SLO Coaster - San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club
SLO Coaster - San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club
Volume 47, Issue #6, June 1, 2015 Ride Calendar | Events Calendar | Board Members Contents President's Message SLOBC General Meeting Minutes SLOBC Board Meeting Minutes News, Notes & Events Ride Coordinator's Report Changing Weekly Rides Advocate's Report Upcoming Program President's Message By Will Benedict Lighthouse Century As the 2015 Lighthouse Century Chair, I talked briefly at the Volunteer Brunch about the changes that are planned for the upcoming event and want to communicate them to all members using this month's President's Message. First, it is important to say that most things will not change including the routes, physical location of rest stops and the nature of volunteer jobs. The changes grow out of feedback from last year's rider survey and my thinking about what makes the Lighthouse unique and different from the Wildflower. The Lighthouse is located in communities that cater to tourist on roads that almost all have good shoulders and are traveled by cyclists every day. The environment is friendly and safe. The Lighthouse routes have two midpoints making a single lunch stop problematic and the climbs associated with the Century and Old Creek routes require a well stocked rest stop at the Donati Family Vineyard. In addition, Shamel Park, the traditional location of the lunch stop, is so close to the finish that many riders noted that they were too full to take part in the BBQ. This year there will be no traditional lunch stop. Instead, there will be well stocked rest stops that provide the full range of food types needed by our riders. Furthermore, we will have as much organic food as possible along with choices that meet the needs of vegetarians and those with gluten sensitivity. These changes mean that rest stop captains will have the opportunity to help define food choices and plan how best to physically setup their stops. This will be especially true for the Shamel Park rest stop. We need members to volunteer to captain the Donati and Shamel rest stops and a second captain for Cypress Tree. A new position of Truck Captain has been created to centralize all truck rental. The Captain would coordinate with Rest Stop and Food Ordering Captains to determine truck needs and establish a single contact for their supply. The Lighthouse Century will further incorporate volunteers from partner organizations. In addition to the HAM volunteers from the Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club and the Estero Radio Club on the Logistics Team and the Cal Poly Wheelmen on the Clean Up Team, there will be CCCMB members staffing the Highway 46 rest stop and Bicycle Coalition members staffing the Donati rest stop. Additional help from other partners is being sought to support SLOBC volunteers. The BBQ menu will include vegetarian choices and organic items. The Linn's cobbler that traditionally was located at Shamel Park will be moved to the BBQ with the addition of ice-cream to further entice riders to partake. Finally, the results of the Century Volunteer Celebration Event survey are that 28% chose Sunday Morning, 36% chose Sunday Afternoon and 31% chose Both are OK. Based on this, the Lighthouse Volunteer Event will be planned for Sunday afternoon and the Clean-Up Team will do their job Sunday morning. We will see how this experiment goes and decide if it warrants a change in future events. SLOBC General Meeting Minutes By Craig Armstrong, Secretary San Luis Obispo Library Community Room 995 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo CA Thursday, May 7, 2015, 7:00 PM President Benedict called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm. President Benedict thanked Martin Howell for serving as greeter and Sharon Sutliff, Janie Goldenberg, and Pam Link for providing refreshments. The minutes of the April 2, 2015 General Meeting were approved. President Benedict reported that club's operating account balance was approximately $158,000 and year-to-date donations were approximately $55,000. He noted that Craig Armstrong had reviewed the club's 2014 financial records and that the club had received a clean bill of health. Ken Price reminded members to pay attention at all times and to keep reporting safety related issues to him. Dave Abrecht reported on the club's participation in the distribution of 1,000 bike lights to local police departments to hand out to riders they observe riding without lights. There was a discussion regarding the club's Facebook page and the procedures for accessing the page as well as posting material to it. President Benedict reported that approximately 300 Wildflower participants had responded to a survey regarding their ride experience and that members wanting a copy of the file should contact him. President Benedict reported that volunteering for the Lighthouse was going well but that there are still a number of key positions that need to be filled. Robin Dery gave a report on Atascadero High School Bike Club activities. Dale Sutliff announced that he was leading a ride around San Luis Obispo on May 9th as part of Bike Month activities. Vanessa Davis presented an overview of the Bike Education Programs being presented by the Bike Coalition. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:25 PM. SLOBC Board Meeting Minutes By Craig Armstrong, Secretary Air Pollution Control District Auditorium 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis Obispo CA Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 5:00 PM Board members present: Will Benedict, Gary Havas, Bill Martin, Craig Armstrong, and Mike Balster. As a quorum was not present, no actions that required a vote of the board members were taken. Bill Martin advised that the club's operating account balance was approximately $158,000 and that some Wildflower bills still needed to be processed. Mike Balster reviewed the current procedures for processing membership payments (manually and via Pay-Pal), and the attendees discussed various options for improving the processes. President Benedict noted that the 2016 date for the Wildflower was on the same weekend as the Wildflower triathlon. The conflict would impact the availability of groups such as the ham radio operators that support the Wildflower, and the board discussed various options for scheduling the ride on a different weekend. The attendees reviewed Mike Balster's program for promoting safe riding practices and suggested some minor changes to his proposal. Craig Armstrong presented the results of his review of the club's financial records for the year 2014 and noted several areas where documentation and procedures should be improved. President Benedict reviewed several proposed changes to the by-laws to clarify duties for several board positions and to include certain key volunteer positions such as the Ride Chairs as non-voting Ex-Officio board members. The discussion will be continued at a meeting when a quorum is present. President Benedict briefly reviewed the materials to be distributed to riders at the upcoming Lighthouse (wristbands, bike frame numbers, and patches). The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:20 PM. News, Notes & Events Wildflower Jersey Designs By Will Benedict, Clothing Coordinator Riding Safely By Ken Price, Safety Director As the Safety Director for the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club, I feel a strong responsibility to help everyone ride safely. My goal is, and always will be, to listen to your concerns and respond to those concerns appropriately. This is the first a call for 2016 Wildflower jersey design ideas. All concepts must be completed and received by April 1st. Ideas must be presented in the standard jersey format. For format specifications and assistance in illustrating your idea or putting your idea into the standard format, email me at I have had two "close calls" with motorists in the past few weeks and they made me realize that I must "drive my bike" defensively, be predictable in my actions and pay close attention to my environment. This is a more difficult task when we ride in groups. I urge members to save their conversations and socializing for the coffee stop and pay close attention to their riding habits and their environment. As always, I encourage your feedback and comments. Ken Price Safety Director 805-489-9779 2015 Lighthouse Century Jersey By Will Benedict In conversations about jersey designs, zebras were suggested. This intrigued me so I started developing alternatives. I settled on strong graphic black and white versions of the elements that were overlaid and boolean operations performed to reverse the overlapping areas. Care was taken to place the eye of the zebra where the lighthouse beacon would be located. The result was a pattern in which different elements can be found depending on your attention. This was then visually simplified by putting a red background behind the lighthouse and bikes. My priority in designing jerseys is to create ones that have a strong graphic impact. Ride Coordinator's Report By Kathleen McHugh Indulgence Ride 2015 The Indulgence Ride is scheduled for Saturday, October 24, 2015. We will ride from Marina through Monterey, with a challenging extension through Fort Ord, and then continue to 17 Mile Drive and Carmel. Please mark your calendars now. The cost to club members is $40 and includes bus transportation, bike transport, lunch, and a shower. Dinner is not included, however I have arranged for a Mexican buffet for $25 per person including a taco and enchilada buffet with all the trimmings, beverage, dessert, tax, and tip! There will be three routes: a flat <20, a flattish 40, and the challenging 40. In addition, we have access to a heated (90ĚŠ ) pool for those who finish early. I will begin accepting checks when I return in June. Volunteers are needed to make this ride a reality. We will need a truck driver to transport the bikes to and from the ride and someone (or two) to