. MUCH IS DOABLE. (w) ALLBANK (fig) ALLOGA (w) ALPHA DENT (w) Alpina (w) andiamo (w) Aristo (w) Arotec (w) arrayTAG (w) ASP (fig) ASPIRE (w) ASUWANT ENTERTAINMENT (w) ASUWANT (w) AUER Chocolino (fig) AWC agens WAVE Consulting (w) AXORID (w) BALTRA (w) BBVA EUROSEGUROS (w) belt (fig) BENITAX (w) BI VIT (w) BODY SPECIALS (w) BONDEGÅRD (w) CALGON AquaTec (w) CALL CENTER AGENT SIZ (w) Campino (fig) CAPEX (w) cardanro (fig) CAREEZA (w) CARILIS (fig) CASSIOPEIA BUSINESS COM.UNITY (w) CATIMINI (w) CAVIAR ET TRADITIONS (w) CEDOR Professional Services Automation (fig) CERAN ARCTICFIRE (w) CHEM-TOOLS GMBH (fig) CHOKOLINO (w) CHROME IMAGING (fig) CLINAIRE (w) CMS-Link Credit Management Service Link (w) CNC TODAY (w) cocap (fig) COLORMAILER (fig) COMPACTIVE (w) CONDAT (fig) CONGRESS (fig) ContiStick (w) contractworld (w) CORDUROY (w) Cossacks (w) costdata (w) Création Clivia (w) Création Iris (w) Création Orchid (w) Custonomy (w) d (fig) DANIO (w) Deltafol (w) Dense light (fig) (111) Reg. nr. MP349864 MP750178 MP753611 MP755295 MP755574 MP760217 MP760218 MP760938 MP758191 MP747452 MP755051 MP714851 MP747937 MP755702 MP748733 MP746636 MP535535 MP751028 MP745630 MP746115 MP756880 MP747245 MP750512 MP747589 MP747588 MP750028 MP754743 MP748191 MP740685 MP747266 MP635158 MP756202 MP644430A MP734099 MP745835 MP747224 MP759448 MP752066 MP747254 MP750074 MP751663 MP760643 MP747593 MP642129 MP744830 MP747018 MP753616 MP762218 MP751213 MP756072 MP746585 MP760801 MP758913 MP759452 MP760694 MP741517 MP753178 MP749834 MP747956 MP760584 MP755820 MP769135 MP750870 MP751666 MP751664 MP751665 MP750822 MP748100 MP740374 MP452074 MP759889 DERAMAXX (w) dersechstekontinent (w) DIAMOND (w) DIGIGREFFE (w) DIVA (w) DJUICE (w) DRUNKI (w) ECO-TEMP (w) ECOTEMP (w) EEYE (w) Efector (w) e-fm (w) ELA-SWING (w) Elotack (w) ELPRICE (w) ELTAB (w) Email facile.com (fig) EMERICA (w) EMOTIONS (w) ENERGISING THE OFFICE (w) ENERGO - TECH - AG UMWELTTECHNIK (fig) EPICENTRE (w) EPSILON (w) ERGO (w) EUROFIBER (fig) European Financial Planner EFP (fig) EUROPEAN OUTDOOR CHEF (fig) EVOTAINMENT (w) EXTENDO (w) FABIANA FILIPPI (fig) feezt (fig) Fenonolf (w) Fimcase (w) fit For Fun (fig) FlexiGene (w) Flowmetrics (w) FRAMUS (w) FRUTTI KVARKI (w) GageMax (w) GELPAC (w) GFI (w) GIOCONDA (w) GITRONICA ARCHITETTURE ELETTRONICHE (fig) Goliath (fig) GONZAGARREDI (fig) H (fig) HAUSSMANN INDEX JAPON (w) HAUSSMANN JOUR (w) HELUKABEL (w) HRGATE (w) Idea - wellness inclusive (w) ifm (w) Igalykos (fig) IMPULSE TWIST (w) INFOASSO (w) instalight PLUS (w) INTERWETTEN (w) INTRAKEUR (w) ISH (w) IVOCLAR VIVADENT (fig) Jannet (w) Kerstner Fahrzeugklimatechnik (fig) KFG-E (w) KLINAIRE (w) Klüberquiet (w) Klüberrail (w) KNOWINGS (w) KONG the animated series (fig) KOPERNIK TORUN (fig) LANCE (w) LAUNDROCLIN (w) learn2play (fig) LONGHITTER (w) m (w) MAGICCLEAN (fig) MAPEWRAP (w) marakanda M (fig) Marco Polo (fig) MASTERS (w) MAXBLUE (w) MEDIA SURFER (w) MEDIO (w) MERGE 2 WIN (w) MEXCEL (w) MHP (w) 2002-01-30 MP756193 MP749020 MP741950 MP755508 MP748204 MP752223 MP755427 MP747353 MP747355 MP757599 MP756248 MP755697 MP762058 MP747945 MP743129 MP741846 MP756095 MP740586 MP747495 MP755653 MP754312 MP747963 MP746882 MP751258 MP755919 MP749365 MP759238 MP757622 MP755858 MP660010 MP751893 MP756226 MP753251 MP749426 MP755694 MP759316 MP748988 MP746684 MP746999 MP760697 MP753670 MP754390 MP756533 MP747965 MP760677 MP755851 MP740560 MP740186 MP751467 MP754325 MP746637 MP757610 MP750770 MP749873 MP752083 MP750858 MP754915 MP750302 MP717139 MP750827 MP747011 MP756384 MP750475 MP746587 MP741110 MP741111 MP749119 MP757124 MP756110 MP479078 MP762230 MP746896 MP755459 MP748099 MP741522 MP762076 MP758556 MP750866 MP745627 MP760710 MP749003 MP746930 MP769877 MP742642 MP747514 425 2002-01-30 MILLEA (w) mobilezone the best for communication (fig) MONORHO (w) MOOD MEDIA (w) Move 3000 (w) MTD Micro Tech Development (fig) MustBinder (w) MYCODERM (w) NAXOS (w) nc neuricam (fig) NEFA (w) NEXTENSO (fig) NITROXY (w) NOLAN (fig) NORMA (w) NOVODROM.COM (fig) NUTRICHEM (fig) NYK LOGISTICS & MEGACARRIER (fig) OMNISET (w) ORIGINAL Bright Light energy (fig) OVULEQUIN (w) p (fig) Patio-Wohnart ganz natürlich (w) PCS (w) Persil Anti-Grau Formel (fig) Persil MEGAPERLS (fig) PharmaPlaza (w) pocket CARD (fig) POLIDAN (w) POLLINI (w) Porta Romana (w) Powerline (fig) PRIMALT (w) PRO CAD (fig) PRONORVAL (w) PROTEUS (w) P3-lubosec (w) QUELLE. (fig) REALFLU (w) Renée Blanche (fig) REY EXPRESSION (w) REY SUCCESS (w) Rigaudy (fig) Romu´s (fig) SABATO RUSSO (w) Safe-T-Melt (w) SAM KULLMAN'S DINER (fig) SANARA (fig) sanfix PLUS (w) SatSafe (w) sechster-kontinent (w) SECURE YOUR BUSINESS (fig) SEPLEC (w) SERIE 100 (w) SICRALL (w) SIKAMEMBRAN (w) SILCOM (w) @SIPARK (w) sixthcontinent (w) SKANOVA (w) SKOOM (w) SMART MAILING (w) SOGNI D'ORO (w) Sonnenschein (w) SOPHO MyOffice@Net (w) SPHINX TILES (w) SPORTSMAXX (w) STORM (fig) STRUCTURESSENCE (w) Sultans of the dance (fig) supplitel (fig) SUPRA LIFE (w) swiss citypower (fig) S42 (w) t (fig) t info (fig) t info.de (fig) T Motion (fig) t web (fig) TAOASIS (w) TAUS GUNPOWDER (fig) T-DigitPark (w) TeamComputer (w) Teccato (w) TECNIPLAST (fig) 426 Dansk Varemærketidende MP759583 MP756489 MP755524 MP747592 MP742457 MP759481 MP750183 MP747010 MP747015 MP748780 MP711896 MP759653 MP760674 MP741371 MP687528 MP744871 MP747827 MP755463 MP753938 MP754183 MP756143 MP748101 MP621164 MP748781 MP756865 MP756810 MP747216 MP751645 MP747204 MP758938 MP751712 MP741521 MP745809 MP745367 MP745636 MP747249 MP756806 MP746555 MP751344 MP746860 MP759399 MP759400 MP750771 MP755549 MP759306 MP748537 MP746175 MP758218 MP741665 MP748600 MP749025 MP758684 MP740821 MP755030 MP762189 MP741462 MP746894 MP749207 MP749032 MP748593 MP756539 MP728087 MP747899 MP753309 MP755116 MP703837 MP753584 MP747013 MP750891 MP747435 