New Jersey Courier - Ocean County Library
New Jersey Courier - Ocean County Library
7 mi TTZZZ.L W Liko a flash oamo the oonsciouHuo sb of the utter hopelessness of PUBLISHED EVERY W EDNESDAY AT her situation. She was alone in Tom s R ive r, Ocean Co., N . J. the house, and likely so to remain n»» a largo olronlntlm In the counties of Ooean for several hours, and here web Monmouth and Burlington, and 1h a valuable, „.«ilium for advertising, T o m a, $2 par annum this man stealing in npon her In advanco. No aubaorlptton received without «im Cash. O fficimi«P ai'Kh of the County. wHh wild vrioked eyes glaring at Guo. M. J oy. Publisher. her, and a cunning smile parting J O H P H IN T IN G Of all kind« neatly anil promptly oxeouted. his lips—this Gregory Dane who had made love to her more than a score of times in his saner mo ments on account of some fancied resemblance to the young wife he A L B E R T C. M ARTIN , a t to r n e y AND SOLICITOR ‘IN lmd lost three *years previously.— CHANCERY; Sho knew, too, that he had been onice ovor the Bank. Toms River, N, J. J u ly 19, 18G8.-ly* shut up in a madhouse for more than six months past bocause he I. W. C A R M ICH A EL, Counsellor at Law and Master in Chancery] was thought to bo hopelessly in T oms River , N. J . sane over liis loss. It is no won Ollloe with Surrogate, in the C ourt House. Toma R iver, Dec. 19. *67.—tf9. der that she grew pale as death, Volume 20. Number 41. TOMS RIVER, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 1870. nnd the blood run icily cold over T H O S . W. M ID D LET O N , her lips. Attorney at Law, Master and So m O 1115 S O L O O R L E T F U R N I S H E D . licitor in Chancen/, Notary rjT H F . C A P E MAY ‘ Yes, Gregory Dane/ he repeat book of Job between times. That very imperfect heroine, had done upon her like a frigate under full ready to flow. David released her, “HOBSON’S CHOICE.” Public. ed, in a soft winning tone of voice. but stood directly in her. was her way of gluing business, as everything in their power to help canvas. Commissioner for the States of N ew Y ork and MUTUAL FIEE INS. COMFNÏ BY RETT WimVQOD. Pennsylvania. „ ‘Good-evening, Hope,’ she said, ‘Hope,’ ho continued, half augrii ‘ Aro you glad to see mo, my deal1?’ the saying is. Jjjgyhile at work she along his wooing. David did not Oillce, Pierson’s Building......Tom s River. A fin», largo country residence and (1 20-100 IN8UEE9 Ho paused between her and the need much assistance, however, for j sharply. ‘Ono would think I was ly, ‘with all your high notions, you acres of land, including garden, etc. HopeslammedthehaU-iloorand ahv"5’s kePt “ ® bl° wido opThe house (37x!10) is new, tw o stories, and F R A N C IS J- S P E E R . door, not moro Ilian three feet roof, containing 4 Bitting and io bed Buildings, Attorney and Counsellor at Laic, So French stepped into the little parlor where on in some favorable spot that was more persistent lover could not; a dragon, b y the way you hide might do worse than to marry me. rooms, bath-room, water-closet, kitchen, laun In one sense, you are no better away. Ho looked at her long and dry, store room nnd cellar. T here is a large licitor and Master in Chancery, Furniture, Mrs. Cameron sat stitching some easy of access. In the present in- well be imagined. He followed nbout to get rid of me. bam (82x22) with stabling for throe horses anil a ‘A mistake of that sort would be than I am. Wo will both have to scarohmgly, seeming to take in Supreme Court Commis stance, she had purposely placed jHope whorover she might go as cow; lce-houae, carriage house, harness room, shirts for Major Thornton. Merchandise, gardener’s room and w orkshop. Garden is well sioner, and vory pardonable, madam,’ said work, for some years to come, at every item of tiiat inert figure, stocked with vegetables of every description; ‘Mother,’ said she, desperately, it in the window-stool beyond Da faithfully as a dog could have fol NOTARY PUBLIC, also. 94 Penr trees in bearing. Thera are grapeAND OTHER PROPERTY, least. But 1 could givo you a from the arch of the supple foot vid, and invariably leaned over the lowed a master, no matter whether Hope, sententionsly. H aving renounced alleglan o to th e fat empe sines, apple and cherry trees, ever-greens“ flow‘we may ns well put ourselves on ror o f the Court House, may be found a t his resi vr-beds, croquet-ground, etc. on the grounds; Sister Bodkins elevated her home; you would not need to to the bands of dark brown hair back of his eh«|§§vhen looking for she smiled or frowned. Against Loss or Damage by Fire, short rations at once.” which are in the highest state o f cultivation. dence prepared for business. i ’he house is situated on high ground, H mils TOMS RIVER, N. J. »4 a fresh verse to; cbmiuit, intending teach music ; your mother should that cncirclod hor head. His gaze Not many days after the conver brows. A T THE LOWEST RATES, from It. It. Depot, and commands a fine view of Mrs. Cameron elevated her eye Toms ltiver, Baraegut Bay and th e Ocean, ‘Yes, in a ciily chit of a girl who never do another stitch of slop was’a single mixture of love and Consistent with safety. to attract his attention to the na sation with his mother which we R O B E R T ALLEN, Jr., brows. term * easy. Apply in New York to H omer All who desire Cheap and Reliable Inaura hate, of tenderness and malice. Counsellor at Lorn, Master in Chan '"Kuan, 1 P ine st., or a t Toms lliver, to sab ture of the double duty she was have partially recordod, both were couldn’t bo expected to know any work.’ will find It to their advantage to insure ‘What do you mean V’ criber. i 17 J . o. HOBBS. cer//, and Commissioner for New in the Cape May M utual. ‘ Aro yon glad to see me, pretty “Let mo pass, Mr. Bodkins. This “Bessie Briggs has given up her doing thereby. $Zsc. matter how invited to spend an evening at Ma beitor.’ York and Pennsylvania. DIRECTORS: ’Thank you, madam.’ is a subject I do not wish to con- dear?’ ho asked, for the second Tied Bank, N. J'.,‘(>tober 4. noth . W. J. Sewell, John YV. T.yrrtt, F'IUI« N.VJ/E. music. I have but one pupil on much dirt had been suffere d to ac jor Thornton’s—I mean David and i U. B llltt, Geo. J . Richardson, time. ‘For what ?’ sharply. ‘You don’t tinne.1 cumulate about the premises, far «Sister Bodkins. 75 a c r e s , t w o miles north Hing M. Rico, Daniel B. Hughes, my list.’ SRICKSBURG HOUSE. of Toms River, fronting on Freehold B. Cuke, W aters B. Alfiler, Hope’s self-possession slowly re‘I .suppose we must go,’ said the need to be grateful. It’s one’s du ‘Will you marry me ?’ BJIICKSBUHG, Ocean County. N. J. _________ road, about 25 acres improved. 250 George ‘Good gracious ! You don’t say?’ Sister Bodkins did her housework Levi I. H ughes, Isaac Whilldin. aoice ueach trees in bearing, SO young apple turned. She had heard it said W. J. SEWELL, President, CHARLES O. PRENOTI, ty to speak tlio truth to people, *Xo. Stand aside.’ •ees, 1300 blackberry and raspberry plants, set JOHN W. LYOF.TT. JOHN MULI ITT, ‘We might as well-take a dose in a very slipshod manner, nor latter, ruefully. ‘1 would rather Ju ly ISO1.— ly. Proprietor. last spring. Good garden, good well of pure that there is no way of treating Seo’-v «'; Tr ims. Vii e-Preelilou soil water, new t wo-stor.v boiise. 32 by 87 feet on of hemlock,’ muttered Hope, giv- what David’s unsatisfied wants stay tit home, though, for I’m al sometimes. Otherwise, tlieir pride 1 He turned away with a long CHARLES HUBBARD, ground, eleven rooms besides closets, garret nnd and self-conceit would malco them drawn sigh, and attempted to hold insane people that is half socffect.louee, the best house in th e neighborhood D E L A W A R E 1V1UTUAL ing her lint a spiteful swing across might be, whether he slept in a most sure it’s tv contrived plan lo Operative and Mechanical Dentist, wood barn ju s t b uilt. GEO. .M. .1U v, unendurable. But I wish you to no further converse with hor.— u il as to make them believe you AT I l l s NEW BUILDING ON FRONT STREET, the floor. ‘Folks did it in old i clean or a tumbled bed, or wheth bring you and Hope Cameron toTom s River, April 12,1870. 25 •L if e Insurance Co., understand, Hope Cameron, that Hopo, freed from his presence, consider them of as sound mind times to got rid of their troubles. | er lie wore purple and fine linen p A R M FO R SALE. ‘Of course, wo must go. Who you have no need to look down on was moro like herself, and her as yourself. She lookod up at o l* W ilm iiiif t o i 1 3 o l. CORNELIUS LAWRENCE, You may see how we are to live jone« tv month or not—no matter L|> I offer for sale a very him with a sickly smile. how soiled and frayed her own cares whether it. was a contrived my son. lie is just as good ns you spirits arose to their flood tide. AUCTIONEER, Chatiford. N. J. .'¡yr®choice farm of (¡4 1-10 acres o f su- J ohn P. M cL eah, Prss’t. M. M. Ch ii .d, 8ee’y, on the profits of one pupil, but 11 ‘ Of course I am glad to soe you, i® -8ah'S attended in every part of tlie state. _ peri or land, well fenced, under good garments might bo, or lion- sadly plan or not ?’ are.’ When she put on her shawl to don’t !’’ cultivation, good tw o-story house, on n county John B t. Hoi rond, ’ and’ within w 1 mile o f railroad depot, church ‘He ought to bo very much bet go away, sho found a third knot Gregory,’ sho said. ‘ Why have BRANCH OFFICE : ‘Mercy on m e!” sighed Mrs. down at the heel she was, Sister Sister Bodkins’s guess was a very lykesville. Part can remain on bond and mortgage. Will be N. AY. Cor. Ninth A Chestnut, Sts., pinned to ono corner of her gar you staid away so long ? ’ Cameron, ‘After all the money Bodkins never gavo such matters shrewd one, for Mrs. Cameron und ter.’ sold very low , if applied for soon. PHILADELPHIA. D A V ID M ERRILL, Ho loored at lior in a horribly ‘Why T GEO. M. JOY. ment. This happened to bo it tiI’vo spent on your musical educa a second thought. ‘AH is vanity,’ Hojte were included in the invita Toma River, April 12,1870. 25 WHEEL WRIGHT, ‘Becauso ho 1ms such a mother.’ •itde against dress, and was enti cunning manner. They wore a long time in GEO. W. STONE, Vice President, Manager. tion, too. Dear, dear, you’re not she would say, ‘and we’re apt to tions. Mechanic ’s R ow , T oms Riven, N ew J ersey T know you would be tired, Geo. F. T obnkb , Gcn’l Agent & Attorney. make too much of this world’s deciding whether to go or stay, At this Sister Bodkins might tled ‘»Sackcloth and Ashes.’ Of All kinds o f C arriages «and W agons, m ade I R E IN SU R A N C E ]. P u re ly M u tu a l. L o w H ates* worth a fig tit fine sewing, and by c o m p e te n t W orkm en, and a t re a so n a b le F goods. Wliat does it all amount and for reasons very similar to have forgatten to imitate Job’s ex course, Sistor Bodkin? had placed waiting, pretty dear. But I All Policies Non forfeiting after One Annual prices. Nov. 22, 1SCB.—if. there’s nothing else to turn one’s Payment. couldn't como sooner, though I to, any way ? Now, there’s Mrs. those which did not influence Da ample so far as patience under it tliero, Every accommodation consistent with Safety hand to.’ guaranteed to Policy Holders. E. M A R ST O N , M. D. trials is con corned, had not some Deacon Gray, who wouldn’t bo vid. Hooks containing full information concerning Poor woman!' thought Hopo, have lain awake night after night, Has located a t Bricksburg, N. J ., for the prac- H udson I n su ra nce C ompany ‘Humph!’ the plans a nd Rules of the Co. sent free upon ap happy in heaven unless she could ‘It is provoking/ said Hope, body called for Hope to take her compassionately. plication to the Branch Office. ‘Perhaps she thinking of you. Often and often The girl’s tone expressed a deep AGENTS WANTED THUOimUOUT THE STATE OF JERSEY CITY, N. J. take a broom and duster aloti, with tears of vexation in her eyes. place at the piano, just then. Sis ,itkos a iold interest in my salva T seemed to hear your voice in tho Nsvr. disdain of licr mother’s occupation. R eferences (by permission)—Hon. E. W. Gil E A T O N T O W N H O TEL, ter Bodkins followed her like a tion. It’s a pity, though, that her air, calling to mo. I heard it in P a i d U p C u H liC u .p it.a l, 8:400, ÜO». pin. Ohicf Justice State of Delnwaro; : Airs. Cameron recommenced her Lands alive, the angels will take “Everybody knows that I liato Da E ATONTO WN, N. J. F "Bayard, ----------II. 8. Senator from Delaware; ltt. Rev. hawk stooping down, over a dove. piety couldn’t hu diverted into a tho winds, in tho sunshine, and J ames G opsili., President. JOHN J . W H EELER. Alfred Leo, Bishop of Delaware; Gen. Henry du stitching. There was a long si care of the cobwebs up there, I vid Bodkins, and yet they will per W m. M. B each , Secretary. J a n . 10.07.—tf. Proprietor. Pont, Powder Manufacturer; Hon. Gove Sauislintho rain. IFas it really your voice, ‘What shall I sing?’ asked Hopo. moro useful channel.’ reckon! 1 wouldn’t be like Mrs. sist in bringing us together.’ DIRECTORS: l’.f, Gov State Delaware; the Presidents of all the lence, which Hopo finally broke. Gov. T. F. Randolph, William C. Hamilton, Banks in th e City of Wilmington; Hon. J. S. .Some named one thing and some On the wc.y home she gave hor pretty dear?’ A. P U R V E S & SON, ‘What now V"inquired her moth Ex-Gov. W. A. Newell, John Post, Valentine, Mayor City of Wilmington. Iy29 ‘Mother,’ she said, ‘how much Deacon Gray, if I could! Henry Harm, N. E. cor. South and Pono Sts., and 17 South 5 Wm. Brinkerhoil', Ho caught her arm in a vice-like And so, like a great many other er, who was not as quick-witted ns another. ‘For my part, I’d like mother a true history of everything I. J . Vanderbeck, Hon. o . Cleveland. Scrap Iron, and Metal Merchants, longer can we keep on at this rate, Chas. H. Voorhis, William Keeney, grip, and looked steadily in her and Machine and Foundry Furnishers, Phila. Pi to hear a hymn,’ said Sistor Bod that had occurred. John W. Sohanck, John R u n t, without coming to the poorliouseV’ women—and men, too, ¿or that sho might hitve been. Cash paid for Scrap Iron a nd Metal.«. A N € II 0 R John H. Lyon, Aug. W. Cutler. ALEX. PUR URVES. lyl7 CHAS. PURVES. What shall I do ?’ Sho conclu eyes. It required a groat effort on Jam es Gopsili, M. R, Cure, ‘Three months, perhaps—not a matter—while avoiding Seylla, sho ‘Don’t you see? Major Thorn kins, 'They aro appropriate to James Bishop, David Mulford, was wrecked nnd sadly tossed ton has invited us on purpose to every occasion. Tliero is nothing ded by asking, ‘How shall I rid her part to refrain from shrieking J A M E S C O N N E R ’S S O N S Cornelius C. Van Ripen. day over. aloud. United States Type Foundry & Prin 18 GARRET S. BOIC'E, General Manage ‘The roof over our heads is mort about in the vortex of Charybdis give David another opportunity to quito so good as a hymn of the myself of that ridiculous fellow?' It must have boon/ she said, Safe, Prompt, an d Reliable. Insures against ters Warehouse. right sort. Tliero is ono beginYou will have to marry him, gaged for all it is worth, I sup «She seemed to lose sight of the persecute me.’ fires at as low rates as any good company that N os. 28, 30 a n d 32 Centro street, (com er oi ”7opoBes to pay its liabilities can afford to. fact, dirt and disorder and a ging : Are you sure ?’ Hopo,’ Mrs. Cameron replied, humoring his idea. ’e street,) N ew York. T he type on which pose ?’ During its twenty-eight years active business. is paper is p rin te d is is from the above Foundry I don’t believe it 1’ he cried, selfish disregard for the comfort of ‘ ‘Coine, Thou fount of every 'since ho cannot bo either snubbed Yes. He as good as owned up Ju ly 2fi. lutiti.—tf ‘Every cent.’ of the fiercely. ‘ It was tho howling of tion promptly tendered, and all letter s blessing,’ I wish you’d aiug that.’ or driven into lotting you alone.’ Hope took time io ponder the others is anything hut an indica to tlio truth last night. I’m tempt JO H N BUCKIN G H AM , by mail will be immediately attended, by - ’ Hopo was so ill-bred as to give NO. 1 7 8 B R O A D W A Y . N . \ dressing th e undersigned, who 1 ‘I begin to believe it,’ said Hope, tho damned. I heard them gnash EATON TOWN, N. J. matter. ‘How can we save our tion of saintsliip. Because she ed never to go nigh his house poiutrd Agout for Ocei ■ county. ing thoir teeth and praying for Manufacturer of her head a contemptuous toss, as despairingly. was a good Presbyterian an J at again.’ GEO. M. .TOY, MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES, solves ?* she asked, presently. ol F o reig n and American Marble. •Don’t say that, dear. We must sho said, ‘Ilm ve changed my mind. After that night she was loss at mercy. The sunshine lies, and so F. M. M abston , A g e n t fo ‘You must marry,’ replied Mrs. tended all the ciiclos and societies, Bet up in any part, of M onmouth poaco than ovor. David was liko docs tho wind, and the rain. I and Oc'mn Oountio- Satisfaction guaranteed. Cameron, with an askant look at besides going to church twice on put up with anything Major Thorn I shall not sing to-night J a n , 3. 07.—tf. Sho played tlio most brilliant her shadow -a skeleton at ovory have boon dooeived boforo, just as the Sabbath, sho considered that ton may do. His wife furnishes her daughter. ^ T A N D A J you aro trying to deceive me now. H. W. BROWN & CO., Hopo started. “That is easier her duty was done and well done. me with more than half my sewing, polka she rouM call to mind, and feast. Of all tbo obstinate lovers It was not you. You hate me, Dealers in O fficers t On tlio present occasion David It wouldn’t bo polite to make ene they arose from the piano witl she bad ever heard of, ho was in said than done, mother The men Stoves, Heaters, Tin and Hardware, EDMUND G- ETHHEP, Presi' d hoped I would never come Unfilled ebooks. FiltE l e l i l í ANGE fC W ATthe superlative, lie managed tu House Furnishing Hoods, Ac doii’l propose, ami they might bay ijiiiv IsH trotting backwards and mies of them.’ ‘1 am ill, and wish to go homo, be invited to all the parties, and at back. But I will have my revenge, ‘And so I must bo a martyr ?— 1 W ater Street. Toms River. A. S. FITCH , Scc’y. JAS. OOPSILL, V. Pres Office , N o. 6 West S tate St ., “no.’’ were I to do the asking.— forwards, and knew well enough though. Soe 1’ J O S E P H A. PHARO. E. F . S. HICKS, A ssistant Sec’y. Besides, 1 have only two lovers, what she was up to, for the verse- I’ll make him sick of his game, she whispered, hunting u p her church ho sat in a pew overlooking TRENTON, N. J. Ho drew a largo clasp-knife from «4 l i V I I I T E C 1 et- B U l L D E R mother. that occupied by hor mother nnd D ir e c to r s : David Bodkins and Gregory Dane. learning was an? everyday oecur- though.’ C a b in e t M arino and R e p a ir in g , ‘Hush !’ returned Mrs. Cameron horself. She could hardly step his bosom, and flashed it menac Hope did not fully malto up her It would look like ‘Hobson’s choice’ ! r3““ ! but ho ™ s 36 Lnr.1-l.cart T omb R iver , N. J . Edmund C. Fisher, President. P h il ip P. D ünn, J acor R. Fm : use, mind to go until tlio evening in making a warning gesture. ‘Some into the street without encounter ingly boforo hor eyes. j od as to pretend ignorance. liiBueu, and all Plans and specifications furnished, Robert L. Kennedy, President Bank nf Com in either instance.’ w ork in his lin e contracted " m u ’id1 ’unlit in ‘ Beo!’ ho continued, between merce. ‘Job was a wonderfully patient question ; but Mrs. Cameron was body will boar you. You nm tir ing him. She actually began to Treasurer Hon. Prendati. 40tf *ati «factory m an ncr. W. A. Newell. Ex-Governor o f New Jcr‘Gregory Dane !’ repeated Mrs. question within herself whether his teeth. ‘ I came through a field R. D O U G LA S J A M E S , Cameron, on a raised key. ‘Good man>’ she said, presently. ‘Didn’t so urgent, ami furnisliod so many ed, that is all. I’ll not hav< B. O. TïLKH, Secretary. where mon were at work, and took change Place. N. Y. good reasons, that sho could not said that Sister Bodkins fright Iyou ever realize it, David ?’ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. sho had not unconsciously been Jas. M. Hoisted. President Ametie, in Fire In gracious, child ; he’s crazy !' this from tho pocket of a coat that T oms River , N. J. surance Co.. 48 Wall Street, N. Y. DIRECTORS. help but feel the force of them.— ed us away.’ ‘I’ve heard yon say so, mother,’ guilty of some sin so atrocious in •Tub. Gopsili, Ex-Mayor of Jersey City. ‘I know it. But David is a fool,’j e of Col. Wm. I. Ja ncl Prior. Jacob R. Freese, lay on the grass. I knew you were 11. F. V ail, Cashier Bank o f Commerce, N. V. Nor that her mother really wished Shortly af corwards, Hopo saw its nature that he was sent F. W. ltoebling, John C. Cook, s.aid Hope, contemptuously. ‘I ! returned David, indifferently, John W . Sclmnfe, Merchant, Jersey City. F rancis Robinson, Piesldent. Spring Mount her to marry David, for she did her old enemy at the piano, busily haunt her until an ample ntone- faithless, and I meant to cut your ! Sister Bodkins gave the plate Wm. H . Potts, E. W. SNYDER, B. O. Tyler, tween the two, I liavo a decided Coal Co., I l l Broadway, N . Y. J. B. Dobbins, heart out. You’re young and pret John O. K atun,* FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Samuel Borrowe,71 Bioadway, N. Y . not ; but she hail considerable engaged in turning over the sheet ment had been mad« j she was drying an extra rub. Joseph G. Brearley, H, N. Congnr, Benjam in S. Walcott, Prosident Hanover l’iro preference for the crazy man.’ Cowperthwait’s Exchange, Toms River. N ty, but you liavo a very wicked shrewd common sense, and did not Ins. Co., 48 Wall St., N. Y. “I’m afraid you don’t think so music that lay on tlio rack. Prompt Israel Howell, Isaac Wood, The summer days waned, while G arm ents cut and made to order. ‘You are too severe on David, A. G. Agucw, Baton & Co., No, 341 Broadway, heart; it belongs to Bomebody C. B. Vansyokel, D. Holt, think it advisable to sacrifice friends _ F eb . 22. 1800.—t f . ____ • N. Y. ed by curiosity, as soon as Sister this pertinacious wooing contin my dear. He is considered one of | raMh of serious «links as you William Dolton, Crowell Marsh, Blakely W ilson, President Second National It’s natural for who might bo of service to them BodkinsH back was turned, sue ued. Byc-and-byo good reports else ; you will never love me until M ISSES. ARROWSMITH & McCLEES, W. F. Van Camp, Bank, Jersey City. P. 0. Onilerdonk, . “on, , Ludlow Patton, Ludlow Patton & Co., (i Wall the most likely fellows in the neigh- ! 0UShi> BEAU Jam es Brook, Charles Bechtel, 1 young folks to be careless, but I for the sake of gratifying any pre sought to discover what the malig began to be whispered of David; it is cut out and buried. Then, Sl„ N. Y. Gloves, Hosiery and Fancy Goods. J . C, Ciins. Gould, President New Jersey bovhood. He's worth money, too, by any judice that, Hopo might feel. If nant old woman had been doing. ho gradually grow into favor among then, my darling, there will bo I don’t excuse it in you Railroad, 58 Wail Street, N. Y. T rim m ings o f all kinds furnished to erde A ugustus W. Grcenh'ttf, Green leaf, Norris A; and loves you to distraction.’ Stationery o f all kinds, Toys.' Notions, The investigation did not need the village people. His manners nothing to keep us apart.’ means. You ought to hr va failli, sho did not like David, she fcould Co., GOExchange Place, N. Y. A circulating library, from which books are This Company Insures Dwelling H ouses. Hou ‘Humph! you wouldn t like to Hopo was trembling liko a leaf. loaned a t 10 cen ts per week. ly.30 certainly keep him at a distanc to ho very protracted. The music improved, and he became more j hope and charity, theso t hold F urniture. Stores, Merchandise, The Company invites particular attention to have me many David, mother, and Churches, Water Power, Origt On entering Major Thornton's on til«; rack happened to be H ope’s, particular in regard to dross-copy- O, how sho longed to soe David the following new nnd im portant fcatnres, which H Y E R S & H A RR IS, Mills, Farm Property, ARCHITECTS, CARPENTERS «fe BUILDERS, are original with, and peculiar to the “ An you know it.’ parlor, Sister Bodkins was the vei and boro her name in full. It was hat David dropped the garb of the better class of Bodkin’s stalwart frame coming in T oms River , N. J . chor.” ‘You might better be Mrs. Bodat tho open door! But there was first person Hope saw, sitting prin re for there, ami began to mostly operas and dance m usic.-n-.r lij'-n in Scamper town. It rarefnlly 1. I t w as the first Company in the Unit«« und have a big farm of your no probability that anything of States w hich guaranteed policy-holder* a defin ly in Oise corner busily plying her Sister Bodkins inni thrust among ‘One would bo enough, mother,’ was whispered among the knowing ite cash surrender value ¡or their policies, nt Hie; nvn, than simple Hopo Cameron ■ liYl I tho sort would happen. She had same tim e affording a rule by w hich they s llAiiats. knitting-needles, in tlie unwonted the loose loaves a tract entitled lie said, very red in tin1 face. ‘Hive urn ; that he was receiving weekly v w hat such etirscniler value may lie. j nnd go to the poorhonsc.’ G E O . M . .TOY, Agent, Toms Rivi me Hope, and I don’t care a null splendor of a new cap (that wit “Mischief for Idle Hands/’ nnd yet instructions in mathematic» and foolishly compared David to Gre H O Y T & BLA N C H A RD , 2. It is tho nnlv Company which guarantee E. It. W ells, Agent, E arncgat. the policy-collier Ills dividends even lith e policy | ‘I would be simple Hope, indeed for tho other two ’ awry on her head, of course,) arid another, called “Satan smothered the sciences from Parson Goodrich gory Dane, and this was her pun 1Vholesak Druggists, should lapse, a n d declares th . ni to 1.» Non-lorwere I to go to the ‘Poplars’ to be fcitable. u black bombazine dress minus in Kose-lcaves.” Nob content with of the Presbyterian Church, tho’ ishment, perhaps. She had reSister Bodkins groaned aloud. 203 Fulton Street, ________NEW YORK______________ IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ‘You’re a bad boy, David, that Ihalf tlie books and whose these very broad hints, on an cx- Hopo was not sure whether tho toted David, and so her other N. B.- ,i e l .u . 0 1. inserted in ev e r, p e ll., it; ! ordered nboilt by Sister Bodkins. liich tl ^ M E ltlC A iV H O T E L , )U are. You’re after Hope Caine- jplaces were supplicd with pins, | tract from the opera of ‘Martha’ rumor was correct or not. But lover hail come to make his place Rnd guarnuti never could put up with his mothFAR MlNODALE, N. J. li, instead of trying to serv ! the id ill the le breadth of which j sho had pricked with her knitting- she was not so blind as to be tuia- good. A just retribution! The low est rate» ol premium o f nnv Mutimi She would have called for help, Just think of the life I should jrd. 0 the shameless hussy in America, being equnl t o a dividend ! or. RICHARD FLEMING, P roprietor . i ivas a long rent that bad been very' needles tire words 'Touch not th S E C U R IT Y LIFE Company THE ; to see that he was developing in nrtvanee o f abolii gfieen per cent. 1 'oruoj.a coming from Tom« River nnd but nobody was likely to hear her. :lead with her to prate ‘original sin’ ‘Don’t you liko Hope V’ imperfectly darned. Before set- j unclean thing: A copy o f ‘Norm wonderfully. INSUltANCE CO. ,ices sm ith, going by wny of Fnrmingdalo nnd All policies Non-forfeiting after tw<. annual Ì recliold, to placus beyond will find a warm The house stood off from the vil every time I went contrary to her j ‘You know I don’t.' ! ting out, David had vainly endeav-1bore the significant appeal, 'Sinn payments, on term s guaranteed in tn c same. One would think David was on broaklast aw aiting on the arrival of the southern O l* N e w Y o r k . lage street, and several rods from inoruin«' train, and plenty of tim e to eat it in. N<s mother, marriage It w ill loan on its policies after two annual ; wishes. jored to persuade his mother not j/lee from P c wrath to c/mw.’ ‘Why? She’s pretty.’ probation/ said Mrs. Cameron, dividends. any other. She might bo murderBUNNELL & LANE, | seems out of the question, unless Nos. 31 and 33 PIN E STREET. that darned dross/ laying ! n’t t ‘So is dogwood, but that do Hope laughed, in spite of ker when affairs lmd been in this con and pays annual dividends. til, and no one know what was be HOUSE À SIGN PAINTERS, R. L. CASE......................................... • -Pr< side nt Itt declarrs we can import some new material ake me in lo'.a with it.’ an unnecessary st ress upor vexation. David still stood at a dition for several weeks. gives t h ir t y la vs ' u k a i 'K in payment of T. R. WKTMORE ................................Vire Pues G baineiis and P aper mimns, and the policy is held good during to work upon. ing done, until it was too late.— ISAAC H . ALLEN ...............................Secretary You must hit upon jective nearest the noun; but Sisj little distance, watching every move How do yon account for the Hope, if shf ‘I intend to marry th at time. Ivor, H. J. ! some other expedient, or the prob- . ter Bodkins was not so weak ns to , she made. He now came nearer. change,’ asked Hope, in a very ab There seemed but one hope, to ASSETS, §3,000,000. It has rem oved all restrictions o will have me.’ parley with tho man until some : 1cm of our future will be unsolved.’ | J. E. DECKER, listen to his pi rsuasions not sho!! Wliat has my mother been do sent-minded wny. And Rapidly Increasing. ‘But she wont.’ Wholesale Dealer in all kiuds of pportunity presented itself to es Mrs. Cameron heaved a sigh, but And ro black 1»ombazine it 5 in j ing?’ he asked ‘ lie is serving for his Rachel.’ David pulled n wis] i of hay from Imported Wines, Brandir.:, Gins Ac. cape. od Ifjçog. spite of Gog view of exremllng every advantage to the In- County, Special and District bad no further suggestions to make | | ‘If you were to ask her, sh Fine Old ‘ I hope not.’ his hair and began picking it in snrrd which tim e and experience have proved I know yon will not harm me, Apple, j things looked dark, and no mi ‘The old wr itch/ said Hi to be ju st and safe. Among it» advantage! to would s ty- her Christian duty. •B at ho i^, though. Thorn has Blackberry Brandy, Raspberry Brandy, on the following: Gregory Dane,’ she Baid, pleading ! take. She had been slaving all one of her i üds. ‘Don’t you j Opinions differ, howùv 1st. It docs business on th e Mntnal Plan I'yrup, Raspilerry Syrup, anil Native Grape been a decided improvement. He ‘What’ to hinder?’ it i profits being eqhitably divided amongst the V í i E A T S her life long to make a genteel S t r e e t , T o m s I t i v r ^ \ . .T. 1 S»ie tried to speak Ml will soon be acknowledged as one ly. ‘ How could I love you when I ‘Her pride, for one tiling'. You’re (see how savag ly she looks 2d, It issues all approved forms o f Policies had no heart? You had better ; living, and now that she was a ; delectable on, I Where is liei but David w « ir > not lo be pu t off its rates of Prem ium being a s low as any Coi of tho most likely young men in a fool for running nfter that vain j leave me as I am, or help me to , widow of thirty-eight with a mar creature. Everybody is laughing ;wonder ?’ T H F . TO M S I I I V F .R ! this way. He caught her hand Hows a perm anent loan when desired, j WANTED, to whom liberal contracts town. You might better have of one-thin) the am ount of Premium. i»ko myself better.’ riageable daughter, affairs were in 4th. No restriction o n travel o r residence. ! married him, Hope.’ at yon, and Rhc laughs loudest of \ He came n t o s s the hah, the3 1 his almost rudely. He peered at her suspiciously 5th. All Policies a re N on-Forfeiting. a worse condition than they had STORE ;xt moment, with Major ThomC I G A R ‘You must try to bo charitable ‘ And had sister Bodkins thrown fith. I ts Dividends may he applied, a t the I given, on appiiratien personally, o - by I them all.” from under his bent brows. “You ever been before. There seemed The snbscriber takes this method of informing option oj the assured, as follows: 1st. For the | ton. For the first time in his life, | Hope,’ he said, ‘I should be glad into the bargain? That would caBCcllat ion of loansSd. T o a perm anent re-1 ‘Let them laugh.’ th e people o f Toms River and vicinity, that he arc playing with me!’ he exclaim no pros« lit possibility of relief from has opened a C igsr and Tobacco Store on W ater dvetion o f future premiums; or, 3d. The pr.r have you learn to like my moth have been too much of a good chase o f additional inanrance, o r i f preferred, You don’t care, but I do . Mrs. i street, w here he will be pretmred to iaruieh I). S . H O W A R D . ed, suddenly, giving his knife a are paid in Cash. in his bearing, and Hope i nity the petty shifts and expedient» to c ^ ^ ' , [ k She will always live w ith me thing.’ 7tu, Its already large business is anpreceds to snub me as well Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff and Pipes, entedly flourish. ‘ 111not frostyon. You increasing, and is rapidly approxima which she was eompellea to resort as she likes to eat; and yon give jcame very near blushing when he ’ ‘Indeed!’ returned Hope spite *We are getting poorer every o f the b est quality, at the lowest possible price ting to th e condition where its annua! interest t « t a l e « irrM , Give him a i-afi and «atisfy yourself. fund alone will be sufficient to m eet its losses, in order that appearances might her chance enough, the Lord knows held out one of his homy hands fully. Bat what is that t o me’ day of our lives. We must be have promised me over and over ill not insure an unsound life. „ , HENRY LONG. again before, and then waa false T r e n t o n , \ . .1. be kept up. 8th. Its always pays its losses promptly, and March 1 3,1>70.-Rtr ‘I intend to make you my wifi very near the end of the rope by it makes my blood lxiil, that it ■ ____________ has never contested a claim. c‘ hell. You will be false bow, ho ‘How aie yon enjoying __ Liberality in settlem ent of T^»«ses. Ex At the very moment that she and I have been in love with yon this time. I don’t wish to urge does ’ perience has d em onstrated th e fact, that cases General Agent for Southern New long as yon have that vile bad JAMES D. OTTERSON, _r___L__ a, .iltima ening, Miss Cameron ?’ arise whereol*«,.,..«,». policies,}.! although equitably claims. J p r o o y . Hope were considering their world long time, and was only waiting anything against your will, my W ith CONOVER & LAIRD, ‘In spite of Job’s example ?’ lly, so.__,i"he retords of th07:«___. is Company heart in your boeom. It will be >____. . e____ ‘I bate hot just come,’ retnmed lnT „ c[„ nce tell yon so.’ ly prospects, and bemoaning the dear, bnt I do hope yon are in ‘Hold your tongue, David. Hope Wholesale Commission Merchants, over in a moment, prettydear, and _ ring her head a toss I S D E S IG N E D F O R V O I'. fairness in settlem ent #f all snch losses', wretchedness of their lot, David i? too vain and frivolous for yon. Hope attempted to draw ha clined io taka a common-sense In Berries, Pork, Poultry, Eirgs, Live Stock, Po having no claims unpaid, then yon will love me/ £ and his mother, “Sister Bodkins’’ All she cares for is dainty inns- j eipect nothing else than t< fil ling very much confused. tatoes, Fruits and Country Produce. view of our condition.’ DIVIDEND FOR 1«$. 50 PER CENT. ON His hot breath scorched her 1. *. I No 327 Washington Street, egregiously lx»red.’ LIFE POLICIES. as she was called, were holding a 'Good gracious!'she cried, lins, fine linen and novels. I i. lai*:». New York, echanir«. Miner* and Laborer», Life Insurance i a m ethod o f becoming iß -1Farm ers. David looked hurt. .VJIJ mail'« '.'«_«' ' cheek. Hope looked beyond him stantaneausly wealthy i> to one o f the noblest SAVE YOURSELVES confabulation in the long low kitch wouldn’t like ber to be Mrs. Bodyon crazy, man? ! conM never R E F E R E V C R S s—By special perm ission : purpose* of wealth, for a i ra e lite is not endrd this conversation, Hope wns in the to the open door. Would it be Tf yon cared half so much for think of marrying you P Gen, F. F ort, Ex-Gov. N. J., New Egypt: Tboe. by death, for i t lives for and in tboe* that live rn7* ulffe nnd "Vexation, en at the “Poplars.” kina the second. She has i B. Jobes. Associate Judge Orphan Court ; Jo«. T. after it. Thus, it one is to die th is year, it is J t o t • ‘ ' possible to glide pas: him, and so idt company as I do for yours, j Scndder. E sq., Fillmore, X. J . : W. H. Conor r. I plain enough that he has bought this weaitn D avid's swart checks boain i•’ a parlor practicing a new song on David had just came in from religion than a child ; I AND WF.AR Esq.. Connty Collector of Monmouth C ounty. N. i »heap* Ii one is to live a lo n g life, it is * 4 the ricketty piano that graced the ran for her life? He had treble would be sure to pass the ti J ., Frv*-hold, N . i. OS»6m i worth all it costs to fe d so riel* all the wbi' trifle paler than their wont. Hi« raking hay, and sat in his shirt- to speak my mmd to her, B A L L A R D * « her strength, and would bo even Parties contem platieg Insurance will do * agreeably.’ bulky frame trembled wit 1 RI]>- apartment. Mrs. Cameron h a d i give ns a call sleeves by the w ndow, fanning chance ’ p E N B E R T O V M IL L S . gone to the other end of the v i l with her in a ‘Perhaps,’ she said, in a slightly pressed emotion. SHOE. CHAMPION ‘Do.’ said David. himself with a wide-brimmed straw All grades of ject must be scornful tone, curling her lip. E. II. MURPHY, ng o f laces. Sold by ‘I do not think you have tak<n lage to take care of a woman w h o No mo? That 'chance was ho >ng m A great brawny six-foot-tall Ask for them—they b a t You dare not do it, FLOUR. GRAIN and wm sick. Thus it happened th a t She turned away, and beg time enough to consider th ! w iU please yo». mipercorning. Everybody in a t the lowest mark« Order* solicited. The n*e of shrines has ».way* hero t great fellow, with bare muscular Hope was It ft quite alone in the she Mid, wi'h well-fetgaed n^er. talking glibly to ^*’11 Thornt< id, ter uniy, _ w v o f annovance. In th e "Champion Shoe” aation, ANTHONY J . MORRIS. ime and a complexion town knew of David s infs I would rise in ay grave, to baant th is is a u av»;«ed- being c o n s ig n e d precise’» well-built f WILLIAMSEGOINE, Dietro t A¿n*. the major’s son, tl - managing house. Pem berton. July 13, tone. ‘I shall not accept ar a* the ordinary boot. It i berry,” wisps of hay and » great many jokes were cracl------------ f reebcld.'N k . J. onhasthaile ths ime We priiK:p’e d and bearing npon the foot that is “brown as Suddenly she heard heavy foot you.’ avoid David for .i lull half ho s w « t you may make as final. necessary to k eep it in its ¡»toce without faring * , O cean C « r :d two -^OTICE. clinging to his hair and sticking fed at his expense. He 1 ' He dropped bh head «ft hfo The s e a » » are at sack points ns c a never hurt though conscious all the while tl ‘You have asked me nothing.’ steps crossing the porch. A mo the feet, »ud th e part ah-v* tue counter needs out of two holes in his boots, he miles out -f the village. 1 the Murray, deceased, in Ms hand, a Midden chaage «oaring tgb tO~ ' * * * he waa closely watching c life tiiue e«.U-. ! into* writuaa t aatMWl i.i tiir A. M. BRADSHAW, BricV^mrg. :to rj well w t a I ’ “ ter seesebrwly p»*»*« °l«> 'Bui you h ‘Poplar«' was qnite a note* keep o ut th* iir t u d sale of a c e rt.: iradl of land, si ta s te in the rer. Tb=vh*ve was a perfect pictnre of rugged ! the door, when she looked up with over him. ‘ flia ie f be shunned that corner o? the ro< TronSie. *®d s e ratto* to : township <V ------- . in tb» cournty of rv-e«n near mrant to ask.’ health and strength, but certainly and Sister Bodkin’s petti P IE B -S O N & S t R I C K L A N D , White's Bridge, k.ij.Aning land erf Jam es D a start. Her Lauds dropped life in a low, soTTowfcd feme of in which Sister Ifclkifis had tsk White. Hannah A. Reynolds a n d othera. c o t sin‘I don't wish to ¿now. You are David i s rar!» not the most romantic object on made it none the lew so. R fitty-three aeres more or less, to th e sihnrT h- Q g jj- ] A g P T ltS f o r O cCRTl C oU R tY , lessly away from the keys, her • I r a m r te ’ sacd. <ad nothing to nae—nothing. I should * : This ïs bo |BV* BOW* to *11 \ was considered ‘odd’ Ly th« r*»d» late* moat darai i> manner. ì - d ■which the eye^ could have n m od, tira; i t e snbscribers intend to *pply to laid ber—a i which? Tow 6 m , S . Jir ■ m il be glad never to looi in vour face eyes dilated with horror, and the * Orphan s Court, to be hoMeo s t Tom s Hiver. ■7!, and iYom MfcWrrfa-tfylyfteBV STATE •ister Bodkins was washing the folks of Sc mo persola #¡ía¡n_, very blood seemed to be curdling place where AND LEATHER C O , » a n d SI i i m j W H * , fourth da» o f Ortober w v t. to d first became AddrrMedical Examiners—Ocean Co. supp r dishe«, trotting h& wards the time when and the when io of the rató rastiKii, - o n to * she detested so bearti A. BALLAP-D * SOX. She spoi-e m a hot impetuous in her veins. A single cry fell t t o t e i a r a á t o « B * J e u d provided. D«*«d R D. James, IL D. Toms Rivs* P. O. Box 3Sm NewYork. and fo rw a rd s betw een th e sin k and sm itten w ii h H ope, they h * d in tike mountain au M oham m ed, from her trembling bps, ' Gregory this first day of July, A. D. Ecvtakt Dit. «ferai OT<-iee->a*c**ttorOrse* the tall wooden dresser in one cor- [ teresfced tone, but a quaver in her voice tea tneffiseiVcs in his ms affairs, suvirs, _ . , , _. 1 » ¡_ , themselves in en ty , N . J _ to whom *2 orders mast be ecD. C. Chase, M, D., Brieksbnig. for the ake of ^ Budkins bore down j c ^ that beva were near s i handjD«*« ! s-, and Darning verses from the and MsylSJŒTÇ *• j ÀMoe S h a w , M . D., CassviBe, A s. APPLEGATE, Ihts'mcss Jarirs. §1 N ew Jersey O cean, M onmouth and Burlington F ruit G rower. Journal ol Improvement: Devoted to the News of the Day, the Local Interi s of the Shore Comities, and the development of the Resources of New Jersey. m i ’n m n ' ^ n = Hl — — ■w— — _ John Crowell/ an engineer a t M ount. ^ . T n * L ady’s F iiiknd, F ob Auowr. —The A Alow York pkilpsoi. ADVERTISING B A T IS, inducement to advertisers AH S tolen N otes F ound. - T bo $20,000 the follow ing conundrums: "Will exper A ugust number o f th is beautiful month Hope, has boon arrostednudincarcerated i mo. n g * m o t «Moi i n v . fti to e Morris ja il for bigamy. Crowell w s would Everybody has in his m in d ’s eyo a Ilelmbold, who says, stolen from the U. 8. Treasury a t Wash im enters succeed nt least in manufactur ly i s before us, with a churning steel is an Englishm an, and came to th is connw ithout o somebody, who is acknowledged by ¡¡slag I would be n poor ington, have been found. T hey wire ing pears and peaches "out o f tbeir ele try som e three years since. H e for a B BO 15 OO »B OO commuti consent, as "old PompouB he p h t e from Bully’s picture o f "The Child mau to-day." Bonner says, " m y soc- traced fcv Colonel VVhitely to th o tstuyvou mentary ingredients, so that fresh fruit an t Bank, where they had been deposited may bo mndo ti> ottior in midwinter? 