slocoaster - San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club
slocoaster - San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club
Volume 45, Issue #10, October 1, 2013 SLOCOASTER 1 President’s Message By Robert Fuller Davis Having a little time to spare when I was visiting Shandon one day, I jumped on Louie and rode out of town to Gillis Canyon. It was about 40 degrees and I had a little headwind. An hour out of town, just past Schroeder Ranch, the pavement ended and the ride got good. I climbed about a thousand feet in the next two and a half miles, through great open country with hundred-mile views. Herds of quail scurried back and forth across the road, like starched waiters looking for a meal to serve. Cows sat around in green fields watered by giant sprinklers. The road was great, dirt and sand and rocks that made you keep your eyes peeled and kept me crisscrossing to avoid obstacles that wanted to throw me to the ground. At the top of the ridge, I was almost 1,700 feet above my starting point. The view was to the east, to a cleft that cuts through the Temblor Range, home of the San Andreas fault. I braked and slid down the last half mile of dirt to Bitterwater Road, then turned right and rode to the Greenberg General Store at the corner of Annette Road. It was closed, and maybe hadn’t been open during this century. I took the Annette fork and climbed to a ridge line at 2,300 feet, then turned left on Davis Road, headed north for Cholame. Davis Road bisected the Golden Ram Sportsman’s Club, Inc., Members Only. The next section was my favorite part. The road was lonely and isolated and my only company was cows. Cows to the left of me, cows to the right of me, on and on I thundered, tires whirling and wind whistling. I stopped and watched a family of pigs walk through a cluster of abandoned buildings. They walked faster when they saw me. Pretty soon I was whizzing down that last, long hill back to 70-mph civilization on Highway 46 where I rode the shoulder back to Shandon. Passing Jack Ranch Café, I tipped my helmet to the memory of James Dean. I ended up with 27 miles in about 3 hours, a nice little adventure–just because I had some time to spare. CONTENTS SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Board of Directors President:.........................Robert Fuller Davis .................805.772.0874 Vice President:...............................Ann Smith Treasurer:.................................Chris Broome 805.772.5900 Secretary: ............................Craig Armstrong Ride Coordinator:......................Will Benedict Membership Director:.................Mike Balster Advocate:..................................Dave Abrecht Historian:..................................Martin Howell Newsletter Editor:............................Tim Long Safety Director:...............................Ken Price CONTENTS Pages 3 Minutes of the Board meeting Page 4 Minutes of the General meeting The Budget Committee Page 5 Help Wanted Pages 6 - 8 Ride Info Page 9 December Potluck Page 10 Advocate’s Report Page 11 Road Cleanup THe Aerodynamic Helmet Back Page Calendar & Program Director-at-Large:...............Kathleen McHugh ...................805.528.6686 Past President:............................Frank Mullin Contact Information San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club, Inc. P.O. Box 1585 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Club Hotline Answering Machine: 805.543.5973 Website: Email: Members only site: SLOBC Meetings Board of Directors Meeting: Tuesday before the General Meeting (5:00 PM) odd numbered months. Location: Air Pollution Control District meeting room, 3433 Roberto Court (SLO). All Club members are welcome to attend Board meetings. General Membership Meeting: First Thursday (7:00 PM) Location: County Library, 995 Palm, downtown San Luis Obispo. Refreshments are served starting at 7:00 p.m., Meeting begins at 7:15 p.m. June and December meetings differ. * October meeting moved. Check back page. 2 SLO Coaster The SLO Coaster is the monthly newsletter of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club. It is distributed to members, local bicycle shops and some bicycle organizations. Subscriptions are not available to nonmembers. All articles, letters, stories of bicycling experiences, appropriate classified ads, artwork etc, are welcome. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject material. Each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily represent the opinion or endorsement of the SLOBC or the editor. Submittal Guidelines All materials are due no later than 8:00 a.m. on the 15th of each month. Nothing will be accepted verbally. All materials should be emailed to Complete submittal guidelines are found on the club website. support/newsletter-guidelines.html MINUTES SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Minutes of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club Board Meeting Air Pollution Control District Auditorium 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis Obispo CA September 3, 2013 5 PM Board members present: Robert Fuller Davis, Craig Armstrong, Will Benedict, Chris Broome, Martin Howell, Kathleen McHugh, Ken Price, and Ann Smith. A quorum being present, the meeting was convened. Gary Havas was present as a visitor. No one reported a conflict of interest with any agenda item. The minutes of the July 9, 2013 meeting were approved (MSC: Price/Smith). President Davis reported that the club had received a thank you note from the Cayucos Elementary School for the contribution from the club. Comments on the draft EIR for the Bob Jones Trail extension from SLO to Ontario Road must be submitted by October 21, 2013. Chris Broome reported that club assets were approximately $228,000 and noted that bills for the Lighthouse will reduce that amount in the forthcoming weeks. He also noted that a Budget Committee meeting has been scheduled for October 10th. President Davis advised that he had sent out notices to past donation recipients that they should submit proposals for 2014 donations if they anticipate requesting continuing financial support from the club. President Davis reported that SLOCOG had endorsed the concept of establishing Class II bike lanes on Highway 1. However, Caltrans has advised that there are a number of issues involving the Class II bike lanes that need to be resolved (electric powered bikes could not use the lanes, bike lanes are not normally established on freeways, etc.). Ken Price noted that 11 members had signed up for ride leader training on October 19th. There was an extensive discussion and general agreement on establishing criteria for recognizing ride leaders who complete the course and lead a designated number of rides. The Rideshare staff has requested SLOBC to hold a Rideshare month bike breakfast on October 18th. Ann Smith, Gary Havas, and Ken Price volunteered to organize the event. President Davis noted that he had drafted the 2014 calendar for club meetings and events. Board meetings have been scheduled on a bimonthly basis, and the 3 January and July board and general meetings have been scheduled for the second Tuesday and Thursday of those months in order to avoid the New Years and 4th of July holiday periods. President Davis noted that the California Bike Summit is scheduled for November 7-10 in Oakland. President Davis presented a draft of the proposed strategic plan outlining club goals developed over a series of meetings of the board and with club members. President Davis and Will Benedict proposed several revisions to the draft, and after discussion, the Board approved the plan as amended (MSC:Davis/McHugh). Will Benedict gave an extensive overview of work done by himself, Frank Mullin, and David Cox on updating the club website and demonstrated various methods for communicating with club members and the cycling community via newsletters, surveys, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, etc. The goal is to utilize the software programs and systems that are now available to provide a more comprehensive and user friendly communications structure that would replace the existing system that has been in place for a number of years. Will requested the board members to review the organization and content of the proposed new website and to forward any comments and suggestions to him. The board thanked Will for the outstanding work he and his team had done and approved moving forward with the project and entering into an agreement with Constant Contact to utilize their software programs. President Davis noted that the Slabtown Rollers will be locating two trucks along the Lighthouse route to encourage riders to visit the website. President Davis advised that he would be out of town in October and that Ann Smith would lead the October general meeting. The October general meeting will be held at Meadow Park instead of the SLO Library. President Davis noted that he would be attending the opening event for the Santa Maria River Bridge Bike Path scheduled for 2 PM on September 12. President Davis advised that Dave Abrecht had submitted an application by SLOBC (as sponsoring organization) for a grant to the Avila Beach Tourism Alliance for funding bike corrals. Ken Price reminded the board that an Ontario Road clean-up is scheduled for October 12. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:35 PM. MINUTES SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Minutes of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club General Meeting that an emergency call should always be placed through 911. San Luis Obispo Library Community Room 995 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo CA Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:15 PM Mr. Mullin reported that there are no candidates for Ride Coordinator for 2014 and urged members interested in running for that position to contact him President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM. President Davis thanked Ann Smith and Gary Havas for volunteering to lead the October 18 Bike Breakfast and Marina Michel for serving as greeter. In addition, he thanked Kathy Cohon, Judy Rutter, Gail Davis, Anne Klinger, and the Atlees for providing refreshments. The minutes for the August 1, 2013 meeting were approved (MSC:HCohon/Long). President Davis noted that the draft EIR for the Bob Jones Trail extension from San Luis Obispo to Ontario Road is available for comments, that the club received a thank you from the Cayucos Elementary School for the club’s contribution, and that Grover Beach has scheduled a block party for September 12th to celebrate recent civic improvements. Chris Broome reported that year-to-date contributions were $52,000 and that club assets totaled $228,000. Chris invited members to participate in a budget committee meeting scheduled for October 10th. Frank Mullin advised members that cars merging onto westbound LOVR from Foothill have the right-of-way and that cyclists riding west on LOVR must yield to such vehicles before crossing over to the shoulder. A member noted that significant injuries from an accident may not always be readily apparent and recommended Dan Rivoire reported that the Bike Coalition has scheduled presentations at 15 schools as part of its fall bike education program and that the Coalition is halfway toward meeting its Connect SLO County fund raising goal. President Davis noted that the October and November general meetings will be held at Meadow Park near the intersection of South Street and Broad. The dedication of the Santa Maria River Bridge Bike Path is scheduled for 2 PM on September 12. President Davis advised the members that the goals established with respect to printing of the newsletter and directory have been modified in response to feedback from members. The printing of the directory will be revisited in 2016 and a revised proposal regarding the distribution of the directory will be presented at that time. The goal of moving to digital newsletters as of the end of 2016 has been modified to include having a strategy for meeting the needs of those without digital access and those who wish to continue to receive a printed version. Several members commented on the proposed changes before discussion was closed. Bob Nanninga presented “UPS Delivery by Bike’ which gave an overview of his delivering packages by bicycle as a part-time UPS delivery man. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:20 PM. 2014 Budget Committee The Committee will meet to prepare the SLOBC contributions and financial budgets for 2014. The resulting budget will be presented to the Board in November for their adjustments and approval. It is subsequently published in the December issue of the SLO Coaster and is presented to the membership for a vote at the December General Meeting. The meeting will be in Morro Bay at 2:00 p.m., October 10th and it is expected to last about 3 hours. The specific location will be announced closer to the date. If you would like to participate in the Committee meeting and plan the 2014 budget, please contact me before October 1st. If you have any specific financial requests for 2014 for the committee to consider, please submit them to me by October 1st as well. This could include donations to bicycling-related causes or any other aspect of our financial operations. Chris Broome, Treasurer 4 SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 2013 Board Candidates The club’s nominations committee is continuing its search for members who are willing to make a commitment to help lead our club in 2014. You can still toss your hat in the ring for any position. Descriptions of the duties of these positions can be found in the Volunteer area at our website ( or feel free to contact the "incumbents" and talk with them about their job. Please contact Frank Mullin,, 602-2058, if you're interested. Note that the position of Public Relations Coordinator will only exist if the members approve the amendment to the