MP753896 MP761047 MP756326 MP748367 MP748061 MP752405 MP747003 MP755311 MP748157 MP745806 MP749536 MP747002 MP749361 MP756557 MP439180 TERACOM (fig) Tesis (w) THE PEOPLE ENGINE (w) THEOPRAX (w) Thermosan (w) THREETHOUSANDHUNDREDTWENTY (fig) Timber Tee (fig) TOPSHARE (w) Trafficare (fig) TRAXX (w) TrueLux (fig) TSM Total Security Management (fig) TUBOFLATOR (w) U 400 (w) U 500 (w) U 800 (w) UNICERT (w) UTOPUR (w) VAPAFLEX (w) VERINOX FASTENERS AND PARTS (fig) VERONICA (w) VILLA BRICI (w) VINCENT (w) VIRTX (w) Voigtländer (fig) VOLUMIZER (w) VRIEZO (w) VUARDE (w) Wader Quality Toys (w) WATERDREAM (w) WELLNESS (w) WIND FORMER (fig) WORLD.WIDE.WIPE (w) XSIDE (fig) XXXX Black Magic (fig) ZOMARYL (w) ZON (w) ZONAVI (w) 6th-continent (w) MP756264 MP756982 MP759505 MP755711 MP743130 MP758197 MP751654 MP752265 MP759877 MP741449 MP758726 MP690043 MP755501 MP741688 MP741687 MP741666 MP749371 MP761031 MP745890 MP745891 MP389393 MP756060 MP748006 MP746883 MP750212 MP745978 MP755783 MP745628 MP753299 MP755648 MP745604 MP740951 MP757169 MP747423 MP756804 MP748773 MP722020 MP751687 MP749060 Registreringsregister internationale registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Registreringsregister Register over mærker i dette tidende angivet i registreringsnummerorden (111) Reg. nr. MP349864 MP389393 MP439180 MP452074 MP479078 MP535535 MP621164 MP635158 MP642129 MP644430A MP660010 MP661267 MP687528 MP690043 MP703837 MP711896 MP714851 MP717139 MP720667 MP722020 MP728087 MP734099 MP740186 MP740374 MP740560 MP740586 MP740685 MP740821 MP740951 MP741110 MP741111 MP741371 MP741449 MP741462 MP741517 MP741521 MP741522 MP741665 MP741666 MP741687 MP741688 MP741846 MP741950 MP742457 MP742642 MP743129 MP743130 MP744830 MP744871 MP745367 MP745604 MP745627 MP745628 MP745630 MP745636 MP745806 MP745809 MP745835 MP745890 MP745891 MP745978 MP746115 MP746175 MP746555 MP746585 MP746587 MP746636 MP746637 MP746684 MP746860 MP746882 2002-01-30 MP746883 MP746894 MP746896 MP746930 MP746999 MP747002 MP747003 MP747010 MP747011 MP747013 MP747015 MP747018 MP747204 MP747216 MP747224 MP747245 MP747249 MP747254 MP747266 MP747353 MP747355 MP747423 MP747435 MP747452 MP747495 MP747514 MP747588 MP747589 MP747592 MP747593 MP747827 MP747899 MP747937 MP747945 MP747956 MP747963 MP747965 MP748006 MP748061 MP748099 MP748100 MP748101 MP748157 MP748191 MP748204 MP748367 MP748537 MP748593 MP748600 MP748733 MP748773 MP748780 MP748781 MP748988 MP749003 MP749020 MP749025 MP749032 MP749060 MP749119 MP749207 MP749361 MP749365 MP749371 MP749426 MP749536 MP749834 MP749873 MP750028 MP750074 MP750178 MP750183 MP750212 MP750302 MP750475 MP750512 MP750770 MP750771 MP750822 MP750827 MP750858 MP750866 MP750870 MP750891 MP751028 427 2002-01-30 MP751213 MP751258 MP751344 MP751467 MP751645 MP751654 MP751663 MP751664 MP751665 MP751666 MP751687 MP751712 MP751893 MP752066 MP752083 MP752223 MP752265 MP752405 MP753178 MP753251 MP753299 MP753309 MP753584 MP753611 MP753616 MP753670 MP753896 MP753938 MP754183 MP754312 MP754325 MP754390 MP754743 MP754915 MP755030 MP755051 MP755116 MP755295 MP755311 MP755427 MP755459 MP755463 MP755501 MP755508 MP755524 MP755549 MP755574 MP755648 MP755653 MP755694 MP755697 MP755702 MP755711 MP755783 MP755820 MP755851 MP755858 MP755919 MP756060 MP756072 MP756095 MP756110 MP756143 MP756193 MP756202 MP756226 MP756248 MP756264 MP756326 MP756384 MP756489 MP756533 MP756539 MP756557 MP756804 MP756806 MP756810 MP756865 MP756880 MP756982 MP757124 MP757169 MP757599 MP757610 MP757622 428 Dansk Varemærketidende MP758191 MP758197 MP758218 MP758556 MP758684 MP758726 MP758913 MP758938 MP759238 MP759306 MP759316 MP759399 MP759400 MP759448 MP759452 MP759481 MP759505 MP759583 MP759653 MP759877 MP759889 MP760217 MP760218 MP760584 MP760643 MP760674 MP760677 MP760694 MP760697 MP760710 MP760801 MP760938 MP761031 MP761047 MP762058 MP762076 MP762189 MP762218 MP762230 MP769135 MP769877 Stillingsannonce Stillingsannonce VA R E M Æ R K E R S AG S B E H A N D L E R Har du lyst til et spændende og både fagligt og personligt udviklende job i en professionelt arbejdende international koncern ? Vores varemærkeafdeling har brug for en dygtig medarbejder med indgående kendskab til varemærker. Varemærkeafdelingen hører under juridisk afdeling og består p.t. af 1 advokat og 2 varemærkeassistenter. Sammen yder vi bistand til alle koncernens selskaber i ind- og udland, bl.a. i form af administration af selskabernes varemærkeportefølje, herunder nogle af Danmarks største varemærker, samt i stadigt stigende omfang i forbindelse med udvikling af nye mærker. OM JOBBET Du indgår i et team, der i en spændende dagligdag, varetager beskyttelsen af vore varemærker. Du skal fungere som sagsbehandler med en række selvstændige arbejdsopga- ver, men også varetage almindelige sekretærfunktioner, begge i relation til varemærker. Du kommer til at beskæftige dig med konkret sagsbehandling, international korrespondance, vedligeholdelse af vor varemærkedatabase og arkiv, overvågning, forundersøgelser samt rådgivning og service, delvis i samarbejde med vore eksterne varemærkebureauer. OM DIG • Du har flere års erfaring med varemærkeadministration fra et varemærkebureau, en erhvervsvirksomhed eller fra Patentog Varemærkestyrelsen. • Du trives med og er vant til at arbejde selvstændigt, men påtager dig også gerne almindelige sekretæropgaver. • Du behersker engelsk både mundtligt og skriftligt. • Du sætter en ære i præcision og orden. • Du er engageret, har et godt humør og har let ved at samarbejde og kommunikere med andre. • Du er effektiv og serviceorienteret og kan lide at have travlt. OM ANSØGNINGEN Send din ansøgning, vedlagt CV samt eventuelle eksamensbeviser, til: Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni A/S Att: Human Resource Tobaksvejen 4, 2860 Søborg eller på job@st.dk, så den er os i hænde senest den 11. februar 2002. Ansøgningen mærkes "Varemærker sagsbehandler". Vil du vide mere, er du velkommen til at kontakte afdelingschef Hanne Weywardt på tlf. 39 55 62 00. Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni er moderselskabet for en række datterselskaber indenfor produktion og markedsføring af tobaks- og dagligvarer. Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni beskæftiger mere end 7500 medarbejdere og er en koncern i kraftig international vækst. www.st.dk 429 Prisliste 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Pr. 1. januar 2002 Tlf. 4350 8000 Fax 4350 8001 E-post pvs@dkpto.dk www.dkpto.dk Patenter Supplerende beskyttelsescertifikater Brugsmodeller Chips (halvledertopografier) Kommunevåbener og -segl Skorstensmærker og kontorflag Design Vare- og fællesmærker Publikationer Erhvervsservice Kopiservice Kurser og foredrag Prisliste vedrørende internationale ansøgninger (PCT) og europæiske patentansøgninger (EPK) samt vedrørende ansøgninger om international varemærkeregistrering og EU-varemærkeregistrering kan fås ved henvendelse til Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen. 430 (12.1-jan02) ls/PVS - Udgivet 20 dec 2001 2630 Taastrup PRISLISTE Helgeshøj Allé 81 Dansk Varemærketidende Patenter kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr a. Grundgebyr ........................................................................ 3000,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hvert patentkrav ud over 10 ....................... 300,00 2002-01-30 Supplerende beskyttelsescertifikater kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr. ................................................................ 3000,00 2. Gebyrer for nyhedsundersøgelse af international type (PL §9) I Når den svenske patentmyndighed er nyhedsundersøgende: a. Grundgebyr .................................................................. 7030,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hvert krav ud over 10 ............................ 115,00 c. Ekspeditionsgebyr ........................................................... 500,00 2. Genoptagelsesgebyr. ............................................................. 600,00 II Når Den Europæiske Patentmyndighed er nyhedsundersøgende: a. Grundgebyr * 1. For en prioritetsgivende ansøgning ........................... 7030,00 2. I alle andre tilfælde ................................................. 11015,00 b. Ekspeditionsgebyr ........................................................... 500,00 5. Gebyr for administrativ omprøvning. ................................ 1500,00 3. Genoprettelsesgebyr. ........................................................... 3000,00 4. Årsgebyr pr. påbegyndt gebyrår. ....................................... 5100,00 Årsgebyrer, der betales senere end forfaldsdag, forhøjes med 20%. Gebyret skal være betalt inden 6 måneder efter forfaldsdagen. Der skal betales et gebyr på 7000 kr. for eventuel omprøvning af grundpatentet 6. Klagegebyr. ........................................................................... 4000,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms 3. Gebyr for senere indlevering af dansk oversættelse af international ansøgning. .................................................. 1100,00 4. Genoptagelsesgebyr. ............................................................. 700,00 5. Patentmeddelelsesgebyr a. Grundgebyr ........................................................................ 2850,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hver side ud over 35 sider ............................. 80,00 c. Tillægsgebyr for hvert patentkrav, for hvilket der ikke er betalt ansøgningsgebyr .................................................... 300,00 6. Gebyr for publicering af oversættelser af europæiske patentskrifter a. Grundgebyr ........................................................................ 1150,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hver side ud over 35 sider ............................. 80,00 7. Gebyr for publicering af ændrede danske patentskrifter a. Grundgebyr ........................................................................ 2850,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hver side ud over 35 sider ............................. 80,00 8. Gebyr for publicering af ændrede oversættelser af europæiske patentskrifter a. Grundgebyr ........................................................................ 1150,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hver side ud over 35 sider ............................. 80,00 9. Genoprettelsesgebyr. ........................................................... 3000,00 Brugsmodeller kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr. ................................................................ 2000,00 2. Gebyr for senere indlevering af dansk oversættelse af international ansøgning. ................................................. 1100,00 3. Genoptagelsesgebyr. ............................................................. 400,00 4. Fornyelsesgebyrer For 1. periode .......................................................................... 2000,00 For 2. periode .......................................................................... 3000,00 Fornyelsesgebyrer, der betales efter udløbet af den pågældende registreringsperiode, forhøjes med 20%. 5. Gebyr for prøvning før eller efter registrering. ................ 4000,00 6. Gebyr for behandling af anmodning om udslettelse. ............................................................................ 2000,00 7. Gebyr for bekendtgørelse af ændret registrering og publicering af ændret formulering. .................................... 1100,00 8. Klagegebyr. ........................................................................... 