1« OO »« OO SO OO ou th o Beaob," tho usnnl Colored Fash while corresponded with his distant fami oess in c c i. S S ow ing (j iny liberality in ndver- by one Charles S. Mattou. ly. This was discontinued, however, B5 00 I f 80 6 0 00 is to be m et with in every community, Will balloons be regulated, and air trav o i oo an oo u o oo in every city, country town, an d village, ions, a Colored B raiding Pattern, and a some timo ngo, an d under the impression tising." Tue bank refused to give u p th e money iin suys, " th e success of eling rendered practicable, so that each seashore sketch so spirited that one cun that ho should never see or hoar o f them the printer’s ink has done all for m o ." - until legal steps were taken b y th e Uni man shall keep a balloon hitched to a the typo is unmistakable : a w ell to do, ted States authorities, when, in obedience alm ost hear the dash o f the waves and again, Lo married about a year siuoe a stake b y h .s doorstep, and horses and Stewart says, )• Ho who invests a dollar elderly party, selfish, self-important, ig young woman residing in tho neighbor to a writ, th e money was pr xduced, be feel th o delicious salt breeze. Tho hood named Henderson. T hings went in b usin ess should invest a dollar iu ad fore whom Marion was taken and held iu boats thereafter bo superfluous? Will norant and vain ; and unbounded self one im m ense Drummond light, from slo i s a Scotch son g— "Bounio Annie along very pleasantly with him until some vertising." $5.000 bail for examination. T he caso i esteem, and as roady to absorb praise, to Lee. ” The numerous wood-outs for dress throe weJks ago, when h is first spouse was adjourned. Counsel lui M arion as lofty tower, illuniiuate the city at night, ----- ><■«•►♦I •- -1 is a sponge moisture ; flattery is his serted that ho could abundantly show and one vast umbrella, sw ung aloft, shade and lady’s fancy-work are handsome as made her appearance, with the 'children, T Io n . W illia m C. C o n n e r. natural food, h is craving for i t neither ul Mt. Hope, an d claimed him as her that bis clien t was an innocent h old er of it by day. Harhaedthsatonn which houli along tbe aky ^ T his gentlefljm,, of tho «rm o f J ames well a s useful, Tho literary matter, as Lingawl, tbe suicide actor, wanted time, nor quantity, can appease. Doctor usual, is fresh nud entertaining. "Muz own. No. 2 surrendered him. and after Conner’s S on^ type founders, o f New the money in question. $1.600 on ly to moke him contented with a brief visit to h er frionds lodged com Wiggleton, who owns the b ig house down life, by enabling him, with every pros zling th o Ox" is an excellent story, suita plaint against him in accordance with York, was recently honorod with a ban TOMS RIVER, N. J. O K N E R A L N EW S. at Pompie—ft sen-side village, know n the pect o f success, to begin h is career »new ble for hard times ; uud u spioy variety their suggestion, when be was arrested quet at th e Aster House, on tho occasion in Australia. Ho coidd n ot g et a tithe and locked np. Both the women bnvo world over, as the healthiest sp o t on the Ex-Secretary Seward will »«.on mak. di that amount, although h e had devoted of h is return from California. A set o f YTeinesdflj M orn in g, Aug:, i d ., J8 7 0 . in p rose and verse is supplied by E lla continent, (the doctor does n o t praotioe) Wheeler, Miriam Earle, Elizabeth Pres certificates of marriage, nnd Crowell very handsom ely engrossed resolutions another trip overland to California, with weeks o f exertion to the attainment nf knowledges the offenco. the liopo that he will be able to v is it Chi is of this gen u s : of an uftornoon it is tke end. But there seems to be no diffi F i » I n t h e P lata. wero p resented to him. cott, E . L, Ford, and others. Paperna nnd Japan. H is physician says he A T The Warren Foundry nud Machine his custom, and his pride to s i t in a con flower making will interest many ladies ; Apropos to the above, we copy the fol m ast n ot endure the rigors o f th is c li culty in raising thousands o f dollars to O n Sunday o f th is weak, a fire broke purchase a monument for h is grave. Hu spicuous place, on tho porch o f the hotel, and th e Editor’s Department, touching a Company are at present fulfilling a con lowing m erited notice o f Mr. Conner, mate in wintep o u t in a awamp w e st o f the turnpike at tract made with the Providence (R . I.) man nature is a cariosity. H ow many ’twixt his honso and the village, and J o h n B ates, a C incinnati m illionaire, variety o f current top ics o f interest, is Water Company, for seven miles o f 30 from th e Milwaukio Daily yews : — "friends" will spend their last cent in Q uail Bun. T he w in d woe from the inch main water pipe, beside several , , Thirfcy ycnM ago, every printer in the d ied on W ednesday. He was b o rn in giving a companion empty and worthless sou th , and the flam e 0001 went ooursing court tho attention of visitors, h is lady, always a noticeable feature of this m aga E n g lan d in 1795, nnd came to th is conu- posthumous honors who would deny Him branch pipes to be laid through the through the trust o f Amos P. Stanton, daughter, and budding blossom s, drive zine. Published by D eacon & Petorson, streets o f t i e city. A single section of United S tates knew that enterprising, try forty years ago. He was th e b u ild er in life th e price of a lonf o f bread. honorable, whole-souled business man, . . 12 feet long ___ and 1J inc. fames Connor, the proprietor of the Con uud for a lo n g tim e m anager o f th o N a E sq ., like a frightens* i rabbit. At 12 past in the carriage, the doctor bows— 319 W a ln u t street. Philadelphia. P rice the 36 inch .pipe, Horses have been sold from Middlewelghs a b o u t 7,000 pounds, o'clock, M., the alarm was given, and it then the Bon in a light wagon, anothor $2.50 a year (which also includes a large j ner s typo foundry. Ou several occasions tional T h ea tre, Cincinnati. B y real es bury. V t., for the foreign market this tate tran sa ctio n s he amassed over S L h ad readied the road running from the son, in another light wagon, accompa steel engraving). F our copies, $6. Five spring to the value of more than $20,000, Sheriff B riant h a s levied upon a ll tho tue people o f New York gave Mr. Conner QOO, 000. unmistakable evidenco of their regard nied mayhap b y Miss W. on a palfry,— copies (und one gratis), $8. "The Lady’s M orristown fire apparatus except one turnpike to Double Trouble, about two A New Y ork thief attem pted to ro b the and lion-e dealors call it a dull season at for bun in conferring on him some o f the m iles from the place o f beginning. The other memberft o f the family, in a variety F rie n d ” and "T ha S aturday Evening hand-engine. A t th e last term o f C ourt mosfc honorable public positions in their teller ot tl>0 First National Bnnlc o f Fisli- that. O ne was cold last w eek for three Jacob anatta, E s q ., recovered dam ages by. . .« throwing re d pep thousand dollars and taken to New York 1' 1’1 on "" W ednesday, x. tim ber ras very fin e pine, and as dry as of turn outs, and lastly, Joh n Thomas P o st” (u n d one engraving), $4.00. Sam from th is city for alleged injuries su stain gift. S in ce his death the business bnc kill p e r in h is eyes. Ho seized a satchel for a carriage horse. a contribution box. T h e flames came on with the Jack, and a go-cart, g o in g to tbc ple co p ie s 15 cents. ed by him to his property in the im prove been continued under the name and style from th e te lle r’s han d and ra n . One ------ — — ------------m ent of D oughty street, An execution of Jam es Conner's Sons, nnd the reputa- E lijah Jo n e s pursued mid c a u g h t th e ras A m o r t e n » E n t e r p r i s e I » t h e E n s t . in a most jolly roi^oking mood, burning Post office, or on some other equally im KTATK .IOTTIIVG8. has been placed in tho hands of th e sher- tion o f th e excellent parent has been well cal, bur in th e sonfiie was fired upon and up everything in it s path. Over 3,000 portant errand, to all of whom, save the r; w ere recently utiown a le tte r from a trnvill for th e stun of $1150 or thereabouts, preserved b y bis worthy representatives m ortally w ounded by him. T h e m u rd er In (lie Holy Lund to frlenfis 1n Americn, acres of beautiful y o u n g pine timber was Jack, "old ro m p o u s" iuclincs hiH vener T h e m ilitnry ooaipuuy now promises to which th e city ca n n o t pay at th is tim e, and descendants, both in a business and e r is in jail. [,,Y n;ch w e muko the follow ing extract, social p o in t o f view. No badge o f titled th u s destroyed. T h e fire at one time se able bead ; and smiles bonignantly upon be a succoss. At tho m eeting on T h u rs and therefore th e levy. nobility is m ore honorable, and certainly A young lady nam ed Coivtan, a m em riou sly threatened th e old mill, and came John Thomas, the go-cart, a n d Neddy. day evening, somo fifty o r sixty signed 'Wo m eet w ith cases of P ra tt’s Oil, not only After six weeks o f pum ping, w ith all but few o f the titled characters o f the old ber o f a highly respectable fam ily o f th a t in the ouznnre ip JcniMlem. nnd in Damnscug to th e cranberry b og near the toll gate, Strangers fail n ot to notice th is oft re tho roll, a n d tho following Officers wero th e aid o f th e W allkill water po w e r to world are a s useful, ns tho lives nnd ex nam e iu N ew York, gave b irth to a child and A lex an d ria, and in nenrly every mountain amples o f this excellent family. Such on Tuosday, and, iu order to conceal the b u t did not cross th e turnpike to the east peated gallantry, and nrc not lo n g in sus elected : village o f th e Lebanon range; and w e worn told force it, th e w ater iu the furnace m in e at . fln'J >t burning b en eath the tents Franklin, h as only been reduced about men ns th e Conners, tho Bruces,*the Hoes evidence of h e r frailty, strangled th o iu- nf. .the ward, so as to d o m u ch damage. The pense as to who this pleasant gentlem an A rabs, m the plain which stretches awnv C a p ta in —Charles B. Sloau. twenty feot. L a rg e r pumps aro a b o u t to and the H arper’s of New York : the Sel fa u t a n d th rew i t out of a window. The owards th e valley of the E nphrates. We were lo s s to Mr. Stanton is a very severe one, is, his name, position, wealth, and standF ir s t L ieutenant- J . F re d Luumaster. body lodged on a grape arbor a n d was lers and Johnson’s Rnd Smith’s o f P h ila.; told th a t tw o pilgrims took as a n offering to bo put in. The w a te r uischarged from all a t tho hotel w hisper "that Is S econd Lieutonant— Chas. M. Barker, a n d cannot bo easily computed, and he the mine is so puro and transparent, and Van BenthiisHWH. Comings, nnd Rovs, of th e re discovered by a policem an. A Mecca, tw o cases of this oil nnd n Gorman Stu L am p w hich so pleased the Custodians of h as th e sympathy o f every good citizen. Doctor W iggleton”—Pom pous is happy, Jr. witlml so highly tinctured with m ineral, Albany ; th e Bowles, Carsons, Parsons, trac e of blood m arks leading to th e w in dent the sh rin e th a t the Hadjees w ere, on th eir return O rd erly Sergeant S. B . Osborne. th a t doubts are beginning to bo oxprersed Grcenlenfs, Daltons and Warrens of Mas dow cuasod a search of th e house, and entrusted w ith an order for a fu rth er supply, nnd Standing on th e h ig h north banks of and taking h at and cane, p o in ts b is way A n o th er meetiug will b o held on the sachusetts, by their successful lives of physicians b e in g called iu, th e crim e was we b elieve th at Mahomet's to m b is seen T om s Elver, the fire presented a most homeward, satisfied that tor th o moment, 4th o f A ugust, when tho rem aining offi- as to w hether th e overflow of th e mine useful endeavors, constitute the true no positively fixed upon Miss Cowtau. The now and kjssed b y thcllght of P ra tt’s N ew YorkOil.’ comes from tho W allkill a t all. I t has We a re o urselves using P ra tt’s A stral Oil, and me is on every tongue, an d ail will n-H w ill bo elected. —Alt. Holly Mirror. magnificent spectacle. Sea upon sea, the appearance of a subterranean stream , bility o f a republic. They are that stamp young lady is in a dying condition from from nctnnl trial, can recommend it to our rendhis praise. Generally, h im se lf is b illo w upon billow, o f threatening, forkyL ieut.-G oc. Sheridan m ad e a rapid vis of large volume, l e t in, probably, b y the of practical men who. by their industry excitem ent a n d exhaustion, a n d is not ers ns the b e st we ever used. M ore thr.n a!!, it expected to recover. The u n fo rtu n a te is perfectly safe. ton gu ed fire, would sh o o t its flames high quite enough for himself, but a t times, it to L o n g Branch on S aturday, had a concussion o f tho blasting. When left to rnd well directed energies, m akes them itself, tho w ater readily tills the m in e to selves sh in in g lights in tha communities and re sp ecta b le fa m ily ‘are th e subjects in to the air, for a con tin uou s line of over he consents to be introduced to somo p ro tra cted interview w ith th e President, in which th ey reside. Would that the of a g re at de* il of com m iseration. O N and a t th o close of it took the first train the level o f th e shaft. -Sussex Herald. Life lias few charms lor the D yspeptic, which th ree miles iu extent. I t was a display one, who has corno ina carriage, and man for W ashington. eountry wero blest with more such men At Salt Lo ke City, on S unday n ight, is not to be wondered at when w e ta k e into the There would be less loafing and more la durin g a re cep tio n given by Col. A nder o f pyrotechnics, th at for exceeded any in livery. A b o u t six weoks ago a dog belonging account th e am ount of bodily and m ental snfierThe following a rtic le lias been suggest bor, Iors shystiriug and more honorable son to G enei ul A ugur and staff, a crowd iu,- th-1 th is distressing malady generate*. The Poor H u m an Nature has h e r weak to W illiam Wallace, a t U nion, near Keyth in g we had ever w itnessed, And the enterprise within its borders. o f M orm ons gatii eretl iu fro n t o f the Peruvian S yrup (a proloxldo o f iron) has cured >ints ; Ctesar was ambitions, —Webster port, w as shot, supposed to bem ad, alter ed to us as a very truthful one, a n d it im m ense grand p illars o f smoke, as they house and in; fulted th e Colonel a n d Lis •heosand* v. ho w er; t-uft'erlng from this disease. having b it several dogs, hogs and cows, has also been in tim a te d th at m uch good ascended into the air, darkening the light adored chow der—Greeley will w rite on A It tub trail * D erision . guests, finally breaking up the p arty . and a y o u n g lad living w ith Mr. Wallace. o f th o sun, involuntarily reminded one farming—a n d Jenkins dilate o n th e dress July I’d, a cow belonging to John Cot- m ight re s u lt from copying it. I t is tru ly General R o b e rt E . Lee lias s ta te d th a t 0. IC. L andis, of V ineland fame, baR o f th o last grand auto-dafo, so eloquently of alphabetical femininity ; Wiggleton trull b ec am e mad and d ied ol' hydropho refreshing to read such good sound s te r come to g rie f in tho C ourt o f Chancery. he will ac ce p t tho P residency of th o Val M A R IN E NKYVN ley R ailroad, i u Virginia, iu connection bia ou th e 5th, two days after she was ling sense iu th ese days, nnd from the tho’ clad iu self-esteem ns invulnerable, allud ed to by one o f ou r preachers in the I t will b e remem bered th a t in tbo deeds with his P residency o f W ashington Col as the hide o f a rhinoceros, h a s his ten taken. Considerable a la rm is now felt pen ol a n d so com petent. Wo endorse morning. Landis g av e for lots on his gravel tract, lege, if th e Trustees, of the la tte r consent. about th o young lad. • it through and through, and com m and Cinders from the bnrning woods were der spot ; ho cannot sit by unm oved, and thore w ere certain stipulations restricting md New Y o rk -b rick , l T he shore end o f the P an am a and A P a te rso n paper le a rn s from a well brought by clouds in to the village of hear any establishm ent praised save his know n railroad man th a t there is every it to tho serious atten tio n of our re ad ers : the p u rc h a s e r in re-transfer of th e p rop W est In d ia cable wi.s successfully landed v Yon.,, July 2. Arrived—sell. M.u dlat Tlu- P a r t y o f A ction. a t B atabano, C uba, on Tuesday. Yes Tomispoo, and fires were even set by own, and th a t cruel wag D roler, drove reason to believotliat th e ra ilroad between erty, re q u irin g him to m ake certain im lel.Chai A T O 'C L O C K I\ M .f terday m orning th e boats com m enced to >on to tho quick, w h e n h e de Newark & Paterson will h e running again No political p a rty in this c o u n try enu DC. th em about the resid en ce of Mr. Stanton, become o r rem ain a power in th e laud provem ents within a specified timo, Ac , pay out th e deep so. i cable. scribed to th e doctor, u m an sio n much w ithin a fortnight, Which were happily extinguished. A rrived—sell Geo. H. Hoyt. C ranm er, Va“”’ 1; and in d e fa u lt thereof the lo t should roexcept us a party o f action. T he p arty A New Y ork p a p e r sa y s : "A fte r a T he Fioinington Democrat says —"H iJoseph Franklin, R andolph, Va. I n the large D ou b le Trouble fiold of superior to h i e - " M y house s u its me,” ,m H u rt, of this tow nship, leads off ill th a t succeeds m u st n o t only have p rin ci t i L andis. By this arrangem ent year’s labor, th e construction o f th e now •J. '.t. Lcquini, Va. Stanton’s, hundreds o f tim id little rabbits said the doctor, an d after sa y in g "good the m a tte r of wool. IIo last week one ples tenaciously h eld and boldly avowed Landis s ec u red a monopoly o f the re al p ost office h as progressed so far th a t it is Maria Pierson, G rant, Alexandria. 1». II. Vaughn, Cursou, George day sir,” rem arked to tho host, " I think i t m ust su p p lem en t its declarations by day, sh e a re d from a single sheep, a year- . s o u g h t refuge, and scores o f quails also estate business, practically preventing actually in con te m p la tio n to issu e new town, D. C. ve deeds, a n d it m ust n e ith e r ex proposals to furnish granite to b u ild it found protection from their relentless foe. that Droler, th e most im p e rtin e n t cox ling, fourteen pounds o f marketable its capacity n o r cease its activities, any u n fo rtu n a te person from disposing of '1I f any farmer ca n beat th at we Saiied-se’. r W m A U e n . J e ^ r ’ 0^ 29T h e peach crohard w as not in tho least comb, I over m e t’’—said D ro le r to his will b e pleased to announce the fact." iu o movem ents, t h e necessities, tho re hiR p ro p e rty to anyone b u t L audis. T he Advices from H a v an a are to th e effect Cleared—soli A lbert Pharo^Shiurd^^Prajfdeuee injured. It is but little gratification to chum, " th a t Wiggleton, is a s pompous A p le a sa n t party, com posed of nearly sponsibilities, th e oppoitmiitios, th e re lot ow ners were either too tim id or too that, d u rin g th e re cen t engagem ents be ns to record such w holesale destruction an ass, as m ay b e found b e tw ix t here, a dozen young men of th is city, aro en sources o f a co u n try and an ago like th is poor to fig h t Landis in the courts, until tween the S p an ish troops and th e in s u r Arrived—sell JohnTW illiam s,N uw ^uryG ^orgoare too m any and to o vast tor nny p a rty town, D. C. o f fine young wood. W e would rather and anywhere. ” To digress fo r a seconjl cam ped o n Kquan Beaoli, o n the Atlantic the a d v e n t o f one Mr. Thom as Griggs, gents in th e ju risd ic tio n o f H olguin and July HO.—A rriv ed -seh Eliza P h aro , Sherman. P u erto P rin cip e, 250 o f the C ab an s were l u u d iuo enjoying thuuisulvun in of mere traditions an d theories to copo E asel (you know S am ) journey get along without a n y local items than to Elizabcthport, d sty le . Their am usem ents consist with or control. T h e party th at succeeds who had p luck and money enough to of killed. , , , GKonoKTowN, D. C., Ju ly 31). ed to Pom pie, to hire a co ttag e for the have them to record. m ust be able to com prehend and ready Cleared—sell i,noch Aloore, C ham bers, iludnon. fer b attle. Tho Court o f C hancery has of c a tc h in g oysters, clam s, and mackerel, W hat a blessing ifc would b e to tho B u t two or three w eeks ago a serious summer, ig n o ia u t of the fact, t h a t folks sp o u tin g Shukospeure, try in g mock cau to grapple with th e living present, anil orderod Air. Landis to deliver to Air. w orld at large if girls were b ro u g h t up Suited—ash J . ft. B.pp, o i f S T ® # * ' * its face m ust be evermore tow ards tho fire broke out near Manchester, on the thereabouts in speaking of places, always ses, m ark in g tho therm om eter, criticising future, n o t the p a st. Vain regrets over Griggs a d ee d of conveyance in fee sim w ith less re g a rd for show, an d w ith a each o th e r in a friendly m anner, and now Manchester tract, b urnin g towards thu nmke uso o f th e points of tho C om pass ; and th e n taking a roll i u old ocean.... what m ig h t have b e e n will avail it n o th ple for th e tract of land in dispute, free h ig h er ap p recia tio n o f the real delig h ts ea st some three or fou r miles, when the so Easel in calling on the o w n e r of the Whilo th ere , enjoying a re s t from dream s ing. in ac tio n or indecision in the pres- and c le a r o f all incum brance, and w ith o f honest, youthful industry. H o w m a ny m others w ho sorrow for th e w a n t of w ind changed, b low ing th e fire back upon property was inform ed that M r. Plouwoll of fu tu re positions, such as being Chief en t cn sis w hatever bo its character, will covenants o f warranty of title. At Toms Hiver, August 1,1870, William, infant th rift and p ro p e r m anagem ent o f th eir bo fatal alike to its present and its fuHOUOl E dw ard and ¡Simili M, Day. its course, causing it to die out for tho had gone mat ; "1 am sorry," s a id Easel, Ju stic es. Chancellors, Governors, or even turo ; a n d in this country especially poThe V ineland Independent says of this m arried d au g h te rs’ households, a r c will P resid en ts, they are n o t unmindful of thinking o f course that P lo u w o ll had w an t of food. ing to a d m it th a t th is is but tho n a tu ra l their stom achs. Jim m y, o f tiro Trenton htioid p artie s, th a t are once dead, do lo t decree:— re su lt o f th e ir early train iu g 0 A. girl O ther fireB have w ith in a few days bro- gone to B oston, Bangor, o r p e rh a p s to House, h as cliargo of tho cuisine depart live agni,,. For u p a rty that goes t o f a i i l T h is case 1ms created a groat deal of may have w ealth in expectancy , nr//, jJN C H A N C E R Y O F N E W . J E R S E Y . k en out along tha railroad track. In us the Holy L a n d —" I am to s ta y h ero only m ent, an d flu d s, when incals are announc " Z t Z k i n ' i u “™ fl‘n!ts ° ’icl follies, th ere is n o resurrection. Conl interest in Vineland, from th e fact th a t she may be positively assured t h a t she wTn S^ure.°. W; Knal’P. Samuel Sterling, George very m an y others wore in th e sam e bo-it will be protected against lho iu ro a d s of W. Brink, C harles 11. Brink and .Maria Hobiuson. in g fire, this very d ry weather, bo exceed a day or tw o, when do you e x p e c t him to ed, t h a t each member of th o party comes oa sense o r s o u n d philosophy would v u t u° of an order ot tho C o u rt of Ofcaueei y return." " O h !" said tho y o n n g miss, to p re p a re d with sharpened taste to demol teach u s th e n , tru th s , but in g ly cautions, very. ......... m has mlll with Mr. Griggs • and the la tte r was tee w ant and privation, but this does n o t in experience ish th o viands. Before th o party started first m an hero who had dared to m eet tho any degree release h e r from the d e f y of ow Jersey , made ou tho day o f th e date here whom he was talking, "lie w ill bo here to th e ir cucampmeut, i t w as agreed that tau sh t them w,tU all nredod em phasis— of. in a cuuse wherein Jacob X. P h ilip s is com lh o R epublican # an,., Affl dom inant founder o f Vineland, face to face in the famUiftring h erself w ith tho duties o f th p lainant, a n d you and others arc defendant«, The D r o u g h t. in n few minutcB, hero he co m e s.” Vlou- p u u u iu g was to bo avoided. Homo of enacts. T h is was considered a test ease. household H ealth, lid bap. p iu an. req u ired to appear and plead, answer or I t has been a very lo n g timo the p a r ty lmd read th e opinion expressed in till» nation, »tn«l„justni,,,- ¡„ esp ec ial If tho p lain tiff succeeded, m any other piiiCRs nrn ■"•"ur, to th e hill of said complaint, ou or before well had gone east, as far as the ham. by Dr. Johnson th at ho w ho would make need ot being rem inded of tlieno tr a i l » , victim s o f tho confiscation act, would bo of iuduHtr tw enty-seventh day of Septem ber, next, or th e "oldest inhabitant" bus ’ properly directed. orBctf'dacn» o r m-glect of which, >vlu l ’ompio contains two P o m laid bill will be tukun as confessed against a bad p u n might pick a pocket. They likoly to come up and dem and their s u c h a drought, as w e are now experienc Alio said bill is tiled to te re d o s« a niortFatal He ilroad Accident near />, ■t J . . "which tho nnm e of tho o th e r” is w anted, w ith Colley C ibber, to say "wo bung it speedily a n d surely to tho close rights a t th e hands of ju stice in the Janies G„ Gowdy a n d wife and ot l « record as u p a rty of sncceas. in g , and it is not confined to any particu vis. About lè o yesterda alter Knlph B. Gowdy and wife, to .Jacob T . Phillips, —Brown lius all ihe s a lien t points of are a ll a t supper, all in good hum or, Ih e one great, positive, vital fact of courts. A nd when it was a t last ascer noon, Joseph Feesh ■t wilh lar section of our land . I t is widespread cham pagne was tho w ord, and wit flow UU,‘ V* ,thu township of Dover, county of tained to a eertnintv. that, m oney and Wiggleton, b u t is of an in fin ite ly lower ™r political history, far th„ lu g d eath o n the Uee.m and stute ol New Jersey. D uted N oveme Ri about lik e a puck o f ca rd s." Soveral of in it s blighting effects. prestige lm d failed to influence the scah-s ,, f I 111. lHbL A ndyouGeorgo W. Knapp, 8amgrade e ig h t mili om P •rt J. i tho m em ber of tho p a rty , having a pro III a century, is tin, work of the Remit,- of ju stic e in tho court o f last resort in uei Sterling George W. Brink, C harles 1A. Brink T h e corn crop is n early "gone in," if :tb ime Brown know s n o Wiggleton, Wiggleton clivity fo r punning, could no t bo prevent hcirn party. Strike that out of t h i re New Jersey, there was rejoicing in mnnv l-Ve,lei uud Maria Robinson, are made delendanls be we give due credit t o th e report of’our MHl-b0 ml tin cause you own seme part of said lunds. ed, a n d th e result has b ee n the perpetra cord, i it were possible, and there would a hum ble household." knows no Brown. and a ■ •al tra in app dune, hev st . . A. C. MAUXIN. exchanges from th e E astern and Middle tion o f th e niOBt w retched lot of puns 1» left only barren negations and stuRinwii liven it iiiilo still fa rth e r, from over u tte re d in face of tho Bea. One of imuio'm (a, nre», Why 1,«, the Itipulilipedov it. i t , , Solicitor for Complaint, •ir,lek il Mil va PP S tates, and cropB generally have been hated J u ly ad, “ii. Xoma ¡over n . .