bylaws that has been written to establish it. Position Candidate(s) Incumbent President Will Benedict Robert Davis Vice-President Ann Smith Ann Smith Treasurer Chris Broome Chris Broome Secretary Craig Armstrong Craig Armstrong Membership Coordinator Michael Balster Michael Balster Ride Coordinator Brad T. Opstad Will Benedict Newsletter Editor Monica Robinson Tim Long Advocate Dave Abrecht Dave Abrecht Historian Martin Howell Martin Howell Safety Coordinator Ken Price Ken Price Director at Large Kathleen McHugh Kathleen McHugh Public Relations Coordinator Donald Thomas Amendment to the Bylaws Purpose: Add a position to the board who will act as Public Relations Coordinator for the club. Duties would include such things as promoting the bike club to the general public, reaching out to attract new members and representing the club wherever appropriate. Proposal: Make the following amendments to the club bylaws. II. B The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors (Board) which shall consist of twelve (12) thirteen (13) voting members, eleven twelve of whom shall be elected by the members of the corporation. They shall be: President; Immediate Past President (not an elected position); Vice President; Treasurer; Secretary, (the Officers); Membership Coordinator; Ride Coordinator; Newsletter Editor; Advocate; Historian, Safety Director, Public Relations Coordinator, and Director-At-Large. IV-H. PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR shall manage activities and initiatives to promote the club to the community and to attract new members. 5 RIDES SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Ride Details Ride Program Information Go to the club website and click on the Ride Program tab to access the Ride Calendar, Ride Information, Ride Safety, Ride Ratings and Ride Organization web pages for the most current ride information. Submit ride information and updates to both Will Benedict and Frank Mullin to ensure the Ride Calendar is accurate and current. Safe Riding All cyclists taking part in club rides are expected to model Safe Cycling Best Practices as described on the club’s Sunday Tuesday Arroyo Grande (9:00 AM, C2) Vacillators (9:00 AM, B2) Start: Café Andreini, Arroyo Grande Coordinator: Craig Armstrong Phone: 619-7023 Start: Nazarene El Morro, Los Osos Destination: South Coordinator: Marina Michel Phone: 528-1732 Baywood/Los Osos (8:30 AM, B2) Start: Nazarene El Morro, Los Osos Destination: Kelley’s, Cayucos Coordinator: Will Benedict Phone: 544-3504 Monday Atascadero Breakers (9:00 AM, C4) Start: Charles Paddock Zoo, Atascadero Coordinator: Kevin Matherly Email: Atascadero Scramblers (9:00 AM, B3) Start: Charles Paddock Zoo, Atascadero Coordinators: Glenn & Gail Vanderlinde Email: Breakaways (9:00 AM, D3) Start: Damon Garcia Sports Fields, SLO Coordinator: Russ Robinson Phone: 781-0903 Flaming Tortoises (9:00 AM, A2) Start: Dinosaur Caves Park, Pismo Beach Coordinator: Julie Jarvis Phone: 773-1567 Yellow Jackets (9:00 AM, B2) Start: Ben's House, San Luis Obispo Destination: Grover Beach or Los Osos Coordinator: Ben Patrick Phone: 543-2803 6 Submitting Ride Information Wednesday Flyers (9:00 AM, D3) Coordinator: Russ Robinson Phone: 781-0903 Date: October 2 Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo Leader: Bill Goodger Phone: 782-9197 Date: October 9 Start: Laguna Lake Park, San Luis Obispo Leader: Norm Smith Phone: 914-388-7198 Date: October 16 Start: Bob Jones Trail Head, Ontario Road Leader: Steve Vines Phone: 202-8114 Date: October 23 Start: Damon Garcia Sports Field, SLO Leader: Bill Buckalew Phone: 543-9940 Date: October 30 Start: Santa Margarita Park Leader: Russ Robinson Phone: 781-0903 Frequent Feeders (9:00 AM, B2) Coordinator: Frank Mullin Phone: 602-2058 Date: October 2 Start: Heritage Square Park, AG Destination: Starbucks (near Trader Joe’s, SLO) Leader: Michelle Cota Contact: 440-6264 website at Ride Safety under Ride Program. Ride Start Maps A Google Map of each ride start can be accessed by clicking the start name in the Ride Calendar on the SLOBC website. Entering the start name into Google Maps will find the start location. Date: October 9 Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Morro Bay Leader: Participant Lead Date: October 16 Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Five Cities Leader: Ann Smith Contact: 704-4427 Date: October 23 Start: Throop Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Morro Bay Note: Birthday Ride – treats & coffee Leader: Arlene Winn Contact: 781-9466 Date: October 30 Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Hi Mountain Leader: Jeff Kahn Contact: 594-1083 Templeton Breakers (9:00 AM, C4) Start: Templeton Park, Templeton Coordinator: George DiMundo Email: Templeton Scramblers (9:00 AM, B2) Start: Templeton Park, Templeton Coordinators: Patti & Bill VanOrden Email: Trikers (9:00 AM, A2) Dates: October 2 & 16 Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo Coordinator: Dorothy Curhan Phone: 542-0334 RIDES SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Ride Rating Code Average Speed Code AA A B C D Less than 10 MPH 9 to 12 MPH 12 to 15 MPH 14 to 17 MPH Over 16 MPH 1 2 3 4 5 (Wednesday Continued) Friday SLO Pokes (9:00 AM, A2) Tortoises (9:00 AM, A1) Coordinator: Sharon Sutliff Phone: 544-4034 Date: October 2 Start: Laguna Lake Park, San Luis Obispo Destination: Carlock's Bakery, Los Osos Leader: Peggy Coon Phone: 904-6050, cell 818-259-8960 Date: October 9 Start: Lila Keiser Park, Morro Bay Destination: Cayucos via 3 canyons Leader: Val Barboza Phone: 264-5901 Date: October 16 Start: Tom Jermin Park, Templeton Ride: Tour de Templeton Leader: Dee McKelvie Phone: 610-1234 Date: October 23 Start: Cloisters Park, Morro Bay Destination: Harmony Leader: Hans and Patricia Boerst Phone: 534-9660 Date: October 30 Start: J. Lohr Vineyards, Paso Robles Destination: San Miguel via Cross Canyons Leader: June Kramer Coordinators: Stu & Janie Goldenberg Phone: 544-4720 Date: October 4 Start: Food 4 Less, San Luis Obispo Destination: Hula Hut, Avila Beach Leader: Bob Tuman Phone: 545-5976 Date: October 11 Start: Shamel Park, Cambria Ride: Tour of Cambria scarecrows Note: McKelvie appreciation ride with lunch afterwards at Moonstone Grill Leader: Dee & Scott McKelvie Phone: 610-1234 Date: October 18 Start: Sinsheimer Park, San Luis Obispo Ride: To “Bat Cave” Leader: Stu & Janie Goldenberg Phone: 544-4720 Date: October 25 Start: Parking near Fin’s, GB Destination: Coffee Cove via Pismo Leader: Bob Young Phone: 489-4755 Paso Robles Breakers (9:00 AM, C4) Phone: 425-239-8692 Start: Marriott Courtyard Hotel, PR Coordinator: Earl Norcross Email: Thursday Paso Robles Scramblers (9:00 AM, B2) Vacillators (9:00 AM, B2) Start: Nazarene El Morro, Los Osos Destination: Kelley’s, Cayucos Coordinator: Will Benedict Phone: 544-3504 Terrain Generally flat Easy grades, occasional hills Rolling hills Hard hills Very challenging hills Yellow Jackets (9:00 AM, B2) Start: Ben's House, San Luis Obispo Destination: Avila Beach Coordinator: Ben Patrick Phone: 543-2803 Saturday Huasna Valley (9:00 AM, C2) Start: Sixteenth Street Park, GB Destination: Huasna Coordinator: Long Nguyen Phone: 481-1688 (Call if joining) King City Hillbillies (9:00 AM, B3/4) Start: Starbucks, King City Coordinator: Ralph Lee Email: Slabtown Rollers (8:00 AM, C4) Start: Sotheby's Realty, Cambria Coordinator: Tom Parsons Phone: 927-5514 SLO Velo (9:00 AM, C3/4) Start: Variable on first Saturday Start: Starbucks/Trader Joe's, SLO Coordinator: Ron Starkey Email: Website: Start: Marriott Courtyard Hotel, PR Coordinator: Jean McBride Email: More 2Xcentury Riders Some SLOBC members were left out of the double century list in last month's newsletter. The following people completed the Solvang Double in March 2013: Marina Michel, Tim Rich, Gary Havas, Michael Gille, and Robin Erickson 7 RIDES SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 8 Directions to Starting Locations Atascadero Zoo Take 101 north from San Luis Obispo to Atascadero, take the Santa Rosa exit (218A), turn left on to Santa Rosa Rd for 1.4 miles, turn right on Highway 41, continue 0.2 miles to zoo on right. Ben's House (SLO) Take 101 to Los Osos Valley Road. Go east 0.5 mile to Higuera, left 0.4 mile to Tank Farm Rd, right 1.9 miles to Poinsettia St, right 0.1 mile to Alyssum Court, left one house -- Ben's house is first on left. Bob Jones Trail Head Take 101 toward the five cities. Exit at San Luis Bay drive. Go left on Ontario for 0.8 miles. Park in the lot on your left. Cafe Andreini (AG) Take 101 to Arroyo Grande, exit Grand exit, left 0.3 miles to Andreini's on left. Park in lot to the right. Cloisters Park (MB) Take Hwy. 1 north from Morro Bay. Turn left on San Jacinto Street. Take first left (Coral St.) Park is .3 mi. on the right Damon Garcia Sports Field Take 101 to Los Osos Valley Road exit, east 0.4 miles to Higuera, left 0.2 miles to Tank Farm, right 1.5 miles to Broad, left 0.2 miles to the park on the left (across from Industrial Way). Dinosaur Caves Park (SB) Take 101 south to Spyglass Drive off ramp, go right to light, left on Shell Beach Road 1.4 miles to Cliff Avenue, right 0.1 mile to park on left. Fins(GB) End of Grand in Grover Beach. Take 101 to Highway 1 off ramp in Pismo Beach. Go south 1 mile to Grand Avenue. Turn right into and go to the