help with the purchase and setting up of a lunch stop. Please talk to your friends and spouses who won't be riding, but could help out. Interested in riding your bike to Santa Barbara? The 2-day ride to Santa Barbara will take place on Thursday and Friday, June 25 and 26. We will leave from the SLO train station at 8 am. For those of you who'd like to cut 10 miles off your first day's ride, Ernest will lead a group from the Grover Beach train station to meet up with the group in Arroyo Grande. You will be responsible for purchasing a return train ticket from either Carpenteria or Santa Barbara. When you buy your return train ticket, ask for the free dashboard pass to park long term in SLO. In addition, request a free bike pass for the train . The first six people will receive the free bike permit. I will provide a U-Haul for the rest of the group and for all trikes. We will ride through Arroyo Grande for a coffee break, cross over the Santa Maria bridge, stop for lunch in Orcutt, have a snack in Los Alamos, and arrive in Buellton in the late afternoon. It is 70 miles to Buellton from SLO. We will spend the night in Buellton, so you will need to make hotel reservations there. I recommend the Quality Inn Buellton located on Avenue Of The Flags (855809-3506). They provide breakfast and a washing machine. We will eat dinner out at a local restaurant. The next day we will leave early to ride to Santa Barbara and /or Carpenteria. It is 50 miles to S.B. and 65 to Carpenteria. There are few services (maybe the campground) until we get to Santa Barbara. However, there will be an ice-cream break at McConnell's in SB! Everyone will need to eat dinner before boarding the train in either Santa Barbara or Carpenteria. The train leaves around 5 p.m. (check your ticket for exact time). I will ride my bike to pick up a U-Haul, then meet the Carpenteria group at the train station to pick up the extra bikes. Then I'll head to SB to pick up bikes at that train station. I will meet you in SLO or Grover Beach with your bikes. There is no SAG. You will need to bring everything you need on your bike. Last year we only carried a light change of clothes for dinner and washed our bike gear at the hotel. You must let me know if you are participating by Friday, June 19 to be included in the group. Kathleen McHugh Changing Weekly Rides The Ride Calendar provides the full weekly ride schedule. Flyers (9:00 AM, D3) Wednesdays Frequent Feeders (9:00 AM, B2) Wednesdays Date: June 3 Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande Leader: Terry Cohen Phone: 805-747-4584 Date: June 3 Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande Destination: Black Horse Café, SLO Route: Arroyo Grande to Black Horse Leader: Frank Mullin Phone: 805-602-2058 Email: Coordinator: Russ Robinson Phone: 805-781-0903 Date: June 10 Start: Damon Garcia Sports Fields, SLO Leader: Bill Buckalew Phone: 805-234-3039 Date: June 17 Start: Bob Jones Bike Trail, Ontario Road Coordinator: Frank Mullin Phone: 805-602-2058 Date: June 10 Start: Islay Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Andreini's Coffee House, AG Leader: Steve Vines Phone: 805-202-8114 Date: June 24 Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo Leader: Bill Goodger Phone: 608-770-1448 Route: Islay Park to Arroyo Grande Leader: Dale Sutliff Email: Date: June 17 Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande Destination: Willow Deli, Nipomo Route: Arroyo Grande to Willow Deli Leader: Irene Vega Phone: 805-709-3409 Date: June 24 Start: Food 4 Less, San Luis Obispo Destination: Red Dirt, Grover Beach Route: Food 4 Less to Red Dirt Leader: Harvey Cohon Phone: 805-234-2982 Email: SLO Pokes (9:00 AM, A2) Wednesdays Coordinator: June Kramer Email: Phone: 425-239-8692 Date: June 3 Start: Cloisters Community Park, Morro Bay Destination: Harmony Note: Coffee in Cayucos Leader: Patricia and Hans Henning Boerst Phone: 805-534-9660 Tortoises (9:00 AM, A1) Fridays Coordinators: Stu & Janie Goldenberg Phone: 805-544-4720 Date: June 5 Start: Nazarene El Morro, Los Osos Destination: Casual tour of Los Osos/Baywood Leaders: Stu & Janie Goldenberg Phone: 805-544-4720 Date: June 10 Start: Heritage Park, Arroyo Grande Destination: TBD Leader: Participant-led Date: June 12 Start: Mayor's Place, Nipomo Destination: Willow Market and Deli Leader: Gini Stedman Phone: 805-473-8287 Date: June 17 Start: Nipomo Regional Park, Nipomo Destination: Willow Deli for coffee Leader: Gini Stedman Phone: 805-473-8287 Date: June 19 Start: Meadow Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Cal Poly Leader: Bob Tuman Phone: 805-545-5976 Date: June 24 Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Branch Street Deli, AG Note: Shorter option starting at Old Edna Leader: Pam Zirion Phone: 805-215-0971 Date: June 26 Start: Tidelands Park, Morro Bay Destination: The Ride to the Dead and Beyond ... a Mystery Leader: Norman Mayer Phone: 805-772-3566 Advocate's Report By Dave Abrecht Light Up San Luis Obispo County Program At the suggestion of club