¡. ¡ginning xpr i west, th < J o h n M . I! r o w n . the village th a n Wiggleton ; h o likes re tho p a r ty promised to collect tho puns um parly been able to aebievo for this d ried up, and thus c u t off, In New Jer who nation more of substantial and beneficent h struck T he llightslob-n Gazelle m an, straying tirement, d oes n o t wish to co m e in con for publication, with tho n am e of tbo au progress, within tho last decade, than distance o f 100 yards a s e y th e Potato crop in many large protact with villagers, wants quietness, thor atta c h e d to each, b u t beforo ho had .was ever achieved before by, or f ir Z y dov.u lu K(inan Vulnge, tlnisly speaks a on the opposite track, ireaking b is back I V - S V * 1, ,,XS. HEREBY' GIVEN, been m n n y hours encam ped, bo was gi d u oin g sections, has been entirely cut off. ttt ‘ »ball make application to tho Board wishos n e ith e r to know the n a tiv e s or to ou h is choice, death by drow ning or dis h i™ ”i' I t ai nf ,lu i7 ? 8 M r a w .it has good word fo r our friend, Capf. Jo h n AI. and right arm, and cut iug a torrible gash ul Chosen A reeholders ol tho county of Ocean T h e farmer will m e e t with great disap Brown. R ead i t : been, i t the best sense, a party of notion, in his side, which was iferced by a piece ai the Court R ouse iu the village o f Tom s River’ bo known, an d so live as to a ttra c t iib carding his idea. H e recarted. The and will bo known in history and bo judg of tie. killing him ins antly. Iris coi.,- m said county, on the stli day of Septem ber next! pointment, in his sh o rt crops, for they lh o m o s t popular sum m er re so rt in fo rbidden fru itp u n ning, became the little a tte n tio n as possible ; t o compass at u o clock, a. m., fora license to build a dock ed rather by what it 1ms done, than by pun ion escaped by divi ir down th è b. ni:, this section is the "Uuion,” ab o u t a mile are coming, sure as fate. Rain, rain, is front of m v laud extending in to Tom s River this m uch desired end, B row n thrice a favorite enjoyment. W ith rouowed vigor what it has said, or what may have been below th e village. The p roprietor, Capt. Fuealcr was taken I.. I1 irt Jervis a n d un lu Where tbo tide ebb and Hows. W hich land ih the T rentonions liopo to return to tho th e universal cry a ll over tho country, said of it. iieoanso, to tho clearness, •i"hn M. B row a has doublu.l tl„, „¡/e „ f inquest was hold mi t! body by C orone Minute m t h e v h lH g n T o m s R iver aforesaid,~ week, drives to Pompie, d re s s e d in gar city . — Kenton American. huut dock to begin ut a point w ithin three feet n orth of Musons’ a n d Dixon’s line. coma til,™ and strength of it.-, moral P runy, th e ju ry bringing in u v erdict hi \US b u ild in g since lust sum m er, b u t we ments o f a curious cut, a n d w ith the the n orth-east corner of the old dock, ami A h e a v y thunder sto rm visited Stew- convictions and its punitive anim ation 0f accordance w ith th e above facts. T he h'om to run southw ardly ulong said riv er, in a Rtraight therm om eter a t eigiity-flvc, h a s o n a pair nrtsville o n Monday n ig h t, and the barn prim-mios. lt has added tile roady and ioiuul ev e ry room taken, a n d m ore board M any of our readers may not have a ers c o n s ta n tly arriving, s itu a te d direct deceased resid ed a t Deckertowu in this him am leer, etrtktng a point fifteen foot eastof double soled high top boots, reaebiug of J u d g e Kennedy was stru c k by light resolute carrying out of these eonvio- ly on tho b a n k s of the M anasquan, w ith S tate, a n d leaves a wife nud several chil Hardly ironi the termination o f th e old dock fair understanding o f th e word "rentes,’ ning a n d entirely destroyed, together turns ami principles in positive d eed s.n arusaid. 1 lienee westwardly along »»id river to his thighs, a s i f ou the evo o f depart witn t h e entire crop of th e year. a fine view u p and «lowu th e river and d ren. H e was ab o u t forty years old. aud along th e line of n,y land 385 feet, more or w h ich occur so con stan tly just now in Let tho Republican party loae cither of • tho sea , with its cosy a d shady s u r A wom an o f bad repute, nnm ed Alelissa Jess, to the south-west corner o f m y lands, us ure for th è seal fisheries, nt A lask a : tho O ver 35,000 bags o f coffeo have been theso correlative elements o f strenutli roundings, w ith a little fleet o f boats a n Blye, was ta rre d and feathered a t tho vil aloresuid. ou r foreign dispatches, and whose rise ’ town folks say from the q u a n tity o f wIiìh- disch arg ed at Perth Am boy nud taken to and it will die, nnd die not to live again. CIIAS. 8. HAINES, an d fall seem to co n stitu te the financial chored b efo re the door, a n d U n d o Billy lage of C ortlaudville, in New York State, Aug. 2.1870. New Y ork since tho q uarantine troubles barometer of Paris. T h ey are the Ainded key ho takes in, his legs m u st bo hollow, first assum ed shape. T h is quantity was In this direction, and this only, lies its always rem ly to take the b o ard ers to tho on T h u rsd a y night, by u crowd o f m en danger. It is n fatal political blunder sea or up th e f ile r : with i t s well su p who d e s ire d to avenge th e dea th o f a d eb t o f France, n o t, however, in the which accounts for his engine h o se orna b ro u g h t on eight different vessels. for any party, oradministration, however plied tab le a n d real old-fashioned e n te r Airs. Aloore, w ho com m itted suicide ou ] y O T K ' E T O C O N T R A C T O R S . form of bonds, but sim p ly loans from the ments : th e embodim ent o f a n alarm of T he residence of Jo sep h T. Hcudder, •strong f.r securely entronched in the pos- tainm ent wo do not w onder th a t vear Tuesday. S h e was led to com m it th e net nr,°£2r?,R ’Vl,i b ? roc2Ivei1 by t h e undersigned at C rea m Ridge, on th e P em berton and sesMou o f present power, to presume litter y ea r wo find tho sumo visitors hero of self-destruction by reason of tem p o ra people. These loans are entered to the f T n ? ay’ 12,° n T k <J"’on) A ugust Bili. 1870 Ho arranges h is visits so a s t o arrive H ig h tsto w n road, was destroyed by fire Hint it m u lire on u do-nothing policy ; bringing n e w ones with them . ry insanity, caused, i t is said, by her Z for building a school honso in th e village of Toms cr ed it of the lenders o n the government n s and specifleminns can l.e seen at husband’s intim acy with the woman tre a t just as th e tra in conies in ; ta k e s a prom on T u e s d a y night. We hnvo no particu ami vacillation or hesitation, when the ledgers, and draw a specified rate o f in moment for action conies, is ns fatal us lars, b u t learn that th e fu rn itu re was sav ed us above stated. inent stand a t tho hotel bar, ta lk s loud terest. The holders o f tho debt are callL ist o f P a te n ts for Now Jersey , issued ed. T h e origin of tho firo is unknown. total inaction. There is inevitable poDAVID MERRILL. T he financial condition of St. D om in —ho has a sonorous v o i c e ,- a n d regnles S S IG X E E ’ S SALE liticnl death m either. 1 GEO. W. c o w p e r t t iw a it from tin* U n ite d States P a te n t Office for go is deplorable, P resident Baez in ten d s ed ‘-renters," and th e fluctuations in its T h e Republican C onvention for the 1st IIK R IF F ’S SA L E . We need not go fuc to find nrnple illus a select circla, w ith stories bo n a s ty , that Congressional D istrict w ill bo held at v t , ^ ‘ toes o f ^ s tr ic t No. 3, value denote popular distrust or confi the week en d in g July 26, 1870, furnished to issue $100,000 iu paper currency. A Tormr Rive NJ- .Inly 2d, 1870. tration and proof o f this. Our own poBy virtue o t a certain w rit of FI. Fn. to m e di it muld make a brat» statue blush, that it V in eland on Keptember 8th. revolution is im m inent, the o b jec t of d en ce in tho governm ent. rected. issued o u t of the C ourt of Common Flea« liUcnl history will furnish both. Whv b.V G e rry L . Taylor, solicitor of patents, w hich is th e downfall of Baez. T his ^ ■ O T IC E O F S E T T L E M E N T . m s cast in the likeness of man. of Ocenr. county. New Jersey , will ho exposed W illiam R. Conover, a well-known citi havo those parties that were fond o f sfvi- Trenton, N. J . : a t public sale, on state of tilings is attributed to tho rejec His th irs t for notoriety am oun*s to a zen o f Freehold township, died suddenly mg themselves conservative, boon thrown O nr railroad sta tistic s show more Notice is lieraby given"that ll,e n-connIn nr i!l0 105,639 S heep Shears, D aniel C am p tion of th e trea ty by th e American S enate. at h is residence, near W est Freehold, on up, nud left so m any slr.nded wrecks, io bell, E lizab e th , assignor to H e n ry Sey species of m ild insanity, th is wisher, subscriber, adm inistrator. ,r the estate of William strikingly than an y oth er evidence tin W ednesday evening of lu st week, aged rot and moulder to doeny, nlong the One Now Y ork girl, who ran aw nv w ith Soiithwick. deceased, will be nndited and Bbtcd mour & C o., New York City. her lover to New 11 iv u by steam er, was wonderful growth o f th e country. The •‘to a ttra ct as little attention a s possible," ab o u t fifty-four years. "bd reported for Kettleinent at a t the hotel of Cowdrick & Cook, in the.village shores o f the stormy sea of American 103,686—M itering M achine, J o h n Hoiz- surprised ou landing lo hear h er fa th e r s Hie Orphan s Court of the county of Ocean on ot Toms River, between th e hours of 12 a n d r. ! R oselle, Union county, is grently exci polities? Because they lacked conscience, berger, Newark. railroads of the U n ited States in 1851 did nnd stran g ers aro lost iu w ondor, nt tho ’ o clock of said daj-, all th e described 1 voice, he h a rin g come by ra il and flanked the 1st T uesday in Octnhar. next! lands, viz : S ituate in th e township o f Dover, WM. FRANCIS, Adm’r. n o t exceed 5,000,000 tons, and tho total modest, retiring demeanor, o f old leather ted o v e r a scandal case,* i n which tiio wife courage, consistency, and more than all, 105,689 Railroad Car J o u rn a l Box, her. She ran under a passenger traiu , of a respectable re sid e n t o f that place resolute sagacity. They wore afraid even Charles S lin g , Jersey City. county of Oceau, State o f New Jersey, b ein g 1 earnings from freight and passengers die which sta rte d up, badly bruised h e r an tlie property on which Thom as Lukcr now re - , nnd a Southerner doing business in New of the necessity, which is, i,, this world nited S ta te s , for the D istri¿t o f New Jer 105,725 FloatingTide* D ock—W illiam kles. S he scream ed, and h er la th e r took ^ Y L E F O U T A X E "Droler, w hy don’t you stir up Brownl" sides, consisting o f one b o u se and three acres of ] and for all, ever recurring, of finding out n ot exceed $20,000,000. In 18G9 tin York a r e most deeply m ixed up. Rickard, Jersey City, aRRiguor to self and h e r horn land, moro or less, nd jo in in " the estate o f An- I sey. the su b scrib er, assignee ot tb e estate oi Jo By V virtue o f warrant "Brown is odorons, ho is unplensmt, issued Amos rt Atkiu----o,,, . 4 Ì »I ....... ‘ niiniM IK1I1- 'b o n y Ivins, decensed, e t als. about, one nnd a 1seph A. P h aro , b an k ru p t, will sell at pulilicsnln, tonnago of all our railw ays exceeded 100,A s h a rk four foot long wnH captnred nt or using any new truth. They shrank E. K. Aleigs, sumo place. on the said Droler. L e t t e r H. E. D. Farnsworth, Grand Siro o f tho !I Untenantod lai d, and on ¡a11(A en anted°bv'*d'"* halt mile west of Tom s R iv er villnge. Sandy Hook tho o th er day by a New away, bat-like, from every added rav of 105,822 —Combined H air C urler and 000,000 tons, and th e total earnings Irom i n t i They recoiled, with shivering Crim per, E lish a Mattesnn, Jersey City, American Odd Fellows, and Frank H. sons pot the law mi proprietors,. who ««»Ma Seized ns the property ol Thomns Lnker, nnd I o - 1 1, fo undland dog, belonging tu Mr. P atter light. ----- aro . .. unable O l A u g l l S t , IICXT, passengers and fr eig h t equalled $300,- F ien d ish M urder at New B rm ur- township ot Plum «ted, taken in execution a t the s n ft ef Reuben P o tte r ■ ^ I >G ( l a y son o f th o light-house. T ho dog saw tho dread, from everything that looked like he having assigned tw o-thirds o f his to Austin, o f California, arrived ¡a P a n s .indchnrles Allen, e x ecu to is of Ephraim H otter ’’ ~ r,ber, collector of Mid an innovation or progress, insisted that Saturday, en ro u te to (L-m niiv. to f-stubmm 000,000. It is noticeable that the increase d to be sold by me. A horrible murder was com m itted in sh ark rolling lazily along tho oceau near nothing could be better than it alreadv Abraham Hongland, same place. m Ixtday of Keptember next, EDWARD W. IVINS, lish Odd Fellow s' lodjjes in th at country. w M H Ot .itti the b ea ch , nnd sw im m ing out ho eanglit in lODMg. daring th i« period h»s been No D esigns. ¡fallimeli, hi New Egypt, July 35,1870 ts40 late Sheriff. New Brunswick, on W ednesday night, his d o rs a l fin iu his tee th , and despite was, and gone quite mail with the insaniThey are detained iu Paris, by th o w ar a t th e b o u r a f a o ’clock, p. sell th e tim ber No lie-issues. tw en ty fold, while th e inoreue in the N w w wood, h erbage and other vendable property w ith P russia. between 10 and 11 o'clock. T he mur tho effo rts of the Bhark t o get a grip at tv of conservatism, they groped among founu on th e prem ises taxed, and also the goods earnings has inorensed fifteen fold, thus dered mau was named T hom as Duff, the do g , tho 1st ter drew him np to the the tombs, cutting themselves with the B A batch o f 250 newly-arrived M orm ons and ebattl( 8 of th e undernamed persons, to make lift: rlb lc Martin In N pw Y o rk . w A eridencm g tho im p ortan t &et that not- and was an aged, inoffensive d ay laborer. shore, a n d landed him h ig h nnd dry on stones ; nnd if the voice of one proclaim left Jersey C ity ou T hursday for th o do- tho taxes, costs aud iuterest annexed to their re m lr ro ing a newer or a better gospel fell on their N ew Y ork , July 29.—One o f th« most millions of B righam Young. T h e y are spective nam es. the beach. with.tamling the gen eral riae in all vatw U O The murderer is one W atts Grifflu, shrinking ears, they cried out, in man N w N Monmouth County Agricultural 1foilroad. gled wrath and terror—"let us alone ; brutal nnd cold blooded murders that said to have been a dirty, repulsive, God ____ . T « Cost I n t Ain't. n ee aince 1861, there haw been a conaid- who has been heretofore quite notorious w has occurred iu this city for somo time forsaken lookiug set o f humans. —A m ee tin g of the stockholders of the Thomas T A fo h er........ H i l 0 | » l T j g n la i . w ns a fighting brawler nnd rough. The why have ye come to torment ns before em b le decrease in th e coot of railroad past was perpetrated at No. 12 West 23rd $ J o h n Iiesle tt, e ra p ^ -e d in th e p ao e r Patrick D. L. A rcher.. !' 3 00 do B w U circumstances o f tlio murder are as fol above ro a d was held n t G riggs hotel, our time?” Has any one forgotten how street, between the hours of half-past transportation. Abraham A rcher........ 5 2:, (, 0 j {¿I O lows : As officer Brower o f the New M arlboro, on the 20th in st., when the many o f theso gibboring imbeciles stood fwelvi la st night and six o’clock this mill a t Lam bertville, lmd his arm broken John Appleboo. J r . . . . ho! do ill ' mC in tw o places, two ribs broken, a n d re Elia» Blake, (1868)......... follow ing gentlemen wero elected a Board by the wayside, croaking nnd whining, Brunswick police was patrolling his beat B m orning, w hich is shrouded in deeper E t-G o v , F o rt. do (186»)......... D C m w m in Burnet street, in the lower part ot the of D ire c to rs ; O. D. E rason, T. X Ii. when the first “tramp,” "tramp,” o f the m ystery th a n the Rogers m urder, the ceived other injuries, from being caught Richard B n rtis ............ in somo m achinery on Tuesday last. m W e are very sorry t o announce that our city, near th e canal, his attention was at Brown, Joseph D. Hoff, Edward Ells Union Boldiers moving Southward was Caleb Btickalew............ victim b e in g a well-known B road street w B T h e subject of establishing public bath Charles B ell.................. friend , whose name stan d s at the head of tracted by the Bound ot blows and oaths, worth. D avid H. Wyckoff. Daniel P. Van heard, nnd how th ey were finally swept broker n a m e d Benjamin N athan, a b-othw Dorn, Thom as V Arrm vsmith, William Peter B o rd e n ............... houses iu Cam den, is being vigorouslv nut nt the way, by the tide of patriotism er-in-law o f Judge Cnrdozo. m th is article, is severely under the weath and men struggling in the second story H. C o n o v er anu .lorntio Ely. Feller Ciiafcy.................I discussed. m w U of a house across the street. Calling nuthat rolled trom th e North upon th e re At 20 m in u te s past twelve last night Wesley J C um m ins__ j er. For some tim e p ast h9 has been otlier officer to his assistance, the two m C T h e work on the V ineland Railroad bellion-cursed fields of the N m ta ? In the m u rd e re d man repaired to his bed The blackberry patch of John Collin«, Clingman A McKnight PAUL H. SM O C K , R w C u tterly prostrated w ith paralysis, but is crossed the street, and had commenced betw een Atsion and V ineland, will soon that honr, it was because the Republican room on th e second floor front, and no th John Cham berlain ... . m % 5 S rs , 11',ort'“to";n’ wUI ,M Mm about Hcscott Di “ m n ow just able to be about. His medical to climb the stairs, when the door nt the be com pleted. It lias been graded nnd party was the party of action, that the ing fu r.h e r was heard from him until six ®2U,IKK) this season. jTTartiiS purchased the Harnees Shot. l« trh t-G do m w m top was opened and a man ejected out of b rid g ed nearly its entire length, and the I îrivùcd b., JOHN NETT would announce t. advisers have forbid a ll mental or physi the door and down the Bteps w ith great work o f Inying the cross-ties nnd rails Republic was saved. It first learned it o'clock th is morning, when one of his George B arnm aker, a resident o f S ei- Peter D ailey.. self, and then taught the nntion, the sons, w ho slep t ou the floor above his fa Thtona« Davis j tham ibic, th at lie has or h a n d afine stock of m A cauens, died from the effects of su n stro k e cal labor for the p resen t. He intends to violence. At the same time a voice at •ogresses quite rapidly. Samuel n ils, 1» needed lesson, o f what a party may be ther, w e n t in to the room to call him, and on \\ ednesday. w Keek repose and re lie f a t the S p r in g s.- the door exelaiined : "God d —n you ; m D W T he shares of the Pennsylvania C en come and achieve b y .iarioB to do, and was horrified at beholding him laying on NEW H ARNESS, ( Ä ^ ) C m m w T he crops in Berg-ou county nev e r Mary M. Kmlev. (l«f,s) l W e m ost fervently h o p e that the worthy I’ll kick yonr brains out." T he fallen tral a n d Camden an d Am boy have this by doing the th ing which ought to be tho floor, dead, his head being beaten in w A N Fmlev’s estate! man rolled to the bottom o f th e stairs, week b e e n soiling a t exactly the sam e done, cariug less for the immediate con such a m a n n e r as to be hardly recogniza looked better, and both potatoes an d corn Tho* A m w M Samuel Kasttiek........... Ex-Governor will b e speedily restored to but did n ot rise. It was afterward as figure. sequences, thou for the assurance that ble, w h ile th e floor and bed-clotkes, which pro a me a U rge yield. O C C ® Tlenrv F.lii*.................. perfect health. D u rin g our residence in certained that his skull was fractured by m R the step - is, right nnd , , necessary . to be tnk- , were besm eared with blood a u d brains ! . ,Iobn wellkuown in South John F»«tl ¡ok.............. A b o u t r bnndred m en, supposed to be N w BLANKETS, th e county, his m an y excellent traits of some heavy blunt instrument. Mounttuaievidence uo um| that aos h e rM ,^ not parted i . _________ ^ d[nriiutuui R esolute a n___________I d bold measure* owvuuu always | gave had pn_^ ic. “ An_ nn. politician.^fttmnclFentcn.........j doers o f the Rig H orn expedition, are w characterize the party of action. It must i with his life in an easy manner, boT had j ant? w^° arrested sometime since on j Aaron Hopkins' estate character have com m ended him to our af tag tho stair«, tho offleors -¡DlereJIh,. S T t w W f n ^ w A w room in .p ile o f lho rreistanc« of tho 1 ’ , [0 ' “ ™ ™ ™ B lS n ' « - lie so, because in its forward movement 1battled with his aAnilantn n ulil overpow- i ? cSl®tee m having a large amount o f sto- i Ivins Hankins........... fection s, and he is a friend and a citizen murderer and his repeated threat to kill A brwkeman on his first trip on the it will come npon obstacles, new and a n - 1ered. D m I len bonds in h is possession, was released ■fwik<'on nnrner........... th a t would be q uick ly and sensibly m is the first man who opened th e door, and ; Hndnon River R >ilroad was killed on fores.