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Artifacts associated with implementation of the Grangeat formula Seung Wook Leea) CT/Micro-CT Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 and Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, 305-701, South Korea Gyuseong Cho Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, 305-701, South Korea Ge Wangb) CT/Micro-CT Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 共Received 29 April 2002; accepted for publication 30 September 2002; published 27 November 2002兲 To compensate for image artifacts introduced in approximate cone-beam reconstruction, exact cone-beam reconstruction algorithms are being developed for medical x-ray CT. Although the exact cone-beam approach is theoretically error-free, it is subject to image artifacts due to the discrete nature of numerical implementation. We report a study on image artifacts associated with the Grangeat algorithm as applied to a circular scanning locus. Three types of artifacts are found, which are thorn, wrinkle, and V-shaped artifacts. The thorn pattern is created by inappropriate extrapolation into the shadow zone in the radon domain. If the shadow zone is filled in with continuous data, the thorn artifacts along the boundary of the shadow zone can be removed. The wrinkle appearance arises if interpolated first derivatives of the radon data are not smooth between adjacent detector planes. In particular, the nearest-neighbor interpolation method should not be used. If the number of projections is not small, the bilinear interpolation method is effective to suppress the wrinkle artifacts. The V-shaped artifacts on the meridian plane come from the line integrations through the transition zones where derivative data change abruptly. Two remedies are to increase the sampling rate and suppress data noise. © 2002 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 关DOI: 10.1118/1.1522748兴 Key words: artifact, exact reconstruction, computed tomography 共CT兲, cone-beam CT I. INTRODUCTION The CT technology is rapidly evolving from fan-beam to cone-beam geometry. The two key components are area detectors and reconstruction algorithms. While various types of area detectors are under development,1 cone-beam reconstruction algorithms are improved in several ways. Wang et al. categorized the cone-beam reconstruction algorithms into three categories: exact, approximate, and iterative algorithms, with general comments on their advantages and disadvantages.2 To compensate for image artifacts introduced in approximate reconstruction for large cone angles, exact algorithms are investigated for medical x-ray CT. Although the exact approach is theoretically error-free, it is also subject to image artifacts due to the discrete nature of numerical implementation. However, results on artifacts of the exact reconstruction approach are rare, although we need the artifact characteristics of exact reconstruction for practical use. The importance of artifact studies was demonstrated in many situations, and substantial efforts were made to overcome them in fan-beam reconstruction and approximate conebeam reconstruction.3–11 Hence, we are motivated to study the artifact behaviors in exact cone-beam reconstruction. In this paper, we focus on the Grangeat formula as applied to a circular trajectory, and analyze the artifacts. The 2871 Med. Phys. 29 „12…, December 2002 Grangeat formula is selected because it is widely implemented and geometrically clear.12 In Sec. II, we review the 3D radon transform and the Grangeat formula. In Sec. III, we summarize each stage of the exact algorithm and present several implementation conditions. In Sec. IV, we demonstrate three types of image artifacts, explain their causes, and suggest corrective means. In Sec. V, we discuss relevant issues, and conclude the paper. II. OVERVIEW OF THE GRANGEAT FORMULA A. 3D radon transform As shown in Fig. 1, the 3D radon transform of a 3Dfunction f (x̄) is defined by R f 共 n̄ 兲 ⫽ 冕 冕 冕 ⬁ ⬁ ⬁ ⫺⬁ ⫺⬁ ⫺⬁ f 共 x̄ 兲 ␦ 共 x̄•n̄⫺ 兲 dx̄, 共1兲 where n̄ is the unit vector which passes through the characteristic point C described by the spherical coordinate ( , , ), x̄ the Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z). Equation 共1兲 means that the radon value at C is the integral of the object function f (x̄) on the plane normal to the vector n̄. It is well known that the 3D function f (x̄) can be reconstructed from 0094-2405Õ2002Õ29„12…Õ2871Õ10Õ$19.00 © 2002 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 2871 2872 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula 2872 B. Cone-beam data to derivative data in the radon domain For cone-beam tomography, it is critically important to link cone-beam projection to 3D radon data. Smith, Tuy, and Grangeat found such links separately.12,15,16 Grangeat’s formulation is geometrically attractive and becomes popular. Mathematically, as shown in Fig. 2, the link can be expressed as follows: R f 共 n̄ 兲 ⬅R ⬘ f 共 n̄ 兲 FIG. 1. 3D radon transform parameters (x,y,z) represent the Cartesian coordinates, and ( , , ) the spherical coordinate. The 3D radon value at C is equal to the plane integration through object f (x̄) which is orthogonally through the vector n̄. R f ( n̄) provided that R f ( n̄) is available for all planes through a neighborhood of point x̄ 13,14 as follows: f 共 x̄ 兲 ⫽ ⫺1 82 冕 /2 ⫽⫺ /2 冕 2 ⫽0 2 2 R f 共共 x̄•n̄ 兲 n̄ 兲 兩 sin 兩 d d . 共2兲 ⫽ 2 cos  s 冕 ⫽ cos  s 冕 1 1 2 ⬁ ⫺⬁ ⬁ ⫺⬁ SO X f 关 s 共 n̄ 兲 ,t 兴 dt SA X w f 关共 s 共 n̄ 兲 ,t 兴 dt, 共3兲 where X f 关 s( n̄),t 兴 is the detector value a distance of s away from the center of detector O along the line t perpendicular to OC D , SO denotes the distance between the source and the origin, SA the distance between the source and an arbitrary point A along t,  the angle between the line SO and SC, and FIG. 2. Meridian and detector planes. 共a兲 Relationship between meridian and detector planes, 共b兲 a meridian plane, and 共c兲 a detector plane. (x,y,z): reconstruction system; (r,z): Cartesian coordinates on the meridian plane; (p,q): Cartesian coordinates on the detector plane; C: characteristic point on the meridian plane; C D : line integration point. The source and detector system is described by the vectors ū, v̄ ,w̄. The first derivative at C is acquired by the line integration along t through C D . C is described by the spherical coordinate 共,,兲, and C D by the spherical coordinate by (s, ␣ , ). Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 2873 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula 2873 FIG. 3. Schematic flowchart of the Grangeat algorithm. X w f 关 s( n̄),t 兴 ⫽(SO/SA)X f 关 s( n̄),t 兴 . Given a characteristic point C in the radon domain, the plane orthogonal to the vector n̄ is determined. Then, the intersection point共s兲 of the plane with the source trajectory S() can be found, and the detector plane D specified, on which the line integration is performed. Let C D denote the intersection of the detector plane D with the ray that comes from S() and goes through C. The position C D can be described by a vector sn̄ D . To compute the derivative of radon value at C, the line integration is performed along t, which is orthogonal to the vector sn̄ D . For a digital implementation of Eq. 共3兲, the derivative in the s direction is reformulated as the sum of its two horizontal and vertical components, TABLE I. Parameters of the phantoms used in our numerical simulation. Phantom a b c x y z Density 3D Shepp and Logan 0.69 0.6624 0.41 0.31 0.21 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.056 0.056 0.046 0.023 0.9 0.88 0.21 0.22 0.35 0.046 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.1 0.046 0.023 0.92 0.874 0.16 0.11 0.25 0.046 0.023 0.023 0.04 0.056 0.046 0.023 0.0 0.0 ⫺0.22 0.22 0.0 0.0 ⫺0.08 0.06 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ⫺0.25 ⫺0.25 ⫺0.25 ⫺0.25 ⫺0.25 ⫺0.25 0.625 0.0625 ⫺0.25 ⫺0.25 0.0 ⫺0.0184 0.0 0.0 0.35 0.1 ⫺0.605 ⫺0.605 ⫺0.105 0.1 ⫺0.1 ⫺0.605 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72.0 ⫺72.