5000,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms Chips (halvledertopografier) kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr. ................................................................ 1500,00 2. Gebyr for behandling af anmodning af overførelse af ansøgning om registrering. ............................................. 1000,00 3. Klagegebyr. ........................................................................... 4000,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms Kommunevåbener og -segl kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr. ................................................................ 2000,00 Ovennævnte pris skal ikke tillægges moms Årsgebyrer, der betales senere end forfaldsdag, forhøjes med 20%. Gebyret skal være betalt inden 6 måneder efter forfaldsdagen. 11. Gebyr for fremsættelse af indsigelse. ................................. 2500,00 12. Gebyr for administrativ omprøvning. .................................. 7000,00 13. Klagegebyr. ........................................................................... 8000,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms Skorstensmærker og kontorflag kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr. ................................................................ 2000,00 Ovennævnte pris skal ikke tillægges moms 431 (12.1-jan02) ls/PVS - Udgivet 20 dec 2001 10. Årsgebyrer 1. gebyrår ................................................................................ 500,00 2. gebyrår ................................................................................ 500,00 3. gebyrår ................................................................................ 500,00 4. gebyrår .............................................................................. 1100,00 5. gebyrår .............................................................................. 1250,00 6. gebyrår .............................................................................. 1400,00 7. gebyrår .............................................................................. 1600,00 8. gebyrår .............................................................................. 1800,00 9. gebyrår .............................................................................. 2050,00 10. gebyrår .............................................................................. 2300,00 11. gebyrår .............................................................................. 2550,00 12. gebyrår .............................................................................. 2800,00 13. gebyrår .............................................................................. 3050,00 14. gebyrår .............................................................................. 3300,00 15. gebyrår .............................................................................. 3600,00 16. gebyrår .............................................................................. 3900,00 17. gebyrår .............................................................................. 4200,00 18. gebyrår .............................................................................. 4500,00 19. gebyrår .............................................................................. 4800,00 20. gebyrår .............................................................................. 5100,00 2002-01-30 Dansk Varemærketidende Design Publikationer kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr. ................................................................ 1200,00 Tillægsgebyrer: a. Ved samregistrering for hvert design ud over det første ................................................................................... 700,00 b. For offentliggørelse af hver afbildning ud over den første 1). ......................................................................... 400,00 kr. 1. Årsabonnement a. Dansk Patenttidende ......................................................... 1000,00 b. Patentskrifter – på papir ........................................................................ 8000,00 – på CD-ROM (ESPACE-DK) ............................................. 5000,00 c. Dansk Patentregister ............................................................ 400,00 d. Sammendrag af almindeligt tilgængelige danske patentansøgninger – Alle sektioner ................................................................ 8000,00 – sektion A ...................................................................... 1600,00 – sektion B ....................................................................... 1600,00 – sektion C07 + C12 ........................................................ 1600,00 – sektion C, resten ............................................................. 900,00 – sektion D ........................................................................ 500,00 – sektion E ......................................................................... 900,00 – sektion F ......................................................................... 900,00 – sektion G ........................................................................ 900,00 – sektion H ........................................................................ 900,00 e. Oversættelser af EP-skrifter ................................................ 8000,00 f. Dansk Brugsmodeltidende .................................................... 600,00 g. Brugsmodelskrifter ............................................................. 8000,00 h. Dansk Varemærketidende .................................................. 1000,00 i. Dansk Varemærkeregister .................................................... 200,00 j. Varemærkesærtidende med §13-afslag ................................ 100,00 k. Nye danske varemærkeansøgninger, ugeliste ....................... 