parking area. Food4Less (SLO) Take 101 to Los Osos Valley Road. Go east 0.5 mile to Higuera, left 0.3 mile to Food4Less on your right." French Park (SLO) Take 101 to Los Osos Valley Road. East 0.5 mile to Higuera, left 0.4 mile to Tank Farm Rd, right 1.9 miles to Poinsettia St, right 0.4 miles to Fuller, left 0.1 mile to park (on the left). Heritage Square Park (AG) Take 101 to Grand exit in Arroyo Grande. Turn east 0.2 miles to Traffic Way, right 0.2 miles to Nelson St, left 0.1 miles to Short Street. Park on street. J Lohr Vineyards 101 to CA 46 East (Fresno/Bakersfield) exit. Take CA 46 east 2.3 miles to Airport Rd. Turn left on Airport Rd,. The winery is 3.2 miles on the left. Laguna Lake Park (SLO) Take 101 to Madonna exit in SLO. Going west, 0.7 miles to entrance to Laguna Lake Park on your right. Generally park in second lot to the left (near the bathrooms). Lila Keiser Park (MB) Go north/west on highway 1 from 101 to Morro Bay. Take highway 41 off ramp and turn left. Go 0.1 mile and turn left into the park. Marriot Courtyard Hotel Take 101 (north or south) to the Spring St. exit, turn east onto 1st St, then south (left) onto So. Vine St. Entrance to the hotel parking lot is on your left; park along So. Vine St. Nazarene Church (BP) Corner of Santa Ysabel and South Bay Blvd. in Los Osos. From 101, take Los Osos Valley Rd exit. Travel west for 9 miles to South Bay Blvd. Travel right about 1 mile to light, church is on your right. Throop Park (SLO) Take 101 to Highway 1. Go west 0.8 miles to Foothill Blvd., left 0.3 miles to Ferrini Rd, right 0.1 mile to Cerro Romauldo Ave, left 0.1 mile to park on right. Santa Margarita Park Take 101 to highway 58 off ramp into Santa Margarita. Follow highway 58 through town and stay on it when it turns to the right. After crossing the tracks, you will find the park to your right. Shamel Park (Cambria) Take 101 to Highway 1 and go north to Cambria. At the north end of town, turn left at Windsor Rd. The park is 0.3 miles down the road. Sinsheimer Park (SLO) Take 101 to Madonna exit. Travel east 0.2 miles to Higuera, left 0.1 mile to South Street, right 0.8 mile to Broad Street right 0.7 miles to Orcutt Road, left 0.4 miles to Laurel Lane, left 0.3 miles to Southwood Drive, left 0.2 miles to park. Sixteenth Street Park (GB) Going southbound on 101 to Pismo Beach, take Oak Park exit, left on El Camino Real for 0.3 miles, right on Oak Park for 1.1 miles, right on Mentone and then into park on left. Sotheby's Realty (Cambria) Take 101 to Highway 1 west, continue 34 miles to Cambria Rd, then turn left onto Main St. Continue 0.4 miles to Sotheby's Realty on the right (east of Main). Starbucks (King City) Take 101 north to King City. Take the Broadway off ramp and turn left under the 101 Freeway overpass on to Broadway Circle. Starbucks will be immediately on your left with ample parking. Starbucks/ Trader Joe’s San Luis Obispo Take Hwy. 101 to the Los Osos Valley Road exit. Take Los Osos Valley Road east to Higuera St. Turn Left, passing Suburban Rd. The entrance to the Trader Joe’s /Foods 4 Less center is on the right. Templeton Park Take 101 to the Vineyard exit in Templeton. Turn east for 0.2 miles to Old Country Road, turn left for 0.4 miles to 6th Street. Park is on your right. Tom Jermin Park / Templeton 101 to Vineyard Dr. Go west on Vineyard to Bethel Rd. Turn right on Bethel. Park is .8 mi. on the left. SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 December Pot Luck Dinner Please mark your calendars for the December Pot Luck! It will be held at the Elk's Lodge in SLO on Thursday, December 5. The theme this year is Family Traditions, so start thinking about favorite family recipes, table decorations, holiday traditions, and maybe even a special outfit. Dorothy Curhan and Linda Kahn fueling an alternate fuel conveyance along Ontario Rd. on their way to Avila with the Yellow Jackets. This is a weekly pastime for them and they carry apples for that purpose. I think it would look good in the SLO Coaster if you agree. Photo by Pam Zirion 9 SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Advocate’s Report By Dave Abrecht Highway 1 Update The saga of the chip-seal resurfacing of Highway 1 continues at the October 2nd (Wednesday) meeting of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments’ (SLOCOG). The meeting is at the County Government Center in San Luis Obispo and begins at 8:30 AM. Caltrans is expected to give a report on the pavement study they conducted on July 13 on Highway 198 in King City. They are also expected to offer some information about how they will address the existing chip-seal surface of Highway 1. I understand that this issue has