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 ⫺0.98 ⫺0.02 ⫺0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 ⫺0.02 0.01 0.01 One sphere 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 Two sphere 0.9 0.45 0.9 0.45 0.9 0.45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 ⫺2.0 Three sphere 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 ⫺2.0 2.0 Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 2874 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula 2874 III. IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CIRCULAR SCANNING CASE A. Two phases The implementation of the Grangeat formula is divided into two phases. The first derivatives of radon data are generated from cone-beam projections in phase 1. Images are reconstructed in phase 2. The recipe is depicted in Fig. 3. 1. Phase 1 FIG. 4. Shadow zone in the radon space associated with a circular scanning trajectory. X f 关 s 共 n̄ 兲 ,t 兴 ⫽cos ␣ X f 关 s 共 n̄ 兲 ,t 兴 s w p w ⫹sin ␣ X f 关 s 共 n̄ 兲 ,t 兴 , q w 共4兲 where p and q are the Cartesian axes, s and ␣ define a polar system on the detector plane 关see Fig. 2共c兲兴. Substituting Eq. 共4兲 into Eq. 共3兲 yields R ⬘ f 共 n̄ 兲 ⫽ 1 cos  2 冉 冕 cos ␣ 冕 X w f 共 s 共 n̄ 兲 ,t 兲 dt ⫺⬁ p ⬁ X w f 共 s 共 n̄ 兲 dt 兲 , ⫹sin ␣ ⫺⬁ q ⬁ where cos  ⫽SO/SC D . According to Eq. 共5兲, projection data are weighted by the factor SO/SA 共P1.1 in Fig. 3兲. This cosine weighting is common in analytic cone-beam reconstruction. The weighted projection data are then differentiated in p and q directions 共P1.2 in Fig. 3兲. The purpose of plane 1 is to generate the first derivative data in the radon domain for phase 2. Sampling in spherical coordinates 共,,兲 is most convenient for subsequent parallel backprojection, therefore the characteristics points are specified in polar coordinates 共,兲 on a meridian plane. To obtain the first derivative data at a desired sampling location, we need a geometric relationship between the radon characteristic point C and the line integration characteristic point C D . For a radon characteristic point C at 共,,兲, we should find a corresponding line integration characteristic point C D at (s, ␣ , ), where (s, ␣ ) is its polar coordinates on the detector plane D with an angle measured from y axis. Mathematically, the relationship for the rebinning process is expressed as 共P1.3 in Fig. 3兲:12,17 s共 兲⫽ 共5兲 SO 冑SO 2 ⫺ 2 ␣ 共 , 兲 ⫽tan⫺1 兩兩 共6兲 , 1 冑共 SO 2 ⫺ 兲 / 共 SO 2 cos2 兲 ⫺1 2 , 共7兲 FIG. 5. Illustration of the cause of the thorn pattern artifacts. 共a兲 First derivative of radon data on a meridian plane with zero padding in the shadow zone 共b兲, the profile of the line marked on 共a兲, 共c兲 the derivative filtered data of 共b兲. Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 2875 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula 2875 FIG. 6. Thorn artifacts with different data filling strategies. 共a兲 Zero padding, 共b兲 horizontal 共 direction兲 constant padding, 共c兲 horizontal linear interpolation, and 共d兲 horizontal quadratic interpolation. 共e兲 Vertical 共 direction兲 constant padding, 共f兲 vertical linear extrapolation, and 共g兲 vertical quadratic extrapolation. First row: first derivative data on the meridian plane; second row: second derivative data on the meridian plane; third row: backprojection image on the meridian plane; fourth row: vertical slice at y⫽0.26. 共Contrast range: 1.005–1.04.兲 FIG. 7. 共a兲 The profiles of the reconstructed images using interpolations in the direction, and 共b兲 in the direction. Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 2876 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula 2876 FIG. 8. Illustration of the cause of the wrinkle artifacts. 共a兲 Nearestneighborhood, and 共b兲 linear interpolation. 冋 共 , , 兲 ⫽ ⫹sin⫺1 册 . SO sin 共8兲 Once we identify the line integration characteristic point, the line integration is performed along the line t on the detector plane. The integration line is sampled at the intersection points with either the columns or the rows of the projection grid, depending on the value of ␣共,兲. If 兩tan ␣兩⬎1, the intersection points with the columns of the grid are utilized; otherwise, the intersection points with the rows of the grid are chosen.12,18 The projection value at the sampling point is 1D-interpolated along the column or row direction 共P1.4 in Fig. 3兲. In addition to the data interpolation on the detector plane, we need to interpolate data between detector planes since the detector plane at ( , , ) is generally unavailable. The data are postweighted by 1/cos2  in the last step in phase 1 共P1.5 in Fig. 3兲. FIG. 9. Wrinkle artifacts with different interpolation methods. 