™, th»t Trill not rield to ordinorr . .Mr. X ,tb » u . »¡th * portion of h i, fom- | •* S ew T o * « e k before lost. He w m S S S J S f c ....... W m sed . Again we earn estly hope for hi.: arrested him . H e proved to bo Watts i W ednesday by bis bond doming in con- appliances : itwill finditself confronted ily. had been spending the summer at 1® “ ®“ 1.a^ely re-attested an the com plaint 1Ezekiel Horner.... m w in the toct w ith a bridso while walking on top by yawning chasms, on the brink of l Elizabeth, N. J., and leaving them ves- I 1)411,01 («tie, who states that he was 1T™pT-h Herbert. * year* w B «pe«dj and complete restoration to health Griffio. N o othdr person w as m B w C R w room, bat marks of a violent Btraggie Iof car*which to pause is row . yetwhich to span terdav afternoon, he came to this citv for 1the owner o f the bon(,s- "nd charges ti e 1 1 •5 2 * " B m w VO do were apparent around the room. A small! Two hnndr.u and eigh ty Mormons T i l r / T T 1’ " T i l T “ B,r™S,h »»'I the purpose of observing the ,tenth of j { S f 0 0 ? „ " ‘¿ h « « t o « A ««, from the i S n S T ......... SC O «L» _ < * p r10 4 21 hatchet waa discovered in o n e corner, destined for Salt Lake arrived from Livm B untried. Of these expert- his father to-day, intending to go to ° ,ei“ f * 11* Bank, m February la s t Tbe i Fre«lon> B .- W WH Copy ! with th e thermometer in the where it had beer, flung by Griflln. Al-jerpool in the steamer Manhattan, -n skill hitherto w A tbe----R ef , -----------r— nblican party >, -has . . u„ had u umore .r a » |.u j church » .l u . uth, B is u,-.l morning. u,ia( acencPd was sen t to Glens Falls for trial. !IHnipl Harter’s esut. A K nineties, and every botfy out o f town . though the house belonged to J oh n War- i Tuesday night. Four hundred more are i than enough, enough, to to prove th at its safe safe and i No clu clu ee to to the the perpetrat nernetrai >rs nf tl « j .Irritating th e feelings -A fter rolling »¡j E ™ .............. C m R ren. no one hnt ilriffin j i *.-- ------1 *1,., .....i. i;«,* prove that its .t........ .. and, j , No ,, . * >rs 1. of the fonl *uu‘ Saratoga and Newport foil, Long Branch ren, no one but Griffin was discovered \coining in the Minnesota next week, O course hes a l'rX™ in the path o f , deed has as yet been ascertained. | night in vonr birth at sea till m u are TutsG Keffr-r "2 in the apartment. Mrs. Warren, the T he corn crop is so growthy in Sussex A N w On the floor near the raordered man erably sick, to have a steward ask von in ! Hpnry s Kerby a n d th e White M ountains with never s< wire of Joan Warren, was afterwards ar-; that u n less a fanner looks after his corn- prompt, reso.nte action, o f assum ing reA & spcnsibuities without fear,and executing lay a heavy iron "dog," need bv ship car- tbe morning if Tan will have a fresh roll ■¿?tho*T m W T w m w U n*a»y risiton ; J o n es and family board rested on snspicion ot being an accom-; crep every day he wouldn’t know it. Let its resolves “ ithont^ hesitation. We are ; penters a b o u t fifteen inches in JeuatL : *o r breakfast. i ........ M O N w in g a t a firm house, w ith pare milk and phee, in spite o f her protestation that Ja man b e gone from hom e a few days, now in th e m m B m 1st o f peace, not war. in I with w hich hts assailants bad pounded A M y , who stays in town T v S t r k S r ” ".' 7 .' M w eountry fare, and y o u want copy? and ®“®_w aayjsiting a neighbor a t th e time. ; and return, he’d testify h e had set down prosperity, not in poverty or peril. Yet his head to a jelly. complains o f the people who retire to Js te-nto«*« Cr :•*w This neighbor, however, state« that she ! ia the wrong neighborhood. Snch “tall the necessity for action has not passed Upon a further investigation of the 'he country and leave their domestic cat d S !!* ............... X b eh o ld ! two candidates for the same of w w B did not call npon her nntil after Griffin's corn," tb e likes of which was never by, nor will it ever. Is the Republican room it was discovered that ihe safe had to w upon the rear fences and for- i S i S o i S S ^ 7 fice. hobnobbing togeth er, too warm to •Treat; it ia believed that sh e was con known in this county. Potatoes, oats party, is its Administration, acting with m H B worm open with powder, and a set of i *6° nP°n friendly neighbors. ; Henry Moot*’, lr . ........ B W ta lk politics ; two la d ie s passing t> dry cealed in tins room at the tim e. Duff and buckwheat have also taken on all a knowledge of th is fact, and as wisely diamond stu ds and a gold watch earned i ^ At the Springfield armory the orders 1 Moore B “ ~ —___x. {Win»** M good * stole, and n o t looking in. too warm died in a few hoars, and an inquest was "the air* o f the season/' an d will be cor as in the past ? T h e way in which the T w w m * m ' m m R E CHAM BER ANO held b ; Coroner Paradise, b s i mi hist ac respondingly fiuud--- licnjuA. question o f C nuaii ■ B F wT to indulge in curiosity e v e n ; a man in count* a verdict had not been rendered. Etpioskm at Jamestrurg.—A large iron hern nret. »yoidrd. p™ t|»D«l m d finally B m B ® At the Stock E irhn ^e m M W m T w H window opposite ¿art asleep, with a The object o f th e »order is safu oeed to cylinder in the saw mi8 V James Btwkew w w M N w m P F m AV H Ou m ® be to gain possession ctf a sm all asm of lew’a Sons, at JamccLurg. exploded on cigar in lus mouth ‘ “ T w P ▼ W m Z LTZ T w w w Ç U ™ M T PUM O r D a ff waa known to have in his W ednesday morning, d oing considerable m w G w w w D B M bn T be day before h e had sold damage to the building, but fortanateiv w ® m A —w E& \ A m P A m B two nigs for ab ou t $36. and Griffin knew injuring uo one. ' ( _____ __ ___ w C Û CV w F M L D P O C u w m that be had tt*ia money. W hen Iran was D a r in g tbe heavy thunder shower of j taken, da not look T m M N w L K C O picked op a t th e foot of the stairs, his Monday evening W , th lightniDtJbtrr.c W m& wU m m U M P m R w n e d inside o a t, and no C m w M Tm m w L T m BE m V W u m D R w C MAR N AWKB r » fonnd «PM h i» . Quite a w m H B M m N B T m o f Money waa found upon Griffin, OB U H u mm d m A R T TL E H KN T O CE C w F w AP AA m m m L ■ m m N Ç H h wL T L L w Wm — M m M w m w m T w & w w HU L T m K U U m w W M V w TK U m w €h F h A H w w ™ T — — ■ m CHAMB R ON M BNH Y H W B w m À w m T w w ™ T ■ A w h A B w w w M V %A LZ ■ m — T w m Ä n ra w f i ■* THE P eople w h o m w i « M • O ld Pom i» Ii s COURIER. E. H. WILKES, W 8 W S SS EBAL ESTATE AGBHT 6 GBSBRAL MCTIONBEI TOM S R IV E R , GRAND i Auctioneer, V J. SALE Public Auction, OF 99 VILLA and Building Lots, Aug. 13,1870, on the Premises, in Toms River, Ocean County, N. J C E. H. WILKES, Auctioneer, will sell us above, by order ol' “The Building and Improve ment Association of Hudson County,“ 9!) very desirable and eligibly located VILLA PLOTS AND BUILDING LOTS, Situated in the centre of the town of Toms River, Ocean County, New Jersey. t Sail! Plots are located or- wide and graded avenues, in the vicinity of, and adjacent to the “Magnolia House”, the large hotel lately opened, and other extensive improvements; commanding a line view of tho river and surrounding coun try. which make them very desirable for those seeking a place for a permanent or summer residence, 60° To attend the sale froniN'cw York, take Steamers Plymouth Rock and Jesse Hoyt, from Pier 28, North River, at (1:45 a. lu, and 3:80 p. m. Prom Philadelphia toot Walnut Street at 7 a. m. and 2:30 p. in., arriving ai 7 1-2 pi in. the day previous to sale, or at 11 a. m. on dat: of sale. o o \ i > m o N s 20 per cent of purchase money and auctioneer's fee on day ol sale. 30 per cent, in 30 days, when deed will he given. Balance mi bond and mortgage. Maps and full particulars relative to the property, previ ous to the sale, can be obtained -upon application to the auctioneer, at Toms River, X. J. July 27, 1870. Ä 7 Ä l hwa,t- s Thursday, Sept. 2Dth. 1STO, HARNESS SHOP New Stock, New Goods j S ' 8 IS i sv w e* “ * 3V K & W u W «s A’ HEAL ESTATE. wm 11 1 i HE TOM S COURIER. R IV ER , N. J. « V T soman H ooper E ncampment, N o . I. 0 . of 0 . F ., vim iufitituted a t T om s ver, ou T hursday n ig h t last, by J o h n Coirell, M. W . 0 . I*. am i J o h n O. vim , R. W. G. B., asaiatod by sev e ral iinbors of different, E n ca m p m e n ts ■onghout the S tate. After ,bein g in s ti led the following officers were im m e d iily elected an d installed to serv e fo r f ensuing term : iohn D. Mayor, Grand Patriarch: Sydney T. W alton, High Priest. Tohn Klippel, Sr. Warden ; B. F . Zalmekle, Scribe ; Thom as Hooper, Treasurer; W. H . F ord, Jr. l i a r Jim. l’he C harter M em bers are T h o m as oopor, S. T. W alton, J. D. M ayer, W. F ord, B. F . Z abrlskie, J . H . A p p le ts , A dolphS trnuz, a n d W . It. B u n n e ll, G. A, R .— Jaucw ny Post, G ra n d ■my of th e R epublio, will m eet a t th e ir imp, in Odd Fellow s’ Hall, o n F rid a y ight, this week, a t 8 o ’clock, p u n ctu a lly . p d f ' T he Board o f D irectors o f th e ;;ean County M utual B uilding a n d L o a n Bsociation, will ho ld th e ir m onthly m e e t ly a t the office of F u lle r & Noble, a t 7 clock, S aturday n ig h t. Be p ro m p t.ttym ent of h u es a n d interest c a n b e ¡jade at any previous tim e to M r. Low, ¡ring banking hours. j'J T - Hop at the Magnolia.—A g ra n d hop tlio Magnolia H ouse, came off on Frilay n ig h t lust. A large and select p a r ty jg§ ladies anil gentlem en, from T om s R ivBricksburg, New York, H o b o k e n , freehold and o th e r places. The M ngnoiii is m ost adm irably ad a p ted to th e iiits of D ancing o r P rom enade p a rtie s , ism an’s celebrated O rchestra B a n d o f e\v York furnished m o st excellent m u sic those who w orshipped a t the T e rp s iorean shrine. T h e obliging an d p o lite ;\ne , was as h ap p y ns a king in t r y in g make others happy. Tho b ew itc h in g lies, drew th eir hu b s and lovers, b ro th i an d fathers, and in crowds. W ho iuldn'6 travel to see a beautiful lad y lid the in tricate m ovem ents o f th e •vy dance? W e would, for we alw ays orsbipped thorn. E veryt ing th a t could JeviS l k f0r com fort, was provided, d nil wjugt’ “ m erry as a m arriage b o ll.” n iongM K totables from abroad, w e 110cecl th P tn li com m anding form o f our >od-looking friend, Ex-G overhor P afk e r, an d Mrs. E d m u n d H urry, M r. and !rs. Sam uel H. S hreve, Mr. a n d M rs. buries W hitfield, a n d daughter. M rs. 'atson, son a n d daughter, Mrs. R iley, •. and Mrs. M artin H all, A. S. L a r ra ?, Jo sep h W cstray, D npignach, C ltraits, ond hosts o f others, besides o u r tow nsm en a n d ladies in force. T im e issed off pleasantly enough u n til 2 or 3 ¡lock. a. m. T h e M agnolia is fa st w in ing golden popularity, and th is p a r ty ded largely. T h e B oys and G irls w e n t arching gaily along, a s happy as if gog to a Clara Bake. PBOGRAMME. 1 March—Seek Magnolia?*. 2 Waltz—Tompkins'-Retreat, 3 Landers—!Down among tho Cranborriea. 4 Galop-Let Wilkes* Spirit circulate. Quadrille—Joy bo with us. 0 Polka—Go for What-Son. 7 Virginia P.eel—XVth Amendment.. « Sehottische—Hurry-up. !) Redowa—Whlt'a-tlie-Field th t Keeps us Merry. po Lanciers—Bloomer lint. Blooming Field. Polka—Stir them up and make it-B iley, Galop—Soohatillier, •! Waltz—Blue Bird Belio. Sehottische-Adrienne, ii.piii—Set Uieiu up itljHiu, Virginia Be Field. Stampede—The boys and girls * 0 - Tho S unday School M eeting to h eld in tbo M ethodist E piscopal nveh o f th is town, on next S u n d ay ■ning, will bo one o f rare in te re s t.— io nddrcKKOs will be delivered by two th e live S unday School m en o f th e , M essrs. S tout an d C lark of N ew ark, hopo to see th e ch u rch filled to overw ing, as we have no doubt it will b e .— ie exercises will com m ence at 8 o’clock, ¡e m eeting is a U nion o f tho th re e iooI k, therefore le t all the people com e. An aged gentlem an, father o f Mr. ■nry Long of Tom s R iver, expired very Idenly on S aturday afternoon last. Ho a t into tho lagfer b ie r saloon o f Bown W ebb on M ain street, called fo r » ms o f lager, s a t down, ate a couple of rakers, drank h is m u g of lager, a n d inutly died as he s a t in his chair. ---- -- ------------------R r ic k s b u r g . ' 1- The M utual B uild ing a n d L o a n re la tio n of B ricksburg, held a m eeting 3ricksburg ou th e 26 th u lt., an d tho owing officers were chosen: P resid en t, T. H in eij; Vice P resident, J o n a th a n Directors, B enjam in S nyder, J. Iresou, E. S. M errim an, Moses B achb, A M. B radshaw , A. S. L a r ra b ie d J o h u S. C alkins. We congratulate Association upon thoir selectiou for :ers, and bid th em a hearty good isl» in their laudable efforts. ' i?* Navigation is open to B ricksburg. t attention has been called to th e fill ing advertisem ent, issued u n d e r th e action of tho L a n d and Im p u d e n t irapany. We would like to see th e apped out. by which boats re a c h icksburg: Notice.- -V isitors to Bricksburg. will take notice th a t the boats leave ie*28 N orth R iver, “ for this plac e.” a t A. w. and -4 P. M. Returning, leave icksburg at 6.45 A. M. aud 2.2» P . M., indjiv.i excepted. The ex-Engljsb rebel editor, im •“d from S onth C arolina, by the L a n d apony, to p u ll ch e stn u ts o u t o f th e ,fo r them , h a s re v e rte d from th e d irty >k w eekly Ret before him. aud re tir e d (the “ Christian’s Temple," where we ho p e will become a b e tte r man, a n d lea rn know his friends from his enem ies. L. ompson, Esq., lias assum ed his place, l proposes to drive the quill. We ib him all th e sneess which he m erits, e have had one call from Mr. T . an d very favorably im pressed w ith biSi. : “ Hotel ru n n in g ” m ust pay, w hen ru n n e rs cun afford to pay $3 p e r copy it new spapers. “ H ow are the m ig h ty ■lien ?” From a lan d agent to a h o te in n e r ! (•Holy A c c id e n t a t W a r« t o n n . | L ast Satnrday, tw o fine little tw in (others, nam ed W illiam aud E d w a rd , f n s o f Capt. Jo sep h Headley, o b ta in e d Y m is s io n of C apt. H. F. C ham bers, to r 'in to th e bay fishing, i f t h e j w ould "»me to his house in tim e. They d id n o t u"Tlve 'n season to go w ith C apt. C hnm an d they were to ld at the h o u se to >home abont 12 o'clock, M. C ap t. H . Chamber» found a sm all boat a d r if t o n bay, when he cam e home, in w h ich s one c f the boy’s a o it of clothes, bas*an d fishing pole. S c c c h was a t once . and on S u n d ay m orning, a b o n t Mr. R obinson feras i th em ly in g 51tbo bottom , ab o u t th ree feet a p a rt, d n ew th e shore. TIil9 sad ev e n t has e a ghveu o v er o a r quiet eom J- n. b . N ew K g )'lit. <Mlfoio1a'1 ricimt tfoirTniiue jj'0|ded „ ' / * * W e re g re t to sag th a t q u ite \ se proB t !u»t year o f *310,000, ^ 1»«W V I R H . rious ac oidont occurred in o u r village, a W ithin tho last ton yenra Nova S co tia few days s in c e : Mr. W illiam ElllngR- g S T ™ 1" 06'1 "lK' rl3' * i '400'0(H) w orth o f v jrth , w ho is in the em ploy o f Mr. E. I t i< reported th a t profanity ia a dio0. Letohw brtli, tinsm ith, s lip p e d awl fell W . BROW N & C O ., tuignW llnjr oharaotom tro of tho fem ale H . from a scaffold, while engaged in p u lin g olorka a t Washington. up a leader o n th e house o f M r. W i C. T h era is a m an a t Vermont, III,, w ho Euiley, H e struck on hi# b ac k , breaking ono c f h is rib s, n i# p h y sician thinks STO VES that he w ill recover. —am»-O n th e 27th ult., th e engine of O anandaigna in population according t o b tho P e m b e rto n Marl train , w hen near th e new census. H ouse F uenishino G oods New E g y p t, ra n over two cow s, killing A lady in Vicksburg, Miss,, requested one of th e m . Cows cannot auccensfilly on h e r deathbod th a t sh e might bo b u rie d H ADDEN m a Pompadour w aist, c u t ‘biased." compote w ith loaomotives. * o o., W a te r Stm t, Toma River, * . J., N ew Orient»«? w ants a s a * oulemrisincr lo a m th at M ath ias Kokhr. m a n who know s.huw to keep a hotel t o Shoemaker, living a t S haron, acciden ta k e th e St. Charles H otel, w L h ta n o w ' Jttt they o re now^re^irod to sell all tally shot h im se lf on T u esd a y evening, vacant. the 26th u l t . W ith some friends h«l ^ t?ur is. th e P rettiest woman i n just re tu rn e d from gunning, a n d while l a r i s , and her photographs sell by th o at two francs, while Engeuie’s STOVES, FLTBNACE8, seated on a fence attem pted to draw a thousands are slow at one franc. b ramrod fro m a loaded g u n . T ho hum A Traitor at Cape M ay recently m isse d HEATERS * RANGES mer c a u g h t in tho fgnee an d th e load was h is pillow in the morning, and a f te r discharged in his breast, te a rin g away searching a while found i t rolled up o vor In por line at N e w York city price#, adding only the lower p o rtio n of his h e a rt, severing his oar, like a b it o f lend pencil. P ad c a r t a «# and the pnblie can depend article In the way or T h e King of Sw eden ia said to b e o n aorta, a n d causing instant death. The deceased w a s a sober, industrious, and advocate of women's rights, and has a iv e n every facility to female stidente f& t h e Stovea, Heaters, very poor m a n , about 35 j-eats of age, s tu d y and practice o f medicine. and leaves a wife and six sm all children. O f th e am ount o f gold now exhum ed, Furnaces & Hongos, ----------- — -— — „ fo u r thousand m illions are estimated to Masonic Funeral.—Ur. E lija h Steam? be m com and bullion, one million i n operatiu“8 fw t-rate, and reipectftally request al who are 11) itendlnc to pnt In anything In our line watches, and th e rem ainder lu jew elry, died at h is residence iu E nglish town, on * ** to call m ua, and they can rely on havidg their Saturday la s t, and was b u ried in the Cem p late, &o. mded to promptly and In goodorder, Among oi etery in F ree h o ld , on Tuesday, with Ma FH rting is known as “ bluffing” at M a rir stock may he found th e following sonic cerem onies. Mr. S te arn s cams to: S - V i n e y a r d , th e benches which lin e celebrated cooking atovofl: this S tate t h re e years ago from Cold Wa th e bluffs being th e rendezvous of y o u n g Mu .tual Friend, 4 sizes, ter, M ichigan, with tho ho p e o f improv lad ies and gentlem en w ho engage iu th e The Ï ing his h e a lth . He was 65 y e a rs of age, am usem ent. nud leaves a widow and tw o grown up Tlie Live Oa, 4 sizes, children. O live Branch □ , No. 16, F. A. SPECIAL NOTICES. M., of F re e h o ld , attended th e funeral at T he Good Will, 4 sizes, tho C em etery, where the cerem onies were conducted b y P . D.1(J. M.*. Holm es W. The S Murphy, as s is te d by P. M. \ R ev. «. LockSentinel, 3 sizes, wood. Ing inv testimony to th e yaiue Beacon Light Range, 3 sizes, Mr, S te a rn s , removed from T om s River, ING FI.UIDS for tho care o! ï h m t ' i i ï r t a » ; Borne two y e a rs ago. H e cam e hero an coiiqjlaintn. Sometime a co mv rtnnnh«» , n a * suffering from a severe cough, whlch^l-ad rem Congress Range, 3 sizes. invalid, n u d exchanged his p ro p e rty here fined her to the house for o ver four me nth« to yield to any remedieaortr“ atment with some a t Euglishlown, w ith Edward refused coujd obtain. VVe, as w ell a s all who knew h e r a Parlor Stove# we have the cam e to the conclusion th a t she rm«t J gÎ k Day. Mr. S. was a Royal A rch Mason. 1870 1870 s M usical . — Young lady in joclcey hat, “Come, C o u sin Jack, all re a d y for the beach,’’ Jr.c k rising, whistlas “ Tho pcs. tillion o f Lonji-m can.” Y oung lady takes his a rm , hum m ing low a n d sweetly ‘•Shoe fly.” A few d a y s ago, Mr. George Greer, son of tho late M ajor Joseph G reer, present ed a t th e S u sse x National B a n k for pay ment S9u i n bills of tho old Sussex Bank. The bills w e re of different denom ina tions of th e o ld copper plate issue, some two or t h r e e o f wbioii were date d July 4th, 1818, b e in g of the first issu e of the Bank, th e d a ta of the latest o n e being in 1828. T h e bills were found in a n unused drawer, w h e re they had d oubtless been placed by M ajo r Greer som e fo rty years ago for safety, and forgot them . We need not add t h a t they wore p ro m p tly and gladly re d eem e d .—Sussex Register. mh T i ° i t0UBthat 8huha* t h u S ; S ? t ! |AY*I COLUMN. D . h m S traw S aw & P laning M ill , mU NEW ‘Shoes’, New Advertisements. Great Variety, Best Gun Powder'Tea at___$1.50 AT Tin and Sheet Iron ^ JIL L E T T & y o u will save tim e a n d money D r n g g i s ;No handsomer in t h e State - e * t t* M a in TOMS RIVER, N. J. EDW ARD carefully compounded by a practical DRUGGIST and CHEMIST. L Ä i S K Ä r - ”■“■ 1^* FREE DAY, M A H. L ! “MUTUAL FRIEND,1’ AULF F farmer can hardly THE INCREASED YIELD. CONSULT TOUR OWN INTERESTS AND ‘Averill Chemical P aint Co.’s Uftc S q u a n h 'u m M a rl ! ! Squankum and Freehold Green Sand Marl, is the R ichest Marl i n BASE CARPETS, MATTINGS, PAINTS, / O ILS. ’ VABNÎ3H. TURPENTINE. WUODEN WARE, BURNERS TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPS. The subscriber 0fibre Ills ENTIBE STOCK OP STOVES, S O U T IIR IIIV NEW FA RM S , r 29 F A R M IN G D A L E , such as HON. H. B. JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, MASTERS, The stock conalal» of both » Vi e~ 1 8 7 0 . FLOWERING SHRUBS WINDOW PLANTS, CUT FLOWERS. BOUQUETS to order, WILLIAM J. GRIFFIN, „ WILLIAM BEAME8, Tonis River March 8, 1870.—flmW. Farmingdale Iron Foundry, R ea t in o C o o k in g and S to v es, ntnnng which arc th o se crlebratud Stove? known In tills sectio n of connlry ami nil o v er tlio rest of and ^ 106 DYE FANCY GOODS, N are ready to furnieh the very Im t of w r We feel comldeat that we am furnish famihe«, hotels, boarding bosses, Mure« and m ----- ta. wRh 4 better article, at lower ratra, TE 4 J T H E Y A R E ROW SUPPLIED . th« Km« «í C lio i's lm .— WAT ER. WATER, SODA ■aoaé«tolte Ban n m a i r i BREAD, A DBUG T H I B STORE, F lour, OO., We will sell» Ita V o c k Jobber, In good capable 0! turning o u t J ,OOC impresziona per bonr, very chran anil tm rnty terms. 8 :in 8 X IS inside of tluwv. A uply to GKO. M. JOY, Ed. Omutor, Toms River. K . i. • L a nins , REAL ESTATE, r or Sale anti Exchange. — a lso - n o r n * n ur all E n tD s TO , jET. — ALSO,---- H eal and F eed , kept eamaUattyoa head. U O m L im a J W fs s s r .s s !? : ••irairara»toft* W t o lit o k r y to r B r id td m r g • .• .■ a T ^ a i » « * « OF C racker IN S U R A N C E DEEDS AND W lLDTNOS MORTGAGES | 5 T ig . 