Soil gas radon and thoron measurements in some Venezuelan
Soil gas radon and thoron measurements in some Venezuelan
Soil gas radon and thoron measurements in some Venezuelan oilfields Daniel Palacios1, Emidio Fusella2, Yininber Avila1, Jhonny Salas3, Diana Teixeira1, Guillermo Fernández4, L. Sajo-Bohus1, E.D. Greaves1, H. Barros1, M. Bolívar5, J. Regalado5 1Universidad Simon Bolivar, P.O. 89000, Caracas, Venezuela 2Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA), Caracas, Venezuela 3Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela 4Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela 5Servicios Geofísicos-PDVSA, Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela Motivation The existence of radiometric anomalies over hydrocarbons reservoirs is known long ago, nevertheless, despite several claims of success, few scientifically rigorous research on the many factors that can influence the results have been done. Probably those circumstances would lead to lose the motivation and confidence in these studies, reason why the literature on this matter is very scarce after year 2000. At present, although there are companies that provide services for oil exploration using radiometric techniques, oil community shows no wide acceptance of the method. Nowadays, the advances in radiometric methods, techniques of geostatistics and data processing, and a greater understanding of geochemical and geophysical alterations induced over oil and gas reservoirs, could indicate a new and successful stage of the application of radiometric techniques for hydrocarbon exploration. CONTENT Surface Expression of Seepage Radiometrics in Oil and Gas Exploration Measuring Techniques Case Study 1, Amarilis Oilfield - Monagas State Case Study 2, Nodosaria 15, Jusepin - Monagas State Case Study 3, Freites Municipality - Anzoátegui State Surface Expression of Seepage Possible model of hydrocarbon microseepage-related alteration over petroleum deposits (modified after Saunders et al., 1999) RADIOMETRICS IN OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION How radiometric surveys are used to detect potential oil and gas payzones related to structural uplifts (anticlines), fault traps, and stratigraphic traps? Surface geochemical and geophysical expression of petroleum seepage Radiometric responses to oil and gas payzones Sketch of upward flow of ground gases from an oil/gas reserve Fleischer and Turner (1983) MEASURING TECHNIQUES Georeferenced measurements sites Portable meteorological station IN SITU GAMMA SPECTROMETRIC MEASUREMENTS (1m soildetector distance) HPGe detector BGO detector Na(Tl) detector Soil sample collection and HR gamma spectrometric analysis (226Ra-222Rn progeny in secular equilibrium) Radon and thoron concentrations by an active method (Lucas cells) Radon measurements by a passive method (LR-115 SSNTD in diffusion chambers) CASE STUDY 1, AMARILIS OILFIELD - MONAGAS STATE Complex reservoir Several structural highs and an anticline fold was defined by the AML-1X well Objective: To evaluate whether the distribution of radon concentrations in soil gas along a transect can give insights on possible causes of differences in productivity of two drilled wells. Method: 40 measuring points were set each separated 250 m along a transect passing through the producer well AML1X and the exploratory well AML-2 which turned out dry Results: ¾AML-1X well located within in the interval of the transect with low radon concentrations limited at its boundaries by the maximum values ¾Difference in the radon concentration across the dome agrees with the Fleischer and Turner model if the maximum had coincided with the edges of the dome structure (not the case). ¾Since no more maximum in radon concentration after the AML-2 well (in the NE direction), it can be assumed the well to be outside the dome structure and/or the lack of active faulting Radon highs do not lie over the projection of possible fractures produced as a result of differential compaction of overlying sediments ¾ The highest radon concentrations coincide with the location of Lead “Amarilis Oeste” and the associated structure ⇒ easier gas transport from deeper layers through the fault. ¾ Results may be rather related to a geochemically active fault (GAF), through which gases leak out with enough pressure to create the radon anomaly ⇒ area can be considered as potentially hydrocarbon bearing zone at depth. ¾ Productive well seems to be near the boundary of the anticlinal structure. ¾ Minimum 226Ra/232Th ratios around the producer well contrasting the higher values at the dry well ¾ The decrease of eU relative to thorium is in correspondence with the chemical alterations induced by the ascending hydrocarbons ¾ AML-1X well is located in an area with welldeveloped migration pathways and an active petroleum system. Conclusions: 9A relatively low radon concentration in soil pores was identified around the productive well as compared with its surroundings. 9The radon profile did not spatially coincide with the anticlinal trap structure possibly due to the complexity of the reservoir. 