共a兲 Nearestneighborhood interpolation, and 共b兲 linear interpolation. First row: Second derivative of radon data on the meridian plane; second row: backprojection image on the meridian plane; third row: Central transverse slice; fourth row: vertical slice at y⫽0.26. 共Contrast range: 1.015–1.025.兲 2. Phase 2 In phase 2, the first derivatives in the radon domain from phase 1 are used as input data. The data are derivativefiltered along direction 共P2.1 in Fig. 3兲. Then, the parallel backprojection of the filtered data is performed on each meridian phase 共P2.2 in Fig. 3兲. Finally, the subsequent backprojection is performed on each horizontal plane 共P2.3 in Fig. 3兲. Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 B. IDL simulator We developed a software simulator in the IDL Language 共Research Systems, Inc., Boulder, CO兲 to study the Grangeat formula. In the implementation of the Grangeat formula, the numerical differentiation is performed with a differentiation function based on three-point Lagrangian interpolation, em- 2877 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula 2877 FIG. 10. Illustration of the cause of the V-shaped artifacts. 共a兲 V shape artifacts on the meridian plane; and V shape artifacts propagated to the reconstructed image at 共b兲 y⫽0, 共c兲 y⫽0.26. 共Contrast range: 1.015–1.025.兲 bedded in the IDL. The 3D Shepp and Logan phantom and other mathematical phantoms were used in the simulations as shown in Table I. The numbers of samples were studied for 2D parallelbeam CT.19 It was reported that the relationship between the number of rays in each projection and the number of projections should be M proj⬇( /2)N ray . We can extend this to 3D parallel beam, which is equivalent to the cone-beam geometry with an infinite source to origin distance. In addition to samples in the spatial domain, samples in the radon domain are required in the Grangeat framework. The radon domain consists of meridian planes. The derivative data are required to be calculated in a polar grid on each plane. Since the derivative radon data are acquired through line integration on detector planes, we can apply the above-mentioned sampling relation to sample the radon space. Then, we have ⫽1/2W, N ray⫽D/ , M proj⬇( /2)N ray , N R ⫽N, L R ⫽M proj , and M R ⫽M proj , where W is the bandwidth, D the diameter of an object, the sampling interval, N ray the number of rays, M proj the number of projections, N R the number of samples in the direction, L R the number of samples in the direction, and M R the number of meridian planes. This consideration only provides a guideline for selecting the numbers of samples in the Grangeat reconstruction. Based on the above-mentioned consideration and with some modifications for our purpose, we have chosen the following imaging parameters for the simulations: the source-to-origin distance was 3.92, the number of rays per projection 128 by 128, the size of flat rectangular detector 2.1 by 2.1, the number of meridian planes 180, and the numbers of radial and angular samples were 192 and 256, respectively. The maximum radial distance was 2.1. The reconstructed image volume had dimensions of 2.1 by 2.1, covered by 192 by 192 by 192 voxels. IV. THREE TYPES OF ARTIFACTS In our numerical simulation, we found three types of artifacts associated with the Grangeat formula, which are re- FIG. 11. V shapes from the multiple sphere phantoms: 共a兲 one sphere, 共b兲 two spheres, 共c兲 three spheres. First row: V-shaped artifacts on the meridian plane; second row: reconstructed vertical slice at y⫽0. 共Contrast range: 1.9850–2.0685.兲 Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 2878 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula 2878 FIG. 13. Plot of the V-shaped strength in the first derivative radon domain as a function of the number of samples per projection. FIG. 12. Illustrative view of the cause of V-shaped artifacts. 