450,00 l. Dansk Designtidende ............................................................ 600,00 m. Dansk Designregister ............................................................ 200,00 n. Patenthåndbog, ved tegning af abonnement ....................... 500,00 – løsblade hertil, pr. side ...................................................... 10,00 o. Brugsmodelhåndbog, ved tegning af abonnement ............... 500,00 – løsblade hertil, pr. side ...................................................... 10,00 p. Ankenævnskendelser – alle kendelser ................................................................ 4200,00 – kendelser/patent- og brugsmodelområdet .................... 2000,00 – kendelser/vare- og fællesmærkeområdet ...................... 2000,00 – kendelser/design- og chipsområdet ................................. 400,00 2. Genoptagelsesgebyr. ............................................................. 400,00 3. Gebyr for supplerende forundersøgelse. ........................... 1500,00 Tillægsgebyr: Ved samregistrering for hvert design ud over det første ....................................................................................... 900,00 4. Fornyelsesgebyr 2). ................................................................ 2200,00 Tillægsgebyr: Ved samregistrering for hvert design ud over det første ................................................................................. 1100,00 Fornyelsesgebyrer inkl. tillægsgebyr, der betales efter udløbet af den pågældende registreringsperiode, forhøjes med 20%. 5. Gebyr for administrativ prøvning Pr. design, herunder design indeholdt i en samregistrering ........................................................................ 3000,00 6. Gebyr for offentliggørelse af registrering i ændret form. ........................................................................... 400,00 Tillægsgebyr: For offentliggørelse af hver afbildning ud over den første .................................................................................. 400,00 7. Genoprettelsesgebyr. ........................................................... 3000,00 8. Klagegebyr. ........................................................................... 4000,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms Abonnementer tillægges porto 2) Omfatter også bekendtgørelse iht. den hidtil gældende mønsterlov Omfatter også fornyelse af registreringer iht. den hidtil gældende mønsterlov Vare- og fællesmærker kr. 1. Ansøgningsgebyr a. Grundgebyr ........................................................................ 2350,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hver klasse ud over 3 .................................. 600,00 Der er i alt 45 klasser 2. Gebyr for videreførelse af Madrid-Protokolregistrering som dansk vare- eller fællesmærkeansøgning. ............................................................................. 1500,00 3. Fornyelsesgebyr a. Grundgebyr ........................................................................ 2350,00 b. Tillægsgebyr for hver klasse ud over 3 .................................. 600,00 Fornyelsesgebyrer inkl. tillægsgebyr, der betales efter udløbet af den pågældende registreringsperiode, forhøjes med 20%. 4. Gebyr for anmodning om deling af en ansøgning eller en registrering for hver udskilt ansøgning eller registrering ............................. 2000,00 5. Gebyr for fremsættelse af indsigelse. ................................ 2500,00 6. Gebyr for administrativ ophævelse. ................................... 2500,00 7. Klagegebyr. ........................................................................... 4000,00 8. Gebyr for underretning til indehaver af varemærkerettighed Årligt gebyr .............................................................................. 1000,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms 432 2. Løssalg a. Dansk Patenttidende .............................................................. 40,00 b. Dansk Patentregister ............................................................ 400,00 c. Sammendrag af alm. tilgængelige patentansøgninger ............ 30,00 d. Dansk Varemærketidende ...................................................... 40,00 e. Dansk Varemærkeregister .................................................... 200,00 f. Varemærkesærtidende med §13-afslag ................................ 100,00 g. Varemærkeindsigelsestidende, 1996-2001 pr. årgang .......... 200,00 h. Varemærkeindsigelsestidende, udk. 1995 ............................ 300,00 i. Dansk Designtidende .............................................................. 40,00 j. Dansk Designregister ............................................................ 200,00 k. Dansk Brugsmodeltidende ...................................................... 40,00 l. Sammendrag af alm. tilgængelige brugsmodelansøgninger ........................................................................... 30,00 m. Fremlæggelses- og patentskrifter på CD-ROM (ESPACE-DK) – 1993-2001, pr. årgang ................................................. 5000,00 – 1990-1992, pr. årgang ................................................. 2000,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms Fremlæggelses-, patent- og brugsmodelskrifter samt oversættelser af EPskrifter leveres til gældende kopipris 3. Love og bekendtgørelser vedr. industriel ejendomsret ............................................... 12,00-33,00 4. Andre publikationer a. Varemærkeklassifikation – alfabetisk liste ................................................................. 500,00 – klassedelt liste ................................................................. 400,00 b. Mønsterklassifikation .............................................................. 