9Apparently, the productive well is located in an area with well-developed migration pathways and an active petroleum system. CASE STUDY 2, NODOSARIA 15, JUSEPIN - MONAGAS STATE Oilfield in exploitation for many years, there are active and non-active wells The oilfield has its northern border in the Pirital shifting fault and in the western border a transversal NE fault, which pronounced displacement (up to 1000‘) Objective: To assess whether or not there are radon anomalies associated with oil production sites and the type of reservoir trap (fault trap). Method: 124 measurement stations distributed on a grid array of 200 m spacing. Results: ¾Anomalous high concentrations (higher than 20 and 16 KBq/m3 for radon and thoron, respectively) overlying an area of the fault system ¾Distributions are not consistent with the hypothesis that the entire fault lines cross at the points with the maximum values of radon and thoron concentrations ¾In general, radon and thoron data show good correlation. ¾Higher radon and thoron concentrations were found in an area occupied by some oil wells. Radon and thoron contour maps obtained by the active method (Lucas cells) ¾ Radon/thoron contour map reveals anomalous high near the intersection of two faults and in general, high values to the northeast of the studied area ⇒ gases are transported from the greatest depth in the area where faults intersect ¾ Detectors closest to fault region showed alpha track density well above the background level ¾ Radon maximum value is located in an area traversed by the fault system and near the intersection of the two faults ¾ Higher radon concentrations were found almost in all the area occupied by oil wells and at the surface along the all trace of the fault system Overlap of faults and locations of oil wells with the contour maps of radon/thoron ratios (A) and relative radon concentrations given by the passive method (B). ¾ The above results indicate that radon emissions in the studied area are structurally controlled, which is in correspondence with the fault trap structure of the Nodosaria-15 reservoir. ¾ Radon maximum overlie fault zones developed at the edges of the reservoir acting as pathways for gas migration to the surface. Conclusions: 9Radon highs overlie the fault system regardless of the measurement method. 9The anomaly is in correspondence with the fault trap structure of reservoir, so the existence of well-defined radon anomalies above fault-controlled oil-bearing traps was confirmed. 9A good spatial correspondence was obtained between radon anomalies and oil wells. 9Measurements performed with nuclear track detectors better reveal the fault system traces and the oil well locations for this reservoir type. 9Highs of radon relative concentrations (by the passive method) and radon/thoron ratio (by the active method) are spatially better correlated with the intersecting fault system. 9As carrier gases seem to come from deep zones, the results suggest the existence of a geochemically active fault system associated to an oil reservoir with still enough pressure to create the detected radon anomalies. CASE STUDY 3, FREITES MUNICIPALITY - ANZOÁTEGUI STATE Two water wells resulted contaminated by natural gas and gas leaks exist in the nearby river. There are active and inactive oil wells, must of the latters abandoned for more than 50 years. Objective: 1) to identify possible structures (faults or fractures system) related to methane ascension and suggest which is or may be the source responsible for its occurrence in the river and aquifer, and 2) to assess whether or not there are radon anomalies associated with oil production areas. Method: Calculation of 226Ra activity concentrations in soil samples. Thus, radon concentration at equilibrium can be derived to better discriminate the radon component uprising from a deep gas source along faults. Data were collected on a grid composed of eight sets of rectangular rings centered on the locations of the two contaminated water wells, six abandoned gas wells suspected of gas leaks and the river location where gas was observed to emanate. The survey consisted of 210 survey stations, 250 m apart, covering approximately 22 km2. Results: Active radon measurements ¾Lowest radon levels in region C indicates the presence of a hydrocarbon reservoir in depth in correspondence with the laboratory gamma spectrometric results (expected configuration according to the model based on the alteration of near-surface gas flux gradient) ¾The radon maximum concentration values are very close to the river gas emanations (zone A). Apparently, this anomaly is related to the hydrocarbon gas migration from some source through an interconnected fracture system or a fault. ¾ The radon/thoron ratios also show an anomaly well defined only in zone A . ¾ Since both anomalies spatially coincide and as 222Rn has a much longer half-life than 220Rn, this result indicates that both isotopes have been brought to the surface by other carrier gases from a deeper source. ¾ The existence of a deep fault in that location, through which gases are transported and penetrate the aquifer, could explain the observed river gas emanations due to its hydraulic connection with the aquifer. Passive radon measurements ¾The same anomaly of high radon concentrations near the river gas emanation is apparent in zone A. ¾The highest radon concentrations were found in zone B where there are a few abandoned gas wells. Such behavior can be explained by the relative high 226Ra concentrations (214Bi). Since accumulation is not due to lithological variations, it seems to indicate that both radon and 226Ra 226Ra are being transported by an upward gas flow along the pipe of one of the