共a兲 Line integration with the projection data filtered in the p direction, 共b兲 line integration with the projection data filtered in the q direction, 共c兲 trajectory of the data point related to the transition zones in 共a兲, 共d兲 trajectory of the data point related to the transition zones in 共b兲, and 共e兲 combination of 共c兲 and 共d兲. spectively called thorn, wrinkle, and V-shaped artifacts. In the following, we report the appearance, cause, and remedy for each of them. A. Thorn artifacts In this study, we adopted a circular source trajectory, which is very common in practice. However, this trajectory does not satisfy the sufficient condition for exact reconstruction.15,16 As a result, there exists a shadow zone in the radon domain, as shown in Fig. 4. This zone is defined by 兩 兩 ⬎SO 兩 sin 兩 . 共9兲 With only a single circular orbit, we must fill in this shadow zone in some way, e.g., padding zeroes into the region or by extrapolating based on known radon data. Due to the need for derivative filtering in the direction, on inadequate extrapolation across the boundary of the shadow zone may cause some artifacts in reconstructed images, which are similar to those occurring in local tomography where truncated data are inappropriately handled.20 This type of artifact Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 is more severe when the cone angle becomes larger or data are less dense such as with the half-scan Grangeat algorithm.21 Figure 5 illustrates the cause for the thorn pattern artifacts. When the first derivative data change abruptly across the boundary of the shadow zone, the second derivative of the radon data would have higher values. This phenomenon would produce stripes in backprojected images on the meridian plane, and consequently in reconstructed images, as shown in Fig. 6. We tested seven shadow zone filling methods to observe their effects on the thorn pattern artifacts. Figure 6共a兲 presents the image quality at each stage of the algorithm when we applied zero padding in the shadow zone. Figures 6共b兲, 6共c兲, and 6共d兲 show constant 共or nearestneighborhood兲 padding, linear interpolation, and quadratic interpolation in the direction, respectively. Figures 6共e兲, 6共f兲, and 6共g兲 are for constant 共or boundary value兲 padding, linear extrapolation, quadratic extrapolation in the direction, respectively. The first row of Fig. 6 shows derivative data 共/兲Rf共,兲. The second row presents ( 2 / 2 )R f ( , ) 兩 sin 兩 , which is the integrant of Eq. 共2兲. It can be seen that the thorn artifacts from the zero padding method significantly degraded the image, while the other six data-filling methods performed substantially better. However, there are image quality differences among these six datafilling methods. The representative profiles of each reconstructed image are overlapped together in Fig. 7, which are extracted from the identical position as marked on the bottom range of Fig. 6共a兲. There is little difference among vertical interpolations but there are noticeable differences among horizontal extrapolations. Especially, the intensity biases are noticeable with the constant 共or boundary value兲 2879 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula padding. Further investigation is needed to refine the datafilling scheme for optimal image quality. B. Wrinkle artifacts When 共,兲 are given on a meridian plane M , a detector plane D can be found according to Eq. 共8兲 for the needed line integration. However, in the digital data acquisition the exact detector plane D is generally unavailable. The interpolation between adjacent detector planes is indispensable. We studied the effects of the two common interpolation methods on the image quality. These methods are the nearest-neighbor interpolation and the linear interpolation, as shown in Fig. 8. In the nearest-neighbor interpolation, the line integration is performed only on the nearest detector plane. In the linear interpolation, the line integration is done by linearly combining data of the two adjacent detector planes. The former interpolation method is computationally desirable because a most time-consuming part of the Grangeat algorithm is the line integration. Nevertheless, we found that the nearest-neighbor interpolation produced wrinkle artifacts in the second derivatives of radon data. Figure 9 