35,00 – ændringer og tilføjelser hertil ............................................ 15,00 5. "Fra væsen til virksomhed", Danske patenter gennem 100 år (fås på dansk og engelsk), inkl. moms ............................ 195,00 Ovennævnte priser tillægges moms, hvis andet ikke er angivet (12.1-jan02) ls/PVS - Udgivet 20 dec 2001 1) Dansk Varemærketidende 2002-01-30 Erhvervsservice Kopiservice kr. 1. Timepris*. ................................................................................ 900,00 kr. 1. Fotokopier af patent- og brugsmodelpublikationer a. Pris pr. publikation indtil 200 sider ......................................... 50,00 b. Publikationer ud over 200 sider: pris efter aftale 3. Løbende overvågninger a. Overvågning af ansøgninger Overvågning af dansk patent-, brugsmodel-, design- eller varemærkeansøgning sammensættes af: Pris pr. år ............................................................................ 1500,00 Pris pr. meddelelse ............................................................... 375,00 b. Overvågning af nationale og internationale varemærkerettigheder Overvågning af dansk varemærkeansøgning eller -registrering eller af MadridProtokol-registrering med gyldighed for Danmark i relation til nye varemærkeansøgninger Pris pr. år, første varemærke .............................................. 1050,00 Pris pr. år, yderligere varemærker, pr. varemærke ................ 300,00 c. Øvrige overvågninger beregnes efter timepris Hertil skal lægges evt. online-udgifter 4. Navneundersøgelser* a. International undersøgelse af patentrettigheder i 1-2 navne inkl. op til 40 referencer ................................... 3500,00 Yderligere referencer, pr. reference ........................................ 16,00 Yderligere navne, pr. navn ................................................... 900,00 b. Undersøgelse af patent- og brugsmodelrettigheder omfattende Danmark i 1-2 navne ....................................... 1800,00 Yderligere navne, pr. navn ................................................... 450,00 c. Øvrige navneundersøgelser beregnes efter timepris Hertil skal lægges evt. online-udgifter 5. Patentfamilieundersøgelser og statusundersøgelser* a. Patentfamilieundersøgelse .................................................. 1000,00 b. Patentfamilieundersøgelse, inkl. status for lande med statusoplysninger i Inpadoc ................................................ 2200,00 Status for yderligere lande beregnes efter timepris c. Statusundersøgelse af udenlandske rettigheder Første nummer ..................................................................... 900,00 Pr. følgende nummer ........................................................... 450,00 d. Statusundersøgelse af danske rettigheder, pr. nummer ........ 450,00 e. Øvrige undersøgelser beregnes efter timepris Hertil skal lægges evt. online-udgifter 2. Fotokopier, taget på læsesalen ved kontant betaling, pr. side, inkl. moms ..................................... 3,00 3. Udenlandske patentpublikationer, der ikke findes i egne samlinger I ved hjemtagning fra udlandet: a. Pris for hjemtagning ........................................................ 100,00 b. Pris pr. publikation .......................................................... 100,00 Hjemtagning af sagsakter fra USA og patentpublikationer og sagsakter fra Sydafrika: Pris efter aftale. II ved levering af tilsvarende publikation fra egne samlinger: a. Identifikation ................................................................... 100,00 b. Kopipris (se pkt. 1) 4. Engelsksprogede sammendrag, der ikke findes i egne samlinger, pr. sammendrag ....................................................... 50,00 5. Tidsskriftsartikler o.l., der ikke findes i egne samlinger a. Pris for hjemtagning ............................................................. 100,00 b. Pris pr. artikel ....................................................................... 100,00 6. Aktindsigt i europæiske patenter og patentansøgninger a. Ekspedition (inkl. EPO-gebyr) ................................................ 315,00 b. Kopier – ved tilsendelse, pr. side .......................................................... 3,25 – ved afhentning, pr. side ......................................................... 2,50 – ved afhentning og kontant betaling, pr. side inkl. moms ....... 3,00 7. Databaseudskrift vedr. en varemærkerettighed ..................... 50,00 Ovennævnte priser tillægges moms, hvis andet ikke er angivet 8. Bekræftet kopi af en patent-, brugsmodel-, designeller varemærkeansøgning .................................................... 300,00 Hertil skal lægges kopiprisen (3,25 kr. pr. side) 9. Bekræftet udskrift af patent-, certifikat-, brugsmodel-, topografi-, design- eller varemærkesagsregistret ................ 300,00 10.Bekræftet udskrift af registret over kommunevåbener og -segl eller registret over skorstensmærker og kontorflag .. 200,00 11.Udskrift af patent-, certifikat-, brugsmodel-, topografi-, design- eller varemærkesagsregistret, registret over kommunevåbener og -segl eller registret over skorstensmærker og kontorflag ...................... 50,00 Ovennævnte priser skal ikke tillægges moms 6. Kollisionsundersøgelser af varemærker* a. Inkl. op til 3 klasser ............................................................ 2400,00 b. Yderligere klasser, pr. 10 klasser .......................................... 500,00 Klasserne 42-45 betragtes prismæssigt som én klasse 12.Priser for levering a. Levering pr. telefax ................................................................. 75,00 b. Ekspreslevering pr. telefax .................................................... 275,00 c. Ekspreslevering pr. post ........................................................ 