Dansk Patent Tidende Dansk Patent Tidende
Dansk Patent Tidende Dansk Patent Tidende
Dansk Patent Tidende Dansk Varemærketidende Nr. 26. 133. årgang. 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende, DK Dansk Varemærketidende Indholdsfortegnelse Offentliggørelse af registreringer ........................................................................................ 1111 Offentliggørelse af udskilte registreringer ........................................................................... 1128 Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger ............................................................................ 1129 Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold ............................................................. 1130 Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning ................................................................... 1136 Fornyede registreringer ...................................................................................................... 1137 Udslettede registreringer .................................................................................................... 1138 Ansøgningsregister ............................................................................................................ 1140 Navneregister ..................................................................................................................... 1145 Mærkeregister .................................................................................................................... 1150 Klasseregister .................................................................................................................... 1151 Offentliggørelse af internationale registreringer ................................................................. 1153 Navneregister internationale registreringer ........................................................................ 1204 Mærkeregister internationale registreringer ........................................................................ 1206 Registreringsregister internationale registreringer.............................................................. 1208 Internationale kendetegn .................................................................................................... 1210 Dansk Varemærketidende kan rekvireres som papirkopi for kr. 150 stk. (sort/hvid) og kr. 220 stk. (farve) på tlf. 43 50 85 35 Ansvarlig for redaktion: Keld Nymann Jensen Udgives af Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen, Helgeshøj Allé 81, 2630 Tåstrup, tlf. 43 50 80 00 ISSN 1602-6683 Offentliggørelse af registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Offentliggørelse af registreringer Indsigelsesfristen udløber 2 måneder fra dato, jf. varemærkelovens § 23 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01402 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01192 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-26 HIRTEN (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01405 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01051 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-02-06 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-16 E20 (730) Indehaver: Vestkystens Distriktsblade A/S, Jernbanegade 18, 2., 6700 Esbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; forretningsledelse; forretningsadministration; varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01406 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00919 (730) Indehaver: Arla Foods amba, Sønderhøj 14, 8260 Viby J, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Mælk og mejeriprodukter, herunder ost. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01403 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03286 2012-06-27 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-27 HealthLab (730) Indehaver: HealthLab - Academy of exercise professionals ApS (under stiftelse), Århusgade 81, 5. th., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: LINDHARDT STEFFENSEN ADVOKATER ApS, Østerbrogade 45, 8500 Grenaa, Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer; rådgivning om fitness. (511) Klasse 44: Rådgivning om individuelle sundhedsbehov, fysioterapi, massage, læge- og diætistbehandling. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01407 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03013 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-10-15 SANDBIRD (730) Indehaver: GITTE SOEE ApS, Solbakkevej 57, 7700 Thisted, Danmark (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene; ure og kronometriske instrumenter (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; tryksager; bogbinderiartikler; fotografier; papirhandlervarer; klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug; artikler til brug for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler); instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater); plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); tryktyper; klichéer (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); skind og huder; kufferter og rejsetasker; paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke; piske og sadelmagervarer (511) Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer; varer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) af træ, kork, rør, spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, fiskeben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for disse materialer eller af plastic (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01404 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01216 (730) Indehaver: Casper Riis, Røllikevej 21, 8240 Risskov, Danmark (511) Klasse 14: Ure, urskiver, urremme, nipsgenstande (smykker eller juvelerarbejder); smykker, herunder halssmykker, kæder, armbånd, øreringe og fingerringe; armbåndsure, urskiver, urkasser, stopure, manchetknapper, nøgleringe, perler, pyntegenstande af sølv (smykker eller juvelerarbejder), slipsenåle, slipseklemmer. (511) Klasse 18: Tasker, punge; attachétasker, dokumentmapper, dragtposer til rejsebrug, indkøbstasker, indkøbsnet, muleposer, rejsetasker, rygsække, skoletasker, skuldertasker, sportstasker, toilettasker. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, t-shirts, bukser, skjorter, overtøj, strømper, undertøj, bælter, sko, huer, caps (kasketter), tørklæder; Babytøj, Badebukser, Badedragter, Badehætter, Badekåber, Badesandaler, Badesko, Badetøfler, Bandanas, Baretter, Beklædning af papir, Blebukser, Bleer af tekstilmateriale, Bluser (Lette -), Boaer [pelskraver], Brystholdere, Bukser, Bukser (Bade -), Bælter (Penge -) [beklædning], Bælter [beklædningsgenstande], Bånd (Strømpe -), Chemiser [undertøj], Combinations [undertøj], Cyklister (Beklædning til -), Fodboldsko, Fodboldstøvler, Fodtøj, Forklæder, Frakker, Frakker (Skindforede -), Gabardinefrakker, Galoscher, Gamascher, Gymnastiksko, Gymnastiktøj, Halstørklæder, Handsker [beklædning], Hatte, Hjemmesko, Housecoats, Hovedbeklædning, Huer, Hætter (Bade -), Hætter [hovedbeklædning], Jakker, Jerseytrøjer, Karnevalskostumer, Kasketter, Kjoler, Knickers, Knæbukser, Konfektion [beklædning], Kropslinned [undertøj], Lommetørklæder (Pynte -), Læderimiteret tøj, Lædertøj, Manchetter [beklædning], Matrosbluser, Motorcyklister (Beklædning til -), Nederdele, Overalls, Overfrakker, Pandebånd [beklædning], Parkacoats, Pengebælter [beklædning], Pullovers, Pyjamasser, Pyntelommetørklæder, Sandaler, Seler, Sjaler, Skistøvler, Skjorter, Skjorter (Kortærmede -), Slips, Slips (Sløjfe -), Sløjfeslips, Slåbrokke, Sokker, Solskærme, Sportssko, Sportsstøvler, Sportstrøjer, Strandbeklædning, Strandsko, Strikkede beklædningsgenstande, Strømpebukser, Strømpeholdere, Strømper, Støvler, Støvletter, Sweaters, Sømandstrøjer, Trøjer, Tshirts, Tøfler, Tørklæder, Tørklæder (Hals -), Underbenklæder [beklædning], Underbukser, Underkjoler, Underskørter, Undertrøjer, Undertøj, Uniformer, Vandskidragter, Vandtæt beklædning, Veste, Ørevarmere [beklædning]. (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-30 Encode Marketing (730) Indehaver: ENCODE ApS, Buchwaldsgade 15B, 5000 Odense C, Danmark (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forskning og design i forbindelse dermed; Computersystemer (Design af -); Design af computersystemer; design og udvikling af computer hardware og computer software; Programmering (Computer -); Software (Design af computer -). 1111 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01408 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 02341 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-08-19 15. Juni Fonden (730) Indehaver: 15.JUNI FONDEN, Kronprinsessegade 54, 2.tv., 1306 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Finansiel sponsorering og uddeling af finansielle donationer. (511) Klasse 41: Afholdelse af seminarer, workshops og uddannelsesvirksomhed (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser, samt forskning i forbindelse dermed (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01409 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00457 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-02-08 Wind Turbine Platform Cranes (730) Indehaver: NOREQACTA A/S, Industrivej 9, 5260 Odense S, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Kielberg Advokater A/S, Hunderupvej 71, 5230 Odense M, Danmark (511) Klasse 07: Værktøjsmaskiner; landbrugsredskaber (ikke hånddrevne); rugemaskiner; salgsautomater. (511) Klasse 22: Telte, markiser, presenninger, sejl, sække og poser (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); polstrings- og stopningsmaterialer (dog ikke af gummi eller af plastic); uforarbejdet tekstilfibermateriale. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01412 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00850 RED WOLF (730) Indehaver: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S, Poul Due Jensens Vej 7, 8850 Bjerringbro, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 07: Cirkulationspumper, centrifugalpumper, pumper til vandforsyning, pumper til frisk vand og til forurenet vand, pumper til industrielle formål, pumper til brændselsolie, hydrauliske pumper, trykluftspumper, reguleringsog kontrolanordninger til brug i forbindelse med pumper og pumpeanlæg, såsom ventiler, haner, pakninger og automatiske reguleringsventiler, maskinværktøjer, elektriske motorer (ikke til køretøjer til brug på land), filtre (dele af maskiner eller motorer), renseapparater (dele af maskiner eller motorer) og rensningsmaskiner, samt dele og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til disse varer. (511) Klasse 09: Apparater og instrumenter til måling og kontrol, software og computerhardware, herunder software til styring og kontrol af pumper inklusive applikationer (apps) til brug i forbindelse dermed, samt dele og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til disse varer. (511) Klasse 11: Apparater og installationer til opvarmning, dampdannelse, kogning, køling, tørring, ventilation, luftkonditionering, vandledning, vanddistribution og vandforsyning, sanitetsinstallationer og varmepumper samt dele og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til alle de forannævnte varer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01413 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00513 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01410 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00157 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-01-17 RECON (730) Indehaver: Preceptor, Nygade 9, 8400 Ebeltoft, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; forretningsledelse; forretningsadministration; varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-02-14 Kaffenørd (730) Indehaver: Dag Lehmann Andersen, Junovej 4, 8382 Hinnerup, Danmark; Birgitte Thorup, Araliavej 68, 8462 Harlev J, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: SIRIUS advokater I/S, Holmens Kanal 7, 3., 1060 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Te, kakao. (511) Klasse 45: Personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01414 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03546 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01411 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01176 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-20 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-13 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-25 Isoex (730) Indehaver: Jeanett Rytter Jacobsen, Baldersbækvej 41, 2635 Ishøj, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparation; installationsvirksomhed. 1112 (730) Indehaver: Provacances ApS, Sjællandsgade 10 B, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: O'Brand v/Ole Basbøll, Carl Plougs Vej 65, 3460 Birkerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed,; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed; tjenester ydet af ejendomsadministratorer, herunder udlejning, finansiering eller vurdering vedrørende fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 42: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering; bureauer til anvisning af midlertidigt logi; herunder udlejning af ferieboliger for andre. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i violet og sort. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01415 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03549 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-13 (730) Indehaver: Provacances ApS, Sjællandsgade 10 B, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: O'Brand v/Ole Basbøll, Carl Plougs Vej 65, 3460 Birkerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed; tjenester ydet af ejendomsadministratorer, herunder udlejning, finansiering eller vurdering vedrørende fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering; bureauer til anvisning af midlertidigt logi; herunder udlejning af ferieboliger for andre. (591) Farvetekst: Mørket er udført i grønt, oliven og mørk violet, sort. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01416 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03545 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-13 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01418 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03547 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-13 (730) Indehaver: Provacances ApS, Sjællandsgade 10 B, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: O'Brand v/Ole Basbøll, Carl Plougs Vej 65, 3460 Birkerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed; tjenester ydet af ejendomsadministratorer, herunder udlejning, finansiering eller vurdering vedrørende fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering; bureauer til anvisning af midlertidigt logi; herunder udlejning af ferieboliger for andre. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i gul blå og sort. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01419 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 02557 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-09-07 Wingu (730) Indehaver: PROINFO A/S, Tronholmen 3, 8960 Randers SØ, Danmark (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forskning og design i forbindelse dermed, industriel analyse og forskning, design og udvikling af computer hardware og computer software. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01420 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 01959 (730) Indehaver: Provacances ApS, Sjællandsgade 10 B, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: O'Brand v/Ole Basbøll, Carl Plougs Vej 65, 3460 Birkerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed,; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed; tjenester ydet af ejendomsadministratorer, herunder udlejning, finansiering eller vurdering vedrørende fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering; bureauer til anvisning af midlertidigt logi;, herunder udlejning af ferieboliger for andre. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i blåt og sort. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01417 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03548 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-13 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-03-28 (730) Indehaver: Forma Magazines AB, SE-721 85 Västerås, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Nihlmark & Zacharoff Advokatbyrå AB, Sveavägen 17, P.O. Box 7701, S-103 95 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 09: Elektroniske tidsskrifter som kan downloades, dataprogrammer. (511) Klasse 16: Bøger, aviser, magasiner, tryksager. (500) Bemærkninger: Ansøgningen er konverteret fra EU005825633 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01421 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 02699 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-09-20 Tyggegummi Eventyr (730) Indehaver: HAPPY INK PUBLISHING ApS, Gasværksvej 16, 4., 1656 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Elektroniske publikationer, downloadable. (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, herunder bøger til børn. (511) Klasse 41: Forlagsvirksomhed. (730) Indehaver: Provacances ApS, Sjællandsgade 10 B, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: O'Brand v/Ole Basbøll, Carl Plougs Vej 65, 3460 Birkerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed; tjenester ydet af ejendomsadministratorer, herunder udlejning, finansiering eller vurdering vedrørende fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering; bureauer til anvisning af midlertidigt logi; herunder udlejning af ferieboliger for andre. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i violet, grønt og sort. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01422 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01032 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-12 100 MÆND DU SKAL KNALDE FØR DU DØR (730) Indehaver: Ane Sofie Skov, Fabriksvej 20, 1., 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. 1113 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01423 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03310 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-11-17 Clinique M (730) Indehaver: Clinique M v/Sanne Østergaard, Vallekildevej 112, 4534 Hørve, Danmark (511) Klasse 44: Lægevirksomhed; veterinærvirksomhed; sundheds- og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr; landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsvirksomhed (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01424 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03394 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-11-28 Mammutblok (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01428 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03442 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-01 Importcentrum (730) Indehaver: AUTOMENTOR DANMARK ApS, Plantagevej 8A, 6330 Padborg, Danmark (511) Klasse 12: Køretøjer; befordringsmidler til brug på land, i luften eller i vandet (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed (511) Klasse 39: Transportvirksomhed; pakning og opbevaring af varer; arrangering af rejser (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01429 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00694 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-02 (730) Indehaver: KARLSHØJ BLOKSTEN A/S, Karlshøj 14, Sølperup, 4733 Tappernøje, Danmark (511) Klasse 19: Bygningselementer af beton; Byggematerialer, ikke af metal; Bygningssten (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01425 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03369 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-11-23 CHILITO (730) Indehaver: I/S Gobi Vin, Søndre Fasanvej 92, 2500 Valby, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Vin (511) Klasse 35: Detailhandelsmæssige formål (Præsentation af varer på kommunikationsmedier til -); Præsentation af varer på kommunikationsmedier til detailhandelsmæssige formål (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01426 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03388 (730) Indehaver: HERAX A/S, Vejdammen 90, 2840 Holte, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elektricitet; apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede; magnetiske databærere, lydplader, salgsautomater og mekanismer til mønt-opererede apparater; kasseapparater, regnemaskiner og databehandlingsudstyr; ildslukningsapparater (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; bistand ved forretningsledelse; bistand ved forretningsadministration; bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-27 PANDORA BOX SYSTEM (730) Indehaver: HDN HOLDING ApS, Vollundvej 2, 6040 Egtved, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Dækkeservietter af papir, bordskånere af papir. (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); skind og huder; kufferter og rejsetasker; paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke; piske og sadelmagervarer. (511) Klasse 20: Pynte puder. (511) Klasse 21: Bordskånere, ikke af papir eller tekstil, grydelapper; vinskjulere, skjulere til skåle, skjulere til vandkarafler. (511) Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtæpper; dækkeservietter (ikke af papir), bordskånere af tekstilmateriale, plaider; sengerande, sengetøj. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. 1114 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01431 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00774 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-13 MyBaSe (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-11 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-11-26 HERAX (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01427 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03687 (730) Indehaver: RAW FOOD & JUICE ApS, c/o Stoic A/S, Kronprinsensgade 3, 1114 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Konserverede, frosne, tørrede og tilberedte frugter og grøntsager. (511) Klasse 32: Mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering. (730) Indehaver: Protac A/S, Kystvejen 17, 1., 8000 Århus C, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 10: Møbler specielt udformede til medicinske formål; madrasser, specielt udformede til medicinske formål; luftmadrasser til medicinske formål; dyner, puder og hovedpuder, specielt udformede til medicinske formål; apparater til fysisk og psykisk træning, medicinske formål. (511) Klasse 20: Møbler, madrasser til ikke-medicinske formål, luftmadrasser til ikke-medicinske formål, puder, hovedpuder. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01432 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00775 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-13 GroundMe (730) Indehaver: Protac A/S, Kystvejen 17, 1., 8000 Århus C, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 10: Møbler specielt udformede til medicinske formål; luftpuder til medicinske formål, fodpuder og fodskamler til medicinske formål; dyner, puder og hovedpuder, specielt udformede til medicinske formål; apparater til fysisk og psykisk træning, medicinske formål. (511) Klasse 20: Møbler, luftpuder til ikke-medicinske formål, fodpuder og fodskamler til ikke-medicinske formål, puder, hovedpuder. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01433 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 02873 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-10-03 Scanlab (730) Indehaver: Bella Center A/S, Center Boulevard 5, 2300 København S, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse, bistand ved forretnings-administration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver; organisering af udstillinger med kommercielle eller reklamemæssige formål. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer; organisering af udstillinger med kulturelt eller uddannelsesmæssigt sigte; arrangering og ledelse af kongresser. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01434 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00663 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-02-29 TELIA TOUCHPOINT (730) Indehaver: TeliaSonera AB, Sturegatan 1, SE-10663 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Computersoftware. (511) Klasse 35: Kommerciel administration ved licensering af andres varer og tjenesteydelser; telefonsvarerservice for abonnenter, som er midlertidigt fraværende; tegning af telekommunikationsabonnementer for andre; kompilering og systematisering af informationer i computerdatabaser; datasøgning for andre i computerregistre; administration af datastyrede arkiver; online annoncering på computernetværk; telemarketing. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 42: Udlejning af web-servere og computersoftware; genfinding af computerdata; ajourføring af computerprogrammer; design af computersoftware; computersystemanalyse og rådgivning vedrørende computersystemer; installation og vedligeholdelse af computersoftware. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01435 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00726 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-07 NOISE SENTINEL (730) Indehaver: Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S, Skodsborgvej 307, 2850 Nærum, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Johan Schlüter Advokatfirma I/S, Højbro Plads 10, 1200 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Apparater og instrumenter til måling og overvågning af lyd og vibrationer; computer hardware og computer software til tilslutning og håndtering af udendørs støjovervågning, bl.a. med henblik på at rapportere støjoverholdelse, håndtering af støjgrænser og klager over støj. (511) Klasse 35: Samling og systematisering af information i computerdatabaser; datasøgninger og datahåndtering i computerdatabaser for andre; filhåndtering på computer for andre; generering af rapporter for andre; håndtering at dataintegritet for andre; overvågning af data og systemer for andre. (511) Klasse 38: Tilvejebringelse af online web-baseret adgang til diverse datakilder inden for støjovervågning, støjrapportering og overholdelse af støjgrænser; telekommunikationsydelser, særligt elektronisk videresendelse af data og information. (511) Klasse 42: Design og udvikling af computer software; datakonvertering af computerprogrammer og -data, håndtering og behandling af data. 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01436 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00851 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-20 The Mad Hatter Bubble Tea Emporium (730) Indehaver: CURIOUSLY ADDICTIVE ApS, c/o Rasmus Klinken Jakobsen, Ringstedgade 3, 3.tv., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Chokolade; Chokolade (Drikke på basis af -); Chokoladedrikke med mælk; Drikke (Smagsstoffer, andre end æteriske olier, til -); Drikke på basis af chokolade; Drikke på basis af kaffe; Drikke på basis af kakao; Iste; Kaffe; Kaffe (Drikke på basis af -); Kaffe (Ubrændt -); Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; Kaffedrikke med mælk; Kagedej; Kager; Konditorkager; Konfekturevarer; Smagsstoffer til drikke, andre end æteriske olier; Smagsstoffer til kager [ikke æteriske olier]; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; Sukkerglasurer til kager; Tapioka; Te; Tebaserede drikkevarer. (511) Klasse 32: Drikke (Ikke-alkoholholdige -); Essenser til fremstilling af drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; Frugtdrikke i form af smoothies; Frugtsaftdrikke (Ikke-alkoholiske -); Frugtsafter; Gingerbeer [sodavand med ingefærsmag]; Honningbaserede drikke (Ikke-alkoholholdige -); Limonade; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke; Sukkerholdig frugtsaft [sirup] til drikke; Sukkerholdig frugtsaft [sirup] til limonade. (511) Klasse 43: Caféer; Barer; Catering; Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; Restauranter; Snackbarer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01437 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00879 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-23 Aunetto (730) Indehaver: Aunetto A/S, Rønnebærvej 7, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 12: Befordringsmidler; anordninger til befordring på land, i luften eller til vands. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparation; installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forskning og design i forbindelse dermed; industriel analyse og forskning; design og udvikling af computer hardware og computer software. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01438 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00923 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-27 Roctapro (730) Indehaver: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Novo Nordisk A/S, Att.: Varemærkeafdelingen, Novo Alle, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater til blødningsbehandling. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01439 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00925 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-27 Zonovate (730) Indehaver: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Novo Nordisk A/S, Att.: Varemærkeafdelingen, Novo Alle, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater til blødningsbehandling. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01440 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00924 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-12 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-27 Turocate (730) Indehaver: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Novo Nordisk A/S, Att.: Varemærkeafdelingen, Novo Alle, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater til blødningsbehandling. 1115 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01441 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00929 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-13 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-28 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01444 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00977 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-13 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 Fuerza del Sol (730) Indehaver: AMKA I/S, Østre Boulevard 29, 8930 Randers NØ, Danmark (511) Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl); Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01442 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01110 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-13 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-20 (730) Indehaver: InduTech Nordic A/S, Måbjerg Skolevej 32, 7500 Holstebro, Danmark (511) Klasse 07: Rengøring (Maskiner og apparater til -), elektriske. (511) Klasse 09: Kompasser [måleinstrumenter]; Logge [måleinstrumenter]; Måleinstrumenter; Anodebatterier; Batterier (Galvaniske -); Batterier til belysning; Batterier, elektriske; Batterier, elektriske, til køretøjer; Batteriopladere; Belysning (Batterier til -); Galvaniske batterier; Kasser til batterier; Ladere til elektriske batterier; Opladere til batterier; Plader til batterier; Solbatterier; Syremålere til batterier. (591) Farvetekst: Sort, rød, blå, og grå. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01443 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01020 (730) Indehaver: NATURLI´ FOODS A/S, Christian X's Vej 175, 8270 Højbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt; kødekstrakter; konserverede, frosne, tørrede og tilberedte frugter og grøntsager; geléer, syltetøj, kompotter; æg; mælk og mælkeprodukter; spiselige olier og fedtstoffer; sojamælk (mælkeerstatning), rismælk (mælkeerstatning), mælkedrikke baseret på sojamælk eller rismælk. (511) Klasse 30: Konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; desserter baseret på sojamælk eller rismælk (konfekturevarer); spiseis baseret på sojamælk eller rismælk. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01445 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00732 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-13 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-07 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-13 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-10 (730) Indehaver: Nettekniker v/Henrik Slot, Kastanievej 6 B, 5884 Gudme, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: computer software; kasseapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsudstyr, computere. (591) Farvetekst: Bogstaver i sølv på sort baggrund. (730) Indehaver: GRAINTEC A/S, Enghavevej 40, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparation; installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forskning og design i forbindelse dermed; industriel analyse og forskning; design og udvikling af computer hardware og computer software. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i sort, gråt og rødt. 1116 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01446 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01238 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-13 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-01 Rode bath (730) Indehaver: Jacob Rode, Meløsevej 29, 3320 Skævinge, Danmark (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere; kamme og svampe; børster (undtagen malerbørster); børstenbindermateriale; redskaber til rengøringsformål; ståluld; uforarbejdet eller halv-forarbejdet glas (undtagen glas til bygningsbrug); glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01447 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01089 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-13 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-18 Once (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 Den udødelige sjæl (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01449 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01281 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 Hexens Trolddrik (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01450 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01283 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01451 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00691 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-02 Livsfabrikken (730) Indehaver: ALSTED BRINCH INVEST ApS, Læssøegade 26, 6000 Kolding, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt; kødekstrakter; konserverede, frosne, tørrede og tilberedte frugter og grøntsager; geléer, syltetøj, kompotter; æg; mælk og mælkeprodukter; spiselige olier og fedtstoffer. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01448 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01280 2012-06-27 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 Prinsens tanker (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (730) Indehaver: KOGNITIV KLINIK v/SPECIALLÆGE I PSYKIATRI LEIF VEDEL SØRENSEN, Rosensgade 38 D, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 44: Psykologvirksomhed; Medicinske klinikker. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01452 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01285 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 Roser af guld (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01453 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01284 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 Op over havfladen (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01454 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01286 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 Havfruesang (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. 1117 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01455 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01289 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01459 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01421 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-22 Dansende havmænd (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01456 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01288 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 H.C. ´s havbrus (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01457 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01287 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 (730) Indehaver: Parken Sport & Entertainment A/S, Per Henrik Lings Allé 2, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Danders & More Advokatfirma, Lautrupsgade 7, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; tryksager; materialer til bogbinding; fotografier; papirhandlervarer (skriveredskaber og papirvarer); klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug; artikler til brug for kunstnere; malerpensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler); instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater); plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); tryktyper; klichéer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (591) Farvetekst: Blå og rød. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01460 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01029 Den gode lykke (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01458 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01278 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-11 FLOMAC (730) Indehaver: Intervet International B.V., Wim de Körverstraat 35, NL-5831 AN Boxmeer, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Medicin og farmaceutiske præparater til veterinær anvendelse. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01461 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01369 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-18 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-03 Havfruens kys (730) Indehaver: SOLSKIN ApS, Postgade 1, 3740 Svaneke, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Korn og landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (730) Indehaver: PepsiCo, Inc., a corporation of the State of North Carolina, 700 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, New York 10577, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 32: Mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugtdrikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i grøn, rød og hvid 1118 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01462 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01370 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-18 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01466 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01142 2012-06-27 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-24 DO THE DEW (730) Indehaver: PepsiCo, Inc., a corporation of the State of North Carolina, 700 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, New York 10577, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 32: Mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugt-drikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01463 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00892 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-23 Psycare (730) Indehaver: Kenneth Holst, Hjortespringparken 46, 2730 Herlev, Danmark (511) Klasse 44: Psykologvirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01464 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03433 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-11-30 (730) Indehaver: CONTEA ASSURANCE A/S, Dokken 10, 6700 Esbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: LETT Advokatfirma, Jernbanegade 31, 6000 Kolding, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; bistand ved forretningsledelse; bistand ved forretningsadministration; bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker; personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver: Blå: Pantone 309; Orange: Pantone 152. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01465 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03498 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-08 (730) Indehaver: ILSE JACOBSEN, Holmenevej 31, 3140 Ålsgårde, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 44: Medicinske ydelser; veterinærvirksomhed; hygiejnisk pleje og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr; landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsvirksomhed. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01467 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01019 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-10 (730) Indehaver: New Milestone ApS, Bredgade 10, 8600 Silkeborg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; forretningsledelse; forretningsadministration; varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er i farver. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01468 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01249 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-02 DANTUNNEL (730) Indehaver: Claus Nielsen, Lundsgårdsvej 15, 4180 Sorø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; bistand ved forretningsledelse; bistand ved forretningsadministration; bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver; formidling af arbejdskraft til udførelse af specifikke arbejdsopgaver, herunder formidling af arbejdskraft til udførelse af arbejdsopgaver indenfor byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed og installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparationsvirksomhed; installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (730) Indehaver: Shanghai Feixun Communication Co., Ltd., Building 20, 90, HQ Business Park, 4855 Guangfulin Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, Kina (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8100 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Antenner, modems, videotelefoner, sendere af elektroniske signaler, fiberoptiske kabler, databehandlingsapparater, telefonapparater, computer hukommelsesenheder, bærbare telefoner, walki-talkies. 1119 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01469 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 01088 Dansk Varemærketidende (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-04-11 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01471 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01001 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 (730) Indehaver: Dynamic Casette International Ltd., Marsh Lane, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TX, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: ADVOKATFIRMAET HOVMØLLER & THORUP I/S, Strandvejen 4, 1.tv., 9000 Aalborg, Danmark (511) Klasse 02: Farvestoffer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til brug for printere, skrivemaskiner og andre kontormaskiner med udskrivningsfunktioner. (511) Klasse 16: Papir (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) og film til laserprintere, matrixprintere, skrivemaskiner og andre kontormaskiner med udskrivningsfunktioner, og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til laserprintere, matrixprintere, skrivemaskiner og andre kontormaskiner med udskrivningsfunktioner, herunder farvebånd (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), kompatible blækpatroner (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) og genopfyldningsudstyr (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til kompatible blækpatroner (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser). (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i nuancer af blå på hvid baggrund. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01470 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01091 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-19 (730) Indehaver: Boligselskabet Nordkysten, c/o BOLIGKONTORET DANMARK, Lundsgade 9, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Maqs Law Firm Advokataktieselskab, Pilestræde 58, 1112 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Boliganvisning i form af udlejning af lejligheder og fast ejendom; udlejning af fast ejendom, udlejning af lejligheder; udlejning af almene boliger; forvaltning af almene boliger. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparationsvirksomhed; installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 45: Personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker; sociale netværkstjenester online. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i blåt, sort og grønt. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01472 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00696 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-02 Changing The Way We Eat (730) Indehaver: RAW FOOD & JUICE ApS, c/o Stoic A/S, Kronprinsensgade 3, 1114 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Tørrede og tilberedte frugter og grøntsager. (511) Klasse 30: Konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01473 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00355 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-01-30 TRYGHEDSPROFILEN (730) Indehaver: KØBENHAVNS ENERGI A/S, Ørestads Boulevard 35, 2300 København S, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: OTELLO ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Engdahlsvej 12 A, 1., Birk, 7400 Herning, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol (overvågning), livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elektricitet; apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede; magnetiske databærere, discs til optagelse; CDere, DVDere og andre digitale optagelsesmedier; mekanismer til møntopererede apparater; kasseapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsudstyr, computere; computer software; ildslukningsapparater. (511) Klasse 11: Apparater til belysning, opvarmning, dampdannelse, madlavning, køling, tørring, ventilation og vandforsyning, samt til sanitære formål. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparation; installationsvirksomhed. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i hvid, grå og blå nuancer. 1120 (730) Indehaver: TRYG FORSIKRING A/S, Klausdalsbrovej 601, 2750 Ballerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparation; installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk virksomhed; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker; personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme personlige behov. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01474 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00356 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-01-30 TRYGHEDSGUIDEN (730) Indehaver: TRYG FORSIKRING A/S, Klausdalsbrovej 601, 2750 Ballerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparation; installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk virksomhed; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker; personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme personlige behov. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01475 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00357 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-01-30 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01478 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00617 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-02-24 TRYGHEDSMAPPEN (730) Indehaver: TRYG FORSIKRING A/S, Klausdalsbrovej 601, 2750 Ballerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed; reparation; installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk virksomhed; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker; personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme personlige behov. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01476 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00981 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 (730) Indehaver: Jan Eckert, Bogårdsvej 104, 3050 Humlebæk, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: House of Trademark v/Maiken Lind, Krakasvej 17, 3400 Hillerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene; ure og kronometriske instrumenter; tiaraer; brudekroner. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, herunder brudekjoler og tilbehør til brudekjoler (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 42: Design af beklædningsgenstande og tilbehør til beklædningsgenstande; design af brudekjoler og brudeudstyr; design af dåbskjoler og tilbehør dertil; design af smykker; design af hårpynt af stof. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i gråtoner (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01479 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03588 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-16 BERRISWEET (730) Indehaver: Bonnier Publications A/S, Strandboulevarden 130, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun Advokatfirma, Langelinie Allé 35, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Elektroniske publikationer (downloadable), herunder aviser, magasiner, tidsskrifter og bøger, alle i elektronisk format eller distribueret online eller via mulitmedienetværk; compactdisks; optagne og downloadable computerprogrammer; videokassettebånd og optagne DVD-disks. (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, herunder aviser, tidsskrifter, magasiner og bøger; plakater; fotografier; samlemapper (kontorrekvisitter). (511) Klasse 41: Forlagsvirksomhed, inklusive elektronisk forlagsvirksomhed; udgivelse af aviser, magasiner, tidsskrifter og bøger; klubvirksomhed (underholdning eller undervisning); bogklubvirksomhed (underholdning eller undervisning); produktion af fjernsyns- og radioprogrammer, herunder fjernsyns- og radioprogrammer til brug på datanetværk; produktion af film og programmer lagret på videokassettebånd og DVD-disks. (591) Farvetekst: sort/hvid/gråtoner (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01477 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01065 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-17 ALLEREACH (730) Indehaver: ALK-Abello A/S, Bøge Alle 6-8, 2970 Hørsholm, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, herunder markedsføringsmateriale, brochurer, magasiner, tidsskrifter, nyhedsbreve, pjecer, manualer, bøger og håndbøger; instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), herunder træningsmanualer. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed; praktisk oplæring (undervisning); arrangering og ledelse af konferencer, seminarer, symposier, workshops (uddannelse), og videnskabelige møder; information om undervisning; online publikation af elektroniske bøger og tidsskrifter. (511) Klasse 44: Medicinske ydelser og veterinærvirksomhed; rådgivning i forbindelse med medicinske ydelser; farmaceutisk rådgivning; lægehjælp og medicinske klinikker; syge- og sundhedspleje; terapivirksomhed. (730) Indehaver: Berrifine A/S, Hagelbjergvej 18, 4100 Ringsted, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver; salt, sennep; eddike, saucer (krydrede); krydderier; råis. (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); levende dyr; friske frugter og grøntsager; frø og såsæd; naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl; mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikke; frugtdrikke og frugtsaft; saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01480 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00744 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-08 (730) Indehaver: ANDERS BITSCH CHRISTIANSEN HOLDING ApS, Snaremosevej 23, 7000 Fredericia, Danmark (511) Klasse 01: Kemiske produkter til industrielle, videnskabelige og fotografiske formål samt til anvendelse i landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsøjemed; uforarbejdede kunstige harpikser, uforarbejdet plastik; gødning; ildslukningsmidler; præparater til hærdning og lodning; kemiske midler til konservering af næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler til industrielle formål. (511) Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til tøjvask; præparater til rengøring, polering, skuring og slibning; sæber; parfumevarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårlotion; tandplejemidler. (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere; kamme og svampe; børster (undtagen malerbørster); børstenbindermateriale; redskaber til rengøringsformål; ståluld; uforarbejdet eller halv-forarbejdet glas (undtagen glas til bygningsbrug); glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser. (591) Farvetekst: Rød, hvid, sort og grå 1121 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01481 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01200 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01483 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01017 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-10 Diplomleder (DIP) (730) Indehaver: Aktiv Kurser - Probana, Amaliegade 6, 1256 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelse; Uddannelsesvirksomhed; Workshops (Ledelse og arrangering af -) [uddannelse]. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01482 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00931 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-28 (730) Indehaver: AAGE ØSTERGAARD HORSENS A/S, Islandsvej 25, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Ret & Råd Sundhuset I/S, Clarasvej 2, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf; byggematerialer af metal; transportable bygninger af metal; materialer af metal til jernbanespor; ikkeelektriske kabler og tråd af uædle metaller; klejnsmedearbejder, små genstande af metal (isenkramvarer); metalrør; pengeskabe; varer af uædle metaller ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; malm. (511) Klasse 07: Maskiner og værktøjsmaskiner; motorer (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land); koblinger og transmissionsdele (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land); landbrugsredskaber (ikke hånddrevne); rugemaskiner; salgsautomater. (511) Klasse 08: Håndværktøj og redskaber (hånddrevne); knivsmedevarer, gafler og skeer; hug- og stikvåben; barberknive og -maskiner. (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene; ure og kronometriske instrumenter. (511) Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af materialer og genstande, dybtræk, presning, koldformning, rulning, laserskæring, svejsning og montering af materialer og genstande, herunder metaller og legeringer heraf. (591) Farvetekst: Farverne er: rød, lys grå, grå og mørk grå. (730) Indehaver: Det Danske Frimurerlaug af gamle, frie og antagne murere, Silkeborg Plads 8, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Børge Holm, Havdrupvej 14, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, fotografier instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), tryktyper, klichéer. (511) Klasse 26: Emblemer af ikke ædelmetaller. (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov. Herunder sådanne ydelser udøvet af foreningen og logen overfor dens medlemmer. (591) Farvetekst: Gul, sort og blåt. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01484 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00980 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 TIAMELSID (730) Indehaver: Novartis AG, CH-4002 Basel, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01485 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00979 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 TIASIMELPINE (730) Indehaver: Novartis AG, CH-4002 Basel, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01486 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00965 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-14 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-03 EURARTESIM (730) Indehaver: Sigma-Tau Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A., Viale Shakespeare 47, I-00144 Rom, Italien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater; hygiejniske præparater til medicinske formål; diætetiske fødevarer og præparater tilpasset medicinsk eller veterinærmedicinsk brug, næringsmidler til spædbørn; kosttilskud til mennesker og dyr; plastre, forbindsstoffer; materiale til tandplombering, tandlægevoks; desinfektionsmidler; præparater til udryddelse af skadedyr; fungicider, herbicider. 1122 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01487 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01093 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01490 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2010 03597 2012-06-27 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2010-12-02 (730) Indehaver: TV2/DANMARK A/S, Teglholms Allé 16, 2450 København SV, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: TV2/DANMARK A/S, Teglholms Allé 16, 2450 København SV, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; forretningsledelse; forretningsadministration; varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i gråt, hvidt og blåt. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01488 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01088 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-18 (730) Indehaver: FLYING NURSES ApS, c/o Anette Jensen, Rødlersvej 36, 2990 Nivå, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: House of Trademark v/Maiken Lind, Krakasvej 17, 3400 Hillerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 10: Kirurgiske, medicinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øjne og tænder; ortopædiske artikler; suturmaterialer. (511) Klasse 35: Psykologiske tests ved udvælgelse af personale; rådgivning vedrørende personaleledelse; rekruttering af personale; annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; forretningsledelse; forretningsadministration; varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (511) Klasse 44: Medicinske ydelser; veterinærvirksomhed; hygiejnisk pleje og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr; sygepleje; sundhedspleje; udlejning af medicinsk udstyr. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i rødt og gråt. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01489 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 01794 (730) Indehaver: Philip Morris Products S.A., Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 34: Tobak, rå eller forarbejdet; tobaksprodukter, herunder cigaretter, tobak til hjemmerulning af cigaretter, pibetobak, skrå, snustobak, kretekcigaretter; snus; tobakserstatninger (ikke til medicinske formål); artikler for rygere, herunder cigaretpapir og -mundstykker, cigaretfiltre, tobaksdåser, cigaretæsker og askebægre, piber, lommeredskaber til rulning af cigaretter, lightere; tændstikker. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01491 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2010 03598 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2010-12-02 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-06-17 ShareOffice (730) Indehaver: WULFF & JAKOBSEN I/S, Gravene 2, 8800 Viborg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Advokatfirmaet Jakobsen v/Jens Jakob Jakobsen, Gravene 2, 8800 Viborg, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse, bistand ved forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virksomhed. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirksomhed. (730) Indehaver: Philip Morris Products S.A., Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 34: Tobak, rå eller forarbejdet; tobaksprodukter, herunder cigaretter, tobak til hjemmerulning af cigaretter, pibetobak, skrå, snustobak, kretekcigaretter; snus; tobakserstatninger (ikke til medicinske formål); artikler for rygere, herunder cigaretpapir og -mundstykker, cigaretfiltre, tobaksdåser, cigaretæsker og askebægre, piber, lommeredskaber til rulning af cigaretter, lightere; tændstikker. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. 1123 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01492 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00886 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-23 (730) Indehaver: Caesars License Company, LLC, a limited liability company of the State of Nevada, One Caesars Palace Drive, Las Vegas NV 89109, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningsvirksomhed, herunder kasionspil, teater- og natklubvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 43: Hotelvirksomhed, nemlig tilvejebringelse af mad og logi i hoteller. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01493 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00921 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-27 JOVESTO (730) Indehaver: Novartis AG, CH-4002 Basel, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01494 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01040 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-12 (730) Indehaver: Ulrik Nielsen, Østergårdsparken 6, 8410 Rønde, Danmark; RETAIL INVEST ApS, Østergårdsparken 6, Ugelbølle, 8410 Rønde, Danmark (511) Klasse 13: Skydevåben; ammunition og projektiler; sprængstoffer; fyrværkerigenstande. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farverne rød, blå, rød, gul, grøn, orange, sort og lilla (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01495 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 02122 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-07-27 Typon (730) Indehaver: Rasmus Brinkløv, Brumleby 162, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 38: Computerunderstøttet transmission af meddelelser og billeder, elektronisk post, kommunikation via biltelefoner, udsendelse af meddelelser, elektronisk post. (511) Klasse 41: Elektronisk desktop publicering, digital billedbehandling, fotografering. (511) Klasse 42: Design af computerprogrammer, computerprogrammering, grafisk designervirksomhed, design af computer software. 1124 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01496 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01205 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-26 (730) Indehaver: ECCO SKO A/S, Industrivej 5, 6261 Bredebro, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, herunder bælter (med undtagelse af tørklæder defineret som bånd af klæde, stof, tekstil eller andre materialer båret over skuldrene, omkring halsen eller over hovedet; halstørklæder, svøb, sjaler, herunder firkantede, tæppelignende og poncholignende sjaler, stolaer, kapper, mantiller, slag, ponchoer, lændeklæder samt pandebånd; veste, boleroer, taljesvøb nemlig skærf og obier, hårbeklædning, hårbånd og pailletter; regnfrakker, regnponchoer og regnparkaer); fodtøj; hovedbeklædning (med undtagelse af regnhatte); samt dele og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser og ikke indeholdt i ovennævnte undtagelser) til alle de forannævnte varer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01497 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00993 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-03 KIGGEKAGE (730) Indehaver: Byline v/Line Maria kristoffersen, Johnstrups Alle 8, 2.th., 1923 Frederiksberg C, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; tryksager; materialer til bogbinding; fotografier; papirhandlervarer (skriveredskaber og papirvarer); klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug; artikler til brug for kunstnere; malerpensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler); instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater); plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); tryktyper; klichéer; bøger; tegneseriehæfter; notesbøger; tegninger; kataloger; plakater; postkort; skrive- eller tegnehæfter; pjecer; kalendere; skrivepapir; viskelæder; tusch; malerpensler; tegneinstrumenter; linealer; skriveredskaber. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og kornpræparater; brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gær, bagepulver; salt; sennep; eddike, kryddersaucer; krydderier; råis; kager; chokolade; kiks; vafler; karameller; sukkervarer; tyggegummi. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed; underholdningsvirksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer; arrangering og ledelse af koncerter; forevisning af biograffilm; filmproduktion, andre end reklamefilm; fjernsynsunderholdning, forevisning af biograffilm; filmudlejning; produktion af radio- og fjernsynsprogrammer; forlystelser; forlystelsesparker; fotografering; fotografisk reportage; information om underholdning eller undervisning; musikkomponering og -produktion; organisering af konkurrencer (opdragelse, undervisning eller underholdning); levende optræden; teaterproduktion; manuskriptskrivning; udgivelse af bøger; skrivning og udgivelse af tekster (undtagen reklametekster); online spiltjenester fra et computernetværk; organisering af udstillinger med kulturelt eller uddannelsesmæssigt sigte. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01498 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00724 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-07 EUROLUX INTERNATIONAL (730) Indehaver: LMW-Leichtmetallguss GmbH, Hönnestrasse 59, 58809 Neuenrade, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere; glas, porcelæn og keramik, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; potter, stegegryder (redskaber til madlavning), kasseroller, pander, låg til pander; spyd; køkkenredskaber; kogeredskaber; kogeredskaber (spejderudstyrssæt); forme til madlavning (køkkenredskaber); kedler; gryder og sortépander, gratinforme, bageforme, bageplader; kogeredskaber; trykkogere (ikke elektriske); forme (køkkenredskaber); frituregryder (ikke elektriske); beholder til husholdnings- og køkkenbrug; grill (køkkenredskaber); grillstativer; varmeisolerede beholdere; termoisolerede beholdere; kageforme; køkkenbeholdere; plader; plader til at forhindre mælk i at koge over; børster til rengøring af beholdere; kopper; trykkogere (ikke elektriske); børstenbindermateriale; redskaber til rengøringsformål; ståluld; serveringsredskaber, nemlig bakker, anretnings- og serveringsskåle og -fade; grillhandsker; køkkentøj, ikke af ædle metaller; plader, ikke af ædle metaller; skåle, støder, øser; træskeer; smagsprøve skeer; sæbeetuier, sæbebeholdere, sæbedispenser, sæbebeholdere og holdere, æsker af porcelæn og porcelæn. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01499 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00987 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 3MOBILAFTALE (730) Indehaver: Palmerston Limited, 2nd Floor, Sixty Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Mobiltelefoner, stativer til telefoner, høretelefoner; ringetoner, der kan downloades, videoklip og videotoner, der kan downloades, billeder og skærmbaggrunde, der kan downloades; digital musik der kan downloades; telekommunikationsudstyr; elektroniske anordninger til modtagelse af fjernsyns- og globale kommuniksationsnetværkstransmissioner og transmission af disse til fjernsynsapparater og andre skærmanordninger samt computerprogrammer til brug hermed; computere, håndholdte computere; data der kan downloades, herunder publikationer og software; computer software og publikationer i elektronisk form leveret online fra databaser eller fra faciliteter på Internettet (inklusive websider). (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksombed; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed; computer baseret finansiel virksomhed, elektronisk pengeoverførselsvirksomhed, online informationsvirksomhed vedrø-rende finans, finansiel ledelse inden for telekommunikation og computer kommunikationsudstyr; tjenesteydelser i forbindelse med kreditaftaler. (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed; transmission af data gennem abonnementsordning, tilvejebringelse at tekst, data, billeder, video, stemmer og meddelelser via telefoner; transmission (distribution) af live optagelser af lyd-, billede- eller audiovisuelt materiale til global viderebringelse via kabel, satellitkanaler, internettet, trådløse eller kabelforbundne systemer og andre kommunikationsmidler. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01500 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01348 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-05-15 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01501 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00988 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 3FORDEL (730) Indehaver: Palmerston Limited, 2nd Floor, Sixty Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Mobiltelefoner, stativer til telefoner, høretelefoner; ringetoner, der kan downloades, videoklip og videotoner, der kan downloades, billeder og skærmbaggrunde, der kan downloades; digital musik der kan downloades; telekommunikationsudstyr; elektroniske anordninger til modtagelse af fjernsyns- og globale kommuniksationsnetværkstransmissioner og transmission af disse til fjernsynsapparater og andre skærmanordninger samt computerprogrammer til brug hermed; computere, håndholdte computere; data der kan downloades, herunder publikationer og software; computer software og publikationer i elektronisk form leveret online fra databaser eller fra faciliteter på Internettet (inklusive websider). (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed; transmission af data gennem abonnementsordning; tilvejebringelse at tekst, data, billeder, video, stemmer og meddelelser via telefoner; transmission (distribution) af live optagelser af lyd-, billede- eller audiovisuelt materiale til global viderebringelse via kabel, satellitkanaler, internettet, trådløse eller kabelforbundne systemer og andre kommunikationsmidler. (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningstjenesteydelser; arrangering og ledelse at konkurrencer og spørgekonkurrencer [undervisning eller underholdning]; undervisningsvirksomhed; udgivelse af bøger og tekster; uddannelse og underholdning, tjenesteydelser inden for sport og fritid i form af planlægning, produktion af live indspillet lyd, billedmateriale eller audiovisuelt materiale til udsendelse via jordbaserede midler, kabler, satellitkanaler, internettet, trådløse eller trådforbundne systemer og via andre kommunikationsmidler; tilvejebringelse af information vedrørende tv- og radioprogrammer, underholdning, musik, sport og rekreation; information vedrørende underholdning eller uddannelse og tilvejebragt online fra en computerdatabase eller via internettet eller via jordbaserede midler, kabler, satellitkanaler, trådløse eller trådforbundne systemer og ved hjælp at andre kommunikationsmidler; spiltjenester inden for elektroniske spil tilvejebragt via internettet eller via jordbaserede midler, kabler, satellitkanaler, trådløse eller trådforbundne systemer og ved hjælp af andre kommunikationsmidler; tilvejebringelse af elektroniske onlinepublikationer (som ikke kan downloades); udgivelse af elektroniske ordbøger og begrebsordbøger; udgivelse af elektroniske bøger og aviser online; billetbureauvirksomhed [underholdning] reservation og billetsalg [underholdning] spillevirksomhed; hasardspils-, lotteri- og spillevirksomhed; leje, udlejning og leasing af fjernsynsapparater og skærme; informations- og rådgivningsvirksomhed vedrørende uddannelse og underholdning; tilvejebringelse af information, konsulentvirksomhed og rådgivning vedrørende førnævnte tjenesteydelser; alle førnævnte tjenesteydelser udbydes også online fra en computerdatabase eller fra internettet. (730) Indehaver: Plum A/S, Frederik Plums Vej 2, 5610 Assens, Danmark (511) Klasse 03: præparater til rengøring; sæber; parfumevarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårlotion; After-shave lotions; Aloe vera præparater til kosmetisk brug; Ambre [parfume]; Antitranspirantsæbe; Aromatiske stoffer [æteriske olier]; Astringerende præparater til kosmetiske formål; Badepræparater, kosmetiske; Balsam undtagen til medicinske formål; Barberpræparater; Barbersprit; Barbersten [astringerende midler]; barbersæbe; Bark (Kvillaja -) til vask; Blegende præparater [affarvningsmidler] til kosmetiske formål; Blomsterekstrakter [parfumer]; Blomsterparfumer (Baser til -); Deodorantsæbe; Desinficerende sæbe; Eau de Cologne; Eau de Toilette [lotioner til toiletbrug]; Ekstrakter (Blomster -) [parfume]; Farver (Kosmetiske -); Farver (Midler til fjernelse af -); Fedtstoffer til kosmetiske formål; Hudpleje (Kosmetiske præparater til -); Hårlak; Hårlotions; Hårspray; Kosmetiksæt; Kosmetiske cremer; Kosmetiske olier; Kosmetiske præparater; Lotions (Kosmetiske -); Makeup; Make-up fjernepræparater; Mascara; Masker (Skønheds -); Moskus [parfumerivarer]; Mælke (Rense -) til toiletbrug; Olier (Æteriske -); Olier til parfumeog duftfremstilling; Olier til rensningsformål; Parfumer; Parfumerivarer; parfumevarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårlotion; Pomader til kosmetiske formål; Shampoo; Skønhedsmasker; Solcremer; Sæbe (Desinficerende ); Sæbe (Toilet -) i stykform; sæber; Æteriske olier; Øjenbryn (Kosmetik til -). (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater; plastre, forbindsstoffer; desinfektionsmidler; Badepræparater (Terapeutiske -); desinfektionsmidler; Desinfektionsmidler til hygiejniske formål; Hudpleje (Farmaceutiske præparater til -); Hudplejepræparater, farmaceutiske; Hæfteplaster; Kemisk-farmaceutiske præparater; Lotions til farmaceutisk brug; Nødhjælpskasser med indhold; plastre, forbindsstoffer; Transpiration (Midler mod -); Øjenskyllepræparater. (511) Klasse 44: Hygiejnisk pleje og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr; Farmaceutisk rådgivning; hygiejnisk pleje og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr; Sundhedspleje. 1125 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01502 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00989 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-02 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01504 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00025 3BASIS Guldåre (730) Indehaver: Palmerston Limited, 2nd Floor, Sixty Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Mobiltelefoner, stativer til telefoner, høretelefoner; ringetoner, der kan downloades, videoklip og videotoner, der kan downloades, billeder og skærmbaggrunde, der kan downloades; digital musik der kan downloades; telekommunikationsudstyr; elektroniske anordninger til modtagelse af fjernsyns- og globale kommuniksationsnetværkstransmissioner og transmission af disse til fjernsynsapparater og andre skærmanordninger samt computerprogrammer til brug hermed; computere, håndholdte computere; data der kan downloades, herunder publikationer og software; computer software og publikationer i elektronisk form leveret online fra databaser eller fra faciliteter på Internettet (inklusive websider). (511) Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed; transmission af data gennem abonnementsordning; tilvejebringelse at tekst, data, billeder, video, stemmer og meddelelser via telefoner; transmission (distribution) af live optagelser af lyd-, billede- eller audiovisuelt materiale til global viderebringelse via kabel, satellitkanaler, internettet, trådløse eller kabelforbundne systemer og andre kommunikationsmidler. (511) Klasse 41: Underholdningstjenesteydelser; arrangering og ledelse at konkurrencer og spørgekonkurrencer [undervisning eller underholdning]; undervisningsvirksomhed; udgivelse af bøger og tekster; uddannelse og underholdning, tjenesteydelser inden for sport og fritid i form af planlægning, produktion af live indspillet lyd, billedmateriale eller audiovisuelt materiale til udsendelse via jordbaserede midler, kabler, satellitkanaler, internettet, trådløse eller trådforbundne systemer og via andre kommunikationsmidler; tilvejebringelse af information vedrørende tv- og radioprogrammer, underholdning, musik, sport og rekreation; information vedrørende underholdning eller uddannelse og tilvejebragt online fra en computerdatabase eller via internettet eller via jordbaserede midler, kabler, satellitkanaler, trådløse eller trådforbundne systemer og ved hjælp at andre kommunikationsmidler; spiltjenester inden for elektroniske spil tilvejebragt via internettet eller via jordbaserede midler, kabler, satellitkanaler, trådløse eller trådforbundne systemer og ved hjælp af andre kommunikationsmidler; tilvejebringelse af elektroniske onlinepublikationer (som ikke kan downloades); udgivelse af elektroniske ordbøger og begrebsordbøger; udgivelse af elektroniske bøger og aviser online; billetbureauvirksomhed [underholdning] reservation og billetsalg [underholdning] spillevirksomhed; hasardspils-, lotteri- og spillevirksomhed; leje, udlejning og leasing af fjernsynsapparater og skærme; informations- og rådgivningsvirksomhed vedrørende uddannelse og underholdning; tilvejebringelse af information, konsulentvirksomhed og rådgivning vedrørende førnævnte tjenesteydelser; alle førnævnte tjenesteydelser udbydes også online fra en computerdatabase eller fra internettet. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01503 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00871 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2006-10-20 (730) Indehaver: Dorchester Sdn Bhd, Level 12, Ministry of Finance Building, Commonwealth Drive, Jalan Kebangsaan, BB3910 Bandar Serl Begawan, Brunei Darussalam (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning; badekåber, badesko, morgenkåber, hjemmesko; strandtøj, strandsko; halstørklæder, tørklæder, sjaler. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed; hotelvirksomhedsledelse og -administration; bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver; fotokopiering, sekretariatsvirksomhed, udlejning af kontormaskiner og -udstyr. (511) Klasse 43: Formidling af fødevarer og drikke, restaurant- og barvirksomhed; midlertidig indkvartering, hotelvirksomhed; formidling af faciliteter (logi) til afholdelse af konferencer og andre begivenheder. (500) Bemærkninger: Ansøgningen er konverteret fra EU005449392 1126 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-01-03 (730) Indehaver: KAMPFFMEYER Food Innovation GmbH, Trettaustrasse 3234, DE 21107 Hamburg, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Mel til fødevarer, navnlig forarbejdet mel og melblandinger; meldrys til menneskeføde;brød; boller, kager og konfekt; spiselig is; mysli og myslibarer; snackbarer (fremstillet af korn); semulje,nudler; bagepulver; stivelse til fødevarer; bordsalt; urtekostfibre som kosttilskud, ikke til medicinsk brug; kornpræparater indeholdende spiselige grønsagsfibre, kornbaseret kosttilskud, ikke til medicinsk brug; forarbejdet klid (kornprodukt) til menneskeføde; aleurone-lag af kornprodukter til menneskeføde; formalede kornprodukter; kornprodukter og kornpræparater til fødevarer, navnlig cornflakes, frøgluten til fødevarer; hvedegluten til brug som næringsmiddel; sago, tapioka, ris; dekstrose og fruktose til brug som næringsmiddel; sukker, gær, krydderier; pasta (næringsmidler af durummel); chokolade; konfekt; klar-til-bagning kornblandinger, herunder i form af gryn eller dej til skæring; rismåltider; hvedemel; stivelsesholdige fødevarer; bageblandinger (i pulverform), navnlig til kager og formelig dej; saucer (krydrede) fremstillet af korn; kaffe, te, kakao; kaffesurogater; hørfrø (forarbejdet) til fødevarer; honning; sirup, sennep, eddike; saucer (krydderier) baseret på grønsager og/eller korn. (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugsprodukter og korn, ikke inkluderet i andre klasser; frø; fødevarer til dyr, fødevarer til hunde; malt. (511) Klasse 35: Annoncering af tredjemands varer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01505 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00764 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-12 Gardenia Copenhagen (730) Indehaver: GARDENIA SHOE A/S, Tingskiftevej 2, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Stohn & Partnere Advokatfirma, Esplanaden 26, 1263 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01506 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03636 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-12-21 ESKIMO (730) Indehaver: Maskinfabrikken Eskimo A/S, Avnvej 11, 7400 Herning, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: DAHL VIBORG ADVOKATPARTNERSELSKAB, Lundborgvej 18, 8800 Viborg, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf; byggematerialer af metal; transportable bygninger af metal; materialer af metal til jernbanespor; ikke elektriske kabler og tråd af metal; kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal; metalrør; pengeskabe; varer af metal ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; malm. (511) Klasse 07: Maskiner og værktøjsmaskiner; motorer (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land); koblinger og transmissionsdele (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land); landbrugsredskaber (ikke hånddrevne); rugemaskiner. (511) Klasse 08: Håndværktøj og instrumenter (hånddrevne); knivsmedevarer, gafler og skeer; hug- og stikvåben; barbermaskiner. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01507 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 00905 2012-06-27 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-03-26 (730) Indehaver: AG SNUS AKTIESELSKAB, Drejervænget 1, 5610 Assens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: FOCUS ADVOKATER P/S, Englandsgade 25, 5000 Odense C, Danmark (511) Klasse 34: Tobak; artikler for rygere; tændstikker; snus-produkter. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01508 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2011 03357 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2011-11-22 (730) Indehaver: GITTERFABRIKKEN ApS, Skalbakken 11, 2720 Vanløse, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: NEMADVOKAT ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Gammel Vartov Vej 2, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 06: Byggematerialer af metal, kabler og tråd af uædle metaller (ikke elektriske), kleinsmedearbejde, metalrør, pengeskabe, andre varer af uædle metaller (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), låsesyste-mer af metal (ikke elektriske). (511) Klasse 09: Apparater og instrumenter til alarmering. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør til bygningsbrug (ikke af metal). (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 45: Sikkerhedsmæssigeydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker i form af alarmsikring, herunder udført af låsesmede. (591) Farvetekst: Rød, Hvid, Sort, lysegrå og grå (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01509 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01045 (151) Reg.dato: 2012-06-15 (220) Ans.dato: 2012-04-13 BioFair (730) Indehaver: DANLIND A/S, Lægårdvej 92, 7500 Holstebro, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 01: Kemiske produkter til industrielle formål; vandblødgørende præparater; præparater til fjernelse af forseglinger, ikke til husholdningsformål; produkter til forebyggelse af slitage, anløbethed og pletdannelse på glas, porcelæn, keramik, lertøj og andet køkkenudstyr, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; alle førnævnte varer med eller uden et desinfektionsmiddel. (511) Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj samt til opvask; rengøringsmidler til opvaskemaskiner, opfrisknings- og desodoriseringsmidler samt vaskepræparater til rensning; præparater til polering af køkkentøj og glasvarer, præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter samt slibemidler; tæpperensningspræparater; vaskemidler, sæbe; afkalkningspræparater samt præparater og midler til fjernelse af kedelsten til husholdningsformål; skyllemidler, tilsætningsstoffer til vask af tøj; pletfjerningspræparater; alle førnævnte varer med eller uden et desinfektionsmiddel. 1127 Offentliggørelse af udskilte registreringer 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Offentliggørelse af udskilte registreringer (111) Reg.nr.:VR 2012 01430 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2012 01584 (151) Reg.dato: 1975-04-04 (220)Ans.dato: 1973-09-11 (730) Indehaver: StyleMark Eyewear Holding B.V., Paasheuvelweg 16, NL-1105 BH Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig:Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Optiske apparater og instrumenter, nemlig: ikke-receptpligtige solbriller, ikke-receptpligtige solbrillelinser; ikke-receptpligtige clip-on solbriller, fit-over solbriller, færdige briller, læsebriller og receptpligtige briller, oftalmiske linser, receptpligtige kontaktlinser, ikke-receptpligtige kontaktlinser, brillestel, solbrillestel; stereoskopiske 3D briller beregnet til salg alene og ikke som del af elektroniske spil; beskyttelsesbriller, sikkerhedsbriller, brillesnore, brilleetuier og reparationssæt til briller, etuier til kontaktlinser, selvrensende etuier til kontaktlinser. (641) Udskilt fra: VA 1973 04168 (646) Udskilt dato: 2012-06-12 1128 Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger Dansk Varemærketidende 2012-06-27 Varemærker og fællesmærker Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger VA 2010 03591 VA 2011 02131 VA 2011 03257 VA 2012 00120 VA 2012 00730 VA 2012 01109 1129 Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Tilførsler af registreringer (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1977 04146 (730) Indehaver: The Procter & Gamble Company, a corporation of the State of Ohio, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1977 04175 (730) Indehaver: The Procter & Gamble Company, a corporation of the State of Ohio, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2010 00473 (730) Indehaver: LANTMÄNNEN UNIBAKE HOLDING A/S, Oensvej 28, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 00946 (730) Indehaver: LANTMÄNNEN UNIBAKE HOLDING A/S, Oensvej 28, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 03773 (730) Indehaver: LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S, Toldbodgade 13, 1253 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2011 02281 (730) Indehaver: LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S, Toldbodgade 13, 1253 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2009 03705 (730) Indehaver: LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S, Toldbodgade 13, 1253 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2007 01658 (730) Indehaver: LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S, Toldbodgade 13, 1253 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2011 01736 (730) Indehaver: LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S, Toldbodgade 13, 1253 København K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1961 01199 (730) Indehaver: Kodak A/S, Dybendal Allé 10, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1927 01298 (730) Indehaver: The Procter & Gamble Company, a corporation of the State of Ohio, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1967 02653 (730) Indehaver: Noxell Corporation, a corporation of the State of Maryland, 11050, York Road, Hunt Valley, Baltimore Co, Maryland, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1967 03551 (730) Indehaver: The Procter & Gamble Company, a corporation of the State of Ohio, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark 1130 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 05288 (730) Indehaver: The Procter & Gamble Company, a corporation of the State of Ohio, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1956 02070 (730) Indehaver: INEOS ChlorVinyls Limited, Runcorn Site HQ, South Parade, P.O. Box 9, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 4 JE, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1956 01872 (730) Indehaver: INEOS ChlorVinyls Limited, Runcorn Site HQ, South Parade, P.O. Box 9, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 4 JE, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 01495 (730) Indehaver: Johs. Møllers Maskiner A/S, Tøndervej 7, Ustrup, 6500 Vojens, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1981 04338 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1985 03777 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1989 02432 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 02038 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 06219 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 04827 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 04190 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 04191 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2003 02210 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 01267 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 01268 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 01269 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 02372 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 02863 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01703 (730) Indehaver: 3-Stjernet A/S, Langmarksvej 1, 8700 Horsens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1984 00437 (730) Indehaver: DIAVIA S.r.l., Via Efrem Nobili 2, MOLINELLA (BO), Italien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 09309 (730) Indehaver: BONNY S.A.S, 14-16, Impasse Denis Papin, Gretz Armainvilliers, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 09077 (730) Indehaver: GUERBET S.A., 15, rue des Vanesses, Z.A.C. PARIS NORD II, F-93420 VILLEPINTE, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 07317 (730) Indehaver: COMPAGNIE DES SALINS DU MIDI ET DES SALINES DE L'EST, Le Triade 1, 215 rue Samuel Morse, 34000 Montpellier, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1946 01065 (730) Indehaver: Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc., a Delaware Corporation, 5301 Legacy Drive, Plano, Texas 75024, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1964 00531 (730) Indehaver: Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc., a Delaware Corporation, 5301 Legacy Drive, Plano, Texas 75024, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 02905 (730) Indehaver: Digitaliseringsstyrelsen, Landgreven 4, 1301 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 02918 (730) Indehaver: Digitaliseringsstyrelsen, Landgreven 4, 1301 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 02919 (730) Indehaver: Digitaliseringsstyrelsen, Landgreven 4, 1301 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 03312 (730) Indehaver: Digitaliseringsstyrelsen, Landgreven 4, 1301 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1951 01287 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1954 01493 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1967 01595 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1976 03965 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 01732 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1984 00314 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1984 00318 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1986 00790 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark 1131 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 00285 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 03889 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 00594 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 04012 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 05457 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1993 01550 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 06389 (730) Indehaver: MLA Multibrand Holdings, Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, 2761 Fruitland Avenue, Vernon, 90058 California, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 09230 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01522 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1993 04238 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 01473 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2007 00776 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2007 03473 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2009 03263 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2009 03264 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2009 03265 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2010 00915 (730) Indehaver: SMARTGUY A/S, Bødkervej 5, 4450 Jyderup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Bech-Bruun, Frue Kirkeplads 4, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 03888 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark 1132 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1993 07099 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1993 07538 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 01619 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 00238 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 06147 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 07268 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 00899 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark Dansk Varemærketidende 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 04732 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 01839 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 01913 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1990 02939 (730) Indehaver: PAIN JACQUET, 5, rue Pauling - Techniparc, F-91240 Saint Michel Sur Orge, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 01914 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1943 00313 (730) Indehaver: doppler E. Doppler & Co. GmbH, Schlossstrasse 24, A-5280 Braunau, Østrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 03635 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2011 02450 (730) Indehaver: White Cross / Prioratet Sct. Hans, c/o Poul Heile Pedersen, Petersborgvej 65, 9000 Aalborg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Grand Priory of Scandinavia, c/o Gunn Sissel Hagen, Jyllandsvej 7, 2.tv., 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 00701 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 03505 (730) Indehaver: Boral Stone Products LLC, f/k/a Owens Corning Masonry Products LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, 200 Mansell Court East, Suite 310, Roswell, Georgia 30076, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 02131 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 02132 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 02770 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 04616 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 04617 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 02096 (730) Indehaver: Boral Stone Products LLC, f/k/a Owens Corning Masonry Products LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, 200 Mansell Court East, Suite 310, Roswell, Georgia 30076, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 02744 (730) Indehaver: Boral Stone Products LLC, f/k/a Owens Corning Masonry Products LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, 200 Mansell Court East, Suite 310, Roswell, Georgia 30076, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1934 00449 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 01668 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 01669 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 00904 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 03370 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 01587 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 01588 (730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V., Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011 DK Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 01012 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (740/750) Fuldmægtig: SYLVESTER-HVID & CO. A/S, Nordre Fasanvej 91, 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 04728 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 01677 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne 1133 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 04718 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 04719 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01489 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (740/750) Fuldmægtig: SYLVESTER-HVID & CO. A/S, Nordre Fasanvej 91, 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01488 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2009 01166 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2009 01239 (730) Indehaver: BankNordik, Húsagøta 3, FO-110 Tórshavn, Færøerne (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2003 00951 (730) Indehaver: TAPAS ApS, Pindborggade 1E, 9300 Sæby, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1977 01752 (730) Indehaver: Borregaard AS, Hjalmar Wesselsvei 10, N-1721 Sarpsborg, Norge (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 00183 (730) Indehaver: Borregaard AS, Hjalmar Wesselsvei 10, N-1721 Sarpsborg, Norge (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 00368 (730) Indehaver: Vesla A/S, Fabriksvej 12, 6920 Videbæk, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1972 04050 (730) Indehaver: Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 07858 (730) Indehaver: SEIKO EPSON KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Seiko Epson Corporation), 4-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 02875 (730) Indehaver: SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft, 4, Eduard-SchloemannStrasse, D-40237, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 03217 (730) Indehaver: TRUELINK A/S, Toldbodgade 10, 6000 Kolding, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Skov Advokater, Havneparken 4, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 03691 (730) Indehaver: Arcus AS, Haslevangen 16, N-0579 Oslo, Norge (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 00545 (730) Indehaver: SKAD, Kirkevej 1, 2630 Taastrup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 00975 (730) Indehaver: Porzellanfabrik Frauenthal GmbH, Rooseveltplatz 10, A-1090 Vienna, Østrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1979 02305 (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG, Lenbachplatz 6, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 00517 (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG, Lenbachplatz 6, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 01139 (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG, Lenbachplatz 6, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1989 07222 (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG, Lenbachplatz 6, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 02886 (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG, Lenbachplatz 6, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1994 05637 (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG, Lenbachplatz 6, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 02825 (730) Indehaver: Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG, Lenbachplatz 6, D-80333 München, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2009 02514 (730) Indehaver: Active Sportswear Int. A/S, Maltvej 20, 9700 Brønderslev, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2011 02034 (730) Indehaver: Sony Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 01581 (730) Indehaver: Rambøll, Hannemann & Højlund A/S, Bredevej 2, 2830 Virum, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1972 02065 (730) Indehaver: Tchibo Markenverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Am Heisterbusch 11, 19258 Gallin, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark 1134 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1976 00764 (730) Indehaver: Tchibo Markenverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Am Heisterbusch 11, 19258 Gallin, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 00074 (730) Indehaver: Tchibo Markenverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Am Heisterbusch 11, 19258 Gallin, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 00074 (730) Indehaver: Tchibo Markenverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Am Heisterbusch 11, 19258 Gallin, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 00075 (730) Indehaver: Tchibo Markenverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Am Heisterbusch 11, 19258 Gallin, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 03318 (730) Indehaver: Tchibo Markenverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Am Heisterbusch 11, 19258 Gallin, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 02817 (730) Indehaver: Tchibo Markenverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Am Heisterbusch 11, 19258 Gallin, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 01051 (730) Indehaver: E*TRADE Financial Corporation, a corporation of the State of Delaware, 14th Floor, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 01237 (730) Indehaver: Parmalat S.p.A., Via Oreste Grassi 26, Collecchio, Italien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01486 (730) Indehaver: Avexxin AS, Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Høgskoleringen 5, N-7491 Trondheim, Norge (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Johan Schlüter Advokatfirma I/S, Højbro Plads 10, 1200 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 01910 (730) Indehaver: Kylskåpspoesi AB, Box 8126, Storgatan 6, S-703 61 Örebro, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Maqs Law Firm Advokataktieselskab, Pilestræde 58, 1112 København K, Danmark 2012-06-27 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 03836 (730) Indehaver: Linds Fabrikker A/S, Blüchersvej 3, 7480 Vildbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 06697 (730) Indehaver: HMF GROUP A/S, Oddervej 200, 8270 Højbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3 A, 8000 Århus C, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 00650 (730) Indehaver: Fletco Carpets A/S, Mads Clausens Vej 2, 7441 Bording, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1996 00651 (730) Indehaver: Fletco Carpets A/S, Mads Clausens Vej 2, 7441 Bording, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 00909 (730) Indehaver: Fletco Carpets A/S, Mads Clausens Vej 2, 7441 Bording, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 02236 (730) Indehaver: CSC Danmark A/S, Retortvej 8, 1790 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Johan Schlüter Advokatfirma I/S, Højbro Plads 10, 1200 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 02928 (730) Indehaver: CSC SCANDIHEALTH A/S, P.O.Pedersens Vej 2, 8200 Århus N, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Johan Schlüter Advokatfirma I/S, Højbro Plads 10, 1200 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 03288 (730) Indehaver: Ideal Industries Limited, Stokenchurch House, Oxford Road, Stockenchurch, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 3SX, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2010 02121 (730) Indehaver: ROSENFELDT OG SUNDDAL HOLDING ApS, Folevej 42, 6510 Gram, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 00424 (730) Indehaver: CSC Danmark A/S, Retortvej 8, 1790 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Johan Schlüter Advokatfirma I/S, Højbro Plads 10, 1200 København K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1922 00578 (730) Indehaver: Rosea Holding B.V., Penstraat 35, Willemstad, Curacao, Hollandske Antiller (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Holme Patent A/S, Vesterbrogade 20, 1620 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1984 03452 (730) Indehaver: Lind Holding ApS, Lægårdvej 92, 7500 Holstebro, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1989 00785 (730) Indehaver: Linds Fabrikker A/S, Blüchersvej 3, 7480 Vildbjerg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark 1135 Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Tilførsler til registreringer Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning, herunder begrænsning efter indsigelse eller efter deling (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2011 02805 (511) Klasse 11: Apparater til belysning, opvarmning, dampdannelse, kogning, køling, tørring, ventilation og vandledning samt sanitetsinstallationer. (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), skind og huder, kufferter og rejsetasker, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke, piske og sadelmagervarer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande og hovedbeklædning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1975 01454 (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, fotografiske og kinematografiske og apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol (overvågning), livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elektricitet; magnetiske databærere; mekanismer til mønt-opererede apparater; kasseapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsudstyr, computere; computer software; ildslukningsapparater; optiske apparater og instrumenter, nemlig: optiske læsere, optiske kondensatorer, optiske databærere, optiske discs, optiske fibre, optisk glas, optiske lamper, optiske lanterner, optiske kompasser, optiske spejle, periskoplinser, linser til astronomisk fotografering, kameralinser, videokameralinser, monokulære linser, binokulære linser, teleskoplinser, mikroskoplinser, kameratilbehør, nemlig forsatslinser til fotografiapparater, filtre (fotografiske), objektivdæksler; digitale hukommelseskort; magnetiske drev; blitzdrev; monokulære kikkerter, kikkerter, teleskoper, mikroskoper, periskoper, optiske diskdrev, night vision briller; dykkermasker; briller til elektroniske spil; virtual reality briller; stereoskopiske fremvisere og stereoskopiske 3D briller som del af et elektronisk spil. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 00456 (511) Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke indeholdende vodka, mineralvand og smagsaromaer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2012 01316 (511) Klasse 10: Høreapparater til medicinsk brug. (511) Klasse 44: Tjenesteydelser, der relaterer sig til høreapparater, nemlig høreklinikker og audiologivirksomhed. 1136 Fornyede registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Fornyede registreringer VR 1942 00706 VR 1952 00866 VR 1962 01278 VR 1962 01298 VR 1962 01314 VR 1962 01938 VR 1972 01834 VR 1972 02111 VR 1972 02145 VR 1972 02318 VR 1972 02552 VR 1972 02636 VR 1972 02794 VR 1972 02815 VR 1972 02827 VR 1972 03034 VR 1972 03048 VR 1972 03783 VR 1982 02166 VR 1982 02368 VR 1982 02926 VR 1982 02956 VR 1982 02990 VR 1982 03430 VR 1982 03652 VR 1982 03744 VR 1982 03806 VR 1982 03917 VR 1982 04192 VR 1982 04282 VR 1992 04562 VR 1992 05082 VR 1992 05085 VR 1992 05206 VR 1992 05462 VR 1992 05804 VR 1992 05853 VR 1992 05882 VR 1992 05976 VR 1992 06162 VR 1992 06207 VR 1992 06223 VR 1992 06288 VR 1992 06302 VR 1992 06332 VR 1992 06370 VR 1992 06586 VR 1992 06749 VR 1992 06861 VR 1992 07007 VR 1992 07056 VR 1992 07317 VR 1992 07411 VR 1992 07514 VR 1992 07515 VR 1992 07516 VR 1992 07526 VR 1992 07543 VR 1992 07784 VR 1992 07917 VR 1992 07972 VR 1992 08044 VR 1992 08047 VR 1992 08083 VR 1992 08134 VR 1992 08161 VR 1992 08162 VR 1992 08331 VR 1992 08545 VR 1992 08674 VR 1992 08756 VR 1992 09077 VR 1992 09103 2012-06-27 VR 1992 09309 VR 1992 09346 VR 1992 09417 VR 1992 09488 VR 1992 09741 VR 1992 09763 VR 1992 09905 VR 1992 10615 VR 1992 10689 VR 1992 10750 VR 1992 10796 VR 1992 10874 VR 1992 11054 VR 1992 11136 VR 1992 11194 VR 1992 11225 VR 1992 11246 VR 1992 11410 VR 2001 04286 VR 2001 04291 VR 2001 04292 VR 2002 01062 VR 2002 01666 VR 2002 02008 VR 2002 02037 VR 2002 02056 VR 2002 02065 VR 2002 02105 VR 2002 02183 VR 2002 02333 VR 2002 02448 VR 2002 02522 VR 2002 02583 VR 2002 02584 VR 2002 02585 VR 2002 02586 VR 2002 02604 VR 2002 02763 VR 2002 02790 VR 2002 02791 VR 2002 02824 VR 2002 02834 VR 2002 02922 VR 2002 03335 VR 2002 03900 VR 2002 03972 VR 2002 03976 VR 2002 04107 1137 Udslettede registreringer 2012-06-27 Varemærker og fællesmærker Udslettede registreringer FR 1991 00017 FR 2001 00017 VG 1961 00474 VG 1961 00483 VR 1911 00206 VR 1941 00260 VR 1941 00436 VR 1971 00583 VR 1971 00704 VR 1971 00760 VR 1971 01187 VR 1971 01455 VR 1971 02729 VR 1971 02742 VR 1971 02768 VR 1971 02770 VR 1971 02778 VR 1971 02779 VR 1971 02793 VR 1971 02797 VR 1971 02801 VR 1971 02810 VR 1971 02811 VR 1971 02828 VR 1971 02831 VR 1971 02843 VR 1971 02847 VR 1971 02853 VR 1971 02863 VR 1971 02900 VR 1981 01009 VR 1981 01120 VR 1981 02172 VR 1981 02345 VR 1981 02454 VR 1981 02535 VR 1981 02538 VR 1981 02558 VR 1981 02561 VR 1981 02582 VR 1981 02588 VR 1981 02616 VR 1981 02623 VR 1981 02624 VR 1981 02625 VR 1981 02627 VR 1981 02638 VR 1981 02645 VR 1981 02665 VR 1981 02671 VR 1981 02687 VR 1981 02697 VR 1981 02707 VR 1981 02721 VR 1981 02741 VR 1981 02750 VR 1981 02755 VR 1981 02757 VR 1981 02768 VR 1981 02769 VR 1981 02802 VR 1981 02809 VR 1981 02810 VR 1981 02818 VR 1981 02821 VR 1981 02830 VR 1981 02845 VR 1981 02852 VR 1981 02876 VR 1981 02883 VR 1981 02888 VR 1981 02890 VR 1981 02896 1138 Dansk Varemærketidende VR 1981 02897 VR 1981 02904 VR 1981 02915 VR 1981 02939 VR 1981 02941 VR 1981 02957 VR 1981 02974 VR 1981 02989 VR 1981 02993 VR 1981 02998 VR 1981 03008 VR 1981 03009 VR 1981 03014 VR 1981 03018 VR 1981 03019 VR 1981 03021 VR 1981 03028 VR 1981 03033 VR 1981 03040 VR 1981 03041 VR 1981 03085 VR 1981 03086 VR 1981 03090 VR 1981 03096 VR 1981 03102 VR 1981 03104 VR 1981 03113 VR 1981 03121 VR 1981 03123 VR 1981 03127 VR 1981 03131 VR 1981 03133 VR 1981 03141 VR 1981 03144 VR 1981 03154 VR 1981 03162 VR 1981 03170 VR 1981 03171 VR 1981 03183 VR 1981 03186 VR 1981 03196 VR 1981 03202 VR 1981 03205 VR 1981 03206 VR 1981 03209 VR 1981 03219 VR 1981 03243 VR 1981 03247 VR 1981 03255 VR 1991 00837 VR 1991 01274 VR 1991 01279 VR 1991 01391 VR 1991 01406 VR 1991 01475 VR 1991 01596 VR 1991 01743 VR 1991 01845 VR 1991 01952 VR 1991 02193 VR 1991 02276 VR 1991 02361 VR 1991 02512 VR 1991 02567 VR 1991 02600 VR 1991 02873 VR 1991 02922 VR 1991 02978 VR 1991 03144 VR 1991 03254 VR 1991 03431 VR 1991 03448 VR 1991 03491 VR 1991 03691 VR 1991 04664 VR 1991 05610 VR 1991 05759 VR 1991 05786 VR 1991 05789 VR 1991 05790 VR 1991 05816 VR 1991 05821 VR 1991 05893 VR 1991 06106 VR 1991 06114 VR 1991 06143 Dansk Varemærketidende VR 1991 06436 VR 1991 06443 VR 1991 06444 VR 1991 06455 VR 1991 06469 VR 1991 06479 VR 1991 06483 VR 1991 06489 VR 1991 06493 VR 1991 06511 VR 1991 06514 VR 1991 06541 VR 1991 06566 VR 1991 06584 VR 1991 06602 VR 1991 06623 VR 1991 06625 VR 1991 06629 VR 1991 06633 VR 1991 06634 VR 1991 06655 VR 1991 06662 VR 1991 06679 VR 1991 06713 VR 2001 00661 VR 2001 00689 VR 2001 00698 VR 2001 00705 VR 2001 00965 VR 2001 00992 VR 2001 01017 VR 2001 01079 VR 2001 01103 VR 2001 01111 VR 2001 01112 VR 2001 01115 VR 2001 01139 VR 2001 01148 VR 2001 01170 VR 2001 01189 VR 2001 01190 VR 2001 01218 VR 2001 01254 VR 2001 01299 VR 2001 01341 VR 2001 01404 VR 2001 01446 VR 2001 01516 VR 2001 01523 VR 2001 01528 VR 2001 01534 VR 2001 01535 VR 2001 01568 VR 2001 01827 VR 2001 01880 VR 2001 01928 VR 2001 01944 VR 2001 01950 VR 2001 01967 VR 2001 01995 VR 2001 02008 VR 2001 02036 VR 2001 02039 VR 2001 02040 VR 2001 02048 VR 2001 02063 VR 2001 02095 VR 2001 02105 VR 2001 02119 VR 2001 02120 VR 2001 02145 VR 2001 02146 VR 2001 02168 VR 2001 02231 VR 2001 02232 VR 2001 02254 VR 2001 02256 VR 2001 02307 VR 2001 02330 VR 2001 02336 VR 2001 02340 VR 2001 02344 VR 2001 02354 VR 2001 02385 VR 2001 02505 VR 2001 02575 2012-06-27 VR 2001 02584 VR 2001 02588 VR 2001 02605 VR 2001 02653 VR 2001 02692 VR 2001 02758 VR 2001 02779 VR 2001 02826 VR 2001 03484 VR 2001 03660 VR 2001 03684 VR 2001 03685 VR 2001 03689 VR 2001 03713 VR 2001 03717 VR 2001 03755 VR 2001 03757 VR 2001 03758 VR 2001 03772 VR 2001 03775 VR 2001 03790 VR 2001 03795 VR 2001 03852 VR 2001 03853 VR 2001 03877 VR 2001 03891 VR 2001 03910 VR 2001 03912 VR 2001 03953 VR 2001 03973 VR 2001 03983 VR 2001 04002 VR 2001 04003 VR 2001 04004 VR 2001 04005 VR 2001 04006 VR 2001 04009 VR 2001 04013 VR 2001 04014 VR 2001 04015 VR 2001 04017 VR 2001 04022 VR 2001 04025 VR 2001 04026 VR 2001 04027 VR 2001 04028 VR 2001 04029 VR 2001 04030 VR 2001 04032 VR 2001 04034 VR 2001 04035 VR 2001 04036 VR 2001 04037 VR 2001 04038 VR 2001 04042 VR 2001 04043 VR 2001 04045 VR 2001 04046 VR 2001 04047 VR 2001 04050 VR 2001 04055 VR 2001 04056 VR 2001 04057 VR 2001 04062 VR 2001 04064 VR 2001 04065 VR 2001 04066 VR 2001 04075 VR 2011 02973 VR 2012 00280 1139 Ansøgningsregister 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Ansøgningsregister Register over mærker i dette tidende angivet i ansøgningsnummerorden (210) Ans. nr. FA 1991 00002 FA 2001 00016 VA 1911 00222 VA 1922 00697 VA 1927 01363 VA 1934 00437 VA 1941 00272 VA 1941 00484 VA 1942 00712 VA 1943 00314 VA 1946 00797 VA 1951 01241 VA 1952 00928 VA 1954 00692 VA 1956 01219 VA 1956 01316 VA 1959 01206 VA 1960 02975 VA 1960 03967 VA 1961 01913 VA 1961 03903 VA 1962 00030 VA 1962 00680 VA 1962 03544 VA 1966 04505 VA 1967 00126 VA 1967 02596 VA 1969 00421 VA 1969 03728 VA 1969 03782 VA 1969 04686 VA 1970 00677 VA 1970 00934 VA 1970 01194 VA 1970 02552 VA 1970 03098 VA 1970 03137 VA 1970 03141 VA 1970 03283 VA 1970 03655 VA 1970 04173 VA 1970 04227 VA 1970 04228 VA 1970 04504 VA 1970 04523 VA 1970 04887 VA 1971 00278 VA 1971 00439 VA 1971 00594 VA 1971 00712 VA 1971 00824 VA 1971 00838 VA 1971 00874 VA 1971 01035 VA 1971 02153 VA 1971 03411 VA 1971 03911 VA 1971 04142 VA 1971 04583 VA 1971 04726 VA 1971 04944 VA 1972 00188 VA 1972 00262 VA 1972 01368 VA 1973 04168 VA 1975 00309 VA 1975 02981 VA 1975 03651 VA 1976 00214 VA 1976 02885 VA 1976 04288 1140 (111) Reg. nr. FR 1991 00017 FR 2001 00017 VR 1911 00206 VR 1922 00578 VR 1927 01298 VR 1934 00449 VR 1941 00260 VR 1941 00436 VR 1942 00706 VR 1943 00313 VR 1946 01065 VR 1951 01287 VR 1952 00866 VR 1954 01493 VR 1956 01872 VR 1956 02070 VG 1961 00474 VG 1961 00483 VR 1961 01199 VR 1962 01298 VR 1962 01278 VR 1962 01314 VR 1962 01938 VR 1964 00531 VR 1967 02653 VR 1967 01595 VR 1967 03551 VR 1971 02778 VR 1972 02318 VR 1971 02779 VR 1971 02797 VR 1972 02145 VR 1971 00583 VR 1971 02801 VR 1971 02853 VR 1971 02863 VR 1971 00704 VR 1971 00760 VR 1971 02768 VR 1971 01187 VR 1971 01455 VR 1971 02810 VR 1971 02770 VR 1971 02811 VR 1971 02831 VR 1971 02729 VR 1972 02827 VR 1971 02793 VR 1971 02742 VR 1971 02828 VR 1971 02843 VR 1971 02900 VR 1971 02847 VR 1972 02065 VR 1972 03048 VR 1972 03034 VR 1972 02552 VR 1972 01834 VR 1972 02111 VR 1972 02636 VR 1972 04050 VR 1972 02794 VR 1972 02815 VR 1972 03783 VR 1975 01454 VR 1979 02305 VR 1976 03965 VR 1976 00764 VR 1981 03131 VR 1977 04175 VR 1977 01752 VA 1976 05197 VA 1977 01656 VA 1977 02647 VA 1977 02648 VA 1977 04720 VA 1977 04721 VA 1978 03014 VA 1978 04282 VA 1978 05186 VA 1978 05295 VA 1979 00866 VA 1979 01598 VA 1979 02089 VA 1979 02463 VA 1979 02642 VA 1979 03168 VA 1979 03304 VA 1979 03957 VA 1979 04083 VA 1980 00177 VA 1980 00219 VA 1980 00548 VA 1980 00835 VA 1980 00859 VA 1980 01450 VA 1980 01452 VA 1980 02239 VA 1980 02246 VA 1980 02583 VA 1980 02597 VA 1980 02782 VA 1980 03431 VA 1980 03540 VA 1980 03654 VA 1980 03804 VA 1980 03835 VA 1980 03857 VA 1980 04031 VA 1980 04043 VA 1980 04098 VA 1980 04164 VA 1980 04214 VA 1980 04349 VA 1980 04494 VA 1980 04601 VA 1980 04611 VA 1980 04751 VA 1980 04755 VA 1980 04799 VA 1980 04845 VA 1980 04879 VA 1980 05017 VA 1980 05194 VA 1980 05232 VA 1980 05457 VA 1980 05596 VA 1980 05609 VA 1980 05663 VA 1980 05664 VA 1980 05666 VA 1980 05696 VA 1980 05757 VA 1981 00004 VA 1981 00010 VA 1981 00018 VA 1981 00030 VA 1981 00037 VA 1981 00123 VA 1981 00129 VA 1981 00132 VA 1981 00135 VA 1981 00136 VA 1981 00238 VA 1981 00250 VA 1981 00256 VA 1981 00269 VA 1981 00332 VA 1981 00366 VA 1981 00388 VA 1981 00413 VA 1981 00483 VA 1981 00532 VA 1981 00534 VA 1981 00537 VA 1981 00538 VA 1981 00552 VR 1981 02538 VR 1977 04146 VR 1978 00074 VR 1978 00075 VR 1978 01668 VR 1978 01669 VR 1981 03127 VR 1981 02993 VR 1981 02818 VR 1981 02998 VR 1981 02830 VR 1981 03008 VR 1981 03009 VR 1981 02535 VR 1981 03141 VR 1982 02926 VR 1981 03133 VR 1981 03144 VR 1981 03014 VR 1981 03154 VR 1981 02172 VR 1981 01009 VR 1981 02558 VR 1981 02845 VR 1981 02561 VR 1981 02852 VR 1981 03018 VR 1981 03019 VR 1981 03021 VR 1981 01120 VR 1981 03028 VR 1981 03033 VR 1981 03162 VR 1981 02821 VR 1981 02687 VR 1981 02697 VR 1981 02582 VR 1982 02166 VR 1981 03040 VR 1981 02876 VR 1981 03041 VR 1981 02989 VR 1981 03171 VR 1981 02883 VR 1981 03170 VR 1981 02454 VR 1981 02888 VR 1981 02890 VR 1981 02645 VR 1981 02896 VR 1981 02897 VR 1981 02588 VR 1981 02707 VR 1981 02904 VR 1981 02741 VR 1981 02345 VR 1981 02915 VR 1981 02721 VR 1981 02616 VR 1981 02625 VR 1981 02627 VR 1981 02638 VR 1981 02623 VR 1981 03183 VR 1981 02624 VR 1981 02768 VR 1981 02769 VR 1981 02750 VR 1981 02755 VR 1981 03186 VR 1981 02757 VR 1981 02810 VR 1981 02802 VR 1981 02809 VR 1981 02665 VR 1981 02941 VR 1981 02939 VR 1981 03096 VR 1981 02957 VR 1981 03104 VR 1981 02974 VR 1981 03205 VR 1981 03206 VR 1981 03196 VR 1981 03209 VR 1981 03113 Dansk Varemærketidende VA 1981 00582 VA 1981 00586 VA 1981 00600 VA 1981 00618 VA 1981 00652 VA 1981 00671 VA 1981 00673 VA 1981 00682 VA 1981 00809 VA 1981 00810 VA 1981 00819 VA 1981 00842 VA 1981 00855 VA 1981 01788 VA 1981 02276 VA 1981 04746 VA 1981 05112 VA 1981 05237 VA 1981 05357 VA 1981 05487 VA 1982 00341 VA 1982 00424 VA 1982 00916 VA 1982 01104 VA 1982 01183 VA 1982 01867 VA 1982 02388 VA 1982 02946 VA 1982 03128 VA 1982 04086 VA 1982 05144 VA 1982 05145 VA 1983 00395 VA 1983 01577 VA 1983 04090 VA 1984 02358 VA 1985 00035 VA 1985 00207 VA 1985 06377 VA 1986 01716 VA 1986 02574 VA 1986 03034 VA 1986 03050 VA 1986 04581 VA 1987 00486 VA 1987 03105 VA 1987 04964 VA 1987 06769 VA 1987 06847 VA 1987 07362 VA 1988 03460 VA 1988 04280 VA 1988 05609 VA 1988 06996 VA 1989 00494 VA 1989 01007 VA 1989 01705 VA 1989 01737 VA 1989 02728 VA 1989 03301 VA 1989 04851 VA 1989 05479 VA 1989 06005 VA 1989 06133 VA 1989 06187 VA 1989 06248 VA 1989 07120 VA 1989 07456 VA 1989 08652 VA 1989 09090 VA 1989 09299 VA 1989 09316 VA 1990 00021 VA 1990 00514 VA 1990 00605 VA 1990 00620 VA 1990 00710 VA 1990 01262 VA 1990 01316 VA 1990 01868 VA 1990 02186 VA 1990 02366 VA 1990 02721 VA 1990 03328 VA 1990 03461 VR 1981 03085 VR 1981 03086 VR 1981 03102 VR 1981 03202 VR 1981 03219 VR 1981 03121 VR 1981 03090 VR 1981 03123 VR 1981 03243 VR 1983 00517 VR 1981 03247 VR 1991 06479 VR 1981 03255 VR 1981 02671 VR 1981 04338 VR 1982 03917 VR 1982 02368 VR 1982 04282 VR 1982 02956 VR 1982 02875 VR 1982 03744 VR 1982 02990 VR 1982 03430 VR 1982 03652 VR 1982 03806 VR 1982 04192 VR 1983 03318 VR 1983 01139 VR 1983 00904 VR 1983 01732 VR 1984 00314 VR 1984 00318 VR 1983 03288 VR 1984 00437 VR 1984 03452 VR 1987 01237 VR 1986 00790 VR 1985 03777 VR 1987 00285 VR 1989 00785 VR 1987 03505 VR 1992 09309 VR 1991 06483 VR 1987 02817 VR 1989 07222 VR 1991 06489 VR 1992 06288 VR 1991 02276 VR 1989 02432 VR 1991 06493 VR 1990 02939 VR 1991 06511 VR 1991 06514 VR 1991 01596 VR 1994 00594 VR 1991 03491 VR 1992 07858 VR 1991 06541 VR 1991 05816 VR 1991 02361 VR 1991 01845 VR 1991 06566 VR 1992 09905 VR 1991 05457 VR 1991 05821 VR 1991 02873 VR 1991 01391 VR 1991 01406 VR 1992 06302 VR 1991 03144 VR 1991 03691 VR 1991 01475 VR 1991 06584 VR 1991 01743 VR 1991 01274 VR 1991 02922 VR 1991 01952 VR 1992 10615 VR 1991 02512 VR 1991 02567 VR 1991 02193 VR 1992 09488 VR 1991 01279 VR 1991 03431 VR 1992 06861 VA 1990 03591 VA 1990 04485 VA 1990 04660 VA 1990 04680 VA 1990 04766 VA 1990 06203 VA 1990 06599 VA 1990 06688 VA 1990 06938 VA 1990 06950 VA 1990 07158 VA 1990 07230 VA 1990 07307 VA 1990 07550 VA 1990 07627 VA 1990 07815 VA 1990 07930 VA 1990 08114 VA 1990 08238 VA 1990 08353 VA 1990 08359 VA 1990 08977 VA 1990 09138 VA 1990 09248 VA 1990 09402 VA 1990 09544 VA 1990 09617 VA 1990 09948 VA 1991 00092 VA 1991 00258 VA 1991 00265 VA 1991 00286 VA 1991 00287 VA 1991 00358 VA 1991 00471 VA 1991 00502 VA 1991 00503 VA 1991 00594 VA 1991 00629 VA 1991 00899 VA 1991 00926 VA 1991 01149 VA 1991 01150 VA 1991 04422 VA 1991 05551 VA 1991 05912 VA 1991 06623 VA 1991 07251 VA 1991 07507 VA 1991 07622 VA 1991 07707 VA 1991 08066 VA 1991 08765 VA 1991 08777 VA 1991 08781 VA 1991 09062 VA 1992 00070 VA 1992 00073 VA 1992 00240 VA 1992 00272 VA 1992 00381 VA 1992 00571 VA 1992 00826 VA 1992 01055 VA 1992 01127 VA 1992 01233 VA 1992 01591 VA 1992 01652 VA 1992 02186 VA 1992 02187 VA 1992 02188 VA 1992 02387 VA 1992 02525 VA 1992 02672 VA 1992 02849 VA 1992 02850 VA 1992 02980 VA 1992 03011 VA 1992 03016 VA 1992 03309 VA 1992 04087 VA 1992 04088 VA 1992 04491 VA 1992 05089 VA 1992 05506 2012-06-27 VR 1991 03448 VR 1991 02600 VR 1991 05759 VR 1991 00837 VR 1991 06602 VR 1992 08331 VR 1992 05082 VR 1991 06106 VR 1991 06114 VR 1991 02978 VR 1991 05610 VR 1991 06143 VR 1991 03254 VR 1992 08756 VR 1991 06623 VR 1991 06625 VR 1992 05085 VR 1991 06629 VR 1992 04562 VR 1991 06633 VR 1991 06634 VR 1991 06655 VR 1991 06662 VR 1991 06679 VR 1992 08545 VR 1991 04664 VR 1991 05893 VR 1992 10874 VR 1992 07317 VR 1991 06713 VR 1991 05786 VR 1991 05789 VR 1991 05790 VR 1991 06436 VR 1992 07917 VR 1991 06443 VR 1991 06444 VR 1991 06455 VR 1992 09741 VR 1992 06332 VR 1991 06469 VR 1992 03888 VR 1992 03889 VR 1992 09346 VR 1992 09077 VR 1992 04012 VR 1992 05804 VR 1992 05853 VR 1992 09763 VR 1992 06370 VR 1992 09103 VR 1992 06586 VR 1992 06162 VR 1992 05206 VR 1992 05882 VR 1992 07411 VR 1992 11136 VR 1992 10689 VR 1992 05462 VR 1992 07007 VR 1992 06207 VR 1992 06223 VR 1992 07056 VR 1992 06697 VR 1992 08083 VR 1992 05976 VR 1992 06749 VR 1992 07972 VR 1992 07514 VR 1992 07515 VR 1992 07516 VR 1992 07526 VR 1992 07543 VR 1992 08134 VR 1992 08161 VR 1992 08162 VR 1992 07784 VR 1992 08044 VR 1992 08047 VR 1992 08674 VR 1993 01550 VR 1992 09230 VR 1992 09417 VR 1992 10750 VR 1992 10796 1141 2012-06-27 VA 1992 05626 VA 1992 05761 VA 1992 05883 VA 1992 05945 VA 1992 06144 VA 1992 06214 VA 1993 01138 VA 1993 04198 VA 1993 04698 VA 1993 04953 VA 1993 06289 VA 1993 06854 VA 1994 00561 VA 1994 01488 VA 1994 01939 VA 1994 01940 VA 1994 03237 VA 1994 04339 VA 1994 05293 VA 1994 06487 VA 1995 00872 VA 1995 07972 VA 1995 08179 VA 1995 09713 VA 1996 01024 VA 1996 01195 VA 1996 02033 VA 1996 02034 VA 1996 05021 VA 1996 05275 VA 1996 05843 VA 1996 06532 VA 1996 06533 VA 1996 06665 VA 1997 00210 VA 1997 01211 VA 1997 01448 VA 1997 01449 VA 1997 04598 VA 1997 05237 VA 1998 05286 VA 1999 00442 VA 1999 00444 VA 1999 01178 VA 1999 02575 VA 1999 03472 VA 1999 03984 VA 1999 03985 VA 2000 00081 VA 2000 00407 VA 2000 00813 VA 2000 01543 VA 2000 02390 VA 2000 02502 VA 2000 02537 VA 2000 02600 VA 2000 02705 VA 2000 02951 VA 2000 03262 VA 2000 03263 VA 2000 03401 VA 2000 03962 VA 2000 04034 VA 2000 04205 VA 2000 04359 VA 2000 04576 VA 2000 04650 VA 2000 04732 VA 2000 04733 VA 2000 04788 VA 2000 04789 VA 2000 04856 VA 2000 04950 VA 2000 04975 VA 2000 05071 VA 2000 05196 VA 2000 05311 VA 2000 05438 VA 2001 00052 VA 2001 00065 VA 2001 00071 VA 2001 00235 VA 2001 00258 VA 2001 00268 VA 2001 00278 1142 Dansk Varemærketidende VR 1992 11054 VR 1992 11194 VR 1992 11225 VR 1992 11246 VR 2001 04038 VR 1992 11410 VR 1993 04238 VR 1993 07099 VR 1996 00975 VR 1993 07538 VR 1994 01619 VR 2001 04014 VR 1994 02886 VR 1995 00238 VR 1996 00650 VR 1996 00651 VR 1994 05637 VR 1994 06147 VR 1994 07268 VR 1995 02825 VR 1995 02038 VR 2001 04037 VR 1996 00183 VR 1996 00899 VR 1996 04732 VR 1996 06389 VR 1998 01913 VR 1998 01914 VR 1997 03635 VR 1996 06219 VR 1997 02096 VR 1997 00424 VR 1997 02236 VR 1997 00701 VR 2001 04017 VR 1997 02744 VR 1997 02131 VR 1997 02132 VR 1997 05288 VR 1998 02770 VR 2002 02763 VR 1999 04616 VR 1999 04617 VR 2002 01051 VR 2001 01950 VR 1999 04827 VR 2000 01587 VR 2000 01588 VR 2002 02037 VR 2001 00661 VR 2001 01404 VR 2001 02008 VR 2001 01103 VR 2001 00689 VR 2001 00698 VR 2001 02307 VR 2000 03836 VR 2001 00705 VR 2001 01190 VR 2001 01189 VR 2001 01218 VR 2001 02168 VR 2001 01535 VR 2001 01112 VR 2001 01516 VR 2001 00992 VR 2001 01995 VR 2001 02036 VR 2001 02039 VR 2001 01446 VR 2001 02336 VR 2001 02040 VR 2001 02779 VR 2001 01967 VR 2001 01139 VR 2001 01523 VR 2001 01115 VR 2001 04027 VR 2001 00965 VR 2001 01017 VR 2001 01111 VR 2001 02653 VR 2001 01079 VR 2001 01254 VR 2001 01170 VA 2001 00294 VA 2001 00304 VA 2001 00446 VA 2001 00511 VA 2001 00564 VA 2001 00626 VA 2001 00665 VA 2001 00678 VA 2001 00681 VA 2001 00710 VA 2001 00791 VA 2001 00871 VA 2001 00884 VA 2001 00910 VA 2001 00912 VA 2001 00960 VA 2001 01027 VA 2001 01058 VA 2001 01091 VA 2001 01096 VA 2001 01155 VA 2001 01205 VA 2001 01214 VA 2001 01224 VA 2001 01295 VA 2001 01336 VA 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01148 VR 2001 02048 VR 2001 01880 VR 2001 02120 VR 2001 01534 VR 2001 01944 VR 2001 03484 VR 2001 03755 VR 2001 01568 VR 2001 03790 VR 2001 03758 VR 2001 03912 VR 2001 01827 VR 2001 02254 VR 2001 02119 VR 2001 02340 VR 2001 02344 VR 2001 02584 VR 2001 02063 VR 2001 02826 VR 2001 02105 VR 2001 03983 VR 2001 02505 VR 2001 03891 VR 2001 02575 VR 2001 02330 VR 2001 02354 VR 2001 02588 VR 2001 04022 VR 2001 02146 VR 2001 02145 VR 2001 02692 VR 2001 02758 VR 2001 04046 VR 2001 04047 VR 2001 02605 VR 2001 03660 VR 2001 04015 VR 2001 04043 VR 2001 03689 VR 2001 04032 VR 2001 04034 VR 2001 04035 VR 2001 04002 VR 2001 04036 VR 2001 04009 VR 2001 03910 VR 2001 03772 VR 2001 03713 VR 2001 03757 VR 2001 04003 VR 2001 04004 VR 2001 04013 VR 2001 03775 VR 2001 03953 VR 2001 03877 VR 2001 03973 VR 2001 04005 VR 2001 03684 VR 2001 03685 VR 2001 04006 VR 2001 04056 VR 2001 04062 VR 2001 04075 VR 2001 04064 VR 2001 04065 VR 2001 04066 VR 2001 03852 VR 2001 03853 VR 2001 04028 VR 2001 04030 VR 2001 04029 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05091 VA 2007 05092 VA 2008 01261 VA 2009 00590 VA 2009 00591 VA 2009 01565 VA 2009 01566 VA 2009 01568 VA 2009 01973 VA 2009 03167 VA 2009 03325 VA 2009 03400 VA 2010 00278 VA 2010 03591 VA 2010 03597 VA 2010 03598 VA 2011 01012 VR 2001 04025 VR 2001 04026 VR 2001 04045 VR 2001 04042 VR 2001 04050 VR 2001 04190 VR 2001 04191 VR 2002 00368 VR 2001 04286 VR 2001 04291 VR 2001 04292 VR 2002 01581 VR 2003 00951 VR 2002 02928 VR 2002 01495 VR 2002 01666 VR 2002 02183 VR 2002 02105 VR 2002 02008 VR 2002 01062 VR 2002 02056 VR 2002 02065 VR 2002 02448 VR 2002 03335 VR 2002 01910 VR 2002 02586 VR 2002 02583 VR 2002 02584 VR 2002 02585 VR 2002 02824 VR 2002 02333 VR 2002 02522 VR 2002 02604 VR 2002 03691 VR 2002 02905 VR 2002 02834 VR 2002 02918 VR 2002 02919 VR 2002 02922 VR 2002 02790 VR 2002 02791 VR 2002 03312 VR 2002 03217 VR 2002 03370 VR 2002 04107 VR 2002 03972 VR 2002 03900 VR 2002 03976 VR 2003 02210 VR 2004 01839 VR 2004 01012 VR 2004 01267 VR 2004 01268 VR 2004 01269 VR 2004 02372 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2012 00357 VA 2012 00436 VA 2012 00457 VA 2012 00513 VA 2012 00617 VA 2012 00663 VA 2012 00691 VA 2012 00694 VA 2012 00696 VA 2012 00724 VA 2012 00726 VA 2012 00730 VA 2012 00732 VA 2012 00744 VA 2012 00764 VA 2012 00774 VA 2012 00775 VA 2012 00850 VA 2012 00851 VA 2012 00871 VA 2012 00879 VA 2012 00886 VA 2012 00892 VA 2012 00905 VA 2012 00919 VA 2012 00921 VA 2012 00923 VA 2012 00924 VA 2012 00925 VA 2012 00929 VA 2012 00931 VA 2012 00965 VA 2012 00977 VA 2012 00979 VA 2012 00980 VA 2012 00981 VA 2012 00987 VA 2012 00988 VA 2012 00989 VA 2012 00993 VA 2012 01001 VA 2012 01017 VA 2012 01019 2012-06-27 VR 2012 01469 VR 2011 01736 VR 2011 02034 VR 2011 02450 VR 2012 01489 VR 2012 01420 VR 2011 02281 VR 2012 00909 VR 2012 01495 VR 2012 01408 VR 2012 01419 VR 2012 01421 VR 2011 02805 VR 2012 01433 VR 2012 01407 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01423 VR 2012 01508 VR 2012 01425 VR 2012 01426 VR 2012 01424 VR 2012 01464 VR 2012 01428 VR 2012 00280 VR 2012 01465 VR 2012 01416 VR 2012 01414 VR 2012 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01200 VA 2012 01205 VA 2012 01216 VA 2012 01238 VA 2012 01249 VA 2012 01278 VA 2012 01280 VA 2012 01281 VA 2012 01283 VA 2012 01284 VA 2012 01285 VA 2012 01286 VA 2012 01287 VA 2012 01288 VA 2012 01289 VA 2012 01348 VA 2012 01369 VA 2012 01370 VA 2012 01421 VA 2012 01584 1144 Dansk Varemærketidende VR 2012 01443 VR 2012 01460 VR 2012 01422 VR 2012 01494 VR 2012 01509 VR 2012 01405 VR 2012 01477 VR 2012 01488 VR 2012 01447 VR 2012 01470 VR 2012 01487 VR 2012 01442 VR 2012 01466 VR 2012 01411 VR 2012 01402 VR 2012 01481 VR 2012 01496 VR 2012 01404 VR 2012 01446 VR 2012 01468 VR 2012 01458 VR 2012 01448 VR 2012 01449 VR 2012 01450 VR 2012 01453 VR 2012 01452 VR 2012 01454 VR 2012 01457 VR 2012 01456 VR 2012 01455 VR 2012 01500 VR 2012 01461 VR 2012 01462 VR 2012 01459 VR 2012 01430 Navneregister Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Navneregister Register over mærker nævnt i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk orden efter indehaver (730) Indehaver (210) Ans. nr./(111) Reg. nr. AABYBRO MEJERI AAGE ØSTERGAARD HORSENS A/S AALBORG POLSTERMØBELFABRIK A/S ABB ASEA BROWN BOVERI LTD. ABBOTT GMBH & CO. KG ABBOTT LABORATORIES ABBOTT LABORATORIES ACE COIN EQUIPMENT LIMITED ACORDIS KELHEIM GMBH ACTIVE SPORTSWEAR INT. A/S AG SNUS AKTIESELSKAB AGROFRESH INC. AGROLABO S.P.A. AISAB IMPORT AB AKCROS CHEMICALS LTD. AKEBONO BRAKE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. AKTIV KURSER - PROBANA AKZO NOBEL CHEMICALS B.V. ALBATROS INTERNATIONAL CLOTHING, A/S ALFA-REVISION ALFRED KARCHER GMBH & CO. KG ALK-ABELLO A/S ALSTED BRINCH INVEST APS AMKA I/S ANDERS BITSCH CHRISTIANSEN HOLDING APS ANDERSEN, DAG LEHMANN ANTAS-GESTAO E INVESTIMENTOS LDA AOF DANMARK AON HOLDINGS B.V. COMPANY ARATOR A/S ARATOR A/S ARATOR A/S ARCUS AS ARKIGRAM ARLA FOODS AMBA ARNTZ BETEILIGUNGS GMBH & CO. KG ART CONCEPT ASAA SKILTE OG REKLAME ATLET AB ATOMIC AUSTRIA GMBH AUGUST STORCK KG AUNETTO A/S AUTOMENTOR DANMARK APS AUTOMOBILES CITROEN AVEXXIN AS AXELJØRBY'S EFTF. APS BAGER- OG KONDITORMESTRE I DANMARK BALMAIN S.A. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, THE BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BANKNORDIK BASICNET S.P.A. BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE BAUMANN HUPPE AG BAUTEX ADOLF STOVER SOHNE GMBH & CO. KG BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. A DELAWARE CORPORATION BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT BEAUVAIS FOODS A/S VR 1992 11194 VR 2012 01482 VR 2001 02779 VR 1981 03131 VR 1991 03431 VR 1972 02636 VR 1992 08545 VR 1981 03141 VR 1971 02779 VR 2009 02514 VR 2012 01507 VR 2002 02522 VR 1991 01596 VR 2001 04062 VR 1981 02687 VR 1991 06479 VR 2012 01481 VR 1981 02624 VR 1981 03247 VR 1992 05206 VR 1992 08331 VR 2012 01477 VR 2012 01447 VR 2012 01441 VR 2012 01480 VR 2012 01413 VR 1991 06633 VR 2001 01170 VR 2001 04043 VR 2001 04286 VR 2001 04291 VR 2001 04292 VR 2002 03691 VR 2001 02105 VR 2012 01402 VR 1942 00706 VA 2011 03257 VR 2001 03689 VR 1981 02998 VR 1982 04192 VR 1992 09488 VR 2012 01437 VR 2012 01428 VR 1981 02757 VR 2005 01486 VR 2001 02048 FR 1991 00017 VR 1981 02915 VR 1982 02166 VR 1934 00449 VR 1978 01668 VR 1978 01669 VR 1983 00904 VR 2002 03370 VR 2004 01012 VR 2005 04718 VR 2005 04719 VR 2005 04728 VR 2006 01677 VR 2008 01488 VR 2008 01489 VR 2009 01166 VR 2009 01239 VR 1981 02818 VR 1971 02831 VR 1981 03019 VR 1972 02827 VR 1991 03491 VR 1981 03096 VA 2012 00120 BELLA CENTER A/S BELNER, CHARLOTTE GRØNHOLDT BELNER, CHARLOTTE GRØNHOLDT BERENTZEN BRENNEREIEN GMBH + CO. BERRIFINE A/S BEST HOUSE COMPANY A/S B.F. GOODRICH COMPANY, THE BIBELLÆSER-RINGEN I DANMARK BIRKVIG, RASMUS BLUE WATER HOLDING A/S BODY SELF DEVELOPMENT'S SYSTEM A/S BOLIGSELSKABET NORDKYSTEN BONNIER PUBLICATIONS A/S BONNY S.A.S BORAL STONE PRODUCTS LLC, F/K/A OWENS CORNING BORAL STONE PRODUCTS LLC, F/K/A OWENS CORNING BORAL STONE PRODUCTS LLC, F/K/A OWENS CORNING BORREGAARD AS BORREGAARD AS BRANDS4KIDS A/S BRENNTAG DISINFECTION A/S BRINKLØV, RASMUS BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY BRUEL & KJÆR SOUND & VIBRATION MEASUREMENT A/S BRUNKEL, PETER BRUNSWICK CORPORATION BRUNSWICK CORPORATION BRØDRENE HARTMANN A/S BUCKLE, KARIN BACH BYLINE C. JOSEF LAMY G.M.B.H. CABINPLANT INTERNATIONAL A/S CAESARS LICENSE COMPANY, LLC, A LIMITED LIABIL CARL CHRISTENSEN AARHUS, AKTIESELSKABET CARLETTI A/S CARLSBERG BREWERIES A/S CARLSBERG DANMARK A/S CARLSBERG SVERIGE AKTIEBOLAG CASTROL LIMITED C.B. MØLLER & CO. A/S CCI EUROPE A/S (STIBO A/S) CENTER-GROS APS CETELEM, SOCIETE ANONYME CHRISTENSEN, OVE CHRISTIANSEN, VIKTOR CICHLIDE CENTRET APS CIDESCO, COMITE INTERNATIONAL D'ESTHETIQUE ET CLASSEN, LENE CLASSEN, LENE CLEMCO INTERNATIONAL, INC. CLIMAX INTERNATIONAL B.V. CLINIQUE M COACH, INC. COACH, INC. COACH, INC. COFRESCO FRISCHHALTEPRODUKTE GMBH & CO. KG COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY COMART CO'MERS A/S REKLAMEBUREAU CONCENTRATE MANUFACTURING COMPANY OF IRELAND ( CONTEA ASSURANCE A/S COOP DANMARK A/S COOP DANMARK A/S COOP DANMARK A/S COTTAGE INDUSTRIES (EQUESTRIAN) LIMITED CRE'ACTIVE APS CREDIN A/S CSC DANMARK A/S CSC DANMARK A/S CSC SCANDIHEALTH A/S CTRL. IT CURIOUSLY ADDICTIVE APS DAGENS MEDICIN A/S DAHLERUP, LISE KAMP DANLIND A/S DANSK BREDBÅND A/S DANSK FARMACEUTISK INDUSTRI A/S 2012-06-27 VR 2012 01433 VR 2001 02145 VR 2001 02146 VR 1971 02843 VR 2012 01479 VR 2001 01017 VR 1981 03009 VR 2001 02256 VR 2001 04025 VR 2002 03335 VR 2002 01666 VR 2012 01471 VR 2012 01476 VR 1992 09309 VR 1987 03505 VR 1997 02096 VR 1997 02744 VR 1977 01752 VR 1996 00183 VR 1992 07784 VR 1971 01455 VR 2012 01495 VR 2001 01568 VR 2001 04003 VR 2001 04004 VR 2012 01435 VR 2001 02336 VG 1961 00474 VR 1991 02873 VR 1992 05976 VR 2001 04056 VR 2012 01497 VR 1941 00436 VR 1991 02600 VR 2012 01492 VA 2011 02131 VR 1991 06455 VR 1991 06713 VR 1981 02989 VR 1972 01834 VR 1992 07411 VR 1971 02811 VR 1982 02368 VR 1981 02172 VR 1991 06493 VR 2001 02168 VR 2002 02065 VR 2001 02758 VR 1992 09346 VR 2001 04065 VR 2001 04066 VR 1991 06584 VR 1971 02863 VR 2012 01423 VR 1992 07514 VR 1992 07515 VR 1992 07516 VR 1992 10750 VR 1971 02797 VR 2001 01299 VR 1991 03144 VR 2001 02008 VR 1991 02361 VR 2012 01464 VR 1991 00837 VR 2002 02834 VR 2002 02922 VR 1982 03430 VR 2001 04055 VR 1971 00760 VR 1997 00424 VR 1997 02236 VR 2002 02928 VR 2001 01103 VR 2012 01436 VR 2002 03972 VR 2002 02056 VR 2012 01509 VR 2001 01446 VR 2001 02063 1145 2012-06-27 DANSK FARMACEUTISK INDUSTRI A/S DANSK SUPERMARKED A/S DANSK UNICEF KOMITE DANSK VAREFAKTA NÆVN DANSKE FRIMURERLAUG AF GAMLE, FRIE OG ANTAGNE DANSKE MALERMESTRES ARBEJDSGIVERFORENING DANTEC DYNAMICS A/S DARAMIC, INC. DELFS, BETTINNA DERES DESIGN, A/S DESTRON FEARING A/S DHI DIAGEO CHATEAU & ESTATE WINES COMPANY DIAVIA S.R.L. DIGITALISERINGSSTYRELSEN DIGITALISERINGSSTYRELSEN DIGITALISERINGSSTYRELSEN DIGITALISERINGSSTYRELSEN DILLER CORPORATION, THE DILLER CORPORATION, THE DISOPHTA APS DITAS A.M.B.A. DOMECQ WINES ESPANA, S.A. DONG NATURGAS A/S DOPPLER E. DOPPLER & CO. GMBH DORCHESTER SDN BHD DR PEPPER/SEVEN UP INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATIO DR PEPPER/SEVEN UP INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATIO DS DRUCKEREI-SERVICE GMBH DUNLOPILLO A/S DUNNER AG, DR. DURATEX A/S DYNAMIC CASETTE INTERNATIONAL LTD. DYNO NOBEL SWEDEN AB EBECO, AKTIEBOLAGET ECCO SKO A/S ECKERT, JAN EDC-MÆGLERNE A/S EDC-MÆGLERNE A/S EDUARD DRESSLER GMBH EFS FONDEN EJNAR A. WILSON A/S ELANCO ANIMAL HEALTH IRELAND LIMITED ELECTROLUX, AKTIEBOLAGET ELECTROLUX, AKTIEBOLAGET ELEY LIMITED ELSAMPROJEKT A/S E.L.T. QUILT, ROUST APS ELVANG, LIS EMI (IP) LIMITED EMI (IP) LIMITED ENCODE APS E.R. SQUIBB & SONS, L.L.C. ERIK JØRGENSEN MØBELFABRIK A/S ESTEE LAUDER COSMETICS LTD. ETRADE FINANCIAL CORPORATION E-Z-EM, INC F. ENGEL K/S FABER-CASTELL AG FAROCAN INC. FARREL CORPORATION FERNAND BERCHET SOCIETE ANONYME, ETABLISSEMENT FIN BRAND S.A. FINDUS SVERIGE AKTIEBOLAG FINSEDA S.P.A. FIRMA OLE JENSEN FIRMA OLE JENSEN FISKARS BRANDS DANMARK A/S FLETCO CARPETS A/S FLETCO CARPETS A/S FLETCO CARPETS A/S FLUGGER A/S FLYING NURSES APS FM ACTIVITIES APS FOF ROSING RÆDERSKE FORBRUGERINFORMATIONEN FORD MOTOR COMPANY FOREMA INREDNING I VASTERÅS AKTIEBOLAG FORENINGEN SEX & SAMFUND FORMA MAGAZINES AB FOSS TECATOR AB 1146 Dansk Varemærketidende VR 2001 02584 VR 2001 04028 VR 2002 03900 VR 2001 02095 VR 2012 01483 VR 1981 01120 VR 1992 05462 VR 1981 03018 VR 2001 03912 VR 2001 04037 VR 1992 08674 VR 1991 05816 VR 1992 11054 VR 1984 00437 VR 2002 02905 VR 2002 02918 VR 2002 02919 VR 2002 03312 VR 1962 01938 VR 1992 07972 VR 2001 03953 VR 1981 02852 VR 1991 01274 VR 2001 01950 VR 1943 00313 VR 2012 01503 VR 1946 01065 VR 1964 00531 VR 1981 03162 VR 2001 02330 VR 1992 09905 VR 1971 02768 VR 2012 01469 VR 1981 02638 VR 2001 03790 VR 2012 01496 VR 2012 01478 VR 2001 04029 VR 2001 04030 VR 1981 02697 VR 2001 01516 VR 1991 05893 VR 1992 05853 VR 1981 02616 VR 1981 02625 VR 1972 02815 VR 2001 01995 VR 1991 06436 VR 1992 11225 VR 1971 02770 VR 1971 02810 VR 2012 01404 VR 1982 04282 VR 1992 11246 VR 1991 03448 VR 2002 01051 VR 1971 02900 VR 1981 02345 VR 1982 02926 VR 1991 01952 VR 1992 06370 VR 1981 03021 VA 2012 00730 VR 1991 06623 VR 1992 06288 VR 1991 05789 VR 1991 05790 VR 2001 03660 VR 1996 00650 VR 1996 00651 VR 2012 00909 VR 2001 01112 VR 2012 01488 VR 2001 02120 VR 2001 03758 VR 2001 00661 VR 2002 02763 VR 1981 03202 VR 1981 02750 VR 2012 01420 VR 2001 01944 FREDERICIA MESSE- & CENTERVAGT FRIENDS CONNECTION FRITZ H. SCHUR GARDENIA SHOE A/S GARTNERIET SØEGAARD NIELSEN APS GASA GROUP DENMARK A/S GATETRADE. NET A/S GENENCOR INTERNATIONAL, INC. GENERALE BISCUIT, SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFI GITTE SOEE APS GITTERFABRIKKEN APS GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GLAXO GROUP LIMITED GM KOREA COMPANY GN RESOUND A/S GOBI VIN, I/S GRAFISK CENTRUM HERNING A/S GRAFISK CENTRUM HERNING A/S GRAINTEC A/S GRENAA HANDELSSKOLE GRENAA KOMMUNE GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S GUERBET S.A. GULE SIDER A/S, DE GULE SIDER A/S, DE GULE SIDER A/S, DE H & M MASKINER A/S H. J. HANSEN GENVINDINGSINDUSTRI A/S HAGGAR CLOTHING CO. HALLVARD LERØY A/S HANSENS VANDBUTIK APS HAPPY INK PUBLISHING APS HARIBO LAKRIDS A/S HAUGEN-GRUPPEN DENMARK A/S HBI BRANDED APPAREL ENTERPRISES, LLC, A LIMITE HDN HOLDING APS HEALTHLAB - ACADEMY OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS HEE, OTTO HELENA RUBINSTEIN S.A. HEMP HOUSE HEMP VALLEY HENKEL AG & CO. KGAA HENKEL AG & CO. KGAA HENKEL AG & CO. KGAA HENNIG-OLSEN'S ISKREMFABRIKK HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA AS RE HERAX A/S HERPA MINIATURMODELLE GMBH H.H. BROWN SHOE COMPANY, INC. H.H. BROWN SHOE COMPANY, INC. HMF GROUP A/S HOFFMANN NEOPAC AG HOLDING URGO PARTICIPATIONS - HUP HOLM, LASSE HOLMEN AKTIEBOLAG HOLST, KENNETH HOLST-JENSEN, FINN HOLST-JENSEN, FINN HOSPIRA, INC. HOSPIRA, INC. HOSPIRA, INC. HOSPIRA, INC. HOUSE OF PRINCE A/S HOUSE OF PRINCE A/S HOUSE OF PRINCE A/S HOVEDSTADSREGIONENS NATURGAS I/S HØEGH GRUPPEN I/S HØRSHOLM SYGEHUS IDEAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED ILSE JACOBSEN IMI NORGREN A/S INCEPTIO HOLDING APS INCO DANMARK A.M.B.A. INDKØBSFORENINGEN BAGERGRUPPEN INDUTECH NORDIC A/S INEOS CHLORVINYLS LIMITED INEOS CHLORVINYLS LIMITED INTERGOODS LTD. A/S INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION VR 1991 06625 VR 2001 03757 VR 1991 06483 VR 2012 01505 VR 2001 03877 VR 2001 03717 VR 2001 00992 VR 1991 05759 VR 1981 03127 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01508 VR 1981 03219 VR 1982 03652 VR 1982 03806 VR 1992 09417 VR 1992 10689 VR 2002 02333 VR 2012 01316 VR 2012 01425 VR 2001 03852 VR 2001 03853 VR 2012 01443 VR 1991 02922 VR 2001 03983 VR 2012 01412 VR 1992 09077 VR 2001 02036 VR 2001 02039 VR 2001 02040 VR 2001 01967 VR 2001 02307 VR 1981 03123 VR 1991 06602 VR 2001 03795 VR 2012 01421 VR 1982 03744 VR 1991 05821 VR 1992 07056 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01406 VR 1991 01475 VR 1992 07007 VR 2001 02605 VR 1971 02793 VR 1981 03028 VR 1991 06541 VR 1981 02454 VR 1981 03186 VR 2012 01426 VR 1991 02193 VR 1992 08161 VR 1992 08162 VR 1992 06697 VR 1992 07526 VR 1991 02276 VR 2001 00965 VR 1981 02582 VR 2012 01463 VR 2001 04065 VR 2001 04066 VR 1981 03196 VR 1981 03205 VR 1981 03206 VR 1981 03209 VR 1911 00206 VR 1941 00260 VR 1971 02742 VR 2001 01950 VR 2001 01218 VR 2001 03973 VR 1983 03288 VR 2012 01466 VR 1991 03254 VR 2002 02008 VR 2001 03775 FR 2001 00017 VR 2012 01442 VR 1956 01872 VR 1956 02070 VR 1981 03041 VR 2001 02826 Dansk Varemærketidende INTERVET INTERNATIONAL B.V. INTOCAST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FEUERFESTPRODUKTE INTRANET A/S IRMA A/S IRMA A/S ITW CCIP HOLDINGS LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIAB IWACO A/S JACOBSEN, JACOB MØLLER JACOBSEN, JEANETT RYTTER JENS POULSEN HOLDING APS JEPA A/S J.H. ORSING AB JOHS. MØLLERS MASKINER A/S JULIUS KOCH A/S JYLLANDS MARKISEFABRIK A/S JØRGENSEN, LARS JØRGENSEN, OVE K. S. C. HOLDING A/S K. VALLA A/S K. VALLA A/S KAMPFFMEYER FOOD INNOVATION GMBH KANYA AG (KANYA S.A.) (KANYA LTD.) KARLSHØJ BLOKSTEN A/S KELSEN GROUP A/S KEMIRA AGRO OY KEN SPORT IMPORT A/S KIRKEGAARD, SØREN KISO A/S KLEE A/S, BRDR. KODAK A/S KOGNITIV KLINIK KONE A/S KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONINKLIJKE DOUWE EGBERTS B.V. KONTRON INSTRUMENTS AG KRAFT FOODS DANMARK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY APS KRAFT FOODS DANMARK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY APS KRAFT FOODS DANMARK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY APS KRAFT FOODS DANMARK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY APS KURAGE KYLSKÅPSPOESI AB KYNDAL SPIRITS LIMITED KØBENHAVNS CYKELHANDLERFORENING KØBENHAVNS ENERGI A/S LABOFA A/S VR 2012 01460 VR 1991 06514 VR 2001 04022 VR 1971 02828 VR 1991 04664 VR 1981 03255 VR 1971 02778 VR 1981 03121 VR 2012 01411 VR 1981 02671 VR 2001 03910 VR 1992 07543 VR 2002 01495 VR 1991 06143 VR 2001 03772 VR 2001 04025 VR 2001 02254 VA 2010 03591 VR 1981 02535 VR 1981 02645 VR 2012 01504 VR 1992 06749 VR 2012 01424 VR 1981 02561 VR 1991 02567 VR 2001 02588 VR 2001 03795 VR 1972 03034 VR 1971 01187 VR 1961 01199 VR 2012 01451 VR 1952 00866 VR 1951 01287 VR 1954 01493 VR 1967 01595 VR 1976 03965 VR 1983 01732 VR 1984 00314 VR 1984 00318 VR 1986 00790 VR 1987 00285 VR 1991 05457 VR 1992 03888 VR 1992 03889 VR 1992 04012 VR 1992 09230 VR 1993 01550 VR 1993 04238 VR 1993 07099 VR 1993 07538 VR 1994 00594 VR 1994 01619 VR 1994 06147 VR 1994 07268 VR 1995 00238 VR 1996 00899 VR 1996 04732 VR 1997 00701 VR 1997 02131 VR 1997 02132 VR 1997 03635 VR 1998 01913 VR 1998 01914 VR 1998 02770 VR 1999 04616 VR 1999 04617 VR 2000 01587 VR 2000 01588 VR 2004 01839 VR 1981 02845 VR 2001 04032 VR 2001 04034 VR 2001 04035 VR 2001 04036 VR 2002 02183 VR 2002 01910 VR 1991 06511 VR 2001 04027 VR 2012 01470 VR 1981 03090 LAITIERE EUROPEENNE, COMPAGNIE LANDSFORENINGEN TIL BEKÆMPELSE AF HJERNESYGDOM LANTMANNEN DOGGY AB LANTMANNEN UNIBAKE HOLDING A/S LANTMANNEN UNIBAKE HOLDING A/S LAURSEN, KJELD EJNER LEADER SRL LEAF OY LEGGETT & PLATT INCORPORATED LIND HOLDING APS LINDS FABRIKKER A/S LINDS FABRIKKER A/S LINPAC GROUP LIMITED LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S LISE AAGAARD COPENHAGEN A/S LIWA FARG AB LMW-LEICHTMETALLGUSS GMBH LOGITECH INTERNATIONAL S.A. LONZA AG L'OREAL, SOCIETE ANONYME LORENTZEN, MARIANNE LYSHOLDT CONSULTING A/S MAERSK LOGISTICS INTERNATIONAL A/S MAM BABYARTIKEL GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. MARC LAUGE A/S MASKINFABRIKKEN ESKIMO A/S MASSILLY SKANDINAVIEN A/S MEDLOCK MEDICAL LIMITED MEILLAND INTERNATIONAL S.A. MEILLAND INTERNATIONAL S.A. MEINHARDT, MICHAEL MELITTA HAUSHALTSPRODUKTE GMBH & CO. KOMMANDIT MEMOIRES MERIAL, SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIEE MERRILD KAFFE A/S MERRILD KAFFE A/S METALOR TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL SA (METALOR MG ROVER GROUP LIMITED MICHA A/S MICYS COMPANY S.P.A. MILLIKEN & COMPANY MINERVA DANMARK A/S MITSUBISHI JIDOSHA KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA MITSUBISHI JIDOSHA KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA MLA MULTIBRAND HOLDINGS, INC. MOBIL MEDIA DENMARK MORTEN ARNVIG MANAGEMENT APS MORTENSEN, CHRISTIAN WORM MOTOROLA A/S MOTOROLA, INC. MOVADO WATCH COMPANY AG MUTSCHLER SCHREIB- UND ZEICHENGERATE GMBH MVH-CONSULT MØLLER, NANNA NACIONAL VINICOLA, S.A. NATURGAS FYN I/S NATURGAS MIDT/NORD I/S NATURGAS SJÆLLAND I/S NATURLI FOODS A/S NETTEKNIKER NEW MILESTONE APS NIELSEN, CLAUS NIELSEN, PETER CASTELLA NIELSEN, ULRIK NIPRO CORPORATION NISSAN JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING NORDEA BANK DANMARK A/S NORDISK FILM PRODUCTION A/S NOREQACTA A/S NORWICH UNION PLC NOVARTIS AG NOVARTIS AG NOVARTIS AG NOVARTIS AG NOVO NORDISK A/S NOVO NORDISK A/S NOVO NORDISK A/S NOVO NORDISK A/S NOVOPAN TRÆINDUSTRI A/S 2012-06-27 VR 1992 10874 VR 2001 01928 VR 2002 04107 VR 2006 00946 VR 2010 00473 VR 2001 02340 VR 1991 06566 VR 1991 05610 VR 1992 07917 VR 1984 03452 VR 1989 00785 VR 2000 03836 VR 1972 03783 VR 2005 03773 VR 2007 01658 VR 2009 03705 VR 2011 01736 VR 2011 02281 VR 2002 01062 VR 2012 01498 VR 1991 06679 VR 1972 02552 VR 1981 03102 VR 2001 01139 VR 2001 04075 VR 2001 00698 VR 1992 08756 VR 2001 02232 VR 2012 01506 VR 1972 02111 VR 1971 02847 VR 1991 01743 VR 1991 06489 VR 2001 02354 VR 1981 03033 VR 2001 04015 VR 1981 03104 VR 2002 02790 VR 2002 02791 VR 1981 02883 VR 1981 02957 VR 1992 10796 VR 1982 02956 VR 1981 02890 VR 2001 01535 VR 1982 02990 VR 1992 08134 VR 1996 06389 VR 2001 04017 VR 2001 02344 VR 1991 06629 VR 1981 02588 VR 2001 02385 VR 1992 06162 VR 1981 03144 VR 1991 01279 VR 2002 02056 VR 2001 04050 VR 2001 01950 VR 2001 01950 VR 2001 01950 VR 2012 01444 VR 2012 01445 VR 2012 01467 VR 2012 01465 VR 2001 04006 VR 2012 01494 VR 1992 08044 VR 1981 02721 VR 1991 02978 VR 2001 03891 VR 2012 01409 VR 1981 03154 VR 1992 05804 VR 2012 01484 VR 2012 01485 VR 2012 01493 VR 2002 03976 VR 2012 01438 VR 2012 01439 VR 2012 01440 VR 1982 03917 1147 2012-06-27 NOXELL CORPORATION NYBORG-KERTEMINDE HANDELSSKOLE NYCOMED PHARMA AS NYT SYN A.M.B.A. OAO ALFA-BANK OAO ALFA-BANK OIL CONTROL S.P.A. OKI ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD. OLYMPIA-XENIA AGROINDUSTRIAL S.A. OMADA A/S ON HIGH PERFORMANCE SPORT- UND FASHION GMBH OP HOLDINGS LLC, A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY O OPEL EISENACH GMBH ORION CORPORATION OSCAR SCHALLER & CO. NACHF. OSPAG OSTERREICHISCHE SANITAR-, KERAMIKUND P O.T.- EUROPLY A/S PADBORG TRANSPORT COMPAGNI A/S PAIN JACQUET PAKONG PALL CORPORATION PALMERSTON LIMITED PALMERSTON LIMITED PALMERSTON LIMITED PARANOVA GROUP A/S PARKEN SPORT & ENTERTAINMENT A/S PARKER FILTRATION B.V. PARMALAT S.P.A. PASTEUR, INSTITUT PATHE MARQUES PELIKAN VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG PEPSICO, INC. PEPSICO, INC. PERNOD RICARD DENMARK A/S PETERSEN, JES HILFLING PFIZER ITALIA S.R.L. PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY LLC, A LIMITED LIAB PHARMATON S.A. PHARMAVEST APS PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. PINDSTRUP MOSEBRUG A/S PLANOVA SHOP SYSTEM A/S PLAY GROUP APS PLAZA URE & SMYKKER A/S PLR IP HOLDINGS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABI PLUM A/S POLO/LAUREN COMPANY, L.P., A LIMITED PARTNERSH PORZELLANFABRIK FRAUENTHAL GMBH POSTAL INSTANT PRESS, INC. POWER-FLEX APS PPG AC FRANCE PQZ.COM A/S PQZ.COM A/S PRECEPTOR PRIMO DANMARK A/S PROCOM A/S PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY, THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY, THE PROINFO A/S PROLOGO APS PROTAC A/S PROTAC A/S PROVACANCES APS PROVACANCES APS PROVACANCES APS PROVACANCES APS PROVACANCES APS P.T.A. - GROUP OY R. FÆRCH PLAST A/S RAMBØLL, HANNEMANN & HØJLUND A/S RAW FOOD & JUICE APS RAW FOOD & JUICE APS REGISTRERET REVISIONSAKTIESELSKAB DM REVISON RESTAURANT DEN GRIMME ÆLLING, ODENSE A/S RETAIL INVEST APS 1148 Dansk Varemærketidende VR 1967 02653 VR 2001 02653 VR 2001 04005 VR 2001 01534 VR 2001 04042 VR 2001 04045 VR 1991 01391 VR 1992 08047 VR 1981 02810 VR 2001 01523 VR 1981 01009 VR 1981 02876 VR 1991 03691 VR 1981 02665 VR 1991 01406 VR 1981 02941 VR 1971 02729 VR 1981 02809 VR 1990 02939 VR 2011 02805 VR 1992 10615 VR 2012 01499 VR 2012 01501 VR 2012 01502 VR 2001 03713 VR 2012 01459 VR 1971 02801 VR 1987 01237 VR 1972 03048 VR 1981 03008 VG 1961 00483 VR 2012 01461 VR 2012 01462 VR 1981 03086 VR 2001 02692 VR 1981 02707 VR 2001 04014 VR 1981 03170 VR 2001 04013 VR 2012 01490 VR 2012 01491 VR 1971 00704 VR 1981 03040 VR 2001 04038 VR 2001 01404 VR 1975 01454 VR 2012 01500 VR 2002 02604 VR 1996 00975 VR 1981 02627 VR 2001 01880 VR 1992 06207 VR 2001 01528 VR 2001 02231 VR 2012 01410 VR 1981 03085 VR 1991 06662 VR 1927 01298 VR 1967 03551 VR 1977 04146 VR 1977 04175 VR 1997 05288 VR 2012 01419 VR 2001 01111 VR 2012 01431 VR 2012 01432 VR 2012 01414 VR 2012 01415 VR 2012 01416 VR 2012 01417 VR 2012 01418 VR 1981 02538 VR 1981 02939 VR 2002 01581 VR 2012 01429 VR 2012 01472 VR 2001 00705 VR 1992 05082 VR 2012 01494 RETENTION AB REXNORD INDUSTRIES, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LI RICHEMONT INTERNATIONAL S.A. RIIS, CASPER RITEX AG KLEIDERFABRIK ZOFINGEN ROBLON A/S ROBLON A/S ROCKWOOL INTERNATIONAL A/S RODE, JACOB ROSEA HOLDING B.V. ROSENFELDT OG SUNDDAL HOLDING APS ROYAL GREENLAND A/S ROYAL UNIBREW A/S RØROS METALL AS R82 SAFEZONE 2000 SALAMANDER AG SALINS DU MIDI ET DES SALINES DE L'EST, COMPAG SANCHO TRADING S.L. SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LDT. SAS FALCONER CENTER S.C. JOHNSON & SON, INC. S.C. JOHNSON & SON INC. SCA PACKAGING DENMARK A/S SCANDLINES DANMARK A/S SCANDLINES DANMARK A/S SCANDLINES DANMARK A/S SCANDLINES ØRESUND I/S SCHAPER & BRUMMER GMBH & CO. KG SCHWEPPES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SEIKO EPSON KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS SHANGHAI FEIXUN COMMUNICATION CO., LTD. SHELL BRANDS INTERNATIONAL AG SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY, THE SIDI SPORT S.R.L. SIEMENS NIXDORF INFORMATIONSSYSTEME AG SIGMA-TAU INDUSTRIE FARMACEUTICHE RIUNITE S.P. SKAARUP, HENRIK SKAD SKANDINAVISK DATA CENTER A/S SKOV, ANE SOFIE SKOV, SV. ERIK KØCHER SMARTGUY A/S SMARTGUY A/S SMARTGUY A/S SMARTGUY A/S SMARTGUY A/S SMARTGUY A/S SMARTGUY A/S SMARTGUY A/S SMITHSKE, A/S DE SMS SIEMAG AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT SOCIETE BIC SOLO, A/S SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLSKIN APS SOLUTIA, INC. SONY CORPORATION SONY MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS AB SPECIALBUREAUET STADIUM AKTIEBOLAG STAFFORD-MILLER (IRELAND) LIMITED STANLEY BLACK & DECKER, INC. STYLEMARK EYEWEAR HOLDING B.V. SUD-CHEMIE IP GMBH & CO. KG SUD-CHEMIE IP GMBH & CO. KG SUD-CHEMIE IP GMBH & CO. KG SUD-CHEMIE IP GMBH & CO. KG SUD-CHEMIE IP GMBH & CO. KG SUD-CHEMIE IP GMBH & CO. KG SUD-CHEMIE IP GMBH & CO. KG SVENDBORG HOGHVEDE- OG HAVREMØLLE A/S SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG SYNOPTIK A/S VR 2001 04057 VR 1992 05882 VR 1991 06655 VR 2012 01407 VR 1981 03014 VR 1991 06443 VR 1991 06444 VR 2012 00280 VR 2012 01446 VR 1922 00578 VR 2010 02121 VR 1972 02145 VR 2012 00456 VR 2001 02119 VR 1991 06634 VR 2001 03484 VR 1991 06106 VR 1992 07317 VR 1981 02802 VR 2002 02824 VR 1991 06469 VR 1972 02318 VR 1981 02741 VR 1992 08083 VR 2001 01148 VR 2001 03684 VR 2001 03685 VR 2001 01115 VR 1991 06114 VR 1981 02558 VR 1992 07858 VR 2012 01468 VR 1981 03113 VR 1992 05085 VR 1992 09741 VR 1981 03133 VR 2012 01486 VR 1991 05786 VR 2012 00545 VR 1981 03243 VR 2012 01422 VR 2001 04064 VR 2005 01522 VR 2006 01473 VR 2007 00776 VR 2007 03473 VR 2009 03263 VR 2009 03264 VR 2009 03265 VR 2010 00915 VR 1981 02993 VR 1982 02875 VR 1992 06332 VR 2001 04009 VR 2012 01448 VR 2012 01449 VR 2012 01450 VR 2012 01452 VR 2012 01453 VR 2012 01454 VR 2012 01455 VR 2012 01456 VR 2012 01457 VR 2012 01458 VR 1962 01298 VR 1981 02974 VR 2011 02034 VR 2001 03755 VR 2001 02575 VR 1992 09763 VR 1992 04562 VR 2012 01430 VR 1979 02305 VR 1983 00517 VR 1983 01139 VR 1989 07222 VR 1994 02886 VR 1994 05637 VR 1995 02825 VR 1971 00583 VR 1991 02512 VR 1981 02821 Dansk Varemærketidende SYNOPTIK A/S SØRENSEN, LENE OVERGAARD TAISHO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED TANATEX IP B.V. TAPAS APS TCHIBO MARKENVERWALTUNGS GMBH & CO. KG TCHIBO MARKENVERWALTUNGS GMBH & CO. KG TCHIBO MARKENVERWALTUNGS GMBH & CO. KG TCHIBO MARKENVERWALTUNGS GMBH & CO. KG TCHIBO MARKENVERWALTUNGS GMBH & CO. KG TCHIBO MARKENVERWALTUNGS GMBH & CO. KG TDC A/S TEKNOLOGISK INNOVATION AS TELIA A/S TELIA A/S TELIA A/S TELIA A/S TELIASONERA AB TENAX SILD A/S THERMO KING CORPORATION THORN EUROPHANE THORUP, BIRGITTE TOMS GRUPPEN A/S TOP WINE CHILE S.A. TOPSI STRIK TRAFIKSELSKABET MOVIA TRAFIKSELSKABET MOVIA TRELLEBORG INDUSTRI AB TRUELINK A/S TRYG FORSIKRING A/S TRYG FORSIKRING A/S TRYG FORSIKRING A/S TV2/DANMARK A/S TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP, A LIMITED PARTNERSHI UMG RECORDINGS, INC. UNIK IT A/S UNITED MILLING SYSTEMS APS UNITRON SCANDINAVIA A/S VESLA A/S VESTAS WIND SYSTEMS A/S VESTAS WIND SYSTEMS A/S VESTERGAARD, GUNNAR VESTKYSTENS DISTRIKTSBLADE A/S VICTORIA JEWELS APS VITAL PETFOOD GROUP A/S VRÅ ANDEL A.M.B.A. WACOM CO., LTD WEATHER CHANNEL, LLC, THE WHITE CROSS / PRIORATET SCT. HANS WIIK & CO. A/S WINTHER MEDICO NATUR A/S WM. WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY WOLVERINE WORLD WIDE, INC. WULFF & JAKOBSEN I/S WYETH YAMAHA CORPORATION YONEX KABUSHIKI KAISHA YOPLAIT MARQUES INTERNATIONALES YX HOLDING AS ZENITH MØBLER A/S 15.JUNI FONDEN 3M COMPANY 3M COMPANY 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 3-STJERNET A/S 2012-06-27 VR 1981 03171 VR 2002 02105 VR 1992 06861 VR 1972 04050 VR 1981 02830 VR 2003 00951 VR 1972 02065 VR 1976 00764 VR 1978 00074 VR 1978 00075 VR 1983 03318 VR 1987 02817 VR 2001 02505 VR 2001 00689 VR 2002 02583 VR 2002 02584 VR 2002 02585 VR 2002 02586 VR 2012 01434 VR 1992 11136 VR 1972 02794 VR 1981 02888 VR 2012 01413 VR 1981 02755 VR 1992 06223 VR 1981 02623 VR 2001 01189 VR 2001 01190 VR 2001 01341 VR 2002 03217 VR 2012 01473 VR 2012 01474 VR 2012 01475 VR 2012 01487 VR 1992 09103 VR 1981 02896 VR 2001 01079 VR 1981 02897 VR 2002 02037 VR 2002 00368 VR 2001 04046 VR 2001 04047 VR 1991 01845 VR 2012 01405 VR 2011 02973 VR 2001 01827 VR 2001 04026 VR 1992 06302 VA 2012 01109 VR 2011 02450 VR 1971 02853 VR 1981 02904 VR 1981 02769 VR 1992 06586 VR 2012 01489 VR 1981 02768 VR 1981 03183 VR 1992 11410 VR 2001 04002 VR 2002 02448 VR 2001 01254 VR 2012 01408 VR 1962 01278 VR 1962 01314 VR 1981 04338 VR 1985 03777 VR 1989 02432 VR 1995 02038 VR 1996 06219 VR 1999 04827 VR 2001 04190 VR 2001 04191 VR 2003 02210 VR 2004 01267 VR 2004 01268 VR 2004 01269 VR 2004 02372 VR 2004 02863 VR 2008 01703 1149 Mærkeregister 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Mærkeregister Register over mærker offentliggjort som registreret i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk rækkefølge efter mærketekst (540) Mærke AA AAOsteel (fig) AG (fig) ALLEREACH (w) Aunetto (w) BERRISWEET (w) BioFair (w) Boligselskabet Nordkysten Espergærde - Helsingør Snekkersten - Ålsgårde (fig) Changing The Way We Eat (w) CHILITO (w) Clinique M (w) CONTEA confidence + teamwork (fig) Copenhagen WHITE CATS F.C. KØBENHAVN (fig) COSMOPOLITAN LODGE COPENHAGEN NO. 850 (fig) Dansende havmænd (w) DANTUNNEL (w) Den gode lykke (w) Den udødelige sjæl (w) Diplomleder (DIP) (w) DO THE DEW (w) Dorchester Collection (fig) ECCO MIND 1963 (fig) Encode Marketing (w) ESKIMO (w) EURARTESIM (w) EUROLUX INTERNATIONAL (w) E20 (w) FLOMAC (w) FLYING NURSES (fig) Fuerza del Sol (w) GACELL (fig) Gardenia Copenhagen (w) Gitter Fabrikken ApS alt i sikringsgitre (fig) GRAINTEC (fig) GroundMe (w) gs (fig) Guldåre (w) Gør Det Selv DIT HUS (fig) Harrahs (fig) Havfruens kys (w) Havfruesang (w) H.C. Andersen FESTFYRVÆRKERI www. hcaf.dk (fig) H.C. ´s havbrus (w) HealthLab (w) HERAX (w) Hexens Trolddrik (w) HIRTEN (w) Importcentrum (w) Isoex (w) JET TEC (fig) JOVESTO (w) Kaffenørd (w) KIGGEKAGE (w) KJOLEDRØMME Kjolen til prinsessen i os alle (fig) Klar Energi (fig) KNOFEDT MADE IN DENMARK (fig) KURBADET BY ILSE JACOBSEN (fig) Livsfabrikken (w) Mammutblok (w) MARKET (fig) Mountain Dew (fig) MyBaSe (w) NATURLI' (fig) NETTEKNIKER (fig) NOISE SENTINEL (w) Once (w) Op over havfladen (w) PANDORA BOX SYSTEM (w) PHICOMM (fig) Prinsens tanker (w) PROVACANCES exclusive pool villas (fig) 1150 (111) Reg. nr. VR 2012 01482 VR 2012 01507 VR 2012 01477 VR 2012 01437 VR 2012 01479 VR 2012 01509 VR 2012 01471 VR 2012 01472 VR 2012 01425 VR 2012 01423 VR 2012 01464 VR 2012 01459 VR 2012 01483 VR 2012 01455 VR 2012 01465 VR 2012 01457 VR 2012 01448 VR 2012 01481 VR 2012 01462 VR 2012 01503 VR 2012 01496 VR 2012 01404 VR 2012 01506 VR 2012 01486 VR 2012 01498 VR 2012 01405 VR 2012 01460 VR 2012 01488 VR 2012 01441 VR 2012 01442 VR 2012 01505 VR 2012 01508 VR 2012 01443 VR 2012 01432 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01504 VR 2012 01476 VR 2012 01492 VR 2012 01458 VR 2012 01454 VR 2012 01494 VR 2012 01456 VR 2012 01406 VR 2012 01426 VR 2012 01449 VR 2012 01402 VR 2012 01428 VR 2012 01411 VR 2012 01469 VR 2012 01493 VR 2012 01413 VR 2012 01497 VR 2012 01478 VR 2012 01470 VR 2012 01480 VR 2012 01466 VR 2012 01451 VR 2012 01424 VR 2012 01420 VR 2012 01461 VR 2012 01431 VR 2012 01444 VR 2012 01445 VR 2012 01435 VR 2012 01447 VR 2012 01453 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01468 VR 2012 01450 VR 2012 01416 PROVACANCES never ending lavender fields (fig) PROVACANCES premier cru holidays (fig) PROVACANCES sublime wineexperiences (fig) PROVACANCES tasty olives and culinary foods (fig) Psycare (w) RB (fig) RECON (w) RED WOLF (w) Roctapro (w) Rode bath (w) Roser af guld (w) rög Tobacco the Scandinavian way (fig) rög Tobacco the Scandinavian way (fig) SANDBIRD (w) Scanlab (w) ShareOffice (w) TELIA TOUCHPOINT (w) The Mad Hatter Bubble Tea Emporium (w) TIAMELSID (w) TIASIMELPINE (w) TRYGHEDSGUIDEN (w) TRYGHEDSMAPPEN (w) TRYGHEDSPROFILEN (w) Turocate (w) TV2 play (fig) Tyggegummi Eventyr (w) Typon (w) VækstDrive (fig) Wind Turbine Platform Cranes (w) Wingu (w) Zonovate (w) 100 MÆND DU SKAL KNALDE FØR DU DØR (w) 15. Juni Fonden (w) 3BASIS (w) 3FORDEL (w) 3MOBILAFTALE (w) 42 RAW (fig) VR 2012 01414 VR 2012 01418 VR 2012 01417 VR 2012 01415 VR 2012 01463 VR 2012 01500 VR 2012 01410 VR 2012 01412 VR 2012 01438 VR 2012 01446 VR 2012 01452 VR 2012 01490 VR 2012 01491 VR 2012 01407 VR 2012 01433 VR 2012 01489 VR 2012 01434 VR 2012 01436 VR 2012 01484 VR 2012 01485 VR 2012 01474 VR 2012 01475 VR 2012 01473 VR 2012 01440 VR 2012 01487 VR 2012 01421 VR 2012 01495 VR 2012 01467 VR 2012 01409 VR 2012 01419 VR 2012 01439 VR 2012 01422 VR 2012 01408 VR 2012 01502 VR 2012 01501 VR 2012 01499 VR 2012 01429 Klasseregister Dansk Varemærketidende Varemærker og fællesmærker Klasseregister Register over mærker off. som registreret i dette tidende angivet efter klasse (551) Klasse 01 01 02 03 03 03 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 (111) Reg. nr. VR 2012 01480 VR 2012 01509 VR 2012 01469 VR 2012 01480 VR 2012 01500 VR 2012 01509 VR 2012 01438 VR 2012 01439 VR 2012 01440 VR 2012 01460 VR 2012 01484 VR 2012 01485 VR 2012 01486 VR 2012 01493 VR 2012 01500 VR 2012 01482 VR 2012 01506 VR 2012 01508 VR 2012 01409 VR 2012 01412 VR 2012 01442 VR 2012 01482 VR 2012 01506 VR 2012 01482 VR 2012 01506 VR 2012 01412 VR 2012 01420 VR 2012 01421 VR 2012 01426 VR 2012 01434 VR 2012 01435 VR 2012 01442 VR 2012 01445 VR 2012 01468 VR 2012 01470 VR 2012 01476 VR 2012 01499 VR 2012 01501 VR 2012 01502 VR 2012 01508 VR 2012 01431 VR 2012 01432 VR 2012 01488 VR 2012 01412 VR 2012 01470 VR 2012 01428 VR 2012 01437 VR 2012 01494 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01407 VR 2012 01478 VR 2012 01482 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01420 VR 2012 01421 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01459 VR 2012 01469 VR 2012 01476 VR 2012 01477 VR 2012 01483 VR 2012 01497 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01407 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01424 VR 2012 01508 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01431 VR 2012 01432 21 21 21 21 22 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 2012-06-27 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01446 VR 2012 01480 VR 2012 01498 VR 2012 01409 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01403 VR 2012 01407 VR 2012 01427 VR 2012 01459 VR 2012 01466 VR 2012 01478 VR 2012 01496 VR 2012 01503 VR 2012 01505 VR 2012 01506 VR 2012 01483 VR 2012 01402 VR 2012 01429 VR 2012 01444 VR 2012 01447 VR 2012 01472 VR 2012 01413 VR 2012 01436 VR 2012 01444 VR 2012 01447 VR 2012 01448 VR 2012 01449 VR 2012 01450 VR 2012 01452 VR 2012 01453 VR 2012 01454 VR 2012 01455 VR 2012 01456 VR 2012 01457 VR 2012 01458 VR 2012 01466 VR 2012 01472 VR 2012 01479 VR 2012 01497 VR 2012 01504 VR 2012 01447 VR 2012 01448 VR 2012 01449 VR 2012 01450 VR 2012 01452 VR 2012 01453 VR 2012 01454 VR 2012 01455 VR 2012 01456 VR 2012 01457 VR 2012 01458 VR 2012 01479 VR 2012 01504 VR 2012 01429 VR 2012 01436 VR 2012 01448 VR 2012 01449 VR 2012 01450 VR 2012 01452 VR 2012 01453 VR 2012 01454 VR 2012 01455 VR 2012 01456 VR 2012 01457 VR 2012 01458 VR 2012 01461 VR 2012 01462 VR 2012 01479 VR 2012 01425 VR 2012 01441 VR 2012 01490 VR 2012 01491 VR 2012 01507 VR 2012 01405 VR 2012 01410 VR 2012 01414 VR 2012 01415 VR 2012 01416 VR 2012 01417 VR 2012 01418 VR 2012 01425 VR 2012 01426 VR 2012 01433 VR 2012 01434 1151 2012-06-27 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 1152 Dansk Varemærketidende VR 2012 01435 VR 2012 01464 VR 2012 01465 VR 2012 01467 VR 2012 01487 VR 2012 01488 VR 2012 01489 VR 2012 01503 VR 2012 01504 VR 2012 01408 VR 2012 01414 VR 2012 01415 VR 2012 01416 VR 2012 01417 VR 2012 01418 VR 2012 01428 VR 2012 01464 VR 2012 01471 VR 2012 01473 VR 2012 01474 VR 2012 01475 VR 2012 01489 VR 2012 01499 VR 2012 01411 VR 2012 01437 VR 2012 01443 VR 2012 01465 VR 2012 01470 VR 2012 01471 VR 2012 01473 VR 2012 01474 VR 2012 01475 VR 2012 01489 VR 2012 01508 VR 2012 01434 VR 2012 01435 VR 2012 01487 VR 2012 01495 VR 2012 01499 VR 2012 01501 VR 2012 01502 VR 2012 01428 VR 2012 01482 VR 2012 01405 VR 2012 01406 VR 2012 01408 VR 2012 01410 VR 2012 01421 VR 2012 01422 VR 2012 01426 VR 2012 01433 VR 2012 01459 VR 2012 01465 VR 2012 01467 VR 2012 01476 VR 2012 01477 VR 2012 01481 VR 2012 01487 VR 2012 01488 VR 2012 01492 VR 2012 01495 VR 2012 01497 VR 2012 01501 VR 2012 01502 VR 2012 01404 VR 2012 01408 VR 2012 01414 VR 2012 01419 VR 2012 01434 VR 2012 01435 VR 2012 01437 VR 2012 01443 VR 2012 01478 VR 2012 01495 VR 2012 01415 VR 2012 01416 VR 2012 01417 VR 2012 01418 VR 2012 01429 VR 2012 01436 VR 2012 01472 VR 2012 01492 VR 2012 01503 VR 2012 01406 VR 2012 01423 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 VR 2012 01451 VR 2012 01463 VR 2012 01466 VR 2012 01477 VR 2012 01488 VR 2012 01500 VR 2012 01413 VR 2012 01464 VR 2012 01471 VR 2012 01473 VR 2012 01474 VR 2012 01475 VR 2012 01483 VR 2012 01508 Offentliggørelse af internationale registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende 2012-06-27 Internationale registreringer Offentliggørelse af registreringer (111) Reg. nr.: MP152671 Indsigelsesfristen udløber 2 måneder fra dato, jf. §23 i bekendtgørelse nr. 1264 af 23 december 1996 (730) Indehaver: Wasserfallag AG, 39, Kirchstrasse, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dannenberg, Weinhold Gudel, Schubert Patentanwälte, 39, Grosse Eschenheimer Strasse, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (740/750) National fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 07: Machines and machine tools, namely drilling and cutting tools, namely circular saws, milling cutters, rotary cutters, twist drills and center drills. (511) Klasse 08: Hand tools and implements (hand-operated), namely drilling and cutting tools, namely circular saws, milling cutters, rotary cutters, twist drills and center drills. (511) Klasse 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, namely drilling and cutting tools, namely circular saws, milling cutters, rotary cutters, twist drills and center drills. (800) International registreringsdato: 1951-03-27 Gazette No.: 46/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP135290 (800) Design. dato: 2011-03-28 MEOPTA (730) Indehaver: Meopta Prerov, a.s., Kabelíkova 1, CZ-750 58 Prerov, Tjekkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: HALAXOVÁ & HALAXOVÁ, TETRAPAT RNDr. Zdenka Halaxová, Dukelská 891/4, CZ-772 00 Olomouc, Tjekkiet (511) Klasse 09: Apparatus and machines, especially apparatus with optical fittings and their parts, photographic cameras and their parts and accessories of all kinds, especially photographic cameras used for exposures and enlargement of all kinds and their parts and accessories, cinematographic apparatus and installations, especially simple, semi-automatic and automatic motion picture cameras and their parts and accessories, panoramic cameras, photographic equipment, installations and accessories of all sorts, especially stands, mask installations for enlargers, devices for focusing, airbrushes for retouching photographs, projection apparatus and installations, their parts and accessories of all kinds, simple and automatic motion picture cameras, episcopes, epidiascopes, apparatus and devices for recording and reproducing sound and their parts and accessories, observation apparatus and installations, especially measuring devices and their parts and accessories, especially telescopes and periscopes of all kinds and astronomical apparatus and installations, measuring and recording apparatus, equipment and installations of all kinds and for all purposes, especially mechanical and optical tachometers, range finders, photometers, colorimeters, polarization and spectral apparatus and equipment, interferometers, spherometers, X-ray spectrometers, refractometers and their parts and accessories, topographic apparatus, equipment and installations of all kinds, especially directional compasses, tachometers, stereo tachographs, stereoplanigraphs, triangulators and measuring equipment, theodolites, levelling apparatus, kine-theodolites and their parts and accessories, photogrammetric apparatus of all kinds, especially plotting apparatus, stereocomparators and stereoscopes, their parts and accessories, apparatus, instruments and installations of all kinds, physical and medical, for use in laboratories, especially trichinoscopes, microscopes, microtomes, analytical weighing scales, their parts and accessories, apparatus, instruments and installations for signaling of all kinds and their parts and accessories, acoustic apparatus, instruments and installations and their parts and accessories, measuring apparatus, equipment and installations of all kinds for workshops, especially micrometers, indicator and optical apparatus for measuring lengths, reference gages, calipers, hairline scales, workshop microscopes, profile spotlights and their parts and accessories, regulating installations, especially for machines, apparatus, mechanical installations, precision mechanical engineering and optical goods of all kinds and their parts, optical apparatus and installations for telegraphy and telephony and their parts and accessories, optical articles of all kinds, especially simple and compound lenses, objectives, prisms, mirrors, reflectors, filters, capacitors, gun laying plates, plane parallel plates. (511) Klasse 10: Ophthalmoscopes and endoscopes and their parts and accessories; medical apparatus, instruments and installations of all kinds for use in laboratories. (511) Klasse 11: Lighting apparatus, instruments and installations of all kinds and their parts and accessories. (800) International registreringsdato: 1948-03-09 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-03-28 ILIX (111) Reg. nr.: MP247773 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-26 FIXPENCIL (730) Indehaver: CARAN D'ACHE S.A., Chemin du Foron 19, CH-1226 THÔNEX, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: MICHELI & CIE SA, Rue de Genève 122, Case postale 61, CH-1226 Thônex-Genève, Schweiz (511) Klasse 16: Pencil lead holders, black leads, color leads, copying ink leads and indelible ink leads, pencils. (800) International registreringsdato: 1961-09-23 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP452283 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-03 NOVAL (730) Indehaver: Baumann Hüppe AG, Zugerstrasse 162, CH-8820 Wädenswil, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Troesch Scheidegger Werner AG, Schwäntenmos 14, CH-8126 Zumikon, Schweiz (511) Klasse 06: Slatted blinds of metal. (511) Klasse 19: Slatted blinds for exterior use (not of metal or textile). (800) International registreringsdato: 1980-03-28 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP516652 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-13 (730) Indehaver: LEOPOLD KOSTAL GMBH & Co KG, Wiesenstrasse 47, 58507 LÜDENSCHEID, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Dörner, Kötter & Kollegen, Körnerstraße 27, 58095 Hagen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Plug-in connectors consisting essentially of sockets and plugs; electric switches, particularly electro-mechanical switches, flasher units, fuse boxes, safety fuses, electric conductors, connections for electric lines, also with earthing contacts; relays, current distribution apparatus; electronic apparatus, particularly cut-off apparatus, control apparatus and protection apparatus for circuits. (800) International registreringsdato: 1987-09-30 Gazette No.: 49/2011 1153 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP535657 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-04-29 (111) Reg. nr.: MP727740/1 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-28 (730) Indehaver: FRANZ SCHNEIDER GMBH & Co KG, Siemensstrasse 13-19, 96465 NEUSTADT, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Huss, Flosdorff & Partner GbR, Patentanwälte, Alleestraße 33, D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 28: Toys, particularly rocking animals and animals for pulling, pedal vehicles for children as well as their trailers, tank trucks, diggers, ladders, silos, rope winches, snow ploughs, brooms, vehicles for milk tanks; carts and trolleys for pushing and pulling for children; games. (800) International registreringsdato: 1989-04-07 Gazette No.: 39/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP551771 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-18 EPIOTIC (730) Indehaver: VIRBAC S.A., 1ére Avenue, 2065m, L.I.D., F-06516 CARROS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products; dietetic products for medical use; disinfectants; preparations for destroying weeds and vermin. (800) International registreringsdato: 1990-03-21 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP584486 (800) Design. dato: 2011-03-29 Hewing (730) Indehaver: HEWING GMBH, 3, Waldstrasse, 48607 OCHTRUP, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BRANN AB, Box 12246, SE-102 26 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Klasse 06: Parts of metal or of metal joined with plastic or rubber for heating installations and industrial water and waste water installations (except parts for vehicles), namely tubes, shaped parts, couplings, assembly and distribution armatures and fittings, clamp flanges; wall fastening elements, fastening elements for tubes and cables, brackets; washers, mounting accessories, namely pipe brackets, clips, wall clamps and male connectors, screws and nuts. (511) Klasse 11: Siphon traps, radiators, radiator caps, heating elements, solar collectors of metal and/or plastic; heating cables. (511) Klasse 17: Tubes and connectors of plastic or rubber, or of those materials joined with metal, for heating installations and for industrial water and waste-water installations; tubes of organic raw material as semi-finished goods; finished goods of synthetic material intended for thermal insulation and for heating installations, namely insulating sheets and panels, insulating tape, insulating elements for laying sheets and tubes; gaskets. (511) Klasse 19: Finished goods of synthetic material intended for thermal insulation and heating installations, namely façade plates, mounting plates and slides for fastening and laying cables and heating tubes. (511) Klasse 20: Parts of plastic or rubber, or of plastic or rubber joined with metal, for heating installations and industrial water and waste-water installations, namely shaped parts, assembly and distribution armatures and fittings; fastening elements for tubes and cables; brackets. (800) International registreringsdato: 1991-10-29 Gazette No.: 45/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP709322 (800) Design. dato: 2011-01-13 FEMI PLUS (730) Indehaver: Dipl. Ing. Gerhard Emrich, 32, Parkgasse, A-7304 Großwarasdorf, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Rudolf Schaller Rechtsanwalt, Hauptplatz 9/2/13, A-7350 Oberpullendorf, Østrig (511) Klasse 05: Dietetic preparations namely nutritional supplements for medical use. (800) International registreringsdato: 1999-03-04 Gazette No.: 44/2011 1154 (730) Indehaver: Saltsjön's Båtprodukter, Strandpromenaden 79, S-13150 Saltsjö-Duvnäs, Sverige (511) Klasse 02: Preservatives against deterioration of wood. (511) Klasse 03: Detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes; polishing wax; bleaching preparations for laundry cleaning) use. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-28 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP761230 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-27 PHYTO CHOC (730) Indehaver: LABORATOIRE NUXE, 19 rue Péclet, F-75015 PARIS, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Cabinet Sueur & L''Helgoualch Conseils en Propriété Industrielle, Le Centralis, 63 avenue du Général Leclerc, F-92340 Bourg-la-Reine, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Cosmetics, perfumes, eaux de toilette, eau-de-Cologne, essential oils, soaps, cleansing milk, deodorants for personal use; creams, gels, milks, lotions, masks, pomades, powders and cosmetic preparations for skin care; sunscreen products, cosmetic suntan preparations; depilatory products, hair sprays and lotions, shampoos, after-shave lotions, nail polish; cosmetic preparations for baths; make-up, foundation, make-up and make-up removing products. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-06-25 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP776521 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-18 ESTROKAD (730) Indehaver: Dr. Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH, Rigistrasse 2, 12277 Berlin, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH, Rigistrasse 2, 12277 Berlin, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Medicine; pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances and food supplements adapted for medical use; all aforementioned goods on the basis of plant substances, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, with the addition of amino acids and fatty acids, fish oil, cod liver oil or containing one or more of these ingredients separately or combined. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-10-17 Gazette No.: 49/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP804963 (800) Design. dato: 2011-05-05 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP869735 (800) Design. dato: 2009-05-22 RESPIRA (730) Indehaver: FUJIAN GUANDAXING WUJINZHIPIN YOUXIANGONGSI, Shichuangongyequ, Chidianzhen, CN-362200 Jinjiang, Fujian, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: FUJIAN LONGER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SERVICE CO., LTD., Unit C1D1B2, the Eighth Storey, Post Office Build., No. 458 Xianyue Road, Siming District, 361004 Xiamen, Fujian Province, Kina (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, covers for clothing, furniture of metal, coatstands, showcases (furniture), sofas, infant walkers, carts for computers, deck chairs, cabinet work. (800) International registreringsdato: 2003-06-24 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (730) Indehaver: GEOX Spa, Via Feltrina Centro 16, I-31044 BIADENE DI MONTEBELLUNA (TV), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. MODIANO & ASSOCIATI S.p.A., Via Meravigli, 16, I-20123 MILANO, Italien (511) Klasse 18: Bags, shoulder bags, satchels, rucksacks, sports bags (not included in other classes); suitcases, pouches; purses and wallets, including card cases (notecases), moneybelts, purses and shoulder holsters (holsters on shoulder straps); clothes covers (travelling bags). (511) Klasse 20: Sleeping bags for camping; clothes covers (wardrobes); air pillows and air mattresses, not for medical purposes. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear; shirts, trousers, sleeveless jackets, coats, blousons windbreaker jackets, sports clothing; cyclist's clothing, cycling shorts; clothing for racing cyclists, trousers for racing cyclists, jerseys for racing cyclists; underwear; aerodynamic outfits; waterproof clothing, waterproof outfits, waterproof coats, waterproof trousers, waterproof ponchos, waterproof boots, rain hats; gloves (clothing), gloves for cyclists and gloves for racing cyclists; socks; sports footwear, footwear for racing cyclists, cyclist's shoes, hiking shoes; rubber overshoes; caps, bonnets, bandanas. (800) International registreringsdato: 2009-05-22 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP881507 (111) Reg. nr.: MP811444 TOPAZ (730) Indehaver: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, 80333 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 41: Vocational training and advanced training, organisation and implementation of seminars; the aforementioned services refer in particular to university graduates who are already linked with a company during their studies. (800) International registreringsdato: 2003-09-12 Gazette No.: 46/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP833475 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-15 (800) Design. dato: 2010-08-04 St. AMANDUS (730) Indehaver: Obshchestvo s ogranitchennoi otvetstvennostyou "Aleksandrovy pogreba", str. 25, 79a, Altufyevskoye Sh., RU-127410 Moscou, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (800) International registreringsdato: 2005-08-24 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-14 LA CROISADE (730) Indehaver: L.G.I. (Société par Actions Simplifiée), 44, rue de Strasbourg, F-11000 CARCASSONNE, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET BEAU DE LOMENIE, 232 avenue du Prado, F-13295 MARSEILLE CEDEX 08, Frankrig (511) Klasse 33: Wines. (800) International registreringsdato: 2004-07-23 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP853745 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-18 (730) Indehaver: Open-Type Joint Stock Company "ROT FRONT", 2-oy Novokuznetskiy pereulok, d. 13/15, RU-113184 Moscow, Russiske Føderation ; Commander Holding BV, New Yorkstraat 50, NL-1175 RD LIJNDEN, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Rodina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Company Limited "Obhedinennye Konditery" Legal Department, 2-oy Novokuznetskiy pereulok, d. 13/15, RU-115184 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffe; flour and preparations made from cereals, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. (800) International registreringsdato: 2004-09-22 Gazette No.: 52/2011 1155 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP901751 (111) Reg. nr.: MP887007 (800) Design. dato: 2011-04-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-14 SPHERE (730) Indehaver: SPHERE, 3 rue Scheffer, F-75116 PARIS, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BREMA-LOYER, Le Centralis -, 63 Avenue du Général Leclerc, F-92340 BOURG LA REINE, Frankrig (511) Klasse 01: Artificial resins and unprocessed plastics. (511) Klasse 06: Foils of aluminium or aluminium alloy, for wrapping or cooking food, with or without surface treatment, combined or not with at least one sheet of plastic material; metal packaging containers; small containers of aluminium or aluminium alloy; aluminium foil rolls. (511) Klasse 16: Wrapping paper, as foil or in rolls, greaseproof paper and paper for cooking; paper or plastic bags, bin liners, rubble bags, plastic bin liners, ice cube bags, freezer bags; bags for microwave cooking; films for contact with foodstuffs; plastic materials for packaging. (511) Klasse 17: Plastic films, self-adhesive stretch films; semi-processed plastics. (511) Klasse 20: Small plastic containers. (511) Klasse 21: Paper and metal foil dispensers, paper or plastic bag dispensers for household and kitchen use, dishes, plates, small containers, moulds and household or kitchen containers, made of plastic; containers for making ice cubes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-03-08 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP918273 (730) Indehaver: Miratech Corporation Ltd, 41 Nauki Ave., Kiev 03028, Ukraine (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Kobzaruk Kostyantyn Stepanovich, P.O. 194, Post Box 92, Kyiv 03194, Ukraine (511) Klasse 09: Phonograph records; sound recording discs; adding machines; amplifiers; money counting and sorting machines; tape recorders; magnetic tapes; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; conductors, electric; regulating apparatus, electric; monitoring apparatus, electric; photocopiers (photographic, electrostatic, thermic); electric apparatus for commutation; record players; distribution boards (electricity); distribution consoles (electricity); measuring apparatus; measuring devices, electric; control panels (electricity); connections, electric; couplings, electric; transmitters of electronic signals; transmitting sets (telecommunication); sound recording strips; high-frequency apparatus; radios; data processing apparatus; intercommunication apparatus; computer memories; microphones; computers; laptop computers; computer programmes, recorded; radiotelegraphy sets; radar apparatus; telephone apparatus; teaching apparatus; sound transmitting apparatus; sound reproduction apparatus; remote control apparatus; telephone transmitters; transmitters (telecommunication); disks (magnetic); floppy disks; video recorders; computer keyboards; integrated circuits; semi-conductors; chips (integrated circuits); word processors; amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only; bar code readers; wafers (silicon slices); compact discs (audio-video); compact discs (read-only memory); computer operating programs, recorded; computer peripheral devices; computer software (recorded); acoustic couplers; interfaces (for computers); magnetic data media; microprocessors; monitors (computer programs); optical data media; optical discs; central processing units (processors); readers (data processing equipment); scanners (data processing equipment); notebook computers; computer programs (downloadable software). (511) Klasse 35: Business management assistance; business inquiries; dissemination of advertising matter; photocopying; office machines and equipment rental; statistical information; business management consultancy; direct mail advertising; commercial or industrial management assistance; document reproduction; efficiency experts; marketing studies; business appraisals; business investigations; business organization consultancy; advertising; publicity; business research; transcription; professional business consultancy; economic forecasting; business information; sales promotion (for others); compilation of information into computer databases; systemization of information into computer databases. (511) Klasse 38: Communications by computer terminals; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic mail; information about telecommunication; rental of message sending apparatus; communications by fiber optic networks; communications by telephone; cellular telephone communication; rental of telecommunication equipment. (511) Klasse 42: Copyright management; litigation services; technical project studies; legal research; computer rental; computer programming; mechanical research; computer software design; consultancy in the field of computer hardware; licensing of intellectual property; quality control; rental of computer software; intellectual property consultancy; recovery of computer data; maintenance of computer software; computer systems analysis; surveying; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media. (800) International registreringsdato: 2005-02-09 Gazette No.: 47/2011 1156 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-21 MEN AGRESSIA (730) Indehaver: Yevhenii POLODIUK, Raisa LUKASHCHUK, Grechanogo str., 39 A, Chernivtsy 58021, Ukraine (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Mrs. ZINAIDA REZNYTSKA, p/b # 300, Kyiv 03055, Ukraine (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-22 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1020743 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-10 NATURELLE D''ORIENT (730) Indehaver: FINANCIERE BATTEUR, Avenue du Général de Gaulle, F-14200 HEROUVILLE SAINT CLAIR, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Denis LE GUEN - CABINET LE GUEN MAILLET, 5 place Newquay - BP 70250, F-35802 DINARD CEDEX, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Cosmetic products, toiletries and body hygiene products, soaps, shower gels, bubble baths, bath salts and bath pearls, hair lotions, shampoos, perfumes, toilet water, deodorants for personal use, essential oils. (511) Klasse 18: Leather goods, rucksacks, handbags, bags designed to contain toiletries. (800) International registreringsdato: 2009-08-03 Gazette No.: 43/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1031667 (800) Design. dato: 2010-01-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1038183 GSRD (730) Indehaver: Facton Ltd., Strawinskylaan 3105, NL-1077 ZX Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Novagraaf Nederland B.V., Hogehilweg 3, NL-1101 CA AMSTERDAM ZUIDOOST, Holland (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; trunks and travelling bags, rucksacks, bags, pocket wallets, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear, belts (clothing). (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2009-08-27 BX 1187338 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-01-27 Gazette No.: 51/2011 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2010-02-25 Ideal-Fit (730) Indehaver: PAUL HARTMANN AG, Paul-Hartmann-Str. 12, 89522 Heidenheim, Tyskland (740/750) National fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Partnere, Øster Allé 42, 6., 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Disinfectants; napkins, absorbent napkins essentially consisting of paper, cellulose or other fibrous structures, all these goods disposable; all the above goods for the incontinence care. (511) Klasse 10: Suture materials. (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-02-25 Gazette No.: 19/2010 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1047655 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1034474 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-05 (730) Indehaver: Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu "NOVLINE", Office 301, administrativniy korpus, ul. Moscovskaya, G. Shchelkovo, RU-141112 Moscovskaya oblast, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Sergey A. Zuykov, Olga V. Plyasunova, attention of Sergey A. Zuykov, P.O. Box 165, RU-129110 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 12: Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; automobiles; luggage carriers for vehicles; ski carriers for cars; crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines; head-rests for vehicle seats; vehicle covers (shaped); anti-dazzle devices for vehicles; sun-blinds adapted for automobiles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; reversing alarms for vehicles; safety seats for children, for vehicles; seat covers for vehicles; mudguards. (511) Klasse 17: Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal; shock absorbing buffers of rubber; plastic fibers (fibres), not for textile use; vulcanized fiber (fibre); synthetic rubber; gum, raw or partly processed; stops of rubber; plastic substances, semi-processed; plastic film other than for wrapping; anti-dazzle films for windows (tinted films); clutch linings; artificial resins (semi-finished products). (511) Klasse 27: wall hangings (non-textile); automobile carpets; non-slip mats; mats of woven rope for ski slopes. (511) Klasse 37: Building construction; repair; installation services; car wash; vehicle wash; rustproofing; anti-rust treatment for vehicles; vehicle maintenance; vehicle polishing; repair of security locks; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle repair; vehicle lubrication (greasing); vehicle service stations (refuelling and maintenance); vehicle cleaning. (591) Farvetekst: White, red and blue. (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-02-11 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1037554 (800) Design. dato: 2012-04-10 (800) Design. dato: 2011-05-17 (730) Indehaver: Fujian Powerland Leather Case & Products Co.,Ltd., Hushi Industrial Zone, Xiuyu District, Putian City, Fujian Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: FUJIAN LONGER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SERVICE CO., LTD., Unit C1D1B2, the Eighth Storey, Post Office Build., No. 458 Xianyue Road, Siming District, 361012 Xianmen, Fujian Province, Kina (511) Klasse 18: Imitation leather; purses; travelling bags; rucksacks; trimmings of leather for furniture; handbags; fur; umbrellas; canes; clothing for pets. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing; layettes (clothing); swimsuits; football shoes; shoes; neckties; leather belts (clothing); hats; hosiery; gloves (clothing). (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-07-28 Gazette No.: 18/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1050533 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-21 ESLI (730) Indehaver: Bayko Dmitriy Valentinovich, kv. 12, d. 90, ul. Gor'kogo, 230015 Grodno, Hviderusland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Elena N. Beliaeva, d. 23, of. 55, pl. Svobody, 220030 Minsk, Hviderusland (511) Klasse 25: Hosiery, underwear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-07-13 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (730) Indehaver: ALGEA AS, Omagata 78, N-6516 Kristiansund, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BUGNION S.p.A., Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 83, I-00185 ROME, Italien (511) Klasse 05: Food supplements with seaweeds for nutritional purposes for humans and animals; nutritional supplement ingredients and dietetic food supplement ingredients. (800) International registreringsdato: 2009-11-10 Gazette No.: 47/2011 1157 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1051500 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-13 (730) Indehaver: ONTIME LOGISTICS AS, Postboks 63 Haugenstua, N-0915 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, P.O. Box 7007 M, N-0306 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 36: Goods, fire and life insurance underwriting for goods or persons under transportation. (511) Klasse 37: Maintenance and repair of vehicles or other objects used in connection with transportation of persons or goods. (511) Klasse 39: Transport; packaging and storage of goods; freight forwarding, car transport, car rental, boat transport, rental of storage containers, river transport, packaging of goods, air transport, removal services, freight (shipping of goods), freight distribution of general cargo and quantity goods, garage rental, international transport, railway transport, refrigerator van and refrigerator ship transport, vehicle and coach rental, barge transport, air transport, warehousing, transporting furniture, passenger transport, rescue operations (transport), marine transport, chauffeur services, ship brokerage, forwarding of goods, traffic information, transit services, transportation information, transport brokerage, transport reservation, delivery of goods and parcels, rental of warehouses, delivery of goods by mail order, armored-car transport. (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-04-29 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1057693 (800) Design. dato: 2010-09-30 Bake-King (730) Indehaver: Enteco International Besloten Vennootschap, Hofstraat 57, NL-7607 AC ALMELO, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: St. Center Tone Consultancy, Postbus 12063, NL-3004 GB Rotterdam, Holland (511) Klasse 35: Business mediation for the buying and selling of bread, pastry, confectionery and raw materials for the bakery. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-03-31 BX 1200519 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-09-30 Gazette No.: 47/2010 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1063826 (800) Design. dato: 2009-10-02 (730) Indehaver: RECRUIT CO., LTD., 4-17, Ginza 8-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8001, Japan (740/750) International fuldmægtig: TACHIBANA, Tetsuo c/o Tachibana International Patent Office, 3F, YKB Ensign Building, 28-4, Yotsuya 4-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan (511) Klasse 09: Ear plugs; processed glass (not for building); electric arc welding machines; electric metal cutting machines (by arc, gas or plasma); electric welding apparatus; ozonisers (ozonators); electrolysers (electrolytic cells); egg-candlers; blueprint apparatus; cash registers; coin counting or sorting machines; electric sign boards for displaying target figures, current outputs or the like; photo-copying machines; drawing or drafting instruments and apparatus; time and date stamping machines; time clocks (time recording devices); punched card office machines; voting machines; postage stamp checking apparatus; vending machines; gasoline station equipment; coinoperated gates for car parking facilities; life saving apparatus and equipment; fire extinguishers; fire hydrants; fire hose nozzles; sprinkler systems for fire protection; fire alarms; gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; protective helmets; railway signal apparatus, luminous or mechanical; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; luminous or mechanical road signs; diving machines and apparatus (not for sports); arcade games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electric door openers; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; sports training simulators; laboratory apparatus and instruments; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; measuring or testing machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; electric buzzers; telecommunication devices and apparatus; mobile phone straps: electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes; fire boats; rockets; fire engines; cigar lighters for automobiles; gloves for protection against accidents; dust masks; gas masks; welding masks; fireproof garments; spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); consumer games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; weight belts (for scuba diving); inflatable swimming floats; protective helmets for sports; air tanks (for scuba diving); swimming flutter boards; regulators (for scuba diving); sound recorded magnetic cards, sheets and tapes; recorded compact discs; phonograph records; metronomes; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; downloadable music files; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications; downloadable images and videos; downloadable game programs for consumer games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; downloadable game programs for arcade games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; downloadable computer game programs; downloadable game programs for cellular phone; downloadable music; downloadable computer programs; downloadable electronic publications. (511) Klasse 16: Pastes and other adhesives for stationery or household purposes; sealing wax; printers'' reglets (interline leads); printing types; addressing machines; ink ribbons; automatic stamp affixing machines; electric staplers for offices; envelope sealing machines for offices; stamp obliterating machines; drawing instruments; typewriters; checkwriters; mimeographs; relief duplicators; paper shredders (for office use); franking machines (stamping machines); rotary duplicators; marking templates; electric pencil sharpeners; decorators'' paintbrushes; babies'' diapers of paper; industrial packaging containers of paper; food wrapping plastic film for household use; garbage bags of paper (for household use); garbage bags of plastics (for household use); paper patterns; tailors'' chalk; banners of paper; flags of paper; hygienic hand towels of paper; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; baggage tags; printed lottery tickets (other than toys); table cloths of paper; paper and cardboard; stationery and study materials; printed matter; paintings and calligraphic works; photographs; photograph stands. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and publicity services and providing the information pertinent thereto; distributing commercial samples and providing the information pertinent thereto; issuance and management of coupon tickets for sale promotion of goods and provision promotion of services and providing the information pertinent thereto; issuance and management and settlement of point accumulation type cards for sales or business promotion and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for planning and practicing sale promotion of goods and provision promotion of services and providing the information pertinent thereto; issuance of trading stamps and providing the information pertinent thereto; business management analysis or business management consultancy and providing the information pertinent thereto; management of operations and providing the information pertinent thereto; guidance and consultancy of personnel affairs and labor management and recruiting activities of companies and providing the information pertinent thereto; aptitude tests for personnel affairs management of companies and providing the information pertinent thereto; marketing research and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on commodity sales; agencies and mediation and intermediation and representation of commodity sales agreements; providing the information on agencies and mediation and intermediation and representation of commodity sales agreements; hotel business management and providing the information pertinent thereto; employment agencies and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on employment agencies; auctioneering and providing the information pertinent thereto; import-export agencies and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging newspaper subscription and providing the information pertinent thereto; document reproduction and providing the information pertinent thereto; shorthand services and providing the information pertinent thereto; transcription and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of addressing and enclosing and sealing and dispatching documents and provifortsættes 1158 Dansk Varemærketidende ding the information pertinent thereto; preparation and providing the mailing address lists and providing the information pertinent thereto; operation of computers, typewriters, telex machines and other similar office machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; office functions, namely filing, in particular documents or magnetic tape and providing the information pertinent thereto; reception for visitors in buildings and providing the information pertinent thereto; publicity material rental and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of typewriters and copying machines and word processors and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of general office work and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of office processes of transmission of documents through computers and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of accounting office work and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on companies; rental of space for advertising and publicity services in homepages on Internet and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing employment information; consultancy on fitness for occupations and providing the information pertinent thereto; occupation (job types and duties) apti tude tests and providing the information pertinent thereto; guidance and consultancy for applicants of the reemployment and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of vending machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; information construction and information editing to computer database and providing the information pertinent thereto; management services to dispatch workers and providing the information pertinent thereto; outsourcing planning and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for recruiting temporary workers and providing the information pertinent thereto; management and administration and consultancy of the business about outsourcing in companies and providing the information pertinent thereto; advertising and publicity services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; distributing commercial samples by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; issuance and management of coupon tickets for sale promotion of goods and provision promotion of services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; issuance and management and settlement of point accumulation type cards for sales or business promotion by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of planning and practicing sale promotions of goods and provision promotion of services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; issuance of trading stamps by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; business management analysis or business management consultancy by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; management of operations by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; guidance and consultancy of personnel affairs and labor management and recruiting activities of companies by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; aptitude tests for personnel affairs management of companies by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; marketing researches by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on commodity sales by worker dispatching or by contract; agencies and mediation and intermediation and representation of commodity sales agreements by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on agencies and mediation and intermediation and representation of commodity sales agreements by worker dispatching or by contract; hotel business management by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; employment agencies by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on employment agencies by worker dispatching or by contract; auctioneering by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; import-export agencies by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging newspaper subscription by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; document reproduction by worker dispatching or by co ntract and providing the information pertinent thereto; shorthand services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; transcription by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of addressing and enclosing and sealing and dispatching documents by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; preparation and providing the mailing address lists by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; operation of computers, typewriters, telex machines and other similar office machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; office functions, namely filing, in particular documents or magnetic tape by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; reception for visitors in buildings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; publicity material rental by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of typewriters and copying machines and word processors by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of general office work by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of office processes of transmission of documents through computers by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of accounting office work by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on companies by worker dispatching or by contract; rental of space for advertising and publicity services in homepages on Internet by 2012-06-27 worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the employment information by worker dispatching or by contract; consultancy on fitness for occupations by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; occupation (job types and duties) aptitude tests by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; guidance and consultancy for applicants of the reemployment by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of vending machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; information construction and information editing to computer database by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on preparation, auditing or certification of financial statements by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for a variety of goods in each field of clothing, foods and beverages, and living ware, carrying all goods together and providing the information pertinent thereto; retail services or wholesale services for woven fabrics and beddings; retail services or wholesale services for clothing; retail services or wholesale services for footwear; retail services or wholesale services for bags and pouches; retail services or wholesale services for personal articles; retail services or wholesale services for foods and beverages; retail services or wholesale services for liquor; retail services or wholesale services for meat; retail services or wholesale services for sea foods; retail services or wholesale services for vegetables and fruits; retail services or wholesale services for confectionary, bread and buns; retail services or wholesale services for rice and cereals; retail services or wholesale services for milk; retail services or wholesale services for carbonated drinks (refreshing beverages) and nonalcoholic fruit juice beverages; retail services or wholesale services for tea, coffee, and cocoa; retail services or wholesale services for processed foods; retail services or wholesale services for automobiles; retail services or wholesale services for two-wheeled motor vehicles; retail services or wholesale servicesfor bicycles; retail services or wholesale services for furniture; retail services or wholesale services for joinery fittings; retail services or wholesale services for tatami mats; retail services or wholesale services for ritual equipment; retail services or wholesale services for electrical machinery and apparatuses; retail services or wholesale services for bladed or pointed hand machinery and apparatuses; retail services or wholesale services for kitchen equipment, cleaning tools and washing utensils; retail services or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; retail services or wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents; retail services or wholesale services for agricultural machines, implements and supplies; retail services or wholesale services for flowers (natural) and trees; retail services or wholesale services for fuel; retail services or wholesale services for printed matters; retail services or wholesale services for paper and stationery; retail services or wholesale services for sports goods; retail services or wholesale services for toys, dolls, game machines and apparatuses; retail services or wholesale services for musical instruments and records; retail services or wholesale services for photographic machines and apparatus and photographic supplies; retail services or wholesale services for clocks, watches and spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); retail services or wholesale services for tobaccos and smokers1 articles; retail services or wholesale services for building materials; retail services or wholesale services for unwrought and semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations; retail services or wholesale services for pet animals; retail services or wholesale services for a variety of goods in each field of clothing, foods and beverages, and living ware, carrying all goods together by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for woven fabrics and beddings by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for clothing by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for footwear by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; retail services or wholesale services for bags and pouches by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for personal articles by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for foods and beverages by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for liqu or by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for meat by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for sea foods by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for vegetables and fruits by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for confectionary, bread and buns by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for rice and cereals by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for milk by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for carbonated drinks (refreshing beverages) and non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for tea, coffee, and cocoa by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for processed foods by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for automobiles by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for two-wheeled motor vehicles by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for bicycles by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for furniture by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for joinery fittings by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for tatami mats by worker dispatching or fortsættes 1159 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende by contract; retail services or wholesale services for ritual equipment by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for electrical machinery and apparatuses by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for bladed or pointed hand machinery and apparatuses by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for kitchen equipment, cleaning tools and washing utensils by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for agricultural machines, implements and supplies by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for flowers (natural) and trees by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for fuel by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for printed matters by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for paper and stationery by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for sports goods by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for toys, dolls, game machines and apparatuses by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for musical instruments and records by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for photographic machines and apparatus and photographic supplies by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for clocks, watches and spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles) by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for tobaccos and smokers’ articles by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for building materials by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for un wrought and semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations by worker dispatching or by contract; retail services or wholesale services for pet animals by worker dispatching or by contract. (511) Klasse 36: Providing the information on finance; acceptance of deposits (including substitute bond issuance) and acceptance of fixed interval installment deposits and providing the information pertinent thereto; loans (financing) and discount of bills and providing the information pertinent thereto; domestic exchange settlement and providing the information pertinent thereto; liability guarantee and acceptance of bills and providing the information pertinent thereto; securities lending and providing the information pertinent thereto; acquisition and transfer of monetary claims and providing the information pertinent thereto; safekeeping of valuables including securities and precious metals (safe deposit services) and providing the information pertinent thereto; money exchange (exchanging money) and providing the information pertinent thereto; trusteeship of financial futures contracts and providing the information pertinent thereto; trusteeship of money, securities, monetary claims, personal property, land, rights on land fixtures, surface rights or lease on land and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for bond subscriptions and providing the information pertinent thereto; foreign exchange transactionsand providing the information pertinent thereto; letter-of-credit related services and providing the information pertinent thereto; brokerage for hire-purchase and providing the information pertinent thereto; issue of tokens of value and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for collecting gas or electric power utility payments and providing the information pertinent thereto; buying and selling of securities and providing the information pertinent thereto; trading of securities index futures and providing the information pertinent thereto; trading of securities options and trading of overseas market securities futures and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options, and overseas market securities futures and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in domestic markets of securities, securities index futures and securities options and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on commission trading in overseas markets of securities, and securities index futures and providing the information pertinent thereto; securities underwriting and providing the information pertinent thereto; securities offering and providing the information pertinent thereto; transaction of securities subscription or offering and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing stock market information; agencies for commodity futures trading and providing the information pertinent thereto; life insurance brokerage and providing the information pertinent thereto; life insurance underwriting and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for non-life insurance and providing the information pertinent thereto; claim adjustment for non-life insurance and providing the information pertinent thereto; non-life insurance underwriting and providing the information pertinent thereto; insurance premium rate computing and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on the insurance; management of buildings and providing the information pertinent thereto; agen cies or brokerage for renting of buildings and providing the information pertinent thereto; leasing or renting of buildings and providing the information pertinent thereto; purchase and sale of buildings and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for purchase and sale of buildings and providing the information pertinent thereto; real estate appraisal and providing the information pertinent thereto; land management and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for leasing or renting of land and providing the information pertinent thereto; leasing of land and providing the information pertinent thereto; purchase and sale of land and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or 1160 brokerage for purchase or sales of land and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on buildings or land (real estate affairs); antique appraisal and providing the information pertinent thereto; art appraisal and providing the information pertinent thereto; precious stone appraisal and providing the information pertinent thereto; company credit investigation and providing the information pertinent thereto; charitable fund raising and providing the information pertinent thereto; used automobiles appraisal and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on used automobiles appraisal; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cash dispensers or automated-teller machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for collecting information payments through communications and providing the information pertinent thereto; consigned collection of payment for goods and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on tax consultancy and tax agency; providing the information on finance by worker dispatching or by contract; acceptance of deposits (including substitute bond issuance) and acceptance of fixed interval installment deposits by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; loans (financing) and discount of bills by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; domestic exchange settlement by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; liability guarantee and acceptance of bills by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; securities lending by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; acquisition and transfer of monetary claims by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; safekeeping of valuables including securities and precious metals (safe deposit services) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; money exchange (exchanging money) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; trusteeship of financial futures contracts by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; trusteeship of money, securities, monetary claims, personal property, land, rights on land fixtures, surface rights or lease on land by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information perti nent thereto; agencies for bond subscriptions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; foreign exchange transactions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; letter-of-credit related services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; brokerage for hire-purchase by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; issue of tokens of value by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for collecting gas or electric power utility payments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; buying and selling of securities by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; trading of securities index futures by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; trading of securities options and trading of overseas market securities futures by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options, and overseas market securities futures by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in domestic markets of securities, securities index futures and securities options by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in overseas markets of securities, and securities index futures by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; securities underwriting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; securities offering by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; transaction of securities subscription or offering by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto;’ providing stock market information by worker dispatching or by contract; agencies for commodity futures trading by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; life insurance brokerage by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; life insurance underwriting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for non-life insurance by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; claim adjustment for non-life insurance by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; non-life insurance underwriting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; insurance premium rate computing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on the insurance by worker dispatching or by contract; management of buildings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for renting of buildings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; le asing or renting of buildings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; purchase and sale of buildings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for purchase and sale of buildings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; real estate appraisal by worker dispatching or by fortsættes Dansk Varemærketidende contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; land management by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for leasing or renting of land by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; leasing of land by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; purchase and sale of land by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies or brokerage for purchase or sales of land by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on buildings or land (real estate affairs); antique appraisal by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; art appraisal by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; precious stone appraisal by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; company credit investigation by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; charitable fund raising by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; used automobiles appraisal by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on used automobiles appraisal by worker dispatching or by contract; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cash dispensers or automated-teller machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for collecting information payments through communications by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; consigned collection of payment for goods by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on tax consultancy and tax agency by worker dispatching or by contract. (511) Klasse 37: Construction; providing the information on construction; construction consultancy and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on exterior and interior finish constructions; operation, check or maintenance of building and providing the information pertinent thereto; shipbuilding and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of vessels and providing the information pertinent thereto; aircraft maintenance or repair and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of bicycles and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of automobiles and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of railway rolling stock and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of two-wheeled motor vehicles and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of cinematographic machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of optical machines and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of photographic machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of loading-unloading machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of fire alarms and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of office machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus (for industrial purposes) and providing the information pertinent thereto; burner maintenance or repair and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of boilers and providing the information pertinent thereto; pump repair or maintenance and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of freezing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of telecommunication machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of construction machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of consumer electric appliances and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of electric lighting apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of power generators and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of electric motors and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of laboratory apparatus and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of measuring and testing machines and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of medical machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of firearms and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of chemical processing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of fishing machines and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of metalworking machines and tools and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of shoe making machines and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of industrial furnaces and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of mining machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of rubber-goods manufacturing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of integrated circuits manufacturing machines and systems and providing the information 2012-06-27 pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of textile machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of tobacco processing and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of painting machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of agricultural machines and implements and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of plastic processing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of sewing machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of storage tanks and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of gasoline station equipment and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of mechanical parking systems and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of bicycle parking apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of industrial dish washing machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of industrial washing machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of vehicle washing installation and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of vending machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of power-driven floor cleaning machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of amusement machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers’ shops and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of water pollution control equipment and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of water purifying apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of waste compacting machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of waste crushing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of diving machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of nuclear power plants and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of chemical plants and providing the information pertinent thereto; furniture restoration and providing the information pertinent thereto; umbrella repair and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of musical instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; safe maintenance or repair and providing the information pertinent thereto; shoe repair and providing the information pertinent thereto; clock and watch repair or maintenance and providing the information pertinent thereto; sharpening of scissors and kitchen knives and providing the information pertinent thereto; setup or repair of locks and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of gas water heaters and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of non-electric cooking heaters and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of cooking pots and pans and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of signboards and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of bags or pouches and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of personal ornaments and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of toys or dolls and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of sports equipment and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of billiard equipment and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of game machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of bathtubs and the like and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of toilet stool units with a washing water squirts and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of fishing tackle and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of spectacles and providing the information pertinent thereto; fur care and repair and providing the information pertinent thereto; laundering and providing the information pertinent thereto; pressing of clothing and providing the information pertinent thereto; clothing repair (mending clothing) and providing the information pertinent thereto; fluffing of cotton batting for futon and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of tatami mats and providing the information pertinent thereto; chimney sweeping and providing the information pertinent thereto; cleaning of building exterior surfaces and providing the information pertinent thereto; window cleaning and providing the information pertinent thereto; carpet and rug cleaning and providing the information pertinent thereto; floor polishing and providing the information pertinent thereto; septic tank cleaning and providing the information pertinent thereto; bathtub and bath boiler cleaning and providing the information pertinent thereto; street cleaning and providing the information pertinent thereto; storage tank cleaning and providing the information pertinent thereto; disinfecting of telephone hand-sets and providing the information pertinent thereto; vermin exterminating (other than for agriculture, forestry or horticulture) and providing the information pertinent thereto; sterilization of medical machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent therefortsættes 1161 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende to; rental of construction machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of floor cleaning machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of mops and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of car-washing apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of electric washing machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of mining machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; construction by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on construction by worker dispatching or by contract; construction consultancy by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on exterior and interior finish constructions; operation, check or maintenance of building by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; shipbuilding by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of vessels by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; aircraft maintenance or repair by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of bicycles by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of automobiles by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of railway rolling stock by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of two-wheeled motor vehicles by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of cinematographic machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of optical machines and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of photographic machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of loading-unloading machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of fire alarms by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of office machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus (for industrial purposes) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; burner maintenance or repair by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of boilers by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; pump repair or maintenance by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of freezing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of telecommunication machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of construction machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of consumer electric appliances by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of electric lighting apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of power generators by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of electric motors by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of laboratory apparatus and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of measuring and testing machines and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of medical machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of firearms by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of chemical processing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of fishing machines and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of metal working machines and tools by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of shoe making machines and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of industrial furnaces by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of mining machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of rubber-goods manufacturing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of integrated circuits manufacturing machines and systems by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or 1162 maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of textile machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of tobacco processing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of painting machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of agricultural machines and implements by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of plastic processing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of sewing machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of storage tanks by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of gasoline station equipment by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of mechanical parking systems by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of bicycle parking apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of industrial dish washing machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of industrial washing machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of vehicle washing installation by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of vending machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of power-driven floor cleaning machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of amusement machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers’ shops by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of water pollution control equipment by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of water purifying apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of waste compacting machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of waste crushing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of diving machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of nuclear power plants by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of chemical plants by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; furniture restoration by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; umbrella repair by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of musical instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; safe maintenance or repair by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; shoe repair by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; clock and watch repair or maintenance by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; sharpening of scissors and kitchen knives by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; setup or repair of locks by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of gas water heaters by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of non-electric cooking heaters by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of cooking pots and pans by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of signboards by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of bags or pouches by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of personal ornaments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of toys or dolls by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of sports equipment by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of billiard equipment by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of game machines and appafortsættes Dansk Varemærketidende ratus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair or maintenance of bathtubs and the like by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of toilet stool units with a washing water squirts by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of fishing tackle by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of spectacles by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; fur care and repair by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; laundering by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; pressing of clothing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; clothing repair (mending clothing) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; fluffing of cotton batting for futon by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; repair of tatami mats by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; chimney sweeping by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; cleaning of building exterior surfaces by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; window cleaning by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; carpet and rug cleaning by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; floor polishing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; septic tank cleaning by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; bathtub and bath boiler cleaning by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; street cleaning by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; storage tank cleaning by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; disinfecting of telephone hand-sets by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; vermin exterminating (other than for agriculture, forestry or horticulture) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; sterilization of medical machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of construction machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of floor cleaning machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of mops by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of car-washing apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of electric washing machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of mining machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication (other than broadcasting); voice mail telecommunications and providing the information pertinent thereto; electronic mail telecommunications and providing the information pertinent thereto; electronic bulletin board telecommunications and providing the information pertinent thereto; information about telecommunication; broadcasting and providing the information pertinent thereto; digital satellite television broadcasting and providing the information pertinent thereto; digital satellite radio broadcasting and providing the information pertinent thereto; digital data broadcasting using satellites and providing the information pertinent thereto; news agencies and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of telecommunication equipment including telephones and facsimile apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing connections to telecommunication networks by electronic computer terminals and providing the information pertinent thereto; telecommunication (other than broadcasting) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; voice mail telecommunications by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; electronic mail telecommunications by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; electronic bulletin board telecommunications by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; information about telecommunication by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; broadcasting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; digital satellite television broadcasting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; digital satellite radio broadcasting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; digital data broadcasting using satellites by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; news agencies by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of telecommunication equipment including telephones and facsimile apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing connections to telecommunication networks by electronic computer terminals by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto. (511) Klasse 39: Providing travel information (excluding those for lodging); railway transport and providing the information pertinent thereto; car transport and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing road and traffic information; vehicle-driving services and providing the information pertinent thereto; marine transport and providing the information pertinent thereto; air transport and providing the information pertinent thereto; packaging of goods and providing the information pertinent thereto; freight brokerage and providing the information pertinent thereto; cargo unloading and providing the informati- 2012-06-27 on pertinent thereto; removal services and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on removal services; brokerage or agencies of removal agency agreements and providing the information pertinent thereto; brokerage for rental, selling, purchasing or chartering of vessels and providing the information pertinent thereto; refloating of ships and providing the information pertinent thereto; ship piloting and providing the information pertinent thereto; tour conducting and providing the information pertinent thereto; tour conducting or escorting and providing the information pertinent thereto; travel agencies or liaison services (excluding those for lodging) and providing the information pertinent thereto; warehousing services and providing the information pertinent thereto; temporary safekeeping of personal belongings and providing the information pertinent thereto; temporary storage of deliveries and providing the information pertinent thereto; gas supplying (distribution) and providing the information pertinent thereto; electricity distribution and providing the information pertinent thereto; water supplying (distribution) and providing the information pertinent thereto; heat supplying (distribution) and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of warehouse space and providing the information pertinent thereto; parking services and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing toll roads or providing the information pertinent thereto; providing vessel mooring facilities and providing the information pertinent thereto; airport services and providing the information pertinent thereto; management of parking places and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of loading-unloading machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; car rental and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of vessels and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of wheelchairs and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of bicycles and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of aircraft and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of mechanical parking systems and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of safes and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of refrigeratorfreezers for household purposes and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of refrigerator for household purposes and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of freezing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of gasoline station equipment (not for repair and maintenance of automobiles) and providing the information pertinent thereto; age ncies of postal parcel delivery service procedures and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies of postal parcel delivery service procedures by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing travel information (excluding those for lodging) by worker dispatching or by contract; railway transport by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; car transport by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing road and traffic information by worker dispatching or by contract; vehicle -driving services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; marine transport by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; air transport by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; packaging of goods by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; freight brokerage by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; cargo unloading by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; removal services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on removal services by worker dispatching or by contract; brokerage or agencies of removal agency agreements by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; brokerage for rental, selling, purchasing or chartering of vessels by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; refloating of ships by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; ship piloting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; tour conducting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; tour conducting or escorting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; travel agencies or liaison services (excluding those for lodging) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; warehousing services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; temporary safekeeping of personal belongings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; temporary storage ofdeliveries by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; gas supplying (distribution) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; electricity distribution by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; water supplying (distribution) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; heat supplying (distribution) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of warehouse space by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; parking services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing toll roads by worker dispatching or by contract or providing the information pertinent thereto; providing vessel mooring facilities by worker dis patching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; airport services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; management of parking places by worker dispatching or by contract fortsættes 1163 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of loading-unloading machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; car rental by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of vessels by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of wheelchairs by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of bicycles by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of aircraft by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of mechanical parking systems by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of safes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of refrigerator-freezers for household purposes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of refrigerator for household purposes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of freezing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of gasoline station equipment (not for repair and maintenance of automobiles) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto. (511) Klasse 40: Removal of radiation rays and providing the information pertinent thereto; treatment or processing of cloth, clothing or fur (including drying) and providing the information pertinent thereto; tailoring or dressmaking and providing the information pertinent thereto; embroidery (embroidering) and providing the information pertinent thereto; metal work and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of rubber and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of plastics and providing the information pertinent thereto; ceramic processing and providing the information pertinent thereto; wood-working and providing the information pertinent thereto; paper treating and working and providing the information pertinent thereto; stoneworking and providing the information pertinent thereto; taxidermy and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of bamboo, tree barks, rattan, vines or other mineral vegetable materials (other than processing of ingredients) and providing the information pertinent thereto; food processing and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of artificial limbs or artificial teeth (including processing of medical materials) and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of cinematographic films and providing the information pertinent thereto; photographic enlarging and providing the information pertinent thereto; photographic printing and providing the information pertinent thereto; photographic film development and providing the information pertinent thereto; bookbinding and providing the information pertinent thereto; water treating and providing the information pertinent thereto; recycling of waste and providing the information pertinent thereto; nuclear fuel reprocessing and providing the information pertinent thereto; engraving of sealing stamps and providing the information pertinent thereto; photogravure and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of textile machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for film development, photograph printing, photograph enlargement or photograph finishing and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of metal treating machines and tools and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of bookbinding machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneering or plywood making and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of water purifying apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of waste compacting machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of waste crushing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of chemical processing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of shoe making machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of tobacco processing machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing material treatment information; print ing and providing the information pertinent thereto; collection, sorting and disposal of waste and trash and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of knitting machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of sewing machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of space cooling apparatus (for household purposes) and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of printing machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of air-conditioning apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; removal of radiation rays by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; treatment or processing of cloth, clothing or fur (including drying) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; tailoring or dressmaking by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; embroidery (embroidering) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; metal work by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of rubber by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of plastics by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information 1164 pertinent thereto; ceramic processing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; wood-working by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; paper treating and working by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; stone-working by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; taxidermy by worker dispatch ing or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of bamboo, tree barks, rattan, vines or other mineral vegetable materials (other than processing of ingredients) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; food processing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of artificial limbs or artificial teeth (including processing of medical materials) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; processing of cinematographic films by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; photographic enlarging by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; photographic printing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; photographic film development by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; bookbinding by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; water treating by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; recycling of waste by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; nuclear fuel reprocessing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; engraving of sealing stamps by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; photogravure by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of textile machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for film development, photograph printing, photograph enlargement or photograph finishing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of metal treating machines and tools by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of bookbinding machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneering or plywood making by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of water purifying apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto, rental of waste compacting machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of waste crushing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of chemical processing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of shoe making machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of tobacco processing machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing material treatment information by worker dispatching or by contract; printing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; collection, sorting and disposal of waste and trash by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of knitting machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of sewing machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of space cooling apparatus (for household purposes) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of printing machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of air-conditioning apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto. (511) Klasse 41: Operating lotteries and providing the information pertinent thereto; educational and instruction services relating to arts, crafts, sports or general knowledge and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging, conducting and organization of cultural or educational exhibitions and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars, lectures, and training workshop and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars for recruiting and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on schools; providing the information on donation of human corpses for medical research; arranging of donation of human corpses for medical research and providing the information pertinent thereto; animal training and providing the information pertinent thereto; plant exhibitions and providing the information pertinent thereto; animal exhibitions and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing of electronic publications and providing the information pertinent thereto; services of reference libraries for literature and documentary records by computer terminals and providing the information pertinent thereto; other services of reference libraries for literature and documentary records and providing the information pertinent thereto; art exhibitions fortsættes Dansk Varemærketidende and providing the information pertinent thereto; gardens for public admission and providing the information pertinent thereto; caves for public admission and providing the information pertinent thereto; publication of books and magazines and providing the information pertinent thereto; planning or arrangement of showing movies, shows, plays or musical performances and providing the information pertinent thereto; movie showing, movie film production, or movie film distribution and providing the information pertinent thereto; presentation of live show performances and providing the information pertinent thereto; direction or presentation of plays and providing the information pertinent thereto; presentation of musical performance and providing the information pertinent thereto; production of radio or television programs and providing the information pertinent thereto; production of video tape film in the fields of education, culture, entertainment or sports (not for movies, radio or television programs and not for advertising and publicity) and providing the information pertinent thereto; direction of radio or television programs’ making and providing the information pertinent thereto; operation of video equipment or audio equipment for production of radio or television programs and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of sports competitions and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of entertainment (excluding movies, shows, plays, musical performances, sports, horse races, bicycle races, boat races and auto races) and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of horse races and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of bicycle races and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of boat races and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of au to races and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing audio or video studio services and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing sports facilities and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing amusement facilities and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training and providing the information pertinent thereto; booking of seats for shows and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cinematographic machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cine-films and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of musical instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of sports equipment and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of television sets and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of radio sets and providing the information pertinent thereto; book rental and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of records or sound-recorded magnetic tapes and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of image-recorded magnetic tapes and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of film negatives and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of film positives and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of toys and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of amusement machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of game machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of paintings and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of calligraphic works and providing the information pertinent thereto; photography and providing the information pertinent thereto; language interpretation and providing the information pertinent thereto; translation and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cameras and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of optical machines and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; production of record master disks and providing the information pertinent thereto; instruction services on songwriting, composition and arrangement of music and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing games using telecommunications by computer terminals and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing audio and video on line and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing music on line and providing the information pertinent thereto; operating lotteries by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; educational and instruction services relating to arts, crafts, sports or general knowledge by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging, conducting and organization of cultural or educational exhibitions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars for recruiting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars for finding employment by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; arranging, conducting and organization of other seminars, lectures, and training workshop and providing the information pertinent there to; providing the information on schools by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on donation of human corpses for medical research by worker dispatching or by contract; arranging of donation of human corpses for medical research by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; animal training by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; plant exhibitions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; animal exhibitions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing of electronic publications by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; services of reference libraries for literature, electronic publications and documentary records by computer terminals by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; other services of reference libraries for literature and documentary 2012-06-27 records by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; art exhibitions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; gardens for public admission by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; caves for public admission by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; publication of books and magazines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; planning or arrangement of showing movies, shows, plays or musical performances by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; movie showing, movie film production, or movie film distribution by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; presentation of live show performances by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; direction or presentation of plays by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; presentation of musical performance by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; production of radio or television programs by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; production of video tape film in the fields of education, culture, entertainment or sports (not for movies, radio or television programs and not for advertising and publicity) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; direction of radio or television programs’ making by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; operation of video equipment or audio equipment for production of radio or television programs by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of sports competitions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of entertainment (excluding movies, shows, plays, musical performances, sports, horse races, bicycle races, boat races and auto races) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrange ment of horse races by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of bicycle races by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of boat races by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; organization, management or arrangement of auto races by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing audio or video studio services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing sports facilities by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing amusement facilities by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; booking of seats for shows by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cinematographic machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cine-films by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of musical instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of sports equipment by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of television sets by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of radio sets by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; book rental by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of records or sound-recorded magnetic tapes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of image-recorded magnetic tapes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of film negatives by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of film positives by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of toys by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of amusement machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of game machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of paintings and calligraphic works by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; photography by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; language interpretation by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; translation by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cameras by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of optical machines and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; production of record master disks by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; instruction services on songwriting, composition and arrangement of music by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing games using telecommunications by computer terminals by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing audio and video on line by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing music on line by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto fortsættes 1165 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (511) Klasse 42: Providing meteorological information; architectural design and providing the information pertinent thereto; surveying and providing the information pertinent thereto; geological surveys or research and providing the information pertinent thereto; designing of machines, apparatus, instruments (including their parts) or systems composed of such machines, apparatus and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; designing and providing the information pertinent thereto; computer software design, computer programming, or maintenance of computer software and providing the information pertinent thereto; technical advice relating to performance and operation of computers, automobiles and other machines that require high levels of personal knowledge, skill or experience of the operators to meet the required accuracy in operating them and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing, inspection or research of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or foodstuff and providing the information pertinent thereto; research on building construction or city planning and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on prevention of pollution and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on electricity and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on civil engineering and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing, inspection or research on agriculture, livestock breeding or fisheries and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on machines, apparatus and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of measuring apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of