abandoned wells ¾Radon levels seem to suggest this area (B) as possibly linked with the source of the aquifer contamination. ¾Apparent spatial connection for higher radon concentrations between gas wells (B) and the river gas emanations (A) ⇒ the existence of a breakdown in the structure of abandoned gas wells in (B) should not be discarded. This connection was not observed for active measurements. ¾ The radon activity at equilibrium with soil radium content is very low in zone A compared to the high radon values measured in siu. This confirms the assumption of other radon source that could originate from deep layers and migrate to the surface along a fault. Otherwise, radon values measured in A had been in equilibrium with soil radium content. ¾ The lowest Ue (214Bi) levels in C may indicate the existence of a hydrocarbon reservoir in depth, according to the model of radiometric anomalies over anticlinal-type hydrocarbon reservoirs. Geological data confirmed the previous statement, and at present several oil wells are producing very close to that area. ¾ Results obtained with passive detectors are less affected by meteorological conditions. In addition, passive sensors do not hamper the rising gas column. Thus, results obtained by the application of SSNTDs are more reliable. ¾ Both radon measurement methods indicate that the occurrence of gas emanations in the river and gas escape in water wells, are controlled by a single conduit (fault or interconnected fractures in zone A) for the ascent of natural gas to the surface. ¾ The magneto-telluric method also showed a vertical conduit connecting the river gas emanations with very deep zones. Additionally, the resistivity distribution indicates an apparent connection between some of the abandoned gas wells in zone B and this conduit. Conclusions: 9Surface hydrocarbon seeps were identified based on soil gas radon data. 9The anomalous zone for the radon/thoron ratio seems to indicate a high permeability of the soil caused by the effect of a fracture system or nearly vertical deep geological fault. 9The high anomalous radon concentration localized near the river gas emanations indicates the zone of methane penetration into the aquifer. The gas emanation in the river and in the water wells are controlled by this source. 9It is suggested that the source of the natural gas may be due to leaks at deep sites along the structure of some of the abandoned wells indicated in the North-East of the studied area. 9The lowest radon values detected in the eastern area suggest the presence of an anticline hydrocarbon reservoir. GRACIAS ESTUDIO RADIOMÉTRICO EN LA LOCALIDAD DE TASCABAÑA, ESTADO ANZOÁTEGUI Objetivos: Contribuir en la identificación de causa de ocurrencia de gas natural (metano) en río y pozos de agua y ubicación del sitio de penetración del gas al acuífero. Relacionar zonas de anomalías radiométricas favorables con áreas productivas. Conclusiones: Buena correlación espacial entre las anomalías radiométricas favorables y ubicación de algunos pozos activos de petróleo/gas, donde las anomalías radiométricas se corresponden con la estructura de trampa anticlinal. Reevaluación de reservas. Identificación y localización de falla que sirve de conducto para la migración de metano desde zonas profundas hasta el acuífero libre, causando su presencia en pozos de agua y las emanaciones observadas en el río aledaño. Identificación de pluma de contaminación del acuífero. Aparentemente la ocurrencia de metano parece estar relacionada a un fenómeno natural, aunque no se descarta que la fuente se deba a averías profundas en alguno de los pozos de gas abandonados ubicados al noreste de la zona de estudio. ESTUDIO RADIOMÉTRICO EN UN ÁREA DEL YACIMIENTO NODOSARIA 15, JUSEPÍN, ESTADO MONAGAS Objetivo: Detectar sistema de fallas asociado al sistema petrolífero. Discriminar el área donde están los pozos de petróleo y en particular, dentro de ella, la de mayor potencial productivo. Estudio radiométrico y geoquímico a lo largo de una transecta en el campo Amarilis 2,50 2,00 1,50 Zn 1,00 0,50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0,00 4,00 3,50 3,00 2,50 2,00 Cu 1,50 1,00 0,50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0,00 1,00 0,90 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 Mn 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0,00 4,00 3,50 3,00 2,50 2,00 Pb 1,50 1,00 0,50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0,00 9,00 8,00 7,00 6,00 5,00 4,00 Ca 3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Objetivo: Evaluar si el comportamiento de la radiactividad natural y distribución de algunos metales refleja las diferencias en la productividad de pozos petroleros FUGA DE GAS EN FINCA REQUENITA, ESTADO GUÁRICO Micro y macrofiltración de hidrocarburos Microseeps: •Slow and continuous loss of CH4 and other light hydrocarbons from 2 to 5 miles in sedimentary basins where thermal degradation of organic matter occurs. •General phenomenon driven by the buoyancy of gas phase in relation to the water. •Vertical migration with lateral displacements by faulting and flow through transport beds to the margins of the basin. Macroseeps: gas migrates through faults or fractures through a bulk flow model Faults and fractures as channels for the increase in the flow rate of microbubbles. Seeps along faults is an effusive process Esbozo de la producción geológica del metano y su liberación