200,00 Hertil lægges porto 7. Skanning af varemærker* a. Første klasse ......................................................................... 500,00 b. Yderligere klasser, pr. klasse ................................................. 200,00 c. Skanning af alle 45 klasser ................................................. 3000,00 Klasserne 42-45 betragtes prismæssigt som én klasse Ovennævnte priser tillægges moms 8. LOGO-skanning* a. Inkl. op til 25 referencer ..................................................... 2100,00 b. Yderligere referencer, pr. 25 referencer ................................ 500,00 9. Varemærkedatabase* a. Første klasse ....................................................................... 3000,00 b. Yderligere klasser - op til 4, pr. klasse ................................. 1500,00 Klasserne 42-45 betragtes prismæssigt som én klasse 10.Skanning af varemærker ansøgt eller registreret i udlandet* a. Første klasse for 1-2 lande .................................................. 1000,00 b. Følgende lande, pr. land ....................................................... 500,00 c. Følgende klasser, pr. klasse .................................................. 200,00 Kurser og foredrag kr. 1. Kurser Priser på åbne og virksomhedsinterne kurser fås ved direkte henvendelse til KursusCentret 2. Foredrag* Første time .............................................................................. 2000,00 Følgende timer, pr. time .......................................................... 1500,00 * Særpriser afhængig af deltagerantal og forberedelsestid Ovennævnte priser tillægges moms *Hastelevering kan aftales mod pristillæg Ovennævnte priser tillægges moms 433 (12.1-jan02) ls/PVS - Udgivet 20 dec 2001 2. Patenttekniske undersøgelser Beregnes efter timepris Klassefortegnelse International klassifikation af varer og tjenesteydelser (Nice Arrangementet) 8. udgave - 2001 Varer Klasse 1: Kemiske produkter til industrielle, videnskabelige og fotografiske formål samt til anvendelse i landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsøjemed, kunstig harpiks i rå tilstand, plastic i rå tilstand, gødning, ildslukningsmidler, præparater til hærdning og lodning, kemiske konserveringsmidler til levnedsmidler, garvestoffer, bindemidler til industrielle formål. Klasse 2: Maling, fernis, lak, rustbeskyttelsesmidler og træimprægneringsmidler, farvestoffer, bejdsemidler, naturlig harpiks i rå tilstand, bladmetaller og metalpulver til brug for malere, dekoratører, bogtrykkere og kunstnere. Klasse 3: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj, præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter, sæbe, parfumerivarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårvand, tandplejemidler. Klasse 4: Olier og fedtstoffer til industrielle formål, smøremidler, midler til absorbering, fugtning og binding af støv, brændstoffer (herunder motordrivmidler) og belysningsstoffer, lys og væger til belysning. Klasse 5: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater, sanitære præparater til medicinske formål, diætetiske præparater til medicinsk brug, næringsmidler til spædbørn, plastre og forbindsstoffer, materiale til tandplombering og til tandaftryk, desinfektionsmidler, præparater til udryddelse af skadedyr, svampe- og ukrudtsdræbende midler. Klasse 6: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, byggematerialer af metal, transportable bygninger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbanespor, kabler og tråd af metal (dog ikke til elektriske formål), kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, metalrør, pengeskabe, andre varer af metal (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), malm. Klasse 7: Maskiner og værktøjsmaskiner, motorer (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land), koblinger og transmissionsdele (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land), landbrugsredskaber (ikke hånddrevne), rugemaskiner. Klasse 8: Håndværktøj og instrumenter (hånddrevne), knivsmedevarer, gafler og skeer, hug-og stikvåben, barbermaskiner. Klasse 9: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, apparater og instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elektricitet, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, salgsautomater og mekanismer til mønt-opererede apparater, kasseapparater, regnemaskiner og databehandlingsudstyr, ildslukningsapparater. Klasse 12: Køretøjer, befordringsmidler til brug på land, i luften eller i vandet. Klasse 13: Skydevåben, ammunition og projektiler, sprængstoffer, fyrværkerigenstande. Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter. Klasse 15: Musikinstrumenter. Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, tryksager, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler til brug for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), tryktyper, klichéer. Klasse 17: Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, plastic i halvforarbejdet tilstand, tætnings-, paknings- og isoleringsmaterialer, slanger, bøjelige og ikke af metal. Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), skind og huder, kufferter og rejsetasker, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke, piske og sadelmagervarer. Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør (ikke af metal) til bygningsbrug, asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer, varer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) af træ, kork, rør, spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, fiskeben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for disse materialer eller af plastic. Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere (ikke af ædle metaller eller overtrukket hermed), kamme og svampe, børster, børstenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (undtagen glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser). Klasse 22: Tovværk, reb, liner, snore, net, telte, markiser, presenninger, sejl, sække (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), polstringsmateriale (dog ikke af kautsjuk eller af plastic), ubearbejdet fibermateriale til tekstilfabrikation. Klasse 23: Garn og tråd til tekstilfabrikation. Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), senge- og bordtæpper. Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. Klasse 10: Kirurgiske, medicinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter samt kunstige lemmer, øjne og tænder, ortopædiske artikler, suturmaterialer. Klasse 26: Kniplinger og broderier, bånd og possementmagervarer, knapper, hægter og maller, knappenåle og synåle, kunstige blomster. Klasse 11: Apparater til belysning, opvarmning, dampdannelse, kogning, køling, tørring, ventilation og vandledning samt sanitetsinstallationer. Klasse 27: Tæpper, måtter, linoleum og andet belægningsmateriale til eksisterende gulve, vægbeklædningsmateriale, som ikke er tekstilvarer. 5.2-dec01/ls Klasse 28: Spil og legetøj, gymnastik- og sportsartikler (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), julepynt. Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedtstoffer. Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, herunder vineddike, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, skovbrugs- og havebrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. Klasse 32: Øl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). Klasse 34: Tobak, artikler for rygere, tændstikker. Tjenesteydelser Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virksomhed, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirksomhed. Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. Klasse 39: Transportvirksomhed, pakning og opbevaring af varer, arrangering af rejser. Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af materialer og genstande. Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forskning og design i forbindelse dermed, industriel analyse og forskning, design og udvikling af computer hardware og computer software, juridisk bistand. Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, midlertidig indkvartering. Klasse 44: Lægevirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed, sundheds- og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr, landbrugs-, havebrugsog skovbrugsvirksomhed. Klasse 45: Personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov, sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker. INID-koder Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data (INID) Internationalt vedtagne Numre til Identifikation af Data (INID) (111) Registration number (141) Date of termination of the registration of the mark (151) Registration date (180) Date of expected expiration of the registration/renewal (210) Application number (220) Application filing date (230) Data concerning exhibition (300) Data relating to priority under the Paris Convention (390) Data relating to the registration in the country of origin (442) Date of publication of the application (450) Date of publication of the registration (500) Various information (511) Class or classes (and list of goods/ services) (540) Reproduction of the mark (551) Indication to the effect that the mark is a collective mark, a certification mark or a guarantee mark (580) Date of recording of amendment/change (591) Information concerning colors claimed (641) Number(s) and date(s) of other legally related applications (646) Number(s) and date(s) of other legally related registrations (730) Name and address of the applicant/holder of the registration (740)/(750) Name and address of the representative/Correspondance address (791)/(793) Data concerning license (800) Data relating to registration under the Madrid Protocol Registreringsnummer Dato for udslettelse af registreringen Domestic Codes for the Identification of Data Interne koder til identifikation af data (DC) (DP) Henlæggelses/tilbagetagelsesdato Pantsætningsoplysninger Date of shelving/withdrawal Data concerning pawning Registreringsdato Dato for registrerings-/fornyelsesperiodens udløb Ansøgningsnummer Ansøgningsdato Udstillingsprioritetsoplysninger Prioritetsoplysninger Hjemlandsregistrering Bekendtgørelsesdato Offentliggørelsesdato Bemærkninger Vare- eller tjenesteydelsesklasser (og liste over varer/tjenesteydelser) Varemærket Fællesmærkeoplysninger Dato for notering af tilførsel Farvetekst Data vedrørende delte/udskilte ansøgninger Data vedrørende delte/udskilte registreringer Indehaveroplysninger Fuldmægtigoplysninger/korrespondanceadresse Licensoplysninger Data vedrørende Madridprotokol-registreringer Where there is only an indication of the class number (511), the application or registration covers all goods or services within the class in question. Hvor der alene er angivet klassenummer (511), omfatter ansøgningen eller registreringen alle varer eller tjenesteydelser i den pågældende klasse. Where the class number in the case of code (511) is followed by a “:“ the application or registration covers only the goods or services specifically mentioned. Hvor klassenummeret ved kode (511) efterfølges af et “:“, omfatter ansøgningen eller registreringen kun de særligt nævnte varer eller tjenesteydelser. Where (540) the “Reproduction of the mark“ is followed by “<w>“, the application or registration concerns a word mark. Hvor (540) “Varemærket“ efterfølges af “<w>“, angår ansøgningen eller registreringen et ordmærke. Where (540) the “Reproduction of the mark“ is followed by “<fig>“, the trade mark involves nonstandard letters and/or figurative elements. Hvor (540) “Varemærket“ efterfølges af “<fig>“, er der i varemærket figurelementer og/eller bogstaver med særlig skrifttype. jul.97-ls/PR