'g 3 S j% ‘i r ^ 5 ^ . * 'i Æ ra d an Moda of «mveywncing prom ptly i B ATE S |J » O R « % t-fç. Theaubacriber offer« for rale bsa new Ulfe 8 STORY BUILDING, I* I l F.HM P O R S A L B . — and — KIND8 u rn A * T K I YKKY ' MONMOUTH OU P R IS T IN O CAKES, W e bty « « #tol K r Ckab. aad bar at d atol W ATEE, ---- AT---- H Jan. 18.1870- l y » — rartt good« aa caraprtea toiatech o f a taw dam bakery, will bo kept eoectanti; on head. West India G oods end Groceries, SODA a C. CHIP MAN. Sitnated on Water fl Cranhrrky A LL BENJ. H A IN E «, Elizabeth, N. J. taiM Cowrw*T»nr*n’« Bíchanos . Tonn H iver. M. J. J B u s in e s s S t a n d s , aND LEMON BISCUIT, made from the beat o f material* ••at the very lowest market price«.' *fCDAR S W A M P AND C IlA V n K IfR Y H O G W A IT E D . Tim Hiibacrtber desires to purehom a few acres of Cedar Swamp on a good stream, eith er with o r without tlmlver ; «loo • few acre# ct cranberry Ixig ; ala» pro p erty on Toma River, address with lUiM-ription and'price, ClllPMAN K O L D STAND, COUNTRY RESIDENCES Town L ot», Bouton Sugar, Soda, and Oyster Crackers, NASSAU ST., o|ipoalte C ity n a II, New Y ork Cit y. Send for a Circular. G. n . BENEDICT, f'HAS. K. GRAHAM. ■18 Secretary. President. ( Y ' Give mr a call, an d ace for you reel ve». Agent, J erhev . MONEY the liest H e a te r valuable farm s, d w e l l in g h o u se s, LEWIS, BLACKMAN A OO. AND DC8TERS, SODA Heritor, -A N D - STUFFS, Such wio O# haoe ta d ay at Loog B r e a d , he- Parlor u™ °’v«ir*Mr? 0f " w T o n a la lla 8ta tlon, York River R. R., at $20 p er acre. Very fine property. 1 * - ,,r y » » J »III » » « m p m , them to view any of Urn above properties. 3t fs thè piar ; lo bay A D V A N T A G E S UK rOUBD IN Mutual Benefit Savings Bank »«»«toiiUdtaffm o*>mil. and very desirable property. Good soil and heavy tim ber, -lust the property to make rnonoy on. N ew . IN THK and ail other work in our line. au !L 9; r F1rTn* wllhont num ber, if you will tfMIINERV, tnade nnd repair all on tho Jbove nswed parties a t Farmingdale, |W " LIGHT MAGHINERV, ed at Short Noti ce .-a a !'‘ B- MA8TERH. Of Vir"1,0Wn B P ^ r i y that will suit, 8mft5 LA FETUA A VANNOTE, w r. M asters will accommodate parties wishing to STORE A 5 I MAT 1Oriental AUCriONEER, c a s h pKPOSlTlNa « J - ^ our fwra* UMr Olivet Church. FIrat, 800 acres, at f 8 p er acre. 5S®Sd “ °acres ,CTC**t P*'r « re . Third. i125 at f8*1'1 p er acre. PAItM INGDALE, t e r m s DICTATOR, No. 5— Farm 222 acres n ear the abevo farm at $» p er acre. Splendid location. B A K E R Y !! B R I C K 1, ORDERS P R O M P T L Y FILLED. fi-—Fsrni of WO acres, 1 }' miles from No. 4— Farm of m acres near New Ken* Pn",t. cl,,|*r an'1 timber lands, 'e r y fine soil, andean bo had a t (10 per acre Term s easy. MADE , liEFKitKNuiai. «In rgi* Walton, Uirhard Mkirm, and Samuel liynr», Tom* River. K. I. Pitcher, w . Stokes, 8. Laird, Goe Work*, ton* Branch: W m. French, P. 8. EUlot. W. K. Couover, «ml U.m Work*. Red B a n k ; Railroad 8>him gand"thffkbuildings, M anchester; Thomna It. Jackson, W . M. Gauty, ct. oi., New Y o rk : taefory, a t Urlckrbnrg. Apply to JOHN TO R R 7, J r , 7>lamhosier, ocean Oo., H. J. The ORIENTAL ¿ ¡ S S H . ^ ¿ S Um'nr' * "“ '■‘" “'r "“k YARD. delivered at a ny stalion on tb<- Iiaritan and Dela ware Buy Railroad whore there t* a aid« track, at l U i O U L A it M A R K E T R A T E S . rhcao B rick a rn cipinl in Size and qu>lity to thorp niado a t Havc-retraw. Aa tho aubHcrlber furnishes Brick w ith the freight prepaid, much troub.o is saved to the buyer the world '¡!’. I2r,(1n, r',s ‘>B Chickohomlng River. Good Imlidlugs and splendid lands “ V?.“" 0» «;l«vaUen commanding view of wiioie estate. 1 hi* property can be had for $25.000. Term« easy. ’ U ltlL 'K aubaoribe.r ia now prepared to tarnish N EW ??d« S 2 n:?-A.Mr> Maatars will meet person# St n n v H ^ i " ? ,.“ Wo,ni on V'Tk River Railroad, «,v,u« 1,1111 «°tlcG in time, a i r „ J S f * “i th,a part of the Stale, and that ia all we ask. and wo think wo know tho result. Ileal Estate 1 8 7 0 . j ||A R I C I I l S S T E R 1,1 Virginia Mu- MASTERS, well ivu«’ ♦ i ; 7 I^ nn i0f *cren. Improvement«, , 1 ° ' two-story, double dwelling house, modern extensive apple orchard, fJlO M S i l l V K i t NURSERY, and oth er fruits iu abundance, «00 acres cleared ero^ih6 *m/5‘b.6r’ ?lands 'T “0ofP ^P w lloLee— n inWhite first growth. I Adjoining Gen. OK A N D A V E N U E . House property. Can be bought for *20.00 imr The undersigned, having started a Nursery acre. T erm s easy, will soil the whole or half. and Green House, desire to inform tlio inhabi tants of Toma River and Ocean County, that they are now prepared to receive tholr order» for any thing in their line, conaisting ol EVERGREENS, ORNAMENTAL AND SHADE TREES, FRUIT TREES, oi all tizos and prices, BEDDING PLANTS, 11 Cords of V irginia Pine Wood cam« ashore at !‘ly b1'“:" ou fl*H " th day of May. Tho owner can nave it by proving property and paying charge«. W m . P . C h a d w ic k . dl 7 mil«« below Squan Inlet. n P? i L P ,,Tw* Addbehs—NEW KENT COUNTY Fo»t ORice,|Va. J r x r z a w hand and furnished to knnJi iJTSi1 10 CRACKER Always dry, never broken, and need« no repairs ROBERTS ft McCLEES. V i r ^ i i i i H W o o d lot* H a lo , OF VIRGINIA, M ATIIIR* ISeta. per #qaaie foot. All who suffer from indigestion, bilious disor Street pavement, »5 ao da P U B K D B U G N , der«, nervon« affection«, constipation or undue Road relaxation i f tae bowels., are invited to considei tnese facts, viz —That the curative operation of T a r r a n t ’s k f f r r r n e c n t i K l t u r A | w E X C A V A T IN G and G R A D IN G MEDICINES ¡l CHEMICALS, r l e n t . in all such cases, is proven bv overw^eUTiiag testimony; that profound medical do n e 1 « mil Its b r a a e h f t . practitioners endorse i t ; that Analytical Chem ists pronounce it identical with the waters of the great German Spa; that it parities sod regaiates ih- system without weakening i t : that it is de- GRAVEL ROOFING DON liwhtfhlly rtfreghing. and that eveiwelement it ON SHORT NOTICE. »m s is either corrective, alterative or invig P i !T E S T m e d ic in e s , orating. Weigh these words. * ___ SOLD BY ALa, DROiGISTS._______ Ail work guaranteed. W forced on a smooth fcce (without ifdwry? GRANT ft VALENTINE, in Six Week* by FRENCH ONOrKStT.’’— Mailed tor 50 cents. .’ Prcfcrut; tz: fl. P nor. Toma R iver, H. J. v « m n , MILLER, Adam«. M a s s . ____________ •R-Parties having a mall capttul ea a seeare E W M ED ICA L PA M PH LET—« ■ an opportunity seldom met ta d o mark far » ‘» IT , HAI» OO* AC. insl. Physical and Nervous Debility, it# eff u t a other localities, withwith, o u aaotetaaee and ects sad care. Price 25 cents. Address SEC RET AF.Y. Museum of Anatomy. 618 Broadway. Sew York. COMES, BRUSHES I J E A f l l P R O P E R T Y POR S A L B . Powder, N, J ., G E O . G. BR O W ER, at half the cost of Blue Stone. » B U G MAIN ST., TOMS RIVER, N. J. at Prices Below Competition, —AMD— J g R I C K B B t 'I t U making an even, unbroken and sm ooth sarfcce ON Toma River, Aug, 81,'IIO t f We are prepared to make Freehold, N. J STORE • GOODH, Railroad Connections Complete. PLOW CASTINGS, CELLAR 0 RATES, «TPamphlrt* containing ta ll information mint “Asphaltuin Walks,” h h te B rada, am « M p o a d h y O NEW imvtrni j 00 ac^e" a,,J°tnl"tf ‘h« above. Will cut 1000 cord« good wood, at $7 per acre. IN NEW JERSEY. k Hardware Ptere, a t tho o r t'n- • nxt sixty days) g P L B N D ID IX . DELIVERED AT ANY POINT 0H A R LR 8 I. and everything nsnally k e p t In a Furniture FRAMES S » THE TRY A. A. YARD, Sup’t AND C ARKIAO F. D R IV E S , IRON OF ALL KINDS, liaK,, bo., lukon March 30.—C.&R.lj>97 m . ITCTTJBE th e Country. free to any addr»M, upon application. I M P R O V E D o f all kinds. Crockery & Garden Seeds, in the Dual manner, aiiu maimiaeiuru bn enllmated Sole Agents for Ocean Co. for the Farmers Cannot do Without it. 0U N U R HARDWARE & CUTLERY F O R BLACKSMITHS,* It lnkaeH old, worn out land, new The F U R N I T U R E Notice, “ R e v o l v in g L ig h t ,” Orders promptly attended to. e r t il iz e r THR COST 18 NOMINAL, COMPARED WITH Ready-Mixed P ain t,” ROBERTS & MCCLEES would nnnonneo to tho oltlzon« of O cean County that their are p repared to offer bargains in And tho different Special attention given to repairing, by an ex lerienced workman. AdveriMm AND NEW GOODS GENERALLY. OF EV ERY DE8CTIPTION. J e w e lry , THE VALUE OF THIS to tito NEW C A R PETS, NEW M ATTING, ‘ B e a c o n ,” whero they are prepared t* repair WATCHES, em ark NEW HARDWARE, 745 Baptist Church. W ood’# Hull. Sabbath morning service............... 10,30 do evening do ............... Sabbath school a t ............................. 11.00 i’reyor aud C onference meeting, Thursday e v e n in g ...................... 7.45 Episcopal Chnrch, Hoy. W. S, Walker, D. D. Sunday m orning,...............................10.90 " evening.................................. 7.90 in school room ou lo t udjoluing comolcry. and other Cooking Stovea, nud tho Clocks, , y ST O H E , J J -« W FOR HALE BY OF CHARGE. -«« A Book of 125 !5 cclosely printed pages, lately is,, , »list of the ben; American AdverUsmg Mediums, giving the na: nes. circulation«, and full particulars con.-erning the leading Daily and Weekly I ’olltical and Pami !y Newspapers, topether with all those having large circulation«, published in tho interest of Reli gion, Agriculture. Over lot» Different R H A D K R. Literature. Ac., Ac. Every Ad’.ertiser, and every P0” » “ w,h0 contemplates bee oming such, wi,l hnd this book of great value. Mailed free to any 37 «'Wress on receipt of fifteen cents. GEO. P. ROW ELL A CO., Publishers No. 40 Park Row. New York. The Pittsburg (Pa.) Umlrr, I n its issue of May 1. 18.0, says: "The firm of G. P. Rowell A Co., 2 0 , 0 0 0 C H A liB K R R l^ which issues tills interesting a- id valuable book. is the large st and best Advei tising Agency in For Sale at Collier's Mill«. the Catted States, and we can cheerfully recom E. P . EM80N. mend it to the attention of th ose to desire to ad July 80,1870.—Im89* vertise their business scientific ally and bystenmtically in such a wav : that is. «• >to secure tbe lar gest amount of publicity for the least expendi ture of money.” Healing Leaders. zens of Ocean county, at their store, a . W il 10. So b.IJO 2.311 Peabytcrlan Ohuroh. llov. T, H. Waite , Pimtor, Sabbath morning uorvlco............... 10:30 do ovoning d o ............... 8: Sabbath School.................................. H:00 luceting—^Wodiicstlay ovoning. S. a, loachcr’a m opting—Monday ovu. Kinging rohoraal—F rid ay evening Communions—1 S a b b ath lu March, Juno, Sept, ami Don, Also Agent for the % ,T A N K It M R P R E S C R IP T IO N S E., lor advice, terms and Magic Sheet Iron Ware, L L OC K S , Tho Bubacriber# will bo ploaHed to greet the cit j o Toms River Church Directory. Gutters, and ,1 K W K L II Y ivr. T oms R iver, N. J. Metbodiat Episcopal C hurch. Rev. U, liamh, Pastor, Morning acrvica................................ EvenIng » ................................ Sabbath School.................................. Public Prayer m eetiu g , Thursday evening a t..................................... Tin, Copper, and ^pA TU H K S, S treet, 36 C A S H Consultation and Medical Advice given The subscriber offers for rale 71*acresof Beat* and opposite Tr rkertoo. Very k*w. Enquire j A G eorgia neighborhood is discussing CHARLES L. 8HIHN. | the "law p o in t" whether a u m a has a Jan. 11,1«W. Weri Orari j right to p u t rattlesnakes in b is »trawherj ry patch, t o guard them from b is neighDR. A J. HOPKINS’ i bor's ch ildren. j Twenty-five years ago S ara to g a was a I small viuagtr with dozen h o t tils. Now it Tne onit natural and ratiooai remedy ever«** is a to* u m 18.060 in h ab itan ts, with w » « e l for Scratch«, Grease Heels, i u m h .-o r 8o*TJ>sod wounds oa Horses and Osdle. Price j thirty h o te ls an d as mony m o re boarding” ■one doftsr per bc«Je, F r e f . r d ' I en'**inpinent o f K nights T e m p la r I /over » yea n a w? chief Veterinary Sorgrae ia _____ arranged to bake place a t At UnA m in is te r of Springfield, O hio., asked i J f f j iwxt m o n th , com m encing o n th e he üñiñe o í a bridé who ap¡ w ared before ! to sold onW smi entirety oe As swots. I f * n in g u n til th e 24th. T h e A M to *der t h e auspices o f tb e h F lj. lodery, o f GaOkJen. s a d in Roofing, REPAIRING. 170. March 2, 1870. 08 Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Alwsys on hand at Reasonable Prices, INVENTORS W E IG H T H E S E WORDS. « I. S. NESBIT& S. T. WILLIAMS m ~F O R col Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Maniifactubkr * Dealer DECKER’S, Main St., Toms River, N . J. United States, ltev• JOHN SALESMEN ttSA,. Letters by Mail will reeeive especial attention. Farmingdale and Sqimn Village Jobbing iloni! nt iliortnotiM . PERFUMERY, &c. !— u o r r e n I TO W N , N. .T— Board and Tuition;,$208 P A T E N T 8. 25 Watches, FANCY 000D S, college Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MC NN &CO. editors of tlie "Scientiflc America!?,” who have prosecubefore the Patent Office for'ove sif American auU ItltMSU P*. Agency is the most extensive in the world.— Charges less than snv other reliable agency. A pamphlet containing full instrn -tions toinventors is sent gratis. -------- * ” Very Fine Toms R iveh, N. J., MEDICINES, o 1'? 1“1.'! ! ! '" '- includinc Bonrd, Tnltton, o o<l *“ * » » . Tot» oha,»». tor Normal l>np IB, f i t I a year. For eircnlar, with full t ,artlculars, apply to 1 JOHN S. IIART, Principal. CLASSICAL I t s s i ’i T U T E fo r Y o u n g M en a i d Be y s . 18 RN ,e.v’ E- MJ1XANE.ER. Principal, Hightstown, ewJJersey. Newspaper 20 DRUOS, THE P P L E P A R IN G , COIÜÑÜ kAiil SLICING M A C H IN E -T akes 4 turn# ino crank to each apple. 8o’,d «t Storna.— Good Ground Coffee.......... AND ATTENDED TO W. T . H E S K E T H , One Door S o u th o f the Post Office, A full assortment of Stsite Normal School, Trenton, N.T eem ale 10 STORE, PROMPTLY Fence Posts sawed and holed. Oak Wood for sale aud Sawed to 24 Order, ly2G Dried Apples.... ......... APPLICATION 200,000,00 PROM ANY PART OF THE COUNTY “ “ Yv ’ki ............................... • • • • • • • • • • • • l^SOoioOo'.OO Y o r k ............................................................. 5 7 2 ,2 1 6 ,8 0 HUDSON, Jersey City....................................................... ALSO, 1.25 in -he highest stylo o! art. BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ijadies, AMIA ^ .—The 20th Annual Session will P L? SE£G£E,VLX open Hept oth, 1870. Superior advantogeTat do 13 N. B.—Kiln-Dried Lumber used. at Sine Goods to select from. m - ^E N SA H Tm nnw FA i ' L S ’ a t Short N otice. Unpeeled Peaches 35 ^ orlteT- ^ a A F lltS T - U L A s i ' F The tnibscriber, having received tho Agencies for Ocean County, will Blinds, Effect Insurance at Reasonable Rates, m tho following well known anil reputable Companies;— Shutters, Mouldings, 110,000.00 Trimmings, &o. 4 , ™ LILS J P J U A L FIKE AND MARINE, Newark, LYCOMING,................................................. Kaoi QflOoa T u r n in g a nd S c r o l l W o r k “ D A Y ’S BAItAIAItU, * Main St., - - Post Office Building. em ale do Splendid dried peaches, sliecd H eader, F IR E IN S U R A N C E O F F ÍC E ¥“Constantly on hand Sign of the Largest Boot in the X. the 1“COhio. uinu, SVith. ,* m i over forty year» of years v-.p-.^u^jthls well-known School offers nuusnill ndTQDtagen ftic a thoroll'h education both In the aolid and ornamental Enutohe,. Thocoetl, only ahnnt $5 h week: A nEnnonox of ck s FOUBTH FOR TUB UAUOHTERS OF MINISTERS.—- WITH Bes Best Japan T e a ..................... 1.25 Work All orders promptly attended to. A share of your patronage Is solicited. H. W. BROWN & CO. Toma River. N . J ., April 87,1870.—97 Ar,LlI' K (O.) FEM ALE ^E B IIiV A ItY .—.Delightfully situated o n CONNECTION O CEAN C O U N T Y 90 Orders solicited for any of th abovo wor, and executed with Best do do 1,25 despatch. Heavy .Frame Timber Sawed. Fine Oolong or Black Tea at 90 FIRST CLASS SHOE STORE. 8 II O S DEPOT. Fine Moyune Y Hyson Tea at X ) A Y ’S E I S U B E D ! -O S Sashes, THE ORDER OF THE DAY. [in NE AR RAILROAD Y O U Ready-made Doors, P R IC E S of all inds, C — Red Bank, July 4. 1870. Best Rice................................ And, in fact, everything in our line wanted by housekeepers generally. Please call and see for yourselves. O L L E G IA T E IN ST IT U T E F O R YOUNG L A M E S , P o u g h k e c p .I e , f1* Established in 1849. Excmlent oppor tunities for a complete English education. An cient and modern languages. Art. Music, i\ri, music, Elocn------ «GymnasUcs ------- -lauguagts», ----------a Gon and thoroughly,88taught. \ a s s a r C ollege P re p a ra to ry S Scch o o l. Special course of study furnished Jy Pre President Raymond. Scholastic year begins Sept. 12,1870. l o r catalogue address the Principles, GEO. W. COOK. A. M., and MARY B. JORN80N OePBEATTV ALSO FOR PHILADELPHIA, at , 7.40p. m„ tromManchester. _ „ LEAVE NEW YORK From Pier M (toot Murray Bto at 0.4« a. in., and 2*2£p ,Ä ; 0££n®oUnf M T0“ »»1*«'. at B.*t8n5iKl 8. n r Leu« Brauch only, aud at 4.30 p. m. for Philadelphia „ . . „H AVE PHILADELPHIA (Fo° t of Walnut 8treat) at 7.00 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. for Toma River. FREIGHT FOR NEW Y0BK muet be deUvered a t Toma Rivor depot before 3 p. m., to euaure forwardin« the aame day. _ . OTI. KIMBALL, Supt I^ O W usually k e p t in stores of thl# kind. H om e T e s tim o n y . Grand Lkikie, Eaton Co.. Mich., Aug, 14.185b w her, yon buy yonr B o o ts and Rhoeja. Jjb. C, VV. Kohaok—Dear Wri-My wife haa Im plem en ts, been bed-ridden for the last year, and moat of A g r i c u l t u r a l hat«1™,!»“ d“etor6d until the doctor«’ bills Your agents here, Case & 1urner, persuacled me to give your Scandinavian remedies a trial. I got six bottles of tho Purifi Spades, S h o v e ls, er ami four boxes of the pills, and they entire! v R a k e s, Hoes, cured her and she is now as smart as ever. I would recommend the medieino to all who may A S plenditi A s s o rtm e n t of Nails, W ood & be in a like situation. I behove yonr medicines W illo w - Ware. to be what they are recommended. Yours re spectfully, GEORGE L0VELASS. T h e O c ean Y a c h t I t a c c . The end o f th e race betw een th e Cam bria and Dauntless is thus described by the Now Y ork Tribune: SIGHTING THE YACHTS. For a d a y o r two, sailing in company, the vessols k e p t each other iu sight, but ou the th ird day they parted, tho Daunt less talcing a southerly course to catch the southw est breezes that p re v ail qt and around th o Berm udas a t th is season of tho year, th o Cambria to tbo northward. Out of tho tra c k of tho ocean steamers, nothing m o re oould be heard of them un til their arrival. What w inds thoy might have, or w h a t disasters m ight assail them no one co u ld know, aud i t w as left for conjecture a n d speculation w ith a light sprinkling o f th e element o f Time, to settle th e g ra n d Iquatio dispute^) As tho d a y a n d hour approaoned when the w inning vessel was expected, ar.uies of the in tere n te d or idly curious assailed all available p o in ts favorable for the ob servation o f th e term ination a n d result of the stru g g le. Day after d a y nn d night alter night, tire d nnd weary m e n plowed tlioir way th ro u g h the s a n d o f .Sandy Hook, d is p u tin g every inch w ith the bat talions o f m usketoes th at a rrn y e tf them selves to d is p u te the right o f th e invad ers. Long a n d bloody was th e contest, until this ra c e also became aft interna tional affair between the A m erican citi zens nnd t h e Jersey sand flies, wood ticks, a n d m usketors, who w ere a t length compelled t o give way before th e furious onslaught o f th e m ultitude, w ho bad so arranged affairs that the circulation of the current coin of the realm would re ceive a lre s h impetus. “ Oat-Door flu" a r e undoubtedly pleasant, but when they involve the am o u n t o f person al inconvenience, and the e x te n t of pro fanity to w h ich tlie nnutical gentlem en of the period a n d Sandy H ook, th e latter including t h e insects before-mentioned, they cease to b e “sports,” a n d are sus ceptible o f th e stigma of “ b o re .” Since T u e s d a y of last week a band of reporters h a v e infested the H ook, nnd, peneii in h a n d , nnd eyes lu ll o f sand, have w aited an d watched diligently for e first glim pses of tho s ig n als of the victorious vessel. “F ootsore a n d hun gry, ’ p a tie n tly they stood t o th e ir post itil they w e re relieved yesterday by an exclamation from Capt. F arrell, the tele graph o p e ra to r at the H ook, th a t the Cambria w as in sight. T he festivities iu which th e re p o rters aud tho verm in had so long p artic ip a ted were at. an end, pleasurable a n d innocent gam bols with sand flies a u d their constituents and co adjutors w e re sudd enly enjoined, bright day dream s to wbieh the m o u rn fu l lay of tho m usketo h a d lent its charm were dis pelled, a n d th e weary su n b u rn e d eyes were stra in e d seaward to ca tch a Bight Of the famous English yacht. A t about 21 o’clock a Tribune, reporter, w ho had sta tioned h im se lf ou the peak o f th e roof of Jenkinson’8 hotel on tho H ig h lan d s first espied th e gaff-topsails of a peculiarly rigged y a c h t an d called the attention of the H ighland telegraph o p e ra to r thereto. It was so m etim e beforo it w as possible to make h e r o u t, for at th a t tim e she was thirty m iles o u t to sea. Slow ly h er tops raised u n til h e r square sails forward, her immense j i b am i the blue nag with a white ball a t th e tore could b e described when the qu estio n was s e ttle d th a t the Ctujibiiii w a s Ira sig h t Gn she ssnic, every stitc h o f canvass set a n d all draw. ing—jib, fo re and mainsail, square sail aud square topsail and gaff-topsails, close h a u le d on the starboard took, the wind n o rth w e s t half n o rth , pointed straight fo r th o ligbU hip.i. W ithin live minutes th e Dauntless was also Righted, making th e b e s t of the breeze, standing for the lig h tsh ip , the term inus of th e race every sail s e t nnd drawing, a n d about nine m iles to tho southw ard a n d west ward of th e Cambria. F o r a tim e the race was exciting. Tw enty-three days before the tw o vessm >had sailed togeth er from a p o in t 3.000 miles d i s ta n t Dar ing the voyage they w -rr h undreds cf miles ap a rt, nu d here they a rriv e d within a few m o m en ts of each o th e r alm ost to gether. T b e mee itself lay between a point 40 m ile s from Sandy H ook and tLe lightship. T he two yachts reem ed to fly through th e water, and for threeqnarters of an h o u r no human being could tell which h ad th e advantage. All was ex citement E v ery eye was tu rn e d to lee ward ; e v e ry nerve was d raw n to its u t most te n sio n , a s the two vessels flew on. Either m ig h t win. But th e w ind, which in the m o rn in g had veered from east ward to n o rth w e st, seemed to h au l round again. F o r a short time it blew lightly : the C am bria ennght tbe la s t o f i t : and the B ritish v a c h t passed tb e lightship at 45 m in u te s p a s t 3 o’clock. T h e Daunt less had d o n e nobly, and a s though con scious o f it, sh e sailed on proudly, though 1beaten, a n d crossed the m ark a t 54)5. GOODS. ‘Boots’ and Articles, 3BW«.t8iUSt,',N.Y. tea. A T t . T î î Katontown Junction, ooonectina riJGatoBtown Junction for Red will be specially attended to by experienced workmen, promptly and at very low rates. of tbe disease s ¿nnwn ’ 3 wnlcüttl0 nature Also, a general assortment of For ' dress ~ “ " l,w a i g K ’ **• Modern H o u s e & Kitchen INSURANCE. 