computers and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing computer programs and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of laboratory apparatus and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of drawing instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing computer programs on line and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing search engines on Internet and providing the information pertinent thereto; creating or updating electronic bulletin boards or homepages on Internet; providing the information on creating electronic bulletin boards or homepages on Internet; rental of Internet server areas and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of access time to computer database and providing the information pertinent thereto; creating and designing and maintaining Web sites for others in computer networks and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of memory areas of servers for electronic bulletin boards on Internet and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of memory areas of servers for blogs and providing the information pertinent thereto; quality control services and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing meteorological information by worker dispatching or by contract; architectural design by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; surveying by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; geological surveys or research by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; designing of machines, apparatus, instruments (including their parts) or systems composed of such machines, apparatus and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; designing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; computer software design, computer programming, or maintenance of computer software by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; technical advice relating to performance and operation of computers, automobiles and other machines that require high levels of personal knowledge, skill or experience of the operators to meet the required accuracy in operating them by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing, inspection or research of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or foodstuff by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; research on building construction or city planning by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on prevention of pollution by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on electricity by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on civil engineering by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing, inspection or research on agriculture, livestock breeding or fisheries by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; testing or research on machines, apparatus and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of measuring apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of computers by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing computer programs by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of laboratory apparatus and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of drawing instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing computer programs on line by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing search engines on Internet by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; creating or updating electronic bulletin boards or homepages on Internet by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on creating electronic bulletin boards or homepages on Internet by worker dispatching or by contract; rental of Internet server areas by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of access time to computer database by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; creating and designing and maintaining Web sites for others in computer 1166 networks by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of memory areas for electronic bulletin boards on Internet by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of memory areas of servers for blogs by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; quality control services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto. (511) Klasse 43: Providing temporary accommodation; accommodation bureaux (brokering reservations for hotels, boarding houses or the like) and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on providing temporary accommodation; providing foods and beverages; providing the information on providing foods and beverages; boarding for animals and providing the information pertinent thereto; preschooler and infant care at daycare centers and providing the information pertinent thereto; retirement home and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing conference rooms and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing facilities for exhibitions and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of futon and quilts and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cooking equipment for industrial purposes and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of industrial dish drying machines and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of dish washing machines for industrial purposes and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of non-electric cooking heaters and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of kitchen worktops and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of sinks and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of curtains and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of furniture and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of wall hangings and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of floor coverings and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of towels and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing temporary accommodation by worker dispatching or by contract; accommodation bureaux (brokering reservations for hotels, boarding houses or the like) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on providing temporary accommodation by worker dispatching or by contract; providing foods and beverages by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on providing foods and beverages by worker dispatching or by contract; boarding for animals by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; preschooler and infant care at daycare centers by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; retirement home by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing conference rooms by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing facilities for exhibitions by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of futon and quilts by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of cooking equipment for industrial purposes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of industrial dish drying machines by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of dish washing machines for industrial purposes by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of non-electric cooking heaters by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of kitchen worktops by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of sinks by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of curtains by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of furniture by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of wall hangings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of floor coverings by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of towels by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto. (511) Klasse 44: Beauty salons; hairdressing salons; providing the information on beauty salons and hairdressing salons; providing bath houses; providing the information on bath houses; garden or flower bed care and providing the information pertinent thereto; garden tree planting and providing the information pertinent thereto; fertilizer spreading and providing the information pertinent thereto; weed killing and providing the information pertinent thereto; vermin exterminating (for agriculture, horticulture or forestry) and providing the information pertinent thereto; Japanese traditional massage and providing the information pertinent thereto; massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage and providing the information pertinent thereto; chiropractics and providing the information pertinent thereto; moxibustion and providing the information pertinent thereto; treatment for dislocated joints, sprain, bone fractures or the like (judo-seifuku) and providing the information pertinent thereto; acupuncture and providing the information pertinent thereto; medical services and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing medical information; physical examination and providing the information pertinent thereto; dentistry and providing the information pertinent thereto; preparation and dispensing of medications and providing the information pertinent thereto; dietary and nutritional guidance and providing the information pertinent thereto; animal breeding and providing the information pertinent thereto; veterinary services and providing the information pertinent thereto; beautification for animals and providing the information pertinent thereto; nursing care and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of potted plants and providing the information pertinent fortsættes Dansk Varemærketidende thereto; farming equipment rental and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of medical machines and apparatus and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of fishing machines and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers’ shops and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of lawnmowers and providing the information pertinent thereto; beauty salons by worker dispatching or by contract; hairdressing salons by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on beauty salons and hairdressing salons by worker dispatching or by contract; providing bath houses by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on bath houses by worker dispatching or by contract; garden or flower bed care by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; garden tree planting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; fertilizer spreading by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; weed killing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; vermin exterminating (for agriculture, horticulture or forestry) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; Japanese traditional massage by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; chiropractics by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; moxibustion by worker dispatching or: by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; treatment for dislocated joints, sprain, bone fractures or the like (judo-seifuku) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; acupuncture by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; medical services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing medical information by worker dispatching or by contract; physical examination by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; dentistry by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; preparation and dispensing of medications by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; dietary and nutritional guidance by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; animal breeding by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; veterinary services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; beautification for animals by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; nursing care by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of potted plants by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; farming equipment rental by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of medical machines and apparatus by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of fishing machines and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers’ shops by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of lawnmowers by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto. (511) Klasse 45: Providing fashion information; providing the information on newspaper and magazine articles; providing the information on newspaper articles using telephone lines; providing the information on newspaper articles; marriage partner introduction or dating services and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on marriage partner introduction or dating services; providing the information on people asking for acquaintanceship or companionship; providing facilities for wedding ceremonies (including „post-ceremony receptions“) and providing the information pertinent thereto; funeral service undertaking and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing grave spaces or charnel houses and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for copyright licensing and providing the information pertinent thereto; consultancy on intellectual property rights (other than agencies for procedures relating to industrial property rights, preparation of expert opinions) and providing the information pertinent thereto; security guarding for facilities and providing the information pertinent thereto; personal body guarding and providing the information pertinent thereto; investigation or surveillance on background profiles and providing the information pertinent thereto; fortune-telling, psychology judgment, personality judgment, fortune consultancy, chemistry diagnosis, aptitude test, and other fortune-telling; providing the information on fortune-telling, psychology judgment, personality judgment, fortune consultancy, chemistry diagnosis, aptitude test, and other fortunetelling; personal affairs consultancy and providing the information pertinent thereto; pet sitting and providing the information pertinent thereto; caring for babies (excluding services provided at a facility) and providing the information pertinent thereto; housework services and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of clothing and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of altars and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of fire alarms and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of fire extinguishers and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of household electrothermic appliances (not included in other classes) and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of prime movers and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of personal ornaments for wearing and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing 2012-06-27 map information; providing fashion information by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on newspaper and magazine articles by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on newspaper articles using telephone lines by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on newspaper articles by worker dispatching or by contract; marriage partner introduction or dating services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing the information on marriage partner introduction or dating services by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on people asking for acquaintanceship or companionship by worker dispatching or by contract; providing facilities for wedding ceremonies (incl uding „post-ceremony receptions“) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; funeral service undertaking by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing grave spaces or charnel houses by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; agencies for copyright licensing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; consultancy on intellectual property rights (other than agencies for procedures relating to industrial property rights, preparation of expert opinions) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent; security guarding for facilities by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; personal body guarding by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; investigation or surveillance on background profiles by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; fortune-telling, psychology judgment, personality judgment, fortune consultancy, chemistry diagnosis, aptitude test, and other fortune-telling by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on fortune-telling, psychology judgment, personality judgment, fortune consultancy, chemistry diagnosis, aptitude test, and other fortune-telling by worker dispatching or by contract; personal affairs consultancy by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; pet sitting by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; caring for babies (excluding services provided at a facility) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; housework services by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of clothing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of altars by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of fire alarms by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of fire extinguishers by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of household electrothermic appliances (not included in other classes) by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of prime movers by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; rental of personal ornaments for wearing by worker dispatching or by contract and providing the information pertinent thereto; providing map information by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on agencies for procedures relating to industrial property rights, preparation of expert opinions; providing the information on agencies for procedures relating to industrial property rights, preparation of expert opinions by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on agencies for legal procedures relating to lawsuits or other legal issues; providing the information on agencies for legal procedures relating to lawsuits or other legal issues by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on agencies for judicial registration or deposits; providing the information on agencies for judicial registration or deposits by worker dispatching or by contract; providing the information on agencies for social insurance; providing the information on agencies for social insurance by worker dispatching or by contract. (591) Farvetekst: Blue and grey. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2009-04-24 JP 2009-031369 Japan (800) International registreringsdato: 2009-10-02 Gazette No.: 03/2011 1167 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1063834 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-16 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1074505 (800) Design. dato: 2011-02-14 CUATRO (730) Indehaver: PROTEINFABRIKKEN AS, Postboks 63, N-3160 STOKKE, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 29: Diet, food and protein supplement products based on animal nutrients. (511) Klasse 32: Aromatized beverages based on fruit, protein, cordial, sugar and other fluid nutrients. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-02-03 NO 201101326 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-02-14 Gazette No.: 17/2011 (730) Indehaver: Outdoor Living Nordic AB, Engelbrektsgatan 3, SE-561 34 Huskvarna, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Henry Juhlander, Säva 151, SE-755 91 Uppsala, Sverige (511) Klasse 04: Oil, grease, fuel, lubricant. (511) Klasse 07: Forest and garden machines, forest and garden machine accessories, saw chains, guide bars, power saws. (511) Klasse 08: Forest and garden tools, trimmer heads, saw blades, trimmers. (511) Klasse 22: Trimmer lines, strings, ropes, net. (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-08-20 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1074118 (800) Design. dato: 2010-10-29 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1075720 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-18 (730) Indehaver: Joint-Stock Company "Krasnyj Octyabr", Bersenevskaya naberejnaya, d. 6, RU-119072 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Sergey Karagioz Company Limited "Obhedinennye konditery", Legal Department, 2-oy Novokuznetskiy pereulok, d. 13/15, RU-115184 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 30: Pastries; caramels; sweetmeats (candy); chocolate; praline; wafers; cocoa products; farinaceous confectionery; confectionery creams; marzipans; chocolate beverages; coffee based beverages; tea; pies; ice cream; bread. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-02-28 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1080085 (800) Design. dato: 2010-12-06 More to life (730) Indehaver: ETA a.s., Zaleny pruh 95/97, CZ-147 00 Praha 4, Bráník, Tjekkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BOHEMIA PATENT Ing. Jana Vandelíková, Spálená 29, CZ-110 00 Praha 1, Tjekkiet (511) Klasse 07: Parts for vacuum cleaner, especially filters and dust bags. (511) Klasse 16: Filter paper, garbage bags of paper or plastic, bags for wrapping or packaging of paper or plastic. (591) Farvetekst: Yellow and gold. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-10-27 CZ 480579 Tjekkiet (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-10-29 Gazette No.: 17/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1074503 (800) Design. dato: 2011-02-14 CRYSTAL (730) Indehaver: PROTEINFABRIKKEN AS, Postboks 63, N-3160 STOKKE, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 29: Diet, food and protein supplement products based on animal nutrients. (511) Klasse 32: Aromatized beverages based on fruit, protein, cordial, sugar and other fluid nutrients. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-02-03 NO 201101328 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-02-14 Gazette No.: 17/2011 1168 (730) Indehaver: TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZMETLERI ANONIM SIRKETI, Turkcell Plaza Mesrutiyet Cad. No: 153, Istanbul, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ANKARA PATENT BUREAU LIMITED, Kavaklidere, Bestekar Sokak No 10, TR-06680 ANKARA, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 09: Communication machines and devices, namely apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; computers and peripheral hardware, namely card readers; barcode readers; scanners; computers; disk drivers; data gathering terminals; word processors; printers; monitors; plotters; keyboards; computer mouses; recorded computer programs and software; recorded programs providing access and usage global computer network; interactive multi-media disc players; DVD players; data storage medias; magnetic data medias, video and audio recordings, CD-ROM, DVD, disks, optic disks, cassettes, audio and video tapes, exposed films, compact discs; laser discs; electronic audio-visual equipment; digital audio tapes; magnetic cards; smart cards; telecommunication devices, namely telephones, mobile phones, radio phones, cordless phones, telephone switchboards. (511) Klasse 35: Organization of trade fairs via information technology and computers; advertisement services; sale increase (promotion) services; arranging of marketing research and ordering services in the field of sales and payment processes via global computer network; advertising via online electronic communication network, public relations services. (511) Klasse 38: Communication services; information services for communication with electronic media and agencies, publication; electronic mail services; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunication services); taking and forwarding messages and images by computer; electronic communication services; information services related to communication; communication with computer; news agencies; cable television broadcasting; radio broadcasting; television broadcasting; communication via computer terminals; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; rental of information transmission facilities; renting services of telecommunication instruments and apparatus; providing access to global computer network, including access services to online guides, including access services to online databases and indexes. (511) Klasse 41: Education and instruction services; arranging and conducting of symposia, conferences, congresses and seminars; sports, cultural activities and entertainment services; production services of film, television and radio programs; news correspondent services, newspaper photographer services; photographer services; translation services. (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-12-06 Gazette No.: 24/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1081134 (800) Design. dato: 2011-04-12 (730) Indehaver: Sana Pharma AS, Enebakkveien 117, N-0680 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bryn Aarflot AS, P.O. Box 449 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 05: Food supplements. (511) Klasse 35: Marketing of food supplements; retail and wholesale distribution of food supplements. (591) Farvetekst: Light blue. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-10-13 NO 201010636 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-04-12 Gazette No.: 25/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1084194 (800) Design. dato: 2011-04-12 (730) Indehaver: Sana Pharma AS, Enebakkveien 117, N-0680 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bryn Aarflot AS, P.O. Box 449 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances and dietary supplements. (511) Klasse 35: Retail services and wholesale services connected with dietary supplements, pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations and substances, and cosmetic products; marketing of dietary supplements, pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations and substances, and cosmetic products. (591) Farvetekst: Burgundy and blue. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-10-13 NO 201010634 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-04-12 Gazette No.: 29/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1084561 (800) Design. dato: 2011-02-23 (730) Indehaver: Huta Szkla Gospodarczego IRENA S.A. w upadlolci likwidacyjnej, ul. Szklarska 9, PL-88-100 Inowroclaw, Polen (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Maria Czerwinska, ul. Kielbasiewicza 4/ 33, PL-88-100 Inowroclaw, Polen (511) Klasse 21: Glass products and glass accessories, not included in other classes, made of soda glass and crystal glass. (591) Farvetekst: Dark blue and turquoise. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-12-23 PL Z-379312 Polen (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-02-23 Gazette No.: 29/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1087109 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2010-04-30 (730) Indehaver: TEDI GmbH & Co. KG, Brackeler Hellweg 301, 44309 Dortmund, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Taylor Wessing, Benrather Str. 15, 40213 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; abrasive paper; air freshener; bath salts, not for medical purposes; cosmetics preparations for baths; beauty masks; body scrub; breath freshening sprays; cleaning preparations for glasses; cleaning preparations; preparations for cleaning waste pipes; colour-removing preparations; cosmetic kits; cosmetics; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; dentifrices; deodorants for personal use; depilatory preparations; emery paper; extracts of flowers potpourris; eyebrow cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; fabric softeners for laundry use; false eyelashes; false nails; fumigation preparations (perfumes); furbishing preparations; hair dyes; hair spray; incense; joss sticks; laundry blueing; lipsticks; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up powder; make-up removing preparations; make-up; makeup; mascara; nail care preparations; nail varnish; perfumes; pumice stone; rust removing preparations; scented water; scented wood; scouring solutions; shampoos for pets; shampoos; shampoos; shaving preparations; shoe wax; shower gel; swabs (toiletries); wallpaper cleaning preparations; windscreen cleaning liquids. (511) Klasse 04: Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting; beeswax; Christmas tree candles; dust laying compositions; dust removing preparations; firelighters; firelighters; grease for leather; methylated spirit; oil for the preservation of leather; perfumed candles; perfumed candles; preservatives for leather (oil and greases). (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; adhesives for dentures; air freshening preparations; air purifying preparations; animal washes; ant parasitic collars for animals; anti-freeze; anti-rheumatism rings antiseptics; aseptic cotton; bandages for dressings; bath preparations, medicated; bracelets for medical purpose; breast-nursing pads; bunion pads; capsules for medical purpose; compresses; contact lens cleaning preparations; corn remedies; deodorants, other than for personal use; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purpose; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; dog lotions; febrifuges; first-aid boxes, filled; fly catching paper; fly destroying preparations; fly glue; fumigation sticks; germicides; insect repellents; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal drinks; medicinal hair growth preparations; medicinal herbal tea; medicine cases, portable, filled; medicines for human purpose; menstruation pads; mineral food-supplements; mothproofing preparations; mouthwashes for medical purposes; mud for baths; napkins for incontinent; pesticides; rat poison; sanitary towels; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care slug exterminating preparations; solutions for contact lenses; sunburn ointments; vermin destroying preparations; vitamin preparations. (511) Klasse 06: Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; nonelectric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; aviaries of metal (structures); badges of metal for vehicles; bell for animals; bells; bird baths (structure of metal); bolts of metal; bottle closures of metal; broom handles of metal; busts of common metal; cable joints of metal, non-electric; cashboxes of metal; cattle chains; chains for dogs; clothes hooks of metal; door bolts; door handles of metal; door knockers; ferrules of metal; fittings of metal for building; fittings of metal for furniture; handcuffs; hooks (metal hardware); house numbers of metal, nonluminous; ice moulds of metal; identity plates of metal; insect screen of metal; jalousies of metal; keys; knobs of metal; ladders of metal; latch bars of metal; memorial plates of metal; padlocks; pegs of metal; rings of common metal for keys; safes (strong boxes); safety cashboxes; screws of metal; steps (ladders) of metal; tile floorings of metal; monuments of metal for tombs; tool boxes of metal, empty; wall plugs of metal; wire of aerials; wire rope; works of art of common metal. fortsættes 1169 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (511) Klasse 08: Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors; axes; blade sharpening instruments; borers; bottle openers; cake server; can openers, non-electric; cheese slicers, non-electric; corkscrew; crow bars; cutting tools (hand tools); daggers; depilation appliances, electric and non-electric; dippers; dough scraper; drills; egg slicers, nonelectric; egg spoons; egg whip; filets (tools); fingernail polishers, electric or non-electric; fireplace bellows (hand tools); folding rule; forks; garden tools, hand-operated; gimlets (hand tools); graving tools (hand tools); hammers (hand tools); hand drills (hand tools); hunting knives; ice picks; insecticide vaporizers (hand tools); jig-saws; knives; lifting jacks, hand-operated; machetes; manicure set; masher; mattocks; meat skewer; milling cutters (hand tools); mincing knives (hand tools); nail files; nose and ear hairs cutters; nutcrackers; oyster opener; pedicure sets; pincers; pizza cutters, non-electric; planes; pliers; polishing irons (glazing tools); potato peeler; pruning scissors; pruning scissors; rakes (hand tools); razor blades; saws (hand tools); scaling knives; scissors; scraper for ceran-glass; scythes; shovels (hand tools); spades (hand tools); spatula; spatulas (hand tools); spoons; table forks; tree pruners; vegetable slicers. (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; altimeters; answering machines; anti-theft warning apparatus; batteries, electric; binoculars; camcorders; cameras (photography); cassette players; cinematographic cameras; commutators; compact disc player; compact discs; directional compasses; computer game programs; computer keyboards; computer programmes (programs), recorded; computer programs (downloadable software); connectors (electricity); contact lenses; containers for contact lenses; control panels (electricity); distance measuring apparatus; dog whistles; DVD players; egg timers (sandglasses); eyeshades; films, exposed; films, unexposed; flashlights (photography); flat irons, electric; goggles for sports; hair-curlers, electrically heated; headphones; heat regulating apparatus; hydrometers; knee-pads for workers; letter scales; life jackets; loudspeakers; magnetic tapes; magnifying glasses (optics); modems; monitors; mouse (data processing equipment); navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); notebook computers; optical data media; pocket calculators; pocket lamps with batteries; light-emitting electronic pointers; printers for use with computers; protective helmets; radios; radiotelephony sets; remote control apparatus; respirators for filtering air; scanner; signalling whistles; signs, luminous; sirens; smart cards; sound recording carriers; spectacle cases; spectacle frames; spectacle glasses; spectacles (optics); stands for photographic apparatus; sunglasses; swimming jackets; teeth protectors; portable telephone; telephone apparatus; telescopes; television apparatus; testing apparatus, not for medical purposes; thermometers, not for medical purposes; transformers (electricity); USB-card reader; video recorders; videotapes; voltage regulator; voltage regulator; voltmeters; water wings. magnifying glasses; (511) Klasse 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; bandages, elastic; cases fitted for use by surgeons and doctors; condoms; contraceptives, non-chemical; crutches; dummies (teats) for babies; feeding bottles; gloves for massage; hearing aids for the deaf; massage apparatus; maternity belts; sphygmo tensiometers; stockings for varicose; teething rings; thermometers for medical purposes. (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; air conditioning installations; air deodorising apparatus; alcohol burners; autoclaves (electric pressure cookers); barbecues; bed warmers; bicycle lights; bread backing machines; burners; ceiling lights; Chinese lanterns; coffee machines, electric; cooking rings; cooking utensils, electric; energy-efficient lamps; fairy lights; fountains; friction lighters for igniting gas; gas burners; hair driers (dryers); hot air ovens; immersion heaters; incinerators; kilns; kitchen ranges (ovens); lamp shades; lamps; lanterns for lighting; lanterns; lava rocks for use in barbecue grills; led-lights; light diffusers; lighting apparatus for vehicles; lighting sticks; lights bulbs; lights, electric, for Christmas trees; luminous house numbers; oil lamps; ornamental fountains; pocket torches, electric; pocket warmer; pocket warmers; refrigerating containers; spa bath (vessels); stoves; torches for lighting; torches; vehicles headlights; water boiler. (511) Klasse 12: Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; air pumps (vehicle accessories); baskets adapted for cycles; bells for bicycles, cycles; bicycle saddles; bicycle tires (tyres); bicycles; chains for bicycles, cycles; inner tubes for bicycles, cycles; oars; paddles for canoes; panniers adapted for cycles; parts and components of vehicles; pumps for bicycles, cycles; pushchairs; repair outfits for inner tubes; safety seats for children, for vehicles; scooters; trailer hitches for vehicles; two-wheeled trolleys. (511) Klasse 13: Fireworks; personal protective atomizers. (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; alarm clocks; amulets (jewellery, jewelry); boxes of precious metal; bracelets (jewellery, jewelry); brooches (jewellery, jewelry); busts of precious metal; cases for clock- and watchmaking; clocks and watches, electric; cufflinks; earrings; jewellery cases (ca- 1170 skets); medallions (jewellery, jewelry); necklaces (jewellery, jewelry); pins; rings (jewellery, jewelry); stopwatches; tie clips; tie pins; wall clocks; watch bands; wristwatches. (511) Klasse 15: Music instruments; castanets; drums (musical instruments); flutes; gongs; guitars; harmonica; keyboards; musical boxes; tambourines; xylophones. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); address stamps; adhesive dispensers; adhesive slips of paper; adhesives (glues) for stationery or household purpose; albums for stickers; albums; announcement cards (stationery); babies' diapers of paper and cellulose, disposable; conical paper bags; bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastic, for packaging; ball-point pens; bibs of paper; book bindings; bookends; booklets; bookmarkers; books; bottle boxes of paper; bottle envelopes of cardboard or paper; bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper; cabinets for stationery (office requisites); calendars; canvas for painting; canvas; catalogues; CD-boxes of paper; chalk; clips for offices; coloured pencils; compasses for drawing; correcting fluids; diaries; documents files (stationery); drawing boards; drawing pads; drawing pins; drawing sets; elastic bands for offices; figurines of papier mâché; filter paper; paper coffee filters flags of paper; flower-pot covers of paper; folders for pages; fountains pens; garbage bags of paper or of plastic; glue pens; greeting cards; hand labelling appliances; hand labelling appliances; hats of paper; highlighter; holders for check books (cheque books); house painters' rollers; index card boxes (stationery); index cards; ink eraser; inking pads; letter trays; loose leaf dividers; loose-leaf binders; manuals (handbooks); mats for beer glasses; memo boards of cork; modelling paste; music cards; napkins of paper for removing make-up; note books; oil paintings; pads (stationery); paint-brushes; painters' easels; pamphlets; paper bags; paper boards; paper-clips; paperweights; pencil sharpeners, electric or non-electric; pencils; pens; periodicals; permanent marker; photo albums; pictures and paper-cut for window decorations; pin boards; posters; rubber erasers; drawing rulers; sealing stamps; signboards of paper or cardboard; stample remover; stickers (stationery); superglue; tablecloths of paper; tablemats of paper; tapes for packages; tear-off calendars; toilet paper; towels of paper; transfers (decalcomanias); trash bags of paper or plastic; wax crayons; writing boards; writing books; writing instruments; writing materials; writing or drawing books; writing paper. (511) Klasse 17: Rubber, gum, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal; adhesive bands other than stationery and not for medical or household use; adhesive for carpets; anti-dazzle films for windows (tinted films); bags (envelopes, pouches) of rubber, for packaging; insulating gloves; insulating materials; insulating tape and band; non-conducting materials for retaining heat; packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials of rubber or plastic; sealant compounds for joints. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; attaché cases; bags for campers; bags for sport; beach bags; briefcases; briefcases; cases, of leather or leather board; dog collars; handbags; key cases (leather ware); net bags for shopping; pocket wallets; purses; school bags; shopping bags; slings for carrying infants; suitcases; travelling trunks; vanity cases, not fitted; wheel shopping bags. (511) Klasse 19: Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal aviaries, not of metal (structures); birds baths (structures, not of metal); cement; floor tiles, not of metal; glasses for buildings; gravestones; gypsum; insect screens, not of metal; insect screens, not of metal; plates of cement; works of art of stone, concrete or marble. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; air mattresses, not for medical purpose; animal horns; bamboo curtains; baskets, not of metal; bead curtains for decoration; bed fittings, not of metal; benches (furniture); busts of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; chests for toys; closures, not of metal, for containers; coat hangers; coat stands; containers, not of metal (storage, transport); coral; corks; covers for clothing (wardrobe); curtain hooks; curtain rings; curtain rods; cushions; display boards; easy chairs; figurines (statuettes) of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; flower-stands (furniture); furniture fittings, not of metal; hand-held mirrors (toilet mirrors); keyboards for hanging keys; letter boxes, not of metal or masonry; library shelves; nameplates, not of metal; nesting boxes; packaging containers of plastic; racks (furniture); scratching posts for cats; seats; shelves for storage; straws for drinking; tables; tailors' dummies; tools boxes of plastic, empty; wickerwork; wind chimes (decoration). (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; abrasive sponges for scrubbing the skin; baby bath, portable; bafortsættes Dansk Varemærketidende skets for domestic use; basting spoons, for kitchen use; beaters, non-electric; beer mugs; bottle openers; bottles; bowls (basins); bread baskets, domestic; bread bins; bread boards; brooms; brush goods; brushes for cleaning tanks and containers; brushes for footwear; buckets; busts of china, terracotta or glass; butter dishes; cake molds; candelabra (candlesticks); candelabra (candlesticks); candle rings; carpet beaters (hand instruments); carpet sweepers; ceramic for household purpose; chamber pots; chamois leather for cleaning; cheese-dish covers; China ornaments; chopsticks; rags (cloth) for cleaning; rags (cloth) for cleaning; cleaning instruments, hand-operated; cleaning tow; closures for pot lids; cloth for washing floors; clothes racks, for drying; clothes-pegs; coasters, not of paper and other than table linen; cocktails stirrers; coffee services; combs; containers for households or kitchen use; cookery molds; cookie (biscuits) cutters; cookie jars; cooking pot sets; cooking pot sets; cooking pots; cooking skewers, of metal; corkscrews; cosmetic utensils; cruets; crumb trays; crystal (glassware); cups of paper or plastic; cups; cutting boards for the kitchen; decanters; deodorising apparatus for personal use; dishes; dishes; dishwashing brushes; dishwashing brushes; disposable table plates; drinking glasses; drinking vessels; drying racks for washing; dustbins; dusting cloth (rags); dustpan; egg cups; eyebrow brushes; feather-dusters; figurines (statuettes) porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; flasks; flat-iron stands; floss for dental purpose; flower pots; flower-pot covers, not of paper; fly swatters; fruit cups; fruit presses, non-electric, for household purpose; frying pans; funnels; furniture dusters; gardening gloves; glass (receptacles); glass bowls; glass jars (carboys); glass stoppers; painted glassware; gloves for household purpose; goblets; graters (household utensils); heaters for feeding bottles, non-electric; heat-insulated containers; ice cubes molds (moulds); insect traps; insulating flaks; honing board covers, shaped; ironing boards; isothermic bags; jugs; kettles, non-electric; kitchen containers; knife rests for the table; lazy susans; lunch boxes; mixers, manual (cocktail shakers); mixing machines, non-electric, for household purpose; mixing spoons (kitchen utensils); mops; mosaics of glass, not for building; mouse traps; mouse traps; nail brushes; napkin holder; napkin rings; nest egg, artificial; nozzles for sprinkler hose; nozzles for watering cans; paper plates; pastry cutters; pepper pots; perfume burners; perfume vaporizers; fitted picnic baskets, including dishes; pie servers; piggy banks, not for metal; plungers for cleaning blocked drains; pocket bottle (cosmetic utensils); polishing leather; porcelain ware; pot lids; pots; pottery; powder compacts; powdered glass for decoration; garlic presses (kitchen utensils); rat traps; refrigeration bottles; rolling pins, domestic; salad bowls; salt cellars; saucers; scrubbing brushes; table services; shaving brushes; shoe horns; shoe trees (stretchers); sieves (household utensils); signboards of porcelain or glass; soap boxes; soap dispensers; soar holders; soup bowls; spatulas (kitchen utensils); spice sets; sponges for household purpose; sprinklers; squeegees for showers; strainers; sugar bowls; syringes for watering flowers and plants; syringes for watering flowers and plants; table plates; tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons; tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons; tea caddies; tea infusers; tea services; tea strainers; teapots; toilet brushes (511) Klasse 22: Ropes, strings, nets, awnings, sails, sacks and bags, not included in other classes; padding materials, not of rubber or plastic; raw fibrous textile; cords for hanging pictures, etc.; awnings of synthetic materials; awnings of textile; car towing ropes; feathers for stuffing upholstery; flock (stuffing); hammocks; nets; packing strings; rope ladder; sisal; straw wrappers for bottles; strings; tents; thread, not of metal; vehicle covers (not fitted). (511) Klasse 23: Yarns and thread, for textile use; cotton thread and yarn; hemp thread and yarn; jute thread and yarn; linen thread and yarn; rayon thread and yarn; sewing thread and yarn; silk thread and yarn; spun cotton; woollen thread and yarn. (511) Klasse 24: Elastic woven materials and textiles, included in this class; bed blankets and tablecloths; bath linen, except clothing; bed clothes; bed covers; bed linen; blankets for dogs; blankets of fleece; coasters (table linen); fitted toilet lid covers of fabric; covers (loose) for furniture; covers for cushions; curtain holders of textile material; curtains of textile or plastic; eiderdowns (down coverlets); fabrics for textile use; face towel of textile; flags (not of paper); furniture coverings of plastic; furniture coverings of textile; handkerchief of textile; household linen; labels of cloth; mattress covers; mosquito nets; pillows shams; place mats, not of paper; sheets (textile); shower curtains of textile or plastic; table napkins of textile; table napkins of textile; table runners; tablecloth, not of paper; tablecloths, not of paper; tissues of textile for removing make-up; towels of textile; travelling rugs (lap robes); wall hangings of textile; washing mitts. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing; footwear; headgear; aprons (clothing); aprons; bath sandals; bandanas; bath robes; bathing caps; bathing suits; bathing trunks; belts (clothing); money belts (clothing); bibs, not of paper; bikinis; bodys; boots for sports; boots; brassieres; capes (clothing); caps (headgear); caps; clothing for gymnastic; clothing of leather; coats; collar protectors; combinations (clothing); corsages; costumes, Santa Claus costumes; dressing gowns; eye mask for sleeping; football shoes; garden shoes; gloves (clothing); gymnastic shoes; hats; headbands; jackets (clothing); layettes (clothing); leggings; masquerade costumes; mittens; neckties; non-slipping devices for boots and shoes; pants; pocket squares; pockets for clothing; pullover; pyjamas; pyjamas; rubber boots; sandals; scarves; shirts; singlets; ski boots; slippers; slippers; socks; sombreros; stockings; strings; suits; suspenders; sweater; tights; trousers; T-shirts; underpants; underwear; uniforms; waterproof clothing. 2012-06-27 (511) Klasse 26: Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, needles; artificial flowers; artificial fruits; artificial garlands; badges for wear, not of precious metal; barrettes (hair-slides); belt clasps; bows for the hair; braids; buckles (clothing accessories); cords for clothing; crochet hook; darning needles; embroidery; false hair; fastenings for clothing; gold embroidery; hair bands; hair curlers, other than hand implements, non-electric; hair grips (slides); hair nets; hair ornaments; hair pins; hat ornaments, not of precious metal; heat adhesive patches for repairing textile articles; hook and pile fastening tapes; hook and pile fastening tapes; knitting needles; letters for marking linen; monogram tabs for marking linen; needle cases; needle cushions; ornamental novelty badges (buttons); pins, other than jewellery; plaited hair; hooks (haberdashery); reins for guiding children; sewing boxes; sewing sets, excluding thread; sewing thimbles; shoe buckles; shoe fasteners; shoe laces; shoe ornaments, not of precious metal; shoulder pads for clothing; snap fasteners; spools; tea cosies; thread of metal for embroidery; tinsels (trimmings for clothing); toupees; trouser clips for cyclists; zip fasteners. (511) Klasse 27: Carpets, rugs, mats, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings, not of textile; bath mats; carpets for automobiles; carpets; door mats; gymnastic mats; wall hangings of paper. (511) Klasse 28: Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; ornaments for Christmas trees; air mattress (toys); artificial snow for Christmas trees; bells for Christmas trees; billiard balls; billiard cues; billiard tables; bingo cards; board games; body-building apparatus; bows for archery; boxing gloves; building blocks (toys); building games; candle holders for Christmas trees; chalk for billiard cues; chess games; Christmas tree stands; Christmas trees of synthetic materials; confetti; cups for dice; dolls; dolls' beds; dolls' clothes; dolls' houses; dominoes; dumb-bells; easter egg of plastic; explosive bonbons; fishing tackle; flippers for swimming; hula-hoop; ice skates; inflatable animals (toys); kites; lines for fishing; marbles for games; marbles of glass; mobiles (decoration); novelties for parties; ornaments for Christmas trees (except illumination articles and confectionery); parlour games; playing balls; playing cards; playing cards; playing money; plush toys; practical jokes (novelties); puppets; puzzles; rattles (playthings); remote control vehicles (toys); rocking horses; roller skates; scale model vehicles; shuttlecocks; skateboards; ski; skipping rope; snow globe; soap bubbles (toys) stationery exercise bicycles; swimming pools (toys); swings; teddy bears; toy masks; toy vehicles; toys; water pistols; whistles. (511) Klasse 29: Fish, meat, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and mild products; edible oils and fats; broth concentrates; broth; compotes; fish, tinned; fruit jellies; fruits, tinned; fruits, tinned; marmalades; meat, tinned; meat, tinned; mushrooms, dried; olives, preserved; potato crisps; prepared nuts; tuna fish; vegetables, tinned. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea and cacao, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; meal and cereal preparations; bred, pastries and confectionery, ice cream; honey, golden syrup; yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, saucers (condiments), spices, ice for refreshment; biscuits; candy sticks for Christmas trees; candy sticks; cereal based snack foods; cereal snacks; chocolate; confectionery; confectionery; edible decorations for cake; fruit jellies (confectionery); gingerbread; liquorice (confectionery); lollipops; marshmallows; marzipan; noodles; pastries; peppermints; popcorn; rice cakes; rice snacks; vinegar, sauces (condiments). (511) Klasse 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; fresh vegetables and fruits; grains, living plants and natural flowers; bird food; Christmas trees; dog biscuits; dried branches; edible chews for animals; flower bulbs; grains for animals consumption; grains; natural turf; nuts; pine cones; plants; products for animal litter; seedlings; straw (forage); sunflowers. (511) Klasse 34: Tobacco, smoker's articles; matches, ashtrays; boxes for cigarettes; boxes for cigars (with humidor); boxes for cigars; cigar cutter; cigarettes filters; cigarettes; cigars; gas containers fir cigar lighters; lighters for smoker's match boxes; paper for cigarettes; pipe cleaners (for tobacco pipes); pipe racks (for tobacco pipes); tobacco boxes; tobacco pipes. (591) Farvetekst: Blue and yellow. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-04-30 DE 30 2010 026 248.6/16 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-04-30 Gazette No.: 33/2011 1171 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1088286 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-06 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1088949 (800) Design. dato: 2011-05-18 SIN CITY (730) Indehaver: "Alconost" Limited Liability Company, 24, Shchepkina street, RU-129090 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Tatyana N. Makarova, Patent Attorney No. 1208 c/o OOO "Tradeinvent", P.O. Box 7, RU-117420 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 33: Aperitifs; arrack [arak]; brandy; wine; piquette; whisky; vodka; gin; digesters [liqueurs and spirits]; cocktails; liqueurs; alcoholic beverages, except beer; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; spirits [beverages]; distilled beverages; mead [hydromel]; peppermint liqueurs; bitters; rum; sake; cider; rice alcohol; alcoholic extracts; fruit extracts, alcoholic; alcoholic essences. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-06 Gazette No.: 34/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1088851 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-18 (730) Indehaver: ISKUL GIDA PAZARLAMA TASIMA TURIZM YAYINCILIK SAN. VE TIC. LTD. STI, Ismet Kaptan Mh. Hürriyet, Bulvari No: 18 Münir Birsel, Plaza 2B Blk. Kat:6 D:12, Konak-Izmir, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: PAMAR PATENT MARKA HIZMETLERI VE KALITE YSNETIM SISTEMLERI EGITIM DANISMANLIK LTD. STI., 1469 Sokak No:128 K:3 D:3, Alsancak, KONAK - IZMIR, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game, meat products, meat extracts, meat broth, bouillons, processed fishery product (mollusks and crustaceans), dried, cooked, smoked, canned, and frozen, meat products except dry pulses, dried cooked, preserved, frozen vegetables products, vegetable juice for cooking; dried pulses such as beans, peas, chickpeas, lentil, soybean, ready made soups and ready made foods based on meat, vegetables and fruits; olives preserved; pickles; milk and milk products; all kinds of milk, soft white cheese, mild and pale yellow cheese made of sheep's milk, yoghurt, drink made of yoghurt and water, whipped cream, cream chantilly, full cream powdered milk, kephir, milk beverages containing fruit, yoghurts containing fruits, koumiss, desserts made of milk and milk products (milk predominating), edible oils and fats, margarines, butter; preserved, frozen cooked fruits; foodstuff made by boiling down grape juice, jams, marmalades, fruit pulp, compote, dried fruits, dried layers of fruit pulp (pestil), purée of hazelnut, peanut, crushed sesame seeds (sesame and paste), eggs, powdered eggs, jellies for food, gélatine for food, proteins for human consumption, pollen prepared as foodstuff; potato chips. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-18 Gazette No.: 35/2011 1172 (730) Indehaver: Instru optiikka oy, Sinimäcntic 8, FI-02630 Espoo, Finland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Kolster Oy Ab, Iso Roobertinkatu 23, P.O. Box 148, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations excluding those for dental care; contact lens cleaning preparations; solutions for use with contact lenses; protective, cleaning, application, disinfecting, boiling and other liquids for contact lenses. (511) Klasse 09: Optical apparatus and instruments, contact lenses, containers for contact lenses, spectacles; spectacle frames; sunglasses; spectacle glasses; spectacle cases. (511) Klasse 35: Wholesale, retail and import and export services to businesses in the field of pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations excluding those for dental care, contact lens cleaning preparations, solutions for use with contact lenses, protective, cleaning, application, disinfecting, boiling and other liquids for contact lenses, optical apparatus and instruments, contact lenses, containers for contact lenses, spectacles, spectacle frames, sunglasses, spectacle glasses and spectacle cases; aforesaid services also trough electronic and telecommunications means, such as the Internet, television networks, (mobile) telephone networks, cable, satellite and Ethernet networks, and other similar networks; franchising, namely business consultancy, promotional activities and provision of commercial know-how; advertising; business management; business administration, office functions; business management and business economic consultancy; publicity and sales promotion, all of the aforementioned services with respect to eyeglasses and other optical products and services of home healthcare products excluding dental imaging. (511) Klasse 44: Optometry services and services provided by opticians, optometrists and contact lens specialists including consultancy and provision of information in this field; professional consultancy with regard to the quality and use of optical products, spectacles and contact lenses. (591) Farvetekst: Red and white. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-13 FI T201101524 Finland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-05-18 Gazette No.: 35/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1089585 (800) Design. dato: 2011-03-31 MR. B (730) Indehaver: Mister B Trading B.V., Van der Madeweg 5 B, NL-1099 BS AMSTERDAM, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: De Koning Vergouwen Advocaten, Mr. M. Kashyap, Sophialaan 33, NL-1075 BL Amsterdam, Holland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical products; narcotics; hygienic lubrificants. (511) Klasse 10: Erotic articles for intimate use (adult sexual aids). (511) Klasse 18: Leather traveling bags, harness, straps of leather. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing and shoes made out of leather and woven fabrics; jackets, jeans and other types of trousers, shorts, shirts, underwear, briefs, athletic sports briefs, also known as jock-straps, boxer shorts, sports shorts, boots and shoes; caps made out of leather and woven fabrics. (511) Klasse 40: Tailoring, making of leather clothes; leather working namely making of leather accessories. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-03 BX 1220835 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-03-31 Gazette No.: 36/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1089744 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-26 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1091890 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-27 PRO-WHITER (730) Indehaver: Näf Tech AG, Wolleraustrasse 41a, CH-8807 Freienbach, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: EBD Rechtsanwälte, Rämistrasse 46, CH-8001 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 03: Abrasive preparations, in particular corundum grains; products and substances for removing pipe scale. (511) Klasse 06: Containers of metal. (511) Klasse 07: Machines for pipe cleaning, in particular compressors, pumps, pressure distributors, apparatus for mixing, sand-blasting apparatus, filters and dust extraction units as well as accessories for these machines, included in this class. (511) Klasse 09: Data media for computers, in particular CD-ROMs, DVDs, USB memory sticks; data retrievable via networks and the Internet; electronic publications. (511) Klasse 16: Prospectuses, technical drawings, images, photographs; education and teaching material, except apparatus. (511) Klasse 19: Construction materials, in particular cement and mortar. (511) Klasse 37: Construction; installation, repair and cleaning of plumbing systems and pipes; advice and information on buildings, particularly regarding the cleaning of pipes. (511) Klasse 41: Teaching and seminars in the field of buildings, in particular regarding the cleaning of pipes. (511) Klasse 42: Analyzing the state of pipes; advice on construction. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-08 CH 617441 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-26 Gazette No.: 36/2011 (730) Indehaver: IWI AG, Industriestrasse 13-C, CH-6304 Zug, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW FIRM "ARS-PATENT", P.O. Box 301, RU-101000 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 03: Breath freshening sprays; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; toilet water; deodorants for personal use; dental bleaching gels; perfumes; perfumery; eyebrow pencils; cosmetic pencils; cosmetic creams; skin whitening creams; hair spray; nail varnish; after-shave lotions; hair lotions; lotions for cosmetic purposes; beauty masks; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for toilet purposes; essential oils; oils for cleaning purposes; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; cosmetic kits; musk [perfumery]; soap; disinfectant soap; deodorant soap; medicated soap; dentifrices; lipsticks; cosmetic preparations for baths; toiletries; denture polishes; mouth washes, not for medical purposes; preparations for cleaning dentures; make-up removing preparations; nail care preparations; make-up powder; makeup preparations; sunscreen preparations; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; bath salts, not for medical purposes; astringents for cosmetic purposes; hair colorants; depilatories; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetics; antiperspirants [toiletries]; shampoos. (511) Klasse 05: Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; thermal water; mineral water for medical purposes; mud for baths; mineral food-supplements; nutritional additives for medical purposes; candy for medical purposes; candy, medicated; dental lacquer; dental mastics; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; pomades for medical purposes; belts for sanitary napkins [towels]; vitamin preparations; therapeutic preparations for the bath; preparations to facilitate teething; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; bath preparations, medicated; medicinal hair growth preparations; food for babies; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; mouthwashes for medical purposes; remedies for perspiration; tonics [medicines]; digestives for pharmaceutical purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-27 Gazette No.: 39/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1092122 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1091774 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-04 proaffinity (730) Indehaver: LA BANQUE CENTRALE POPULAIRE, 101 Bd Mohamed Zerktouni, Casablanca, Marokko (740/750) International fuldmægtig: KHALFY AZZEDINE, 101 Bd Mohamed Zerktouni, Casablanca, Marokko (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, business management, business administration, office functions. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance underwriting; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-08 MA 1390005 Marokko (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-04 Gazette No.: 39/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-13 COMPRESSYN (730) Indehaver: Dallen Medical, Inc., 1046 Calle Recodo, Suite G, San Clemente CA 92673, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: David H. Mills Dallen Medical, Inc., 1046 Calle Recodo, Suite G, San Clemente CA 92673, USA (511) Klasse 10: Orthopedic surgical implant comprising artificial material. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-13 Gazette No.: 39/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1092442 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-04 PRIMO (730) Indehaver: Life & Mobility Development B.V., Logistiekweg 5, NL-7007 CJ Doetinchem, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Vereenigde, Postbus 87930, NL-2508 DH The Hague, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Data processing equipment for mobile scooters and/or powered wheelchairs; hardware and software as far as used by/in mobile scooters and/or electric wheelchairs (not included in other classes). (511) Klasse 12: Mobile scooters; wheelchairs, powered or not; parts of the aforesaid goods, not included in other classes. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-02-18 BX 1219922 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-04 Gazette No.: 40/2011 1173 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1093559 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-05 JERSEY (730) Indehaver: CHANEL, 135 avenue Charles de Gaulle, F-92200 NEUILLYSUR-SEINE, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Perfumery, cosmetics, essential oils, hair lotions, soap, dentifrices. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-03 FR 11 3 811 352 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-05 Gazette No.: 41/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1094147 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-11 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1095182 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-09 The Alexandrov Red Army Ensemble (730) Indehaver: Federal State Institution and Cultural "The Alexandrov Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Russian Army" Ministry defence of Russia, d. 20, Zemledelcheskiy per., RU-119121 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Nathalia Y. Biakina, Innotec Ltd., office 404, dom 49, ul. Bolshaya, Semenovskaya, RU-103027 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, including tee-shirts, football shirts, sports jerseys, jackets [clothing], scarfs, collar protectors, hosiery; headgear. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, including television advertising; dissemination of advertising matter, including dissemination of booklets, pamphlets. (511) Klasse 41: Education and entertainment, including orchestra services; amusements; organization of entertainment shows; arranging and conducting of concerts, variety shows. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-12-31 RU 2010742543 Russiske Føderation (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-09 Gazette No.: 43/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1095319 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-09 VirtualWorks (730) Indehaver: ROHM CO., LTD., 21, Saiin Mizosaki-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyotoshi, Kyoto 615-8585, Japan (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Fukami Patent Office, p.c., Nakanoshima Central Tower, 2-7, Nakanoshima 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 530-0005, Japan (511) Klasse 09: AC-DC converters; DC-DC converters, LED drivers; filters for removing electromagnetic ray; over current protection device; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; capacitor; electric resistors; infrared communication modules; remote control infrared receiver modules; mobile phones; other telecommunication devices and apparatus; digital cameras; car navigation devices; set-top boxes; radio cassette players/recorders; car stereo equipment; in-car television receivers; display devices and apparatus for showing numbers, characters and other images using LEDs; in-car CD changers; other CD changers; transistors; diodes; light-emitting diodes; integrated circuits; large-scale integrated circuits; semiconductor laser devices; other semiconductor devices; optical sensors using semiconductors; image sensor heads for use in scanners and photocopiers; thermal heads for use in thermal printers; computers; liquid crystal displays for computers; other electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; measuring or testing machines and instruments; electric welding apparatus; cash registers; coin counting or sorting machines; electric sign boards for displaying target figures, current outputs or the like; photo-copying machines; manual calculating machines; drawing or drafting instruments and apparatus adapted for use with computers; time and date stamping machines; time clocks (time recording devices); punched card office machines; voting machines; billing machines; postage stamp checking apparatus; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; electric buzzers; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes; apparatus for consumer games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; downloadable music files; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications; vending machines; fire alarms; gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; railway signal apparatus, luminous or mechanical; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; luminous or mechanical road signs; apparatus for arcade games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electric door openers; laboratory apparatus and instruments. (511) Klasse 10: Esthetic massage apparatus for medical purposes; medical machines and apparatus; electric massage apparatus for household use. (511) Klasse 11: Electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; household electrothermic appliances. (591) Farvetekst: Red. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-11 Gazette No.: 42/2011 1174 (730) Indehaver: InfoFinder Search Technologies Inc., Suite 190, 5301 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton FL 33487, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Robert A. Solomon Solomon Blum Heymann LLP, 40 Wall Street, 35th Floor, New York NY 10005, USA (511) Klasse 09: Computer software for creating and maintaining an enterprise-wide virtual content index including the tools to search, retrieve, analyze or manage the indexed data; computer software architecture used by products that create and maintain an enterprise-wide virtual content index. (511) Klasse 35: Value-added reseller services, namely, distributorship services featuring computer software; business consultation services in the field of computer systems, networks, and software; arranging and conducting trade show exhibitions in the field of computer systems, networks, and software. (511) Klasse 41: Computer education training services; training in the use of computer systems, networks, and software; arranging and conducting educational conferences and programs in the field of computers systems, networks and software. (511) Klasse 42: Creating and customizing computer software; installation, maintenance, and updating of computer software and networks; computer software development; cloud computing featuring software for creating and maintaining an enterprise-wide virtual content index including the tools to search, retrieve, analyze or manage the indexed data - whether hosted remotely in the cloud or locally on-premise; technical consultation and technical assistance in the field of computer systems, networks and software; providing technical information, product news, and product reviews in the field of computer systems, networks and software; integration of computer systems, consultation services. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-26 US 85330600 USA (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-09 Gazette No.: 44/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1095340 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-13 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1095865 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-19 OXYNEO (730) Indehaver: Mundipharma AG, St. Alban-Rheinweg 74, CH-4020 Basel, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical products and substances, particularly analgesics, excluding cosmetic and dermotological pharmaceutical preparations. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-08-03 CH 620395 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-19 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1095954 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-07 STRONGHOLD (730) Indehaver: Stronghold Invest AB, Box 7795, SE-103 96 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Frederic Forsman Law Firm Glimstedt, P.O. Box 5244, SE-102 45 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 36: Real estate, investment, real estate consultancy, real estate agencies, real estate appraisal, real estate brokers, leasing of real estate, management of real estate. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-07 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (730) Indehaver: EDNOLITCHNO DRUJESTVO S OGRANITCHENA OTGOVORNOST "FINANSKONSULT", "Altzeko" str. 16, BG-4000 PLOVDIV, Bulgarien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Vasya Ivanova GERMANOVA, j.k. Drujba 2, bl. 273, vh. A, ap. 24, BG-1582 SOFIA, Bulgarien (511) Klasse 34: Tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; smokers' articles; matches. (591) Farvetekst: Red, white and yellow. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-11 BG 118943 Bulgarien (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-13 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1095353 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1096374 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-13 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-09 FRESH IBIZA (730) Indehaver: Coty Germany GmbH, Fort Malakoff Park, Rheinstrasse 4E, 55116 MAINZ, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET HIRSCH & ASSOCIES, 58 avenue Marceau, F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, perfumery; essential oils; shower gels. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-09 DE 30 2011 014 054.5/03 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-09 Gazette No.: 44/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1095772 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-04 (730) Indehaver: SIRKECI TEKSTIL SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Velikoy Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Çerkezkoy/Tekirdag, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ACAR PATENT MARKA FIKRI HAKLAR LTD. STI., Fulya Caddesi 12/A, Sisli ISTANBUL, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; marketing and public relation services, organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; office functions; business management; business administration; business consultancy; book-keeping and accounting services, import-export agencies; business appraisals for commercial and industrial products; auditing; grouping and demonstration of goods, updating advertorial goods. (591) Farvetekst: Tones of violet and purple. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-13 Gazette No.: 45/2011 FRIO (730) Indehaver: Frio UK Ltd, Whiteleys, Little Treffgarne, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA62 5DY, Storbritannien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Chapman Molony, Cardiff Business Technology Centre, Senghenydd Road, Cardiff CF24 4AY, Storbritannien (511) Klasse 10: Packs and wallets for storage, transportation and cooling of medicines and pharmaceuticals. (511) Klasse 21: Small domestic containers, portable cooling containers; thermally insulated containers, bags, wallets or wraps. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-04 Gazette No.: 44/2011 1175 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1096453 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-01 (730) Indehaver: Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu "Maksroft", 3, ul. Oleko Dundicha, RU-121108 Moskva, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Aleksandr A. Slykhov, Patent agent No 136, Post box No 16, RU-109382 Moskva, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax, disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; acaricides, aconitine, alkaloids for medical purposes, algicides, aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes, dental amalgams of gold, dental amalgams, amino acids for veterinary purposes, amino acids for medical purposes, antibiotics, aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical purposes, acetates for pharmaceutical purposes, germicides, balms for medical purposes, hygienic bandages, bandages for dressings, biocides, bracelets for medical purposes, anti-rheumatism bracelets, bromine for pharmaceutical purposes, paper for mustard plasters, fly catching paper, mothproofing paper, petroleum jelly for medical purposes, vaccines, oxygen baths, antiseptic cotton, absorbent cotton, cotton for medical purposes, radiological contrast substances for medical purposes, nutritive substances for microorganisms, radioactive substances for medical purposes, bismuth subnitrate for pharmaceutical purposes, melissa water for pharmaceutical purposes, sea water for medicinal bathing, mineral water for medicinal purposes, thermal water, edible plant fibers [non-nutritive], molding wax for dentists, gases for pharmaceutical purposes, guaiacol for pharmaceutical purposes, haematogen, haemoglobin, hydrastine, hydrastinine, glycerine for medical purposes, glycerophosphates, glucose for medical purposes, gentian for pharmaceutical purposes, hormones for medical purposes, mustard for pharmaceutical purposes, mustard plasters, mud for baths, medicinal mud, gamboge for pharmaceutical purposes, gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] balsam for medical purposes, deodorants, other than for personal use, diastase for medical purposes, digitalin, additives to fodder for medical purposes, mineral food-supplements, nutritional additives for medical purposes, yeast for pharmaceutical purposes, gelatine for medical purposes, cod liver oil, isotopes for medical purposes, insecticides, iodine for pharmaceutical purposes, iodides for pharmaceutical purposes, alkaline iodides for pharmaceutical purposes, iodoform, calomel, cream of tartar for pharmaceutical purposes, tartar for pharmaceutical purposes, capsules for medicines, cachets for pharmaceutical purposes, candy for medical purposes, haemostatic pencils, wart pencils, caustic pencils, carbolineum [parasiticide], caustics for pharmaceutical purposes, cachou for pharmaceutical purposes, quassia for medical purposes, quebracho for medical purposes, gallic acid for pharmaceutical purposes, acids for pharmaceutical purposes, adhesives for dentures, adhesive bands for medical purposes, cocaine, collodion for pharmaceutical purposes, corn rings for the feet, anti-rheumatism rings, medicated candy, angostura bark for medical purposes, barks for pharmaceutical purposes, cedar wood for use as an insect repellent, condurango bark for medical purposes, croton bark, mangrove bark for pharmaceutical purposes, myrobalan bark for pharmaceutical purposes, cinchona for medical purposes, medicinal roots, rhubarb roots for pharmaceutical purposes, lint for medical purposes, starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes, creosote for pharmaceutical purposes, blood for medical purposes, cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use, curare, dental lacquer, liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes, lactose, adhesive plaster, medicines for alleviating constipation, lecithin for medical purposes, lotions for veterinary purposes, dog lotions, lotions for pharmaceutical purposes, lupulin for pharmaceutical purposes, magnesia for pharmaceutical purposes, liniments, ointments for pharmaceutical purposes, sunburn ointments, mercurial ointments, frostbite salve for pharmaceutical purposes, gauze for dressings, anti-horse-fly oils, (511) Klasse 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; apparatus for use in medical analysis, blood testing apparatus, anaesthetic apparatus, galvanic therapeutic appliances, apparatus for artificial respiration, apparatus for the treatment of deafness, physical exercise apparatus, for medical purposes, dental apparatus, resuscitation apparatus, dental apparatus, electric, physiotherapy apparatus, bed vibrators, diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes, insufflators, traction apparatus for medical purposes, fumigation apparatus for medical purposes, radiotherapy apparatus, apparatus and installations for the production of X-rays, for medical purposes, radiological apparatus for medical purposes, hearing aids for the deaf, hearing protectors, hernia bandages, maternity belts, bandages, elastic, cupping glasses, dental burs, babies' bottles, hot air vibrators for medical purposes, vibromassage apparatus, gastroscopes, hematimeters, surgical sponges, defibrillators, dialyzers, clips [surgical], feeding bottle valves, mirrors for dentists, mirrors for surgeons, probes for medical purposes, urethral probes, acupuncture needles, suture needles, needles for medical purposes, orthopaedic articles, surgical implants [artificial materials], inhalers, injectors for medical purposes, incubators for medical purposes, incubators for babies, obstetric apparatus, obstetric apparatus for cattle, electric acupuncture instruments, cutlery [surgical], cannulae, droppers for medical purposes, dropper bottles for medical purposes, heart pacemakers, catheters, catgut, incontinence sheets, 1176 draw-sheets for sick beds, enema apparatus for medical purposes, artificial skin for surgical purposes, teething rings, compressors [surgical], thermoelectric compresses [surgery], corsets for medical purposes, abdominal corsets, crutches, dentists' armchairs, armchairs for medical or dental purposes, beds, specially made for medical purposes, lasers for medical purposes, lamps for medical purposes, quartz lamps for medical purposes, ultraviolet ray lamps for medical purposes, fleams, lenses [intraocular prostheses] for surgical implantation, spoons for administering medicine, masks for use by medical personnel, anaesthetic masks, childbirth mattresses, hydrostatic [water] beds for medical purposes, air mattresses, for medical purposes, furniture especially made for medical purposes, water bags for medical purposes, breast pumps, urinals [vessels], knee bandages, orthopedic, tips for crutches for invalids, finger guards for medical purposes, medical guidewires, pumps for medical purposes, thread, surgical, knives for surgical purposes, scissors for surgery, ambulance stretchers, stretchers, wheeled, boots for medical purposes, orthopaedic [orthopedic] footwear, clothing especially for operating rooms, blankets, electric, for medical purposes, supports for flat feet, ophthalmometers, ophthalmoscopes, gloves for massage, gloves for medical purposes, horsehair gloves for massage, pessaries, saws for surgical purposes, ear picks, spittoons for medical purposes, plaster bandages for orthopaedic purposes [casts (Am.)], supportive bandages, suspensory bandages, orthopaedic soles, abdominal pads, cushions for medical purposes, pads [pouches] for preventing pressure sores on patient bodies, air cushions for medical purposes, soporific pillows for insomnia, heating cushions, electric, for medical purposes, belts for medical purposes, abdominal belts, galvanic belts for medical purposes, orthopaedic [orthopedic] belts, umbilical belts, belts, electric, for medical purposes, condoms, aerosol dispensers for medical purposes, arterial blood pressure measuring apparatus, esthetic massage apparatus, massage apparatus, urological apparatus and instruments, orthodontic appliances, nursing appliances, brushes for cleaning body cavities, invalids' hoists, (511) Klasse 42: Chemical analysis, bacteriological research, biological research, cosmetic research; consultancy services relating to research in the field of environmental protection; quality control. (511) Klasse 44: Medical services, veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; pharmacy advice; hospitals, midwife services, veterinary assistance, dentistry, medical assistance, beauty salons, sanatoriums, blood bank services, health care, services of a psychologist, nursing, medical, physical therapy, chiropractics, plastic surgery. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-01 Gazette No.: 45/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1097266 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-31 (730) Indehaver: Zhejiang Alephan Garments Co., Ltd., No. 156, Yanshan Road, Gaoqiao Town, Fuyang, Zhejiang, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SHANGHAI UTC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CO., LTD., Room 507, No.333, Zhaojiabang Road, Xuhui District, 200032 Shanghai, Kina (511) Klasse 42: Chemical analysis; material testing; industrial design; packaging design services; styling (industrial design); design of interior decor; dress designing; hosting computer sites (Web sites); authenticating works of art; graphic arts designing. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-11 CN 9449543 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-31 Gazette No.: 46/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1097724 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-11 (730) Indehaver: HANATOUR Service Inc., 1 Gongpyeong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-160, Sydkorea (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NA, SeungTaek, 3F Focus B/D, 725-25 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-080, Sydkorea (511) Klasse 39: Arranging of tours; travel reservation; travel information services; organisation of excursions; booking of seats for travel; tour conducting or escorting; tour conducting; travel and tour information service; travel guide agency; coordinating travel arrangements for individuals and for groups; travel guide services; escorting of travellers; sightseeing tourism; organization of excursions, day trips and sightseeing tours; arranging of cruises; arranging of travel package holidays; arranging of overseas travel; transport of travellers; transportation of travellers; passenger transport; air transport; air transport agency; airport services; bus transport; bus rental; van transport; boat transport; boat rental; sailboat transport; ship transport; rental of fleets; passenger ship transport; rental car reservation; parcel delivery; transportation agency; arrangement of transportation; transport; transport reservation; transportation information; car transport; car rental; bicycle rental; car parking; parking place rental; garage rental; vehicle rental; railway transport; leasing of aircraft; rental of wheelchairs; warehousing; storage of baggage; storage information; storage of goods; general warehousing; rental of warehouses; storage of cargo; freight warehousing. (591) Farvetekst: Red (pantone color 215C). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-11 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1097884 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-02 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1097894 (730) Indehaver: Eye-Fi, Inc., 305 W. Evelyn Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dwayne K. Goetzel, Meyertons, Hood, Kivlin, Kowert & Goetzel, P.C., P.O. Box 398, Austin, TX 78767-0398, USA (511) Klasse 42: Computer services, namely, web-based server system and online downloadable software application for user account control and uploading, downloading, transferring, display and electronic storage of digital photographs and video. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-19 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1097897 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-11 NEURASAN (730) Indehaver: Marianna Gross, Göttelborner Straße 31, 66557 Illingen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwaltskanzlei Vièl & Wieske, Feldmannstrasse 110, 66119 Saarbrücken, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary products for medical purposes; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (511) Klasse 45: Granting of licenses for business management model franchising. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-02-14 DE 30 2011 004 138.5/05 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-11 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1097926 (730) Indehaver: G. TECH TECHNOLOGY LTD., 2nd Floor, Building No. 1, Taiwan Industrial Park, No.21, Jin Feng West Road, Tangjiawan Town, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Kingsound & Partners, 11 F, Block B, Kingsound International Centre, 116 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 09: Computer keyboards; bar code readers; computer peripheral devices; mouse (data processing equipment); integrated circuit cards (smart cards); computers; recorded computer software; couplers (data processing equipment); readers (data processing equipment); meters; photocopiers (photographic, electrostatic, thermic); intercommunication apparatus; measuring instruments; optical apparatus and instruments; battery chargers. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-02 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-19 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-05 LYONS (730) Indehaver: GTRC SERVICES, INC., 5795 LINDERO CANYON ROAD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Darren B. Cohen, Reed Smith LLP, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York NY 10022, USA (511) Klasse 15: Drumheads, percussion mallets, drum sticks and recorders (musical instruments). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-05 Gazette No.: 47/2011 1177 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098009 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-10 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098050 ZOOMBO (730) Indehaver: GUANGDONG ZHONGBAO KITCHENWARE CO., LTD., East End of No. 3 Road, Jiedong Test District, Jieyang City, 515500 Guangdong, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ANDU & CATALY, Room 505, State Guest Office Tower, Fu Cheng Men Wai Street, Xicheng District, 100037 BEIJING, Kina (511) Klasse 08: Agricultural implements, hand-operated; steel knifes; insecticide vaporizers (hand tools); swords; cutlery; hand implements for hair curling non-electric; table cutlery (knives, forks and spoons); sugar tongs; spoons; ladles (hand tools). (511) Klasse 11: Autoclaves (electric pressure cookers); gas lighters; heating installations (water); electric hair driers; sanitary apparatus and installations; pocket warmers; water purification installations; kettles, electric; hydrants; disposable sterilization pouches. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen containers, not of precious metal; tableware, not of precious metal; china ornaments; porcelain enamel plastic utensils of everyday use (including basins, bowls, plates, kettles, cups); urns, not of precious metal; liqueur sets; thermally insulated containers for food; toilet utensils; kettles, non-electric; cosmetic utensils. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-10 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098016 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-21 LEPAPROCK (730) Indehaver: CRISTALL SRL, Via Ravenna, 595 -, Loc. Gaibana, I-44124 Ferrara, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: INTERNAZIONALE BREVETTI - ING. CARLO CASOTTI, Via Toschi, 15, I-42100 REGGIO EMILIA, Italien (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear and headgear for men and women. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-27 IT RE 2011 C 000190 Italien (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-21 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098032 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-28 BEAUTY WITH A FRENCH ACCENT (730) Indehaver: BOURJOIS, 12-14 rue Victor Noir, F-92200 NEUILLY-SURSEINE, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Soap; perfumery, essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions, dentifrices. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-31 FR 11 3 819 540 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-28 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098033 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-28 LA BEAUTE AVEC L'ACCENT FRANCAIS (730) Indehaver: BOURJOIS, 12-14 rue Victor Noir, F-92200 NEUILLY-SURSEINE, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Soap; perfumery, essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions, dentifrices. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-31 FR 11 3 819 538 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-28 Gazette No.: 47/2011 1178 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-06 Stimul''Ace (730) Indehaver: HAYASHI Yukiyasu, 12, Minami-machi, Bairin, Gifu-shi, Gifu 500-8112, Japan (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NISHIO Akira, 57-122, Monjyu, Motosushi, Gifu 501-1203, Japan (511) Klasse 29: Processed foods mainly made of fermented papaya in the form of granule, powder, tablet and capsule. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-19 JP 2011-034167 Japan (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-06 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098162 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-08 (730) Indehaver: CHANGSHU TONGRUN AUTO ACCESSORY CO., LTD., New Longteng Industrial Park, Changshu Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: China Trademark & Patent Law Office Co, Ltd., 14 Yuetan Nanjie, Xichengqu, Yuexin Bld., 100045 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Lifts (other than ski-lifts); elevators (lifts); elevating apparatus; escalators; moving staircases (escalators); truck lifts; waggon lifts; electric portable drills; hydraulic hand tools; hand operated hydraulic presses; machines for the textile industry. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-08 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098261 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-23 ARULA (730) Indehaver: Huber Tricot Gesellschaft mbH, 17, Hauptstrasse, A-6840 Götzis, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Michael Konzett, Rechtsanwalt, Fohrenburgstraße 4, A-6700 Bludenz, Østrig (511) Klasse 24: Knitted fabric; textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. (511) Klasse 40: Dyeing of yarns, threads, textiles, especially knitted fabric, textile goods and clothing; cutting of textiles, especially knitted fabric. (511) Klasse 42: Development of fashion designs; services of a textile designer. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-02 AT AM 1126/2011 Østrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-23 Gazette No.: 47/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098308 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-22 (730) Indehaver: Kalisto Business Corp., P.O. Box 3321, Drake Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, Britiske Jomfruøer (740/750) International fuldmægtig: "Card Patent" LLC, P.O. Box 9, RU-123298 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 09: Calculating machines; decorative magnets; spectacles [optics]; sunglasses; goggles for sports; eyeglasses; spectacle cases; eyeglass chains; eyeglass cords. (511) Klasse 20: Busts of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; fans for personal use, non-electric; coat hangers; mirrors [looking glasses]; hand-held mirrors [toilet mirrors]; bamboo; animal claws; animal hooves; coral; meerschaum; whalebone, unworked or semi-worked; stag antlers; tortoiseshell; shells; horn, unworked or semi-worked; animal horns; rattan; wickerwork; works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; cabinet work; baskets, not of metal; mobiles [decoration]; picture frames; statuettes of wood, wax, plaster or plastic. (511) Klasse 28: Novelties for parties, dances [party favors, favours]; starting blocks for sports; spinning tops [toys]; jigsaw puzzles; dominoes; christmas trees of synthetic material; kites; toys; plush toys; mobiles [toys]; board games; kaleidoscopes; playing cards; confetti; dolls; marionettes; toy masks; candle holders for christmas trees; ornaments for christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; chess games; checkers [games]. (591) Farvetekst: White and dark pink. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-22 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098382 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098493 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-24 (730) Indehaver: MAGIC PRODUCTION GROUP (M.P.G.) SA, Findel Business Center, Complexe B, Rue de Tréves, L-2632 FINDEL, Luxembourg (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BECKER Pascal Avocat au Barreau de Luxembourg, 31, rue d''Eich, L-1461 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data media; sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; extinguishers. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives (glues) for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printing type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 28: Games, toys; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (511) Klasse 41: Teaching; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (591) Farvetekst: Dark green, light green, dark yellow, light yellow, white, black. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-26 BX 1224167 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-24 Gazette No.: 47/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098634 (730) Indehaver: GTRC SERVICES, INC., 5795 LINDERO CANYON ROAD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Darren B. Cohen Reed Smith LLP, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA (511) Klasse 15: Musical instruments namely pianos, keyboards, portable keyboards, controller keyboards. (511) Klasse 16: Instructional books on keyboard techniques, musical instrument digital interface usage, electronic recording and composing, DVDs, CDs, videos. (511) Klasse 20: Keyboard benches. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-05 Gazette No.: 47/2011 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-24 (730) Indehaver: MIDAL CABLES LIMITED, Building 744, Road 5128, Block 951, Askar, Bahrain (511) Klasse 06: Alloys of common metals; aluminium; aluminium wire; cable joints of metal, non-electric; clips of metal for cables and pipes; cables of metal (non-electric). (511) Klasse 09: Coaxial cables; cables, electric; cables (fibre optic); junction sleeves for electric cables; conductors (electric). (591) Farvetekst: Dark blue and white. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-10 BH 86395 Bahrain 2011-05-10 BH 86392 Bahrain (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-24 Gazette No.: 48/2011 1179 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098636 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-19 (730) Indehaver: Unilever N.V., Weena 455, NL-3013 AL Rotterdam, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam N.V., Claude Debussylaan 54, NL-1082 MD AMSTERDAM, Holland (511) Klasse 11: Electric tea making apparatus. (511) Klasse 30: Tea and tea products; carbonated and non-carbonated tea based beverages; iced tea; non-medicinal herbal tea and infusions. (511) Klasse 32: Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (511) Klasse 43: Services for providing food and drink. (591) Farvetekst: Various shades of green, red, yellow, brown and purple. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-15 BX 1223657 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-19 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098651 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-20 APR (730) Indehaver: Celgene Corporation, 86 Morris Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Camille M. Miller, Cozen O''Connor, PC, 1900 Market Street, Philadelphia PA 19103, USA (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations, namely, cytokine inhibitory drugs; pharmaceutical preparations that modulate the immune system; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of certain cancers and blood diseases. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-10-12 US 85445607 USA (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-20 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098666 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-08 (730) Indehaver: SHENGTAI GROUP CO., LTD., Xishui Industrial Area, Dongying City, 257336 Shandong Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: QIANHUI IP ATTORNEYS, Room 1503, 15th Floor, First Avenue Mansion, No. 15982 Jingshi Road, Jinan City, 250014 Shandong Province, Kina (511) Klasse 12: Tires for vehicle wheels; inner tubes for pneumatic tires; airplane tyres; treads for retreading tires. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-26 CN 9767554 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-08 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098939 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-24 (730) Indehaver: ASSAN GIDA SANAYI VE TIGARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Tersane Caddesi, Isik Is Merkezi No.: 92 Kat:6, TR-34420 KARAKÖY iSTANBUL, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DESTEK PATENT ANONIM SIRKETI, Ortapazar Caddesi No: 7, Tophane - Bursa, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 29: Canned fruits and vegetables, frozen or processed fruits and vegetables; tomato puree, peeled tomatoes, diced tomatoes; tomato paste. (511) Klasse 30: Ketchup, tomato sauces. (511) Klasse 32: Tomato juice. (591) Farvetekst: The colors red, white, black and green are claimed as feature of the mark. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-24 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1098960 (800) Design. dato: 2010-11-02 (730) Indehaver: Limited Liability Company "KAMI-Mebel", str. 13, d. 40, ul. B. Semenovskaya, RU-107023 Moskva, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Joint - Stock company "Patentny Poverenny", Galina N. Andruschak, d. 53, ul. Aviamotornaya, RU-111250 Moskva, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 07: Woodworking equipment, machines: frame gang-saws, bandknife gang-saws, lumbering (slitting wheel) gang-saws, cutting band-resaw gang-saws, multirip bench gang-saws, edge-trimming machine, crosscut gangsaws, kilns, drying complexes with boilers, four-side, tenon cutting, profilemilling machines for chairs, multifunction machining centers with numerical program control, window-cutting centers, bandsawing machines, rod machines, turning machines, dimensioning machines with coping saw blades, edgebanders, panel boring machines, bench sanders, sizing and rubbing machines, gum applicators, equipment for scale wood, press for lamination of furniture boards, vacuum press for lamination of furniture boards, molded strips facing equipment, tenon cutting machines for grafting, end-jointing presses and lines, cramping machines and presses for windows and boards, headboard glue presses, film wrapping complexes and mechanical packers, sawdust cloggingpresses, dust-catching plants, painting chambers, multipurpose regrinding machines, spare parts for woodworking machines. (591) Farvetekst: Orange and black. (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-11-02 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099006 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-06 DUO-CAPS (730) Indehaver: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstraße 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching and washing preparations for laundry use; rinsing agents for laundry and tableware; stain removing agents; laundry starch; fabric softeners; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; essential oils as fragrances for laundry use. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-08 DE 30 2011 020 562.0/03 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-06 Gazette No.: 48/2011 1180 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099216 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-16 (730) Indehaver: Andersson & Söderlund AB, Kammakargatan 25, Stockholm, SE-111 60, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Advokatbyran Gulliksson AB, Box 55631, SE-102 14 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 09: Sunglasses, sun visors (eyewear); cases adapted for sunglasses. (511) Klasse 14: Clocks and watches; clocks and watches, electric; cases for watches and clocks; jewellery; cloisonne jewellery; jewellery of yellow amber. (511) Klasse 18: Pocket wallets. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing for car drivers; braces for clothing; collars (clothing); underwear; women's underwear; clothing; combinations (underwear); readymade clothing; outer clothing; hosiery; ski clothing (other than for protection against injury); waterproof clothing; babies' clothing; aprons (clothing); beach clothes; veils (clothing); headbands (clothing); clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; rain wear; esparto shoes or sandals; gymnastic shoes; beach shoes; heelpieces for boots and shoes; ribs for shoes; shoes; shoes for sport wear; boots; low boots; lace boots; ties; belts for wear; money belts (clothing); caps (headwear); headwear; headwear (clothing) for sporting activities; hats. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-16 Gazette No.: 48/2011 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099383 (730) Indehaver: Zhejiang Alephan Garments Co., Ltd., No. 156, Yanshan Road, Gaoqiao Town, Fuyang, Zhejiang, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SHANGHAI UTC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CO., LTD., Room 507, No.333, Zhaojiabang Road, Xuhui District, 200032 Shanghai, Kina (511) Klasse 42: Dress designing; industrial design; material testing; chemical analysis; packaging design services; hosting computer sites (web sites); styling (industrial design); authenticating works of art; graphic arts designing. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-02 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099511 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099323 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-20 IKRAM (730) Indehaver: Rüstü Özcan, Stralsunder Str. 62, 13355 Berlin, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Meissner & Meissner Anwaltskanzlei, Hohenzollerndamm 89, 14199 Berlin, Tyskland (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. (511) Klasse 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. (511) Klasse 32: Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (511) Klasse 35: Wholesale and retail services as well as online direct mail selling and catalog direct mail selling services in the field of: foodstuff and beverages, agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, tobacco products and other luxury foodstuff. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-20 DE 30 2011 023 486.8/35 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-20 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099382 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-13 (730) Indehaver: MEGA SOFT (FUJIAN) HYGIENE PRODUCTS CO., LTD., Yihe Industrial Mansion, Chaokeng fenglushan, Nanhuan Road, Shishi City, 362700 Fujian, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Beijing Weichi Trademark Agency Co., Ltd., Room 903, No. 4 Building, Yushuguan xili, Xicheng District, 100044 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 16: Babies' napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of paper and cellulose, disposable; babies' napkins of paper and cellulose, disposable; babies' diapers of paper and cellulose, disposable; hygienic paper; paper; towels of paper; modelling materials; filtering materials (paper). (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-25 CN 9259867 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-13 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-02 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-09 LIONEL TERRAY (730) Indehaver: MONCLER S.R.L., Via Stendhal, 47, I-20144 MILANO, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.P.A., Via Senato, 8, I-20121 MILANO, Italien (511) Klasse 09: Optical apparatus and instruments, optical lenses, magnifying glasses, binoculars, opera glasses, goggles for sports, goggles for skiing, contact lenses, cases for contact lenses, pince-nez; spectacles, sunglasses, spectacle frames; monocles; pince-nez mountings, cases for spectacles and sunglasses, cases for pince-nez, chains for spectacles and for sunglasses, frames for spectacles and sunglasses, eyeglass cords; telephone receivers, telephone apparatus, video telephones, mobile phones, antennas for mobile phones; batteries for mobile phones; chargers for mobile phones; cases for mobile phones; mobile phone straps; microphones for mobile phones; loudspeakers for mobile phones; earphones for mobile phones; hands-free kits for mobile phones; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmission or reproducing of sounds or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, sound recording discs, sound recording carriers, radios, television apparatus, recorded video discs, recorded video tapes, video recorders, games adapted for use with television receivers, compact discs, compact disc players, compact disc portable music players; cases for portable music players; video cassettes, DVD players, DVD recorders photographic and cinematographic apparatus and instruments, television cameras, digital cameras, video cameras; apparatus for recording, data processing and computer equipment, recorded computer software, downloadable computer programs, computers, floppy disks, computer keyboards, compact discs, computer peripheral devices, magnetic cards, monitors, optical discs, notebook computers, mouse pads, computer game programs; chronographs, electronic agendas; protective helmets. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitation leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; purses, school bags, school satchels, card cases, travelling trunks, backpacks, rucksacks, wallets, shopping bags, attaché cases, beach bags, handbags, travelling bags, handbag frames, pouches, briefcases, cases of leather, travelling trunks, vanity cases (not fitted), leather key cases, suitcase, bags for sports, leather cheque holders, hat boxes of leather, garment bags for travel, leather shoulder belts, leather straps, fur, raw skins, dog collars, clothing for pets, umbrellas, canes, walking sticks; whips, saddlery, harness fittings, industrial packaging containers of leather. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, overalls, underwear, sweaters, shirts, jumpers, suits, ready-made clothing, trousers, outer clothing, knitwear, gabardines, coats, skirts, petticoats, pullovers, overcoats, stuff jackets, jackets, ski jackets, ski pants, pullovers, parkas, clothing of leather, T-shirts, blouses, pants, dressing gowns, tights, vests, jerseys, pajamas, bathrobes, brassieres, camisoles, corselets, slips, children's clothing, layettes, bathing caps, bathing suits, clothing for gymnastic, waterproof clothing, raincoats, masquerade costumes; footwear, slippers, bath slippers, boots, sport boots, horseriding boots, galoshes, shoes, beach shoes, sandals, sport shoes, gymnastic shoes, overshoes; headgear, hats, caps, cap peaks; socks, sock suspenders, stockings, garters, gloves, mittens, muffs, shawls, ties, neckties, scarves, veils, bandanas, fur stoles, furs (clothing); belts; wedding dress. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-08-04 IT MI2011C008323 Italien (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-09 Gazette No.: 48/2011 1181 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099529 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-21 VARISAN (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099756 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-09 Vario DoubleFit (730) Indehaver: CIZETA MEDICALI S.p.A., Via IV Novembre, 46, I-20012 CUGGIONO (MILANO), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: JACOBACCI & PARTNERS SPA, Via Senato, 8, I-20121 MILANO, Italien (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters; materials for dressings, in particular bandages; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; pharmaceuticals for blood circulation problems. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-08-12 IT MI2011C008531 Italien Classes 3, 5 priority limited to: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; pharmaceuticals for blood circulation problems. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-21 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (730) Indehaver: SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG, Bürgermeister-GrünzweigStrasse 1, 67059 Ludwigshafen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Adhesives and chemicals intended for use in the building sector. (511) Klasse 17: Mineral wool insulating materials in the form of felts, rolls, batts, plates, shells, tapes or strips, for thermal, refrigeration or sound insulation and protection from fire and vibration, bands (not of metal), intended for use in construction, except for packaging, adhesive tapes and sealing tapes for construction purposes; sealing materials and products intended for the production of joints for the aforementioned bands for use in construction. (511) Klasse 19: Building materials, not of metal. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-09 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099624 (730) Indehaver: NV Log SA, Rue Joseph Girard 24, CH-1227 Carouge, Schweiz (511) Klasse 39: Transport; packaging and storage of goods; arranging of tours. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-10-04 CH 622193 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-08 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-27 BONNE NOUVELLE (730) Indehaver: Groupe UCCOAR, Boulevard Henri Bouffet, Zone industrielle Salvaza, F-11000 Carcassonne, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SCHMIT-CHRETIEN, Parc de Basso Cambo - West Park, 4 rue Paul Mesplé, F-31100 TOULOUSE, Frankrig (511) Klasse 32: Non-alcoholic beverages. (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-27 Gazette No.: 48/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099697 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099765 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1099914 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-08 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-28 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-16 UPSUN (730) Indehaver: UPSUN INDUSTRIAL GROUP CO., LTD., 1-5, No.97 Yueyi Road, 1-5, No.132 Mingyang Road, Yuecheng Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Unitalen Attorneys At Law, 7th Floor, Scitech Place, No. 22, Jian Guo Men Wai Ave., 100004 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Garbage disposals; machines and apparatus for cleaning, electric; spinning machines; wine presses; wrapping machines; washing machines; elevators (lifts); presses (machines for industrial purposes); electricity generating device by wind power; machine tools; knives, electric; dynamos; piston segments; pumps (machines); springs (parts of machines); bearings (parts of machines); leather-working machines. (511) Klasse 09: Converters, electric; switches, electric; relays, electric; circuit breakers; sockets, plugs and other contacts (electric connections); distribution boxes (electricity); semiconductors; remote control apparatus. (511) Klasse 11: Lamps; cooking apparatus and installations; refrigerating appliances and installations; exhaust fan; lights for vehicles; extractor hoods for kitchens; hydrants; bath installations; water purifying apparatus and machines; hand drying apparatus for washrooms; solar energy water heater; radiators, electric; lighters. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-16 Gazette No.: 49/2011 1182 (730) Indehaver: Kolesnikov Borys Viktorovych, 31 Vitchiznyana Str., flat 2, Donetsk 83050, Ukraine (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Leonid Cherepov, 17-25, Gerzen Str., office 1, Kyiv 04050, Ukraine (511) Klasse 30: Candies; sweetmeats; sugar candies; jelly candies; pastilles; marzipan candies; candied sweetmeats; sweetmeats and candies with filling; waffle based candies; toffee based candies; chocolate candies; chocolate; chocolate bars; chocolate sticks. (591) Farvetekst: Golden and violet. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-08-30 UA M 2011 13598 Ukraine (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-28 Gazette No.: 49/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100139 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100198 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-13 (730) Indehaver: MEGA SOFT (FUJIAN) HYGIENE PRODUCTS CO., LTD, Yihe Industrial Mansion, Chaokengfenglushan, Nanhuan Road, Shishi City, Fujian Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Beijing Sino-American Tianlu Intellectual Property Agent Co., Ltd, Rm 709, Building A of Henghua, International Commercial Center, 26 Yuetan North Street, Xicheng District, 100045 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 16: Hygienic paper; babies' napkins of paper and cellulose, disposable; coasters of paper; towels of paper; babies' diapers of paper and cellulose, disposable; babies' napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of paper and cellulose, disposable. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100140 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 BE BE BONITO (730) Indehaver: MEGA SOFT (FUJIAN) HYGIENE PRODUCTS CO., LTD, Yihe Industrial Mansion, Chaokengfenglushan, Nanhuan Road, Shishi City, Fujian Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Beijing Sino-American Tianlu Intellectual Property Agent Co., Ltd, Rm 709, Building A of Henghua, International Commercial Center, 26 Yuetan North Street, Xicheng District, 100045 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 16: Hygienic paper; babies' napkins of paper and cellulose, disposable; coasters of paper; towels of paper; babies' diapers of paper and cellulose, disposable; babies' napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of paper and cellulose, disposable. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100145 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100200 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-22 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-21 (730) Indehaver: Greenland Springwater AG, Neuhofstrasse 4, CH-6341 Baar, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: E. BLUM & CO. AG Patent- und Markenanwälte VSP, Vorderberg 11, CH-8044 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 32: Beer; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; soda water; table waters; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-22 CH 616696 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-21 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100163 (730) Indehaver: Bjørklund Norge as, PB 254 Alnabru, N-0614 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes (except cutlery goods, forks and spoons); jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-13 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (730) Indehaver: ÖZYER TURIZM SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, D.S.i. Yani Sahil Yolu, Üzeri Özyer idare Binasi, Fethiye-Mugla 048, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: PATENT-IS SINAI MÜLKIYET HIZMETLERI LIMITED SIRKETI, Sirinevler, Eski Londra Asfalti, Haydar Akin 1. is Merkezi, No: 25/29, Bahçelievler/ISTANBUL, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 43: Rental of temporary accommodation; reservation of temporary accommodation, especially for hotel, motel; bar, café, restaurant, banqueting and catering services, day-nurseries (créches). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-22 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100279 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-13 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-13 Grasovkiss (730) Indehaver: H. Underberg-Albrecht GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- und Vertriebs KG, Underbergstrasse 1-3, 47495 Rheinberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-13 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (730) Indehaver: Bjørklund Norge as, PB 254 Alnabru, N-0614 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes (except cutlery goods, forks and spoons); jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-13 Gazette No.: 49/2011 1183 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100339 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-28 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100507 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-30 ISOVER family (730) Indehaver: SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG, SSC-R, BürgermeisterGrünzweig-Straße 1, 67059 Ludwigshafen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 17: Mineral wool insulating materials for thermal, refrigeration and sound insulation and fire and vibration protection; films (non-metallic) for construction purposes, excluding packaging; adhesive tapes and sealing tapes, for construction purposes; sealing compounds for joining the aforementioned films to building elements. (511) Klasse 19: Building materials, not of metal. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-28 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100378 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-10 FEROFORCIN (730) Indehaver: GINSANA S.A., Via Mulini, CH-6934 Bioggio, Schweiz (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations; dietetic substances and food supplements for medical use made with vegetable ingredients; vitamin and mineral preparations for medical use. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-10 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100436 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (730) Indehaver: GUANGZHOU CITY BAIYUN DISTRICT JISHENG HARDWARE PLASTIC FACTORY, Workshop P4, Zhuliao Shangmaocheng, Community 2, Zhuliao Wuxi Village, Zhongluotan Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, 510000 Guangdong Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: GUANGZHOU K&D INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LTD., Room 308, Guangdong Geology Building, No.739 East, Dongfeng East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Kina (511) Klasse 09: Sheaths for telephone sets; jukeboxes (musical); galvanic cells; battery chargers; apparatus for study; camcorders; cameras (photography); computer peripheral devices; video telephones; lenses for astrophotography. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (730) Indehaver: GTRC SERVICES, INC., 5795 LINDERO CANYON ROAD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Darren B. Cohen, Reed Smith LLP, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York NY 10022, USA (511) Klasse 03: Polish for finishes of both musical instruments and furniture; cleaning solutions and oils for musical instruments and furniture. (511) Klasse 15: Musical instruments, namely, brass wind instruments, wood wind instruments, keyboard operated wind instruments, pianos, reed and pipe organs, electronic organs, accordions, saxophones, clarinets, bugles, trumpets, cornets, trombones, french horns, oboes, flutes, piccolos, tubas, violins, violas, harps, cellos, guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, banjos, drums, cymbals, triangles, harmonicas, xylophones, and all parts therefor; mouthpieces for instruments. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-30 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100508 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-05 GIARDINELLI (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100438 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (730) Indehaver: NANJING RENUE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD, Room 608, No. 109 Changjiang Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Beijing Tianditong Intellectual Property Attorney Co., Ltd, Room 427, West Diaoyutai Hotel, Fucheng Road No. 22, Haidian District, 100036 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 18: Travelling trunks; backpacks; wheeled shopping bags; shopping bags; attaché cases; valises; suitcase handles; vanity cases (not fitted); suitcase handles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 1184 (730) Indehaver: GTRC SERVICES, INC., 5795 LINDERO CANYON ROAD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Darren B. Cohen, Reed Smith LLP, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York NY 10022, USA (511) Klasse 03: Accessories for musical instruments, namely, impregnated cleaning cloths, impregnated polishing cloths, polishes, and cleaning solutions, all for musical instruments. (511) Klasse 04: Accessories for musical instruments, namely, lubricants for musical instruments. (511) Klasse 15: Musical instruments, namely, brass wind instruments, wood wind instruments, keyboard operated wind instruments, pianos, reed and pipe organs, electronic organs, accordions, saxophones, clarinets, bugles, trumpets, cornets, trombones, french horns, oboes, flutes, piccolos, tubas, violins, violas, harps, cellos, guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, banjos, drums, cymbals, triangles, harmonicas, xylophones, and all parts therefor; accessories for musical instruments, namely, bags, gig bags and cases for musical instruments, French horn accessories, namely mouthpiece rims, and lyres; mouthpieces for instruments. (511) Klasse 35: Online retail store services and online ordering services featuring musical instruments, electronic musical instruments, public address equipment, electronic devices, audio visual equipment, compact discs, books, education materials, textbooks, songbooks, music scoring sheets, video tapes; mail order catalog services in the field of musical instruments and supplies. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-05 Gazette No.: 49/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100516 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-02 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100613 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-07 JUC (730) Indehaver: NMS TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD., Within Yuevuan No.1, Primary School, Xuanwu District, Nanjing City, 210024 Jiangsu Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NANJING JINDA TRADEMARK SERVICES CO.,LTD, No.44, Jiefang Road, 210016 Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Kina (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations; sterilising preparations; biological medical preparations; medicines for human purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; biocides; medical dressings; adhesive tapes for medical purposes; water soluble medications; diagnostic medical preparations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-02 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100598 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (730) Indehaver: Guangdong Tidiy Ceramics Co.,Ltd., Fanhu Industrial Zone, Leping Town, Sanshui District, Foshan City, 528138 Guangdong, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Beijing huangjinzhihui Intellectual Property Law Office Co.,ltd, Room 407, A.5, yuetan West Street, Xicheng District, 100045 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 19: Bricks; non-metal tiles; ceramic tiles; non-metal floor tiles; non-metal wall tiles; pantiles; non-metal tile floorings; glass mosaics for use in building construction; ceramic border for building. (511) Klasse 21: Kitchen utensils, not made of precious metal; colored glassware; porcelain ware; pottery (except tea services and liqueur sets); works of art of earthenware, glass or porcelain; tea services not of precious metal; tempered glass; non-metal piggy banks; brushes; cosmetic utensils. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100603 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (730) Indehaver: Lishide Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., No. 112, West Avenue, Changlin, Linshu County, 276715 Shandong province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Beijing Sidesun Intellectual Property Law Office, Room B705, Investment Plaza, 27 Finance Street, Xicheng District, 100032 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Loader; agricultural machines; road making machines; excavators; concrete mixers (machines); road rollers; vibrating pile driver; agitators; capstans; road sweeping machines (self-propelled). (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-21 CN 9749889 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (730) Indehaver: Viking Brands S.A., 2, Rue Marie Curie, L-8049 Strassen, Luxembourg (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Office Ernest T. Freylinger S.A., 234 route d'Arlon, Boîte Postale 48, Boîte Postale 48, L-8001 Strassen, Luxembourg (511) Klasse 32: Beer; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; non-alcoholic fruit extracts; essences for making beverages; syrups for beverages; cocktails, non-alcoholic; non-alcoholic fruit extracts; nonalcoholic fruit juice beverages; cider, non-alcoholic; vegetable juices (beverages); kvass (non-alcoholic beverage); lemonades; syrups for lemonade; preparations for making liqueurs; fruit nectars, non-alcoholic; grape must, unfermented; soda water; sherbets (beverages); tomato juice (beverage); fruit purées; fruit and/or vegetable juices; fruit and/or vegetable beverages; fresh fruit and vegetable cocktails. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; import-export services; import-export of beverages and beers; cost-price analysis, marketing research; market studies; business evaluations; business management assistance; compilation of statistics; price comparison services; commercial information and advice for consumers; dissemination of advertising matter; direct mail advertising (tracts, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); copywriting and publishing advertising texts; publicity columns preparation; demonstration of goods; commercial or industrial management assistance; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); retail sale of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, beers, beverages containing beer and other alcoholic beverages containing beer, wines, spirits and liqueurs; marketing assistance services for the wholesale of beverages, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, beers, beverages containing beer and other alcoholic beverages containing beer, wines, spirits and liqueurs; administrative management of trademark license agreements for franchises, especially secretarial work, invoicing, book-keeping, accounting, drawing up of statements of accounts and auditing; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; services provided by franchisers, namely communication of information on distribution of beverages, restaurants and bars or licensed beverage establishments, assistance in running or managing a commercial venture in connection with the distribution of beverages, restaurants and licensed beverage establishments; rental of vending machines; book-keeping; invoicing; wage payroll preparation; administrative processing of purchase orders; public relations; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; business management of hotels, restaurants, bars and licensed beverage establishments; rental of vending machines; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes. (511) Klasse 40: Treatment of materials; food and drink preservation; fresh fruit and/or vegetable pressing. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-27 BX 1229705 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-07 Gazette No.: 49/2011 1185 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100619 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-03 (730) Indehaver: PIOLA, 35 Rue Finat Duclos, F-69160 TASSIN LA DEMI LUNE, Frankrig (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; pocket wallets; purses; handbags, rucksacks, wheeled bags; bags for climbers, bags for campers, traveling bags, beach bags, school bags; vanity cases (not fitted); collars or covers for animals; shopping nets or bags; bags or small bags (envelopes, pouches) of leather for packaging. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear; shirts; leather or imitation leather clothing; belts (clothing); furs (clothing); gloves (clothing); scarves; neckties; hosiery; socks; slippers; beach, ski or sports footwear; babies' diapers of textile; underwear. (511) Klasse 28: Windsurfing boards or surfboards; rackets; snowshoes; skis; protective paddings (parts of sports suits). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-03 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100669 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-06 Banksy (730) Indehaver: Modern Art & Photographic Center AS, Samcia 8, N-3320 Vestfossen, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Zacco Norway AS, Haakon VII''s gt. 2, P.O. Box 2003 Vika, N-0125 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer games. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; cups, table plates. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-07 NO 201104035 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-06 Gazette No.: 49/2011 1186 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100684 (800) Design. dato: 2011-05-09 (730) Indehaver: SKOURI nadia, 73 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 14: Jewelry, keyrings (trinkets or fobs); horological instruments; jewelry cases, boxes of precious metal, cases for watches; cases for clockand watchmaking. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, trunks and suitcases, umbrellas, parasols, pocket wallets, purses, not of precious metal, handbags, backpacks, wheeled bags, travel bags, beach bags, school bags, vanity cases (not fitted), bags or small bags (envelopes, pouches) for packaging, of leather. (591) Farvetekst: Pink and black. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-21 FR 11 3 825 388 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-05-09 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100736 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-29 S-PEARL (730) Indehaver: FibreCem Holding AG, Eternitstrasse 3, CH-8867 Niederurnen, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Isler & Pedrazzini AG, Postfach 1772, CH-8027 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 17: Insulating and soundproofing plates. (511) Klasse 19: Prefabricated construction elements with integrated heat and sound insulation boards; panels, plates or elements moulded in fibrocement or other raw materials of mineral origin combined with binding agents such as cement, gypsum or synthetic materials for the construction of claddings, particularly for walls, partitions, ceilings, pipes, façades and for the construction of prefabricated elements; ready-for-assembly, self-supporting walls and facades. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-03 CH 618966 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-29 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100778 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 SINOPLAST (730) Indehaver: Zhu Huaicai, No. 1 Building, Xikeng Village, Lingtang Committee, Hedong Town, Qingyuan District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Shenzhen SBZL Intellectual Property Agent Co., Ltd., Suite 2115, Nanguang Jiejia Building, 3037 Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, 518033 Guangdong Province, Kina (511) Klasse 01: Unprocessed plastics; plastic made of synthetic resin; molding compound; nylon 66 salt; plasticizer; chemical preparations for scientific purposes (not for the medical or veterinary); adhesives for industrial purposes; carbonic acid; sizing preparations (chemical preparations); saccharin. (511) Klasse 02: Paints; lacquers; natural resin (raw materials); gum resins; anti-corrosive preparations; ink for leather; colorants for butter; dyestuffs; master batch; dyes. (511) Klasse 17: Plastic board; plastic pipe; watering hoses; sound insulating material; insulating materials; stuffing of rubber or plastic; glue cover; seals; horseshoes of nonmetal; rubber, raw or semi-worked. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100781 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (730) Indehaver: NINGBO XINFU TITANIUM DIOXIDE CO.,LTD., Xiepu Industry Zone, Zhenhai Town, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NINGBO TIANYI TRADEMARK AGENCY CO., LTD, 5th Floor, 34 Changchun Road, Ningbo, 315010 Zhejiang, Kina (511) Klasse 02: Colorants; dyestuffs; dyes; silver emulsions (pigments); masterbatch; titanium dioxide (pigment); pigments; food colorants. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100802 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100837 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (730) Indehaver: TONGTAIYINGYOUERFUSHIYOUXIANGONGSI, Wangijiachang Village, Phoenix Town, Ningjin County, Xingtai City, 055550 Hebei Province, Kina (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, children's garments, layettes, baby sleeping bags, babies' diapers of textile. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-21 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100845 (730) Indehaver: Greenland Springwater AG, Neuhofstrasse 4, CH-6341 Baar, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: E. BLUM & CO. AG Patent- und Markenanwälte VSP, Vorderberg 11, CH-8044 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 32: Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; soda water; table waters; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-22 CH 621611 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-21 Gazette No.: 49/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-05-27 (730) Indehaver: Ballu Industrial Group Limited, Special administrative district, of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong Konnauht Road, Central, 148, complex 18V, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Elena Kolesnik, "Card Patent" LLC, P.O. Box 9, Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 06: Ducts of metal for ventilating and air conditioning installations; fittings of metal for compressed air ducts. (511) Klasse 07: Compressors (machines); air pumps (garage installations); compressors for refrigerators; superchargers; aerocondensers; steam condensers (parts of machines); steam engine boilers; bellows (machines); blowing machines for the compression, exhaustion and transport of gases; airblast superchargers; pumps (machines); pumps (parts of machines, engines or motors); compressed air pumps; pumps for heating installations; centrifugal pumps; pulverisers (machines); steam traps; feeding apparatus for engine boilers; separators; machine boiler scale collectors; boiler tubes (parts of machines); turbines other than for land vehicles; hydraulic turbines; turbocompressors; air suction machines; filtering machines; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; flues for engine boilers; fittings for engine boilers. (511) Klasse 11: Air conditioning apparatus; ventilation (air-conditioning) installations and apparatus; air-conditioning equipment for vehicles; filters for air conditioning; fans (parts of air-conditioning installations); fans (air-conditioning); ionisation apparatus for the treatment of air; air cooling apparatus; air cleaning (filtration) devices; air sterilization devices; drying apparatus and installations; air purifying apparatus and machines; hot air apparatus; air reheaters; air dryers; extractor hoods for kitchens; hot air bath fittings; heating boilers; feeding apparatus for heating boilers; boiler pipes (tubes) for heating installations; flues for heating boilers; gas boilers; split systems for air conditioning; air heaters (apparatus); desiccating apparatus; air cooling devices; ventilation hoods; ventilation hoods for laboratories; air refrigerators. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-05-27 Gazette No.: 50/2011 1187 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100894 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-02-22 (730) Indehaver: Altunkaya Insaat Nakliyat Gida Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, 4 Organize Sanayii Bölgesi, No.lu Cadde No:8, Beylerbeyi/Gaziantep, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ankara Patent Bureau Limited, Bestekar Sokak No. 10, TR-06680 Kavaklidere Ankara, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 05: Dietetic substances for medical purposes; diet foods adapted for medical purposes, baby foods; medical herbs and herbal drinks for medical purposes. (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish; poultry and game meat, and all kinds of processed meat products, dry legumes, ready made soups and bouillon, olives, processed and olive paste, milk and milk products including butter, edible vegetable oils; all kinds of dried, canned, frozen, cooked, smoked, brined fruits and vegetables; dried fruits, hazelnut and pistachio pastes, tahin (sesame seed paste) eggs, egg powders, jellies, gelatins; food supplements not for medical purposes (including processed pollen and proteins), not included in other classes; potato chips. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, cocoa, coffee substitutes, coffee or cocoa based beverages, chocolate based beverages, macaroni, meat pasty, semolina; pastry; bakery products; bakery desserts; royal jelly for food; propolis bee glue for human consumption; honey, condiments for foodstuff, yeasts, baking powder; all kinds of flour, semolina, corn starch, crystal sugar, cubed sugar, powdered sugar, tea, iced tea, confectionery, biscuits, crackers, waffles; pies, cakes, caramel filled chocolates and confectionery, chewing gums, ice creams; frozen confectionery; edible ice, salt, grain (cereals) and products made from cereal. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-02-22 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100907 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-01 (730) Indehaver: Hakan Björkstedt, Strandvägen 57C, SE-115 23 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Advokatfirman Lindahl KB, Box 1065, SE-101 39 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instrument for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; audio books; books recorded on tape; memo books (electronic); sunglasses, cases and bags adapted therefore; eyeglass cases; spectacles (optics); spectacle glasses; sunglasses; goggles for sports; swimming goggles; eyeglass cords; spectacle frames; eyeglass frames; spectacle cases; antiglare glasses; eyeglass chains, sun visors (eyewear). 1188 (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. (511) Klasse 16: Paper; cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; periodicals; brochures; albums. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (511) Klasse 28: Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retailer services in respect of bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices, scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instrument for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, fire-extinguishing apparatus, audio books, books saved on tape, memo books (electronic), sunglasses, sun visors, cases and bags adapted therefore, eyeglass cases, spectacles (optics), spectacle glasses, sunglasses, goggles for sports, swimming goggles, eyeglass cords, spectacle frames, eyeglass frames, spectacle cases, anti-glare glasses, eyeglass chains, precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists' materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes), printers' type, printing blocks, periodicals, brochures, albums, leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs and sponges, brushes (except paint brushes), brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purpose, steel wool, unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building), glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes, textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes, bed and table covers, clothing, footwear, headgear, games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes, decorations for Christmas trees. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-02 SE 2011/1935 Sverige (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-01 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100932 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-16 PUSUNG (730) Indehaver: ZHEJIANG PUXIN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., LTD., Jingsi Road, Dongyi Section, Shangyu Industrial Park, Hangzhouwan, Zhejiang, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SHAOXING ZHONGYUAN SHANGBIAO SHIWUSUO YOUXIAN GONGSI, (Room 402, Dongbao Jingyingbu), Dongbei Road, Donngguan Jiedao Town, 312000 Shangyu City, Zhejiang Province, Kina (511) Klasse 11: Lighting apparatus and installations; automobile lights; water heaters; ice chests; refrigerators; ventilation hoods; axial fans of glass-fibrereinforced plastic; electric hair driers; hot air apparatus; hot water heating installations; bath heaters; disinfectant cupboards; electric radiators; installations for processing nuclear fuel and nuclear moderating material. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-16 Gazette No.: 50/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1100979 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-21 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101101 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 JOTUN HARDTOP (730) Indehaver: JOTUN A/S, Hystadveien 167, N-3209 Sandefjord, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Zacco Norway AS, Haakon VII''s gt. 2, P.O. Box 2003 Vika, N-0125 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 02: Paints, varnishes, lacquer, antifouling, antirust products and wood preservations; coatings (in the nature of paint) for ships and for oilrigs; powder varnishes; powder varnishes for protective and esthetical coating of metal-products; two-part polyurethane paint. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-09-12 NO 201110392 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-21 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101034 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-01 (730) Indehaver: Zhejiang Medicine Co.,Ltd, 18th Floor, No. 60 Simadu Alley, Rd. Zhonghe, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Hangzhou Hangcheng trademark attorneys' Office Co., Ltd., Rm 505, No. 1 Wanxin Building, No. 35 Xihudadao Ave., Hangzhou, Kina (511) Klasse 05: Prescription and non-prescription medicines in the form of tablets; capsules sold empty for pharmaceuticals; pharmaceuticals for human and animals in the form of solutions; pharmaceuticals for human and animals in the form of injectables; eye drops; active pharmaceutical ingredients; pharmaceuticals for veterinary purposes; agricultural pesticides; microbial medicaments for veterinary purposes; medical dressings. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101257 (730) Indehaver: Relacom AB, SE-117 80 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: von lode advokat ab, P.O. Box 47229, SE-100 74 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 37: Consulting services relating to building/erection and operation (maintenance, installation and repair) of telecommunication networks and electricity grids/networks. (591) Farvetekst: Grey and purple. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-10-26 SE 2011/08199 Sverige (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-01 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101057 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-13 (730) Indehaver: JP Hrvatske telekomunikacije d.d. Mostar, Kneza Branimira b.b., 88000 Mostar, Bosnien-Herzegovina (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (591) Farvetekst: Red and grey. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-13 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101314 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101066 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-14 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-28 (730) Indehaver: Verein der Waldviertler Forstarbeiter, Obermühlweg 99, A-3921 Langschlag, Østrig (511) Klasse 41: Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-28 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101339 (730) Indehaver: JP Hrvatske telekomunikacije d.d. Mostar, Kneza Branimira b.b., 88000 Mostar, Bosnien-Herzegovina (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (591) Farvetekst: Black, yellow and green. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-08-26 BA BAZ1115815A Bosnien-Herzegovina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-13 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-13 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-08 (730) Indehaver: WEILONG GRAPE WINE CO., LTD., 276 North Circle Road, Longkou City, 265701 Shandong Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: QIANHUI IP ATTORNEYS, Room 1503, 15th Floor, First Avenue Mansion, No. 15982 Jingshi Road, Jinan City, 250014 Shandong Province, Kina (511) Klasse 33: Fruit extracts, alcoholic; arrack; wine; brandy; alcoholic beverages, except beer; spirits (beverages); alcoholic beverages containing fruit; rice alcohol; yellow wine; edible alcohol. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-26 CN 9767544 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-08 Gazette No.: 50/2011 AXENTYL (730) Indehaver: VIRBAC, 1ère Avenue - 2065 m - L.I.D., F-06516 CARROS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 05: Veterinary preparations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-14 Gazette No.: 50/2011 1189 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101414 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-18 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101628 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-22 DETREMIN (730) Indehaver: Renapharma AB, Box 938, SE-751 09 Uppsala, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BRANN AB, PO Box 12246, SE-102 26 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations; vitamin preparations; medicines for human purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; diet supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-09-30 SE 2011/07395 Sverige (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-22 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (730) Indehaver: TUKAS GIDA SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Çaybasi Mah. Izmir Cad. No:51, Torbali Izmir, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ANKARA PATENT BUREAU LIMITED, Bestekar Sokak No. 10, Kavaklidere, TR-06680 Ankara, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game meat, and all kinds of processed meat products, dry legumes, ready made soups and boullion, olives and olive paste, milk and milk products including butter, edible vegetable oils, dried, canned, frozen, cooked, smoked, brined fruits and vegetables of all kinds, dried fruits, hazelnut and pistachio pastes, sesame seed paste, eggs, egg powders, non-medical foods used for supplementary purposes including pollens as a foodstuff, proteins, non-carbohydrate supplements other than for medical use, potato chips. (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, cocoa, coffee substitutes, coffee or cocoa based beverages, chocolate based beverages, pastry and bakery products, bakery desserts, honey, royal jelly for food, propolis, yeasts, baking powder, condiments for foodstuff, natural substances for improving shape and color of bread and retarding its period of getting stale, all kinds of flour, semolina, corn starch, crystalised sugar, cubed sugar, powdered sugar, tea, iced tea, confectionery, biscuits, crackers, waffles, chewing gums, ice creams, frozen creams, salt, cereals and products made from cereals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-18 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101485 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-22 (730) Indehaver: OÜ LEIF, Kätki 3, EE-13521 Tallinn, Estland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Katrin Koitel-Veidik, Koitel Patent & Trademark Agency, P.O. Box 1759, EE-10902 Tallinn, Estland (511) Klasse 45: Providing of legal assistance, representation in litigation and non-litigation disputes, legal and juridical consultancy, copyright consultancy, intellectual property consultancy, litigation services, arbitration services, legal research. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-09-09 EE M201100901 Estland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-22 Gazette No.: 50/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101537 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-06 (730) Indehaver: HU CHENLIN, 5 Zu, Xiacang village, Beiyuan Street, Yiwu, Zhejiang, Kina (511) Klasse 09: Galvanic batteries; accumulators, electric; galvanic cells; grids for batteries; solar batteries; battery chargers; inductors (electricity); counters; portable telephones; batteries for pocket lamps. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-06 Gazette No.: 50/2011 1190 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101768 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-24 (730) Indehaver: OBSCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOJ OTVETSTVENNOSTJU "TEPLOVOE OBORUDOVANIE", Moskovskoe schosse 44, Tosno, Tosnenski r-n, RU-187000 Leningradskaja obl., Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Levitskaja Ella, trademark attorney, P.O. Box 209, RU-191186 Saint-Petersburg, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 11: Boilers, other than parts of machines; water heaters; gas generators [installations]; thermostatic valves [parts of heating installations]; air conditioning apparatus; gas boilers; heating boilers; taps [faucets]; mixer taps for water pipes; heaters for baths; heat pumps; heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; heating apparatus, electric; hot air apparatus; safety accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes; regulating accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes; regulating accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes; heat regenerators; water purification installations; water softening apparatus and installations; heating installations; hot water heating installations. (511) Klasse 35: Import-export agencies; commercial information agencies; publicity agencies; rental of advertising space; computerized file management; book-keeping; demonstration of goods; opinion polling; marketing studies; business information; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; business investigations; marketing research; business management and organization consultancy; personnel management consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; business management of performing artists; news clipping services; updating of advertising material; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; shop window dressing; business appraisals; payroll preparation; business management assistance; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; economic forecasting; auctioneering; sales promotion for others; publicity material rental; rental of advertising time on communication media; publication of publicity texts; typing; radio advertising; billposting; distribution of samples; writing of publicity texts; publicity; advertising by mail order; on-line advertising on a computer network; television advertising; document reproduction; publicity columns preparation; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; administrative processing of purchase orders; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; efficiency experts. (511) Klasse 37: Heating equipment installation and repair; air conditioning apparatus installation and repair; electric appliance installation and repair; kitchen equipment installation; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; machinery installation, maintenance and repair. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-24 Gazette No.: 50/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101807 (800) Design. dato: 2011-05-03 (730) Indehaver: GÖNÜL KAHVESI KAFE RESTAURANT VE TURIZM ISLETMESI GIDA SANAYI TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, 2040 Sokak No:104 K:2 D:225-226, Karsiyaka, IZMIR, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: PAMAR PATENT MARKA HiZMETLERi VE KALiTE YONETiM SiSTEMLERi EGiTiM DANISMANLIK LTD. STi., 1498 Sokak No: 128 K: 3 D: 3, ALSANCAK KONAK- iZMiR, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, cocoa, artificial coffee, vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes, cocoa-based beverages, coffee-based beverages; macaroni, ravioli, bakery products, namely sweet bakery goods; pastries, flour for food, flour-based products, namely chips, pasta, dough products, namely, pizza dough, cake dough, bread dough, biscuits, waffles, crackers, tarts, cakes, bread, pizzas, sandwiches; puddings, ready cake mixes, baking powders, chocolate food beverages not being dairy-based or vegetable based, honey, propolis for human consumption, turkish delight (a kind of candy), halvah, flour, sugar, malt for food, chewing gums not for medical purposes; ice cream, ice, edible fruit ices, salt; rice; tea; ketchups, mayonnaises, mustards, lemon flavorings other than essential oils, sauces, salad dressings, spices namely, pepper, cinnamon powder, snacks made of cereals, namely, corn flakes, oatmeal. (511) Klasse 43: Services for providing food and drink, temporary accommodation services (including day nurseries (creches) services, retirement homes services), boarding houses for animals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-05-03 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101881 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-31 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101893 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-23 (730) Indehaver: BAGI - PROFESSIONAL CLEANING PRODUCST L.T.D., Identification No.: 514196625, 194 Derech Acco St'', 27000 Kiryat Bialik, Israel (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ELIAHU GIGI, ADV., 9 Goshen St'', P.O.B. 652, 26106 KIRIAT MOTZKIN, Israel (511) Klasse 03: Substances for cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive; soaps. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-23 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101900 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-08 (730) Indehaver: Zhengzhou Sanhua Technology & Industry Co., Ltd., Xushui Industrial & Trading Park, Zhongyuan West Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Unitalen Attorneys At Law, 7th Floor, Scitech Place, 22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave., 100004 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Electromechanical machines for chemical industry; mixing machines; whitewashing machines; painting machines; spray guns for paint; air brushes for applying colour; apparatus for dressing. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-07 CN 9559373 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-08 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101912 (730) Indehaver: Zhejiang New Dongsheng Industrial Co., Ltd., D-001# Mechanical-electrical, Industry Zone, Liudao Avenue, Zhugang Town, Yuhuan, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Taizhou nanfang trademark & patent law Office, No. 116 Jinshui Street, Luqiao District taizhou, zhejiang, Kina (511) Klasse 11: Regulating accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes; safety accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes; water flushing installations; hydrants; pipes (parts of sanitary installations); heating installations; hot-water heating pipe parts; sanitary apparatus and installations; bath plumbing fixtures; water distribution installations. (511) Klasse 19: Gutter pipes, not of metal; water pipes not of metal; drain pipes, not of metal; ducts, not of metal, for ventilating and air-conditioning installations; plastic composite pipe; gutters, not of metal; water-pipe valves, not of metal or plastic; drain traps (valves), not of metal or plastic; building materials being rigid plastic pipes; cabanas not of metal. (511) Klasse 21: Soap dispensers; toilet utensils; towel rings and towel racks; toilet paper holders; porcelain enamel plastic utensils; porcelain enamel plastic utensils (including pots, bowls, plates, pots, cups); drinking vessels; cosmetic utensils; brushes; cleaning instruments (hand-operated). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-31 Gazette No.: 51/2011 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-16 (730) Indehaver: UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO S.p.A., Via Stalingrado, 45, I-40128 BOLOGNA, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BUGNION S.P.A., Via Corticella, 87, I-40128 BOLOGNA (BO), Italien (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetics data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (591) Farvetekst: Blue. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-27 IT BO2011C000754 Italien (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-16 Gazette No.: 51/2011 1191 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101926 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2010-09-01 (730) Indehaver: PST CLC, a.s., Nádrazní 969/112, CZ-702 00 Ostrava, Moravská Ostrava, Tjekkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ing. Petr Soukup, Vídenská 8, CZ-772 00 Olomouc, Tjekkiet (511) Klasse 35: Providing of accounting services, business administration, advertising, marketing, consultancy in business and trade activities. (511) Klasse 36: Custom services including providing of custom debits security for custom operations, cautions, real estate business, real property maintenance including lease. (511) Klasse 39: Domestic and international forwarding business, logistics including internal and outsourcing logistics, accompanying for abnormal and oversize cargo including securing passage, providing services in the sphere of all kinds of transport (road transport, air transport, water transport, railway transport, cargo transport, courier services), operating and leasing of storehouses, warehouses, store areas and dumping areas, storing of goods and materials, goods manipulation, labeling, packing, foliation, palletization, palette management loading and unloading of goods and materials, goods distribution, parking areas operating, traffic control, shipping, providing transport information, traffic and logistic information, consultancy in logistic, traffic, transportation and custom services, providing information related with storing, processing and executing of expedition, sorting of goods and shipments data, creating of transport and storage documents. (511) Klasse 41: Education of people involved in transport, custom services, forwarding business, storage, logistics, publishing and editorship. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-03-12 CZ 475094 Tjekkiet (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-09-01 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101952 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-29 (730) Indehaver: medi GmbH & Co. KG, Medicusstraße 1, 95448 Bayreuth, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: LINDNER BLAUMEIER Patent- und Rechtsanwälte, Dr.-Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 23, 90402 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 01: Silicon products for use in the field of prostheses, namely as base for production of prostheses. (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics, except for hair and face care; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; medicinal health care preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; food for babies; plasters, compresses and other wound-covering materials; drainage sponges (wound sponges) and hydrocolloid dressings; materials for dressings; articles for incontinence patients, including absorbent pants, tampons and napkins for incontinence patients; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides; herbicides. (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers; calculating 1192 machines; data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; all aforementioned goods except apparatus for recording, processing, transmission or reproduction of sound, images or data for telecommunications. (511) Klasse 10: Articles for heat and cold therapy, especially electric heating pillows and pads for medical purposes; draw-sheets for sick beds, including anti-bedsore pads; orthopaedic articles; orthopaedic articles, namely bandages, medical stockings for arm and leg (compression stockings, anti-thrombosis stockings, support stockings), medical tights (compression, anti-thrombosis and support tights) and parts for the aforesaid goods; orthopaedic articles, namely cervical, trunk, shoulder, arm, hand, leg, knee, foot and ankle joint orthesis; medical apparatus and instruments for physiotherapy and rehabilitation; surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs; silicon parts for prostheses, especially for improved stump socket grip; artificial eyes and false teeth; endoprosthetic articles, especially hip joint prostheses, implants, bone screws. (511) Klasse 17: Silicon products for use in the field of prostheses, especially for improved stump socket grip, namely as semi-finished product. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing; footwear; headgear; clothing, namely stockings, socks, fine stockings, tights, hosiery; compression clothing. (511) Klasse 35: Professional business consultancy services for quality management and logistics in hospitals, nursing homes and retirement homes, district nursing services and outpatient clinics; organisation and arranging of trade fairs and exhibitions for advertising purposes; organisation and arranging of trade fairs for education and further training in the scientific field; business organisation and management consultancy relating to the promotion of preventive medical measures within the framework of trade fairs and exhibitions for advertising purposes; processing information on health matters, namely compilation of health data in computer databases; distribution of pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals for advertising purposes; marketing; marketing studies and marketing analysis; consulting services for others in the fields of company organisation, business management and business administration; advertising for others, especially radio and television advertising, cinema advertising; promoting preventive measures within the framework of information events, seminars, congresses and exhibitions for educational or scientific purposes. (511) Klasse 38: Radio and television broadcasting. (511) Klasse 41: Education; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; providing of training, in particular arranging training and further training seminars for administration in hospitals and in the out-patient sector, for geriatric and home care, for in-patient and out-patient care and in the surgical field, for doctors, doctors' assistants and care personnel, for employees in industry and trade in the field of medical technology; further education, especially in the medical sector; correspondence courses; film production; film showings; development and dissemination of print media for information and instruction in health matters; discussing and implementing preventive measures within the framework of information events, seminars, congresses and exhibitions for educational or scientific purposes. (511) Klasse 42: Scientific research in the field of medicine; computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; rental and leasing of computers for data processing. (511) Klasse 44: Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; medical assistance. (591) Farvetekst: Magenta and white. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-29 Gazette No.: 51/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1101978 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-01 (730) Indehaver: Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu "Fontinalis", 30, liter A, ulitsa Klyuchevaya, RU-195221 Saint-Petersburg, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Law firm "Gorodissky and Partners" Ltd, 1-3, office 30 Kamennoostrovsky prospect, RU-197046 Saint-Petersburg, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 09: Bluetooth adapters for personal computers; accessories for mobile phones; accumulators; PC web cameras; bluetooth headset for mobile phones; wired headset for mobile phones; wireless headsets for mobile phones; mobile phone holders; holders for digital devices; fibre optic cables; electric cables; computer keyboards; mouse [data processing equipment]; wireless headphones; stereo headphones; stereo headphones with microphone; optical data media; connector adapters; optical drives for reading and recording compact discs (CDs), digital video discs (DVDs), Blu-ray discs; electric converters; hands free kits for mobile phones, cases for computers; cases for laptops; cases especially made for photographic apparatus and instruments; covers for media players; covers for computers; decoration for mobile phones; hands free devices for mobile phones, chargers for electric accumulators; covers for mobile phones, laces and straps for mobile phones. (511) Klasse 17: Plastic film other than for wrapping namely plastic film to protect screens; plastic film to protect cases for digital devices. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes namely wallets; card cases [notecases]; briefcases; imitation leather; leather, unworked or semi-worked; purses; haversacks; leather straps; rucksacks; bags; garment bags for travel; bags for sports; key cases [leatherware]. (591) Farvetekst: Yellow and black. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-01 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102068 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-17 (730) Indehaver: APT INTERNATIONAL Ko, LIMITED, Rm 804, Sino Center, 582-592 Natan rd, Kin, Hong Kong, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Irina M.Safronova, Office 404, dom 49, ul.B.Semenovskaya, RU-107023 Moskva, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 07: Bearings [parts of machines]; ball rings for bearings; bearing brackets for machines; anti-friction bearings for machines; roller bearings; self-oiling bearings; bearings for transmission shafts; ball-bearings; journal boxes [parts of machines]. (511) Klasse 35: Marketing studies; marketing research; import-export agencies; commercial information agencies; sales promotion for others; commercial or industrial management assistance; demonstration of goods; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-17 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102078 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-17 HybriCoat (730) Indehaver: SAATEN UNION RECHERCHE, 163 avenue de Flandre, F-60190 ESTREES-SAINT-DENIS, Frankrig AEGILOPS APPLICATIONS, Parc des Saules, F-27100 VAL-DE-REUIL, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Cabinet HAMMOND, 33 rue Vaneau, F-75007 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 01: Chemical products for use in industry as well as in agriculture and horticulture, leafing chemical products, chemical products for coating seeds, seed preserving substances. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-21 FR 11 3 840 288 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-17 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-04 (730) Indehaver: Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu "RUSINVEST", Novomytishchenskiy prospekt, 41, korp. 1, Mytishchi, RU-141018 Moskovskaya Oblast, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Uskov and Partners, Law Firm, P.O. Box 77, RU-196084 Saint-Petersburg, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 33: Aperitifs; brandy; wine; piquette; whisky; vodka; gin; digesters [liqueurs and spirits]; cocktails; liqueurs; alcoholic beverages, except beer; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; spirits [beverages]; distilled beverages; mead [hydromel]; peppermint liqueurs; bitters; rum; sake; cider; rice alcohol; alcoholic extracts; fruit extracts, alcoholic; alcoholic essences. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-08-25 RU 2011727735 Russiske Føderation (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-04 Gazette No.: 51/2011 1193 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102083 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-17 (730) Indehaver: LUTEKS TEKSTIL SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, Park Sokak Üçler Han No: 17 Kat: 1, Çaglayan Kagithane - Istanbul, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DESTEK PATENT ANONIM SIRKETI, Ortapazar Caddesi No: 7, Tophane - Bursa, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, namely trousers, jackets, overcoats, coats, skirts, suits, jerseys, waistcoats, shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, dresses, Bermuda shorts, shorts, pajamas, pullovers, jeans, tracksuits, rainwear, beachwear, bathing suits, swimming suits; clothing for sports (for exclusive use for sports), clothing for babies, namely shirts, pants, coats, dresses; underclothing, namely boxer shorts, brassieres, briefs, pants, socks; footwear, namely shoes excluding orthopedic shoes, sandals, waterproof boots, walking boots, bootees, sporting shoes, slippers; shoe parts namely heelpieces, insoles for footwear, footwear uppers; headgear, namely caps, skull caps, sports caps, hats, berets; gloves (clothing), stockings, belts (clothing), camisoles, sarongs, scarves, neck scarves, shawls, collars, neckties, ties, suspender belts. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising agencies services, marketing and publicity bureaus services including commercial or advertisement exhibition and trade fair organization services; providing office functions; business management; business administration; import and export agencies; business investigations, evaluations, expert business appraisals, information and research of industrial and commercial goods; auctioneering; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of clothing, footwear and headgear (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; such services may be provided by retail stores, wholesale outlets, through mail order catalogues or by means of electronic media, for example, through Web sites or television shopping programmes. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-10-04 TR 2011/78419 Tyrkiet (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-17 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102084 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-20 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102100 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-01 (730) Indehaver: Creabeton Matériaux SA, Bahnhofstrasse 27, CH-3250 Lyss, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BOVARD LTD Patent- and Trademark Attorneys, Optingenstrasse 16, CH-3000 Bern 25, Schweiz (511) Klasse 19: Building materials, not of metal; rigid pipes, not of metal [building]; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; buildings, transportable, not of metal; monuments, not of metal. (511) Klasse 37: Construction; repair; installation services; construction information; masonry. (511) Klasse 40: Treatment of materials; custom assembling of materials for others. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-09 CH 616615 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-01 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102135 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-02 (730) Indehaver: NEW BELLE FOOTWEAR (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD., Room 201, No 2 Long Hua Tan Luo, Industrial Park, Baoan Section, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BEIJING DEALL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGENCY, Room 517/520, Xihua Hotel, No.69 Yuetan nanjie, Xicheng District, Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 25: Clothing; layettes (clothing); motorists clothing; waterproof clothing; theatrical costume; gymnastic shoes; shoes; cap peaks; socks; gloves (clothing). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-02 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102151 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-02 SOURHEADS (730) Indehaver: PAK GIDA ÜRETIM VE PAZARLAMA ANONIM SIRKETI, Prof.Dr. Bülent Tarcan Sk. No:5, Pak Is Merkezi, Istanbul, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ankara Patent Bureau Limited, Bestekar Sokak No:10, TR-06680 Kavaklidere Ankara, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 30: Yeasts, natural substances for improving shape and color of bread and retarding its period of getting stale, natural additive substances for improving shape and color of bakery products and retarding its period of getting stale, baking powder, vanilin (vanilla substitute), vanilla (flavoring). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-20 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (730) Indehaver: Lime Nordic AS, Lakkafossen 29, N-1350 Lommedalen, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bryn Aarflot AS, P.O. Box 449 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 30: Candy; hard candy. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-02 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102152 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-02 PARTYHEADS (730) Indehaver: Lime Nordic AS, Lakkafossen 29, N-1350 Lommedalen, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bryn Aarflot AS, P.O. Box 449 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 30: Candy; hard candy. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-02 Gazette No.: 51/2011 1194 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102166 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-06 (730) Indehaver: Hangzhou Fuchunjiang Jinchukou Co., Ltd., Xindeng Industrial Zone, Fuyang City, 311404 Zhejiang Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: HANGZHOU YUANSUN SHANGBIAO SHIWUSUO CO., LTD., Bldg 7, No. 48, Baiijngfang Lane, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou City, 310000 Zhejiang Province, Kina (511) Klasse 11: Lanterns for lighting; lamp mantles; lamp globes; globes for lamps; electric lamps; lighting apparatus and installations; fairy lights for festive decoration; lights, electric, for Christmas trees; fluorescent lamp tubes; lamps. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-06 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102173 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-02 FIREHEADS (730) Indehaver: Lime Nordic AS, Lakkafossen 29, N-1350 Lommedalen, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bryn Aarflot AS, P.O. Box 449 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 30: Candy; hard candy. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-02 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102174 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-02 ICEHEADS (730) Indehaver: Lime Nordic AS, Lakkafossen 29, N-1350 Lommedalen, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bryn Aarflot AS, P.O. Box 449 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 30: Candy; hard candy. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-02 Gazette No.: 51/2011 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102188 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-16 (730) Indehaver: UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO S.p.A., Via Stalingrado, 45, I-40128 BOLOGNA, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BUGNION S.P.A., Via Corticella, 87, I-40128 BOLOGNA (BO), Italien (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-27 IT BO2011C000753 Italien (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-16 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102252 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-11 (730) Indehaver: SEEGENE, INC., 8FL, 9FL Taewon Bldg., 65-5 Bangyi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul 138-050, Sydkorea (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Kim, Ki Ryung, 3rd Fl., Dongbo Bldg., 647-8, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-911, Sydkorea (511) Klasse 05: Diagnostic test kit for medical purposes; diagnostic preparation for medical purpose; diagnostic reagents for medical laboratory or clinical purposes; diagnostic reagents for medical use; chemical reagents for medical purposes; diagnostic reagents for medical use, used for the diagnosis of the genetic disease and cancer; diagnostic test kit for medical use, used for the diagnosis of the genetic disease and cancer; diagnostic preparations for medical use; diagnostic kit for the detection of the infection of the virus; diagnostic kit for the detection of the infection of the microorganism; diagnostic kit for the detection of the symptom of the infection. (591) Farvetekst: Black, Red. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-14 KR 4020110019735 Sydkorea (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-11 Gazette No.: 51/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102402 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-04 BLADI LIBERTY (730) Indehaver: LA BANQUE CENTRALE POPULAIRE, 101 Bd Mohamed Zerktouni, Casablanca, Marokko (740/750) International fuldmægtig: KHALFY AZZEDINE, 101 Bd Mohamed Zerktouni, Casablanca, Marokko (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, business management, business administration, office functions. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance underwriting; banking; banking; real estate affairs. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-08 MA 138997 Marokko (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-04 Gazette No.: 52/2011 1195 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102449 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-13 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102674 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-15 URSOMAX (730) Indehaver: PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s., Telcská 1, CZ-140 00 Praha 4, Tjekkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Mgr. Klára Studená, advokátní a patentová kancelár, KomunardR 36, CZ-170 00 Praha 7, Tjekkiet (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-09-08 CZ 488572 Tjekkiet (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-13 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102460 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-06 GRANTA (730) Indehaver: Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo "AVTOVAZ", 36, Yuzhnoe shosse, Tolyatti, RU-445024 Samarskaya oblast, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 07: Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles). (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 12: Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (511) Klasse 28: Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (511) Klasse 37: Building construction; repair; installation services. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (511) Klasse 39: Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-06 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102585 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-16 (730) Indehaver: Maag Pump Systems AG, Aspstrasse 12, CH-8154 Oberglatt, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Troesch, Scheidegger, Werner AG Patent- und Markenanwälte, Schwäntenmos 14, CH-8126 Zumikon, Schweiz (511) Klasse 07: Pumps (machines), electric pumps (machines); extruding machines; gear pumps and the parts thereof; handling apparatus (loading and unloading) for gear pumps; filters; mandrels (machine parts); screen changers; superchargers; extrusion nozzles; mixing machines; machines and the parts thereof; machines for the manufacture and processing of plastics; machine accessories, namely nozzle rings, suction apparatus and water installations, all included in this class; grinders; spinning frames. (511) Klasse 09: Electric monitoring apparatus; measuring apparatus; pressure measuring apparatus. (511) Klasse 40: Grinding. (511) Klasse 42: Engineering. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-04 CH 620816 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-16 Gazette No.: 52/2011 1196 (730) Indehaver: WALFOOD SA, 127, rue de Mühlenbach, L-2168 Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Luxembourg (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Office Kirkpatrick S.A., 32, Avenue Wolfers, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgien (511) Klasse 29: Fresh, frozen and preserved fish and crustaceans (not live), including fresh, frozen and preserved shellfish and crabs; prepared dishes mainly consisting of fish, shellfish and/or crustaceans; sturgeon and salmon caviar. (511) Klasse 35: Import-export of fish and/or crustaceans and of goods made from fish and/or crustaceans. (511) Klasse 43: Services for providing food and drink; bar, cafe, tea room, catering services. (591) Farvetekst: Blue, red, pink, gold, black, yellow. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-07 BX 1228772 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-15 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102736 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-18 HACCER (730) Indehaver: Hulisi Alkan, Saralay Mahallesi, Sümerbank Karsisi, 493 Sokak; No. 8, Denizli, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DESTEK PATENT ANONiM SiRKETi, Ortapazar Caddesi No:7, TOPHANE-BURSA, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 03: Detergents for household use and laundry preparations, bleaching preparations for household use, laundry starch, fabric softeners for laundry use, lime removers for laundry use, granulated soaps, polishing preparations for household use; essential oils for personal use, perfumes and colognes, cosmetics and cosmetic preparations, namely, shaving lotions, nonmedicated stimulating lotions for the skin, rose oil for cosmetic purposes, essential oils for use in manufacturing processes, cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes, nail varnish for cosmetic purposes, lipsticks, cosmetic preparations for eyelashes namely mascaras, cosmetic creams for skin care, hair dyes, hair care kits comprising non-medicated hair care preparations, namely, shampoo, eyeliner pencils, nail polish remover, after-shave creams, shower and bath gel, petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes, depilatories, henna for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic preparations for slimming and for skin tanning, makeup kits comprised of cosmetics; antiperspirants for personal use, deodorants and antiperspirants; soaps for personal use, namely, medicated soaps, perfumed soaps, liquid soaps, hand soaps, disinfectant soaps, cosmetic soaps, antiperspirant soaps; toothpastes, dentifrices in the form of chewing gum, dental bleaching gel, tooth powders, denture cleaning preparations, non-medicated mouth wash and rinse, tartar preventing toothpastes; leather polishes, polishes for metallic items, furniture polishes, floor polishes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-18 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102741 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-13 (730) Indehaver: Hainan Fruit Vegetable Food Allocation Co., Ltd., No.21 Haiyu West Line, Xiuying Area, Haikou, Hainan, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Unitalen Attorneys At Law, 7th Floor, Scitech Place, No. 22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave., 100004 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 29: Foods prepared from fish; fish fillets; sea-cucumbers, not live; shellfish, not live; shrimps, not live; fish, not live. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-13 Gazette No.: 52/2011 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102789 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-29 (730) Indehaver: Balanced Body, Inc., 8220 Ferguson Avenue, Sacramento CA 95828-0931, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Gordon E. R. Troy, Esq. Gordon E. R. Troy, PC, PO Box 368, Charlotte, VT 05445, USA (511) Klasse 09: Digital media, namely, pre-recorded video cassettes, digital video discs, digital versatile discs, downloadable audio and video recordings, dvds, and high definition digital discs featuring physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, training in the use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, setting up and operating health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; pre-recorded electronic and digital media featuring physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, training in the use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, setting up and operating health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios. (511) Klasse 10: Apparatus for physical training for medical use; force and motion testing apparatus for physical rehabilitation; manually-operated exercise equipment for physical therapy purposes; physical exercise apparatus, for medical purposes; physical rehabilitation, physical therapy and sports medicine equipment all designed specifically for medical use, namely, shoulder stretcher using resistance cables; weight lifting machines for physical therapy. (511) Klasse 16: Books in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, training in the use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, setting up and operating health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; educational publications, namely, educational learning cards, flash cards, activity cards, workbooks, textbooks, activity books, story books, puzzle books, printed puzzles, teacher guides, manuals, posters and educational booklets in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, training in the use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, setting up and operating health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; educational publications, namely, training manuals in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, training in the use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, setting up and operating health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; manuals in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, training in the use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, setting up and operating health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; publications, namely, books, booklets, cards, guides, manuals, posters, workbooks in the fields of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, training in the use of physical therapy and exercise equipment, setting up and operating health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios. (511) Klasse 25: Hats; head sweatbands; head wear; pants; shirts; shorts; socks; stockings sweat-absorbent; sweat bands; sweat jackets; sweat pants; sweat shirts; sweat shorts; sweat suits; t-shirts; tank tops; tops. (511) Klasse 28: Accessory for manually-operated exercise equipment, namely, accessory attachment to increase muscle resistance; exercise balls; exercise equipment, namely, abdominal boards; exercise equipment, namely, chest expanders; exercise equipment, namely, chest pulls; exercise equipment, namely, inflatable balls; exercise equipment, namely, manually operated jogging machines; exercise equipment, namely, straps that are affixed to doors for performance of various exercises using body weight resistance; exercise equipment, namely, foam rollers and inflatable rollers; exercise machines; exercise platforms; exercise tables; exercising equipment, namely, manually operated jogging machines; exercising equipment, namely, pulleys; exercising equipment, namely, weight lifting machines; fitness equipment, namely, straps used for yoga and other fitness activities and for carrying yoga mat; manual leg exercisers; manually-operated exercise equipment; spring bars for exercising; spring boards sporting articles; stretch bands used for yoga and physical fitness purposes. (511) Klasse 35: Advisory services relating to business management and business operations; business advisory services, consultancy and information; business consultation in the field of establishing, managing and operating physical fitness, physical therapy, clubs, facilities, and studios; on-line retail store services featuring apparatus for physical rehabilitation, apparatus for physical therapy, apparatus for physical training, apparel, booklets, books, cards, clothing, digital versatile discs, digital video discs, downloadable audio and video recordings, dvds, education conferences, education courses, education seminars, education workshops, exercise clothing, exercise equipment, footwear, guides, headgear, high definition digital discs, manuals, posters, pre-recorded electronic and digital media, pre-recorded video cassettes, and workbooks. (511) Klasse 41: Athletic training services; educational services, namely, conducting conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops in the field of 2012-06-27 physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios and distribution of training material in connection therewith; educational services, namely, providing courses of instruction at the vocational, pre-graduate, graduate and post-graduate level and distribution of course material in connection therewith; personal fitness training services and consultancy; personal training services, namely, strength and conditioning training; physical fitness training services; providing information on exercise and fitness via a website; providing an on-line computer database featuring information regarding exercise and fitness; providing fitness and exercise studio services, namely, pilates instruction and training; providing information in the field of exercise training; providing information on physical exercise; providing on-line training consisting of conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; training in the use and operation of physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; training services in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-02-08 US 85236630 USA 2011-02-08 US 85236581 USA (230) Udstillingsprioritet: Athletic training services; Educational services, namely, conducting conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios and distribution of training material in connection therewith; Educational services, namely, providing courses of instruction at the vocational, pre-graduate, graduate and post-graduate level and distribution of course material in connection therewith; Personal fitness training services and consultancy; Personal training services, namely, strength and conditioning training; Physical fitness training services; Providing a web site featuring information on exercise and fitness; Providing an online computer database featuring information regarding exercise and fitness; Providing fitness and exercise studio services, namely, pilates instruction and training; Providing information in the field of exercise training; Providing information on physical exercise; Providing on-line training consisting of conferences, courses, seminars, and workshop in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; Training in the use and operation of physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios; Training services in the field of physical fitness, physical therapy, exercise instruction, exercise programs, health, physical fitness apparatus and equipment, physical therapy apparatus and equipment, health clubs, exercise facilities, and exercise studios (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-29 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102891 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-06 (730) Indehaver: Hollyland (China) Electronics Technology Corporation Limited, No. 9-19 Fanghu Road, Huli District, Xiamen, 361009 Fujian, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Xiamen Fortune Trademark Co., Ltd., Room D, 2nd Floor, 263-265 Hubin Road, Siming District, Xiamen, 361004 Fujian, Kina (511) Klasse 09: Semi-conductors; integrated circuits; fuses; electric resistances; wires of metal alloys, namely fuse wire; voltage surge protectors; electric resistance materials; electric fuse boxes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-06 Gazette No.: 52/2011 1197 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102921 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-15 (730) Indehaver: RS Holland B.V., Industrieweg 6 K, NL-4104 AR Culemborg, Holland (511) Klasse 07: Machines for comb binding; laminating machines and auto sheet laminating machines, other than for office use; paper shredders (machines), other than for office use; cutters being parts of laminating machines; binding machines, also for thermal binding. (511) Klasse 09: Counterfeit money detecting apparatus; coin acceptors for separating good coins from counterfeits; counterfeit (false) coin detectors; electronic cash tills; sorting apparatus for sorting and counting money; money counting apparatus. (511) Klasse 11: Freezers; fridge-freezers; electric refrigerators (for household purpose); refrigerators; dehumidifiers; dehumidifiers for household use; air conditioners; convector heaters; air heaters; electric heaters fan heaters; heaters; wine coolers (electric); (portable) beverage coolers (electric). (511) Klasse 16: Paper shredders for office use; binding machines for office use; thermal binding machines for office use; paper shredders for office use; binding covers (stationery); book binding covers; binding materials for books and papers; binding materials for stationery use; laminating machines for office use. (511) Klasse 17: Plastic films for use in laminating processes; plastic film for use in laminating paper; adhesives backed plastic films for use in manufacturer of durable labels and nameplates. (511) Klasse 21: Refrigerating bottles. (591) Farvetekst: Golden, blue; CFE 26.11.12-21; 27.5.12-17-22. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-15 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102942 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-21 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102977 (800) Design. dato: 2010-12-22 (730) Indehaver: BONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.p.A., Via Giovanni XXIII, 7/A -, Frazione Lippo, CALDERARA DI RENO (Bologna), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: STUDIO TORTA S.r.l, Via Viotti, 9, I-10121 TORINO, Italien (511) Klasse 07: Units and/or apparatus for movement transmission for any application namely, reduction gears, motor reducers, variable-speed reducers, either mechanical or hydraulic, and components thereof, joints, hoists, gear attachments, chains; speed governors for engines and motors of land vehicles. (511) Klasse 09: Electronic apparatus and instruments, monitoring software and systems for applications using machines and machine-tools and motors, electronic components for controlling and monitoring motors, inverters and controllers for electronic frequencies for applications using electric motors; variable speed drives. (511) Klasse 12: Brakes, couplings for land vehicles, land vehicles. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2010-11-15 IT BO2010C001564 Italien (800) International registreringsdato: 2010-12-22 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102994 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-06 (730) Indehaver: Wuxi Shenchong Forging Machine Co., Ltd, Tianshun Road, Yangshan Town, Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: WUXI ZHONGSHANG EAST-CHINA TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE CO., LTD., N. 46 Guangrui Road, Wuxi City, Jiangsu 214001, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Bending machines; plate-straightening machines(metalworking machines); plate bending roll; shearing machines; plate-shearing machines (metalworking machines); decoiling machines; hydraulic pressure machines; die-stamping machines; machine tools; recessing machines (metalworking machines). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-06 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103006 (800) Design. dato: 2011-06-30 (730) Indehaver: Greenland Springwater AG, Neuhofstrasse 4, CH-6341 Baar, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: E. BLUM & CO. AG Patent- und Markenanwälte VSP, Vorderberg 11, CH-8044 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 32: Beer; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; soda water; table waters; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-22 CH 621610 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-21 Gazette No.: 52/2011 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1102951 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-10 ROVESE (730) Indehaver: CERSANIT TRADE MARK Sp. z o.o., ul. Al. Solidarnolci 36, PL-25-323 Kielce, Polen (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Kancelaria Rzecznika Patentowego Anna Cieniuch-Kokowicz, Ul. Lipska 24, PL- 20-510 Lublin, Polen (511) Klasse 11: Sanitary ceramics, bathroom ceramics, bidets, toilets with cisterns, toilet pans, urinals, washbasins, washbasin pedestals, toilet seat, flushing sets, faucets, washbasin taps, shower cubicles, shower units, sanitary fittings and fixtures, bath tubs, flushing cistern. (511) Klasse 19: Tiles and carpet strips not of metal, ceramic tiles, wall tiles, floor tiles, heavy duty floor tiles. (511) Klasse 20: Shelves, cabinets, mirrors, bathroom furniture. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-10 Gazette No.: 52/2011 1198 (730) Indehaver: GTRC SERVICES, INC., 5795 LINDERO CANYON ROAD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Darren B. Cohen, Reed Smith LLP, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York NY 10022, USA (511) Klasse 15: String instruments, namely, violins, violas, cellos, basses and guitars; wind instruments, namely, flutes, piccolos, oboes, soprano clarinets, alto clarinets, bass clarinets, contrabass clarinets, English horns, saxophones, bassoons, trumpets, cornets, flugelhorns, trombones, French horns, mellophones, alto horns, baritone horns, euphoniums, single horns and sousaphones; musical instrument accessories, namely, mouthpieces for musical instruments, stands for musical instruments, reeds for use in woodwind mouthpieces, carrying cases for musical instruments, lyres and sheet music stands. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-06-30 Gazette No.: 01/2012 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103007 (800) Design. dato: 2011-07-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103071 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-05-27 LAGUNA (730) Indehaver: GTRC SERVICES, INC., 5795 LINDERO CANYON ROAD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Darren B. Cohen, Reed Smith LLP, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York NY 10022, USA (511) Klasse 09: Carrying cases and covers specifically adapted for deejay equipment, namely, audio visual and special effects equipment; sound reinforcement and recording equipment, namely, audio tape recorders, amplifiers, public address systems, digital sound boards for amplifiers, rack equipment, namely, racks for loudspeakers and amplifiers, audio cords for use with sound amplifiers, electronic effects pedals for use with sounds amplifiers, signal processors, racks for loudspeakers and amplifiers, stands for microphones, microphones. (511) Klasse 15: Stringed musical instruments, namely, acoustic, acoustic/ electric and electric guitars; musical instruments, namely, electric Spanish guitars, mandolins, electric basses, acoustic guitars, pedal steel guitars, and steel guitars, and components and accessories for guitars and the like, namely, legs, cases, bags, strings, waist belts, stands, picks, steels, necks, heads, pickups, pickup covers, pickguards, bridge covers, tremolo handles, control knobs and straps; carrying cases and covers specifically adapted for musical instruments. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-07-05 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103063 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-06 (730) Indehaver: APT INTERNATIONAL Ko, LIMITED, Rm 804, Sino Center, 582-592 Natan rd, Kin, Hong Kong, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Irina M.Safronova, Office 404, dom 49, ul.B.Semenovskaya, RU-107023 Moskva, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 07: Bearings [parts of machines]; ball rings for bearings; bearing brackets for machines; anti-friction bearings for machines; roller bearings; self-oiling bearings; bearings for transmission shafts; ball-bearings; journal boxes [parts of machines]. (511) Klasse 08: Hand tools, hand-operated; spanners [hand tools]; screwdrivers; hammers [hand tools]; punch pliers [hand tools]; augers [hand tools]; hollowing bits [parts of hand tools]; pliers; cutting tools [hand tools]. (511) Klasse 35: Marketing studies; marketing research; import-export agencies; commercial information agencies; sales promotion for others; commercial or industrial management assistance; demonstration of goods; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]. (591) Farvetekst: White and blue-green. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-06 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (730) Indehaver: KIGILI GIYIM TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Sekerpinar Mahallesi, Otomotiv Caddesi No: 3, Çayirova/Kocaeli, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: M&T&P MARKA TASARIM VE PATENT BÜROSU-SAVAS YÜKSEL, Necatibey Caddesi No. 64/4, Kizilay-ANKARA, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes, namely bags, suitcases; wallets, sling bags for carrying infants, boxes of leather, cases of leather, card cases, key cases (leatherware), purses, rucksacks, briefcases, school satchels; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, saddle trees, stirrup leathers, gut for making sausages. (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils, non-electric; kitchen mixers, non-electric; blenders, non-electric, for household purposes; hand-operated coffee and spice grinders; fruit and vegetable presses, non-electric, for household purposes; graters (household utensils); non-electric cleaning apparatus; brushes (except paint brushes); brushes for cleaning; brush-making materials; sponges for household purposes; steel wool for cleaning; wool waste for cleaning; rags for cleaning; gloves for household purposes; non-electric polishing apparatus and machines, for household purposes; carpet beaters; carpet sweepers; mops; pads for cleaning; toothbrushes; electric toothbrushes; floss for dental purposes; shaving brushes; hair brushes; combs; household and kitchen utensils and earthenware (not of precious metal); household or kitchen utensils of glass, plastic, porcelain, ceramic and materials not included in other classes; buckets, trash cans, pots, paper plates, plates and glasses, trays for domestic purposes, coffee pots, strainers, scoops, basting spoons for kitchen use, spatulas (kitchen utensils); basins (bowls), cups (bowls), egg cups, cake moulds, decanters, containers for kitchen use, vases, soap holders, soap dispensers, metal boxes for dispensing paper towels, toilet paper holders; baby baths, ice buckets, heat-insulated containers, drinking flasks, fitted picnic baskets (including dishes), cups of non precious metals, bread bins, bread baskets (domestic), bread boards; non-electric cooking utensils; cooking pots, non-electric; grills (cooking utensils), grill supports, cooking skewers of metal; ironing boards, ironing board covers (shaped), drying racks for washing; cages for household pets; litter boxes for pets; mangers for animals, drinking vessels; bird baths; rings for birds; works of art of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass (not of precious materials or coated therewith); figurines of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; statues of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; bottles, glass jars, demijohns, rat traps, insect traps, fly catchers (traps or whisks), fly swatters, toilet cases; perfume burners, perfume sprayers, perfume vaporizers; non-electric cosmetic utensils; appliances for removing make-up (non-electric), powder puffs, containers for toilet utensils; roses for watering cans; syringes for watering flowers and plants; watering devices, sprinklers for watering plants and flowers, sprinkling devices for spouts; corkscrews, shoe horns; toothpicks, pipettes (wine-tasters); glass, unworked (except building glass); semi-worked glass (except building glass); mosaics of glass, not for building; powdered glass for decoration; glass wool and fiberglass (other than for insulation or textile use). (511) Klasse 24: Woven or non-woven fabrics, glass fibre fabrics, gas proof fabrics, water proof fabrics, imitations of animal skin fabrics, all kinds of linings, filtering materials of textile, curtains, shower curtains of plastic or textile, covers used at homes, tablecloths including oilcloths, bed cloths, sheets, pillowcases, bed linen, furniture covers of textile, napkins, prayer rugs of fabrics, bed covers of paper, bundles of textiles, quilts, fibre quilts, blankets, bath gloves and wash cloths, hand and face towels, bath towels, wall coverings of fabric, tapestry, handkerchiefs of fabric, flags, labels of fabric, laundry bags. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-05-27 Gazette No.: 01/2012 1199 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103101 (800) Design. dato: 2011-10-12 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103212 INCENDO (730) Indehaver: Sana Pharma AS, Enebakkveien 117, N-0680 Oslo, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Bryn Aarflot AS, P.O. Box 442 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 05: Food supplements. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-04-13 NO 201104433 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-10-12 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103107 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-04 Evakadin (730) Indehaver: Dr. Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH, Rigistrasse 2, 12277 Berlin, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Drugs, medicines. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-04 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103228 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-24 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-02 Tensyn (730) Indehaver: Dallen Medical, Inc., 1046 Calle Recodo, Suite G, San Clemente CA 92673, USA (511) Klasse 10: Orthopedic surgical implant comprising artificial material. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-02 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103152 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-10 (730) Indehaver: MERTZ CONTENEURS, Zone d''emplois et de services, F-14130 PONT L''EVEQUE, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET BOETTCHER, 16 rue Médéric, F-75017 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 39: Professional transport of goods (freight), transport of chemical products; information and consulting on the professional transport and storage of goods; shipping agent services for the transport of goods; road freight contracting for goods transport professionals; freight brokerage; freight exchange services namely commercial interfacing in connection with professional goods transport; professional goods transport reservation; freight forwarding services, goods forwarding services, delivery of goods; parcel delivery; information concerning the tracking and delivery of transported goods; warehousing; removal services, unloading cargo, storage of goods; storage, packaging of goods; rental of storage containers, of industrial containers and tanks for storage and transport of solid, liquid, gaseous or liquefied materials, cisterns, tubs, vessels, drums; rental of warehouses. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-05-11 FR 11 3 830 598 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-10 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103189 (730) Indehaver: AURORA COOL TECHNOLOGY s.r.o., Vladycká 1508/4, CZ-102 00 Praha 10, Hostivar, Tjekkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Spolecná advokátní kancelár Vsetecka Zelený Svorcík Kalenský a partneri, JUDr. Michal Havlík, Hálkova 2, CZ-120 00 Praha 2, Tjekkiet (511) Klasse 11: Evaporators, refrigerating apparatus and machines, refrigerating containers, refrigerating chambers, refrigerating appliances and installations, refrigerators, refrigerating cabinets, refrigerating display cabinets (display cases); all aforementioned goods for use only for the purpose of the cooling of goods and not in the field of HVAC-systems for vehicles. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-10-03 CZ 489105 Tjekkiet (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-24 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103317 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-17 mobizcorp (730) Indehaver: Friedhelm Scharhag, Georg-Herbert-Straße 9, 68519 Viernheim, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Prehm & Klare Rechtsanwälte, Holtenauer Straße 129, 24118 Kiel, Tyskland (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; transfer of data. (511) Klasse 42: Design of computer programs; maintenance, installation and implementation of computer software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-17 Gazette No.: 01/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103380 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-15 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-01 STEINFELS SWISS (730) Indehaver: Coop Genossenschaft, Thiersteinerallee 12, CH-4053 Basel, Schweiz (511) Klasse 01: Industrial chemicals; adhesives for industrial purposes; all the aforesaid goods of Swiss origin. (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soap; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; all the aforesaid goods of Swiss origin. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides; all the aforesaid goods of Swiss origin. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-24 CH 623284 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-01 Gazette No.: 01/2012 1200 (730) Indehaver: Dotchirne pidpriemstvo "Konditerska korporatzia "Roshen", vul. Pavla Usenka, 8, Kyiv 02105, Ukraine (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Sergey Pikalov, vul. Kravchenka, 15, app. 24, Kyiv 04050, Ukraine (511) Klasse 30: Chocolate. (591) Farvetekst: Black, brown, yellow, pantone 226, green and violet. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-10-31 UA M201117347 Ukraine (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-15 Gazette No.: 01/2012 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103568 (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-16 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103614 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-23 (730) Indehaver: LCT, a.s., K NádraZí cp. 252, CZ-664 59 Telnice u Brna, Tjekkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ing. Jirí Dohnal, Nedbalova 29, CZ-623 00 Brno, Tjekkiet (511) Klasse 30: Pastries, noodles, instant noodles. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-16 Gazette No.: 02/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103578 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-09 CASA LO ALTO (730) Indehaver: Haecky Drink & Wine AG, Duggingerstrasse 15, CH-4153 Reinach, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Braunpat Braun Eder AG, Reussstrasse 22, CH-4054 Basel, Schweiz (511) Klasse 33: Wines from Spain. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-09 Gazette No.: 02/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103613 (730) Indehaver: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstraße 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 16: Adhesives for stationery and household purposes. (591) Farvetekst: Green, red, black and white. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-03 DE 30 2011 030 893.4/16 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-23 Gazette No.: 02/2012 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-23 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103755 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-13 Leysin (730) Indehaver: JIANGSU SUNWIN GARMENT LTD, Qingshuiting West Road, Jiangning Econmic Developing-Area, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Nanjing Time Trademark Business Office, Room 1103, Changcheng Building, 82 Taiping Road (North), Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Kina (511) Klasse 25: Clothing; layettes (clothing); bathing suits; masquerade costumes; footwear; caps (headwear); hosiery; gloves (clothing); scarfs; leather belts (clothing). (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-13 Gazette No.: 02/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103770 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-16 (730) Indehaver: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstraße 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (511) Klasse 16: Adhesives for stationery and household purposes. (591) Farvetekst: Green, red, blue, black and white. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-06-03 DE 30 2011 030 894.2/16 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-23 Gazette No.: 02/2012 (730) Indehaver: Fuxin Telent(Fujian)Outdoor Products Co.,Ltd., HuaZhou Industrial Area, Chidian Town, Jinjiang City, 362200 Fujian Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BEIJING RUNWEN TRADEMARK AGENCY, Room 2007, No. 72, Tower B, Century Economic Trade Building, West Sanhuan North Road, Haidian District, 100048 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 25: Clothing; shoes; baby bodysuits; caps; hosiery; gloves (costume); ties; bathing suits. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-16 Gazette No.: 02/2012 1201 2012-06-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103784 Dansk Varemærketidende (800) Design. dato: 2011-09-21 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103831 (800) Design. dato: 2011-08-22 Piogtan (730) Indehaver: ZENTIVA SAGLIK URUNLERI SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Buyukdere Cad. Ali Kaya, Sk. No: 7, Levent Istanbul, Tyrkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: HULYA CAYLI - PARAGON DANISMANLIK TEMSILCILIK VE TICARET A.S., Koza Sok. No: 63/2 GOP, TR06540 ANKARA, Tyrkiet (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; material for stopping teeth; dental wax; gases for medical purposes; sanitary knickers; sanitary napkins; sanitary pads; sanitary panties; sanitary towels; medicinal herbs, herbs for medical purposes; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides; herbicides; deodorants other than for personal use; air freshening preparations; room fresheners; room deodorants; antiseptics; detergents for medical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-09-21 Gazette No.: 02/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1103810 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-19 Dienokadin (730) Indehaver: Dr. Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH, Rigistrasse 2, 12277 Berlin, Tyskland (511) Klasse 05: Drugs, medicines. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-19 Gazette No.: 02/2012 1202 (730) Indehaver: Mestra AG, Kägenstrasse 2, CH-4153 Reinach, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Christian Hahn, c/o Endress+Hauser (Deutschland) AG+Co. KG, Comarer Strasse 6, 79576 Weil am Rhein, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; data and signal reading, transmission and recording apparatus; data processing apparatus and computers; measuring apparatus, in particular, electrical and electronic measuring apparatus for recording process data in measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; testing apparatus, in particular, electrical and electronic testing apparatus for recording process data in measuring and industrial process automation communication technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; regulating apparatus, in particular, electrical and electronic apparatus for regulating process data in measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; recording apparatus, in particular, recording apparatus for recording process data in measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; installations for measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; computer installations and data communication installations in connection with measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; software; computer software for planning, implementing, monitoring, controlling, maintaining and operating installations and equipment for measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; computer software for implementing, monitoring, controlling, maintaining and operating measuring instruments, analytical instruments and regulating apparatus. (511) Klasse 37: Services in connection with measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes, namely technical installation, upkeep, repair and supervision of instruments and equipment in connection with measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes. (511) Klasse 39: Services in connection with stock control, in particular publishing of information in connection with stock control and the storage logistics chain; provision of storage information; provision of transport information. (511) Klasse 42: Scientific and technological services, and research and design relating thereto; scientific and technological services in connection with measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes, in particular planning and development; scientific and technological services, for example implementation of measurements, including process and storage data measurements for monitoring and controlling inventories and managing storage logistics chains; providing software for online monitoring of instruments, installations and equipment in connection with measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes; industrial testing, planning and research; design and development of computer hardware and software; services in connection with science and technology, namely tuning and adjustment of instruments and equipment in connection with measuring and industrial process automation technology, environmental monitoring and instrumentation for laboratory purposes. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-03-04 CH 618227 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-08-22 Gazette No.: 02/2012 Dansk Varemærketidende (111) Reg. nr.: MP1104292 (800) Design. dato: 2011-12-13 (730) Indehaver: Wuhu Jinmao Liquid Science & Technology Co.,Ltd, West District, Suncun Industrial Park, Fanchang Xian, 241206 Anhui Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Anhui Hongdun Trademark Office Co., Ltd., Ningguo Road 112, Hefei City, 230001 Anhui Province, Kina (511) Klasse 06: Elbows of metal for pipes; junctions of metal for pipes; valves of metal; pipe work of metal; reinforcing materials of metal for pipes; building materials of metal; flanges of metal; chill-moulds; foundry moulds of metal. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-07-22 CN 9752872 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-12-13 Gazette No.: 03/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1112447 (800) Design. dato: 2012-01-18 SECULACT (730) Indehaver: Zentiva, k.s., U Kabelovny 130, CZ-102 37 Praha 10 - Dolní Mecholupy, Tjekkiet (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CERVENKA, KLEINTOVÁ, TURKOVÁ Patentová, známková a advokátní kancelár Ing. Eva Kleintová, Budecská 6/974, CZ-120 00 Praha 2, Tjekkiet (511) Klasse 05: Medicines, pharmaceutical preparations for human use. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-10-25 CZ 489722 Tjekkiet (800) International registreringsdato: 2012-01-18 Gazette No.: 15/2012 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1114197 (111) Reg. nr.: MP1114634 2012-06-27 (800) Design. dato: 2012-01-09 (730) Indehaver: Nantong Henghui Gloves Co., LTD., West side of Huangshan Rd., Rudong New Development Zone, Nantong, 226400 Jiangsu, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Shanghai YiFang Trademark Agency Corporation, Room 110-112, Fang Yuan Business Center, No.652, Chang Shou Road, 200060 Shanghai, Kina (511) Klasse 09: Protection devices for personal use against accidents; clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; anti-glare glasses; protective helmets; respiratory masks, other than for artificial respiration; gloves for protection against accidents; protective masks; shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; ear plugs; clothing for protection against fire. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2011-08-10 CN 9830248 Kina (800) International registreringsdato: 2012-01-09 Gazette No.: 18/2012 (800) Design. dato: 2011-11-17 (730) Indehaver: Closed Joint Stock Company "Barnaul Cartridge Plant", 28, Kulagina Str., Barnaul, RU-656002 Altai Territory, Russiske Føderation (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Nikolay Stepanov, 28, Kulagina Str., Barnaul, RU-656002 Altay Territory, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 13: Cartridges; cartridge cases; ammunition for firearms. (800) International registreringsdato: 2011-11-17 Gazette No.: 18/2012 1203 Navneregister internationale registreringer 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Navneregister Register over mærker nævnt i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk orden efter indehaver (730) Indehaver (210) Ans. nr./(111) Reg. nr. AEGILOPS APPLICATIONS ALCONOST LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ALGEA AS ALTUNKAYA INSAAT NAKLIYAT GIDA TICARET ANONIM ANDERSSON & SODERLUND AB APT INTERNATIONAL KO, LIMITED APT INTERNATIONAL KO, LIMITED ASSAN GIDA SANAYI VE TIGARET ANONIM SIRKETI AURORA COOL TECHNOLOGY S.R.O. BAGI - PROFESSIONAL CLEANING PRODUCST L.T.D., BALANCED BODY, INC. BALLU INDUSTRIAL GROUP LIMITED BAUMANN HUPPE AG BAYKO DMITRIY VALENTINOVICH BJØRKLUND NORGE AS BJØRKLUND NORGE AS BONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A. BOURJOIS BOURJOIS CARAN D'ACHE S.A. CELGENE CORPORATION CERSANIT TRADE MARK SP. Z O.O. CHANEL CHANGSHU TONGRUN AUTO ACCESSORY CO., LTD. CIZETA MEDICALI S.P.A. CLOSED JOINT STOCK COMPANY BARNAUL CARTRIDGE P COMMANDER HOLDING BV COOP GENOSSENSCHAFT COTY GERMANY GMBH CREABETON MATERIAUX SA CRISTALL SRL DALLEN MEDICAL, INC. DALLEN MEDICAL, INC. DIPL. ING. GERHARD EMRICH DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO KONDITERSKA KORPORATZIA EDNOLITCHNO DRUJESTVO S OGRANITCHENA OTGOVORNO ENTECO INTERNATIONAL BESLOTEN VENNOOTSCHAP ETA A.S. EYE-FI, INC. FACTON LTD. FEDERAL STATE INSTITUTION AND CULTURAL THE ALE FIBRECEM HOLDING AG FINANCIERE BATTEUR FRANZ SCHNEIDER GMBH & CO KG FRIEDHELM SCHARHAG FRIO UK LTD FUJIAN GUANDAXING WUJINZHIPIN YOUXIANGONGSI FUJIAN POWERLAND LEATHER CASE & PRODUCTS CO.,L FUXIN TELENT(FUJIAN)OUTDOOR PRODUCTS CO.,LTD. G. TECH TECHNOLOGY LTD. GEOX SPA GINSANA S.A. GONUL KAHVESI KAFE RESTAURANT VE TURIZM ISLETM GREENLAND SPRINGWATER AG GREENLAND SPRINGWATER AG GREENLAND SPRINGWATER AG GROUPE UCCOAR GTRC SERVICES, INC. GTRC SERVICES, INC. GTRC SERVICES, INC. GTRC SERVICES, INC. GTRC SERVICES, INC. GTRC SERVICES, INC. GUANGDONG TIDIY CERAMICS CO.,LTD. GUANGDONG ZHONGBAO KITCHENWARE CO., LTD. GUANGZHOU CITY BAIYUN DISTRICT JISHENG HARDWAR H. UNDERBERG-ALBRECHT GMBH & CO. VERWALTUNGSHAECKY DRINK & WINE AG HAINAN FRUIT VEGETABLE FOOD ALLOCATION CO., LT 1204 MP1102078 MP1088286 MP1037554 MP1100894 MP1099216 MP1102068 MP1103063 MP1098939 MP1103228 MP1101893 MP1102789 MP1100845 MP452283 MP1050533 MP1100198 MP1100279 MP1102977 MP1098032 MP1098033 MP247773 MP1098651 MP1102951 MP1093559 MP1098162 MP1099529 MP1114197 MP853745 MP1103189 MP1095353 MP1102100 MP1098016 MP1092122 MP1103107 MP709322 MP1103380 MP1095340 MP1057693 MP1074118 MP1097894 MP1031667 MP1095182 MP1100736 MP1020743 MP535657 MP1103317 MP1095772 MP804963 MP1047655 MP1103770 MP1097884 MP869735 MP1100378 MP1101807 MP1100145 MP1100802 MP1102942 MP1099624 MP1097926 MP1098382 MP1100507 MP1100508 MP1103006 MP1103007 MP1100598 MP1098009 MP1100436 MP1100163 MP1103578 MP1102741 HAKAN BJORKSTEDT HANATOUR SERVICE INC. HANGZHOU FUCHUNJIANG JINCHUKOU CO., LTD. HAYASHI YUKIYASU HENKEL AG & CO. KGAA HENKEL AG & CO. KGAA HENKEL AG & CO. KGAA HEWING GMBH HOLLYLAND (CHINA) ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CORPO HU CHENLIN HUBER TRICOT GESELLSCHAFT MBH HULISI ALKAN HUTA SZKLA GOSPODARCZEGO IRENA S.A. W UPADLOLC INFOFINDER SEARCH TECHNOLOGIES INC. INSTRU OPTIIKKA OY ISKUL GIDA PAZARLAMA TASIMA TURIZM YAYINCILIK IWI AG JIANGSU SUNWIN GARMENT LTD JOINT-STOCK COMPANY KRASNYJ OCTYABR JOTUN A/S JP HRVATSKE TELEKOMUNIKACIJE D.D. MOSTAR JP HRVATSKE TELEKOMUNIKACIJE D.D. MOSTAR KADE PHARMAZEUTISCHE FABRIK GMBH, DR. KADE PHARMAZEUTISCHE FABRIK GMBH, DR. KADE PHARMAZEUTISCHE FABRIK GMBH, DR. KALISTO BUSINESS CORP. KIGILI GIYIM TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI KOLESNIKOV BORYS VIKTOROVYCH LA BANQUE CENTRALE POPULAIRE LA BANQUE CENTRALE POPULAIRE LABORATOIRE NUXE LCT, A.S. LEOPOLD KOSTAL GMBH & CO KG L.G.I. (SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIEE) LIFE & MOBILITY DEVELOPMENT B.V. LIME NORDIC AS LIME NORDIC AS LIME NORDIC AS LIME NORDIC AS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY KAMI-MEBEL LISHIDE CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTD. LUTEKS TEKSTIL SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKE MAAG PUMP SYSTEMS AG MAGIC PRODUCTION GROUP (M.P.G.) SA MARIANNA GROSS MEDI GMBH & CO. KG MEGA SOFT (FUJIAN) HYGIENE PRODUCTS CO., LTD. MEGA SOFT (FUJIAN) HYGIENE PRODUCTS CO., LTD MEGA SOFT (FUJIAN) HYGIENE PRODUCTS CO., LTD MEOPTA PREROV, A.S. MERTZ CONTENEURS MESTRA AG MIDAL CABLES LIMITED MIRATECH CORPORATION LTD MISTER B TRADING B.V. MODERN ART & PHOTOGRAPHIC CENTER AS MONCLER S.R.L. MUNDIPHARMA AG NAF TECH AG NANJING RENUE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD NANTONG HENGHUI GLOVES CO., LTD. NEW BELLE FOOTWEAR (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. NINGBO XINFU TITANIUM DIOXIDE CO.,LTD. NMS TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD. NV LOG SA OBSCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOJ OTVETSTVENNOSTJU TE OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTYU F OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTYU M OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTYU N OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTYU R OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANITCHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTYOU ONTIME LOGISTICS AS OPEN-TYPE JOINT STOCK COMPANY ROT FRONT OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO AVTOVAZ OU LEIF OUTDOOR LIVING NORDIC AB OZYER TURIZM SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI PAK GIDA URETIM VE PAZARLAMA ANONIM SIRKETI PAUL HARTMANN AG MP1100907 MP1097724 MP1102166 MP1098050 MP1099006 MP1103613 MP1103614 MP584486 MP1102891 MP1101537 MP1098261 MP1102736 MP1084561 MP1095319 MP1088949 MP1088851 MP1091890 MP1103755 MP1075720 MP1100979 MP1101057 MP1101257 MP1103212 MP1103810 MP776521 MP1098308 MP1103071 MP1099914 MP1091774 MP1102402 MP761230 MP1103568 MP516652 MP833475 MP1092442 MP1102151 MP1102152 MP1102173 MP1102174 MP1098960 MP1100603 MP1102083 MP1102585 MP1098493 MP1097897 MP1101952 MP1099382 MP1100139 MP1100140 MP135290 MP1103152 MP1103831 MP1098634 MP887007 MP1089585 MP1100669 MP1099511 MP1095865 MP1089744 MP1100438 MP1114634 MP1102135 MP1100781 MP1100516 MP1099765 MP1101768 MP1101978 MP1096453 MP1034474 MP1102011 MP881507 MP1051500 MP853745 MP1102460 MP1101485 MP1063834 MP1100200 MP1102084 MP1038183 Dansk Varemærketidende PIOLA PRO.MED.CS PRAHA A.S. PROTEINFABRIKKEN AS PROTEINFABRIKKEN AS PST CLC, A.S. RECRUIT CO., LTD. RELACOM AB RENAPHARMA AB ROHM CO., LTD. RS HOLLAND B.V. RUSTU OZCAN SAATEN UNION RECHERCHE SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG SALTSJON'S BÅTPRODUKTER SANA PHARMA AS SANA PHARMA AS SANA PHARMA AS SEEGENE, INC. SHENGTAI GROUP CO., LTD. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT SIRKECI TEKSTIL SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKE SKOURI NADIA SPHERE STRONGHOLD INVEST AB TEDI GMBH & CO. KG TONGTAIYINGYOUERFUSHIYOUXIANGONGSI TUKAS GIDA SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZMETLERI ANONIM SIRKETI UNILEVER N.V. UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO S.P.A. UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO S.P.A. UPSUN INDUSTRIAL GROUP CO., LTD. VEREIN DER WALDVIERTLER FORSTARBEITER VIKING BRANDS S.A. VIRBAC VIRBAC S.A. WALFOOD SA WASSERFALLAG AG WEILONG GRAPE WINE CO., LTD. WUHU JINMAO LIQUID SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO.,LT WUXI SHENCHONG FORGING MACHINE CO., LTD YEVHENII POLODIUK, RAISA LUKASHCHUK ZENTIVA, K.S. ZENTIVA SAGLIK URUNLERI SANAYI VE TICARET ANON ZHEJIANG ALEPHAN GARMENTS CO., LTD. ZHEJIANG ALEPHAN GARMENTS CO., LTD. ZHEJIANG MEDICINE CO.,LTD ZHEJIANG NEW DONGSHENG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. ZHEJIANG PUXIN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., LTD. ZHENGZHOU SANHUA TECHNOLOGY & INDUSTRY CO., LT ZHU HUAICAI 2012-06-27 MP1100619 MP1102449 MP1074503 MP1074505 MP1101926 MP1063826 MP1101034 MP1101628 MP1094147 MP1102921 MP1099323 MP1102078 MP1099756 MP1100339 MP727740/1 MP1081134 MP1084194 MP1103101 MP1102252 MP1098666 MP811444 MP1096374 MP1100684 MP901751 MP1095954 MP1087109 MP1100837 MP1101414 MP1080085 MP1098636 MP1101912 MP1102188 MP1099697 MP1101314 MP1100613 MP1101066 MP551771 MP1102674 MP152671 MP1101339 MP1104292 MP1102994 MP918273 MP1112447 MP1103784 MP1097266 MP1099383 MP1101101 MP1101881 MP1100932 MP1101900 MP1100778 1205 Mærkeregister internationale registreringer 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Mærkeregister Register over mærker offentliggjort som registreret i dette tidende angivet i alfabetisk rækkefølge efter mærketekst (540) Mærke (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) (fig) & other Stories (fig) alephan (fig) ALGEA (fig) APR (w) ARCTIC (fig) ARULA (w) AURORA (fig) AXENTYL (w) B (fig) Bake-King (w) balanced body (fig) ballu (fig) Banksy (w) BE BE BONITO (w) BEAUTY WITH A FRENCH ACCENT (w) BESTMAN (fig) BETON MANUFACTUR (fig) BLACK JACK (fig) BLADI LIBERTY (w) Bonfiglioli (fig) BONNE NOUVELLE (w) CASA LO ALTO (w) Centro (fig) CHATKA (fig) Chikool (fig) COMPRESSYN (w) CRYSTAL (w) CUATRO (w) DETREMIN (w) Dienokadin (w) DS LTD (fig) DUO-CAPS (w) ECOSAVER (fig) EH (fig) EPIOTIC (w) ESFERO Sesamo (fig) ESLI (w) ESTROKAD (w) eta unibag (fig) Etude (fig) Euphey (fig) EUROJACK (fig) Evakadin (w) Eye-Fi (fig) FEMI PLUS (w) FEROFORCIN (w) Filato (fig) FINE CHOCOLATE ROSHEN SINCE 1996 CLASSIC (fig) FIREHEADS (w) FIXPENCIL (w) FRESH IBIZA (w) FRIO (w) FUHLEN (fig) G GIARDINELLI (fig) GDX (fig) GIARDINELLI (w) GLO Griffin Law Offices (fig) GRANTA (w) Grasovkiss (w) Grøn (fig) GSRD (w) 1206 (111) Reg. nr. MP1047655 MP1075720 MP1096453 MP1097266 MP1102068 MP1102741 MP1103063 MP1114197 MP1114634 MP1099765 MP1100907 MP1099383 MP1037554 MP1098651 MP1100802 MP1098261 MP1103228 MP1101066 MP1100198 MP1057693 MP1102789 MP1100845 MP1100669 MP1100140 MP1098032 MP1095340 MP1102100 MP1098162 MP1102402 MP1102977 MP1099624 MP1103578 MP1098308 MP1102674 MP1100139 MP1092122 MP1074503 MP1074505 MP1101628 MP1103810 MP1101881 MP1099006 MP1098666 MP1103831 MP551771 MP1099914 MP1050533 MP776521 MP1074118 MP1103006 MP1101339 MP1101314 MP1103212 MP1097894 MP709322 MP1100378 MP1098960 MP1103380 MP1102173 MP247773 MP1095353 MP1095772 MP1097884 MP1100507 MP804963 MP1100508 MP1101485 MP1102460 MP1100163 MP1100145 MP1031667 gönül kahvesi koyukahveci (fig) HACCER (w) haloo (fig) Hewing (w) HIOS feel free (fig) HNT (fig) HOLLYLAND (fig) HT ERONET (fig) HybriCoat (w) H2O% (fig) ICEHEADS (w) Ideal-Fit (w) I&E FCJ (fig) IKRAM (w) ILIX (w) INCENDO (w) INDIGOFERA (fig) instrumentarium (fig) IRENA (fig) ISOVER family (w) JERSEY (w) Jinmao (fig) JISONCASE (fig) JOTUN HARDTOP (w) JUC (w) Kanú (fig) KIGILI (fig) Kingtom (fig) KOSTAL (fig) LA BEAUTE AVEC L'ACCENT FRANCAIS (w) LA CROISADE (w) LAGUNA (w) LDM Tradition Sud Home (fig) LEPAPROCK (w) Leysin (w) LIBERTY HOTELS (fig) LIONEL TERRAY (w) LISHIDE (fig) LYONS (w) maag group (fig) MAHMOOD (fig) medi (fig) MEN AGRESSIA (w) MEOPTA (w) MERTZ (fig) MIDAL MIDAL CABLES LIMITED BAHRAIN (fig) miratech (fig) mobizcorp (w) More to life (w) MR. B (w) mySmoothie (fig) nanuk (fig) NATOONS (fig) NATURELLE D''ORIENT (w) NEURASAN (w) NingTi (fig) NOVAL (w) NOVLINE (fig) OCEHHNN BANbC (fig) OLD MARK ORIGINAL QUALITY (fig) OLIVE PIER (fig) Ontime Logistics your business on time (fig) orbion CONSULTING Combining skills and attitude (fig) OXYNEO (w) Pakmaya (fig) PARTYHEADS (w) PHYTO CHOC (w) Piogtan (w) piola (fig) PRIMO (w) Pritt Rainbow (fig) Pritt X (fig) proaffinity (w) PRO-WHITER (w) PSTCLC PROGRESSIVE LOGISTICS (fig) PUSUNG (w) r (fig) R.BLAKE COLLECTION FOR MEN (fig) RESPIRA (w) REUE (fig) ROHM SEMICONDUCTOR (fig) rolly toys (fig) ROVESE (w) RS Royal Sovereign (fig) SANA PHARMA Nature''s way to a better life (fig) MP1101807 MP1102736 MP1101057 MP584486 MP1102083 MP1097724 MP1102891 MP1101257 MP1102078 MP1089744 MP1102174 MP1038183 MP1102166 MP1099323 MP152671 MP1103101 MP1099216 MP1088949 MP1084561 MP1100339 MP1093559 MP1104292 MP1100436 MP1100979 MP1100516 MP1100279 MP1103071 MP1098939 MP516652 MP1098033 MP833475 MP1103007 MP1096374 MP1098016 MP1103755 MP1100200 MP1099511 MP1100603 MP1097926 MP1102585 MP1100894 MP1101952 MP918273 MP135290 MP1103152 MP1098634 MP887007 MP1103317 MP1080085 MP1089585 MP1100613 MP1102942 MP1098493 MP1020743 MP1097897 MP1100781 MP452283 MP1034474 MP853745 MP1102011 MP1088851 MP1051500 MP1101034 MP1095865 MP1102084 MP1102152 MP761230 MP1103784 MP1100619 MP1092442 MP1103613 MP1103614 MP1091774 MP1091890 MP1101926 MP1100932 MP1063826 MP1101978 MP869735 MP1100438 MP1094147 MP535657 MP1102951 MP1102921 MP1084194 Dansk Varemærketidende SANTINT (fig) Secret wish (fig) SECULACT (w) Seegene (fig) Sharp Star (fig) SHENCHONG SC (fig) SHUMANIT (fig) SILVERHEAT (fig) SIN CITY (w) SINOPLAST (w) SNAPPY (fig) SOURHEADS (w) S-PEARL (w) SPHERE (w) St. AMANDUS (w) STACCATO (fig) STEINFELS SWISS (w) Stimul''Ace (w) STRONGHOLD (w) TEA FUSION (fig) TEDI 1E Euro-Discount (fig) Telent (fig) Tensyn (w) The Alexandrov Red Army Ensemble (w) TiDiY (fig) Timber Cut (fig) Tong Tai (fig) TOPAZ (w) tukas (fig) Twins (fig) Unipol (fig) Unipol (fig) UPSUN (w) URSOMAX (w) Vario DoubleFit (w) VARISAN (w) VIMIXA (fig) VirtualWorks (w) VitaeLab (fig) W WILLIAMS (fig) ZMC (fig) ZOOMBO (w) 2012-06-27 MP1101900 MP1100684 MP1112447 MP1102252 MP1101537 MP1102994 MP1101893 MP1101768 MP1088286 MP1100778 MP727740/1 MP1102151 MP1100736 MP901751 MP881507 MP1102135 MP1103189 MP1098050 MP1095954 MP1098636 MP1087109 MP1103770 MP1103107 MP1095182 MP1100598 MP1063834 MP1100837 MP811444 MP1101414 MP1099382 MP1101912 MP1102188 MP1099697 MP1102449 MP1099756 MP1099529 MP1103568 MP1095319 MP1081134 MP1098382 MP1101101 MP1098009 1207 Registreringsregister internationale registreringer 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale registreringer Registreringsregister Register over mærker i dette tidende angivet i registreringsnummerorden (111) Reg. nr. MP135290 MP152671 MP247773 MP452283 MP516652 MP535657 MP551771 MP584486 MP709322 MP727740/1 MP761230 MP776521 MP804963 MP811444 MP833475 MP853745 MP869735 MP881507 MP887007 MP901751 MP918273 MP1020743 MP1031667 MP1034474 MP1037554 MP1038183 MP1047655 MP1050533 MP1051500 MP1057693 MP1063826 MP1063834 MP1074118 MP1074503 MP1074505 MP1075720 MP1080085 MP1081134 MP1084194 MP1084561 MP1087109 MP1088286 MP1088851 MP1088949 MP1089585 MP1089744 MP1091774 MP1091890 MP1092122 MP1092442 MP1093559 MP1094147 MP1095182 MP1095319 MP1095340 MP1095353 MP1095772 MP1095865 MP1095954 MP1096374 MP1096453 MP1097266 MP1097724 MP1097884 MP1097894 MP1097897 MP1097926 MP1098009 MP1098016 MP1098032 MP1098033 1208 MP1098050 MP1098162 MP1098261 MP1098308 MP1098382 MP1098493 MP1098634 MP1098636 MP1098651 MP1098666 MP1098939 MP1098960 MP1099006 MP1099216 MP1099323 MP1099382 MP1099383 MP1099511 MP1099529 MP1099624 MP1099697 MP1099756 MP1099765 MP1099914 MP1100139 MP1100140 MP1100145 MP1100163 MP1100198 MP1100200 MP1100279 MP1100339 MP1100378 MP1100436 MP1100438 MP1100507 MP1100508 MP1100516 MP1100598 MP1100603 MP1100613 MP1100619 MP1100669 MP1100684 MP1100736 MP1100778 MP1100781 MP1100802 MP1100837 MP1100845 MP1100894 MP1100907 MP1100932 MP1100979 MP1101034 MP1101057 MP1101066 MP1101101 MP1101257 MP1101314 MP1101339 MP1101414 MP1101485 MP1101537 MP1101628 MP1101768 MP1101807 MP1101881 MP1101893 MP1101900 MP1101912 MP1101926 MP1101952 MP1101978 MP1102011 MP1102068 MP1102078 MP1102083 MP1102084 MP1102100 MP1102135 MP1102151 MP1102152 MP1102166 MP1102173 Dansk Varemærketidende 2012-06-27 MP1102174 MP1102188 MP1102252 MP1102402 MP1102449 MP1102460 MP1102585 MP1102674 MP1102736 MP1102741 MP1102789 MP1102891 MP1102921 MP1102942 MP1102951 MP1102977 MP1102994 MP1103006 MP1103007 MP1103063 MP1103071 MP1103101 MP1103107 MP1103152 MP1103189 MP1103212 MP1103228 MP1103317 MP1103380 MP1103568 MP1103578 MP1103613 MP1103614 MP1103755 MP1103770 MP1103784 MP1103810 MP1103831 MP1104292 MP1112447 MP1114197 MP1114634 1209 Internationale kendetegn 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Internationale kendetegn Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00001 31.03.2011 BG1 Bulgaria Armorial bearings Detaljer / indehaver Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 1210 AI 2011 00003 31.03.2011 BG3 Bulgaria Lande emblem L’union fait la force (French) Saedinenieto pravi silata (Bulgarian) Unity renders power (English) Vienna klassifikation 05.03.02, 24.01.05, 24.01.09, 24.09.01, 25.01.05, 28.05.00, 29.01.01, 29.01.02, 29.01.03, 03.01.01, 03.01.02 31.03.2012 Indsigelsesfrist AI 2011 00002 31.03.2011 BG2 Bulgaria Armorial bearings L’union fait la force (French) Saedinenieto pravi silata (Bulgarian) Unity renders power (English) 03.01.01, 03.01.02, 05.03.02, 24.01.05, 24.01.09, 24.09.01, 25.01.05, 28.05.00 31.03.2012 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Republic of Bulgaria Lande Seal (English) Republika Bulgaria Darzhaven pechat (Bulgarian) République de Bulgarie Sceau de l’État (French) 05.03.02, 24.01.05, 24.01.09, 24.09.01, 25.01.05, 26.01.01, 26.01.15, 28.05.00, 03.01.01, 03.01.02 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00004 30.09.2011 BT1 Bhutan Lande emblem 09.07.01, 29.01.15 30.09.2012 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00005 30.09.2011 BT2 Bhutan Armorial bearings Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke 26.01.03, 26.01.15, 26.01.16, 29.01.15, 04.03.03, 26.01.01 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00006 30.09.2011 BT3 Bhutan Flag Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 2012-06-27 AI 2011 00007 30.09.2011 CL1 Chile Armorial bearings 03.04.07, 03.07.01, 03.07.19, 24.01.03, 24.01.05, 24.01.07, 24.09.02, 25.01.06, 29.01.15, 01.01.01, 01.01.10 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00008 30.09.2011 CL2 Chile Flag 01.01.01, 01.01.10, 24.07.01, 29.01.01, 29.01.04, 29.01.06 30.09.2012 04.03.03, 24.07.01, 25.05.03, 29.01.01, 29.01.02 30.09.2012 1211 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Dansk Varemærketidende AI 2011 00009 30.09.2011 CL3 Chile Flag 01.01.01, 01.01.10, 03.04.07, 03.07.01, 03.07.19, 24.01.03, 24.01.05, 24.01.07, 24.07.01, 24.09.02, 25.01.06, 29.01.15 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00010 30.09.2011 CL4 Chile Flag Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Power is in Unity (English) 02.01.02, 02.01.20, 03.01.01, 03.01.02, 03.01.22, 03.01.24, 04.03.03, 24.01.05, 24.01.08, 24.01.09, 24.01.18, 24.09.01, 24.09.05, 24.13.25, 25.01.06, 26.11.01, 26.11.06, 26.11.12, 29.01.01, 29.01.13 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00012 31.03.2011 GE2 Georgia Armorial bearings 01.01.01, 01.01.10, 24.11.21, 29.01.01, 29.01.04, 29.01.06 30.09.2012 Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 1212 AI 2011 00011 31.03.2011 GE1 Georgia Armorial bearings 02.01.20, 04.03.03, 24.01.05, 24.01.08, 24.01.09, 24.01.18, 24.09.01, 24.09.05, 29.01.01, 29.01.13, 02.01.02 31.03.2012 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00013 31.03.2011 GE3 Georgia Flag Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00015 31.03.2011 MC19 Monaco Lande emblem 29.01.01, 29.01.06, 24.07.01, 24.13.25 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00014 31.03.2011 MC18 Monaco Lande emblem Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 2012-06-27 24.09.01, 27.05.01 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00016 31.03.2011 ME1 Montenegro Armorial bearings 24.09.01, 27.05.01 31.03.2012 Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 03.01.01, 03.01.02, 03.07.01, 03.07.02, 24.01.05, 24.01.09, 24.09.01, 29.01.02, 29.01.03, 29.01.04 31.03.2012 1213 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Dansk Varemærketidende AI 2011 00017 31.03.2011 ME2 Montenegro Flag Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke 03.01.02, 03.07.01, 03.07.02, 24.01.09, 24.07.01, 24.09.01, 29.01.01, 29.01.02, 29.01.03, 29.01.04, 24.01.05, 03.01.01 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00018 30.09.2011 PT21 Portugal Armorial bearings Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 07.01.01, 24.01.05, 24.01.11, 26.01.01, 26.01.03, 29.01.13 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00020 30.09.2011 PT23 Portugal Flag 05.03.11, 05.03.16, 07.01.01, 09.01.10, 24.01.05, 24.01.11, 26.01.01, 26.01.03, 29.01.13 30.09.2012 Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 1214 AI 2011 00019 30.09.2011 PT22 Portugal Armorial bearings 07.01.01, 24.01.05, 24.01.11, 24.07.01, 26.01.01, 26.01.03, 29.01.13 30.09.2012 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00021 30.09.2011 PT24 Portugal Flag 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00023 31.03.2011 QO1376 Finland Ordmærke European Forest Institute Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist European Forest Institute, Torikatu 34, FI-80100 Joensuu, Finland 31.03.2012 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori AI 2011 00024 31.03.2011 QO1377 Finland Forkortelse Mærke EFI Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 24.01.11, 24.07.01, 26.01.01, 26.01.03, 29.01.13, 07.01.01, 24.01.05 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00022 30.09.2011 PT25 Portugal Flag 07.01.01, 24.01.05, 24.01.11, 24.07.01, 26.01.01, 26.01.03, 29.01.13 30.09.2012 Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist European Forest Institute, Torikatu 34, FI-80100 Joensuu, Finland 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00025 31.03.2011 QO1378 Finland Emblem European Forest Institute, Torikatu 34, FI-80100 Joensuu, Finland 05.03.02, 05.03.13, 05.03.14, 29.01.03, 29.01.11 31.03.2012 1215 2012-06-27 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00026 31.03.2011 QO1379 Finland Emblem Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver 05.03.02, 05.03.13, 05.03.14, 29.01.03, 29.01.11 31.03.2012 Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00027 31.03.2011 QO1380 Tyskland Ordmærke AN BANC CEANNAIS EORPACH Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist European Central Bank, Kaiserstrasse 29, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland 31.03.2012 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori AI 2011 00028 31.03.2011 QO1381 Tyskland Ordmærke Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver AN tEUTOCHÓRAS Indsigelsesfrist 1216 European Central Bank, Kaiserstrasse 29, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland 26.07.05, 01.11.08, 24.17.18, 29.01.12 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00030 31.03.2011 QO1383 Sverige Emblem European Forest Institute, Torikatu 34, FI-80100 Joensuu, Finland Vienna klassifikation Detaljer / indehaver AI 2011 00029 31.03.2011 QO1382 Tyskland Emblem European Central Bank, Kaiserstrasse 29, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland 31.03.2012 Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 29.01.03, 01.15.24, 29.01.04 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00031 31.03.2011 QO1384 Sverige Emblem Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 01.15.24, 29.01.06 31.03.2012 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00032 31.03.2011 QO1385 Sverige Emblem 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00035 31.03.2011 QO1388 Sverige Ordmærke Global Water Partnership Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 01.15.24, 29.01.03, 29.01.04 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00033 31.03.2011 QO1386 Sverige Emblem Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00036 31.03.2011 QO1389 Sverige Forkortelse GWPO Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00037 31.03.2011 QO1390 Sverige Forkortelse GWP Detaljer / indehaver Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Indsigelsesfrist Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 31.03.2012 Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 26.04.02, 26.04.13, 27.05.24, 01.15.24 31.03.2012 AI 2011 00034 31.03.2011 QO1387 Sverige Ordmærke Global Water Partnership Organization Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Global Water Partnership Organization, Drottninggatan 33, S-111 51 Stockholm, Sverige 31.03.2012 1217 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Dansk Varemærketidende AI 2011 00038 30.09.2011 QO1391 Saudi Arabien Emblem Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00040 30.09.2011 QO1393 Belgien Ordmærke L’Union Benelux Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Benelux Union, Rue de la Régence 39, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgien 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00041 30.09.2011 QO1394 Belgien Ordmærke De Benelux Unie Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke 01.05.01, 01.05.02, 28.01.00, 28.01.04, 29.01.06 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00039 30.09.2011 QO1392 Belgien Emblem Detaljer / indehaver Global Crop Diversity Trust, c/o FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, I-00153 Rome, Italien Vienna klassifikation Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 1218 AI 2011 00042 30.09.2011 QO1395 Italien Emblem Arab Satellite Communications Organiza tion, PO Box # 1038, Diplomatic Quarters 11431 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Indsigelsesfrist Detaljer / indehaver Benelux Union, Rue de la Régence 39, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgien 30.09.2012 Benelux Union, Rue de la Régence 39, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgien 29.01.01, 29.01.04, 29.01.12, 25.07.01, 25.07.07 30.09.2012 05.03.11, 05.03.13, 05.03.15, 26.02.01, 29.01.01, 29.01.03 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00043 30.09.2011 QO1396 Italien Ordmærke Global Crop Diversity Trust Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Global Crop Diversity Trust, c/o FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, I-00153 Rome, Italien 30.09.2012 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00044 30.09.2011 QO1397 Østrig Emblem Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke 2012-06-27 AI 2011 00047 30.09.2011 QO1400 Østrig Forkortelse IACA Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Detaljer / indehaver International Anti-Corruption Academy, Muenchendorfer Strasse 2, A-2361 Laxenburg, Østrig Vienna klassifikation 26.11.14, 26.02.01, 26.11.01 Indsigelsesfrist 30.09.2012 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00048 30.09.2011 QO1401 Forenede Arabiske Emirater Emblem AI 2011 00045 30.09.2011 QO1398 Østrig Emblem Detaljer / indehaver Detaljer / indehaver International Anti-Corruption Academy, Muenchendorfer Strasse 2, A-2361 Laxenburg, Østrig Vienna klassifikation 26.02.01, 26.11.01, 26.11.14, 29.01.04 Indsigelsesfrist 30.09.2012 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke International Anti-Corruption Academy, Muenchendorfer Strasse 2, A-2361 Laxenburg, Østrig 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00046 30.09.2011 QO1399 Østrig Ordmærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke International Renewable Energy Agency, P.O. Box 236, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 01.05.01, 24.15.21, 24.17.01, 24.17.08, 29.01.04 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00049 30.09.2011 QO1402 Forenede Arabiske Emirater Emblem International Anti-Corruption Academy Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist International Anti-Corruption Academy, Muenchendorfer Strasse 2, A-2361 Laxenburg, Østrig 30.09.2012 Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist International Renewable Energy Agency, P.O. Box 236, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 01.05.01, 24.15.21, 24.17.01, 24.17.08, 29.01.04 30.09.2012 1219 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Dansk Varemærketidende AI 2011 00050 30.09.2011 QO1403 Forenede Arabiske Emira-er Emblem Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00053 30.09.2011 QO1406 USA Emblem International Renewable Energy Agency, P.O. Box 236, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 01.05.01, 24.15.21, 24.17.01, 24.17.08, 29.01.04 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00051 30.09.2011 QO1404 Forenede Arabiske Emirater Ordmærke International Renewable Energy Agency Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke International Renewable Energy Agency, P.O. Box 236, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00052 30.09.2011 QO1405 Forenede Arabiske Emira-er Ordmærke IRENA Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist 1220 International Renewable Energy Agency, P.O. Box 236, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 30.09.2012 Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 01.05.01, 01.05.09, 05.13.01, 29.01.04 30.09.2012 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00054 30.09.2011 QO1407 USA Emblem Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke 2012-06-27 AI 2011 000056 30.09.2011 QO1409 USA Ordmærke Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00057 30.09.2011 QO1410 USA Ordmærke Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 01.05.01, 01.05.09, 05.13.01, 29.01.04 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00055 30.09.2011 QO1408 USA Ordmærke United Nations Development Program Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00058 30.09.2011 QO1411 USA Ordmærke United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00059 30.09.2011 QO1412 USA Ordmærke United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 1221 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Dansk Varemærketidende AI 2011 00060 30.09.2011 QO1413 USA Ordmærke Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00061 30.09.2011 QO1414 USA Forkortelse Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke AI 2011 00064 30.09.2011 QO1417 USA Forkortelse United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00065 30.09.2011 QO1418 Frankrig Emblem UNDP Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00062 30.09.2011 QO1415 USA Forkortelse PNUD Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00063 30.09.2011 QO1416 USA Forkortelse PNUD Detaljer / indehaver Indsigelsesfrist 1222 United Nationas Development Program Office of Communications, Products & Services, 1 UN Plaza, 19th floor, 10019 New York, USA 30.09.2012 Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2, rue André Pascal, F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, Frankrig 01.05.01, 24.15.02, 29.01.03, 29.01.04, 29.01.06 30.09.2012 Dansk Varemærketidende Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist AI 2011 00066 30.09.2011 QO1419 Frankrig Emblem Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Detaljer / indehaver Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2, rue André Pascal, F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, Frankrig 29.01.03, 29.01.04, 29.01.06, 01.05.01, 24.15.02 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00067 30.09.2011 QO1420 Frankrig Emblem Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke 2012-06-27 AI 2011 00068 30.09.2011 QO1421 Tyskland Emblem United Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change (New York 1992), MartinLuther-King-Strasse 8, D-53175 Bonn, Tyskland 29.01.04, 05.13.01, 26.02.01 30.09.2012 AI 2011 00069 30.09.2011 SM1 San Marino Flag Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2, rue André Pascal, F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, Frankrig 29.01.03, 29.01.04, 29.01.06, 01.05.01, 24.15.02 30.09.2012 Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 05.13.01, 07.01.01, 24.01.05, 24.01.11, 24.01.17, 24.01.18, 24.07.01, 24.09.01, 24.09.05, 25.01.06, 29.01.02, 29.01.03, 29.01.04 30.09.2012 1223 2012-06-27 Ansøgningsnr. Ansøgningsdato 6ter nr. Land 6ter kategori Mærke Vienna klassifikation Indsigelsesfrist 1224 Dansk Varemærketidende AI 2011 00070 30.09.2011 SM2 San Morino Armorial bearings 05.13.01, 07.01.01, 24.01.05, 24.01.11, 24.01.17, 24.01.18, 24.09.01, 24.09.05, 25.01.06, 29.01.02, 29.01.03, 29.01.04 30.09.2012 Klassefortegnelse International klassifikation af varer og tjenesteydelser (Nice Arrangementet) 9. udgave - 2007 Varer Klasse 01: Kemiske produkter til industrielle, videnskabelige og fotografiske formål samt til anvendelse i landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsøjemed, kunstig harpiks i rå tilstand, plastic i rå tilstand, gødning, ildslukningsmidler, præparater til hærdning og lodning, kemiske konserveringsmidler til levnedsmidler, garvestoffer, bindemidler til industrielle formål. Klasse 13: Skydevåben, ammunition og projektiler, sprængstoffer, fyrværkerigenstande. Klasse 02: Maling, fernis, lak, rustbeskyttelsesmidler og træimprægneringsmidler, farvestoffer, bejdsemidler, naturlig harpiks i rå tilstand, bladmetaller og metalpulver til brug for malere, dekoratører, bogtrykkere og kunstnere. Klasse 15: Musikinstrumenter. Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj, præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter, sæbe, parfumerivarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårvand, tandplejemidler. Klasse 04: Olier og fedtstoffer til industrielle formål, smøremidler, midler til absorbering, fugtning og binding af støv, brændstoffer (herunder motordrivmidler) og belysningsstoffer, lys og væger til belysning. Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater, sanitære præparater til medicinske formål, diætetiske præparater til medicinsk brug, næringsmidler til spædbørn, plastre og forbindsstoffer, materiale til tandplombering og til tandaftryk, desinfektionsmidler, præparater til udryddelse af skadedyr, svampe- og ukrudtsdræbende midler. Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, byggematerialer af metal, transportable bygninger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbanespor, ikke elektriske kabler og tråd af metal, kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, metalrør, pengeskabe, varer af metal ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, malm. Klasse 07: Maskiner og værktøjsmaskiner, motorer (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land), koblinger og transmissionsdele (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land), landbrugsredskaber (ikke hånddrevne), rugemaskiner. Klasse 08: Håndværktøj og instrumenter (hånddrevne), knivsmedevarer, gafler og skeer, hugog stikvåben, barbermaskiner. Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter. Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, tryksager, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler til brug for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktionsog undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), tryktyper, klichéer. Klasse 17: Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, plastic i halvforarbejdet tilstand til brug i fabrikation, tætnings-, paknings- og isoleringsmaterialer, bøjelige slanger, ikke af metal. Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), skind og huder, kufferter og rejsetasker, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke, piske og sadelmagervarer. Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør (ikke af metal) til bygningsbrug, asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer, varer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) af træ, kork, rør, spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, fiskeben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for disse materialer eller af plastic. Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere, kamme og svampe, børster, børstenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (undtagen glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser. Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, apparater og instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elektricitet, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, salgsautomater og mekanismer til mønt-opererede apparater, kasseapparater, regnemaskiner og databehandlingsudstyr, ildslukningsapparater. Klasse 22: Tovværk, reb, liner, snore, net, telte, markiser, presenninger, sejl, sække (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), polstringsmateriale (dog ikke af kautsjuk eller af plastic), ubearbejdet fibermateriale til tekstilfabrikation. Klasse 10: Kirurgiske, medicinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter samt kunstige lemmer, øjne og tænder, ortopædiske artikler, suturmaterialer. Klasse 26: Kniplinger og broderier, bånd og possementmagervarer, knapper, hægter og maller, knappenåle og synåle, kunstige blomster. Klasse 11: Apparater til belysning, opvarmning, dampdannelse, kogning, køling, tørring, ventilation og vandledning samt sanitetsinstallationer. Klasse 12: Køretøjer, befordringsmidler til brug på land, i luften eller i vandet. 5.2-sep09 Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, frosne, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedtstoffer. Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. Klasse 32: Øl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). Klasse 34: Tobak, artikler for rygere, tændstikker. Tjensteydelser Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsledelse, bistand ved forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virksomhed, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirksomhed. Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. Klasse 39: Transportvirksomhed, pakning og opbevaring af varer, arrangering af rejser. Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af materialer og genstande. Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. Klasse 23: Garn og tråd til tekstilfabrikation. Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forskning og design i forbindelse dermed, industriel analyse og forskning, design og udvikling af computer hardware og computer software. Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, senge- og bordtæpper. Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, midlertidig indkvartering. Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. Klasse 44: Lægevirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed, sundheds- og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr, landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsvirksomhed. Klasse 27: Tæpper, måtter, linoleum og andet belægningsmateriale til eksisterende gulve, vægbeklædningsmateriale, som ikke er tekstilvarer. Klasse 28: Spil og legetøj, gymnastik- og sportsartikler (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), julepynt. Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov. INID-koder Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data (INID) Internationalt vedtagne Numre til Identifikation af Data (INID) (100) Date of termination of the procedure regarding registration (111) Registration number (141) Date of termination of the registration of the mark (151) Registration date (180 Date of expected expiration of the registration/renewal (210) Application number (220) Application filing date (230) Data concerning exhibition (300) Data relating to priority under the Paris Convention (390) Data relating to the registration in the country of origin (442) Date of publication of the application (450) Date of publication of the registration (500) Various information (511) Class or classes (and list of goods/services) Dato for registreringsprocedurens afslutning (540) Reproduction of the mark (551) Indication to the effect that the mark is a collective mark, a certification mark or a guarantee mark (580) Date of recording of amendment/change (591) Information concerning colors claimed (641) Number(s) and date(s) of other legally related applications (646) Number(s) and date(s) of other legally related registrations (730) Name and address of the applicant/holder of the registration (740)/(750) Name and address of the representative/Correspondance address (791)/(793) Data concerning license (800) Data relating to registration under the Madrid Protocol Registreringsnummer Dato for udslettelse af registreringen Registreringsdato Dato for registrerings-/fornyelsesperiodens udløb Ansøgningsnummer Ansøgningsdato Udstillingsprioritetsoplysninger Prioritetsoplysninger Hjemlandsregistrering Bekendtgørelsesdato Offentliggørelsesdato Bemærkninger Vare- eller tjenesteydelsesklasser (og liste over varer/tjenesteydelser) Varemærket Fællesmærkeoplysninger Dato for notering af tilførsel Farvetekst Data vedrørende delte/udskilte ansøgninger Data vedrørende delte/udskilte registreringer Indehaveroplysninger Fuldmægtigoplysninger/korrespondanceadres-se Licensoplysninger Data vedrørende Madridprotokol-registreringer Domestic Codes for the Identification of Data Interne koder til identifikation af data (DC) Date of shelving/withdrawal (DP) Data concerning pawning Henlæggelses/tilbagetagelsesdato Pantsætningsoplysninger Where there is only an indication of the class number (511), the application or registration covers all goods or services within the class in question. Hvor der alene er angivet klassenummer (511), omfatter ansøgningen eller registreringen alle varer eller tjenesteydelser i den pågældende klasse. Where the class number in the case of code (511) is followed by a “:“ the application or registration covers only the goods or services specifically mentioned. Hvor klassenummeret ved kode (511) efterføl-ges af et “:“, omfatter ansøgningen eller registreringen kun de særligt nævnte varer eller tjenesteydelser. Where (540) the “Reproduction of the mark“ is followed by “<w>“, the application or registration concerns a word mark. Hvor (540) “Varemærket“ efterfølges af “<w>“, angår ansøgningen eller registreringen et ordmærke. Where (540) the “Reproduction of the mark“ is followed by “<fig>“, the trade mark involves non standard letters and/or figurative elements. Hvor (540) “Varemærket“ efterfølges af “<fig>“, er der i varemærket figurelementer og/eller bogstaver med særlig skrifttype. nov02-ls/PR
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