contains some representative images. In Fig. 9, the first row presents two images of the first derivative data obtained from the two interpolation methods, respectively; the second row shows evident wrinkle artifacts from the nearestneighbor interpolation; the third and fourth rows display reconstructed vertical and horizontal images. Clearly, the linear interpolation method effectively suppressed these wrinkle artifacts. More sophisticated interpolation methods may further suppress this type of artifact, but the linear interpolation should be adequate if the number of projections is not small. This research is mainly focused on a circular trajectory, but we think similar artifacts should be found in the Grangeat reconstruction with discrete vertex sets.22 The interpolation methods should be optimized to suppress the artifacts in each of these cases. C. V-shaped artifacts In our simulation study, we noticed with great interest that there exist V-shaped artifacts in the radon domain, which are also referred to as V-shaped artifacts. They propagate stage by stage until the final reconstruction. The artifacts are marked in Fig. 10. The image in Fig. 10共a兲 is ( 2 / 2 )R f ( , ) 兩 sin 兩 , which is again the integrant of the double integral Eq. 共2兲. Two reconstructed slices are given in Figs. 10共b兲 and 10共c兲. To reveal the cause for the V-shaped artifacts, we simulated with mathematical phantoms consisting of single and multiple spheres, as defined in Table II. As compared to the 3D Shepp–Logan phantom, the sphere phantoms are advantageous in several ways. Because the sphere is symmetric, the radon data on all the meridian planes are identical. This property helps save the simulation time greatly, since we only need to do line integrations on one meridian plane. Also, interpolation between detector planes is no longer needed. Therefore, the wrinkle artifacts cannot be introduced. Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 2879 The simulation with these phantoms graphically revealed the cause of the V-shaped artifacts, as shown in Fig. 11. We found that the number of paired V shapes in the radon domain is equal to the number of spheres. The propagation of V shapes to reconstructed images is also an interesting phenomenon. In addition to the structured interfere, dc shifts were also observed in the reconstructed images of the phantoms of multiple spheres. 1. Cause for the V-shaped artifacts V-shaped artifacts came from the line integrals through the transition zones where derivative data change abruptly, which are numerically unstable. To simplify the situation, we let SO be infinite. Then, we have pSO s 共 兲 ⫽ lim SO→⬁ 冑SO 2 ⫺ 2 ⫽, ␣ 共 , 兲 ⫽ lim tan⫺1 兩 兩 SO→⬁ 1 冑共 SO 1 ⫽tan⫺1 , 兩 兩 兩 tan 兩 冉 共10兲 ⫺ 兲 / 共 SO 2 cos2 兲 ⫺1 2 共11兲 冋 共 , , 兲 ⫽ lim ⫹sin⫺1 SO→⬁ 2 SO sin 册冊 ⫽. 共12兲 Therefore, the characteristic radon point C and the line integration point C D coincide as the detector plane and the meridian plane do. A schematic explanation for the V-shaped artifacts is given in Fig. 12. The shadowed disks in Figs. 12共a兲 and 12共b兲, respectively, denote horizontally and vertically derivative-filtered projection data of a single sphere phantom of diameter D. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 are the radial axes in the meridian plane of Fig. 2共b兲, with the azimuth angle of ⫺90°, ⫺45°, 0°, 45°, and 90° measured clockwise from the vertical axis. The dots on the radial axes are the line integration points whose corresponding paths go through the transition zones where derivative data change dramatically. Each transition zone is marked with a small circle, along with the derivative filtering direction. In the orthogonal system constructed by the radial and azimuth angle axes, we have Figs. 12共c兲 and 12共d兲, which are then combined into Fig. 12共e兲 by the weighted summation according to Eq. 共5兲. Clearly, the patterns of the dots in Fig. 12共e兲 are close to the V shapes we perceived in Figs. 10 and 11. We emphasize that although we have explained the cause of the V-shaped artifacts in the case of an infinite SO for simplicity, the same mechanism is responsible for the V-shaped artifacts in the case of a finite SO, except for some degree of shape distortion. Since spherical structures are quite common in practice, we expect to encounter this type of artifact fairly often. 