2 . 4 0 p . i n . * " 1«1“ • » k,w Ywk- Tin 'in Rooffing and Jobbing a » ; ™ aaLswfè"' FIRE BANK A L S O FOR PHILADELPHIA, via Pemberton, at 10.10 from « ■ B Y GOING DIRECT TO-®« Sheet Iron Work (atfOOUBOR 1« ALLAIRE & MOnrORD.) RED TIIE PLA iTN RENOWN CYLINDER, 4 sues. kinds THOMAS F. M0RF0RD, fto.. u d a t Eatontown JuacUou tnr Rwrt Bank THE ILLU M IN ATE D R E N O W N CYLIN D ER , 3 sizes, -”Æ ankle i i treatm ï Sent. SV e ^ Mi S . „ „ J ,s b t e W .Y p iiïïîS " ^ Ï Ï S S ï5 a,î,*î: K ï è X m ï t w b$ Sllowl"c,A 1“ 1“ "ho n . W M U t B A U *- ARÉANQEUENT. Commencing Monday, July Uh. 1870, t n l w will ran a# foUowsi L E A V E TOMS RIVER fi 0 ft a m lln# fi » New York (vi» U . V V » . m tBM ^yHopkjtpnraoUagtoFkm . se TIIE COSMOPOLITE, 3 sizes, shall take great pleasure in eiring n a S i . r . m ore fully to any who -may choose to raU on m ô or address me by le tte r ¿ith er a t my place J llW y W SUMMER C o la m consumption, her b rother a n d sir wr havinv di^d w ith it, we naturally th o u g h t It haredftarv b 5 BEACON L IG H T BASE B U R N E R , iES- M r. Sam uel P . H am m ond, of Red after having used your iHHAimo Fm-m/V™ 1 more than tw o m o n th s, tho cough c c ïe e d A new and beantifal pattern, and a perfect oper Bank, g ra d u a te d on the 21st u lt,, from little and she gained rapidly hor f esh and strength ator and great fuel »aver, 8 sizes. She is now. wo think, wo» n wem. f E U I Wesleyan U niversity w ith ho n o rs. Mr. H. will b e rem em bered as th e popular young m an w ho a year o r tw o taught school a t P o tt e r ’s Creek, a n d also preach ed at Dover Chapel, to vory general ac ceptance. J f* W CHEAPEST AS W E L L A* T S BEST. 30i50, JTor L n d lo M O n l y . foiled me, just as ho meant to do The inornano in the M anufacture of Ç R A N D OPENING For an urtici« having « remarkable Halo beotanaiir in E u ro p e for tlie preH onfyonr Afl(Irons „ In t h e year of our Lord 1870, befmAî* «f Mr*. MORGAN, to get into it^ and covor wj'Bolf all the time; but go to him if you ever llm t o f h in t year. 1« ab o u t 100,000 S cu d d er, JCaqulra, aud o th e r Judo«. 139 Fultou street. N ew York. in tu T ho p ro d u c t already exceed® that On t h e appiit.nuuu application ui of aJ oaun h n TilTil-11 oJSi ***“*o * PRINTING, away from the jeering, mocking will, pretty dear, I can’t keep you.’ oton«. to ", administrator of Deter Til. j "ltf to f Onban s u g a r cane, F ra n c e exported A i r o r t u n o I n a l l y M i n i o . Cowpertliwait BroV. raon who go stalking up and down He rnado no effort to escape, but 70.000 tons o f b e e t ««gar d u rin g 1809. J o h n Tilton, ad m inistrator of Riulitu fo r salo. Now pstent wttoUi fo r every fnhaving exhibited t o this o*n« H PRINTING, the earth, but limy won’t let mo ; eat down on the gross noar a pur Tho S h eb o y g an , Wi*„ Times, says that S i£ aSwm i n v e n t o r . A cj. oott»«>d, __ urt'll ' “' s la n t nnd n n d trim trimnouonnt i t , . . vicnm tJUHt aooonnt o f tlio , i"1 the farm erH o f Calumet co u u ty , aro pre Campaign, Box 2438, Now York. Okitnto, nnd debts of said deceased Tt'i, “'"J you know whom I moan!’ transfix ple bod of phlox, perfectly resigned paring to g ro w hop« q u ite extensively, Summer pear« that tho personal estate of «'.u n 'bl although ho p -rain in g hu« n o t been very PRINTING, is iUHUillolont to pay bin debts and J "l,‘' I ing lior with his wild burning oyos. to the new order of events, and Lady Agents lu every tomi ami village, to sol aid o n 1870. o f tbo Court in tho preralwi ,;VU,W profitable o f l a t e ; some o w n ers are en what every laity will purchase at Might. beg.,.. to plait the flowers into larging th e ir y a r d « mid seem resolved to that »11 porooua intoroatoil in timun,i.. <*i 'They won’t lot mo.’ Address, auil real estate of said Fetor Tilton a '* 4» Miss WILLIAMS, make or b re a k i n the business. wroaths, talking plaintively of pear before tho Court. ** *bn rv T * »" ‘How cruel!’ she whispered. NEW GOODS IRfl M to " s tr e e t, N V xniUH River, on the aiii.n d i y o M r a H Somebody s a y s tho reason w hy there show caiiRo why ho much of tho said i i,it ‘No, it iibn’t!’ breaking into a jilioiHe while lie worked. Iu tv few i« a g re ater y ie ld of b u tte r w hen the monts, hereditaments, an d real IUl11», shrill laugh that made her blood moments tlio keepers from whom wltolo m ilk in churned, ra th e r than the At Very Le w Prices. GO TO THE fo tcr Tilton, deeoased, shouldnot hi? of> CARDS, is t h a t th e re i« a g re a t deni more ho suftioieut lb pay his debts, ar fhS run cold. ‘ They are my ho had escaped, coining up the oi'unm, thereof as tlie cbbo may re^uim, ¿y|l * c.aeiuo In c o rp o ra te d with it. W hen such lALKINBUUliJl, 110WEI a e«- Bricksburg Nursery, s h , th e tURte is vvei ery agre and you know it. It is you who Istreet, perceived him; ho gave b u tter 1» fre sii, J,0»- R. Om-Hi. b le , but it w ill n o t keep. I s th is so ? Tilos, B, Jung, are falso and treacherous. You himself np to them without a strugT a k e groat pleasuro to Informing an apprecia F o r Y ou r A pig i b o u t flvo mouths o ld was dis l ^ i t D K K TO S H O V iT c A U s ^ gle. have stolon Eloiso’n bonny hair, covered B ucking a cow on tho farm of tiv e public that th o fall o i 1800 finds them ', ihrubs, Vines, Plants, A t a t Orphan's C ourt, h eld nt av David and Hope had been talk Alex. B. ltainH ey, in Clark C o.. Kentucky. p re p a re d with n large a nd varied stock of and her pretty smile, and lior love to th eir «teck of ail f o r the connty of O cean w« i H e w atched i t afterwards fo r several linn u ur t . W e on n o 4,1870, before K. W. Souddor,i lJog « ly face. But for you slio would ing to some purpose, in tho moan- days and fo u n d i t in tho sam e perform W illiam I. James and T h o in n s B j 'i : C È 0., &c. ance. T h e p i g would rear u p , placing it« CiBHABSi L odge , N o. 64.— K e y p o rt, o n time. All at once, tho girl realized Oil. t h o application of C h arles '8!? '¿J1 not have died, You camo like a N EW AND FASHIONABLE HANDBILLS, fore foot a g a in s t the hind leg s o f tho cow, alternate W ednesday evenings. B. B. C A L K IN S BROOKS, Uhi, L e m in g , deceased. | Pierce, W. M. J o h n B ritton, Secretary. vainpyre, and sho wilted and fa how lonely tho present was and and would r e m a in in that p o sitio n until C h a rle s 8. Oollior, adm inistrator n t .. t Brlekslmrg. N..T G oo d s, \ Wall L odge , N o. 7 3 .-8 q u u n Village, H A N D B IL L S , of S a m u e l Leming, d eceased, havtogLuî.' ded. Did you suppose I was blind how barren tho future would be it ha-1 atisfled itneif. on Wednesday evenings on or before every f t 'V W I / R und V \?& C \T th is C ourt, nnder°óàtC a 'ju 's t taiUp*,1 There see m s t o be a great difference in F ull Moon. A. A. Higgins, W. M. E. C. H A V IN G A N D IIA IR D R E S S IN G . of t h e personal ostato a n d deb ts o f., to tho horrid truth? You exhaust with nobody to weave the tangled soils with r e s p e c t to tho inflnenoe of litne to m e e t their evorjr ’w an ts. Kverywcek w e are w h ereb y it appears th at th o person«) H A N D B IL L S , Errickson, Secretary. sufficient to pay his d e b ts aiui mû? ed her vitality, breath by breath, threads into Home sort of beauty upon them . A ccording to th o report of a d d in g to our « o c k , nnd wo otlor a largo a s The Subscriber would Inform , L ong B banoh L o d g e , N o, 78, Every of tlio court In tho prem i k’cbU n 'Ü tliut be ia now prepared, at hia r T rustees o f tho P ennsylvania Agri nil ln ...i.j i_ all pnanuftna e rso n s ln interniteli jn t h e «lands,*D0rQp|^ and took her identity upon your and order. When David’s arm tho tbo Bridge, on M ain Street, to d • H A N D B IL L S , alternate T hursday evening« of each so rtm e n t of cultural C ollege, liming on th e eastern real ostate of said ileoeaaed am tonth. Wm. B. Lipponcott, VV. M. T. slid about her waist and his lips and central fa rm s was w ith o u t benefit, self !’ SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING, C o u rt, al the Court H o u se in Tonis i Kbei'*' 0 . Morford, Secretary. ■HU d a y of October n e x t, t o show S 1W,<H D R ESS GOODS, DOMESTICS AC. on tho w e s te rn ones a lib era l appli O cean L odge , N o. 89.—E very W ednes Hope could not repress a shiver touched hers, though lie colored to while Shampooing, Dyeing of H air and m u c h o f tho lands, ten em en ts, hweffim' ” POSTERS, cation in c re a s e d the corn cro p nearly day evening, a t B ricksburg. John S. real e s ta te of sa d deceased. for the Whiskers, ing cry. He heard it, and his face tho roots of his hair, and trembled one-half. T h e presum ption is that in w ill bb ee euflloi*»1 - - “ will Buffloiout*- to -p— av *-■hTs dcbteoS«,1 *1 Calkins, W. M. E . M ason, Secretary. thereo th ereo f, us the case cuse m r oqnunire i.. °U .?rt» m av ay re Bylhe * with agitation, sho did not try to th e first i n s ta n c e tho Roil n ee d ed some A berdeen L o d g e , N o . 9 0 .— R egular darkened angrily again. POSTERS, Spring and Summer 'Inule, thing else, w h ile in tho second, lime was communications every alternato Friday repulse him. Tho truth was plain ». S 5 j , precisely w lm t w as wanted to im p art vig ‘I intend to kill y o u !’ ho ex evening at M atawau. It. M. Daylou, W. J ™ . B .J Cloths and Cassimercs, HAIR DYJS, HAIR RESTORATIVE. M. C. A. Gorans, Secretary. " w- I. J ames. claimed, going back to his first i s day at lust, and she did love! o r to it. POSTERS, l i t to Its natural C olor. Also a T hunder s o u r s milk and k ills oysters. consisting in part of T uckebton L od g e , N o. J. M eets at preventing HAIR fro m falling a v i ) GOODS f o b B O Y 'S WEAR. idea. ‘ Las$ night I slept in one this man! You may lo ad n vessel to its* utm ost ca Tuokorton Tuesday before F ull Moon. T< > iim i t t u mi,Tom rat,‘ of his own Manufacture. JOHN KLIPPEL. T hey were married, and manage pacity, s ta rt l o r market a n d ono good POSTERS, D r. Mason, W. M. L evi French, Sac’y. of Jupiter’s moons. Tho dog-star I u th e iter o í D e b o ra h Stout m , Toms River, J u ly 15,18(11).—89. round clap o f th u n d e r will k ill every oys P yramid L od g e , N o . 92.— M oots a t A dm in istratrix of the e s ta te ofli¿¡’i Lllai came and stood over my bead ; 1 to live very happily together, tho’ te r iu the v esse l immediately. Pounding N ew Egypt, Tuesday evenings. CJco. W. iol M. Htout. deceased, WHITE GOODS, hoard ith nn ax u p o n the deck o f a vessel K E ADY-MADE CLOT! IING, Lundy, \V. M. A. J . Allen, Secretary. "borali Stout. A dm inistratrix nf ! u tö the music of the spheres, Sister BoH'ins does insist on w BILLHEADS, D an iel S. Stout, deceived, b y order nri^, when oysters a r e thereon, o r pounding I.. ...!. I ) , l i n t - „C —_ J . Ul,‘ Ofthe.i g....ato and the Great Bear howled ¡it mo teaching her oldest grandchild to j upon the sid e s o f a vohbo! w ith a heavy G . A. f t. BILLHEADS, to t h e creditors t i s ,atoabring f i fiS s Ss Ü? J' Hugh 11, Janeway __ m_________ . Post. ..... No. . . 22,, Tom s River, will k i l l every o y ster th a t feels d eceased n t hK-irW debts, over the Little Bear’s shoulder. A read from the identical tract she weight, debto,"claims', meets every first and th ird Friday evening, of BILLHEADS, jar. each mouth. queer little man camo to me pre pinnecl to Hope’s shawl that even The A g ric u ltu ral College at. Hanover. H a t s a c v i ’s, Uurusldo Post, No, 5, Bricksburg, every T hurs BILLHEADS, day evoniiiR. N- IT., h n s b e p n presented w ith n plough tiots therefor against the «„id Ailmlni^ L . sently, who said he was the devil. ing at Major Thornton’s. Admiral Stewart Post, No, 4, MannaliawkJn, m ade by D a n ie l Webster, a n d used on his bF.UOUMl 8T0 t every Thursday evening. HOOTS’ - ÍL SHOES, And Mrs. Cameron, the poor and] Marshfield e s ta te . It in a b o u t thirteen We talked of you and of Eloise. CHECKS, Administra I . O . o f G . T . CHECKS; p r o u d , y o u as/i ? S ix* is q u i t e i t - | feet long a n d w eighs a little loss than a j Ho said 1 must kill you with the Hope Lodge, No. Ö8, Toms River, Wednesday ¡ ¡ > D D E TO \ , n . , , , ton. From w h a t Horace G reeley "knows T T CREDIT CHECKS, fellings. knife f should find in tho field.- o o n c i l e u to lllO m atch, t h o u g h sllf'll nl,(n„ f,m n im i,r.” we think ho should hare ! about farm Itnv of Hope Lodge, No. 20, Jacksonville, near V . l N Jtk'E .VO 7 7 G A X . it: j t >;e m atter of Charlan .S. Coniar. CHECKS, Matawau, Thu7sday evenings. Then my own Eloiso would spring lau gh in gly tells H o p e , somet imm-y |had that plough. We fear the NewHainpA dm inistrator of 11 ì estate u: Pitilla Lo. Lodge, No. 30, Long Branch, Tuesday shire farm ers w ill lmrilly kee p its irons S a m u e l Leming, decre e, d. enuun. that «lie couldn’t help herself, nnd from rusting. ii]) from your dead body.’ ( :ii,ii ;i.‘H8. effilier, adm inistrator of ¿7 CERTIFICATES, Founiuln Lodge, No. 33, Futontow Wedueso f .Samuel I.i-iaini;, dtvi-aseii, by order Mr, R ic h a rd P eters, of G a., inform s the ‘But. I am your Eloiso!’ cried so too/: ‘ Hobson's choice.’ S u rro g ate of the couuty of Oceau, hereby CERTIFICATES, Átluiiile iiodgo, No. 43, Alluutlcvllle, Wodocs- NUKDLI M ORA in great variety | H(ip0) a<MpairilM{lj. •editors o f said Samuel ¿g editor of th o Ohio Fanner th a t neither î- X ïO C K J E î.O jl« , ay evening». •d, to bring iu tlio ir debts, claim,“ CERTIFICATES, Devon or S h o rt-h o rn cattle a r e healthy in Jlaud-Iu-lland Lodge, N o .4î, Red Bank, Thur» m a u d s against the ''s ta te o f said fitremd that section. M r. Peters finds a cross of i ,,11 ,,r 1 ‘ O uo, you are not,’ with a cun n in e TOimtlis from th e 3d day of May ' D uring tho w in ter th a reports from! j fully up to th o Standard. CERTIFICATES, B rahm in sto c k from In d ia , with tho th e y shall be forevor b a r r e d of any action' ning laugh. ‘The devil has put me those associations h av e occupied consid tbo .HiiiBt tbo said adm inistrator. «lloara Lodge, No. 51. Mechnnlcsvlllo, near era b le space in our colum ns, nnd, jndg-j Aldernnys a n d Devons aro health y and 2;CHARLES S. COLLIES, BLANK S, on my guard against your wiles.— i n r from tho many expressions o f salis-j profitable. T h o long wool E nglisli sheep sir/rícuihtral . 'uoBday ach.Tu ‘ evenings. Implements, BLANKS, Monmonth Lodge, No. 53, l'arinlngdale.Thursnth Lot also finds d o not succeed as well there PA RA SOLS, Do you see the clock?’ indicating faction Viiiich have corao to uh through nse the dny evenings. U L E TO L I M I T . M erino, an d he will k e e p none but o u r oorrespondpuee, no p a rt of onr pap e r Hea Side Lodge, No. (¡7, Sqtmu Village, Monday R one that stood on the mantel. eveulngs. lias been Dure atte n tiv e ly rend. Not) the Merino. E . H . Wilkes, a d m in is tra to r .p Navislnk Lodge, No. 70, Navlsink, Friday C h a rle sL . Wilbur, d e c e a se d , b, G. C. Cox, Secretary, gives notice that ly this, many of th e articles hnvo beep Cloths ami Cassimercs Hope nodded, unable to speak. on r o g a te of the county o f Oi T IC K E T S , copied by the lending agricultural papers an association h a s boon fo rm e d in Man Freehold Lodge, No. 70, Freehold, Wednesday t ic e to tho creditors o f s jy M B E I l and COAL. 1You have tbreo minutes to live. o f th e country, a n d th u s the doings of fl| chester, N. H ., for tho se ttle m e n t of gov T IC K E T S , evenings. d eceased , to bring in t h e i r d PLOWS. F LO W CAST ING, S Allentown Lodge, N o. —, Allentown. m a n d s aaainsttho e s ta te F arm ers Club in som e co rn er of our no-j ernm ent la n d s i n Kansas u n d e r th e Home T IC K E T S , You had better say your prayers. Anchor Lodge, No. 85, Matawun, Friday evenin n in e months from t h e 11 day of July bio State, reported th ro u g h o u r columns, stead law. TICKETS, th e y shall bo forever b a r r e d of any acuii There was a glitter in his eyes is m ade to in tere st farm ers in remote) ^Manches icster Lodge, Manchester, Weduusduy against thesaidadm inistrator.' M enam i Hoys' Wear. CU LTIVATO RS, 1 I A Ï iU T T E R S S tates, and possibly g iv e hints, the im evening». ) . E . I I . WILKES, LABELS, that told Hope she had nothing Barnegat Lodge, Templars Hall, .Saturday provem ent of which m a y be of great ben-i LABELS, evenings, to expect from his mercy, unless F U L L E R & N O B L E , d i t t o them. Since N ovem ber last, the) LABELS, Ocean Lodge, a t Good Luck Parsonage on O T T C E IS HEREBY COHN SHELLEKS HOES, LABELS, Saturday evoulugs. site could succeed in diverting his organization o f sixty-tw o Farm ers’ 01nbf| N ' ke application: I boon reported to us. e C onnty ol Oce W E S T IL L L I V E Wo carried n stock over from last attention, and so make him forget liasNow that the lo n g evenings are passed, Would informthecitizens of I. O . O. P . c ir c u l a r s , his murderous design- He stood a u d th e active in d iv id u a l work of mem+ Raum Lodgu 132 m eets on Ttfesuuy at Town season, consequently CIRCULARS, bore upon their ow n farm s has com m end River. with uplifted arm, tho knife-blade Jersey Blue Lodge 45 meets on Thursday ut od. we suppose tho re g u la r meetings for CIRCULARS. DOORS New Egypt, D IC K IN S O N AND HUNT directed towards her heart. He discussion will bo discontinued, until T O M S R IV E R , ith Lodge, No. 20. Freehold, Monday an o th e r fall. B ut i n t h e m eantim e the Eiiijthmg, might strike at any moment. It w ork of tho m em b ers for the genera Navnsmk Lodge, No. 89, Red Bank, Monday ovcninuH. Everything, good of tlio Club, a n d th e mutual ad van t F r o s l i S l o c k was horrible to face death in that llr ie k s ib iir g A V ic t iiit y . Knickerbocker Lodge, No. 52, Matawnn, Mont.agn of its m em bers sh o u ld not cense.—i Eveiything, R iv e r, nnd 12 foot N o rth aud South manner. I A ray of hope dawned Tt should, in fact, j u s t commence. Each L IM E , Of BIUOK8BUUO, Atlapiih Lodge, No. Cl, Eatontown, Thursday R iv e r. Everything, evening*. TO O F F E R , m em ber should th is season, undertake EDWARDTATI suddenly upon her mind. You Want, Eriocli Lodgo, No, í Brauen, Kalurdiiy D a te d July 20,1870. som e experiment n r p u t in operation tin t the sp rin g of IRRil finds th e i r stock o ‘ Eloise! Eloise!’ she repeated, You Want, som e train.of investigation n r thought fot Lady Washington Lodge, No. 13, Degree of Re- which has boon purchased since the AKi: th is occasion to return th e ir lhankato »ecca, Eatontown, Friday evenings, on or before You Want, in a puzzled tone. ‘ Is that the determ ining Rome d isp u te d opinion, of T A , people o f Ocean County, fo r tlioir very tlie CEMENT, N oTthati c Ieshall m n k a application, tn m ore firmly estab lish in g some partially su p p o rt tb o past year, anil take great You Want s e n Freeholders of th e C ounty of Ocean, name of tho woman you loved? accepted theory—th e result of wliiclji liberal PLASTER, Arc. pleasuro m ^inform ing their patro n s, that thoy Lumber a nd Builders' Material C o u r t House in the v illa g e of Toms it Late Reduction in Prices. In our Ime, o stocked tlio s a id County, on tlie 8 th d a y ot Septemb What a wretched mislako you have should bo reported to tbo Club nt tlto In our lino, a t 10 o ’clock, A. M., fo r a Ilconso to com m encement of its next winter caml Fountain Division, No. 59, Toms lUvcr, meets in f r o n t of my land, e x te n d in g into Tw made. She is my sister—that is p aign. Bear this in m ind ; and when In our line, A ll ot which w ill ho [aulii at the lowest Monday evenings. w h e r e tho tide ebbs a m ! flows, which lu FULL AND COMPLETE, m ich : why I resemble her so much. She you begin your season’ labors, plan somij) u a te ii in the village o f Toms River, In our lino, Mannahawkln Division. No. 19, meets Wodnesexperim ent for the b e n e fit of the Farm er^’ C o n n ty , and hounded o n tb e East by O IJ K Cheap and Prompt, is up stairs, and will bo so glad to C lub. Thus, alth o u g h the meetings foj* I’ R O N.KN S 'l'O IR In imit'KHDURU a r g f t i v i s i o o , No, 20, meets Thursday E d w a rd Taylor or A lle n Street,, on the Si evenings. T o m s River, nnd on t h e W est by land) Market Prices. discussion may be su spended during tip) Cheap and Prompt, see you. Shall I call lier ?’ Waretown Division, No. 21, meets Tuesday z iilu i Oiover, which d o c k is tn extend sum m er, the period m a y bo one ot real BiarSpruco Timber of all Sizes,“^¡a N o r th nnd South a lo n g snid River, and ‘ My darling, my darling 1 Is work for the Club, in asm u ch as th e exiFALKINBURGH, BOWERS ACO. Cheap and Prwirpt, Other Departments Division, No. 12. me E a s t a n d West out in to sa id River. x™ evoutuos. GEORGE W. GIBE! periraents and investigations made nri(i Toms Rver. N. sho there ? No, no,’ his face cloud Cheap and Prompt, D. Mkuiull, D. G. W . I’, fur Ocean Couuty. D a te d July 20th, 187ID-1 ra*40. WHITE PIUTE BOARDS, such as cannot be perfo rm ed in the win WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND ing again. ‘You are being to me, ter, nnd will furnish m aterial about wliiclji For CASH, just as the wind, and the rain, nnd to ta lk next winter.--Maine Fanner, For CASH, GREAT O F F E R . •FU LL AND COMPLETE the sunshine lied. While tho groat S P R U C E F L O O R IN G , i V E I t’S C A T H A R T IC P I L L S , D o m e s tic R e c e ip t! For CASH, D R Y ¿HOODS, Horace Waters, 4 S I fìmdm F amily Yeast.—A unhscriber asks foj* a t satisfactory prices. Bear was howling last night, the For CASH, w ill dispose of ono h u n d r e d Pianos,M( WALL STRIPS, devil said you would attempt to a n approved receipt fo r making potatj) For a ll the purpurn;« of At Courier Office, Medicine. i $5 to $25 monthly palm such a story upon me. But y ea st. We hnvo a p p lie d to ono o f our At Courier Office, PINE SIDING, ‘ ’ — ■ — tieyapp! ... . lad y correspondents, i n whom we can roi Suitable for tlie e Included in ho told me I must kill you none ly for good receipts, b u t, not having yet l ’erl laps tin ono At Courier Office, OUE MOTTO TS : medicine Is so univer P It IN G GOODS. the less.’ sally received nn answer, w o give tho follow ovAt Courier Office. s 1 POSTS, cathartic ‘ Then I cannot help you to find ing, which we find in th o Country Gentle nor was over any be Tons R iv er , fore so universally M U S L I N S . B le a c h & B r o w n . Good, Goods, man : — Eloiso,’ said Hope, desperately. ‘I adopted into use, in T oms R iver , T ho following is th o m ost superior re PICKETS, every country and have her picture. Will you be ceipt, among nil classes, us for yeast th a t I e v e r saw, and I have T oms R iver, “ L o w Prices, this mild but efficient trie d dozens, for wo nlwevs use "how lieve mo if I show it to you !’ purgative 1’ u . l . The LATHS, T oms R iver . rising." Tt is osiieeinlly nvnilahle to eontil- from 3-4 to 0-4, lobvTcusranson is,time ‘ Hope took a ease from tho pi poople. as it repnirer. no yeast tn ro»r(U is a more reliable "F air Pealing ano behind her. *Here it is. You trv and far more eilFctual remedy than any other. meneowith. Trv it. and von will bevor CEDAU SHINGLES, Hohack's Those who hnvo tried It, know that It cured bse nnv othrr. Boil two onnces of b e t PRINTS AND CALICOES, them; those who have not. know that it cures ach B it can open it and see for yourself. hops in fnnr miarfs nf water, half mji unlike all He took it eagerly, tearing at honr : thenstrnin it an«l let it cnnl tili fails through any fault o r neglect of its compo in large variety. ' lilk warm : thru ndd a small handfiill r|f O M M IS 9 IO N F R S ’ B A LE . B itte n sition. Wo have thousands upon thousands of and all kind« of Lumber for the clasp with trembling fingers. <a!t antl half n pnvnd of hrown sngar; C certificates of their remnrknlile cure of the fol market, lowing complaints, b u t such cares a re known Hope watched her opportunity, boat. nne pmmd of flnnr with aome of tim Cheat) This Season, SA P O L IO , Will be si posed for aale, at the hsinostea.1 farm In every neighborhood, and wc need n ot pub intrinsic liqnor. and mix all tngpfher. Tho thiril ‘ e William Alúas, deecMed, at Point lish them. A dapted to nil ages and conditions and when he leaned over to look ilnv add tliroo ponnrls o f potatoes hoilofl DE LAIN ES, Most Biii( In all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, thoy may bo taken with for cleansing and polishing all kinds of Metal® at the pictured face within, which atnT mnsltod. and let it stand nntil tbe R i i i l i l i r ' « Ï T ^ e . called, are merely vnshiwash Tuesday, August 80th, 1870, safety by anybody. Their sugar coating pre, . , , , , n ext day ; then strain it and it is ready (except Gold, Silver, nnd Plated Ware servos them evci fresh and makes them pleasant was l i e r ow n , nhc g a t h e r e d h e r j fo r nse ; stir it. frequ en tly and keen by sold as a beverage. Dr. Ro PLAIDS between the hours of 12 and 6 o'clock, in the af to take, while b eing purely vegetable no harm It in invaluable for cleans Bitters arc not a beverage \ s t r c n g t l i f o r oue l a s t e f fo rt a n i l ! fire w,li,° mn1v' i n P - n,1<1 8tir we11 .in f ' tenutoti of said day by virtue of an order made can arlso from th e ir use in any quantity. , ' j boforo riRiii". T h is is very strong, anrl They operate by th eir powerful Influence on ing Crockery nnd Kitchen by William I. James, Esq., Judgo of the Inferior sense of the word, but conk w itli a n a p p e a lin g lo o k t o lie a v e u , on ly half nf tlio u s u a l quantity is reqnirCourt of Common Pleas of the County of Ocean, the internal viscera to purify the blood nrnt SASHES, D O O R ' ARMURES, plain ami culA, utensils of any kind. on the 25th day of June, A. D„ 1870, by the sub- stimulate it Into h ealthy action—remove the ob most expensive drugs hi structions of the stomach, bowels, liver, ami g a v e h i m a s u d d e n , d e s p e r a t e p u s h p,1‘ other organs of tlie body, restoring thrjr Irreg sale hy science for the radical w ith h e r c le n c h e d h a n d s , t h a t , : „ ,T . „ . . , th e following described tracts ular action to health, a n a by correcting, wher Akins, OW l’KHTHWAlT BHDS ALPACCAS, bl’k and cold. , , I'o n M o ra s .-T b o follnwincr snnplo Indigestion an d Dyspepsia ever they exist, such derangements ns are the of land, vis fir-1 origin of disease. fiiiu iD g h i m a t a d i s a d v a n t a g e , d c - precaution against m o th s is represented Tract No. 1' Being ail tbo certain farm, .S. KKLSF.V, f o r all cases where a ionii Minute dlrectloi « a re given in the wrapper on M O SES BACHR.ACH, side boarding bouse, an4 plantation, situate at MOHAIRS, tho box, for the following complaints, which Ktl'OY c d h i s e q u ilib r iu m , a n d R ent j to bo qnito ns sure a s a n y of tho pnpnli r Point Pleasant, it being tbs homestead of the iato stimulant a re Solo Agents for tho celebrated LATH, Wm. Akins, deceased, containing 60 acres, moro these Pi 1.1.s rapidly cure : h im r e e l i n g t o th e flo o r. a n tid o te « : For DTsrm-UA or I niiiurstion , Listlessness, required. They l ì I O N 1» I A N O . or lesa. This ia a beautiful and pleasant location Tr - i , i , i • i , Safety from m o th s fo r furs consists jn ‘ ' mce or for a sea side board- Languor and Loss ol Appetite, they should be in Ocean and Monmouth Craint ios, N. J, PALMETTO CLOTH. restore the vital takei moderately to stim ulate the stomach and LU; K, H o p e d a r t e d p a s t h i m a n d o u t ; i mv5ng them u n d is tu rb e d through sunlrestore its healthy tone and action. Bricksburg , K . J. forces in a re o f d o o r s , s h r ie k in g a t t l i e lo p o f m e r in a snug place. M nff boxes are n e t .SURGKiS, j For Liver Com plaint and Its various symp is under high state of cultivation, and capable of * c « n n r n Tnlrinrt Min' c„ . . . . secure. Taking th e m out occasionally ut C E M E N T , markable degree, raising corn, potatoes, wheat, and marketing pro toms, Billons Headache, Sick Headache. Jaun POPLINS, plain & lig’d, | h e r ln m ; dice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bil S h e h e a r d h i m g a t h e r rtjr exposes them t o th o moth. No penduce. ious Kevcis, they should he Judiciously taken a n d give tone to LAWNS, [ h e r s e l f u p w ith ft s a v a g e h o w l, b u t P«r. camphor or to b a c c o is needed: a ft nr for each case, to correct the diseased action or No. 9. Being a tract of woodland situated in remove the obstructions which cause it. is now prepired w ith a large stock of the system. . . ' you have worn th e m fo r the last tnno jn the township of Brick, county of Ocean, adjolnGINGHAMS, fe a r l e n t w m g s to l i p r f e e t , a n d s h e s p rin g put them in to For Dysentery o r Diarrhiea, but oue mild dose linen pillow eas|c. ing Margaret Bennett's land, and others, contain ts generally required. •ALSO— ;ht knot, It is novi G LO VES, ing 9 seres, more or less. This tract is weU flo.1 d o w n tlio n o th I c n d i n * to th o « • ” P ,b r in « ««¡>! h'm t. an y n l » h it For Rheumatism. Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of 1 ° th e m np in a draw er w•kick hich will n o t pa wooded with second growth oak and pine, and the Heart, Pain in the Side, Back nnd Loins, Dry Goods,. years sint HOSIERY, will be sold to salt purchaser*. streefc, hearing his steps keeping often opened, A tru e and tried preseri^they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. Iloback, <J NOTIONS, t, title and interest With surh change those complaints disappear time to lier own. ami expecting tion' Agents for th è Marshall and Wendell Fancy Goods, N X O V E ebrated S _________ If Of an that Beach that the father of shond l>e taken tu large and frequent every moment to feel liis hands . Agrieuitnmi iiei P a r l o r <*«*m P in iio N , physician, John Borden, deceased, owned or claimed, situ produce the effect o f a drastic purge. 'A good assortment of ato in said townahip. clnteliing at her throat, for she For Suppression a large dose should be taken > Stockholm, 1>. F. Appleton, o f Ipswich, a breeder as It produces th e desired effect by sympathy. knew f u l l w ell t h a t d e a t h w o n ld b e o f tho Kerry cattio h a s recently received No. t. Being all that tract of woodland situ As a Dinner P ill, tak e one or two l ’ill» to pro ORGANS AND den, came MELODEONS, Carpets and ato In said townahip, celled "Bushy Neck" tract, mote digestion and relieve the stomach. her portion, did he overtake her. cboicc c0*s from Is,“'a °< country and introduced the An occasional dose stim a'ates the stomach containing 23 BA-100 acres. This tract is well Dealer* in S e w i n g M a r l i i n r i , and all covered with second growth of timber, and will and bowels into h ealthy action, restores the an- kind* n f nui»ie«J merchandise, Tuning aii'l Ttedinavkm Blood Purifier; That path seemed interminable. Cabbage need should never ho grown WHITE GOODS & TRIMMINGS, be sold to suit —— -----petite. and vigtirales the system. Hence it is paiilng done to order. Piano» rented or sold on R IA CKSM1TITS COA L often advsntageous where no serious derange installment* to auit customers. which time thousands han Oil Cloths, The gate at the end changed while from [rom •tnmP s* bat_ frora » iR?aik Mo. t. Being a tract af land lying on Mana ment exists, One who feels tolerably well, of t^ie conter o f a perfectly (lcveloppd Orders for Tnning Pianos»1 T onisR iv*tand ; , . .. . , . curad, by its use, of Sbrttfuh sqnac beach, near Michael Ortleys. on Bamcgat ten finds tb rt a dose o f thess m .i.* make* btm ♦icihiiT, u»y i.e i.-ii wnn lieo. m. Joy. »m e she was still aovera! yards away, head. bay, containing about three acres. feel decidedly better, from ihcir cleansing and other blood diseases. It m renovatin' effect on th e digestive apparatus. I t is said t h a t D artm outh College, also, Clotlis, Cassimcrs, Cottonades Warcroom »t present In rarmefoa'a dwelling a n d looking l i p s h e s a w D a v id K fejT ’ Dealing exclusively in No. I. Being a tract of aalt meadow, which DR. J. C. AYER & CO. Practical Chemists, besides the Iodide of Potm n • • . ,1 mi lfanovcr. N. II., h a s received neailiy on F irst street, Bricksburg, N. J Lowei.u Ma*s., V. 8, A. J®®ee Chamberlain and Jesse Chambarlain, jr. Trenton Plaida (for boys’ i llicit be will soil cbeapaiftban any oilier bouse o d k i r .s r u n n i n g t o m e e t h e r . T h e ? for Ag. School, it has bought s. j. r armfi . ee . Sold by FALKINBURUH, BOWERS & CO., Syrup of StUlingia, drugs o purchased of Cornelius Forman, and known as 8. S. KKI..S1£V. G1LLETT A BARNARD, CHA8. D. MATH In. | g o o d an-^ el w h o p r e s i d e s o v e r t h e a farm of 200 acres. There are seven jin tlie above goods, it must be cd from Sweden for its f Curtis' point, containing 2 acres, more or less. Bricksburg, Feb. 96.1870 —ly wear) Kentucky Jeans, Toms River, and all A nggists and dealers in ! d e s t i n i e s o f m a n k in d h a d s e n t h i m th ® B8ricnltnn*1 3m3fi No. 7. Being a tract or lot of ss!t meadow that Medicine everywhere. manufacture, unknown , __ I n a paper road befr.r« tha Central N A Ac., &c., Ac., U»s -----------------asid Chamberlain -----------chased purchasedof of Maxim Maxim Brand Brand evident to the m rids of all kept by apothc ! t h a t w a y i n th e n i c k of tim e . He j Farm ers' Club, Mr. R obert Gibson si id situated 00 Canto's point aforesaid, aferesi containing 2 G E O R G E W. W E L S H , : b a d c h a n c e d to p a s s a lo n g t h e | bo wonld name th c Gloho mangel wulrtthat the right, place to buy is caries in t h i s | , 1 , 1 zel R8 tbe ,)e81 -ov purposes, So. A Being aU that certain meadow and c o u n tr y . A s t r e e t a t th o p r o p e r m o m e n t t o t Tbo Hloa HemW gives a list o f 145 new together with a corresponding beach sat cC to BUaabcth Curtis, deceased, wid ow of I b snsase Cortto, deceased, as part of her at a regular ADJOURNED single trial w ill h e a r h e r s c r e a m s fo r h e l p , a n d h a d ' cheese factories t o go into operation this variety of articles not enumerated, * on the middle sedge ofBsrn. convince the most ~ g 1acree£nor« or less. s t a r t « ! to tie r a s s i s t a n c e with a l l a X !S J « u !h S ‘ f « from ' f i g “” c 't- usually found in a Country Store. Fi i i m b c r Y a r d . N o . 2 4 4 G r e e n w ic h S t r e e t , B L IC S A L K skeptical af its Belag a kit of beach and salt meadow, P ’ l o v e r ’s p r o m p tn e s s . j Plete hat. ! ch point, situate on Mansequan beach, wonderful value. V . A. HI. H ibah C iurroji, No. 1, It. A, M. tontown, first M onday after the Pull of th e Moon, a t 1 o'olook, P. M. (leo M. Joy, M. E. H. P . D aniel A. Holme«, Secretary. D elta Chapter, N o. 14, It. A. M.—■ Keyport, alternate T hursday Evenings. Joint 8. Stout, M. E. H. 1». Jo h n Brit ton, Secretary. Washington L odge , N o. 9.—Eatontown, on M onday Evenings, on o r before every Full Moon. W. H. B ennett, W.M. I» t u Ila vuletIH. A rthur Wilson, Secretary. Olive B ranch L odge , N o. 10.—F ree hold, on Tuesday evenings, on or before every Full Moou. George C. Bookman, W. M. T. C. Swift, Secretary. H armony L odoe , No. 18.— Tom s River, CARDS, on first and th ird T uesday evenings o f each month. 0 . 0 . Chipm nn, W. M. It. Douglas Jam es, Secretary. CARDS, M ystic B bothebhood L odge , No. 21.— R ed Bank, on first an d th ird Tuesday C A R D S , evenings of each m onth, J. P. Cooper, W. M. John E . Norris, Secretary. ( OonoUuledjYom Ftrut P B i Ñ T m s ; -------------------------- SPECIAL ATTENTION DRY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS ROODS, » O f Pips, 11 EITTE1Ü n Ill 1 2 83-100 aerea. n s T b rt^ m ttm m d o w No. 11. Being all that certain lot or point of land running oat into Barnegat bay, called Rw point containing 5 acres. Thiels a desirable Cor the purpose of gunning for wild towd, a gunners are requested to tike notice of its sale. No. 1*. Being all that certain tract of sroodiBDd which WiUtom klhintrarg. and David I. called the 'Butcher lngBfl 42 100 acres. On this trust is natural cranberry bog, and also • growth of timbe he told to soit i X. B. A lT p i w M r i i f to erect sea side eottegssL or wishing to invest in Cranberry lands, should attend tfcte aale, as tbe laads are desirably teested sear the ssrf, at Point Pleasaat. Oman Conty, New Jersey, and of easy access to Sew WILLIAM B. HILL, WILLIAM CCXYW, ytanr ctjvtom . R E A L E S T A T E . OLD STAND. ESTABLISHED isti . The subscriber will offer at Public 8»le, on CHOICE CRANSERRY PROPER TIES A ? RAROAIES! ! that, w ith a madman’s hot breath scorching h „ neck, H o p e had tim e i t o t l i i u k h o w m a n ly a n d h a n d s o m e Saturdayt August Gth, 1870, self over seventy yean of age. . -------- six and the other twenty-seven years ' -' ‘‘ Q R B A T B A R G A IN « FOR T H E N EX T SIXTY DAYS 1 5 f u r n i t u r e . ™ i»wi«»t~r, ,r Boots, Shoes, j-_________________ . , ____ . s u p e r io r i n , . . . . ,, , t r Sa We b u y our goods for th « Cash, and sei* them at th® v e r y lowest m arket rate. Toe People understand o n r system of scIling for rash, e n a b lin g us to sell lo w er than elsewhere and th erefore throng oar store for those i m am ed a y ou^ g a few m onths GRISAT BARGAINS Whtck o nr low price system gives them dll ö * L n e tn ‘ a ^ ^ a *-J i=Ä' ¡ o n t D a v id . J LA & & A B B n s. PABsxr F«*-» Bsw- r°mtmR ‘ T h ere w h o h a d th e h e n fe v e r, a n d p e r s n a l TV Bort» » d A H«, -aro-l W. . i s t h e d e v i l new article o f fre ig h t in m an u « , w'rich ! w h o was with m e in t b e m oon la s t ; night- He has turned traitor and |necöctrt river. r J trade. FLO U R AND «iarch'i; 1918.—IrSfi. FULLER A NOBLE. riably establishes them as ft w ith all who use them. The. reasons why Dr. B Blood Pitts should be- hep erg family are : Because t I j p R E m O L D AND JAHESEI-RG AG. B. be employed in all cases ' **fam ily physic ” is requ’f TRAIN S L E A P ! FAF.M INGD.lLK are perfectly safe in their at Aa=ic,t.nrá wi! . all of which nave b e i r. b-.ught at givaUy r*>7uced 7 3 (1 -1 i r prices, and w m b e sold with a small’profit fot I .on J. L .,r,lm „ cwadci, k lata, istration at all times; R »1 r ad for N e w York. Phila¿ffiph’ A Trenton, and interme they are made diate stations, an d at Monmouth Junction with R o c k y Hi!! Rail both with and road, ajd trains o n Sew Jersey without sugarRailroad. ¡ 2 .5 0 p . n , . . ^ - 7 J 3 S , c o a tin g , th« RETCRYTVGadapting them to LBA V E S E W YORE, from Pier 1. North Ever, the use of every by steamboat to South Am boy, at «.30 a, m and 2 ». m., at»d fro m foot o f body; Because OmrtlandT St. hy Ferry to Jersey City, Sp rin g Balmorals Spring Gloves. KID G L O V E S. FEED. n. at 7 a. m . and 4 p. m. LK ATB PHILADELPHIA, flaw« fo o t o f Walnut «tree*, by F»*ry to fim id ev * to a. as. w * p. ts. «wi ; p. m ., an d frena Wesl I keep tbe Josephine Seamless Kid Glove», known « A T T . VBEJTTON. ria ... to be the hart tteerr ia import ri. w«oh i will war*• * - ‘ '*1 ì ì C *- =-* Y *o=aaotrJiJiîBO rast not te rip. '-io* OATa.w. and 5.15 p. m LBA V I JAMESBTR.-, at 9.05 a . aa. and 4.2» m d S J R p - m- In purchasing goods when in THFlibai y de ble. jnst a* a wise Bare man would the barn to hunt eegs. he carries -Irith tKAf^n^tovtoft'na.adëavefrân I V a iliiw i hiwe done. him the m l and pnde of a boy who If IC U V . , , , . . .. Fist arrived the egg-btaitag age. KINGMAN A MURPHY. Handsome Spring Sliawls. E s t r e n g t h a n d e n e r g y t o h im se lf, h e ^ ^ gentlem an t o invest H e ha« a q n i e t l v s u b m it t e d t o t h e in e v i t a - handsome flock of ,, . * . . neighbors do sa y t h a t when he tt Men and Teams . And all k tn -ïs of Spires and Fancy Groceries. -a r a u c s a r u B a - i , , , , , * . «, « * * M ®' tton given to repairing am', o f Dwplex. I those S U ilu e n c h a n g e s that o f t e n r T r u s S m ith, o n e of th e old farmer.CkroBOHwtoi and Fine Levw Watehes. | ______ _______ ______ L J ,___ , ____ d°: c o m e u p o n c r a c k e d -b ra in c x l p e r - Victory, t t , till never GEORGE W. WELSH. t » i- ■ . i hen. Does, c a ts a - . .v. he aim 214 Greenwich Btree*. between Robinson * -d 8 0H S, Realizing that he was xn n u is a n c e e Vo n t a farm . . Marmy, New York. 16 p re sen ce o f o n e Dr.. B lood i unsurpoP any r id facturcd sim ilar j One I 'iiv e ns a call before p u rc h a s in g . _ dents Furnishing (roods, ¡ Hardware, Woodcnwaro, Earthenware, Crockery, S S 7 S iS rt!?t& ,.... C-*. heeV crept i'ri- uis fa c e -w e oflfa? ri»haHoP.-ro.M«,.b- — th e Di*t Prints, 121, cents. Choit* Delaine*. 20 cents. Changeable L ustres, 25 cents. Corded P oplinetts, 3Dre nts, 4c. Also, constantly on liantl, ---------------- tweulty- Wjnld invite th.» attention of h i. friend« and h e l o o k e d , M ild h o w e a g e r l y h o W i 8 H ie Leo Glen s a y s th a t W . S. C l.v k , the public to hto Inrge and choice assortment of \ , ■ , i c»i i ‘ i I rean ten t o f tn e M a ssa c h u s e tts A s'n c n l h a s te n in g to h e r re s c u e . S h e d i d t a r a l College ft?. A m h e rs t, h as b e e n ?r. r/\* r lrJ T fffrc n o t c a r e if h i s h a n d s w e r e h a r d \? a ? e d t o deliv .T th e ad d re s s a t th e u ? x t F IN E »» A 1 ( H L \ ! a n n u a l fair o f t h e H o u s a to n ie Ag. S o c ie ty ............hi«large ........................„ ,, assorted stock . of u, Fir> , H n tl h o m y , a n i l 111% CIO.DCS o m a - jn S eptem ber, From and well Watch«*, hv the lasratches. ju st received bv lee» steamer steamer. |.«t l . . . A Michigan e o rr-»pondent of th e Ri r-i! • own im portation.' all - o -f the - m ost « .ebrsted his 1m e n iO U1 w i t h w is p s a n d * h a y j u s t Mlkers, M. J . Tobias k Co., Johnson. Cooper. * l,. _ i e in g protected p r o t e c t e d! S . ^ *, « , b£o S M rÄ r t k _________ of bbring Taylor and others. Also,. a well fehvted stock of u l t “ • -A « « He L a d ie s '-------- - . . « ? ? £ i « • » • OTOT > • « ; » b e s p r u n g i n t o j . « m r i n c r i t h a t i t i s » e k e^p « - l « « l may favor him w ith S ta lk l,k c iv il.» liv s t e r i M l l v ‘ D i b a g s th a n e o rr. a t t h pre se n t p ric e s. * » Fim- Jewelry and Silver Ware, Fancy arti- ,11S * ' a ‘ ’ Cr.u u o U y s t t n C k U y , L».l- lK>1jg tb e wh e a t u n t i l it is th o ro m , rtes, s t a b l e f i r Holi-lay Presents. Ladies' Em« n l d e a r , d e a r D a v id !’ j cooked, which n e a rly doubles its bulk, leoXI w * . cnes. n u t expre«s,y to m y order, j . , S iS .”ir-n & '£ S 'SVZN’NJ; We a re determined not to be undersold by a n y in the at 2 o'clock, p. m ., »t the house of Cowdrick A Cook, Toms River, je. J. the fbUowiug tracts .of land lying within 3 miles of tbe village. No l Contoining «0 acres, adtoining the Freehold niad. and land» of J ob» h - Irens and others. About 40 acres are cleared ami in good fence, the balance is second growth • timoer. fit for cutting. There is a)«Ht a good hirase 14x15. with kitchen attached, and » g w l well of water by the door. Soil heavy loam. No. 2. Co&taiui&g 1 > acres, more or lee«, ad joining the above to acre*. Has a good growth of oak and pine timber. Soil a beavv loam.— There are 12 scree in the tract suitable bw a cran berry bog. S acres being cedar swamp bottom, and adjoining Dr. liiUett's cranberry bogPersons wishing to view the property before S f t ’ S S T ‘£ S S Z 3 £ - $ 3 i S 3 S & I b o t 8 u J d tU t' i * i i e n t m o r e r'1" s » • 2 p f » « w : . « » « ., will be shown the same hy calling on E. W. Ivins 'iTWrt»‘'Vs- :EJ* t h a n m a n y w o r d s c o u l d h a v e d o n e , i 1 ■' Automatic 6 in d « r . at Cowdrtok * Cook's ha*eL or the subscriber. and Pencil«. (toM Seal.». Medals. Key*. * w h ic h is d e sig n e d t o ra k e a n d b in d Camec Bracelets. Pin* and liar Ring», of G t e g o r v D a n e c a t n f t o a s u d d e n g ra in an.l c a rry th e b a n d ie s n n til e n o u g h The above property will be cut np in Ft* from Pure Gold expressly for that rurpose. Silver T t - , . . T he editor 10 to 20 acre*, to suit purchaser* Also a map of Sft£C«i».Fitrtrtw. W a it e rs ,s p ^ F o r k ^ h c . pause, eyeing the two in his keen, are bound ir to form r a shock. . the property be -eee on d»y of r. AU>i. a Ucg-iaf i.. « S J .t a . , Of tRO H ««e m r-frUtST uSS not P 9 « l the on bond and Plated Goods. Cartors. Cake Baskets. Pitchers, c a n n i n g WAV. _■ Conditions, . . s. • '« h : balance on A COW Cxi, d o g g e d machine in its p re s e n t state, bu t i<= mortgage fine 5 years. HANNAH ANN DUNHAM. July 12, 1870. S»_3w F°* 9 R 0 C E R IE S & PROVISIONS, Harrains, Bargains, Bargains. E v . n n t such a m o m e n t a s w a s ! Between Robinson * M um ) Streets, New York. Ne. 10. Bela g tots, alt 10 to 20 per cent. DICXIN90N A HUNT. « r ^ feiTia« * * * rv>fe tram aw - LEATE FREEHOLD U1A;16a.m -, and .7.0Cpm. ______________ y r e _____ ___ r“ ' — ri- * ? r i W - ..iw - ta i* »R iv e r w E to '~ N e w Y o rk a t im p m. m. and I « ». a . tS. Trains rcr. by Phüadeípfciafes. :. A u t.M ,M ».— m i vytr S a le b y D r* A » t. nu n d %9S p .a .:aàd‘ì>B*<rid «* 5 » ! L S. B U C FELL A . Srafc ÜHWi iM A N. I-, Ort Ä b « «y n d D e a le r s ia