been unreasonably drawn out for almost a year. However, the continued efforts of Cambria’s Slab Town Rollers, other SLOBC members, the SLO County Bicycle Coalition, SLOCOG staff and other interested persons has kept the pressure on Caltrans to fix this problem. Please plan to attend the October 2 meeting of the SLOCOG Board and show Caltrans officials that this issue is still of critical importance to cyclists. Ride Leader Training Class If you have followed the information about the upcoming Ride Leader Training Class via the club’s email list serve, you know that the first class, to be held on October 19, filled very quickly. A waiting list has been established and those on the waiting list will be first to fill a second class. No date has been set for the second class. If you are interested in attending a future class, call or send me an email and I’ll make sure your name is added to the list San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition Bicycle Advocacy Mini-Summit The San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition is hosting their annual Bicycle Advocacy Mini-Summit on Sunday, October 20th from 1 - 4 PM. The summit is designed to help interested cycling enthusiasts become better bicycle advocates and learn how to help make bicycle friendly improvements in their respective communities. The summit is open to the public. For more information or to sign-up, go to: “SLO-Centric” For those of you who do not live or bike in San Luis Obispo proper, you many want to stop reading here. An updated version of the City of San Luis Obispo’s Bicycle Transportation Plan is moving its way toward adoption by the city. The plan was just approved by the Planning Commission and will go to the City Council in November. The plan is on the city’s website and can be found at: Kudos to SLOBC members Lea Brooks, Kevin Christian (City staff), Arlene Winn and Jim Woolf for their hard work on this document and their dedication to improving the bicycling infrastructure in San Luis Obispo. 10 SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Ontario Road Cleanup I am planning to have the cleanup on Ontario Rd. Oct. 12th at the Johnson Ranch parking area as we have done in the past. We will meet at 8:30 a.m. I will have bagels and cream cheese as well as coffee and hot water for teas. You can bring your own tea bags or use what I will have. Bring gloves, shovels, rakes, and brooms. I will have bags, some trash grabbers and some garden tools. Pass this on to others who may not have access to the internet. Ken Price safety officer. 805-489-9779 The Evolution of the Aerodynamic Helmet by Stu Goldenberg I have long been an advocate of mirrors on bicycles. It could be attached to the handlebars, to glasses, or helmet. On several occasions my mirror has saved me. There was the time a house was being moved and encroached into the shoulder. I will never know if the driver of the truck pulling the house realized the potential harm he could have done had I not gotten off the road. Then there was the time the garbage collection people had hung a large trash collection container on the right side of the collection truck. That too, could have been fatal. Knowing what is behind you is important. Some cyclists with drop handlebars and no mirror sneak a peak under their arms, but after a long day of riding and sweating, that could also be fatal. It takes a lot of training and experience to turn and look over your shoulder and still continue along a straight line. All too often, when this maneuver is performed, the cyclist drifts into the adjacent lane, into what he is trying to avoid. 11 The current rage is a large convex mirror connected to one's helmet with a flexible shaft that resembles a segmented worm. Since the mirror is convex, the field of view is greatly enhanced but at a price. Missing from those mirror is the warning that appears on the automobile passenger side mirror, "Objects may be closer than they appear." Riding with a mirror isn't about seeing where you have been, but what you may see passing you in the next few seconds! SLOCOASTER October 1, 2013 Presorted Standard US Postage Paid PRP Companies 93401 SanLuisObispoBicycleClub, Inc. P.O. Box 1585 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 CALENDAR: GENERAL MEETING @Meadow Park October 3rd, 7:15 P.M. BUDGET MEETING October 10th, 2:00 P.M. ONTARIO RD. CLEANUP October 12th, 8:30 A.M. PROGRAM (Note: The October and November general meetings will be held at Meadow Park.) Double Feature! A David Cox Production Bike and Barge The Bikes of Amsterdam Running times 15 & 12 minutes ... more or less
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