2. Quantification of the V-shaped artifacts The V-shaped artifacts are considered directly related to the aliasing phenomenon. Therefore, we were motivated to 2880 Lee, Cho, and Wang: Implementation of the Grangeat formula quantify this type of artifact as a function of the number of samples on the detector plane. We targeted at a single sphere phantom, and set the number of samples on the detector plane to N⫻N⫽32⫻32, 64⫻64, 96⫻96, 128⫻128, 256 ⫻256, 512⫻512, and 1024⫻1024, respectively. Other sampling numbers were selected to minimize other possible artifacts on the meridian plane. Specifically, we set the sampling numbers in the and directions to 1.5⫻1024 and 2⫻1024, respectively. We found that the V-shaped artifacts were weakened as the number of samples on the detector plane increased. Taking the image reconstructed with the sampling under 1024⫻1024 as the standard, the mean squared error of the V-shaped artifacts was measured by ⫽ 2 1 1.5⫻2⫻10242 1.5⫻1024 2⫻1024 兺i 兺j 共 R N⬘ 共 i , j 兲 ⬘ 共 i , j 兲兲 2 . ⫺R 1024 共13兲 The simulated curve is plotted in Fig. 13. V. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Similar to previous artifact studies in other contexts,3–11 our studies on artifacts associated with the Grangeat algorithm should be valuable to guide clinical and other conebeam CT applications. Artifacts studies on exact cone-beam algorithms are relatively sparse, because the exact conebeam approach has a much shorter track record in applications than that of fan-beam methods and approximate conebeam methods. However, efforts along this direction must be taken to gain a full understanding of the performance of the exact algorithms and optimize their performance for healthcare benefits. Although the Grangeat formula was studied only in the circular scanning case, the experimental design can be adapted for other scanning loci and even other exact conebeam image reconstruction algorithms. When the Grangeat algorithm is applied to a circular locus, the reconstruction is exact, but we believe that the artifact mechanisms we have discussed should be the same, hence the artifacts associated with a complete locus should be similar. It would be particularly valuable to generalize the results into the spiral/helical cone-beam geometry. By doing so, both common and unique features of image artifacts may be discovered and compensated for. In conclusion, we have discovered three types of image artifacts associated with the Grangeat algorithm in the circular scanning case. Three types of artifacts are thorn, wrinkle, and V-shaped artifacts. The characteristics, causes, and remedies of these artifacts have been revealed in the numerical simulation. Further work is under way to extend our results in general and practical situations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Ming Jiang and Christopher W. Piker for setting up the computing environment and John F. Medical Physics, Vol. 29, No. 12, December 2002 2880 Meinel for helpful discussions and comments on this paper. This work is supported in part by an NIH grant 共No. R01 DC03590兲 and a development grant from the University of Iowa. a兲 Electronic mail: swlee@ct.radiology.uiowa.edu Electronic mail: ge@ct.radiology.uiowa.edu 1 M. J. Yaffe and J. A. Rowlands, ‘‘X-ray detectors for digital radiography,’’ Phys. Med. Biol. 42, 1–39 共1997兲. 2 G. Wang, C. R. Crawford, and W. A. Kalender, ‘‘Multirow detector and cone-beam spiral/helical CT,’’ IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 19, 817– 821 共2000兲. 3 M. Gado and M. Phelps, ‘‘The peripheral zone of increase density in cranial computed tomography,’’ Radiology 117, 71–74 共1975兲. 4 P. J. Joseph and R. D. Spital, ‘‘Method for correcting bone induced artifacts in computed tomography scanners,’’ J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. 3, 52–57 共1978兲. 5 G. Wang, T. H. Lin, P. C. Cheng, and T. M. Shinozaki, ‘‘A general cone-beam reconstruction algorithm,’’ IEEE Trans. Med. 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