member Vickie Backman, the club has joined forces with the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition to initiate a bike safety program called Light Up San Luis Obispo County. We sought the cooperation of our local law enforcement agencies, then purchased a supply of bicycle lights. The lights will be provided, without cost, to the law enforcement agencies. Officers will have the opportunity to give a free set of lights to any person riding a bicycle at night without the legally required lighting equipment. This program complements Bike Month and a new effort by our Regional Rideshare Program, called #letsgetvisible, to promote bicycle and pedestrian safety. Bike Month Bike Rides Dale and Sharon Sutliff led a Bike Month Family Ride around San Luis Obispo, giving their riders the opportunity to experience the Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 bike lanes around town. SLOBC's Bike Month Bike Breakfast The threat of rain forced the postponement of our Breakfast Burrito Bike Breakfast on May 14. We will join forces with Regional Ride Share program and co-host a breakfast on Friday, May 29 at the SLOCOG office in downtown SLO. Look for photos of the 2015 Bike Month Breakfast in the July SLO Coaster SLOBC Facebook Page With greater frequency, the SLOBC is utilizing social media outlets to inform members and others of our events, activities and local cycling information. We established a Facebook page and it is getting an increasing number of visitors. A concern was raised about people who are not Facebook members being able to access the page. Will Benedict made some technical changes and below is the information from our website that offers instructions to access the page. "The SLOBC Facebook page - (link opens in new window) - includes news from members enjoying club activities, upcoming cycling events, bicycling safety and interesting tidbits about bikes. Everyone is invited to visit our Facebook page - you do not need to have a Facebook account. Those without a account should ignore Facebook's request at the top of the page to login or setup and account. Just scroll down the page to see what is happening, like posts and add comments. If you have a Facebook account and want to Post content on our Facebook page, send an email to the club's Facebook Administrator at and ask to be given access. We love having members contribute." The following members have the ability to post items on the Facebook page: Dave Abrecht, Mike Balster, Will Benedict, David Cox, Gary Havas, Jeff Kahn, Susan McTaggart and Samantha Pruitt. If you want to have club related information placed on the page, e-mail your photo and information to any one of them. Las Pilitas Quarry Project As you might recall, the County Planning Commission's denial of a Conditional Use Permit for the Las Pilitas Quarry was appealed to the County Board of Supervisors. The hearing was held May 12 and after eleven hours of public testimony and discussion, the Supervisors vote 3 - 2 to uphold the Planning Commission's decision and deny the operation of the quarry. Thanks to everyone who appeared at the series of meetings and wrote letters in support of cycling on Highway 58 Upcoming Program By Gary Havas, Vice President Potluck Date: Thursday, June 4, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Elks Lodge 222 Elks Lane, San Luis Obispo Prepare to meet, greet and eat. The 2015 Bob Garing Service Award will be presented. Bring a dish according to your last name: A-C - Dessert D-J - Main Dish K-P - Salad, Side Dish, Stew, or Chili Q-Z - Salad, Side Dish, Stew, or Chili SLO Coaster The SLO Coaster is the monthly newsletter of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club that is automatically sent to all members. Everyone is welcome to view and subscribe to the digital edition of the SLO Coaster. To subscribe, use the Newsletter Signup Form. All articles, letters, stories of bicycling experiences, appropriate classified ads, artwork etc, are welcome. Each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily represent the opinion or endorsement of the SLOBC or editor. Remember Please include a list of the ingredients in your dish (or the recipe) and place it on the table near your dish. This really helps people who have dietary restrictions and allergies. Plus we can share recipes! Beer, wine, etc. will be available for sale at the Elks Lodge bar, however no outside alcohol is allowed. Bring your own place setting. The Date, Time and Location of SLOBC meetings can be found on our Events Calendar webpage. Submittal Guidelines All materials are due no later than 8:00 a.m. on the 15th of each month. Nothing will be accepted verbally. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject material. All materials should be emailed to Complete submittal guidelines are found at: Newsletter Guidelines. San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club P.O. Box 1585 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
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